THURSDAY, OCT., 20, 1882. Grnud Ball t There will be a Grand Ball at Hyde's Opera House, on Friday evening, Nov. 3, 1S82. All are cordially Invited to at tend. Music by Miller's orchestra, Hall tickets $1. By Order of Com. Boarders Wanted. L. C. Dickinson, at west Ridgway, is prepared to take a few flrst-class boarders. Apply at his store. Several heavy frosts lately. Vote for Montgomery for Assem bly. Company H departed on mall west Tuesday last for the Bl-Ceutennlal celebration at Philadelphia. The lumber is on the ground and work commenced on E. J. Miller's new building on the west side of the court yard. A. C. Craig is now in eastern cities laying in a large stock of goods in his line. His stock of fuuey goods will be very complete. There is a dog tax in the Borough of Ridgway. From the number of dogs one sees, it would seem that the revenue from that source must be something immense. A Card. The undersigned embrace this op portunity of returning their sincere thanks to those of their friends who did so much by their sympathy aud kind offices to lighten the burden of the affliction placed upon them in the death of their only child on Sunday last. Words cannot express their gratitude, nor can anything but death obliterate the memory of the deeds of love and kindness performed in that dark hour of bereavement. M. S. Kline, Carrie V. Kline, A DccriC'aptiircd. On Sundny last a deer ran into the clearing at Laurel Mill. All hands at once turned out, and it was but a short time before the nimble-footed animal was captured. It seemed bewildered at the Humber of men and dogs which It encountered at every step. This was quite a piece of luck for the citi zens of Laurel Mill, and an unlucky thing for the poor deer, who was soon served up for the Laurel Millites' din- ner. Madden's Humpty Dumpty troupe gave au entertainment at Hyde's Opera House lost Monday evening. The audience was a large and appre ciative one, the large hull being filled Charley Madden thecelebruted clown, whom our citizens were so well pleased with, in Hillnrd's circus last year, was the chief attraction aud an enure show by himself. The entire compauy were excellent. The Slack Wire performance excited loud ap plause. The muiiicial pair are hard to beat. The Irishman's dancing and songs were tip top. The singing by Miss btowe gave great satisfaction. Chas. E. Griffln with his babies brought down the house. A terrible accident occurred at Winterburn a few days ago in which a man felled a tree upon his son In stantly killing hiru. Mr. Rudolph, . ... 1 1. t . i i t. , . ... me miner, mm icis ins sou with a family and for some reason the man .. ... ...1 I,. ,..),.. ii, 1 l , , 1 1 , Biaiicu w iuivu tuu uoy iu uis miner in the woods. Rudolph was busy felling a tree, aud was not aware of their ap proach, and when it fell he made the fearful discovery that he hud killed his son. The man who had acconmn- nled the boy barely cleaned sluu-intr the same fate. The boy was a bright r..ll 1-- .. i . . nine iruuw imiy iiooui seven years of age. urijiwuiuu, uuzcue. Justices of the Peace have a right on iiieir own personal view to cause the arrest of an v person violating the Baooaiu or indulging in tbeuseof pro fane luiitruuire. and line him or her Re cording to the provisions of the act of Assembly in such case made aud pro vided. They are not obliged to wait lor iniormuuon to be made before them. They are conservators of the public peace and can institute summary pro ceedings against Sabbath breakers and persons using profane language. We tnluK our Justices must be botli blind add deaf, as the amount of Sabbath breakers in this place are numberless. DuBoia Courier. ii is now announced mat the gross receipts of the Post OHloe Department for the last fiscal year were more than five millions greater than those of the previous year. Auditor Ela believes that when the returns of expendit ures have been ascertained there will be found a neat revenue for that year of a million dollars. It is well known that the Post Office receipts still con tinue to increase very fast, so that it Is fair to presume not only that no ap propriation at all will bo required from Congress next winter, but that the end of next June will see a sur plus of several millions, which the Department will not know what to do with. Shall this be left to excite the cupidity of the star route aud oilier thieves, or shall letter postage be reduced to two cents? JVew York Sun. Elk County 8. S. Association. A Sabbath school service will be held at Dagus Mines Saturday after noon and evening, Oct. 28t'!i, under the auspices. of