DA I L Y EVENING ADVERTISER. [No. 4 of Vol. Vl.] JAMAICA RUM, LNNDINn; at Hamilton's wd'arl, a rve j the Drawhridje, «nt of rue fliip Bacchus v • Cent. Vannemam. I'""" Jamaica. 1 FO i SAI.F IP' PETER BLIGHT. L d l!> Mjy lOr Tor sale, At the STORES of . Tefle & Robert Wain, _ PORT WINE in pi pes, lihds. anil <]!iar far calks LISBON pipei ..WtiMner calk, Souchong and Congo TEAS, in <]ua! tei cliefts cat 5 A niVMtit.' of Lifton aqrt Cad z SALT Sos t fh-llort ALMONDS in bales Velvet CORKS, in do. Knflia. MATTS. I«9 d 11 AdvcrtifemeiU. THE relations ol M'' rim u.i Curtis, formerly of EUicof'i Upper Milh, and lately «fthe City of" W.i<Wgton. a etie fired to apply and l ave 'lisaiiirs set tied. , t , \ City of Walhinfeton, April 1 /CM w ' m&t'"4 vv All persons who have any dc mands upon ue New T! eatr<, a'e reqneft- ed to iend in th*\T' t;> No. 234, x ■ Arch Itreir, near Ei ;hth (trees, as loon a ° convenient. WIGNSLL Zz REIN GLF.. Mav *' ~ it is Hequeited, THAT 110 pe son wi * •>' art'cle- \j for r!ie life o' the Nfw I heair'e. witlini , an order in writing/lig.o«l by Oilrielves, o- Samuel A.-iderfon, tor 11 NVIGN't LL & REINAGIE- May ,lr ' AETVETRTLS £ MENF, 3 LETTERS on the fubjefl of the Walh ington Lottery, being by mistake repeat- . ccllv addrefll-d to tlie Commi doners for the City of Washington. Persons concerned are hereby inform d, that all such should be either to W. Deakins jun. of Walhington, or to ;he ' Subscriber. The commissioners never hav- j _ ir.g contemplated any further concern in this btifinefs, than in their aflentto i;ec lw theb.mds and approve the names of the 3 managers. The prizes'Jiave he -1 paid and are t>a*/ing on demand by W. )-»■ akir.s, Washington, Peter Oilman, Bolton, ana by the Subscriber. ' For the Lottery No. 2, the feenrities al ready given will be retained by the com miffigners, or transferred by iliem at thejr optioA to the bank of Coluhrlbia ; and the commissioners will be conlulted refpedlin;c a judicious and equitable difpofit'on o- the houses to he built thereby ; their treasury or the bank of Columbia will receive the • money intended for the National Univer- 0 fitv, and they will be consulted in the no mination of the 14 managers ; but all th<! responsibility refpedling the general dispo sition of the tickets, and payment of pri zes, will reft as in the Hotel Lottery, on the persons whose names are and may be 1 hereafter published as assistants to forward thisbufinefs with » S. BLODGET. N. B. Mr. Dlodgct w : ll be particularly obliged if those persons who poflefs prizes yet unpaid, will apply for their money as early as poTible. June 7th. d. .. One thousand Dollars REWARD. d Some few Counterfeit Poft-Nce* of the Bank of Maryland, having been Jatclv disco- c vrred in circulation, and on tracing the fame * Averc found to come bom 'he back parts of r Virginia, where they prol»abfy firlfc issued ;to .1 avoid imposition it is thought ncceir<jry tt» f give 'he following dpfcription of tjicm, by which they may readily be detett d. c Thev have the letter D, for the-r alphabet:- c cal mark, at the left hand fide of ihe Notr. t The paper on which thev are printed is t more fott and tender, the IfrokeJ of the letter , t in the engraving are in general (Ironerer, and r have a darker appearance than in the bills. t The signature William Patterlon, is barflv v donr, the strokes of the letters, are Itiff and labored, and