Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, June 23, 1794, Image 1

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[No. 10 of Vol. Vl.]
Louis Ofmont,
• No. 117> north Second Jlreit.
Has jiovr on hand for sale,
A few Packages remaining of his importa
tion 11 i 5 Spring, confining of
irish Dowlas, Baftas, Sattins,
Featners and FowVrs, Black' Lace
Looking Glafles f framed.
A few Cherts of Hyson Tea*
Burgtuidy-'Wine and Clatet n cases} Madei
ra Wine, Sper.naceti Candles,
June d
LANDING at Hamilton's wharf, above
the Drawbridge, out of the (hip Bacchvs
Cent. Vanneman, from Jamaica,
May 16 d
A quantity of stout well made
f:ze SHOES, adapted lor the Southern mat
ket,fnifal- at
No. 36, North Third Jlree't.
May 6 mw&rfior
TuTTTo¥; :
WILLIAM FINCi'I of the New Thea
,'trr begs leave to inform his Fri'e'n'ds anil :
t'te Habile, that he has removed from the
co-tier of Eighth and Arch'itreets to No.
63, north Eighth between Arch and Race
Uresis, and that he cbnthvues to give In
fliu&ionsin tlie French and Engli/h L;in
gusg" as ulual> as alio the dallies. He
lake'; this opportunity of eSpreifing lii's ;.c
---knowledgeinents tor the very liberal en
con ageme'nt he has experienced, a conti
nuation of which he begs leave to solicit.
M. B. Transitions froj^either languages
correctly executed.
To be Let,
For Merchants Ccmpting Hou/cs or Public
Two bride 3 story Houses,
HAVING 6100 ms mi each,with tire phices
beiirle garrcts,fnuace on the fouih welter ly tide
of Dock ftfet, between Pear and Walnut
streets. Enquire of
April 17. tuth&stf
'v : - *
In the House of R cprefentati ves *
December 2i(t, 1793.
WHEREAS the Commiffiohers of pub
lic Accounts,h,«ve that they
cannot procetd. 10 the i n vie (ligation of the
Treafuty Accounts, refjietling special In
dents, without knowing the outstanding a-
Inount thereof irt ciiculation :—Therefore,
Refolvtd, That all holders of special In
dent's ue direst d, and required^"on or betore
the firil dy o' November rir xt, to deliver the
special Indents in their poflellion to one o?
other ot the Commiflioners of the Treaiury,
who are to give fpce'ots for the fame* and to
rep rt to the COmmiflioncrs on public ac
counts, on or before thetertth day of Nov
ember next, the amount by therm refpe&ive
ly received, and also to the Legislature, at
tneir meeting m November next, and that
all special Indents not rendered into the
Treasury as above} On ofr before the firft day
Of November next, /hall be 4 and the fame
are heieby barred.
Rejolved, That public notice of this refolu
tion_be given in the feverai Gazettes in this
State, once every three weeks, until the firft
day of November And that the Dele
gates of this State in the Congress of tht Uni
ted States, be requeued to cause this retolu
tion to be publithed in one or more papers
in the cities of Philadelphia and New-York,
and that provision will be made for th'e ex
pences attending such publication.
Ordered, That the resolution be sent to j
the •Senate for their concurrence;
By orderof the House,
In the SENATE*
December 21ft, 1793.
Refohed, That this House do cot»cui with
Iht House of Representatives in'the foiego
ing refolutionsj /
Ordered, That the fefoluticihs be lent to
the House ot Representatives.
by order of the Senate,
Nankeens of Superior Quality^
for sale at
No. 40, north Fifth Street.
