The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, December 28, 1882, Image 3

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    it twmU.
'HURSDAY. DEC, 28, 1882'
Put up your calendar for 1883.
fThe sleighing still continues good.
iDance at the dpera House next
today evening.
-The Borough schools will begin
xt Tuesday, Jan. 2, 1881.
The Teachers' Institute at this
lace last week was a grand success.
A nn of Gilbert Wickwlre had a
leg broken Inst evening while coasting.
D. S. Luther. Assessor, has coui-
V-tl IVio naaPKHmellt of RldgWaV
UlCU uv --w-
-There will be a party at the Wil
x House. Wilcox, this evening.glven
f the young folks of Rldgway.
Wanted Furnished Room by two
young men m tms town. Answer
Fred and Dave at the Advocate of-
A This is trl-ennial year. The val
VJjes of property will be decided for the
Jcxt three years by the assessor, and
Swo assistant assessors, subject
o revision and correction by the
ounty commissioners.
The Catholic fair Is in progress in
:ester's new brick building up-
The fair was commenced in
'a new building, but the room
o small, hence the move.
e spiiLg election will be the
biect of controversy. Shall we
new a county poor house is one
r5e questions to ue suumiueu io ui
rs at the votes at the polls in Fcb-
VThe work of excavating the cellar
e Rldgway Bunk building was
neuced on Monday. The work is
done bv Murphy & Taylor con-
rs, and the dirt is used to grade
the west end of Main street.
Send your names to Rev. T. S.
ley, Wilcox, for the $4 library,
vill get for $4 books that sell for
; $50.00 to $ 100. 00. Cull at The
6cate ofllce and see the prospec
tor send to Rev. T. S. Negley, Wil-
Pa., and he will mail you one.
The front for J. W. Molester's
brick store has arrived and been
in position. The glass are huge
,le panes and make a neat appear
o. This front will compare favor-
; with the fronts to stores in large
For West Point.
Ve have received from Gov. Curtin
following which we publish for
information of those who are in-
ested in the matter:
r 1 1 XI .(...I 41.
uvmg received imueu uiui liic
y ,'ongressional district is entitled
I ) nomination of a' cadet in the
fiary Academy at West Point, a
petitive examination will be held
-5 definite, on Wednesday, tlie I7di
of January. iS'i, anil examiners
p report to mo the person who, on
initiation is the best qualified and
lanks will be furnished from the
- Department which presents the
uirements for admission to the
'he newspapers of the district are
itedtoglve publicity to the time
d place of examination.
A. G. Cubtix.
Death of Eugene Lenz.
St. Mary's Gazette.
On Sunday morning at the Insane
ispital at Warren, Mr. Eugene Lenz,
the 3Gth year of his age.
Eugene Lenz was born in Wurten-
lrg, where he received a liberal cdu-
litlon. He emigrated to tins country
about 1809, at coming to this county
in the year-1801, which time lie was
jngaged in an engineer corps upon the
,Low Grade railroad. While engaged
on the road lie married In 1872 Miss
Sadie Conner, of this place, and set-
I down in domestic life. After the
l-oad had been finished he made St.
his home until the terrible
fy, softening of the brain ucces-
his removal to the hospital for
Utic, which was several months
here he remained until death
his Bufferings on Sunday morn-
To say the best for poor Mr.
le has for years been considered
lie, and most people considered
not evenly balanced mind, yet
Ithstniiding this he was n very
ling man, mid had ninny good
iiis in ins character, ne aim m
lily became a charge, to, jirst their
'lends, and lastly bccaiue a public
ehargo to the town. HU poor wife,
highly accomplished, is now broken
down in lieu 1th, with five children,
the l'l"-t n id- r ten yiiir-. i., nil;
after. She i s truly to be j i : :!, mid
the hearts of the people have .i .one out
to her, in her ufiliciion.
-Almost every store in (lie country
las on its counter, a i-how ca.-e of Dr.
r"ay's medicines. By it u'.-im-e nt tlie
lisplay, it will bes'.en tliiil d;in-l hc.
ing reiueiilesiirewnciv f.r many every
day eoiupluiiit. and ih tin-y ureal; !he
results of Htudy and experience, "tlielr
worth may be relied on.
