The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, November 16, 1882, Image 2

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    Henrj At 1'nrmtiiH, Jr..
illURsiMY, NOV., Pi, 1882.
I0nti:uku at
MA 1 1. MATT Kit.
AS BF.COM) cj.ASri
Job work such its-note paper, let
ter beads, business cards, tngn nnd
envelopes ut Tun Anvot'ATK office.
Tlio Future feciire.
iriiihidelphlix Press.
Let no Republican 1)0 downcast; the
Republican puity will emerge re
deemed nnd t ri u R t I i:m t from its pres
ent apparent disaster. There fnot a
Republican lessor u Democrat' more
to-day than in bs?o. I Pennsylvania
the actuiil Republican voie east,
though divided outnumbers the De
mocratic, liven in New York with
its unpreceedented and overwhelm-
fug Democratic avalanche the Demo
cratic voie is not Increased. Tbo Re
publicans spoke tlieir crushing rebuke
simply by staying at home. 80 every
where. Ju pronouncing this terrific condem
nation upon (he false leaders who
have abused their accidental power,
the Republicans have bad no purpose
of pi-emitting tbegovcrniiildit to pass
into Democratic hands. They dis
trust that parly as profoundly as ever.
They have struck their blow, not to
8:V.lgtlu n tiic Democracy, but to cut
the cancer out of their ovv n parly and
quicken, it with new life and vigor.
'1 hey have chosen the" m:d-wuy hour
of Ihs- in order to make secure of l;s,Sl.
Relieved of the burdens which have
weighed down the parly, springing
under new ami inspiring leadership,
and rising to tlio full demands Of, the
future, I he great Republican organ
ization will gain fresh vitality from
its regeneration.
Tlio very sweep and magnitude of
tbo reverse make the recovery the
more sure, because they prove that it
is the work of Republicans. It is in
no sense a partisan triumph. Rut lit
tle mr-re than n ye:-.r ago th0 Republi
can party held a position of strength
and security which hail never been
surpassed in its whole history, it had
a !eaii'iTbip which ii fully trusted ; it
had a President whose slato
nitmship and elevated viows ins pired
Us confidence; it ha.l a joliey and a
purpose which were worthy of it.
great career. Within i yt;.r it lias
witnessed a most, humilaiiug change,
and the men who have trampled up
on the legacy left to them, who have
wantonly defui; the declared will of
the Pwpublie.:.!! ,::ise.-, and who have
undertaken by oJLuss methods to eu- u lactioji tdiove die
party, can
now look upon the ii;
wrought, and tlio
aster they have
wreck of their
own fcucitifi.
While they go the party, re
deemed from tiiuir mismanagement,
will recover its poMliun. It will dis
miss those who have plunged it into
the present ca'.astrophe; it will bring
forward a tried and capable leader
ship; it .will .nt itself upon the high
est plaiforin of ptiucipU-; it will ad
dress ilseif again to the judgment ami
conscience of the country; it will by a
broad and gem-rous spirit win the
united support oc Republicans of
suaiios; a tut u wii; tins,; pine,:
out of danger. ,
Tins Yit.rit'j is Hoard at l.nst.
Kprinl'nlJ !i:c.Mj
The people hi-e b.n-n patient with
the Republican pr.rty. it had the had the ex
perience of government, it had the
cleaner purposes, the more Inspiring
traditions, the grander place in -recent
history everything to qualify it f,,r
progress and administrative reform.
It has had warnings, even. It was
warned in iisTt, in lb70, PiSO. Even
the bullet of the assassin, which ought
to have aroused the party to its imme
diate duty, was accepted in the results
asattoKiing and excusing a new delay
to the projects of reform. The people
have wearied of tliis paltering.
The Republican party has, in short,
lost the public confidence.
Revolt in the Stalwart limit ciioltl.
Iliull'ulo Commercial Advertiser (ltcp.)
It is President Arthur rather than
Judge Folger who sustained the over
whelming defeat yesterday. -In
personal qualification!! for iho gover
norship Folger is undoubtedly super
ior to, Morgan, Fenton and Cornell,
who obtained the ollice to which lie
vainly aspired, ami if be had run as a
regular nomld-.dcd candidate of his
party on his own merit, not as the
representative of a obnoxious faction
and a distrusted administration, he
might have done better. Yesterday's
vote is an emphatic diclaraliDii of
want of cmiiidcuce in President
Arthur, and a notice that 011 the 4th of
March, l68o, b will boa private citi
zen. The Ainu;plirrc Piirificd.
Ullcil Herald (Uep.)J
The result of the election is no Demo
cratic triumph. It is only the utter
defeat of tiro malign iiillueiices which
have led the administration to dis
honor Garlleld and all his aspirations
and desires in governmental affairs.
