&VM$tt THURSDAY, OCT., 19, 1882. Teams are scarco in Ridgway' at !lvo dollars a day Tho piloo of provisions havo not come down much since the firo. W. II. Oaterhout Is still building . houses on his tannery properly. Flow your ground this full, and it .Will repay you many times the ex pense. We failed to see Barnum's big elephant at Warren, but were present at Rldgway's Jumbo fire. At No. C shauty row, Main street. Rldgwny, Pa., you will find The Ad vocate office. Stop In and see us. Don't forget Clark Dickinson's shooting match next Saturday. lAeventy-ftve turkeys will be shot for. Dr. Day's Horse and Cattle Pow der is unequaled for bad blood, poor nppetlte, thin flesh, coughs, colds, &c The rafters for tho new Congro- Rational church are nearly nil raised The roof is nearly a two-thirds pitch, Shanty row Is about complete now Chas. Holes will build a little addition to hi9 stove, and the Rhines boys will add ten feet to their saloon. John Casserly has the contract for building tho wall under Molester's new store. He commenced laying etono on Saturday. An excursion was planned for last Sunday from Ridgway to the Kinzua bridge. The matter fell through from some causo or other. The old Alvocate Is $1.60 a year. About 15 new subscribers nave enlisted since the fire. We have room on ou r books at No. C shanty row for a few more. The weather Is delightful, and the beautiful colors of the trees, arrayed in their many varied costumey, make the aspect of nature & pleasaut pano rania. The Bi-Ccntennlal celebration at Philadelphia next week will be one of the greatest shows ever witnessed by the citv of brotherly love. It will al most eclipse the centennial. Election day will be warm in Jones township we rather mistrust, as Messrs. Brown and Montgomery, the Demopratic and Republican candi dates for Assembly both livo there The great fire in Ridgwny on the morning of Sept. 20 will mark tho beginning of u hew epoch in tho his tory of Ridgway. May futuro sue cesses compensate us for tho lows of that eventful morning. J. 8. Magmuis has rented hi saloon to Kuliues and Flits. Mr. Maginnis has long had the reputation of keeping a quiet, orderly place, which reputation wo have no doubt bis successors will sustain. Vote for O. t. Montgomery, the Republican candidate for Assembly. He will make a creditable repmsouta tlve. Ho has made his way up from the ranks. The boys should stand by him. Vote for Montgomery. A special term of court was held here on Saturday by Judge Brown and associates Weis, and Messenger. Tho licenses of Rhinos Bros. John Mc Qrady, and Jas. Maginnis, were made good in their forced removal to the opposite side of tho street. Bennett, the painter has lettered Powell & Kime'e store on the north and south sides, Chas. Olnistead has made a fine largo sign for Morgestcr, Cuthy has painted a saloon elgn for tho Rhincs boys. Holes and the Ad vocate office also sport large signs lettered by Bennett. The very prompt and generally satisfactory adjus tment of the losses by Rldgway's recent fire inspired our citizens with renewed confidence in the several companies. Our local agents H. M. Powers, and M. S. Kline did effective work iu having tho losses promptly paid. By an agreement among the owners of property from Broad to Mill street, the burned district, the buildings will he placed on a line with Messenger's drug store and the Hyde Houso. Tho line of the street is out six feet further, but as the buildings were forniely built ou the old line it waa thought best to build tho new ones on tho same line. This will give the merchants a good chance to display goods in front of lieir stores without intruding on the street. NOTICE. To Those Interested : My attention lias been called to the fact that numer ous places of business within the lim its of our borough are habitually kept open for trade on Sunday. This is not only contrary to law, but demoralizing iu its effect upon the community, a elur upon Christianity, and repugnant to the feelings of a large proportion of our population. Gentlemen, if you have no regard for religion, morality, or the feelings fit your neighbors, I submit the question to you: I it any jiecuniary advantage to you? Do you sell phy more goods in the seven clays th&u you would in six? In either June the consumption is the same. Tho , deluge of drunkenness seen dully and nightly upon our streets utlest the fact that our 6aloon and hotel keepers uro constantly guilty of flagrant violations of law. This must be stopped. Laws are for the benefit of the community at large, aud must