Dr. Day's Liver Pills are bikcu in u
different way from any other pill, mid
-f.. I f . t
jtiiuj u iron in neeiien 10 prove uieir
Igreat superiority in nil cases of liver
couiplitiut and constipation.
Dr Day's (.'old Medicine has great
iwer over colds and soro throat, and
sotis subject to rpilnsy need not
ve their tonsils break if they take
ils remedy in time.
The show case emit aim a number of
iers, but special attention is colled to
t. Day's Cure for Piles, ns having u
eater curative influence over the
arte implicated, than any other medi-
ine known. -
Mr. J. W. Mead, of Weedvllle,
was In Rldgway on Tuesday.
New Year's ball at the Opera
House, on Monday evening Jan. 1,
R. I. Campbell, has about half
enough brick on bund for his new
Miss Hellen Little is home for the
holiday vacation from the school at
Painesville, O.
Mrs. C. R. Earlcy is again home
after ft residonce of about three mouths
In Philadelphia.
John Whitmore and Craig Me
Allaster, are home from Lock Haven,
for the Holidays .
Superintendent Dixon is at Clar
ion this week as one of the instructors
at the Clarion county teachers' insti
tute. Mr. Wingfield has purchased the
Thayer House of James McFarlan,
and is now running that well known
XV. B. Mohney, of Troy brother
of Mrs. Wensel, with his wife and
child is visiting his sister in this
Mr Win. Brombb, of Baltimore,
was in town this week visiting B. F.
Ely uncle of his wife, who was for.
merly Inez Craudall.
Basim At the M. E. Par
sonage, Dec. '11, low, by Kev. A. .
Goodrich, Mr. Andrew C. Basim
and Miss Nettie Kyler both of Ceu
treville. Pa.
Allen Bundy At the M. E. Par
sonage, Dec. 21, 1882, by llev. A.
S. Goodrich, Mr. Loren L. Allen
and Miss Amy L. Bundy, both of
Cen tie ville. Pa.
Meisinoeb Stout. At the Catholic
church this place by Kev. turner
Meagher, on Christmas morning,
Dec. 25, 1882, Mr. J. E. Meisiuger
and Miss Frank A. Stout.
Doutt Stewart. Dec. 20, 1882, at
the Drute s parents, uy nev. a. o.
Goodrich, Absolum A. Doutt and
Miss Lizzie Stewart, both of Ridg
way. The presents were numerous
and valuable.
M'Cauley On Monday, Dec. 18,
1882 to Mr. and Mrs. Jus. Ji.. Mo
Cauley, at this place a daughter.
The Catholic Fair.
On Tuesday evening in the contes
fortheludy's chain Mamie Vaughan
was the wiuner having raised $80.84 to
even $50 presented byLillie Aaron.
In the drawing for a tidy little
Tomie Gillouly won on No. G.
For the photograph album John
Gillouly, Toinie's father, won the prize
on No. 3.
Wednesday evening in the contest
for the silver watch Willie Cunning
ham had 540.35 which took the watch,
while his competitor Barney Holland
hud $45.20 or within $1.00 of enough.
Michael Costollo drew the tidy on
No. 10.
Mary Cuunavan took the wallpoeket
on No. 4.
Joe Campbell, on No. 79, drew the
artificial fuchsia.
Serious Accident.
Atone o'clock to-day E. Gross, a
boy of sixteen years, son of G. Gross,
who lived in the house near the iron
bridge, while working in the bark mill
at Osterhout's tannery was drawn
into the chains connected with
the machinery which tore the ilesh al
most entirely off from the back por
tion of his right leg from the knee
down. He was otherwise injured. He
was taken to Dr. Williams' office, and
Dr. Waid and Woodruff called in. In
response to a telegram Doctor Hart
man, of St. Marys, came down on the
mail. On a consultation of tlie phy
sicians it was found necessary to am
putate the leg just above the knee.
This is a peculiarly deplorable case as
the parents of the boy are poor people
and depending on the boy's help to
support the family. Now the labor of
the boy is lost besides the expense at
tendant on the sad accident.
Sneak Thief Captured.
At 3 o'clock yesterday morning, W.
