The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, September 28, 1882, Image 4

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An Assnnll.
To take a town liy nssmilt is tlie
worst danger a soldier can liave to face.
The theory therefore hail n hIiow of
reason, that without the reward of un
limited license lie could never bo
brought to the breach. Tilly Is re
ported to have replied, when lie was
entreated by some of his officers to
check the rapine and bloodshed that
has immortalized the sack of Madge
burg in 1G31 : " Three hours' plunder
ing is the shortest rule of war. The
soldier must have something for his
toil and trouble." Tlio scene never
varies from age to age; and the storm
ing of Hudajoz and San Sebastian by
the English forces In the Peninsular
war, or of Constantino in Algiers by
the French in 1837, teaches us what
we may expect to see in Europe when
next a town is taken by assault, as
Strasburg might have been in 1870.
"Xo nge, no nation," says Sir
"V. Xapier, ' ever sent forth braver
troops to battle than those who stormed
Uadajoz (April, 1812)." Yet for two
days and nights there, reigned in the
streets, says the same writer, " shame
less rapacity, brutal intemperance, sav
age lust, cruelty and murder." And
what says lie of San Sebastian not a
year and a half later? A thunder
storm that broke out " :ec med to be a
signal from hell f-ir the perpetration
of villainy which would have shamed
the most ferocious barbarians of an
tiquity. The direst, tin
mosi revolting eruenv was added to
the catalogue of crime; one atrocity
staggers tlio mind by
its enormous, incredible, indescribable
barbarity." If officers lost their lives
in trying to prevent such deeds whose
very atrocity, as some one lias said,
preserves them from our full execra
tion, because it makes it impossible to
describe tliem is it likely that the
gallant soldiers who crowned their
bravery with such deviltry would have
been one whit restrained by the con
sideration that in refusing quarter, or
in murdering, torturing, or mutilating
non-combatants, they were acting eon
trary to the rules of modern warfare?
Umtlcmnn's Magazine.
Curious Spanish Ceremonies.
A Madrid correspondent writes
Last Sunday an imposing ceremony
was witnessed at the cathedra".
Twelve poor, blind women and as
many ragged men sat on a long bench
netore the altar. 1 ho king and queen
of Spain, clad in garments neither as
line nor as becoming as the clothes
worn by the mendicants, stooped be
fore them and then washed and dried
their feet, the queen bathing the feet
of the women and the king those of
the men; thus the royal family showed
its humility and good faith. The
royal hands did not touch the feet of
the beggars, but simply sprinkled
water over them and afterward dried
them with coarse towels. Afterward
the subjects of the ceremony were fed
from two long tables prepared in imi
tation of Leonardo da Vinci's " Last
Supper," the queen, who was now as
sisted by her court ladies, dispensed
tlio food to the women, and the king,
with his ministers, attended the men.
It was curious to study the faces of
the mendicants thus honored by the
ceremony. I did not see the menu,
but I counted thirty-two courses, and
I was told that the spread was better
than the king usually had. After the
dinner ceremony was over the entire
military force of the capital was de
ployed along both sides of all the prin
cipal streets to receive the royal party,
who left the palace at 4 o'clock and
marched on foot, the king and queen
with the rest, to seven different
churches, scattered about the city, and,
having attended a short service in
eacli of them, marched hack to the
palace again. They kept in the middle
of the streets and walked with heads
uncovered in the broiling sun through
the whole four miles like soldiers; the
queen and the ladies trailing in the
dust no less than live yards of silk and
gold-embroidered trains to show
their extreme humility on this day.
Hjdropliohia-Tlie Possibility of lie
covcry. The death recently of Mr. George
A. Iteeves, speaker of the Texas house
of representatives, will tend to con
firm the almost universal impression
that recovery from hydrophobia is im
possible. Here was a patient whose
position and circumstances enabled
him to command all the available
resources of medical science in the
treatment of the awful disease to which
he was a victim ; and yet his life could
not Ire saved.
The popular notion that there is no
known remedy for rabies is correct.
Most of the new drugs which have
been tested of late years prove more
injurious than benelicial to the patient.
They produce paroxysms, and thus
hasten death.
JJitt the idea that nobody ever re
covers from hydrophobia does not
seem equally well founded. On the
contrary, a few cases of well authen
ticated spontaneous recovery are on
record. For tlio last eight years a
committee of the Paris Academy of
Medicine has been engaged in prose
cuting careful researches concerning
rabies in animals and man, and the
president of this committee, M. De
croix, in a recent report, declares that
he has obtained satisfactory evidence
of recovery in nine cases, three of
which were those of human beings.
In commenting upon the experi
ments made by the Frencli rabies
committee, tlio Lanwt says that since
the administration of medicines.usu al
ly provokes convulsive seizures, it
seems desirable, according to our pres
ent knowledge, to leave persons affected
with hydrophobia in the most perfect
possible calm." Absolute quiet and
obscurity are pronounced Indispensa
ble conditions of wise treatment by M.
Decroix, and that investigator makes
the astounding statement that, under
such conditions, he would rather suiter
from hydrophobia than from many
other diseases.
It is something to have learned that
every case of hydrophobia is not neces
sarily fatal; that recovery may occur,
though cure as yet appears to be im
possible. The value of agricultural imple
ments yearly produced in tlio United
States has increased ten-fold since 1858.
In that year the census showed it to
be $6,800,000. Now it is more than
An Atlanta) colored man, aged
ninety, has fifty-one children. He took
a fourth wife the other day, ; 'J
Eastern nud Mitldlo Btnten.
CoritTNt dofonltnl Ton Hyok niul I)mp
Boy in a boixt rnco for $1,000 on the St, Ijiw
ronco rivor oar Aloxnmlrin, N. Y.
