The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, July 27, 1882, Image 2

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    lie m
Henry A, rrson, Jr.,
THURSDAY, JULY 27. 1882.
Enters at tub Post-office at
For Governor,
of Centre Comity.
For lilrutonnnt-Oovcrnor,
of Bradford County,
For Judge of the Supreme Court,
of Pliilndelphla.
(For Secretary or Internal Affair.
of Butler.
For (!onprrsmnn-nt-Lnrne.
of Lancaster.
Itotli Sides as Firm as Ever.
New York, July 21. Neither the
railroad companies rtor the strikers in
this city show nhy nit;iis of giving in.
On the one hand with the help of im
migrants from Castle Garden and
Germans and Italians from the Sixth
and Tenth wards in the city, ami also
from adjacent town, the railroad com
panies manage to handle the freight
brought to them for shipment during
the dull season of the year. On the
other hand, the strikers, encouraged
ny me nnanciai aid tney are re
ceiving and with the expectation that
the companies must soon give in
to them still keep up a determined
Cameron Not the Man for Compromise.
Albany Evening Journal.
ine more ueptioncans nave ex
amined the Cameron propositions the
more transparent the "machine" pur
pose has become. As the country set
tles down to the belief that the possi
bility of reconciliation lias passed, it
has become at the same time generally
understood that Cameron is not the
sort of man with whom it is safe or
patriotic to patch up a compromise.
His headstrong course shows that lie
cares more for the perpetuation of his
personal control than he docs for the
welfare of tiie party at large. Such
leader must be curbed or he will for
ever keep the Republican organ izatiou
in hot water.
lV'l)trtHl tile Serena dors.
Kroni the hnvniinuli ftrcorder.
A man named-Jones, living about
Ave miles from the city, on the Ogue-
chee road, whs visited last night by
several young men from Savannah,
who commenced making trouble,
They apparently were full of Whisky
and sentiment, and they uudcrtook to
serenade Mr. Jones ; but he was a
prosaic kind of a man, and instead of
bringing out Whisky and cigars to the
howlers he took a double-barreled
shotgun, and steadying himself, fired
into the crowd. Yells and impreca
tions convinced him that his shot bad
taken effect. He then took an axe and
went among the crowd to demolish
them, but they scattered.
Fanny Parnell Dead.
Borden town, N. Y. July 20. Miss
Fanny Parnell died suddenly this
afternoon of paralysis of the heart at
the old Ironsides Mansion in this city
bhe was the second sister of Charles
Stewart Parnell, the leader of the
Laud League, and was the daughter
of John H. and Delia L. S. Parnell
She was 28 years of age, aud was born
in Ireland.
Miss Parnell had been subject to
attacks of heart disease, and had some'
times been apparently in a trance for
a considerable time after such attacks.
Bhe seemed to be in her usual health
up to this morning.
She was conspicuous in the affairs
of the Ladies,' Lund Leacue. Her first
appearance as a public speaker in New
York city was made some three years
ago, during the famine in Ireland
She has frequently made appeals in
behalf of the Irish cause at Land
League gatherings.
Pattisou's Asceptance.
The Committee of the Democratic
Convention, consisting of William H
Kouden, Malcolm Hay, Harry E
Packer, J. M. Thompson, Harman T
Yerkes, J. H. Cochran and George M
Dallas, appointed to uotifv the candi
dates of their nominations, addressed
the following letter to Controller Patr
IIsod :
Allentown, Pa., July 21. 1882.
DcarSir: As the authorized repre
sentatives of the DemocraticState Con
vention , we have thehonor to not i fy you
of your unanimous nomination by that
body at Harrisburg, on the 28th ult.,
usthecandiduteof the Democratic party
of the State of Pennsylvania for the
ofiiceof Governor. The uu feigned satis
Jaction and very general approval with
which the nomination of yourself aud
all the candidates upon the ticket with
you has been received by the people are
tor I ai nly causes for congratulation.
Requesting thai you will at an early
day signify your acceptance of this
nomination, we remain, very respect
fully yours.
To this Controller Pattison made the
following reply
Department City Controller,
Philadelphia, July 25, 1882.
Gentlemen: I have just received
your letter of July 21, advising me ot
the actiou of the DemocraticState Con
vention. I accept the nomination for
Governor, aud if chosen for the office
by the people 1 will strive to perform Its
duties to their satisfaction. Respect
Dully yours,
Robert E. PAmsoy.