H. Schiani, proprietor of the Hyde
House, this place, was awakened by
his wife with theinformation that some
one was in the room. Mr. Schrum
at once arose and followed the thief
who had left the room and endeavored
to go down stairs. The thief was
mistaken in his locution of the sur
roundings, anil instead of going down
stairs he ran into another room where
some girls were sleeping. Mr. Schrum
grasped him by the throat and threw
liini into the room li'.- had just left,
and, gripping a larc Iron stove poker,
stood jiiiurd over the prisoner until
Mrs. Nchrani awoke the bar lender,
and other men about tlie house who at
once took the thief into custody and
landed him safely in juii. There was
about $14 in silver quarter in Mr.
Sehram'M pants' pockets. This the
thief succeeded ill getting with the
exception of lour quarters. He had
left the outside loor open, nU boots at
the foot of the stuirs, and iiis coat just
outside the door, so ihat his plan for
retreat was n good one, but failed a
we have noted by his taking a wrong
direction. In his vot pocket v. us
found u eood supply of provisions
which showed that he hud been huv
ing something to eat before he com
menced to look for money.
A Cb.ri3tm.a3 Derrick.
At the school house lust Saturday
evening the Congregiitioualist society
hail a derrick creeled from which pres
ents ilowed for the members of I he
Sunday school. The well was torpe
doed during the evening which added
wonderfully to its production. A vole
of thanks was given, the pastor Rev.
Mr. VanCamp, for his efforts in bring
ing tlie derrick to its perfect state.
The derrick whs a novelty in the way
of Christmas trees, and was voted a
decided success by all who saw it.
James Viok.
From the appearance of Vlck's Floral
Guide, which is on our desk, we
should Judge that the young Vlck's are
"chips of the old block," as the f loral
Guide with Its lithographed cover is
handsome enough for the parlor table.
It Is printed on the best paper, has
three colored plates of Flowers and
Vegetables, and. full of useful Informa
tion. Those who send 10 cents for It
cannot be disappointed, ns the plates
alone are worth the amount. Address,
as In past years, James Vick, Roches
ter, N. Y.
Snatches from tlie (J rare.
My wife was at the brink of the
grave. She had been given up to die
by three of Allegheny City's best phy
sicians. They all pronounced her dis
ease Consumption. Her finger-nails
and lips were blue; was pulseless at
the wrist; we were all called to wit
ness her death. At this moment a
neighbor brought In Dr. Hartman,
who prescribed a teaspoon ful of Pe
ruua every hour. She Improved from
the first dose, and in a week she was
up, and now (less than six months)
she is well. See page 30 in the "Ills
of Life," a book you can get gratis
from your Druggist. If not, address
Dr. Hahtman, Osborn, Ohio.
T. S. EBERLEIN, South Chicago, 111.
The following complimentary
notice of our old friend Harry Head
we copy from the Beaver Radical and
Argus, which is published at Beaver,
Beaver Co., Pa.:
A Bucksome Present. On Tues
day of last week, our friend, Col. Dick
Walton, of Industry, received from his
friend Harry Head, of Ridgway, Elk
county, Pa., a fine deer which weighed
140 pounds. The colonel sampled the
venison himself and pronounced it ex
cellent. He sent some to his brother-in-law,
Peter Rising, of Brighton town
ship, the oldest deer hunter in this
county, to remind him of happy days
long gone. He also sent Mrs. Curtis,
the writer's sick wife, a generous slice
of a saddle, with kind wishes that she
might relish it and soon be restored to
health, for all of which he has their
sincere thanks.
Very sensible: President Arthur
is credited with saying to a friend re
cently, who urged the proscription of
Independents: "I differ with you.
My idea is that this is tlie proper time
to reorganize the party. It is the duty
of every Republican to exert himself
to that end. So far as the adminis
tration is concerned, I shall in future
recognize neither Stalwart nor Half
breed as such, but shape my policy to
suit the party generally instead of the
factions, according to their hopes or
It is disreputable to gamble at
cards or on a "wheel of fortune'' or a
game of thimble-rig. Hitherto it has
been considered reputable to gamble
by betting on the price of oil or grain
or stocks. Can it much longer remain
so, in view of the hundreds of moral
wrecks that are being made by these
practices? Who can define the moral
diflerence between gambling at faro or
poker in a "hell" and at oil or grain in
a "bucket." Buffalo Express.
Everybody is invited to attend tlie
Grand Bull at Hyde's Opera House
Monday evening, Jan. 1.
