Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, June 18, 1794, Image 2

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    'fiviu uie Vvtneri ~3 r . Hu-Mvi.
To the Great "and Mighty D:mp-' r 'Zi'c
Sockty of Nsw-Yor&.
WHAT under the Kerens has
Vightttied you just now■/> come for
■•rd v?ith a long vind«-' at '®n of your
;iliturioß, and appu»*t a lolemn depu
wt oa to wait oti <ul the Printers in
oneS, reqnc-tttri/ them to publish it ?
J ve you differed tliat public opi
lion is again#)' o " ; that you are dwind
• 6rft -ii)t> contempt; that the iiea
v inryiei.' of °} lr government is like
letca? all your schemes j that dec- i
;do not go right, or what has giv- ■
i I*oll a flart jull now. When the 1
..utian religion was hrll promulgated, t
' t vas Oppoled ; but laid ohe of its t
-rrtpiefiSr "if this council or this i
or be or men it will comtf to nought, c
, . i; be of God, ye cannot overthrow c
" The fame remark will apply to J r
cry new iuftitution j and one would 11
the Democratic Society, if their ' i
titins are as pure as their proses- n
hi are strong, and the excellence of o
iB inih'tutioii is clear as obvious, f
ief pretend it to be, might hazard its c
-iltencc and growth on its own merits. c
>e; end on it, no really good eitablifh- ri
•; t w ill need the aid of long labored lc
. ications, and formal deputations to h
iters. The people of America arc a
it so (tupid as to be un?ble to disco- n,
the benefits of your institutions, if cc
} -licit cxlit; nor d® the Printers in a
ic.-al wait for the ceremony of an in- w
i'Ation to publish what is reaily wor- It
lotice. I strongly fufped you ti<
A yourselves on bad ground, and ot
" "ted of (upport. ' ; Jt
Pp. .answer every particular para- in
pli Of year re _ an
' more time than I can spare, fora ;i ,
of to little tonfeqiience. Indeed Jm(
• ir addrels to :tie admirers of the I lot
r;ti!li confutation, needs no answer, yo
im confident the number of such ins
pie is every fmhll and of little weight do
it- scale of public opinion. ter
believe there is no objection to the bal
of your Society, if the Society is tht
If good. Names are very harm- ins
h'HRS ; but your lecurrence to del
ifon's Dictionary for a definition of the
is of government, indicates you to not
young in the science; it is the bufi- J ger
of boys to consult dictionaries for at t
t t meaning of words; men of intelli- Co
•• have recourse to the things them- low
•tMcs which are to be defined, and the
tVre find true d.ftinftions—And your rig'
op ion of Johnson's Dictionary shows trat
yoi understand its merits as little as you An
do ie science of government. It is an and
.1 iilfinefg to cavil about the words now
i > oqqim T?n r .,u;„,v, r.f. r^c
fthat the governments of Ame- us.
c-i are representative ; that the confti- well
i ions and the laws of the country have
ave clearly designated the mode in du<R
■>1 i the people are to be governed— dem
■ ■ hat in these constitutions and laws, to o
»..c is no authority given for any in ol
er of persons to form private betr;
; *° eft abli(h a left of admission— gain
•■o elude their fellow-citizens from fuftt
he - clubs—-bind the members on ad- fiden
,o . n a solemn promise of secrecy opini
! then call themselves the people But
»n censure the measures of government, cowa
■ *™ re . " a conltitution or a law in offen,
U united States, that diredtly or by his I
» 'pucation authorizes such associations, down
.• .i e called on to name the article ; who i
arc challenged to fpecify the au- detest
-»• rity tinder which you as. Yc
Ihe fa& is, your profeffions and ! their
yi.ur conduit are in perpetual hostility; | triflin
;'"' r avoWed principles and your pro- I you n
edings are one chain of contradic- partie
_><■ l Your darling themes, liberty ragra,
and equality, a free press and the peo- vernir
Plfs i q;ht to censure men and measures. of ne
in -» principles we disagree, and we dent,
Je.eral repubheans, American whigs, fold pa
P --'He upon those principles. We \ peace
ain the laws which secure liberty ; at the
-« e obey the l awS which preserve , pear i,
, I any; we lay no restraints on the i Did y.