the Elk County S. S. Association. A young people's meeting, concert exercises, addresses, followed by a dis cussion on the question, "How shall we uttract scholars to the Sabbath School?" livening service of praise and ser mon or addresses. A cordial Invitation Is extended to all. To be conducted by Rev. R. Crit 1t mh'ii, of Bellefonte, Pa. Personal. Barney Mullin now has his new house painted. J. W. Morgester expects to com meuce laying brick in a few days. L. C. Horton, of Brockport, was in town on Tuesday. Emmctt Hovencamp, of Highland was in town Monday and Tuesday. Hon. J. L. Brown, daughter aud niece, of Wilcox, attended the Demo erotic rally at the court house last Frl day evening, A. R. Chapln aud Ed. Nlver, of Brockwayvllle, were in Rldgway on Monday, euroute for the Bi-Ceuteunial celebration at Philadelphia. A couple of young men employed on the Ridgway & Clearfield railroad were out in the woods last Sunday and lost their way. They succeeded In finding themselves, though a little late for supper. M.S. Kline aud wifehave the sympathy of the entire community in the death of their littlejlboy which took place on Sunday&uorning last, The child was little more thanja year old, and had been sick but four days. The fuueral took place on Thursday and was largely attended. BIRTH. Wilson On Monday, Oct. 0, 1882, to Mr. ana Mrs. . . Wilson, of this place a daughter. And sergeant wnson is as nappy as a clam at high tide. MAKKIED. Kcester Wilcox On Tuesday. Oct. 19, 1882 .Mr. Ernest H. Kcester to Miss Ida A. Wilcox, ail of Brad ford. Obituary. Kline. On Sunday, October 22, 1882, oi cnoiera l man turn, John Jay, son of M. S. and Carrie V. Kline, aged 1 year, 4 months, 17 days. Baby is dead. Yes, it is too true. " 'Tis well with the child," we know. Little Jay needs notour tears nor pity, Safe in the arms of Jesus," what more could we ask? But the aching hearts left behind. The lovinc mother. fond father, aud dear graudparents; to these with streaming eyes and teu- derest sympathy we would say, "God's will be done." Jay was a remarkably bright and beautiful child. Sick ouTv since last Wednesday, it does not seem possible, that to-day we have laid his dear little form in the dark tomb. The cher ished treasure of his home, the almost idolized pet of grandma; yet 'twas God that said, "Bring me the child." And although the little dimpled hand will no longer lap on the window, and the sweet voice call "Drama," your little one waits at heaven's window, a bright beacon light for your tired feet, when they shall "Crossthe river,"aud angels' voices welcome you home. II mutters not Die time When wo sliull end our pilgrimage below: Whether In youth's bright morn, or man- hood's prime. Or when the frogtofiige boa whltcued o'er our brow. The child has blossomed ftxlr, And looked so lovely on Its mother's breast. The source of many a hope and many a prayer. Why murmur that It sleeps when all at last moyrcstT Snatched from a world of woe. Where they must suller most -who longest aweii. It vanished like a flake of early enow, That melts Into the sea, puro us fr;m heaven It foil. The youth whose pulse beats hlpfh. j-.utfer through glory's brilliant course to run, Why should we shed n tear or breathe a Blgli, That the bright goal Is gained tho prize thus curiy won I Yes, all, wo know, must die. Since none can tell tho exact appointed hour, W hy need It cost the virtuous heart a sigh. Whether death doth crush the oak, or nip me opening nower." Oct. 21, 11!. A. M. B. Offices Offered Stewart. Wellsboko, October 20. Senator Mitchell, in introducing Senator Stew art to the audience at the mass meeting uere yesterday, spoke as follows hi ref erence to the charges that Mr. Stewart had sought office from the general gov ernment : Mr. Stewart has been elm rtrnA will. self-seeking and thirst for office. I de sire to say here that, while his name was meuuoneu in connection with a prominent place in the diplomatic ser vice of l.htt l.nvprnniint It ,.,...!.. ------ ".j ib nan nuiii v at the suggestion of his friends, aud never did he solicit the interference or influence of myself or mv colloamie In connection with anv office or position for himself. Indeed, it is within my own knowledge that, without sugges tion from himself or friends, he was tendered positions in the service, which he declined because of his un willingness to accent office from tlw appointing power." Independent Republicans, Hold a jxiaas mooting. At the court house on Thursday night last week, Maj. Merrick, of Wellsboro, Independent Republican candidate for Secretary of I Affairs, and A. M. Martiu. of