DAILY Eye N I N G A D VER TISER, [No. 2 of Vol. Vl.] FOR SALE, At the STORES of j rfle & Robert Wain, ■■OR.T WINE in pipes, hhds. and J 4tXm ter caflts n I '1 .ISBON ,d:>. in pipes and quarter cases I i.uchongand Congo TEAS, «n quarte, I c.»efts . _ , cat t* i muf H (jii^ntitv of Li(bon and Cad'Z SAL l I Soft ft.Hied ALMONDS m bales Velvet CORKS i'> do - | , Kuffia MATI'S. I . J June 9 _ . I JAMAICA RUM, j LANDING at Hamilton's what), above j - Drawbridge, out of the (hip Bacchus I ,ipt. VannE"*!<) t'on> Jamaica, FOR SALE BY | ] PETER BLIGHT, jin M»y '6. A 1 Advertisement. THE relation' of Mr Thomas Curtis, j orinerVy of Ellicoti's Upper Mills, and I — te'.y of"the C'.ty of Waft ngtnn. decealVd, I ■> e deli red to apply and have his affjirs fti I J ed. , J City of Waftington, April 22, <Joi- | _ M.j m&th4w Allperfons -who have any de- j rh lanris upon th? New Theatre, are requefl- | p, d to fend in their accounts to No. 204, 1.. j or Srcli rtre-it, neaf Eighth ftieet, as soon a j tmtvenfant. | WIONELL te REIN \GLE. j _ vr»v jp. d r i I It is Kequefted, L THAT no person will firply a'.y articles I or the use of the New Theatre, Without I «■ n order in writing, fignedby ourselves, or | ainoel Anderfon, for us. WIGNELL i REINAGI E. 1 May 30. d '-'- I "ADVERTISEMENT. 3 LETTERS on the fubje£tofthe Waft-1 ngton Lottery, being by mistake repeat- I ■■dly addrefled to the Commifiioners for the I Jitv of Waftington; Persons concerned are bcreby informed, I that all such should be addrefled either to W. Deakim jun. of Waftington, or to the I Subscriber. The commissioners never hay- I - Ing contemplated any further concern in I this business, than in their assent to receive 1 ■ the bonds and approve the names of the | 3 managers; The prizes have been paid and t are paying on demand by W. Deakins, Waftington, Peter Oilman, Bolton, and by the Subscriber. For the Lottery No. 1, the securities al ready given will be retained by the com niifTioners, or transferred by them at their optioN to the bank of Columbia ; and the commissioners will be consulted refpedling a judicious and equitable disposition of the , houses to be built thereby ; their treasury or the bank of Columbia will receive the money intended for the National Univer- , fity, and they will be consulted in the no mination of the 24 managers ; but all the refponfibihty refpeftlng the general dispo sition of the tickets, awl payment of pri zes, will reft as in the Hotel Lottery, on the persons whose names are and may be hereafter publifted as afliftants to forward this business with S. BLODGET. N. B. Mr. Blodget w'.ll be particularly j obliged if those persons who pofiefs prizes | yet unpaid, will apply for their money as early as possible. June 7th. d- One thousand Dollars R E W A R D. Some few Counterfeit Foft-Notes of'the Bank, of Maryland, having been lately disco vered in circulation, and on tracing .he fame were found to come fiom the back parts of Virginia, where they probably firft issued ; to avoid imposition it is thought necelTary to give the following description of them, by which they may readily be dete& d. They have the letter D, for their alphabeti cal maik, at the left hand fide of the Note. The paper on which they are printed is rrtore foft and tender, the strokes of the letters, in the engraving are in general flronger, and hive a darker appearance than in the bills. The fignaiure William Patteifon, is badly done, the strokes of the letters, are tliff and