appear to be painted over wi«h [ the pen, sis well as the flourifhingof the name. The vaJu eis left blank in the engraving, 10 , be filled up in writing, so the sum may be more or less at pleasure. No true Post-Notes of the alphabetical J mark, above deferibed, h«ive been lately is sued, and very few are now in circulation. The above rev/ard of One Thousand dol- 1 lars will be paid to any person, or persons, who shall discover, or prosecute to convi&ion, 1 the fever a I offenders, or any of them, of ihe '• following description, viz. ' The person or persons, who 1 engraved the ' plate. " t The printer, or printers of the said bills. ( Evtry person who has a£ted as principal in anyway in the counterfeuing and uttering t the aid bills. j WILLIAM PATTERSON. President. of the Rank of Maryland. Baltimore, April 8, 1794. N. B. The printers in the neighbourln ftatcs are reqnefted to republifh the above. "^ Ol Croix, |y 1 ' Tbe Ens-™*™ f< SCHUYLKILL, | L v»ne | i'KAncis Knox, Matter. j O! LYING at Morton's wiiarf, and to fai! | ii a day-. She >s a usw velT I, ca'cn- IC< "teri to acrotjimodtvte passengers, and will ; (j) f :ke .'one frei<;l)t. For tenns which or j apvv .p'JhiKipx. or W IVHARTON & GREENES. June 10 6t C< For AMSTERDAM, J; Mi^> ABIGAIL > c;: Gardner Hammond* ■ - 1 ■ Mailer. TO f;iil with a'l tonveiv.e it Ip-ed, bav inc. >vo third Jof her earr,o already enltatv .*d. For freight or r apply to laid nifl- r 011 board at RulFell'', wharf, or the \V übfcrihe r . JOHN DONNALDSON. June 10. 1 — ()t ' For Hamburgh, v* " ew shi P I mm£.S T A R, • jOK.I Vi.NNF.MAN, Mast r. TO ..111 "lib ail convenient I'peed, havmj; Svte fourths of her cVrgu already e.iga»ed Tor IV ight or appV to the maftei THOMAS 'J JOHN KETLAND. lure 3- d Jf-Fi'K** For Charter, T& Ships ; John Bujkeley, FOUR *FRIENDS, Til Will be reai.y in cceive their, car _ I>e ,111 a few days, and will carry about 21 O barrsliij'Ch. For te msappl-. to JESSE ROBERT IVALN. Tnne o. fV,r Sale or Charter, j T'-t Jn rear hip J MARGARET, , !ie ingat .viailey's wnarf v v- | " ea ' lu '" ut rte t) in ,1 r ) ,m,: .■ 1 y one voyage; ii a ftaunrh ' vc fl r.d vellVl, ai d will carry about >K ' 3>JO 1 mi-rcls, 01 I bulb: -ts of g- a si— • \apiy to ' s, ' ? wrnmroN w LEWIS. •i June 10 d d- FOR HAMBURG" Thk Brig 'f T J,At>r IVALT r-RSTORFF) Z iam waters, Mujier. , y WILL fail in the course of a tew days, ie for i re'ght or parage, apply to. the Captain r . on board, at the fubfcribeis whar., or to 0 . JOSEPH SIMS. June 12. d6t. '?• Carolina Rice and Indigo, bay MAHOGANY and FRENCH Z BURR STONE S, -d FOR SALE BY Gurney and Smith. ly May 14- <] es as Ricba d Johns In the Chancery Court d of the John Wells and ( State of Maryland, ~~ M:rdecai Cole. 3 May i(tb 1794 The Complainant hath ftl ed his b;ll, f<>r the purpose of obtaining a decree, to vest in him a complete legal title to two tra<fts of land, lying in Baltimore o cou ty, one called Painters-Levt 1, con ne taining IOD acre*., the other called 0 ) contai/ngso a.erer,.Hedates,that the (aid to J ah '* re " ,; 011 the i6rh day of March.l 774 to pontraft'J to fell ihe fa-d land to the fa'd Ty MordecaiC<>le,B<reKeciued to him a bond for conveyance,t iat the said Cole, on the fame ti. day, execuied to the said Wells a bond for pavm nt of the purchase money amoun is t'ngto/675 Petinfvlvania currency, that r , the said Cole hnth fi'ice cifcharged the whole id of the purchase mon.n, and hath afli£isc<i to 1 he thgfnirt con vevance; that the 'aid Wells hath never executed a deed, agreeably to his contrart : but hath removed out of the IHte of M.