The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, November 09, 1882, Image 2
$500 i53 Henry A. Parsons, Jr., - Editor fHUllSDAY, NOV., 0, 1882. Kjctkrkd at tub Port-office at RrnowAY, Pa., as bkcond class RfAlIi MATTKK. The Day hns Come. In nn article entiled "Th Day of the People," published lust fall we prophe sied this year the day of the people would come and that the bosses little and great would be hurled from their power in the land and given a back seat In the council of the Nutiou, At that time we firmly believed, and - we now believe tlmt the people of this glorious old Commonwealth, and this magnificent Nation were ably to govern themselves without boss dictation, or boss domination. The result of Tuesday's elect ion speaks in a language of terror to all bosses, and encourages the hope of the future suc cessor the people's day. With burning shame it will ever be written, that In 1870 don cameron defeated Blaine the people's choice for the Presidency, In 1880 don cameron again defeated the plummed Knight of the old Pine state for the same place. Don cameron will not defeat Bluine in 1884. Beaver, the gallant soldier, the christian gentle' man and the patrotlc citizen goesdown Into the darkness of defeat because don cameron supported him. Not only In the Keystone state has the defeat of the bosses been accomplished but in uU the states that voted on Tuesday wherever the arthur admin istratiou, the conkllng sway, or the cameron power was known the people arose in their might and forever un shackled their freedom. The day of the people has come. New York says so with 180,000 majority. The day of the people has come. Pennsylvania says so with 40,000 majority. The bosses do not heed it for they are bur led so deep beneath the silent ballots of an outraged people that the trump of an areh-ungel would be necessary to orouss them from their slumber of oh liviou. The loth of last month was a note worthy date, being Hie :ttli anniver sary of the introduction of tueGregor inn calender, H was the work of Pope (ieorgory XIII., who in t lie year K'8'2, being struck by the fact that the vernal equinox, which at the time of the council of Nice, A. D. 3i, had occurred on March 21, then hap peued on the loth, caused ten days to be thrown out of the current year the day after Thursday, Oct. 4, being declared Oct. lo. This alternation of the style was immediately adopted in all the Bonian Catholic countries of Europe; and even in England an at tempt, of which little notice has becu taken, was made to introduce it two years later. On the loth of March l.")84 .", a bill was read for the first hi the House of Lords entitled "An act tfiving her Majesty authority to alter and new make a calendar at eording to the calendar used in other countries.' It was read second lime on the 18ih of tle same month, and tlieu the project was shelved for nearly two centuries. It was not till the year 1 V.Vi, in the regin of (Seorgo II., that the Gregorian calendar was ad opted in England, and by th;:t lime ii had become necessary to drop eleven days. The 3d of September de clared the 1 that the iiKHith only contained nineteen days. The latest swindle on farmers, which generally succeeds on those who take no papers, is outlined in an exchange as follows: "Two rogue watch the papers for est ray notices, and when one is published one of I heni goes to look at the animal. O;' cuai'nc on application the unsuspecting farmer shows the beast, and the fellow decides that It is not. his, anil then returns to ids partner and described tlie animal minutely. No.2 goes to the farmer, and after proving by a thorough des cription that he is owner of the animal says he can't take it away, and oilers to sell it at a bargain. The farmer buys and in a day or two the riglii lui owner