The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, November 02, 1882, Image 4

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    "Work ol tlie Wcallicr Hurt-am
General Ilnzpn, the chief sigrml officer of
the army, in his antiuul report, states that
the signal fiervico lias greatly increased iis
usefulness since Inst year in spite of greater
difficulties than were experienced since the
organization of the -weather service. Al
though the work of the corps has grown,
there are fewer officers to perform it, and for
the fiscal year of 1HS3 there is $55,000 less
for observation and report of Btorins than
wns actually expended in 18K0, 1881 or 1882.
The report shows the insuOiciency of the
force employed to do the work required, and
a strong appeal is made for an additional
force in order to meet the nctual require
ments of the service. Extra men are par
ticularly needed for "indication" work and
for the inspection service. The report as
cribes the difficulties of the service to the
defective organization of the corpB and re
news the rocominendotion of last year that
the corps be made a distinct branch of the
army aud have its own complement of offi
cers. To the commercial and agricultural inter
ests of the country, eleven new stations have
been added, special reports are made for the
cotton and tobacco growing regions of the
country, aud the means for giving warnings
to the cattle raisers of Texas against the ap
proach of "northers" have been improved,
and it is expected that the increased work
is to go on, and that the service is to con
tinue meeting the growing demands of the
country upon it with a smaller appropriation
than it has had for a number of years. Ex
periments have been made during the year
with a view of increasing the value of the
farmers' bulletin by the addition of a weather
chart of the United States, and it is believed
that in a short time these ch,vrta may be suc
cessfully reproduced on the farmers' bulle
tin. With each year the popular knowledge
of the uses of this bulletin enables those in
terested in agriculture to judge of the correct
ness of the forecasts, and with the addition
of the proposed weather map, individuals
will be able to make correct predictions
of the weather for localities which it U
impossible to provide for in the brief sen
tence which expresses the prevailing weather
in the stations anticipated for an entire dis
trict. It is contemplated, as the work of the
office advances, to add to this bulletin brief
instructions for the use of instruments,
which may hereafter be furnished for local
observers. The railway bulletin service has
proved of great value during the past year.
The system of frost warnings for the benefit
of the sugar interests in Louisiana has been
continued. During the coming year it has
been proposed to telegraph frost warnings
direct from the signal office to all telegruph
offices in the sugar growing section. The re
port describes the operations of the different
branches of the service and states that it is
necessary that a better grade and pay than
that of sergeant be provided for the oldest
and best men of the service. A recommen
dation is made for an increase of fifty clerks
for the central office to carry on the cotton
belt work, the display of frost warnings, the
extension of telegraph lines and other work.
A Trnslcnl Duel.
The Paris Charivari gives the fol
lowing history ot a famous tragical
duel :
rible fire-paters of t lie. Restoration, had
taken shelter from the rain one even
ing under the gallery of the Pano
ramas. A young medical student
passes 1 iv, with his sweetheart on his
arm ; he imagines that the colonel
stares insolently at her, and forthwith
slaps the colonel's face. The latter
very coolly produces his card, demands
that of the man who thus insulted
him, and observes as he receives it:
"You do not know what you have
done, young man ; vou have struck
Colonel 1) y."
The student turned pale on hearing
that terrible name. Nevertheless, as
he is a man of courage, the duel is
agreed upon. In order to equalize the
chances, pistols are chosen. The ad
versaries were posted at twenty paces
apart, with permission to shoot as they
pleased, and to mlvauuo cliiso tu out
another. The student raises his
weapon, takes good long aim at the
colonel, and misses him. The colonel
advances with steady strides, comes up
to his adversary, places his hand upon
the lad's breast, and after a moment's
silence, exclaims :
." This heart does not beat too quick
ly, considering it is the heart of a man
who is going to die."
Then he places the muzzle of his
pistol to the young man's forehead
and blows his brains out.
How to Judge a Person by tho Walk.
Careless persons are forever stub
binir their toes.
Unstable persons walk fast and slow
nv turns-.
Fun-loving persons have a kind of
seitisn ones, toe m.
Cross persons are very apt to hit
tneir knees together.
' Good-natured persons snap their
lingers and thumbs every iew steps.
Modest persons generally step very
swiitlv tor tear ol being observed.
Calculating people generally walk
with their hands in their pockets and
tneir heads slightlv inclined.
Lazy persons scrape loosely with
their hands, and are first on one side of
the walk and then on the other.
Very strong-minded persons place
tneir toes directly in trout ot them and
have a kind ot a stamp movement.
"Wide-awake persons "toe out" and
have a long swing of their arms, while
the hands move about miscellaneously
Timid persona often step oil the
sidewalk on meeting another, and al
ways go around the stone instead of
stepping over it.
Observing persons move slowly ;
their heads move alternatively from
side to side, while they occasionally
stop and turn around.
Careful persons lift their feet high
and place them down slowly, and pick
up some little obstruction aud place it
quietly by the side ot the walk.
Habits of the Codfish.
A correspondent of the New York
Post says that the codfish frequents
" the table lands of the sea." The cod
fish no doubt does this to secure as
nearly as possible a dry, bracing at
mosphere. This pure air of the sub
marine table lands gives to the codfish
that breadth of chest and depth of
lungs which we have always noticed.
The glad, free smile of the codfish is
largely attributed to the exhilaration
of this oceanic altitoodleum.
The correspondent further says that
the cod subsists largely on the sea
cherry. Those who have not had the
pleasure of seeing the codfish climb the
sea cherry tree in search of food, or
clubbing the fruit from the heavily
laden branches with chunks of coral,
have missed a very fine sight.
The codfish, when at home rambling
through the submarine forests, does
not wear hi3 vest unbuttoned, as he
does while loafing around the grocery
stores of the United States. Boomer
ang. The opinion of an eminent analyst
is quoted to show that potatoes pro
duce symptoms of poisoning more fre
quently than we suspect, especially
among people whose diet is chiefly
these vegetables. The tubers often
contain muchjsolanine. t'
Eastern and Middle States.
EzekikTj A. Straw, ex-governor of New
Hampshire, died at his residence in Man
chester, at tho age of sixty-three years.
Mbs. Lanotrt, the celebrated English
beauty, arrived in New York a few days ago
for the purpose of fulfilling an engagement
io appear on the stage in this country during
the next six months.