Lan caster, addressed a good'sized audieuco on the issues of the day. 1 ho meeting was organized bv the election of C. E. Holiday as Chainuuu. Mr. Holiday took the chair, made a pleasant little speech, In which he touched on tome important points of tho eauipuign, he then thanked the audience for his election as chairman. A long list of prominent citizens. throughout the county were named us Vice Presidents. Also a number of Secretaries were chosen. Mr. Martin addressed the nieetinir first aud was followed by Mai. Mer rick. Demand it, and take no other iron preparation except Brown's Iron Bit ters. It Is the best. Baking powder freshly mude twice week at Day's drug store. Democratic Pow Yfow. At tho court house on Friday even ing last the Democracy of Elk county held a large and cntnusiastlc meeting. Brass bands were at the meeting, one from St. Mary's and one from Dngus Mines. A special train brought a large delegation from St. Mary's. The court house was packed. E. J. Miller was chosen chairman, and In a few well chosen remarks thanked the audience for th honor which they had conferred on him. A long list of vice presidents was read by C. H. M'Cauley. G. C. Brandon and W. C. Healy were elected secretaries. President Miller introduced the ora tor of the evening, A. G. Curtiu. M r. Curtiu made a speech which those who do not agree with him In many par ticulars are willing to acknowledge was au effort worthy the fame of the old war Governor. - Many things he said were true from all standpoints. Many times he was interrupted with applause, so that he could scarcely proceed. He said of Stewart, the In dependent candidate for Governor, He is the peer of any man in the I Stale, both as to natural abilites and in culture." Mr. Curtiu was listened to with rapt attention throughout his remarks. After Curtiu came tue delegc, Or S. T. B. And he spouted, With windy, windy, windy words. Gesticulated with unheard of antics, Like unto an ape in dire agony. The audieuce came near Takiug pity on him, and putting him out of misery by shooting. All he said was froth. There were ladies in tho audience, And the Silly-Tougued Bloat know it not. He told dirty stories, Filthy as rot, Until ladies withdrew indignant, And men could scarce refrain from hissing him to scorn, And yet he knew not common de cency, But blatted and blatted. Shame, shame, O! shame, That such an one should follow Curtin's manly effort. And yet S. T. U. survives ; Not on the principle that the fittest should survive. But that it takes all kinds of people to make a world. O! shame, S. T. B. But that you were Democrat We should assail you more, For if that party can stand you and live It's none of our funeral, But we'd hate to be a Democratic party, That's all. The Jicxt National Senate. Philadelphia Press. Some of our esteemed contempora- ies see in the Ohio election and the division among Republicans elsewhere grounds for anticipating not only that the next House, but the next Senate as well, will be Democratic. The gain )f eight eongressinem by the Domo rats In Ohio undoubtedly favors the (inclusion that that party will control the next National House of Representa tives. The Senate, however, chanires lowly, and there are no new senators to be chosen this year In Ohio, Penn sylvania or New York, the three States which Republican disaffection gives the Democracy a transient strength. The Republicans have al ready lost one senator in the person of Kellogg, of Louisanu, who will bosuo ceeded after March 3 next by Randall L. Gibson. This, however, is offset by the election of Riddleborger in the place of Johnston, of Virginia, as lie will undoubtedly follow the example of Mahoneand act with tho Republi cans. '1 his would maintain the tie if the other Republicans senators 'whose terms expire next March are suc ceeded by those of like faith, but the election of a Republican Legislature in Oregon Insures the choice of a Re publican senator in placo of Mr. Grover. This will make thirty-eight Republicans, two Readjustee and thirty six Democrats in the next Senate, unless the Republicans meet with some unexpected losses. The senators of tbatpiyty, besides Kellogg, whose term expires next March, ure Chilcott, of Colorado; McDill, of Iowa; Plumb, of Kansas; Frye, of Maine; Hoar, of Massachusetts; Ferry, of Michigan; Windom, of Minnesota; Saunders of Nebraska; Rollins, of New Hampshire, and Anthony, of Rhode Island. The last named sena tor has already been re-elected, and Wilson, Republican, chosen to suc ceed McDill. The September election in Maine insures a Republican from that State, while