The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, December 28, 1882, Image 2

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    rr A. Tamons, Jr., - Editor
THURSDAY, DEC, 28, 1882.
The total receipts of tlie Garfield
Mr In Washington were between $20,
000 and $26,000, and the expenses (10,
000 or a little more. The Secertary
f the Board of Directors hns slated
that he Is confident the fair netted
between $5,000 and $10,000.
The New York Ifcrattl made n
net profit of eight hundred and fifty
thousand dollars.duriug the pant year,
and still there are some people who
re afraid to Invest in the newspaper
business, and even think newspaper
men are sometimes poor,
The Chicago Tribune, for a column
of advertising a year, receives $'Jt5,000.
The New York Herald receives for its
lowest-priced column $38,732, and for
Ita highest $584,000. The New York
Tribune for ita lowest $19,704, and for
Its highest $8-5,648, and these papers
are never at a loss for advertisements
to fill their columns. Their patronage
eomea not from any desire to assist the
respective papers, but from business
ueu who find it porfltable to ndver
Of Interest to Trespassers.
No man has the right to go upon the
premises of another, whether for gun
ning or other purposes, without the
consent or the owner, ana every per
son so doing is a trespasser. Although
It Is custom for persons to enter upon
tne ground or others for the purpose
of fishing, hunting and gunning, yet
they have no right to do it without the
consent of the owner. Being n tres
passer ho must go ofF the premises, if
directed, and must not stand upon
his going. He must move off as fast
ae he can but need not run. If he
refases to go, the owner may use such
force a is necessary to put him off,
even if It result In the injury of the of
fender, but you dare not use more force
than Is absolutely necessary.
The Orbit of the Comet of 18S2.
Washington, December 21. Pro
feasor Fribsy. of the Naval Observa
tory. hftB just completed a calculation
f the orbit of the great comet of 18S2
rrom observations made on Septembc
19, October 8 and November 24. He
finds the orbit to be a very long ellipse
having a period of about seven hun
red nd ninety-three years. He
kink, the comet is probably identical
Tltn a rerr large comet seen in 371
9. V., and SR.rln hi 303 A. D., about
the time f rTie death of Constant
It nerifcdton distance is otilv about
7O0,iKln miles from the centre of the
un aad Its orbit extend.- outward a
aphelion to about 00 times the sun'
distance from the csrtlr. On account
or the extreme length of the orbit the
time may be somewhat uiiceriain,
HeHti. Dec. 'Jl Mis .M.-urvie
MrtT, hestrJifttl jinv.x K'1'1 "
f fUen years ef ftgf, daughter of ex
Policeman Hiijttrrtr. ffll in !ov- will
man employed In the public works in
hr city. Pereral weeks utm the
ung man left town, ami the tiir
b9rue tired of waiting Tor his return
ICiliaJlyshe heard that h e had on
wludetf not to return at all. and then
Hpg-rty quietly informed si'
1 of her young lady friends that she
T" !T"in; to kill herself, and she ha
them good-bye. She went to a dru
aor, bought "Jtouuli on nils
arsenical poison, took a dose, nnd the
returned home, where she awaited hi
.other. It was some time before lb
girl admitted the cause of her terrible
Illness and vomiting, and before medi
el aid could be summoned sbi
dropped over In a dying condition
nd after lingering u few hours in con
iderable pain she died.
This Weekly Psmnr viiii,i,.i
phla may Ire conscientiously cominend-
wii m m newspaper lor l ne iitmilr circle
It il able and vigorous, hot nKvuv-i
oorous in Its treaiiiient of nil social
nd political questions, gives the news
r mc nay with freshness fairness,
m ...
miriesnneim; aim its several ileps
rnents, all in charge of journalists
VerKlista of reeniriiized time- Inm-h
every current topic of human interest.