I ." ? Ut evCr " maß discusses the mea- just be
r a„1 rrr n \: as fred y as y- ge
d®, and I trust with quite as much de- as a ft
' m" a " i hi " bufinefs ' we are Socief
, , ,bliC ' an f a 77 ed - membe
have no clandestine meetings to , nation
jnan e opinions, to concert plans, and lemolov
re probate all belles •
°" ° :her hand > with the mental 1
> f.Memn profeffions of being fnends citizen.
?, 7 g t3 ,' f ° rm yourselves into a to prot
p uate cl»b ; admit no person who can- your so
rot bring good evidence of agreeing tor anc
with you, in principle; that is, who £ ther i!
no. ot a party previously formed— and treat of
di'aion" 1 " "n° m en< 3 uir y and contra- us all, a
1, - ' y° u r e^ate on public measures, ripht'to
.n which your fellow-citizens areconcern- of s CO ut
ed as veil as yourselves, and who are l
not ad .iited to the debate to offer their in
i vj?lib" iii-andionri ;
r - • .ireic-iaativfs whu(U
others had a (hare in electing. You at-,
umprratic tcm P £ l O influence men and mea wres
that I perhaps approve and that,without
my coiifent. This, far from beiiig
ens has either liberty or equality, is a direst in
>me for- fringement of both. It. is an insult to
ol your your fellow-citizens an Ja, satire tin every
m depu- pretence to republicanism. Republi- i
nte, s in caniim is a diipofition, to piomote the <
3ii(li it ? comrtioft good fn fecuiinjr equal rfghts <
Jic opi- bylaw. A republic,(if 1 may be allow,- t
: dwind* ed to define it, without the help of 1
Aeltea- Johnson's Dictio.nSry, which ;s not be- c
is like fore me)a republic, in the itriiSt sense of a
lat elec- the word, (Res Publica)is a common- t
has giv- wealth ; a government that lias the pub- li
hen the lie good for its object, isiow is itpoliible I
ilgated, that men who have the public good for f
: of its their object can wilh to b • private si
or this in their deliberations? is secrecy a proof n
'ought, of patriotism, of regard to equal rights, ti
' rt ow of love, to your country! Does it not d
>ply to j rat liter furniih a well founded fufpicioii
•r V u UI - d I • hat " 0t the P ubiic ' bulprivate good the it
if their intereftofa party is your objc-Ct > Arc ai
proses- not you the very men who lately clam- lil
- Hce of ored, about opening the doors cf the z<
3us, Senate ? Did you not rail about the fe- oi
:ard its crecy of their proceedings, and call that lo
merits, council a cabal a conclave and I know ni
abldh- not what hard names? Otic of your fel
abored low societies, I chink that in Vermont, it
ions to has made this secrecy of the Senate, a D
ca arc a ground of its eftabffhment ifl mi,flake an
disco- not ; and yet at the veiy moment, you th
3iis, if condemn that secrecy, you are forming yo
ers in a cenfirihip over our Representatives, to
an in- which is to be eonduitcd with close doors, lik
wor- It is thus your principles and youi prac coi
t you tice are conftandy at war with each on
i, and other. Depend on it, whatever may inj
be your efforts to strengthen your party
para- in a few large cities, there is an immense the
fbr~s an J <3 I . rel body of firm federal re- the
"deed J mechanics of pro^ny tL
f the | ioo«L onyou wi.hajealous eve; Wiiowatch ton
lwer, your proceedings; who Ccnfider your tim