Itisaslorm which clears the atmos
phere. It leaves, to lie sure, the
nominal power of the udini nisi rat ion
in the hands of Mr. Arthur, but under
the weight of such a popular censure
as will teach him If ho is not deaf as
blind, to consider his ways. If it
brenkes up certain schemes to enlist
Slate patronage to control the Repub
lican nomination In lfcSl, little regret
need be entertained.
Cheap and boPvI.Io. IT, p. Mercer
aof-at. Get yonr horses insured.
Cleveland's Majority 192,000.
k (From tho New York World.
Rume of our esteemed cotcmpornrlcs
have spoken of the majority for Cleve
land ns something absolutely without
parallel absolutely unnpproached In
our modern political liistory. To nay
nothing of the proportiorally larger
majorities that have been uiven In
smaller States for instance, in 18G8
Kentucky elected a l)emocratlc gover
nor by 114,412 to 2',734-t wo phenome
nal majorities deserve to be mentioned
In the same category with that piled
up for Cleveland. In 172 Pennsylva
nia give Grant a majority of 130,1 IS
a Republican gulu dining one month
of 102.0JO votes, and in 1H3 the late
Clement I. Vallandighaiu was
"snowed under" In Ohio by a majority
of 101 .().
The formation is nnnounccd of
another (treat syndicate for the pur
chase of land In tho far west. About
JOd.OOii acres, situated in Minnesota,
have been brought up by the English
capitalists who are interested in the de
velopment of the territory through
which the St. Paul railroad runs, and
who hope by this operation to kill two
birds with one stone. Such specula
tions, as this are no doubt beneficial to
the country, for their effect is to stimu
late agriculural immigration, and to
make it easier for enterprising men
without much money at their com
mand, to make a start in farming.
Whether they do not also contain
an element of danger is another ques
tion and one which cannot confidently
be answered in the negative.
Sliooling n Child.
We clip the following from
(,'haiiil.eisbnrg Spirit of last week :
"One day last week John Simons
and John Coy, both liviug near Fid
dier's Croon, in Green township, were
preparing to go limiting and whilst in
the house of Simons they were hand
ling a loaded gun. Coy was seated on
a chair an ! Simons laid the gun across
Coy's knee, with the muzzle pointing
toward (lie door Hy some unknown
means the gun way discharged and the
heavy load of shot went crushing
through tiie panel door. A little five
year old daughter of Simons was
standing outside on the porch and
most of the load struck and lodged in
her hip. The little girl was not killed,
but her injuries are very severe and
may yet prove fatal. How often must
such terrible results ! experinced
before men will le.irn where and how
(o handle a iron '?
Plahifii iMiifn & Erie Railroad.
The Phiia lelpia & Erie railroad com
pany reports gross earnings of $:!.,.
4"4.S0 for tiie month of September, an
increase of 100,fiS2.71 over those of
Kept ember 1S:.U ; excuses, WW.ftir.l,
an In urease of ? 23,000.5(3, and net earn
lugs, i-l 10,.W2.25, mi increase of ?S0
332. 1-j, or 13G per cent over those of the
corresponding month of last year. The
gross earning for nine months were
$2,0Uy.l-Vi.S0, an inereass of?SU,0-l7.71,
operating expenses, Sl,ftSS,fi53.tll, an
increase of 1", (3 iS, .No, and net earnings,
1,70!'1 25, an increase of f20s,C!)S,SG,
or 2"j per ecu 1. on those of the corres
ponding period of H'M.
Ll .t ii' .fillers.
i.i iiiw win ot totina a i 1 lit or jurors
I i:i'.v 11 for the Xovjin!aT tcini ot
four!, i")i'.ii;:ciiciiij 011 Monday, -the
oiiAxn JL':ti)ns.
lm-steUe- 15. K. Moivy, John Mul-
rn.V, iii'lliiW Tuylnp.
't iiiniT Nicholas Kronen woltrr.
Fux -.liTciniuli A. Jliin, Win. E.
Ia-iU, 15. T. Kylel, Win. C:il!uliun.
Jli-'Maml -H."(. i'llit liorp.
Ho. tun A'.lciK'i'l liuiitly, Theodore
Jot 1 C! eo r:i' Mow era.
Kidney )',;roii-!i-(;. II. Wool, Win. M. .--weet, Henry A. i'ar
son.s, .Jr
Kid,ii-.vr.y Township H. K. Decker,
Itiiii'.t: Avery. John I). .Meenan.
HpriiiK (,'ieek Jeremiah Elliott,
Peter (iainor.
i-M. Mali 'h Michael Frv, Bcnifird
Kletternian, Edward M'Kride, Frank
15ei)czc!le Win. Derr.
IJeliKinger Anton Munich, Ocorge
Nis.iel, Anthony Seifrcid, John Kleix
ner, John t-in vJer.