the chum of the Democrats capturing the Legislature of Colorado, Kansas, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska or New Hampshire, are not very great. Tho Republicans, on the contrary, have a fair prospect of .choosing sena tors of their own party from both New Jersey aud Illinois to succeed John R. McPtiersou and David Davis. The Judgeship. Cameron Press. The judicial coufeience, which has been In a "dead-lock" for the past four weeks came to a close lawt Saluiday by the withdrawal of S. F. Wilson from the contebt. Two of the Tioa dele gates voted for A. G. Olmsted, thus nominating him on tho 832 ballot. Messrs. Wilson and Smiley appeured before the conference and la neat speeches indorsed the nomination and pledged their support. The end of this "dead-lock" is hailed with delight by all good Republicans. The nomina tion of Mr. Olmstead Insures bis elec tion. He is well and favorably known throughout the district us a lawyer of large experience and has for years oc cupied a front runk in his profession. Ills election is a foregone conclusion. CONGRESSIONAL CONFERENCE, The Republican Conrerence of the 20th Congressional District met at Bellefonte, on Tuesday, the 10th Inst., and organized by the election of Gen. J. Irvin Gregg, chairman, aud M. J Watt, Esq., Sec'y. Samuel II. Or wig, of Union Co. was unniiPnously nominated us the candidate for Congress. MK. ORWia'8 NOTIFICATION. Belleronte, Pa., lOlh Oct., '82. Hon. Samuel H. Orwig; Dear Sir We beg leave to Inform you that, nt a meeting of the Republican Congres sional Conference of the 20th Con gressionul District, composed of the counties of Union, Clinton, Clearfield, venire, rm anil . m limn, you were unanimously elected tho nominee of the Republican party iu said district for Congress. Very respectfully, Your Obedient Servants, J. Irvin Giuxki, Chairman. M. J. Watt. Secretary. MB. ORWIG'S LETTER OK ACCEPTANCE. Lewipbuiki, Oct. 13. '82. Gen. J. Tiivin Gmxio, Chairuiau. 1 M. J. WATT, Esq., S'C'y, I Republican Conference, 1:0th Congressional District. J Gentlemen: Yourletteraf the Kith Inst, is received, informing me that, at a meeting of tho Republican Congres sional Conference of the Twentieth Congressional district, composed of the counties of Union, Centre, Clearfield, Clinton, Elk and Mifflin, I was unan imously chosen the nominee of the Republican party in said district for Congress. The six counties included in this district embrace a portion of the State iu which agriculture, nuuiufucturiug and mining are leading industries; and a frugal, industrious and happy people pursue their several avocations measurably undisturbed by political agitation. Democrats and Republi cans alike, ure interested in, and de mand, good government, and a just and economical use of political power in whosesover hands tho same may be placed. Their devotion to the Union was manifested when rebellion threat ened its destruction; and from almost every farm, workshop, mine and forest the bravest and the best went forth to oiler their lives on the altar of their country. It would be a high honor to repre sent so industrious, intelligent and pa triotic a constituency in the Congress of the United States; and, if elected, whatever of ability or energy I have would be devoted to a faithful dis charge of the duties of the office. It will bo the imperative duly of your representative In Congress to la bor zealously not only for the reduc tion of public expenditures tut for a return to a system of severe economy. A juvt complaint at this time is that more revenue is assessed upon aud col lected from the people than is required for the proper demands of government. A plethoric public treasury begets needless extravagance in expenditures, and, as a consequence, useless offices are created, and the public revenue is largely appropriated to the payment of salaries to ollieials, whose services, like their salaries, are a burden, and only a burden upon the people. The system of Internal Revenue needs thorough revision. The system which brings revenue into tho treasury aud at the same time brings a just reward to labor aud the products of the mine. the factory and farm, Is the protective tariff. 