The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, August 24, 1882, Image 3

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    Mac Jyiiwak.
Raln on Monday.
Tomatoes are ripe and plentiful.
Very much more rain on Tuesday.
Green corn will soon be abundant.
Still more rain on Wednesday.
Glass Fruit Jars quurts and half
gallons at Morgester's.
The Borough schools open Mon
day', September 11, 1882.
Street Commissioner Healy Is
busily engaged putting the streets In
Get your horses Insured In the
Susquehanna Live Stock association,
B. P. Mercer, agent, llldgway, Pa.
Peaches, plums, nnd sweet pota
toes are abundant In the Ridgway
markets. Also blackberries at eight
cents a quart.
The Ridgway and Clearfield R.
il. Co. advertises for crops ties. Pro
posals to be directed to P. J. White,
Chief Engineer, Ridgwny, Pa.
Ben. Dill Is putting the court
house yard in excellent condition.
By another season ho will have a neat
lawn where before was an unsightly
The organ grinder man was In
lown yesterday, and delighted the
people with sweet strains of the
"Sweet By-and-By'' and other popu
lar music.
. The time for tho opening of the
RIdgway Boro. Schools has been
changed from tho first to tho second
Mondy of September. The schools
"will, therefore, open Monday, Sept. 11,
, The Pennsylvania State Fair and
Exposition Society have determined to
offer liberal premiums for the best
drilled companies In the National
Guard. The trial will bo made on
October 2 und 3, during the time the
tJrand Army of the Republic have their
iucetlng In Pittsburg.
. To mark tools : Cover the part to
Ik) marked with a thin coating of till
low or beeswax. Then with a sharp
Instrument write the name in the
tallow cutting clearly Into it. Then
till in tho letters with nitric acid. Let
it remain from one to ten minute.
Then dip In water and rub oil", mid
you will have the mark etched.
A modo of preparing cucumbers
relished by many persons, is as fol
lows: "Pare and slice lengthwise,
hicdium sized cucumbers, In cuts a
..quarter of an inch thick. Rinse in
fold water, dip each slice singly In
flour, and put them In a dripping pan,
Using for material to fry them in the
gravy in which either beefsteak, veal
cutlet or mutton chop has been cook
ed. Fry brixkly until IhesUeesare a
light brow n on both sides. Have your
bread toasted, buttered, and close at
ha'inl Slip the slices of cucumber,
hot from the pun, between slices of
toust and serve ut once."
, Railway employees, according to
Four' Manual, miu.hcr 1.20it 0?0 In
this country, with A'M, OK) at work on
railroad construction, or l.OOJUW in
ill n large und better paid army than
were ever under arms (.lin ing the war
on both sides. This calculation 1,
however, at the rate of twelve men to
the operated m iio. J:i liiis State the
report of the Scvn :m v of Interna!
Affairs gives 0'.'.,Viw i-mpiyyces, nearer
Jen to the mile, hut. taking r.ll engaged
in car and locomotive building, ami
tho number I proimbiy above!i"r
than below Poor'ii'iiialo. This if
a!ut uuu-cighth oi' ibe work in j i'oive
if the country, reckoning only adult
Fost'Ol'Jce Boxes.'
The post off! re department has just
issued a new peremptory order in re
gard to box rent, In which the public
in in?trestcd. Box rents mud be paid
for one quarter in t'.d vimc.', and po-t-lnusters
are prohibited fr.m; placing
Jnall mutter in boxes and drawers un
less such payments are made as
directed. A new set of form books
btui been furnished, by which it is
proposed to bold postmasters to a more
strict observance of this rule than has
been done In the psst. Furthermore,
the department inspectors are directed
to .visit the postoffiees, and taking
charge of these form books, satisfy
themselves that the rule Is strictly en
forced. Any postmaster who permits
the use of boxes and drawers until he
Las actually received payment for rent
of the same, will bo reported to the
Ridgway Borough School Hoard.
