Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, June 19, 1794, Image 1

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[No. 7 of Vol. Vl.]
landing I
At Wain's wharf, from on r /j he
Brig Susannah, IVtn. Foulke Master A j c {
r«rj£. pip£s
Teneritfe Cargo WINE, ik
jo Hofifheads do. ' ,0 -
2 5° Q uar,er Calks do. °- I a c
10 Hogfhcads India Market • • I jj 0 j
100 Onarter Calks tt"- ?• I V e
100 do. do. part,Hilar, do. I R _
For Sale by I j,,
June '4- , I All
T ADDING at Hamilton's whart, aV-ove I i d to
the Drawbridge, out of the (hip Bacchus 1 Arch
Cent. V*wre MAN > ' rorn Jamaica.
> d I
May to. ______ I
" S ~H 0 £ Sti
A quantity of stout well made Mm
fas SHrtES, adapted ior the Southern mar I g
ket,foifale at
JJo. 36, North Third Jlreet: ju
May 6 mwfer.ot
WILLIAM FINCH of the New Thea- I f orll
trt bees leave to inform his Friends and | ate |
the' Public, that he has amoved Irom the a , e c
corner of Eighth and Arch streets to No. t , e d
68, north Eighth between Arch and Race I C
ftreeis, and chat he continues 10 giiire In- J M
ftruftiohs in the French and EngWh Lan
gusgesasufual, as alio the Clafficj. He j.
fakes this opportunity of exprelfing his ac- CH
knowledgemeuts for the very liberal en- I tf g
couragement he has experienced, a cohti- I ■
nuation of which he begs leave to fohcit. |
N. B. Tranfl 'tions from either languages I
Correctly executed. t I ;
To be Let,
For Merchants Compting Houses or Public I
Two brick 3 story Houses,' e()
HAVING 6100111s in cacil.wuh fire places I j] B
beside garrets,fuuate on ihe Couth welterly tide I U) .
of Dock ftrcct, between Pear and Walnut|fo e
streets. Enquire of I P<*r
April .7, tulhtotf K,
In the House of Representatives, M '
DecemSe r 21ft, 1793- I c ;i
WHEREAS the Commiflioners of pub- I to
lie Accounts,have reported, that they ILc
cannot procetd to the inveftig«tion of the I M
Treasury Accounts, refpe&ing special In- I B<
dents, without knowing the outftandwg a- I so
mount thereof in circulation :—Therefore, I th
Rejolved, That all holders of special In- I ev
dents be dire&ed, and required, on or before I to
the fiHt day of November next, to deliver the I fr«
fprcial Indents in their pdfleflion to one 01 I Bs
oiher of the Commiflioners of the Treasury, I re
■who are to give receipts for the fame, and to I w
report to the Commiflioners on public ac- I ch
counts, on or before the tenth day of Nov- j
ember next, the amount by them relpe£tive- I
ly received, and aHo 10 the Legislature, at I
their meeting in November next, and that I
all special Indents not rendered into the I
Treasury as above, on or before the firft day I
of November next, fball be, and the fame I
are hereby barred.
Rejolved, That public notice of thi« refolu- I
lion be given in the several Gazettes in this I
State, once every three weeks, until the fit ft I
day of November next. And that the Dele- I
gates of this State in theCongrefs of th% Uni- I
ted States, be requested to cause this relolu- I
* tion to be published in one or more papers I -
in the cities of Philadelphia and New-York, I 1
and that provifiort will he made for the ex- I 5
pences attending such publication.
Ordered, That the resolution be fe»t to j .
the Senate for their concurrence. I ;
By order of the House,
In the SENATE,
December 21ft, 1793- I
Resolved, That this House do concur with J
the House of Representatives in the forego- I
irfg relolutions.
Ordered, That the resolutions be sent to
the.House of Representatives.
by order of the Senate,
Nankeens of Superior Quality,
No. 40, north Fifth Street.
April 31. mw&ftf
The Partnership of
JONES, HOFF, and DERRICK, of this
* city, Printers, having dirfblved on the 29th
day of May last, all persons having any
demands 011 the laid firm are hereby reques
ted to present their claims for feitlement,
ardallthof; who are indebted, to make
payment to the Subfcriher, at N0.3, north
Fifth ftreef, who is duly authorised to ad
just the concerns of the partnership.
.June 16 *d6t
At the STORES of
jeffe &■ Robert Wain, 2
PORT WINE in pipes, hhds. and quar-
ter caf-.s
I.ISBON do. iil pipes and quarter cades
Souchong and Congo TEAS, in quarter
Clielts c ''
A quantity of Lisbon and Tad z SALT '
Soft lhelled ALMONDS in bales
Velvet CORKS, in do.
