Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, June 12, 1794, Image 4

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    F' it»d»lpbla, March, 1 IV9H- !
No. 11-8, Market Jlreet,
Modern Geography i ™
or. a !ac
I IcpgPaphical, liljloricdl, ana
Commercial Grammar; of
A...1 fl.ite ut'tßf Vverat »\f
I. .Th* figure >, motions, and diftatfces of
thf planets,according\o the Newtonian fyf
teru and the late (I observations.
2-. A general view ofjthe earth,conficlered
« a planet; with ftVeral|ut'cful gedgraphrcal
c'. in it inns and profyems.
} The g and divisions of the globe into
h ; il a -d water, continents and islands.
Thefit ua tion and extent oi empires,
kingdoms,dates, .provinces and colonies.
Tl»et- climates-,' air, foil, vegetables,
p< -iurtions, htetal"., minerals, natural cuVi
> ies,feas,ri.vers, Snjs,capes,promontoi ies-, 0 f
2i»dlakes. a
6. The birds and beads peculiar to each ac
<c.-?nntry. b<
7 Observations on tht changes that have p (
any where observed upon" the face ol
a ere since the most periods of his- of
lory. °f
8 Th 6 history and origin of nations ; e>
then forms of government, religion, laws,
tcv: ues,taXis, naval and military strength ti
9 The genii)*) manners, customs, aUd p'
habits ojf the people. w
i j. Their learning,arts, fcien
: , nanufVhues, and %
i. The chief 1 ci tier., (truttures,' ruifts, '
jad artificial curiosities
i; The Idngitude, latitude, bearings, 1
si ! .:ance3 of principal places from Phi|a- j"
-lelpM - V(
To which are ad4cd\
1 \ Geographical Index, with the
nrur* and placesvalphabetically arranged.
2 Table.oJ the Coins of ail nations, t[
ul the ir value in dollars and cents.
"i. A Chronological Table of remarka-
e ents,frofri the creation to the present ff
p tf
'i; Agronomical Part corre&ed by "
D . Rittenhouse. tr
To Which have beert added, ol
rhe 1 \te Discoveries of Or. Herschellj p
■ ! other eminent Astronomers. a ,
cr *d, Imp; oved, and greatly Enlar- jj
ged. *
firft volume contairls tw£nty-one ci
End Charts",besides two Agronomical ti
r'.ates, viz. T
i. Map. of the world. ,2. Chart of the fj
orle g.. Europe. 4. Alia. 5. Africa. 6. n
Sauth America. 7. Cook's difcovenes. v
8. Countries roitnd the north Pole. 9
Sweden, Denmark, and Norway. 10. Se- Cl
ven United Provinces. 11. Austrian, c
French and Dutch Netherlands. 12. Ger- t!
many. 13 Seat of war in France. i 4» v
France divided into depa'tments. 15. 11
Switzerland. :6. Italy, Sicily, and Sar- j*
dinia. 17, Spain and Portugal. 18.
Turkey in E.urope and Piungary. 19. Ire-
land. 2<3. Weft-Indie.*. 2t. Vermont. 22. t
Ar miliary sphere. 23. Copernitan system.
Witi; the second volume, which is now <
in the press, will be given the following f
Maps: b
j. Ruflia in Europe and Asia* e
2 Scotland. ' p
England and Wales. a
4. Poland. '•» t
5. China. , ' f
6. Hindpftan. 1
7. United States. 0
8. British America. I
9. State or' New-Hampftiirei •
ib. State o.' Maflachuf'etts.
Ii- Stateo/ Connedicut. c
12. State of Rhode Island. c
i - State of New-York. v
*4- State of JJew-Jerfey.
3 5- State of Pennsylvania. a
j6. State of Delaware. \
j 7- State of Maryland.
j8- State of Virginia. !!
19. State of Kentucky.
•20 State of North.Carolina.
21. Tenneflse Government. a
22. State of South-Carolina.
23. State of Georgia.
j. This work will be eomprrled in two
volumes. b
i. Snbfcriber* pay for the prelent volume P
oodejivery, fix dolors, and the price of a
binding, (56 cents fbr boards.)