such inftitutioij as arrogating a right that mei
eight does not b .long to you, and who are de- ted
termined not to fuffer your private ca- war
0 the ba'.s to affanTe an undue infinence over this
:ty is theii freedom, lives and property. You in n
iarm- infi,mate that " men in power have deep ded
e to designs and machinations" then name latit
an of the men and name their designs. Deal i ted
lu to not in inuendoes ; those insidious dag- I this
buh- gers, which cowardice and mcamiefs aim com
s for at the reputation of rclpectable men law;
tclli- Come forward like men ; tell your tel- ing
hem- low citizens who are the men and what youi
and the designs and machinations against our youi
your rights. If theie iscorruption in admmif- are e
lows tration, point it out plainly. lam an to Ji
you Amencan citizen myfelf who have life cealt
san and property and a family at flake. I and
ords now call on you and every American ci- ship
etie Oangerifahy awaits avow
■'" c - us - 1 lovc m y liberty and property as C
well'as you can possibly do yours. We fathe
Ury have all a right to enquire into the con- your
,ln "'"ft of oui public officers; and I now has ii
a demand of you to renounce insinuation • A
iws, to come forth with facts, name the man fcciei
any in office, who has directly or indirectly liben
'' atc betrayed his trust or formed a defio-n L infor,
1 f' n 0li! liberties. I will be one of the } can i
om fir ft to arraign him ; even were it the Pre- truth,
ad- fident himfelf, before the bar of public son u
ecy opinion; to try and condemn him.— admif
pie Uut if you do not throw off the mafic of vour
nt. cowardly slander, and openly drag the but y,
in offender to hght with his crimes upon caldu
by his head, all candid men will set you l iirdce*
ns, down as a band of vile ca!umi„iators i winte,
e ; who merit what you really willjhave, the menu
iu- deteflation of your fellow-citizens cratic
, , You r tel ! y° ur opponents to call in certair
nd|the,r parties and silence their has no
y; trifling anonymous writers. Prey have fuccefl
ro- you no anonvmous writers, no fcoming which
>c- parties? Who writes all the abusive J would
ty ragraphs against the supporters of go- to all t
• neutrality ? Who abufcs the Prtfi- British
« I %<• »'■ Hamilton, M J„ y , X Sw.
ri wt,g * T d «pfcb,
Vat the la" n °/^ U,ln g P ai t'"« out farm, •
%I" the ht£ elea ' on ?Wd they not ap- pWh
e pear ,n every ward by relief or rotation ? with'" a
a AO l at £ ? mC y° ur "lutings on eartl
a- jufl before the election, to avoid the he neve!
=- as a rg foc < ietv n . ter ? r,ng ? overnm «t and is ,
■e Society and' th J ° U "! *■ l,c democratic truth ar
membrrs f W ' th most or all the country
o nf 'j'j Proceed t0 the nom i- ment. ?
o nation or candidates > If vn., c i
«b™£U hi *
" dir - -"'J
' SSrXT' '""ling
citizens, who have rights and property
to proted, whether all the members of
- your society have a vote si t
nght to conceal. But why do y OU talk Wed
parties ?!srj yourS ,
oeiety by you; confeffion a scout Tl k'
"\g party formed to keen an . The bl
and measures ? Have v<L n 7 "r" men P refentat i
e not either as «« An a£t
oiattrrs; j >lae«eff or. for- ffie- wa?> b,~cta.:uig |
■CS Whufti stuns to Kirili a ure~w.iw;i v- V. gglil .