be enforced. The borough constables will tee that the Sunday and the license laws are strictly enforced from this time forth. J. Powell, Burgees. Ridgway, Oct. IS, Personal. Hugh M'Ueehlu will build his new storo of brick. J. S. Singleton has bought a colt from W. C. Geary. Horace Warner, of Jones town ship, was in Ridgway to-day. William Sweet has moved his shoo shop into No. 8. Shanty Row. ' Mrs. Jane Barrett is home after an absence of several months from Ridgway. Mrs. James M'Afee and Mrs. A Swart, Ross are on a visit to friends iu Lock Haven. The post-office building owned by Jas. H . Hagerty has beeu sold to L S. Garritt&Kon. Mrs. J. B Royce, the Sophia Wil lis of former days, died at Washing ton, D. C, ou Sunday lost. Mrs. Warner, and daughter Hat- tio, mother and sister of Mrs. Jas Maginnis arc hero on a visit. We acknowledge our obligations to G. C. Brandon of tho St. Mary'i Gazette for many courtesies tendered since the fire. One of our sprightly Ridgway , T . , , . .. gins uiaue mreo "masnes" m one day recently aud then boasted of her achievements to ye Editor, but we will say nothing about it. MUTKS. Chapix. On Saturday, Oct. 14, 18 to Jir. ami Mm. B. T. :Chapiu, of Urockwayville, a daughter. Ross. On Tuesday, Oct. 17th. to Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Rosy, Jr., of this IJiace, a uaugnier. MARRIED. Bevier Aldkich. Ou Oct. 12th, at mo resiuenco oi too brine's parents Wilcox, Pa., by Rev. T. S. Ncsley, Mr. Arthur Bevier. M. D.. of Ellin- ville, N. Y., and Miss Jessie M. Al- uricn. Death. DeVooe. On Saturday, Oct. 14, 1882, vi consumption, isernarcl uevoge. oi mis uorcugn, ngeel is years. Deceased was burled on Monday by tlie C. T. A. U. of Ridgway, which so cje.y ho had been a member of for more than a year. Ho came home on Saturday's mail, and expired on the lure.ihold of his brother's residence. The nights are becoming frosty. Baking powder freshly made twice a week at Day's drug storo. Indications are that tho present winter will bo an unusually severe one. Co. II will leave Ridgway next Tuesday on mail to attend the Ki-Ccn- twmial celebration at Philadelphia. On tho Ridgway and Clearfield railroad bridge across Elk creek at the lower end of town, men are kent busily pumping night and day to keen the water out of the trenrhos ig to receive tho stone abutments. The Hoosler Lifting Jack is one of the most convenient contrivances im ngmnble to have around a farm. It is ust tho tiling; to hoist wagon wheels. J. W, Lahhivc id the agent for Elk county. Prof. Covmtr's Band is one of the nest in the count ry aud adds another feature to the attractions of Madden ACary's Humpty Dunipty. Colum bus, (Ohio) Democrat. They will parade tho streets of our town Monday afternoon, Oct. ii3. Ronovo, Pa., Oct. 2oth 1582, Will Dickinson, Esq., Kid-way, Pa. Vcar Air: Rep-ylug to your favor ictu inst. and telegram of to-day rela tive to excursion to high bridge. We saw the officers connected with, (ho N. Y. L, )i. & W. R. It. & Coal Co. yes terday and they informed me they could not receivo any trains atpres-mt. That as soon as they get ready thev Will giudly accommodate us which they expect to be able to do in a bhurt time. Yours truly, E. B. Westfall, Supt. M. D. George Dellaveu, tho head of the advertising bureau of tho Pennsylva nia Railroad Company has prepared a map showing the lines of the Penn sylvania raii road system and its feed ers. The system embraces 5,05.01 miles of track east of Fituburg uud Erie and 4,390.60 west of Pittsburg, making a total of 10,015.02 miles of track in tho whole system. Fast driving over the iron bridjies across Elk creek and the Clarion river should he discontinued under severe penalties, We were on the Elk creek bridge the other day when a man on horseback trotted his horse across, and the bridge sulfered more strain from that piece of carelessness than it would have received from years of wear. The notice on the Elk creek bridge has been removed and should be replaced. This matter is wouhy the attention of our Borough dads. L'oaruers Wanted. L. C. Dickinson, at west Ridgway, is prepared to take a few lhst-class boarders. Apply at his store. A Runaway. J. W. Morgester, wife and child were out for a pleasure ride on Sunday afternoon lost, when the horuo became frightened and ran away. Mr. Mor gester with great presence of mind reached as far out the rear of the buggy as he could and carefully drop ped the child, ten mouths old, to the ground, the horse tho meanwhile do ing its level best to kick off tho dash board. After going a few rods