>ry ,f"* land, and now resides in the state of Ken tuckv. c It is thereupon, and at the reqneft of the <a j complainant, adjudged, and ordered, that he procure a copy of this ordei to be insert . Dat 1 iffc (Ik weeks fucce(lively, before thefirft day of August next, in the United 1S States Gazette at Philadelphia, to the in >n. said Jolin Wells may have no he ticeofilie complainants application to this court, and may be warned to appear he here, on orbefo e the fir/l Tuefd vin Oc tober next, to shew cause wherefore this cofli t. fhousd tv>r proceed to decree, agTre in ably to the praver of the complainant, and ng to the aft of assembly, soy such cases made and provided. nt. Tel, Samuel Harvey Howard. In Keg. Can. June 13 " mwSif6w Monday, June 16, 179 •• !VI.AI) i'.IRAJ 1 SUCK lIY, j | A t I'ORT, }. WlNESofthefirftqnality * , LISBON, & | j I>r ITCNERIFFE J }Jrc Old Jamaica B,>i it, Antigua and Well In dia Kum. r I Comae, F»#»ncb and Peach B^andir-: Claret and Port Wine of a superior qua- 5° j lity in cases. 2 ,5 C Win? Cyder and Vinegar, in pipes and »° hhds. 10 Corks in Rales,Havannah Segars in Boxes. 10: Philadelphia POl ter, in Calks and Bottles, i London do. in do. ilo. Philadelphia Ale and Beer in do. do. J London do in do. do. and -— Cyder :n barrels and bottler prepared for exportation or i medial -■ nTe, FOR SALE BY Benjamin W- Morris, /V The corner of Dock and Pear Jlreets, x; Whe»e he has provided luitable ltores and vaults, for the reception of WIN E5, &c. Which h«* proposes to store or dispose of on commiflion Captains ofveflels and others fupnlied with any of the above LIOUOUS bottled, and eaftores in ger.eal put up. May 9 tu&f2m JUST PUBLISHED, MATHEW CAREY, c 118, Marl ft Jlrerlg Price 18 cents, p, T H E Catechism of ]\[aii ; pointing out fom found principles, a»»d 1 acknowledged farts the Rights and Di- ties of every Rational Being. \m I therefore become yourenemy beennfe t I »eM von the truth ? Gal. iv. 16 Now all thel'e things happened unto tl e.n 4, so« examples, and they arc written for our admooiti<>n, upon whom lie ends of 5 the *arth are come. i Cor. x i May iO tuth&:s2w 6 7 Stock Brokers Office, No. 16, Wall-street, New-York 8 h r T" I HE Subscriber intending to conf.iit him it -L leit entirely tf> the PI'F.CHASE and _ SaLK OF STOCKS »n COMMISSION,h-gs 9 leave to « ft i his'crvi(«s to ou friends ari( tf .■i)» .« rh Si..fW.-Sr..lfHT Tkof 1 who may pleaf< to favor him with their bufi ness. may dep» nd upon Having it tranfa&eri \\-i(h the ji.mr.ft fidelity ind r^ifpatch. Orders fiom Philadeiph a, Boftori, 01 other part of United Siatc«, will be. p llritUy attended ro. ] / LEONARD BLEECKFR. J m&thtf ( n Excellent CLARET, i ' In hogfticads and in cast sof 50 bottles each. ALSO, 4 - A few cases Champaigne wine ; t MADEIRA, • In pipes, hop,thcads and qnaiter CaHts, FOR SALE BY JOHN VAUGHAN, No. in, Fftuu itreet. Jan. 2, 1*794. dtf n Just Publiflied, In one handsome volume,iamo. Price 55 AND FOR SALE BY , JOHN ORMROD, a At Franl/in's Head, No. 41, Qhefuut le Strc't, re AN ESSAY ON THE Natural Equality of Men, , On the Rights that result from it, and on ? 