Co Henry A. rnr.xnns, Jr., - M I lor THURSDAY, OCT., 21, 1KS2. Entekkij AT THK lVwr-OKKK k at RlWJWAY, l'A., AS SIX'ONI) :i,A8d MAlt. M AT i Kit. - KEFliWJCAN STATU TICKET., For Governor, JAM KM A. I'.F.AVKH. of Centre County. For Lieutenant-Governor, W. T. DA V IKS. of Hradfonl Comity, For Judge of the Supreme Court, .WILLIAM HENRY UAWLE. of 1'hihtdilphhi. For Seen-lnry of Intcriinl Affair. JOHN M. (HIE EH. . Ot Liltlc!'. For ( 'on :ri'c"ti i;i n -:t -La nro. MARRIOTT I1KOSIUS, of Lancaster. Republican County Ticket. For Assembly 0. M. Montgomery, of Wilcox. For Jury Commissioner J. V. Ron nei t. of Jones. Fatal Accident to William Splain. McKcan Minor. Tuesday morning William Splain, a well known ami highly esteemed resi deut of Newell's Creek, near the Catlio lie ehureli, and two of the Masteson boy a had been to Eldrod and were re turning, and when about to turn from the main road up tho Newell oreek val ley, got Into a friendly strife in spced ing. their respective horses along the way home. Ry some accident not possible to explain, the bugjry In which Mr. Splain was scaled, was wrecked and the oecipiuU hurled to tho ground with force su:11cient to fracture bts skull, from the effect o) which the unfortunate man died at 10 o'clock the irame evening. The death of' William Splain will be fell in the neiehloiheod in which he lived, and, indeed, wherever ho was known, as he was of that generous nature which friends of nil with whom ho came in contact, : i;) neiuiilior and a:i ectori'ikOng business man. All that could he done for him wit done, but his injuries were noees sari y fatal. A large tiitnilirof friends and i tifilibois were about him when he i. led, and evhiced the ninM sincere i;(:vf at bis untimely biking off. . Three Years from Dixie. .Sial ics of l ho War. At council of officers called by Stonc '.vell Jackson it was rcnabed that ajni' was wounded ami would be mmh'o hi do the duty assigned him. 'Womuk-dt-'.-.tiid Jv-Usmi :. 'if 'I re'r ly is I think it !u:it ha ;. bc-n by an uceiduli ti'.l iH.-ji'l''5'i; oi'dlltv." Aii.'on;:' t'ie troops in Wealeru Vir ginia f-toiii - about the Philiipi ailair foiiiii d u staple of eon versat'on. A ceiumi iiuliiiini company, almost wi rn o:it with marching, was strangling nionij with very liitle regi nl to ordtr. IImit.vIujj i'.; his men, the l.haptsjn Hlinuted: "ClC'-e :ip, boys! Vj njou, cl.ireup! li the eiiciiiy weie to fire on you w hen you i re strairgiiii;,' aleuj; Mini way they eouul't hit a d n out of you! Cloj-o up! And they closed up immcuiaiciy, flu; committee aiipointed to coTect m: r 1 l.r ( aoiiou fi r Ceiieral lleamc yard's army applied to u planter Oi A"'.a: .is county, ML-sif-sipj,!, lor his bell. Not havin:; : iicii an hi tide, he men tioned it lo bis w;."e, when she very patriotically oli'ca.i b'.r brass keltic. The little ones iemuired to t! e r ho, oiix of them, with a rWiii tootli, buit.i, "1m, pa, what w ill we do fcr pre: ei Ves;' ' ' My dauvhler," Fan! the was; of a I'.