Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, June 19, 1794, Image 3

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    July 1 794, will be futjeft to confifca- s
tion it occf.fioris a very serious alarm
to those, who Have property by sales
made in that cbuntry.
Resolved, That the Representatives
of this city in Parliament be directed
immediately to apply to his Majesty's
Ministers, on this important fubjrct ;
that they represent in ; the strongest
terms, the very great damage and loss
that mull arise, not only, at present,
but for the time to come, to eveiy de
scription of inhabitants in this City,
(hould the above Edict continue in
force ; and that they use their utnioft
exertions to obtain effectual relief from
so alarming and threatening an evil.
Resolved, That copies of these refo,-
lutions, be transmitted to the Repre
sentatives for the County of Norfolk,
and that they be requested to co-cope
rate with the Members for the City of
Resolved, That the foregoing refo
lntions be inserted in the two Norwich
and Bury papers, the Times, the Mor
ning Chronicle, the Sun, and Star.
Resolved, That the thanks of this
meeting be given to the Chairman, tor
his attention to this important business.
Robert Partridge, Chairman.
BOSTON, June 13.
From Halifax, June 5.
On Sunday last arrived here from
Virginia, his Majesty's ships .Daedalus,
commanded by Sir Charles Knowles,
and Terpsichore, Captain Bowen.
Tne iJaedalus failed frrom England
last fall, bound for this place ; but
meeting with a courCe of levcie itorms,
and having received great damages, be
sides having sprung her main-mast and
fore-malt, io as not to be able to car
ry fail on them, (he was obliged to put
into Norfolk ; —*. which time two
French Frigates were in the Chefapeak.
On her arrival there, the got in two
new malts, and Having completed the
other neceflary repairs, Sir Charles
Knowles, intended immediately to pro
ceed to this place ; but jult as the ihip
was ready for lea, a French fleet, con
filling of two ships of the line, four
frigates,and two corvettes, arrived from
France, to convoy home a fleet o:
French merchantmen which had been
lying in the Chefapeak. Those fli ps
were immediately so ilationed, as to
block up the Daedalus, and to render
her departure impofiible. In this mor
tifying situation, the officers and crew
of the Daedalus have been exposed to
every mean infuit, both from the
French and Americans, that it is poi
fible to conceive of.
But great merit is due to Sir Charl s
Knowles, his officers, and (hip's com
pany, for the steady contempt with
which they have uniformly repelled a
condudt so unmanly and ungenerous.
To infuit an enemy so very inferior in
force, while it betrays every mark of
cowardly little minds—in the brealt of
the brave man, of any nation wlk> hears
it, will excite a generous abhorrence
and indignation. One great object in
tended by these insults, was, if pofii
ble, to provoke the people ef the Dae
dalus to some seeming impropriety of
condudt, that might foim a pretence
for them to take advantage of, to pro
ceed to greater outrages. Sir Charles
Knowles saw into their designs, and by
the steady discipline maintained in the
Daedalus, rendered their insidious in
tentions abortive.
The 20th of April, the French fleet
confiding of about 150 fail, convoyed
by two ships of the line and fix frigates
failed for France. After the departure
of the fleet, the Concorde frigate, and
a Corvette of 17 guns, moved up to
Cranny Ifiand.
About the beginning of May, three
musket balls were discharged into the
Daedalus, from an American fort erec
ted nearly opposite to where she was an
chored. On Sir Charles Knowles's re
monllrating to the Governor on this
fhameful procediug, some enquiry was
made, and the persons who had dis
charged the muskets, it was supposed,
would be punished.
On the 14th of May, despairing of
the arrival of any British ship to their
relief, Sir Charles Knowles ordered the
Dx-dalus, to unmour, with a determi
nation tp proceed to sea early the next
morning. The ship was unmoored
accordingly, and, every arrangement
made for her departure , when the mod
•pleasing sensations were suddenly exci
ted throughout the ship, by the joyful
and unexpeded ar-iyal of a small boat
along fide, in which was a midshipman
belonging to his Majesty's (hip Terpsi
chore, dispatched by Captain Bowen,
to acquaint Sir Charles Knowles, that
that (hip was at anchor in Lynhaven
that he was ready to co-ope
rate with him. On a return being
font to this melTage. by Sir Chaj-les
Knowlcsjr the TerpficLore proceeded
up the river to Hampton Road, where ;
both (hips joined; and (aluted each o
ther by three cordial cheer 5. _ . .