from where the baby was dropped out the horse succeeded in freeing Itself from tho buggy when tho vehicle upset. The accident occurred tear Bard well's farm uud the horse run down tho hill and Into Dickinson's mill race. The horse was tuken home a good deul the worse for weur. The occupants of the buggy escaped without injury, the baby was recovered all right, und all is well thut ends well. BeVler Aldrlch. The rostdeneo of A. T. Aldrich of Wlloox, Penna. was on Thursday' i Inst the sceene of a haypy gathering of friends and neighbors, who came to Witness tho marriage of their daughter' Miss Jesble to Hi. A. B. Bevier o Ellin ville, N. Y. -' The day" was pleasant and every thing auspicious.' Tho parlor was tastefully decorated with autumn foliago and grasea, and from tho ceiling hung a beautiful floral bell, the gift of one of the ladies present, long before tho appointed hour tho favored onus, began to areive, und by 11 o'clock the last carriage stopped and the last guest entered the room, nt 11.30 the bridal pair appeared, ushered in by their brothers Ernest O, Aid rich and H. N. Bevier, taking their places under the marriago bell, were by tho simple ceremonials of the Presby terian church united in the bonds of wedlock, by the Pastor Rev. T. S. Negley. There followed greetings and con gratulations alter which all were in vited to a collation. Tho festivities were concluded at 8, p. ji., and at 4.30 followed by showers of rice, old shoes and the hearty God speeds of interested faiends tho happy couple started for their new home by way of Phillips burg, the residence of the groom 'e pa rents, where they will spend a week. The presents were numerous and ap propriate, consisting mainly of the following : Elegant hand painted China tea set 42 pieces, S20 gold piece, silver cake basket, silver butter dish, decorated China cream pitcher, silver clock, half dozen silver spoons in Morrocuo cases, oil painting (snow ueene), one dozen silver knives, silver teapot, silver uud glass card receivers, solid silver butter knife, ice cream knife, set of Bronte's novels (4 vols.), porcelain plaquo with autumn leaves, silver ami glads fruit etaud (very line), elegant painted pin cushion, handsome laco aud ombroi l- eried tidy, toilet cushion nansic.s. broom holder, three tabic cloths, two dozen napkins, fancy towels, silver and glass bouquet stands, ail ver pickcl stand beautiful silver coffee server (chayod and engraved), silver knife rest, eilvcr nut cracker, cut glas und silver co logne staud, table brush and pan, pickle castor, glass preserve dish, Mor rocco port mouie, fruit salvor, &c. Crazed by His Lueses. W. I. AHCHiiOr.D'S MISU liilEAKS EOW.V UMJUll the intense kthain OK 1IANDLINU I-MMKMSIO BLOCKS OF OIL 031 Aif Vi'Sl'itADY MAKIiii'f . The effect of the laic Hurry in oil Is beginning to to be apparent. Tho ad vancu was so rapid, unprecedented and unexpected that the losses sustained were enormous. William D. Arch bold, one of tho most respected and most solid financial men in the ex change, Oil City, has been deprived of his reason, temporarily at least, bv Lis great losoca aud l!o excitement ami worry incident thereto. Per the past mouth his business has av eraged nearly a million barrels daily and during the past live years ho has not been absent from the exchange on a Lu.ilaess day. Tho strain was so groat on his mental faculties that they gave way. About noon Tuesday he left the exchange, went to one of the hotels and procuned a basket of lunch and strolled out into the woods, telling the party of whom ho procured it to say nothing about his getting it. During tho afternoon his bookkeeper became alarmed and telegraphed to his homo in Titusviile to know if ho had been there. The reply was in the uegi.tive, but stated that ho had written his wife biddimr icr good bye. Tho belief then became prevalent that lie luul committed sui cide. A seru'ehinir parly was oruraui- od and during lac evening ho was found in a small Isolated eottafo a shcrtdistar.ee out of town. lie 'was tanen to hiu home at once. The un fortunate man is conilned to his Lid in a critical condition. Tho president of the exchange had made an a.-..-;i.,i-rueut and during tho day had sold lour iiunoreu ana muuiY-onc tiiuus-nm barrels of oil under tho rule for his ac count. Tho mail is a complete wreck iieu tally from over excitement and over work. His losses uro said to be the result of the failure of outside paties. One firm in Albany alone is aid to Lave laid uowu on h;m for 75.- uu-j. jur. Arcuooiirs luiniortune cau.