The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, December 28, 1882, Image 4
SOME LOST STATES. A Recorder Cnrl'on anil Ill.1Ta.ted Hrfcems. lu th. United States. SoAe of the obscure facts of our history relating to the formation, the speedy rise and as Rpeeuy fall of or ganizations that promised to become prosperous and permanent States, are iuu or interest. They have, in iren oral, no place in the current histories or the country j and only the dclvor in original records and out-of-the-way documents Is likely to find thorn. Now Connecticut included a nnni ber of towns on both sides of the Con- necticut river, which, in June. 1770, attempted to form a separate covern ment, but the effort was short-lived. New Albion was a grant mado In 1G34 by the Earl of Strafford, lord lieutenant of Ireland (the only American grant unaer the great seal or the Emerald isle),, to tdward Tlowden, of the pres ent tract of New Jersey with all the wmcent islands, it was not utilized by Tlowclen, probably on account of in .Dutcn claims. .New Anistel ws a grant to the city of Amsterdam, in lt50, by the Dutch west India com pnny.'of that part of the same terri tory between the Christiankill and the Delaware, In consideration of a large payment, it was named from a suburb of Amsterdam. It was successfully colonized, but so many difficulties were experienced in the administration of its affairs that after eight Years the In dia company was asked to take it back. The beginnings of government in Kentucky were made by a party of North Carolinians, headed by Colonel Kicnara Henderson. In defiance of the ancient policy and statutes of Vir ginia, which ruled the land, they as sumed to purchase from theCherokees ii,uuu,uuu acres, oetwecn tno Cum berland and Kentucky rivers, unon which they tried to found "the Colony of Transylvania." A legislature of seventeen members met under an elm at Fort Boone, or lioonesborougii, Slay to, iuo; tne nrst jvngio-American government west of the Alleghanies, Bundry measures were passed during the five days' session, when the assem bly adjourned, never to meet again, as the movement was squelched by the Virginia legislature and the refusal of the continental congress to receive the delegate sent to that body. The post-revolutionary era was pro line in schemes tor extending the American empire. Congress looked wisely to the early settlement of the western country and to its subdivision and erection into States. In 178-1 indeed, before the cession by Virginia of her vast tracts in the northwest to the United States an ordinance of that body, re ported by a committee of which' Jef ferson was chairman, provided for the subdivision of all territory acquired in the' .then west, from th frontier of Florida to the north line of the union. "With the growth of population in eacli pre scribed division of 20,000 or more, seventeen States in all were to be suc cessively created eight between the Mississippi and a north and south line drawn through the falls of the Ohio, eight between this line and a meridian through the mouth of the great Kenawha, and the seventeenth between the latter and the western boundary of Pennsylvania and Vir ginia: Eacli State, in general, was to have a breadth of just two degrees of latitude, without regard to natural boundaries. A nrnvisinn. rlniihr.lra introduced by Jeil'erson, but which did not pass with the bill, anticipated the ordinance of 1787 in declaring that there should be no slavery or involun tary servitude in the States formed (in this case after the year 1800), except a3 punishment for crime. The pro posed division was found impracticable, and was superseded three years after ward by the ordinance just named, for the government of the territory north west of the river Ohio. In Jt fferson's original draf t of the act of 1781 he- provided definite bounds and titles for such of the States as might be formed north of Ohio. .That betAveen the forty-fifth parallel and the north limit of the United States was to be Sylvania; next south of this, Michigan, east of which, in the present lower peninsula of Michigan, would cjmo Choronesus ; the two States south of these, Assinispia on the west and Metropotamia to the east ; below these, Illinoia and Saratoga; between the latter and Pennsylvania, Washing ton; and between the Ohio and the fortieth parallel, Polypotamia (from the old name of the Beautiful River). But when the bill was sent back to the committee the elaborate provisions for these were stricken out. r In. the same year (1784) North Carolina ceded her western lands to the general government. Among thera were certain counties of East Ten nessee, whose people revolted at the cession, met at Joncshoro in December and formed a separate organization calied Frankl.uid. Sevier, brigadier general, of the military district, was mace , governor in ' March, 1785, and ruled alter a fashion for a year, or'., two, until an armed colli sion occurred between his militia aud a force under Colonel Tipton, leader of a party favoring allegiance to North Carolina. The "governor" was de feated and taken to prison in irons; and with his incarceration expired the embryo States. In 1788 North Caro lina passed an act of oblivion in regard to all persons concerned in the matter. The republic of the Kio (Irande was attempted by General Canales, a revo lutionary Mexican, in 1839. It was created from parts of Tainaulipas, Coa huila and Durango, and included a t-trip of the present State of Texas. Canales was made president, and a party of Texas troops assisted him in the capture of Laredo, on the right bank of the Rio Grande, where he es tablished his capital. The next April, however, he was driven into Texas by GenQral Arista; and so made an end of his short-lived republic. Detroit News. A Missouri doctor reports to the Philadelphia Medical and Surgical tSochty the case of a fanner who has nine children, the eldest of whom Is ten," and the youngest two years of age.'