NEWS OF THE WEEK. Kimtprn find Miililt pRIntes, Of the five thousand drilling operatives for merly employed In the Harmony Mills, Oohoes, N. Y., all but about one hundred have either moved awny or found other employment. Neab Mifflin, Ta., a freight train, consisting of more than 100 cars, became disconnected at the oontor whilo descending a heavy grade. The rear section followed the front part with con stantly lucreasing ppeed and finally plunged into it, wreoking thirty cars. Two tramps on tho train were k l ied Instantly and a third was eeriously Injured. Tiik Vermont Stale ootnmli tee of the Nat tonal Greenback-Labor party have issued a call for a State convention at Waterbury on August 15. A cnmcNTio!t of workingraon to the number of 150 delegates, held in FHtslmrg, nominal, d a full State and county ticket and candidates for Congress. A nairr in the freight yards of the Erie railruad at Jersey City N. J., resulted in one man an Italian laborer being driven off Iha pier into the water and drowned, while several other men were severely injured. Maxt deaths and a large number of capes of prostration wore caused in New York by the excessive heat. Tanes men woro killed and nine injured several fatally by the premature discharge of a blast on tho West Shoro railroad, near Milton, N. V. El tho falling of the roof of a miuo slopo war Tottsville, Pa., threo moa lost thoir lives. Hisnop Liu Scott, senior bishop of the Methodist Episcopal church, died the ether day at his home, noar Odessa, Del,, agod eighty years. Lewis II. Redfielp, tho oldest printer a-iil onrnalist in Now York Stale, died at Syracuse, aged eighty-nine years. Three firos, which broko out in Xcw York at about thoBarue timo tho other night, dc-itivyo l a Btorohoiiso noar tho Battery, a building in Fearl street and a factory near Canal stroeti causing an a?grcgato loss of $510,003. Tbesident B.YRM03, of Ouatomala, Central America, arrived iu New York the other day. He has come to visit his family, and secure the good offices of tho United States government in Bottling the boundary lino between Guatemala and Mexico. Sou 111 and Weit. ' Sevieb county, Ark., was the scene of a Jragedy roocntly which resulted in tho death of a guest at tho hands of George and West McCravin, they killing the man fur his money. In arresting tho murderers Constable Ilelheily was accidentally killed by one of tho arresting party and Georgo McCravin was shot dead by a deputy. reparations are nearly completed at Den ver, Col., for opening tho National Mining and Industrial Exhibition. A small boat capsized on Lake Michigan off Muskegon, and two sailors from tho Btcam barge Hilton and three other lncu were drowned. F. E. Toxd, ono of the editors of Turf, T'uUI and Farm, was drowned whilo on a fishing trip in Northern Wisconsin. Thomas Euan was hanged at Yankton, Da kota, for murdering his wifo in 1S30. Two farmers named Jackon and Ichir had a difficulty at tho lnuse of tho latter in Whites borough, Texas. Jackson was shot and killed and Ichor fatally cut. A farm boy who inter fered was also badly cut. Fine destroyed the entire business portion of Dayton, W. T;; four buildings in Fayetto, Mo.; eleven buildings aud stores in Owou Sound, Out.; and the Catholic church at Dunville, 111. The loss aggregates about $300,000. Dispatches from a large numborof points in the Sout i and West show that tho wheat, coru, hay and cotton crops will be bountiful, aud iu many places will far exceed any previous har vesting. Farmers are no gathering tho great est cereal crop e?or raised in tha West. From "Washington Tin ocretary of the treasury haa Issued o bond-call for $10,000,000 of the 0 per cen bonds continued at Zl per ceut fiom July 1 1881. The priucipal aud accrued interest will be paid at tho treasury department on Septem ber 13, and the interost will cease on that day. The following is a description of the bonds : $50, NO). 801 to 000, boih inolueivo ; tlOO, Nos 5,501 to 6,500, bo.h inclusive j $300, Nos. 8,00) to 4,150, both inclusive ; $1,000, Nos. 19,001 to 21,000, both inclusive j $5,000, Nos. 6,401 to 6,900, both inclu-ive j $10,000, Nos. 12,501 to 14,050, both inclusive. . Official returns to the agricultural depart ment show that the yield of all the cereals ex cept oorn will be above the average In the star route trials a witness testified that on one Arizona route tho empty pouches were tho only mail matter generally carried. It will be remembered that on tho day bo fore Guitoau's execution a large bouquet war sent to him and subsequently removed by tin jil officials on the suspicion that the flower contained poison. It was reported that th bouquet was sent by the prisoner's sister, Mis Scoville. A Washington paper says that Dr. Alexander McWilliams, the assistant physieiai. of the jail, took charge of the flowers aud haudc a rose from the confer of tho bouquet and auothei flower to Dr. W. C. Tilden for analysis. Dr Tilden, at the laboratory of the Army Mcdica Museum, mado an examination and found thai there were plain traces of arsenic iu the rose n sufficient quantity to have killed several mcr had thoy taken it. The Senate, in exocntive session, confirmed the following nomiuatious: Lewis Wallaco, of Indiana, to