-:es eei regreat iiinwa the business mou as iie was agreat favoiitu.. Tho fail ure caused no panic iu the market though it declined somewhat. Godfrey Panott, of MilLtoue town ship ou Oct. 13, met with a gunning accident wnicu cost him tho loss of three fi!ie;eisof the right hand. Ho had fired the gun uud was In the net of re-loading. When the load wa3 about half way down tlu barrel his little sou pulled up the hammer when the gun went offtearlng off the greater part of three fingers. In a speech at Wilkesbarro on Kalur- lay evening D. J. M'Carthv. a miner. of Drifton, Luzerne county, charged mat, cameron fa emissaius Lad beeu thut county, corruptly using money to organize the Greenback Labor party iu tho Interest of tho Stalwart candie'.ates. lie exhibited a 5 note which he had received throu-rh Patrick Dougherty from John D. Birmingham, who was r'.-i.-oirjized a. oue of Cameron's axuU, a.ij alleirjd that it was iu consideration of a pro mise t help in the work. He i.Iko held up before theaudieneu fnitidiil.-n! credentials to tho lato Labor county convention held in Wilkesbarro and stated all but three of the delegates to that body were admitted on fraudu lent credentials und were paid v& a day for acting U3 delegatus. In a sub sequent interview Mr. M'Carthv stated that after the late Labor ooti- ventlou in WllkesbarreFrimk Heath. chairman of the Greenback conniiii- a man named A i wood, nf Unns. iiie, aim auoiner person met Iu a room in the Lucerne Hotel and divided a sum of money, uiiiouiuiiur to several hundred dollars. The money wa3 in 10 and $20 bills and tho men disputed warmly over the division, each claim ing a larger share than he received. The expote created a profound btnsa tiou. ..it,.- . . . Stata Noton. A panther is stealing Mifflin county sheep. Chester county has a colored pop ulation or 7,fi. During Stfpti'rnber 139 arrests were made In Wilkcsbarro. .- ' In this State there is a drinking saloon for every people. Horse thieve are practicing their vocal iou In Schuylkill county. Counterfeit money Is being largely circulated in York county. Sheep stealers in Westmoreland county aro making olf;with entire 1 locks. There arc 022 farms in Pennsylva nia wldch havo over 500 acres in them. There aro 13,178 members of Im proved Order of Red Men iu Pennsyl vania. Yco Lun, a Chinaman, is a book keeper iu the First Natioml bank of Pittsburg. Chauncey Thohias, postmaster at Bhohola, Pike county, died suddenly on Friday. Mifflin county man shot his favor ite rooster the other night, mistaking him for an owl. r.ath.iu Moore died In Quarry villo of lock-jaw produced by a splin ter in the palm ef hid hand. Dealers nay that there will bo a corueriu canned tomatoes this winter, aud prices are wty up. A railroad is to be built from a point in Clariok : ccuuly to Eagle Rock, ten miles above Oil City. There will be un exhibition of babies at tho Bhir county fuir, in which ail colors nay bo entered. Packed but lot for winter uso is selling in Johustcwu at from thirty to thirty-three eeuUpcr pound. At tho preAuit time there are seven murderers pcctipyiug culls in the Allegheny count jail. Mill Hollow,:Luzerco county, has been incorporated into a borough, un eler the name Luteruc. Some of tho copper ore from the Franklin county; mines has assayed gold to ti e value ul ?5 per ton. A little child of James Dugan, at Grcjnsburg biaciisnjith, fell over a chair Tuesday anl bi)k'e its neck. Mrs. Thorny Young, of Deep Valley, Green county, committed suicide by hanging herself ou Mon day. The Athletic association of Lafay ette College oife-rs gflld. medals in all the held contests by the students. Tho Mortuois continue to make proscl.yi.ej among loo tiootch Presby terians of the Cumberland valley. Twenty women of Bellefouto have won some ico cream by remaining to gether for an Lour without speaking a word. - The Johnslovn Tribune com plains that a marrying epidemic has broken out aniorg the chiluiui iu that neighborhood, Robert Itusling, of AHentown, won a donkey at t rauic a few days ago, and a few nljhta later some one stole the animal. Jacob Ilouser'of Mount Pleasant, Wetnif-relaud couiry, has falleu heir to $100,000 by the ceath'of an uncle iu GeTHi.-my. ! An unknown 'Hungarian fell a distance of thiilj-five f.