A regular meeting of the Ridgway
Borough' School Hoard whs held In
the school house lust Monday evening.
Messrs. Kime, Mercer, Powers
Parsons and President Schcening
were present.
The new principal Chas. J. Swift,
of North East, was also present. The
Secretary gave notice that Miss Bat
dorff, the teacher elected as first as
sistant could not. accept. Whereupon
Miss Annie A. Rtnninger, of North
umberland, was unanimously elected
to fill tbe vacancy,
President Schooling resigned on ac
count of his inability to attend all the
meetings of the Board.
On motion II. M. Powers was elected
to fill the vacancy occasioned by the
resignation of President Schooling.
A vote of thanks was unanimously
tendered the retiring president for the
able and impartial manner In which
be bad discharged the duties of bis
On motion tbe time for opening
Bobool was changed from the first to
the second Monday of September.
On motion tbe Board adjourned. '
R. A. Wescott, of Wilcox, was in
town last Saturday.
M. M. Schult, of Wilcox, was
in Ridgway yesterday.
J. S. Powell, of Graut Mills, was
In Ridgway on Sunday.
Ira Beckwith, and O. A. Paine, of
Wilcox, were In town yesterday.
Miss Jessie Parsons, of Wilcox,
is visiting a few days in this Borough.
C. W. Barrett, and wife, of Dugus
Mines, were in town Sunday visiting
Miss Lucy, sister of Captain
Horton, of North East, is now in
R. J. Thompson, late of Duke
Centre, but now of Farnswortb, was
in town on Monday.
J. C. Singleton, went to Fall
River, Mass., on Monday last on a
visit to friends in that city.
Daniel Irwin has returned home
from Sheffield, where he has been
working during the summer.
Mrs. Bingham, and two children,
of Scran ton, Pu., is visiting her
brother W. S. Service, in this place.
rrof. C. J. Swift, of North East,
the Principal-elect of the Ridgway
Boro. Schools, was in Ridgway Mon
day und Tuesday.
Mrs. S. A. Olinstead, and daugh
ter Emma, are away from this Borough
for a few weeks on a visit to friends at
Dansville, Livingston Co., N. Y.
R. M. Overbizer, ex-sheriff of
Cameron Co., lias moved to Ridgway,
and occupies the house lately vacated
by Mr. Shoemaker, on upper South
O. S. Davis, Is again In town
after an absence of several weeks. We
are pleased to state that Mr. Davis
feels much better in health than when
he went away.
Mrs. Jas. Msginnis with her
little son and daughter is visiting her
parents at Cameron Mills, Steuben Co.,
N. Y., and expects to be absent two
or three weeks.
Bert Fitch got hurt on Monday
forenoon last. He was huuliug stone
for Postmaster Hagerty's new liou e
The sideboard of the wagon slipped
oft' throwing Bert to the ground. A
large stone lauded on his rigiit leg.
Fortunately he struck on soft ground,
but he will be laid up several auys all
the same.
Judge G. G. Messenger, has had
an addition built to his residence on
South street, and is also having con
siderable work done on the grounds
about the house.
J. W. MorgCi'ter, has had a new
porch built in front of his store on
Main street. The upper part is con
nected by a door with the front room
up stairs, is under roof and a pleasaut
place to sit and see tile sights of the
Wood and Willowware, Glass nnd
Earthenware at Morgester's.
Overulls, Punts, Shirts, Boots, &c,
ut Morgester's.
Choice Coffees, Teas, Spices, &c,
at Morgester's.
Cheap and reliable, li. P. Mercer,
agent. Gel your horses insured.
Complaint is made that a kind of
blifelit is affecting the potato crop,
Nervousness, debility, and ex
hausted vitality cured by using
Brown's Iron Bitters.
Never forgtt that biliousness and
cuii.'tipulioa are eiititviy eurablo with
The coiner stone of the congrega
tional church iu this piace will be laid
on (-alunlay evening of this week at
7 l. M Aimrophile services will lie
livid, to which ail arc cordially invited.
