The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, October 05, 1882, Image 2

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    ' s
Keary A. Parsons, Jr., -r
THURSDAY, OCT., 0, 1882.
Ninety Cent Oil.
Pittsbure, Sen. 29 The com
parative quiet which has reigned at
the oil exchange in tins city during
the past two days, to-ilay gave place
to the wildest excitement. The
Why Mr. Lear Cannot Support the
republican. Ticket.
rittshiuV, Sep. 20. The Hon.
Thomas M. Marshall having tele
graphed George Lear, Ej., with rc-
BErunnc.v statu ticket.
. For Governor.
of Centre County.
For Lieutenant-Governor,
of Bradford County,
For Judffo of the Hunreme Court,
of Philadelphia.
For Secretary of Internal Affair.
of Butler.
For Congresman-at-Large.
of Lancaster.
Republican County Ticket.
For Assembly
O. M. Montgomery, of Wileoi.
For Jury Commissioner
J. V. Eonnert, of Jones.
m i-i 1 ? l'l .:..-'
Statistics or tlie Oil Field.
Bradford, Pep. 29. The monthly
report of oil operations for September
IlOWB that thrro Ima bcu 10 well
eompleted In the entire region with
a production oi oo narrcis per nay.
market before the dinner hour was
full of pranks up ami down, in one gurd to their apiwintmcnt to speak
cent and one cent and a halt jumps, iu Chamlx-rsburg on October 4,
jn uiu mu oi in.u-nui, iu to-ilay received the following:
outsiders m, and to retain their cut- Doylkhtown. Pa., Sen. 25, 1882.
liliia inlinn iliA.f .. . Kl Hull rtl 1 - ' '
changed bauds, and the prices at
half-hour intervals were black I ward
ed aa follows: Opened at 87 J, 8G, 80,
87 J, 87, closing at 87
During the
Hon. Thomas M. Marshall
My Dear Sin: Your telegram
is received. I will not lw at Chani-
lnirsburg on the 4th of Octolcr, and
r. it... i. ..i' ii. .
ul' u,u . I" ' grapli!d to Mr. Stewart as soon as I
ycar-cig ity-ninc anaone-liaii cents- reccivoj ticir despatches. It will
was reaciieii, ana it is pranciea tnat i.c ;mnossu,1,, fr .,, to i,.,ve i.omo
:. ,:ii ....... . ..:.,.,(.. i .
, ; " at I lint time, and if I could 1 would
to a reduction in the price of car
rying from three dollars to lifty
cents per 1000 barrels per day.
The elements of the campaign arc
Secretary Folder's Qnanttry.
Washington, Dep. 2il the pug-
geslion that Secretary Folgcr should
decline the liepublienn nomination
for ( tovornor nl Npw t nrU- m vii'W
of the fraudulent means by
the machine secured a victory at
not spend three days in going and
returning to make one speech, and
besides, that it would lie necessary
to explain why I made a Kjceeli
against a ticket which 1 assisted to
nominate, and, while I have sullici-
cient reasons for such a course, the
meeting only would hear the justifi
cation, and all the Kcpuhlicans in
the Slate would know I had made
the siKxch. The reasons . arc vcrv
manifest, and a little rejection will
which Nuisfy any intelligent man that the
delegates in that convention above
Wherens. In and by the 11, section of
too mimerious to rcoito, but every act the Art of General ANmi.iy or I vntj
tn,1j 4i nnntrd t)iir- ylvanln, passed July 2, isofi, entliled.
tends to prove the one central pur ,j . i ti,e elections of the
pose, the endorsement ot Cameron, commonwealth," It Is enjoined mi the
The candidates might be elected li sherKI of every county to givo notice
t1.nmiitPHt.iv,. fi.r them alone. of uch elections to be hold, and to
l i-i l i V t . enumerate In sucli notice what olll-
but it must bo done in ft manner to ,irni i, ,.,.(.pd. In niirHiimuci!
make it his triumph, or be will witclj thereof, I, Thomas Hnllivaii, High
the ticket and party. No plantt Hherlirof the county of Elk.d.) thero
i : ...!. i 1 ,.1 nr,.l foro make known nnd kIvo the public uu viiicrtainiiU)
movement must be stampwl with' the
impress of bis method. lut it will
not l)e a wreck ot the party excel)! uy
us success. The party ran bear any
thing letter than that; and all the
omens indicate as the result, the
defeat of the ticket, the wreck of
Cameron and the salvation ot the
nartv. Tf his ticket be defeated, as u
seems inevitable, it will not be owing Ono person for Supremo J iid?e of
I I'.iiL.inniiivnn til it I '11 IIIIHVI Villi ill.
to the personal weakness ot the can- " tt Kecretary of Intern.)
UKiiiies, uui uu ucvuunt ui mu nm i nualrs o lue uoiuiuou weuiiu oi i uuu
with which thev have been weighed sylvan in.
notice to th electors of said county of
Elk, that nfjetiernlelectloii will be Held
in said county, oil
Mt boinir tho flrt Tuesday of the
month) lor the purpom! of fleeting tho
following olllceis to wit ;
One lxTsoii lor uovernor or me
f!oiniiioiiwi'iiUh of Pennsylvania.