4 the Duties which it imposes. d To which a MEDAL was adjudged, by " r the Teylerian Society at Haarlem. le Corrected and Enlarged, by or WILLIAM LAWRENCE BROWN, n " D. D. Prol'oiTor of Moral Piiilofopliy, and the c Law oi Nature,- and of Eccleliaffical *" Hiftoiy ; and Minister of the Englifb 1 " Cliurcli at I'treclit. Aliquid Temper ad communfm ntilitatem ass Cicero. The Firjl American Edition. THEgraud principle of Equality, if iiv rightly under ft ood, is the only basis ;lt . on whi'-.h universal juft'ce, faced oider, r{ _ and perfect freedom, can be firmly built, re and permanently (ecured. The Vew of ec « it exhib ted in this essay, at the fame time n thai ir rcprefles the infoience of office, |0 „ ! the tyrar.ny of pi ide t and the outrages of to "ppreflion ; confirms, in the most forcible ar manner, the ne'cellity of subordination, , c and the just demands of lawful authority. So far indeed, from Idofening the band e of society, that it maintains inviolatr, e nd vf * r y natural and every civil difti on. draws more cloely every' social ne, unices in one harmonious and jnftly proportioneu system, and brings men together on the . even ground of the inherent rights of hu *• man name, of reciprocal obligation, and of a common relation to the community. March 18. tuts j LANDING I c v ' At Wain's -xbarf, from on board the \ j Brig Susannah, IVm. Foulle Majler, I ! from Teneriffe'. 80 PIPE§ Teneriffe Cargo WINE, I 50 Hogflie*ds d(). do. I 250 Quarter Calks do. do. I d iO HojifhVads India Market do. I idd Qiiarter Casks do. do. I 1 ;. iod do. do. London particular, do. I £ en For Sale Ly ha " KUHN. I v f ! " June i 4* 6t. I t - I tlie NANKEENS. c" | of t Nankeens of Superior Quality, I ' FOR SALE AT I rea d No. 40, north Fifth Street, j t,k April ji. mw&ftf | .' I ma , f Medical Books. JUST PIJKLIBHFD, I — '' By 'Thomas Dolfon, at the Stone Hoitfe, I No. 41, J'ouih Seco d Jlreet, V O 1.. 11. j Fo. Medical Inquiries obs e r Vat ions, be! By BENJAMIN RUSH, M. D. Proff(T»r of the Inflitutfs of Mrd'Vine, and I ol Clm'cal P» art ice ?n the Univer- 1 fityo! P nnfyivahia. | — r> O. Nt A I N I NO I An inquiry into the i. flucnre of pnyfical j C upon the moial fjn iflty. I v l " 2. An mqui v. into th< ctt<6ls of fpiritous I'. I mi<>n the humon body, and their in j flu: nee upon the happmtfs of focicty. •fe 3. An inqu'ry into « lit caults and cuie of thf I pUi'mouaiy c nfumption. hn 4. 0"fe» vit turns on the iy'mptumfc and cure ol I 01 drop fits. of 5. An Inquiry info the causes and the cure of I internal dtopfy of ihr biatn'. 6. An account of the as thev ap- | 'Hj peartd in Philadelphia, in tlie vear 1789. J J 7. An account of the influenza, as i« aoptar- I ed a cd in Philadelphia in the years 1789,1790, j H " 5 and 1791. I 8 An inquiry into the causes ol the increase j N of b'dtowsand remitting levers, in Penn- I pc rr . fylvania. I i" r ' d 9. An inquiry into the caufcs and cure of foie j K I gs. I V 'r 10. An accruni of the slate of the body and I ( 'n d i I ford oge, with obfei various upon I T 11s <i 1f« af< s am their rcmed ips. |C l< Price one dollir vikl a quarter unbound, 01 I P one and a half ntatly bound. | 'el I tc b( I L Medical Tranfaftions f or THE _ I | 0 College of Physicians of Philadelphia. J VOL. I.