Irwin Axukkw At Arroyo, Pa.,
Aug. 2utii, by J. II. Secor Justice ol
the Peace, Reuben Irwin and
Murrta Andrews both of Arroyo, Pu.
Closing Out Sale.
We shall continue to sell goods re
garJless of co.'t nt tiie N tw York store.
Nolo the following prices: Ladies'
walking siloes and shippers, SI. 20,
worth 4!1.75; ladiio' laced slippers,
1.40, wortli $2.00; ladies' opera sim
pers, $1.00, worth $1.00; children's and
misses' slippers, at correspondingly
low prices; 15 pieces crash, 8 cents,
worth 10 cents; ladies' Newport caps
and circulars. We would particularly
call the attention of lumbermen to our
lumbermen's pants. Best all wool gray
pants, $2 25. A good pair overalls at
40 cents. All kinds of sqmnjer goods
will be sold at corresponding prices.
Do not forget that we still sell our
best prints for 6 cents.
Cohen Bhos. & Bkovnsteie.
The National Guard.
Col. Hull, of West Point, the Regu
lar Army officer w ho is to report his
views to Gen. Sherman, relative to
the lute encampment of the National
Guard of Pennsylvania, declures that
the Militia of Pennsylvania is far su
perion to that of any State. He ex
pressed himself as completely sur
prised at tho efficiency of the National
Guard, and said that be thought it
compared favorably with the best
drilled troops of Europe. Governor
Hoyt also stated that be was highly
The sale of the Pittsburg, Bradford
& Buffalo Ruilway to the Pittsburg &
Western Railroad Co., consummated
recently, is among the important rail
load transactions iu this country. The
P. B. & B. railway wus projected about
two years ago and is of narrow gauge,
runing from Foxburg, Clariou couuty,
to Kane, with branch to Clarion. It
Is already completed from Foxburg to
a point beyond Marienville, and will
be completed to Kaue within a short
Tho Railroads.
Ridgway grows more lively each
day owing to the large number of
men employed on railroad construction
In this vicinity. The Rochester and
Pittsburg, and Ridgway & Clearfield
roads are both under contract and are
being pushed at a rapid rate. Fresh
gangs of men are constantly arriving
at this point, and the rush seems to be
to complete the roada as far as possible
before snow flies.
The R. & (!. road is slashed along
the state road below Powell's farm
down nearly to Hall's farm, while
some grading has been done ou the
line between tbe points named.
Teams are busy at work on Osterhout's
flat piling up dirt for the wye to be
located near the tannery. This road
crosses Main street just east of llealy's
bum, and at the street crossing there
will bo au eight foot fill.
The R. & P. road have their grad
ing about finished to a point below
Grant's tannery and on the same side
of the Clarion, and are pushing the
work in that direction. The stone
work on the bridge across the race
near L. C. Dickinson's bouse Is about
finished, and will be ready for tbe iron
in a few days.
Murphy and Taylor have taken the
contract for two addition miles,
making five iu all, on tho R. & C.
from Ridgway down the Clarion live
It is expected that the screech of the
locomotive on botli roads will be heard
by Christmas, and as matters look
now the expectation Is highly probable.
At any rale both roads will be pushed
forward rapidly to completion.
The subject of machineshops natur
ally arises in connection with the
great activity in Railroad matters
here. No doubt the It. & P. will
build shops here in case the citizens
offer any encouragement in tho mat
ter. A hint to the wise should be
sufficient. Let's secure the shops.
Killed by the Cars.
St. Mary's Guzetto.
On Thursday evening last while a
freight train was passing through
Rathbum going west Edward Keltz,
a brakemon on the train met with a
horrible and instantaneous death. It
seems he was a new hand at the busi
ness, and probably his inexperience
was the prime cause of his death. Ho
took ofl'a brake and in stepping from
one car to another missed his footing,
fulling between the cars to the truck
when the wheels crushed his head, and
cut off his left aim and shoulder. The
body was u hideous sight to look at,
though the face was not marred. It Is
supposed when lie "let off'' the brake,
and in the act of stepping to the next
car the coupling lengthened, and he
thereby missed his footing. Tbe body
win brought to St .Marys on Thursday
evening, and his friends who live ill
Centreville notified. The body was
taken to Centreville for interment.