Ono lx-rson for Lieutenant Governor
. . . ... .......
of tlie Uommuuwcuiiii oi reiiusyivii-
TlZiZ Vrti:nn Saratoga, has caused much comment all others shou d protest agiiinst tl
Jsr,.lUatiil21.4Mhnrrolaiirodiictloii. in Washington. Ihe lHiSSlblllty
The Cherry Grove field, which was that be may inject the nomination is
the bugbtnr of the trade In August t.onPi(llTe(l bv the Stalwarts with
lias ueeome iiracueaiiy exnnusivu, nu . , ,
of 1U wells havinir ceased to flow, and great alarm. W hcthcr lie accepts or
all the others having materially do- nor. it is felt that ho must resign
clined. Its production on tlie lirst day
of was estimated
40.000 barrels per day, and i
v.. .f At?..r A 0,1ft lkorrnlu mnnv fltri.rintr
it at even less than this. Bradford to- vigorous manipulator of patronage vanced grounds on important ques-
day is estimated by reliable parties at ,, i,,,. i; . nf t.0 i1ln,i nf turns of political and olhcial con-
45,000, Allegheny at 16,000 and. the " X .x" " dnct ivln.-h the nublic st-ntinient of
iiiu Buiicuiuiiia uiki - i . , , , ,
use which is being! made of their
work. That convention on the 10th
of May nominated a ticket, and, in
Accordance with party usages, adopt-
, i . rn , r l .
en a piauorm. liie candidates were
unobjectionable, and the platform
Tl.n lo Urn nil ncvriw 4 li f. flu
VVnow iwlivo politicians who have espoused n only enunciak'd the established
.y flouring tho Administration desire a more doctrines of the party, but took ad-
And all "S67SUEST lln to Bt. jmcpn.
point! In IowTgft-i':hlon,Topc,Dnl.
hruk.MIiiOurt.Ka;rJi2Won. DH Gttl
u. Nw Moxleo. Arliuna. MjS fS- Tetlon,
Una and Tf aa.
down, and when their defeat shall
have demonstrated that no candidate
can carry Cameron and win the race,
ambitious men will not seek his aid
for nominations, and risk being
crushed beneath the load. Then the
Ono ncrsou for Conarcssman-nt-
Large for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
une person lor i onjrress 10 rciTLvcni
the counties of Union, Clearfield,
Clinton, Ktk, Miaiin and Centre, com
posing the twtutntu t'ouvrrexKionai
district of the Commonwealth of
'I his liouta ho DOuperlor for Allwit
Lea. MlunnnpolU and St. Paul.
CnlTrl-5LrJlS5- Kallonallr n putnl M
l coacaded to -u bcinir the ureal
b the bett (quipped i-JSJhroughCat
Hallroad Id tho World for 77TlL'n8
all cltvsgw of trnvH.
,uvib nn,l i,f C,.rnii will make Pennsylvania
the nominations, and tho party, freed ne or . to rep
froni his M'eiirht. will l)und upward (MMri,,.! ai,.i Korest. composing tho
likeabaloon relieved ot its ballast.
Pint, even to nw!t5:l tllis
consummation I do not feel inclined
to take the stump. It is a business
which always was distasteful to me,
and lx'ing out of it now I desire to
remain silent : but one blow after
another has fallen uikiu the platform
until there is scarcely a splinter left
except the tariff plank, and even that
has been threatened', until I have
the duty
I'hiit v-eiaht Senatorial district of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Onu citnu lor KPiircseututivo 10
the Legisluturo from tho county of
One person for District Attorney for
the county of j;ik.
One person for surveyor or me
county of Klk.
Two persons lor Jury i:tnim!i on
ers for tlie county of Klk. Each elector
beimr nrivileueil to vote for one.
And tlie qualified electors of the
county of Kik ivill hold their elections
In the several districts as follows :
Benezette township at the house of
TloXeti t! thii'vr S. V
Celelinted Line fofNgpv
if n n omen i tlx-.
Canada. A,TN
. Tv 1V liUormatlon
Fare, Sleeping Cf.ra,
etc.. rtiTrfnily given l y
Try It,
and yoo Till
find trarellng
Injury, Initcad
ot a dlt-
ti Vtc4 Pntt Otn ' Manager, Ccn. Agt.,
CblCBSO, 111.
CUlcueo, 111.
about 76,000 barrels per day at the end of
September, with a constant falling off.
Willie tho consumption is estimated
at 70,000 barrels per day, showing that
production and consumption are
nearer together than at any time Hi nee
the opening of the vast Bradford field.
In the way of new work and the pros
pects for the future, the report shows
that 304 wells were ready to operate or
were being drilled, at the closo of the
month, atrainst 52 at the close of
ot. 15.000 ! UKU1 UUllgi
i - ... . ? nnft .... I in I vnoaiirir
i.o mtipfl i.rodur-tioii of reimipiim tnniu. i,.r.l ll culm aw tmo. it. the Period imperatively demanded
a.uw . - I I Ol.Ji IVfl llVtlH V"t Mi finvy uav imvj I ... " . . ...