You at-, felU>w-c<tizeris? Yas not the oftenlible
mea ores reason for the formation of your society,
: without to ascertain your fiends as you calf them
n being from you enemies? Have you not a lift
lired in- of what you call aristocrats or tories,
insult to who are held up as odious men, and
•oh eveij enemies to their etuutry ? Have you no
Republi- federal fiative Aitericahs and old whigs
lote the of 1775 upon tha lift? Have not some
1 rights of your members talked of taking off 1
>e allow- those proicribed characters at a general
help of sweep ? Have thty not been indiscreet ,
not be- enough to fay the-e would not be one
fenfeof arillocrat left, in 1 short time? Have
ommon- the laws of our country defined or de- -
lie pub- filiated an ariftociat from a democrat ?
possible By what rule do you diftinguiili one
ood for from the other ? Have you any other 1
private standard to try men than your own opi- 1
& proof 11 ions and prejudices i Who'has fubjee- a
rights, ted your fellow-citizens to this tremen
it not dous iwquifit'on into theirfemiments ? f
ifpicion Where is the law, natural,-moral or
aod the municipal that authorises this scrutiny
t? Arc and the diftin'dtions,if Creates? l s this' a
y clam- liberty and equal rights, that a tew citi
cf the zens may lock themselves up and make «
these- out lilts of profcriptiori against their fe!- S
all that low-freemen; and this merely far opi- tl
I know nion, without any overt act ? ir
sur fel- What is the design of this lift ? Does a!
rmont, it secure one right, one privilege to you ? ft
late, a Does it not engender hatred, prejudice m
ni,flake and fadtion ? Is not universal toleration of
t, you the glory t>f our government, and would ct
uming you introduce a court of inquifuion in- th
ati\ey, to this peaceful country? Come forth ar
doors, like men, a'nfwer these • qiieftions, and th
I p:ac correct the public opinion, if wrong, gi
each on these and many other points interefl- di
may ing to public happiness. ca
pariy Still farther, teli the public whether te
.nenfe the late French minister was not the fa- pa
Hal re- ther of yonV clubs ? Did he not, direct IK
'S a,nd ly 01 indiiedtlv fji'tttohe firft fru-irtv kt T I
- who -The Kltltr. tnaT nnn^Ttlii "TTv
watch ton ? Did he not do this, at the very tiii
your time he was iflumgcommiffions to cnlift fui
that men within the jurifdifiior' of the Uni • res
re de- ted States, for the purpose of making Imc
te ca- war on the Spanish dominions ? Was jpo
over this no.' a high mifdemeartor, for which, tr
You in most countries, he would have hazai- M<
deep ded his neck ? Was it not a daring vio- nin
name lation of pur laws, and one that commit -
Deal ted the peace of the country ? Does not
dag- this fame man, though out of office, I
sai.n continue in the country protected by the' the
:n—. jaws ? Does lie never attend your meet- S con
• te!- ing? Is he not intimate with some of j '
what your members ? Has he no influence in ' Re.
t our your councils'? Whispers of , this kind tied
umf- are abroad, and many good citi?eoa wish on]
uan to know the truth, so cautionfly con the
: life cealed from them. Come forward then C
. I and convince the world of your friend- Mr.
—- 2&J°L the i Iza,
vaits avowaf or aemal of tliefethinc-s tot
W 8 f f°T f ? nV n rd and P rove your /
lVc fathe '; hath aflerted and what lome of cu
con. your society insinuate, that British ?old 7
now has influence in our councils. to-rn
on ; As to the only good purpose your
rnan f«,et y could ever anfwcV even upon a v
aiy liberal plan, that of spreading political v
na- information—l would ortly af]< how you « ?
the can gain valuable information, that is r
re- truth, with doors shut against every per
c f « n principles are not, before I,is "2"
.— admission, proved to be the fame as u
-of your own? You shut out every body S
the but your party.and t(ien difcuil politi' o
)0a j Ca 'ons, This must be adifcuffion J,i
ran indeed, like that at the City-Hall la ft ■$
ors winter, with all the opinions and atjni o "
men .t» on one fide. If this fenat
critic way to gain information, it is n 1
m certainly a very odd way, and I%m sure ° /
e'r J? as n ° ex ample, except that of St.Peter s
ive 'ur m making orthodox Catholics r 1
ng which was to sentence every ma„ vl dera '
>a- would not be convinced, to be roasted - Mr
,0- to all eternity on the devil's gridiron m ' tte . e
ds The writer of this is no tory, no "V"
si- Brit.fh agent, no speculator. He h a
er native American, an old whig „f , '? f erd
of a plebeian, educated in the country on a '
ut farm where his friends follow "h
p- j plough for a living; he is not connected ?