? 3. They may receive tire fueceeding to
lume in twenty-four weekly numbers, at ..
a quarter doHm- each, or else, when si
nilhed, at the fame price as the firft.
4■ 1 lie fubfeription \vi 11 be railed oh the *
iii ftday of June 1794) to fourteen dol
lars, exclusive of binding.
J. Should any copies remain for sale after c
the completion of the work, they will be c
fold at sixteen dollars, and the price of a
t. The names of the fabferibers will be /
pnblilhed as patrons of Ameriean litera- .1
.) tnre, arts, and fciencts.
, It is wholly bimecefTiry to expatiate on G
, the advantage,to American readers, that
fhti ed'tion over every imported .
, , edition of any system of Geography extant, -i
~i T~c addit tion of maps of tire several ,
procured a very great expense, and from h
the best materials that are attainable, ;
fpcaks such lull coriviftion on this fubjeiS,
that it would be difrefpeft to the read, r
1 er's nnderftanding to suppose i't requisite
to enter into a detail of arguments to s
prove its fnperiority. tn no similar work „
nave hieU maps bsenever introduced.
The emendation sand additions which c
1 »re made in thiswork,areinnumerable,and v
occur ln every page. The public are re- I
fcrredl to t h e preface soT a flight flcetch t
c.;q of a few Of them.
The publisher takes the present oppor.
mi '! tamty ot returning his most fineere thanks
.--to thole refpe&abie eharafters who have
favored him with documents for improv
• the mapsof of the ftat« fie
' rifftiefts a "con'tif.tiancc of their kindness; 1
: and hopes that such public spirited citizens,
as are poffefled of similar documents, will
favor him with theirafliftance in perleft
! iog his undertaking.
The extraordinary encouragement with
which he has been favored, has excited *
in his breafl'he warmest ferttiments of gra- '
' titude—fcntiments wtiich time will not ef
face. tie pledges hiinfelf tp the citiretis '
I of the USiited State-., to spare neither p.tin 1 ; 1
nor expense to 'entler tlie present cd tion
nf 6u'hrie's Geography improved, deferv
i ig of their patronage. waftf
if joseph Clark,
Proposes to publijb, by fubfeription,
0 The American Builder»
e A Work calculatcd equally to edify and en
tertain the Gentleman, Farmer,Sur
s veyor, Builder & Mechanic.
THIS work will contain various opinions
s '» of the best writers oti Architffture, Ari«,
a rfrd SAence ; logethcr wich experiments, and
II accurate notes of observation, by the uthor;
befng she result of thirty years study and ex
e petience in his profeflion.
It will also contain an alphabetical account
f- of the quality and value of the various kinds
of materials, and numerous species of labor,
;; exp nded on building.
5, Exemphfirations, toafcertain the quantj
h ties of materials and labor neccflary to com
id p'ete> aim oft, tvery part in a building, of
whatever dimensions.
An account and explanation of all the
terms and phrases-, use.i in ancient and mo
s dern a*rhite6lure and building.
' To persons; inclined to build, it will afford
s an opportunity of regulating their plans with
a' m the com'pafs of their fininces, and prepare
them to prevent impoftuons Irom tricking
venders of arrd txtorionate wotk
inen—To Mechanics, who cannot, for want
1 of.experiencc, calculate the value ot their
rrTpefhve labour, and materials expended »n
S) their particular branches ot buildmg, this
Work afF»rd an opportunity to estimate
a " with facility and accuracy, any done or irt
tended to ie done, either in tne aggregate o r
the minutias.
It will contain many euHous and valuable
recipes to jnake fine and coarse varniftiesilor
• f»relerv««g roofs ot houses, bartts, palings,
troughs, pipes See. Fecipes to make Vari
ous glues and cm»°nts ; recipes to make coin
i positions for elegant, or minute ornaments,
and enrichments for oufide or inside com
» parimentS : recipes to m*k.e composition fofr
r- ligures and incruftaftidns—to endure the
weather in any afpeft ; recipes to m< ke ftuc
ne co comoofitions, for floors, malt-houses, diP
:al tilleries, hearths, linings for cisterns, See.