; ,.l,r o r,octin nfn fi.w wnoU nt Ihe candidates ana tne piauorm
most when he will resign. The wore an entirety the former to re-
f n;. Vnwinl- f ccive tho sull rages ot tlie lieoplc on
York, is BuoiMBtetl airain as a tx)s- condition that they represented and
sible successor to Judge iolgcr,
supported the latter.
A breach of faith by the candid-
in Admlnistratloa Blauuer,
(Albany Evening Journal.
The administration has persisted ates, or by those who were delegated
August; a fnllingoff in new operations iu dragging 1881 into this campaign, to conduct their campaign, not only
of 198,nnd of these many will never be Jt Jias refused the warnin" of its absolved the Republican voters from
Vd,"SeMoxT ,yrjnil i r(,,wtwl " ll-con- all obligations to support the ticket
BUlis oi iieigiuioring veniuic. viujr "J . , ,. , , . -f j i
.n.-oiWoon TOnlla tiorn otnrlo.1 ill mlvlCO til nllllW tllO llMTlV to Ot tilC'ir IXU'tV. UUt tlCmalldCd IIIClT
rv.,cui.ii ni... ..... ... , . ...v . . - X . - 1 I I 1 1
hiirmrm ze tse t in its own wav. em .natio rei-UKo ior such u in,
With blind fatuity it has forced for- tempt to secure their suffrages by a
ward the most offensive of its pen- fraud, and yet since the clay the
ui.-mnrj fr. i.r.ntnt n-Jtli tho Ucnuhli- iioiniiiees were placed uixjii that
can voters of the State the privilege platform, containing promises.
r n ti. L-ct f..r the latter to pledges and declarations of prinei-
.,inf o, ..Ti. no luuinmo rr.nnnililn fur i.lcs. unon tlie faith of which the
the unspeakable manner in which voters were asked for their support.
these pensioners accomplished their there has not been a promise per
end. Xow that it sees the delirious formed, a pledge redeemed, or
fnlK- nf it cnnso. it. nrmonls to these principle maintained
outraged voters to come to its rescue, A party without principles has no
and not imperil 1884. All that claim-upon the suilorages ot lutein
should have been thon-jlit of a gent men, but a party whose praett tlw. linssps ces are utterly at variance with its
the "Bradford field during Beptember,
thirty-throe in Allegheny and twelve
in Cherry drove. The. Forest county
field is not considered formidable by
the trade, as the Shannon wells near
Balltown ore falling off rapidly, nnd
are not now large enough to be alarm
ing. Baldrldge, In Butler county and
Cranberry, in Venango, have udded
little to tho production during the
month, and are not taken into account
in figuring on tho future
A Hot Water Ktycr.
The great Sutro tunnel, cut to re
lievo the celebrated Comstock mines
Rt Virginia City, Nov., of vnt quanti
ties of hot water which is encountered
tons every twenty-four hours, or nbout ,narcliud out upon this skirmish line professed principles. is unworthy the
as it finds its way
lias a temnereture
four miles from tlie mouth
ncl the temperature ranges from 130 to
...... , ... jnaiCllCd OUl upon nun Mviiiui:-u miv; j-..v-w.-v... , .......
ouT'of theeminesr of theirs, they were warned that the support of honest men.
re of 195 dog., wbiie spirit of mutiny was in the ranks. It we do not repudiate
le mouth of tho tun- 'rilov WOUld not listen. For the of bad faith, are we n.t
13a. To obviate the inconvenience
which would Rrise from the vapor such
a vast quantity of water would give
off the flow is conducted through the
entire tunnel, four miles, iu a tight
flume made of pine. At tlie point of
exit the water has lost but seven de
gree.? of heat. Kisty feet below th e
mouth of tlie tunnel the
ing to the
consequences, they can blame only
esc acts
chargeable with an original design
to deceive and cheat tho peopic with
empty promises which we never in-
made up my mind that tlie t
which I thought I owed to support Elizabeth Winslnw
the ticket made at a convention ol Benzineer township, at the school
which I was a member, at least to the '"f " "-'Haei street, near tne .m
7 . ... I i'I-ppk r.vimrp.
extent of my vote, has entirely
shifted, and as I see it now I think it
is the other way, and that to escape
inconsistency 1 must vote for those
who support the principles we pro
claimed, and give the go-by to those
who repudiate them, or who have it
lone in their behalt without protest.
The proverbial last ounce has been
too much ior my back. X ours triuy,
Geouge Lear."
By J. ; Uukll.
Embracing the lives and wonderful
adventures of Wild Bill, Buffalo Bill,
Kit Carson, dipt. Payne, Capt- Jack,
Texas Jack, California Joe. And
other celebrated Indian Fighter.,
Scouts, Hunters and Guides. A true
historical work of thrilling adventures
on the plains, and iu wesleru pro
gress and civilization. Fights with
Indians! Grand Buffalo Hunts! lies
perute Adventure.'! Harrow Kscapes !
Wonderful Hhootiug and l;i.lin!
Wild Life iu the Far West! I.-2T100
Illust rations! 16 Full-pav'o Colored
PhtttMt A grand book for Agents.
Outsells everything., price
J2.00. Agent's, complete outfit CO
cents. Outfit and'copy;fr 2.0,).
Write ut once, for agency , or terms
and illustrated circulars to IS. 1).
THOMPSON fc CO., PiiT'iUlurs, N.
W. Cor. fih, uuJ Erwvdway, New
at tho Ceutreville
creek bridge.
Fox township,
school house.
Highland township, at the houc, of
Levi F.lilhorpe.
Horlou township, at the School
house near 1). C. Oyster's hotel.
Jay towmtlilp, p.t the house of Alfred
Jones township, at the Wilcox Tan
ning end J.iiu.Ur u s. cilice
Millhtoiic Inwu-Uip, at tho house of
Henry IJerr, ot. Burr's ditiu.
Itidgway towubhip, at the court
Itidgwoy boiough, at the court
Killing Creek township, nl the house
of Tlioinus I rvt in.
Ht. M.ivys Im. rough nt the town bail.
I abo uiake kiiov.-n the follnwiug :
A act regulating the uiode of vot
ing fit elections iu the several eotiutic
of this eommnnweallb, approved
Mnreh "!Mh. 1WU.
S-'wtiox 1. J'.e it enacted, tf. :
Tlii.t lite qualified Voters of thoevrrul
eoiiiities of I i.e comniouweaitlt, stt I lit
general township, liorou;;h and sj-ecial
elections, are hereby hereafter authori
zed and required to vote by tickets
printed or written, or portly written
and partly prluteii severally eltiH.iiied
asfoliows: One ticket sh'tll eiiilifaee
the names of ail itidires of courts voted
for. and to bo luU-led etitside "Judici-
Set "tke best t
io luiK'icu :!ts:ic .suoici- np..-rr,
ticket Hindi embrace, the i&Je?t $ S
Gen. "Woodford, of New York, tend to perform in onVr to obtain
is quoted as saying to a reporter of their votes. These violations of
the Urooklyn fcagle that the nomi- faith have Uen so frequent and
nation of Folcer for Governor was flaorant that common honestly and
f the tunnel the hot water is obtained bv fraud, and that the only self respect demand a protest from
Suf irny to satisfy the republicans who the delegates, and they are certainly
turned off by a tunnel 1,100 feet in believe that is ior r olgcr to rctusc relieved trom all obligations to sus
length, which serves aa a water-way. ti,c nomi;mtion. The Young Re- tain anv part of the work of that
ATTto" imblicansof Inklynata meeting ..nveniion in its present mutilateel
mile and a half distant The hot last night passed resolutions to uie torm. Aim inc oreacnes m tne
water is being utilized for many pur- effect that the will of Republican platform are not in mere formal or
voters was defeated by nn abuse of immaterial matter, but ol the most
official power and the influence of important and substantial character,
poses. i no boys have arranged
eevoral pools, where they indulge in
hot baths. Tho miners and others
use it for laundry purposes, and ar
rangements are being made whereby
r thousand aere3 belonging to the
company are to be irrigated. It is
proposed to conduct the hot water
through iron piK?s, beneath jtlio sur
face of the soil, near the roots of
thousands of fruit trees which urc to
be planted, ami in a similar manner
gives the necessary warmth to a mini
tier of hot houses to be used for the
propagation of early fruits and vegetables.
tho Administration.
Bulbs for Fall Planting.
A common remark from, every, one
Interested in . floriculture lu sprinz
time is: "I intended having a bed"of
spring flowering bulbs, but did not
think of it in time." Thesamoissaid
about everything else iu the garden;
when some one has a beautiful flower,
some one else, in fact every ono who
setB it, io going to have the same next
year. Next year . comes, always on
time, and finds those who were to
have hyacinths, tulips and other flow
ering bulbs this spring' Just as they
were last, "one day to late." This
fact of fall planting is the stone of
stumbling over which thousands fall ;
to all such let us say, that if you want
flowers next spring commence now,
and with a determination that knows
I no defeat. If you want good flowers
buy your bulbs early and plant them
Ellwood Cooper of Sftiita Barbara,
tho leading oil vegrowcr of California,
ays that ho has trees eight; years old
that had produced two thousand gal
lons of olive oil to the acre. This would
be equivalent to 250 gallons of oil to
tho acre, and tho oil finds a ready
market at $5 a gallon. The yield of
one acre would thus bo $1,250, which
for a hundred aero ranch would bo a
pretty fair income. But these figures
ro not represented to apply to any
except tho very choicest trees and an
nninminnnlv trrrt ven? T?i.f. nvAn
ii i, r ih, at once, so it is hoped our flower loving
fttas low a figure as o'no-tenlh. a patrons will not neglect opportunities
twenty aero ranch would support a
family very comfortably after six or
seven years of waiting. One of the
great advantages of ollvo culture is the
fact that Irrigation is not needed. In
a climate where there is often such a
scarcity of rain ns in California, this is
a matter of much importance. Tlie
oil ye tree also grows very old. There
arc trees tn Asia Minor that are known
to hear over 1,200 years old, and are
still in full bearing. In considering
tbe profits of fruit culture, however,
the danger of insect pests, disease,
and overproduction must be kept in
mind and these are usually passed by
without mention in tho glowing dis
cretions of southern California.
Get your horses insured in the
Susquehanna Live Stock association,
B. P. Mercer, agent, Rldgway, Pa.
"Wanamakcr & Brown's, Fall
samples are on hand now. Call and
examine whether you want to pur
chase or not. S. A. Eote, as cut
this fall
Let it be remembered that tho bulbs
being good for successive yearly plant
ings, and culture perpetually (by tak
Ing up about Juno 1st, and planting
again in the fall of the year,) and the
first outlay being very Bmall, their
cheapness must bo apparent to every I
one. In indoor winter gardening
many of tho hardy bulbs can bo made
to serve an important part, being per
fectly adapted for forcing in pots,
boxes of moss or grasscs.etc. By starting
them at intervals a succesblon of flow
era can readily bo had for months, be
ginning in January. Mr. Harry
Chaapel, the well known floritit, of 90
"West Fourth street, being desirous that
hia friends and patrons shall bo suc
cessful with their bulbs, will always
be ready and anxious to give informa
tion tending towards successful management.
Demand it, and take no other iron
preparation except Brown's Iron Bit
tors. It 13 tbe best.
among them is the levying of com
pulsory assessments, and this, too, to
raise a fund which by its amonut
can be required only to corrupt the
very source of political power.
CED. A campaign run on such a system
is inconsistent with the high stand
ard of iiolitical morality which has
been the pride and boast ot the lve
publican party, and a victory
achieved by the means now in use
to secure success such as the lavish
expenditure of vast sums of money
for tho purposes forbidden by law
will be more demoralizing and dis-
asterous to the party than defeat.
A party of principles, high aims
and noble purposes cannot afford to
win by tho arts which makes the oc
cupation ot a jockey disreputable.
It cannot be disguised, and is ap
parent to every man of ordinary ob
servation, that the issue in this cam
paign which has been tendered and
accented, and which is now on trial,
is whether the political practices and
methods of Senator Cameron shal
be endorsed and ratified by tho
people of Pennsylvania. The en
dorsement is to Ihj secured by him
and his managers without regard to
names ot all th state oftioera ro t
voted for, aud be lube-led "Stale;" one
ticket shall embrace tlie names of Mil
county officers votwd for, invludiUK the
olllce of Kvuutor and rukiubtrs ot
Assembly, if voted for, and muiibcr
of Oomrvess if voted for aud shall be
labeled "County," etc.. una viu:!i cih.-w
shall' be dcpwltud. ill aepuiale ballot
I also make known and give notice
as in and by the 15lh section of afore
said act that
Every person except justice of the
peace who shall hold r.tiy office of t;r
polntment of rofit or tru-f under the
irovr rnment of the Uniled Mutes, or
of any city or incorporated district
whether a Commissioned otl'cer or
otherwise, a subordinKt officer " or
nfioiit. M ho fc. nil ,e employed under
tiie lugislativr, executive or Judicial
departments of this Slate, or the
United Ktate or of any city or incor
porated diKlrict. mid also any member
of Congress or of tlie State legislature,
and of tho select nnd common council
of any city, commissioners of :iy in
corporated district, is incapable of
holding or exercisins at tbe same t-rue
the olticer or appointment of judge,
inspector or clerk, of any election of
ecret daincfc trrlolu. ete. ItU reiJetowith thrilling tUC COmillOll WCaltll 8)1(1 HO inspector,
mriueeo! tho Auikor. ami et turooM ScouU. Tnppcn, Tmlu-o or nnv nWocr of siiel. eleiv
Cow-boyi. Miocn, BopdCT BnfflMJ, etc., lidl j portmytag I , , p pi: ; ,.) to l)tJ voted for
T.if.mth.crtWMt.uoaii. 484 (Wand pro noil snail oe eiiguue IO DO VOICll ior.
Also in the fourth section of the act
Every Style Si Price.,
Guaranteed TJnoqiialotl
no cthoM.
Imve nlr.'Bdy
Lena boKI Iu
I us country
a nl la Franco
every one
of which hns
given perfect
. Kiitlsfuctiou
And tins jitr
IxTincu circs '
'.-very time
when used no
. e.r.ll titf to
We now say to the o filleted nnd doubt
ing ones that we will pay tho
above reward fo u sinjjle
case of
Thnt Hie rnd fulls to euro. This event rcmcdv
will l'dslilvely i nil l' iiniiiientlv cure I.mi;
Imso. Liu.." l.nck, Selnlkn, Ciuvi l, Diabetes,
lnii'.y. Ililirht s or the ltlilimyg, In-eonti.ii'iu-e
iiinl Itcteniinii of the I'rlne, I'.ilu
In the Ili.ek.Sklu or l.olns, Mcrvous WenU-iii-ss.
mii'I In fuel nil ilis.m'e ol the Dlmhl r
hi. .1 I'l lnniy Uinuis whether coutrnctvU ly
in ivato U.siUisu or otMcrwise.