Thb 200th anniversary of William Tcnn's
landing was celebrated at Chester, Pa., by n
mimio landing in the presence of 200,000
persons, followed by Bpeechmaking, singing,
A. T. Benton, late president of the Pacific
National bank of Boston, has been indictod
by the grand jury of the United States circuit
court for issuing time drafts illegally and
fraudulently. Benyon broke the bank last
November by loaning the monoy of the insti
tution without security.
Command ira WmoAif Albhdt Pabkeb
United States navy (retired), died at Eas
Boston, Mass., aged sirty-six years.
Madame Chbistinb Nilsson, tho Swedish
nightingale, arrived in New York from
Europe a few days siuce, aud will appear in
concerts throughout the country,
E. G. Watson, engineer of tho locomotive
which ran into a car filled with workmen
near North Adams, Mass., causing Beveral
deaths, was committed to jail on a charge
of homicide.
Dubinq a display of fireworks in Fairmont
park, Philadelphia, on tho first day of tho
I'oii n bi-centunniul celebration, a mortar
burst, scattering death throughout the denso
crowd. Mrs. Isabel Scudder (colored) had
her head severed from her body, and her
three-year-old child was killed. Threo or
four other persons were killed, and several
more badly injured.
PnrLADEtrniA celebrated thebi-centenninl
of William Penn's lauding in grand style.
On the first day thero was a mimic landing
in which 150 barges and many other vessels
participated. As Penn stopped ashore at
Dock Btreet, the original landing-place, he
was welcomed by eighty imitation Swedes,
Dutch and Indians amid the cheers of a mul
titude of spectators. A monster parade, con
sisting of eleven divisions and containing
innumerable military and civic societies and
fithtr features, then followed. Among those
present in the procession wero the governor,
General Hancock and other prominent per
sonages. In the evening public and private
buildings were illuminated, and over 100,000
l-nn.t- L . a 41. w luliuialD AitTWUL'kS 111
the East park. Boats and boat houses on the
the Schuylkill wero hung with Chinese lan
torns, and the air was kept filled with rockets
and Roman candles.
TnE second dny of the Penn Bi-Centenary
was celebrated in Philadelphia by a largo
parade of trades and a display of tableaux in
the evening.
News has reached New Bedford, Mass., of
the massacre by Patagonian savages in July
last of threo boats' crews attached to as
many vessels. Captain Edgar W. Crnpo,
master of the lost schooner Surprise, writes
the details of the horrible story as told him
by Charles Sampson, mate of the English
bark Boseneath. Sampson and four others
were afloat five days after the foundering of
their vessel, when they fell in with three
canoes of savages. The fiends tried to do a
little trading at first, but seeing the de
fenseless condition of their victims,
thov forthwith slaughtered all nxr.rt.
Sampson, whom they took homo with them.
He had been in captivity about three weeks
when tho Surprise was wrecked, and the sav
ages put off in canoes, enptured a boat's
crew of six men, brought them ashore and put
five to death, sparing the life of a Portuguese
boy. Sampson was rescued a few days later
by some friendly Indians. The Surprise wan
owned in Now Bedford, and was, with her
cargo, a total loss.
Poos suceess attended the last six-day
walking match in New York, notwithstand
ing that the nine competitors comprised tho
men who had made the largest scores in pre
vious matches. Rowoll and Hazael, one of
whom was expected to win, gave out on the
third day. The winner turned up in Fitz
gerald, of Long Island, who covered 577
miles, Noromac coming in second with 506
miles, Ilerty third with Ml miles and Hughes
fourth with 525 miles. Hart, Vint and Pau
chot retired before the close of the match.
The first man reccivea anout .i,wu, mo nei
ond $1,200, the third $075 and the tourra
$150. Comparatively little interest was
manifested in the contest.
A fibe at Fall River, Mass., destroyed the
Flint cotton mill, a massive granite structure,
causing a loss of about $700,000 and, throw
ing 500 hands out of employment.
Db. E. P. Bennett, of Danbury, Conn.,
was killed by a dose of hydrate of chloral
which he took by mistake.
A loss of about $150,000 was incurred by
the burning of the Eureka Cast Steel com
pany's extensive works at Lamokin, Pa.
A FiiKio.HT train loft the track near Put
nam, N. Y., and the fireman and a brake
man were killed and eighteen cars were
Sooth and Wast. )
Two young North Carolina farmers set
tied their rivalry for the affections of a
young lady by a duel with horsewhips, near
Guilford. They lashod ouch other for throe
hours, when they were parted, each having
received terrible punishment.
The eighth annual congress of the Protes
tant Episcopal church in the United States
met in Richmond, Va. Bishop J. N. Galla
her, of Louisiana, delivered an address,
giving a review of the object and scope of
the church congress.
At Stillwater, Minn., a farmer named
Kiingbill arose from lus bed and dangerously
stubbed kis wife. A son who interfered was
killed by Kiingbill. Two officors arrested
.:!;o farmer after a fierce struggle, during
which they had to shoot him, inflicting a
futal wound. Kiingbill was a desperate
character, and his wife had refused to live
with him ; hence the assault.
William M. Richabdson, a dry goods
merchant, was found in his room at Blooin
ington, 111., with a wound across his throat
and his head almost severed from the body,
while upon tho floor lay a razor. He was
seventy years old, aud was until recently
government storekeeper.
Adelbkbt College of the Western Re
serve college was dedicated at Cleveland,
Ohio, with impressive ceremonies. The
college is the gift of Amasa Stone, Jr., of
Cleveland, who built it at a cost of $500,000.
A stage coach was stopped within the city
lines of Leadville, Col., by two armed mon
und the passengers robbed of over $2,000.
Fovb business blocks at Hopkinsville, Ky.,
were destroyed by fire, involving a loss of
about $300,000.
Robebt Fobd, one of the slayers of Jesse
James, was acquitted at Plattburg, Mo., of
the charge of murdering desperudo named
Wood Site.
A obeat sale of land in El Paso county,
Texas, has just taken place, New York parties
paying (600,000 for 600,000 acres.
Dunino n raco betwoon two tugboats near
Racino, Wis., the boilor of one exploded and
killed tho captain, enginoer and fireman.
Fire leveled a largo portion of tho busi
ness district of Truckoe, Nov.; estimated
loss, $100,000.
At Osborne, Kansas, Thomas Hopson
(colored), killed Theodore Rudman for lock
ing up one of his pigs that had been tres
passing on Rodman's property. Ho also fa
tally injurod Rudman's daughter by stabbing
her fottr times, and boat the murdered man's
wife until she was insensible.
A sudden and remarkable decline in the
number of yollow fever cases at Pensacola,
Fla., is reported.
The safe of the treasurer of Hampton
county, 8. C, was broken into and robbed
of about $12,000 money and a large quantity
of bonds and other valuable papers.
A Chicago jury has deolared Mrs. Scoville,
the sister of Guiteaa and wife of the assas
sin's counsel, insane upon proceedings
brought against her by her husband. Mrs.
Scoville had brought suit for divorce against
her husband.
From Weshingten
Wabbants wero issued for the arrest of
Frank II. Fall, Frederick 0. Shaw, Thomas
R. Foote and Arthur Payne, charged with hav
ing endeavored improperly to influence jury
men in the recent star route trial. Juryman
Doniphan has sworn that Shaw, who was one
of the original panel and was rejected by tho
prosecution, approached him aud urged him
ovoto for the acquittal of ex-Senator Dor
sey, promising $200 or $303 for his vote.
The surgcon-genoral of tho army has sub
mitted his annual report to tho soci-otary of
war. Tho report shows that during tho last
fiscal year thero was disbursed on account of
medical and hospital department, $1S2,41!;
on account of artificial limbs, $102,031; ou
Recount of appliances for disablod soldiers,
);20; ou account of medical nnd surgical
history, $I,2SS; on account of museum nnd
library, !jS,71o; expended in providing
trusses, $5,057. Among the white troops
the total number of cases of all kinds taken
ou tho sick list wa3 34,SS0, being l,G7i rer
one thousand of moan plrongth, and among
the colored tro:ips, 4,09!, or 1,810 per one
thousand of menu olrongth! There were iilli
deaths among the white troops, twenty-five
among the colored and nine among the In
dian troops.
Lieutenant Ray, of the signal service,
has discovered a river in Alaska apparently
as largo as tho Missouri.
The report of the assessor of tho District
of Cnlnmliia chowo tlitvt tho assessed Vahlo
of taxable real estate in tho District ou June
30, 1882, was a litllo more than i)2.500,00'J.
To this may be added tho value of iho prop
erty of the United States, which va3 more
than $85,000,000 on Juno 30.
The interior department has decided in ef
fect that sovon years' absence may b3 taken
as proof presumptive of a soldier's death,
and such proof shall warrant the issue of a
pension to his family, if other requirements
have beon complied with. Herotoforo pos
itive proof of the soldier's death was re
quired, which in many cases it was impos
sible to produce.
The operations of tho 5,491 authorized
money order offices of tho United States
dining the la-st fiscal year reached the sum
of $il;S,100,llS.21 ill orders issuod, aud of
$113,3S8,301.,J0 in orders paid and repaid, a
gain in each case of about eight per ceut.
Tho fees received from tho public amounted
to $1,053,710.55, an increase of nearly nine
pel" Xtll'lU HULU UII,1W lUkUllltlLlOUal
money orders iasued, of the value of $0,530,
DM.18, und 117,8s:5 such orders paid, amount
ing to $2,453, Ui2.70j while the total amount
of fees paid by tho public wa3 $145,044.25, so
that the domestio and international money
orders issued during tho year aggregated
$lllt,!);i0,i.;:,-2.0'.), and the orders paid with the
repayments of over $115,000,000.
President Abtutr has -appointed George
E. Waring, Jr., of Newport. R. I., a mcinbor
of the National board of health, vice Charles
F. Fol?om,of Massachusetts, resigned.
Seven of tho vacancies which will occur in
the United States Senato on the 4ih of March
next have been rilled. Three of the Senators
elected are Republican, threo Democratic
and one a Roadjustor. Fourteen more seats
remain to bo filled, of which seven are now
held by Republicans and (seven by Demo
crats. The promotions in the army consequent
nrnn tho retirement of Major-General Irvin
McDowell have bfen announced bv the l'r(j
ident as follows: Brigadier-General John
Pope to be us jor-general and Colonel
Ronald S. Mackenzio, Fourth cavalry, to be
brigadier-general. Gent nil Popo is at pres
ent in command of the Department of Mis
souri, with headquarters at Fort Leaven
worth. General Mackenzie is in command
of the district of Now Mexico, with head
quarters at Santa Ve.
The commission appointed to inrostigale
the tariff question has completed its labors.
Altogether the commission traveled 7,000
miles, held public sessions for about seventy
days, and heard the statements of between
500 and COO persons. The printed record
will fill about 2,003 page3. A dispatch says
"it is the opinion of persons who have had
unusually good opportunities for judging of
the sentiment of the commission that no
radical changes in the existing tariff will be
Foreign News.
Tbemendous damage was done by a cyclone
which Btruck Manila, capital of the Philip
pine islands. One account saya that the
greater part of the city was destroyed and
that thirteen vessels, two of them American,
were beached. The Philippine islands be
long to Spain, and Manila, which is one of
the most important ports in the East.and con
tains many churches and educational insti
tutions, has a population of about 100,000,
A woman fired twice at King Milan I., of
Bervia, in the cathedral at Belgrade. The
king was not hurt. His assailant, who was
arrested, is the widow of Colonel Jefr.ew
Markowitoh, who was executed with several
other rioters in May, 1878, by order of
The EDish parliarment has reassem
bled. Considp.iuble damage has been dose in
England by a heavy gale.
Sixty thousand families wars rendered
.homeless by the typhoon in Manila, chief
city of the l'hflippine islands.
The cost of the Egyptian war amounts to
nearly $20,000,000.
Damage amounting to $80,000 was done to
the Panama railroad by the recent earth
quake. The French minister of justice says that
the government has in its hands clews to a
vast revolutionary organization, in accord
ance with which France is divided into local
federations directed by a committee having
its headquarters in Geneva.
Both branches of the British parliament
passed votes of thanks to the English army
in Egypt.
Duwno the recent heavy gale in England
a Yarmouth smack was lost and her crew of
six men wsrs drowned. Another smack
with crow of tea men is reported lost.
Gkxehal WoLSELEt wns enthusiastically
received in England upon his return from
The Bey of Tunis Is dead and a new bey
has been installed.
Renewed floods in the Tyrol have wrought
great damage. It is believed that the losses
will aggregate 15,000,000 florins. An Au.
trian cabinet meeting to devis measures ot
relief has beon hold.
The village of Grindelwald, Switzerland,
has been almost entirelydestroyed by a hur
ricane. The Servian ministry resigned, alleging
as a reason that the king is dissatisfied at
their failure to discover the origin of the re
cant plot to murdor him. The king refused
to accept their resignations.
Fr.AMKS destroyed a number of prominent
buildings in Margate, a watering place on
the North SCR, eighty miles from London ;
loss, about 5i!00,000.
Uvea of the population in Western Ire
innd is threatened with starvation. Three
liiiniLed people on Tony island, const of
Donegal, are without food.
llmnksgivlny Dny Proclamation.
The following Thanksgiving proclamation
has been issued by the President of the Uni
ted Slulesi
In conformity with custom) the animal
observance of which is justly held in honor
by this people, I, Chester A. Arthur, Presi
dent of tho United States, do hereby set apart
Thursday, the i-IOth dny of November next,
as a day of public thanksgiving,
The blessings demanding onr gratitude
arc numerous and varied. For tho peace and
amity which subsist between this republio
nnd nil the nations f the world; for the
freedom from internal discord and violence;
for the increasinir fibiidshio between the
different sections of tie Innd; for the liberty,
just ice and constitutioxal government; for the
devotion of the peopleto our free institutions
and their cheerful obedience to mild laws; for
the constantly increasing strength of the re
public, whilo extendiig its privileges to fellow-men
who come to us; for tho improved
menus of internal communication and the
increased facilities of intercourse with other
nations; for tho general prevailing health of
theyenr; for tho prosperity of all our indus
tries, the liberal return for the mechanic's
toil, attorning a mnrnei ior uie aounuani
hnrvesta of tho husbandman; for the preser
vation of the national faith and credit; for
wiso and genorous provision to effect the in
tellectual and moral duration of our youth;
for the influence npm the conscionco ot a
restraining and transforming religion, and
for the joys of home: for these, and for many
other blessings, we should give thanks.
Wherefore, I do ra'ommcnd that the day
nbrve designated be observed throughout the
country as a day of national thanksgiving
nnd prayer, nnd that tiio people, ceasing from
their daily labors and meeting in accordance
with their several forms of worship, draw
near to the throno of Almighty God, offering
to Him praise and gratitude for the innnifold
goodness which He has vouchsafed to us, and
praying that His blessings and His mercies
mny continue.
And I do further recommend that ths'day
thus appointed be n:nde a special occasion
fo; deeds of kindness and charity to the Buf
fet ing and needy, 10 that all who dwell
wi bin the land maj rejoice nnd be glad in
tin j season of natiouid thanksgiving.
! n witness whereo:', I have hereunto set
my hand and caused tho seal of the United
States to be affixed.
'June at the city of Washington, this twenty
fifth dny of October, in tho year of our
Lord one thousand eight hundred nnd
eighty-two, and of Iho independence of the
United States, the one hundred and seventh.
' tho President: Cuesteb A. Abthub.
Fred'k T. Frelinghuysen,
Secretary of State.
The Indian Commissioner's Hcpoi t.
CoinmiKsiouur Price, of the Indian lu
reau. has IransniitteJ to tho secretary of the
1 he operations ana results ot the last year
m the uiilercnl agencies compare iuvora:Iy
with any one of the preceding years. Land
has been opened to cultivation, houses lor
Indian residences have been bnilt, school
opened and operated, and in many cases and
in various ways tue cause ut civilization ad
vanced. The co-operation of religious soci
eties is regarded by the commissioner as a
very important auxiliary in the civilization
ot Uie luuinus, una no puiuis to me bene
fits derived from their work during tho past
few years.
On tho topic of Indini. education the re
port savs: Exclusive i-f the fivo civilized
tribes, the whole number of Indian iupil:i
attending school uurms; the past year has
been 8.:U8. Of those 4ijj were in attendance
at iho Carlisle, Ilamptox mid Forest Grove
training schools. Of ilie remainder 4,510
attended reservation bearding rchuols und
:;,!)U8 reservation day sciools. The average
attendance for the year ins beeu i,j:vj. An.
dustriiil training for bo:s is carried ou at
agency boarding schnoa and is receiving
more and more iittentioneacli year, la con
nection with fif ty-sovon schools 1,428 acres
are under cultivation, blactsnuthing. tail
cring nnd hnrnessmaking are taught at four
schools, seven teack euoemaking, ten car
pentering and fifteen the raising aud
care of stock. Training in the h o
brunches has bcea stimulated by the success
of the experiments at Carlisle, Hnmptcn
and Forest Grrve. An appropriation of not
less than 50,000 hhould he made by Con
gress nt lis 7iext session to properly equip
existing agency sehools lor industrial worn.
Tho whole number of eiay schools now in
operation is 101. Tho commissioner trusts
that the time is not far distant when a sys
tem of district schools wi.1 bo established in
Indians settlements which will servo not only
as centers of enlightenment lor those neigh
borhoods, but will give suitublo employment
to returned students, especially ti.e young
women, ior whom it is specially iliflicult t j
provide. J he Rmount r,sktd by the commis
sioner from Congress for Indian education
tor uie year ending J une so, irii, is j jizaai.
Tho Toledo (O.) lie says: Colonel
J. Dorse Alexander, editor llarnesville
(Ga.) Nivis, lias been cured of rheu
matism by tiio use or bt J acobs oil.
Young ladies having shown a desire
to make palmistry (telling fortunes hy
the lines in the palm of the hand) the
next sensational folly, London Truth
ealls attention to an unrepealed act of
parliament which imposes on all who
go about practicing the art the penalty
or iieing scourged, having the ears
cropped and being placed in the pil-
Mr. W. A. Forbes, Greenfield, Mass.,
was cured by St. Jacobs Oil of rlieu
matism. Cincinnati Christian Stand
"When a bank becomes unsteady a
depositor is likely to lose his balance
C. C. Shayne, 103 Prince St., New
York, the well known wholesale manu
facturer of seal-skin sacks, dolmans
and fur-lined circulars, offers goods at
retail. This affords a splendid oppor
tunity to order direct from headquar
ters, and save the profits of the mid
dlemen. Ladies arc sure of getting
reliable furs, nnd fully '5 per cent,
cheaper than retailers prices.
There are 118,000 Sunday-school
scholars in New York city.
The Chinese must go, and all Americans
should go and buy a bottle of Carbolino,
the deodorized petroleum hair renewer ana
dresser. Since tho recent improvement no
preparation ever bad such a sale as Uarboline.
R, i.mIIib .
Quick, complete cure, allaunoying Kidney,
Bladder and Urinary Diseases. $1. Drug
gists. Bend for pamphlet to E. b. Wells,
iiersey miy, in. j.
The Science of Life or Belf-Preservation.
medical work for every man young, niiddu
sued or old. 126 invaluable prworiytiont.
A I'rnil Shot 1
may be taken at liver and bilious disorders
with Dr. R. V. Pierce's " Pleasant Purgative
Pellets." Mild yet. certain in operation; and
there is none of the reaction consequent
npon taking severe and drastio cathartics.
By druggists.
Toe total amount of bounties paid for the
scalps of wild unimnls during the Inst fiscal
ypnt.out of the Wisconsin State treasury was
" Woman Hint Her hianmteV
is the title of an interesting treatise (90
pagos) sent, postpaid, for three stamps.
Address World's Dispensary Medical As
booiation, Buffalo, N. Y.
T England has thirty electric light compa
nies, with a enpitnl of over $30j000(000.
Nearly as much money is similarly sunk in
Young men or middle-aged ones, fluttering
from nervous debility and kindred weak
nesses, should send three stamps for Part VII
of World's Dispensary Dime Series of books.
Address World's Dispensaby Medical As
boolation, Buffalo, N. Y. .
Experiments have proven that the Jnphn;
cse seedless persimmon will growprolificnlly
in Florida.
Rrnruril from Unrrni'ft.
Poktt BitnoN, N. Y., March 20, 1881.
H, H. Warneb fc Co.: Sirs Your Safe
KiJney and Liver Cure completely rescued
uie from the horrors of kidney disease.
Garret W.
It is nil very well to get the opihions of
your fellow-men, but they will do yon little
good if you aie not capable of sepntating
chaff from the wheat.
Fob DTSPErsiA, indigestion, depmssion of
spirits and general debility, in their various
forms; also as a preventive ngainst fever and
ngae and other intermittent fovors, the "For-ro-Phosplior-ited
Elixir of Oiilisnya," made
by Caswell, Hazard & Co., New York, and
snhl bv nil Drnmrists. is the best tonic! and
for patients recovering from lover or other
sickness it has no equal.
Vrnvr 1 vl irfi.
One trreasimr lasts two weeks: all others two
or threo days. Do not bo imposed on by the
humbug stuffs offered. Ask your dealer forFra
zer's, with label on. Saves your horse labor and
you too. It received lirst medal nt tho Uenten
nialnnd Paris Expositions. - Sold everywhere.
Stiiaighten vour old boots nnd shoes with
Lyon's Patent Heol Stifi'eiiers, & wear again.
Austin, Texas, February 20, 1881.
To Mr. J. W. Graham, Druggist:
Vtar Sir My case was an acuto form of Bronchitis,
nnd was of ono ami a halt year's duratiou. 1 em
ployed tho best medical aid iioseifole, but failed
rapidly, until the doctors said I would dio that my
case was incurable. Thrown upon my own reiources,
Ieot abotlloof 1)11. 1VJI. HALL'S BALSAM FOB
THE LUNG'S, and in six hours felt a decided relief.
Iu three days the cough aluiont disappeared. Now
that my chances of lite are pood for many yoars,
earnestly recommend the above to every sufferer of
throat or luur dioase. C. O. LATliltOP.
Beet cattle, good to prime, lw
Calves, coiu'n to prime veals
8 ((
J jam bs
Hogs Live
Dressed, citv
Flour Ex. St., good to fancy 4 45
(a 6 7f
(A 8 05
West., iroou locuoico i
Wheat No. 2 Red 1 Oil (oO 1 OSl!
No. 1 White 1 10iM 1 lll4'
Hye State 74 (u 77
Harley Two-rowed State ... 81 Cu frl
Com Tjngrad. Wot. mixed. 85 (u) 87
Yellow Southern 87 87
Oats White Stute 45 00 CJ
Mixed Western ilS ((C 42
Hnv J1'"d. to eh. Timothy. . 70 (w 'JO
Straw No. 1, Rye CO (to GO
Hods State. 1881, choice ... 75 (rt 7i
Pork Mess, new, for export. 22 50
Lard City Steam 12 25
. Refined 12 CO
(a 23 00
(a 12 117
(a 12 CO
Petroleum Crude 7'fte
7! 8
Kelined 7(o
Dairy 20 (ib 2:1
" est. 1m. Creamery. 20 (ii 31
Factory 15 (ti 11)
Cheese State Fuctory 8 (5 12) j
Skims 2 (0 C
Western 5 (A 12
Eggs State nnd Penn 20 (fi 20'.j
Potatoes State bbl 1 75 fefi 2 00'
bottalo. '
Stenrs Good to Choico 5 25 (J? 5 !X)
Lambs Western 4 75 (iii 5 25
Sheei) Western ,'t (10 (5 4 GO
Hogs Good to choice Vorks. 7 40 (rti 7 ( 0
Flour C'ygronud n. process, 7 25 (tt 8 25
Wheat No. 1, Hard Duluth. . 1 1!) (ib 1 11)
Corn No. 2, Mixed 80 (ri 80
(Jats No. 2, Mixed Western. 40 M 41
Harley Two-rowed State
8 80
Beef Ex. plate and family
Hogs Live
City Dressed
Pork Ex. Prime, per bbl.
.17 50 (Ttl$ 00
4(ti! i)i
. Ilia. M) XV
.21 00 j21 50
Flour Spring Wheat patents 7 25
(i) 8 00
(ti 88
Corn High Mixed....
Oats Extra White
Rye State
Wool comb A deloino, No. 1
Unwashed combing. .
Beef Extra qualily 7 CO (v 8 00
Sheep Live weight 5 (ti
Lambs !(ti (yt
Hogs Northern, d. w 10 (ti 11
Flour Penn. ex family, good 4 87 (3 5 00
Wheat No. 2, Red 1 10(t0 1 10'iJ
itye rjiaxo ,u s 70
Corn State Yellow 82 (ti 82
Oata Mixed 6!) (ti GO
Butter Creamery Extra Pa. 84 (ti 84
Cheese N. Y. Full Cream. . . 12?f("i 13
Vetroleum Crude G 06 7
Refiund 7?B'a 1
yi.fcfWV ' , 1 V t. U M V 3mi
Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago,
Backache, Soreness of the Chest,
Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell
ings and Sprains, Burns and
Scalds, General Bodily
Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted
Feet and Ears, and all other
Pains and Aches.
No Preparation on earth equals Sr. Jacobs Oil.
as a sae, suv, simple aud cheap External
Urmedy. A trial entails but the
trilling outlay of 60 Cents, and every on suffering
with pain can kavo clivap aud positive proof of lw
claims. i
Directions In Eleven Languages. 1
Baltimore, Mtl.,U. B.A.
1I H U 43
iiur. fti martinus, xVTS.
st apsvtiUti Hr, Asuotur f ifok
iH lUI, tl. S. hlit' t. f,''l'iW
r, siiti CuKKl-eT PlKUt if 1
sibd f aiuljotUfH. will, fol
slur sim ftitd Urtk tt hfcif .
TUUIsf viu future hisbkiiil si wife, mb
aVod plfcM tf tDMlibi, eul dkte ef Msjrit(, j
Its 11 1 BrsdislsJ. Munss return ad tu ill st is.
ttUieM ltf. b. list uust, lw jslwil'j ii.,Utu. Mm.
Vatches, Hilvibwari, retallad
at wholfwale raUis. Price list Owe.
T. W. Kauwdr. V.Q,ixtU. ,
sk js&k wt&:
Neve ilve Vp the oiilit.
y. J BISLKY. UetJalb, St. Lawrence Oo., K. I.'
"Bend. another U on of I "nBn;"?'" ",ii
Wend. Your modlclne lin cured m. of consumption.
I sound and well as I ever was.
J.n. i. 1SS2. Keysville, Or.wlurd Oo., Mo.
M R Thl. retnedr tnenks for itself. A rmgm mmii
wffl-2iithrs3i1Iig5j Sutras
tlvelfr cures Oimsumptwn, and will brwik up a
nioniol. of cures trum prominent pejw''.
The truSanlfdoUto
tb' ejects of miasms
is Hostettef I Sor.
ach Bitters. Till
medioinoisoneof ths
most popular reme
dies of an see of suc
cessful wropriciary
neetflc( and is in
immeHSe1 demand
wheroror on tills Oo
tlnent fever and ngns
exists. A wineglsss
ful three times a d;iy
w the best pnssiblo
irtvpsrstivs for en.
countering a msmri
one atHiosphere, res.
tiliilinK th liter, and
InriBomtin thai stm
Eich. l-'orsnlf by all
fnmjisi eu.l D.ul-
ore itcnomir,
oiliest and the standard liniment of tbe
United (States. Large size, $1.00; medium SO
rent-j: s nail, 25 eents; small slzo for family
use, 25 rents; Merchant's Worm Tablets.
( t uts. Kor wile by every druifgistaud dealer
l:i general nierehtindisc.
For Family Lse.
Tl,n rix-n-ltiio. rill T.lnlment with WHITE
wit.M'i'Eit, prepared for human flesh, is put
no in small noun's onii, unu uuea nun cum
tho skin, l'riee 25 cents.
The Oargllnir Oil Almanac for 1SS3
Is now In tho hands of our printer, nnd will
bereadv for distribution durintr the months
of November und December, 1WJ. 'J'ho Al
manac tor the coming year will be more use
ful and instructivn than rver, nnd will lie
sent tree to any address. Wi-ito for ouo.
Ask tho Nearest Druggist.
Tf thn dealers in vour nlace do not keen
Merchant's Oarurlinff Oil for sale, insist upon
their sending to us, or wnero inpyRct. im-n
medicines, und (ret It. Keep the bottle weli
.....-L-...1 n,..t cli.ibn It. 1rforn lisinu-. CHOW
wrapper for animal and whilo tor human
llesh. .....
Special Notice.
Tho Merchant's Gnnrllmr Oil hns been In
ttscasn n inent Ionian a century, oiini
nk Is a fair trial, liut be euro and follow dl-
Tho (Jarfrliii"- Oil and Merchant's 'Worm ts n i n toi -uli! liv nil drmru-ists and deal
ers In general uierchaudite throughout the
W 'Man'urnet tired nt T.ockport, N. T., by Mer
chant's tiiirtrllttir Oil Company.
end n- roTvrli pkotoh or (tf you can) a nWlel of
our iuvdtitiou to ;i Olt..: !. JTJO.llON.
iiHliintoii, 1. C'.i nnd u Prrliitiinnry l-'x
:iittitiiLt kiii will bo nmdo of ait (initctt K tut or
n:iti'uUnf tho HiimoclnsHot' inventiouH und you will
bi uth iricd whctUur or not a patent cuu buoutuiucd.
What vHI a Patent
tniCt' Jf youaroRflvificdthntynurinveu
uf m tion iHratoutablc.KnidiSOoimy
(iiivcrmiii-iit ntii)Ii('!ilnn ftn nt' 9ii I ii niifl Wfi fop
p t!io tiruwiiikfw refiuircd by tlioOovei'iinictit. TliiH is
j :iyiHli w lieu iiiipJk'iitiou jk inndo, ana in nil ol the
cxpoiif-e imlem u patent in allowed. W hen allowed,
tho uthirn.-vM JVo (!.;,") uud tho linul Oovru
lncnt t'i'O (SyO) in payable. Thtin you kuow be-forehinid,7-r
whin;, wlicthor you nn; iroinvrto Ket
a p.iteutor not.oud no attorney' fee mehnrfred tin
1'i-ih you do t'.it a l'uteut. An ntt-ruey whono fee
depeinlMon liis success in obtniniiif? u IJt!t will
not U'hiKo yuuthat your inveiition in patentable,
unless it re;illy in patentable, no fur iib Inn bent
i'litlu-iiient cun aid la determining tho queHtion;
leneo, you can rely on ihe advicp riven alter a
preliniinary ox mm nation in had. DeniKii I'nt
otitN nnd the Krtvislrntfon !' ImbrlM, Tradu
.Uiirknaud Ke.tHNiieN necured. t iiveiitn pre
pured and filed. Apjlintionn in rnvlvor of lie
jeeted, A bainlnnnor Vort t'lted ( 'iihcm niudo.
Very oit'n valuable inventioiiH arc nuved in theno
ciuriHes of cancH. if ynu have undertaken to nceure
your own patent nnd failed, a skillful handling
of the eafft nmy lead tonuceonn, Send me a written
renucKt addressed to the Conimitwiouer of Put cute
that he recognize Gi:onuK K. Lkmon, of Wanh
iuictnn. D. C, uh your attorney in the cane, u-ivintr
the title of the invention and about the date of
lillnif your application. An examination and re
port will cost you nothing. Hearehes niude for
title to inventions, in faet any iutormntinn relating
to Patents jiroiuptly f iiminhed. Copies of Puteuta
mailed at the regular Gfivernmenl rates, (ii.iP.
each.) ltenieuder thiHoiljeehaljeen in ttucceshful
operation hince lj, nnd ynu therefore reap the ben
etitHof experience, beMoeB reference cun bo driven
to Aeturil ( JientR in almost every county in the U. B,
Pamphlet relatiUK to PutcuU free unbn mjuoBt.
015 15th fit,, WASHINGTON, U. C.
Attorncv-nt-I.n w and Solicitor of Amcrk
can nnd 'oi-ciKii l'alents.
PnifKiiiH' I'mutilivo I'illM makH New Rich
fJliMMl, itmt will i;..iitplelly chiiK tu blood in the en
tif r.y-K'111 in thrnu im-ntlm. Any penton who will tiika
ont pill ei-h night from I to 12 wt'oks nifty bo roetorod
to Hound honlth il eurli a thing he pntwihln. bold every
wnT or netit by mail for eight Iw tor Htampn.
I. S. .IOW NSO (V t () Homoii, .Sluss., for
1 1 1 4 r I y i u u ft 1 1 r j 1
Iiiv a positive reiudy fwr the ftbov d !; by Us
ma thouiand of eoBes or the worst kind and or long
tandlnc have been cured. Inded, so atreag Is my fault
In lit eriWy, tliat I will send TWO VOTTLJCa FRBK, to
Coil.Br wltltaVAH'AULK TKKAT18B a thli dUwa, W
ajirmllerer. Give Exprtna and P. O. address.
pit. T. A. bLVOVH, 111 fori Bu, Wow Tork.
For Two Dollars.
Demorest's Illustrated Monthly.
Sold by all Newsdealers and Postmasters,
or tin; Editor of tula paper will take your sub
scription. Hend twenty cents for a speclmoa
Usher, 17 East 1 1th Wlrert, New York.
Ooaechfeiyrup. Tastes good.
. hum oy aniKBii
I ATF.ST NOVI-XTV. Bssutlfnl colored lltho.
J Kraihs, Ml different ilsmirna, tie 16i91 in., mounted
oueboimea rollfers. Inst imported: sn orntnmnl In an
room. Kuirtur t
for samples toS. BLAC
. ' . v. . oonw iwo. in bls
Uuans Btreet. Man York.
nPOP postal yard to Olabki Bbos.. Bibla
J, Vf "'". Nw York, the New Publil,erJ
oi rin, iuenp ouuauripiion oooks, Ior tlietr Private
Circular to Aurnt,," U will putet, and ASTUXISK sou.
A ?. V,?n!'"l d Fastestsellini
I'l. tonal bo ilia and Biblss. Prices reduced 3.H par
cent. National I'tiuiHlJioJJojPailadelphia, Pa.
Y0 II H & M E N 10 lro" Telegraph, loTi
. . i.n ipuui ri. anil D. DHrUIIB Ol ailllil.
lion, address Valentine Bros.. Janeavilla Wia.
(COLEMAN III IS1NF.N", OLl.l:;i:, NewarET
JS.J. Writs tor Oatali.gua. Oolemap A Palms. Pro.
prr-IOia'T FAIIj
E-jr-a to send &-cu sujop (at ths most eotnplsw CKUtiogue et
ur wituumnrs. liy mail, -jo eta. Olruulns
VkKM. JU1WH k OOZ U Bern L. JLX.
(. , 1
i .fell I Isil 1
11 fif im
f3 GilXtS
hfl RostOoi
From the Boston (HooeJ
T'coi likeness of Mrs.LydIaB.Pln.
ham of Lynn, lf&i,fio above all other human being
may bo trnthf ally caHcrt tl. "Dear Friend ot Woman,
assomo ot nor correspondent love to call her. BH
is scalously dovoUd to her work, which ft) the ontcoma
ef a llto-study, and Is obliged to keep UK lady
wfotants, to help her anewerthe largo correspondence
which daily pours in npon her, each bearing its speofal.
burden of suftortng-, or Joy at release from it. Her
Vegetable Compound!, a medlelno tor (rood sjia no
evil purposes. I have persmitdly Investigated It and
am satisfied of the truth of Ihttl.
On account of its proven merits. It 3 reeommendedl
and prescribed by tho best physicians in the country.
One ysi "It works liko a charm and saves much,
rain. It will euro entirely tho woret form ot falling
tit tho uterus Lcucorrlicca, Irregular and palatal
Meff5tnmon,all Ovarian IWublcs, Inflammation an
UlceratioXiKPodings, replacements andthecon
ieq,ientspitiol.ll:n8'l,,d U P0la"J"'P' '
the Olmnpe of Lift. "
It OcrraUtrf every portion of the system, and glvos
destroy, all cravinff or stimula Hcmlaone.
Servousrrostration, General Debility, .wpleness.
Dcorewlon and Indigestion. -1110110011,180.
down, catislnd pain, woteht. .nd cicaei . a. "T
penua.ieutiy cured uy ua uso. '"."''
and" all circumstances, act in harmony with tho law
that governs tiio fo-.nalo system.
It costs only Si. P" umua "' - '
drurgists. Any advico rc quired as to apcclal cooes, and
tho names of many who have been restored to perfect
health by the nse of tho Vegotnl.-lo Compound, can bo.
obtained by wUrtain Mm 1'., itPf P'J
athef h'imlnLynn,M;iss.
For Kidnt-y CVmiplo ! ef either rex this conrp"Odl9
unsurpassed as atranrtnnt testimonials show.
"Mrs. rinkham'sUvcr Tills," rnysonomitcr, m
thebest in. the irorM for tho euro of Comlhlon,
Biliousness nnd Torpidity of tho Ivor. JJci Blood
PurUlcr works wonders in Its specM n 1 "ds fair
to equal the Compcr-nd in its popularity.
All must rer noct her as nn Angel of Mercy ho 1
arobltlen istodopood to others.
Fhilodclpkla, Vs. (9)
Mrs. A. M. 0.
Ito other dlw."0 Is Gorrcvalont in thl3 Mtffl
trv m Cc-is:a.vUon, and no roactly has ovr
equalio-l U10 celebratoa KIDIIEV-WOIIT as a
cure. Whatever t:,ecause, hovcver obeauats
tlioooeo, this romsdy willovoroonio It.
rSS lr"7 XHI J di-rtrnrsing oomplalnt
I- B L 13 very apt 10 bo complicated
with constlmtion. Kidney-Wort strengthens
tho weakened pr.rU nr.d quickly cures I1WJ
of Piles even, when physicians and medteuam
have before failed.
c m ft a s art a "f3 a ft m .
S EEHE'UIi CUIUS, as It J for ALX, tho painfal J
1 disear.cBof uw Kidneys, Liver nnd Bowels. J
It oloansoo tho Byr.tem ot thn acrid poison that Bl
9 eau-co t!io dreadltil BufforinK wUiou. only vu j
Vofthowoistior-.!iB of this terrible discn-BO Uv
t been, tiuicklv rcilorcd, and In a short tims
t tT-Tl elennrcl, Pf rcijtthrna nnd gives Tfew
P Life to nil tho iarjjrtasit ort-ans of tho body.
L m .i-r.-i nf tho Kidiievs is restored.
fcThe Liver U cloai'.r,o:t cf all disenne, and tho 8
p liowols r-;ovo --jeiy n-id Loaitlifjl'-y. J
i ihna. AiD w)Wiii.l wiu iy iih ooisrs. j
t ffl., l it uin. j:ry c pu w.-uv mjf uuin
'B W'i l.T.n. lU'IIAl:i'nw K, CO.,J!HrHmrton,vf.i
e9 (,, u v; :...
Is tuifajhiiff odH m fa lit-
w uie in curing xpuepiin
Fits, Spawns, Convub
Bioiis, St. VitanDnnc,
A Icoholism. Opium at
imr. sSemfijIg- n.
iirvoiiH nd rliiioci Via
eaweB. To (Jlrtyni.
I.nwyerR, f .iterary Men,
Murehnntfl, Hankeri,
I.:idioH and H wlnma
rodent ary empinympnt
eniiBf! NerToiiH Prontra
nn, Irreftularittefl of
tl' blond, stomach,,
howeta or Kidnoyn, or
who reipiiro a nerTe1
tonic, or
fiiiuiilnnt. SAMAHI
TAN NKnVINlT in in
viilunble. ThnuHfindr
' nunrs ano
proehiim It the mot
wnuerlui JnviRoronv
that over mifitnincd th
ninkintr nytiicm. For
i.ile hy all DntKKtttv.
Tin: iwt.H. a. km 'ii.iroM)
e 1-i-oi'i-M'torHt St. .lowcph fllo.
nro certainly bcHt, having bepn n
ilttrronrl Ht KV I. It V c3kKAT
I O.tli'i.TITIO.N tor WlXTlCKN YlOAItS; no
other Ann-tie-in iJi.tiinti hiding been found e(ual nt any.
Aim (Tlll-.AIM-lST, Stylo h(9; Uli octaves; Butticient
ceinpiiHH nnd power, with bent quality, for popular
wiert'd ail' I snrulur nmsie in aehocdH or fninilien, at only
om: nr.M)tii;i otiii:k sTvij:st
s;ut, s;t;. ng, !7H, W.U tsios, i i u
rirat'ti hy at-' othrr (iriftti. Ainu for ohhv jmvinentw.
1,1,1 :
This Company have commcnfpii
the niHiitifactiirt) of I71JtHJIT
(.1UM) I'JA.XOS, iiitrodaciiisT
iftjiort'ri' ttiijo ortiueiit ; aaiiinK to powor and beauty of
ton and durability. Will ' rt"mr fmibw o-.7war(r
a much as uttirr 1'iunox. ji,m,m iiati!.u fjtlt
t'riAKS, with full particulars, frkk.
Till'. iH.S V llA.YIIsln U!H.?I A.Jf
t'lr.. I.i l 'rrt'tiKint Sc.. HoHtiin; 4tl
, N. York; 1 111 U nbiinh Ave.,t iiicngo.
1 till ISI
(icrmnii Antliinai'uronever(utoKivet7i.
mMiiate rel irf iu theworbt careB,itiBiire8 com fort-B
uuie noen : eucctB others fail. A I
fci frial ennvineca the most Bk'ptiral, lriw GOc. ann j
!p l .HJ,or i mifsnsTs nr m- mau. Birajiio t it V.h, I
izt "ithi uni'. in., ji. f .I ti r r ii , nc. i ,iui, jtiinn I
Wats nrrmnt1tr
followed by the
more important
offered t aU afflicted with irmptoma of Itme dUaae.
frss. TliK AULTMAJi TAYt,
TM Bttt U tJU
free. THE AULTMAH 4 TAYLOR CO., MaaafieltlO.
fiv l"..'-.H FAILS.
Is a medical traatiae on Ki haunted Vitality, Nervooa
and Physical Debility, Premature Decline la Man t
la an indtspnnsable trnatiBefor every man, whetnev
yonnsr, middle-aged or old.
Ie beyond all comparison the most extraordinary
work on Physiology ever published. There ie nothing
whatever that tht married or single can either require
or wish to know but what ia fully explained. lorenf
Instruct! those in health how to remain so, and the in
valid how to become well. Contains one hundred and
twenty-five invaluable prescriptions (or all forms of
acute aud chronie diseases, for each of which a firs
class physician wuuld charge from $3 1 $10. London
I'll I',rl.IlTA UUi1
fonfalna Kfl nacee. fine steel enarravtnr
bound in trench muslin, embossed, full
.,1 n m,t mnit i.usi.t. issi-rsnla I.
medical book in every sense than can be i
wnere ior aouoie me pnee. or ms mouey
Is so much superior to all other treatisas on mailioal
sulijeuts that uoniuaruoa is absuluU,! IioDusubls.
Jttston Utrald.
Is Mat bjr mall, securely seated, postpaid, on receipt ol
pries, onlyfl.iaHuew edition). Binall illustrated eajnplae,
Clo. Bend now.
Ths author can be consulted on all disease requlrlog
skill and experience. Address
or W. II. I'AUltKlI, m.
A Bulflack UuttU Bsston. QlkJaa,