.niong me special features of The
Weekly Phesh are its letters from all
orthe great political cent res; foreign
correspondence; ooutribiilions to the
unwritten history of the late war; u
page every week of carefully prepared
gricultnral itusecllnny ; full la-hion
nd household department; sugges
tion for winter pnstiiiuu; lite:ary re
view.ftlid uores; o pood complete story;
the news of Uie churches, and eoiii
4lete market reports. For a sample
eopy, and premium lists, address The
Thhhh Philadelphia, I'u. Those who
get up the clubs will do well to write
fbr terms.
Jtilllons Gircn A way.
Jftilllons of bottles of Dr. Kiim's
New Discovery for Consuuiplion,
Couglis, ud Coldrt, have been givui
away as Trial Hot i les of tin large size.
The enormous outlay would be tlis
astrous to the proprietors, were it not
for the rare merits possessed by the
wonderful medicine. Call at Messen
ger' Drug Store and get u Trial Bottle
free, ami try for yourself. It never
lla to cure.
A WHUanisport official inudver
teiKly f.r7 witness ou SniliU's
hand-book the vti.K.d'iy.
Every passenger ear Mid Jaw;iii
tlve owned by the Reusing ioiilroad
tf-'onijmny ,ls uow in use
All The UoTcrnnrs.
The Harrisburg Patriot hns per
formed a commendable historical duty
by compiling n list of governors of the
state of Pennsylvania, from the date
of the adoption of the first constitu
tion, down to the present time. From
this compilation it appears that Robert
E. rattison will be the nineteenth
governor of the stute. The first con
stitution for the government of Penn
sylvania as a state went into effect on
the 2d duy of September, 1700. An
election was held under It the follow
ing month and Thomas Mifflin, of
Philadelphia, who had been president
of the supreme executive council since
October, 1788, was elected, and on the
the 21st day of December, 1790, Inaug
urated as governor In the city of Phila
delphia, "with much ceremony." He
was governor that time until Decem
ber, 1700, n period of nlno years, liav
lug been twice re-elected. Thomas
McKeau, of Chester, who succeeded
Mifflin, was governor from De
cember, 1700, to December, 1808,
like his predecessor, filling the
olllce for three terms. For the next
three terms, or uutil December, 1817,
Simon Snyder, of Union county, was
governor. William Fin ley, of Frank
liu county, was governor from Decern
ber, 1817, to December, 1820; Joseph
Illester, of Bucks couuty.from Decern
ber, 1820 to December, 1823; John
Andrew Schultz, of Lebanon county,
from December 1823, to December,
1829, two terms; George Wolf, of
Northampton county, from December
1829, to December 1835, two terais
Joseph Iiitncr, of Washington county
from December, 183o, until the
third Tuesday of January, 1839, the
beginning of the gubernational term
having been changed by the amended
constitution of 1838 from the third
Tuesday of December to the third
Tuesday of January. David R. Porter,
of Huntingdon county, was governor
from January, 1839, until January
1843, two terms; Francis R. Shuuk, of
Montgomery county, from January
184i, to July 9, 1848. Having been re
elected in 1S47, Governor Shunk re
signed on the 9th of July, 1848, when
William F. Johnson, of Armstrong
county, who was speaker of the sen
ate, by virtue of his olllce became gov
ernor until the third Tuesday of Janu
ary, 1849. In the meantime Governor
Johnson had been elected in 1848, and
on the third Tuesday of January, 1S49,
was inaugurated and served a full
term, uutil January, l8o2. William
Bigler, of Clearfield county, was gov
ernor from January, 1832, to January
1835; James Pollock, of Northumber
land county, from January, 1835, to
January, 1S38; William P. Pucker, of
Lycoming county, from January, 1858
to January, lsoi ; Andrew li. Curtin
of Centre county, from January, 18tl
until January, lb07, two terms, covci
ing the entile period of the war ; John
w . Leary, ot estmuielaiid, from
January, lsti7, to January, 1872, two
terms; John I-', llarlraiiil, ol Mont
gomery, from January 1S73, io Janu
ary, li7'-, two terms; Henry M. Hoyt
of Luzerne, is Uiu present incumbent
He was elected to serve IVoia Jauuary
1ST'.', to January, jfS'J. Of these oijli
teen governors ol the slate only four
are now living, namely: Polinck, Cur-
tin, Hartranlt and Hoyt. Governor
Mifflin, McKeun, ,-uy.ier, Findluy
teliuitz, Wolf, Porter, Siiunk, Bigler
and Packer were democrats McKeau
at bis third election run it.sau indepeu
dent deinocrae! against Simon Siiydi-r.
