The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, December 14, 1882, Image 2
Henry A. rrson, Jr., Mitor THURSDAY, DEO., 14, 188 entered at ti1k post-office at 5Ruoway, Pa., as skoond class iAlL MATTRB. ELECTION ritOCLASHTlON. WHEREAS, My Mi Art of Aasem bly approved June 4ih, T. en titled "An ail to create poor district And to authorise tHitvliRxe of lands nml (prwtlon of buildlnjrfl to furnish ri'licf And give employment to the destitute, poor and paupers iu this Common wealth," it is provided: Hkc. 1. Be it enacted Ac, That for the purpose of furnishing relief to the poor, destitute and paupers, giving theru employment, niut carrying out the provisions of this act, each eounty ff this Commonwealth Is hereby Treated a district, to be known us " county poor district.." 8kc. 2. That the commissioners of each county are authorized and em powered to select and pu retinue real estate withiu said district, erect there on buildings, provide tools, machinery and stock, us they in their judgment may deem necessary, proper and suf ficient to carry out the design and pur pose of this act. The convevancc and title for such real estate shall be taken in the name and for the use of the dis trict mentloued in the first section of this act. Sec. 8. The said county commis sioners shall not purchase Veal estate fnr the purpose of this act until recom mended so to do by petition and votes, afl follows: That is, at uny time after the pnssHge of this act, on petition and recommendation of two-thirds of over seers of poor then in office within such district, the court of quurter sessions of mien county snail submit the question of such purchase to the votes of the qualified electors of such district: such election shall be held according to the direction of said court, at either tlie election for township otllcers, in February, general election in Novem ber, or at a special election ordered by the court for the purpose, and shall be held nnd conducted by theolticers pro vided by law for holding elections in the respective voting districts and pre cincts within such districts, and ac cording to the law governing munici pal s rid general elections within this Commonwealth; at least sixty days' notice of such election shall be given by the sheriff" of said county, by pub lication in two newspapers published within said county. And whereas, At a court of quarter scsiions held on November 23d, at Ridgway, in and for the county of Elk. the court did order and decree: "Thut an election be held by the qualified electors in the several elec tion districts of the county of Elk, on the 18th day of February, A. I). XSSI, at the time and places for the election of borough and towuship officers pro vided by law for holding elections in the respective voting precincts mid districts within suld county, for the purpose of determining the question of the purchase by the county com missioners of Klk county of real estate for the erection of county poor house buildings, iu accordance with the Act of Assembly approved June -1th, IS"'.'. t is furthermore ordered and decreed that the sheritt'of Klk county give at least sixty day's notice of such elec tion, by publication In nt least two newspapers published within i-aid county of Elk. By thk court." In pursntiHce whereof, I, Thomas Sullivan, high slicritl of the county ol Elk, do hereby make known ami give public notice to the qu-ililied ejectors of the said county of Klk that on the 13th day ok Fi:m?c.i:Y. an election will be held in accordance with the above recited decree of the courtof quarter sessiona of Elk county, at the following places: Bene.ette township, at the house of Elizabeth Winslow. BenzinjuT township, at the school bouse on Michael street, near the Elk creek bridge. Fox township, at the Centerville school house. Highland township, at the house of Levi Elitlmrpe. llortou township, at the school bouse near D. C. Oyster's hotel. Jay township, at the house of Alfred Peursull. Jones township, at the Wilcox Tan ning and Lumber (Vs. office. Miilhlouc township, at the house of Henry Dorr, at Burr's dam. Ridgway towuship, at