Tables to ascertain the scantling of different
he species of timber nectffary to perform their
6. refpeftive fun6fions, in proportion to their
;s> various suspensions : Tables to ascertain the
9. dimensions of the various apertions introdu
;e_ ced in different edifices, and doOrs, windows,
n> chimnies, sky-lights, stair-cases, See- m pro-
M _ tion to their different uses and intentions—
[^< whether tor beauty or utility : A concise
( mode to ta)cei and square the dimensions of
] all kinds of artificer's work belonging to
,g buildi*igs, and to ascertain the cubical or fu
perficial contents thereof: Observations of
the doctrine of echo and found : A di/Terta
tion ori the philpfophy, doctrine, and con
-111 * ftr'uflion of chimnies, to void or emit the
)W smoke. fropofitions and recipes to cure
n £ smoky chimnies : Observations on the ipfTa-" "
bility of the edifices heretofore, generally,
ere fled in America : Suggestions of modes to
pursue in buildings here, that will, without
additional cXpcwce, tend more to their durcu
bility ihan heretofore, commonly, con
ftrufted : Descriptions and proportions of
the general and particular members of vari
ous orders in Architecture, viz. the Tufcanj
Doric, lonic, Corinthian, Composite, Chi
nese, Attic, Cargatic, Arabesque, Moresque,
Grotesque, Saracenic, Rustic, Antique, Anti
quo-Mod< rn, Gothic, and Britannic : Many
curious historical accounts of various won
derful buildings in different parts of the
world : Many curious and original accounts
and eulogiums on Free Masonry..
This work will be printed in two octaVo
volume?, <ach to contain upwards of 400
pages, on fine paper of elegant letter press :
The price to fubferibers, in boards, five
dollars; two and a hALF dollars tp
be; paid on the delivery of the firft, and two
and a haif dollars on the delivery of the
second volume. Mr. Clark aflfures the public,
that he will.literally .perform all that he hath
set forth in these proposals.
vo Gentlemen inclined to promote this work,
by fubferitying thereto, are requested to write,
ne post paid, to Mr. Joseph Clark, at Annapolis,
0 f authorising him to annex their to the
fufefcripiion lift.
o- '
at The Printers iti the United States* are so
licited to give Ihefe proposals, occasionally,
a place in their papers.
Morris Academy.
THIS inftitpHon is now open for the re
ception of fttrdents under the immediate
care of Mr. Caleb Roflelly whose abilities
as an inftru&or, and attachment to the bur
finefs have long been known'and approved.
" e He has under him the best afliftants in
a " the different brairches-*-The scholars are
taught the English, French, Latin, and
ou Greek languages, Public-Speaking, Writing,
a !j Arithmetic, Geography, Astronomy, and
e the various branches of the Mithematics*
1 ■ The healthy ficuation of this place is such
a > as to rec&mntend it to those, who wish to
| m have their in the country. Boat d
f' ' n gy mending, &:c. will be provid
ed in good families, aiid the morals of the
Kl " scholars carefully attended to.
The price includWViitioH, firewood,
&c. exclusive of the French hngiuge) will
1 uot exceed thirty pounds proclamation mo
ney per annum) an addition of three dollars
™ per quarter will be made to such scholars
' who are taught the French language. The
re- Dircdtors ar edetcrmined to pay inch attm.
th tion to this institution,- as will render it
refpc&able and ufeful,
° v - Gabriel H. ford, ~)
TIMOTHY ]OHNs, run. C Ditedl's
ov- MorrHtown, Mayi 5 , 1794
He diw. w2m.— j
Nicholas Diehl, jufr-
Attorney at Law, wl
INFORMS his friends and the Public, or
that he has opened an OFFICE for the ia e
and purchase of Real Estates at No. 19,
south Fourth street, where he will thank- -
fully receive their commands. He alio j
draws Deeds, Mortgages, and other Writ
yaw 10 tutb'Jstf
-■■■ ■ r~
A New Navel. tl
Tothi LAWIIS of Philidelphia. f>
This Day is Published by n
118, Market street, „
Price, bound, tive-eighlhi ot a dollar, feto
ed in" marble paper, ha! l a dollar,
Charlotte, a tale of Truth,
By Mrs. ROVVSON, of the New Theatre,
Philadelphia, Author of Victoria, the In- r
s quifitor, the FiHe de Chamhre, &c.