Hic.-tcr was elected by the federalist-,
Rituer by tlieami-Musons, Johnston as
a whig, Pollock by ll.c know nothings,
and Curltii, Geary, Hal Iran ft. and
Hoyt as li-publicau-i. 1 lie conslitu
lion of l'j ) provided that a governor
could be dec led lor three terms succes
sively. The amended constitution of
1838 limited the time to two terms uud
that of lfi74 to one teim making il four
years. Philadelphia was the capital
of the state until 17'.!J, when the seat
of government was removed to Lau
custer, ami from Lancaster to Harris
burg in 1812, since which time all in
augrations have taken place in that
And il might be udded, Mr. Patti
sou, who will be thirty-two wheu he
is inMiiirur.itc'l, will be the youngest
governor the state has ever had.
Thomas MiiHn was forty-six years of
age when he was inaugurated, Thomas
McKeun was sixty five, Simon Snyder
forty-nine, William Findlay forty,
nine, Joseph Heisier sixty-eight, John
Andrew Siiull. forty-eight, George
Wolfe lifty-t wo, Joseph Ititner, lifly
five, David U. Porter, lifty-onc,
Francis K. Shunk li;"ly-seveu, Wil
liam F. Johnston forty, William Big
ler thirty-eight, James Pollock forty
five, William F. Packer fifty-one,
Andrew G. Curl in forty-four, John
W. Geary forty-eight, John F. Hart
ranft forty-three, Henry M. Hoyt
forty -nine.
Influence of the Soil on Health.
The influence of the soil upon the
health of those living upon It, is
brought out very plainly during the
prevalence ol epidemic-diseases. Tht
iiialaiiu! ilNetise (like intermittent
fi-vcis) oi'igiiiutetl from the soil, is al
ready accepted; und recent invetli;ii
lions show pretty conclusively thai
Hie germs of Cholera, Abddiiiiual Ty
phus, Yellow fever, and the plague arc
in some way connected with (he soil,
which is daily corroborated by letters
from all parts of the country, staling
the marvelous effect Periiua lias ou
those discuses, and in their convales
cent state. John K. Courtney, of
Cony, I'u., says: "lum still getting
better, thanks to your Peruna and
Muiialin." See page 21 In "Ills of
W. B. Harris, Wrightsvllle, Pa.,
nay st "Brown's Iron Biiters thorough
ly cured .me u fuiyh fever."
health and avofd sickness.
Instead of feeling tired and
worn out, instead of aches
and pains, wouldn't you
rather feel fresh and strong?
You can continue feeling
miserable and good for no
thing, and no one but your
self can find fault, but if you
are tired of that kind of life,
you can change it if you
How ? By getting one
bottle of Brown' Iron Bit
ters, and taking it regularly
according to directions.
Mansfield, Ohio, Nor. i?9i.
Gentlemen ! I hive suffered with
pain in my aide and back, anil rt.i
soreness on my breast, with abort
ing pains all through my bony
tended with great weakness, depres
sion of spirits, and loss of appe
tite. I have taken several different
medicines, and was treated by prom
inent physicians for my liver, kid
neys, ana spleen, but 1 got no relief.
I thought I would try llrown's Iron
Bitters; thavennwtakenonebottie
and a half and am about well pain
In side and back all gone soreness
all out of my breast, and 1 have a
good appetite, and am gaining in
strength and flesh, ft can justly be
called the midicimt.
John K. Alludes.