Tel low Fever.
Washington. August 17. Surgeon
General Hamilton, of the Marino
hospital service, has received a tele
gram from Acting Collector Goodrich,
ut Biownaviile, Texas, under date 13th
instant, siatiug that seventeen new
cuses of fever were reported and three
deaths from the ye! low fever.
Tho National board of health bus
received u report from Surgeon Owen,
United States navy, ut Feiisaeola,
Flu., staling that on the 15th Inst,
the male of the Spanish bark Sileta,
at Sullivan's wharf, died of the yellow
fever, and ihut three men were sick
on board; also tWtt the bark was towed
out lo sea a few hours after the death
occurred. He stated that great excite
ment prevails ut Penaacola as there
are tumors of other cases of fever
among tho shipping. There are thirty
vessels loading lumber at the port and
thirteen at the quarantine station.
The Exports of Breadstuff.
Washington, Aug. 20. The Chief
of the Bureau of Statistics reports that
the total values of the exports of do
mestic breadstuff during the month
of July, 1881, and the seven months
ended July 31, 1882, as compared with
similar exports during the correspond
ing periods of the preceding year,
were as follows : July, 1882, 916,294,474;
July, 1881, $19.970,7')7; seven months
ended July 31, 18S2, $81,150,715 ; seven
months ended July 31, 1881, $131,057,
684. Full line of best Brands of Tobacco
and Cigars at Morgester's.
mJj?mm ,.,i,m i i i
Register's Notica.
Notice is hereby given that the fol
lowing account will bo presented at
the next term of the Orphan's Court
for confirmation :
1. The account of Elias Moyer
rxn-umr m inuiasi. win ana testament
of Conrad Moyer, lute or Fox town
ship, Elk county, Pa.
2. Supplementary account of Hcze
kiali Horton, guardian of the minor
children of C. A. Wilcox, late of
uorion lownsnip, iak. couuty,
Fred. Schceninq, Register.
Administrator's Notica.
Notice Is hereby given that letters of
HiiiuiiiiHirunon on me estate oi Caro
line W. Winslow, late of Benczette
township, Elk county, Pa., deceased,
have been granted to the undersigned.
All persons Indebted tosaid estate are
requested to make prompt payment,
and those huvlim cluims will present
them tor settlement.
u27t. Julius Jones, Adm'r.
Free of Cost.
All persons wishing to test the
merits of a great remedy one that
will positively cure Consumption,
Coughs, Cold, Asthma, Bronchitis, or
any uffection of the Throat and
Lungs are requested to call at G. G.
Messenger's Drug Store and get a
Trial Bottle of Dr. King's New Dis
covery for Consumption, free of coat,
which will show you what a regular
size boltle will do.'
Following is the list of jurors drawn
for September tei'in f court, com
mencing Monday, Sept. 25, 1882:
Benezette G. L. Winslow, Miles
Dent, Wallace Johnson.
Benzlnger-George Fritz, Adam
Geyer, Ambrose Kreckel, John Freln
dle, Peter Seel.
Fox C. F. Taylor, John Sullivan,
John Whalen, George W. Boyer.
Highland S. 15. Gardner.
Jap Zenas M. Webb, Clarence M.
Weed, Martin Clover.
Jones Michael Dill, Jr.
Ridgway Borough Charles Holes.
Ridgway B. F. Ely, James Gil
louly, L. C. Dickinson.
St. Marys Borough John Ivrug,
B. F. Lawrence, Louis Gios.
Benczette C. C. Chase.