labored, and appear to be painted over with the pen, as well as the flounftiing of the name. Tne valu eis left blank in the engraving, to be filled up in writing, so the sum may be more or lcl* at plealure. No true Post-Notes of the alphabetical mark, above "deferibed, have been lately is sued, and very few are 11 >w in circulation. The above reward of One Thousand dol- I Jars will be paid to any person, or persons, who shall discover, or profecuie to convi&ion, the several offenders, or any of them, of the following description, vii. The person or perlons, who engraved the plate. The printer, or printers of the said bills. Every person who has a£ted as principal in anyway in the counterfeiting and uttering the bilis. WILLIAM PATTERSON. President. of the Bank of Matyland. Baltimore, April 8, 1794. N. P. The printers in the neighbouring states are rcqncftcd to repubhfh the above. For AMSTERDAM, BIG A IL, Gardner Hammond. I qjj g.ailir.i'Ti.M.. Majler. 1 ( | TO fail withal! convenient speed, hav- I ing two thirds of her cargo already engag- I ed. For freight or pnffage apply to laid I j inaft r on board at Ruflell's wharf, or the I w j Inbfcriber, I l JOHN DONNALDSON. | Coi June 10. phi ; ILo For St. Croix, J schuylkTll, j Cy , l'RANcis Knox, Master. I LYING at Morton's wharf, and to fail I g in a few ilayi. She is a new vefftl, calcu- I iated to accommodate paifengers, and will I take iome freight. For ter ins of which or I W pallage, api'iy to Captain Knux, or WHARTON £3* GREEFES. I June to 6' — I on Hamburgh, | John Vakneman, Mafttr. I — TO i'ail With aij conventiont'fpee4, having I three foui thsof her cargo alrea ly engaged I For freight or pailage apply to the master I on b aid, or THOMAS & JOHN ZETLAND. I in -• 3- I For Charter, I FOUR YRIENDS, Th-'y will be ready ;o receive their car- I ooei in a few days, imd will carry about I barrels each. For te : insapplv to I JESSE & ROBERT WALN. 1 " J''ne 9. d I For Sale or Charter, JKL MARGARET, L (L) >"B at MaiTey'» wharf J>- near Chefuut itreet) 1 HAS made only one voyage; is a staunch I r c well fitted, vellj;!, and will curvy ?iJxOi>JL 1 e barrels, or bulhels of grail]— I - d Apply to I ' WHARTON LEWIS. \ 1 June 10 d I ' [. FOR HAMBURG, ■ r LADT IVALTFRSTORTT, I ' e WILLIAM WATERS, ,e WILL fail in the course of a few days, I for fre'ght or pallage, apply to the Captain I l£ on board, at the fubferibers wharf, or to I r " - JOSEPH SIMS. 3 June 12. dot. Ie 1 0- Carolina Rice and Indigo, BAY MAHOGANY and FRENCH ™ BU R R STONES, be I FOR SALE BY Gurney and Smith. ly fay 14- d I '11 STATE or SOUTH-CAROLINA In the House of Representatives, December 2111,1793. I XX7HEREAS the Commiftionrrs ol pub- I V V lie Accounts,have reported, that they I cannot proceed to the investigation ot the I Treasury Accounts, refpetting special In- I dents, without knowing the ouiftanding a- I t^e mount thereof in ciiculation Therefore, co- Befolvtd, That all holders of special In- | me dints be directed, and required, on or before I .Gf Ihe firft day of November next, to deliver the I .lo special Indents in their poffeflion to one or I la other ot the Commifiioners of the Trealury, I by who are to give receipts for the fame, and to I report to the Commifiioners on public ac- I et j_ counts, on or belore thetenlh day of Nov- I ember next, the amount by then# refpeftive- I I ly received, and also to the Legislature, at I ers their meeting in November next, and that I and a " special Indents not