Brown's Iron Bitteks is
composed of Iron in soluble
form; Cinchona the great
tonic, together with other
standard remedies, making
a remarkable non-alcoholic
tonic, which will cure Dys
pepsia, Indigestion, Malaria,
Weakness, and relieve all
Lung and Kidney diseases.
Live Agents "Wanted.
To sell Dr. Chase's Receipts; or in
formation for everybody, in every
county in the United States nnd Caua
das enlarged by the publisher to 618
pages. It contains over 2,000 house
hold receipes and is suited to all clas
ses and conditions of society. A
wonderful book and n household ne
cessity. It sells at sight. Greatest in
ducements ever offered to book agents.
Sample copies sent by mail postpaid,
for $2.on. Exclusive territory given.
Agents more than double their money.
Address Dr. Chase's Steam Printiug
House, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Topulm1 Etn-oteiui CltJow.
According to u comprehensive statis
tical return lately puMi.-lud in Ger
many, there aro in Europe ninely-two
cities with more than l"(!,(")'l inhabi
tants, out of which four capitals hi-w
each over a million population, a.- fol
lows: London, 3,832.400; Paris, 2,v-o..
910; Berlin, 1,122,500; Vienna, 1.10M,.
110. Out of the ninety-two eitiesjiind
towns referred to, England claims 2'i,
Germany 16, Italy 11, France 10, Rus
sia 8. The others are divided among
the smaller states. There were in the
United States in 1880 twenty cities
having Ino.nno inhabitants and up
ward. The Xew Geography of America.
How many farms are there in the
United States? 4,ihih,ii07.
How many di-wclling in city coun
try? 8,9j.j,8l2.
Which state has the most farms,
and how many? Iliuols, with 255,
741. What is the total number of farm
animals? 13 ),!72,673.
What do they comprise, and num
ber of each? Swine, 47,083,051; sheep,
35,191,656; milch cows, 12,448,052;
working oxen, D''.'VJ70; other cattle,
22,488,500; horses, 40,357,981; mules,
and asses, 1,821,032.
Mary A. Campbell, of HollUJay
burg, fell through a kitchen floor with
a cook stove uud received severe burns
and scalds. Her injuries though puiu
ful are not serious.
Rev. Iru Slater, of Cherry Grove,
who was recently arrested in Stewurt,
III., as a horse thief, has brought suit
against the officials of that town for
$10 000. He is H prominent clergyman
iu the Baptist church.
Mr. I. M. Stillwell, of Athens,
Bradford county, was splitting wood
in the door yard h few days ago, when
his iixt caught upon a clothes line ami
bounded back, the sharp edge splitting
Mr. St ill well's nose its lull length.
A youns man residing in Norrls
towu, while cleansing his teeth, acci
dentally lost his grip on the brush and
before he could urasp the article, H
slipped part way down his throat, und
wns only removed tit the expense of
considerable pain.
Congressman Curtin, of the Twen
tieth congressional district, announces
that a competitive examination will
be held nt IJcllefoiitc on Wednesday,
Jauuary 17, the successful candidate to
be appointed a cadet at the West 1'oiut
military academy.
J. O K. Robarts, of the Phceuix
vilie Mtanvnger, has been sued for libel
by Officer Joseph Mixmyof that bor
ough. He was held in $100 bail, Sam
uel Wyun going his security.
Whereas my wife Mary left my bed
and board without just cttuse or provo
cations on Saturday evening, Kov. 2.
The public are hereby notified Dot to
harbor her or trust her on my account
as I will not after this date pay any
debts of ber contracliug.
Daviu Akebley.
Rolfe, l'a., Nov. SO, 1882.
WHEREAS, By an Act of Aseem
bly approved June 4th, 1879, en
titled "An act to create poor districts
and to authorize purchase of lands and
erection of buildings to furnish relief
and give employment to the destitute,
poor nnu paupers in tnis uommon-
weattn," it is provnteci!
bec. 1. it enacted etc., Tiint. for
the purpose of furnishing relief to the
poor, destitute and paupers, giving
them employment, and carrying out
the provisions of this act, each county
or tnn uommonweaitu is nereoy
created a district, to be known as
county poor district."
