tile difpofitrbn of the Sencejs,. and that they aclua'ly committed the late mur dt.a on the Allegheny tiver. fc — I think we (hall have interefling B'trs ihoitly from Venango—which I without lon g- 73> 38, spoke the brig Flora, Capt. Caffin, from Phila delphia to the Havannah, out a few days, all well. For Fort Dolphin & St. Marc, The very fajl failing Brig wMk TWO sisters ' For a few paiTages, on ly, apply to NICH. PARIZET, Or, LOUIS OS MONT, No. 117, north Second ltreet. June 20. d3t For New Orleans, ncjah's ark, Edward Jacocks, Matter. WILL fail w.th all poflibie lpeed, (fay Hrft Ju'y) is now (fifchaigirig a cargo oi Tjr from N. Carolina, will take in x cargo as soon .as unloaded. The chief part Of her cargo being ready, a little may be received on freight* Apply ("or it and for palfage to LOUIS OSMONT, No- 117, north Second street. N. B. None but American property wi'l be received on board, either out or home, —She is intended return immediately, &• L. Olmont will thank his fr en'ds .so/ recom mending her to tKeir conefpondnus for freight home. June 20 . d".i 140 BARRELS Best. Boston BEEF, iS HOGSHEADS New-England Rum,- Received by the schooner Belinda, from Boston, and for sale by Nalbro' & John Frazier. No. 81, Walnut Jlreet. June 20 mw&33w JUST RECEIVED, And for Sale at Mathew Carey's Store, No. I *8, Market ftrtet, LETTERS from France; CONTAINING a great variet) of orir ginal information co,ice'ning the most im portant events tnac have uccurred in that country in u.e years 1790, 1794, 1792, and '793- By Helen Maria Williams. Price bound, 13/1 '-2—fe\yed >» blue pa per, io/io. Said Carey has in the press, and nuillfpee dily publi/h, I. •' An impartial fciftory of the French Revo lution, 1 rom its coinnii ncement, to the eeath at the Queen, and, the execution of the Gi ronde party. 11. Plowden's htftotyof the Britilh Empire, Iron) Way 1792 to December 1793. 111. Moore's Journal, translated into French. IV. Beat tie's Elements of Moral Stieuce, , volume 11. V Gibfin's Peck-t Atlas. vr. Adventures of Rideric Random. VII. Edward's treatise on the Religions affec. tiens. J" ne 23 tuih&l2w Bariy yelterday morning departed tnifc life, Michael Duiican, Esq. late Naval Officer for the port of Bridge-Town in the tflartd of Barbadoes, "of which he was a ,native, and where he was univer sally efteeme• Interest off. Deferred' 11/7 J U. S. Bank flock, 15 i-a Dividend N. A. do. do. 16 ) on. ~ 7*o CIoRKESPOKDEtrrS. i The piece signed " Pyrrhus," would be unintelligible in this paper—it had better be sent to tlieprefs from whence the piece signed " Curtius" ifiued. A slated meeting of the American Philosophical Society, will be held at their Hall on .Friday evening, the 20th inft. at 7 o'clock. R. PATTERSON, Secretary. " " " . m, NEW THEATRE. Mr. Green's Night. , THIS EVENING, June *O. Will be; Presented, A NEW COMEDY, never performed ia America, called How to Grow Rich. Written by the Author of the Dramatist, Notoriety, &c. Pave, Mr. Chalmers Smalltride, Mr. Bates Sir Thomas Roundhead, Mr. Finch Latitat, Mr. Green Hippy, Mr. Francis Warford, Mr.Moretotl Sir Charles Dazzle, Mr. Cleveland Plainly, Mr. De Moulin Nab, . Mr. Rowfon Formal, Mr. Warrelf Servants, Mcflrs. Blifiett, J. Darley, J. Warrell, and T. Warrell. Lady Henrietta. Mrs. Whitlock Kola, Mrs. Marftull Miss Dazzle, M s. Francis Betty, Mts. Cleveland End of Aft 111. a Comic SON O, in cha ra&cr, by a Gentleman, being his firft appearance ; —and at the end of the .Co medy, by cr-fire, Mr. Bates will fine u The LITTLE FARTHING RUSH LIGHT." 7 0 which will be added, A new serious PANTOMIME, originally performed at the Theatre in Paris, cal led La Foret Noire, Or, The natural son. The Overture and Music entirely new, compofea by Mr. ReinajHe ; With new Scene; y, defigntd and executed by Mr. Milbourn. The Partlomime under the diredion of Mr. Francis. Geronte, father of Lucille, Mr. Gpeen Lanzedan, Lucille's lover, Mr. Moreton Adolphe, the natural son, Mailer T.War rell Pince, finical Abbe, Mr. Francis Lubin, apeafant, Mr. Warrell Fronte and Pafquin, servants to Geronte Mefirs. Warrell and Darley jun. Lucille, daughter to Geronte, Madame Gafdie Marton, Lucille s maid, Miss Rowfon BANDITTI. LeTerreur, captain of the banditti, Mr. Marshall Sans Quartier, the lieutenant", Mr. Cleve- Le Fourbe, Mr. BWftt Robbers,' Mefirs. De Moulin,Lee, Bason, &c. Tickets to be had of Mr. Green, at No. 68, north Eighth street. On Monday the Tragedy of J U L I A with the Comic Opera of The Waterman' "Or A e First of Auguft—for the benefit of Mrs. Shaw. * Mr. Moreton and Mr. Harwood's Nieht will be on Wednesday. *** As" inconveniences to the public have arisen from the Box book being open on the days of performance Only, in future attend ance will be giv, n at the office in the Theatre every day from ten 'till one, and on the days of performance from ten till three o clock inthe afternoon. Appli cations for Boxes, it is refpe&fully reques ted, may be to Mr. Franklin, at the Box-Office. Nicholas Diehl, jun. Attorney at Law, INFORMS his f'i iends and the Public that he has o,*neH cn OFFICE for the Tale and purchaic of Real Eltates at No 19 I'luth Fourth street, where he wil: thank! tn .y receive their commands, lfc a |fo draws Deed., Mortgages aod otlier Writ ings J""' 10 tuth&itf tUih&iJw