Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, June 17, 1794, Image 2

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    ERNARD de Clamoufe Browne, (
J being appointed Deputy Conlul
:ie United States of Ameiica, in
Jity of Oporto, Kingdom of Por
and concerned in the House of
r vieflVs. Bd. Clamoufe Browne, arid
of said City, offers their services
c execution of orders, as ta
:harge of any cOnlignments that
• . I e directed to said place, and ma
he returns in Wine, Salt, Fruit,
, ; other commodities that are ex
from iaid pott, at the lowest
The known and ex-
U credit of their House, derived
Century's eliablifhment, andex
■ ce, entitle them to the confidence.
, 1 1 . lii-j and u to moiie
it i .wn in the different ports of the
; ...1 States. This being the firft
C 1 >.far Oificeeflabiifhed in this city, the
< f ] has thought proper to draw up
t) ■ -loled directions to be delivered to
a i illers Of American vessels coming
!. r that they may have a thorough
v, ledge of the customs of this har
! . and thereby avoid many difficulties
( to -hich strangers often fall.
C ■ by Btrnard de Clamoufe Browne,
mty-Conful of the United States of
j erica in this City of Oporto, to all
1 Mttjlers of American Vcffels, to be
■ A <"ved in this Harbour.
1 All Ships that come over this Bar,
t< >at St. Johns, to receive the visit
of tl t Cattle.
'2. if the Matter of any vessel (hould
happen to have na dire&ion for any
hi ; - .1 this Citv. so whom to eonfign,
either tStK. veHel or cargo, the Denuty
of r onfibility, by this means the
ap, s will avoid all impositions to
>vhich Grangers are fuhjcifl.
v Vuy (liip that wants Franquia,
/• Licence to go out again without
n ' ling mutt not come to anchor high
er in between the Cross Rock and
Ki 'g's Yard callpd the Ouro, and is to
ir.and Franquia within twenty four
us; and any Matter who lhall ne
;,ieft to do it within that time will be
obliged to come to and deliver: But to |
obtain I' ranqnia, it is necessary to have j
it expressed in his Charter Party, Bills
of lading and other documents, what ]
other Port he is bound to.
4- Any (hip that is to unload but j
part of her cargo here, declaring at the I
Custom-House, what part of it' is for a
uothei Port, (lie will be permitted to j
proceed accordingly, provided it be ex-1
prefl'ed in the Charter Party, Bills of lad
ing &c.
5* No ship that brings gun-powder I
muil come up higher than Meffarellos,
where (he is to wait till the proper Offi-1
cers go aboard to have it unloaded there,
but the Master is to come a (hore (after I
the several visits have been aboard land
make entry at the Custom-House of his
cargo, and at the Consular Office.
6. All (hips that bring Bills of
Health aretocomeuptotheßandeirinha, i
at Miragaya, and the Mailers are to at- i
tend for the visits of Health inquisition, 1
and tobacco, having the ensign spread in <
its proper place.
, 7" W |len the tobacco visit goes aboard I I
both Matters and sailors must be very «
areful in producing what tobacco they I '
have to the Officers, because in cafe the I c
east quantity (hould be afterwards found 11
■ nore flrft p, uJ ;1 ced ( acordinp I *
0 the certificate the Master fignslit will a
e deemd a concealment, and they will h
'" c hable to "nprifonment and conlifca-1 si
tion, See. Neither are they to carry any p
)bacco or fnuff a(hore, ortocarry it from I f<
™ ""ft" mother, under the fame pen- vv
■ 'ties, the fame care to be takenas tofoap I as
and cards under the fame penalties.
Aher the aforefaid visits, the (hips I di
Upt ° the a "d the cc
HoufrV 6 t0 -° me t0 the Cust om-
Joufe there to give entry of their car- us
, ' and at tlle fame time to enter!
S h P r ft f they haV£ t0 make - he- ex
' the hatches be opened, and to have fei
urvey to determine what the damage I pr:
: Ce ' ded . f ™ m > and then they are To to
g ' aboard their refpeftive (hips to re th«
»S anv U ?T HO " fe Vi<st 5 and not ,efi
r boats' ° A C^-S ° bllt the P r °-1 dei
• 9 ethri r Ma -r °f ve fels are to pro- unc
1 1 r ?S ,ft f rs to the Deputy-Con- of
1 th he may al^er
' . the authenticity of their ve^ C " be ,
P-^to, citizens of the United States. :
P that has Custom-House to t
c, «ul aft ra ! 3ke a °y lading, has
tfo«tLw a H fid -n/othf fels
libert vh r ait^ r ,s taken off, un- o'cl,
° r Unload bal "
wunout licence from the office nel
haul along f^ e anv ru- ,' nei "
6 "te any (hip eit h er to V
■¥ I receive or discharge it without licence,
I nor throw any ballail overboard, or dif
lc ' ' charge it jn to any boat, bark, hulk or
. vessel: Penalties of irtiprifonment> and
ln a fine of 200 milrees if thrown over
-3~ board, if into a boat 50 milrees.