be envoy extraordinary and minis ter plenipotentiary to Turkey; Henry C. Hall, to be envoy extraordinary aud minister pleni potentiary to Central America; J Y. Wicker sham, of Pennsylvania, minister resident and consul-general to Denmark; M. J. Cramer, of Kentucky, minister resident and consul-general to Switzerland; John A. Haldcman, of Mis souri, to be minister readent and consul-gen eral to Siam; S. B. Axtell, of Ohio, to bo chiol justice of tho supreme couit of Now Mexico. Martin Buell, formerly one of tho pub lisher of the National Era, and for fifiy years a journalist in Washington, died a few days go, aged seventy-six. The military department of West Point had been discontinued. General Howard has been ordered to the department of the Platte to relieve General Crook, who has been ordered to Arizona. Colonel Wesley Meriitt, of the Fifth calvary, hag been appointed superintend' eut of West Point Academy. Foreign News. Bi way of San Frauclsco come report of a terrible hurricane which visited the Friendly islands on April 25. At Yanvan the bark Don Guillermo, Captain Johnston, went down at her anchors. The captain, oflicors and six seamen were lost with her. Five boys were aaved. The hurricane was accompanied by a tidal ware fifteen feet high, whioh swept over tho island and did terrible damage. All the natives' bouses and many of the Euro poms' lions were carriod away, and coooanut tree were mapped off like pipestem. Th island present a scene of widespread desola tion. At Tongatea all the churohes were de stroyed and 2,000 house were leveled, and the copra houses with their content and every. thing near were swept away. A schooner w carried inland and the German bark Cassili, foupderjja1. 8f.vf.ral Russian officers holding high po sitions have been arrested In St. Petersburg on the charge of being Nihilists. Is a duel between two Mexican ofllccrs at Matamoras both were killed. Mexican troops had a fight in Jalisco with a baud or robbers vinler Manuel and Jose Go mez. The two leaders and seven other ban ditti were killed and the rest of the band scat" torcd. DuniN'a a fire iu Tarig an explosion of gas resultod In the destruction of twelve build ings, the death of twenty persons and iujurios to forty more. In the British hiuse of lords the royal assent was givon to tho Irleh repression bill. Thirteen counties of Ii eland ave to be pro claimed under the repression act. A train with 217 persons on board ran oil the rails between Tcborny and Eaetijeur, Itus siaj 178 persons wore killed, and thoBe whe woro saved wero more or less injured. FOllIY-SETiiNlII COXUUESS. Bnr.ttta- A bill was pBBsrd authorizing the tranB ti t ot the property of tho Nati.-iml RoMiers' and Bailors' Orphan home to the Garfield Memorial hospital.. ..A joint resolution was introduced proposing a constitutional amendment prohib iting Hie abridgment ol rights oi citizens of the United States on account of sex. lieferrod. . . . A bill was introduced for tho appointment of a commission to inqniro into tho condition of tho vhip-bnilding and chip-owning interests, and to BUpgest methods to restore tho foreign carrying trade of tho United States, ltcforred. Tho tax bill was considered and laid ovei ....The House joint resolution was passed appropriating $5o,(l00 to enable 1ho United ISiutes to tnhopait ill tlio International l'isl exhibition to bv held in London. Mr. (-uyaii, from tin en nmuio) on appro nruiiotn, ivp n teil tho illusion appropriation bill, an lit was onli'ioil printed aud laid over f ir future action. ... Iho c uinnitto.i on appro priations recommended tho adoption nt not-eral nmeudmcnts, the tuojt important of winch aro those prohibiting ' payment of double pen sions, and directing the so .'rotary of tho in'erior to tr. n-niiit annual y to Congress a INtof per sons borne on the p 'imion rolls, M.-ilur with the amount paid to each . . . Mr. Hill, oi Color ado, from tho committed ou p istoilices and p.wt roads, rop.iricd back tho bill to punish postmasters for mailing ful-iu certitkutcs of the arrival and departure of mailj. Uetisss Sovoral amennmonts were reporlod to tha House bill reducing internal revenue taxation The House bid was passed authorizing a public building iu Brooklyn, N. Y., at a Oost of 0.0-!O....The river aud harbor bill wa-i urlher diatmscd, without final action. The Senate amendments to tho deficiency Appropriation bill wero non-concurred in.... Tho sundry civil service appropriation hill wa pa-sed, an amendment being adopted appro priating $15,iHuto cnablo tho Piosident to pro mote civil sorvico reloim. Several Senate amendments to tho genoral tioueic-ney appropriation bill wero nou-cou currod in, including tho ono relating to the payment ','f expenses caused by the illness and death of President Garfield.... A bill was passed directing the payment, to Mrs. Garfield of f .50,000 less any a im p'aid to General Garfield on account oi ins salary as J. reside. England and the Egyptians. War between England and Krrvrjt becan bv niti uuiuuuiuincui oi Alexandria uv tlio untisu lloet under command of Admiral Seymour. I'ho n timatum sent to Arab! L'-ov. the" Korvii. tian lender, was tho surrenderor the forts at he mouth of the haibor within twenty-four