. The list begins witli the girl of t n years 5 then comes twins (boy and Kiii) of eight years, another pair of twins of six years, a girl of four, and finally triplets (all girls) two yean old. Father, mother and children are in good health. A tin mine said to be the only one in the United States has been discov ered in Clay county, Alabama, VPTJtTQ fW TTTt? WUfTr Eastern and Middle State Two shocks of earthqnnlte lasting ton ie onds were felt at Dover, N. H., aud othei townlnth vicinity. A heavy nhoclc wai also experienced at Contoocook, N. II. Thomas Dotlb and Katie A. Mortifm gir. Ing the names, rerpectively, of William Latii and Katie A. Latis who had been board ins at a house in Rochester, N. Y., were suffo cated by the escape of Illuminating gag in their room. They were ft runaway couple. A riRi in Boston gutted the five-story brick building occupied by John r. Lovell fc Sons, dealers in firearms, powdor ami sporting goods. For ten minutes after the fire started there was a perfect hail of bullets through the streets, caused by exploding cartridges, and the firemen were in great danger. The lop s is about $125,000. Herb Most, the German socialist, who re. cently ended a term of imprisonment foi views expressed while editor of a socialist paper in Ixmilon, Kngland, arrived in New York, and was thera tendered a public recep. tion by his friends. He now proposes to make a tour of the tTnitod States f r thepur poso of effecting a thorough organization of all the sooinlists. A hue in l'tiiladelphtn rtestrojea a six slory brick business building, causing losses aggregating $:tOO,000. Much excitement followed the announce ment that through an appropriation of about 1350,000 of the funds of the City bank of Rochester, N. Y., by its president, C. E. Up ton, to carry on oil speculations, the bank had closed its doors. The amount of depos its was stated at $i00,000, and the amount of paper held by the bnnk nt $800,000. Upton was treasurer of the Western New York Episcopal diocese, and had its funds in the bank. The savings banks of the city had large sums on deposit in tho bank. The city had no funds in the bank, but the county is badly involved. The William C. Moore banking house at Victor, N. Y., suspended payment in consequence of the failure of the City bank. Alexandeb jEFTEaaoN, a colored man, fired a shotgun 'at a number of colored men and women who were holding a party in Brooklyn. Then he entered the house and stabbed right and left. Henry Hicks was killed by the shot; Ella Jackson, fifty years old, was slabbed to death; Anna Jackson was stabbed in eight places, and others of the party were wounded. Jealousy was the cauBe of Jefferson's crime, j Buffalo, N. Y., has been visited by a costly conflagration. The flames broke out in the new building oAupied by the Com mercial Advertiser, and then Bprang across the street to tho new Masonic temple, ten anted upstairs by seventeen Masonic socie ties, while downstairs was the liire whole sale grocery house of Miller, Greiner Co. The newspaper building was completely gutted and tho Masonic temple was partially destroyed. The losses will aggregate about $300,000. South and West. TnE case of Mrs. Scovillc, who was re cently adjudged insane and then granted a new trial, has been stricken from the docket at Chicago by agreement. It is reported that the unhappy couple are reunited. Flames at Corsicana, Texas, destroyed seven brick business houses and l.L'CO bales of cotton, causing an estimated loss of $li"i0, 000. Grand Forks, Dakota, has also had a fire which bnvned down about a dozen business places and resulted in a loss of over $100,000. Atlanta had the great exposition of last year; Louisville will have it in 1S83; Balti more will have it in 1884. Lieutenant-Colonel George W. Scho field, of the Sixth United States cavalry, shot himself dead at Fort Apache, Arizona Territory, while at reveille. August Nast died in Cresco, Iowa, of trichina;, from eating diseased pork. His wife, three children and a girl visitor were all taken sick from the same cause. Two of the boilers of Globe mill Mo. 1. in Cincinnati, exploded and killed, two men and wounded nine others. A collision between two trains near Fos ter's Crossing, Ohio, resulted in the behead ing of an engiheer and death of a postal clerk. 'J en illicit distilleries and 14,000 gallons of beer, low wines and whisky were seized and destroyed in the Atlanta (Ga.) district, and Bix illicit distillers were arrested, during Inst week. James H. Wilson, county treasurer of De Witt county, Illinois, committed suioide by hanging himself in his barn. DniiiNO a severe hailstorm near Hunter- ville, Texas, Dean's milling house was blown down, instantly killing Albert Driden and four colored women who had sought shelter in the building. Two young ladies Bettie I.inlell and Frederica Peterson attempted to cross the river on the ice from Lake City to Stock holm, Wis., with a young man named An drew Johnson. All were drowned. Tiiree children of John Clark, a farmer in Linn county, Kansas, were burned to death in their father's house. Through the defalcations of J. J. Fuller, cashier, and H. L. St. John, assistant cashier of the Second National bank at Jefferson, Ohio, that institution was forced to suspend. Fuller, who had been using from $50,000 to $75,000 of the bank's funds, fled, and St. John, on learning that the defalcation was discovered, had a stroke of paralysis. From Washington. Toe constitutionality of the law under which General Newton M. Curtis was con victed and fined heavily in New York for making political assessments has been af firmed by the United Stute3 supreme court. Dubino the eleven mouths ending Novem ber 30, 1882, the value of the exports of do mestic breadstuff a from the United Stirffcs was $15,30C,494, aud the value during the same period in 1881 was $18,025,880. Hbnbt H. Jessup, of New York, was nominated by the President to be charge d'affaires and consul-general of the United States at Teheran, Persia. A bill introduced in the House provides that when an officer of the government de. teots frauds upon the customs he shall re ceive one-fourth of the fine. Ta House committee on war claims has agreed to report a bill granting a pension of eight dollars per month to officers and enlisted men who served in the Mexican and Indian wars and the widows of those dead, excepting only Jefferson Davis. The number of United States pensioners on the roll December 1, 1882, is estimated at 291,656, with an annual vulue of $30,013,000. Clayton MoMiouael has been confirmed by the Senate as United States marshal in the District of Columbia. The annual report of the publio printer shows that during the past fiscal year the total expense of tiie office was $2,635,159.08, which includes the expense of binding, $580,. 