Of Charlotte, the Reviewers have
1 given the following character*
IT niav he a Tale of Truth, for >< '»
' not Uhnattiral, and it is a talc of real dil
, tress. Charlotte, by the artifice of a teani
ci } recommended to a school, from 11111J v
tiity rather than a of her into
' gritY, or the regularity of her former con
dufl', is enticed from her governed, and a- S
• companies a young officer to America.-— a
f The marriage ceremony* if not forgotten, c
is postponed, and Charlotte dies a martyr v
» to the inconstancy of the over, and treach- c
ery of his friend —The situations are art- a
less and aflfefting-—the descriptions natu- .)*
I ral and pathetic; we (hould feel 'or Cliai-
- lotte if such a person ever exited, who
For one error (carcely, perhaps, deserved
so feve r e a punishment. If *5 a * lc '
tion, poetic justice is not, w e think, pro
perly d : ftnbuted
Said Carey has jujl published,
A 2 sheet map of Kentucky
compiled by Elihu Barker, price one doi
lar ard two thirds.
War Atlas, containing maps of France*
Germany, Spa n, Italy, the United Provin
ces, the Netherlands, afcd the Weft Indies.
Price two dollars.
Map of New Jersey—Hals a dollar.
Mips of Vermont, Conne&icut, Dela
ware, Georgia——Price three eighths Of
a dollar each.
April 29. tuth&*3 w
THE fubfeription for this work on the
original terms, of twelve dollars and the
binding, will be cJofed this day—and on
Monday the fubfeription will open at four
teen dollars, exclusive of the price of bind
The new maps added to this edition are
twenty one ; anions? w*hich are those of
Niw-Hamp(hire, MafTachufetts,
cut, Rhode-Island, Vermont, New Yoik,
New Jersey, Pennlyivania, Delaware, Ma
ryland, Virginia, Kentucky, North Caro
' lina, the GenefT'c Government, South Ca
s rolina, and Georgia. These maps have n'e
ever been given in any former system of
Geography, and, it is hoped, would alone
'j be fufficient to entitle this work ,tO a pre
-0 fer-nce to any other edition of Guthrie.
II N B. The map of the United States,
* which is compiling by Mr. S mud Lewis,
" f torn the refpeftive state maps, will be far {
J more complete than any one yet published, j
and be printed on two large (heets of ,
■I paper, nearly the size of the late Mr. Mur- t
~ rav's map. j
[l f
Just' Published, t
ie , c
5 By Benjamin Johnson, and fold at his c
Bootflorei No. 147, Market Jlreet, c
O 3
° The Life ps Dr.. Franklin, *
p with a striking likeness, executed in a mas- t
q terly manner by Thackarn and Vallancc, t
price fivelhillings.
c The Ready Reckoner,- or Traders' Sure !
h Guide, 3/9 {
The Young Book keeper's Afliftant, 6/3 i
[f The Christian, a poem, by Charles Craw- 1
ford, 2/4 (
s, Efop's Fables, 4JB a
ie Swan's Britilh ArchitedV, 37/6 i
Paine's ditto 33/ 1
Town and Country Builder's Afliftant. <
3- 22/6 '
y 1 In the press, and will be published in a few '
days, and fold as abovei
Reflections and Maxims, by J
William Penn, with his advice 1 to his chiJ- <
den, 4/8. '
:e 16 mo, 2, 1794' m&rwim *
fs - ;
5" Ccngrefs of the United States, '
n Jn Senate, Tuefaay May lsth, 1794. 1
j that Rufui Put am, Ma- ;
r naf fah Cutler, Robert Oliver and ]
Griffin Green, (to, upon the third Monday of 1
s December next, (hew cause to the Senarr, 1
h * why so much of the grants of land to them |
0 the said Rufus Putnam, Man a (Tali Cut'c, |
l_ Robert Oliver and Griifin Gteen # pu fua it .