Fox Adolphus Gardner, E. T. Wil
liams, I'asco Miaver, Lorence Molian,
Jr., Ralph ilell, Joseph .Sehocberl,
Nicliola-! Apker.
liorton Fred. Ilaywinkle, Chaun
cey J rock way, Jainea l'halen.
Jay Wm. F. Clyde, Armel Turley.
Jones (JeorKf Dill, John (J. Dever
cttu, (i. A. Jacohson, l'eter Meyers.
Miilstono (i. D. Doiiahey.
Hiilwtiy Dorougii S. V. Miles,
John WidniMley.
Hidgwsy Towuship Peter Oulimc,
John VimOrsdall, John '. Dicker,
Oeorge t!ahn, David Iltle, James
iSjirinj,' Creek .Thiiics Davidson, Pe
ter iflidehriiiid, lliraiu Eiseninan.
St. Mary's Charles McVean, Joseiih
Delta. '
'It in claimed that New "Vork
women look younger at 50 than Boston
women do ut -10, or Chicago women ut
0," for the reason that they huve
been taking Perunii for the past three
months, but Boston und Chicago
women are coming up in fine style
entering upon the home-stretch on
MansUin. I got one of your hooks on
Iho ' Ills of Life" from your Druggist
as u present, and, us it directs, imve
been taking Peruiia und Manilin. My
bowels ure in excellent condition, und
the lungs und heart are improving
finely." J. M. Wulker, Luwus, Pa.
New Lenders to the Front
IWliCM-Ung Intflllicenecr.
The Itepiiblieaii party u not even
asleep. It never was more alive than
on the seventh day of November when
it left the bosses to try their own de
vices without popular support. Two
years hence it will take the Held with
energy und might, all its forces mobi
lized, under new Jead"rs and with a
new pin pose, rts magnificent an nnny
ns ever went to liatlle for a good cittisc.
$1.00. 1882-3. 91.00.
new tkums :
One Dollar per
. car.
Tun IjAhokst, Rest and Cjikapkpt
Wi.i-.Kr.Y in tjik Would.
With the adyriil. of new perfecting
printing machinery Into our business.
We are encouraged to believe we can
successfully ei.rry out a long cherished
desire to furnish the Weekly Rlade
direct to subscribers, postpaid," for the
very low price of One Dollar per year.
While 11 "Dollar Weekly" is nn'new
thing, it liiis never before been at
tempted by any publisher in this
country to furnish so lingo and so
good a paper as the Rlado for one
dollar per year. Cotmequeiitly the
announcement we now make will lie
startling to tho newspaper fraternity.
We therefore boldly and fearlessly de
clare that Irom and' alter the date the
price of the Weekly Rlade shall be, to
any and all, rich ami poor, postpaid
by mail, delivered at your very door,
as it were, One Dollar per Year. We
do not calculate to reduce in any way,
either in size, quantity or quality, but
on the contrary shall continue to'make
improvement j ut every opportunity,!!
Inn always been our ride. The Riadc
is a li. iisehold necessity in every nook
and comer of the iaud, and nowhere
can so much good reading he had for
the money. Anyone of our depart
ments are wcctii the price of a year s
subscription. Tho series "Nasby in
Kxile'1 will run a whole year, and
Kasby never fails to give value re
ceived. J ut see how much we give
for one dollar : in the first place we
publish all the News. Then there are
the serials, Poetry, Stories, Miscellany,
Young Folks' Department, Corns
pondcuce from all tbo world, the best
Editorais in the English language,
Science, Religou, Politics, MalKuts
(very reliable), and, linaly, the br I
Household lei;ai tmcnt for the ladies
ever published, all of which, if printed
in nuoi; lorm, wouut. miring the year,
make a library worth oue hundred
dollars, At 0110 dollar we should
double our circulation within a year,
and t-liaii be much disappointed if we
do not. We cannot allow a cash com
mission for raiding chib i at this price.
but will allow one free cony lor evtrv
club of ten, and, by the way, a club o:
ten is easily ra'.se t lor the libido. We
want every friend to nd.-e us at least
unc club of leu, and thereby secure
your own copy fre-. We do not re
ceive fractions of a year at this rate
but slioit tiiiie subscribers should re
mit at rale of ten cents per month.
We cheerfully send specimt.11 copies of
the JUa.le to any address. Send lir
Ihe address of a dozen or more of your
Iriemlsto whom we can send speci
men copies. It makes no diiiiiLlice
now many otmryou lake, yen should
have the lilade anyhow at this price,
11 is a noiiar wisely luvisled. A years
sub.-crii'liou to the Weekly Rlade
would lie a most excellent present for
an aiisiht iriemt. on March Ul, liW
wo shail pro.-eiit a nice library of 111
books to the town having on that ilute
the largest list of subsenbers to the
Rhule. A few subscribers in any
lown eoui.i lake mis library matter in
baiul, ami in one day rrise 1UD or 2;W
subi-eribcrs. Remit your dollar by
money order or registered letter.