—P A R T I. ci Pi ice ore dollar in boaros. I ic ch '■ I r A Treatise on the Diseases of J a t e; Children. <» With genrral direfciions' for the tnamgr.i cnt I cl of infants from ihe biith, adapied for I ' the use of fchvficars and p ;v t I By Michael Underwood, M. D. I > Lkentitle of Midwifeiy in tho i<« \al Col- I lege of Phyftcians in I ondon, and f Ph>hcian of the Biitifh fpnal. Price one Dollar. acknowl. dgf.! o be the bed book I 5 5 which has been publifhid on the fuhjt £t, a rid J is £alcnla*cd for ihe use of pat n s, nurses, I and nnva-e families, as well <is for j ' —The two Volumes bandfomelv printed in I lit unr, and the pncronly al>out one third ol I - what the imported copies fell for. I 1 — I 2 The Edinburgh New Dispensatory, two I dollars. on Syftcm of Surgerv, extracted from tb< I 3 wt.rksof Benjamin Bell, by Dr. Wateis, 2 I , dols. c< nts. -I li System of Anatomy, ex:raGicd froft) the Ift Encyclopaedia, wirh Je copperplates, 2 I * SjfUniof Chennfiry, extradltd fiom tht I 'N, Encyclopaedia, exhibiting a view of the pu - I i;»t-fs of the fen ncte, and the differcn fyftrnn I the vvh'cn hiive been published* 2 dols. 50 cents. I P ical Hr< wii's Elements of Medicine, 2 dols. j t! lilh 67 cents. I J rem T. Dobfon has in the Press, I ! ). An edition ot the Mrdical and Philofop bi I ( c? . Commentaric sos Edinburgh. Twov «. I if urms are printed in one at 2 dollars and 50 I ( lafis rf nts per volume; he has nearly fimfhed the I ei fiv fit ft v(<liimes, whi- h contain the firft ten I p volumes of the European edition, wh ch fell I | lor two dollarscac.h. Nine volumes w II in- | , itne ( l Ur ' e eightecu European volumes, which I w! 11 briogthe publication up to the prefenr I v lc 'of 11 )!r ' Like<wife for sale a considerable number of I t io , s Medical Books, viz* If . tw ' Cuilen's Practice, Materia Medica, Phyfi- I ind' °'OMV'0 MV' and SyAopfis. Be IPs .Surgery, 6 vols. I < or 4 vols, do. on Ulcers, Burhan'<. Domeftit I - ; e Medicine, Ledran's Surpery, ChfTelden's A I . on ' netomv, Hunter on the Venereal, Swedeea- I ver on do. Rollo on Wtft India Diseases; I nea Rigby on Uterine Hemorrhage, Hamil'on's I outlines of the theory and practice of M'd- I hu wiferv, with or wuhout plaics ; do. 011 the I and m anagement,of Fe male complaints. Mcafe I ty. >n Hydrophobia, «Scc. &c. tf March 5. L Whole i\o. 5^4. I 'The Ground Flu, ? I I THE City and Suburb? PHILADELPHIA. TAKEN FROM JTCTVAL SVRI'Er. I IT'is with pleafuicibat the publiftier I to inform his fiibfcribers and the ptibl I general, that the plate is now tindei I hands of" the engraver, 4nd in greatet , - 3 I wardnfs than was at firft contemplate! I the fame time he begs leave to r <i:.d I them, i'li t jubfciiption paprrs are ft I pen at mod of the noted book-stores in the I city; and that he hopes from the < Smi; I of then) to b< enabled to so: m inch a J peftable catalogue of names, aswill ' I credit to the work, as well as affon. 1 | reasonable encouragement to the u n ' I taker. I Those who arc dMirous of farther it .r- t I mation are rec|nefted to call on Benjamin Davies, No. 68, Markt (Jlreet. | April 14. m&t'.itf To be Let, j For Merchants Compt 'mg Houses or VU ■ I ; . ; Off"*' I Tv/o. brick 3 ltory House I HAVING 6 io<7lls in e<ic:i,wi n hit c? I befuc gar reis,:i> uate nn the south iveiterK tide I of Do k street, b« t ween £ear diid W>i«« ; ; I tbeetS. Enquire of d BENJAMIN W- MOP.RI I April 17. tuih&nt dl Scheme of a Lottery, To ratfe 39*900 Dollars, on 266,000 " j Dollars, dedueling 15 p er C/ent- from h f I the Prizes—this Lottery cenftjis of 38,000 Tickets, in which there are o1 I 14,539 Prizes and 23,461 Blanks, of I being about one and an half Blanks to I a Prize. p- I / ~p % H£ Dneftors of the Society lor eftabiiH' - ). J X int> Us ful having iff l'.