The latest styles of Human hulr
goods on hand at Mrs. J. Butter-
Ladies please call and see them.
The Franklin Square Library at
The Advocate office. will be ready
for delivery to subscribers on and after
January 2, 1833.
11. C. Byers, Pottstowu, Pa., says:
"Brown's Iron Bitters cured me of
pain in tlie chest and indigestion."
In consequence of the striking of
the Reno and Grandin wells the in
terest in Garfield City in again reviv
ing. Garfield is only six miles distant
from either well, and instead of Tun
ing the risk of building up a new
house near those wells, it is believed
that Garfield will derive the benefit
of this travel and trade and get a new
lease of life and activity. The owners
of the Warren & Farnsworth Valley
railroad will probably find it to their
interest to extend the narrow-gauge
road from Garfield directly south
about five miles, which will bring
them just midway between tho Reno
and Grandin wells, and near enough
to either for all practical purposes.
TilitKville Herald.
Eiii County ( anrt Proclamation.
AVIIKItEAS, the Hon. Win. D.
Brown, President Geo. Ed. Weisuml
G. G. Messenger. Associate Jiub'i's ol
the Court of Common pleas, uint Jus
tices or the Common Pleas, and Jus
tices of tlie Court of Quarter Sessions,
mid Orphans' Court, unit Court oi
Oyer anil Terminer, nnd General Jail
Delivery, fur the trial of capital and
other offenses in the County of Elk
by their precepts to me directed, havt
ordered a Court of Common Pleas, n
Court of Quarter Sessions, Orphans
Court of Oyer and Terminer, urn;
General Jail Delivery, to be holden nl
1ii(bWiiv in uiifl for sniit eoimlv n1
JAM.AUY, 1813, being the 22n
day of the month, to continue on
week. Notice is hereby Kiven to th
Coroner. Justices of tlie IVnen . n
Constables of Elk county, that they
are uy these presents ooinnu-.mlcd t
be then and there in their proper per
sons, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day
with their rolls, records and iuquisi
lions, amt other remembeiunces, to l(
those thinirs which rn their r.lll.i.u ui
pertain to be done, and that all Jus
tices of said county niuke returnsof till
recognizances entered into before them
to the Clerk of the Courts, as per Act
or Assemoiy passed May Bin,, aiu
those who are bounil bv their roorwr
nizances, to prosecute tho prisoners
tuai are or snail ne in the jail of the
said countv of Elk. and th
there to prosecute against them as
snail uejusi.
December 27th, 1882.
Slate Briefs.
'Coal Oil Johney" la working on
the pipe line above Williamsport, and
gets $2.50 per day for his services.
Henry Drelsbach, of Tylersport,'
Bucks county, who la 02 years of age,
has voted for tlie past seventy-one
John Ford lost a large fortune In
the recent decline in oil, and is now a
raving maniac, with no hope of re
covery. George K. Anderson, of Titusvllle,
Is Insured for $310,000. This is said to
be the largest personal Insurance ,ln
the United States.
Thomns 1. Kelty, n farmer of Slip
pery Rock tovnship,Lawrencccounty,
committed suicido recently while des
pondent, by cutting his throat.
Martin Maley, aged sixteen years,
a son of Squire Maley, was Instantly
killed at Shenandoah on Saturday by
being jammed between a enr and the
side of a bridge.
The confidence men charged with
swindling A. Louderbark, a Phila
delphia salesman, on a railroad train,
are still in jail at Pittsburg, being un
able to procure bail.
Oil firms representing a holding of
3.000 acres of producing territory in
Forest county, Pa., have signed an
agreement to shut down all work In
the district until May 15, 1883.
Thomas Jackson and .Charles
Green, who made large fortunes In oil
in the early days of the trade are now
toll-takers on a Pittsburg bridge. They
lost their money In oil speculation.
Edmund Rush on Saturday cut
his throat with a razor in the Lutheran
church near Wilksbarre, and then
hanged himself with a rope. His
body was found shortly afterward.
Miss Mary C. Busse died at her
home in Nazrath, Northampton
county, on Friday, in the ninetieth
year of her age. She was the oldest
member of the Moravian church in
that town.
