P*tilad?lphla-j Vtircti, 1 1794' fUST PUBLISHED, B/ MATHEW CAREY, ft-,. üB, Market Jireet, TH£ FlilST VOLUME Of A NEW SYSTEM OF Modern Geography: OR. A Geographical, Hijlorical, ana Commercial Grammar; And p' efeot (late of the fpveeal NATION'S OF THE WORLD. CONTAINING, 1. The motions, and distances of the p!an"t%*eco d:n*r ta the Newtonian fyP> tent and the latest observations. 2. A general view of.the earth,confidcred »s a planet;with,feverai nfeful geographical ucii'iitioiis and problems. The POLYMATHY; O R The American Builder. A Work calculated equally to t-dity and en. teitdin the Gentleman, Fanner, Su rveyor, Builder Sc Mechanic. THIS work ill contain various opinions of the best writers on Arcbite&ure, Arts, a tid Science ; together with experiments* and accurate notes ot obfeivation, by the author; beng the result of thirty years study and ex perience in his profcflion. It will alio contain an alphabetical tccouni of the quality and value of the var'ous kinlh of materials., and numerous- species of labor, expended on building. Exempl'ficatidns, to ascertain the quanti ties of materials and labor neceflary to com plete, almost, every part in a building, of whatever dimentions. An account and explanation of all the terms and phrases, ufei in ancient and mo dern architetture and building. To perforis inclined to builthia, and Britannic : Many curious hiftoriral accounts of various won derful buildings in different parts ot the world : Many curious and original accounts and eulogiums on Free Mafonrv. This woik will be printed in two octavo volume.*, each to contain upwards of 400 pages, on fine paper of elegant letter press • The price to fubferibers, in boards, five dollars; two and a halfdol lars to be paid on the delivery of the si.st, and two and a halt dollars on the delivery of the second volume. Mr. Clark afTurrt the public, that he will literally perform all that lie hath set forth in these proposals. Gentlemen inclined to promote this woik, by fubferibing thereto, are .cquefted to write. post pa id* to Mr. Joseph Clark, at Ann-polis, I authorising him to annex their names to the fubfenption lift. The Printers in the United States, are so icited to give these proposals, occafionatly, a plac« in theii papers. Morris Academy. T HIS inftiiution is now open for the re ef ptionl of students under the immediate care of Mr. Caleb RufTell, whole abilities as an tnftruftor, and attachments the bu. finefs have long been known and approved He has under h, m the keft affilUnts the different branches— The scholars are taught the Englilh, French. La, in, and Gr-ek language-, Publ'C-Speaking, W,i.i„ E , Arithmetic, Geography, Astronomy, and the y ar,ou S branches of the Ma. hematic. The healthy fixation of this place is f u h r: ";; eco T? d " to th ° fe « wh ° have Their chi.dren in the country. Boa.ri •ng, warning, mending, & c . will be provid. rd in good families, and the morals of the .cholars carefully attended to. The price including tuition, firewood. &c. exclusive of the French language) wil, nevner V P OU " ds P'»clamation mo. , "ey per annum) an addition ot three dollars T" J* . n,ade, » such icHolar *h" ?re taught the French language. The *■ * i " » Gabriel h. ford, nIT o hanVo°R H D; ,S ' jun ( Direflv Morriftown. May, 5 , 1?94 -> d, w- warn i — marc, "»- tuts f- J-rttlA Printed by JOHN ~ •3. OUTH Fourth Street.-Pr ice Six Dollars Per Annum. r Bank United States, ; . June 13 th, 1794- PROPOSALS will be received at the Bank of the United States until the firft 1 day of July next, for the Masons and 1 Carpenters work of the Banking House, - to be built in Third-flreet It is not expected, that more than the s foundation will be compleated this season. 