-.lher, "mil" wb.oli du y now Is to j r ; irve our coitii'.ry." The kettle 'v;i .-.lit. T'hcii!' VeAis of Oalh.wi j. Very from l.he ordinary run of blood and-thunder htorleri is Dr. Daeiis' authentic '' Lives ami Adven tures of Frank and Jesse James.'' With the death of Jesse aiid the sur render of Frank James, tho record of the r niai'kiibie band of outlaws whom they led pa.sses into history, where it will always form one of the most thrilling payes in American annals. As one of the editors of the rit. Louis Jlrpufilicttn and a member of the Mis souri Legislature, Dr. Uncus had every means of getting at the imiidc facts of their extraordinary careers, and even fcpetit many weeks among the friends ami family of the outlaws in Western Missouri, where ho obtained all the facts concerning their untccedeuta and anccs'.ry, and also a vant amount of In formation, it iirsi hand, concerning their numberless train and bank rob beries; their dashing raids and venge ful mui'ikis (luring the twenty years of their career in as many ritatts und Territories. Rold, dashing iiii.1 teem In ;)y reckless, thtir murveious scoiy is one of absorbing interest, yet ;0 graphically bus the talented author narrated it that the reader uever loses sight of tho gi im shadows in the back ground, reminding him that "the way of the trant.gres.-or Is hard." The de tails of the truedy which ended Jts se's ci.reer arc particularly vhid and the pen pictures of Frank as ho up peart I in tiie net lies attending 1; is Mir reuder to the Ucveruor at Jetieriion City arc ilfe-iike in tho extreme. The book contains over SiK) pages und is il-lti.-trated with 70 engraving.i, includ ing poi trails of the outlaws, their com ladcK., their wives, their children, born in outlawry, and other members of their famiiie.; portiuits of Gov. Crit tenden and the Ford boys; the home Kit ud wluru Frank and Jesse were born and rinrtil, etc. The book issold by Mibr-eriptioii ami ullbrds a rure op- poilunMy t.) agents. II is published by N. 1). Tin niptson A Co., of Xew York and St. Louis, whom) announce - Hunt u pilars ii another column. as chukimI Use j.L l5U8.L'9INO,"ml7 a flew tooJs saved from ISie iMsrnSn, my shop was tslai ted on the next day after tSe lire. Now my stock of HARDWARE, Is as near complete as the limited arriving on every train. are a specialty with me. I have on hand and on the road the beat assortment ever shown in this market, ami Friends, I need your trade at friends in. . No tronhie to show, goods, and little hsS! dro hi tovigorously "psha". business, . strength . to study" a profersioni strength to regu'.V.a a household, strength to do a day's labor with out physical pain. All this repre sents what is wanted, in the oftun heard expression, "Oh I I wish I had ths strength!".. If you are broken down, have not energy, or fee! as if lifa was hardly worth liv ing, you can be relieved and re stored to robust health and strength by