hours, or the bombardment of tho city at the xpinnjun oi mat time, j no 14 yptians uaviug ( fused to surrender the forts tho iii itish fleet 'peued fire at B.mriso. From dispatches sent o England wo glean the followinc particulars of the manner in which hostilities began: "Early this morning tho remaining British subjects embiikod aud, save a few Italians aud ureeKs, tho European portion of the population of Alexandria deserted tho town. Those who remaiu arepiineipally shopkeepers, who prefer my risk rather than abandon their property to ho mercy of tlio mob. J hey have ban leaded heir houses and wi'l rosist to the last any at 'cmpt on tho part of the mob to break iu when i no uoniDaMKiicnt begins. "At 11 o'clock tho Invincible, Monarch and Penelope moved out aud anchored outside the Hal nor. J he Bccno now was impressive in ugh tlegreo. Slowly all tho foreign steamers moved Irom thoir berths and steamed out of ;ho harbor. The merchant steamers presented no regular order, but the war Bhips of the various nations steamed out in niuadron. M- luting as thoy passed tho Admiral's Ha.'. Bauds piaycd national airs. Scarce a breath of wind was blowing. Tho various ensi'.'us drooped gainst tho masts. The bright Eastern ky overhead, the deep blno sea, tho white clothed ciews clustering ou tho riEuinu and the knowl edge of tho change which would soon take pluco rendered tho statelv procession of wai -hips extremely impressive. The merchant -teanieis were all crowded with refugee, those Oio had held on to tho last iu hopes that mat ers would not come to an extremity. By u-Uf-past 12 tho American squadron of thret--hips, two lliis-dan vessels, one Austrian and ono Gorman alone remained. "At 1 o'clock a steam launch towing a large boat full of Egyptian officials was soon ap-proa-hing tho English flagship. It coutaiued Uaghib Pacha and tho other members of the past and present ministry. They were re ccived by tho admiral and tho Hon. Mr. Lnmbun, flag lieutenant, and a guard of marines, tho bad playing und a genera! salute being fired, as thoy came as a deputation Irom tho rulers of Egypt. They had not received the admiral's dcmiind to mir reuder the forts, and had come oil' to inquire tho reason for tho hostilo preparations. I'he interview was conducted with grtat courtesy on both sides, but tho Egyptian officials looked blank iudecd upon tho admiral informing them that be had sent iu a demand that the forts commanding tlio harbor bo im mediately dismantled. The members of the deputation talked somewhat excitedly among themselves in Turki.-h, discussing apparently what Arabi would fay to tho demand." Ilie'y soon after returned to shoro, and at 7 a. iu. the first gun was fired. The special correspondent of the Associated Press with the British fleet telegraphed the fol lowing detailed account of the engagement: "A British navul officer has furnished me the following account of tho day's operations: Tho bombardment commenced at 7:45 this morn ing. The ironclads Superb, Sultan aud Alex andra engaged and totally destroyed Fort Pharos and the lighthouse batteries, which are at tho entrance to the new port, and were in tended to dominate tho approach to the inner harbor. The llugship Invincible, tho Monarch ami ttie fenelopo toon up commanding posi tions outsido the reef's, and, assisted from the outside by tho Temeraire, attaoked with de structive effect the strong position of Fort Mox, with tho lighthouse and shoro batteries. The Iuflcxihlo was sta tioned so as to command the lighthouse batteries, Foit Pharos and Fort Mex at the same time, aud was thus in a position to co operate both with the division outsi !e aud that in-ide the reefs. Tho gun vessels Bittern, Condor, Beacon, Decoy and Cygnet attacked the Mara'juut batteries nt the entrance of the harbor, aud, taking a close and uoatructivo range, s-xin silenced them; after which they ran in and sholled Fort Mex, ou the southern side of tho cut an e to the anchorage or outer harbor. The Invincible, under cover of her own guns aud those of tho Bittern, then landed a paity of bluo jackets bud marines, who eutored Fort Mex and blew up the heavy guns. The bombardment practically ceased at noon, though some heavy guns aro at this hour still shelling Fort Napoleon, a large work, aiiuatcd at the southern anglo of the inner harbor and dominating the town. The fort does not reply. On tho wholo the Egyp tians fought their battories with more determi nation than had been expected. Several of the earthworks, behind which guns were mounted, were found to be mere heaps of sand. Ono shot went ch ar through the Inflexible." The London Sinndird's correspondent on board the Invincible te!ographs: "The forts and batteries on the sea laoo are a heap of ruins. The Egyptians stuck to their guns un til the forts were crumbling. The aim of the Egyptian gunners was chiefly directed against the Penelope and Inflexible, and they fired piincipally roirtid shot. Their elevation was bad. The Invincible wag soldom hit. The armor of tho Superb was penetrated. The Egyptian officers set a good example to their men, ofton jumping upon the parapets to see the effects of their fire. The party of marine which lunded from the Invincible to blow