Bcnzinger George Reuscher, An
draw Brehin, Adolph Helgcctter, Peter
N. Straub.
Fox Joseph Fopeano, Joseph Em
mert, Patrick Brown, Walter Mered
ith, John Malone. Patrick Jordan,
Anthony Koch. James R. Taylor,
James Bixby, John Hershey.
Horton Edward Iddings, Jacob
Highland Harmon Gorton.
Jay Joseph Lanzcndorfer.
Jones Thos. L. McKean, George J.
Market, Louis Heislam.
Millstone Henry A'llara, Harry
Ridgway Borough D. S. Luther,
D. B. Day, Philip Lesser.
Ridgway Kd. Howfi-s, L. N. Eg
glestoh, John Lahhive, S. J. Swain.
Spring Creek O. T. Minor.
St. Marys Borough C. F. Kenote,
Joseph Hiegert, Francis Frank, Geo.
Oil News from Warren.
Warren, Pa., August 21. Twelve
wells will be shot to-day in the Cherry
Grove Held. The Kennedy Oil Com
pany on 646 have a well which will
he in the sand to-day. Johnson &
Co. resumed drilling at a depth of two
thousand and seventy feet nt their well
on 619 and pronounced her dry. '
Nothing of any account from the
Cooper wild-cut shut down and
guarded. Same thing at Marsh &
Brown's wild-cat, on W, Pleasant
township. It is reported that the
owners of the well on 590, which has
been shutdown for sometime past, will
open it to-day. All eyes arc turned in
that direction. G.iley Bros., on 072.
near Hoch & Ford's gusher, is reported
at four hundred barrels. A number
if wells that are in the saud will he
opened up this afternoon.
A Shock to the "Ignorers."
N. Y. Trlbuno.1
The Cameron party have exper
ienced a painful surprise in Pennsyl
vania. For the pant few weeks they
havo been carrying the State iu ad
vance by a majority which became a
thousand or two larger each day.
Chairman Cooper, who rivals John G.
Thompson as a "claimcr," started out
with a mathematical calculation
which elected General Beaver by 20,
000 majority. By the constant appli
cation of stimulants to his imagina
tion Mr. Cooper had worked the
majority up lo 40,000 on Tuesday last,
when he started for the seashore for a
brief season of rest and recuperation.
We know no man who needs a vaca
tion more. It would have been
simply magnanimous on the art of
the Independents to suspend all hostile
operations till he returned, but they
were too human to do this.
Mr. Cooper reached the seashore
just in time lo hear some news which
reduced General Beaver's majority
several thousand immediately. The
Cameron chairman had based his
steadily rising claims on alleged infor
mation that tho Independent party
was growing smaller every day. In
stead ot polling 50,000 votes, as' it did
last year, Mr. Cooper was confidant
that it would not poll more than 15,
0U0 this year. He had reasons for this
belief and could show-you a column
or two of figures to sustain It. Yet to
him at Cape May came the news that
the Regular Republican Committee of
Union County had assembled at Lew
Isburg, Mr. Wolfe's home, had elected
Mr. Wolfe chairman, and had passed
resolutions heartily indorsing the In
dependent Republican ticket. What
ever else this indicated, it did not
show a falling off in Independent
strength, and we have no doubt that
Mr. Cooper's 40,000 imagined majority
for Beaver dropped to a good deal be-
1 w 20,ono, in his mind's eye, as be
meditated upon the news.
The details of the committee's meet
ing could afford him no comfort
Twenty-nine of the Hi members were
present, and 21 of these were heartily
in lavor of the Independent ticket.
The other eight withdrew before any
action was taken. The resolutions,
which were unanimously adopted, say
that "iu accordance with the known
sentiment of the Republicans of Union
County, repeatedly and emphatically
expressed at primaries, through their
county organizations and at general
elections, we do hereby recognize the
ticket nominated at the Republican
Convention in Philadelphia, headed
by Senator John Stewart, standing on
the platform of principles by h i Id con
vention adopted, us the exponent of
true Republicanism, and we will ac
corUiugly labor zealously to secure its
election next November." They also
denounce the boss system, the "offen
siveand selfish personal domination''
of Senator Cameron, and declare their
belief that 'honorable harmony" can
be restored only by the complete
abandonment of the whole system.
