The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, October 12, 1882, Image 4

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    Al'eculinr Custom Among llio Maoris.
Hon. (. W. (irillln. I'liltt't. Ntntrs
consul lit AuU.intl, Xcw Xr:iluml,
recently rem! a very interesting imil
vnlunMo pajier before tlie St. ..otiis
Historical society in relation to one of
tlic peculiar customs of the Maoris, or
aboriginal inhabitants of Xew Zealand.
It is of interest, from the fact that it
illustrated very forcibly 11 singular
phase of savagery whieh'is fast disap
pearing before the march of civiliza
tion, just as the early customs of the
red men of America are now little more
than traditions nniong the Indians
"The law of niuru is so complicated
In its nature, and subject to so many
refinements and so varied in its appli
cations, that it would be about as tlilli
cult to tell what it is as to tell what it
is not.
"The word niuru, in itsliteral sense
means to rob or to plunder, and for
this reason Europeans have come to
regard the term ns a sort of legalized
system of robbery. This view of the
subject is, however, very far from
being a just one. The law of muru
Is so broad and general in its applica
tion that no human being, whatever
may be his rank or condition in life, is
exempt from its penalties or benefits.
Hut in order to understand the practi
cal workings of the law, it must be
borne in mind that the Maoris are
communists, both in theory and prac
tice. They do not think it right for
one person to own more property
than another. For instance, if
a chief owns six pigs and another
four, one must be taken from
the former and given to the latter,
that eacli may have the same number.
lnileea property changes lianas so
often that a man can't tell a week or
a month beforehand who will be the
owner of his canoe, blanket or mat or
even the house in which he lives. The
great principle is to keep property in
circulation. The ol'tener it changes
hands the better. A man's relations
have the first claim to it. His friends
and neighbors come next. Xo one
however, would dare think of asserting
a claim to the property of anothec,
except in accordance with the strictest
principles or the law ot muru, which
alone can determine the right of owner
ship. Should a great misfortune
overtake a man, such as the death
of a favorite child, his relatives
are allowed, according to the law
of muru, to dispossess him of
all his personal property, and if
need lie, of the house in which he
lives. He must suffer for his misfor
tune, but strictly speaking he does not
regard the loss of all his earthly pos
sessions as a punishment. Indeed, on
tlie contrary, lie looks upon it as a
great honor, lie is blessed both by
men and gods; the greater the loss the
greater the honor. If everything he
has in the world is taken from him, he
is treated with the profoundest respect
and lie iiecomes a man ot some im
portance in the community in which
he lives. It a mans child should b
burnt to dvath anil tlie accident prove
to lie unavoidable, the father is at
once plundered to an extent highly
gratifying. Everything is taken from
him his goods, clothing, spears, lish-
ing nets, mats, canvas, indeed, all
his earthly provisions ; and in order to
favor him still further he is severely
clubbed besides. Ho is usually left
uiion the ground in a terribly bruised
and bleeding condition. It is, how
ever, against the law of muru to kill
him. lie is also duly warned of the
process of the law. It would never do
to take him by surprise. A messenger
is dispatched to inform him of the near
approach ot the ofheers ot the law.
Sometimes lie prepares to receive them
and a great feast is .riven in honor of
their arrival, lie is alwavs anxious to
know whether it is a great or little
muru. 11 lie is told that it is a
great muru he is beside himself
with joy. He is expected to defend
himself with a spear or club until he is
overpowered, but it is against the law
for him to strike tlie ollicers too hard.
As soon as the first blood is drawn he
must stop. Sometimes he makes a de
termined resistance, and is terribly in
earnest, and the contest is exciting in
the extreme. One often admires his
courage. The contest is unequal. He
is battling with fate. Like Macbeth,
he knows that he is doomed; but un
like Macbeth, he does not wisli it
otherwise, for to be victorious would
be against tlie law of muru.
Cannot Stand Civilization.
The population of Honolulu is 10,000,
nearly half of whom is American, the
other half being made up of natives, of
Chinese and some 'English. Of the
merchants and commercial men a ma
jority are Americans, the balance are
English. There are also a few Chinese
merchants. The natives, when the
missionaries first visited them, num
bered 400,000, but today there are not
over 30,000 natives on tlie islands. Like
all Indians or aborigines, they cannot
stand civilization and progress. The
descendants of the old missionaries fall
in with new modes of life. When the
missionaries first settled on the islands
they brought tip their children with
puritanic strictness, but other people
coming in among them they were soon
infused with the spirit of enterprise
and took up grants of land and learned
how to make money. Most of the mis
sionaries sent their children to this
country to acquire an education, and
they returned with modern ideas.
This, with the infusion of the foreign
element, has p winced a society in
Honolulu which is equal in education
and refinement to that of any other
city. St. Louis licpublimn.
A Good Little Boy.
Two little Austin schoolboys got
into a quarrel, and one of them said to
the other :
"If it wasn't for your ma being such
a good woman, I'd tear your shirt all
to pieces."
"You tear my shirt if you dare !"
"I ain't going to, tear it, because
your ma would have to mend it, and I
don't want to put her to any trouble,
because she gave me two cakes the
other clay."
As with some grown up people, the
way to a child's heart lies through his
stomach. Texas Siftinys.
The figures given of the losses by
the strikes this summer are large.
The loss to employes is estimated at
$0,000,000; to employers, $12,000,000;
'and to the general public, $30,000,000.
urn mi: i.uuix,
Nttprraitnmi hHl In.,
Eroin the curliest time no wiit tu
human lire has been ive.oetttted with
more extensive folk lore tlimnimnlitms
Heginnlng with love-dh Inullomt, thce
are of every conceivable Kind, the
anxious maiden apparently having left
no stone unturned In her anvlety to
ascertain her lot. in the marriage Mute,
Some cut the common brake or fern
just above the root to uncertain the
initials of her future husband's name.
Again, nuts and apples are very favor
ite love tests. The mode of procedure
is for a girl to place on the bars of a
grate a nut, repeating this incantation:
If ho loves me, top niul fly ;
If ho littles me, live and die.