up Fort Mex saw several dead lying inside the fort The Egyptians had no shell, which fact accounts for tho small number of casualties on tho British vessel'." Another correspondent telegraphed as fol lows: "At half-past 10 the kuedive' palica, called tha Uaa el Tin, or the Harem paiaoe, lying behind the forts, took fire, and at the time I write is still burning. The fight was noaily over all along the line by 13 o'clock, al though the ship all continued to fire in Order to compleie the dismantlement of the fortw. Several small magazinos in the course of the afternoon were blown tip by Our shell, a large ono in Fort Ada bemj destroyed by a lucky shot from the Inflexible. At 1 o'clock volunteers Wre tailed for on board the Invin clb'e to go ashore to spike the guns of Fort Mex, which the fire of the Bhips had failed to dis mount. The work was clangorous, for troop might havo been lying behind the fort. How over therowore plenty of volunteers, and twelve mon were chosen for the adventure, Lieutenant Bradford being in command and Major rulloch being lieutenant. Lieutenant Lambton accom panied him. This duty was skillfully and rapidly performed, To effect a landing the men bad to swim through tho surf, but no opposition was met as IhOy lauded, The gobs Were burst with charge of gun cotton, and the party returned on board Bhlp without a single Casualty. " Of the ships engaged with Fort Met the Penelope was struck five times, and had eight men wounded and one gun disabled. The In vincible was struck many times, but only six Bliqto penetrated her. The foreyard was struck arid the royal brace cut away. We had six wounded. The Monarch was not kit onoe, .probably owing to her ability to shift ground, whilo, on the other hand, she was, in movement and practice of her guns, in terior to the Invincible, Up till 0 o'clock the ironclads kept an occasional fire, but tho foi ts did not reply during the latter part of the afternoon. Oue wing of the palace is in ruins. This was inevitable. Bluco the pal ace lies behind Forts Pharos and Ada. thoBo portions of the town in the lino of liro must also have suffered. The Egyptian gunners fought their guns exceedingly well, eticKieg to thorn until the forts wero cmmbline ruins. The Dartv who landed to destroy the guns of Fort Mox saw several doad lying inside, and the total loss of the enemy mn-t have been heavy." The casu alties on the J'.ngiisn snips the nrst clay was live killed and twenty-seven wounded. Tho United stales minister at Constantino ple wan asked by tho sultan of Turkey to act as mediator ociweon i.ngiana ana lSnyptj but, unoer instructions irom iius government, ao cliued to interfere On the second dnv of the atUck on Alexan dria tho bombardment was renewed by the HriM-k gunboats Inflexible and Temeraire, which opened fire on tho Monoreifie fort that had been repaired in the nicht. The firing ot the gunboats met With bo response. A flag of trtico wttB hoisted at noon on tho arseual, whero the minister of war aud the official divan am. Tlio sicnal to cease firinit wB then given. Toulba Tacha tried to communicate withA'1- miral Seymour. When told that as a prelimi nary condition to negotiation the forts must be surrendered, he rofused to accept the terms. It is thought that the flag was displayed simply to escape the fire. It was reported that tho Esvntian troops had ovaonated the town, which was reported to bo almost empty. Many buildings in tho city wore in flames. It was thought the losses ot the Egyptians would approach 2.000 in killei aud wounded. The Ioadon Daily Ni ws' dispatch from off ' Before 'ho bom bardment recommonced Admiral Seymour sent the Bittern under a fUg of truce to demand the surrender of tho torts for the purpose ol avoiding further bombardment, tmt with out result. All reports confirm previous statements as to tha manner in which the Egyptians worked their guns until they were laiilv blown from the batteries bv the explo sion of shells. The Monnrch fired 200 hoavy shells and 6.000 pounds of shot from the mi dline puns. There was somo splendid scien tific firing, and tho official reports of this first practical trial of modern fighting Bhips will be records ot tno inmost value, nomo uonve in Fort Mex. apparently of concrete, withstand the fire of the heaviest guns of the Mon arch." Alexandria Given T'p to Slaughter one I'illnse. Alexandria dispatcher give the following ac count of the terrible scenes of slsuuhter which took place on the third day of thesiege: "lhe weather was too rough to admit of a renewal of the bombardment this morniug, even had tho continuanco of active operations been decided noon. At daviieht those on the Biitish ships saw a douso cloud of smoke hauKine over the city, with irreat tongues ol flame shooting up from tho Graud ermaro and the European quarter Bur rounding it. A flag of truce wa seen flying from tho ltas-el-Tin palace, and another from tho arseual, aud the Helicon, with a flag of truce, followed by tho Invincible, Monarch and Penelope, steamed slowly into th iuncr harbor, the remainder of tho fleet staying outside under wcigu nuu moving siowiy. Ad miral Seymour had given notice to tho Egyp tians that their next flag of truce must mean absolute and