There is in this act and declaration
the same fearless, manly ring which
has been so clearly observuble in all
the acts and sayings of the Independ
ents. Whatever else may be said of
them, it cannot be denied that they
have the courage to assert their con
victions, and that they mean to fight
with all their power. We suppose
Chairman Cooper and bis machine
ticket will continue to "ignore" them,
but tbe silliness of that course will
become so apparent on election day,
If not before, that even a Boss can per
ceive 11.'. !
Pennsylvania Tickets.
We already have five State tickets in
the field In Pennsylvania, and another
is expected from the Labor and Trade
convention to be held on the 28th of
August. Every man ought to be suited
Here are the names already up.
Governor James A. Beaver, Centre.
Lieut. Gov. William T. Davles,
. Secretary In. Affairs-John M. Greer,
Supreme Judge Win. II. Rawle,
Congress Marlott Brosius, Lancas
Governor John Stewart, Franklin.
Lieut. Oov. Levi Bird Duff, Alle
gheny. Sec. In. Affairs George W. Merrick,
Supremo Judge Geo. Junkin, Phil
adelphia. Congress Wm. McMichaol, Phila
Governor Robert E. Puttison, Phil
adelphia. .
Lieut. Gov. Chauncey F. Black,
Sec. In. Affairs J. Simpson Africa,
Supremo Judge Silas M. Clark, In
diana. Congress Mortimer E. Elliott, Tioga.
Governor Dr. A. C. Petti tt, Law
rence. Lieut. Governor Albon Williams,
Sec. In. Affairs Ezra Crossman,
Supreme Judge S. P. ('base, Sus
'quehuuuu. Congress I. NewtonPlerce, Phila
Governor Thos. A Armstrong, Alle
gheny. Lieut. Gov.-T. V. Powderly, Lack
Sec. In. Affairs J . Lowry Dewoody,
Supreme Judge J. A. Cake, North
umberland. Congress Robert K. Tomlinson,
riant Trees.
That is good advice which the
lMiiladelphia Times gives its readers
when it advises them to plant trees.
We commend this exhortation to the
attention of all those whose eye may
chance to light upon it: Every man
should plant trees; every woman
should plant trees ; every boy should
plant trees; every girl should plant
trees. If they own a home, however
humble or unsightly, it can be made
beautiful by shade and vines und
flowers, which coat only the labor of
planting ; if they do not own a house,
they should plant trees wherever they
happen to stay. It will cost nothing;
it will only be a little care und labor,
and somebody will be grateful for it
by and by. One-half the drift of
children from their homes and the
occupations to which they are reared
are caused by tho chcerlessiiess that
surrounds them. There is no beauty,
no comfort, no saeredncs about the
place that should bo to them the most
sacred spot of earth, and they wander
away among strangers and into
strange pursuits, often to make ship
wreck of their lives, because tboy see
attractions and comforts elsewhere
which are unknown ut home. Plant
trees; plant trees everywhere that of
fers a place for them. Plant shades,
plant fruits, plant vines; plant
flowers, give them only a little of the
time that is wasted morning, noon
and evening, and they will abundantly
reward you with comfort, health and
Freaks of Juries.
(From tho London Truth.)
Shlel, in his illimitable sketches of
the Irish bar, tells of the verdict of a
Clare jury, iu a case of "felonious gal
lantry." They acquitted the prisoner
of the capital charge, but found him
guilty of a 'great tuidaceiicy." R.
Shelton Mackenzie, iu his note to
Shiel'stext says: "This is nothing
to the verdict of a Welsh Jury : "Not
guilty hut we recommend him not to
doit again" Mackenzie also relates
that an English Jury, not very bright,
having a prisoner before them charged
with burglary, being unwilling to
convict him of robbery, gave tho safe
verdict: "Guilty of getting out of the
window." He adds that the most
original was that of an Irish jury
before whom a prisoner pleaded guilty,
throwing himself on the mercy of the
court. Tho verdict was: "Not guilty."