"! 12. No (hips are to receive or carry
abroad any piovifions, or any other
goods, without a licence, or proper dic
ta" patch from the Cullotn-Houfe, nor any
iat Portuguese Money : exceeding 20, pe
nalty at leait is seizure, and forfeiture of
the money and goods.
13. No kind of foreign liquors, wine,
brandy, mm, beer, cider, flour See. can
cX " be entered, being he redeemed as con
', ed traband.
cx ~ 14. If any Mailer has any Black, or
Blacks aboard either as servants or fai-
Y* lors, he is to manifeft them in the Cuf
. ® ton-House.
15. If any ship brings wines from
any part of this kingdom or the Klands,
l 'P the Mailer mull enter them in the Co
.to zinha.
16. When (hips are unloaded, they
" are to make a iignal with their ensign
spread in its proper place, and the Maf
-1 s ter must come to the Custom-House, to
sign the book, at which time they are
to make declaration of what goods,
provisions, or (lores (till remain aboard,
me i which if they neglect to do before the
r of Officers go over the (hip fide, the Maf
all ters will be condemned to pay the va
lue of the goods, over and above the
9 loss of rthem ; and they are to attend
when the said visit goes aboard.
sar, I 1 7* Before any vessel takes in goods,
irifiti the mailer is to come to the Cuflom-
I House and enter his vefTel outwards and
mid I > 8 t0 keep the dispatches of such goods
an y I is he receives, to be delivered to the
ign, I Broker when he comes to him in order
ltv-1 to clear at the Cuilom-Houfe,
. _ — wcfTiL to nave
the I their paper, current in the custom-house
to I ln order to fail, are to acquaint the de
■ puty-conful of it three or four days be
uia, J forehand, giving him their several dif
out I patches of goods loaded aboard, in order
gh-1 to give him time to pass them through
and I the respective offices, to prevent any
to I delay, which may otherwise happen by
our I the absence of the officers.
ne-1 19- All matters of vessels when they
be j are loaded, or ready to depart, are to
to I g° to the deputy-consul, to pay him
ave | their port charges and recovcr their re
ills giders, without which their dispatches
hat I will not be sent down to the Caflle for
I liberty to fail.
jut! 20. All mailers of (hips are to go
the I with the Broker and clear out at the
a. Outo, viz : King's yard before they
to fail, where they are to make oath, that
CX- they carry no Portuguese fai'lor. ; or if
,d- they carry any, to give in proper fecu-
I rity for their return hither, under pe
ler I nalty of four hundred Milrees.
js, 21. No great guns to be fired on any
85-1 occaiion whatever in the habour.
re, 22. No person whatever is to bring
er I to land any fort of fire-arms pointed
id| knives, nor forks, nor razors, nor awls,
lis I nor marline spikes nor any wood with a
I point, nor any other instrument of me
-3f I tal, whereby a wound may be made by
a, I a thrust or flab, under the penalty of
t- imprisonment, and being whipped, and
n, to serve ten years in the Gallies, and pay 1
in I one hundred Milrees. It
23 So many seamen being loft in this 1
■d I port from the consequences of drunk- !
y ennefs, it is earnestly recommended to all c
y matters of (hips as they value the lives I
eot their seamen, to keep them on board
'y-at-tutfhts -o»d on Simdnrs
g and holidays, and to caution those who t
111 are obliged to go on (hore, to keep so.
111 ->er and observe a decent behaviour, not
. I frequenting wine houses and other bad
A places ofrefort : if any seamen are p
, found m foch houses after dark, they !
. will be earned to prison and punished ti
> J as the law diredls. ' ,
I HT 2 ) 4 ' NU , Am f riCan seamen are to be dc
, discharged in this harbor upon any ac- „
I count. r ' ns
25. A constant watch is to be kept
I u P on deck day and night.