Easier Likely to Tako tho Oath as
from tho Mow Yorlt TillmiH',
Juiiicu V. Busier, the liieud ot
lllaiue, has received tho majority of
-iAJO in the Cumberland district of
Pennsylvania, and Is elected, not
withstanding every crank und ma
lignant in the country threw a stone
ut him. A niiiii who never cured for
ol'i'ice, who bin made money since
boyhood with unbroken constancy,
who is plain, hospitable, liberal and
large-spirited, he hits never found it
necessary to abandon a friend to be
come instantly a true patriot. Mr.
Blaine's family originated in Carlisle,
and us a native of the same town Mr.
ISo.i'icr has taken that pride in the
family always shown by Tom Marsh
all, Mr. Grow, Lawyer Stewart, Mr.
Wolfe, und the representative llepub
iicans of the'Slute.
The Masher Mushed.
There were plenty of seats in the
car, but us he walked down the aisle
he looked sharply to the right und
left until he reached 11 pretty girl who
was setting alone.
"Seat engaged, Miss?" he nsked
with u knowing wink.
"No-no sir," stammered the girl
looking around in dismay.
Down he plunged und braced him
self tor the campaign. lie was a
regular passenger, and he held his
commutation ticket lu his hand.
"Shall I open?'1
"Tickets?" roared tho conductor,
who hud watched him from afar.
ihe regular passenger smiled
sweetly on the pretty girl und put out
his paste board, out of which two
sides were promptly nipped.
"Hold on protested the regular pas
senger: "you Hunched this twice.
This lady isn't with me!"
"Sorry," replied the conductor; "but
you walked in, sat down and went to
work 011 the regular married style.
Supposed, of course, it was your wile.
loo lute know. Take a vacant scat
next time. "Tickets!"
And the pasKenger went to the con
ductor and asked him to drink and of
fered him a cigar, and bought out the
train boy for him.
"I knew they weren't married,"
said he, us he squinted ut 11 llask of ex
tra prime. "I've seen him before, but
this is the first time it cost him u
couple of dollars to pay It."
"Do you know who the lady Is?"
asked tin inquisitive man.
"My wife, gentlemen," replied the
conductor, und even the Jlask chuck
led a merry 'glug glug' us he spoke.
Wanmmiker & Brown's, Full
samples are on bund now. Cull und
examine whether you want to pur
chase or not. H. A. Iton:ri'cciu.
no longer from Dyspep
sia, Indigestion, want of
Appetite,lossof Strength
lack of Energy, Malaria,
Intermittent Fevers, Ac.
TERS never fails to euro
all these diseases.
Poston, November 6, i88fi
Brown Chemical Co.
Gentlemen: For year I hav
been a great sufferer from Dyspepsia,
and could get no relief (having tried
everything which was recommend
ed) until, acting on the advice of a
friend, who had been benefitted by
Urown's Irom H1TTHK3, I tried a
bottle, with most surprising results.
Previous to taking Bhown's I row
Bittkrs, everything I ate distressed
me, and I sufferea greatly from a
burning sensation in the stomach,
which was unbearable. Since tak
ing Brown's Iron Hitters, all my
troubles are at an end. Can eat any
time without any disagreeable re
ults. 1 am practically another
person. Mrs, W. J. Flynn,
30 Maverick St., . Boston,
TERS acts like a charm
on the digestive organs,
removing all dyspeptic
symptoms, such as tast
ing the food, Belching,
Heat in the Stomach,
Heartburn, etc. The
only Iron Preparation
that will not blacken the
teeth or give headache.
Sold by all Druggists.
Brown Chemical Co.
Baltimore, Md.
See that all Iron Bitten are made by
Brown Chemical Co., Baltimore, and
have crossed red lines and trade
mark on wrapper.
v V . . :.'.
i I
. Til
4. m
Gv.uraiitccd XJxxoq.ualeU
r 5 iii i' It i i i O d'i! ir-'
sic-vts ml Ceiwcaieascs fcc-il b
J21 O'lil'S.
r: p.
V. .1-1
11 1 DU WAY.
.VJuy t'txo CclcuratRd
rua Pest, Most Cflftbratpd, I'-jrest Tone, Host
liurable, Mort hinif.lo, Most Vurfeut
(ton iu luu wuilA
Eer.d for clrculnr.
bsw ira.vsN CH3AN co.,
'trrhJtV:M Vo oontinno to
M paiontn, ce-.-er.ts,
iradii-TimiHH, copy! c.;i.l.i, tjn;.,iui-
tlio United Btntcs, und to obtnin pnt
cnta in Canada, .'!";! and, i'ranco,
Oirran.nv, nn;l Rll other cunnL-ic:.
TI:trf r-f:ix veitrn9 nrnfrlif n. No
chargo for CYaminalion of niouuls cr Cra.v
iiiRS. Advico by nail tree.