Kuffia MATTS.
J"" e 9 • -
All persons who have any de
mands upon the New Theatre, are i equeft- J
ed to lend in their accounts to No. 204, in
Arch Itrefct, near Eighth street, as 10041 a-,
Mav 3">. dtf.
It is Requested, £
THAT no perfori win fapply any articles
I for the use of the New Theatre, without
|an order in writing, figncd by or _
I Samuel Anderfon, for us.
May 30. dt!>
I THE relations ol Mr Thomas Curtis,
1 formerly of Ellicott's Upper MilHf and
1 lately of the City of Wash decea'cdy
J aredefired to apply a»d have his affairs set
I tled-
I City of Wafhingtoff, April 22, i7°4-
J M. j m&th4w
Scheme of a Lottery,
I To raise 39,900 Dollars, on 266,000
Dollars, deducing 15 per Cent, frnn -
j I the Prizes—this Lottery confifls oj *
I 38,000 Tickets, in which there are
1 14,539 Prizes and 23,461 Blanks,
being about'one and av halj Blanks to
| a Prize.
1 r |~ , HE Direfiors of the Society for rftahlifh
| JL ing Ufeful Manufactures', hnvirj res"lv-
J e.i to erect LOTTERIES for uifing Onf
s I Hundred Thousand Dollars, agreeably t
e I to an Aft of the.Legislature of the $i«*e of
I New-]erfey, have appointed the following
I perfohs to superintend a«.d dueft the draw-
I ill jr ot the f»me, vifc. Nicholas Low, Rnfus
I King, Herman Le Roy, |<nr»es Watson,
— I Richard Harrtfon, Abijah Hammond, and (
a I C ornelius Ray, of the city ot New-York—
Thomas Willing Joseph Matthew M 1
IConnel and Andrew Bfyard, of the city of
I Philadelphia—His Excellency Richard How
j ell, Esq. Elias Boudinot; General Elias Day
b- I ton, Jamrs Parker, John Bayard, Doctor
ey I Lewis Donham, SaramlW. Stockton, Joshua
he I M. Wallace, Joseph Bloomfield, and Elilha
n- I Boudinot, of Ncw-Jerfey, who offer the
a- I following Scheme of a Lottery, and pledge
I themselves to the public, that they will take
n- I every assurance and precaution in their power
>re I to have the Monies paid by the Managers,
he j from time to time, as received, into the
or I Banks at New-York and Philadelphia, to
y, I remain for the purpole oi oaving Prists,
to I which (hall be immediately difthargety by a
ic- I check npon one of the Banks.
at I 1 Piizeof 20,000 Dollars is 20,000
hat I 1 10,000 10,000
the I 2 5,000 10,000
lay I 5 2,0c0 10,060
me I 10 10,000
I «o 500 i ft ,ooo
In-I ico 100 10,000
his I goo 50 15,000
11ft I 1000 20 20,000
"le- I 2000 15 30,000
'ni- I 3000 12 36,000
>ln- I 8100 10 81,000
>ers I
jrk, I 14,539 P"** B * 262,000
ex " I 2 3>4^ 4 Blanks. First drawn number, 2,000
Laftdrawii number, 2,000
; to j - 1
I 38,000 at 7 Dollars each is 266,000
The drawing will commence, utider the
R- I infpetfion of a Committee of the Superin-
I tendarts, as soon as the Tickets are foul,'of
iO. I wh'ch timely notice will be given.
with I The Superintendants have appointed John
ego-I N. Cumming, of Newark, Jacob R. flnr
dcnbergjOt N-ew-Brunfwick, and Jonathan
nt to Rhea, of Trenton, as immediate Managers
thereof, who have given ample fecuiity lor
discharging the trust reposed in them,
erk. In order to secure the punftunl pay
ment of the Prizes, the Superintendanis of
the Lottery have that the Managers
shall each enter into bonds in 4c,000 dollars,
with four fufficient fecuriti s, to perform their
inftianions, the substance of which is
»•. I. That whenever either oi ihe Managers
5 (ball receive the sum of Three Hundred Dole
lars, he (ball immdiately place the fame in
one of the Banks of Ne w-Yoi k or Philadel
* phia, to the cieditof the Governor of the
Society, and such of the Supcriniendants» a:
I've in the city where the monies are placed
r C to remain there nntil the Lottery is drawn
for the pavmnt of the Prizes.
f this IL. The Managers to take fufficient fe
; 29th entity for anv Tickets they may trod, ottier
t any wife to be responsible for them.
equef- IH. To keep regular books of Tickei
ment Monies received and paid into th
make '* an k» abftra&s of which IViall be fen
north monthly, to theGovemor of the Society,
toad- Pateifon, January 1, 1794.