Skc. 2. That the commissioners of
ench county are authorized nnd em
powered to select and purchase real
estate witntn said district, erect Mere-
on buildings, provide tools.machinery
and stock, as they in their judgment
may deem necessary, proper and suf
ficient to carry out the design and pur
pose of this act. The conveyance nud
title for such real estate shall be taken
in the name and for the use of the dis
trict mentioned in the first section of
this act.
Sec. 3. The said county commis
sioners shall not purchase real estate
ror the purpose or tins act until recom
mended so to do by petition and votes,
as follows : That Is, at any time after
the passage of this act, on petition and
recommendation of two-thirds of over
seers of poor then in office within such
district, the court of quarter sessions of
such county shall submit the question
ot such purchase to tlie votes ot tne
qualified electors of such district:
such election shall be held according
to the direction of said court, at either
the election for township officers, In
February, general election in Novem
ber, or at a special election ordered by
the court for the purpose, and shall be
held and conducted by theofflcers pro
vided by law tor Holding elections in
the respective voting districts and pre
cincts within such districts, and ac
cording to the law governing munici
pal' and general elections within this
Commonwealth; at least sixty days'
notice of sucli election shall bo given
bv the sheriff of said county, by pub
lication in two newspapers published
witntn said county.
And whereas, At a court of quarter
sessions held on November 23d. 1882,
at Ridgway, in and for the county of
JSik, tne court did order and decree:
"That an election be held by the
qualified electors in the several elec
tion districts of the county of Elk, on
the 13th day of February, A. D. 1883,
at the tune and places for the election
of borough and township officers pro
vided by law for holding elections in
the respective voting precincts and
districts within said county, for the
purpose of determining the question
of the purchase by the county com
missioners of Elk county of real estate
for the erection of county poor house
buildings, in accordance with the Act
of Assembly approved June -itli, 18(0,
It is furthermore ordered und decreed
that tlie sherifiof Elk county give at
least sixty day's notice of such elec
tion, by publication in at least two
newspapers published within sui
county of Elk. By the count
In pursuauce whereof, I, Thomas
Sullivan, high sheriff' of the county of
Elk, do hereby muke known and
give public notice to tlie qualified
electors of the said county of Elk that
on tne
nn election will be held in accordance
witli the above recited decree of the
court of quarter sessions of Elk county
at ine iiuiowing places:
Benezette township, at the house of
Elizabeth Winslow.
Benziuger township, at the school
house on Michael street, near the Elk
creek bridge.
Fox township, at the Ccnterville
school house.
Highland township, at the house of
Levi Elithorpe.
Horton township, at the school
house near D. C. Oyster's hotel.
Jay township, nt the house of Alfre
Jones township, nt the Wilcox Tan
ning and dumber (;o's. office.
Millstone township, ot the house of
Henry uerr, at Uarr's dnm.
Ridgway township, at the court
Ridgway borough, at the court
Rolfe election district, lit the store of
Ji. W. Kol re &(.'(.
Spring Creek townabjp, at the house
of Thomas Irwin.