taking BROWN'S IRON BIT TERS, which is a true tonic a medicine universally recommended for all wasting diseases. got N. Fremont St., Baltimore During the wr.r I was in jured in the stcmncli by a p'cee of a shell, and have suiicrcd from it ever since. About four years ago it brought on paraly sis, which kept n e in l ed six months, and the best doctors in the city said I could not live. IsuffcikJf arfully fiom indigestion, and for over twd years could not tut solid food and for a large portion of the time was unable to retidii even liquid nourishment. I toe-1 brown's lion I'.iltorsand now after taking two bottles 1 am able to get up and go around and am rapidly improving. G. Decker. BROVN'S IRON EITTER3 is a complete and sure remedy for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Malaria, Weakness and all diseases requir ing a true, reliable, non-alcoholic tonic. It enriches the blood, g've new life to the muwles and tone to the nerves. THE HULL VAPOR (V0K SWVEA THE OLDEST AND O.'.LY HelAUL!, Is the oiilv flit- Ml Wu T'i;ti nBiiii')'J THE Tfc.b'1" i--Jr7 I'M' I ItJIUfllll'.l- I W.M-H Iti iUli'JI' lidlMlUlicil. fit rii'ii'-.i t-f I i iiit Luucii., t In work hcic-' loloru uoi.w tiv tho ordinary cw,k tov.-, n l without ita luul icrahlc lieat, hooi, bdhh, en FOR SUMMER UJE THEY ARE INDISPENSABLE. M" Kiljt.Md 40ui' 1.1 uiA'iin:uu iirritoiy. .illii, . Hl.'L'w STOVf. CO., !nni.r1 .4llrii ' l-f.r. Cllllll'ltilalU. (.k v.-:,n:.., ii If MiUy removal of (lie STOVES, A N i RAILROAD "V J; 4 ? Si4 V. 'i. 1 1- jt PR!NCIPAUUNE "-ilKc onoiv'i'ii.sft LiCULSf anil Am! ml O-'J.J'KST lino to St. .Iiwvti. jv Itih In IotiuS.(tvJx;l'-'1!')n.T,1Pclta. Dent Kebraka,Mlswiurl,Kuu,S.VNNtuiitl;al.iu, GM h'ew Mtxlcu, Arlzuua, MuESjv'Ciljn, t-'lfi Qn-1 T-jxip. fljT CH X O J3L GSr Q Tt.'.t. Uuutc li&d liULup.n lir fur Albert I V,;!'j:ii. Nadubilly ruputed an ly ccncrik-a lo QJ5; IiuIlk tlio Groat liallroa.l In tho Warld lor &lLr Lino bil cliifS of trnvcl. "T? KANSAS CITY W- Tf . 7 un l!nni.nn..lla a..H Ct I'm. I It cenuuetloos matte Ualua Depots. T- tr. 'iteketBTlotliirST V) oaa you will Cclibraud Line find traveling a talcatalloffljeslnyCJN luxury, iuaiead .he U.S. x V oi it dlt- tajada. V All MA' X cuiiifurt. . r . ' Vv 'S "lieui, liutea orC Af 1 ,.:e. Slt'.-plug d.w, r '-I"-'1'.??'.',11!', f iv"." ' y ,7 - - T. J. P0TTR, PLiUfcvAL LU,feLL. SiJ- Hc Prtfi it iJ'l X'unaucr, den. iUrj. Ant, Chicago, 111. Chicago, ILL Tin y tlxo Cclcuittcil YALE & JUBILEE 0P3ANS. C..:: A oiil !.. .a ... 1. : ' l i .: ' ! i ! t..-'a,. .-.S .1 fJi -. v -4 j : , f ." 'iiiti Ef 1 Moat fVic.friit-'!, Jvr-Si., XiA II--, M -.-iC K'i:n:l ), Vo.'.t i'ertc. 1 fo-, i-eul'tr ICV'.V IIA'vN OHO AH (JO., KtitV Knvwa, Coiixu t'',aper and el'Veiopes the ot'ove nt N . ft fdieblv row, ! IS lOJilk MiuJ i 1 tl- J-ffrfzm uiu!ersinel to SUPPLIES lime would admit, and Goods are this time. Call in. any casi use It. Business Cards. A'l'TOilN 11 V-.T-b AW. Ollicc in new brick building, Mnhj street, llidgwi'.y, Elk Co., i'a. Vi'M .VTTt! KN' V T-IjA w. Main .street, Jlidgwiiy, Klk Co., a. I'lUtic'ilar ;U t': t loti iv.