The 15th and, 16th of ,May, the <
weather was stormy and disagreeable;
but the wind becoming faifronthe 17th,
in the morning, the Daedalus and Terp
sichore got under way, and proceeded <
to the Lower Road, where the Con- '
corde and Corvette were lying,, and paf
fmg them, proceeded down the Bay.—
About three quarters of an hour after
wards, after having taken all the men
out of the Covette, and increasing there
by herJhip's company to above 500 men,
the Concorde got under way and fol
lowed the ships down the Bay. To in
crease this gasconading appearance, /he
made a great display of grappling irons,
and other arrangements for boarding.—
At <0 o'clock, his Majesty's (hips reach
ed Cape Henry, and proceeded four or
five miles to sea, then hove too, to wait
for the Concorde. At 11 o'clock, the
Concorde reached Cape Henry, where
citizen Van Dogen saw it fit prudently to
come to anchor., The Dredalus and
Terpsichore flood off ai)d 0(1, under an
easy fail, till the next morning, when
they flood in to Cape Henry ; but could
fee nothing of the Concorde, They paf
| fed the whole day of the 18th, at a lit
tle distance from the Cape, and on the
morning of the 19th flood in again ;
when finding it in vain to wait any long
er, they proceeded for this port, leaving
the Sans Culottes quietly to return and
ftng " The Carmagnoland Citizen
Van Dogen, jt pofiible, to make out a
. Tale for the Convention, that will save
his head from the Guillotine,
It appears by the statements under
Halifax head, that Captain Van-Dogen
did not look Jloarp after the Daedalus
and Terpsichore. It was said, when
'ie returned to Norfolk, he was unable
to come up with them. Slow foiling
' vellels indeed, that coold not ovettpie
others that were lying too ! But
-hen this is'a Halifax is
l -lot to be credited f !
In contradiction of the Halifax news,
it is said several ai rivals from Norfolk,
mention the Concorde's chafing the Bri
• ilh frigates 48 hours.
JUNE 19.
Rule as to the failing of the veffils of war •
of the Belligerent Nation 4 from the ,
_ .United States.
WHEN any vessel, whether of war or '
merchandize public or piivate, belonging -
to any belligerent nation, (hal! irom .
the United States beyond the jurisdictional
line of the United States on the ocean, and
a vessel of war, whether pnblk: or private,
belonging to another of the belligerent na- .
tions, being adverse, Ihall at the time of
the departure of the fir.'l mentioned vessel, <
be within luch jurifdidtiona! line, the last
mentioned velfel oi war fl.aU not fail be- :
yondiucn j line, until the ex-*
giratkm of twenty four hou s, after the de- '
parture or tit firit mentioned vessel.
If any vessel of war belonging to a belli
gerent nation shall fail contrary to the fore- !
going rule, (he Ihall be deemed to have vi- !
olated the law of nations, and the govern- <
ment of the United States will take mea
sures for causing to be restored, any prize,
taken by her, and brought within the pow
er of the United States.
This rule shall commence forthwith, and
shall be notified to all the foreign miniliers,
residing near the United States.
True Copy,
Chief Clerk in the Department
of State.
Jnne 18, 1794,
By this t)ay's Mail.
NEW-YORK, June 18.
Two English fiigates are arrived at
the watering place ; they are said to be
the Quebec, Capt. Rogers, and the
Alarm, both from Admiral Jarvis' fleet;
they are getting a few stores and are to
fail again.
From the Minerva.
The report of the committee of Con.-
gtefs, appointed to examine the ac
counts and proceedings of the Treasury
Department, is now before the public.
