Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, June 14, 1794, Image 4

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    P'iil«delpWat Maveh, 1 i 794-
rfo. Itß, Market jireet,
odern Geography :
( 'graphical, Hijioricdl, and
Commercial Grammar-,
And urefl'iit flare if 'he leveral
Th«* and distances of
tot lie Newtonian fyP
the obfervationi
2 i general view ofjthe eartfyConfidepet?
* 'anetjwlth feveral|ufeful geographic*
unr. a"d problems.
fhc g and dWifions of the globe into
* latfd aid water, continents and islands.
4 Tiie /Jtuation and extent of empires,
Vin .ns.ftates, provinces and colonies.
fheir eUmafes air, foil, vegetables,
P Hons, metals, minerals, natural tufi
r% ;s,proitiontories>
'he birds and bt aftj peculiar to each
* )fervatiorts on the changes that have
v where observed upon the face ot
ince the most eatlyj periods of hif
e hiftrtry and origin of. nations (
ms of government, religion* laws,
naval and military ftreugth
e genius, manners, customs, and
f ttte people.
leir language, leaftiing,arts, fcien
•.ufa<flures 4 and commerce.
Ie chief ilru&ures,
icial curiosities.
Ie longitude, latitude, bearings*
ices of principal places from £hila
Tc which arc added,
OBOGRAPrticAL Index, with the
a nd l »lac«~ alphabetically arranged^
Table of the Cotws of all nations)
it ir value in dollars and cents.
ZtiKQNdLoGtCki T of remarka
bl nts,fTom tlte creation tothtprefent
it Agronomical Part by
D . Rittenhouse.
fa which have been added,
The late Discoveries of Dr. Hers c Hell,
and other eminent Astronomers.
Corrected, Imp oved, and greatly Enlar-
The firft Volume contains twenty-one
Alaps end Charts,belides two Agronomical
Plates, vit.
i Map of the world. 2. Chart of the
worle Europe. 4. Asia. 5. Africa. 6.
South America- 7. Cook's difcovenes.
9- Countries round the north Pole. 9.
Sweden, Denmark, and Norway, to- Se
ven United Provinces. 11 Auflrian,
French and Dutch Netherlands. ia. Ger
raany. 13. Seat of war in France. 14.
France divided into depattments. 15.
Switzerland. :6. Italy, Sicily, and Sar
dinia. 17. Spain and Portugal. 18.
Tu key in Europe and Hungary* 19- Ire
land. i 3 Weft-Indies. 3i. "Vermont. 22.
Ar miliary sphere. 23. Copemican system.
With the fetoiid volume, which Is now
in the pre(s, will be given the following ,
Maps t b £ |
1. Ruffla in Europe and Afit. ,
2. Scotland.
3- England and Wales. !
4- Poland.
5. China. I
6. H'tuloftan. ,
7. United States* <
5. British America. ]
9. Sute of New-Hamp(hf r#. 1
10. State of Mafiachu ! etft< I
11. State of <
j2* State of Rhode Iflanf}. <
it State of New-York. <
>4- State tf New- jersey.
15* State of Pennsylvania. a
16. Mate of Delaware.
17. State of Maryland. *
18. State of Virginia. r
J 9- of Kentucky.
20 State of N.^rth-Carolina. c
21. Tenneflee Government.
22. State ofSouth-Carolina. \
State of Georgia<
terms f
1. Thij work will be compriled is two
volumes. w
i. Sublcrihers pay for the prelent volume P
ondehver., fix dollars, „„d the price of ■«
binding, (56 cents for boards.) fa
3. They may receive the fuccecding vo
litmein twenty-four w.ekly numbers, at
» qoarte, dollar each, or else, when si 1,1
. '!P ed ' ** " 1e f ame price as the firft. a
fiTi*/ .?" 0 " wi lbe rai s ed °n the ~
lar, r , JU ' K * ,' 794 ' to fourteen dol-
T ve of binding.
|. w..„ld aiiv r „pi, s -e lnai n for sale afte.
Md?r7 0n the Vork ' tl,ev will ca
binding UO,ia "' a " d thC P rice ° ( »
*• The names of the fubferibers will
Publilhed as „atr„ ns of American H'
tu» e, arts, and sciences.