Inaction' of the stomach er lungs,
Peruna supes. But when of the liver,
or- kidneys, Manalin docs.
fiThir Kit Regiment on the To,
from advftTraed sheets of Frank A, Sarr't
llf of James A. Beaver.)
The army of the Potomac hd failed.
when the movements of Sunday were
over, to sel.e all of t he positions about
rtpotisyivania. instead, it iaa toicea
Lee from brs position on Mine Run,
orougni mm nearer mciimona, ana
lay an irregular crescent, about the
heights around the cross-roads at the
Tolnt house, which Stuart seized on
Saturday, and General Anderson, ot
Swell's corps, bad tilled with Ms
troops the next day. Early, at tho
other cud or JLee's army, had hrcn
swung, by the position of Hancock's
corps, from the ridge road, which ran
north of the IV, to the roads running
on the rldgo south, and the broad, flat
piaro, liiroutrn winch tnis siuggisti
stream run, lay debatable ground be
tween the two armies no to a wooden
bridge, where the Po., turned to flow I
around the heights of Spottsylvanla:
me nruige ueiug tivid uy tne uoiiteu
eVntesln force as one of the approaches
to their position. In short two com
mas, mutually inverted, would give
rudely the shape of the two armies:
the lower comma, Lee's line, bunched
at Spotsylvania, the upper, Grant's,
with the Swond corps at the comma
head, the Po running diagonally In
the space between. On Monday, May
9, after part of the day had been spent
in strengthening the general position
of the army, General Barlow's divis
ion was spread across the Po, and.
after what proved to be hot fighting
on Tuesday, was withdrawn with
heavy losses: one hundred and seventy-
five belnar lost in the One Hundred
and Forty-eighth Pennsylvania regi
ment cxlonc. In lr relations to the
general operations of tho army, this
seems to have been a tentative nana
movement on the left of the Confed
erate position, and resulted only in an
opportunity for the display of high
courage by the union lorccs. as a
matter of fact, the first steps toward
the movement were taken, after the
enemy's wagon-train had been noted
by General Brooke passing over the
level ground beyond the Po, in an ef
fort to capture this train by a flying
column led by General Beaver. This
developed into an advance in force by
two divisions, which forded the Po
above tho wooden bridge, aud then,
pushing across diagonally, reached
the same stream again below the
bridge, which spanned the river at the
bend, already mentioned.
The movement began at dusk Mon
day evening. At B 1 M., the One
Hundred and Forty-eight, which had
been all day on fatigue duty building
intrenchments, was ordered to fall into
line and cross the Po. 'J' he stream, a
"run," with slippery, muddy banks,
was waist-deep, and the opposite bank
Was held by a force of cavalry and
light artillery distantly supported,, by
the intrenched force at the wooden
bridge. The regiment spread out in
skirmish line as it crossed, and drove
in the enemy, clearing out the woods,
and opening a space into which the
rest of the brigade and later two divis
ions, passed over bridges thrown across
the stream. The movement cost the
regiment one officer and eleven men
wounded, and it left the corps estab
lished on both sides of the Po, above
the wooden bridge, with the river be
low the bridge owing to its sharp
bend directly before the Union ad
vance. The sharp aud heavy light
ing of the next day, Tuesday, May 10,
turned upon the advance in force of
three divisions of Lee's army, Field's,
Mahone's, and Heth's, upon the two
brigades of Barlow's division, left
when the rest of the Second corps had
been withdrawn to the north bank of
the river. Colonel Beaver's share in
the difficult aud hazardous retreat of
these two brigadesacrossadeepstream,
in the face of an advancing enemy, lay
in so handling his regiment that it
came in safety from a field in which
superior forces had surrounded it on
three sides, while the woods through
which its retreat lay were on fire.
The thick woods, the underbrush,
narrow roads, aud tortuous paths
made advance impossible in the dark,
Monday evening. The regiment slept
in the fields, and its first hours, Tues
day, were given to intrenching its
position along a bridge 'which ran
south of the Po, having between it
aud that stream the Block House roud
leading to the wooden bridge held by
the enemy. A reconnoissance at sun
rise showed that the rebel forces were
there in force, and, instead of attack
ing the positiou in front, General
Brooke's brigade was pushed forward
to attempt the passage of the Po below
the wooden bridge, while a small de
tachment forded and felt the enemy's
position, which consisted of strong
earthworks, occupied by artillery and
infantry. No crossing was made In
force, and the brigade remained until
afternoon iu the open positions.