The Gonornl Unitnriim couforence hold Its
biennial eession nt BariitoKn, N. Y. (lover,
ernor John D. Long, of Mnsnnolmsotta, jiro
Bidod. Tn Kov. Dr. John 8. Mitcholl, for ovor
htilf n century n prominent clerRymnn of tho
Methodist Episcopal chnrch, died tho other
dny at Nowburg, N. Y., aged eifjlity-thrco
At Dormnnsvillo, N. Y., Alonzo Cnsh
forty-ciht years old, shot find mortnlly
wounded hia wifo Minnie, seventeen years
of nge, mid then killed himself. Tho two wore
mnrriod last fall, but had separalod.
Maine's official vote for governor, with the
exception of a few small plantations, whose
returns will change the result but littlo, is ns
follows Total vote, 138,175. For governor
Robio, 72,G5lj Plaisted, CVWij Chose,
1,208; Vinton, 202 j Eustis, 5505 ; Robie's
plurality, 8,798. The Republican candidates
forCongross aro elected by pluraltios littlo hi
excess of that for governor. Tho Repub
licans carry fourteen of the sixteen counties.
Of the senators, tweuty-oiglit are Republicans
nnd throo Fusionists. Of tlio members oi
tho houso, 108 nro Republicans and forty-one
The long Btrike of tlio Iron-workers at
I'ittsburg, Pn., is oyer, the strikers having
doeided by n large majority to resume work
under tho old scale of prices.
Ticket nominatod by the Massachusott8
Democratic Stato convention nt Boston: For
governor, Benjamin F. Untlor; lioutenant
governor, Samuel W. Bowormnn; socrotary
of state, P. N. Skillings, of Winchester;
treasurer and receiver, General William A.
Hodges; auditor, John P. Sweeney, of Law
rence; attorney-general, Georgo F. Very, of
At tho New York Republican State con
vention in Saratoga the Stalwarts through
General Sharpe presented as their candidate
for temporary chairman ex-State Senator
Madden, while tho anti-Administration men
through United States Senator Warner Millor
nominated State Senator E. L. Pitts. Mr.
Maddon was chosen by n voto of 251 to 24(1.
Judge Folger, Governor Cornell, Congress
man Wadsworth, John H. Starin and Gen
eral Robinson were nominated for governor,
the name of Walter A. Wood being with
drawn from the contest. The first ballot re
sulted in 2211 votes for Folger, ISO for Cor
nell, G9 for Wadswoilh, 19 for Starin and 6
for Robinson. Necessary to a choico, 2-10.
On the second ballot, Folger received 2."J
votes, CornelT 222 and Wadsworth 18. On
motion of Senator Miller the nomination of
Judge Folger was made unanimous.
PnoFEssiin A. A. Hofkinb for governor, with
a full ticket, was nominated ot the New York
State Prohibition convention in Rochester.
TnE Massachusetts Republicans in State
convention at Worcester nominated Robert
R. Bishop for governor, Oliver Ames for
lieutenant-governor, Henry B. Pierce for
secretary of Btate, Daniel A. Gleason for
treasurer, Charles R. LaiUl for auditor nud
E. J. Sherman for attorney-general.
At the Connecticut Republican Stato con
vention in Now Haven tho following ticket
was nominated by acclamation : For gover
nor, General William H. Bulkeley ; lieutenant-governor,
John D. Candee ; secretary of
state, S. T. Stanton ; treasurer, Julius Con
verso ; comptrotr, Frank T. KlonU
It is asserted that nearly every American
author sends his book to Dr. Oliver Wendell
TnE general conference of the Seventh
Day Baptists of America held its annual ses
sion in Ashaway, R. I., with Professor A. R.
Crnndnll, of the University of Kentucky, as
The full Now Yoi'k Republican Sia'.o ticket
nominated at Saratoga is as follows: For gov
ernor, Charles J. Folger ; for lieutenant
governor, B. Piatt Carpenter; for cliief jus
tice of tlio court of appeals, Charles Andrews:
for cuiigre.-siiiar.-at-large, A. Burton Hep
burn. A sri:riAi. commission appointed last winter
to investigate charges of malfeasanco in
ofilco preferred against tho Rev. B. G. Nor
throp, secretary of the Connecticut State
board of education, has made n report. It
linds that ihero were violations of law in the
cxpondiuitc of tho funds, but nothing dis
honest, and ti nt lio had not, as charged, re
ceived any lur.e '.t from the approval of edu
cational publications.
At the New York Stato Democratic
convention in Sy ructiso tlio claims of
tho various factious from New York city
were settled by granting to tho County
Democracy thirty-tight sea's, Tammany
Hall twenty-four seats and Irving Hall ten
seats. Lester B. Faulkner presided.
On tho fourth ballot Grovcr Cleveland, mayor
of Buffalo, was nominated for governor, re
ceiving 211 votes ngainst l",i5 for Genera'
Henry W. Slocum and fifteon for Congress
man II jswell P. Flower; necessary toa choice,
103. This result was attained by tho united
delegations from New York city going over to
Cleveland ou tho third ballot. David B. Hill,
mnyorof Elmira, wasnomin ito.l for lieuto:i-ant-govornor
on a rising voto, as was also
General Henry W. Slocum, of Brooklyn, for
Congressmau-at-largo. William C. llugor,
of Syracuse, was nominated on the first bal
lot for chief judge of tho court of appeals, re
caiviug 210 votes, against VIA for Kuf us V.
Pecklmm. On tho Stato committoo New
York city now is represented by two mem
bers John Kelly and Augustus Schell Irv
ing Hall by one member, and the County
Democracy by the remaining four members.
At Buffalo Mrs. James Benson, while in a
delirium from fever, left her bed, and taking
her youngest child, a boy two years old,
drowned herself and him in a cistern.
A delayed Harlem railroad train was
standing in tho Fourth avenue tunnel in New
York, when it was run into from the rear by
another train with such terrific force that two
passenger cars were completely wrecked.