1 recognize the fact that former elec tions indicate that thedistrict is largely Democratic, aud that my distinguished competitor has attained high honors in both political purties; and, while I sin cerely hoped that this nomination might bo conferred upon someono bet ter qualified, I do not feel at liU rty to dechuo the call, aud submit the mutter of election to the voters of the district. Very respectfully, Samuel H. Ouwio. Fight With u Catamount. an adventure of a huntkh in the WOODS OF l'IKE A NARROW EijCA I'E. Willsonville, Oct. 18. On Friday last as William Cosnir and his cousin, Abner West, aged respectively twenty and eighteen years, were (raveling the wooi in in this vicinity in search of game they heard a cry similar to that of a child, coining as they supposed, from u small thicket, and concluded to Investigate. Cosner started urouiul this thicket In one way and West went tho other. The latter had not gone more than thirty feet when he espied a large catamount in u tree di rectly over Ids head. Before he had time to bring his gun to his shoulder Cosner, who had also seen the same object, fired, but his gun being loaded with fine shot, only enraged tho ani mal, which sprung upon West befon he could get from under (he tree. A tussle domed, und Cosher coming to the rescue, shot the beast with his re volver. West was pretty severely scratched, ami bud his clothes nearly torn from his body, but escaped with out serious injury. The animal meas ured a little over four feet from tip to tip. Millions Given Away. Millions of Bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, have been given away us Trial Bottles of the lurge size. This enormous outlay would be dis astrous to thefproprietors, were it not. for the rare merits possessed by this wonderful medicine. Ciill ut G. G. Messenger's Drug Store, und get a Triul Bottle free, und try for yourself. It never fulls to cure. Wmamaker & . Brown's, Fall samples are on hand now. Cull und examine whether you wunt to pur chase nr.iint. S A. Ki te, agent. List of Jurors. Below will be found a list of jurors drawn for the November term of court, commencing on Monday, the 20th : GRAND JURORS. Benezette- B. E. Morcy, John Mul roy, Dennis Taylor. Benzingcr Nicholas Kronen wetter. Fox Jeremiah A. Hern, Win. E. Hewitt, R. T. Kyler, Win. Callahan. Highland II. O. Ellithorp. Horton Adelbort Bundy, Theodore Jones George Sowers. Ridgway Borough G. R. Wood ward, Win. M. Sweet, Henry A. Par sous, Jr. Ridgway Township II. E Decker, Isaac Avery. John I). Median. Spring Creek Jeremiah Elliott, Peter (iainor. St. Mary's Michael Frv, Bernard Flctterman, Edward M Bride, Frank Vornbaum. traverse jurors Benezette Win. Derr. Bi.iizinger Anton Munich, George Nissel, Anthony Scifreld.'John Kleix ner, John Snvder. Fox Adolphus Gardner, E. T. Wil lining, Pasco Shaver, Lorence Mohan. Jr., Ralph Bell, Joseph Schoobcrl, Nicholas Anker. Horton Fred. Kay winkle, Chaun cey Brock way, James Phalen. Jay Win. F. Clyde, Armel Turlcy. Jones George Dill, John C. Dever cau, G. A. Jacobson, Peter Meyers. Millstone G. D. Donahey. Ridgway Borough S. W. Miles, John Walnislcy. Uidgwny Township Peter Gulnac, John VuuOrsdull, John P. Decker, George Gahn, David Ittle, James Rickard. Spring Creek James Davidson, Pe ter ilildcbratid, Minim Elsciimnn. St. Mary's Charles McVcan, Joseph Deitz. List of Following Is the list of causes set down for trial tit the November term of court, commencing Monday, Nov. zi. in, : 1. Ellas Mover vs. J. S. Hyde. No. 2.1, January term, 1SH0. c. Angeli Bogtuno vs. Antonio Iiog- (uno. No. 3H, January term, lfSO. 1. Jerome Powell vs. Geo. Procious. No. 51, May term, 1881. 4. Geo. II. Everett vs. Henrv f-'tein- hilpi r. No. US, May term, lS-tl . o. James r-. Urevcs, assignee, &c, vs Michael Weidert. No. 8, Jan. term, 1SH2. d. R. M. Painter vs. Gust Loebman et al. No. January term. WVZ. 7. Jacob M'Cauley vs. Peter J. M' Maun ft al. No. Pi, May term, ls2. 8. T. J. Shufler vs. Thomas Tosier. No. 75, Mav term, 1SS2. !. B. T. Sherwood vs. Geo. H. Ev erett et al. No. 81, Mav term. 1882. FiiED. Sciuenino Clerk (. S. Elk Comity Court Proclamation. WHEREAS, the Hon. Win. D. Brown, President, Geo. Ed. Weis uml G. G. Messenger, Associate Judges of met. nun oi common Picas, and Jus tices of the Common i'leas. aud Jus tices of the Court of Ouurter Session. and Orphans' Court, and Couit of Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery, lor the trial of ciinitsil and other obelises in the County of Elk hy their precepts to me directed, have ordered a Court of Common Pleas, a Court of Quarter Sessions, Orphans' Court of Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery, to be holden at Jtmgwuy, in and lor said county ot Elk on the THIRD MONDAY IN NOVEMBER, lSi-2, being the 20th day of the month, to continue one week. Notice is hereby given to the oroner. Justices of tho Peace ami Constables of Elk county, that they are !y these presents commanded to oe men iiiiu mere in meir proper per sons, at lo o'clock