the court house. Kidgway borough, at the court ho owe R'dfc election district, at the store of E. W. Rolfe&t'o. Soring Creek township, at the house of Thomas Irwin. St. Marys borough, at the town hall. I also make known the following: Sec. 4. The election officers shall at such election receive ballots from qualified electors, written or printed, as follows: On the outside "poor house," on the Inside either " for poor louse " or "airainst poor;" nt the close of the polls the votes shall be counted, and duplicate certified re turnsof the result thereof be made and sealed, one copy of which shall be de posited with the commissioners of such county, to he opened by them, and the other with the clerk of the court of quarter sessions of the county; at the first meeting and session of the court of quarter sessions thereafter, the snid returns deposited with the clerk shall be opened and counted, and a record made of the result of said elec tion ; if a majority of votes cast are for a poor house, the county commission ers shalf within a reasonable time, at their discretion, proceed to purchase real estate and erect buildings as pro vided iu this act; if a majority of the -votes so cast are against a poor house, so land shull be purchased, until at an election' subsequently held not less than two years thereafter, in the man ner uh belore provided, a majority of the votes cast shall be In favor of a poor house; and the expense of such elec tion shull be borrre by the said county. Given under my band and seal at Kidgway this 6th day of December, A. 1). 1882. THOMAS SULLIVAN, L. S. Sheriff. Warner' safe kidney, Peru n a, Manalin,- Hosteter's, Hop, Capita), Iron, Celery and Chamomile Bitters, Xidneywort, Shaker's Extract, St. Jacob' Oil, Piso' cure. Jane's, Ayer's, Pierce's, Feu tier's, and all standard Patent Medicine fresh and new at Craig's New Drug Store- Kidgway, P. Note paper and envelopes at .The Advocate office No. 6 Shanty row. Wm. Logan, Philadelphia, Pa., rays : "I have used Brown's Iron Bit' tent and have found it to be a most ex extent toio .fV' Know That Brown's Iron Bitters will cure the worst case of dyspepsia. Will insure a hearty appetite and increased digestion. Cures general debility, and gives a new lease of life. Dispels nervous depression and low. spirits. Restores an exhausted nurs ing mother to full strength and gives abundant sus tenance for her child. Strengthens the muscles and ncrves.cnriches theblood. Overcomes weakness, wake fulness, and lack of energy Keeps off all chills, fevere, and other malarial poison. Will infuse with new life the weakest invalid. jy Walker St., Baltimore, Dee. i88r. For tlx yean I have been a great ufferer from Blood Disease, Dys pepsia .andConstipation.andbecama ao debilitated that I could not retain anything on my stomach, in fact, life haa almost become a burden. Finally, when hope had almost left me, my husband seeing Brown's Iron Bittrrs advertised in the taper, induced me to give it a trial, am now taking the third bottle and have not felt so well In sin years as I do St the present time. Mrs. L. F. Gumx, Brown's Iron Bitters will have a better tonic effect upon any one who needs "bracing up," than any medicine made. THE SUN. NEW YORK, 18S3. More people have read The Sun during the year just now passing than ever before since it was. first orinted. No other newspaper published on this side of the earth bus been bought and read iu any year by so many men and women. We are credibly informed that people buy, read, and like The Sun for the following reasons, among others: Because its news columns present in attractive form and with the great est possible accuracy whatever has in terest for humankind; the events, the deeds and misdeeds, the wisdom, the philosophy, the notable folly, the solid sense, the improving nonsense all the news of the busiest world at present revolving in space. Because people have learned that in its remarks concerning persons and af I'airs The Sun makes a practice of tell ing them the exact truMi to the bct of its' ability three hundred and sixty five days in the year, before election as after, about the whales as well as about the small ii.