-et frum a bridgo in Peranum, vu Friday, and re ceived Injuries wkic'.i will prove fata). Froa Rum iu romiecaeo. Tho Democratic pvty does not pro po.w to plant its honiKJis upon tlu ru?u shops. It urges total abstinence as the cn!y remedy for the evils of in temperance. But it viJl jtevar invuo'.e tho rightd of others by a resort to the eld, fanatical Intolcrtnce which oei.ed power, whether feci.! in church or St-ite, to crush outll freedom of opin ion and conduct. Tho iiionJMtion in it' pa! a annihilated h; e-sy by tiro and awjrd, and if we adopt the method of enforcing our pet o;ihd-jLs upon thcae w ho tlisagi ce with as, and invoke t'iw cid of the State iu prescribing what men shall eat, dilnk and wear, wo will fjiuuuauy exuam luj mctnud lhu! we finally get back to tho old Inquisition again. Memphis Apical. i Pennsylvania Gama Lawa. Ruffed grouse can Lo killed from now until January 1. The same dates abo govern the killing of piunat&d grouse iu those sections where re cently these praiiie-Uauntlng birds have been introduced. Deer can be ulso shot from October 1 until Decem ber 1, and quail aad wild turkeys from tho 10th inst to January 1; but rabbits are not legal prey till Novem ber 1, aud after that date may be killed on to January 1. Woodcock, however, aro in season from July 4 to January 1; squirrclj from Sc-pL-mber 1 to the cud of the year, and wildfowl from Se-ptomber 1 to the 15th of hext May. The penalty for infihigmeiit of these laws lauges from ?5 w t-5 lor each bird or species of grouad game allot cut of seasou. The Pruts tt Merit. Dk. H.uiT.-rAN &, Co. Please send me a Iut of your books cn tho "Ills of life." I bell a great deal of your Foruua ; and Manaliu. They aro very highly spoken of iu tlds part of the country. F. 11. Bltssman, p. M., Westford, Pa. Dear Sir: I havo taken half a dozen bottles of your Peruiju. and find ic is doing me great good. Your truly, ; James Wyatt, " Steuben ville, Ohio. TLifc laik about Chairman Cool ¬ er's tetiuing tuo Beaver bioarapny through tho mails at unlawful postal rates is altogether too opaque as it were. Chalrmau Cooper can afford to pay regular rates. Thlngsmlght have beeu iliiliri-nt if tho post oflico clerks and tho girls at the mint hadn't paid their iustss-iiL'.s. Jh.k:da Jrt&i. NOTiCti. Cohen, Bro. & BrownHtoIni', proprie tors of the New York store, would re spectfully announce to the public that tho report that has been circulated of late in regard to their removal from town is Hot trim. On the contrary, we are here; and expect lo remain lu Ridgway a good many years and con tinue to sell go(xls cheaper than ever. Our stock is new and complete all the latest novelties iu tha market. Call aud examine our block and be convinced that we arc headquarters for dry goods, clothing, hata, caps, boots, shoes, etc. Wo will bo able to quote you prices in a week or two. Our stock is full and complete in all its branches. COHEN, BlU). & Bkowesteine, Proprietors. For tho JH-Cculcuntal. Pittsburg, October 13. Tho largest steel spring ever made has Just been successfully rolled at ICIovun's steel woiks nore lor tno united (states Car Motor Company of Philadelphia. The spring is 310 feet long, six inches wide and a quarter of an ieh thick. It will be tempered aud cooled by the motor company at their works iu Phlladelyhia and exhibited iu tho bi centennial prado. Live Agcuts Wanted. To sell Dr. Chase's Receipts; or In formation for Everybody, in every county in tho Umted Stales and Cauadas Enlarged by the publisher to ti-18 pages. It contains over 2,(;oo household receipts and is suited to all classes and conditions of society. A wouudcrful book and a household necessity. It sells at sight. Greatest inducements ever otTered to book agents. Sample copies sent by mail, Postpaid, fjr $2.00. Exclusive terri tory given. AgeuU more than double their mouey. Address Dr. Chase's Steam Printing House, Ann Arbor, Micuigau. For 20 years tho American Ayri- cullurist, now in ita 43d year, has been recognl.ed as the leading Agricultural Journal of the world, Notwithstand- lug ui puit woneloiful career, it now cLteis upon a new car, and purpose to erpiel its past ttccomplishuicuts mov ing forward to fresh conquests. T;ie October lumber appears iu a New Cover, Nov Dress, New Typo, New engravings, with New Artists, and additional Eelkoa! Writers, mak ing altogether thu most supoib per iodical of the kind ever issued. From this time forward the American Ari cuUcrUt is determined Vj av. il h-cif of tho best i.rahi power, tint1, the ili'it article of talent hi tho country. Tho proprietors have but lo pii u, ;i patii rccom as a uaranteu U our pro mises f jr the future. Never before in its career was tho Journal oO prosper ous as now, and ut no time since tha lirstye.ir hnmecUntu'y fol'ov.h iLe war have subneiiution come iu to numerously uo th,:y are now coming. We confidently believe 'thai, the American Agriculturist is thii .Uai paper iu the United SUtU for other journals to club with, being exclusi vely Agricultural in its chuiacter, ., it ia, and thua competing with uo local Journal, "rice; $1.50 a year. Single copy, lo cents. Okaa-oe Jcdi Company. Iav;d W. Judo, Vicv Presidont. cj.tiii. el Bl'h.nha:.!, Sec retary, A Roprcductivo Comet. The present comet in the eastern sky which can bo distinctly set-u by every one at early niornh:,;, is ceriaihiy tho post remarkable 0.