unconditional Burrender of the f'orts.and the Helicon was sent to seo if tho tenm had been accepted. Bho lotururd at 8:10 with the information that nobody could bo found either at the ai Benal or on board the Mahroussa, and that she had tailed to open communication with tho enemv. iho admiral then ordered First-Lieutenant Forsvth to go on shore with the steam pinnace, aud find out the actual con ditionof thiugs. Accompanying the lieutenant was Mr. Boss, purveyor to tho floet, who ie well acquainted iu Alexandria. He landed and proceeded iulaud for somo distance, but met not a einglo soul. But fur tho cracklinc of tho flames in the European q tarter and the sound of falling walls and beams the city wou d have been as auiot as tin crave. He found that many houses in tne Arab quarter had lxen badly injured and partly binned by tho bombardment. An iuceudiary fire in tho center and European quarter covered tho are of a mile square, and a largo part of the population had fled toward the canal. A wing ot the palaco wa badly damaged by shells, and the buildings in the Arab quarters wero badly injured but not en tirely burned down. It was found that the flie of the Invincible had been very effective against tho Bas-el-Tin fort. Upon reporting this state ot altairs to the admiral u was de termined to laud a body of marines and sail ors and make a general rcconnoissance, " It was evident that Arabi Pasha had used the flags of truce to delay the operations of the floot. and even the retreat of his men. Before leaving the city he had released the prisoner! from the jail, and given over the city to thorn and the Bedouius to plunder and burn. The released convicts set the city on fire, and com mitted tho mst horrible atrooities on the Christians and Europeaus who fell into Iheii hands. It was a night of terror and horrore such as has not been witnessed even in the East for manv a long day. A body ot about 100 Euro- t eaiis managed to fight their way through the jitiless mob during the night, and this motnins appeared on tho beach signaling to the Heel lor assistance, armtu uoais were eeni iu re ceive them, and they wero taken on board the telegraph shin Chiltern. whore they now are Thoy tell frightful tales of the horrible eccnei of vosterdav and last night. It appears thai Arabi, so far irom trying to save ihem from the thieves and murderers which ho had lot loose upon tho city, allowed his soldiers to aid iu the outrages wmcn were neapca upon inem, According to the refugees, the Europeans, sev eral hundicd in number, barricaded themselves in their houses, and in tho banks, consulates and other buildings arouud the Grand squaro. The mob attacked tho houses, battering in the doors aud settiug fire to the buildings. Men, women and children who fell into their hands wore killed, atter being mutilated and treated in the most barbarous manner, The hands and feet of the unfortunates wero Id J t i ..,1 mn that tttnv nnrfl nnvnr. less to make an effort to save tncmsolves, mawjr IUO..UW. " J i and then thoy wero cast into the burning buildings to bo roasted alive. Women were thrown to the ground and stamped upon until life was fairly ground out ot them, and the inhuman fiends kept up this carnage until daylight. Tho hundred who escaped had sought refuge in the Ottoman bank, the strongest building in the square, in which they barricaded themselves and fought back the mob all night long. They report that the entiro Grand square is destroyed and the streets of the European quarter leading from it are ablaze on all tides. The fire rages over an area a mile square, and all that portion of the city is doomed tj destruciion. The English church, which was oue of the prominent buildings on the square, is said to have been destroyed by a chance shell dui ing the first day's bombard ment. Several shells have been fired within the last two hours into that portion of tho city where the conflagration broke out, in hopes that they may scare pillagers. That many pil lagers remain is evident from the faot that sevoi al fresh tires have broken out in the last three hours." A later diepatch from Alexandria says Ad miral Seymour has determined to land a force to occupy the oity to-day, but refugees in formed him that 9,000 Egyptians occupied a position outside the city ready for attack, while Admiral Seymour could only land 800 mon. Ho therefore, instead of lauding men, order the oity to bo fired over iu order to frighten the rioters. It has since been rumored that Arabi has only 4,000 very muoh disorgan ized troops. Th. , in AlBianrlria have been rurini tJl .i -i :, i- A(iin it an nAH, ua auu vuo tiijf m.wfm iu'sw, iyv soon running abont with torchos completing ine wora oi ilestiuction. Two mnes oi nouses were set on fire at one time, and exploslohs oc casionally occurred in the city. Th French and fctignsn.oonsuiatos are burno.i, nuu u is re rdrtod that six persons were mussaorod at the French consulate. The homes from tho Great square to the ciiBtnm house have boon plundered. In tho square itsell and other wealthy European quar ters there U hardly n build ing not mined or burning. The .street are Btrewn with cmptv clock and Jowol cases aud similar debris, but very few dead bodies