-u to th? ex. ttiihii. t i;i .1" title.-, ..lso to paleb'.h ami patent cases. PHYSICIAN AIID SURQSOIL Over twenty-live years practice. Ollicc on Main Street, Kidgway, Vu., opposite t:io i;o;rert Jtouse. oirlje iiour-i Horn i v. ami to , i". yl. It'. .. WILLIAMS. FHYSICIAM AME SURG ON, Coroner of Klk Co.. ollicc in rear of Farley 'h irug Store, next t. Ily ib; House Oiiice houia 7 t S i. M. i to 5 i. M (3:30 to 8:.'3t. v. M. DltUOOIST ii i'AUMACKCTIST, N. W. corner of Main and Mill .greets, iiidgway, I'a., lull a-hortment of en re ft' ily nelcctvd F:.;1 ;t a fid i -'nuiuc Drugs. rr'.icriptions ctire.mily dis pensed at all hours, day or night. vlnHy f. D. KfOOOKUFF, K9. U. PHYSICIAN AND SUHGE2H. (IKKIPB HolIlt-S. - Kl-iilll II to l-!t. III., 2 to 5 tlll'l 7 til U I. Hi. I!i.nlilt'" :i. r.l- t! luucc, oppcisilt) Klk Uiuily l.a.iK, Main n.Y fin IT I'iX.vllTI.Y ATi t. i i: .i '. A fiur alu;rc of tlio ; er.;til..'s p:..ti onn lieiif.l. j. t. wa:a ivs. a. OmCE H HALL'S EfiiCK BUILDIN&. OKflCK lloflia H t()U A. M. 1 " 2:.Mi: M, 7 " tt 1'. M. W. II. KCHRAM, Froi rietor, RidKwny, 101k county, Fa. Thankful for the pairoi'iiiKO hereto fore so iibc.Uly b.'.-towe.l upon him, Hie now prui. i u li !' Ji.kii h, I.)' ...iiij; i rid luti'niioii (o nt- eoiiiii.ri ai.u 1 1 :t- vi:iiienee of iieiiU, lo loerit u eon.ii:u itiice or inn K.iue. o' loo ou Notice to McrsofCPRiuy Mk NOT1CK Ii; hereby ;i vt n to the holder: (if Hie following rei ile.l In nds of Kik o.uity to pre: em s.i id l,o:u!. lo Hie. ' .i.ny Trettnt: i r ,or puj in' !.t on or b. MilX I W V, NO V. ii. l-.-'J, a. the Inti rest then on will ceaso on tluii il.iy, U. : 'os. I and 'i, eucli .-'l. n.:. ', i, -i. ;i. ;. -. .: p.. is. ia,n,i.. i, n; 1'i.U i, -j:, : .ind ; . i :n i' 0. No... i und i.i, l.-siied to .1. VY. .'iilnonU n, ene'.i J'.im'. .Nnv. Ii, inuiul hMied to .1. Vv, rii in.. n l -ii. (- u-li i'.frt. N..:,. .'7 an i I.-., l.sMitl t i M. tt. Olmde.l, eiich iI,(.imi. Hm. t; I, VI und 7, i.iSiH U til .i, K. . dmte.l, . neb s.'.U', Nos. i, ao, iii, n. ii.i. ii, :).', u. ai, :iz, an. 37, .1.1, 1.1 uiio ii, ciioh 0 i s!. Hand II. 1 inii fit). os. t.j, JVi.:ld tM, ei.ell ?ltrtf. Nolle' Uulto hiimiy i.r.iit to the holders ol U u follov.iiii? n cili d bonds of rill: coiuuy topi est 11 1 -i.ld iioiiilKli lao t'oiiuly 'I rei.slll er r. r i iiymi lit 00 or l el'oie W'l I'N l 1 . V, M-.tJ. ii, us llm iiili.-itsl thereon will ceasu on tlmtuuy, viz..: Nos. 7.s, 7t and M, each 1 100. Isos. 'i and M. tuelt ?"A"i. Iv'o.l. 11, 1-1. Ml, S7 f.',! ;.il ',:. C'UI'lljlVI. HI HAM r til .MAN,') J. K. tiAIU'M'.U, f Co. i.'nliii'H. J.'II.V NM -sl.l,, I Attest W. H. HoiiloN, tlelk. S-lw. Ctieup Mid lel'tdiie, J. 1'. Meret r : ootti !. y.H': ! I :.