conies and claims the animal, and of course the farmer is out just so much. A Young Mini's Sad Death. A I'ltOMlNKNT HOCIKTY MAN HOASTKO AI.IVK WH 11.10 CAKOUSIXU WITH FAST COM I'AXIO.NS. Baltimore, Nov. 8. John W. Pear son, a young business man, of Balti more, and one of the handsomest young men in the city, was burned to death this morning at the A I linyt i.n Summer Garden on North I ligli. street. The garden was- u disreiuliilU' place, and Pearson had gone to bed there in an Intoxicated condition. There wi i t three persons In one led ! arson, James McKinney, a circus mart, and Oeorgie Hupplce, a young woman of the town. About three o'clock this morning fire broke out on the floor below them. The girl was first to awake, and ran out on the i oof, jumped into a policeman's arms, and escaped with slight bruises. McKinney also made his escape, burning his hands and head. Pearson got out of bed, but fell at the door and there was roasted fill his body was as black as a coal. The girl and McKinney both thought that he had gooten out when they did, ami told the fireman so. Hud it not been for this his life might have been saved. lie was very popularliisociety, and had a fine voice, which led him to tak part in amateur ojieru perfor mances. He was engaged to he mar ried to a young lady of Northeast Bal timore and the wedding was to have come oil' next February. It is only within the past few months Hint he bad led a fast life. FIRE! Has caused the HALL. BUILDING, and, with a few tools saved from the hunting, my siiop stock of m HARDWARE, RAILROAD Is as near complete as the limited arriving on every train. are a specialty with me. I have on hand and on the road the hest assortment ever shown in this market, and Friends, I need your trade at this time. Call in, and send your friends in. No trouble to show goods, and if any of you owe me a little bill drop in Ituy tlie Celebrated YALE & JUBILEE OPSANS. The Best, Most Oelehrated, Purest Tone, Mont Durable, Most Simple, Most Perfect Oroan in tua world. Send for circular. NEW HAVEN ORGAN CO., Now Havo'ii Couivi List of Jurors. llclow will be fouud a list of juror drawn fur tlio November term of court, oinmoiiciiig on Momlay, the L:ili : fill A XI) JIUIOKS. l.cniy.ette- It. K. Morey, John Mul rov, DciiniM Taylor, 'lienziiier Nicholas Kronen wetter. I'ox .leictuiah A. Hern, Win. K. Hewitt. ). T. Kvler, Wm. Callalian. Hihliuiil II. O. Kllithorp. Hoi ton Adelbert Buudy, Theoilore Fox. J ones George Sowers. lCidway Borough (. R. Wood ward, Wii. M. Hweet, Henry A. l'ai tioiis. Jr. ltidfjway Township H. E. Decker, Isaac Avery. John I). Meenun. .Sprinif Creek Jeremiah IClliott, Peter (iuinor. St. Mary's Miehnel Fry, Bernard I'lttleiinan, Kdward M'liride, Frank oi iibaiiiii. TltAVKKSK JITHORS. Bent .cite Win. Derr. Hi nziuycr Anton Munich, (leoi-jre Nissel, Anthony Heifreid, John Klcix ner, John Snyder. Fox Adolphus Gardner, E. T. Wll Hump, Piifco Shaver, Lorence Mohan. Jr., llalpU liell, Joseph Kchoelicrl, XlcholiiH Apker. Horton Ficd. Itnyw Inkle; Chaiin ccv ISrock way, James l'lialcu. joy Wm. F. l.'lyde, Arinel Turlcy. Jones George liill, John C. Dcver tuu, (I. A. Jacohson. Peter Meyers. Millstone G. I). Donahey. Kidgway Borough S. V. Miles, John Walnislcy. Hhlgwuv Township Peter (iulnai;, John VanOrsdall. John P. Decker, George Gahn. Duvid Ittle, Juuies Hickard. Spring (.'reck .Tunics Davidson, Pe ter Hildcbrand. Hiram JJsenmau. St. Mury'x C'huricsMoVeun, Joseph Delta. (banned gxids at Morgester'8, Peach's, Pcaiv, Airlcolt, Tomiitocs and Coir. Job work such us ncte paper, let ter heads, business cards, tags and dive -lopes at Tun Advih atk olllce. Mm removal of the was started on the next day after the and settle it. I PIRFECTIQN STOCK TANK. WATEIt-TIOUT AND FROST-PROOF. Tliw Tiiiilisnroconwtrurtotl of thrcotnch Imitbor, pfj.rtrv Michigan inn and nro held fcwtlicr with inirovcl Lun liooi4nr cirrnnp. tht they ran b ilrawn up with acromion wreucb. 