Patents obtAinnd tl-.fn?li xtt r.rc o!ieo-l in
tlio e;iEXTii.-ic AittaitvcA v, vliU-h ha
tho largest circulation, and ia tlio most ieila
cntirl uownpapor of ilakinil jiublieliodiu tho
world. The advautageaot'oach a iittico every
patontos undernlandu.
Tliia largo and p)lcnnidlvillu?lr;it. d nows
paporiapuhllnlica ttlsUKlt nt M.20 :i year,
and is admitted to bet'io bPrft paper iluvotcd
to mio'K'C, niecharicHjiiivcutioim, cugiuecriuij
works, tud other deVurtmeuU of iudiiHtrial
progress, published iu auj- country. Hiuglo
copies by mail, 10 cents, bold by all nows
de.d ors.
Adorer", ?'itm ft Co.. publishers of Solon
tifli American, tCl I'.i oaCway, Kew York.
Hand'xmU abuul pntouU j:iaiied fio.
P.aking powder freshly ni.i.ic twice
n we:-'.; nt Uuy's ftriiPiui'c
(. :' ' f e V'.W:T--.-;.r;.i"-V?;;t'., f
H t
w TMlltnwiiti
rs:Vw,l,c uuieiiiLbi' ana
Ana an rJlRST line to Bt. Jrm-pl).
poinn in iowa,-:iAtclilon,Top5kn,Dn.
NcbiBka,MlHourl, KnnvOSytB,jn, Dttllns, Oal
as, Now Mexico, Ailiona, Mu3S,
1Mb lioute litis no nupci iur fur Albert
b-. tho beet eqiilpped.5,?K V,Ji,p2J
Rollroad In tl.e World 7i!Lrou8l ?n.r
all clnwpi of trnol.
All connection! made
TlckLii via till?
and yon will
Ccli'brati'd Line oi
talc at all offlcce ln, V"
find ttnrellns
luxury, Imtcad
TV of a dli-
about Iintcs of
rnr-1, SlPfpinsr Cord.
fit VlMprWiti irrrxt Manager. t.en. Pass.Aat..
CJiictiao- lilt l.lcuito,lli
VV t 1111 FKOST-PEOOP. Thopo
' " urir.nai fi taut ilu-ycan b.
Vii. ,; p. w.oiaconiiiion wtoi-cb. Wu covt-n-a
. ..i.:.,u.. -..i-mi.i ceraraoii lenclllll (Wi-. ,t fcir.
ucam ii.-iw.xm. u-.? lira matlo Vo am
:aro mai.iir.H-'urr-a of rr.!lri.1 Li..k 4 a.,,i t.u. t,
p.11110 i.rhf.-ij.-ea.l r.iat...-L.l to th .:i.:ir...i,'..
WO.-k. All ti,sh nr. ...f u. .r1.
Itiwkcd u'wn uud crat 1 for Rl1ii,n,
urciis.i. liA-.M er ninotiT eeclTvEd. jti
trj a- v. T.-j n -
aS.ft "j'6' 8fi; bouom. Carjaclty 73 bbtu.
Ar.ti-Froczinfj Iron Forca Pumps,
icms co.
i', veil.
lii-l Kit.7-"",tl-.r-H-fnKnru
'tl.-.l.tV.'."!l, 1.1-.,
4: 'e'Jj AliniiU, Cj., 'a)
IV. II. VHI!:uL:..,i, Mur-w,
.:-.rr.!.f ut r.t. il: i.j V
t -! .;,-l.. ViJ;ur r. t.-.eC .I.l
1---;., v'icuai. j '-gj Ati.-.r.i-is,
ae;sts! akitsi agents.
Tr OEN. PODtirs b,-.-n' new book, cutltlal
- v.
eai mm mmm
A tm Toonl oftlio Antlm-B rfav-ri.m Vf"tif P.-rmrnt Tt
KnuawwuirXuw, Cj- in, ,tt uw0 liiu.,di;ctija
By Gen. Sherman,
This tKr voft T7ii ct moo m'wrrilu'il for hv PnMri,t
Ai:tiiuii p., I tntte (!.V1, and by . ,V,'Vi, (I n.
Or . r.t, (,cu. f'...ri Inn, Cii. J:.m'tri; and thtm,U r.f rra
Incnt Mi.n. C,r.i. CitAXl- f.ya !-' ij (.-,- V,., ;,.,u(. ,.,,
c,'"r 1'ianor Wiley Oiho.lht.) Ma
ii a l.ok Umncnt rile.- It Is C;o o..'. ui-tli-n::o 'account
' "r '"':" '"tt ruMlslKd, fully rcvc-.!in t'icir "Inn-r
liru,- ntn-t d..:i"j, cxidoi;., etc. It Ii vit, fiirillinit
v..!.!.-!., v, ...u ..u-.,tor. or.'i r.r i.-moin Fcii., Trappers,
v .,,-i.v.v., ..r,j.r., iJ( rliL.r jt-.fiRna, c:e.