-.0 of ail the modem oom.?t. Prof. Lewis Swift, director of the Warner Observatory, Rochester, N. Y., states that the comet grazed the sua so closely as to cause great disturbance, bo much so that it has divided into uo le.5s than eight separato pavta, all of which can be distinctly seen by a good telescope. TLttfoJs only one otlua- instance on record where a cumet has divided, that oae being Biella's comet of which separated into two parts. Ap plications havo been made to Mr. II. H. Warner by parties who have noted these eomoLiry ofjiiouts, claiming tho $200 pri.o for each of them. Whether the giou; coeuct wiil continue to pro dace a brood of umalitr comets re mains to bo seen. Ridgway Lodgo No. 900, I. O. of O. F. meets tveiy Thursday evening at 7:-i0 o'clock iu their hall over the post office. Madden- & Cary's Humpty Dumpty and all Star Specialty Co. will exhibit iu Hyde's Opera House, Monday evening, Oct. 2i, Admission So aud 60 cents. :"r?r.?p--fy:v!- Wl'S 1 -VJ $A r.,t - f'-jt'C ?,. . :i. . V, :;- .-1' . v j-J HOW LOoT, HCT REETORKFI. Just published, a :.ew orliion of Dr. Culyeiwell's Celebrated Essay on tho radical cure of SpcriuatorrboMir Semi nal Weekuess, Involuntary Seminal Iios-ses l;n potency, Mental and Piii cal Incapacity, Impediments to Mar riage, etc.; also, Consumption, Eijil ei'sy and lits induced by self-iaeiui-gence or sextiul extravagance, fcc. The celebrated auihor, in this ad mirable Essay, clearly (b-niotistrait-a, from a thirty years' successful practice that the alarming consrquer.ces of feelf-abuse may Vxi raiiie-ally cured; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain, and elti-ctnahtiy means of which every suherer, no mailer what his condition may bo inny cure hi mst;lf cheaply, privately, and ruci c. ti'This Lecture bhouid boialbe Lands oi every yuulh and tvery man In the laud. Sent uudcr seal in a plain envelope, to auy address, pval-paid, on receipt of six cents or two postage btamps. Address, The Cui.vduwki.i. Hlxioai. Co., 41 Ann St., Mew Yoik, N. Y.; iva Omce Box, oi . A Utile (i.il'l Killed. A licait rending uccidcut occurred on tho 1). A. V. A, P. road near Sin elearvillc, Tuesday ii'torno-m, result ing In tho death ef Jessie Eldridge, a lil-tle child apparently three years old. Passenger train 4, conductor Cass and engineer Phillips, coming noith di.3 covered the child lying on tho track, but too late to stop (he train, and the cruel wheel.? entirely severed the child's head from the body. Inquiry at tho nearest house failed to identify the child and tho body was brought to Sfncharville and tho meu sent back in the neighborhood of the accident to Inquire whose child was intasiiig. The parents were found living a mile away from the place, and tho littleou had evidently strayed away, following her pet kitten, which was clasped In her arms as she lay asleep on the track with her curly head over the fatal Iron rail. Thu engineer did all that mortal could do to avert the accident, but that little mangled body will always be a terrible remembrance to him. War ren Hail. W J. Masonic Ifall Buiidiug ready to sup ply you with anything iu thy lino of litoves, Hardware, Tin ware, Livmp Roods Luive jour orders for tin Wi.rj, stove rcparing ccc, a-i usual they will receive prompt altciition. V. S. riElt'vle'E, agent Euclju'a Arnioti &alvo. Tho best. Salve in the world for Outs Bruises, Bum., fjorefc, Ulevrs, M'alt Rheum, Fever Sores, Chappe-d.Haud.