Henry Cushard, a well known
resident of Philipsburg, fell from a
shed a few days ago and striking his
head with great violence on the pave
ment, received injurieswhich resulted
in his death.
The sum of 838,822,17 was con
tributed in the Protestant Episcopal
disoccse of Pennsylvania during the
ust year to tlie board of missions. In
1881 the contributions amounted to
By the bursting of a hot water
boiler in a Renova cooking range the
said range was entirely demolished,
two panes of glass knocked out of a
window, and general havoc created.
Nobody was hurt.
By tlie end of spring it is thought
that the whole of the new pipe line
from the Bradford oil region will be
finished. Already five or six miles
have been completed. It will strike
tlie Delaware at Philadelphia.
-James C. Rian, a fourteen-year-
old boy residing on General Beaver's
farm, near liellefonte, recently suf
fered from a severe attack of typhoid
faver followed by blood poisoning,
which settled in one of his legs, which
has turned black, the skin having
commenced to drop off. His physici
ans think he will recover.
We desire to call the attention of
our readers to one of the largest,
ablest, and most popular religious
newspapers published one that se
cures the best writers in this country
and Europe. rcKurdless of expense:
lias the best ami fullest uook reviews
of any paper in the country ; has able
articles upon nnanciiu ami commer
cial subjects; bus departments edited
by specialists and uevotetl to rlne
Arts, Music, Science, Religious Intel
ligence, Missions, hcliool and College,
News of the Week. Hymn Notes, the
Sunday-school, Legal and Suiiittiry
(luestions. Biblical Kesearcli (some
thinir that cannot ne iounu in any
other newspaper in the United States),
Farm and Garden, insurance, weekly
Market Reports, etc. in fact, a news
paper which, with its twenty two dis
tinct departments, is suited to the
requirements ol every lamny, con
taining a fund of information which
cannot be hud in any other shape, and
having a wide circulation all over the
country and in Europe. We refer to
The iNDEi'ExnENT, of New York,
now called "The largest, the ablest,
the best." See advertisement, in an
other column, and send a postal card
for free specimen oopy.
Every Style & Price.
Guaranteed Unequaletl
Improvements and Conveniences fbuni Is
to others.
Always Reliable,
For Sals I j Every City and Town
In tbo United States.
The Sanitary Engineer says that
a ton of nut coal, to Its own knowl
edge, will take up 800 pounds of water,
and it advises coal buyers to Insist on
having their coal dry, and then wet It
to suit. As to the current ldeatba
wet coal burns better a series of tests
was made recently at Bochum, Ger
many, to determine tho valuoof wet
and dry bltumlnlous coal In the mak
ing of steam. Washed slack, holding
18 per cent of water and 9.9 per cent,
of ash, evaporated 5.7 pounds of water
per pound of fuel; while thesamecoal,
with only 8 per cent, of water, made
from 8 to 8.5 pounds of steam. Mak
ing due nllowance for moisture by re
ducing to a standard of like quanti
ties of coal, frco from moisture, there
is found to bo a direct loss by using
wet coal of 14 per cent.
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following accounts will be presented
to the Orphans' Court of Elk county
for confirmation:
1. Final account of Charles Schissle.
of the estate of Francis J. Keller, late
or St. Marys, Elk county, deceased.
2. Final account of R. V. Kime,
guardian of Henry A. Paine's estate.
ESTATE of Margaret Herbstritt late
of Bcnzinger township, Elk county,
Pa., deceased. Notice is hereby given
that letters testamentary have been
granted on the above named estate. All
persons Indebted to said estate are re
quested to make immediate payment,
and those having legal claims against
he same to present them without delay,
in proper order, for settlement.
ESTATE of Michael Hanz late of St.
Marys Borough, Elk county, Pa.,
deceased. Notice is hereby given
that letters testamentary have been
granted to the undersigned upon the
above named estate. All persons In
debeted to said estate are requested to
make immediate payments, and those
having legal claims against the same
to present them without delay, in
proper order, To settlement.'
Trial List.
The following is tlie list of causes
set tiown for trial at the January term
of court, commencing Monday, Jan
uary 22. 1883:
1. Elias Moyer vs. J. S. Hyde. No.
23, January term, 1880.
2. Angeli Boytanavs. Antonio Boy
tana. No. 28, January term, 1880.