A. m. of said day, with their rolls, recouis and inquisi tious, and other rembcrances, to do those things which to their offices ap pertain tube done, aud thatjill Jus tices of said county make returnsof all recognizances entered into before them to the Clerk of the Courts, as per Act of Assembly passed May 8th, l'-jo-i, and those who are bound by their recog nizances, to prosecute "the prisoners that arc or shall be in the jail of the said county of Elk, inid'tlieu and there to pinsecute against them as shall be just. THOMAS SULLIVAN, Sheriff". October 20th, 1882. ritANic j..ih:s surrender. AGENTS WANTED for the Illus trated Lives and Adventures of Frank and Jesse James and the Younger Brothers, the noted Western Outlaws. By Hon. J. A. Dacus, Ph. D. A. true and thrilling account of their bold op erations for 20 years. In as many States and Territories, with graphic descrip tions of the death of Jesse, the sur rmder of Frank, and- the preliminar ies of his trials on u score of Indict ments for Murder and Highway Rob bery. Profusely illustrated, with en gruvings of the outlaws as boys and men, their young wives and little chil dren, the turd boys and 00 other en graved from actual photographs. A Bonanza for Agents ! Send for full particulars aud be convinced that Ibis is the most siilableand profit able book published, or, to save tliW, send oil cis. ut once for canvassing book and state your choice of town ship. Outfit and sample copy sent (repaid for $1.30. Address, N. D. I'lK wi'SON & Co., Publishers, N. W. Cor. 8th and Broadway, New York. Ridg way Lodge No. lifi'J, I. O. of O. F. meets every Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock in their hull over the post office. HOW LOST, EOW RESTORED. Just published, u new editon of Dr. CulverweU's Celebrated EsSlI Villi I I lt radical cm c ot Spcrmuiorrhoj'or Semi- inn Yf-eKns, involuntary Seminal Losses Impotency, Mental "and Phyi cul Incapacity, Impediments to Mar riage, etc.; also, Consumption, Epil epsy aud fits induced by self-indulgence or sexual extravagance, fec. The celebrated author, in this ad miruble Essay, clearly demonstrates, from' a thirty years' succebsfui practice Unit the ularmiug conseouencti r self-ubuse may be radically cured: pointing out u mode of cure at on. simple, certain. audeiTectual, by means of which every suftbrer. no mHituv what h.'a condition mav bo nmv in himself cheaply, privately, und raet cally. Ifcif This Lecture should be in the hands of every youth und every man in the hind. Sent under seal in u i.l.d 11 rnvnlnnn to any address. uohI-ohUL on rr-....ini ,, six centu or .two postage stamps. , Address, UIE CULVDKWEEL Mnii r ',. " 41 Ann St., Mew York. N. Y.: 1W Office Box, 4jo. Here We Arc. Masonic Hall Building ready losup ply you with anything iu the line of Stoves, Hardware, Tin ware, Lump goods Ac, Leave your orders for tin ware, stove reparlng Ac, as usual they will receive prompt attention. W. S. Service, agent Buoklon's Arnica Salvo. The best Salve iu the world for Cuts, Bruises, Bums, Sores, Ulcers. Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Chapped Hand?, Chilblains, Corns, and nil Skin Eriij lions, and positively cures Piles. It is guaranteed lo givo perfect sutisfac Hon or money refunded. Price 20 cents per box. For sale by G. G. Messenger. Almost every store in the country has on Its counter, a show case of Dr. Day's medicines. By a glance at the display, it will be seen that direct HCt- ing reined ics are ollcred for many every day com plaints, and as fhev are all the results of study and experience, their worth may be relied on. Dr. Day's Liver Pills are taken iu a different way from any other piil, and only a trial Is needed to move their great superiority in all cases of liver compliant and constipation. Dr. Day's Cold Medicine has great power over colds and sore throat, und persons subject to rjuinsy Hied not have their tonsils break if they take this remedy iu time. Tho show ease contains a number of others, but special attention is called to Dr. Day's Cure for Piles, as having a greater curative Influence over the parts implicated, than any other medi cine known. NOTICE. Cohen, Pro. & Brownstelne, proprie tors of the New York store, would re spectfully announce to the public that the report that has been circulated of lute iu regard to their reinovul from towu is not true. On the contrary, we are here, und expect to" remain iu Ridgway a good many years and con tinue to sell goods ctcajjer than ever. Our stock is new and complete all. the latest novelties iu the market. Call aud examine our stock and be convinced