71kii covered with two thii Unr?M'f common fencing (with tar boiird botwoim), thry nro rna io fmrtt-rcMif. "Wo nro Uinniifttrliirt ri of rMlmarl tatikn, and tho tamo jri:irijli uud ltiaU-tiiil to tlie con.tTUrtion vt th bti't k tilths that wo c-ulxxly lu our railroad wr'.;. AM ln.kfl rro w-t up, ph-cmi nwrked, tlicu Lijuulicvl dow n uud crated for BhiDineiit. y tF" CHEAP HATES OF FttEHJHT SECURED, jn sxscxia. 2tfU stave 8 ft. bottom. Capacity 22 bble. 0 i 35 it u 2 " sq Anti-Freezing Iron Force Pumps PHUxl for inv ilipth w.T 11 : M nay nno ran jhiI them tfL :h'r stui -iiiiki! tin ECLIPSE VmD ENGINE CO. W. II. WHEKLF.H, Maugrr. BEIIIT, Wit. ItmnfiHurtn of lh cUtrA-d Krllpie Wln.l F.otHn,ttirw-rtinb I f-irty t.nie-Wiwer. Yivt 'I'-lil Mlrih tlt.-.T at World'. Iir, T'tll.'i CuWr;ulil, AU!lr4', 'I AJ Alluuu, UET THE BEST ! LEAD ALL OTHERS! Every Style & Price. Guaranteed XTneiiialotl FOB OPERATION. ECOWOK1Y, DURABILITY and WORKfiflAHSHEP. Tr!79meuts and Conveniences fccnl b to others, POPU n EVERYWHiEHC. FkIo j ry City ml Tovrn 'A f';.atoii. V. .H HYDE & CO., AGENTS It IDG WAY. TheLllchlleld (Conn.) Kntjnlrtr my that live workmen ut a piuriy near that town ran into a tonl-lioute on the approach of a thunder-storm i few davs auo and sat on un iron bar. The lightning struck w derrick jus outside and. enterimr the shot, to lowed the Iron bar. The first and las; of the tlve men were severely shocked and burned, tho other two escaped un Injured. 1511 undersigned to STOVES, TINWARE, ANI SUPPLIES time would admit, and Goods are can use it. W. S. SERVICE, Agent. New Life is given by using Brown's Iron Bitters. In the Winter it strengthens and warms the system; in the Spring it enriches the blood and conquers disease ; in the Summer it gives tone to the nerves and digestive organs ; in the Fall it enables the system to stand the shock of sudden changes. In no way can disease be so surely prevented as by keeping the system in per fect condition. Brown's Iron Bitters ensures per fect health through the changing disarms the danger from impure water and miasmatic air, and it prevents Consump tion, Kidney and Liver Dis ease, &c. H. S. Berlin, Esq., of the well-known firm of H. S. Berlin & Co., Attorneys, Le Droit Building, Washing ton, D. C, writes, Dec. 5th, 1881 : Gentlemen : I talce pleas ure in stating that I have used Brown's Iron Bitters for ma laria and nervoM troubles, caused by overwork, with excellent results. Beware of imitations. Ask for Brown's Iron Bit ters, and insist on having it. Don't be imposed on with something recom mended as "just as good." The genuine is made only by the Brown Chemical Co. Baltimore, Md. THE HULL VAPOR COOK'STOVE, THE OLDEST AND ONLY RELIABLE, ii the only de vice of lu klad thnt hl itood THE TEST OF YEARS, aud earned uni versal public counuenaatioD. Doca every description of Cooking. Wash ing, Ironing, Fruit Canning, or other dome tio work liere tuforo done by the orJluai y cook atovu. and without lu lnauf- furable heat, aoot, ashea, etc. FOR SUMMER USE THEY ARE INDISPENSABLE. fc." heimlile Agenla wanted in uuuccuuieii terrltury. Aililruss, HULL VAPOR 8T0VE CO., Seneca Street, cor. Cltaiuplaln, lllevelimd, Ohio. the MASONIC lire. Now my Ai:TS! AGK.VTS! AGENTS! For r.I'.V. DODOK'S bran' new book, entitled Thirty-Three Years Among QUE WILD INDIANS I A tnie ncorft of the AnthWi Thirtv-Thrt Year Permmat B penince u-no'ip our jMatatts, fcj"With mtx ftbla latruducUoo By Gen. Sherman. Thli new wnrk tu ut once iitirlbe( for by Fmdntt ABTnm rtn.f fitfire t:i'.,ivt, nl lij rVn. Xhmuam, Gen. Grtihf, U u. &iriiUi. J J.mcorl, and thuufamtU of Em inent Mi-n. G.:. Gr..i.r ayj i U U th: fx t butk on Imi iam J.ifp rrttrrtl.H.'t llisnop Wilet (McthfHliot.) kart i "Jl i a book of itiuiu mm vttue" It ii the y uthentlo Account of our Iti'liuTis rvw pwhll-hed, fully rcvnlinn thlr Inner life; frerrt (loliti-n, riplulu, etc. Jt h r pl te with thrill i Off rxiKrlrncctfof tltti J.utiior, ami of fuinuui S.outi, Tnpptn, Lov-iMkTs, .M.tittrt, Bordtfr Jiiifliaoa, etc., vfvMly portimylnf Life in tlie Gnat vt u it hohs u. 48d thuninj in prtu. With Sti-f-l EnrarlnTt ami Eupvrh ('hrf mo-Llthojrrmph rtati l: 13, fr.,m pliotosmphii matlo-by tli U. 8 Gurcrti in i ; c.r),r.