rendered into the I . Treasury as above, on or before the firft day I d°f November next, ihall be, and the fame I and are heieby barred. nth Rtjolvei, That public notice of this refolu mc tion be given in the leveral Gazettes in this tto State, once every three weeks, until the firfV be day of November next. And • hat ihe Dele oates of this State in the Congress of the Uni ;caj ted States, be requcfted to cause this relolu ■ jf_ tion to be publifhcd in one or more papers in the cities ot Philadelphia and New-York, Jot- l^al P rov »fion will be made for the ex >ns, pencrs attending such publication, ion, Ordered, That the Tefoluiion be sent to t be the 6'ciia:e for their concurrence. Bv order of the House, the JOHN SANFORD DART, C. H. R. In the SENATE, December 2i&ti793- jl in Refolvcd, That this House do concur with ring tht House of Reprefcntatives in the forego ing, resolutions. ent. Ordered, That the resolutions be ienl to the House of Rcprefentatives. by order of the Senate, ing FELIX WARLEY ,Clerk. eyvtNov, Friday, June 15, i7s>4< MADtIRA, ' SHERKr, PORT, WlNESofthe firftquality I LISBON, & I /V< TENERIKFEJ Old Jamaica Spirit, Antigua and Weft In- | dia Rum. I Coniac, French and Peach Brandies Claret and Port Wine of a superior qua-1 — lity in cases. win: Cyder and Vinegar, in pipes and I hhds. . Gorki in Bales,Havannah Segars in Boxes. I Philadelphia Porter, in Calks and Bottles. I London do. in do. do. Philadelphia Ale and Beer in do. do. I London do. in do. do. and I | Cyder :n barrels and bottles, prepared foi I I exportation or immediate ule, I FOR SALE BY Benjamin W- Morris, j The corner of Dock and Pear Jireets, I I Where he has provided suitable Itores and I r vaults, for the reception of wI N E Sy &c. Which he proposes to store ©r dispose of I i, I on commiflion . I I Captains of vellels and others fupp icd la. I with any of the above LIQUORS bottled, j | and feaftores in geneal put up. May 9 ,U&f2m 3 JUST PUBLISHED, MATHEW CAREY, L 118, Market Jlreet, Price 18 cents, I ' THE Catechism of Man ; 8 Pointing rut from found principles and j acknowledged farts the Rights and Du- I 9 I ties of every Rational Being. I Am I therefore become yourenemybecat.fe J t| I tell you the truth ? Gal. iv. 16 I I Now all these thing'; happened unto tl eni I for examples, and they are written lor I our admonition, upon whom 'he ends of I "I the /arth are come. • Cor. KH. j 1 May 10 tutb&saw , Stock Brokers Office, No. 16, Wall-ftrcet, New-York. h I T*HE Subfcribcr intending to confinchim- I t 1 L felf entirely to the PURCHASE and I * - Hale of stocks owl trivmissio^j^u^si I leave to off. 1 hisfervices to his.friends and I I others, in the line o( a Stock Broker. Those I I who may plcafe to favor him with their bufi. | I ness, may depend upon having it tranfa&ed I I with the uimoft fidelity and dispatch. I I Orders from Philadelphia, Boston, or any I I other part of the United States, will be I F, I flri&ly attended to. I I LEONARD BLEECKER. | ' I m&thtf I | n J Excellent CLARET, I In hogsheads and in cases of 50 bottles each. I ALSO, ~ A few cases Champaigne wine ; I ! MADEIRA, ) I In pipes, hop,(heads and quaiter casks, I FOR SALE BY JOHN VAUGHAN, No. 111, South Front ilreet. Jan. 2, 1794. dtf A I Just Published, I In one handsome volume, 1 amo. Price 58 I I AND FOR SAJ,E BY £ JOHN ORMR OD, " c I jit Franklin's Head, No. 41, Chefuut I 'J I Strut, AN ESSAY ON THE Natural Equality of Men, he I Righ ts that result from it, and on