-' i i life! Hie MASONIC TINWARE, and send vowr oi yon owe me a GET THE BEST S l-EAB ALL oTHEfig ! Every Style & Price. CJ tee! Unocxutitioa FOR lTvovcmti &ni Conveniences fciiti u to ethers. fO'J- a EViBYVVHERE. ". fV.7.n j EVoi-j' Cliy and Xo-ara tJ'-wt.V, .11 HYDFi & CO., AOENT9 ; e. - i JOHN TKOMPSCK. f I.i.te ol Cor, i. u, Ji ll'cibon comity,! Phjsi ci'iu Hud Sureeoii. Gille-) In rear of Mo-sen-I'er k lu ll: - on e. Ke....vmv--.i. A. ! ' V. P. .! .ill..-, W. 'A', t'oili t, li;. l.:iu-.,' , ;:.ti.,t .! att.i i'. M Minis -. I i .ooln ! i:i..n. .,i I", , i: tSii-.i . ,-ti i ,u : , , ; , . HltluWAY '. 1"rt If, i-i i -A :,' ei c j c. r 'i c M g i:.: U o 1 Ti co H J fi ACE1TTS WA1JTED. FOR HEROES OF THE I'LAINS, P.y J. W. livvhh. Embracing tin lives ninl wonderful ml vent ores of Wllil Hill, Rull'ilo Rill, Kit, din-oil, Cnpl. J'lti no, (.'apt. .Ju"k, Texan,, California J' un i llyrra ?Tti- ..liter I. I.riit.vl . Indian Fighter., WfojliNA '.ir' HcowIh, Hunters mid Guide. A true 'f V-wVf"' feiifij'J historical work of thrilling ai! ventures IK'-' VVv'-i' on tin: plains, ninl in v(Mcrn pro- $sJ"?2 erv..m ami civilization. Fight with 1 HJUrsSfl Indian.! (iniii'l') Hunt.' ! Ihn- tt TO'fW peiMiu A.lvc nlun-! Narrow Kseapest VieiX V;vW .v ij.ri'n i t.i..,...i.. .....i ni.1,,.,1 T&V,3-feW Wonderful Shootinu mid ltbling! Wild Life In the Fur West! ?,YWI lllut IratioiiMl Hi Full-piign (.'ojored I'laies! A grand book for Agent. Outsells everything. 'VIS jstges, price 0. Ageiit'n complete outfit 5l eeuls. Outlit, and copy for 2.00. ti5'"N'ritc at once for agency, or terms and illustrated circulars to N. D. THOMI'SON & CO., l'u'i Ushers, N. W. Cor. 81 h, and Broadway, Nkw Yiikk. PIANOS. $b0 up (Stool, (.'over and Rook). Eiegant S'piarc Onuxl, 3 Htrings, full Airiatlts, every improvement-,, oniy S-LIl.). ( iiliim t tiraml l-prignt S"l" iind j''0. Oiber Cirand ilolidiiy Rar guins. J uliilce Organs, $S up (Stool and T.ook). i'.xcelsior, style 42, Five sect of Heeds, 15 stops, only $7. "Oriental," stylo KM. Ten set of Heeds, 20 stops, only 125. No. "bogus" sets of reeds or dummy" stops. All sent on 15 days U-Ul,frcifffil rev if touioOo factory. Fair ami honest dealing guaianici'd. Sheet Music J price. 1'iano, Onran, or Music Catalogue free MEM;EL.-nOiiN RIANOCO., Rox a;o;;, x. y. ORGANS. V.'al.iul Lfaf Kuir Restorer. It id entirely diU'etent from nil .liters. It is as' clear as viiter, und, as its ii. in (! indicates, is a perfect V'egf table Hair Keslorer. It will immedi ately fiee the head from, (lamlrulf, le-s-toro gray hair to its natural color, ami produce a new growth where it had fallen oil". It does not in any manner atiVet the health, which Sul phur, Sutiar or Lead, and Nitrate of Silver preparations huvn done. It will ciiuu.,e light or faded half In a few days to a beautiful gios ;y brown. Ask your druggist for it. Kaeh boille is wai-ritnled. SMITH, K.LTXF it, CO., Wholesulc Agents, Philadelphia, ami C. N. CUlTTKNTON.ew York ii 17 1 y. .XMmsGZAit0maefu:H! iiit-i-ib'iics.iT--a -VTFAV LIVF.HY STABLE in IIIDGWAY i iO;)D STOCK, COOl) C