Mudame Aubert, a teacher, was instantly
killed; William Howe, a bookkeeper, died
soon after of his injuries, and twenty-one
other persons were hurt, several of them with
probably fatal effect.
The recent three-days' rain storm which
prevailed in many parts of tho Eastern and
Middle States was tho heaviost that had
visited this section of the country in many
years and did an enormous amount of dam
age to property of all kinds, more particu
larly in New. Jorsey. In Now York city
there was a rainfall to the extraordinary
depth of six inches. Mementos of the great
storm were scattered over the Atlantic elope
from Now England to the Carolinas, and iU
ravages extended fur into the interior. Small
creeks became raging torrents, Btreets and
houses were flooded, railroads were washed
out in many places, trains and mails were
delayed and some lives were lost. The ag
gregate damago throughout the country is to
be reckoned by millions. At PlainUeld, N.
J., a bridge that was crowded with people,
watching the progress of the flood, suddenly
gave way and nearly fifty persons fell into
the stream. Two or three were reported
missing and many others were injured.
Matthew Coni.t, fonrtcon years old, com
mitted mileldoatCluromont, N. II., by shoot
ing himself because he had boen reproved by
his mothor.
Aijinzo Fom.utt, a prominent Now York
commercial paper broker, has failed, his
total indebtedness being variously estimated
at from $100,000 to $1,000,000.
Ditlimil a dense fog tlio steamship Edam,
of tho Nelherlands-Amorioan Steam Naviga
tion company, from Now York bound for
Rotterdam, was run down and sunk at sea by
tho British steamship hepatite, bound for
New York from Hull. Two of the engineers
of tho Edam wore killed by the collision.
Tho passengers and crow of the wreokod
vessel wero brought to Now York by the Lo
panto. The Edam was valuod at about fllOO,
000 and carried a general cargo of 3,000
South and West
A Tnoum.E is apprehended in Utah during
tho coming campaign. Tho garrison nt Fort
Douglass, near Salt Lako City, has boon re
inforced by two companies of United States
Tun liquor men of Illinois, nlarmod at the
progress of prohibition in Kansas and Iowa,
held a Stato convention nt Rock Island to
concert mcasuros for n defense of their in
terests. At Pcnsncola, Fla., yellow fever is reported
to bo largely on tho increase, many now cases
occurring daily.
James B. Guant has been nominated for
governor by tlio Colorado Democrats.
At tlio national convention of tho Anti-IIorse-Tliief
association held in Palmyra,
Mo., delegates representing more than 200
lodges attended.
Jack Chatman (colorod) was hanged nt
Bellcview, Ln., for tho murder of another
colored man named Williams. Jealousy and
a desiro for revenge prompted tho deed.
A TEimim.E six-sided duel, in which four
men lost their lives, is reported in tho follow
ing dispatch from Denver, Col.: "Georgo
Howard, owner of n herd of 8,000 cattle, and
John Kecley, owner of n hord of 4,000, wer
driving eastward in company from Arizona
North of Trinidad, Col., on tho plains, tho
two herds were to separate Howard was to
take tlio old Santa Fe trail to Kansas City
and Kecley was to drive northward to Den
ver. On tho route accidental changes of
cattle had been made, nud Howard insisted
on having his stock taken out, but was un
willing to deliver Kcoley's nnd it was finally
agreed to settlo tho matter by a battlo bo
twoon six picked men from each party. Ac
cordingly twelve men arranged themselves
on horseback the two sides fifty feet apart
nnd nt a signal from thoir employers the
fight was to begin. At tho first fire four men
were instantly killod. Goorgo Loster, of
Kccley's parly, was shot through the broast.
Ono of Howard's mon foil with a ball
through liis hoad, and two others of the
Bamo party wero shot through tlio heart.
Dismajed, tho Howard party, with tho ex
ception of thoir employer, flod to thoir camp.
Keeley then rode up to Howard and pro
posed that they should fight it out. Howard
declinod, saying that ho uudorstood tho
matter to have boen settled according to the
terms of battle mado beforehand. An equit
able exchange of cattle was then made. The
dead wore buried by the othor men from both
parties, and the drovers, with their herds in
charge, separated for thoir respective routes."
Heavy frosts have occurred in various sec
tions of tho Northwest.
A iiiiE nt Susanvillo, Cal., destroyed the
buildings of two entire business blocks,
causing nn estimated loss of !jl.r0,000.
Stephen Day, nge seventy, secreted
7;!,XX), tho savings of n lifetime, in n tin
box in his houso nt Mount Holly, Ohio. In
the temporary absenco of himself and wife
somo unknown person entered tho house
and stole tho contents of the box.
From Washington
Infohmation has been rccoived at tho
treasury department that a counterfeit sil
ver half-dollar mado of Babbott motal and
glass is being circulated. It has a good
ring and is an excellent imitation.
The census bureau has issued a bulletin
classifying tho population of the United
Stales in 1SS0 by nativity. The native-born
were: Whites, 3G,84.1,2!I1; colored, C,C32,.r.t9;
foreign-born, G,079,0tl; total popula
tion C0,15j,78;1. Of tho foreign
born 2,772,100 were natives of the United
Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, l.OGG,
712 of the German empire, 717.0S1 of Brit
ish America, UM,:S7 of Norway, 181,720 of
Sweden, 100,071 of Franca, 10l,CU of Chiua,
and the remainder represent all tho countries
of the earth.
The President hns ratified tho postal con
vention between tho United States and
Switzerland, to take effect October 1.
Conceunino the now comet recently dis
covered in Colorado, a Washington dispatch
says: The groat comot reported as having
boon discovered by observers in Colorado
was observed at the Naval observatory this
nf temoon. It was found in right ascension
11 hours 19 minutes 32 seconds, and declina
tion north 10 degrees and 10 "minutes. The
comet was easily seen with the naked eye,
and exhibited a short tail with a bright head
of considerable extent. In the telescope the
nucleus showed as a confused mass of bright
light, indicating a largo comet with plenty of
loose material. Extending on both sides
were seen bright arcs of light, presenting
tho appearance of a bird with outstretched
wings. In regard to this comet a dispatch
from Rochester, N. Y., says: "Dr. Lewis
Swift, director of the Warner observatory,
has been receiviug'messnges from all parts of
America, claiming the discovery of a large
naked-eyo comet, now visible noar the sun.
To set at rest all inquiries he states that it is
tho same comet recently discovered in South
America, moving west. It is not the comet
of 1812, and is not identical with any known
Tns secretary of the interior has decided
upon tho disarmament of the uncivilized
Indian tribes. His first step in that direc
tion is an order that no more breech-loading
Titles be supplied to the Indian police.
Ex-United States Senator Christiancyhas
been grunted a divorce from his young wife
on the ground of desertion. While United
States Senator Mr. Christinncy, an old man
with several children by a former wifo, mar
ried a young lady employed in the treasury
department. -
Ousebvationb of the newly discovered
comet mado at Washington tend to confirm
its identity with tho comet of 1843 and 1880.
The secretary of the interior the other day
k made about 200 appointments in the pension
office. No further appointments will be
made in that office.
Up to the present time the moneyed value
of donations to tho Garfield Memorial Hos
pital fund amount to about $80,000.
A foumal reception was tendered to En
gineer Melville, of the Jeannotte, in the Ma
souio hall, Washington. The hall was
crowded, and Mr. Thompson, ex-secretary of
the navy, made an address, at the conclusion
of which Engineer Melville, Lieutenants
Berry and Danenhower, and Ninderman and
Noros took thoir stand at the foot of the
platform and received the greetings of the
audience, while the band played Russian and
American national airs,
Foreign N
A woman was shot by process server In
county Donegal, Ireland, while resisting the
seizure of her cattle.
Heavi floods have done much damage to
property in portions of Italy.
The Hon. Gerald Valerian Wellesley, dean
of Windsor and domestio chaplain to Queen
Victoria, is dead.'
The Missouri car nnd foundry works in
St. Lonis wore burned; loss estimated at
Jours Zemitzly mot a singular death at
Chicago. Ho wont into an ice-house at
tached to a brewery nnd was frozen to death.
A cable is to bo laid belwoonp?ortugal and
the United Slates.
Ar.ii the Irish suspecto now in prison ex
copt thoso against whom crime can bo proved
are about to be released.
A Dublin dispatch assorts that' the Irish
leaders have formed a new organization to
take the placo of tho land leaguo, which was
suppressed. Thoy will declnro in favor of
peasant proprietary and of a scheme for the
land colonics somewhat similar to that advo
cated by Michaol Davitt.
Miss Sarah Elstone, tho daughter of re
spoclable parents residing in Woodstock,
Ontario, deliberately committed suicide by
building n fire and standing over it until
horribly burned from head to foot. She was
religiously inclined nnd her last words wore
" I nm going to Jesus." She left a note say
ing sho was tired of this world and had made
up her mind to sacrifice herself.
Is CoicorJia, Mexico, five persons were
killed iu a church which was struck by light
ning. A number of other persons were se
riously injured in the rush to osonpo,
G ENERAt, Wolsei.kt issued an address to his
Boldiors congratulating thorn upon their suc
cess in Egypt.
Aedellat. Pasha, the commander of
Damictla, Egypt, was slrjt by his own troops
for refusing to surrender to the English.
A Gehman Catholic priest chargod with
libeling Prince Bismarck in an article has
been fined 200 marks.
A fibe which lasted sovoral days destroyod
the greater part of tho town of Kashin, Rus
sia. An examination of tin Egyptian treasury
shows that about jj;l,U'o,0U0 wore taken by
Arabi Pasha.
Floods in the Tyrol caused a large loss
of life and destroyed inunh property. Twenty
six bodies wero recovered.
Commakpeii Raw-son, who was specially
promoted for bravery at the battle of Tel el
Kebir, in which ho was vouudod, died from
tho effects of his wouud.
The exhibition building nt Sydney, New
South Wales, has been totally destroyed by
firo, with all its contents. The loss if
about $2,r00,000.
Baron Tknterdkn. British permanent tin
der secretary of slate for fo.eigu affairs, and
formerly British agent for the Geneva con
fcrenco, is dcud.
Pateick Walsh was hanged at Galway,
Ireland, for tho murder of Martin Lydon.
Walsh protested his iuaocenco and insisted
that a wilnoss-had sworn falsely. When the
black flag iu tho prison was hoisted tho coir
vict's mother, who was in the crowd outoidn,
gave way to wailing and refusod to leave tlu
spot. Her friends also joined iu tho molau
cho'.y crios. A largo guard of soldiers wore
ou the ground.
TnE rebellion in Ecuador, South America,
is still in progress.
It is officially announced that Goneral
Wolseley and Admiral Seymour will bo raised
to the peerage in acknowledgment of theii
recent services in Egypt.
WniLE a mixed train wns crossing tho rivor
Dravo, near Eazok, in Anslro-IIungnry, n
part of tho bridge fell iu and the engine and
baggage cars wero pitched into tho river,
dragging with them somo of tho passenger
cars containing a numbor of Hussars on n
furlough. Thirty soldiers were drowned
and many others were injured.
A msrATcn from Armagh, Ireland, says
that eight men chatgod with treason-felony,
four of whom had only recently boen liberated
from Kilmainham jail, have been remanded.
It is understood that tho crown has obtained
evidence from an informer, who mado cx
traordinary revelations in regard to tlio ox-
ir.lerco of a widespread conspiracy.
The lied sea takes its name from a
minute thread-like oscillatoria or al;ra
which hhrenherg observed when sail
in"; over it, and which gives a red color
to the water.
The telephone is now connected with
diving apparatus, and the diver receives
Ins instructions by means ot it at the
bottom of the sea. It is thought that
it will tend to lessen tho danger of ac
cidents. Astronomers say that tho earth
meets annually in its course some lifty
million comets, These ignite, as a rule,
and become shooting stars ; or, if they
do not ignite, fall to tho earth as me
teoric stones.
In the Italian parliament the voting
is done by electricity. Three buttons
marked aye, no, and abstain, on each
member's desk, are connected with a
central printing apparatus which re.
cords the votes automatically as tho
members touch the buttons.
All know that nir has weight, but
one is apt to have rather vague ideas
as to the weight of comparatively
limited quantities of it. A cubic foot
ot air weighs 5-Jb.l grains, or some
thing over one ounce; 13.0(5 cubic feet
weigli one pound. About sixty-five
cumc feet ot air furnish one pound ot
ox3-gen. An apartment eight feet
high, twelve feet wide and thirteen
feet long contains about 100 pounds
of air ; and a room forty feet square
and eighteen feet high contains about
a ton.
Thirteen Years Without Sleep.
Thomas McElratli, of Marlboro, 2T.
Y., whose case attracted wide atten
tion three years ago because he said he
had not slept a wink in ten years, is
still living without sleep. He says he
has not closed his eyes in sleep for
three years, and, indeed, that lie has
not slept at all for thirteen years. His
neighbors say that they have been at
his house at all hours of the day and
night, and havo invariably found him
alert and wide awake. lie is a mem
ber of the l'resbyterian churcli of the
place, and his word is trusted by all
who know him. lie is in good health,
and weighs over 200 pounds. He is
seventy, and does not work, except on
small jobs about his house. He says
ho takes "no comfort at all" in life,
but he has given up taking all medi
cine, and waits "for the coming of the
Lord." -
One of the largest orders for bridge
building steel is that issued for the
new bridge over the Frith of Forth,
Scotland. It calls for 45,000 tons of
steel. .
Wasn't In.
The occupant of an office on Con
gress street west fixed matters one day
tills week In such shape that any caller
had to run tho gauntlet of a boy in
the ante-room, and as he retired into
his den beyond ho said to the youth:
JN ow, young man, look me in the
" 1 cs, sir."
" And remember what I say."
" Yes, sir."
" If any person calls and asks if I
am in you must say you don't know.
You will then ask their business. If
they say it is a financial matter you
must come in here, stop a minute, and
return and say that I am out of town
to take baths for my rheumatism."
" 1 es, sir.
It was hardly an hour before a
stranger came up, and when asked his
business he replied:
" Well, I called on a little errand in
volving some money."
That was the cue ior the boy. lie
retreated to the back room, winked at
his employer, and returned to the ante
room and reported:
" He has just left for the country on
a vacation."
" Then I'll leave a note," said the
man, and lie' sat down and wrote a
few lines and took his departure.
When he had been gone ten minutes
the employer came out to read it. He
read :
" Called to pay you that ninety dol
lars, but you were out. Am off for
Tennessee. See you when I return in
.January. Tra-la!"
It was the work of only ten seconds
to lling on his hat and reach the street;
but it was too late. An hour's hard
work, including a walk to one of the
depots, failed to turn up the man who
had money to leave instead of a bill to
collect. The boy over there was look
ing very much cast down yesterday.
One would have said that somebody
bad beer swearing at him. Detroit
Free 1'
Rays the Brooklyn Eagle: Mr. R. C. Moor?,
of Messrs. Vcrnam & Co.,34 New street, New
York, was almost instantly relieved by St.
JacobnOil of severe pain following an attack
of pleurisy. The remedy acted like magic
The gum of tlio palmetto, -vhieh is
found in almndanee in Florida, makes
as good if not better niueilago than
gum arahie.
'The art connoisseur and exhibitor, Prof
Cromwell, was cured of rheumatism by Hi.
Jacobs Oil Norfolk Virginian.
One hundred and sixty stonecutters
are at work on the "Washington mon
ument. A Hiimrt .Hun
is one who does his work cpiiekly and well.
This is what Dr. H. V. Piorco's "Goldon Medi
cal Discovery" does ns a blood purifier and
strengthened It arouses the torpid livor,
purifies the blood, aud is the best remedy for
consumption, which is scrofulous disease of
tho lungs.
Mb. H. Pebcival snys that if population
goes on nt its present rate in 214 years the
world will have reached the frightful average
ot iUO inhabitants to the square mile.
Itrnutirnl Women
are mucio pallid and unattractive by func
tional irregularities, which Dr. Pierce's
iavonte i'rescription ' will infallibly euro.
Thousands of testimonials. By druggists.
Habuison county, Miss., compels non-resi
dents visiting within its limits to pay a road
tax m money or worK it out.
T7-rn v.. nn.a
is a crimo; nnd ladies cioinof nfford to do
without Dr. Pierce's "Favorite Proscription,"
winch, by preserving nua restoring health,
preserves nnd restores that beauty which de
pends on health.
TnpjiE are 245 volunteer fire departments
in New York State, with 1,028 companies and
',ioi members.
I'rnfrnKlmml KnnvWrdjf i;
Jkuhky C'itt, N. J Kept. 10, 1881.
II. H. Waknkb & Co.: Him t hnve been
cured of Briirhl's Disease bv usino- the reme
dy known as Warner' Safe Kidney nnd Liver
(jure. ituTus w. I'bacoqk, M. t.
The United States spends i?2,.ri00,000 an
nually on religious foreign missions.
PvnE con-uvKn ott from Rclected livers,
on the seashore, by Caswell, Hazard t Co., N.
. Absolutely pure nud sweet. Patients who
nave once taken it prefer it to nil others.
Physicians declnro it superior to all other oils.