510.5j of paper, $492,527.80; of lithograph- ing and engraving, $274,154.99, and of the Conyt esownal llecord, $150,902.19. The ag gregate amount extended is 1419,719.81 larger than the expense of any previouYciUri I' FrnTBus nomination h iht, PrMMt. - n .... u, n Ayj UUllOU attorney for Nebraska W. F. Rowland, of New York, to be consul at Nice, and George r. Mosher, of New Hampshire, to be consul at Sonnobnrg. Thb Senate finance committee du re. ported favorably a bill proposed by the tariff eomuiissiou, which provides for a com plete revision of the methods of appraising and assessing imports. If passed it will make a reduction in the valuation of n-nnrl. subject to ad valorem duties of from ten to thirty per cent. Foreign News At a fire in Le Tuy, France, nine persons wore burned to death Bt an explosion in a cartridge factory at Mount Valorien, Franco, thirty women were seriously injured. There lias been a great fire in Canton, China. Eight hundred houses wore destroyed and many lives were lost, including firemon who were burned to death. The viceroy visited tho scone with a body of soldiers to prevont robberies, and fiorce fights occurred between the thieves and citizens. There were also two fires at Foo Chow on succeeding days. They consumod each about 200 houses, and five lives wore lost. Three vessels were wrecked and the crews drowned in a storm off the coast of Scot land. The greatest storm in fifty years Iibs been experienced off the coast of Newfoundland. Twenty-two vessels of different sizes wore totally wrecked in Green Bay. A lateb cable dispatch says that fifteen of the women injured by tho explosion in the cartridge factory at Mont Valerien, France, have died. Alien vel Fltnn, the last of tho three men arraigned in Dublin for the murder of the two Huddys at Lough Mask, was convicted and sentenced to be hanged ou January 17. A uand of forty brigands made a sudden attack upon the town of Ahuacatlan, Mex ico, overawed the inhabitants, who fled terror-stricken, and seized the mnyor, tho jus lice and the aldormeu and carried them off captives, intending to hold them for a large ransom. While a cage was descending a mine at Dortmund, Prussia, the chain to which it was attached broke and the cage fell, killing twenty persons. Prince Kbapptxine and forty other men are to be tried in Lyons, France. The prince is charged, first, with belonging to an association of Frenchmen and foreigners, the object of which is the overthrow of social ol der by menns of pillage and assassination; and, second, with having been the chief mover of an anarchist association in France, and with visiting Lyons for the purpose of organizing a conspiracy at secret meetings. 47TU CONGRESS-SECOND SESSION Senate. Mr. Pugh offered an amendment to the civil service bill, providing that persons now in the service shall be subject to the pro vision for competitive examinations like other citizens ; also that the offices be pro portioned among the States and Territories and the District of Columbia in proportion to the population. Ordered printed. . . .The Indian appropriation bill was taken up. Mr. Dawes said the Senate committee had added 154,200 to the bill as it came from the House, making the total appropriation $5,362,200. .. .Mr. Brown roe to a personal explanation. He had the clerk read a news paper article stating that the committee who attended the funeral of Senator Hill had traveled in a special car, had been extrava gant generally, mid had incurred bills amounting to 3,800. Mr Brown said the committee had not traveled in a special car, aud had not been extravagant, the whole ex penses being only $1,025. The Indian appropriation bill was passed with amendments as follows: An amend ment requiring the secretary of the interior to have the approval of the President in set ting aside bids detrimental to the interests of the government; an amendment provid ing' that the appropriation for the educntinn of Indians at Carlisle shall cover also the cost of their transportation; an amendment ap propriating f :,uuu to enauie the secretary of the interior to complete negotiations with the Sioux; an amendment directing the re moval of the Crow agency to some point east of the Big Horn river in the vicinity of Fort Custer; an amendment providing that the Sominoles still remaining in Florida shall receive their share of the money appropriated to pay the interest due that tribe under treat v stipulations!; and an amendment providing that any disbursing officer or other person who shall present any voucher, account or claim to a United States officer for approval or payment containing any material misrep resentation of fact shall not receive payment or credit for any part of such claims. The consular and diplomatic appropria tion biU was considered and passed. ..The Pendleton civil service bill was discussed by Messrs, Vest, Allison, Barrcw and Call. Mr. Saunders offered a preamble and reso lution to the uflect that the right to large tract of land thut had beon granted to rail roads ha been forfeited by the non-com pliance of the corporations with the terms of the grant, and directing the committee on public hiiids to ascertain what steps should be taken t restore the lands so that they may be opened for homestead settlement ; also that it is the sense of the Senate that the pre-emption laws should be repealed, and all government land held for actual settlement only.,.. The House resolution providing for a recess of Congress from De cember 22 to January it was defeated by a vote of 36 nays to 25 yeas The amend ments to the agricultural bill reported by the committee were agreed to, and the bill was passed. Home, The death of Ma, Orth, of Indiana, was referred to in a few touching words by the chaplain of the House, and the desk of the late representative wbb appropriately draped in black A resolution by Mr. Kobeson