A RRIAGKS ml Pipff'.es to let upon the most r - t'onable terms. : ,'r'i f" wiM aifo do job teaming. S-.;. lie on Klk street. A It order" left at the Post Oitica wi" rt ceive prcmpt :.tic :::bn. Aii.'l'lfe-itl stt. -I assist HfW J3 f.1 Xi .1 liJiGXTf ! ACSKAiTS i A r I V, r r,'N. rO"r?K'S bun' ne bock, ci.tilUi LPftirty-Thvee Years Among a n cr-rf of tt - . titlmrt Thtriv Three four 1 WvmtJ Tl7 pt;it!I'Vc.,'cii'yyar i.Uc.!i;, (jj- uu uu utit ImriMucUoU By CyV;?, Sherman Thij tu".v wn-.k wit! At onoe PiiWrltcd for by rrii' ft,n Ai:Tiir.t nr-l entire t'n?:net. ar.J by f,r, Sfa-rnuin, (icn. Grant, 0'm. Sh rvlttn, (rn. Hancock, and thownntU ot Em Imnt Men. Gzs. CxJ myti !--' It i.' f.V-fci to' on Indian Lv'c rtrr trn'f.vii." I; i a not Wii-Kf (Mtthudi-t.) wya ; -14 u(. V-fii f)' ."ti(fie.'' It Is the ou'.fi auttirntic Recount of our lu Ii:;r.t aver puj';;h. d, lultj revilln tl.itr '!imor Hf.V'fCT-t O.'m-r, x:,V.t,'e. It lit n i'lUfi Uj thr-Il csiit'rL-nft'i ft' t'o it!iir. mvl rf ft.ton m'.-, Trujiper '. 'i f-Krs, ?l nirs, lkt.Vr Hui,'' 3, tV !vi,l!," po-try.i-f I.'ifo ir the fin-it Vi.-M b.6 it i.'r i. ii;d ih f;nl in -jcai. .V-iU Htv.-l T'iltlv ii i". rtL-l Sitp-.Tt (.'hrr.a-.J.;i'i .roph I'l.i:. 8 in 15 n.i'.r. fr.m i hcfug.-u)M uudc by t-J U. b. Ccvi'rnmr-nt cjyivs?fy for tin givt4 a .?.(. Afi :".S'I'S! 'i'M. Ktniel b..)k i no oul-flcllhit; all vtbi-r lO'.o 1. .Vj ci'-ijt V ? At;euU Rvcrae 10 t3 EO urdcrt ady. Wo vri"t lt:j mori. r.,o:i ut ot.t.c. iTji:jutiif T-n-Hortf und S; cri'il Tt nrts yirrrt. Our lsr?3 circ:hri vll'l fn'l intticultirH $iit '. A fini Sp ciUKn l'lu'u Pent in adi'iin : a c ftmip. A'Mre-. the polo puM'iners, A. 3. WOHTULVJiTON k Cv., HabtioiIU, Conj. PEHFEGTIQ STOCK TAHK. WJ I'Mlt-TiOIIT AND FltO.ST-ntOOP. Ttt-no traidtdaiKconstrurtul ol tl ret-iiu li luinb..r, M.y!cil tUlcliipall p.lm, mi l f.l-n hel l t- (-'el!,ev vitii I Improved i-ittt hi'')'st'. orr-iminl tint tLe-y cm t. I ci.ivi aji v.-i.'i r.c.vipioa v.-b. VVLi a revert vna iMeLResm n or common P'-iHiicjwii'j bir l:ei..'cl Iftwu'ti), th. y !-o n.iii'.j'f. Wo ar Jnrno JlLVlU-':ietyr in ef rnilroij IniiLe, uiul ori'ly li'J lAiiii, priii.-.e1. ij T'il nuvterUl to tno cuntructi-.u uf t!i,o Bt'-'it t;iui:d ibi.s wo embody In ouc r.tilioad work. All tanks are i"t tip, pi. .- s niaiKexl, theu kuwked c'owa ui4 crated for Fliipeie! t. IITCIICAI" ItAlEi ot' FiiK'.itlT bECUlXA JH litre, stnvti. 9fr. battom. Capnclty !? bl-'la. 49 H A . tt tt tt it II It tt 5j ti II 14 i, tl II .1 g. tt Ar.ti'Frsosirjj; Iron Force F'umps. i' tUni tor ui" 'Itpth - -i-iT''iit nitxrkbti to ny ono cut tlmoi ECriPSFV"lNtT"7TGN CO. W. if. WilLbiAl AlHuur, l.ELOIT, Wiu WtMnifftttorfn jf Iht. un.'ir!rf.' K. Upm Wind h.i iH n . t b rv-f tvinJn t'.wi, t0 Ca.httiiut 'f Cj At-.n4u, '10 ah 'Wj AtlittU, lia., 'aL i mm mm E3TABT.I6nKO IStt. rt'''f'M,u 113 Yi'ATrm' S'l, TWVJ Ar-j nnrer, boiler, Uioncr, and lon.f l:r.ov n !u t;i m;.rkct than atiy other Pticio c f ihu kir.J. Aio