It i. wh°"y unnecefTary to expatiate on r'
the aclyantage.ta American leaders, that ?
j. . tton poflefles, over every A J
edition us J„, y every imported t^,
The addir . T '° f Gec> g aphy exr»nt. -p
. that it w..uld be diO.r—A . 1 ,u °je«, rd
! .."Xs; ».
, jrrov*» r'll ? Retail of arguments to 4-
t n °«
£ . addi,i "" s which
•! occur in every S " a g le'!,TheI e ' !, The' ,ln hi ri ' ble,and whl
v fcrred to the n, e lL» r P n are re ' D-r
g«" - <-w of them 8 fl ' ght ftetcb
t The Plhli/her takes thi- „ r «r . rel l
-• ttmity of k- „ P^ r ® nt oppor.
1 »
$4* requests a continuance of their kindness;
and hopes that such public spirited citizens,
as are poflelled of similar documents, will
favor him with theiralfiftance in perfect
ing his Undertaking.
The extraordinary encouragement with
which he has been favored, has excited
y' • in his breast the warmed (entiments ofgra
* titude-i— (entiments which time will not ef
face. He pledges himfelf to the citizens
2tld United States, to spare neither pains
nor expeufe to the prcfent edition
} of Gu'hrie*s Geogiaphy improved, deferv
' ing of their patronage. waftf
:esof Joseph Clark,
, j Proposes to publijb, by subscription,
. IBto The American Builder.
►ires, A Work calculated equally to edify and en
?s. te'tain the Gentleman, Farmer,Sur
bles, vcyor, Builder & Mechanic.
fries THtS Work will contain various opinions
' 9 of ihe best wrireis on Architrttute, Arts»
a nd Science ; together with expei iments, and
eacn a ecu rate notes ot obfeivation, by the author;
. being the result of thirt) ycarj lludy and ex
haVe perience in his proffflion.
e It will also contain an alphabetical account
of the quality and value of the various kinds
of materials, and numerous fpeciea of labor,
ons | expanded on building.
aws, Exempl fications, toafcertain the quanti
ugth ties of materials and labor necetfary to com
and plcte, almost, every part in a building, of
whatever dimensions.
:ien- An account and explanation of all the
terms and phrafrs, used in ancient and mo
linsj dern archite&ure and butldtng.
To persons inclined to build, it will afford
ng s * an opportunity of legulating their plans with
hiia- 'hecompafs ol their finances, and prepare
them to prevent impositions from trickini;
venders of n-.dteiials, and extortionate work,
the men—To Mechanics, who cannot, for want
edi 0t ex P ericnc(, t calculate the value of their
ons refpe&ivc labour, and materials exoended-in
their particular branches of building, this
rka- WOrk wi . ll aff(,rfi an Opportunity to eftimaie
with facility and accuracy, any done or in
tended to be done, either in tne aggregate or
the minutise.
It will contain many eurious and valuable
recipes to make fine and coarse Varniftu s,fo>
preserving roofs of hoirfr*, barns, palings,
troughs, pipes, See. Recipes to make vari
ous glues and cement*; recipes to make com
' 9 positions for elegant, or minute ornamems, 1
and enrichments for oufide or inside com- '
i ' payments : recipes to make cotnpofition for
,ar * figures and Wcruftations—to endure the '
weather in any afpe& ; recipes to -ftuc- (
one co compositions, for floors, maluhoufcs, dif
ical ttileries, hearths, linings for rifterns, & c .
Tables to ascertain the scantling of diffeient
the species of timber necessary to perform their
6. refpe&ive fun&ious, in proportion to their
ies. various fufpenlmns : Tables to ascertain the C
9. dimensions of the various apertions introdu-
Se- ccd in different edificri, and door», windows 1
an, chimmct, flcy-li s htj, ftd.r-cafes, &c- in pro- f
ier- "on to ibeir different use» and intentions '
,4. whether for be.uty or utility: A concise
IS- „. e '° take ' and fqmre the dimensions of '
Jar- ,* lnds of •••■ficer-s wo.k belong, ro J
,g buildings, and to afcettiin the cubical or f u - c
|re . pr'ficial contents thereof: Obfetv.tionj c f I
22. . °™ r ' nc f cho and found : A diflerta- r
•m. ' ,on "" lhe Philosophy, doflrine, and con- 1
low r , „ ch,m n«s, 10 void or emit t h c 1
ine r m "^ r - Propofinons and recipes to cure »
* [moky ; Obftrvations on the i„n a _ r
bility of the edificts heretofore, generally h
errQed in America : Suggeftioo. of mod<« to si
poifue in buildings here, that will, without
additional expencc.tend more to their dura- „
O A 0 / e hrr " oforc ' co mmo„l v , con- , t
flinfted : Descriptions and proportions of '
the general and particular members of vari
ous orders in Architeaure, v i*. the Tuscan 3
"otic, lonic, Corinthian, Composite, Chi-
nefe, Attic, C.argatic, ArabeHque, Moresque, f
Oiotrfque, Saracenic, Rustic, Antique, Anti. .