I. t0 an Aft entitled " An aft authorizing 1
the grant and conveyance of certain lands 1
to the Ohio Company of alToeiates," (hall
1 not he declared void, as may interfere
l' with and be fufiicient to fatisfy the claims
( of the French settlers at Galliopnlis.
s Ordered, that the delivery of a copy
, s of the above order to Rufus Putnam, M -
e naffah Cutler, Robert Oliver, or Griffin
u Green, and the publication of (he fame,
one iiiomh, in one of the Gazettes printed
in this City, fliall be deemed fufficient no- ;
tice t hereof. ,
5. Extract from the Journals of Senate.- ,
Attest, ,
SAM. A. OTIS, secretary.
-I May 14. tln .
■ ,l ' i - ***
WANTED a middle aged single Woman so
who urtderftandsplain Cooking; to (uch a 0 j
one the befl wages will be given. 7
Apply to the Printer. ~
Ma> 31 - a
£iJ , — : a
To the Ele&orsof the city and t
county of Philadelphia.
THIS being tIK- .hist year of the pre- 1
sent Sheriff's time in office. 1 take
the liberty to offer myfeff a Candidate,
and solicit vodr votes and interffts in my F
favour, to placfi me on the return at the
next general Election, as his AfCcefTor for v
said office ;in doing which, you will confer t
gn obligation that will be gratefully re
membered, by f
' Your most obedient, C<
and humtile servant, f
May 3. estf. *
, " * ~
The following fedlion 1
of the law for eftablifhirig an Health-Office,
See. paired the last feflion of\hi Legi{lature y t
s is r<-publifhed for the information of all
concerned. n
Wm. ALLEN, Health-Officer,
for the port of Philadelphia, No. 21,
Kc : y's alley.
June 2, 1794.
Sec. AND be it further enaftet! by the
authority afOrefaid, That every matter or
, captain of any (hip or vcfTJ coming from be
r vond the sea (veflels afludlly employed in the
1. coasting trade oi the United Statefe rxreptedj
and bound to any port or place Within the
L„ jurifdiftion of Pennsylvania, shall cause his
fhi.p or vessel to be brought ttt anchor, or
D otherwifc stayed in the stream of the river '
Delaware, opposite to the health-office on
State-illand alorefafd, and there to remain t
until he (hall have duly obtained a certificate t
or bill ol hi alth from the resident physician,
in the manner and upon the terms herein be- j
fore dir»-ifted : and iIP, previously to obtain- I
y ing inch certificate or bill of health, any t
mailer or captain (hallTufFcr his (hip or vessel
to approach nearer than the health-office v
10 the city of Philadelphia, or (hall land, br ,
"> cause or fufFer to be landed, or brought on t
at any port or place within this com
s* monweahhj or at any other port Or place,
wi.'h the intent to be conveyed into this com- j
monwealth, any person or persons, or any
goods, wares 01 merchandize ; or if after re
cetvihg such certificate or hill of health j he '
shall, neglcft or refufe to deliver the fame to (
the agreeably to the dire£lions ]
of this aft, such maftet. or captain fhnli for
■r fen and pay, for cacti'and every such offence,
*■ the lum of five hundied to be recover- 1
ed and appropriated as hereinafter provided (
and directed , and the captain Or master of 1
each and every (hip or vessel, as sOon as the 1
;e fame ifc brought to anchor, or other wife stayed
- 3S aforefaid, (hall fend a fafe atul commodious 1
>n boat K> bring the resident physician onboard c
?- of-his (hip or vessel, and shall in like man- '
J- ner convey him back to the health-office 1
after he has concluded his official examina* '
e tionj and whife he is making such examina
of tion,or in cafe of any subsequent examination - 1
i- by the heMth-officer and consulting physician,
k, *s the cafe may be, each and every part of the *
a- (hip or vessel, and (hall present to his view c
each and every person on board thereof, and
a> shall also true and (atiffaftoty answers make (
? to all such qfieftions ai the resident physician
at the time of examination, or the health offi- f
ie cc . r at t '" le of delivering the or
biil of health, in the city of Philadelphia, or
at the time of examination tp be had by the i
health-officer together, with the cVj'nfullirig t
phyfiician (halhfk telative to the health of
' port or place from Which' the (hip or vessel
' failed, or has since touched at, the number of
peifOns on board When the (hip or vessel en- '
tered on her voyage, the number of persons
r ~ that have 'since been landed or taken on
board, and when or where reflectively, What *
persons on board,if any have been during the
voyage, or (hall at any time o'f examination,-
be infc&ed with any pestilential orvontagi-
ous difcafe, What person be longing to the ship
is or vessel, if any died during the voyage, and 1
of what disease, and what is the present (late
and condition of the person's on board with 1
refpedl to their health and dileafes ; and if \
y any captain or master of any ship or vessel 1
fhallretufe to eXpose the fame as aforefaid to
the search and examination of the resident 1
e * physician, or of the health -officer and confiilt- j
ing physician, as the cafe may be ?or if, hav- \
"C ing on board his (hip or vessel any such per- |
son or persons, he shall conceal the fame, or j
if in any manner whatsoever he (hall knowing-'
v- to deceive the proprr 1
officers aforefaid in his answers to their office
al.enquiries, such captain or master, for each
and every such offence, (hall, forfeit and pay !