altfsys sre and reliably aia.l r.tver to iubuiti th bo-t icsul'R i.i couiv, AlU yo'U grocer f-r it aa I -.1. v irf iv. t; x n $500 REWARD! OVER A Mtt. HOW Of Prof. Cullmotto'i FnENCR Kiilney Faib have nlrpftdy lieen Hold In Ihm cotintry ami In Franco every one of which linn given perfect wit Isfncl Ion ninl hits per permerl rurefl every time when tiHeil ae conlliiK to circctions Wo now miy to the nfllicted and doubt ing ones that we will pay the above reward fo a single case of LAME BACK Thnt the PnJ mils to cure. This Krent remedy will roclt.lvoly und Permanently cure I.uni-. I.nuo, I nine I nek, Selnticn, firnvel, IMnbeten, lr(.isy. lit Urlit'K Disense of the HldnnyR In eoiilii.enee nml Ketentlon of tho Urine rntn in me itiu'ic. Hide or t.oiris, ervou Weak )i.!v, and In Diet nil dlmiiiliTB of the Blndder and l iinurv DiKiins whether contracted by private utmic or otherwise. LAPIF.S, if you tire sufTcring from Female WeakneeM, I.eueorrhu'a, or anv dls wtHe of lite Kidneys, llltUdur, or Urlnury Or- KIlllH, YOU CAN BE CXTREDI Witlinul RvnllntvlUK muifeous meclielnes, by simply weurinij PROF. QUILICBTTB'S French Kidney Pad, Which Cures by Absorption. .Ml: your drnfr'.'lft for PROF. GTJILMET '1 ICS French Kidney pad, and take no other. If he lias not not It, Rend iifio and you will receive the Pud by return mall. TESTIMONIALS FHOM TIIE PEOPLE. JUiHJE UUCHANAX, Lawyer, Toledo, O., says: "Ono of Prof. Oullniette's French Kidney Pads cured me uf Lumbago In three weeks lime. .My e.iKe had been given up by the best Dceturs as Incurable, During all this tlmul t-ultVred untold ngony and paid out large auin.s ot money ." UF.OIiCJTS VETTER, J. P. Toledo, O. "I suflrird for threa years with Selntlertnntt Kidney IHseasu, and often had to go about on crutches, I was entirely and permanently euvil alter wen rim; Prol. Ouilmette's Freuch Kidney I 'ad four weeks." SQClUi; S. C. SCOTT, Sylvanla, O. "I have been a great sufTerer for 10 years 'with lillL'ht'S lilhensti ol the k'ldllPVS. Vnr wo'lisiittt ttiiiol w.ih uiialde to et out of bed; took bro rels of medicine' but they give ir.e. only tempoiaiy relief. I wore two of Prof. (lullmettf-R illdney Pads six weeks, and I now know that 1 am entirely cured." M1W. IIELLKN JEROME, Toledo, O. "For years, I have been confined, a great pnrt of the time to my bed, with I.ucorrhcea and lVmale -..TnUnes. I wore one of Gull inetle s Kidney puds and was cured In one month." H. ii. OHEEX, "Wholesale Grocer, Findland, O. "l snivel ed jot 2i years with lame back and in three v ' ' er'T:lllntly, cured by wear i.i ;::.; i f I'm", i , iii Hnefe's IJvor Pails." 15. i . KEKJtLJSO, M. D. DruggiHt, Log:tii:'tioit, Ind. 'VI. .'ii h-ei-.i:l!i.; I.i an order fur Kidney P:-0, riii-s: "1 Tcre one of the first ones , .- !:" I Pvfived more 1 cnel t from It i i:,.-0).i.,t I every used. In fact the rn iziv ti. i.'cr uenei'iil s-.ttiNfactiou than .oiy ..idi!-y n.