lining every member absent without leave from December 22 to January 3 $50 for eaoh day's absence, was adopted by a vote of 111 yeas to 102 nays. Several members applied for a leave of absence for various reasons, which, after some objection and debate, were granted. In reply to a question by Mr. Robeson, of New Jersey, the speaker stated that there were fifteen additional requests for leave, and thereupon Mr. Kobeson offered a resolu tion for a recess from the 22d of December, 1882, until the 2d of January, 1883. A point of order that the resolution was not a priv ileged matter was overruled by the speaker, and the resolution was adopted by a vote of 127 yeas to 101 nays. The House thus re scinded its action of the previous day ... . The army appropriation bill was reported. The total amount of the estimates for 1884 is $28,044,143.44. The total amount of ap propriations for 1883 (exclusive of $592, 685.90 for signal service and $249,860 for general service men in the department, making $842,545.90), $26,415,454.10. Amount recommended in this bill for 1884, $24,681, 700. Decrease under 1883, $1,733,754.10; de crease under estimates, $3,962,443.44. Jn committee of the whole on the post office appropriation bill un amendment was adopted directing the podtniaster-gennral to make a thorough investigation into the rail way mail service of the United States and to report to the next session of Congress what is the reasonable value of the trans portation of the mails and w hat difference there is between the cost of transportation of freight for private parties and the cost of the transportation of the mails. The com mittee then rose, reported the bill to the House and it was then passed yeas, 163; nays, 21. Billd were introduced and referred as fol lows: By Mr. ltich, to place $25,000 at the disposal of tho National board of health for the inspection and protection of the health of emigrants; by Mr. Cassidy, proposing a repeal of the act of the legislature of Utah conferring the right of suffrage on women (the measure is intended to aid in the sup pression of polygamy, and is not aimed at the principle of female suffrage); by Mr. Beltzhoover, a resolution calling on the sec retary of war for fall information as to the measures taken to secure the arrest and trial of li. W. HowgaU, Dnst in the Air. There Is scarcely a solid, however compact It may appear, which does not contain pores, and these pores are filled with air. It is to be found In abun dance in the soil; Indeed were it not so, numberless worms and insects which inhabit the latter would cease to exist. The most compact mortar and walls are penetrated by it, and water in its natural state contains a large quantity of air in solution. The atmosphere was formerly believed to extend no higher than five miles above the earth's surface, but meteorological observations have since shown that it extends to a height of more than 200 miles. Owing to the force of gravity the air is much denser near the earth, and gets thinner, layer by layer, as you ascend. If then the atmosphere were possessed of color, it would be very dark just round the globe, and the tint would grad ually fade into space. There Is no absolutely normal composition of the air we breathe, or, if there be, it is not at present known. It contains, however, in all cases, unless under purely artificial conditions, two essen tial elements, which are nearly invari able under nominal circumstances, namely oxygen and nitrogen, and two accessory elements which vary ex tremely in amount, but are practically never absent, namely, carbonic acid and water. Without either of the first two air could not exist, and with out the last two air is scarcely found in nature . Their combination, more over, is not a chemical union but a simple mechanical mixture. 13ut beside these constituents the air con tains an immense amount of life, and small particles derived from the whole creation. In the air may be found ani malcules, spores, seeds, cells of all kinds, eggs of insects, fungi, and ele ments of contagion, besides formless dust, and sandy and other particles of local origin. Tor example, no one can travel in a railway carriage without being surrounded by dust, a large por tion of which may bo attracted by a magnet, consisting, as it does, in a great measure, of minute particles of iron derived from the rails. The purest air has some dust in it. There probably never fell a beam of light from the sun since the world was made which would not have shown countless numbers of solid particles. Good Words. A. T. Stewart's Snpezstition. Workmen are busy making altera tions in the white marble building at Broadway and Chambers street, which was once A. T. Stewart's downtown dry goods store, says a New York let ter. Judge Hilton could not get his price for it, though he had vainly tried to sell it to the Herald, and he is hav ing it fitted up for offices. With the interior change other alterations will come which will blot out the memories of the shrewd merchant who created a fortune in its walls. Stewart never had a sign upon the building, but by spring it will be covered with gilded lettering. When he first built there the lessee of the central lot, on w hich an old two-story brick structure stood, refused to sell out except at an exor bitant price, so Stewart reared his white marble walls on each side of the dingy edifice and quietly waited until the lease had expired. The man's trade was killed in the meantime. I seldom pass the building but I seem to see sitting on its front step the old wrinkled woman who crouched there in a wooden hutch year in and year out, with a basket ol apples by her side. She never seemed to be less than ninety years of age, and she paid i.o attention to her sales of fruit. People wondered why Stewart toler ate I her there, and they little dreamed that l.e allowed her a pension. The, with all his hard-headed craft, was very superstitious and be lieved th vt her presence brought him luck. v In n he moved to his uptown store the old woman, with her crutch and basket, was sent uptown in a car riage, and resumed her watch on the front steps. One day she was miss ing, and soon after it was learned that she had