quo-Modt rn, Gothic, and Britannic : Many
curious hiftortcal account, of various won
derful buildings in different parts ot the
world : Many curious and original accounts &
and rulogiums on Free Masonry.
This Woik will be printed in two ofhvo
volumes, each to contain upwards of 400 t
pages, on fine paper of elegant letter press •
The price to fubfciibers, in beards, rtv*
be paid on the nehvery of the firft, and two te
and a half dol LA«s on the delivery of the P 1
second volume. Mr. Clark assures the public,
that he will literally perform all that he hath G
let forth in these proposals.
ro Gentlemen inclined to promote this work
by subscribing thereto, are requeued 10 write', Co
, e pill paid, to Mr. Joseph Clark, at Annapolis,
0 f authonfing him to annex their names to the
subscription lift.
— ■ ■
»t .. in the United States, are so- 22
5 .'X'-i^ttir 0130 "" occaf,on " iy - ln
!- Morris Academy.
THIS inftitutioti is now open for ihe re-
ctption of (Indents under the immediate 6
* care of Mr. Caleb RufTell, whose abilities
as an inftriiftor, and attachments the bu- r>
inefs have long been known and approved
- .he h " "" <ler L llim thc afltftants in
the different branches—The fcliolars are _
n English, French,, and f
ta■ J k lang u ages, Fublic-Speaking, Writing, JS"
J A'Hhmetic Geography, Astronomy, and
fc Tl branche s of 'he Mathematics. De
The healthy situation of this place is such Wt
. as 10 recommend it to those, who wilh ,o ' he
have their children in the country. Boaid
' ing,, mending, &c. will be provid. to
. rd in 8 .-od families, and the morals of the the
s cholars carefully attended to. to 1
, . TIl «' P'ice including tuition, firewood, not
exc 'ufive of the French lan K uaj;e) will wit
not exceed thirty pounds proclamation mo
"ey per annum) an addition ol three dollars (
P" quarter will be mai eto such scholars of
n °j£ Te the French language. The na^
UirrAor. ai edet.-r m i n ed to pay such atten- Grc
': ,ft ' ,U , rian ' as w, » it one
refpc&abte and ufefu). /in t
Gabriel h. ford, -> tice
Morrillown, May, 4 , , 794 J
diw. ' IV
PHILADft phi | Li|iJu ,| _J
•3» OUTH Fourth STREET.— Pr SCI Six DotIARS p ER Annvm>
Nicholas jiin.
j Attorney at Law *
? I INFORMS his friends and the Public,
r ith I ai ' ias °P ene d an OFFICE for the sale
ted I pwrthafe of Real Estates at No. I 9»
ra- I Fourth ftreetj where he will thank
ef- I fu,, y receive their commands. He also
ens I draws Deeds) Mortgages, and other Writ
""s I lng l ALCct
lon j June 10 tutb&stf
TV- I v ~
- A New Novel.
To the LAMES of Philadelphia.
it hit Day is Publijhtd by
118, Market street,
I Price, bound, five eighths of a dollar, sew
ed in marble pap? r , h«i!l a dollar,
I Charlotte, a tale of Truth,
cn " I in two volumis.