The judge, In surprise, exclaimed :
"Why, he has confessed his crime!"
The foreman responded,. "Ah, my
Lord, you do not know that fellow:
but wc do. He Is the most .notorious
liar in the country, and no twelve
men who know his character can be
lieve a word he says." And the jurors
adhering to their verdict, the "liar"
The following "pointed" remarks
by a circus clown at a -small town in
the interior has more "truth in it
than poetry:" "We have taken in
S'jOO hero to-day more than most
ministers of the Gospel receive for a
whole year's service. A large portion
of the money was given ny church
members, and a largo portion of tliio
audience is made up of members of
the church. And yet, when your
preacher asks you to aid him in sup
porting the Gospel, you are too pour
to give anything. But you cone here
and pay dollars to hear me talk non
sense. I am a fool because I am paid
for it; I make my living by it. You
profess to be wise, and yet you support
me in my folly. Now isn't Ibis a
pretty place for christians to be In?
Don't you feel ashamed of yourselves?
You ought to.'
Tbe new Climax Wringers at W,
S. Service's, agent. - - -
Mason's Fruit Jars, Pints, Quarts,
and half gallons at W. S. Service's,
The Hall Vapor Stove Is the
greatest invention of the age at W. S.
Service's, agent. : , ,
New stock of Scrap Albums, Box
raper, Pocket Books, Ladies'. Port
momiles, Rubber and base balls at
Craig's Drug & Fancy goods store.
A very largo assortment of Hats at
P. K. Grand Central, if you want a
good style liat for a very little money
drop into the Grand Central.
Mrs. Jacob Butterfuss, over Butter
fuss' harness shop, Main street, has
constantly on band the latest style o
human hair goods, also switches, nets
and pins, ac. Call and see them.
The Grocery department at the
Grand Central, P. & K's, is very full
and complete and prices as low as
good reliable goods can be sold for. A
large stock of Pork, Hams, Cheese,
Dairy Butter, Flour, Feed, Beaiis,
Sugar and Syrup just received.
Try our Standard Flour and you
will never regret It.
The Boot nnd Shoe department at
the Grand Central P. & K. Is Very
large, and varied. Everything iu ladle's
Misses' and children's Shoes, and Slip
pers, to look through this
Orders for flowers, seeds, etc.,
from Harry Chiupcl's greenhouse,
Willinmsport, will receive prompt at
tention if left at The Advocate
By the new process of taking pic
tures J. C. Harrling, at the West End
Gallery, can take a photograph In
three to six seconds, this Is of greut
importance in taking pictures of babies.
Shot His Neighbor.
Pottsvllle, Aug. 20. At a late hour
on Friday night, Bernard Horan, a
man forty years of age, shot and
fatally wounded John Gorman, his
neighbor. The latter was about sixty
years of age, and had provoked Horan
by tho erection of a fence between
their property at Mill Creek, a small
hamlet about two miles from here.
Horan, while partially under the In
fluence of li ptor, went to Gorman's
house and demanded that tho fence be
taken down nt once. Gorman said
that he would attend to it in the
morning, and Horan walked away a
few steps, turned ou his heel and
emptied the contents of a shotgun into
the old man's head and neck. One of
the shot, entered the skull over the
right ear; one or two penetrated the
lung, citising him to expectorate blood
ever since, and the others, twenty or
more, wore scattered across tho lower
part of tho face and neck. Gorman
lived Willi his wife alone, having no
children. He is Supervisor of Eust
Norwegian Township, and was best
known hy th title of "General."
His a.;.-n wrts arrested at uu early
hur yos'erday morning, and on being
brought, here was committed to jail to
await his victim's injuries. The latter,
when seen tiiis afternoon by his phy
sician, though still alive, was rapidly
sinking, and no hope Is entertained
fjr bus recovery.