died and had been buried at Stewart's expense. The schoolboys of that day had a wonderful reverence for the wrinkled beldame, for they had been told that she was a cross between a witch and a detective and never for got a face which had crossed the t hreshold of the store, though no urchin had ever seen the color of her eyes, THE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO., The Mew Partnership In the House ol A. Baltimore Herald, October 14-1 A most important chance in one of the Hra- est enterprises of the city took place yesterday aim imiuiry was ousy m garnering ino runs. Immediately follow in tr the death of Mr. Charles A. Vogeler, the surviving part ners of the house, of which he had been the moving spirit, issued a circular to the trade and presB, which appeared in the columns of this paper. It made publio an arrangement which in the exigencies of the moment was deemed necessary, and an nounced that it was the desire of all concerned to continue its affairs as they bad been pre viously conducted. It was learned, late last evening, that cer tain changes affecting tho permanent estab lishment of the business had been resolved upon, and a reporter of the Herald was dis patched to the office of Col. Charles Marshall, attorney for the estate of the late Charles A. Vogeler, where it was ascertained that nego tiations had been concluded, as follows: That the interests of the surviving part ners had been purchased by Mr. Christian Devries, a member of the old and sub stantial house of William Devries & Co., and president of the National Bank of Baltimore, and that a new firm was about to be formed under the firm name of The' Charles A. Vogeler Co., this name being in honor and perpetuation of the memory of the late Charles A. Voge ler. It was further ascertained that the new firm will be composed of the widow of the late Mr. Vogeler (she retaining her late hus band's full interest), Mr. Christian Devries, as executive partner and financial head, and Mr. H. D. Umbstaetter, who, from the first step in the initial venture of the house of A. Vogeler & Co., was the manager of the advertising department and oonlidential adviser of Mr. Charles A. Vogeler. By this arrangement it has been fully de termined that all the plans and business mrposes of the late Charles A. Voge er, the founder and executive man ager of the late firm, shall be developed to their full fruition, and that the popular preparations of the houso, prominent among which are St. Jacobs Oil and Dr. August Koe nig's Hamburg Family Medicines, shall hold their high rank under new auspices and the new management. There is one feature of this commercial episode which appeals strongly to the kind liest feeling and points a touching moral. Mrs. Vogeler holds her relation in tho firm with a wifely courage. Her wtiole future is centered in the resolvo that the fruits of so valuable a life as that of lie:' husband's, which was freely sacrit'uedin his zeal for the welfare of his native city, and that the aims and pro jects he pursued shall not be permitted to languish, but shall be revived and strength ened to its credit and to his honor and fame, and that she will strive to build for him an enduring monument in the enterprise of his own lounoicg, Loss of Confidence. A Shepherd was eating his dinner beside a Spring when a Wolf walked out of the Forest and coolly in quired : "Well, how ia the Wool and Mutton business?" " Pretty fair," replied the astonished Shepherd. " I have come to tell "you," con tinued the Wolf, "that the Hyenas have formed a plot to break into your Sheepfold to-night, and to offer my services as a Private Watchman." " You are fever so kind to give mo this warning." " And you just leave the gate open and go to bed feeling perfectly safe. The first Hyena who comes fooling around your Mutton will find his heels breaking his neck." After some further conversation it was agreed that the gate should be left open and that the Wolf should stand guard. Darkness was scarcely an hour old when a great outcry was heard at the Fold and the Shepherd ran out and dis covered the Wolf in a Trap he had set witmn tne i'en. " Is this the kind of confidence vou had in me?" howled the AVolf as he struggled to get free. " I hart plenty of confidence in you," replied the Shepherd, "but more in the Trap I Prepare to die !" moral : Don't lend both horse and saddle to the same person. Detroit Free Press. MeNHMAN'H PKnoNIZEDBEEFTOs'lO, tllOOlllj preparation of beef containing its entire nu tritious properties. It contains blood-making, force-generating and life-sustaining proper ties; invaluable for indigestion, dyspepsia,ner votis prostration, and all forms of general do bility :also,in all enfeebled conditions.whether the result of exhaustion, nervous prostration, overwork or acute disease, particularly if re suiting from pulmonary complaints. Caswell, Hazard & Co. ,prop'rs.,N.Y. Sold by druggists Axle 4rrnse. One greasing lasts two weeks; nil others two or three days. Do not be imposed on by the humbug stuffs offered. Ask your dealer forFra zer'a, with label on. Saves your horse labor and you too. It received first medal at the Centen nial and Paris Expositions. Sold everywhere. Skinny Men. "Wells' Health Renewer" re ctores health, cures dyspepsia, impotence, $1. Wells' "Rouifh on Corns." Ifin. Ask far it. Complete cure. Corns, warts, bunions. Any person having a bald head and falling to see the benefit to be derived from the great pe troleum hair renewer, Carboline. as now im proved and perfected, in face of the vast num ber of testimonials, is Btirely going it blind. Much sickness attributed to dyspepsia and chronic diarrhea is occasioned byhumor in the stomach. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the rented , . The Science of Life or Self-Preservation, a medical work for every man young, middle ged or old. 125 invaluable prescriptions. The habit of running over boots or shoes corrected with Lyon's Patent HeelStiffuiiera, That immensitv of hear! is nnt nlivnva in dicative of vastness of brain is proved by the fact that a St. Louis nolincmnn Iman hcoil so large that he must have all his hats mado to order. THE TKANKFKIl Of public contMt.