On application to either of the above gei
r% tlemen, information will be given whe
tickets may be had.
*d6t February 24. t«&ftf.
Thursday, June 19, r 7^4*
Gardner Hammond.
" a> ~ v 11 r " lfl ■ " Mtijlpr.
TO fail with a!! convenient fp ed, hav
ng two thirds of her cargo already engag
ed. For freight or paflage apply to said
mast r on board at RuflTell's wharf, or rhe
'June 10. d
For St. Croix,
Francis Knox, Mater.
LYTNG at Morton's wharf, and to fail
in a few days. She is a new vesT I, calm
ted to acroirimodate palk*ngers, and will
take Tome freight. For of which or
parage, apply to Captain Knox, or
June 10 (it
■ «—-—-
Wanted Immediately
A Vv Jf el -> .
k the Bur men of from
8 to jSO Tons, to go to
,j rturnQgorgia, and load with
| Live Oak and Cedar lunger, for tins City
' —Apply to S. W. at No. 28, Arch l\reet.
Ju-IL .16 *4t
, I.ADr IV.4ITKRSror.FF,
m JStsMtfcL Mop,-.
jj WILL fail in the course of a few days,
re for freight or paflage, apply to the Captain
on board, at the fubferibf rs wharf, or to
to June 12. d6t.
h Hamburgh,
ot John Vanneman, Mail r.
r, £. TO with all convenient lpced, havinj
M ' three fnurthsof her cargo already engaged
" s For freight or passage apply t° the mafte
„ J on b<>avd, or
By the SUBSCRIBER, to purchase
(ha A flout and fall failing
lhe or Schooner
Fit for a cortftant tia
a e with 'otne part of ti
" cr GULF of MEXICO.
to For some Southern Port o( Europe,
A fact failing Brig*
Of abou 120 rotis.
Louis Ofmont,
000 No. 117, north Second Jlreet,
,000 Who as now on hand for sale,
000 A few Packages lemaining of hisj impori
•° eo tions.this Spring, confiding of
'°o° Irish Dowlas, Baftas, Sattin
,000 I Feathers and Flowers, Biack Lace
>0 00 I Looking framed.
,000 ALSO
~>°° J f ew chests of Hyson Tea
oo° I Burgundy Wine and Claret tn cases, Mad
,OC ° 1 ra \Vine, Sper naceti Candles.
!,000 J"" e 16
! ,000 Wanted to Charter,
r ihe I will carry 6oc
erin- I 1000 barrels forMadei
d, ot I «■ ■ load here immediate
I Alloa veflei of 8 to 10,000 bufliels,to li
J?*" 1 " lin the Chesapeake. Apply to
athan I T .
iagers * unc '7
For Sale or Charter,
p3y I an y p art °f t^e (-
or the w&i*
'"he?'' jilsisEL INDUSTRY.
I OF about 550 or 600 barrels burth
Dole Ia ne ron g ve Ael, and now ready to 1
me in I's a car g°- i° r terms apply to the (
ladel- i ta ' n 011 board at Walnut rtreet wharf
of lhe 1 to
iaced, I June 17
Irawn, I . -
mfe 1 Excellent CLARET,
olfcer- J [n hoglheads and in cases of 50 bottles
I also,-
u o ck (he I A few cases Champaigns wii
1Ct ' " J In pipes, ho(r(heads and quarter cafit
Ite een | FOR sale
No. in, South i'rout llreet.
icftf.' I Jan. 2, 1794.
Carolina Rice and Indigo,
Guriiey and Smith.
May 14. d P
LETTERS on the fubjeft of the Waih- O ]
| ington Lottery, being by miitake repeat- JJy
j t dly addrefled to the Commissioners for the p rot ,
I City of Walhir.gton.
j Persons concerned are hereby informed,
I that all such Ihould be addrefled either to '
IW. Deakinsjun. of Washington, or to the I. A
I Subscriber. The cbmmiflioners never hav
-1 ing contemplated any further concern in 2 - A
I this business, than in their afl'ent to receive J"
| the Bonds and approve the names of the A
| managers. The prizes have been paid and 'pl
j are paying on demand by W. Deakins, f)
J Washington, Peter Oilman, Bofton,and d,
I by the Subscriber.
I ' For the Lottery So. a, the securities al- in
j ready given will be retained by the com- 6. A
j rraffioners, or transferred by them at their
I option to the bank of Columbia s and the 7-
I commiflioners will be consulted refpedling
| a judicious and equitable disposition of the g
I houses to be built thereby ; their treasury ' ()i
1 or the bank of Columbia will receive the
I money intended for the National Univer- 9t /
1 fityj and they will be consulted in the no- j,
J mination of the 14 managers ; but 10.