5 The plan may be seen by applying to JOHN KEAN, Cashier. dtij. A New Novel. To the LAUIES of Philadelphia. This bay is PubliJhed by MATHEW CAREY, 118, Market street, Price, bound, Iwe-eighihs of a dollar, Tew ed in n arble paper, hall dollar. Charlotte, a tale of Truth, IN TWO VOLUMES. By Mrs. RONVSON, of the New Theatre, Ptiladelphia, Author of Victoria, the Jn quifttp', the Fille de Chambre, &c. 1 Of Charlotte, the Reviewers have given the following character. IT may be a Ttf«e of Truth, lor it is not unnatural, and it is a talc of dis tress. Charlotte, by the artifice ofa teach ei, recommended to a fcbool, from huma nity rather than a convi6tion of her infe grity, or the regularity of her former con dnft, is enticed from her governefi, and a* ccompan-es.a young officer to America. — The marriage ceremony, if not forgotten, is postponed, and Charlotte dies a martyr :"o the inconstancy of the over, and treach ery of his frietld —The iituations are art less and alfc&ing—-the descriptions natu ral and pathetic; we fliould feel for Char lotte if such a person ever existed, who for one error scarcely, perhaps, deserved ii» feve e a pupiftiment. If it is a fic tion, poetic justice is not, we think, pro perly distributed. Said Carey has jujl publlfhed, A 2 sheet map of Kentucky compiled by Elihu Barker, price one do! !ar and two thirds. War Atlas, containing map* of France, Germany, Spa n, Italy, the United Provin ces, the Netherlands, and the Weft Indies. Price two dollars. Map of New Jerfey—Haif a dollar. Maps of Vermont, Connetticut, Dela ware, Geo-gia—Price three eighths of a dollar each. April 29. tuth&^w GUTHRIE's GEOGRAPHY Improved. THE subscription lor this work on the original terms, of twelve dollars and the binding, will he doled this day—and on Monday the subscription will ouen at four teen dollars, exclusive of (heprice of bind ing. The new maps added to this edition are twenty one ; anions; which ate those ot New Hampfhite, Massachusetts, Connecti cut, fthode-liland, Vermont, New York, New Jersey, Pennlylvariia, Delaware, Ma ryland,- Virginia, Kenreeky, W'»,tli Cain. lina, tiie Genelfce Government, South Ca rolina, and Georgia. These maps have ne ver been given in any former system of Geography, and, it is hoped, would alone be fuflicient to entitle this work to a pre fer-nce to any other edition of Guthrie. N B. The map of the United States, which is compiling by Mr. Samuel Lewis, from the refpe&ive state maps, wii] be far more com; lete than any one vet publilbcd, and b® printed 011 two large theets of paper, ready the size of the late Mr. Mur ray's map. ' T ' <1 Jult Pubiifhed, By Benjamin Johnson, and fold at his Booljlore, No. 147, Market freet, The Life of Dr. Franklin, with a ftrikmg likeness, executed in a maf tetlv manner by Thackara and ValJance price fivefhillings. The Kpady Reckoner, or Traders' Sure Guide, 3/9 The Young Bonk keeper's Affiftanr, 6f} Thr Christian, a poem, bv Charles Craw lord, 2/4 Elop's Fables, 4Jg Swan's Britilh Architect, 37/6 Paine's ditto 3c secretary. im. FOR SALE-» A few BOXES of White Wax CANDLE& j Of a most excellent quality, far superior to Spermaceti, and a small Quantity of White Wax. G. COTTRINGER, No. 227 Market street. June 18 3t The Partnership of Wood, WALKER, & HAYES, Bottlers and Deal ers in Wine, Spiritous L quors, &C. is this day difiolve'd by mutual consent: They return their grateful acknowledgements to their customers for their part favorsj the continuance of which they solicit for their Succcflors, GILL & HENSHAW, whole attention and exertions they have not the least doubt, will give Tatisfaftion. They requeft,that all out-standing Debts may be paid immediately, either to themfelvei or to Gill Hepfhaw who are duly authorized to receiv the fame. And all persons to whom the laid Firm are indebted, are re-' quelled to deliver in their accounts imme diately for payment. WILLIAM WOOD, EDWAkD WALKER, JOSEPH HAYES. j Philadelphia, June 17, 1794. mw&stf. GILL fcf HENS HAW,\ SiiccelTors to Wood, Walker, & Hayes, Have for sale, at their BOTTLING STORE, No. 244, South Second-Jlreet, opposite the New-Market, WINES, viz. Madeir.