-nce from othr preparntions of Sar Baparilla and otli jr Blood Purifier of whatever mme to Hood's KarBaparilla is the signal triumph of a int-ritori. ous articlo. The people are quirk to recij :uize true merit, and this is why the sale of HoodV Si-s:!piril!i far exceeds all similur preparations. Odc hundred dosoB $1 can only bo appliod tollood'sSaraaparilia, aud is an unanswerable argument as to mediciual strength and economy. CATAKHII. We believe that niue-tenths of all cases of catarrh are constitutional. Wo nls beliero that a roliablo consti tutional n iuedy like Hood's Sarsaparilla, that strikes at the very root of the disease, will cure a very large proportion of all cases. In continuation of tult belief we offer evidence showing the effects of HooJ'o Sarsa parilla npon this disease. A mother says: ' 'My boy had catarrh so badly that 1 could hardly keep hint in clean handkerchiefs; he has takoa one bottle of Hood's Sar saparilla, and that terrible amouut of discharged has stopped." Another writes: f,I have had catarrh foui years. Last April the dropping in my throat became so troublesome thut 1 became alarmed, as it affectd my right lung. 1 took two bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla and it cured me. My appetite, which waa variable before, is first rate now." H, Uhiffin, Lowell, Alasa. IlOOTt'M KAItSAPARIXIiA. C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. dire that Cold. Do not suffer your lungs to become diseased by allowing a cold to continue without an effort to cure it. Thousands have died premature deaths, the victims of Consumption, by simply neglecting a cold. Dr. Wm. Hall's Balsam for the Lungs will cure Colds, OoughB aud Consumption surer and quicker than any other remedy. Though slow, is sure if persisted In ac cording to directions. Henry's t'nrbullc Waive Is the best Salve for Cuts, Bruises, HoruK, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all kinds of Skin Eruptions, Freckles and Pim ples. Get Henry's Carbolio Salve, aa all others are counterfeits. Price 25 cenU. THE MARKETS. NEW TOBK. Beef cattle, good to prime lw Calves, com'n to prime veals Sheep Lambs Hogs Live Hi 6 (H Dressed, city. . . Flour Ex. St., good to fancy 4 80 (5 G 00 West., good to choice 4 4fi (o 7 fiO Wheat No. 2 Red 1 07J4'(nv I 0H No. 1 White 1 05 ( 1 07 Rye State fit! ((j 70 Barley Two-rowed State ... 05 u) I 05 Corn TJngrad. West, mixed. .r4 (aj "(! Yellow Southern 0t (i 70 Oats White State 4.1 (j 48 Mixed Western 40 (it) 4ti Hay Med. to cli. Timothy.. 70 (w to Straw No. 1. Rye fiS (b CO Hops State Choice Hit dp '.5 Lard City Steam.... Petroleum Crude tifu) Helmed 7 ( Butter State Creamery Hf 0 Dairy iil () West. Itn. Creamery. 24 (i Factory IG (J Cheese State Fuctory 8 (th Skims 2 (Q Western 5 (ti Eggs State and l'enn ,'io (ti I'olatoes Stttto bbl 2 m Of 40S 87 .'it BUFFALO. Steers Good to Choice 5 73 (ft G W) Lambs Western 4 75 () 5 40 Sheep Western 4 25 (i 4 "75 Hogs Good to choice Yorks. 5 isfl tt ti (0 Flour C'y ground n. process. 7 25 ( H 25 Wheat No. 1, Hard Duluth.. 1 17 (d 1 18 Corn No. 2, Mixed t;lj'(" 71 Oats No. 2, Mixed Western. 41 (th tl Barley Two-rowed State ... 80 Qt 85 BOSTON. Beef Ex. plate and family . . 15 00 Vi 10 00 Hogs Live 7'.jri '1 City Dressed 8)4(1 84 Pork Ex. Prime, per bbl. . .17 fO (n)lH 00 Flour Spring Wheut patents G f O (ti 7 M Corn High Mixed 8ii (ii 87 Oats Extra White r4 (ti 65 KyeState 74 (j, 75 WATIiUTOWN (mass.) cattle maiikkt. Beef Extra quality 7 -n,M 7 CO hlteep Lave weight a'fu) fit jjmiiuo !(''' () Hogs Northern, d. w FHILAOKLPHIA 8 (ti 8i Flour Fenn. ex family, good 4 75 Wheat No. 2, lted 1 0 Rye State 70 Corn State Yellow 82 Oats Mixed G9 Butter Creamery Extra Pa. 40 (di B 25 (tu u 82 CO 40 6 Cheese M. Y. Full Cream. . . lHlfce Petroleum Crude 6 (tb Refined 7 (t 7 7!.C THE PERFECT IDEAL Writing Machine. Fof niaitr&Ud 0tv '- - - loguA tddrui UK. HAU0CK,WittWintf9d,Conn. Rmmbr th&t ftimlDr, rital mer gf, thft nO-princlpltj, or wh&terer yon tnny ohooMtooall then lstnnt power which battlot igaiDftt the caufwB of dtaeaM and death, la tha grand aafeftiard of health. It la the KAfrtflon of tlis human fort reps, and whn ft trnxnfl weak, tlin true policy in to throw In reln fnrreniHiits. Jn other tvnrdfl, when auvh an emi'KPncy occurs, ft coursa nf the HittnrH. For nnln ry Dntjwata and Dotilera, to whom ni'piy fur our Alma nao. k STOMACH g BITTER N ITU A Rare Opportunity! l Valuable Premiums. sent FREE! Th tix vntunhla and uttful artiettt I lluitratcd ahovt mny bn ohtaintd by K k3 every rtimter of th it publication ahto- m m 69 luttly Fi-ee of Tharice. Bead thU mdvntlumtnt 03r caitftittif.for U prttf-nttan opportunity tuoft at tt tefrfom met with. We tmhltah a plentliri 1Mtmj, Agricultural fid Houiehol.l paper culled The Itural Home J mi run!. umber of which contain etaht 1ar(c rune, .tv column, rirofuwh .luBtrr.tct, Kixl fllled with -valuiihle hint mid tut tvt.oti Tot Ou Farm". (.tirJetiifr an.l lloim wl fe, fin tlnitid Htorlcn, Sketcbe n4 Porim, un Tut Knuwlerlfte, I,.1(-s' l-'aticr Work, Wli and Humor, Kxpourei of HunibtiK. lli-adlng for tne Younpt. Nw ic. H I roplete with vaWiabln Information, and iiibscrtnrn iltcii 11 ml In a iriBl lama nmn hint or iimchIIoii worth twice iiiw eon of a venr'a nubaorlptlon. Wlohltt; to Introduce thH iplsiidM punnr Into thouaanda of homea where It ia nnt already iion. nv now make Hie following unparallflcd offer: (on rri: tf nn'i Fifty Ont in yttttafft ttampt we mil trnd The It ii ml Hume Journal or One Year, nnd will fid t'rev mi iot-iaid Mix Valutiblp mid 1'aeful Pre in lutnn, nt fuVowt: 1. ftcrnp I'lrture Album, containing 44 (iiMUlffiil uni'mn'i'd pictures ii many colon and various dralftia, vprv d'iriiili' for decorniltiK fancy arilolef. for acrap-booka, elc. I. Liiitifft' l.itee Tie. .Winohoi fwn. and of vmt nroitr drln ; nlll lie aure to plcafl the ludiea. 