I 26. The matters are to pay all the !
feTtfthßf " d '. ng thelr f,ck fcamen ' wi
nr f V H ° f ? lta1 ' or seam ™ sent to Q
I pnfon for misbehaviour ; and they are ff
Ito receive on board their ve(Tels, on
leflVrhT baCk ' aU such feamen > Ce '
1 stall appear by a certificate, un- ,■
N er the hand of a physician, that f£h °
I seamen are unfit to to sea, in which •
cafe the fa.d matters are to give accounts R g
under oath, before the deputy Confu]
what shaH be due from them, to the "
seamen which lhall be deposits, to
be delivered to whom it may belo"
to take no icelhlt the'D k are
w NEW-YOR^T"June the "
e ear the British government of Nay
ce, Canada feel fucli apprehension of an at
lif- tack from the justly exasperated Ameri
pr cans, that a body of. troops is ordered
,nd from Qucbtc to Montreal. What part
er- of the frontiers they are destined for, is
not known, f
rry The report of Col. Simcoe's return
her to Niagara is without foundation,
lif- —
iny Extract of a letter from a gentleman in
pe- St. Doningo, to a refpedtable house
;of in this ]ity.
Mole St. Nicholas, May 26, 1794
ca ,', "The reinforcements which have
on . lately arriied from the windward Islands,
are alreadr gone against Port-au-Prince
of —that firall fleet confilla of 4 men of
f a ;_ war, 6 frigates and 12 transports with
j u f_ 4or 5000 men. We wait with much
impatience the result of that expedition,
rom fneeefs of which will hasten and de
-I(j3 termine the reduction of the whole If-
Q om land—one thing only creates uneasiness,
and it ia the embargo aid on in your
jj C y ports; its duration would prove very
sign prejudicial to us—but we hope that all
,j a s. cauffs of grievances between you and
. to 'he Englifli will soon [r they are not
are already] be removed to the entire fatif
3(jS) faction of the United S'ates, for the
ard, gl°ry an d piofpeiityof which we form
the the moftfincerc wishes."
las- — ——
end IN SEN J TE,
ods ' Mcnday, Mav 26th, 1794.
>ods Mr. Fotts from the committee ap
the pointed fcr the purpose reported, a bill,
rder to encreafe the military force of the
United Swes. and
lave which was read.
oufe Ordered That this bill pass to the
de- third readig.
be- Phe Seate resumed the confederation
dif- of the am<idment reported by the com- !
rder mittee to \Mom was referred, the bill, en
ugh titled, "Jn aft making provision for
any the paymet of the interest on the ba
-Iby lances due > certain states, upon a final
settlement f the accounts between the
hey United Stats and the individual states."
: to On motim,
him That th amendments be adopted
re- It paffedin the negative—Yeas 9—
:hes Nays 11.
for The yeasand nays being required by
one fifth of ,he Senators present
go 1 hose who voted in the affirmative,
the are,
ley Messrs. Brovn, Gunn, Jackson, Mon
hat roe, Morris, Potts, Robinson, Rpf s .
rif and Rutherfui?~.
cu- Those whovoted in the negative, are,
pe- Messrs. Brad'ord, Cabot, Ellfworth'
Foster, Hawkins, Henry, Izard, King,
ny Livermore, Martin and Vining.
The folloving written miffage was
ng received fromthe President of the- Unit
ed ed States by Mr. Dandrige his Secre
■ls, tary—
United StJtes, 26th May, 1794. i
by Gentlemen of the Senate, and of '
0 f the Houie of Representatives,
nd The Comniffioners of his Catholic
ay majesty havinj communicated to the Se- f
crctary of State the form of a certificate,
11s without whica the vessels of the United i
k- States cannot be admitted into the ports t
" f Spa 'n; I think it proper to lay it J
es before Congress.
' d Tt, c G ' ) VASH[ NGTON. I
pr- The SenrTf adjourned to Unlock n
10 to-morrow-morning.
it n/t May 27. w
Mr. Ellfworth from the committee
to whom was referred the message of the '1
V State! of the
d 9 th F^runry last, with a reprefenta- °
non from the Justices of the Supreme <•
Court, reported that the further coftfi. tl
deration thereof be postponed to the
" next feflion of Congress ;
And the repoi t was adopted. ra
P yeflnday, received from
. he r Pref,dent ° f the United StateT
• transmitting the form of a certificate
without which the vessels of the United "
be admitted into the ports CI
°~.P a,n ' l °S«her with the form of the
eemficate therem referred to, were read, th
tio? ' 11 )' confidera
. Thc Senate resumed the second th '
>"g of the bill sent f rom the House of mi
tled Pr « An'lft 3 t' Col,Cl ' rrence >
m ' A " aa making pr ov,f lon r
of the altered on the balances il
certain states, upon a final set lif
thp ' f " e amount of
,t m U ° C " "P""" 1 "> l» J- .0 1
r J
ii at- The /eas and nays being required ,
men- by one fifth of the Senators present,
lered Those who voted in the affirmative,
part tare,
>r, is Messrs. Jackson, Potts, Robinson,
Rofs, and Rutlierfurd.