Meanwhile General Mead had deter
mined to assuult the enemy's position
elsewhere, as wt.s done the next day,
and wisheo to avoid a general engage
ment on the south of the Po at the
extreme right of the army of the
Potomac. Geueral Lee, however, who
appreciated theserlous danger in which
this turuing movement of the Second
corps put his army, detached three
divisions to drive back its brigades in
the advance. Two of Hancock's
divisions, Biruey's and Gibbou's, re
crossed about noon. This left Geueral
Barlow's division to execute its retreat
a little later, just as the overwhelming
force of the eucmy was pushing forward
to retake his position at all hazards.
The Federal forces had in this retreat
three lines of defence : first, the works
early thrown up beyond the Block
House road;' next, between the road
and river; and, third, just in front of
the bridges:- the final line in some
sense a fourth being the main body
of the corps on the other side of the
river. The first of these lines was
held by two brigades, Miles and
Smyth's, in the rear of the morning's
advance, made up of Brook's and
Brown's brigades: The plan- of the
retreat was tcr bring in- Brown aud
Brooke on the second line behind
Miles and Smyth,, pub Miles and
Smyth ou the third line at the bridges
behind Brown and Brooke, aud then
slip the eutire division' across the
bridges in detail. These' clock -work
changes, easy in theory,, offered the
greatest difficulty In execution, and
they put in peculiar hazard' the One
Hundred and- Forty-eighth" regiment
on the right of General Brooke's com"
utand, which was- leftf to' oatcr.' the
enemy's advance after Brown's bri
gade, still farther to thtf right, bad
been withdrawn. The successive steps
in this retreat are thus described by
General Hancock, who superintended
the movement In person 5 i
"When I directed General Barlow
to commence retiring his command,
he recalled Brook's and Brown's brig
ades, and formed them on the right of
Miles' and Smyth's .brigades, on a
wooded crest, in the rear of the Block
House road, about one hundred paces
in the rear of the line of breastworks.
As soon as Brook's and Brown's brig
ades had occupied this position, Miles
and Smyth were ordered to retire to
the crest In front of our brigades on
the south side of the Po. Here they
formed in line of battle, throwing up
hastily a light line of breastworks ol
rails and such other materials as they
could collect on the ground. In a few
minutes they were prepared to resist
the enemy, should he overpower
Brooke and Brown, and attempt to
carry the bridge I dit ected that all
the batteries ou the south side of the
river, save Arnold's A, First Rhode
Island battery, should cross to the
north bank aud take position com
manding the bridges. These disposi
tions had scarcely been completed,
when the enemy, having driven in the
skirmishers of Brooke's and Brown's
brigade pushed forward and ' occu
pied the breastworks in front of them;
then, advancing in Hue of battle sup
ported by columns, they attacked
with great vigor and determination,
but were met by a heavy and destruc
tive fire, which compelled them to fall
hack at once lu confusion, with aovorc
louses in killed and wounded. En
couraged doubtless by the withdrawal
of Miles' and Smyth's brigades from
our front line, which it is supposed
they mistook for a forced retreat, they
reformed their troops and again as
saulted Brooke'saud Brown's brigades.
The combat now became close aud
bloody. The enemy in vastly superior
numbers, flushed with the anticipation
of an easy victory, appeared to be de
termined to crush tlie small force op
posing them, and pressing forward
with loud yells, forced their way close
up to our lines, delivering a terrible
musket lire as they advanced. Our
brave troops again resisted their onset
with undaunted resolution; their fire
along tlie whole line was so continu
ous and deadly that the enemy found
it impossible to withstaud it, but
broke again and retreated iu the wild
est disorder, leaving the ground in
our front strewed with dead and
wounded. During the heat of this
contest tlie woods on the right and
rear of our troops fired; tlie flames had
now approached close to our Hues,
rendering it almost impossible to re
tain our Hsition longer.
"The.last bloody repu Ise of the enemy
had quieted them for a time, and
durinir this lull in the fiuht, Geueral
Barlow directed Brooke and Brown to
abandon their positions, and retire to
the north bauk of the Po their right
and rear being enveloped in the burn
ing wood, their frout assailed by over-
wiielminir numuers oi me enemy.
This withdrawal of the troops was at
tended with great difficulty and peril :
but tlie movement was commenced at
once, the men displaying such coolness
and steadiness as is rarely exhibited in
the presence of dangers so appalling.