-iun'y we ever sold." RAY cvs .SHOEMAKER, Druggists, Hannibal, Mo. "-: c v.oi i' In? up a lively trade lu: yotu I'k.1- i'lel aio hem-lug of good results From tie-. n every dny.' ROBBED. TLious.-iii'ls of graved are uniiually .obbedol'ilitir vletims, lives prolonjreil l,appine amriiealth restored by the use of the grent GEEMAH INVIGORATOR wbichiiosltivelynnd prenmnently cures Intpoteney (ciinsed by execpscs of ny kind), (Seniinnl weakness, and all dis eases that follows ns 11 He.pjence of Self-Abuse, iih loss of enerfiy, loss of treniory, tiniversul htsitnde, pain In the b-'ck, d'nine.-'s of vision, preainturo old aee, ninl miiiiy other diseases that lead t iiit'iitiity or consumption and a jin inatiirc f.Tavo Mend for eircnlars with testimonials free y nniil. Tlie IX VIUOKATOH is sold tt $1 per box, or six boxesj for Sri by all driiiri.-ists, or will be sent! for by until, icuiely seuled, on receipt of price by addri'Sfin;r V. J. CHENEY, Druggist, 1X7 Sf.imuit St., TOLEDO, OHIO. Sole Au.'iit for the United Stutea. Tiie most woitn.ierftil curntive reni edies of the present day, are those thttt t nine from! !ensiany, or at least origi nate there." The most recent prepara tion placed upon the market in this country, is the GREAT GERMAN INVKiOltATOR, which has never been known to fail in curing u aiuglo ease of intpotency, pperniatorrhoea, weakness and all diseases resutiug front self-abuse, as nerveous debility, inability, mental anxiety, languor, lassitude, depression of spirits anil t uiictionul (leranfietuentsof the iter voub system. For salo by druggists, or sent free by mail on receipt of the paico M.'K) SolcAgent for the United States Send for circular. For sale by Chas. McVcan, St. Marys, Fa. Pi's. CailaeliD's rreicl LITER PAD. Will positively ciire Fever and Ague, lii-.iiib Ague, Ague Cake, itilous Fever, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, and ail diseases of ilie Liver, Stoaiach and IJlootl. l'ricc Jil.od by mail. Send for Frof. Guiliuette's Truttise on the Kid neys and Liver free by mail. Address FRENCH PAD CO., Toledo, Ohio. For s:tlo by Chas. MeVeaii, Bt. Marys, Fa. PPPflP ill KptnrM p-r tt,:t rpinprtr, ani a the rnn'iimi Mr v-in-utut uituufet ?ery pre- 1'F.iiLM i.i ...tti, i.-'tfcit vvH.ii even ). i1 oyou'irf, tlttit.Vl, tn- nilii.tltvriciid. OV'-K ''''HJii'i-' t ii.-in f.L-r. fV.lI'.yVTtf , r i'i:!h.v,'. rl.-Mft h ttu p alcm uf all It? I lui'iiii ltif-j t i.'iia-;i bloiiiach, rotculaloh ri'u i,-,L-r, tir.uK'kd il.a s.u-iuiio;is uf the lu u 1' r.ct'N i: .it I -LiJvJi', liukob C'.Jt.'.t .1 t i i: it tli- w Vii nl tUdilrrun. Uio ii iol ,t .it.tloi:ri"iif th-a:ty it. ifivttweHtani I 2 lio-i. mrf 4JtLste& &iU2Ul: c J i '(( v a fi't'.'iPiiobf'i VAiiol'y oi VtyftJUjlc l"Kr.'(iiii:(, t'."li on t. tTctt r.Miiflyin .1 !f I't'il' S A lal.lik: Hit ill Uiole ami VA llllicliJ tliH biCin .cLi t;i u'.vlft,C aillViiltlcltiOl UOil. I'l l.ivur aitJ liil!u-y tli-'iscrv, and In ( liVOHltJ f.V.irll. It IltS IMB.llTflV IW V 'Ur ui'inru'if.r I.r nr. ll.irttti tu