that we ureheadipmrlcrs for dry goods, clothing, hats, cups, boots, shoes, etc. We will be able to cjuoto you prices in a week or two. Our stock is full and complete in all its branches. CoiiEN, Buo. & Bkowesteine, Proprietors. In the Court of Common J'teas for the Count! of Elk, A'ov. Term, 382. Notice is hereby given that an ap plication will bo inudo to the said Court on Thursday, Nov. 2", A. D. 1882, ut Ridgway, Ph., .under the act of Assembly of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act to provide for the Incorparutioti and Regulation of certain Corporations" approved April 211, 1874, and the sup plements thereto, for the Charter of an intended Corporation to be called 'First Congregational Cuureh of Ridgway, Ph.," the character and object whereol is the support of public worship, the support of any beuevo ion, charitable, ei;ucation;i"l, or mis sionary undi'i'!ul.-iiig, and for there purposes to have, possess and injov all the rights, benefits, und priv ileges of t he s.tid Act of Assembly und its supplements. W. S. HamiiLen, Solicitor. Est ray Notice. Came lo the premises of the sub scriber about five weeks agon large while und red spotted eow, with large horns, about eight or nine years of age The owner is hereby notified to coine forward, prove properly and pay alt charges or she v, iil be disposed of ac cording to law. Apply to O.; ri:n, Ridgway P. O., or at my farm three miles from Kidgway. oc2d Ot Notice. Is bereliv i.-iven fli--f T I liiil,..!! student-lit law, registered with Hall fc McCauley, Esip, -bus filed his ap plication forexumiiiution for admission to practice as an attorney of the courts of Elk county with the Secretary of the Board of Examiners. ml Unit the said bourd will meet nt their room lu tho Court House, Rid'.rwny, on Monday, the 20th day of November next., lit 7 n'cloek i r fni it... .n. ' ' ' ", j.ui- pose of examining said applicant. r.j. jv. ui-mi, iecrelary. Ridgway, Oct. 13, li?,S2. 3t. FLORAL PLOJt.Y'i'lON.S. Taste, Beauty and Style unexcelled, attention given to tho proper arrange ment of Flowers, liompiets, baskets and Designs prepared iu tho most artistic Uii.uner at moderate prices ami sent safely by evpiuss. Catalogue.-! free to, Address. Harry Chaai fl, ' Decor; live Florist," Williniuspoit, Pn. STILL LEADS THE WORLD. 60,000 IN USE I XJmea Ordlnury Ueraaene. Bales and Cooks Equal t9 aay Cook ttovs. SEND FOR NEW CIRCULAR. MEIiS, OSttORN & CO., OLe MANUFACTURERS, OIiWVBIjAMI), OHIO, ffeitern Breach, 42 LiKB 8'fUEKr, tilll Al.0. CALL ON OU5t LOCAL A CENT. . hi . Luy 's iluite nod Cattle Pov d..r is uncijualed for bad biuo.l, po.., GOLDEN STIR OIL STOVE 3 ELECTION PROCLAMATION. Whereas. In and by the 13, section of the Act of General Assembly of Penn sylvania, passed July 2, 1859, entitled "Au act relating to theelectlonsof the commonwealth,'' It is enjoined on the sheriff of every county to glVe notice Of such elections to be held,- aha to enumerate in such notice what offi cers h re to bo elected. In pursufance thereof, I, Thomas Su'livan, High: 8herifl of the county of Klk.drt there fore make known mid give the public notice to the electors of said county of Klk.thutii general election will be held in said county, on TUESDAY, NOV F.M PER 7, 1882, lit being (he first Tuesday of the month) for the purpose of electing Ill's following ollleers to wit; . , One person for (lovtrnor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. One person for Lieutenant Governor of the Common wealth of Pennsylva nia. One person for Hupreme Judge of tho Common wealth of Pennsylvania. One person for Secretary of Internal at fairs of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania. One person for Congressman -at-Lurgu for the Common wealth of Penn sylvania, One person for Congress to represent the counties of Union, Clearfield, Clinton, Klk, Mifflin und Centre, com posing the tweutieth Congressional district of tho Common wealth" of Pennsylvania. One person for State Senator to f(J resent the counties of Cameron, Elki Clarion and Forest, composing the Thirty-eight Senatorial district of the' Common wealth of Pennsylvania. One person for Itcprcsentative td the .Legislature from the county of El k. One person for District Attorney fof the county of Elk. One person for Surveyor of the county of Elk. 1 wo persons for Jury Commission ers for the county of Elk. Each elector oeiug privileged to vote for one. And the qualified electors of the' county of Elk will hold their elections in uie several districts as follows; Benezette towushin ut the house 6f Eliziibefli Winslow. Hen.inirer towushin. nt