-1, Chilblainu, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Pilcfc. It Is guaranteed to give perfect sati f fac tion or money refunded. Piico -0 cents per box. For sal-i by O. G. Mcb:,eu,;e-r. Almost every st jro iu the country lias on iis counter, a show case of Dr. Day'u medioiiiea. Ilyag'.aiico at the display, it will o rceu that direct act ing reiucdic'sareoflcrcd tor many every day comiuaiiits, aud as they are all tho results of study and experience, their worth may be relied on. Dr. Day's Liver Pills are taken in a ellLereut way from any other pill, and only a trh.l L; needed to prove their great superiority in ail uwe of liver complaint and constipation. Dr. Day's Cold Mu-lk-ine l.u3 groat power ov;4- coli!s uud sore throat, and persons subject to quinsy need not have their iis i.icil. if . tiioy take this remedy Ji, ti.'no. Tho shew corie e'.uti'.ns a. :;u.:;l.er of others, bulspe-ci:.! attention ij c-'.IIedto Dr. Day's Cure for PiW, uj having a greater curiwivc iaiiucueo over the Paris implicated, th.iu uiy other madi ci.'ij lmowu. ei.Y vu.SiiC'Ss. The taomcut tliom Is danger of wo pnirhioiit o. t!i- miud fro; a oiajes-iivc nesrveJuH t-xhaustiou, or wLeiu there exhts forebodings of evili a de:,ho is; sc'.itade, shunning aud avoiding com jmr y, vertigo and neiycus debility, or ft hen insanity has "already taken place, Pcrvaa and "lunaiUi should be implicitly relied on. But it is never s e-il to wait so loi-g boiure tieatint nt ii- coiiimciicod. Tha early symptoms are loss of streugth, boftuess of the muselei?, di;ri or weak sight, peculiar exine.-.sioa of the face and eyes, coated tongue, with impaired eli-estiou ; or in others, certain powers e;i:!y arc losi, while they are otherwise enjoying eoiuparativoly good health. I:i all tlie-se l'vru'nu uud ilMiaiin should ui once be taken. Kuti'.'c. I: hereby given that J. D. Hisholl, stui'.eiit-at-iuv, rosjhitcred with Hall & IloCauloy, Ep, has hied his i plicaiion lore-xamiuaiiou lor admission to practice .is an attorney of tho court? of Eik cou.iiy with thu Secretary of tho Board of Examiner, ami that the said hoard will imwt at their io-i;i in tho Conn lion,", llhl-wny, 0n Monday, tho 2jih day of Novunber next, ut 7 o'clock p. for tho pur pose of c-x.-.mhiii):' ..aid applicant. GEO. R. DiXCN, Htcretary. Rielgv,ay, Oct. IJ, let. St. FLORAL DSf OllATllLVS. Taste, Beauty and Stylo unexcelled, attention kIvcii to tlw proper arraiiae mcni of Flowers. Bouquets, bujkeis aud Designs prepared ia the most artistic manner at modemie piic.es and sent safely by txpr&ss. Catalogues free to, Address. Hakky Ciiaapei., Decorative Flori.4, NV'iihaiiisport, Pa. m&iMtm me rt v OIL STOVE 't ' , t-i. 7.'.. i v.fh--.;-mii;- bTILi. LEAD3 THE tatlttLD. co.ooo IN USE I . , . SEND FOP. NEW KmUtt. OiSUOIi.V & tO- , InAllt'MCTUKEff!), OJUWVMI,ii.iii), OMXO. '4tern ruoli, 43 LAXJZ ETaiBT, CtircMiO. CALL CM Oft? LOCAS. ACE.Vr. Dwiiiand it, and tuito no other iron preparation except Brown's Iron Rii tds. ItUtbebe-st. Wmninuker & Rrowti's, Fail samples are cn band nov . Call and examine v liether; yoa want to pui-fli-se ui-Jn.r :-v A. H i.'-, i-r.ei,'.- EI.2CXI01T T200LAA1lC. . Vv'hcreas. In und by (ho b'., section of the Act of Gcii.-ral Assembly of IV'nn sylvania, passed July 2, l"!i, eutillcd. "An act le-IiUiig to theelitclioiiMof the eoiuiinniweaitli,'1 it is enjoined o"h tho sluaiil'of every county to give IioIIch of such elections to iie held, and to enumerate in such notice what oill-i-ors are to be clout cd. In pursuranco thereof, 1, Thomas Sullivan, Jlivrh Sl.erill'of the county of Kitt, do there lore make know 11 and give the public notice to the electors oi suhi ooiinty of Eik, that a general election will be held in said county, ou TUESDAY, NO VEMR32R 7, isSU, (it being the first Tuesday of the mouth) for Iho purpose of electing the following officer to wit ; One poron for Governor of the C.untuouweallh of Pennsylvania. One person for Lieutenant (lovornof of the Coin iuou wealth of Peniisylva-' nia. One perjon for Supreme Judge of the Commonwealth of 1'cniisylvnula. One person for Secretary of Internal affairs of the Commonwealth of pcnu sylvauia. One poison for Congressman -at-Large for the Common wealth of Peun sylvuiiia, One person for Congress to represent the counties of Union, Clearlleld, Clinton, hllk, Mirni:: and Centre, com posing tho twentieth Coiniresxionnl distriet of tho Cuuimou wealth of Poiih&,yIvauia. One person for t'.talo Senator to reii-i-i setit the couafh's of C;ameron, iilK, '.Marion and Forest, composing the; Thirty-uiuhl Senutorial district of tho Common wealth of Pennsylvania One person for Representative to the Legislature, frenu the county of Flk. One person for District Attorney for the county of lfilk . One per-ton for Surveyor of the aiunty e-f Ulk. Two persons for Jury Commission ers for the county of Eik. Eaoh elector being privileged to vote for one. And the qualitied electors of the county oi Elk will hold their elections In t he several districts as follows : Dem zctte township at the house oi Elizabeth VVinslow. - Den a; uger township, at tho school house ou Michael street, near tha Elk cie-ek bridi.ro. Fox township, at tho Ceutroville school houso. Highland township, at the houso of Levi Eiuhorpc. Morion t-jwnsbip, at the riohool houte near D. C. Oyster's hotel. Jay township, at tho houso of Alfred ' Pearoall. Jciiit-s townahi, at the Wilcox Tan ning and Lumber Co'b. oil'ico. Millstone township, at the house of Henry Dorr, at li-irr'sdam. Itidgwi.y towticihip, at tho court Louto. Ridgway boiough, ut the court house. Itolfo election dlstiict, at tho store of E. W. Roh'o & Co. Spring Creek tow;lihip, at the houco of Thim..