' poi imyhiir
j.i em i;ie ti.-.;.: nto. it
th'tnnt in i.ivja.
WiCi Ftvft 1:115:
ri-.tM ia ir c!.
r.r,-t Fur.erb Cl'rnrnn.r.Mhoetapli
,r"n rlworrepha made ly tlio f. g.
-.7; fur '.- ir Korl;
r;:nnd o't in )mw fiut-r'.!in- nil r-Micrs
''''''- A-r.ulstiv.-ra-.-o 10 to EOoulvra
loey in: ro riivnti ut miw. r.w...;,v.
C,ovfrr.r.---.:t (.17
10 to 1. .V.) po
a day. Wti
T rrilorg mi l S, i -i it T, rnn (.-. n. Our lurse cin ulars wito
full pfiitk-'ihrj . :,t .-. a fino Ppn-in-.m I'lo-e tat i
ttWiO'oii f.-r a n e.-nt rt.m,p. A.Mref Iho sole p.i!.Ii.hor
A. J). WOP.TMKJ- JTO.V i. t o,, Coait.
rti M
W. I
r; rt .a
S 6
P ft
.re purer, better, stroncer, nni longfr
I:no n in tbo triarket than any other arlicle
cf the kind. Are always sure and reliable,
rind never fail to insure the Leit resulu
in cookery. Aik your grocer f.)r it end
five it a trial. Satisfaction guaranteed or
113 pay.
Notepuper und envelopes the
f ame us before nt .No. 0 bliunty row.
Advocate t.llk-e.
N. AX All connection! mads
r "j pw.
aii "V':v,v
T. J Pu
i 13 3
s Amum
roi;ou(;!I onMx.vxu: so. ic.
pnoTiniN(j koh tup: protvc-
Jit it (irdiilncd nml ennolftl by flic
town Couiic-il of the Rorouali of RM;r-
way, nntl It 1 liereliy ortliiined mill
cnuuteil by the nutlioril y of the wnnie.
That If iiny person ba:i wilfully or
liinlieimiHly brnik, injure, or tlt-.-itroy
nny Htreet lamp put up in flay public
street of saiil P.oroiif;!i, whether the
same be public or privute property,
Mich per.-ons Hlmll, upon ronviclitin
thereof before tho Chief Perne or
any JuHtiee of the Pence, be ei iitonced
to jiny a line of not lesn than five (5)
nor more than twenty (20) tlolliirn, for
me use ot the JJoroiiKh, nml cost of
prosecution, find ill delimit of the
piij nii'iit of said tine and costs such
persons shall be committed to the
Horoujih Lock-up for a period not ex
ceeding forty-eight hours.
Thiii ordinance shall take effect on
and after Dec. 1, 1882.
C. II. McCAULEY, President.
Attest. W. C.Hkai.y. Hccretary.
Approved this 14th day of Nov. 1S82.
J. POWELL, Cliief Uurgess.
JyJ. W. Buei.1..
Embracing the lives and wonderful
adventures of Wild Hill, Uufliilo Hill,
Kit Carson, Capt. I'iiyne, dipt Jack,
Texas Jack, California Joe. And
other celebrated Indian Fighters,
Scouts, Hunters nnd Ouides. A true
historical work of thrilling adventured
on the plains, and iu western pro
gress nnd civilization. Fights with
Indians! Grand Rull'alo Hunts! Des
perate Adventures! Narrow Eseaiiesl
Wonderful Shooting and Ridimr!
Wild Life in the Far West! fc vrlOO
Illustrations! 10 Full-page Colored
Plates! A Kr'"id book for Agents,
Outsells everything. 5-18 pajres, price
2.1.0. .Agent's coniilete outfit 50
cents. Outfit and copy for $2.00.
Z&y Write at once for agency, or terms
ami illustrated circulars to N. D.
THOMPSON & CO., Puqlisbers. N.
W. Cor. tith, and Uroadway, fEv
$100 up (Stool, Cover and Book).
Elegant Square Grand, 3 strings, full
Agraffes, every improvement, only
S-M5. Cabinet Grand Upright $210
andSiiO. Other Grand Holiday liar
gains. Jubilee Organs, So up" (Stool
and Book). Excelsior, style 42, Five
sect of Reeds, 15 stops, only !S7.
"Oriental," style 103. Ten set of Reeds,
20 stops, only 12-j. No. "botrus" sets
of reeds or dummy" stops. All sent
on 1-j days trial, fr't:ifftt free ifuiitntlin
fartory. Pair und honest dealing
guaranteed. Sheet Music j juice.
Piano, Organ, or Music Catalogue free
205S, N. Y.
AVnlimt Leaf Hair Kestorer.