1. I with any Engli/hmen nor F»v» .u ' title d,
;-s on earth, and hopes he never {hall be— St ;, C } 3
,e , n ? ver owned a shilling in the funds ■ '
I I s and 13 u " der influence .but that of '
c truth and integrity • a 1 1 , f present
= ™».ry .ndifc'Sll r'° h " Cl
t°f the midling class of r>cnnl ' i "l" P resen t;
- I scouting parties. " net si R ' prote
; A Federal Rep übljcan> t, ' ( ' rfe »'
— pro
second i
ot the 1
which f<
IN SENA TE, current*
Wednesday, May 28th, i 794> piefenta
[concluded ] k'^ a > - 1
c ir..:>ng | men 2?tibe"*ntcreft on the balances due
■ i your. &•:>!;■ «pan 2aal fctUc
iltenlible ment of the accounts between the UhS
■ society, ted States afid the individual States,"
:aH them was read the third time.
lot a lift On motion to postpone the further
• tories, confederation thereof until the next fef
en, and Con of Congress,
: yon no It pafltd in the negative, yeas—si
d whigs nays—l 2.
ot some The yeas and nays being required by
king off one fifth of the Senators present.
generdl Those who voted in the affirmative,
idifcreet are,
:be one MefTrs. Brown, Gunn, Hawkins,
? Have Jackson, Martin, Potts, Robinson, and
lor de- Rofs. •
noc-rat ? Those who voted in the negative, are, 1
iili one MefTrs. Bradford, Cabot, Jlllfworth, j 1
f other Foster, Ftelinghuyfen, Henry, Izard,
wn opi- King, Livermore, Morris, Rutherfurd, [ 1
fubjee- and Vining.
:remen- Onfcnotion, tp strike out the firft | :
icnts ? fediioti of the bilf. ]
;oial or It paired in the negative.
crutiny On motion tp adopt the following as ]
Is this' an additional feiftion to the bill, to wit .* 1
*w citi- " And be it further enadted, that
1 make when the legislature of any creditor t
leirfe!- State, shall have passed an act declaring
ar opi- that the creditors of such State, or so- 1
many of them as may apply, shall be t
Does allowed a proportion of the debt due to r
0 you? such State in lieu of their refpedtive de
fjudic'e matids, then the Commissioner of loans a
;ration of such State shall be authorized to re
would ceive such of the notes or certificates of c
on in- the said State, as may be designated bv j I
: forth an adt of the legislature thereof, and on 1 a
s, and the terms therein prescribed, and to jc<
rroag, give certificates therefor in the manner J p
tereit- diredted in such adt, and the said certifi- ai
cates shall be transferable, and the in- fe
lether terefl -which shall become due shall be fe
he fa- payable qcartcr yearly, in the fa'me man- tc
lircct ner as on the other certificates of the m
cty of United States. Provided that the Com- m
mi-'iionci-s oi 1 LWalls ihall not lifue cer-jVc
very, tiiicates to a greater amount, than the dt
cnlift sums due to the States in which they
Uni refpetfivcly #Ct, nor for a greater a
iking j mount of interest than shall be the pro- of
Was . portion of such State, and that no in- re;
Inch, tereft shall be paid before the last day of
azai- March, one thonfai.d seven hundred and frr
r vio- ninety Bye/*
timit- It pafTcd in the negative. mi
s not Refolyed, that this bill pass. wl
ffice, Ordered, that the Secretary acquaint on
y the J the House of Rcprefentatives with the ! uni
neet- j concurrence of the Senate in this bill. J do]
ie of The bill, sent from the House of
ie in Representatives for concurrence, enti- :Na
kind tied, 44 An laying cei'tain duties up- j