3. Geo. H. Everitt vs. Henry Stein
hilper. No. 98, May term, 1881.
4. R. M. Painter vs. Gust Lcebman
et nl. No. 22, January term, 1882.
5. Jacob M'Cauley vs. Peter Mc
Mann etal. No 10, May term, 1882.
0. T. J. Shaffer vs. Thomas Tosier.
No. 75, May term, 1882.
7. B. T. Sherwood vs. Geo. H. Ev
eritt et al. No. 81, May term, 1882.
8. The Township of Jay vs. Andrew
Kaul et al. No. 100, Sept. term, 1882.
9. C. R. Sexton vs. P. Cavey et al.
No. 7, November term, 1882.
List of Licenses.
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following persons have filled their
petitions for Licenses in inv office.
and that they will be presented to the
Court of (Quarter Sessions on Wed
nesday ,;jauuary 2od, 1883, at 2 o'clock,
P. m.:
1. Henry Blesh,
2. G. L. Winslow.
3. F. X. Sorg.
4. John Collins.
6. Lewis Thomas.
6. John Dowey.
uiuawAY noHuuuii.
7. Thalcs Wingfield.
8. XV. 11. Schram.
9. Cooley & Mattison.
10. Horace E. Decker.
ST. maky's.
11. Frank Fisher.
12. Lorenz Vogel.
13. William Gies.
H. Riley Brothers.
15. Anthony Schauer.
10. James Rogan.
17. Henry Luhr.
18. John F. Windfclder.
ridowat noRouan.
James N. Rhine.
A. F. Kuhns.
John McGrady.
J. F. Welsh.
Jacob Kraus.
William Zelt.
Dr. H. Strawsley.
st. mahy's.
Joseph Wilhelm.
Get two Weekly News
paper lor the Price of
And the lie..,: Inland Daily at Re-
uueeii mites 1
Hie Kuiiscrlption price of the
WKEKI.Y f atkiot Is $1.00 per annum,
cash in advance
Hereafter tlie Wk.ekly Patriot
and the New York Weekly Sun will
oe Keni, 10 ine same address, one year,
lor ji. '.hi rush in advance; or the
vv hkki.y 1'athiot and the Philadel
phia W'etkfy Tititcs Tor $2.0o cash in
To any person getting up a club of
ieu or mure suDseriuers to tlie weekly
1'atkiot at iM.oo per copy per annum
one copy will be sent grutis for one
The subscription prico of the Daily
rATKioTny man Is frti.uo per annum
cash in advance. If not paid in nd-
vunce &7.U0 per annum will be charged
iui-ma mourns fj.w in advance or
$3.C0fnot paid in advance; and at
proportional rales snorter periods,
The Daily Patriot durlmr the sea
sons of congress and the legislature
Will be especially interesting. Send
for sample copies of Dailv and
Weekly. Remittance) must be made
by Pot Ofllce money orders or drafts
accepted by bank on which It is
drawn. Address PATRIOT PUB-
LafciiiJNU COMPANY, 30 Market
jiurrm.iu.g, a.
For the Next 30 Days Unprecedented Advantages Offered to tbe FabKa
In consequence of our Immense success In business since we opntt
stores we consider ourselves under a deep obligation to our patrons, n4 Hti
drawing on to the holidays we could not choose a better time to prore fce
general publlcour appreciation of the patronage we have been favored wltt
therefore beg to offer you the following inducements !
800 yards Cashimeres, 15 cents less 10 per cent.
1,000 yards Momic cloths, all shades, 25 cents less 10 per cent
900 " 35 cents less 10 per ceat.
600 " Lustre Goods, 40 cents less 10 per cent.
1,000 " Colored all wool Cnshimerca, 60, 70, 80, 90 cts. less 10 pf
800 " Black " " 40 and 42 inches, 35, 4, tO, Tl.
90 and $1.25 less 10 per cent.
200 yards Velveteen, all colors, 70 cents less 10 per cent.
500 Silk Velvet, " $1.75 to $2.25 less 10 per ocnt.
400 " Satin, all shades, 75 cents to $2.25 less 10 per cent.
600 " Dress Silk, all shades, 90 cents, $1.10, $1.50, $2.00, $8.80 km
10 per cent.