I 01 I the Dyties which it imposes. ')'• I To which a MEDAL was adjudged, by I 10 I the Teylerian Society at Haarlem. Corrected and Enlarged, by l ~ WILLIAM LAWRENCE BROWN, at D. D. hat I Profeflor of Moral Philosophy, and the I the I Law ol Nature, and of Ecclesiastical I lay I History ; and Minister of the Englifli I me I Chuich at Utrecht. I Aliquid semper ad communem utilitatem I ilu- I afferi-ndum. Cicero, '"iv I Tht Firjl American Edition. I' I '•HEgrand principle of Equality, if ;c" j A rightly undcrftood, is the orfly basis 'l"" I 011 which universal justice, sacred order, ' e "~ I and perfect freedom, can be firmly built, | rk s I and permanently secured. The view of cx '_ lit exhibited in this essay, at the fame time I that it reprefles the insolence of office, to 1 tyranny of pride, and the outrages o( | oppreflion ; confirm*, in the moll forcible I manner, the necessity of fnbordination, R, I and the just demands of lawful authority. I So far indeed, from loosening the- hands I los society, that it maintains inviolate, e ,iih I ve ry natural and every civil diftindlion, go- I draws more closely every social tie, unitei. I in one harmonious and jullly proportioned 1 to I fyflem, and brings men together on the | Cven ground of the inherent rights of hu I man name, of reciprocal obli ation, and k.los a common relation to tbc-coßimunity. I March 18, tuts NANKEENS. Nankeens of Superior Quality, j TOR SALE AT I 1 No. 40, north Fifth Street; I 1 April ai. mw&ftf j I re Medical Books* I _ JUST PO-BLIBHED; By Thomas Dobfen, at the Stone House, I 1 jV0.41, fiuth Seco djireet, I j VOL. 11. Medical Inquiries I OBSE RYA TIO NS. By BENJAMIN RUSH, M. D. I Profcffor of the Institutes of and | of Clinical Pra6tice in the Uhiver- I to fityof Pinnfylvania. I jrei containing I } ia , I. An inquiry into the influence of physical I wa cau'es upon the moral faculty. I j 2. An inqui'y iuto the of fpiritous li- I 1 quors Upon the human body, and their in. I fluence upon the happiness ot iociety. I c , ( I 3. An inquiry into the caults and cure of the I I pulmonaiy consumption. I | 4. Obfervaiions on the fymptumsand cured I I dropfics. I_„ 1 5. An Inquiry into the taufes and the cure oil j inteinal dropsy of the biain. I 6. An account of the meaflcs, as they ap- I I peared in Philadelphia, in the year 1789. I lii I 7. An account of the influenza, as ii aupea - I | ed in Philadelphia in the years I I and 1791. I . I 8. An inquiry imo the causes ot the increate I of bilious and remitting levers, *" Penn- I I I'ylvania. I J I 9, An itiquiry into the caufcs and cure of fore I I ' S s * j I I 10. An account of the state of the body and I j mind in old age, with obfeivations upon I its difeaf« s and their rtmedies. I Price one dollar and a quarter unbound, or I one dollar and a half neatly bound. Medical Tranfa&ions L I OP THE I College of Physicians of Philadelphia. I c VOL. I—P AR T I. j * ' I Fiice ui>e dollar in boards. I : J A Treatise on the Diseases of! ■ s J Children. i I With general directions for ihe manageireni I ( e I of Infants from the birthj adapted for I , 1. I the use ot physicians and priv .tc families. I * I By Michael Underwood, M. D. I j I Licentiate of IVlidwiltiy in the Royal Col- I c lege of Physicians in London, and J 1 Ph)fician of the Biitifti I ] Lying-in-H« fpital. I ] I Price one Dollar♦ I This is acknowledged to be the best book 1 I " I which has been publiftied on the fubjed, and I i I is calculated for the