wish on fnuff and refined sugar,» was read .one
con- the second time. '
th ? ° r^: eC '' that thls hlll be referred to ' are
end- Mr. Ellfworth, Mr. Cabot and Mr. Me
iWic Izard, to cor.fider and report thereon He
to the Senate <-
our j After the consideration of the Exe- I
eof cutive biriinefs. q (|
?old Phe Senate adjourned to 11 o'clock verr
to-morrow morning. ]^ 0 j
n'a Mr T r rfday f '794- 5
ical 1 lnn 0m thc com mittee to 1
vou :: r t s r f fcned thc b;n > entitled, * na > ,£
'is f making ftnther provision for ! 1
fecunng and colleding the duties on so- j one
a "d domestic distilled spirits, ttills, i
wines and teas," reported amendments are '
which were adopted and the bill amend- < W
J ;> cd accordingly. . j Freli
™ .hyX"*
so ' ] ' he Vice-President laid before the T
io ~e natC thc re P° rt Of the Secretary for are »
; s f edf of war, on four additi- M
na l claims for compensation to invalid- J acki
? Per-fioiis which was read. ■ and 1
fidSattn d ' th3t thC rep ° rt h ' e f ° r Con " r"
ed JH" Vl ""'8 reported from the com- the f
ttee on Enrolled bills, that they had crease
10 eXa ,T )wi th . e bill, entitled, "An aft State:
a .Vf 3 ft prov ' f,on for the payment of the fervici
s . a e ' dt on the balances due to certain ° n
a ' u P on a fin .al fettlfmmt of the the c<
, c tS^ et Tr theU " ;tedß — d pre[a :
«It d d ': ,d A Ual S A tßt «"-alfo the bill e D . <
n v, n'• ,to com pensate Arthur orc
_ o] .CW and that they wet* duty ell .
»fl, f neffage from the Honfe of Re- of Dc(:
3 Cle[kT t,V " Ms * Ctklt >' tlieir ° f Act(
1 r " P [ e fident— The House of Re- cutive
■ f/J nta S have passed a bill entitled. she
- fnr*l! 3 ylng dut; « u P°n carriages to - mon
; en i , 7 0 t < V 7 atlCe ° f PerW'-abiil,
s.l . n f°r the more effedHi- f'Qt-(
i tier ferfl ° 1 f D " tb western fron
■er fettle, -s"-a n d a bill, eutil led, An
ie J'r»r ior lt ' e Payment of the
of th r T; th,e 0D a !oan madt Mr -
V), hr , of e Unitcli States," in tfnCed '
cum If' c they desire the con- a,
of the Senate." found ir
"I he Speaker of the House of Re- P
f lgned two cnro]lcd vice. 1
the f ' to bri »S them to profecut
v T> r? tl,e fig nature of the f av °red
Th V d'" And he W "hdrew.
fed bPi e s Taft e * fid Tu % ' Kd the «rol- "'I a
| - bills Lft repotted have been esamin- regimen:
iiiccrfduC and they wete delivered to the cc: \ *
" mittee tc * be laid before the President r
he Uhi- the United States for his approbation.
States," Mr. Vinjng reported from the cbml
mitte on enrolled bills that they did vet
- further terday lay .before the President of the
nextfef- United States the enroled bill, entitled
" An aft to alter the time for the next
reas—Si annual meeting of Congress," the b-'ll
entitled, "An aft further extending
Hired by the time for receiving on loan the doi
t. medic debt of the United States," and*
rniative, the bill, entitled, « An aft to continue
in force the aft for the relief of persons
lawkins, irtiprifoned for debt;" also that they
fofi. and hdd this day, laid before the President
of the United States the enrolled bill
>ve, are, entitled, »An aft making provjfion for
Ifworth, i the payment of the interett on the ba-
Izaril, j lances due to certain states, upon a final
herfurd, , settlement of '.he accounts between the
; United States and the individual states "
he firft j and the bill, entitled, An aft to com
peufate Artnui St. Clair."