-, „ Sber.y, / m pipes, calks, Claret' and Port $ andb ° ttleS ' TenerifTe, ") . , . Liibon, / m bottles or gu. Malaga, &c. } " SPIRITOUS LIQUORS, viz. Brandies, Jamaica Spir'fs, Weft-India and Country Rum, Gin, in Pices and Cases, &c. ALSO London & Philadelphia Bottled Porter, Beer, and Cyder ; Common aod Diltilled VINEGAR, in hog fiieads, barrels, and bv the Gallon. N. B. Captains of Vessels supplied with any of the above articles, on the fhorteji notice. *** The highelt price giveft for EMPTY BOTTLES. J u| e 17 mw&stf rv, ' ' " —— MADFIRA, ] SHEf< RY, I PGR r, • \ WlNESofthe Brftquality LISBON, & | TENERIFFEJ Old Jamaica Spirit, Antigua and Weil In dia Rum. Coniac, French and Peach Brandies Claret and Port Wine of a superior qua !itv in cases. Wine Cyder and and hhds. Corks in Bales,Havannah Segars in Boxe?. Porter, in Calks and Bottles London do. in do. do. Philadelphia Ale and Beer in do. do. London do. in do. do. and Cyder :n barrels and bottles, prepared for exportation or t «mediate use, FOR SALE BY Benjamin W- Morris, The corner of Dock and Pear Jlreets, ' Where he has provi ed luitablt itores aud vau'ts, for the reception of JV /N E iS, &C. which he proposes to store or dispose of 1 on commifllon Captains of vessels and others supplied with any of the above LIQUORS bottled, and feaftores in gerteal put up. a s' 9 tu&f2m I Just Publilhed, In onehandfome volume,i2mo. Price 5s AND FOR SALE BY JOHN ORMROD, At Franklin's Head, No. 41, Chefuut , Stre-t, AN ESSAY ON THE Natural Equality of Men, j On the Rights that result from it, and on 1 the rv.ities which it imposes. To which a MEDAL was adjudged, by the Teylerian Society at Haarlem. Correßed and Enlarged, by WILLIAM LAWRENCE BROWN D. D. Profeffor of Moral Philosophy, and the La». oi Nature, and of Ecclesiastical History ; and Mirtifter of the Englilh Church at Utrecht. Aliquid femver ad communem utilitatem affrwndiim. CtcEßo. Tht lirjl American Edition. ■yHEgrand principle of Equality, if rightly understood, is the only basis on wl„cn nmv.rfal jnftice, faced order, and perfect freedom, can be firmly built, and permanently secured. The view ofJ ■t eshibitedm tbiseffay, at the fame time hat ,t represses the inl'olence of offue, >ra -try ofpride, and the outi'ages ot oppreilion ; confirirs, in the most forcible ZVT'- T, " ece,r "> of fuhordmatior, and the ,„ft demands of lawful authority. far '''deed, from loosening the "F-ety, that it maintayis inviolate, e very natural and every civil diftinttion, draws more clo ely every social tic, unite! fv.tJm ha '™°, n "» ls justly proportioned evt .r a j r'lS' mc " together on the R ruind of the inherent rights of hu mannaure, of reciprocal obli ation, and ot a cbmii'on relation to the community. March .8. ' I \ The Public are cautioned to beware of counterfeited Fivr n«// „" of the Bank of the u£tj ££' »'"> Twenty Dollar Bills of the Bank ofuZi . America, several of which have aZ j in circulation within a few days tatt .l are a good general imitation of tlf' y Bills, Ut may be diflin S uiJ hed bj I marks. Five Dollar Bills of the Bank B f,, United States. ALL that have appeared hav? ft, , . F. for their Alphabetical Mark r The Texture of the Paper i s .'hi-L , winter and it takes the ink mo « than the genuine paper. eel 7 The O. ,n the word Company j s small „ than theM. and other letter, o/t ha * '* ° ( £ confiderabiy above the range In the word United the letters rower. and cl ofe r t ° Kethert , lan The i and fin the word promif the device in themar»in ?" ger ,n