have bcc-U found, Two-thirds of tho tro ips deserted durlug tlio bombardment. The num bor of persons inansacred by the mob is esti mated a JjOOO. Teuty-0'ght Frenchmen who were In tho city dm lug the massacre escaped. wholo battalion of Arabi was bldwu np in one idrt diliin the bombardincut. Twotity armed Europeans, who escaped tlio gonoral massacre, wore told by a pasnaj wnom tney met on their way through tho town, that tho Egvptlan killed nninborcd G'0. At 5 this evening a detachment of 203 ma rines marchod through tho town. 8 inw of tho plunderers, caught In the aor, were, sum marily shot. Tho marines snbsoqnen'ly em barked In tho Bittern. A strong foroo from the British fleet, a eistod by mon from nontral men of war. remain to koep order iu the trwn to-night. The marine aitillery have occupied rort Napoioan, commanding tno town. ort Marabotlt to-dy hoisted tho Egyptian dolors, but lowered thorn again ou the British squad ron assembling rouiid if. Tho fleet has been ordored to do llo further damage unless it is provoked. Tho American squadron has re turned to the inner harbor. During the bombardment, after the khedive's palace had been surrounded, a party of soldiors eutored his apartment and declaied that they had orilcrs to kill him ana burn ine pataco. After long parloy thoir loyalty was bought by promises of money. lh:ythcu escorted tho khodivo to tho British at Bas-el-Tin. His uuard was not allowed lo enter tho palace thero Willi mm. Ail tho ministers, except Arum Pasha, presented thcmselvoi at the Bas-ol-Tiu palaco. Lorvlsli Pasha says that but tor the opportune appearance on Wednesday tho day after the bomhirdiueiit-ofoueof hermajesty's ships off the Pharos foit tho khodive would nave boon rnuuiero.i. Tho khedive. with Dervish Faslia and some of the miuistei's and the khedive's harom, arrived aboard a vessel in the harbor to-day. About 500 loyal troops follow tho khedive. A proclamation in Arabic is prepiring in the khodivo's name, calling on the people to main tain order and on the troops to uisoanu. Stunrt's Last Fight. J. Esten Cooke, an ex-Confeilorate cfiinor. tell Low General btuart met bis death from Sheridan's men at the battle of Yellow Tavern. Mr. Cooke says: Tho battle had evidently reached the turning point, ami Stunrt paw the des perate character of his situation. It was -difficult to nse his Hrtillory in snch a m-.-leo of friend and foe, und Lis left wini? was toon in ntter disorder. The Federal attack had at last mccceded in breukiiic it to pieces: tbe raen Mere ecalteiing in every (tireelion, and fee ing Major Breathed near him, Stuart shouted: Breathed 1 take coonmand of till the mounted rcon iu tho road, au.l hold it against whatever coxe3. If thin road is lost wo aie gone !'' Sncu an order was precisely smted to the tastes of a man liko Breathed. I was intimately acquainted with him, and n- ver knew a human being who took moa sincere dcOight in desperate lighting. At S uart s order lireathe d -aimed, and shouting to the men to fol- 1 w him charged tho Federal column, pparcntly careless whether he was followed or not. Ho was immediately surrounded, und a hot Babel fight took place b'itweon himself and his swarm if enemio?. A saber blow nearly cut Lira out of tho saddle, and he received a pislol rhot in his side, but Lo cut down ono Federal officer, killed another with his revolver, and made his wav iut, his face streaming with bloi'd. At 'his moment the artiliery oj)ened, but a determined charge was mado on the suns, and all tho pieces wero captured but one. The elriver of this piece lashed his horses and rushed tho cm; off toward tho Chick ahominy, followed oy tho caunoneern, cursing and Miout tn : "Dor uous sake, ooys, let s go baak: they've got as far us Breathed I" It would havo been better for the gun to havo been captnred. As it wnb whirling alon at wild speed it broke ihrouch tuo cavalry, throwivg tuein into disorder, and beforo tho line was reformed tho enemv fctruck it and the battle was end.-d. Both the Southern ings woro driven, and tuero was no hope of continuing the contest. Stuart was nearly in despair, ana was seen aalloping abont, shouting and waving his saber in a desperate attempt lo rally his aen, but it was impossible. The Held was a scene of tho wildest dis order. Federals and Confederates were darting in every direction, and ono of the former as ho turtod by btuurt nied at him and shot him through tlio bctly Tho bullet entered Lis side, and passing through the stomach inflicted a mortal wound; In its passage it just grazed a tmall Biblo which ho always carried, tho cift of his mother. He reeled in tho saddle and was caught by Captain Dorsev, of the First Virginia, and as ho had closed Lis eyes eeomti about to expire on tho field. His itu menso vitality, however, sustained him. and endeavorintr to rise erect again in bis saddle ho sclaimed to those around him: "Go back and do your duty us I have dene mine, and our country will be safe I The Trained Ear. The Elmira Advertiser relates this in cident of a recent examination of rail road employes for deafness: "Aow Blank," said the examiner, "take the ootton out of your ears and listen 1 Cau vou Lear this watcn ticit wnero i now hold it?" Blank "cocked