I By Mrs. ROWSON, of the New Theatre,
I Phladelphia, Author of Victoria, the In-
Jns I quifitor, the #"ille de Chambre, &c.
rts, I Of CharlcAtci the Reviewers have
nd I given the following character.
n; I IT may be a Tale of Titith, tor it is
x " I not unnatural, and it is a tale of real dil-
I tress. Charlotte, by the artifice ofa teach-
I ei, recommended to a school, from hnma
)r I rather than a conviction of her inte
' I Br'ty,B r 'ty, or the regularity of her formet con
[j. I dn&, js enticed (rorn.her govemefs, and a
I ccompanies a young, officer to America.—
of I le marriage ceremony, if not forgotten,
I is postponed, and Charlotte dies a martyr
he I to the inconflancy of the over, and treach
o- I eT y of his fntnd —'The (ituations are art- I
I lei's and alfttSing—the descriptions natu- I
td I ral and pathetic ; we (hould feel lor Char- I
h- I lotte if such a person ever existed, who I
re I for ore er>-or fcarccly, perhaps, deserved I
'i; ITo severe a punifhtnent. If it is a sic- I
I tion, poetic justice i; not, we think, pro- I
rit I perly d (Mi.nt d.
I Said Carey has jujl pullijhed,
is IA 1 (heet map of Kentucky I
e I compiled by Elil u Barker, price one dol I
I lar and two thiids. I
,r I War Atlas,containing maps of France, I
I I Germany, spa n, Italy, the United Provin- I
c I ces, the Netherlands, ai d the Weft Indies. 1
" I Price two dollars.
l' I Map of New Jersey— Half a dollar.
i. | Map. of Vti niont, Connecticut, Dela- I
, I ware, Georgia—Price three eighths of I
I a dollar each.
r I April 29. tuth&s3w
' I THE fubfeription for thi-, work on the I
c I original term-, of twelve dollars and the I
I binding, will be doled this day—and on I
, I Monday the fubfcriptu, n w j|| open at f ()ur I
- I teen dollars, exclusive of thepiice of bind I
. I '"g
---: | The new maps added to this edition are j '
I I twenty one ; among which are those of | '
1 I r, ( MaCjihu fert^Coin,efii- ]J
. I cut, Rhode-Island, Vermont, New York,~P
f I New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delawate, Ma- |
. I ryland, Virginia, Kentucky, North Caro- |
- I Ima, the Geneffee Government, South Ca- ]
rolma, and Georgia. These maus have ne | '
• ver been given in any former system of t
u g^ phy ' and ' !l ho P e d| Would alone I r
■ be fufficient to entitle this work to a pre- I
> fer»nce to any other edition of Guthrie. L
N B. The map of the United Sates, 0
• Which is compiling by Mr. S muel Lewis, n
; from the refpeflive date maps, will be fa, a
more complete than any one yet pub!i(hrd, ti
and be printed on two large (beet* of 'ti
paper, nearly the size of the laie Mr. Mur- b
rav's map. |
' d Ift
Just Published, j>
By Benjamin Johnson, and fold at his I al
Bookjore, No. 147, Marketflreet,
The Life of Dr. Franklin,
with a (Inking likeness, executed in a mas- I p!
terly tnatinei by Tbackara and Vallance, fa
price nveihillings. I pc
The Ready Reckoner, or Traders' Sure I re
Guide, 3/9 I lh
The Young Book keeper's Afliftant, 6/3 br
The Christian, a poem, by Charles Craw- | P«
ford, 2/4 vo
Elop's Fables, 4JB I be
Swan's Britilh Architca, 37/6 | nu
Pame's ditto 30/ . I°r
Town and Country Builder's Affiflant. I of
I an
1h the preft, and will be publi/hed in a few ' e
da J J > "nd fold as above, "
Refledtions and Maxims, by I
William Penn, with his advice to his chil- P ll
den, 4JB. I i„|
16 mo. 2, 1794. mSiwim | '"i
' I foi
Congress of the United States, J
In Senate, Tuefaay May 13th, 1794. I ofl
that Rufui Putnam, Ma-I all
GHffinr / 1 Rot>ert ° liver aml th '
t OriffinGreen, do, upon the third Monday of I ct,
December next, (hew cause to the Senate. vi«
the fa dn U f h graotsof land to them de
the said Rufus Putnam, Manalfah Cutler | rh<
Robert Oliver and Griffin Green, pu,r üß „{ pe
to an Aft entitled » An aft authoriX .o
o C ° nveya " ce 2f land!
to the Ohio Company of a(Tociates," (hall »n'
n °' be -Jfciared void, a, may interfere si "
with and be fufficient ro fatisfy ,h e claims a "
Orde 7" Ch settlers »t Galliopolii.