Bucklen's Arnioa Salvo.
The best Salve iu the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Burns, Sores, Ulcers, Salt
Rheum, Fever Sores, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles. It
is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion or money refunded. Price 25
cents per box. For sale by G. G.
vft cm m u r I
, V . -S- - I .IT -1 fM.-.
y- .-rT-nr.r insi
50,000 IN USE!
TTbcx Ordinary Jieruwna.
Eifces bad Cooks E;ual to tnj Cook I tore.
Wentera Branch, it LiKE STiiEigr, CHICAGO.
est a0 , 2 mgi 5
o O "0 3J r i
o o ? ri: E (?
5 I 5 c 3Sg2
. Business Cards,
Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa-
Particular attention given ,to - tb
examination of titles, also to patents
and patent cases.
Offlop In th'w brick bnildlnc. Main
street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. v82t
6vcr twenty-five years practice. '
Office on Main Street, Ridgway, Pa.
opposite the Bogert House. Office
hours troin 1 lo a ami 7 to , v. ai.
XT. L. WILLIAMS. . .. . .
Late of Strattanville), Physician and
Surgeon, Ridgway, Pa. Office In
Hall's Jirick Building (up stairs)
References J. I). Smith, II. L,
Young, R. Rulofson, Strattanville;
Major John Kitloy, V. W. Orcein
land, Clark n. O'lllco hours 1 to 2
P. M. and 7 to 8 P. M.
N. W. corner of Main and Mill streets
Ridgway, Pa., full assortment of care
fully selected Foreign and Domestic
Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dis
pensed at all hours, day or night,
Officb Hocbs. I-'rotn 9 to 12 a. ni.,2to 8
anil 7 to P p. in. Rftlilriuee OlUm m r si
iloiico, opposite) Klk IViiuty linnlc. Mala
A Rlinro of tho people's uutronnRO so
licited. HYDE HOUSE.
W. II. 8CHRAM, Proprietor,
Ridgway, Elk county, Pa.
Thankful for the patronage hereto
fore so liberally bestowed upon him,
the new proprietor hopes, by paying
strict attention to the comfort'and'eon
venience of guests, to ruwit a continu
ance of the same. ort30'6'J
Walnut Leaf Hair Restorer. .
It Is entirely different from all
others. It is as clear as water, and, as
its name indicates, is a perfect Vege
table Hair Restorer. It will immedi
ately free the head from danUruli', re
store gray hair to its natural color,
and nroduce a new crowth whero tt
has fallen off. It does not in any
manner affect the health, which Sul
phur, Sugar or Lead, and Nitrate of
Silver preparations bavo done. It'
will change light or faded hair in a
few days to a beautiful glossy brown.
Ask yourdiu;gist for it. Each bottle
is warranted. SMITH. KLLNE A,
CO., Wholesale Agents. Philadelphia,
andC. X. CRITTENTOX, Now York,
11 17 1 y- - . .
and Buggies to let upon thoT niosi
reasonable terms.
)M?He will also do job '
Stable on Elk street. All orders left
at the I'ost Olllce w'' l recivo prompt
Buy tho Celebrated .
Tho Bnst, Most Olehrnted, Purest Tone, Most
Durable, Must Simple, Most farfect
Ohoaji in the world.
Send for circular. ' ""
New Ilayen, C?oun
Are purer, better, strorger, and longer
ttnown in the market than any other article
of the kind. Are always sure and reliable,
and never fail to insure the best results
in cookery. Ask your grocer for it and
Cive it a trial. Satisfaction guaranteed or
no pay.
Tho PUiuecr
in tb Held
And low tfivtu
entire Mod
lerteot but
now iu iue,
ftiid Kiuwlut
In tor Imr
ver um1. Di
BiMUc work
In i u di iu i
reijtlvrwU uv
nd dwligiitfi.'i
tPcll tnductuuMiU to sgauu iu uooccud Urrltory