his ear pro fessional." and did not Hesitate a mo mcnt in answering the official that he could hear that watcli ticK as easy as the blows of a trip - hammer, "Look hero. Blank." said the official assuming a more serious air; "do you know that vou aro an awful liar? I wasn't examining your capacity to tell the truth, but vour hearing: or it might i i . i mu: 1 I . . I Lf(J iiuroi Willi VOU. J.UIO Wttvuu 11 UIU" ken, and hasn't tioked for ten jeirs I" "I'liVMur Aivnv llt.r Situuortrr. Dr. Pieuce: A neighbor of ours was suffer ing front "female weakness" which the doctors told her could not bo cured without a support er. Alter considerable persuasion my wilo in duced her to try your "favorite Proscription." After using one bottle sue inrew away me sup porter and did a largo washing, which she had not done in two veal's before. James Miller, 4346 Jacob street, Wheeling, W. Va. Dithiko the last fiscal vear 13.000.000 acres of United Btatos publio lands were sold. The various railroads and Texas sold about 7,0J0, 000. ' If your lungs are almost wasted by consump tion I)r. Pierce's ' Golden Medical Discovery" will not cure you, yet as a remedy for severe coughs and all curable bronchial, throat and lung affections, it is unsurpassed. Send two stamps for Dr. Pierce's large pamphlet treatise on Consumption and Kindred Affections. Ad dress World's Disvexsaby Medical Associa tion, Buffalo, N. Y. As Oregon Chimmah substituted rats for mutton ou several occasions without any of the family suspecting the deception. Woman ad Her I''aes Is the title of a large illustrated treatise, by Dr. B, V. l'ieroe, Xluflalo, V. . Y;. to any ad dress for three stamps. I teaches suoces.ful self-treatment. Onb hundred and fifty thousand aores of I MuwiBlrinl and Louialftn re aoTOtt.4 to BUg&r avail nr old. '2& invaluable creaoriutior . vaNo( THE I.MI'ESmXG FATE, Aa Interntlflll VU -tiK-r frnrtl tha Life of I'ntiiiliipnt Boituinnn. lllotton Globe.) The readers of this paper were mors or less amazed at a most roruarkablo statement from one of our loading Citizens which appeared in yesterday's issue. Bo unusual were the cir cumstances oonnectod with It, and to much com. ment did it ocoasion on the street and in social eiroles, that a representative of this paper was commissioned to luvostipate its details ann verify its facts. Tho article referred to was a statement made by Mr. B. F. Larrabee, of the Now York and Boston Dispatch Express com pany, whose office is on Aroh street. Mr. Lar raboa was found by the newspaper man in bit prlvatn office, and on being questioned, said: " Well, sir, loxioally 1 have been dead, but roally 1 am ns you can see mn. A little ovor a year ago 1 was taken sick. My trouble wasnot severe at first and I thought it was the result ol a slight cold. Somehow I felt unaccountably tired at times, although I took an abundauco oi sleep. Then, again, I had dull and Strang pains In Various parts of my body. My appe tite was good one day and 1 had none whatever tho next, and my head pained mo much of the time, A while afterward I noticed muoh that was peouliar about the lluio's I was passing and that a sediment, Bourn and a strange accumu lation appeared in it. Hlill I did not realize that theso tliincs moant anvthlnc serious and I allowed the illness to run along until ott the 2th day of Ocober I fell prostrate whilo Walk-, ing along Tremont street. I was can led home aud did not cO out of the houso until the mid dle of December. I then weut down town and attempted to attend to my business until the 13th of last January, when I was taken with s very severe relapso. My symptoms were ter rible. I was fearfully bloated; I snfferod se vere pains in all parts of my body aud it wsb almost impossible to get my breath. For si days I never laid down and never slept. I wae constantly attended by my regular physician. Doctor Johnson, and Doctor Bowtlitch alsc camo to eeo mo nojrly every day. Thero wae no doubt that I was suffering from Bright' diseaso of the kidneys iu its worst form and last btages, accompanied by other troubles in my livor aud heart. In spito, however, of tho skill of the physicians, I kept growing worse, aud finally they tappod my side in the viciuity of the heart, taking away forty-six ounces ol water. This relieved me for the time, but J soon beenmo as bad as before. Then the doc tors gave me up entirely, declared I could not live more than twenty-four hours, and my d.uightcr, who was rosiding in Paris, was tele graphed for. Still 1 lingered along for several weeks, far more dead thau alive, but nevei Kiving up hopo. Ono night -it was on the 20th of April, 1 very well remember my attendant, who was roadim; to me, Degan an article which described my disease aud sufferings exactly, It told how some severe cases of Blight's dis ease had bocn cured, and so eloarly aud sensi bly did it state the case that I determined to try tho means of euro which it prescribed. So l sent my man too tho drug Btore, procured a bottle of the medicine uuknown to mv physi cians and friends, and took the first dose at 10 o clocK, At that time i was sunermg intense ly. I could not sleep; I had tho short breaths aud could ecarcely gut any air into mylunes. I was terribly bloated irom head to loot, and trie motion of my heart was irregular aud paioful. Tho next morning I was able to broatho freeiyi the pain began to leavo me and the bloating decreased. 