K ' that ,he deli " r y of a copy
nifl-.h r r Crd " to Rufus Putnam Ma r "
naffah Cutler, Robert Oliver, or finltn I cor
Green, and the publication of the fame I* l '
one «nomh, in one nf r> i
•» .w. >*r
tree thereof. lumoent no- | lnt(
Extras of Senate.
May 14 SAM - TIS . f-retary. Tpr*!
tm. I ed.
Bank United States*
June 13 th, 1794.
.PROPOSALS will be received at the
|' c » Bank of the Uhited States until the firft
ale day 0 f j u iy next, for the Mafont and
'9» Carpenter» work of the Banking House,
Vjf to be built in Third-street
It is not expelled, that more than the
rlt * foundation will be compleated thit season.
f The plan may be seen by applying to
_ JOHN KEAN, Cashier.
WANTED a middle aged single woman,
who unrterftands plain Cooking; to (uch a
one the bejl wages will be given.
Apply to the Printer.
May 31 lot
w- .
To the Ele&orsof the city and
county of Philadelphia.
n ! Gentlemeh,
THIS being the last year of the pre- I
sent Sheriff's time in office. I take I
the liberty to offer myfelf a Candidate, I
is and solicit vour votes and interests in my I
U_ favour, to place me on the return at the I
h _ next general Ele&ion, as his fucceflor for I
a . fcid office jin doing which, you will confer I
e an obligation that will be gratefully re- |
n membcrtd, by
a Your most obedient,
_ and humble servant,
" May 3- estf. I
!- The following fe&ion I
' - ot t he la w for efiablilhing an Health-Office, I
'O &c. passed the last ft (Con of the Legislature, I
:d is n-publiflied tor the information of <1! I
c- concerned.
Wn>. AILEN, He.lth-Officer,
for the port of Philadelphia, No. 21, I
Key's alley.
June 2, 1794. I
Sec. 7. AND be it further ena&ed by the I '
1 ant horny atotefaid, That every mast ror I
captain of aiy (hip or vcfl" 1 coming from be I
s > vond the sea (vefTels aftu Uy employed in the I '
i- coasting trade of the United States excepted) I '
'• and bound to any port or place within the I
jurifdidlion of Pennfrlvania, fliall cause his I :
ship or vessel t) be brought 10 anchor, 01 I '
»- otherwise flayed in the stream of the river I
jf Delaware, opposite ta the health-office on J I
State-island atorcfafd, and there to remain I (
until he (hall have duly obtained a certificate I ■
or bill of health from the resident physician, | -
in the manner and upon the terms herein be- I
L loredir-6fed : and if, ptevioufly to obtain- I a
i"g such certificate or bill of health, any I c
master or captain (hall fuffer his ship.or veflel I f
to approach nearer than the ("aid health-office I t
e to the city of Philadelphia, or (hall land, or I
e cause or fuffer to be landed, or brought on It.
„ fho.e, at any port or place within this com- I c
monwealih, or at any other port or place, I si
with the intent to be conveyed into this com- I p
monwealth, any person or petfins, or any I il
s goods, wares 01 merchandize ;oril a I ter,re- I
f ceiving such certificate or bill of health, he I t
- ncglca or re,ufc to deliver the fame to I w
1 ( u n"°? C f r '° * I '' t.
"I 1 his act, s uc h matter or captain f or . Id,
le't and pay, (or each and every such offence I
t '" e ' um °f five hundred dollars to be recover- lec
ca and appiopriated a? hereinafter provided I
and direfled , and the captain or mafler of I pi
each and < very (hip or vessel, as soon a, the
Id me is brought to anchor, or otherwise flayed
as aforefaid, (hall fe n d 4 f afe , nd commodious in
Loat .o bnng the resident p hy f,cian onboard ut
of his ship or vessel, and (hall in like man- I
ner convey htm , back to the health-office
alter he hat concluded his official examina- I
tion; and while he is making such examina- C
non or in cafe , ny f u br«, uent examination I ,
by the health-officer and coi.fulling phyfici, n I
as the cafe may be, each and every part of the' j P e
(hip or vessel, , nd (hall present to hi. view
«ch and every person on boaid thereof, and j 0(
lhallalfo true.nd fatiffaftoty answer, make th,
Wall such tjueflionsas the resident phyfici.n
the time of examtnation, or the health offi- I nu
"™ e of delivering the certificate, or |
bill of health the city of Philadelphia, or rm
hLkh X " n,na "° n ,obe had b y ,h!! th:
health.officer together, with the confuting I nr
phyfnetan lhalhfk relative to the health of any
port or place Irorn which the ship or vessel I h .