I responsibility refpetfting the general difpo- tr
1 fit ion of the'tickets, and payment of pri- "
I zes, will reft as in the Hotel Lottery, on Pui
| the persons whose names are and may be 0
I hereafter publilhed as afiiftants to forward
I this business with
' 1 N. B. Mr. Blodget will be particularly
| obliged if those persons who poflefs prizes
, I vet unpaid, will apply for their money as
' I early- as pofilble. t
| June 7th. d - .
1 tin hard Johns In the Chantiry Court
I it ( Of the Wi
I John Weill and f State of Maryland, c
' I MorJecai Cole. J May 16th 1794. '
The Complainant hath fil-
I cd his bi 11, for tlie puipole of obtaining a
I <iec/-»-e, to veil in him a complete legal titlfc
g J to two traits of land, lying in Baltimore
1 j county, one called Painrers-Levr!, can
-1 | taiolhg 100 acres, thr other tailed Prolpeft
1 c.ontai ng 50 acrei He (late"i,that the said j nI
I Jnhfi Wells ou the 16th day of March 1774 J «
I contrasted to fell the said land to the find j an
- I MouiecaiColej&exfecuted to hitn aboi d for I —
| convfyancr,that the said Cole, on the fame J or
| day, executed t< the laid Wells a bond lor J w
I tlje'pavnv nt i*f ; the purchase money amoun- |
|tingto/67J Pennfylvauia currency, that I
| the said <'-ok- hath since qifchatged the whole 3d(
p | of the purchase money, and hath assigned I
' | to the complainant the (aid bond for con- | w
6 | vevancej that the laid Wells hath never I d '
| executed a dted, agreeably to his contraift I
| but haih removed out of the (late of Mary- I "
I lard, and now rtfides in the state of Ken- J
I tucky. 1
I It is thereupon, and at therequefi of the IS 1
| complainant, adjudi;"d, and Ordered, that I u
I he proeuie a copy of this order to be insert- I g
| <dat Kaft fix weeks fuccefiively, # hefoic- 1
| thefirft day of August next, in the Uni'ted I
1 States Gazette at Phila'delphia, to the in- I
J tent, that the said John Wells may have no- I '
ta " J tice of the complainant's application tol '
] this court, and may be warned to appear!
IS, I here, on orbefoi e the fit ft Tue'diy in Oc 'j v
I tober next, to (hew cauTe wherefore this-j |
I court fhou : d not procfed to decree, agrre- I (
I ahlytothe piaverof the and I ,
j Ito the a£l of afieir.bly, for such cases made I 1
' I and provided.
lel I Test, I
J Samuel Harvey Howard, j
—- I Cur s Can. 1
June 13 mw&f6w I
Dor I BY
; i ra '| MATHEW CARET,
old I 1 1 8, Market Jlreet,
| Price 18 cents,
\ J T H E
L Catechism of Man ; I
I Pointing out f»«ra found principles, and I
ry I acknowledged fa As the Rights and Do- I
I I's ever y Rational Being.
Am I therefore become yourenemv beCanfr I
9 I tell yon the truth ? Gal. iv. 16 I
ten ; Now all these things happened unto the)*: I
take' lur examples, and thev are written fori
o a p_ our admonition, upon whom the ev-.dsof I
c tlve iarth are come. i Cr, r . X; j
' Viv ,0 t r '
Brokers Ottice.
No. 16, Wall-ftiecr, New-York
THE Subfcnbt r intf/iuHng'ro toi»fin< h-tr
fell rntirrly to the PVRCHaSE and.
each. SALE Of STOCK.S on COM M! SSIO?C,b g
leave to off , hisfeivirc, to hi s <ric,Ml s ai) ,
ne . other-, in tile line ol a Stock Brok-r. Thof
' who may plcafc to favor him wi;h their huh
ness, may depend upon having it traniafclejl
wi h the oi most fidelity arid dll patch.
Orders Irom Philartclphia, Bolton, or an\
other part ol the United Staler will b.
ilri£lly attended so.
dtf jn&ihtl
[Whole No. 557-1
Medical Books.
By Thomas. Dob/on, at the Stone House,
7^o. 4i> Jouth Seco djireety
V O L. 11.
Medical Inquiries
Proteffoj, ot the Intimites ol Medicine, and
of CliniC Prajftice in the Untver
fityol Pnnfylvama.
1. An inquiry .into the influence of fihyfical
causes upon the moral faculty.