This report is lengthy j making a pam
phlet of 86 pages. In their ftateTnent,
the committee have exhibited all the es
sential modes of tranfafting business in
that .department—the methods of re
ceiving and disbursing all public mo
nies—the forms of bills, warrants and
leceipts, used in the business—an ac
count of all loans and deposits in the
several binks—the duties of the respec
tive officers—the manner in which the
books are kept in the several offices—
the amount of the public revenues for
each year, and the total amount for the
whole term since the ellablifhment of the
government.—The amount of appro
priations and the balances in favor of
the treasury for each quarter —the sour
ces from which the revenues arise—the
history and operations of the finking
fund—the proceedings of the Secretary
\vi:h refpeit to the foreign loans—the
difpofitjon of the monies borrowed—
the amount of the debts of the United
States, and the am«unt of each respec
tive debt, foreign and domestic, dillin
guifhing the amount of the several spe
cies of. funded and unfunded certificates.
This report will, it is presumed, be gra
tifying to the public, who feel interested
to know the (late and management of
the national finances. It will, at the
some time, wipe away the unjull and a
busive aspersions call on the Secretary
of the Treasury—it will establish his re
putation for incorruptible integrity, and
confound the calumny of his enemies,
tho' it may not silence their flanderons
A melancholy accident happened
yesterday afternoon :—A lad of about
13 years, fonofMr. Dawfon, in Cort
landt-ftreet, barber, by some fatality,,
caught his neck in a line, which was
hanging in the yard, in such a manner,
that he was (Irangled beyond recovery
in a few moments after;
Last evening arrived the America,
Howell, in 4 months and 20 days from
The Washington, Randal!, was to
fail in three weeks after the America.
Arrived here yesterday, the schooner
Irfduftry, Capt. Woodward, in 26 days
from St. Thomas's. Beef when he left
there, was felling at 7 dollars per barrel.
Capt. Woodward informs, that there
was a report in circulation at St. Tho
mas's that the Danes had declared war
against France, and that three French
privateers then at St. Thomas's were
detained on account of the report.
NORFOLK, June 11.
On Monday last arrived the brig jol
ly Tar, Capt. Dixon, from Barbadoes.
Capt. Dixon informs, that the sloop
General Green, of Providence, ( R; I.)
Edward- Boss, mailer, arrived at Suri
nam, from the coall of Africa, with 81
(laves, on the 23d April. The (loop
came too below the town, and Capt.
Boss went up in his boat, and left word
with the mate to bring the (loop up the
next morning. At 2 o'clock, A. M.
file was cut out by nine pirates, (fuppo
j fed to be foMiers from the fort) .and ran
| out to sea. The second mate made his
escape out of the cabbiii window into
.the boat .before they got out of the river.
The chief mate was confined until they
, got ouf, and the : ordered on deck to
conduct the (loop to Martinique. The
• pirates fometiints spoke French, and
one of the (loop's people underilanding
it, found they intended as foou as they
made the Island, to kill ail hands and
| "un the (loop 011 Ihore. Tiiey therefore
| took the oppoitunity when the pirates
j began to be sea-sick, and at 1 o'clock,
I P. M. on the 24th, they attacked them,
; killed 5 and confined the other 4; —
the mate and one of the (loop's people
only, were, wounded ; and on the i(t of
May arrived fafe at Barbadoes. The
Captain having all the papers, the mate
could not proceed to any other island.
When Capt. Dixon left Barbadoes, the
mate had obtained perffliflion to fell his
By the (loop Fancy from Cape Ni
chola mole, we learn that Cape Fran
cois was attacked and taken by the Spa-*
niards about the i3thin(lant.
Yesterday afternoon a fire broke out
in the (hip Grenada Packet, lying along
fide of the wreck of the Ceres at Hut
chinfon's Island, by the boiling over of
a pitsh pot on deck ; (he drifted overto
the wharves on this fide, and Went up
with the flood tide ; on pafiing Mr.
Clay's wharf one of the (lores caught,
file, but was soon extinguiftied ; at Mr.
Miller's (he was (lopt by an old
wreck, where the greatest exertions
were used by the inhabitants and others,
for upwards -of two hours, to (lop the
fire on board, but without effedt ; how
ever it was happily prevented from com
municating to the buildings ashore ; and
near high water in the evening (he was
towed a considerable way up the river,
so as not to endanger any further, the
wharves or (hipping.
NEWARK, June 18.