It is entirely different from all
others. It is'as clear asiwater, and, as
its name indicates, is 0 perfect Vege
table Hair Restorer. It will immedi
ately free the head from dandruff, re
store gray hair to its natural color,
and produce a new growth where it
has fallen off. It tloes not In nny
manner affect the health, which Sul
phur, Sugar or Loud, and Nitnife -nf
Oliver preparations Jiave done. Tt
will change light or faded hair in a
few days to a beautiful glossy brown.
Ask your druggist for it. Each bottle
is warranted. SMITH. KLINE .
CO.. holcsale Agents. Pbilndeloliiii
uudO. N. CRITTENTON. New York
1. 17 ly.
Is hereby given that J. D. P.isbell
studeiit-at law, registered with Hall
it McCauley, Iisip, has filed his ap
plication forexaniination foradtnission
to practice as an attorney of the courts
01 ii.iK county with the Secretary of
tlio Rnard of J-.xiiminers, nntl that
the said board will meet at their room
in the Court House. Ridirwnv. on
.Monday, the 20tli day of November
next, at 1 o clock i m.. for the nur.
pose of examining said applicant.
yvj. 11. ijiaojn . tsecretary.
Ritlgway, Oct. lo, 1S82. St.
and Buggies to let upon the most
reasonable terms.
JSkiy'lIe will also do job teaming.
Stable on Elk street. All orders left
at the Post OlUco wi'l receive prompt
Just published, a new etliton of Dr.
Culverwell's Celebrated Essay on the
radical cure of Spermatorrhea or Keinl
mil Weekness, Involuntary (Seminal
Losses Impotency, Mental and l'hyi
eal Incaimeity, Impetliments to Mar
riage, etc.; also, Consumption, Epil
epsy and fits induced by self-indulgence
or sexual extravagance, &c.
The celebrated author, in this ad
mirable Essay, clearly demonstrates,
Irom a thirty years' successful practice
that the ularuiiiig eousecjuenees of
sell-abuse may lie radically cured;
pointing out a mode of cure at once
Kimple, certain, und effectual, by means
of which every sufferer, no mutter
what his condition muy be may cure
himself cheaply, privately, and rati
call;). tirThis Lecture should be in the
hands of every youth und every man
in the laud.
Kent under seal In a plain envelope,
to any address, jiont-jxtid, on receipt of
six eents or two postage stamps.
1 hi: Cui.vnmvKi.r, Medical Co.,
41 Ann St., Mew York, N. Y.: Post
Ollice Uox, HiD,
Note-paper und envelopes ut The
Advocate ofllet No. .Shuuty row.
Birthday cards, a beautiful variety
at fur-: Advocate ollice No. ti Shanty
Kidney Pafc
bare Rlrendy
lieen nolil In
llus country
and In Krnnco
every one
of which hog
given perfect
nml hns per
permeil cures
V-W.4i When uso.l an.
c,ortllnK to
: ' fT.3;-;.-fl nnd doubt
- J'.ft rt- i ;.! pay the
VC 1 : V'H-i Tr a KillL'lo
-ye of
conllm.Mc.Miml lU'tcnlion of the frlnc Kin
In the Hnck.Wl.lo or Loins, NcrvmiL Ve k
nrs, nml In nictnll illsor.k rH of the niniVler
timl I'l-Jmuy tirMinm whether cnnti-ncted by
prlvnte illsense or otherwise. 9
LADIES, if you are PtifTering from
Femnle Wcnkncsa, Lcucnrrhcpn, or nnv tils
8UIUI0 K'vliieyn, BUliUler.or frinury Or-
Wllhnpl ..., .. .
Pimply wearing " T
French Kidney Pad,
Which Cures by Absorption.
Astt yonr tlrtnr"l.t, I'Rfvc .M-rrtrrm
I I-. H h reach K Mm-y 1'n.l. ml tk no other.
IfhchiiH nc.litot It, sen. fi'.in and you will
receive tho l'.ul by return iimil. J" I"
loiedo, O., says:
'On n nrrmrntiB.ti. t- .
1 n.lH cuii'il me of I.umlmuo In Ibreo weeks
I mie My case hml been given p bv Iho
best IXictoM ns lm-timl.le, Inirinic nil this
Unci Pnti,.re,l nnt.ii.i ngony and paid out
Inrjro sums of nioney."
T Riifrrnfl fYi- t1ifo -.1.1- i-.. .
, 1 .' .iimh-ij kiiu iternmnentlv
cur. l nller wei,i-ln prof. Giiltmcttc'n French
Kidney I'nd four weeks."
'.SQUIRE X. C. SCOTT, Sylvan ia, O.
''Ihnve l.eon n irrent sinTcrer ror 10 yenrs
Willi lh-hrht s Disease of the Kidneys. For
weeks nl -n i time I was uniible to m-t nut of
bed; took Imrn'ls of medicine- but t,PV ,,1..,,
",e only tcinporary relief. I wore two of
l'rot c.ullm,.tt,.-a Midm.y pndH six weeks
linn 1 now Know Hint inn entirely cured "
Toledo, O.