April ai. mw&ftf
The Partnership of
HOFF ' and derrick, of this
f r^ ters .' hav '"g dissolved on the 20th
5 0 ay laftj all perfixns having any
demands o„ ,he said si.m are hereby requef
and a'llTh r"' th c C ' r claims for Cejtlement,
and all thole who are .ndebted, to make
&rrr h i subferiber '
! o ,1? ' W ,s duly a uthorised to ad
jutt the concerns of the partnership
June 16 . d6t
At the STORES of
Jefle & Robert Wain,
PORT WINE in pipes, hhds. and quar
ter calks
LISBON do. in pipes and quarter ca/Its
Sonchongand Congo TEAS, in quarter
A quantity of Li(bon and Cadiz SALT
Soft shelled ALMONDSin bales
Velvtt CORKS, in do.
Russia MATIS.
June *) d
All performs who have any de~
niancis upon the New Theatre, are requeu
ed to fend in their accounts to No. 204, in
Arch lh*eftt, near Eighth street, as soon
conven i«nt.
May dtf.
It is Requested,
THAT 110 pe fdn will supply any articles
for the use of tfre New Theatre, without
an order in writiYig, iigned by ourselves, or
Samuel Anderfon, for us.
May 250. dtf.
THE relations ol Mr Thomas Curtis,
formerly of Ellicot«'s Upper Mills, and
lately ot the City of Walhingtoin deceafedj
aredefired to apply and have his affairs let
City of Walhtngton, April 22, 1764.
M. 5 m&th4w
Scheme of a Lottery,
To ra'tfe 39»9°° on 266,000 I
Dollars, deducing 15 per Cent, from
the Prizes—this Lottery confifls of
38,000 Tickets, in which there are
x 4>539 Prizes and 23,461 Blanks,
being about one dnd an half Blanks to
a Prize.
THE Directors of the Society foreftablilh
ing Ufclful Manufa6lnres, having refolv- !
ed to ere6l LOTTERIES for railing Oke j
Hundred Thousand Dollars, agreeably
to an A6f of the Legislature of the State of
New-JeHey, have appointed the following
persons to superintend and direst the draw
ing of the fame, viz. Nicholas Low, Rufus
King, Herman Le Roy, Jame* Watfoh, !
Richard Hairifon, Abijah Hammbndj aiid
Cornelius Ray, of th 6 city of New-York—, j
Thomas Willing, Joseph Ball, Matthew M l - I
Connel and Andrew Bayard, of the city of I
Philadelphia—His Excellency Richard Hbw- I
ell, Esq. Elias Boudinot, General Ebas Day
ton, Jami s Parker, John Biyard, Doctor
I.eWis- Donham, Samuel W. Stockton, Joshua
M. Wallace, Jj>feph Bloomfield, and Elifha
Boudmot, of N«w-Jcrfey, virho offer the
following Scheme ot a Lottery, and pledge
theinfelvei to the public, that they will take
every aflTurance and precaution in their power
t'd have the Momes paid by the' Managers,
from tinne to time, as received, into the
Banks at New-York and Philadelphia, to
remain for the purpose of paying PriztSj
which Ihall be immediately discharged by a
check npon one of the Banks.
i Prize of 20,000 Dollars is 20,000
1 10,000 10,000
2 5,000 10,000
5 2,000 10,000
io I ,goo 10,00^
20 500 I^,ooo
ic-o 100 10,000
3°° 1 50 15,000
1000 20 20,000
2000 15 30,000
3000 12 ,36,000
8100 1$ 81,000
*4>539 Prized. 262,000
23.461 Blanks. First drawn humber, i,ooo
Laftdrawn number, 2,000
38,000 'Tickets at 7 Dollars each is 266.000
The drawing will commence, under the
infpe&ion ot a Committee of the Superin
tendants, as soon as the Tickets are fold, ot
which timely notice will be given.
The Sti'penntemlants have appointed John
N. of Newark, Jacob R. Har
denbergj ot New-Brunfwick, and Jonathan
Rhedi of Trenton, as immediate Managers
thereof, who have given ample security for
discharging the trust reposed in them.