20 Silk and Satin Dolmans, $15, $22, $25, $35 less 10 ptr cent.
40 Ladies' Coats and Polices, $6, $9, $10, $12, $16 less ten per cent.
20 Children's Cloaks, $7, $8, $9 less 10 per cent.
200 dozen Ladies, Misses, and children's Hose, from 10 cents to $1.00
per pair less 10 per cent.
8 dozen Ladies' Skirts, 75 cents, 1.25, 1.75, 2.00, 2.50, 3.00, 3.50, 4.W
5.00, 6.00, 8.00, 12.00, less 10 per cent.
1 Case "Fruit of Lome" Muslin, 10 cents less 10 per cent.
All Goods In this Store comprising Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots, Bhoee and
Gents' Furnishing Goods will be sold at a discount of 10 per cent, for the net
30 days, excepting Rubber Goods. We will state our prices are not raised in or
der to enable us to offer these special inducements. But are strictly the same
prices as before, which still enables us to undersell our competitors. Tm FUtHST
stock that was ever brought to Ridgway or Western Pennsylvania. After Jaa.
1, 1883, yon will find us 1st door below Bogert House.
TO lltipnrt a PRACTICAL BTTSTXF.SS UrTTf!ATTrVW lino for tnnnv vrari .nrl'im-lth nl
success been the aim of Duff's CoUese.
ino Minimi siuuein tins nere Inclimes
t or circulars add rest p. DUFF & SONS,
S-Dukf's Booklkkpiko, rmpllshed by
inrgcsi worn on tne science p
llshed. A work
practical accountants.
Price 83.0U
NEW YORK, 1883.
More neonle have read The Sun
during the year just now passing than
ever uetore since it was nrst printed.
No other newspaper published on this
side of the earth, has been bought and
read in any year by so many men and
We are credibly informed that
people buy, read, and like The Sun
for the following reasons, among
Because its news columns nresent
in attractive form nnd with the great
est possible accuracy whatever bus in
terest for humankind; the events, the
deeds and misdeeds, the wisdom, the
philosophy, the notable folly, the solid
sense, the improving nonsense all
tne news of tne busiest world at
present revolving in space.
Because people nave learned that in
its remarks concerning persons and af
fairs The Sun makes a practice of tell
ing them the exact truth to the best of
its ability three hundred and sixty
five days in the year, before election
as after, about tlie whales as well as
about the small fish, in the face of dis
sent as plainly and fearlessly as when
supported by general approval. The
nun uas absolutely no purposes to
serve, save the information of its
readers and tlie furtherance of the
common good.
Because it is everybody's newspaper.
No man is so humble that Tho Sun is
indillerent to his welfare and his
rights. No man Is so rich that it can
allow injustice to be done him. No
man, no association ot men, is power
ful enough to exempt from the strict
application of its principles of right
and wrong.
Because in nolitics it has fouirht for
a dozen years, without intermission
and sometimes almost alono among
newspapers, tne hglit that has resulted
in tlie recent overwhelming popular
verdict against Robesonism and for
honest government. No mutter what
party is in power, The Sun stands and
will continue to stand like a rock for
the interests of the people against the
ambition of bosses, the encroachments
of monopolists, and the dishonest
schemes of public robbers.
All this is what we are told almost
daily by our friends. One man holds
that The Sun is tlie best religious
newspaper ever published, because its
Christianity is undiluted with cant.
Another holds that it is the best Re
publican newspaper printed, because
it has already whiuned half of the
rascals out of that nartv. and Is nro-
ceediug against the other half with
undiminished vigor. A third believes
it to be the best magazine of general
literature in existence, because its
readers miss nothing worthy of notice
that is current in tlie world of thought.
So every friend of The Sun discovers
one ot its niauy sides that appeals
with particular force to his individual
It you already know The Sun. von
will observe that 188-3 it is a little bet
ter than ever before. If vou do not
aireauy Know i lie hun, you will nnd
it to be a mirror of all human nctivltv.
a storehouse of the choicest products
of commoii sense and imagimition, a
mainstay tor the cause of honest gov
ernment, a senlinel for genuine Jef-
tcrsonian Democracy, a scouiuge for
wickedness of
uncommonly good investment for the
coming vear.
Terms to Mail Subscribers.