use of partn s, nurfts, I < 1 and private (ajnilies, as well as lor phyflciani I 1 j I —The two volumes handlomely ptinted lp I I one, and the puce only about one third ot I I what the imported copies fell for. I The Edinburgh New Dispensatory, two I I dollars. System of Surgery, extra&ed from tb* I I works of Benjamin Belli by Dr. Waieis, 2 I I dols. 50 cmts. System ol Anatomy, eX'raftrd from the I I Encycltipfcilia, with Is coppt « plates, 2 dols. I — I System ot Chcmiftry, extraflid trorn the I I Encyclopedia, exhibiting a vitw ot the pro- I I grefs of tht fcienc» e, and the differen- f)ftems I s I which been publ-ifhed> 2 dols. 50 cents. I Brown's Elements of Medicine, 2 dols. I I 67 cents. 7*. Dob/on has in the Prefix I An edition ol the Medical and 1 I cal Commentaries of Edinburgh. Twov*- I I umes are piinted in one at 2 dollars and I '\ cents per volume ; he has nearly fii.ifbi d tht I >n I five fiift volumes, which contain the firft ten I I volumes of the European cd tion, wh'ch feli I I for twodollarseach. Nine volumes will in- I I elude eighteen European volumesi which 1 I will briog tbe publication up to the prcfen' I I time. I Like wife for falea confiderahle number of I Medical Books, viz. he I Cullen's Prc&ice, Materia Medvca, Phyfi I al I ology, and Synopsis. Bell's Surgery, 6 vols. I ifh I or 4 vols, do. on Ulcprs, Buehan's Domtftic I I Medicine, Ledran's Surgery, Chefelden's A- I •m I netomy, Hunter on the Venereal, Swedeea- I I ver on do. Rollo on Weft India Diseases ; I I Rigby on Uterine Hemorrhage, Hamilion's I if I out '' CM the theory and practice of Mid- I ifis I * ifer » with or without plates; do. on the I management ot Female complaints. Mease " r ' lon Hydrophobia, See. See. lt ' I March 5. ot I z\ TUITION. of j WILLIAM FINCH ot the New Thea ble I trr, leave to inform his Friends and I the Pul lie, that he has rcnioved trom the ty- I cori erot" Eighth and Arch streets to So. ids I 68, north Eighth between Arch and Racr e-I ft 1 ee■ 5, and that tie continues. 10 give In on, I ft unions in the French and Englilh Lan re.-I guagesasufual, as alfp the Claflics. He iei' I lake-this opportunity of exprelfing his ac the I knowledgeinents for the very libera) en iu I couiagement he has experienced, a conti ind I nuation of which he begs leave to folicif. i. I N. B. Tranfl.itions either languages f I corr«ftly executed. [Whole No< 552*] To be Letj For Merchants Compting Houses or Publii Offices, Two btiek 3 story Houses, HAVING 6100111s in each,with fire places beside garrets;fttuate on the south westerly fid« of Dock ilieet, between Pear and Walnut ftreeti. EQqtotreof BENJAMIN W> MORRIS. April t 7 . tuih&itf 'The Ground Plan OF THE City and Suburbs OF PHILADELPHIA. TAKEN FROM jICTUJL SUREST* IT is with pleasure that the publisher ha! to iitform his fubltriberj and the public in general, that the plate is now under the hands of the engraver, and in greater for. wardnfs than was at fii ft contemplated At the fame time he begs leave to remind them, th t fublcilption papers areftill o pen at most of t'.ie noted book-stores in the city ; and that he hopes fYdm the wbol« los them to bi enabled to so m such a res I peftable Caialogne «f names, as will do t I credit to the work, as well as afford ; I reasonable eiicourasemene t** the under I taker. I 1 hole who are desirous of further infof I mation are rcquefled to call on Benjamin Davies^ No. 68, Market flreet. I April 14. m&thtf I Scheme of a Lottery, I To rdife 39,900 Dollars, on 266,000 Dollars, deducing 15 per Cent, from I the Prizes —this Lottery Confijls of I 38,000 Tickets, in which there art 1 4,539 an< l 23,461 Blanks, I being about one and an half Blanks to a Prize. 