St. Marys borough, at .(he town hull
1 also make known the following:
Sec. 4. The election officers shall at
such election receive ballots from
qualified electors, written or printed
as follows: Un Iht outside "poor
house," on the inside either " for poor
house " or "aguinst poor house;" at
the close of the noils the votes shall be
counted, nnd duplicate certified re
turns of the result thereof be madeand
sealed, one copy of which shall be de
posited witli tlie commissioners
such county, to bo opened by them
uud the other with the clerk of the
court of quarter sessions of the county
at the first meeting and session of the
court of quarter sessions thereafter, the
said returns deposited with the clerk
sliall be opened und counted, and
reeont oiadw (if l he result of said elec
tioii ; if a majority of taten cast are for
a poor house, the county commission
ers shall within a reasonable time,
their disctction, proceed to purchase
rial cstute ami erect buildings us pro
vlded ii his net; if a majority of Ihe
votes so cast are auainst a poor hou
no laud shall be purchased, unlil at tin
election substoiteiitlv- held not
than two years i licieal'ler, in the man
ner as be ore provided, a majority
the voles c;tst s-.nil belli favor of n prnr
liousi-; Hint liu-i'Siii-tise of Mich elec
tion shall be borne by the t-nid county
(iveii iiiincr in v band und seal
Ridgwuy this 5ih duv of December,
A. 1). 1S.S2.
. Sheriff.
The body of Mrs. Win. Rurrctt
was found a few days ago lying in
field three miies from home. A dog
was wutehfiiK' it. U is supposed that
she was murdered.
Never fails to eire ni
AlHO all llinCILM'l. ut l.Lt Ciiidur
rut iiiconnnuiiio ci I ruio, (Wettingi
the Bed, ) I'euc.n a Isa fftlllvecuro. MSml
In lilrroraof Youth 1'KUUNAisasnecllic. I
For lmclclvM"llierjppst
For Nervous i lummy laTo rfciuA
I'kkuna will positively cure Sexual De
bility, and roiil'rg. tin, fimriions to their
For Nervous PoSraSSSKoNylS
ceaslve natural or uiinatnr;ii Indulgences.
r E ku s A is a sure cu re.
Aged and Young Persuna wUu aro
curuea loo frequently
at Light, to make
water, can icly Implicitly or I'KUUKA.
For Urinary Dleeuseaof kotb taxes, for
female Complaint of all kinds,
QraveL PcuuNAUagpeclnc.l
n tor
-rttCNA 1
die only cure.
inruuio rmaai ( alarm
ror our jpaiunh
ask yourdrl Kglst or address tue proprie
tors. Dr. S. U. II unman A Co., Osborn, O.
M or vouauuauou um e nuuung exoepi
UtnrrereKThiensoiispl I
For GEN. DODCF.'S bran' new book, entitled
Years Amona
A tme rword of the Author! Thirh
rrHrtv-77mm Termf Prrtemal F
OX with an able Introduction
penene among our jnuiatu.
By Gen. Sherman
This new work sru at once subscribed for tiT PraMmt
Abtbck and enfire Cabinet, and by lrn. Stiermnn, Grn.
Grant, ten. 8heHdtm, (?ris. Ilancorl; and tfionmnth of Em
inent Men. Orlf . OaATT ssys i '( U the bet book on Indian
Xve ei-er written. Bisnop w ilkt (Methodist,) says t "Jl
it a book of immenfn value," It Is tho only authentic, account
of our Indiana ever published, fully rcvenllno; fhelr M inner
life,'' secret doings, exploits, etc. It Is replete with thrilling
experiences of the Author, and of famous Scouts, Trappers,
Cow-boys, Miners, Border Ruffians, etc., vh-itlly portraying
Life In the Great West as It now it, 481 thniuand in press.
With Steel Engravings and Superb Chromo-Lllhograph
Plate In 15 colors, from photographs made by the U. S.
Government exprcrntp for thin great trork,
AOENTS I This grand book is now out-selling all others
10 to 1. 2fo competition. Agents average 10 to SO order
day. We want 1000 moro agents at once. Exclutivn
Territory and Sjvcial Tcrrnt given. Our liu-go circulars with
full particulars sent free. A fine 8pcclmcn Flare sent in
addition tor a ft cent stamp. Address the sole publishers,
D. WORTUIN JTOU CO., Hartford, Comr.
50,000 IN USE I
Tines Ordinary Kernscnc.
Bakes and Cocis Equal to tiny Cook Stove.