2. Aninqui'V ruto the effects of fpiritous li
quors upon the human body, and their in
flutnee upon the happiness of society.
J. An inquiry into the cauf<s and cure of thfc
pu monary consumption.
4. Obfejvafioro on the lymptums and cure or
dropsies. * c
5. 'An Inquiry inio the causes and the cure or
. internal dropsy of thelnain.
6. An account of the nseiflcs, as thev ap
juai d in Philadelphia, in the \ear 1789.
•j. An account >>l the influenza, as it zppear
ed in Philadelphia in the years 1789,1790,
and 1791. ...
8. An inquiry into the causes ol the lncreaie
of bilious and remitting levers, in Penn
sylvania. _
g, An inquiry into the causes and cure of for*
]t gs, .
10. An account of the state of the body and
inUid'in old age, with observations upon
its difeafts and their u medies.
price one dollar and a quarter un nd, or
one dojplar and a half neatly; odtmd.
Medical Tranfaftions
6f the *
College of Physicians of Philadelphia.
V O L I.—P A R T I.
Price one dwllar. hi hoards.
A Trfeatife on the Difeaifes of
With gejifral directions tor the management
of Infants from the birth, ada >ed for.
th.euV ot physicians ant priva ami ics. •
By Michael Underwood, M. D.
la'centi-'tc ot Midwitcry nme K> al. COl
- lege <jf Physicians in Lo..don, and
" Phvfician of the liiitifh
; t^ying-in-H'fp'ltal.
Price one Dollar.
V This is acknowledged 10 be the beil hool
[I which has been publilfied on the fubjeci, anfc.
4 is calculated for ilie use ol partn's. n esj
I and private (amilies, as well as tor [hyfic «n*.
r —The two volumes handlrmcly piintcc in.
e one, and the price only abi.ut one third of
r what the unpolled tjoptes fell for.
t The Edinburgh New Dispensatory, two
e dollais.
d bytfem of Surgery, fxtrnfted from the
, works of Benjamin 8.11, by Dr. Waters', 2
■ r dols. 50 cents.
51 Syltcm of Anatomy, ex'rafled from the
Encyclopaedia, with I 2 copperplates,-® dtfls.
3 . S)liomof Chemistry, extra&ed ftom the
- Encyclopaedia', exhibittng a view of, the pro
lr gtefs of the fciencce, and the different f\flems
which have been pubiifhed, 2 dols. 50 certts.
Brown's Elements of Medicine, 2 dols.
67 cents.
T. Dobfon has 'in the Press f
An edition of the Medical and
cal Commentaries of Edinburgh. Two v»|
o ' times are printed ki one at 2 dollars and
cents per volume; he has nearly firiifbed the
ar . fivr firft volumes, which contain the fitft ten
' volumes of the European rdition, wh ~.h fell
ns for Iwo dollars each. Nine volumes Vv ill in»
e " dlude eighteen European volumes, wYiich
,n( '. w >11 bnog the publication up to the •p.cfent.
lc * e y time.
Like wife fir sale a corrji tierable number of"
Medical Books, *viz*
Cullen's Practice, Materia XVlc* dica, Phyfi
«.logy, and Synop(i«L fidl'sSt'.rgery. 6 vols.
f or 4 vols, do. on Ulcers,* Bur han's Domestic
_ Medicine, Ledtan's StWpeiy, Cbefelden's A-'
" nctomy, Hunter on the Venereal, Swedeea
ver on do. Hollo on Weft India Dtfeafes ;;
Rigby on Uterine HctTiorrhage, Hamilion's
t " of the theory and practice of M d
wifery, with or wu»nouL plates ; do. on the
" ot Female complaiias. Mcafe.
11 Hydrophobia, &c. &c.
March 5.
; she Ground Plan
Du # 0F THE
City and Suburbs
, _ IT is with pleafu'e that the pabliiher Ijat
?° to info, m hi» Ciib'tr bers and the public in
;en> ral, that the plate is now under the
J iiands of the engraver, and in greater for.
wardi.fs than at fii ft contemplated. At
-C. the fan e time he begs leave to remind
them, th t fnhfrript'ci'i papers areftiil o
bim- pen at moftof the notediiook-ftores j n t he
and city ; and that lie hopes from the whole
,h g of them to be enabled to foi m such a rej'
pedable cata'ogue of names, as will do a
"hof. credit to the work, as well as afford a
huh reasonable encouragement to the under
afteil taker.
1 h<jfe who are desirous of further infor
mation arerequefted to call on
Benjamin Davies,
R - ' No. 68, Mark.t flreet.
htf ril '4- fiiscth{f