the sum of five htindtcd dollars, to be re- '
it. cohered and appropriated as hereinafter pro- 1
vided and Hirefted ; and wherever the re(l '
w dent physician, or consulting physician, as {
the cafe may be, shall dife£l any person or
persons, or any goods, or merchandize
7 10 he landed at the healthuofficc, or any fhio
ij_ or veffd to be^drta'ned-Dppofite,thereto, and
and there to be fmoaked, cleansed and puri- J
fied f the captain of the fhtp or yeflej (hall in
_ all refpefts conform to (rich directions,
(hall at the prop r cost and rbaige'of cm
-9 plowrs carry the fame into effett within' such'
reafciiiable time as the resident physician, or
consulting physician, as the cafe may b«», (h-dl
a'law'and prefqribe; and if any master or
1 captain shall refufe or n'e'glcdVto conform to
these (.nd directions, arvd 10 carry the fame
into cffefl as afofefaid, according to the ref
m peftive objefls thereof, he (ball forleii anc.'
"r pay the sum of five hundred dollars for each
nt and every offence, to be recovered and a-ppro
ig priated as is hereinafter provide d and d>red
ds ed.
3y A large elegant House,
f n and Lot .of Ground,
e > TN an eligible situation, —also a CouMry
•d 1 Seat within 6 miles of the City, with 9
0- acres of land, or 42 arres of /and anri
meadow, the House is not e*eeeded bynn- I
ny in the vicinity of tlic city, in fixy oi I
convenience. [
» For particulars apply to tlie printer.
fu&rtitf f*
the Public are cautioned to
beware of counterfeited Five Dollar Mis
of the Bank of the United States
Twenty Dollar Bills of the Bank of A
America, fe-uerai of whith ba-oe app ear A
in circulation within a few days pan ■ ,i
are a good general imitation of thev\„, 3
Bills, but may be diftingui/hed by the f7
lowing J0l ~
Frve Dollar Bills of the Bank n r
United States. *
ALL that have appeared have tl,» i .
F. for their Alphabetical Mark. r
The Texture of the Paper i s tbick, r , .
whiter and it takes the'ink
than the genuine paper. '
The O. in the word Company i$ small»
than the M. and other letters of that word,
so that a line extended from ihe ton of ihl
0, to touch the top of the M. would extend
above the range of t he whole
In the word United the letters ST
together than th# re^'f
The t and /in the word promifc ,
parallel, the/indinin S much more
than the i. raor e lorwJrJ
The engraving i s badly
strokes of all the Letters are l> r « e
the devi e in themargin particularlyff"
coa.fcr and appears darker lhan h
bills. Some et the counterfeits bLr J '
1791—Whereas the Bank ■ e
tion till December: and no f
were issued innhat yrar. Jve dollar bills
Twenty Bollar Bills 0 f the Banl ,
ALL that have appeared lUve the lptt
B. foe their alphabetical mark
imed °" 3 Wer ncar 'V fimi.
lar to that of tlie counterfeit Five Dollar
, N.tes above d.scribed; the engraving i,
, bate, executed, and they appro ch nearer
t0 ' e ?PP e arance of the genuine hills.