Great is tlie dismay if the anxious
face of the inquirer gradually perceives
the nut, instead of making tlie hoped
for pop, die and make no sign. One
means of divination is to throw a lady
bird into tlie air, repeating meanwhile
the subjoined couplet :
Fly nwny enst nnd fly nwny wesf, ,
Show me where lives the one I like best.
Should this little insect chance to
fly in the direction of the house where
the loved one resides, it is regarded as
a favorable omen.
Another species of love-divination
once observed consisted in obtaining
five bay-leaves, four of which the
anxious maiden pinned at the four
corners of her pillow and the fifth in
the middle. If she was fortunate
enough to dream of her lover it was a
sure sign that ho would be married to
her in the course of the year.
Friday has been held a good day of
the week for love omens; and in Xor
folk the following lines are repeated
on three Friday nights successively, as
on the last one it is believed that the
young lady will dream of her future
To-night, to-night is Friday niyht,
Lny me down in dirty while;
Drenm who my husbnnd is to be,
And lay my children by my side,
If I'm to live to be his bride.
In selecting tlie time for the mar
riage ceremony precautions of every
kind have generally been taken to avoid
an unlucky month and day for the
knot to be tied. Indeed, the old Ko
man notion that May marriages are un
lucky survives to this day in England.
June is a highly popular month. Fri
day, on account of its being regarded
as an inauspicious and evil day i'or the
commencement of any kind of enter
prise, is generally avoided.
In days gone by Sunday appears to
have been a popular day for mar
riages. It is, above all things neces
sary that the sun should shine on the
bride, and it is deemed absolutely nec
essary by very many that she should
weep on her wedding day, if it be only
a few tears; the omission of such an
act bring considered ominous of her
future happiness.
In Sussex a bride on her return home
from church is often robbed of all her
pins about her dress by the single
women present, from the belief that
whoever possesses one of them will be
married in the course of a year, and
evil fortune will sooner or later inevi
tably overtake the bride who keeps
even one pin used in the marriage
" Flinging the stocking" was an old
marriage custom in England. Tlie
young men took the ltfide's stockings
and the girls those of the bridegroom,
each of whom, sitting at the foot of
the bed, threw the stocking over their
heads, endeavoring to make it fall
upon that of the brjde or her spouse.
If the bridegroom's stockings, thrown
by the girls, fell upon the bridegroom's
head, it was a sign that they them
selves would soon be married, and
similar luck was derived from the fall
ing of the bride's stockings, thrown by
tlie young men. There is a super
stitious notion in some places that
when the bride retires to rest on her
wedding night her brideniaids should
lay her stockings across, as this act is
supposed to guarrantee her future
prosperity in the marriage state.
Fafthitin Notes.
Xew silver bracelets are made in
exact imitation of the handcuffs worn
by criminals.
A pretty dress stuff for children's
suits is a crape-linislied serge in broken
Scottish plaids.
Carnations, marsh-mallows, poppies
and ox-eye daisies are the most fash
ionable (lowers for trimming fall round
hats of dark straw.
Handsome "Human" and "Egyp
tian " pens, clasps, jeweled bands and
buckles, made in the United States, are
a prominent feature of millinery and
cloak garniture this season.
The v-.'oper colors for elegant wrap
pers are cream white, pale blue, jiale
rose, shrimp pink, mauve, terra cotta,
hussar blue, dark reds, dark blues,
gray and black. The trimmings should
be embroidery, ribbons, velvet and
The center parting of the hair is now
made as inconspicuous as possible, and
many ladies obliterate it altogether by
cross partings taken above the fore
head, while the greater part of the
chevelure is combed back without any
parting at all.
Small capotes of white or tinted
satin, completely covered with soft
Huffy white ostrich tips, are worn.
They are very pretty and becoming to
youthful ladies. For their elders the
same fashion in black, bronze, brown,
garnet and dark green is much fol
lowed. The European custom of carrying
infants on lace-trimmed pillows is
adopted by American mothers; and the
nurse wears an Alsace cap with a bow
of ribbon a fourth of a yard .wide, with
ends that hang behind neitrly to her
feet. The nurse's dress is of the color
used for lining the lace of the baby's
Stuffed birds are again in request,
and are shown in almost numberless
varieties. These embrace not only tlie
small birds of the American forests
and the highly-colored South American
and East Indian birds, appropriated to
millinery purposes, but certain of the
aquatic birds sea-gulls and ducks, for
Birds for millinery trimmings are
now stuffed softly, and when applied
hug the headdress very closely. Cer
tain of the large birds, in tlie present
manner of Stulling, are suflicient alone
for the garniture of a hat; and a bird
frequently completes the ornamenta
tion, with drapery of velvet as the ob
jective trimming.
Vrt'tton, N, V., Jmltfiw Widliiro find lioi
mriiBcil to uittiil n wilt, of liulumii corpus in
(da tman of Hni tti'niil. Mii'i'Mi. Imprisoned for
hIikiiHiiK nl lull imiii durlutf llio nssnssin'a
Hun, A. lUttro llnemmM, wimltmlcd by
dm Nnw VoiU Hepiilillrim Htnlo convention
HI Hnrntitun fur (Juiiumrwiimn nt large, has
wi lllon ft lultnr di'cllniiu llin nomination.
Minn lil''own, who was hot milled lo
l.limti'iinnt. (Iliipp, of llio Jennmillo expedi
tion, died rooeiilly lit (.k'nnti drove, N. J.
When news caiiio ot tlio Jivinnetlo's lus
Miss I.nVorjfe fell ill mid boaimo n wtvoU
physically nnd mentally. Mio was from
tier homo on- the Hudson river to tlio nc
liorc, where sho died.
at a uii-etinu of llio Rlalo committee in
llio New .York Anti-Monopoly parly held in
Albany nu nddress supporting tlio Demo
cratic State tiolu t was adopted.