failed, or has since touched at, the number of I
persons on board when the ship or vessel en- I L
!"' ( d . on h " v °>"ge, the number of persons s"'
that have since been landed or taken „„ #a ,
boa.d, and when or where refpeftively, what ,S 1
persons on boardjf any have been during the an<
be s -" f e A°l " any timr of «»mination, I the
'"Jf? w ' th »ny peflilenti.l or contagi- I
or .frl -r W P " belonging to the (hip I,n 1
ofwh« j'r ? yd,ed dur,n S'he voyage, and "'8
and f ' Jnd wh " '» ,h e present (late I ne =
C " ndl "° nof the P"f° n s on board with Imo
'I Pe to 'beir health and dileafe. ; ,nd if | fye
fhJllUf'r" 1 ° r maftcr of »"V ffi>P or vessel I
the f to r *pofe the fame as aforefaid 10 IDO
nhVf an d examination of the resident lit
«f«h« health-officer and confnlt. I abr
ng phyficun a, the c.fe may be ;o r if, hav- as
•ng on board h,s fh ipor vc(r /, , such ' |
J?!* °r P" fon '. he (hall conceal the fame, or I
J in any manner whatfoevrr he (hall knowing. I
nffirlrl'V or r a ! r e™ D t to deceive the proper]
a orefatd in his answers to their offict- I
enquiriet, (uch captain or master, for each I
nd every such offence, (hall forleit and pnv I
thefumof f lve hundied dollars, to be ,e
---„"y f r ed " nda PP">P"ated as hereinafter pro- I n \
den, j r/ uca ' d ; a " d wherever the ?efi
, p yf |cl »n, or consulting phyfieian, as I
Persons d -« -r V-fon A
.n h , .""y B ood s. W'rr* or merchandize I
or ta"! C t" ! hC «r any (h 0 I
and ih 10 if , c " lned "polite thereto, and I vie>
•ndtheretobefmoaked, clcanfed and pur,.
Bed, the captain of the (hip or vessel (hall i„ a,e
(hall I, .h COn ' OM " to ,urh direfiions, ..,u<
Liol proper cost and charge of his em. I that
r«fo« KU wi-hin (uch n p
contl , Tr " ,ht T ' (xde "< pbyfician, or the the cafe mj y be, (hall the
caDtain th a " d if '"y
'hefe fL l'fl ° r ne « lca to conform to
In, ff n oireftions, and to carry the fainr I F
o e cfl „ af.refaid, accoiding to the res- I
pafThe? J J he (hall forfeit and I T""
andever. « ' Undrfd do, '»» *<» «ch 1
priated a, ° be ,ccov ered and appro- lAm
ed bereinafter ptovided and direst- I Fro
The Public are cautioned id
}.. beware bf counterfeited Five n„u„ „ ,
I the of the Bank of 'the V»Z '"'
firft T tuenty Dollar Bill, of the Bait At""*
an d America, fe-veral of IbUh ha, K *
aufe, 11» circulation within a few darttftVi
, a " a Sood general imitation of fhf' ?
£L 2^ a ' ma > be ss
r ma Rk&
ALL that have appeared k,.
I F. for their Alphabetical Mark'
nan, I The Texture t | ie p ap<ir '. .
ch a | whiter and it takes the int cfc,ra "d
I than the genuine paper. """ e
ot I than the M. and okh"'^lirjtc'rs oiVf 1 ' h ' a "'' r
Iso that a line extended f, on , ,h» .
nd I °» l ° touch the to P of the Miv u
• nd considerably above'the JT™"*
I * 4 l ' lc vU>ie
I In the Tfrord United the letters i r .
pr Jrs,*" dtw " cjn
ake The ' a " d /the word promir.
eU2:rs2? l i-S--K fc
bill,, s,; h »;'
I 179« —Whereas the Bank wns „ nf V 10
I tion till Decembers and ™ r V" °P tr *-
. -ere iflued in ,ha/y!„ "° doll »' Wh
• 7W "'-' Da »' r Mis »f the Bank of
I a* r 1 u Ame rtca.