-ly Jor t.'i.'j r,tat v tu-l. AH KM'V, This ;mud txok ii nor otitic' 1 In all othtrt 10 tu 1. A" mAi-'itium, AifrntsaTAraao 10 to SO order! nduy. W v.-. it looo mora agent, at once. Esrlusiv Territory fit ?,f-itl V- rmt p.'YA. Our larw clreukra With full jutflRiilar pt A Piri:on Ploie ant m mid it S a tr-iit t-up. Aildrrsi tli polv piihlUhera, A- D. WOr.TIOiToar tO IImhuud, Coa. . MONROE TAYLOR ESTABLISHED I&U. 113 WATER 6X., METV YORK Aro purer, better, stronger, and longer known in the market tlian any other article of the kind. Are always sure and reliable, and never fail to insure the best resulu in cookery. Ask your grocer fnr it give it a tiial. Salufactiou guaranteed or no pay. I H 3 mm l H g cn c f.3 u 0 h T ' PI H 3 !j a i CX, -rj of 3 co H I n 3? F 31 3 & Is 13 "I st: Munted 3 ffiOfSK ess: f AGENTS WANTED. FOIl HEROES OF THE TLAIXS, By J. W. Buell. Embracing the lives and wonderful adventures of Wild Bill, Bufliilo Bill, Kit Carson, dipt. Payne, dipt. Jack. Texas Jack, California Joe. And other celebrated Indian Fighters, Scouts, Hunter and Guides. A true historical work of thrilling adventures on the plains, and In western pro gress and civilization. Fights with Indians! Grand HiiII'nlo Hunts! Des perate Adventures! Narrow Escapes! Wonderful Shooting and ' Hiding! Wild Ufa In the Far West! ftf"100 Illustrations! 16 Full-pnge Colired Plates! A grand hoolt for Agents. Outsells everything. MS pages, price SiJ.00. Agent's complete outfit 50 wilts. Outfit and copy for $2.00. B4af Write at once for agency, or terms and illustrated circulars to JN. JJ. THOMPSON fc CO., Puqlishers, N. W. Cor. 8th, and Broadway, Nkw York. PIANOS. S1C0 un (Stool. Cover mid Book) Kloirant Suuare Grand. 3 strings, full irraiic. every improvement, oniy $24"). Cabinet Grand I pright 10 and 90(1. Other Grand Holiday Bar irains. Jubilee Ortrans. "5 up (Stool and Book). Excelsior, style 42, Five sect of Heeds, 10 stops, only $87. Oriental." style 103. Ten set ol Heeds, 20 stoiis. onlv 123. . Ko. "boKUs" sets of reeds or dummy" stops. All sent on 15 days trial, frciufit free ifiinxeitiH- fm-tory. Fair una honest iieanng iruaranteeii. Sheet iuusic price Pinno.. oriran. or imiisic t ataiomie tree MENDELSSOHN PIANO CO., Box 05H, N. Y. ORGANS YYnlunt Leaf Hair Hestorer. is entirely ditt'erent from It nil olher-i. It is as clear as water, unci, as its name indicates, is a perfect ege- table Hair Hestorer. It will Imniedl ately Iree the head from uiuiuriift, re store mav hair to its natural color and produce a new crowtn where it has (alien ott. it does not in any manlier n fleet the health, which Sul phur, Sugar or Lead, and Nitrate of Silver preparations have done. It will change light or faded hair in few davs to a beautiful glossy brown Ask your druggist for It. Each bottle is warranted. SMITH. KLINE & CO.. Wholesale Agents. Philadelphia and C. X. CHlTTENTOX.Ncw York n 1 1 l y N EW LIVERY STABLE IN RIDGWAY GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES and Buggies to let upon the most reasonable terms. Ka?"He will also do job teaming. Stable on Elk street. All orders left at the Post Office wi'l receive prompt attention. Aua-t'lS'HI PRINCIPALUINE i nc bUOKTEST. J1 ItKKST and And all.SiHKST line to St. Jnii-pti. Polnia In IowiisSjstchlaon. Topeka, Dnnl Nebranka.MHx.url, KTT4C7aiou, Dallai. Oal- m, M'W Mexico, Arlzuua, Sluu5 vton. tana aivl Tenn. C I I I C i. o o " 0"-iii'M oule ha no aupi'rlur fur Allicrt ,, , fe', Mlnnenpolli and St. Paul. I n,T"aa :775gjs5L Nationally nputid u ly conceded to ""ijrtl bell' tlTe Cr... Is. the best equipped SSThrnuahCat llallmad In U.o World tor'S91, all claHvaur travel. 