It seemed, indeed, that these gallant
soldiers were devoted to destruction
The enemy seeing that our line was
retiriutr. attain advanced, but Was
atrain promptly checked by our troops.
who lei t buck, through me burning
forest with admirable order and de
liberation, though lu doing so many of
them were killed and wounded
numbers of tlie latter perishing in the
flames. One section of Arnold's bat
tery had been pushed forward by
Captain Arnold during the fight, to
within a short distance of Brooke's
line, where it had done effective ser
vice. When ordered to retire, the
horses attached to one of the pieces,
becoming terrified by the tire and un
manageable, dragged the gun between
two trees, where it became so firmly
wedged that it could not be uiovfed.
Every exertion was made by Captain
Arnold and some of the infantry to
extricate the gun, but without success.
They were compellel to abandon it.
This was the first gun ever lost by the
Second corps.
"Brooke's brigade, after emerging
from the wood, had the open plain to
traverse between the Block House
road and the Po. This plain was swept
by tlie enemy's musketry in front,
and tbeirartillcry on the height above
the Block House bridge, ou the north
side of tlie river.
"Brown's brigade iu retiring was
compelled to pass through the eutire
woods in its rear, which was burning
furiously, and although uudera heavy
Are, it extracted itself from the forest,
losing very heavily iu killed aud
Such was the general scope of these
daugerous movements, hazardous to
the troops who safely crossed in their
order. To save the regiment, Colonel
Beaver was called to lead it through
deeper peril. His command had been
first in the advance all the forenoon,
it was now last on tlie right iu the
retreat of his brigade. Through the
day it had taken twelve different posi
tions, fortifying each, and when It
reached the last In the second line of
defence it found itself in a post which
must be held at all hazards, but which
was commanded by the abandoned
rifiepits of the first Federal line into
which the enemy swarmed when
Miles' aud Smyth's brigades were
withdrawn. All the afternoon the
regiment lay at its post, its commander
aware that hour by hour its comrades
were crossing in safety. As the Uniou
line shortened aud Brown's brigade
was withdrawn, the rebel attack con
verged ou the extreme right of General
Brooke's brigade. The battle line of
the brigade which began on the left in
the fields, ou which the Union bridges
opened ended ou the right in a
clump of woods in which Colonel
Beaver was posted after Brown had
retired. Protecting itself by a rude
breastwork of logs aud earth, the
regiment awaited the rebel assault tin
der a constaut and auuoyiug Are from
the rule-pits left iu the Federal retreat.
Twice an assault in line was made on
this position,and the rebel force swept
up in the open to fall back before the
withering tire from the rude natural
salient ottered by the woods In which
the One Hundred and Forty-eighth
lay. Hour by hour the afternoon wore
away; every minute brought its in
creasing losses ; companies were torn
to pieces by casualties which cut
down the marching strength of the
regiment by a fourth ; the woods
caught fire ; the drifting smoke settled
close npou the low valley iu which the
men were lying ammunition began to
run low, the rebel line began to lap and
at last to converge on the regiment.
The creeping fire In tho wood behind
threatened to cut the regiment off
from the rest of its brigade on the left,
and dropping short began to come
from the right where support was ex
pected from Brown's brigade; but
which had been hastily withdrawn
from its positiou without Colonel
Beaver's knowledge. Three times
messages were sent by General Brooke,
unaware of the departure of Brown,
that Colonel, Reaver could connect
with Brown, or his own brigade
would advance and pick him up, but
none of tlie staff officers were able to
pass through the burning woods and
Colonel Beaver remained in ignorance
of the situation. At length the ad
vancing fire admonished him that
something must quickly be done. He
called up one of those cool, sure
headed sergeants on whom a com
manding officer leans and sent him to
find where the supports lay.
"Colonel," said he, with a hot ex
clamation, and he came back, "the
Rebs are in there."
."No," Kissinger," said Colonel
Beaver, "I guess you are mistaken.''
"No," was the reply; "a Reb lu
there, he says, says he, 'You d d
Yank, j-ou uus better get out of this
here.' "
The One Hundred and Fortv-elghth
was "In the air,' ;to use a military
phrase. Brown's brigade was gone
and the fire had cut the Oue Hundred
and Forty-eighth off from Brooke,
making it Impossible for him to ad
vance the line aud help the regiment
out of its peril as he intended. The
time had come for retreat and retreat
under appalling odds In the hot fire
of actiou, grouped in the burning
woods, torn, disordered, flanked by
fire and sword, the regiment had to be
handled with the nicety of the parade-
Quickening the fire along bis line,
checking, for an instant, tlie rebel ad
vance, Colonel Beaver took his regi
meut and bent its curving line, with
its left as a pivot, until the right rested
on the river, and then, staudiug bii
the river bank knee deep iu mud, the
covering fire of the rebel advance
covering his whole line of the retreat,
tlie woods crackling aud falling as the
fire, minute by minute, crept nearer
the point from which his companies
were emerging to cross the open banks
of the stream, Colonel Beaver passed
his entire regiment across the river,
fording last himself. He reached the
opposite shore nearly overcome with
tlie labors of the critical movement.