"For yenrs I hnve been confined, n crent
pin t of the time to my bed. with Eucorrl,,"
am female weaknes. 1 wore one of Guil-
!uoiiihS"K 'y "US ""tl W"S CUrt'd 1,1 01,0
II. T5. GREEN, Wholesale Grocer,
Eindland, O.
"I sufTered for "T, years with lame back and
In three w-ci-ks I'ermamT.tlvciired bv wear
Init.ineof I'n.r, (iuilmelte s l.iver l'a"ds "
H. F. KEE.SLING, M. I). Druggist,
,, , Lognnsport, Ind.
Vhen semlhipf in an order fur Kidney
lads, writes: "i wore one of Iho first ones
we had and t received more hem llt Horn It
than nnythim: 1 every used. In fact Iho
Fads inve belter iremral satisfaction than
nny Kidney remedy we ever sold."
KAY & SHOEMAKER. Druggists,
Daii'iibal, Mo.
" cure working up n lively traile in vom
Pads.niui are hearing of k.hI results irom
tliem every day.-'
Thousands of graves are annually
robbedoftheirvictims, lives prolonged
happiness and health restored by the
use of the great
whiehpnsiti vely and premnnently cure
Jniioteney (caused by excesses of an .
kind), Seminal weakness, and all dis
eases that follows as a sequence ot
Self-Abuse, as loss of energy, loss of
memory, universal lasitude. pain in
the back, dimness of vision, premature
old age, and many other discuses that
lead to insanity or consumption und a
premature grave
Send for circulars with testimonials
free by mail. The INV'IGORATOH
is sold at $1 per box, or six boxes; for
So by all druggists, er will be sentj for
by mail, securely sealed, on receipt of
price by addressing
,q,& J- "EKEY. Druggist,
187 Summit St., TOLEDO, OHIO.
Sole Agent for the United States.
The most wounderful curative rem
edies of the present day, are those that
come Irom'jGeriuaiiy, or at least origi
nate there. The most recent prepara
tion placed upon the market in this
country, is the GREAT GERMAN
IN VIGOR ATOR, which has never
been known to fail in (Hiring a single
case of impotency, spermatorrhoea,
weakness and all diseases resuting
from self-abuse, as iierveous debility,
inability, mental anxiety, languor,
lassitude, depression of spirits aud
functional derangementsof the nervous
system. For sale by druggists, orsent
free by mail 011 receipt of the paice
$1.00 SoleAguit for the United States
Send for circular. For sale by Clias.
McVean, St. Marys. Pu.
Prof. Gnilinette's Frencli LIVER PAD.
Will positively cure Fever and Ague.
Dumb Ague, Ague Cake, P.ilous
Fever. Jaundice. Ilvsin.i.jin m.ri .,11
diseases of the Liver, Stomach kTici
lilood. Price $1.50 by mail. Send for
Prof. Guilniette's Tnatise 011 the Kid
neys und Liver free by mail. Address.
Toledo, Ohio,
lor sale by Cbas. McVean, St.
Marys, Pu.
" Knr Slrk Similar li, bad taste, linking
pFlUautl T:i It -i t I ii .11. lvlv wlmllv on I'K-
kun a. rti;paHajaaE2sw
"torM antol AHaTlu-. liyspLiwla, In
'liKcmlciii und l.lvor t'naini.iliii. t:iko I'k-
11 u n a ; It imvur f ;ili. ' r. rin-Moam
r v.. iiiuii u. iiiv DkiJiiiai u 1.1 . t.ll
PKKL'NA III Lilk-O'lobrs in bifullllilB. "Kl
"'l iaise iu llulary. iirufi-ssii.uai or rein-J
mt-rcli.l pui-biilia. uocl Pkhl-na." CLm
roroioa ... itiiaciie, liallllll ttl lleu.l,
dlzzliiHsa nml lowilrlln, Uiko PEltllN a. "
Head and atuiljr our book outlia "Ilia of
Llfii i1' (oli.iwlia teai iiiii.sHud he happy.
nrt 1 V"" ' y"u wl6h blfnKili, lieallh,
ann 11,-auiy. twtxit breath, cherry llpaau
roHV ellerll. trik.i I'l-i-i-vv
lief.ire ear
l.lll.t f.i '""""T' alal-l-lirx.TV.iin lC1
'I Ity.illabcauf the I . I v e r itinl Kl.lnevn. I
.," ...,.-: "M"1 " )...ii ijii ivi 01.
the Ulii..f l.llo.'-S. II. Ilalnn. ,(o..
UB'K.rii, old.., pmprlelom. r,Kj:dfiZ5fiJi
tut Cviiiillpalluii, l.iivr, Ki.iuey. laLol