-di, iu the face of dis sent as plainly und fearlessly as when supported by general approval. The Sun has absolutely no purposes to serve, save the in Formation of its readers and the furtherance of the common good. Because it is everybody's newspaper. No man is so liumole that The Sun is iudirTcrcnt to his welfare and bis rights. No mull is so rich that it can allow injustice to be done him. No man, no association of men, is power ful enouili to exempt from the strict application of its principles of right and wrong. Because in politics it has fought for a dozen years, without intermission and sometimes almost alone among newspapers, (he fiht that has resulted in t lie recent overwhelming popular verdict ajruinl Kobesonism and for honest government. No matter what party is in power. The Sun stands and will continue to stand like a rock for the interests of the people against the ambition of bosses, the encroachments of monopolists, and the dishonest echemcs of public robbers. All this is what we are told almost daily by our friends One man holds that The Sun is the best religious newspaper ever published, because its Christianity is undiluted witii cant. Anofher holds that it is the best Re publican newspaper printed, because it has already whipped half of the rascals out of that party, aud is pro ceeding against the other half with undiminished vigor. A third believes it to be the best magazine of general literature in existence, because its readers miss nothing worthy of notice that is current in the world of thought. So every friend of The Sun discovers one of Its many sides that appeals wiiii particular torce to uis individual liking. If you already know The Sun, you will observe that 1883 it is a little bet ter than ever before. If you do not already Know I lie sun, you will nnd it to be a mirror of all I hi man activity. a storehouse of the choicest products of common sense and imagination, a mainstay for the cause of honest gov ernment, a sentinel for genuine Jef- fersonian Democracy, a scourage for wickedness ot every species, aud an uncommonly good investment for the coming year. Terms to flail Subscribers. The several-editions of The Sun are sent by mail, postpaid, as follows: Daily 65 cents a mouth, $i.50 a year: with Sunday edition, $.7ti. Weekly $1 a year. Eight pages of the best iuutte trt the daily issues; an Agricultural Department of unequal led merit, market reports, and literary. scieutiftce, ami domestic intelligence make The eekly bun the newspaper for the fanner's lioust hold. To clubs of ten with PO, an extra copy free. Address I. W. ENGLAND. Publisher, Thk Sun, N. Y. City. KOTICE. Whereas ray wife Mary left my bed and board without lust cause or provo cations on Saturday evening, Is o v. 2. The public are hereby notified not to harbor tier or trust tier on my account as I will not after this date pay any debts or her contracting. David Akerlev, Rolfe, Ta., Nov. 30, Jb or or any other clay. ment of goods suitable for the Holiday trade. Vases, China Toys, Cups, &c, CHINA -TEA SETS, Chamber Sets, Beautiful Styles FANCY LAMPS, Splendid Assortment, Hand ledxs Roger Bros MERIDEN BRIT TANA assortment will purchases until STO VES A MASONIC HALI, BUIIDING, RIDGWAY. 1A. PRINCIPAUUNE i tie SHOKTEST, QUICKEST infl And IICvSjriEST line to St. Jnu-ph, pol; In IowaTSAtchlwn. Topcka, Dent Nebraska. Miwnurl. Kai!?7a ion, Dallm, Gal- tana p.nrt Tcxns. --xffi OHIOAG-O KANSAS CITY T. J POTTER. PERCEVAL LOWELL, Id Vict Prof I it fttn'l ifmager, Qtn Past. Agt., Chicago, 111. Chicago, ill. I i rinntinno trt lfliSSl(3 actassolicitorsfor "aaal rnvints. trado-marks, copyrighU, etc., for the linked Btatea, and to obtain pat ents in Cauada. EnKland, Franco, Germany, and all other countries. Thtrtv-al years' practice No charge for examination of moduls or draw ings. Advice by mail free. Patents obtained thronh lis are noticed In the SCIENTIFIC AMERICA', which baa tae largest circulation, and is the most influ ential newspaper of its kind published in the world. The ad vantages of such a Dotioo