(]PW In order to secure the punctual pay
rtientofthe the Superintendants of
the Lottery have dire&ed that the Managers
ftiall each enter into bonds in 40,000 dollars,
with four fufficient securities, to perform their
inftru£lions, the substance of which is
I. That whenever either of the Managers
Hiall receive the sum of Thtee Hundred Dolt
larsj he (hall irhmdiately place the fame in
one of the Banks of New-York or Philadel
phias td the ciedit of the Governor of the
and such of the Superintendants as
live in the city where the monies are placed,
to refnain there nntil the Lottery is drawn,
for the pfcymht of the Prizes.
11. The Managers to take fufficient fe
minity for any Tickets they may trust, other
wise to be refponnble for them.
111. To keep regular books of Tickets
fold, Monies received and paid into the
Bank, abftrafts of which shall be sent,
monthly, to the Governor bf the Society.
Paterfoft, January 1, 1794.
On application to either of the above gen
tlemen, information will be given where
tickets may be had.
February 24.- tu&ftf.
Monday, June 25, 17574-
Gardner Hammond.
TO fail with all convenient ifjW&, hav
ing two thirds of her cargo already engag
ed. For freight or pafiage &pjMy to said
mafttr on board at RufTell's wharf, or the
June 10. d
For Hamburgh,
new Ship
John Vanneman* Mafteh
TO lail with all convenient speed, having
three fourthsofher cargo already engaged.
For freight or passage apply to the mailer
on boa d, or
Thomas & john ketland.
Jun_- 3. d
r - -v/ Capt. M'Collow
FO uireitly. A few Barrels will be
taken on freight, if fpx-dy application is
made. Apply to
1 Or
The Owner of the Catharine begs to in
form the gentlemen, importers from Ma
deira, the Catharine returns direflly to
fhis port, and will take freight 6n mode
rate terms.
June 19 daw'
For Fort Dolphin & St. Marc,
The very fafl failing Brig
For a pafiages, on
ly, apply to
No. 117, north Second street.
June 20. 1 djt
-f 01 " New Orleans,
The Brigantine
JffiffiL NOAH'S ARK,
Edward Jacocks, Master.
WILL fail with all possible speed, ffay
firft July) is how discharging a cargox>{ Tar
from N. Carolina, will take in x cargo as
loon as linlbaded.
The chief part of her cargo being ready,
a little fnay be received on freight. Apply
for it and for passage to
No. 117, north Second street.
N. B. None but American property will
be received on board, either out or home,
—She is in-ended t" return immediately, &r
L. Olmont will thank his friends for recom
mending her to their coriefpondcms for
freight home-.
June 20 d'•'
Wanted to Charter,
will carry 600 or
1000 barrels for Madeira,
load here immediately.
Alloa vessel of Bto 10,000 bufhels,to load
in the Chefipeake. Apply to '
Jtoe i 7 A diot
For Sale or Charter,
To any part of the Con
or the Wefl Indies,
OF about 550 or 600 barrels burthen ;
A fine strong veflel, and now ready to take
is a cargo. For terms apply to the Cap
tain on board at Walnut street wharf, or
June 17 d
Captain Knox,
BOUND to St. Croix, will touch at St.
Euftatius, to accommodate any' pafiengers
who may wish to be landed there. She will
fail on Saturday morning next. Apply to
June *9. 3t
Excellent CLARET,
In hogsheads and in cases of 50 bottles cach.
A few cases Champaigne wine ;
In pipes, hogsheads and quarter calk?,
No. in, Soutk Front street
Jan. 2, »7 9 4< -tf
On Thurlday,
26th inft. at 7 o'clock in
the Evening.
i»ti L Vc.' JVill be fold by Public
With all her materials, fails, igging, &c
is (he came from Tea, now lying at Mr.
Willing's wharf.
She is 33£ tons burthen, four years old,
built of live oak and cedar, and fails re
markably fact. The inventory to be seer.
at the placc of sale.
Footman & Co.
June 21 5t
Carolina Rice and Indigo,
Gurney and Smith.