When the retreat begau he had given
up his horse to, and brought from the
burning woods, a lieutenant of his
regiment who had lost a leg. The
faithful steed had been wounded before
he had been given his maimed burden
aud ftll dead just as his master reached
the bank of the river in safety. Col
onel Beaver's diary records the fact
that the saddest news of the year came
to him just after he had saved his
regimeut it was that great and brave
John Sedgwick had been killed.
At the head of the bridge, General
Brooke was still holding open a path
of retreat for the absent regiment,
when its colonel reported to him with
ills command "in magnificent shape."
It was a moment of great relief for
him. Its fate was a mere mutter of
speculation up to tills moment. It was
alone to find its way through the burn
ing woods and in face of a galling Are
from the enemy. It had been saved
by the coolness, presence of mind and
military gen;us of its commander.
Colonel Beaver's Arst words were of
bitter regret for the wounded he had
left behind in the blazing forest, food
for tlie flames. He had saved his
regiment; but at a cost which, as
General Brooke said, while the two
men stood together, was part of the
unavoidable loss of war. Even with
this cost, the hazard aud accident of a
battle had been for him the opportu
nity to display the highest qualities of
the Acid. Of less import iu the wider
work of the campaign, the incident Is
given here, because from Hancock
down each of Colonel Beaver's superi
ors noted it, as a scene for the display
ol consummate ability. Said General
Hancock In his report :
"I feel that I cannot speak too
highly of the bravery, soldierly con
duct and discipline displayed bv
Brooke's and Brown' brigades on this
occasion. Attacked by an entire di
vision of the enemy (Heth's) they re
peatedly beat him back, homing their
grouud with uuyielding courage until
they were ordered to withdraw, wlieu
they retired with such order and
steadiness as to nieet the highest
General John R. Brooke, in the of
ficial report to General Hancosk, says :
"I would praeticularly mention
Colonel James A. Beaver, One Hund
red and Forty-eighth Pennsylvania
volunteers, whose regimeut occupied
the right of my line aud the most ex
posed position, for his great gallantry
and the mastetly manner in which he
extricated his regiment from the burn
ing woods;(wh!ch were set ou Are by
some means during the action).
During the latter part of the action
this regiment had to contend with the
enemy in front, and the burning tim
ber in the rear, and at 4ts close were
compelled to retire through the fire to
the opposite or left bank of the Po,
there being no other path left open."
Cool and conspicious as was Colonel
Beaver's bravery, he was but one of a
brigade, a division and a corps, always
equal' to great emergencies aud noted
for high daring. If his regiment bad
not been worthy of It colonel, it would
have mattered little that the Union
position was commanded by a man
equal to the need of the day, and the
patient historian who shall disentangle
the operations of many other regi
ments in- the Second corps many
match the daring, the steadiness, and,
alas, the losses of the One Hundred
and Forty-eighth- Pennsylvania on
the Po.'
Friglilful Scalp Diseases Transmitted In
False Hair.
Frotn the Liverpool Courlor.
A terrible alarm has been created
amongst the ladles by the announce
ment of a visitation of the most dread
ful kind nothing less than thf arrival
of the horrible disease of the hair,
known aatheplica polonica, which has
hitherto been confined to the Inhabi
tants of Poland and tlie frontiers of
Russia. No medical science has bee
able as yet to ascertain the exact cause
of the disease, which renders its vic
tim a most hideous object to behold,
transferring sometimes almost sud
denly the most beautiful and luxuri
ant crop of hair Into a matted, disgust
ing mass of twisted snakelike ropes,
which stand out lu horrible confusion
all over the head, through Which no
comb can ever be drawn, and which
can never be cut owing to the agglom
eration of the rocts Into one united
mass, which, as the roots are Ailed
with blood, would cause the sufferer to
bleed to death were they to be vio
lently removed.
The doctors here account fof the ap
pearance of the disease in two cases
which have occurred of late to the
recent importation of false hair from
Poland a country hitherto forbidden
to traders in the article of false hair.