- jr. j pd to crcft LOT 1 EK'IES. for tailing One )0, i Hundrkd Thousand Dollars, ag'eeab'y I to an Aft ot the L' giflaUire of ihc St rite of afe I New-]erfVy, have appointed the following in- I pcrfons to fupeiintend and diieft the dtaw- I ing of the fame, viz. Nicholas Low, Ruins 31 f } Kmg, Herman Le Roy, James Watson, I Richard Hanifon, Abijah Hammond, and nd I Cornelius R?y, of the city ol New-York — I Thomas Willing, Joftph Ball, Matthew M*- I Connrl and Andrew 8.-yard, of the city of 01 I Philadelphia—His Excellency Richard How. I ell, Esq. Elias Boudinot, General El as Lay [ton, Jams Parker, John Bayard, Doctor I L; wis Dooham, Samut I W. Stockton, Jofhna IS I M. Wallace, J feph jiloomficld, and Eiifha I Boudino;, ot Niw-Jerfey, who offer the I following Scheme cf a Lottery, and pledge ia - 1 ihemftlvts to the public, that they will take I every afTurance and precaution in their power I to have the Monies paid by the Managcis, I rom tinae to time, as received, into the f j Bat.ks at New-York and Philadelphia, to I remain for rhe purpofc of paving Pnz I which fhnll be immediately discharged by a cn( I check nnon one «-f the Banks. fo> SCHEME: 1 Pnzcot 20,000 Dollars is 20,cc0 I 1 10,000 10,000 ol- I 2 . 5,000 10,000- I 5 2,000 10.000 10 1.000 10,000 I 2 0 500 lev COO I 100 100 IC,OOO >ok I 300 50 1$»000 »n< j 1000 20 20,cc0 fes, I 2000 15 30,00 c HIS I 3000 12 36,000 in I 8100 10 81 ,oco ol I I '4*539 262,000 I 23,461 Bianks. First drawn number, 2,cco wo I Laftdrawn number, 2,0c0 th? I 38.000 Tickets at 7 Dollars each is 266 ocj ■ 2 I The drawing will commence, under ihc l frfon of a Committee of the Super m the I fendanis, as soon as the T.ckcts are fold, ot ols. I which timeiy notice will be given. tht I The Superintendants have appointed T»hn ,i . . I M. Cummin?, ot Newark, Jacoh'-RrTlaiV ms I denbeig, of New-Brunfwick, and Jonathan n:s. I Rhea, of Trenton, as immediate Managers ols. who have given ample security tor I d fchargrng the truU reposed in them. I (£3" In order to secure the pun&u 1 pay- ! I ment ot th< j Prizes, the Superinttndan s of I 'he Lottery have din&ed that the Manager | I ihall each enter into bonds in 40,000 dollars, ' I with f«-u* fuffici'ent fecuriti's, to perform their 5° I iiirtruftions, the substance of which is tu I I. That whenever either of the Managers ' en I (hall receive the. sum of Three Hundred I)e»ir c ' I lars, he shall immdia'ely place the lame in ! n " I one of the Banks of New-York or Phtlade!- | IC I phia, to the ciedu ol the Governor of the enl I Societv, and such ot the Superin endan s I I've in the cuy where the monies are placed, r of I t«> remain thereuntil the Lpttery 15 draw n', J for the paymnt of the Prizes. iyfi- I 11. The Managers to take fufficient f**- 'ols. I enritv for any Tickets they may trull, other, eftic I wife *0 he refpouuble for 1 hem. A I 111. To keep regular hooks of Tickets e< a- I old. Monies received and paid into the fes; I lank, a -(hafts of which shall he fcr , °n' c I oonrhly, to theGovrrnor ol the Society. I'd- I Paterfon, January 1, 1794. tie I On application to cithn of the above n [eafe I 1. men, information will be given wheru* I tickets mav be had» I Febiuaiy tu&ftt.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers