11 cur j A. Parsons, Jr., Editor IHUJISDAY, NOV., 2, 1882. ENTKHKD AT THK POST-OKK1CE AT UlDOWAY, I'A., A3 SKC'OND CLASS MAIL MATTER. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. For Governor, JAM KM A. 15KAVFK. of Centre County. For Lieutenant-Governor, W. T. DAVIKS. of Until ford County, For Judge of t lie Hupreme Court, WILLIAM HENItV UAWLE. of Philadelphia. For Secretary of Internal Affair. JOHN M. GREER, of Butler. For Congressmnn-at-Lftrge. MARRIOTT RROS1U8, of Lancaster. FiBEl F EE I FIRE I Tlic Moral of Friday's Parade. riilliidelpliln Trcss.J Few men who saw the splendid dis play of the National Guard of this Btate and New Jersey, ou Friday last, realized how important, in a military sense, the parade was in its mere de monstration of the number which can be gathered over night, without fuss or strain, by two of the five States which have farily an efficient National Guard. Including the New Jersey National Guard, which fell short that of thi State in efficiency aud numbers, but still would compare favorably with most displays which could be made in other States, the total effective force present, exclusive of the statf of the general commanding division 7700 men, well armed, fairly drilled and lacking first and chiefly in the ex perience of their olHeers. This is half as large in mere numbers as the Eng lish force General Sir Garnet Wolseley has in Egypt, it is a third as large as the force Wellington commanded at Waterloo, it is larger than the force Burgoyne surrendered at Saratoga or Lord Cornwallia at Yorktown; only in a few instances did Geueral Wash ington have as many troops under his I,i.....llnt orJoan, i..a lie fullgllt most of his battles with half this number of effectives. General Jackson com n mnded fewer men at New Orleans, General Taylor won Beuna Vista with half this number and the highest of Cliapultepec were stormed by a smalle army. In fact, we must come to th last war before we find American generals habitually commanding as large a force as was under the orders of General Hartranft Friday. It goes without saying that admir able as the appearance und excellent the equipment of this force it was still a mere skeleton. It lacked a commis sary, had no staff, it was made up altogether of infantry ; had next to no cavalry or artiUerj; but even with this abatement the muster was an ex traordinary display for a population of a little over -l.oiJiOUO to make. Com petent critic- considered it a splendid feat when England, with live limes the population, gathered 50,000 men for a day's review at Windsor. The m r.-l'iiig force Friday was nearly u fifth as larg1, aud it was brought to gether by ti volunteei stall', while the English review had in all its prepare- I lion the Mtpcrvision of the Ilorsi litiards, and even the staff of the regu lar Enulish army did Cot dare to ven tire to feul ti e men it had brought together. Judged by every standard, then, the re lew of last weik capped the display of last March at Washing ton, by showing that the force which nrousid the admiration of regulai army oliicer- there is ready for action "r lint the grievous fatdt of our entire militi'.ry organization is that it is i ini tc n.pu of sand. Two States put in line 7700 i,( u Friday, l'ennsylva nia, N w Jer-ey, New York, Massa chusetts and Coiiin client could gallicl at any point on the North Atlantic coast -'.), oho clfcctive men, varying in i llicieiicy but still creditable. This is from lour to five limes the force the smiie Statea could have gathered in IStil, and vastly better drilled; hut each Stuti organization is as independ ent ui its neighbor ami of the war de )nrli;ieit as them. In case of war, Ihis I'oive must be our find, and chief reliance. Not on -lifth the same number of regulars could be gathered in u fortnight. Yet the regular army staif whose Hrst duty thisshould be has never worked out a plan lor mobi lizing these forces, made no prepara tion for bi ingingthem into a common organization, provided no general scheme of subsistence, taken abso lutely no single step towards turning this splendid material into an army. I ! a wur comes, and some day one will, there will be the sume helter skelter rush us in lKtil, thesame empty reliance on a civilian stall' ut five or s i x State capitals, the same clashing orders, the same confusion und ut lust, utter weeks of ruinous deluy, our regu lar army stuff wilt slowly pull itseli together over a problem, which should have been met und mastered -in these years of leisure. Part of this is sheer indolence, part urn y contempt for anything but regu lars, part the wooden routine of our army, which never stes anything but ru:ed lornis and onleiB. Much is due to the absence of military science, staff or line. Am. zing y few of our ofll cr study, and few or none of our general officers encourage it. Most of all, this lasik Is due to a palsying sen.-ethat the public does not care uudlhut it makes H grett i.ilference unyway. But it uhl to Ik1 possible for an energetic s crelary of war to change all this, and lay away in the wur department at Washinglou und get prepared ut each State capital the plaa and the orders by whi'jh, ut the President's proclama tion, these scattered foces might find themselves an army. Has caused the removal of the undersigned tothc MASONIC HALL, BUILDING, and, with a few tools saved from the burning, my shop was started on the next day after the fire. Now my stock of HARDWARE, STOVES, AND TINWARE, AGENTS WANTED. FOR IIEK0ES OF TUE TLAISS, By J. W.'Buell. Embracing the lives and wonderful adventures of Wild Bill, Buffalo Bill, Kit Carson, Cnpt. Payne, Capt. Jack, Texas Jack, California Joe. And other celebrated Indian Fighters, Scouts, Hunters and Guides. A true historical work of thrilling adventures on the plains, and in western pro gress ami civilization. Fights with Indians! Grand Buffalo Huntsl Des perate Adventures! Narrow Escapes! Wonderful Shooting and Riding I Wild Life In the Far Westl 8100 Illustrations! 16 Full-pane Colored Plates! A grand book for Agents. Outsells evervthlnir. 648 pages, price 82.00. Agent's .complete outfit 50 cents. Outfit and copy for $2.00. 06T Write at once for agency, or terms and Illustrated circulars to n. u THOMPSON & CO.. Punllsher8, N W. Cor. 8th, and Broadway, New Yokk. RAILROAD SUPPLIES Is as near complete as the limited time would admit, and Goods are arriving on every train. MX are a specialty with me. I have on hand and on the road the best assortment ever shown in this market, and Friends, I need your trade at this time. Call in, and send your mends in. JSo trouble to show goods, and it any ol von owe me a little bill drop in and settle it. I can use it. W. S. SERVICE, Agent. STRENGTH to vigorously push a business, strength to, study a profession, strength to regulate a household, strength to do a day's labor with out physical pain. All this repre sents what is wanted, In the often heard expression, "Oh I I wish I had the strength!" If you are broken down, have not energy, or feel as if life was hardly worth liv ing, you can be relieved and re troi n rnhnct health and streneth by taking BROWN'S IRON BIT TERS, which Is a true tonic a medicine universally recommended for all wasting diseases.. $oi N. Fremont St., Baltimore During the war I was in jured in the stomach by a piece of a shell, and have suffered from it ever since. About four years ago it brought on paraly sis, which kept me in bed six months, and the best doctors in the city said I could not live. I suffered fearfully from indigestion, and for over two years could not eat solid food and for a large portion of the time was unable to retain even liquid nourishment. I tried l'rown's Iron Hitters and now after taking two bottles I am able to get up and go around and am rapidly improving. G. Decker. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS is a complete and sure remedy for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Malaria, Weakness and all diseases requir ing a true, reliable, non-alcoholic tonic. It enriches the blood, gives new life to the muscles and tone to the nerves. PRINCIPAUUNE "j752jllie SliOKIEST, yuiCKEbT aud And t.1 "tjfsJKST I'08 to 6t Jowpo. i.... io i"X-p-Atcrilion. Topeka, Dnl Nebreska,MlMuurl, H.3ySyfcoii. Uoiiu, (id- u, New Mexico, Arliunt, MuuSf Toatun, tana anil Texan. 'i-'f. O 3E3C X O C2r O 'I hiit Ituutu haa uu superior (or Albert Nh?k I.a hi Inm-a nklla rnt fit Maul Lnivursai- 77i- Nationally reputed ai ly conceded to .SSJC bcln,. tho 0reat he tne pest equipaon S4JT3ThroiiohCar Kallrnad In the World for all daces or travel. KANSAS CITY All connection wade In Union Tbroush SXt2Vr Try It, Tlckfta via thisSTf SVr n4 Tou wl" Celebrated Lino forSON nd traveling a aale at all office! Inv5 (X. luxury, Initead j ;ho U.S. &S. ' " Cauada. AllX.'vK?V eomfort. CVVyV'InforiniillonV: t.02 VVW about Katea of V'.f L ,.. . --fM.'j rare, Dieepin cars, etc . eheerfu'lv trlven liT THE HULL VAP0B COOK STOVE, THE OLDEST AND ONLY RELIABLE, Is the only do vice oi iu it inn Ihut has tood THE TEST OP YEARS, cud earned uni versal public Com mend at loo. Doet every dencriptlon of Cookiiiit, Wash- "J'il f or oilier doiuea .' tic work liere- !L& tuforo done hy Tin on)!i,:irT cw.k atnvp. and without Its luiul- ferulile hi nt, wjet, a-.li.-a, etc. FOR SUMMER USE THEY ARE INDISPENSABLE. M J:e!iuMe AKcnta wanted in unoccupied territory. A.lilrivv, HUI.L VAPOR 6TOVE CO., Seneca Flivet, cur. ( In iuiiaiii, kvil ui l, Ohio. mi ii hit i-t - ' ' n N"lf nrr uiiileiivtl'us at Tub A lvo( A'M-: t.iTlct- N. '1 .''liuiity rv w. Businesa. Cards. HALL & M'CAULEY ATTOItNEY-AT-liAV. Office in new brick building, Mttin street, llulgwiiy, Elk Co., Pa. v821 GEO. A. RATHBUN ATTOUXKY-AT-L.W. Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. Particular attention, given to tha examination of titles, also to patents and patent cases. J. S. BAROWELL, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Over twenty-live years practice. Office on Main 8treet, KUIjrway, Pa., opposite tbe Hogert House. 'Office hours from 1 to 2 and 7 to 8, P. M. IK. L. WILLIA MS. PHYSICIAN AND SUR0.0N. Coroner of Elk Co., office in roar of Eerley'8 Drug Store, next to Hyde House. Office hours 7 t 8 A. M. 3 to 6 p. M. 6:3Q to 8:30. P. f. c g. messenger! DRUOGI8T & PARMACEUTIST, N. W. corner of Main and Mill streets. Ridgwuy, Pa., full assortment of care fully selected Foreign and Domestic Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dis pensed at all hours, day or night. vln3y j. d. woodruffTm. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURQSON. Office Hoi ks. I-'rum 9 to 12 a. m., 2 to S and 7 to 9 p. in. HeslUence OlHce nl n-8l-clcnce, opiKisile Elk County Dunk, Muiu CALL3 DAY OR NIGHT PROMPTLY ATTKXUKU. A fair share of thu puoulu'ti patronuge so-lieltLd. I T. J. POTTER. PERCEVAL LOWELL, ta Vct iYw'l t Otn'l Manager, Utn. nu. Jgi., Cbloago, 111. Chlcugo, I XL lluy the Celeurated YALE & JUBILEE OPSANS. Tho Best, Most ffilphrntr'l, Purast Tnnn, Jloet durable, Hunt Kimpla, Mokc Purfoct Ohuam lu the world. Send for circular. EEW HAVEN ORGAN CO., Kow Uaven, Jozxru NiHi)cr und envelopes the same us before at No. 0 shanty row, Advocate office. 6fET THE BEST LEAD ALL OTHERS! Every Style & Price, Guaranteed XJnequaled FOR OPERATION. ECONOIWY, $500 REWARD! PIANOS. 100 un (Stool. Cover and Book) Elegant .Square Grand, 8 utringa, full Airrunta. everv iniprovement, only S45. Cabinet Grand Upright $210 and S250. Other Grand Holiday Bar gains. Jubilee Organs, $55 up (Btool and Book). Excelsior, Htyle 42, Five Beet of Iteeds, 15 Mops, only $87. Oriental." style 103, Ten set or needs, 20 stops, only 125. No. "bogus" sets of reeds or dummy" stops. All sent on 15 days trinl.WiiflrV free if unmUa- factory. Fair and honest dealiug guaranteed, rsneet, music- j price. Piano. Organ, or miihic i ntaiogue iree MENDELSSOHN PIANO CO., Box 2008, N. Y. Wnlnut Leaf Hair Restorer. Is entirely dillbrent from all It others. It is as clear as water, and, as Its name indicates, is a perfect Vege table Hair Restorer. It will immedi ately free the head from dandruff, re store gray hair to Its natural color, and produce a new growth where it has fallen off. It does not in any manner affect the health, which Sul phur, Sugar or Lead, and Nitrate of Silver preparations have done. It will change lignt or iacieu nair in a few days to a oeautitui glossy Drown. Ask your druggist for it. Each bottle is warranted. SMITH, KLINE & CO., Wholesale Agents, Philadelphia, andC. N. CBI TTENTON, New York ii 17 1 y. N EW LIVERY STABLE IN RIDGWAY OVER A MII LION Of Prof. OuIlmeUe's FRENCH Kifliicy Patli lmve nlrpndy beon sold In IhiA country and In Krance every one of wlilch lins given perfect ni1lHfnct!nn mttl litiB pT penned cures every time when used ae nordlna to B.lrectlon8 We now say to the afflicted and doubt ing ones that we will pay the above reward fo a single case of LAME BACK Thnt the T"nd fnlls to enre. Thin (trent remedy will Positively nnd Permanently cure l.um bngo, Limie Hack, Heliitlcn, Ornvel, Dliibelee, iJnipsy, Hrlirlit's Ulscnse of tlie lildnnys, In contlnenro nnd Retenllon of tlic Urine, 1'hIu In the Bnek. Hide or Loins, Nervous W'enk ness, nnd In fact nil dlsorderM of the Illndder and L'rinnry jrKans wneuier couirnciea oy private dlucnse or otherwise. LADIES, If you are suffering from Female Weakness, Leuoorrhopa, or nnv dis ease of the Kidneys, Blddder.or Urlnury Or Kunn. YOU CAN BE CURED I Without swnllowlUK nauscoUB medicines, by Hlinpiy wearing PROF. QUILMETTE'S French Kidney Pad, AVhich Cures by Absorption. Ailr vnnr flniirirUt. (nr 1R(P. rjITIIAtfT. TE H French Kidney l'ad, and take no other. If be has not not It, send J2.ni and you will receive the Pad hy return mall. TESTIMONIALS FHOM THE PEOPLE. JUDGE BUCHANAN, Lawyer, Toledo, u., says: One of Prof. Oullmetle's French Kidney Pads cured ine of Lumbago In throe weeks time. My case bail been given up by tho best Doctors as Incurable, During nil this time I suffered untold agony and puld out large sums oi money." GEORGE VETTER, J. P. Toledo, O. I suffered for three years with Rclntlcn and Kidney Disease, nnd often hnd to go ahouton crutches, I was entirely and permanently cured after wearing Prof. Gullmette's French Kidney l'ad four weeks." SQUIRE N. C. SCOTT, Sylvania, O. "I have been n great sufferer for 10 years with llrlght's Dlsense of the Kidneys. For weeks at a time I was unable to get out of bed; took barrels of medicine' but they give me only temporary relief. I wore two of Prof. Uullmette's Mldney Pads six weeks, and I now know that I am entirely cured." MRS- HELLEN JEROME, Toledo, O. "For years I have been confined, a great part of the time to my bed, with I.uconiio-a and female weak ties. I wore one of Oull mette's Kiduey Puds and was cured In one month." GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES and Buggies to let upon the most reasonable terms. r3y He will also do job teaming. Stable on Elk street. All orders left at the Post Oilicc wi' I receive prom attention. ' AUil201.S71tl Twenty Yours of Outlawry. urn 7o contir.tie to net BSRolieitors for patents, caveats, n Si trado-rnarlis. ccpyrii'hto, etc., for tne united urates, nnu io outumjiuv ents in CauaJa, I'nj;land, Fraucc, Oormany, and r.U other countries. Thirtjr-sia i a-rs' praetieo. No charge for examination oi laodela cr draw ings. Advice by mail free. Patents obtained through tib aro noticod in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, which h&i tho largest circulation, and is tho most inllu cntial newspaper of ittt kind published iu tho mirld. Tho kd vantages of snch a notice every patentee understands. Tbis large and splendidly illustrated news paper ia published WEElf LY atf3.20ayear. ana is admitted to be t Lie best paper devoted to science, mechamcs.iuventionti. engineering works, and other dupartmonta of industrial progress, pnblisbed in any country. Binglo Boia dy an ucnu- DURABILITY and WORKMANSHIP. IcpTcvcsieuts esi Conveniences fooai b to others. r 3Pu EVERYWHERE. j Ivoi-v City and Tows -.1? ffaVf. J. T. WAID M. D. OFFICE IN HALL'S BRICK BUILDING. Offick Houiia 8 to 9 A. M. l " p. m. 7 ' 8 v. M. , HYDE HOUSE. W. H. SCHRAM, Proprietor, Ridjrway, Elk county, Pa. Thankful for the patronage hereto fore bo liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor hopes, by paying strict attention to the comfort aud con venience of gueKta, to merit a continu ance of the same. oct30'69 Notice to HoMers of County Bonis. KJflTICF Is hereby given to the holders of ' me loiiowing recited bonus or I-.IU county to present said bonds to the ( 'ountv Treasurer for payment on or before MONDAY, NOV. ii. 1. as the Interest thereon will ceuee on that day, via. : Nob. 1 and 2, each fSOft. Ni. S, 4, r, 6, 7, K. M,l 11. 12. 13, 14, 15. 16, 17. 18. 19, '20. 21, 22 and 1. each 8100. Nos. 6tl unil fit, Issued to .1. W. Slmonton, eachl,0ii0. N. s. 70 and 73, Itsuod to J. W. Hlmouton, envh MOO. Nob iil und 45, Issued to M. E. Olmsted, each KI.OiK). Nos. 00, 71 und 77, Issued to M. E. Olmsted, each $';iMJ. Nos. 21, 21, 27, 29. 30, 31, 82M. 31, 35, 30, 37, 3S. 40 and 41, each 1KI. Nos, 4-1 and 44. eucb fHiO. Nos. Ii. 47 and (H, each IKK). Notice Is alsp hereby given to the holders of the following recited bonds of Elk county to present said bond to tbe County Treasurer Cor payment ou or before Vv KDNFXDA Y, DEC. V, 112, as the Interest Uiereou will cease on thatdav. vlx.: Nos. 78, 7H and 80, each tlOO. Nos. 82 and Kl, each SOOO. Nos. 81, 85.80, 87, 88, 8,'i and 90, eaohJIOO. 11I11AM CAHMAN.) J. K . OAKDNKK, Co. Coiur'i. JOHN N Ik.sF.Tj, ) Attest- W. t. Iloino.s, Clerk. 28-4 w. W. ,H HYDE & CO., RIDGWAY. AGENTS Choupaud reliable, Ii. P. Mercer agent. Get yonr hom'B iiibured. 23 i a nasg Ms 8 1 I S 3 S JOHN THOMPSON (I.nte of Corsica, Ji'lferson county,) Physi cian and rnngeou, uiiice iu reur or Jiuubcu ger's Drug Htore. Hulerenoe (1. A, Jenlis, W. P. Jenks. Vtf W, l oi bett. Drs, Lawsun. lla'inen mid ('. M MaUnn ; of Uroukvlllii; Dr. Hi own, of Tiuy It. ItUlolsoU, StlttlUlllVlllB. copios by mail, 10 cents. coalers. Address, Jlunn & Co., publishers of Bcien tine Anioiioau, 261 Broadwav, New York. nnndbook i hout patentu mailed free. PERFECTION STOCK TANK. "TTTATER-TIOHT AND FROST-PROOF. Theeo V V 'Junks are conntructoil of thruo-lnch lumber, selected Micuigaa pine, ana an Htl4 togetliur with iuiproved Lug hoops so arranged that they can bo drawn up with a common wrench. Whwi coverel with two thicknesses of common fencing (with lar board between), they are made frost-proof. We are large manufacturers of railroad tanks, aud apply tha Binio i-rliiciples and material to the construction of these stock tanks that we embody In our railroad work. All tanks are set tip, pieces marked, then knocked down and crated for shipment UF C1UJAP RATES OF FREIGHT SECURED. . - .-j,. BIKUH. 31ft. stave. 8ft. bottom. Capacity 82 bhla. A 1 or, I It 11 II It It 3, It it it 2 ' ti tt gQ tt H. B. GREEN, AVholcsule Grocer, Kindlaud, O. "I sutlered for a years with lame back nnd In three weeks periniiiii-ntly'eured hy wear ing one of Prof. Oullmette's Liver Pads." B. F. KEE.SLING, M. 1). Driiirgiat, Lofrmisiiort, Ind. When sending In an order for Kiduey Piiil.--. writes: "1 wore one of the llrst ones i-I i:d and 1 received more benefit from it than iiuylhlng I every used. Iu fact tho l'n N . Ive belter general satisfaction than any K.dney remedy we ever sold." UA V & SHOEMAKER, Di'tijrirists, I luimilial, Mo. "V.'e aro working up a lively trade In' yom Pud.-, ;uid arc beiii'lng of gt,id resullH from tliein every day.'1 TlionsandH of graves arc uiinunlly rohlit-i I nft heir victims, lives prolonged liai:i.iin'ss and health restored hy tho ue of Ihe great GERIIAU INVIGORATOR whiclnoHltively and preniancntly tuns Iinjioteiicy (caused by excesses of any kind), Seminal weakness, and all dis eases that follows as a sequence of Self-Abuse, as loss of energy, loss of memory, universal latitude, pain iu tho back,idimness of vision, premature old age, and many other diseases that lead to insanity or consumption aud a premature grave Send for circulars with testimonials free by mail. The IN VIG ORATOR is sold at $1 per box, or six boxes, for $5 by all druggists, or will be sentl for hy mail, securely sealed, on receipt of price by addressing V. J. CHENEY, Druggist, 187 Summit St., TOLEDO, OHIO. Sole Agent for the United States. The most wounderful curative rem edies of the present day, aro those that come froni;Gerniany, or at least origi nate there. The niost recent prepara tion placed upon the market in this country, is tho GREAT GERMAN laviUOKATOK, which has never been known to fail iu curing a single case of iinpotency, spermatorrhoea. weakness and all diseases resutiug from self-abuse, as nerveous debility, inability, mental anxiety, languor, lassitude, depression of spirits aud functional derangenientsofthe nervous system. For sale by druggists, or sent free by mail on receipt of the paice Jil.00 SolcAgent for the United States Send for circular. For sale by Chus. McVean, St. Marys, Pu. Anti-Freezing Iron Force Pumps. Fitted for any depth wWT nrJ marfcod to any one can pat then ECLIPSE WIND ENGINE CO. Hvi Gold McdftU tkt-u at World's Klr. V. 1L WHEELER, blanainr, UELolT. WU. MavfletarnoftboalcbTfttdEclltM Wind Eutf n,thrM-foanfcf to forty bon-powr. Hvi Gold McdaU tkt-u t World's Kirt. WU, CuUkaUl '7 Australia, 'IC 4 'oOj AUaitU, Q J. IQMuOE TAYLOR III a 113 WATER bXM NEW VOUK, re purer, better, stronger, and longer known in the market than any other article of the kiud. Are always sure and reliable, nnd never fail to insure the best mulls in cookery. Ask your procer for it and live it a tiial. Satisfaction guaranteed cr uo pay. ESTABLISHED 1844. Prof. Gnilmette's Frcncii LITER PAD. Will jxisitively cure Fever and Ague, Dumb Ague, Ague Cuke, Ililous Fever, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, and all diseases of the Liver, fcitoiuach and Blood. Trice $1.50 by mail. Hen d for Prof. Guilniette's Treatise on the Kid neys and Liver free by mail. Address FRENCH PAD CO., Toledo, Ohio. For sale by Chas. McVeun, St. Marys, Pa. ..jgtMEflMliJAM HOUSEHOLD W0EDS. ' For Sick Htomacti, bad tnete, sinking upeim Hun ji'iiiiiiai ion, r-iv wimnv on ie- For Willi L 1. 1 Aiiih.'L1Ui. TjMlfeiisi. diKHHtluu ami Ltvur t'tin!-lliit. take uu na; it never " "f mm Fur Cramp of the BumiuLt ur ii-li Pkriina 111 inrgodobua Is In fallible. M J iiOoo iu Jiuiiuiy. ijroa'saionalor ruin-J mercial I'ursuKa, need i'ltiiUi (U2zliifMaiul low&iinis. tfik uiiil uiikIv our LtMik on LaflK't, If you vinh atrfno ana U'uy, itweot breath, ch rosy tUi't'Ks ijik-i )'i .hin mlny, ll.-east;8of t' I.Wit nrut K tdnrvs Abk your druffBiat .r our j.-ui-biilol oa mm 09 G s g L'rryll,. II Obtiuru, Ohiu, prupriuturs. BtTSMtf iyflH o Ifor t:outlutluu, Llvor, KuLitj., u.ol mm