It appears that the hair-cropping season
having been rather uneuuuessiul in the
usual districts to which the trade has
been till now confined, in consequence
of the immese demand made upon the
peasant girls of the Continent for the
last two or three yearsthrough the tre
mendous plaints, and "chignons," and
"cascades," aud "falls," and "frizzes''
that have been worn, heavy enough on
the single head of a lady of fashion to
despoil the poor pates of a dozen poor
potato-weeders or lace-makers of the
Normandy villages, it has become
necessary to widen the fields of opera
tions; and after ransacking Constanti
nople, Smyrna and Damascus, the
yield has eveu then fallen short of the
The traders after a rtih liitoGerniany,
have been compelled to make a swoop
down upon Poland, In spite of the
point of honor by which they were
bound to avoid all dealings of the kind
with that couu try. A lot of the most
beautiful hair was imported thence
from a great fair held In the environs of
Warsaw toward the end of tlie month.
Most of the hair was of tlie finest
and most silky duality hlirhly pol
ished, clean and evidently well cared
for by its former proprietor; but as
most of it was black it hud to be dyed
to suit the fashion of the day, which
commands that every woman that
mau delighteth to honor shall have
flaxen, red-gold ororange-colored hair.
But nothing is easier to the hair trade
than to change the color, and by the
chemical mixtures manufactured for
the purpose this object is attained in a
However, one of these individuals,
residing iu Clerkenwell, who had pur
chased a bag of Polish hair of the
finest quality, was horrified ou pre
ceding tlie liquid in which he had
plunged it for dyeing turn gradually of
a blood-red color, until the whole
mass had changed to the same
lurid tint. Chemists were called in to
ascertain the cause of the strange oc
currence. The mixture Was submit
ted to analysis, but nothing was dis
covered, until at length the doctors
were summoned, aud after examina
tion by the microscope the bulb of the
plica polonica was detected iu a great
proportion of hair which had been
bought by one especial trader who had
attended the fair. It was but the
germ of the disease, but the tubeof the
hair was affected, and had it remained
upon the wearer's head would in a
short time have been developed Into
the virulent form of the disease.
Other dealers have kept their dis
covery secret and have sold the hair at
a cheap rate to inferior hairdressers.
Much of it must have been used to or
nament the heads or the humble as
pirants to fashion and distinction who
wait behind the bars of the lower pub
lic-houses, or behind tlie counters ot
the general shops of the East End. It
is certain that two cases of the disease
have beeu reported one of them a
very young girl employed as nurse in
a tradesman's family, whose head had
been lately shaved after an attack of
scarlet fever, and who had bought t
"fringe" to reuder herself "less shock
lug" beneath her cup. The doctors
are of course busily occupied in tlie
investigation of the germs, and under
take to prevent the spread of the dis
ease. They remember the failure ex
perienced by the French aud English
medical faculties in their endeavors to
cure the singer Madame Crurelli, who
was compelled to leave the sfsge and
retire from the world, In the midst of a
career as brilliant as that of her sister,
in consequence of this terrible visita
and Buggies to let upon the most
reasonable terms.
Kir-He will also do job teaming.
Stable on Elk street. All orders left
at the Post Office wM receive prompt
There is hardly a disease considered
incurable, that could not be'vured with
That Brown's Iron Bitters
will cure the worst case
of dyspepsia.
Will insure a hearty appetite
and increased digestion.
Cures general debility, and
gives a new lease of life.
Dispels nervous depression
and low spirits.
Restores an exhausted nurs
ing mother to full strength
and gives abundant sus
tenance for her child.
Strengthens the muscles and
herves,enriches the blood.
Overcomes weakness, wake
fulness) and lack of energy
Keeps off all chills, feyerSj
and other malarial poison.
Will infuse with new
the weakest invalid.
37 Walker St., Baltimbre, Dee. 1SI1,
For tix yean I have been a great
sufferer from Blood Diteaie, Dyf.
so debilitated that I couid not retain
anything on my itomnch, in (act,
life had almost become burden.
Finally, when hopa had almost left
tne, my husband teeing Bkown's
Iron Bittkrs advertised in the
faper, Induced me to give it a trial,
am now taking the third bottle
and have not felt so well in tix
years at I do at the present time.
Mrs. L. F, CKirriN.
Brown's Iron Bitters
will have a better tonic
effect upon any one who
needs " bracing up," than
any medicine made.
The ftotiMr
In Ui fk-hl,
und ) g lvn
entire and
crfeet aat
faotlon. 95,000
cow InuiB.
net crowlnc
ver used. Di
tueatic work
In u m tit i
mi ueiiKiuiii
through thii
comfort mlv
iDf aerie. Delia rur muiirawa circular na pries nai.
HcUl Inducement! to ejtnte In unoccupied territory,
Sttnec Hi., cur. Chain plain, Cleveland, Ohio.