every patentee understands. This large end splendidly illustrated news paper is published WEEKLY at S.20 a yoar, aud is admitted to be the beet paper devoted to science, mechanics, inventions, engineering works, and other departments of industrial progress, published in any country. Single copies by mail, 10 cents. Sold by all news dealers. Address, Munn & Co., publishers of Bcien tifl'i American, 2C1 Broadway, New York. Handbook about patents mailed free. "Tlils Kuute haa no auperlor for Albert 2i3fetc' Mlnneapolla and St. Paul. LnlfM --gjr Nationally reputed a ly eoncil"l to iSS35 bclni tha Great he the best equlppednrB0nc IlaliroaU In tlio World for "V" oil classca of trael. oV"" V connection made Ql Through NTjSOV Try It, Tlckrta via thiNr SoVr n" !r0" wl" Celebrated Line orS?OS "f traveling a aalc at all ofllcea tnrv. tuxur. inatead ;he U. 8. &iC V'J'XjV dl'" Canada. Cyx AllSyVVS. comfort vVVJVl nt arm atlonV tyZvV bout Katea ofXt', S fS Sleeping Cara.X S etp . cheerfully given by The most complete Institution In the United Httites for the thorough practi cal education of young and middle aged men. Enter at any time. jfcaJ"For circulars giving full particu lars, adress J. C. SMITH, A, M., Tittsburgb, Fa, CHRISTMAS I am now receiving the most 11 Great Yarfety- Plated Knives, Forks be in store you see it. Tn Ininart 11 PR AI'VIP V T. ltT'WT V imi'f' success been the aim ol futrH ( "ollcKe. ISTo. H FIFTH . The faithful suid'-i.t hux here facilities for such a training ns will qualify him for an Immediate entrnnee tiputi pinrtlcnl dutli s in snyisphero of life. For circulars mldrcKs 1 UUKK & SUNS, Pittsburgh. Pa. J-l)UFb"8 Hookleki'INo. pupllsliod by Harper At Hros., printed In colors, 400 pages. The largest work on the scie'ece published. A work for bunkers, railroads, business men and practical accountants. Price S3.1X) Huy ttxo Celebrated YALE & JUBILEE OP SANS. ThO Beat, Most Olehrated, Purest Tone, Uoat durable. Most simple, Jloht i-erieut UROAH in mo wena. Bend for circular. NEW HAVEN ORGAN CO., Wow Haven, Conn- Birthday cards, a beautiful variety at The Advocate office No. 6 Shanty row. sill m B i a (m IS, B- s! 2 o K S3 a o ? . ri t, 1'laques at thi office. FOR LITTLE GIRLS. CO'S SILVER WAR K an SPECIAL SEFtWIOE, ACEPCT ' 0 - VA'1XTI0. PITTHHCTIGH, TA. V'I'il Imu fttrmniiv vnare nnilu'ltli profit. I Business Cards. TALLi M'CAULEY ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office in new brick building, Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. v32t GEO. A. RATH BUN ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. Particular attention giveD to tha examination of titles, also to patents mid patent cases. J. S. BAROWELL, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Over twenty-five yenrs practice. Office on Main Street, Ridgway, Pa., opposite the Bngert House. Office hours from 1 to 2 and 7 to 8, P .'M. IT. L. WILLIAMS. PHYSICIAN AND SURQON. Coroner of Elk Co., office in r?ar-"of Ef-rley's Drug ftore, next to Hyde House. Office hours 7 t 8 a. m. 3 to 5 p. m. 6:30 to 8:30. p. m. G. G. MESSENGER. DRUGGIST & PARMACEUTIST, N. W. corner of Main and Mill streets, Ridgway, Pa., full assortment of care fully selected Foreign and Domestic Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dis pensed at all hours, day or night. vln3y J. D. WOODRUFF, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGSON, Office Hours. From 9 to 12 a. m., 2 to 6 and 7 to t p. ra. Residence Cilice at r -bI-ilence, opposite Elk County Hank, Main street. CALLS DAY OR NIGHT PROMPTLY ATTENDED. A fair share of the people's patronage so licited. J. T. WAIO M. D. OFFICE IN HALL'S BRICK BUILDING. Office Hours 8 to 9 a. m. 1 2.30 v. M. . 