A rASHKNonn train on the Mont Alto rrtil
rond ran over a cow nbout soven miles enst
of Cliamberslmrg, l'n. One pnsicngcr car
wns thrown from tlio track, nnd nine pas
sengers were injured, none fatally.
A workman who wns making somo repnirs
on electric light wiros in New York allowed
his hands to come in contact with both ends
of the wires nnd received such atremondous
electrical shock that death ensued in a few
At the Connecticut Pouiocrntic State con
vention in Hartford Thomng M. Waller wns
nominated for governor, George O. Snmner
for lieutenant-governor, D. Ward Northrop
for secretary of state, AfredR. Goodrich for
trensurer nnd Thomas It. Snnford for comp
troller. Tni. nssignees of Wellington Brothers it
Co., wholesale dry jjoods dealers of Boston,
Imvo sent a circular to creditors which shows
the liabilities of the (inn to be $S.ll,i;:,1.02.
The Longfellow Memorial association of
Boston has issued n circular to the "children
of America" inviting ten-cent subscriptions
toward the fulfillment of tlio plan of the
association for the erection of a memorial
statue in front of the poet's late residence.
At Corlland, N. Y., two brothers Hohei t
and Luke Gerard employed nt tlio pns
wurks, quarreled. Robert struck LuUo n
murderous blow with a pioce of gusplpc,
inflicting a fatal injury.
Mns. MntiAM Osoood, of Warnor, N. II.,
widow of tho founder of tlio Osgoodito re
ligious sect, died a fow days ngo at tlio ripe
old ngo of 103 years.
General Benjamin F. Btm.Eit has nccepted
the nomination of tho Massachusetts Demo
crats and of the Marsachusetts Greenback
Labor pnrty for governor.
George F. Huntington, his wife nnd four
children, residents of Amesbury, Mass.,
were nil drowned by the upsetting of n smid'
boat in which they were crossing from Grape
Island in Plum Ialaud.river to Amesbury.
A MisrLACED switch on n railroad near
Hutchinson, Kansas, caused a collision bo
tweeu an express nnd a passenger train.
Both engineers, the firemen, a baggageman
and nnother man were buried in tho wreck,
which took fire, and all six per's'ied.
The Cliicago llniheay Arja reports ttie con
struction of 1,2) miles of nimn trnck in the
I'nitcd Stales during September, nud n total
for nine months of llio present year of 8,0rr
miles. It estimates tho total construction
f ir the entire yenr at 10,f.00 miles, nn nniouni
fur greater thau ever before built in one
Au:xANPra H. Stitiiens was elected gov.
enior of Georgia by a majority variously
estiiLinttJ at from 00,000 to 50,000. All the
Democratic nominee? for state ofllcos were
successful, nud tho general assembly is alio
l.uyely Democratic.
John Brooks (colored), who had confessed
to making a brutal assault npon a little girl,
was taken from the sheriff at Jacksonville,
Tcnn., by a largo crowd nnd hanged.
John Leioh and James Rigby, two farmers
of Palmer, 111., quarreled about tho pos
session of somo land and became involved in
n lnwsuit, from which Rigby came out vic
torious. The other afternoon Loigh's son
approached Rigby and, pretending thnt he
desired to efloct a peaceable settlement, sud
denly opened fire with a revolver, killing
Frank James, the notorious outlaw, brother
of tho late Jesse James, surrendered to Gov
ernor Crittenden, of Missouri, at Jefferson
City, and was delivored to the Jackson
county authorities at Kansas City. YVlieu
Frank Jame3 surrendered to Governor Crit
tenden, he handed him his pistols and stated
that he (the governor) was the only man
except himself who had touched them for
twenty years.
An Atlanta (Ga.) dispatch says that Mr.
Stephens, the newly-elected governor, sent
to the governor his resignation of tho office
of Congressman from tho Eighth Georgia
district. It was accepted, and nn election
to fill the vacancy was ordored for November
7. Gartrell, the defeated candidato for
governor, will contest the election of
Stephens, not with the hope of Retting in,
but to show alleged f rands nud intimidations.
The following are Ohio's crop estimates,
based on returns from all the connties of the
State : Total number of bushels wheat, 4V
787,811; rye.l 400,151; oats, 18,4:,779 .
barley, 1,857,309 ; com (probable), 87,005,
280; potatoes (probable), 80,000,000. Per
cent, of an average crop Swoet potatoes,
100 ; tobacco, 74 J sorghum, 92 ; corn, 87 ;
potatoes, 101. Yield per acre in bushols
Wheat, 1C.7 ; rye, 15.8 ; outs, 28 ; barley, 19.9.
At Lowell, Kansas, a Miss Rosecruuse,
a young lady of seventeen, tried to rescue her
scven-yenr-old sister from their burning resi
dence, when both lost their lives.
The steamer Atlantico brought from Vera
Cruz, Mexico, to Now Orleans forty-seven
sailors from five foreign vessels (four Nor
wegian and one Swedish), nnd four sailors
from one American vessel, the bark Commo
dore Dupont, all wrecked on the coast of
Mexico. The vessels were riding at anchor
offTampico and Pueblo Nuevo, and were
driven ashore by a gale.
The MorinoM have been buying a large
tract of land in Arizona.
Tub vote in Arkansas on the liquor license
question stands 78,889 for licenses and 45,041
Sixteen freight care and two engines were
totally wrecked by a railroad collision near
Cedar Rapids, Iowa, causing an estimated
loss of $40,000.
A fibk at Warrington, Fla., a village ad
joining the Pensncola navy yard, destroyed
twenty-four buildings, inflicting a total loss
of about $30,000.
Two convict guardB'at Darrington, Texas,
shot at each other with pistols until both
were dead.
A pbematubk explosion of a blast took
place near Mountain Store, Mo., by which
Gordon McDonald, a railroad boss, and four
laborers were killed, and six others seriously
By a collision between a freight train and
a wood truin near Bridgevillo, Del., au en
gine and four cars were demolished and
eleven train hands were injured more or less
Great excitement was enmed In Ciu
cinnnti by the brutal murder of A. W. Ross,
n prominent citizen, treasurer of the Coal
Exchange nnd one rf the exposition com
missioners. Mr, HofS wns returning to his
home in Glendnlo, a suburb of Cincinnati,
late nt night, when h wns set npon, his head
crushed in nnd his pocketbook and watch
stolon. A large rewiird for the apprehension
of the murderers wM offered.
moM ihsiiiNaToy.