8. Arijiifttulile V ft I ell KfT. Thta It a kcr Unit nil! wind anr wutWi, aa it aljuta itaell to tit any pnat. It la li-uidaomel- fliil'hpd, and 1 a moat uarful and hmidr aitijlj for tiny one. 4. FJiffant I'nrtu'Hfti. Ffnircr It I tiff, fur Irt'ly or gentleman, Willi nohl-pUtcd top and name Half. Ttin I a prnttr Hot, and cne that will la; a life-ttniu. t- lliMiiillfiil Ludlcn Jrfc Itruneh, of hnndiome totK'rn no -it nnd atyliih, and will lam a Ulu-tlme. 0. The Alyalk' OriU'le. or Combination Cardt, by the aid of wbiub yon cuii let) Ntiy nuiiibor or number thoughi of by mombpr of a company, tell tin; ai's of your friend, etc. Thco'; article are all valuable and iiu-rul, warranted a reprcantcd, and very auliahle for Cbrlatmaa prscnta. It .' member, we end all tbe pre'mlitma described above, s(t In nnmbr, to any one Bctirlltig fifty centi for a yeai 'i nli"riptin to Tna IturtL Komi Journal. Thin In wonder fill bnrg.tin I Do not ThH to take advantage of It, an rna may iterer anln hive an opportunity to obtain no tnch for o littl money f Perfect ati lacuna gtiaranterd or money refunded I Aa to our r-llibill'T. wfj reft r to the pnMl-hor of any newspaper in New York 1'or f 2 W we will lend five uM?rtpton to llio paper and r;ve Ffta of th premium; therefore by getting four of yoni tifiari tnr ty wnrl with vou, you will ecure jour own paper and nrr un not frrn. A 1 I -- . 0 i M.l.l I'TON, 'ublU.tpr,S?lRrkPlaee,NewYork. consumption can tie uureai DR. WM, ALL'S FOR TIIE Cure) C'nnfMirnptlon, Collin, Pneiimonln Tn tlnMi7.n llt-uiM'hial Ulfllciiltles, JirfinrliitiN, loiirttirN, Aniliina Croup, Whoonina: ('niieti, him. nil OitaeaAea of the ltrrnlliin Oi-tfniiH. Jt Mootltea and lietils the IMrmhrunc ol" the liiniUN, inflamed nnd oiMonid by tlm ilirtcnNff tiiKl prevents the nijrur gent nnd ttghtnrnn nrrnnn the cheat which nccotnmi y tt. i'oiihiiimiiimi in not nn Incurable uinlittly. II A 1,1 m V, AI.SA U will cure you, even tliiiutjlt prolcxHinii1 nld l'nil. rrj&jcHtriivirimmi mum w " Mgpj MU are certatnlv boat, having been bo decreed at EVKHV tNKKAT WOK I, ITS IMMMItlAL CtKIIM.TlTHN for rt.THEN YEARS ( no other American t irujxnh having been fuundequal at any. Also CHEAPEST htyla lift; 31 octaves; sufficient tompribs nnd power, with befit quality, for popular acred and Rpculiir music in schools or families, at only ONE IIL'.NIMIKI) OTHER KTYEES at 6;iOtS.'i?, gttiJ, 72, )TH, SIM, 8108.8114 to $jOO nna upward. The lurier style are wnalty un- rtrn'r.f f,.f tiny tih'r T-ren, A)ito ttr car ptymtint. NI-Wll.I-l STltATEl) CATALOGUE KEB. This Cnmnsnv have commenced Hie manntactuie of Uj'KmilT iltAMI PI ANOS. Introducina- itttj,orttiut itiii't tii . mem ; adding to power aud beauty of tone and durability. Wilt tnt rrqutr tuning ont-qttarttr as vmeh an olltrr Pianos. 1 l,J,l;HT HATED Cilia CTI.AHS, with full particulars, KRKE. THH MAXOS & HA tlUN OHGAN AND PIANO t o., lot Trriiiriiit !., Huston t 40 E. 14lli St., N. Voi ki Hi) Wubauli A ve.,Chlcago. Payne's Automatic Engines. o ttolialilt?, Durable and Economical, witl fuminh m rm Doner with Hirst fuel and icater than any other ...- J..,- n..f flltAanlh an lnlnniallnfiiiLniT R.inI fur llUifitr.ifi'd IJatalogae 4'J," for Information and t'rn-pti. If. w. Payne HON a. box sou, horning, n. x. ADDTOMNCOME Ulubh oltt-rs tho mm'st menus ol niukniK ri'Kiilur monthly prolltHliMii iiive-tnientsoiM inf HKurn'muretieaJingiD BRA N.PRQy S UNS&STUuKS Etu ti nu'inher khk the lit iu'liiot'euinlmifd capital of the Club. I ic porta sent weekly. IHvltleinlB ptuu monthly. Clulit-i piililtjlmreholtlerB hack their muticy In profits in past three inuiiiiiB. still leiivui nrigimil n mount making money nn.mii, ur i v;i 111 m-u uuiii-iii.iim. dmiu i t, tiuuutu, Expliiiiiiioi v cliTulurshent lieu. Ui'liubleeurreepoiidenta wanied eveVywhetu. Address Ii. K. Kenuall & Co., Cum'u Mchta., 17? & 119 La Batlu M.. Culcaqo, AStm TRTTSfi Sgj I laa a Pad differing from al 1 otbwt yP b cap aba po, wilE Balf-AdjaatlDg uai l in cnwr, awiapul tati i to au poaliloaa of tb body, whiU tba Dal h q tharaptpnaMa bock tba aateaUnaajBitaaaMrtODWoalal Villi tb riagatr. Willi llgnl ttwnnthaHtvUhaldaactiral lay and right, and a radical core certain. Ula awj, databJa) Wi chet-p. Seat by meJU Clrcnlari (raw EqQLESTOS TBUS3 CO., Chicago, HI. This fU. Singer, $20 With SlUt'tof Attachment Fiee. Warranted perfect. Unlit rmniinff, quiet, handsome andiiurable. Sent on test trial-plan when desired. Ilanu II onto Orannli fu-tl Keeds, 12 aUiiia: Mechanical Sub Bap.,octaTe coupler.2 knee nwella, with H stool and Si Hook, only $;&. Altii-i icnt. nn tiat triad -nlan If de ulred. Elegant case, mepniticenl tone, durable tnaideand out. fir ml ur. with Artk G. l'ayne & Co. ,47 1 hird &v .Chicago iQTFAMILY MAGAZINE ' n3 1 For Two Dollars. Demwest'8 Illustrated Monthly. Kohl liyall Newsdealers and Pnst matters, or the Editor ortliia pHKrill take your aub- crlption. Mend twenty cents Tor a specimen copy lo W. JUN'NIMJS DK.tlOKKMT, Pub. lUlier, 17 I'.itsl Mill Street, New York. Send one 3ct. stamp l Botidai Bibt Land, with I'hroino (JoTera. Send two 3c. Btampafor Tb. Pictorial Pansy fur 1 mo. Bend Mires 3c. stamps for Christmas No. Onr Llttl. Mi-n and Women. (Send eight 3c. stamps for Holiday Wide Awake, lbO Pictures: cover in oolors. To D. Loth aor Co., Fob's, IB Franklin bt., boston. lhave a punitive reiuudj br tlte .bore dlgtae; by Its Bi-. tuoiiBsnus u( cases of ttie woric kind and of luus standing have buen cured, liulend, so strouv Is my falta In Its oincacy, tlil I will soliil TWO IIOTI'l.Kd l-'KKK. to guthsr with a VA1.U.UI.M TI1KAT18E un this diwaae, la Siiysuiiocur. UlvoKauri-ss and Y. O. adilrens. Pit. 'J'. A. BLUCLM, 181 tWIbt,, Now fork. CURES WHERE ALL ELSE TAILS. BestCounhbyrup. Tastes good. Use in uine. cmjiu nv 111-111113. O if I sTI'y 'at4jhmkors. by mail i!.ro. DUL Uf roe. J,ij. Hiuca A Co.. 0 Dey Ht M . V GUREE FIT wbiu 1 vurs 1 uo 11-1L insan kjertur to jin urns aae than iiave thvni return acaln, I iiienn a ri':. eal sure. J have mado tlio dlaoaao r FIT8, Kl'ILUlV If er FALLING 81CK HhUH a 11 iw-lung il udy. I vn. nu,l n j remedv to sore the worst cases. Because othars h'e Called Is no reason fur not now receiving a curb. Sur.J at euce for a tresttse and a Free Uotn ut my ItiinUit-ie Bviuedy. Give Lxpreas and host Oilics. It 00 t JH ttutUiuK fur a trUl, ti4 I will cure iu. Address Ur. U. O. KO0T, 1M Pearl St.. New orfc ELECTROTYPE STEREOTYPE allBia V D fl I C A RJ LUH6S.DHLdf.IVj ORGariS sensible! fit SYMPATHZEWITrMIS THE HOPE Ofi jLVDlA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUNfr. '' A Sure Core for