We have the pleasure to announce
to the public, that on Saturday la 11, the
large mill for spinning of cotton by wa
ter was put in operation at Paterfon, to
the great fatiffaiflion of all those who
wi(h well to the manufactures of this
'' . |
fcountry, and from the specimen given
on that, day, there is no doiibt the ex
peditions of the public will be fully
answered. The dam and canal are torn
pleat, and there is water fuflicient for
all kind of mills and great convenien
ces for placing the.m
Thetmill was opened with great pa
rade ■' a confiderjjle cempany was col
letted from all parts who went in pro
(iellion to the mill, and a ball was giv
en to the children and workmen of
the fadlory; and the expe&ations of
the public were not only gratified but
greatly raised in contemplating the fu
ture importance of their rising fabrics.
Baltimore, June 17.
Extract of a letter from J arnica, dated
May 11.
" There is a most malignant fever ra
ging here at present, and it is highly
neceflary; as you tender the fafety of
your families and the community, that
the conditioji of the crews of every ves
sel from this place (hould be ftridlly in
fpedled before they are fuffered to mix
with foeiety. The hot weather is now
coming on in America, and by fe*f>ua
ble precaution you mav prevent a simi
lar cafadiophe to what has already hap
pened to the firfl town in the United
Sunday last arrived here, the fliip
Union, Capt. Johnfton, in 15 days from
the Havannah. Thirty leagues to the
southward of Cape-Henry the Unioi:
was boarded by two Britifft frigates, the
Quebec and Alarm, who deprived hci
of two hands, under pretence ot the
being British fubjefts. The commando
of the Quebec informed Capt. fohhflo
that there were 8 British frigates on our
coall, daily in fight of each other.
There is a certain class of beings
" wbefe praise is cr tfurc and whefi blame
is pra'fe." Tiiev will always cavil, always
scribble and catch at errors, if they cxift.
— Dryden fays,
" Errors like Jlraws upon the furface
« JlflWi
"He who would search for pearls mujl
dive below."
As long as our beloved Preftdent con
! dtiflshimfelfin the administration of our
' government as he hitherto has done, he
need not indeed " fear the envenomed
breath of malevolence —Are all the
signal services he rendered us through
a long and, (at many times,) a doubt
ful conteli so soon to be forgotten i Or
rather are they only to be remembered
j for the purpose, (let me call it the dia
| bolical purpose) of abusing hirn ?—lt is
I well kn»wn that at the unanimous fuf
| frage of his fellow-citizens' he left the
t sweets of domellic retirement, and en
i tered upon the great political theatre with
: relußanee ; disclaiming every idea oFpe
j cumary cimpinfat'fin, (as he did when he
! was appointed commander in chief,) for
' his services.—
i How,has the Ptefid'nt been reqtiit
: ted? Oh ! gratitude, haft thou like
AJlrea left the earth ?
6 per Cents, 18/4
2 per Centsj 10/4 >- Jntereft off.
Deferred 11/7 J
U. S. Bank flock, 15 1-1 > Dividend
N. A. do. do; 16 5 on -
Ship Princess Sophia Magdalina, Sar
rinfon, Bourdeaux 49
Schr. Nancy & Betsey, Juflice Virg. J
Fair Lady, Thompson, New-
Providence 14
Sloop Wonder, Pecca, N. Carolina 9
Cynthia, Watson, IN, York 4
Maria, Sacket, do. e
Ship Brittania, Greeuway, Cadiz
Nuten, Bcrkett, Malaga
Schr. Willing Maid, Tatem, Currituck
Ifabclla, Stay, Fort Dauphin
Sloop A me, Gardner, Sherbourne
Abigail, Smith, New-York
Lark, Penifton, St. Martins
Capt. Rofs of the brig Sally & Eet
fey, in 6 2 days from Martinique informs,
that he left there several American ves
sels, among which the (hip, Capt.
| Cortan, Philadelphia : he further in
forms, that 011 the 3d inft. he was board
ed by two English frigates of 36 guns
each, which refufed to give their names,
but ("aid they were from Virginia, on a
cruize to Beimuda; they threatned se
veral times to take out some of the crew
belonging to the Sally & Betsey, but
the Captain infilled 011 the impropriety
of fuel 1 proceedings; and after flridl
examination they difmifled him, lat. 35
4, long. 71, 30.