May 14. d
Best Boston BEEFj
New-England Rum^
Received by the fchoon'er Belindas from
Boston, and ior I'ale by
Nalbro' & John Frazier:
No. 81, Walnut Jlreet.
June 20 mw&s3W
LETTERS on the fubjeift of the Wash
ington Lottery, being by mifiake repeat
edly addrefied to the Commifiioners tor the
City of Walhington.
Persons concerned are hereby informed,
that all such should be addrefled either to
W. Deakins jun. of Washington, or to the
Subscriber. The commifiioners riever hav
ing contemplated any further toncerh in
this bnfinefs, than in their aftent to receive
the bonds and approve the flames of the
managers. The prizes have been paid and
are paying on by W. Deakins,
Washington, Peter Oilman, Boston, arid
by the Subicriber.
For the Lottery No. 2, the securities al
ready given will be retained by the com
mifiiqners, or transferred by them at their
optioA to the bank of Columbia ; and the
commifiioners will be confultied refpedting
a judicious and equitable disposition of the
houses to be built thereby ; their treasury
Or the bank of Columbia will receive the
money intended for the National Uhiver
fity, and they will be confulttd in the no
mination of the 24 managers ; but 611 the
refpoiifibility refpedting the general dispo
sition of the tickets, and payment bf pri
zes, will reft as in the Hotel Lottery, bii
the persons whose names are and may be
hereafter published as aiTifUnts to forward
this business with
N. B. Mr. Blodget will be particularly
obliged if those persons who pofiefs prizes
yet unpaid, will apply for their money as
early as pofliblei
June 7th; d.
Richard Johns In the Chancery Chun
V ( , of the
John Wells and f State of Maryland-,
Mordecai Cole. J May 16th 1794
The Complainant hath fil
ed his bill, for t'e puipofe of obtaining;,
deerce, 10 veil i'. him a complete legal title
to two tracts of land, lying in Baltimore
county, one called Painters-Levi | con
twining 100 acrei, the other called Profpea
contai ng 57 acres.Heftates,that the said
John Wells 011 the 16th day of March 1774
contracted to fell .lie laid land to the fa id
Mordecai to him a bond for
conveyance,that the said Cole, on the Tame
day, executed to the said Wells a bond for
the payment of the pUrcHase mefney amonn
ting 10/675 Pennsylvania Currency, that
the said Cole hath finCfc diitharged the whole
of the purchafemoney, and hath assigned
to the complainant the said bond for con
veyance; that the laid Wells hath never
exectited a deed, agreeably to his contrast
but hath removed Out of the state of Mary
land; and now resides iii she state of Ken
It is thereupon; and at therequeft of the
complainant, adjudged, and ordered, that
he procure a copy of this order to be infer.-
dat leaf! si* weeks fucceffivelv, before
hrfirftdayrtf August next, in the United
States Gazette at Philadelphia, to the in.
tent, that the said John Wells Mav ha vino
tice of the Complainant's appb'catioli to
this court, and may be warned to atjjjear
herey On orbefore the firft tnefday in Oc
tober next, to shew canffe tthereford this
court fhouid not procred to decree; agree
ably to the praver of the complainant; and
to ihe of afTerably, for such cases made
and provided.
Test, _
Sdinuel Harvey Hoivard.
Keg. tur. Cap.
J une '» faw&lHvr
[Whole No. 560.]
Medical Books.
By Thomas Dob/on, at the Stone Houfe t
No. 41, foulb Seco d flreet,
VOL. li.
Medical Inquiries
PiottfToi of Ihe 111 ii 1 lutes ol Midn :ine, and
of Clinical Pra&ice in the Uiuver
fvty of Pi nnfy Ivania.
1. An inquiry into the influence of physical
causes upon the moral faculty.
2. An inqui'y iuto the tfft&s of fpiritous li
quors npon the human body, and their in
fluence upon the happiness of society.