The last rmtionnl debt statement 6howe
tho decreaeo of tlio public debt during Scp
tomlior to bo 14,805,943.83.
Cash in treasury $2 l,8".fi.0U 9:1
Gold certificates outstanding. 4,!7.440 (!"
Silver certificates outstanding. 71,5(j!,210 00
Certificates of deposit out
standing 10,070,000 CO
Refunding certificates out
standing 4rr..wo 00
Legal tendersoutstanding.... 840,(581,0115 00
Fractional currency outstand
ing , 7,028,078 77
Cash balanos available 141,li!:2,l!fl 2
The payments made from tho treasury by
warrants during September wore ns follows:
On nccountof civil and miscel
laneous 5,101,97(5 r,:i
On account of war 14,(584,495 Wi
On accounl of navy l,itM,;'.20 5''
On account interior Indians.. 928,5:)4 55
On account interior l'ousions. 5,5(51,:14 51
Total $17,910,722 00
The abivo does not include paymonls
made on account of the interest or principal
of the public debt of tho United Slates.
TnE coinago executed nt the vnrions mints
of the TJnitod States during September
amounted in value to $8,009,252.
PnoFESson W. C. Tilden has submitted to
District Attorney Corkhill Ms official report
of a chemical exnulinotion ho has concluded
of the poisoned bouquet that was gjvon to
Guitenu by his Bislen Mrs. Seovil'.e, tho day
before his eiccutio. The report says that
tho largo bud (a half-opened flower) con
tained over five grains of "white arsenic"
(arsenious ncid). This quantity wns not only
suRTcientto cnnseileath to any human being
had it been swallowed, but, owing probably
to ignorance, was 10 largely in excess of n
filial doso that tho Intent of tho person who
prepared the floweis would have been defeat
ed by emetics. Mr. Corkhill says that ho i3
trying to discover ho poisoned the flowers,
and then, if tho parson can bo discovered, ho
will be held to ansver the charge.
A statement prepared at the poslofllce de
partment shows tint ths amount of money
orders issued during the fiscal year ended
Juno 00, 1.882, was $119,9:S0,G32.C"y, nu in
crease of more than fen millious over the
previous year. Tho ninoimt of orders paid
amounted to llrj,0,")8,753 (51. On this
nmount of busino'S tho gross revenue
amounted to ?l,19a:5,"i.85, which, after de
ducting all exiieusos, leaves a net revenue of
about $-.'03,000.
TnE naval board appointed to investigate
the loss of the Jeannstte met and organized.
The total cost of Die frce-dolivory service
of the postoffice dfpnrtment for tho fiscal
yenr ended Juno 80, 1882, was $2,(523,259, an
inc rease over last ynr of $123,:il8.
TnE signal servios estimates that nt least
thirteen million djllnrs of property and
many persons remaned safely in port on nc
count of warning! from the department
prior to the recent tyclone.
Indian Commissions Phice has notified
(he Indians whose Eurport is not provided
for by treaty stipulations that they will bo
expected to labor for a livelihood.
Ten men have boen arrested near Cross
mr.glen, Ireland, for treason felony and com
mitted for trial.
A telegram from Grenada, Spain, report'
agreat outbreak of fire in the suburb of Xac
atin. Nino persons luve been injured naO
the loss is immense.
Six hundred Jewish families havo lef;
Presburg, Hungary, on account of tho riots
Tlio Hungarian prime jiinistor says that Hit
whole power of tho state will be used to aid
tho municipal authorities to suppress the
Two farmers wero murdered in Ireland the
other day one namel Hunt, in county
Roscommon and tho otiwr named Browne,
in county Kerry.
A Dublin dispatch snj: "The police
here now believe that the nurderors of Lord
Frederick Cavendish uid Under Secretary
Eurko numbered ten, ai d thnt they are still
in Ireland ; but that unless tho aid of nn
informer can be securtd the crime cannot be
brought home to the guilty persons. Tho
weapons ui-ed in t.'io commission of tho
murders were found somo weeks ago."
Foub long dissecting knives stained with
blood, which are supposed to havo boon used
by llio murderers of Lord Frederick Caven
dish and Under-Secretary Burko, havo been
found in a house in Dublin.
General Wolseley, at Cairo, issued a
general order complimenting tho British
troops engaged in the Egyptian campaign on
their endurance, courage, gallantry and good
behavior. Tho order cays that the queen is
proud of her soldiors, nnd General Wolseley,
in tho queen's name, thanks thorn for their
valor and discipline.
British troops have begun to leave Egypt
for England.
Miss Adelaide Phillips, a well-known
Americnn singer, died the other day in tho
fcouth of France.
The city of Piosburg, Hungary, has been
placed nnder martial law on noeount of tUo
anti-Jewish riots there.
The czar of Russia, as nn net of clemency,
lins commuted the scnteaco of death of
Nagormy and Jowsejelf, political criminals,
to hnrd labor in the mines for an indefinite
An Irishman named McHugh died the
other day in Quebeo aged 107 years.
Scotland's fruit crop this year has been a
complete failure. It is the worst season in
fifty years.
The steamer Durban, which sailed from
England for the Cape of Good Hope a few
days since, had on board Professor Newcomb
and his party, lent by the United States
government to observe the transit of Venus-
A train conveying Chillian soldiers from
Pisco to lea, Peru, was partly blown from
the line by torpedoes laid by the Montoneros,
and some seven or eight soldiers were killed.
The Italian consul, fignor Picasco, was in
the train, and miraculously escaped injury,
but was captured by the Montoneros, who
asked $100,000 for his release.