The three lart bills brought from the
wing as Houle of Representatives for concur
to wit: rence, were feyerally read.
d, that Ordered, fhat they severally pass to
.-reditor the second reading.
'daring The erigrofTed bill to encreafe the mi.
,or so- I'tary force of the United States, and
hall be to encourage the recruiting service, was
due to read the third time.
:ive de- On motion to add the following, as
if loans an additional feftion to the bill &
Ito re- And be it further enacted, that in
:ates of cafe a war lhall break out between the
ited by United States and any European power,
and on at any time within two years, all non
and to commiflioned officers, mitficians and
nanner privaus then in service under this aft or
cei-tifi- any aft for raifin'g troops heretofore paf
he in- fed, who shall be willing to reinlift to
hall be serve in the troops of the° United States
eman- to the end of such war, {hall be per
of the mitted so to reinlift, and such reinlift-
Com- men; (hall thereafter cntkL- tWni»«re
lc cer " Vc,vc ""Mention to their pay of one
in the dollar and fifty cents per month
1 they It palled in the negative.
ter a- On motion to rellore the third feci ion
e pro- j Oi the bill, .fh icken out in the second
no in- t reading, to wit:
day of "And be it further enacted, that
rd and from and after the firit day of July next
'here (hall be allowed to each non-com
missioned officer, musician and private
who (hall then or afterwards be in service ■ on the present military eftablirtiment, or
h the under this act, the additional pay of one
bill, j dollar per month,
fe of It passed in the negative Yeas— 7.
enti- 1 Nays—l 3.
s up- | Jhe yeas and nays being required by
lca d | ,one fifth of the Senators present,
J 1 iiofe who voted in the affirmative,
;d to ! are
Mr. Messrs. Bradford, Cabot, Ellfworth,
treou Henry, Izard, Potts and Vining,
Thole who voted in the negative, are,
Exe- MelT. Brown, Foster, Frelinghuyfen,
Gunn, Hawkins, Ja- kfon, Kin;, Li
lock vermore, Martin, Morris, Robinson,
Ryfs and Rutherfurd.
On motion, that this bill pass.
eto It palled in the affirmative, yeas—l 2.
led, I "ays—B,
for ' ' ie y eas a "d nays being required by
1 so- i ont * °f 'he Senators present,
ills, ' Fhofe who voted in the affirmative,
ents are '
:nd- | Mers. Bradford, Oahot, Ellfworth,
- j Frelinghuyfen, Gunn, Henry, Izard,
the i K' n o» Morris, Potts, Rutherfurd and
j Vining.
the < Those who voted in the negative,
for are >
jiti. Mefirs. Brown, Foster, Hawkins,
lid- J ac kson, Livermore, Martin, Robinson,
and Rofs.
3n _ So it was,
Resolved, that this bill pass, and that
m _ the title thereof be, "An aft to en
a(j crease the military force of the United
1( States, and to encourage the recruiting 1
j le service."
,j n Ordered, that the Secretary desire
jj e the concurrence of the House of Re
|l(j prefentatives in this bill.
D _ On motion,
H Ordered, that three hundred copies
u _ ps the report of the Commissioners of
the finking fund, made on the 16th day
f of December lafl, be printed for the tile
• of the Senate.
After the consideration of the Exe
cutive business,
, { The Senate adjourned to 11 o'clock
to-morrow morning.
I, ""
- Foreign Intelligence.
* LIMERIC, Lb. 19.
Mr. Knarcftjorough, who was feiir
, tenced some time ago to death in Car
_ low, and was afterwards transported,
found means to efteft his escape, and is
at present an Officer in the French fer
] viie. He wrote a letter to his principal
prosecutor, near Dublin—we have been
favored with a copy—it ia as follows ;
" flou infernal Sccitr.dral,
"'I am now in France, Colonel of a
regiment of brave Sans C ulottes. 1 :v_