Tanks are constructed of three-inch lumber,
aeleetea Michigan pino, and are held together with
Improved Lug hoops so arranged that they can ba
drawn up with a common wroucb. When covered
With two thicknosMU nf t-nmmnn fafiM.w, u
board between), they ere made iroat-proof. Wo ar
large manufacturers of railroad tanks, and apply tho
same principles and material to the construction of
moss stoc a tanas tout wa embody la our railroad
work. All tauka ara act tin nl,.M tnark.l i..n
knocked down, and crated for shipment.
,!n1HY bottom Canaolty 82 bbls.
mi " " So "
Anti-Freezing Iron Force Pumps,
FMud tor Mr d.ptk w.Il od mrk.d uufn, eaa pot laoa
.k. tbcm work parfttlj.
Mtanfmciarwre of th mithnu
w. n. nnfttLKit, Mftmr. cllui 1 , wis.
EcILmsi Wind Ejf4nav.-lhf aaJUwfc.
ParU, CiBtoaaLtO. AwUtli. '10 't-Oj AlUau, 'L.
. wny or poww. ueia tatamt mint tvi won a -a rttlr.
Are purer, better, stronger, and longer
known la the market than any other article
of the kind. Are always sure and reliable,
and never fail to insure the best results
in cookery. Ask your grocer for it and
give it a trial. Satisfaction guaranteed or
no pay.
$100 up (Stool, 'Cover ami Rook)
Elegant Hquare Grand, 3 ftringn, full
Agraifes, every improvement, only
$245. Cabinet Grand Upright 210
and $250. Other Grand Holiday Bar
gains. Jubilee Organs, $55 up (Stool
and Book). Excelsior, atyle 42, Five
seet of lteetls, 16 stops, only $87.
"Oriental," style 103. Teu set of Reeds,
20 stops, ouly 125. No. "bosfus" sets
of reeds or dummy" stops'. All sent
on 16 days trial, freight free ifunsatia-
jaciory. air ana honest dealing
guaranteed, esneet music t price,
Piano, Organ, or Music Catalogue free
2068, N. Y.
T7STATE of Jeremiah Callaban.
Xjjlate of Fox township, Elk county,
fa., deceased. .Notice is Hereby given
that letters testamentary have been
granted to the undersigned upon the
above estate.- All persons indebted to
said estate are requested to make im
mediate payment, and those having
legal claims against the same to pre
sent them without delay in proper
order ror settlement
Kidney Pails
have nlrnndy
been koIiI In
this country
and In France
every onn
of wbM hits
glvon perfect
and linn per
permed cures
every time
when tided ftc
cording to
direct lout.
We now say to the nrrlloled and doubt
ing ones that we win puy ine
above reward fo a tingle,
case of
Thnt the Pnd fnlla tr cure. Thin firent remedy
.mi i miivr i) unu i-ernmnenuy cure
IjRgo, Inline ltnck. Helatlcn, Gravel. Ilabetfi,
Drupuy. Krighl'R Dlxense of the llldimjn, In
continence nnd llctontton of the Urine, lit I a
in tne linen, nine or l.oins, Kervone Wenk
ncKS, and in fnct nil disorder of the Blndrier
anil I'rlnnry Orpins whether contracted Uy
private disease or otherwise.
LADIES, if you are nuflurinK front
Female Wenknu, Leneorrhcea, or nnv dis
ease, of the Kidneys, Uldtldor.or Urinary Ur
Without swallowing hauseouii medicines, by
KiiiU'ly wearliiK
French Kidney Pad,
Wlilelj Cure by AbBorptioti.
Ask your druKirlst lor PROF. OUILMET.
Tli'H Krennh Kidney l'ud, and take no other.
If he has not Rot It, send S2.IM and you will
receive the Tad by return mall.
Toledo, O., nys:
"One of Trof. Onllnietto'R French Kidney
Tiuls t-ui-ed ine of LuinhHKO In three weeks
lime. My cits hnfl been given up by tlm
best Doctors ns Incurable, During all this
time I Rill IV red untold nony und paid out
large sums of money."
GEORGE VETTER, J. P. Toledo, 0.
"1 sufl'eied for three years with He.latlcn anal
Kidney Disease, and often had to con boo ton
ciuu-hes, I wns entirely and pemanent!y
cured after wearlnn Prof. Uuilmclte's French
Kidney Pad four weeks."
-SQUIRE N. C. SCOTT, Sylvanla, O.