A dispatch from Manila, Philippine
Islands, says that the fatal oases of cholera
in the town now average from thirty to forty
daily, and the deaths from tlie disease in the
vicinity of the town avenge twelve daily.
Skvehal slight earthquake shocks have
been felt in Panama. )
Since January 1, this year, the Cuban
board of freedmon have 1 declared f roe
20,900 slaves in accordance with the emanci
pation law.
The cost to England of the Egyptian wnr
is placed at 10,000,000 to !0,000,000, and it
will be raised by an income tux.
At a great fire in a factory in
Paris the chief of the Parisian fire brigade
was killed and several men wore injured.
Fifteen lives are lost on the British
coast each week on an average, and
thus in twenty-six years about 20,000
persons have perished. J hese losses
have generally been regarded as inev
itable, but a society has been formed
for providing places of refuge on the
coast for fishermen nnd other marines.
Convict labor is to bo used in the con
struction of theso harbors.
You will be not sorry for hearing be
fore judging, for tliinking before speak
ing, for holding nn angry tongue, for
stopping tlie ear of a tale bearer, for
disbelieving most of the ill reports, for
being kind to the distressed, for being
patient toward everybody, for doing
good toward nil men, for asking pardon
for all wrongs, for speaking evil of no
one, for being courteous to nil.
Professor Robert Odium, of the Xa
tatorium, this city, was cured of a
severe attack of rheumatism by the
use of St. Jacobs Oil. Washington
(D. C.) Star.
The metropolitan board of works in
London controls nn area of 122 square
miles, covered by a population of
nearly 4,000,000. The royal parks
cover l,i VZ acres and other open
spaces 1,0 b acres.
The Boston 2'i7o says: St. Jacobs
Oil stands without an equal.
Xinety-nine locomotives and 11,007
car wheels wero exported from the
United States last year. During the
same period there were exported
2,104,048 pounds ot iron rails.
Our I'roirreM.
As stapes are quickly abandoned with the
completion of railroads, so the lingo, drastio,
cathartic pills, composed of crudo and bulky
medicines, are quickly abandoned with the
intiodnnlion of Dr. Pierce's " Pleasir.t Pur
gative Pellets," which are snsar-coatcd, and
little larger than mustard seeds, but composed
of highly concentrated vegetable exlraota,
By druggists.
John Shea, who was once worth SIS.OOO,
(HKI, now lives in comparative poverty in a
l iulo cottage near bona springs, Cnl.
Tcunynon'H 'riij' Queen."
Who knows time it' tlio beautiful girl who
died so yomi'f had bean blossod with Dr.
Pierce's "Favorite Prescription" she might
have reigned on many nnother bright May
day. The "Favorite Prescription" is a cer
tain cure for ail those disorders to which fe
males are liable. By druggists.
Moses McLane, a colored mon of McMul-
len county, Texas, has made $30,000 since
the war in raising cattle.
If the blood be impoverished, as mant
fe3ted by pimples, eruptions, nlcers or run
ning soros. scrofulous tumors, swellings c
general debility, take Dr. R. V. Pierce's
"Golden Medical Discovery." Sold by drug,
In digging a well in Pierce county. Neb.,
the trunk of n large tree was struck nt a
depth of lifty-six feet.
A ftriff. Gcnernl'a Statement.
1'iiiLLU'siiORa, N. J., June 18, 1881.
H. H. Warneb & Co. : .Sirs I owe to yonr
Kidney nnd Liver Cure all the strength I nave
to-day. The doctors all told me I was going
to die. Biiia. Ge.n'l C. A. Heckman,
C. B. It. of N. J.
A boy died in Carthago. JelTerson county,
N. Y., from the elfects of a beo sting on the
Young or middle-aged men, suffering from
Nervous Debility nnd other weaknesses,
slicultl scud to Prof. Mnrston, 198 Fulton St.,
Nev York, for his valuable treatise on Dis
eases of Men. Mailed free.
Decline of Mini.
Nervous Weakness, Dyspepsia, Impotence,
Sexial Debility, cured by "Wells' Health Re
newor." 1. Druggists. Send for pamphlet
toES. Wells, Jersey City, N. J.
Nntural potrolonm, deprived of its color
and tisngreuable odor, k what Carbolino is
inndt from. As now improved and perfected
it is a beautiful preparation, and performs
all tint is claimed for it ns n hair restorer.
TlieKcit-nce of Life, or Se!f-Preservatiop. n
uiedici! wink for every man young, middle
ae,od or old. 1-5 invuluable prescriptions.
HKXf TSM'S KVKH I Si'll. Send for circular.
N. V. l-.l'.M:u Tr.ij Co., ivmuvu.t t. iu lirwadwiiy, N. Y.
AN 15-VT:t.OUI)l.AilY CASE.
Austin, Texas, February 20, 1881.
To Mr. J.W. Oraiiain, DniAri it:
Jitar .S'V-My easo was an aoute form of Uroncliit ia,
al;-l was t olio an l ti hall' (;al-'s duratiou. I em
ployed tin b.-st ltLuUit'.il al.l possible, but failed
rapidly, unit the dorters aid 1 would dio thut my
case was luairaole. Thrown upon my own resourc-'S,
Iot ftbollleof Ult. V.,1. 11 ALL'S BALSAM FOll
Till-' l.VSUS, and iu six hours l.-lt a decided rrlief.
Ill time da.'H the couxli a!lno:;t disappeared. Xuw
that my cliajccs of hie are t;oud for many years, 1
earnestly reoin'mrnd the above to every nufferer of
throat or Inn,' disea e. 0.(1. I.ATllltOI'.
M.l:VS!iltAtN I'W'llS ! -.M..a! ..liable tonic
..r t lie j!i-itiu niul tiMinv.tM 4'iiiih. II.
positively euus iWrv.n-s i.-lm.!y nud rfsl..:e lost
virile powciH. S.tlJ l-y !r-!i;i:H. it t'er g.'i,
l-'ire by uriil mi rei-ript of pi-iee. JOHN II,
AI.I.1..S, t ll 'in 11, 13 I J l'"ir-t Avenue, Now York.
2) t'rnt will Kay n upon the
Home and bib Uineases. ll'mlt of loll pnet, Valuablo
to every ownorof horses. Pont'i;! Ktampi taken. Sent
l.j( Worth Mreot. New York.
Beef cattle.good to prime, 1 w
Calves, coia'n to prime veals
Hogs Live
Dressed, city
ldi win'
4 tl" 4
6 (ii G
ioj(! ii
utcy 4 45 ( G 75
loice 4 65 (w 8 05
Flour Ex. 8t., good t.i
West., (rood to
Wheat No. 2 Keel
No. 1 White
Hye State
Harley 'lwo-rowed Stale . . .
Corn Dnjirrad. West, mixed,
1 mut 1 0X
1 07
Yellow Southern
Oats White Stule
Mixed Western
Hay Med. to cli. Timothy. .
Straw No. 1, Rye
Hops State. 18S1, choice . . .
47 fVi
70 G
08 (ft
Pork Mess, new, for export. 21 70
Lard City Steam 12 75
21 SO
(a 12 75
(ffil3 00
Kenned 13 W
Petroleum-Crude V4 1
Kenned (?
Butter State Creamery 30 O 4
Dairy 20 (ii !2
West. Im. Creamery. 18 26
Factory 15 fii 18
Cheese State Factory 8 12
Slums a i? e
Western 5 12
Eggs State and Penn 27 58
Potatoes L. I., bbl 2 CO 307
Steers Good to Choice 6 00
Lnmbs Western 4 40
Sheep Western 4 00
Hogs Good to choice Yorks. 8 40
Flour C'y ground it. process. 7 25
Wheat No. 1, Hard Duluth.. 1 20
Corn No. 2, Mixed 6S
Oats No. 2, Mixed Western. 64
Barley Two-rowed State ... 00
Beef Ex. plate nnd family . .17 50
Hogs Live 8
0 60
6 40
(5 4 50
8 83
a 8 25
1 21
f 10
S18 00
City Dressed
Pork Ex. Prime, per bbl
Flour Spring Wheat patents 7 25
Com High Mixed 84
8 75
Onts Extra White 61
Rve State .
oo Wsh'd comb 4 delaine
& 48
Unwashed " 28
Beef Extra quality 7 37ro) 8 12
Sheep Live weight 5 .(( 6
Lambs 6 7
Hogs-Northern, d. w 11 11
Flour Penn. ex family, good 5 60
Wlmut Nn. 9. Red 1 OJ
(a 5 75
1 02
Rys State 68 7
Corn State Yellow 82 (3 82
Oats Mixed C'J & 69
Butter Creamery Extra Pa. 82 (3 82
Cheese N. Y. Full Creum. . . 11 J 12
Petroleum Crude 6 ( 1
. Refitted 7fc' 7
Fob dyspepsia, htdiokhtiok, depression ot
spirits and general debility, in their vnrions
forms; also ns a preventive Against fever nnd
and other intermittent fevers, the "Fer-
ro-Phosphoratod Elixir of CnliBays," mads
by Caswell, Hazard & vo., new iorn, una
sold by all Druggists, is the best tonic; snd
for patients recovering from fevor or other
sickness it lias no eipud.
""B.I fnt Will Hiir
a Treatise upon the Horse and his Diseases.
Book of 100 pages. Valuable to every ownor
of horses. Postage stamps taken. Sent
postpaid by New York Newspaper Union, 150
Worth Street, New York.
ffcurafqia, Sciatica, Lumbago,
Backache, Soreness of tho Chest,
Cout, Quinsy, Soro Throat, Swell'
ings and Sprains, Burns and
Scalds, General Bodily
Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted
Feet and Ears, and all other
Pains and Aches.
Ho Preparation on earth equals St. Jacobs Oit
as a safe, litre, tlmplc and cheap Xxtemil
ltemsrly. A trial entails tut the comparatirely
trlflinsr outlay of 00 (Vnts, and everyone suffering
with pain can have cheap and positive proof of iu
claims. it
Directions In Eleven Languages. l"
Jialtitnorr, Mrt., IT, S. 4..
S Y NU 10
An unly jjaugliter Cured of
Wlien denth wan hourly t Ih It-.), nil remedies liftTing
fitil.'il, ftiitl lr. H. Julius w,tn exprTimfntiNjf wilii the
many tifihti uf J;ilei:ll:i, ho ncciJont ninile a p:o-
firitlion which t-urvtt his only clilKl of 'oilMilliptiou.
Iih child it now in tins country, inid e:ij-mg the lifht
of health, iluhatt (mi.o l tothu world th;tt ('(iilHMilip
tiotl can bo positively inn I porin-imml ly cimii. Tiie
doctor now nives t h! Kocipc fr.e, only rtr.iiit.K two thrie
cent htninns topay nxiiont-fs. Tlim hcrh Mtocuron Niithl
Sweats, Naomi; tit tim .stuin.-ich, nnd will tn-k up a
fresh Cold in tuvnty-tuiir hours, Addrcn Cntddovk Jt
uu., m
ll:icu Strout, 1'lnl.idclphifi, ntming thin paper.
The true antidote to
tho effects uf minima
in Hostcttor'B Btom
ach Hitters. This
medicine is of the
most popular to mo
di ea uf an ama nf nuc
cpnful proprietary
ppfriHcft, and is in
rLT in mien ne demand
rs. whrrovrron this con
" 3 liiu nt fi'Ver nnd
intes a ri;iy
hi pohaihle
prm'r;tjvo i.t cn
c,.i:iilnr;iijr n nud; ri
ITF I l'lll'-.l'T(-, r-'K-
V' m-miiL n- ii trr, .uni
Sh H r f 5 Dnwts midJe.Hl
it Jy P f--.'--5 f ers peiicrrtJIy.
r K tap urn certainly l.rpl, Irtvint' I'f-'Ti p..
pIsMkM at FM.'itv ;i K.f
O.t! I'll'l illl.V tor HI XT IT: N !..W:- n.
oilier . meiir.-iit ( irvMna hntiiiK I feu t.n-.iirl e.iui.l nt itny.
Also C'i.:AI'l:ST. Sllle lid; !'.'., m laves; Mlftoi'Mii
coiii,hsh ami p.,Ter, with best ii!l;.l'ty, f-.v ii.ipr.l;,!
pnered end 'eenlvir mu-ie in m-lii.: ir t;tliii!i"s. M milj
ssa. iim: 1. 1 Mfit i.t rii i k m i.i
S;Ki, s.-i-J, rsiitl, tsu8. Hi. KM. WKtS.IM.
to M.?tltl lino upwiirH. .r (ir..r .'..v rl( , cA-. .'... to..
ritn't'l l it .. o hrr fini""'. Als i I.T ensy e.yim..T?..
M'.W II.I.I STHATJ:!) I'AVAl.tXU V. I'tJlii:.
13 Jftl This Ctinipsiiy Ir'Te eoninin.-eii
MShBS, he .,f I I'llll.ll l
S'2lSUV CHAM) l'iAMIS,'inc
idtyoi-...,,' ivifiin mien! : itrltiir. lo pmvnr mio ut-uny i?
li.lie ullil (lnr:ll'ility. H'i1 wit infiy 'u-iin mi'-,v,r,
an i, . a nli r I'imm. Il.l.l fTltATT:i ( IH-
t'l'I.AKS, with full lint i.-til ns, miei:.
PIANO CO.. I.l I Tli noiil SI., liiii.tent 111 !
1 llh SI., X. Vorlu I i:)U ii!iill. r., 'IiIimku
consumption uan lie uureai
on- HI A Kl )
VM. il
FOR Tin:
rroM Consumption, f'nlrfH, Viicinnmiiiu Tn
flucirs.M, Iti ciitdiiiil Uiliirtili icn, lit'oiichtt in.
lo:iri'iii'-. Am iimmi. ( rmin. hooiiiiiir
'oiiuti, itixl nil PlirHt'nr of llio llrrnl Iiinir
rnis. It sooMm'm it nil licrtls tfi .UrttihriiMO
ol' llio liiiiutN, inHiiMH'd mid if)ionctl liy llio
Iiht;tNt, Hilt! pM'V(lll!4 tllO lliulll HWt'lllH 1111(1
liuhliM'NH tirros llio oIkmI winch tioi'oioiMitiy
ii. on.suiiHiiion in not nn incui'iibio uuiKiny.
II VI. i, 's lVl,s W will fiu'u you won
lluiimh proli'sitMiiil nid Ittilis.
Is unfailing and infalli-
CURES AND M ..... tit. Vitus D
Alft'lmlifni, Opium Eat
ii'tf. Scrofula and all
Kitvuub nnd llliKjd I)is
i':.wm. To Clernyiuen,
Lawyers, Litonny Men,
Mciiii.THtH, Han it hi ,
J.iulM-rj mid all uhoKa
n-deiitflry employment
millets Nervoub Prostra
ti t), Ii tepularitiea of
Hit blood, htomach,
bowels or Kidneys, or
whfi requite a uerve
tonic, appetizer or
(stimulant, S A MA RI
Tuluaule. '1 hnuBunde
proclaim It the most
wonderiul Invifinrant
that ever sustaiuud the
feinkiiiK BVHtem. Fur
sale by all Drugiftats.
THE UK. KA. lilt IMIOM) 3Ii:iI AL, CO.,
ISolfl Fro priptoi'w St. Jowepht life.
111 Iron an4 KUel, DuutU Br Tr Biao
Jonts pajra the freight. All stiaa equal If low,
for fr bnok, athlrfas
Blsrhiistni. V.
lirHflllM' 'I'lillllvJ. I'llla n.. Uil
ItUMitl. and will utmiiilutMlv ebnM thu l.lwwt i.. l..
tire i.)!,.ii in three luiiuths. Any pursim who will tak.
one pill each nutht from 1 to 13 weeks mitv be restored
tii heall Ii if such a tliinK be pueiiibla. rjold .van
where or r-nt liy mull foreit-Ht li-tterstauips.
I.N.JOIINso.N X; to., llo.ton, ItlaM., for
lucrly llnniiir. .lie. '
Bent Coufth bjrup. 1 asis k
Use io lints. Sold hv iirilfi;!
A WRT WAIT! HOIUTI ftniniitdl.
Ol S If wtvbl LaiiAiianl Muiulii, Biuf-
v w nkaa. r u ruiLRt-T, di ntvnu uu.i tvnsi
INVIGORATE ths IU1R i.iuiii dai'l t hg.nhnir.J.
Trj tt, cU iiii.rtliL JUeoi.rf wt tah bM KlvVKK YKT
jEWrr.RT, SiLVKBWAnE, retailed
ilesale rates, l'rice lnt free.
Kennedy, P.O. bmSM, N.Y
ANT enenretio man that wsnU to mak. money fnnt
and honorable address U. Marshall, Wkfiort, N.Y.
iiizU Ma
in I ;1 M
SJ''fAl: in the bv
ft to.
I'lirHflllM' 'I'lfllllvJ. lllla mLL UiJH.
Hoes it lame book or A dtoordcrod arlne Indt
1 rate that vou are victim THWN DO NOT
trroimsm' . -rr-m-KTTIT XTTIIV3 TI TirM-
(dnifffrlsto recommend it) and it will speedily
OToroomo tho diacaao and restore healthy action.
It Is a RURtcURI for n:i
It hM ericifla notion on thTta most Important Ii
or.Tnni e:.Rbiin(jr it to throw oiT torpidity ana in
cotion, stimulrttiig the healthy soorction of the
Pil, tnd hy keeping the bowels infreooondi
Uon, eUcctinc Its rccnr dischuro
R?5 1 5 " 11 yot arc Btiftrinfrfrom
I Ij I H I -Ti I ICta Eialirt.-v, havo the chills.
art? billons, dyspeptic, or constipated, Kidney.