*0* The piece Jigned Met ell us—fV*
lates to a fuljeit, which the party princi
pally :concerned niijhes should not be re
.•V ; i
A stated meeting of the Americalf
Philofopliical Society, will be held at
their Hall on Friday evening, the 20th
in ft. at 7 o'clock.
R. PATTERSON, Secretary.
©SSiJCi The Ship
pjjjPypT-C? Capt. M'Coiilom
TO i'ail dire&ly. A few barrels will bo
taken on freight, if speedy application it
made. Apply to
The Owner of the Catharine begs to in
form the gentlemen, importers from Ma
deira, the Catharine returns direflly to
this port, and will take freight on mode
, rate terms.
June 19 diw
Captain Knox,
30U . • > to St. Croix, will touch at St-
Euftatius, to accommodate anv paTengern
who may wish to be landed there. She will
fail on Saturday morning next. Apply to
June 19. 3 t
Mr. Green's Night.
June 20.
Will be Presented,
A NEW COMEDY, never performed in
America, called
How to Grow Rich.
Written by the Author of the Dramatist,
Notoriety, &c.
Pave, Mr; Chalmers
Smalltrade, Mr. Bates
Sir Thomas Roundhead, Mr. Finch
Latitat, Mr. Green
Hippy, Mr. Francis
\V arford, Mr.Moreton
Sir Charles Dazzle, Mr. Cleveland
Plainly, Mr. De Moulin
Nab, 1 Mr. Rowfon
Formal, Mr. Warrell
Servants, Mefirs. BlilTetJ, J. Darley, J;
Warrell, and T. Warrell.
Lady Henrietta. Mrs. Whitlock
Lola, Mrs. Marlhall
Miss Dazzle, Mrs. Francis
Bett y. Mrs. Cleveland
End of A (ft 111. a Comic SONG, in cha
racter, by a Gentl'man, being his firft
appearance ; —and at the end of the Co
medy, by desire, Mr. Bates will fine
7 0 which ■■will be added,
A new serious PANTOMIME, originally
performed at the Theatrfc iij Paris, cal
La Foret Noire,
Or, The
natural son.
The Overture and Music entirely new,
eompofsd by Mr. Reinagle ;
With new Scenery, designed and executed
by Mr. Milbourn.
The Pantomime under the direSien of
Mr. Francis.
Geronte, father of Lucille, Mr. Green
Lanzedan, Lucille's lover, Mr. Mireton
Adolphe, the natural son, Matter T.War
n 'fell
P.nce, finical Abbe, Mr. Francis
Lubin, apeafant, Mr. Warrell
Fronte and Pifquin, servants to G' ronte
Mefirs. Warrell and Darley jun.
Lucille, daughter to Geronte, Madame
* ... , . Gardie
Marton, Luci le's m?id, Miss Rowfon
Le Terreur, captain of the banditti, Mr.
' Marfha'l
Sans Quartier, the lieutenant, Mr. Cleve-
LeFourbe, Mnßliflet
Robbers, Messrs. De Moulin,Lee,
Bason, &c.
Tickets to be had of Mr. Green- at No
68, north Eighth ftrect.
pn Monday the Tragedv of J U L I A
with the Comic Opera of The Waterman'
-Or the First of Augult—for the benefit
or Mrs. Shaw.
Mr. Moreton and Mr. Harwood's Nieht
will b* on Wednesday.
Tickets to be had at the office near,
the Theatre, at the corner of Sixth ibeet
and at Carr & Co's Musical Repository,
No. 122, Markef ftrect. »
Places in the Boxes to be taken at the
Box-Office of the Theatre, at any hour
from nine in the morning till three o'clock
111 the after-noon, on the day of perform
ance. %
*** As inconveniences to the nub!ic
have anfen from the Box book being open
on the day, of performance only, in fufrure
attend ance will be giv „ at the office m
the Theatre every day from ten 'till one,
and on the days of performance from ten
rill three o clock imhe afternoon. Appli
cations for Boxes, it if refpetf fully requef,
ted, may be addressed, to Mr. Franklin,
at the Box-Office.