all FEMAIilS WEAK T ESSES, Including I,encorrb(rn, Ir retrnlar and Painfal lUenarruafion, Inflammation and Ulceration of the Womb, Flooding, PICO- j 1APSTJ8 UTERI, &C. 1 IfTPloasant to the taste, efficacious and Immediate In It effect. It Is a great help in pregnancy, and re Uotc8 pain during labor and at rcgralar period. riiTsiciASS rsE it and rnEscmriE rr fhkelt. trFon all WiAKjrmMM of the BcneraMre organ of either sex, it Is second to no remedy that has ever nrrn neiuro tuo Jiuuiiui puu lur nil uwwwcb vuv Kmrnrra It la the Greatest Bcmedy in the World. I ir-KIDNEY COMPLArSTS of Either Sen Find Great Relief In Its Esc. t.tii n. pimhiah's BLoon prmTiitn: wl!l eratlirnto every vestitro of Humors from the Blood, nt the enmo time will giro tono and rtrenph tft i-nceor oitner, ei. bix oonies tor so. ine tompirana Is sent by mall in the form of pills, or of lozenges, on receipt of price, 61 per box for either. Mrs, Plnkhaxn freely answers all letters of inquiry. Enclose 8 oent tamp. Bend for pamphlet. UtiUton tMs Paptr, , tyl'TOTA B. Pinkham's I.tve Pn.r,g enre Constins tiou, BUlousnesaand Torpldily of Urn Liver. 86 cents CsTSold by all Druffgists.-g m FOR THE PERMANENT CURE OF CONSTIPATION. Wo other diseaso is bo prevalent In this coun try aa Constipation, reined v hns ever cquaUod the celebrated KIDNEY -WORT as a 3 ciiw. wnatever iiifscauao, nowovor obsunato tho oaso, tliis rcmody will overcome it. ii 792 Xi-iia aistrepsintr complaint m It ia vorv apt to bo oompUoated 1 , with constipation. Kidney-wort strengthens , the weakened uarts and auicklv cures all kinds 1 of Files even whim physicians and medicines J ' nave Detoro xauea. RHEUMATISM. J.. BERFUL CUR-R. as it Is for ALL, the valnful diseases of the Kidneys, Liver and Dowels. 1 cieanses me cyeiem oi tne aonu poiscn wiai oau es the dreadful sufibrinjf wliich only tho Victims of rheumatiam enn realio. THOUSAND3 OP CA3E8 efthe worst forms of thiB terrible diaeaso have been quickly rolieved, andinanhorttimo PERFECTLY CURED. tTlt elconscs, PtrcnRthons and pelves Pfow liifo to all the important organs of tho body. The natural action of tho Kidneys is restored. The Liver is cleansed cf all disease, and the F Bowels move freely and healthfully nnt Acts at the same time on the HTDITETfl. f UVER AND BOWELS.jeJ MHJ bj liltrUtirSTS. f WELLS, UICHAKPSON A CO.,rinrUnirton.Vt.(BT, L Is unfailing and infalli- 7 bis In curing Epllsptlo 1 Fits, Spasms. Oonrul- 1 sioufl, St. Vitus Duoe, 4 Alcononsm.Upium cat- nm. Soroful &nd all Nerrous and Blood Dia- mm. To PlnrirvmaiTi. Lawyers, Literary Men. 'Mariihant.B. Ra.nLrssra 1 ladies aud all whose sedentary employment causes Nervous Prostra tion. Irregularities of tk blood, stomach, bowels or Kidnsys, or who require a nerve tonic, appetizer or stimulant. SAMARI TAN NERVINE ii in- K, NEVER (AIM. 4 valuabis. Thousands proclaim It the most wonderful Invigoranto that sver sustained the sink Inn Kmltun. Par sale by all DruMitts. THE DR. S. A. RICHMOND MEDICAL, CO. Bole Froprlotorat bt Joseph. Mo. I lnrN(ti.M' r.iru ntlve Pill make New Rich Flood, and will o-mipletoly change the blood in the en tire ttyAtem in three months. Any parson who will take one pill eieh niprht fnmi 1 to 13 weeks may be restored to S'miid health if such a thing be posnihle. Sold every where or sent lv mail fnr eiriit iMtterstamns. 1. N. JOHNSON & CO.. Bolon ltaM.tfor iiirrly Knuuor, Mr. AGENTS Publishiuc Co., Lewii A43n1d WntcliFrce. Forpar- it.iniilfl.iHtndHrt. nt.amn. KaTatonS) Lewisburgh. Union County, Fa. TUE AULTMAH A TAiLOH CO., Mansheld. Ohio Agent Wanted for the Best and Fastest-selling Pictorial Books and Bibles. Prices reduced 33 per oent. National Publishing Co., Philadelphia, Pa. YftllUn MCII lf yu want tolesrn Telegraphy in a IUUi.ll 111 C II few mont hs snd be cerU in of a situa- tion, address Valentine Ilroa. Janesville Wis. Waiches Jkwelry, HiLTEnWABR, retailed at wholesale rates. Price list f rea, T. W. Kennedy. P.O.boTHSO, NY. ROLD HUNTERsTAdventur! in Auatraiia. io. 4rt. Weakly Litksido. sent Fit EE on receipt ol nmU hu HilMNh I.I.KV l,( V ) A. ( . i:4im&jrn iikia nrAKK i . . a . wniuin ir. vr FarmH. a. M V B-K I 'I 1 I 14 V . Kl MIWH MM I !I .1 .1 . H. iV poor. Db. Kbuse. Arsenal St., St. Louis. at nnra inra rrir r.m hiirv nr una in a nnnni. r KNOWLEDGE IS FOYR R1SAD! LHlllli.sslstslsWHsW' B KNOW THYSELF irnit U!IRN('R OF l.lFFt OR, SELF. PKEBliRTATIO Is s medical treatise on Exhausted Vitality, Natrons and Physical Pebility, Premature Decline in Man; is an Indispensable treatise for erery man, whether young, middle-aged or old. THB SCIENCE OF I.TFKi OH, SELF. riicns-iiTaiiujit Is beyond all comparison the most estraordinery work on Physiology eier published. There is nothing whatever that the married or single oan either requir. or wish to know but what is fully explained. Iuro 6lob4. THIS SCIENCE OF l.IFEt OR, SELF VllENERVATION. Instructs those in health how to remain so, and th. to. .slid how to beoome well. Contains one hundred and twonty-nv. invaluable prescriptions fur all forma of aoute and chronio diaeaaea, fur each of which a flras class pbyaioian would oharg. front $3 to till. Lonaom Lanct. TIIE SCIENCE OF LIFE: OR, SELF. fKcnmiAiiun Contains Vfl pa paces, Sn. steel engraylnrs, Is sunerblf nun muslin, embossed, full silt. It Is . , and beauty. warranUd to lie s bettei M...A1 mr nA Via 1 1 - .irrtlllll mediual book in eyery sens, than can be obtained alee, where for double th. price, or tu. money will oe ref unoV ed in .very instance. uAer. TUB SCIENCE OF LiFEi OR, SELF. rUEHKRVATtON. Is so manb. superior to all other treatises on medical subject, that oomparisou is auaolulely ImpoaaibU. BoiUm Htraltl. TUB SCIENCE OF l.IFEt OR. SELF. FimsliHVATION. Is ssnt by mall, seourely Maled, postpaid, on reoeipt of price, only tl-at (new edition). Bmall illustrated aamples. Oe. Bend bow. The author oan be eonaulUd on .11 requiring skill and experience. Addraas PEABODY MEDICAL INSTITUTE. r XT. U. PARKER, M.1). 4 Buiflaeh HtrssL BoMon. Slaask m mm mm Tt J STACHfNEEY AND TOOLS-FOE-tYPE F0UNDEES, PEINTEES, ETC. PRINTING MACHINERY A SPECIALTY. OSTRANDER & HTJKE, 81 and 83 Jackson St., Chicago. i. W. OsTtuxurR, late of H. Hortl A (. UtA. Huts, uf 14uke A HputoW.