3. An inquiry into the causes and cure of the
pulmonary confumptiop.
4. Obfovafions on the iymptumsand cure of
5. An Inquiry into the causes and the cure of
internal dropsy of ihe brain.
6. An account of the mealies, as tbev ap
peared in Philadelphia, in the year 1789*
7. An account ot the ii flutnza, it appear
ed in Philadelphia in the years 1789.1790,
and 1791.
8. An inquiry info the causes of the increase
of bJlious-and remitting levers, in Penn
ff lvania.
9. An inquiry into the catifcs and cure of fore
10. An account of the slate of the body and
mind in age, with observations upon
its diftafes and their remedies.
Price one dollat and a quarter unbound, or
, one dollar and a half neatly hound.
Medical Tranfa6tions
OF the
College of Physicians of Philadelphia.
VOL I.—p a R T I. ,
Price one dollar in boaras.
A Treatise on the Diseases of
With general dilutions f.>r the management
of Infants from die birth, adaped for
theufeol and prj v ~te lamilies.
By Michael Underwood, M. D.
Licentiate ol Midwiteiy in the Ko\, I Col
lege of Physicians in London, and
Ph\fict»ri of ihe Biitifh
Price one Dollar:
This is acknowledged to be thfc heft boo/
which has been put.liftied on the fufjcfl, a„o
IS calculated for the use of paren s, nurses,
and private families, as well as for physicians
—The two "Volumes handsomely printed in
one, and the price only about one third o£
what the imported copies fell for.
The Edinburgh New Dispensatory, two
Syttem of "Surgery, extrafled from the
works of Benjamin Bell, by Dr. Waters, 2
dols. 50 cents.
Syltem of Anatomy, extracted from lh«
Encyi with I 2 copperplates, 2 dols.
Sylltm fit Chemistry, extrafled fiom the
Encyclopedia, exhibiting a view of
grefs of the fciencee, and the different system»,
which have been publiflicd, z dols. 50 cents.
Brown's Elements of Medicine, 2 dols.
67 cents.
T. Dobfon has in the Press,
Ah edition ol rile Medical and F.iilofophi
cal Commentaries of Edinbur b. Two v»J"
times are printed i*i one at 2 dollars and cfi
■ents pel volume; he has nearly fi,,ifhed the
fiv fiilt volumes, which contain the firft ten
volumes, f the European edition, whxh fell
1 f"i two dollats eacfi. Nine volumes will in
fliide eighteen European volumes, which
«'ill bt og the publication up to the prclenc
Libenvife for sale a considerable number of
Medical Books, I'i'z.
Clillen s Practice, Matcri. Aiedica. Phyfi
logy, and Synopsis. Bell's Surgery, 6 vols.
11 4 vols, do. on Ulcers, Buchan't, Domcftic
Medicine, Ledran's Surgery, Chefeldrr's A
netomy, Hunter on the Venereal; Swedeea
ver on do. Rollo on Weft India Diseases ■
R'gby on Uterine hemorrhage, Hamilton's
outlines of the theory and prafHce of Mid
wifery, with or without plates ; do. 011 thb
'management of female coinpla nits. Meale
on Hydrophobia, &c. &c;
March j.
'The Ground Plan •
City and Suburbs
IT is with pleafuie that the publisher ha£
to inform his f'nblerihers and the public irf
general, that the plate is now under th«J
hands of the engraver, and in gteater f(ir
wardnfs than tfas at firft contemplated Ao
the fame time lie begs leave to remind
tneni,- th t fublcrfption papers are flill o
pen atmoftnf the noted book-fW$ in the
city ; and that he hopes from the whole
of them to be enabled to so m fucli a ref
peftable catalogue "f names, as will do j
credit to the work, as well as afford -J
realonable encouragement to flit under.;
Thole who are defifous of further infbri
mation are recjuefted to call on
Benjamin bavtes.
No. 68, Mar Jut ftj-gjf. >
A * nl '«• fc&Mf