1 j UireflorsoT the Society foreftablifti- I JL log Ufeful Manufactures, having rcfolv • led to erect LOTTERIES for uifiog On* I Hundred Thousand Dollars, agreeably I to an Aft of the Legifljture of the Sule of I New-Jersey, have appointed the following rl perfonsto fuptrintend ar.d direst th'e draw* * j i.ig of the f«me, vit. Nicholas Low, Rufus I King, Herman Le Roy, James Walfon, I Richard , Harrifon, Abijah Hammond, and 11 1 Cornelius Ray, of the city of New-Yoik— ~ r I Thom»s Willing, Jjfeph Ball) Matthew M'- '■ I C(.nncl and Andrew Bayard, of the city of I Philadelphia—His Excellency Richard How«, '• I ell, Esq. Elias Boudinot, General £li»i Day I ton, Jam S Paiker, John Ba>arri, Doftof I Lewis Donham, Sainu IW. Stockton, Joshua I M. Wallace, J feph Bloomfield, and ElHh* I Boudinot, of Ntw-Jeifey, who offer the k I following Scheme of a Lottery, and pledge d I themselves to the public, that they will take s, I e»cry affurancc and prrcamiois in their power is I to have the Monies paid by the Managers, n I from tinse to time, as received, into the jt I H«nks at New-Yoik and Philadrlphia, to I remain for the put pole of paying Priz «, I which shall be Immediately discharged by a I check npon one of ib' Banks. SCHEME: >f I 1 Prize of 20,000 Dollars is 20,000 1 10,000 10,000 I 2 s>ooo 10,000 1 | 5 2,000 10,000 s ' I 10 1,000 10,000 20 500 i",ooo I ICO 100 10,000 n * I 300 50 15,000 ' I 1000 20 20,000 s# I 2000 15 30,000 3000 12 36,000 8100 IO 81,000 , '-| 1 4»539 Prizes. 262,000 " I 2 3>46i Blank-. First drawn number, 2,000 5c I Laftdrawn number, 2,000 en I 38.000 Tickets at 7 Dollars each is 266,000 ell I The drawing will commence, under the n- I infpeftion of a Committee of the ouperin ch I tendants, as soon as the Tickets are fold, of ni I which timely notice will be given. The Superintendants have appointed John ojl N. Cumming, of Newark, Jacob R. Har- I denberg, of New-Brunfwick, and Jonathan si I Rhea, of Trenton, as immediate Manager* lis. I thereof, who have given ample fccuvity lor }j c I discharging (he trust reposed in them. A- I In order to feeure the punctual pay* -a-I ment I of the Prizes, the Superintend ants of . I the Lotteiy have directed that the Managers n I (ball each enter into bonds in 40,000 dollars, |( j, I with fur fufficient fccuritus, to peifoim their the I l^e substance of which is aft I That whenever either of the Manager! I (ball receive the sum of Three Hundred Dole I lars, he shall immdiately place the fame in I orffe of the Bank* of New-York or PhiladeU I phia, to the ciedit of the Governor of the I and such of the Superiniendan's as ea- I ® IVC ' n ll,e ci'y where the monies are placed, mill 1 . 0 rcm:l * n there nntil the Lottery is drawn, the | lor !^c P a yr»t of the Prizes. I 11. The Managers to take fufficient fe«. ace I C V"V *° r anv Tickets they may trust, other. In I w '^ e lo k' for them. an I T ° .^ CC P rt :» uUr of Ticket* H I Monies received and paid into iht c I Bank, of which fball be fr ac I monthly, to thrGovernor of the Society t cn I Patei'fon, January i, 1794, J*>- I On application to either of the above gen. I tlemen, information will be given wher« £Cs I tickets may be bail. I f>biuary
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers