The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, September 14, 1882, Image 3

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THURSDAY, SEPT.. 14, 1882.
The new Climax Wringers at W.
S. Service's, agent.
Try our Standard Flour and you
will never regret It.
Cheap and rellabl e, ti. P. Mercer
flgetn. Get yonr horses Insured.
Mason's Fruit Jars, Pints, Qunrts,
and half gallons at W. 8. Bervice's,
--ThB Hall Vapor Stove Is the
greatest invention of the age at V. S.
Service's, agent.
School Books School Books, ft
full line of School Books, Slates. Copy
Books Ac, arriving at Craig's Drug
and Book Store.
Wauaraaker & Brown's Fall sam
ples are on hand now. Call and ex
amine whether you want to purchase
or not. S. A. Rote, agent,
New stock of Scrap Albums, Box
Paper, Pocket Books, Ladles' Port
tnonales, Rubber aud basd balls at
Craig's Drug & Fancy goods store.
A very large assortment of Hats a
Y. K. Grand Central, if you want a
good style hat for a very little money
drop Into the Grand Central.
If you want a fine 6ct., cigar try
La Jennesse" or '"Latest Edition "at
Craig's Drug Store. Fine cigars a
You will find its to your advan
tage to buy your school supplies.
Books, Slates, Copy Books at Craig's
Drug and Book Store.
-Mrs. Jacob Butterfuss, over Butter
fuss' harness shop, Main street, has
constantly on hand the latest style o
human hair goods, also switches, nets
and pins, c. Call atid see them.
The- Grocery department at the
Urand Central, P. & K's, is very full
und complete and prices as low as
good reliable oods can be sold for. A
largo stock of Pork, Hams, Cheese,
Dairy Butter, Flour, Feed, Beans,
Sugar and Syrup just received.
New Cobbling Shop, in Ridijwny
The undersigned having taken the
shop opposite the Thayer House, In
prepared to do all kinds of boot and
bhoo reparlng af reasotiuble price.
None but the best of stock used, work
guaranteed satisfactory. Your pnrti'o
hage respectfully solicited.
M iLiiAKu Don achy.
Closing Out Sale.
We shall continue to sell goods ,.(,
gardless of cost at the New Yokk store.
Note the following prices: Ladies'
walking shoes Hnd shippers, $1.25,
Worth 1 .75; ladies' laced slippers,
$1.40, worth $2.00; ladies' opera slip
pers, $1.00, worth $l)0; children's and
ftilsscs' slippers, at correspondingly
low prices; 15 pieces ermh, 0 cents,
Worth 10 cents; ladies' Newport caps
and circulars. We would particularly
call the attention of lumbermen to our
lumbermen's pants. Best all wool gray
pants, $2 25. A good pair overalls tit
40 cents. All kinds of summer goods
Will be sold at corresponding prices.
Do not forget that we still sell our
"best prints for 6 cents.
Cohen Bros. & Bro-vShtkink.
Almost evej-y store in the country
bus on its counter, a t-how ease of Dr.
Day's medicines. By a glance at the
tllsplay, it wili be sren that direct act
ing reinediesarooffcrcd (ormany every
day complaints, and as they are all the
results of study tmd experience, their
worth may be relied on.
Dr. Day's Liver Pills are taken in n
dllTerent way from any other pill, and
only a trial' is needed to prove their
irreut superiority In all cases of liver
complaint and constipation.
Dr. Day's Cold Medicine has great
power over colds ond sore throat, and
persons subject to quinsy need not
have their tonsils break if they take
this remedy in time.
The show case contains a number of
others, but special attention is called to
Dr. Day's Cure for Piies, as having a
greater curative intfuence over the
parts implicated, than any other medi
cine known.
Two Irishmen were asleep in the
fcttlo of a house which caught fire.
One of them, in the hurry to escape,
jrnt Lis pantaloons on front side back
aud jumped to the street below. His
companion seeing him 'fall all in a
heap, called to him : "Whist, Jerry,
are yo kilt intoirely?" And Jerry
gethering himself up and discovering
the strange adjustment or his gar
ments aforesaid, stuttered back : "Not
intoirely kilt but upon me worrd I'm
fatally twisted." Bearins In mind
t te respective attitudes of Senators
Pendlutou and Voorhees, on the tariff
question, this story, brethern, illus
trates pretty dearly the present condi
tion, of tbe Democratic party.
More Evidence.
8. B. Hartman A Co , Osborn, O.
Gentlemen: Your valuable Peruna is
the best medicine I ever osed.
Nancy Fettebjias, Cookport,
Indiana Co., Pa.
Your Peruna for Iudlgeston and
Liver troubles helps me.
W. P. Brandon, East Liverpool, O.
I was suffering with pain in tbe
chest, palpitation of the heart, with
great swelling of the stomach. Peruna
Is doing wonders for me.
John Donahue, Sharpsburg,
Allegheny County, Pa.
t have bad liver complaint for three
years; I thought I would have to
quit work ; I have taken two bottles
of your Peruna and am well.
Thos. Bradford, 814 Western
avenue, Allegheny City, Pa.
Ask your druggist for Dr. Hartnian's
kek u the '-111 of Lift" gratis.
Republican, t CourjtyJ3flp yentlon.
The Republican County Conven
tion, met In pursuance of a call of the
chairman of the county committee.
The convention was called to order
by J. II, Hagerty, chairman of the
county committee at 11 o'clock A. M.
The chairman after calling the meet
ing to order announced that the first
business of the convention would be
to nomluate a temporary chairman of
the convention.
Col- W. W Ames, of St. Marys was
chosen temporary chairman.
The chairman then Called for the
election of temporary secretaries,
whereupon Henry A. Parsons, Jr. aud
T. D. Rhines were chosen.
On a call of Townships and
Boroughs the
answered for
following delegates
their respective pre-
Benezette J. B. Everhart, C. T.
Benzlnger Joseph Eddy, Jacob
Fox J, J. Taylor, W. J. Meredith.
Highland E. Hoveneamp, Levi
Horton Not represented.
Jay Not represented.
Jones J. D. Parsons, Theodore
Millstone Not represented.
Ridgwuy R. I. Robinson, A. W.
Ridgway Township J. C. Luther,
N. V. Lent.
St. Marys W. C Spafford, Col.
W. W. Ames.
Spring Creek O. T. Minor, T. D.
Ou motion of E. Hoveneamp the
Convention appointed Col. W. W.
Ames, J. D Parsons, and W. C.
Spaflbrd a com mi tee on resolu-
on motion the convention took are
cess until 1 o'clock.
akteknoon session.
Convention culled to order by the
chairman nt 1 o'clock pursuant to ad
On motion the temporary organiza
tion was made permanent.
The Chairmun called for certificates
from those precincts where members
of the county committee had been
elected by the voters at the primaries.
Ridgway Borough and Township
and Highland Township responded to
the cull having elected delegates at
the primaries.
Remarks were made by several
delegates to the effect that the mem
ber of the county committee t-hould
he elected by the people. And although
the convention took no formal
action in the matter it was clearly the
unanimous conviction of the body.
The report of the committee on reso
lutions was then read as follows:
Ilcaalvcd, That while deploring the
prose nt division in the Republican
parly of Pennsylvania, we believe
1st, That the platform of principles
adopted by the Republican Slate Com
mittee of May lot J i meets the just de
mauds of the hour and uppeuls to the
enlightened public sentiment on those
iiucMhuiH thai vi'tilly affect lliu Inter
cut of the Stale and Nation.
2A, That the propositions submitted
by the State Committee in pursuance
of the resolution passed ut the Harris
burg Convention of June 21, offered
tlic most liberal and honorable plan
for the settlement of party differences.
3d. That the rjeetiuii or' this plan
by the Independents renders their
present attitude iucom-istcsit with the
reform t hey demand and makes clear
t'leir de-ire to defeat the Repu'dicnn
ticket and to turn the State Govern
ment over to the Democratic party.
4th, That, in General Jas. A. Denver
wo recognize the tree spontaneous
choice of the Republican Party ol
Pennsylvania for Governor; that Ids
litness as a christian inau, soldier uud
statesman points to him as a worth)
standard bearer of tbe party, and that
to him uud the rest of the State ticket
we pledge our united aud enthusiastic
lieaoh'ed, That it is inexpedient at
this time to nominate a candidate for
Dhtrict Attorney, and authorize the
County Committee to select a candi
date if iu their judgment it should be
for the best interest of the party.
The resolutions were then adopted
as read.
The chairmun then announced that
nominations for Assembly would be
next in order.
J. J. Taylor, of Fox, was named
und declined.
O. M. Montgomery, of Jones, was
then uamed and nominated by accla
S. L. Brown, of Fox, aud J. V.
Bonnert, of Joues, were named fur the
The chair appointed E. Hoveneamp,
J. J. Taylor, aud W. C. Spaif ii as
tellers to receive and count the ballots.
The result of the ballot was: S. L.
Brown, 8 votes; J. V. Bonnert, H
On motion the nomination of J. V.
Bonnert was made unanimous.
TEE. J. H. Hagerty, and Henry A.
Parsons Jr. of Ridgwuy were nomi
nated for chairman of the county com-mlttee.-
On a ballot being taken Hagerty
receiving 11 votes; Parsons 5 votes.
(Ridgway Borough, Horton, Jay and
Millstone were not represented iu
this vote.)
On motion the election of J. H.
Hagerty was made unanimous.
The county committee was then
named as follows:
. Moved by J. D. Parsons, that the
delegate present name two members of
the county committee from the several
preelncts, except in eases were dele
gates were regularly elected at the
primaries. Motion unanimously car
ried. On ft ball of townships the following
committee was named s
Benezette Jacob English, Dry Saw
Mill James Thomas, Benezette.
Benzlnger Jacob Anderson, and
Joseph Eddy, St. Marys.
Fox S. L. Brown, Kersey, tj. W.
Rogers, Brandy Camp.
Highland E. Hoveneamp, H. O.
Eliithorp, Kane.
Horton Geo. W. Clinton, John
Cuneo, Brockport.
Jay A. E. Goff, Justus Weed,
Weed ville.
Millstone William Irvin, Samuel
Moore, Millstone.
Ridgway Borough William John
son, H. H. Welisei, Ridgway.
Ridgway township C. G. Malln,
Dagus Mines; Win Held H. Clyde,
St. Marys Borough W. W. Ames,
W. V. Spafford. St. Marys.
Spring Creek T. D. Rhines, O. T.
Minor, Arroyo.
The Chairman of the convention on
motion appointed the committeemen
for the tnree townships, Horton. Jay,
and Millstone, which were not repre
On motion of E. Hoveneamp the
county committee was empowered to
appoint the Congressional and Sena
torial conferees.
The chuirmau suggested that a
committee on rules for the govern
ment of the party in the county should
be appointed.
W. C. Hpuflbrd, of St. Marys,
thought no rules were necessary, and
ail that was needed was to work tor
the party in a legitimate manner uud
with u hearty good will.
Mr. Hoveneamp was of the opiu ion
that rules were necessary, and give
as one reason that the new law gov
erning primary elections referred to the
rules of the party in the county.
The chairman suggested tliut where
there is no law tiierucuu be nooifeuse.
On motion tho convention then ad
journed nine die.
Miss Kate Gresh Is teaching tho
Ho He school for the winter term.
Frank Settelle left town on Mon
day to be abeetit, for several weeks.
Barney Multin has the frame of his
house up, at the west end of South
The two Misses Murphy, daugh
ters of J. L. Murphy, of Wilcox, were
in town this week.
Misses Edti Kime, and Jennie
Hull, departed to-day for Media, Dela
ware county, where they will attend
a Ladies .Seminary.
Rev. J- Tnujitt, of Emanuel
Church, Emporium, will officiate in
Giaee P. E. Church, on Sunday uext,
ut 10J A. M. aud 7i P. M.
Senator J. II. Ross, of York is in
Ridgway. He was recently re-nomi
nated by the York Democracy whicli
means an election. His many friends
here congratulate him on his deserved
W. H. Osterliout is building six
or seveu new houses ou his tannery
A. Swartz Ross, is giving his
house a new coat of paint, whicli sets
it elfin the finest style.
Get your horses Insured in the
Susquehanna Live Stock association,
1$ J Mercer, agent, Ridgway, Pa.
Wananniker & Brown's, Full
samples are on hand now. Cull and
examine whether you want to pui
chuso or not S. A. Rote, aeut
The place to buy Blank Books,
Miscellaneous, und School Bi.oks,
Autograph, Scrap Albums, Stutionury,
school supplies is ut Craig's Drug uud
Book aud Fuiicy goouV Store.
By the new process of tukiug pic
Hires J. C. Harrliug, ut the West End
Gallery, can take a photograph in
three to six seconds, this is of greut
importance in taking pictures of babies.
The Boot and Shoe department at
the Grand Central P. & K. is very
large, and vuried. Everything in ladle's
Misses' uud children's Shoes, and Slip
pers, dout fail to look through this
A. Swartz Ross has made a great
improvement in bis South street prop
erty by having tbe lot sodded and ter
raced Thomas Stottsbury did tho
work and is an excellent hand at that
kind of business, besides being a
practical gurdner.
Perhaps the reason the Little Boss
did not attend the Republican pri
maries in Ridgway Borough on Satur
d ly night was that he failed to read
the notice in the Democrat, calling the
meeting. It was a mighty cold day
here for the Little Boss. But the day
was wanner when the Convention
Benzinger, Hlghlund, Spring
Creek and St. Marys, cast 87 votes
last ran tor uauy. Ttie same pre
cincts cast 8 votes for the Little Boss.
Ridgwuy Borough, gave Baily 110
votes, und had two delegates in the
Convention, and is anti-Little Boss.
Maine has gone Republican by a
good round majority, we gain two
Congressmen, and the old Pine State
swings into line ready to do battle for
James O. Bluiue In 1881 There are
Republicans in this vicinity who have
said they believed Blaine could not
carry his own State. What do they
think now? When on all bands it is
acknowledged that his work and elo
quence united the party in Muiue and
led it to victory. In 1884 with a
united Republican party and Blalnethe
standard bearer be will be triumph
antly elected to the chair which the
people have long desired be shuld fill.
The Election In Maine.
Portland, Me., September n.
Roble (Republican) is elected by 7,500
to 9,000 plurality. The Republican
congressional ticket ' Is carried by
about the same vote. It Is understood
that two-thirds of the senate and at
least that proportion of the house will
be Republicans, but the actual num
ber cannot be known to night.
Pbftland, September tl.One hun
dred townships id Portland give
Roble 6,272 plurlty, a Republican
gain of 2, 708.
Portland, September 11. Two hun
dred towns give Roble 7,037 piurulity,
a Republican gain of 5,114.
A Greut Bridge.
Tuesday last Aug. 25, 1882 was sig
nalized by the practical completion of
one of the most stupendous engineer
ing feats ever attempted, the Erie
viaduct over Kinzua gorgd, fifteen
miles south of Bradford, Pa. In some
respects the undertaking was unpre
cedented, requiring for its successful
prosecution the bringing Into requisi
tion of the highest skill of the first
engineers of the country and calcula
tions that were never before required
of them. The importance of this work
Is widely appreciated by railroad men,
but It Is hard for tho-e unskilled In
railway science to grasp the difficulties
encountered at every step.
At 11 o'c'o.'k Tuesday 'morning,'
says the Bradford Era, the stringer of
the collossal mass of iron was swung
into place, completely bridging the
great gap. Numbers of persons eager
for easily acquired fame walked from
end to cud of the great bridge, while
the cheers of those standing iu the
valley rang faintly in their cars. The
"travelers," an ingenious movable
crane used for swinging the trusses
from tower to tower, was gaily trim
med with evergreens and bunting ami
pushed across the gorge like a trium
phal car, being the first vehicle that
ever traversed such a lofty height. It
was nu illustration that science had
conquered what In nature seemed
impossible. The workmen who hud
been working at the dizzy altitudes
for months forgot tliut their labors
Were soon to come to an end and had
stranger jollification,: sliding down
and climbing up the rods and upright
columns in a reckless manner that
made tho observer's blood run cold.
in order to pre put r the bridge for
service it will be necessary for a
"straining gang" to go over it care
fully, tightening bolts and rivets and
making everything exactly plumb.
Those final touches will require hut a
short time and iu ten days trains will
be running over the greatest of all
viaducts. The job of painting the
bridge will bo no slight one but it will
not interfere with the railroad service.
Mr. Adams, of New York, who has
the great contract of painting the
Brooklyn bridge, will preform a
similar service for the Kinzua viaduct.
He will set tweuty painters to work
at once.
The Kinzua viaduct is on the line of
the New York, Lake Erie & Western
railroad from Crawford's to Johnson
burg, on the Pittsburg extension. The
engineers finding no means to get
around the place save by a circuitious
delour of ten miles, combined with
heavy graeles, boldly determined to
span the chasm, an unheard of under
taking. It was agreed that this should
be done, and on August 1, 1881, work
was begun by cutting a broad swath
across the valley through the heavy
timber. From 150 to 200 men worked
until ihe beginning of the present
summer excavating for the founda
tions, which are from twelve to fifteen
feet deep, and building the stone
work, for whicli plenty of rocks uud
sand were found on the ground
Twenty towers each 08 feet in width
support tho superstructure, which is a
latticed truss seven feet high, and tl e
towers are separated by spans of
16 feet. The central towers which
stand on either side of Kinzua creek
are 301 feet 1 J inches high from sur
lace of stream to base of rail. The
banks are very precipitous the fall in
some places being twenty-two feet in
sixty. Between the stone abutments
the bridge is 2,050 feet long. The iron
work which weighs 4,400, ii)0 pounds
was mude by the Phoenix bridge
compuuy, who also placed it in peti
tion, the laboring requiring about 4
months. It was not expected that
the bridge would be finished before
September 15 and the early comple
tion of the iron work is almost a sur
prise to the builders. The cost of the
structure und Its immediute ap
proaches is put at ubout 400,000. Iu
order to get the roud down to the
bridge level it was necessary to make
cuts from ninteen to twenty seven
feet deep for some distance ofi either
side of the gorge, and at one place,
toward Johnsonhurg, a cut of over
eighty feet is necessary.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
Tho hotf Uultru In Ihu uf.ti.1.1
Bruises, Burns, Sores, Ulcers, Suit
T" I . T . . . l" 1 1 r r .
jueuiii, r ever oores, cuuppeu nanus,
Chiluluins, Corns, and all Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles. It
is guuruuteed to give perfect satisfac
tion or money refunded. Price 2
cents per box. For sale by G. G.
Orders for flowers, seeds, etc.,
from Harry Channel's greenhouse,
Williamsport, will receive prompt at
tention if left at The Advocate
A permanent restoration of ex
hausted aud worn-out functions fol
low the use of Brown's Iron Bitters.
Another method of curing disease
without the taking of nauseous medi
cines is Prof. Guilmett's Kidney Pad,
which is guaranteed to cure all dis
eases of the kidneys, binder and
urinary orgaus
Sheriff's Sale.
of fieri facias, alias fieri facias, vendi
tioni exponas, levari facias, and testa
tum fieri facias issued out of the Court
of Comhion Pleas of Elk County, and
to me directed, I THOMAS SULLI
VAN, High Sheriff of said county, do
hereby give notice that I Will expose
to public sale or outcry at the Fro
thonotary's office, In Ridgway, at one
o'clock P. M., oii
the following described real estate, to
All the right, title, Interest, claim
and demand whatsoever of defendant
in, to or out of nil those certain two
town lots situate on the east side of
Walnut street, in the borough of St.
Mary's county of Elk und Stuteof Penn
sylvania, described as Ihilows, to-wit:
Beginning at a post ht the southeast
corner of Walnut and Mill street;
thence along snid Walnut street south
one hundred and sixty feet to a post;
thence east one hundred and fifty-five
feet to a post; thence north one hun
dred and sixty feet to il post on the
south side of Mill street; thence along
said Mill street in a westerly direction
one hundred and fifty five feet to the
place of beginning. The said lots con
tain twelve thousand square feet each,
they being lots No. 4 and No. 6 on
Walnut street, each lot being eighty
feet front by one hundred and fifty
five feet deep. A two-story frame
house. 10x30 feet, is erected thereon.
Seized and taken In execution us the
property of George H. Everitt, ut the
suit of B. F. Sliei wood.
ALSO All the right, title, Interest,
claim and demand whatsoever of de
fendant in, to or out of the following
described real estate: All that piece,
parcel or lot of land situate in the
township of Uenezette and village of
Bene-zette, county of Elk and State
of Pennsylvania, commencing at u
point on Front street one hundred
und eighty feet from a saudstouc
corner deeply set at the junction of
the road leading from Trout Run to
II. R. Wilson's; thence north twenty
l hree degree's west along salel street
sixty feet to corner; thence north
sixty-seven degrees e'ust one hundred
and fifty feet to alley; thence along
said alley south twenty-three degree
east sixty feet to corner of lot owned
by Wm. Derr; thence south sixty
seven degrees west one hundred ami
fifty feet to the place of beginning,
containing ubout nine thousand
superficial feet, upon which is erected
one two-story frame house; 20x84 feet,
with kitchen attach 10x24 feet, on
frame barn, 40x20 feet, and other, out
buildings; also, good well of water.
tiei.e-d uud taken in execution us the
property of H. D. Derr, ut the suit ol
Amelia Derr
The following must be strictly com
plied with when the property is struck
on :
1. All bids must be paid in full ex
cept where the plaintiff or other lien
creditor' becomes the purchaser, in
whicli case the costs on the writs must
be paid, as well as all liens prior to
I hat of the purchaser, and a duly cer
tified list of liens shall be furnished,
including mortgage searches on the
property sold, together with such lien
creditor's leceipt for the amount ol
the preceeds of the sale, or such pro
tion thereof as he shall uppeur to be
entitled to.
2. All sales not settled immediately
will be continued until six o'clock P.
M-, at whicli time ail property not
settled for will ugulu be put up, and
sold ut the expense and risk of the
person to who i it was first struck off.
t nd who, in cse of deficiency at such
re-sale, shall make good the same, und
iu no instance will the deed be pre
sen ted in court for confirmation unless
the bid is actually settled tor with the
Sheriff as above stated.
THO M A S S U L L I V A N oSheri IT.
Sheriff's Office, Ridgway, Pa., 1
May 4, 188:5
Hce Purdon's Digest, !th edition,
page 44t, Smith's Forms, page 1)84.
SET down for trial at the September
Teurm of the Court of Common
Pleas of Elk County, commencing
on Monday, the 18th :
1. Frank Polhnun vs. Morgester A
Jackson, No 75, September Term,
2. Daniel Euwer et nl. vs. C. R.
Eurleyetal. No. 45. January Term,
3. The Township of Fox vs. Michael
Brehnietal. No. 84, JunuaryTerm,
4. Edward M'Brido vs. The Ly
coming Fire Ttisu ranee Company. No.
47, May Tern', 1881,
5. Jerome Powell vs. George Proci
ous. No. 51, May Term 1881.
6. James S Greves, usance trc, vs.
Michael Weidert. No 8, January
Term. 1882.
7. R. M. Painter vs. Gust Loebnian
etal. No. 22, January Term, 1882.
8. Jeremiah Elliott vs. Nicholas
George. No. 17. May Term, 1882.
9. The Township of Jay vs. Leonard
Kyler et al. No. 2f, May Term, 1882.
10. George A. Everett et al. vs
Gerge Ilcehn. No 5!. May Term, 1882
11. B. K. Sherwood vs. 'George II.
Everett ct ul. No. 81, May Term. 1882.
12. Henry Dablcr vs. Isaac Avery.
No 93, May Term, 1882.
13. John Median vs. Pefer S. Mc
Tague. No. -ill. September Term, 1882
Following is the list of jurorsdrawn
for t-'epti ii, her term of court, com
mencing Monday, Sept. 18, 18S2:
Benezette G L, Winslow, Miles
Dent, Wallace Johnson.
Benzlnger- Geoi ge Fritz, Adam
Ge-yer, Ambrose Kreckel, John Freiu
elle, Peter Seel.
Fox C. F. Taylor, John Sullivan,
John Whalen, George W Boyer.
Highland 8. E. Gardner
Jap Zt nas M. Webb, Clarence M.
Weed. Martin Olover.
Jones Michael Dill; Jr.
Ridgway Borough -Charles Holes.
Ridgway II. F. Ely, Juines Gil
louly, L. C Dickinson.
m. ."Marys Jioiougli Jolm Krug,
B. F. Luwrence, Louis Gies.
Benezette C. C. Chase.
Benzlnger George Ileuscher, An
drew Brehiu, Adolph lleigcetter, Peter
N. Stranb.
Fox Joseph Fopenno, Joseph Em
mert, Putrick Brown, Walter Mercd
ith. John Malone. Patrick Jordan,
Anthony Koch. James R. Taylor,
James Bixby, John lier-hey.
Horton Edward Iddiiigs, Jucob
Hi nes.
Highland Harmon Gorton.
Jay Josepli Lunzemlorfer.
Jones Thos. L. McKean, George J.
Murker, Louis Heislam.
Millstone Henry A'Hara, Harry
Jtiduway Borough D. S. Luther,
D. B. Day, Philip Lesser.
Ridgway Ed. Bowers. Ii. N. Eg
glewloii, John Lahhive. 8. J Swain.
Spring Creek (). T. Minor.
St. Marys Borough C. F. Kenoie,
Joseph Haigert, Francis Frunk, Geo.
Register's Nolle. -
Notice Is hereby given that the fol
lowing account will be preseuted at
the next term of the Orphan's Court
for confirmation :
1. The account of Ellas Moyer
executor of tho last will and testament
of Conrnd Moyer, late of Fox town
ship, Elk county, Pa.
2. Supplementary account of Heze
klah Horton, guardian of the minor
children of C. A. Wilcox, late of
Hortoti township, Elk county,
Fred. Schceninci, Register.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that letters of
administration on tbe estate of Caro
line V. Winslow, late of Benezette
township, Elk county, Pa., deceased,
have been granted to theundersigned.
All persons Indebted to said estate are
requested to make prompt payment,
and those having claims will present
I hem for settlement.
u27to. Julius Jones, Adm'r.
mlum STAR
50,000 IN USE I
XJmem Ordinary Kerosene.
Bakes and Cooks Eijual to any Cook ttove.
oxixivxix.Airx, ohxo.
fretltra Branch, 41 UKB 8TBEKr, CHICAUO.
And HpsSfJJEST line to St. Joieph,
poinu in Iow,tgAtohlBon, Topelia, Dnl'
Kebraka,Ml88uurl,KnPo7iOD, U.ll... ol
uu. vaiiM.fiai
u. New Mexico, Arizona,
tana ani Texas.
"" 0ii Hule nas nu sui--i'tor for Albert
n.H.n!!CJ55s!;e,l Mlnneapolia and St. Paul.
ly conceded to JS5w belni thn Rmat
be tbe best quipped5S.,r I'tl,
Kallroad In the World oril"9hLinI
all classic of travel. "rn,y",
All connection! made
in union
Through 0v yXV, Try It,
Ticket! Tlthlvr jC XjVand you will
Celebrated Line '"SiOXSc flnd traveling
aale at all office! 'JNjOJV luxury, inilead
the D. 8. nd7 X A. CATS. ot a dli-
"V ah S.SS.
about Katea of
Fare. Sleeping Can,
etc.. cheerfully given liy
M Flea fa! &n'l Managtr, (jtn. Aim. Agt.,
Chioago, lit. Chicago, 111.
i i r e
fop Cataloc"-,
' It.
T -k are constructed or three-inch lumber,
elected Michigan pine, And are held together with
Improved lug lioopseo arranged that they can ba
iI,'?u1L?I,.,,?,.llcommoa wench. When covered
Wltn tvo thlckneaseaof common fencing (with tar.
fcoard between), they are mada frost proof. Wa are
large manufacturer! of rajlroad fciulw, and apply the
same principles aud material to the conutruction of
thoae uck tanks that we embody la our railroad
work. All tanks are act op, pieces marked, then
knocked down and crated fur shipment.
- s x sua.
toynr. Capacity 2a bbls.
" " U M !! J Ji
Anti-Freezing Iron Force Pumps.
Fitted for ay dvpth well and marYad ao mbj oat ma put Iriim
" togi-tber and make thm work perfectly.
, W. H. WUMLKB, !,, BELOIT, WliT
Mraafaotsran ol Iht Mbbnud Ecllp Wind haniat, thratloons,
to fori. boiM-psww. lv. Gold Madsli uk u World', ftii!"
tult, 'lit Curtawol, 'Hi itrtla, 'l 4. -60, AUuu,&l7'd.
is ?2 mm g
IL u g i s
I if t g o SB g
e o? J ii B S3
S 3 3 C o S3
Business Cards.
Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa:
Particular attention jrlven to thw
examination of titles, alo to paten W
and patent cases.
Office In new brick bulldinjr, Mairi
street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. v82t
Over twenty-five ypnr practice.
Office on Main Sired, Ritljrwny, Ph.,
opposite the Bogert IIoimc. Office
hours from 1 to 2 and 7 to S, V M.
Coroner of Elk Co., office in rear of
Eerley's Drug Store, next i:' Hyde
House. Office hours 7 to 0 A. M.
8 to 6 p. M. 6:30 to 8:30. P. M.
N. W. corner of Main and Mill streets;
Ridgway, Ta,, full assortment of care
fully selected Foreign and Dbrrientic
Driigs. Prescriptions carefully dis
pensed at all hours, day or night
Office Hours. From to 12 a. m.,2to S
und 7 to p. hi. Hositk'iice Ullco rviil
(lonco, opposite Elk County Unnk, Mailt
Mirei-t. -CAI-LS
A fair Klinre of the people's patronage so
licited. HYDE HOUSE.
V. II. SCHRAM, Proprietor,
Ridgway, Ells county, Pa.
Thankful fori he patronage hereto
fore no liberally bestowed upon him,
the new proprietor hopes, by paying
strict attention to the comfort and con
venience of guests, to merit a continu
ance of the same. octrfo'69
Walnut Leaf Hair Restorer.
It Is entirely different from all
others. It is an clear as water, and, aa
its name indicates, is a perfect Vege
table Hair Restorer. It will immedi
ately free the head from dandruir, re
store gray hair to its natural color;
and produce a new growth where it
lias fallen off. It does not in any
manner affect the health, which Sul
phur, Sugar or Lead, and Nitrate or"
Silver preparations have done. It
will change light or faded hair in a
few days to a beautiful glossy brown.
Ask your druggist for it. Each bottle
is warranted. SMITH. KLINE &
CO., Wholesale Agents. Philadelphia,
andC. N. CRITTENTON, New York
ii 17 ly.
ratta gayrawe -Fic:gtyg w:te VTa-m a
and Buggies to let upon the most
reasonable terms.
PeiyHe will also do job teaming.
Stable on Elk street. All orders left
at the Post Office w'' ' recive prompt
X3uy the Celebrated.
IbO Best, Most Celebrated, Purest Ton, Host
Uurable, Most Simple, Most Perfect
Orqah in tlia world.
Bend for circular.
New Haven, Conn.
113 VVATEI1 irr., KEW YOUK,
Are purer, better, strong-r, tnd longer
known in tbe market than any other article
of the kind. Are always sure and reliable,
end never fail to insure the best results
in cookery. Ask your grocer fnr it and
rive it a trial. Satisfaction guaranteed or
no pay.
in! iuui ssu UNLT HKLIAULB,
Is the only de
vice ol its kind
that has stood
aud earned unl
versa! public
Does every
description of
Cooking, Wash
ing, Ironing,
rruit unniBii.
or other domas
tto work here-
.. .,- - tolors done j
the ordinary cook stove, and without its lnsuf-
teraoie neat., soot, ssnes, etc. .. . .. .
at Reliable Aeenta (uud In
territory, Addreei,
mil l unno a-rnuv on
Seneca Street, cor. Ciiauipluia, Cleveland, (Jnlo.
4 pll , A.