0 " KANSAS CITY All connections made In I'nton Through Try It, anA vnti will Tlckcia via tliu? Crlcliratod Line fo find traveling a luxury, luitcad ;he V. 8. andT of a dls- Canada. All yifiS. eomfort. Informal lonV about Itutea of X WAS Fare, sleeping Cara,5T etc . cheerfully given 1 T. 1. POTTER. PERCEVAL LOWELL, l Vic4 Prttt t Gtn'l STanagtr, Otn Pan. Agi, ChlcHifu. III. Chicago, IIL HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED. Just published, a new editon of Dr. Culverwell's Celebrated Essay on the radical cure oi'Sperinatorrhce or Semi mil Weekness, Involuntary Seminal Losses I m potency, Mental and l'hyi cal Incapiiclty, Impediments to Mar riuge, etc.; also, (Jonsumptlou, Epil epsy and (Its induced by self-indulgence or sexual extravagance, feo. The celebrated author, In this ad mirable Essay, dearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' successful practice that the alarming conseiiueiices of scll'-abuse may be radically cured; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain, andefl'ectnal, by means of which every sutlerer, no mutter what ills condition may bo may cure himself cheaply, privately, ami rani tall. knTTIils Lecture should he in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent imiler seal in a plain envelope, to any address,, on receipt of six tents or two postage stamps. Address, TlIK ('tU.VllKWKLI. MUlMfAl, Co., 41 Arm St.. Mew York, N. Y.: Post Oltlce Jiox, 450. Note paper and envelopes at The Advim'atk office No. 6 Mianty row. Notepaper and envelopes the Humeus before at No. 0 ehunty row, OVKIt A MIL MON Of Prof. Snilmette'i kmzd Kidney M M-FiFiS. M Un-n ioll In Vi V?3-t- "'':' 1 liif country "-v -J-t .-'? every one Wjq'.:Zt 'W .r which Iihh .-. ?J. . ,xi W mtlwAictlon LsiiiCf-.-mt V r"cl '"is prr- SicltSS wlii-n nm-ilnc- i.'Hllne li directions We now say to the afllic'ed and doubt ing ones that we will pay 1 tie above reward fo u single casu of LAME BACK Thnt the Piul In IN In nn p. Tliln urcnt ronirilv win niMiivi-iy iiihi i c-rnuini'iiuy i-nio ,nm Iraitii, l.iuiiB llnck. Rrliittcn, Onivcl, IilnliflPK, llr.if.wv lli-lulit.'a lllvfuiuc itf lha IMilna... t conllni'iici' ami Itctenllnn of the frlno. Pain in me iiiick. .-siue or Loins, ivprvonn wmk nt-ss, mid In fart nil ttlHiirilera or the IllntUIrr nml t'rlnnry Orinin whether contracted by priviiie uiNeaie or oinerw LADIES, if you are suffering from Female Wenknes. I.eucorrha'n, or nnv dln ciiKeoftlie KUIiiej'B, lllddder, or Urinary Or-' YOU CAN BE CURED I Without swallowing niiii.seoiiK nicdlclncH, by limply wearing PROF. GUI LMETTE' S French Kidney Pad. Wliicli Cures by Absorption. Ask y r ronr dmeelst lor PROF. OI'II.MET- TK'H Krencli Kidney Pad, and take no other. If lie hns not not it, koikI uiul you will receive tlie Pad by return mall. TESTIMONIALS KHOM THE PEOPLE. JUDGE HUCHANAN, Lawyer, Toledo, o., says: 'One of Pror. fliillmette'g French Kidney PikIh cured me of i.uinlmea In three weekH lime. My case had been given np by the hest Doctors ns Incurable, lurln nil this time I sutt'ered untold agony and paid out Inrxe suing of money." GEORGE VETTER, J. P. Toledo, O. "I sul'ered for three years with Relation nnt Kidney IJisease. and often had to no about on crutches, I was entirely and permanently en mi oner wcarinv i-rol. Uullmctte s French Kidney I'ad four weeks." S(UIRE N. C. SCOTT, Sylvania, O. "I linvc been n creat. sufTerer for 10 