,n B. lor tlieir a 1 p'ha^efi mark' "" ' e,ttr
a „ Notes above defer,bed; the ej ,
b„te, executed, and they approach nearer
' The ° f thC g ' nui,,e kilk
I r , J" llnes ''""Ugh the word
hei'th 'rt'een ° f arein " l "»-
' iwclve in ihl" ®? U,ne b '" 5 ' ard b «
the I LT counterfeits
or I rh f w «'d Conptny is much like the fame
bc word.n the Fiv* Dollar B lis as ddcnbtd
the I a , bove » 0 being lels than the m, and 0-
;d , I thcrs following.
he I . There !S no stroke to jtlie I inthe wrrd
his I r orth ' a » "n the genuine bills theftr, ke
0 , I «s well defined.
, cr The letters eht in the word Twenty, to
on I Hie left hand at the bottom, do noi come
tin I down to the line 1 * hut are To cat as to give
ale I an irregular appearance to the word, the
in, J Tw and they going below them.
>e- I The signature | Nifcori, has the appear
in- lance of being wfitten with lamb-black and
riylo-l, and difters from other inks ultd in
Hei I printing the bills and the caftier'4 fieira
ce I ture.
or I It is supposed these forgeries wcie corrmit
rrn I ted in fomeofthe Southern States, all the
n- I counterfeits that have appealed, have come
:e, I Irom thence, and two persons have been ap
n- I piehendcd in Virginia, on suspicion of being
ly I the author Of them.
e- I The reward of ONE THOUSAND DOU
ie J LARS will be paid to any Peifon or Persons
0 I w ''o discover af>d prosecute to convic
** I j"!"' 1 ol_ihc~£ollowiog
r- I de Tiptions or any of them, vi*.
e, I Ihe person or pcrfoos, who niantfidur
r - I ed the paper on which the Bijls are primed,
d I The person or peifons, who engraved the
>f I placet.
c I The printer or printers, of the hills,
d I Every person who has afled as a principal
is I in any other way, in the counterfeiting iaud
a I uttering the said b»lis.
-I Philadelphia, March 28. 1794
! I 4pril 22, 1794,
-1 Other counterfeit bills
f of the Bank of the Uniied States Dave ap
» J pearcdin circulation.
, I The denomination is of TWENTY
1 I DOLLARS, and the alphabetical maik is
j the letter £«
1 I They may be dirtinguiflied from the gc*
■ j ouine by the following JVIAKKS i
I The paper of the counterfeits is of a
I more tender texture nnd glofley Airface
I than the genuine, and there is no water
I mark in them.
I The letter C. in the word Ca/hier,'in
I he true bills is ftropgly marked, wheieas
I in the counterfeits, the whole letter is a
j fine hair stroke, evidently in an uofiniflied
I state. The letter ain the w.oid demand,
j is badly formed and the Whole word ill done
I and there is no comma at the end of it, as
I there js in the genuine bills.
I . The marginal device, is much datker
I in the falfe, than in the genuine hills ow-
I ing to the /hade flrokes being coarser, much
I nearer together, and con.'cquently much
I more numerous. This difference il»iices tlie
I «ye at firft view.
I The fame reward of ONE THOUSAND
I DOLLARS, will be paid for apprelending,
I prosecuting to conviction the several
I above described Offenders in refpeft to this,
I as to the Jaft described bills.
I of the Unitrd Sia'es.
JOHN NIXON, Pre&i'ntofthU
Bank of North America.
By order of the Committees of ihe Rtf»
peftive Boards.
Mai ket .-Street,
An EfTay on Slavery,
Dcfigned to exhibit in a new point "I
I view its effr£li on morals. indujirx, *nd ihe
j peace of focitty. S'>n»e and calculations
I aie orteted to prove the labor o' Jrccmen to be
I much more productive than that oi Jlavtf i '
I that countries are rich, powerful and happy,
I n proportion as the laboring people enjoy
I the fruits of their own labor ; and hen re
I the m ceffaiy corclufion, that flavcry it impelt- *
I //caa Well as unjufi.
Price 25 Cents.
February " f
I -pHE office of the Prelirient .: <i
I Jl of the Insurance Company T h
I America, is removed to No. ou
I Front street, being the south ealt cort-ei
I Front and Walnut streets.