Western Branch, 48 LAKE SXIlEEr, CHICAliO.
is the only de
vice of its kind
Unit has stood
ando.irned uni
versal public
Does every
description of
Cooking, Wash
iiiR, Ironing,
;-?$Friiit Canning.
aPW5f j or ot her domes-
''v II lir wnrk here-
tfifnrft Hnnn hv
the ordinary cook stove, and without its insuf
ferable heat, soot, ashes, etc.
AMP Kcllahlo Agents wanted in unoccupied
territory. Address,
Seneca Street, cor. Cliamidain, Cleveland, Ohio.
Buy tlie Cele-rjrate&
ThO Best, Most Celebratprl, Purest Tone, Host
Durable, Most Simple, Most Perfect
Organ la the world.
Bend for circular.
JVcw Ilavuu, Conn.
113 WATER 61'., NEW YORK.
Ar purer, better, stronger, end longor
known la the market than any other article
of the kind. Are always 6ure and reliable,
and never fail to insure the best results
in cookery. Ask your grocer for it and
give it a trial. Satisfaction guarauteed or
no pay.
i r.u
H 1
e 3 2 53 vis':""-! 1 23
Sail! w Spl!
5 g z c
? I a L-jg
era la h 2 mg &
1 if iS o s
The Independent
Thk Indki'KNDENT needs only to
be better known to add to its nl ready
large list of friends. It lias been pub
lished for thirty-five years nnd lias
acquired a world-wide reputation as
the best religious and literary news
paper. Thk Indki'KNDKNT Is not denomina
tional. Its creed and Held aro broader
than any sect. As a Christian lour
nal, Its aim Is to strengthen and ex
tend Kvatigelienl religion mid to de
fend it against the attacks of Mater
ialism, Atheism, and unbelief. It is
tree to approve or criticise In any of
the denominations whatever it believes
is designed to advance or hinder tbe
progress of the Gospel of Christ.
Iu civil and political atlitirs The
Independent will contend for sound
ideas and nrincinlcs. It fouirht against
slavery and the iniquitous system of
the Oneida Community. It is now
lighting against Mormonism. It be
lieves iu the reform of tlie civil service
aud tariff, in tlie purification of poli
tics ana in cheaper postage, ana win
maintain those principles which the
highest ethics and best Intelligence
The Independent is iicsigneu to
suit all tastes nnd wants. We provide
weekly stories by the best magazine
writers, poems by the leading poets of
America ana jiaigianu ve nrsi puui
lished in America Tennyson's last
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pecially lor instruction, wuetner in
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editorials, there are twenty-two dis
tinct departments, edited by twenty
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Research, Sanitary, Legal, Fine Arts,
Music, Science, i'ebbles, l'ersonuiiues,
Ministerial Register, Hymn Notes,
School and College, literature, Kelig-
lous intelligence, Missions, Sunday
school, News of the Week, Finance,
Commerce, Insurance, Stories, I'uz-
zlcs, (Selections, uud Agriculture, 'i'l
rnires in an.
We will report in full Rev. Joseph
Cook's celebrated Boston Monday
Lectures, which will begin in January.
Mr. Cook lias just returned irom a
two years' trip around the world, and
his lectures this Winter will attract
greater attention than ever.
ouit x'J-iitaiw ivh- t:.
One subscription one year KI.IKI
f or u tiiontii. mi .( i lor .1 muiitiis .70
One KUiisci-iiitnm two years fS.oo
One subscription live years 10.00
These reduced prices per annum
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In order that one may read a few
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The most complete InstituMon in t!ir
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cul education of young nnd middle
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Xte-For circulars giving full particu
lars, adress
J. C. SMITH. A.M., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Notepaper and envelopes tlie
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Arizona, Mui
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Just published, a new editon of Dr.
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K.lfi.M ctructcd of throe-inch lumber,
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W, H, WHItlia. Wtoifif, UliLOlT, WltT 4
lo forty hontvfMw.r. Viva Gold MsxUla Ukun at World's 11 r. (
Mere We Are
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P'.v you with any thing.ln the line of
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