yenrn with Ilrlt;hfs Disease of the Kidneys. For weeks lit il lime I was unable to get out of bed; took barrels of medicine' but they Kir me only temporary relief. I wore two of Prof. Gullmelte's Mldney Pads six weeks, ami I now know that I am entirely cured." MRS. HELLEN JEROME, Toledo, O. "For years I have been confined, a treat port of tlie time to my bed, with Lucorrlio'a and female weaknes. I wore ono of ull niette s Kidney Pads and was cured In una month." H. B. GREEN, Wholesale Grocer, Findland, O. "I suirered for 25 years with lame back and in tliree weeks pi'i'iiiancnllyrcurcd by wear ing one of Prof, (iiiilmetle's Liver Puds." 11. F. KEESLING, M. D. Druggist, Logansport, I ml. When sending in an order for Kidney Pads, writes: "1 wore one of the first ones we had and I received more benefit from It than anything I every used. In fnet ther Puds give belter general satisfaction than any Kidney remedy we ever sold." HAY & SHOEMAKER, Druggists, Hannibal, Mo. "We ore working up a lively trade in', youi Pads, and are hearing of good results' from them every d:iy.'' ROBBED. TlionsandH of praves are annually rolibodoftlit'ir vintinis, lives prolonged liappinesM and henltli restored by thtj use of the great GERMAN INVIGORATOR whichpositivelyaixl preniniientlyoure Imjiotency (eHiwed by excesses of nn,, kind), Keniinul weakness, mid all dls eases Hint follows us a sequence of Self-Abuse, as loss of energy, loss of memory, universal lasitude, pain in the buck, dimness of vision, pivnmture old age, and tunny other diseases that lead to insanity or consumption and a premature grave Bend for circulars with testimonial free by mail. The US' VIUOKATOt is sold at $1 per box, or six boxesj for S5 by all druggists, or will be sentl for by mall, securely sealed, ou receipt of price by addressing K. J. CHESKY, Druggist, 187 Summit St., TOLEDO, OHIO. Sole Agent for the United States. Tlie most wounderful curative rem edies of the present day, are those that come fromlOerinany, or at least origi nate there. The most recent prepara tion placed ii pon the market In this country, is the GltKAT GERMAN ISVIUOHATOK, which has never been known to fail in curing a single case of inipotenoy, snermatorrhoou. weakness and all diseases resutiug from self-abuse, as nerveous debility, Inability, mental auxiety, languor, lassitude, del ire ion of spirits ami functional derangementsofthe nervous system. For sale by druggists, or sent free by mail on receipt of the paice $1.00 SoleAgent for the United State Send for circular. For sale by C'has. McVeun, St. Marys, Pa. Prof. GnOinette's French LITER PAD. Will positively cure Fever and Ague. Dumb Ague, Ague Cake, Ililouw Fever; Jaundice, Dyspepsia, and all diseases of the Liver. Stomach and IMood. Price $1.50 by mail. Send for Prof. Guilniette's Treatise on the Kid neys and Liver free by mail. Address FRENCH PAD CO., Toledo, Ohio. For sale by C'has. McVcan, St. Marys, Pa. HOUSEHOLD W0KDS. " For Sick Stomach, bad tastA. alnklns inallsaud i;ilpHm l"ii. rely vhnliy on 1k- ForWunLul AlijciIiu. liisiicesia. In (liKcKtion anil L,ivi-r I'ominsini. i.ine kJna; ltiiMverf.itlK."MUIMBaaaV For "ramt ol the or Ouiu- PxttUNA In kii'KHdofloa Ulufutllblu.M U -Those la Uterarv, professional or rii mar.lnl titirsiillB. Hoed 1'kUUNA." t- 'l'urBlk Uendache. Daln In the dlzzlnesaand lonranlrlta. tuke 1'eiiuna Head and Btuilv our linok on tliA h 1 Ilia o Llfo ;" follow Its teachlintsaud tie happy. "Ladlca, If you whh sireni-lli, health, and beauty, awect lireatli, cherry and rosy ch'.'cki, tnko lF.iti'NA heforo eiich blllty. illse:is; of Ir.c l.lvcr nml Klilncv. -ror ( lirniili: ( iiun-r i. crv.tus or flinu lake t'Eiti NA." liffiUiirSIMHBifatSnaJl luo "iiibot l. ire. ' n. ii. mtri itiun v i n. Oslxirii, Ohio, proprletora. If or, J.Ivor, CB B r- m 1 -I i