, The fcne ruled lines through the word
Tzvcrty, in the body of the bill, are ia ~um.
• ber th 1 teen in the genuine 1,11s; and but
• twelve in the counterfeits.
1 The wo,(I Company is much like the fame
word in the five Dollar B lis as defer ibed
' above, the 0 being | e ss than the m, ana c
then following.
There is no ftrnke to Jthc t in'the word
• North whereas in the genuine bills tlitftroke
* is well defined.
[ The letters evt in the word Twenty, to
J the left hand at the bottom, do noi come
\ down to the line, but are so cut as to give
5 an irregular appearance to the word, the
_ Tw and they going below them.
The signature ] Nixon, has the appear
ance of being written with lamb-black and
I 01, and difters from other inks used ift
{ printing the bills and the cafliiei's figna
„ ture.
j It is supposed these forgeries were commii
s ted irrfomeof thc s Southern States, a* all the
j count&ffeits thai have appeared, have come
from thence, and two'perfons have been ap
: piehetfded i n Virginia, ©n suspicion of being
the author of them.
The reward of ONE THOUSAND 1)0 L
, LARS will be pafd to any Person or Person*
? w|io fliall discover and profccute to corivic
. several offenders of the following
or any of them, viz.
1 The person or persons, who mani.f 6Uir
ed the paper on Which the BilU are primed.
* The person or persons, who engraved the
. plates
r The printer or printers, of the bills;
r Every person who has a£fed as a principal
: in any other way,-in the counterfeiting Jand
uttering the said bills.
Philadelphia, March ?8. 1794
| April 21, 1794,
Other counterfeit bills
of the Bank of the United States have ap
• pearcd in circulation.
The denomination is of TWENTY
DOLLARS, and the alphabetical maik is
\ the letter B.
, They may be distinguished from the gc
j nuine by the following MAPvKS :
. The paper of ihe counterfeits ft of a
1 more tender texture and gloffey Airfare
f than the genuine, and there is no water
I mark in them.
> The Tetter C. in the word Cashier, in
{ he true bills is fti ongly marked, whereas
- in the counterfeits, rhe whold letter is a
fine hair (jfroke, evidently in an unfinifhed
" state. The letter a in the word demand,
r is badly formed and the whole word ili done
and there is no comma at theend of it, as
' there is in' f?i»e genuine bills.
* The marginal device, is much darker
in the falfe, than in the genrtine bills otv
ing to the shade firofees being coarfei, much
nearer together, and eonfeqiiently mwh
more numerous. Tlvls difference ft• ikes the
eye at firft view.
* The fame reward of ONE THOUSAND
e DOLLARS, will be paid for apprehending,
0 & prosecuting to convi&ion tiie several
above described Offenders in iefpeft to thV«,
as to the ldfl defrribed bills.
of the Brn'k I'nwtd St firs.
JOH*-' NIXON, President of*the
h>' H«ink of North America,
r By order of the Committee* 'he Re'-
II 80.-.rds. .
" Mai ket-Street,
h An EfTay on Slatery,'
Delianed to exhibit in ar new p"'»< "*
view ii* elFffts on moiah. ivJuJiry. dnri fhi*
prate of focii!?- som.e lasts a>i«l
aie otleicd tn provr'the labor r- Jieimtn i° '■<■
■mich more prouufliuc than nl i
■hat coitwrfifs ate rirh. poi''''" a Pr'V.
m prffemion ar. the P r °T''
5 "the fx. r« of tlioir ow! i *"<'
the n-ceffary conclofr n jthat is
ticis well as uniujl.
V P*i' 1 ®5 Cents.
t) ' Tei>rtt*ry 15
r /fice of the President and Dn
cf r h& lAs oil an<-e Com p aWy of No «t u
is icmoved to No. 107, South
.i ront ftreet,*being tl>e south eall corhcrot
i Pvoim and Walnut ftreets-.;