;turn Those who voted is the negative,
Messrs. Bradford, Brown, Cabot,
an in Ellfworth, Foster, Frelinghuyfen, Haw
loufe kins, Henry, Izard, King, Livermore,
Martin, and Mojjris.
On motion to strike out the firft sec
' tion of the bill, to wit : ,
have "Be it enacted by the Senate and
ands, House of Representatives of the Uni
rince tec j Statrs of America in Congress af
'n of fembled, That interest upon the balan
with ces reported to be due to certain States,
iiuch by the Commiffioncrs for fettling the
ition, acc ounts between the United States, St
d de- Individual dates, be allowed from the
J e last day of December, one thousand
inefs, fcven hundred and eighty nine, and to
your be cotnputed to the last day of De
very cember, one thousand seven hundred
at all & ninety-four, at the rate of four per
j and centum pef annum; and that the aj
e not m () f f lic h interest be placedto the
fatil- cre( j; £ 0 f the Stale, to which the fame
the shall be found due upon the books
form „f the Treasury of the United States,
and shall bear an interest ofthree per
ceutum per an:ium, from and after the
said last day of December, one thou
sand seven hundred and ninety four."
It palled in the negative—Yeas 9 —
The yeas and nays being required
by one fifth of the Senatois present,
Those who voted in the affirmative,
e ap- are,
I bill, Meflrs. Brown, Gunn, Hawkins,
the Jackson, Martin, Potts, Robinson, Rofs
Those who voted in the negative,
othe are, b
Meflrs. Bradford, Cabot, Ellfworth,
ation I ofter, Frelinghuyfen, Henry, Izard,
com- King, Livermore, Morris, and Vining.
1, en- Ordered, That this bill pass to the
II for third reading.
; ba- The bill sent from the House of
final Representatives for concurrence, enti
i the tied, " An adl making further provi
tes." fion for securing and collecting the du
ties on foreign and domestic diftillcd
spirits, stills, wines, and teas," was read
9-~ the second time.
Ordered, That that this bill be re
dby feired to Mr. Gunn, Mr. Ellfworth,
Mr. Potts, Mr. Cabot and Mr. King,
itive, to consider and report thereon to the
Aon- A message from the House of Re
. jrefentati'wa, by-M»v-jWckfcy, their
Clerk :
are, « Mr. President—The House of Re
' » preventatives have passed a bill, entitled,
Jng, «An act to amend the aft, entitled,
_ An act to enable the officers and fol
was . diers of the Virginia line on continen
" tal establishment, to obtain titles to cer
:cre- tain lands lying north-weft of the river
Ohio, between the Httle Miami and
y. and Sciota," in which they defirc the
concurrence of the Senate." And he
The bill was read.
'clip Ordered, That this bill pass to tho
oe - second reading.
ate. The Vice-President laid before the
■ted Senate a memorial figued Thomas Lei
orts per and Gavin Hamilton— Manufac-
Y >t turers of Snuff in the City of Philadel
phia, on behalf of themselves and their r
• brethren throughout the Uniotr, re
°C ®° nft rating again!! the irapofition of
an exci.e upon the said article ; which
was read. I
Itee Ordered, That this memorial lie on }
t] le the table. 0
the The bill to increafethe military force 3
, ta . of the United States, and to encou- "
me 'age _ the recrwtmg service, was read "
ilfi. the lecond time, confidcred. P
the On motion, d
Ordered, That the further confide- *
rat.on thereof be poltponed until to
_>m morrow. tr
es, Mr. Brown from the committee to P '
te , whom was referred the bill, entitled, m
!ri ■ l ° com I ,C! 'fate Arthur St P "
rts *--iair, reported amendments, which S
* s - i.
3f mh? r ' Vi "'" g y, eported from ' ,?le com- fh!
■ mi t tee on enrolled bill., that thev had -e<
; en - u ' :kJ -" A '»«* w
tf'llii! 1 extending the time for recciv- cir
; n g - t °", [ Han ,h <-' debt or the lA^
«« Anla S ;r"- an<, - tl V e 1 " : I1 ' emi,!cd ' ™
the relief f T for
fj. debt "fK° P 0,18 -mprifoned so, Or
Aft.? latI at the ?r re - th.
After the conhdenStion „f tft e t*e- to 1
f to iT tne Scnnte adjourned If
f \xr j r t0 P lorrow morning-, p] e<
, T, f da >"' '794- £
The bill (ent from the House of Re- df>l
Clair" ' Col "P e nfatc Arthur St. If
Clair ' was f sad the thfld time. w ;n
red On motion,
It was agreed to re-consider the a .
ve, mendments to this bill, in the second
reading. ,
on, Refolred, That this bill pass without
ve, Ordered, That the Secretary a »
quaint the House of Representatives
iot, with the concurrence of the Senate in
iw- this bill.
ire, The bill, sent from the House of
Representatives for concurrence, enti
ce- tied, «An aft to amend the aft intitu
led,** An aft to enable the officers and
md soldiers of the Virginia line on conti
rni- nental eftablifhtnent, to obtain titles to
as- certain lands lying north we ft of the ri
an- ver Ohio, between the little Miami and
:es, Sciota, was read the second time,
the Ordered, tliat this bill be referred to
, oc Mr. Jackson, Mr. Rutherfurtj and Mr.
the Brown, to consider and report thereoii
ind to the Senate.
to A message from the House u s.R e .
De- preferttatives by Mr. Beckley their
red Clerk :
per "Mr. President, The Speaker of the
: House of Representatives having signed
the two enrolled, bills, lam directed to bring
me them to the Senate for the signature of
As > the Vice-Prefident"—Andhewithdrew.
tes, j The Vice-President ligned the enrol
per | led bill, entitled, "An ad further ex
the tending the time for receivingpn loan
ou- the domcftic debt of the-United States,"
' alio the enrolled bill, entitled, "An
i — acl to continue in force the act for the
relief of persons impriforied fjr debt,"
red and they were delivered to the commit
, tee to be laid before the President of the
ve > United States for his approbation.
The Senate refttmed the second read
ns, ing of the bill, to inereafe the military
ofs force of the United
coinage the recruiting fervicr.
ve, On motion, to expnnge the firft fee
tion ot the bill as follows.
th, «Be it enacted by the Senate and
rd, House of Representatives of the United
ig. States of America in Congress adeni
ne bled, that the President of the United
States /hall be and he is hereby autho
of rized during the next recess of CongrtTs
iti- to raise and. equip such additional mili
vi- t?.ry force as circumstances (hall in his
lu- judgment render necessary, not exceed
ed ing ten thousand non-conimilfioned of
ad ficers, muScians and privates to serve
for three years unless sooner discharged,
re- together with a proper proportion of
th, oommiffioned officers of all the grade 9
ig, refpefttvely, according to the preleut
he military establishment of the United
- e ~ It pasTed in the_i)eg3UK,.j£st— 8.
fir nays—l 2.
The yeas and nays being required by
-e- one fifth of the Senators present,
Those Svho voted in the affitmative,
d, are,
>1- MefTrs. Brown, Foßer, Hawkins,
n- Jackson, Livermore, Maitin, Robinson
r- and Rofs.
er Those who voted in the negative, are,
id Mefirs. Bradford, Cabot, Ellfwortli,
ie Frelinghuyfen, Gunn, Henry, Izard,
ie King, Morris, Potts, Rutherford, and
Ordered, that this bill be engrolfed
18 for a third reading.
|e (To he Continued.)
-- From the Nf.h>-York Diary.
ir To the Democratic Society of the City
of New-York.
1 WHEN perusing your address to the
people*of the United States, wherein
you in one part fay, " We call upon
1 our enemies to form amongst themselves
a permanent political society in this city,
under any name they please, let their
' number be equal to ours; we will reci
procally exchange the name of each in
dividual member, and thereby give an
equal opportunity to them, and of us,
of diffufing the character, the opinions,
the general conduct of each person conn
pofing the two focietics, from the me
morable 19th of April, 1775, t°
present moment, and thus place it in the
power of you, our fellow citizens, to
discover on which fide the love of coun
try, and the true principles of republi
caniim, have been mod prevalent." I
(must, as an individual, entertain an in
different opinion of your canfe, or
those who support it, to fee yon redu
ced to the ii.eceffity._fif.proofing
v.'isiTa mcsiure as the tell of your prin
ciples. Do you fuppofc the citizens of
America less enlightened than those
composing your society, and that thev
j would accede to your childilh proposal ?
| Or, are you so aflvamod of "your conduct
j that you desire forne limilar institution
to take a part of your mortification ?
If you acted upon the generous jjrinci
pies you so much boast of, why not pub
lidi a lift of those whofc cbaraEter.s,frin
ciples or general ccnduP. '75> )' Jtt
dare lay before your fellow-citizens .'- —
If their virtues are already known, it
will seem. {till to lighten tiiein by their