LADIES, if you are suficrinsr from
Femnie Weitkni'ss, l.riiofii-rhii'n, or miv tlla
rnse of the. Kidneys, Ulddder, or Urinary or-
Without swp.llowirg niuiscous medicines, by
siini'ly wealing
French Kidney Pad.
V'hieh Cures by Absorption.
A sit your ilrm'.'M for DIJOF. (Ifll.MKT
'11. X Kiei:eli Kidney )'.-el, uml te!;B no other.
I.'he.iitM e.nt i:ol. it. ftetul i-.'J.W ki.iI vqu will
1 ceeiw thu I'l.d by re'.ura lmdl.
rrK.s-j'i:io:vALs fiiom tiik rnon.E.
Toledo, O., kaya:
"Olio of I'rof. fjiiilmelle'a French Kldnov
I'hiIm cured me of l,iinhnt-o In Ihrco wei-K
lime. .My case Intel been given e.p by Iho
best Doctors, as Ineiirnblo, During nli Ihia
llmcl sull'ered untnld iiuuny nud paid out
In rue minis of money.''. .w
I siidi'ied for three yenrs with Selniloanmi
Kidney, ..nil e.lteu hn.'T to- uo iiboul on
ei-utehefi. I whs eetlvely nud )erninently
cured iifiei-wenrlri! I'rof, UullincUc'u French
Kidney rud four weeks."
BQUIitE N. C. BC'OTT, Sylvaula.0.
"I Imve been a t'lei.t, snIVi-er for 10 ycni's
with llrlKlit's t'lsi iise ;f the l.'tdnrys. For
weeks nt a liniel ns uinibie to cet out of
bed; b ok hnnvls r uiedlelnc' btrt they lvi'
me o.u'v te.iHiornrv lollif. I wore two ot
I'l-nf. (Uiliinelle's Midney Pcnbt six weeks,
in-.l I now kmM- t'eul I niu cnti'-dly cured,"
Tulcdo, (.
"I'm vru: T linvc tiron pop Tiiu-il, n proc.t
pr.ii rf llif tlini' to iuy l.ctl. with I.mvni,n;
iiti'l tV'iiiiilo wi'iikni's, I wort! out' of iult
iiH'tlc",s Kidnt'y 1'tulK :ml wns ouvvlI lu iuo
in t lii-v V'.vk
. tiulni
For GEN. DODr.F.'S bran' new book, cotitlcd
Years Among
A trno record oflbeltrthor's Thirty Threa Tetmf PefonaX R
perknoo tunong our Jshuuhs Qj'yi iui on fctilo LulfuduciioB
By Gen Sherman
ThlM new work u at one tntfcrtbea for oy rirtutent
AlTBcn od mtin G&tnci. and bj Gen. EKerman, (run.
Grrmt, Got. 5VruiM, Cm. Kanuorkt tnd thontand ot Em
umtMea, Grir. GaASTiiri ''JtUtteUti hook m Ltdiam
Lift trrr rn'.lo.." dsuor WlI.ET (MCUuxUst,) lays I "JJ
a bank of vAiumx taluc." It u in only auucuuc eccouni
! oat InJiun frer fublUUed, fully KTeiUni their "Inner
life,'' iecrct d-lntr, eiplolU, ete. It U replete with thrilling
Life In th Crest West w U ou ii. 4Ed Ihowiiut to prt
WiU. Bel Enrnvirgi end Supero Chmmo-IJ.nQrrap!.
riate in IS colon, from thotoraph rnada t J too U. 8.
GoreranKnt Krjtrctuy far tto prtat work
ACENTSI Thii puid book U now ODt-eiimi an otnon
lOtol. A o competition. Agcntt aTerage 10 to KVordcn
uy. Wi want 1000 mora atrcnti al on Co. excumv
TTrUorv and Special Tern fitx. Oar large ctreulan witn
full paiticolara frt. A fine Epcclmcn riate acnt a
aridua for a 9 ecnt Mama. AddRM me tole pubUihere,
D. WOBTHMOT03 CO., UAtfod, ton.
Bucklen's Arnioa.Salve.
Tbe best Salve iu tbe world for Coin,
Uruises, Burns, Bores, Ulcers, fcnit
Rheum, Fever Kores, Chapied;llands,
Chilblains, Coma, nud all Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures I'ilea. It
is guurauteed to give perfect satistac
tiou or money refunded. Trice 2
cents per box. For sale by U. u.
rvisf. in ninnrv nni lirinPll)Ie. and DV
" J I -- .
such means as can never be repeated.
The election or defeat ot the can
didates is a mere incident. I lis
strenirth is to be tried in their names
Tlie question could not bo made
plainer if lie were the candidate ; and
if the Republicans of this State ue
sire to ratify his acts of the past
and coniirni mm in his political ues
potism in the future, they may bow
their necks like the patient ox to
the yoke, and continue to bear the
burdens of his imperious sway
l-Fhit unless the race of men who
formed the Republican party has be
come cxi mot lus defeat will be heaw
decisive and terrible.
r PftJ in Etwty O.l-f evA .w
II. I1YIU-: & CO., AtiKN'I'
When t-eiu'lln'
!'i-.-l--, i : r 1 1: -'1 v
we le.d mi. I f ivc I
I'll I: 1. i V i ' I ; I'll '.1 !M" ,- ! !
:i e - iihe-- '-I'te.-.l v "i i
kay ox H;o:-:.iAi;r.;
ioK'smU' i ; rocc!',
Kiiiillauil, (.).
s V'ith !f;tle lini'l; tm-I
i otlv rnred ..-.ur-"Ite-;
M. 1). l)ni!'-is-t.
I,o:-npv!iOit, Till!.
i;n .:der il l- 1,'ldiK-y
. me of I lie Hi I. oin-4
nio-e hi n"i:i from !t
v iii1. In fuel t'.i.t
t!-t'eiilon tliiin
" V.'e ivo win ! UP ,-. It Vi
INds. jin.l are iie.oli.4 ol i,
then. ever, duy.-'
'. IM llf.STit'.
I-i nni Im !. ?-To.
! ir.-n!e In' yi in
dd i e.suil.s 'Ii-onr
up (retool. Cover and i'.ook).
F.lfant fc-.iinvrs Uraiid, 3 Mlriiiji:', full
AirriUlen, every itr.provf mint, only
'J-i-". Cabinet (irond Upri.;bt vJb1
aiitlC-i. OthtT tlrjititl ltoiitluy l?.-u-ijaiii.s.
.J'.ibiW Oiii!V, il i '..'
audP-ook). K.v'l:v.or, hiy'.t- t-', Kive
seet of Il'-edH, " Mi'jw, only 4-.-".
"Orieut'vl," style loi. Ti-nsrt of -ds,
2 fetoptt, only r.T. ti. "bovAi.-"' wl--
of reeds or dummy" td.-ps. Ait sen i
tn l'. days ti-il,t;A .''." 1 n-iMih.-'(('oi',v.
Fair aud ili'iiliii'.;
S'.iaraiiteiid. KlieU Mul. pii.v.
Piano, Ui'aii, d Cutnlouii-.- rue
MKXiKi.ttt'OilN I'lA.No CO., Uox
205!i, X. Y.
'I'lniir-aiiil t of im';'vc me tvunuaiiy
robbetiol ilicir vi. tiins, lives) r.:lliliir. 'I iues.i atol licit: tit I''uaid by tbe
liie of the ifrt at
:vt iv
L s c . ;.; i.i
Witoi), ;-ia'.ii!t:l
ea.-t.-t l!;i.t :'oii
,-elt'-Ao!.r,e, in I
Hi : T :
,.,! I.-.
( !::;. held !y I'll!
t';;i i .-iM-s ol' nli v'
ivtaki.t ...s, nml t.!l t !.--v
s u.i a i !,i-u('ii"e of
H Ol' l.:il'.'V, loss -t"
n. acga rj tcy
! 'J r.t :s
SB U &
life! I III I
3 3
'S ;i tssu
tor &j
of assembly entitled "An wt rlutiuc
to elect ions nnd otiitr itirpo.set, ' ap
proved April 7, it is enacted tbat
the 14th section shall be ho constructed
as to prevent any militia or borough
oflleera from serving ns Judge, in
spector or elerk, at any general or
special election in tins common wc-auu
Piirsiinnt to the provisions contained
in the 13th section of the net last afore
said, the return judges of the aforesaid,
district living with in twelve milesof the
prothonotary 's ctllee or wituin twenty
four miles, if their residence be in a
town, village or city upon the lino of a
railroad leading to too county seat,
shall before two o'clock, postmeredian
of the day after tbe election and all
other Judges shall before twelveo'cloek
meredian of the second day after elec
tion, deliver said return together with
return sheet, to the protnouotary ot
the court of common pleas of Llk
county at Ridgway.
I also make known the following
section of au act approved tbe 30th day
. f 1 A T. IO-. OA
oi J.iuuuiy, iv, u. ioii, oilmen i
further supplement to tne aei reguiai
iug elections in this commonwealth,
Rec. 6. At all elections hereafter
held under tbe laws of this common
wealth, the polls shall be opened at i
o'clock a. m. and close at 7 o clock p.
fcnr. 9. At all elections bv the citizens
shall be by ballot ; every ballot shall be
numbered in the order in wincii it
shall be received, and the number re
corded by the clerks on the list of vo
ters opposite tne name or tne elector
from whom received. And any voter
votiug two or more tickets, the several
tickets so voted shall be numbered
with the number corresponding with
tbe number of the name of tbe vote.
Any elector may write his name
upon his ticket or causo tbe same to be
written thereon.
Given under my hand at Ridgway,
the 2Sth day of (September, Iu tlie year
of our Lord one thousand eight hun
dred and eighty-two and of the inde-
Eendence of tlie United (States the one
uml red and elxth.
Kjii:kiiks Ofwci:,
Ridgway, l'a., Kept. i, l$?2.
TJeew Ordinary Kerosene.
Bates aci Cooia Eaual to any Cos'z Stava,
IToBtorn Branch, 43 LAKE STUKSr, CllllAUO.
iu.iiu.iy, ipiviisul Itir.i! 'idr, pain bt
tin- U.elv, iliauit-ss of vision, preiiiiitlll'tt
.::.! iii".i it. any diseases that
lt !.,i ti iiiMUiity or consumption audu
pn -I'.iitt lire i ve
for i in: vi! it r "with trstimoniula
free by nmil. 'I ho IS V.K jORA'I'Olt
Is -obi nl i;l j it Los, or m'.n: boxes Jor
"i ly ih'.l fii'tiMTKistH, ur will ha Ft-iit 'or
by mail, wcitivly kc.uhI, on ivetipt tf
1 S.'.H' bV UllillVsiiillg
'. J. i il.U..N '. J . DrtigglHt,
107 riuuiiuit Kb, TOLEDO, OHIO. '
Holu .-ttit for i be V'liiud States,
i be most wciiiidi-rlnl curative rem
edies of tlie pris'.'iil ltiy, n i e tboso that
t-oiiio l'i'.iiur;tU'isutrtiv, or at bast oriiii-'
mile tbe re. The niott reeent prepiiru
tion pbictd upon the market in this
(.oimlry, is tbe UKKAT (ilUlMAN
IKVUJORATOlt, which him mviv
been knosvn to full in curing a single
cauo ot jmpoteiicy, Fiicrmatoi-rlia-u,
voi'.;r.t-ss and all tli.scuses rcsutiug
from i-eli'-abuse, as liervtuus debility,
inability, mental anxiety, languor,
liissiiiiiio, ui'iiresHkm of smuts and
fimetiouul dciaiigenien (soft lie nervous
system, l'or sale by druggists, nrseut
lit e by mail on ivctii-.t of tbo naico
tl.Oy KoleAgcnt for the United States
Kt-ml for circular, l'lirsale by C'bas.
McVean, St. Marys, l'a.
Frof. GnSitc's Freucli LIVER PAD.
Will positively cure Fever and Ague,
Dumb Ague, Ague Cuke, Jiilous
l-'ever, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, aud all of the Liver, .Stomach and
15!oo!. Price $1.50 by mail. Send for
I'rof. Ouilmette's Trtatiseon the Kid
neys and Liver free by mail. Address
. Toledo, Ohio.
For salo by Clias. I.IeVeau, St.
Marys, Pa.
1 vi
113 WATER BXa, NEW VOmt.
Are purer, better, stronger, and longer
known in tho market than any other article
of the kind. Are always sure and reliable,
and never fail to insure the best results
in rnnlcre. A-;lc Vnur PTOtCr ii)T it aiul
't'ive it a trial, Sa'-blactiua guaranteed or
no pay,
Is n now romwly, originally compoundtwl
aim inirtxiuct-i io mo meaicai iii oie.ssioii.
oiiit tl it'll to tho Huullti at liirL'e, by 8, li.
Huriiiinn, M. 1. Ihihas i-rt-bcrlUil it to
over . WK) itutiotits with tho most imiilfv-
iiiK results. CT3E'S'3S5n3J2
jiaeiiL'cc upon I uo b.iiciu a euin ciy un
like tl uit of anyotluT reinetly, nnd la tbo
only medli.luo ueedeil lu aluiotit every Ui
eae touiiU-h laltelr. In Constipa
tion. ll.siH4'a of tliu I.Ivhf nml Kiiliit VM.
M a s a l I n b 1 1 uu IU bo g 1 v e u w i 1 1 1 U .
i Eiti n a in compoMHior purely Ttgriaoio
inurretllenta. eac h une. ai'Ooniluif to u t!f-
calau thorn, ft groat ruined y lu itbolf. Kifflfl
lr. iiaiunan nils suceettiira in exrruoi
Ing ami cuinblnlng tho cUvo prlfc lples
of tliowi Ingredients Into oi;e sliuplrt com
itoiiud, wbu-h perfectly coiucliloh with the
Via Mkuicathix N atl ha lu every dln-ea--o,
and a cure necetwarlly follows. There
is not au organ it will n.t roach nor : dln
eae It will not cure. K&mEttxrFWHr,
AbK your urugKlst fur Jr. liaiiinaii b
pinpuieion tno "ilisol Lllo. " lr. 8. 11.
Uartiuiiii A Oloru, U., proiirletord.
Vor rik aud l'elvlu lilbeabea, take