the school house on Michael street, near the El 1c creek bridge. t'ox township, at the Centreville school house. Highland township, at the house of Levi Elithorpe. ' Horton township, at the Scliool house near D. C. Oyster's hotel. Jay towushin, at the house of Alfred Pearsall. Jones township, at tho Wilcox Tan ninir and Lumber Co's otltce. . Millstone township, at the house of Henry Derr, at Hai r's dam. itniirway towushin. ut the court house. Itidnway botouirh. at the Court house. Kolfe election district, ut the store of E. W. Rolfc & Co. Spring Creek township, at the house of Thomas Irwin. St. Marys borough ut tho town hull. I also make known the following: An act rcgulutiuc the mode of vot ing at elections in the several counties' ot this commonwealth, unproved March 80th, 1.S60. Suction 1. lie it enacted, etc. t That the qualified Voters of the several counties of the commonwealth, at tho general township, borough and special elections, ure hereby hercufter authori zed and ren uircd to vote bv tickets' printed or written, or partly written1 and partly printed severally classified as follows: One ticket snail embrace the names of all judtrcs of courts voted for, and to be labeled outside "Judici ary, one ticket shall embrace tho mimes of nil the state ollleers to be voted for, and be labeled "State;" ono ticket shiill embrace the names of nil county officers voted for, including the cilice of Senator and members of Assembly, if voted for, and members of Congress if voted for nud shall bo labeled "County," etc.. and each class shall be deposited In separate ballot oo:ies. I also make known and trive notice us in and by the 15Lh section of afore said act Unit livery person except justice of the pence wnosnall liol.i any nince of ap pointment of profit or trust under the government of the United States, or of any city or incorporated district whether a commissioned officer or otherwise, u subordMiflc oi'iVoer or iui nt, who shall bo s.i-:pkved under the hrislalive, executive or Judicial departments of this St:ite, or the U lined f-r.ites or ot iiiiv citv or incor porated district, arid nlso anv member of Congress orof the State legislature, und of the select und common council of any city, commissioners of any in corporated district, is incnpnhle of holdiugorcxercisiugut the same tinio' thcohicer or appointment of judge, inspector or clerk, of any election of lh; coiunionwfcnlili and ho insnectot. Judge or any other otticer of such elec tion sliali be eligible to be Voted for. Also in tlie fourth section of the act of assembly entitled "An act relutim lo elections and other purposes,'' ap proved April 7, 1Hi;(i, it is enacted thiit the Nth sect hill siuil! be so eoiistrur-tetf is to prevent i'liy militia or horouuh ollleers from' wrvim us Judac. iu- neetor or clerk, ut any cenirid or" .-ji-ciu! election hi f bis commonwealth i'ur.siiuiii to tlie provisions contained in the Uiii section of the act lust afore suid. the return, IuihteH of the aforesaid, district liviugw -it bin t wel vend tesof the' pioin.Mioiar.v's olllce or withm twenty tour miles, if their residence be irf h lim ii, village or city upon tlie line of u railroad leiuliii"; to the count v sent. hull before two o'clock, post meredimt of the duy after the election and nil oliier Judges shall before 1 welve o'clock iiieredoiu ot the second day after elec tion, deliver said return together with re HUM siicct, to tnc l;roihonotnrv of ihe. court of common ulcus of VAU county ut Itidgway. L ulso muku known tlie following section of an uct approved th ""Hh day of January, A. D. 1S74, enti i "A urtuer supplement to the act . jgulut ng elections iu this common weultli, Sl-:C. 5. At ttll elections hercift.-r held under the laws of this couimon- wcultn, the polls shall be onened at. 7 o'clock a. m. and close ut 7 o'clock r,. m. Bkc. 0. A t all elections b v the oil i shull be by ballot; every ballot shull be numbered in the order in which it shall bo received, und the number re corded by tho clerks on the list of vo ters opposite the name of the efector from whom received. And any voter voting two or more tickets, the several tickets so voted shull be llumhfipil with tho number corresnoiulm.- unin the number of the name of the vote. Any elector mav Ht bU .,,, upon hW ticket or cause the same to be wrnieu mereon. Given under my hand ut Ridgway, theZsth day of September, iu tho of our Lord one thousand eight Inin divd und ciuhtj -two and of the inde pendence of tha United Stales the ono liuaoied and sixth. THOMAS SULLIVAN, Khtri.r, SlIKKIFK'S OFKK 1'., Ridgway, Pa., Sept. r'.-j, isJ.