The several editions of The Sun are
sent ly niiijl, postpaid, us follows:
iiiny -.).) c-enis u month, sp'i.oo a
year; with Sunday edition. $7.70.
eekry -l a year. Eight pages of
ine uehi matter oi I lie dally issues; an
Agricultural Department of unequal
led merit, market reports, and literary,
scientitice, and domestic intelligence
make The Weekly Sun the newspaper
for the farmer's household. To clubs
oi ten with $10, an extra copy free.
I. XV. ENGLAND, Publisher,
The Scn, N. Y. City.
Came to the premises of the sub-
ecriber in llorton Townshin. Elk
county, Pu., one yearling Bullock, red
and white with white head, about the
nrst day ot August, uw. The owner
will please come forward, prove pro
perty and pay charges or the animal
win disposed of according to law.
Jos. Rollk,
Brockport, Pa.
Dec. 11, 1882. 1 '
Birthday curds, a beautiful variety
at The Advocate ofllce No. 0 Shanty
-Plaques at thin office.
ror such a training m will qualify him rorjM
PlttuburKh, Pa.
Hnrper A Bros., prln
tart In cntnia. 400naffM. Ttlft
for bankers, railroads. bualDMi men !
Business Cards.
Ofllce in new brick buildinir. Main
street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. t8W
Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.
Particular attention nlven to th
examination of titles, also to pates
anu paieni cases.
Over twenty-live years practice.
uu iiitti ii ubaCCbi IIIUW mj t
opposite the Bogert House. Qfltoc
Coroner of Elk Co.. nfflM In r at
Eerlev'n Driltr Ktara n.rl tt TtwA
House. Office hours 7 t 8 a. fee.
to 6 p. si. 6:30 to 8:30. P. M.
N. W. corner of Mnin nml Mill almaf.
Ridgway, Pa., full assortment of care
"uy seiecieu foreign ana Domestic
Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dis
pensed at all hours, day or night.
Office Hoitbm. From 0 tittle n
nnd 7 to U p. in. Rcaldonce Offloe at resi
dence, opposite Elk County Bunk, Mala
A fair Kharo of the nennle'ii tintrnniyr.
Physician and Surgeon,
Office in IIull'R Ilrlrk BnlMln. iw nib
County Bnnk. Hpccial office houn 4 tot A.
, i. iu i. m.; i io :ju p. m.
W. H. SCHRAM, Proprietor,
Ridgway, Elk county, Pa.
Thankful for the patronage hereto
fore so liberally bestowed upon him,
the proprietor hopes, by carina
strict attention to the comfort and con
venience of guests, to merit a contlnn
ance or tne same. ocHU'oi
Bucklen's Arnica Salra.
The best Salve iu the world forCnta,
Bruises, Burns, Sores, Ulcers, Bait
Rheum, Fever Sores, Chapped Handi,
Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Jhrnp
tious, and positively cures Piles. It
is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion or money refunded. Pile 8
cents per box. For sale by Q. Q
Elizabeth Neering,
In tlie Court of
bv her next friend
Michael Welder,
Charles C. Neerlug
Common PI mm
of Elk County.
No. 85 S-pteinb'r
Term, 182.
To Chariot C. Peering, Ilepondmt:
Sin: Take notice that subposaa
and alias subpeena having been Usne4
in the above entitled case and re
turned "not found in the county"
you are hereby notified to appear be
fore said court on the FOURTII
1883, to answer the complaint of the.
Libellaut above named.
Thomas Sullivan, Sheriff.
Sheriff's office, Ridgway, Pa.,
Dec. 5th, 1882.
Hall t- McCaulky,
Attorneys for Llbellant.
recious Hope Peruaa.
Walnut Leaf Hair Restorer.
It is entirely different from all
others. It is as clear as water, and, m
its name indicates, is a perfect Vef
table Hair Restorer. It will immedi
ately free tlie head from dandruff, re
store gray hair to its natural col ex,
and produce a new growth whre It
has fallen off. It does not in air
manner affect the health, which Sul
phur, Sugar or Lead, and Nitrate nf
Silver preparations have done. It
will change light or faded hair lu m
few days to a beautiful glossy bravn.
Ask your druggist for It. Each bill
U warranted. SMITH, KLIN)
CO., Wholesale Agents. Philadelphia,
and HALL & RUCKEL, New Yik,
W IT 1 y.