CirArrKn hamps, face, pimples nnd rough
SMii cured by using Juniper Tar Soap, nuuu
by Caswell, Hazard fe Co., New York.
Miibsi-Shipton's proi.hcey is about IDOyvari
o'-i. lCvcry prophecy lies been fulll led eicei.i
thD end of the world. Buy your Cai-bolino, a
deodorized extract of petroleum. tho great hair
roawrer, uetore the world comes to an end
The Science of Lifo,orSelf-Preservation, a
nieuieai worn lor every man young, middle
aged or old. 125 invaluable proscriptions.
Beef catllo, good to primo, 1 w 11
Calves, com'n to prime veals S (ji
Sheep 4
Lambs G (S
Hogs Live tK(S0
Dressed, city H)sW
Flour Ex. St., good to fancy 4 55 (d 7
AVest., good to choico 5 05 (ill 8
Wheat No. 2 Bed 1 07l4jh 1
No. 1 Whito 1 l(i6 1
Rye Stato 71 (u
.Barley Two-rowed State ... 1 07 (i 1
Com Ungrad. West, mixed. 71 (
Yellow Southern U2 ((b
Oats White Stato 4.1 (&
Mixed Western 32 (ti
Hay Prime Timothy 75
Straw No. 1, Rye 55
Hops State, 1KH1, choice ... 55 (ii
Pork Mess, now, for export. 21 70 (t'21
Lard City Steam 12 25 ( 12
Refined 12 75 (i l2
Petroleum Crudo OJiW
Helmed 7i(0
Butter State Creamery 28 (?S
Dairy 17 (3
Wesc. Im. Creamery. 18 (S
Factory 15 (rt)
Cheoso Stato Factory 8 (a
Skims 2 (
Western fijdfi
Eggs State nud Penn 25 S
Potutocs L, I., bbl 3 CO (& 2
Steers Good to Choico C 25 (r 6
Lambs Western 5 00 (ii 5
Kheep Western 4 25 (rb 4
Hogs Good to choice Yorks. 8 00 (iifi 8
Flour C'y ground n. process. 7 25 (d 8
Wheat No. 1, Hard Duluth.. 1 20 & I
Corn No. 2, Mixed 72 ft
Oats No. 2, Mixed Western. C t (S
Barley Two-rowed State ... 00
Beef Ex. plate and f umily . . 17 50 ft? 18
Hogs Live 8 (i
City Dressed llftfi
Pork Ex. Prime, per bbl. . .21 00 (a21
Flour Sprinc Wheat patents 7 25 8
Corn High Mixed 84 fti
Oats Extra White 60 fti
Rye State 85 fti
YV ool Wsh'd comb ik delaine 44 (ji
Unwashed " 28
watehtown (mass.) cattle mabket,
Beef Extra quality J 60 ft 8
Sheep Live weight 6 0)
Lainbs n'(ib
Hogs Northern, d. w ll)4
Flouir Penn. ex family, good 8 25 (3 8
Wrheafr-No. 2, Red I 02 (ft 1
Rye State 87 (4
Corn State Yellow. 2 (1
Oats Mixed l a
Butter Creamery Extra Pa. 82 (&
Cheese N. Y. Full Cream.. . HJiftJ
Petroleum Crude..., 6 (ct
Kenned 7'($
6 V
11 i
f'nlturli nt Ihm tlliwlilor.
Rttooino irritation, inflammation and all
Kidney and Urinary Complainteeuredby "Bu-
chupnibn. l. Druggists, rtonu for pam-
pniot to B. vv
Wells, Jersey City, N. J.
83 Onlii Will BttT
a Treatise npon the Horse and his Diseases.
Book of 100 pages. Valuable to every owner
of horses. Postage stamps tnken. Sent
postpaid by Now York Newspaper Union, 1C0
Worth Street, New York.
William J. Cotiitlilin, of Bomorvillo, Mm,, says:
In tho full of 1870, 1 wiw takon with ulekdino or
the LCS08, followed by a sovero coiirU. I lost my
ar-petlto and flesh, and wan eonflnort to my bed. la
1877 1 was admittod to tho Hospital. Tho doctors
said I had a hole In my lnnft as lilpr as a half dollar.
Atone time a report went around that I wm drad,
I care up hnpo, lmt a friond told me of pn. WIL
Rnt abottlo, when to my Burprifio, 1 enmmonerd to
fool better, and to-day 1 feel bettor than for throe
yoars past.
BAKER'S PAIN PANACEA onma pain in Man or
Beast. For nae externally or Internally.
I.T,FNS HRAIN FOOT)! Mnrt n1lable tonlo
t . v k 1 Mi lUia t Ivitn If.
i. m Ir IIJ Drain uriiriuinv
positively cured Nervous Debility nd reHWrPH bmt
viiilo powRTfl. Sold by (riipist. $1
l-"io by ni nil 'n Tpuniiit of jirico. .1 OIIN II.
o.i r.. will nT a Treatise upon tli
Homo and hit Diseanoa. Book of 100 pages. Valuable
to eten owner of tinmen. rof.te stamps tnken. Bout
t- ..r iu vnnir KI.'.VSIAPI''II UNION.
posTpaia oj ...... -
I .'lO Worth itreot, New York.
Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbaao,
Backache, Soreness of tho Chest,
Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell
ings and Sprains, Burns and
Scclds, General Bodily
Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted
Feet and Ears, and all other
Pains and Aches.
No Prepnrntlon on earth equals St. Jaees OtT.
ei a, mafe, sitrr, sttiiplo and cheap Kxternnl
Kerned. A trial entails to ths comparattrely
ilifliiig outlay of iO Cents, and erarjr oils aiiftsrine;
with pain can have cheap and positiT proof of lis
claims. i a
UirscUoni In Eleven Langnagrs. "
liritimore, Mi U 8. A
H Y N U 34
An Only Daughter Cured of
When death wnn hourly ejEj';ctl, nil remndio having
f.iilfd, nnrl Dr. II, J;nne was expfriniPiitiinE with t!i
Hinny herbn nf (.'iilfuttii, ho it('cii.inln!ly niiiiin it iro
iKtratiun which currd hia only I'hild of ('miKiimiuio:..
llirtchiUl it now iu this country, and nnjovitit tliH
l hunlth. Mohan provrvl to thu world flint ('iiihuui
tin 11 enn he positively nnd prrmuieiitly ennui. Tlio
iloi tor now (rives thin Kcripo frrt only asking two thn-u-iviii
stnmp topiiy oxpenwH. This hcrh hIwwutps iN'itrht
.Sweat. NniiN!i Nt tliH Ntncli, and will hrenk ui ft
fresh I-old in twfiity.toiir hour. AdilnH CrnddnrK A
Co., lo:a lincu Strm-t, Philadt-lphin, nnniinc thin p.-ipor.
fever and ague.
ItB concmur, bilious
remittent, besides af
foe tUms of the stom
ach, livor and bowels,
produced by minsiua
tio air and water, are
both eradicated and
prevented by the use
of II i jut otter's Stom.
.. CtllSflATFJ 71
auh Hitters, a pure)
vegetable eluir, in
dnrsed by physicians,
and more extensively
used as a remedy for
tho above clnss of dis
nrdorf, b well as for
m iu i y o t h t rs , t h a 1 1 n 1 1 y
medicine of the itjrt,
I-'orKKle by all I trip
pi Ht a and Dealers fijn-
Fur Snle Iit all len.linf riann II mi sua. GATA
fll R P-B bt' oortiiinlv bent. It.'ivhitf bn:n ri
O.VIi'Ji'ii'HSN lor MXTI'.KN VKAHSt no
other Ann iir;m ( :-."!) lutviipc boni t'ouiti e U:il nt any.
AIkq t'llliAPKST. Ktyki li9; a'4' octavos; suihoient
com puss Mild power, with best ipulity, for pupul'ir
s.'irred snd KHi'tilar nuiMc in s' or families, nt only
via. on is in :niui:i oim:it sTVi.rxat
.to, 7, m, ?s, sios, tit 1 1,
t-i .j(M aud upward. The Uiryrr ahft tira lehuUy
rirnlij hu ai-u ihrr Orunu. Also for nnsy n-iytneittfl.
ff This Company hnve ennimenrM
. iuo manuiitetiire of I i IIT
J) (dAM) JMANOS, introducing
mtjioriaiit imnn i mait ; adumg to power and Lummy of
tunc and durability. Will not rfuirr tmiiuj niir.'uiirter
a uhuU on other i'lfintt. J LKl'sTIt ATiiD (Jill
CTI'AltW, with full particulars, vm.K.
Till: .11 A SON i HAMLIN OltfiAN AND
I J A NO IO.. 154 Ti-t-iimiit St. Itonliin, 4U l
1 IlliM., N. Vork I li W abiifh Av-.,t hinmu.
PnraonV l'mKiillvo PHI mnke New Rich
Blood, end will complexly chne tha blood in the en
tire nyntem ra thrne months. Any portion whn will tako
one pill ftjich niiiht fmm 1 to 12 weeks may he motored
toiound hnaltli if stii-h a thin be possible. Sold every,
where or cmt for ruiht letter stumps.
1. JOHNSON & C O., lluatou. .Uiifla.. for
nieriy Hun tor. Jle.
('onimon IMiut ourii pli, i ttn other kind of small
picture. WewillBnd'till di'HiTipllfMiH, pru't', etc,
to any rolinltki manorwomnn who will act fin our iifiit.
Tosuchapariy weoflur a piTiiiHiifiit and priilliahlu
btisineHs of the highest respectability. Photo-Copying
agents should address ua by lotlur, KtutiiiK experience
quality nf work tlmy hnndle, aud pheba paid. Tllli
At? HUH N t'OgVlNH, J0., fek aml'bl Gwimm
Street, Auburn, ISuw York.
T l'rilit Evapitrnlitr llf on theearth. Pubitiva
evidence. Write to itlcliride 'fi. Allttntii liu.
Amenta wanted in evwrr oouatjr Ln tli. unibad Biates
i P7 0 rj Bttt u it..
i Ik Jaaj,iit.
3 li t(VsV ti.tod Drlc.litl
IO tnt bni 3 I.o.bW Ad, CnrilMSnda Nona
It KucliUookBook. t.llnniord, hyraouBe. N.V,
TO MAKF, A FORTUNE, only 10. C. n.
THL Kl'IiU. Mux 41. Buy 8U010, N. V.
M BeatOouKhfcyruji. Tastes Kood.
Ifc Use In time. rK.hl by dniKS'lata. Vj
Dm lame book or 1 BOr3,'K?0
eato that you are a victim? THEN DO NOT
(drHB-KlBtd recommend it) nnd it wlu speedily
overcome the disease and restore hesuUiy awuon.
It la n SUrTcURS for
It has (rpeoino action on this most important
organ, enabling it to throw off torpidity and in
action, stimulating the healthy secretion of the
Bilo, and by keeping the bowels in roe condi
tion, effboting lta regular disohorge.
mm o I o r3 o If you are suflbring from
IWl a I a 1 1 a mUTla, have the ohllls,
are bilious, dyspeptio, or constipated, Kidney
Wort will surely relievo and quickly cure.
in , finrinff. to oloanse the System, every
3 one should take a thorough oourse of it
I nsiSASS Tor complaints peonllarto
LtCtUlwda your Mr, such as pain and
weaknesses, KIDNEY-WORT to unsurpassed,
as It will act promptly and safely.
Either Sex. Incontinence, retention of urine,
brick dust or ropy deposits, and dull dragging
pains, nllspoodily yield to its curative power.
t'-It A ctn at tho samo timo on the KIDNEYS,
1IVI1 AMD EOWELfl.J'.J 1'or Constipation,
Piles, or RheumatiBm it is a pormanont cure.
SOLO EY TiRUCeieTS. Price I. W)
MF.UCrtANT'S O AttQT.INQ OTI. 13 tlio
olilpst. itiid tlio slBililtud liniment of the
United Slates. Lni-RO 8i7.e, $1.(10; medium 50
cents! tninll, 2i cents; small siwj for fumlly
iKo. 25 rents: Mereliniit's Worm Talileta, lib
I i pnta. Var snloliv everv druificlst aud dealer
in ueuorui nieruuunaiBO.
For Family Use
Tho Oarp-linpr Oil Mnlinent with wniTE
WitAiTKH, jirepiired for lnimnn flesh, la put
up in Kimili boll leg niily, aud does nut stain
tne skin. I'lico o cents.
Tho GarglJn? Oil Almanac for 1883
Tr now In the liandn of our rjrlnter. find will
bo ready fur distribution during the months
ot iNovemncr ana uceeniocr, isws. 'jneAi
innnan for the eominir vear will bo more use
ful nnd instructive- than ever, and will be
sent li'uo to any address. v rite lor one.
Ask the Nearest Druggist. J
If tho dealers In your place do not keep
Merchant's liai'Kliinr Oil for sale. Insist upon
their geudinir to us, or where they pet their
medicines, and p-etit. Keep tho bottle well
enrked, and shako it before usinir. Yellow
wrapper for animal and whito lor human
. v" Special Notice.
The Merchant's Gnrirllnc Oil has been In
Laotian li t.itirit foi Itn If n nnittiii'i' All wn
r..'lc Is a fair trial, but bu suro and follow di
The Gnrpltiifr Oil and srerelmnfs Woi-m
Tablets nro lor sale by all druiririsls and dcal-ei-s
in general merchandise throughout the
Manufactured nt. Loekport, N. T., by ilei'-
Ciuuil s t,ar'.-nutr uil lomptLny.
Payne's Automatic Engines
Ueliflblo, Durable and Economical, iri7l furnish a
h'tr pmrr with li lr j'uel find water thn a it if other
Kinjine Ami7, nut Httedwith nn A utmiuit ii Cut-uff. Bend
inr llliiftrated 1 :tiihpue ',l," fur lutoniiMtion an
Prices. It. W. Pavnk &. Sons, Bt.x, ww, in.rninif, N.Y,
iff mi in in worm. iit grninno- r.v-vv
Vnrltiirn l:nur t indp-nin rli nu.t h iiiuiUcu
frnyniS, J-n !,! V.V . V V 1 1 Kit K
Get up Clubt for CKLK
BRA 1 D 'I E Ad, and ivear ft btautKNl
"Uon Salt or Gold Band T t,'
(44 picc, i wtir on ii Imput Utiua, Oa
ot tlieie b'mtlfiil '1 Krt cItkb
to tne ui ty ivimti; a Chtb lor $2r..0Q. Gewan ut th u-callrd
" CHKAt TEAS " tltnt ftie bf ibr v.l T-rt l.-rl tli y nr (Unfercua
aaitdrtrlmental to lirattb ! puiinn. nnl on'.y wilU relUbla
lloaica and wtlh tlrpt liamU f Nn biuuLoe;. r
TUo Oreut American Tea Co., Importers,;
P. O. Box ait. 11 k 32 V LtKY tT., New Torlu
CIV WllT WASTE MONEY! Tnnnr man wold.
OI A If jou wm a Lmutiaiit oiuuiUrlio, flowinc
TT (Zl whi'krri ur a tiif crawih f hair on tild
V IO tri-li, or to THll KtN, STKENurHtN and
INTltiORATlf tb HAIR luontn don't b humuugK4.
Ttj tbt rV 8ptiiB diMotm obieh bai 1SCVKR V HT
PA1LKD, lBdUt,Y BIX UlNTt to Dr. J. 60NZA.
ULi, Ux ltt, Awa, MaM. Har C all UnUaUsai.
VnilMft UCtJ If ' want t teUpruptiy in
I UUllU liC.n few months and be rortiiin ot a it ikl
tion, adtlrosa Vuleiitiiio UroNM Jnineavilia, Wis.
Isa medical treatise on Ki haunted Vitality, Nervivus
aud Physical Debility, Premature Decline ia Man ;
Is an indispensable treatise for every man, whether
young, middle-aged or old.
Is beyond all comparison the most extraordinary
wprkon Physiology eTr publishpd. There if nothing
whatever that the married or single can either requira
Instruct 8 those in health how to remain so, and tho In
valid how to become well. Contains one hundred andf
twenty-nve invaluable prescription!! for all forms o.
acuU and chrouio diseiiKes, for each of which a first
class physician would charge from 3 to ftlU. Lontim
Contains 8t0 pages, tine steel engraving, Is Superbly
bound in French imiblin, embohsed, full silt. It is a
marvel of art and beauty, warranted to be a better
medical book in every sense than can be obtained elsu.
wiiere for double the price, or the money will be refund
ed in every Auttor,
Is so much superior to nil other treatises on medioa
subjeots that uompahaoa is absolutely impoabible,
BoMton Herald,
Is sent by mall, securely sealed, postpaid, on receipt of
price, only $1.26 (new edition). Small illustrated samples,
(jo. Send now. , '
The author can be consulted on all 'diseases requiriug
skill and experience. Address f
or W. II. PAKKEtt. M. .,
4 BulOnch Jstreeu Ruslou. Mum.
f X
JI- 2 Pii
81 and 83 Jackson St., Chicago.
f. W. OlTBAHDEB. Isto of H. Ifartt Co.
Vua. Uuiut. Uu vt UuIls A Biwuowr.