"I have been a great sufferer for 10 years
with llrighl's Disease ol the Kidneys. For
weeks at a lime I whs unable lo gel out of
bed; took barrels of medicine' but they give.
mo only temporary relief. I wore two of
Prof. Oullmeite's Mldney Pads six weeks;
and I now know that I am entirely cured."
Toledo, O.
"For years I have been confined, a great
part ot ine I inn- to my dcu, wllti l.ucoi rnu-n
and female wcsiknes. I wore one of Ullll-
ineltes Kidney Puds und wus cured iu one
II. B. GREEN, i ;. wile Grocer,
Findlitud, O.
"I suffered for 23 years with lame bnck nnd
in three weeks permanently cured by wear
ing one of I'nif. (liillinette'K Liver Pads."
B. F. KEESL1NG. M. 1). I)ruTKit,' ,
LofriuiMiort, Ind.
When Rending In an order for Kidney
Pads, writes: "1 wore oue of the first oih-s
we had anil I received more benefit from It
than anything 1 every used. In fuel the
Pals give belter general satisfaction thna
any Kidney remedy we ever suld."
RAY & SHOEMAKER, Druggistf.,
Himnilml, Mr.
"We are working up a lively trade lu your
Pads, and are hearing of good results from
them every day."
Thousands of graves are nniiually
robbed ol'their victims, lives prolonged
happiness and health restored by the
use of the great
wliiflipositivi'lyunil preiniuieiitlycurea
I m potency (caused by excesses of any
kind), Seinintil weakness, aud all dis
eases that follows as a sequence 6T
Self-Abuse, as loss of energy, loss of
memory, universal lasltude, pain in
the back, dimness of vision, premature
old age, and many other discuses that
lead to insanity or consumption and a
premature grave
Send for circulars with testimonial
free by mail. The IN VIGOR ATOR
is sold at $1 per box, or six boxes for
$5 by all druggists, or will be sent for
by mail, securely sealed, ou receipt of
price bv addressing
F. J. CHENEY, Druggist.
187 .Summit St., TOLEDO, OHIO.
Sole Agent for the United Stales.
The most woumlcrful curative rem
edies of the present day, are those that
come from Germany, or at lrast origi
nate there. The most recent prepara
tion placed upon the market in tilts
country, is. tlie GREAT GERMAN
IN VIGOR ATOR, which has never
been known to fall in curing a single
case of impoteiicy, spermatorrliceu,-
weakness and all diseases resutinj;
from self-abuse, as nerveous debility.
uaxiuity, mental anxiety, languor,
assitude, depression of spirits and'
unctional derangementsof theiiervou
ystem. For sale by druggists, orsent
rce by mail on receipt of the paiee
1.00 SoleAgent for th e United States
end for circular. For sale by Chasv
McVean, St. Marys. Pa.
Prof. GnMette's Frencli LIVER PAD,
Will positively cure Fever and Ague,
Dumb Ague, Ague Cake, Biloue
Fever, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, and all
diseases of the Liver. Stomach aud
Blood. Price $1.50 by mail. Seud for
Prof. Guilmette's Treatise on the Kid
neys and Liver free by mall. Address
Toledo. Ohio.
For sale bv Chas. McVcau. St.
Marys, Pa.
Win be paid If mr lurnnrttlet or mlnerml
wbatauceutu-ofouiialn I'kbl'na, or for any
raiM It will aP tmlr. Iiiii
rEiitTNAla Durulv ft veiretabW couiuound.
ilia not equalled di
ty auy or ail other liuMil-
flllt'S comuiueu.
'lins IB ninrng
but it li true.
i kuuna la being mora exteuuvely pi
acriuttu oy noncHi puyau'iaiiatiuiu. anyotner
uau-aozen rtiiuuu its juiowu u me proioitsiou.
Pehiina Dosftlvelvrurotf conHumntlnn nnd
Wall ulliur lung aud heart diseases. EJJ?-,
For Intermittent IVver, chills bud fuviir.
dumb aKue. the luIalUblo remedy UPjcnuM a.
ItM No matter what your disease U, where lo-
UcKica, oe you young orma, maie or n?maio,
go at once lor i'kiti'K.k. - ' 1 1
Fal all nn rai trh hlFS nft vuia frlunila
Peiu'N a U tho only remedy, and WU cun
8. B. H AUTHAN CO., Oeborn.Ohlo.
M, Keen your bowels and pelvic organs regu
lar WllU
A fine lot of bouse and bedding
plan&t for tale at The Advocaxe office.
Call and sfie them. These plants are
from Harry Chaapel's green bouee,'