7 " 9 e. m. HYDE HOUSE. W. H. SCHRAM, Proprietor, Ridgway, Elk county, Pa. Thankful for the patronage hereto fore so liberally bestowed upon him, the proprietor hopes, by paying strict attention to the comfort and con venience of guests, to merit a continu ance of the same. oct30'o9 Bucklen's Arnloa Salve. The best Halve iu the world for Cuts. Bruises, Burns, fcSores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Bores, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all (Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion or niouey j-efuuded. Price 20 cents per box. For sale by G. G Messenger. complete assort and Spoons elegant Ths Independent.' The Independent needs only to be better known to add to its already large list of friends. It has been pub lished for thirty-five years and has acquired a world-wide reputation as tlie best rt-ligious and literary news paper. The Independent is not denomina tional. Its creed and Held are broader than any Beet. As a Christian jour nal, its aim is to strengthen and ex tend Evangelical religion and to de fend it against the attacks of Mater ialism, Atheism, and unbelief. It Is free to approve or criticise in any of the denominations whatever it believes ia designed to advance or hinder the progress of the Gospel of Christ. In civil and political affairs The Independent will contend for sound ideas and principles. It fought against slavery and the iniquitous system of the Oneida Community. It is now fighting against Mormon ism. It be lieves iu the reform of the civil service and tariff, in the purification of poli tics and in cheaper postage, and will maintain those principles which the highest ethics and best intelligence requires. The Independent is designed to suit all tastes and wants. We provide weekly stories by the best magazine writers, poems by the leading poets of America and England (we first pubt lished iu America Tennyson's last poem), and for others, who look es pecially for instruction, whether In religious, literary, educational, philo sophical, or scientific articles, we furnish what no r'.her periodical does or can. We pay large prices to obtain the most eminent writers. Besides the editorials, there are twenty-two dis tinct departments, edited by twenty two specialists, which include Biblical Research, Sauitary, Legal, Fine Arts, Music. Science, Pebbles, Personalities, Ministerial Register, Hymn Notes, School and College, Literature, Relig ious intelligence, Missions, Sunday school, News of the Week, Finance, Commerce, Insurance, Stories, Puz zles, Selections, and Agriculture. 32 Pages iu all. We will report In full Rev. Joseph Cook's celebrated Boston Monday Lectures, which will begin in January. Mr. Cook has just returned from a two years' trip around the world, and his lectures this Winter will attract greater attention than ever. OlTIl N13W TEHMH for One subscription one year K:t.O For (I mouth, 81.50) for 3 months .7PS One subscription two years FS.OO One subscription five years 10.00 These reduced prices ($2 per annum in clubs of five or more) are very much lower than any of the standard religious weeklies. "TRIAIi TllIP." In order that one may read a few consecutive numbers of The Inde pendent, and thus learn its value, we offer a month's subscription, as a "Trial Trip," for 80 cents, which can be remitted by postage stamps. Pay ment of '2.70 in addition will secure the balance of a year's subscription. Send postal card for free specimen copy and judge for yourself Address THE INDEPENDENT 251 Broadway, New York, Notepaper and envelopes the same us before at No. 6 shanty row Advocate office. Shelf Paper in colors or white at The Advocate office. AGENTS WANTED. FOR IIEKOES OF THE PLAINS, RyJ. W. BrELL.. Kmbraelne the lives and wonderful adventures of Wild Hill, Buffalo Bill, Kit Uarson, Cnpt. Tayne, Capt. Jack, Texas Jack. California Joe. And other celebrated Indian FJehter. Scouts, Hunters and Guides. A true historical work of thrilling adventures' on the plains, and in western pro gress nnd clvllizntion. Fights with Indians: uranci jjunaio iiuntsl 1Kb- perate Adventures! Narrow Eseapevt ., Wonderful Hhootinir and Kldinc! Wild Life In the Far West! -lix Illustrations! 10 Full-pnge Colored Plates! A grand book for Agent. Outsells everything. 