-i Irwi.i. (rt. Marys iiorc-ugh at the town hull I also make known the following : An A'j'i' regulating the mode of vot ing r.t -leotion in the several couniic of this conimotiwcaltli, approveJ Hi;c'Tio' 1. Ie it enacted, etc. That die qualified voters of the boverui Cevmiics of the c-jinmonwealth, at tho ;:-.;:erai trWahit , borougii and special elections, are hereby heiel-.f tor authori sed aud roipiircd to vote by tickets printed or wyit'.oii, or purlly written nei jiartly prhifjel severally chw.sitled as bIIovii : Cn ticket ;ibail embrace the names of a)! juduvs of courts voted, for, and to be.l iL-.-Itd cutside "Juilici- ary;" oiic tienot- shall euibraco thu names oi all the ;tato ohlcers ti bo voted f..r, and be labeled "ytatc;" oie ticket uhall embrace the names of all county oilioers voted for. includiiiL' tho ohlce of Senator and members of Assembly, if voted for. and members of Congress if voted for and ahull bo labolca "County," etc.. and each clasa shall be deposited iu separate ballot. uoxes. I also make known and iive notico as in ami by tho 15th section of afore said act that Every person except Justioe of the peace who shall hold any office of a;-pointnn-nt ofyrohl or trust under tho government of tho Uniied fttates, or of any city or incorporated district whether a commissioned oiliuor or other wise, a mihordiuato oiiicer or aent, who shall Lo employed under tho legislative, executive or Judicial departments of this Klate, or the Uuitt-d states 01 of any t-ity or ir.cor jH'iratccl district, and also any nicmbor of Coiigresa or of tho Stato legislature, aud of tho select and cumnion council 01 any city, commissioners of ary iu eorpotr..ted dislriir, is incnpablo of holding or oxtrcbiiigr.t the same time the oiiiee-r or appointment of judge, inspector o.' c'oi'k, of any eiectIonf the commonwealth tmd no insjieclor, .1 udge or any otlie-r oiiicer of such elec tion .- Lull l-o eligible to bo voted for. Also in the fiM th section of tho act of assembly entitled "An act relating lo t Icctioiis and other purposes,'' ap proved April 7, lSiiO, it lo enacted that the 1-lth tectiou .-.hal! be no const ructed as to prevent any militia or borough cillccrj from serving as Judge, iu spcclor or clerk, ut any general or sp'-eial election in this common wealth Pursuant to the provisions contained In the Pith section of the act' last afore said, tho return Judges ol'thetifojcsaid, district living within tweivemilcsof the prothoiiotu.y 's o!Ih:c or within twenty four miles, if their residence be in a town, village or city upon the lino of a rail load leading to tho county seat, f haU before two o'clock, postmeredini! of the day after the election am) all ether Judges shall before twelveo'clock merediaii of the second day After elec tion, deliver said return together with return sheet, to the prothonotary of the court of common plena of ElU county at Ridgway. J also niako known the following section of an act approved the oDthdav of January, A. D. 171, eutitUd "A further suppleme-nt to the act rt-jtulut ing elections In this couimoii wealth, Hi:o. o. At ail elections hereafter held under the laws of this common, wtahh, the polls shall be opened at T o'cltick a. m. aud close at 7 o'clock i m. .Sec. 0. A t all elections bv the citina shall be by ballot; every ballot shall be numbered jo thy order in which it shall Lo received, and the number re corded by tho clerk on the list ,,f vo ters opposite the mime of the ehu-tor from whom received. And any voter voting two or more th-kt ts, tiit- several ticki'is bo voted t,La!l bo numboiod with th-- number coriespomljiig with the number of the tiauie of tho 'vote. Any thelor mny write his nam, upon his tie-Let or cause the suuie to bo writ If 11 thereon. Oivt-n under my bund at Ridgway, the iioih day of September, in tho year of our Lord one ihoiihuml tight hun flredund eight.-two and of Die inje poiidehoe of the ITnilod States the ono hur.dn-d and sixth. TiHi.MAK .SULLIVAN, Bherilf. rsiitr.P'S'htJi-iitr., ; L.id.rw..y, IV -pt. -o, if'J. j