Vcrt will miroly r sliove and quickly cure.
In the H prin to CionnBo uw bjitcei, tiwj
o:ic clioulo laxo a inoroupn wumw wi m
fl ofliAff ror complaintu pccnliarto
lUliilO? yourrcx, such ns pain and
vc.ikncBses, KIDNBY-WOST in u:isurpnasod,
oh it will act rronirt'yontl safely.
TithfrBcx. Inoontincnce, tcntion of tuino,
brick dunt or ropy deposits, and dull dra?Tfflng
pain 9, au speedily yield to lta curative power.
C 7Tt Acta nt the same time on tho KIDNEYS.
XiIV EH AND For Constipation,
Piles, or Rheumatism it is a permanent cure.
oldtwt mid tho stamlnrd llniincnt or I nr.
ITn Iprl KtntPK. LlllirOS ZO. fl.UU IllCdllllll
ppnts: utrjHll. 25 rents: umihII size for fiiiiiilv
nan. fpntR: M I'rrllillit'. Worm TnliW't.
cents. For sale by every drusglbt nnd dealer
In genorui uiercunnuiso.
For Family Use.
The Gnrirllnir Oil T.lnlment with white
wrapper, tironnrfid fur human flesh, 18 put
up In small bottles oiiff, and docs Dot stain
the skin, i'rleo cents.
The Gargling Oil Almanao for 18S3
Is now In the hnnds of our printer, and will
linreadv for diMiibiition riuritiB; themontli!"
of November nnd December, issa. ThoAI-
niflnnn for t ho coininir veur will be more use.
fill and instructive, than ever, nnd will be
sent free to any address. Write lor one.
Ask tlio Nearest Drug-gist,
If tho denlcrs In yonr place, do not keep
Merchant's tiai Klini; Oil fur talc. Insist upon
their sending; to us. or whero tlicyiret their
medicines, and prot it. Keep tlieboltlo well
corked, and shako It before nsintr. Yellow
wrapper lor animal and white lur human
Special Notice.
Tlio Merchant's finrplinB Oil has been In
use as a liniment for half n century. All we
ask is n fair trial, but be suro and lollovr di
rections. Tho Gnrp;lin(r Oil nnd Merchant's Worm
Tablets nre for Kale bv nil flrinrirists and (tent
ers In general merchandiiio throughout the
Manufaclured nt Locltport, N. Y., by Mer-1
Chant 6 Uiirtrluiir Oil Company.
A G E F3 T S V A M T E D . XZZ
tu nitike nmiiev rP.iJi'Hv wl'ipij our NbW bwURI
15 tisneiiisuT
Htowme up Hie New Yorii of (-iif, tli h lt! mlnw, jte
crowdi.J Uiur.:iBhlait;8. its mliliifp ( levnteil tinln. Its
count :r (i.frtut. n ronmnrp.itit mvsterv. itncari: t:nnirt
aiulienililtt irfitrt!, its rharitiVH, ant in tart ewy
litv---of life in thf (riat city. Iion't wv tlm gplllnff
low tvjiiktt, lnt vuil fT ir-ularf Rivinff full tuble uf
vouu tits, trniiitt. ApntF, itu. pnpefiu now rood
anrl irrrittit r in (T' eat i.tiiiftnd. AilMres .
00UGLABSBK0S.;.vN. Seventh Bt.,I'hiladelplut,P
Payne's Automatic Engines.
Reliable, Utirahle and Economical, trill MmfA a
horte potrt-r with ful ami irtttrr 'httn ony n'hr
Engine built, not titte1 wit Ii n A utoniAf ic 'ut-n(T. Hfni
fir Jliimtnifed CatiilofTiM "J," fur Infonnntion nml
Prictf. II. W. Pavne t sSon, Bn ri((, C'orniiiir. N. V.
Ilest In the world, (ict tlic kciiiiIiic. Kvery
Cneliiiue Iiiim fiur ti'itdi'-iiiiirk iicil is niurkuu
iazeis. Mil.ll KVKltYWllKK:.
3 S1'
For pamphlets dcr1b
liilC me great unam
t't'twrHulltiiit Attachment
- rr Thr A ULT
IAN tfc TAVLOUCa ManaliltU
YHIIWi MFM If you want to learn tleraphy fn m
I wUitU I3li.ll few months and he certain ot a Kittiiv
tiun, ndilnisw Viili'liliim JtruH.t JamesTille, Win.
Is a medical treatine on Exhausted Vitality, Nerroos
and Physical Debility, Premature Decline in Man
is an indispensable treatise for every man, whether
young, middle-aged or old.
Is beyond all comparison the meat extraordinary
work on Physiology wr puhliHhed. There is nothing
whatever that the married or single can either ran ire
or wish to kuow but what it fully explained. TWonfe
r RES e n V A TiO Nt
Instructs those in health how to remain so, and the In
valid how to become well. Contains one hundred and
twenty-tire invaluable prescriptions for all forms of
acute and chronio diseases, for each of which a fires
class physician would charge from $3 to $10, London
Contains 800 pages, fine steel engravings, ie tuperb.y
bound in French muslin, embossed, full gilt. It is a
marvel of art and beauty, warranted to be a better
medical book in every sense than can be obtained else
where for double the price, or the money will be refund
ed in every instance. Auihmr,
Ii ee much auperior to all 'other treatisee on medloal
subjects that coutpantoa ii absolutely impossible.
PRESERVATION, Is sent by mall, securely sealed, pott paid, en reoeiptof
prioe, only $li6(nswediUon). Siaall illustrated Munplea,
Go. fiend now.
The author can be consulted on all diseases reqniring
skill and experience. Address
or V. H. TI RH.ER, M.
4 BulflHCh HireeU Beetea. Mai a.
r - - swvskfl m- n
mml i ill
iiuiiiiiu mHonincni AortUIALlT.
and 83
aacKson St.. Chlcaero.
J. W. OlTiUjion. Uu of H. Ilnrtl Jk I V.
UlU. liui, 1m. u Uuks Spouiwr,