648 pages, prtc SU.uo. Agents compiet unit ,ou cents. Outfit and copy lor Sii.OO. BsaT" write at once for agency, or terms nnd illustrated circulars to N. D. THOMPSON & CO., Punlishers, N. w. uor. etu, ana Broadway, JNKW Yokk. PIANOS. $100 up (Stool, Cover and Book). Elegant Hquare Grand, 8 strings, full Agraffes, every improvement, only 3fi!45. Cabinet Grand Upright $210 and $250. O'ber Grand Holiday Bar gains. Jublleu Organs, $.56 up (Stool and Hook). Excelsior, style 42, Five sect of Reeds, 16 stops, only $87. "Oriental," style 103. Ten set of Reeds, 20 stops, only 125. No. "bogus" sets of reeds or dummy" stops. All sent on 15 days trial, freight free if unnatit fnetory. Fair and honest dealing guaranteed. Kheet Music 1 price. Piano. Orgnn, or Music Catalogue fre MENDELSSOHN PIANO CO., Box 2058, N. Y. ORGANS. N TEW LIVERY STABLE IN RIDGWAY GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES and Buggies to let upon the moat reasonable terms. Kay-He will also do job teaming. Stable on Elk street. All orders left at the Post Office wl'l receive prompt attention. AiiK01871ti Job work such as note paper, let ter heads, business cards, tags and envelopes at The Advocate office. HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED, Just published, a new editon of Dr. Culverwell's Celebrated Essay on the radical cure ofSpermntorrhoG or Semi nal Weeklies, Involuntary Seminal Losses Inipotoncy. Mental and Phyi citl Incapacity, Impediments to Mar riage, etc; also, Consumption, Epil epsy and tits induced by self-indulgence or sexual extravagance, &c. The celebrated author, in this ad mirable Essay, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' successful practice Hint the alarming consequences of self-abuse may be radically cured; pointing out a moOe of cure at once simple, certain, and effectual, by mentis of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radi cally. Jte"This Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent under seal In a plain envelope, to any address, pout-paid, on receipt of six cents or two postage stamps. Address, The Culvdrwell Medical Co., 41 Ann St., Mew York, N. Y.; Post Office Box, 400. FRANK JAMES' SUKKE.NDEIi. AGENTS WANTED for the Illus trated Lives and Adventures of Frank and Jesso James and the Younger Brothers, the noted Western Outlaws. By Hon. J. A. Dacus, Ph. D. A. true aud thrilling account of their bold op erations for 20 years, in as many States and Territories, with graphic descrip tions of the death of Jesse, the sur render of Frank, and the preliminar ies of his trials on a score of indict ments for Murder and Highway Rob bery. Profusely illustrated, with en gravings of the outlaws as boys and men, their young wives and little chil dren, the Ford boys and 60 other en graved from actual photographs. A Bonanza for Agents! Send for full particulars and be convinced that this is the most salable and profit able book published, or, to save tlnia, send 50 cts. at once for canvassing book and state your choice of town ship. Outfit and sample copy sent prepaid for $1 60. Address, N. D. Thompson & Co., Publishers, N. W. Cor. 8th and Broadway, New York. PERFECTION STOCK TARK. "TTTATER-TIGnT AND FROSTPROOF. T!ix Y V Tanks are constructed of tUrae-luch luubor elected Michigan rlue,anl are bel.l together win improved Laa toopsso arra-.ipjj tiiat they can U drawn up with a common wrench. When covore.l with two thicknesses cf common fencing (wit i tur board bctwoou), thoy are made frost-uroof. We ar large manufacturers of ralUoad Unka, anil apj ly Uis aaine principle and material to the construction of these stock tmka tlutt wa embodj In our rr.ilrual work. All taukg ara act up, piocea marked, thu knocked down aud crated for ahlpment. " fW CHEAP KATES OF FREIGHT SECURED. BisniaH. t3!"- 8 bottom. Cupaotty 82 bblav " " o " M " SS Anti-Freezing Iron Force Pumps Pitted for any depth well and vmrlwd ae aay eat eaa put tara together ai"t T'ke lljem work froffcilij. i ECLIPSE WIND ENGINE CO. v Tt nc.Lt.Liv, niwaaagcr. Btmi i , vr im. to forty Lor)-power. KvcGfici MUaUktu tl World'i . Here We Are Masonic Hall Building ready to sup ply you with anythingin the line of Stoves, Hardware, Tin, ware, Lamp' goods &c, Leave your orders for' tin ware, Btove reparing Ac, as usual" they will receive prompt attention. W. 8 Service, agent- ?i 1 o r C ataloc " AVi