1 continued to take the modicine, and to-day, sir, I am as well as I ever was in my life, and wholly owing to tho wonderful, almost miraculous power ol waruor s tsaio iu.1 nov and Liver Cure. I do not know what this mcdicino is mado of, or anything else about it, but I know it saved iny life when 1 was given up by the doctors and had really been dead for weeks: that it has kept me in perfect hoalth ever since, aud has cured mmy of my fiiende to whom I havo recommended it. luore are a number of very remarkable cases iu Lynn and .Salem, as it in this city, that it has cured. My recovery is so reinakauio that it nas excueci mnnh attention, snri rihvaici&na as weil as others havo investigated it thoroughly. I am lad they have, lor l reel that tne results oi ncii a womteriui core suouiu ue auown to tne honsands in all parts of the land who are suf fering from troubles of tho kidnoys, livor or heart, in some ot tnoir many dangerous lorms. The representative or the proas thanked Mr. Ijirraboe for his very frank and clear state ment, aud was about to leave the oflioe when a gentleman stepped up to him and iuquired if he were seeking information about Air. L.arraoeo'1 sicknoss and recovery. Tho scribe replied that he v as, whereupon thb gentleman said; "And so am i, ana x nave eome an tno way from Chicago for th-t vt-vy purpose. Kiduey troubles seem to be alarmingly increasing all over tho country, and 1 have a very near rela tive who is afflicted uvjch as Mr. Larrabee was. I havo been to see the physicians of whom Mr. Larrabee speaks, and 1 tea you, sir, it is sim ply wondorl'nl." " what did tnovsavr" asked tne man oi news. " Sav 1 why, sir, they fully ooniirm everything Mr. Larrabee has stated. I went to see Dr. D. Johnson, at 20 Worcester street. Bo was absent whon I called, and so I stepped into the Commonwealth hotoi, where Mr. Larrabee was liviuz at the time cl his sickness. Messrs, Brugh & Carter are the proprietors, and I asked tiicm about Mr. Larrabee s case. Mr. urugu cointed to tho electric, btinunciator and said, Why lor weeks ana weeks every time mat bell rans I said: That means the death of Mr, Larrabee. No ouo around the hotol ever dreamed that he would recover, and when the doctors would come down from his room they would shake their fie.idj and Bay there was uc hopo. Tho arrangements for the funeral were mado and his recovery was simply a miracle.' 1 tin n called on Lr. Johnson, who said that Mr. Larrabee s case was very remarkable ono. Ho was his family physician aud expected his death every hour foi a nunibor of weeks and never called to soo him during that time but he was ttfopared for it. The doctor said tne recovery was duo to Warner's Bafo Kidney aud Liver Cure, and if he had friends, male or female, troubled with Albumen or any kidnoy troubles ho should certainly advise them to use this remedy. Dr. Johnson said kidney difficulties are more common than most people think, and that many symptoms which are supposed to be otuer uiseaxes arise irom ine kidnoys. lie said that ladies atter gestation are specially subjeot to albuminous troubles which require prompt attention. "wen, i, fncersoll Bowditch on Bovlton street. The old doctor was tuclincd to be reticent, but fully confirmed all I had previously learned. lie had attended Mr. L,arraieo, and supposed mm beyond all hope, and he was afterward restored, as ho said, by Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. " I next went to see Dr. Melville E. Wobb, at tho Hotel Clunv. for vou see I was detenuin to bo thoroueh in the matter. I found Dr, Webb a most clear-headed and well-informed ccnttemau. and he said: " 'I know of Mr. Larrabee's case from bavin thoroughly Investigated it as a medical dircc tor of a life insurance company, and it is one ot the most remarkable cases l nave ever met, Mr. Larrabee had all the manifestations of comp ication of diseases, and in their wors forms, lie had albumen and casts in tho urine, aud a tcr'iblv diseased liver and Buleen. In deed, he was so bad that he threw himself upon the floor, and. with his bead upon a ha sane struggled for breath. It was on the night whe he was so bad. and when all his medical adviser; had Ions civeu him up. that he beuau using Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. The next moraine at 10 o'clock he was able breathe freely, and has been ever siuce. I sub jected him to tho most thorough examination pos-ible, after his recovery, and " I can't fiud out about him." His kidneys, liver, lungs and heart are portectly well and sound. 1 cau ouij add that, from what I have seen, I would un hesitatingly recommend this remedy.' " Tbe conclusions from the statements above made which come to the newspaper man as well as tne general publio, must bo two-iuid. l'lru'. that a modern miracle of healing has been per formed in our midst, and that. too. by tho simplest means and ono which is within tho reach of overy oue. It should be remembered that Blight's disease is not usually a Biidden complaint. Its beginnings are slight and its growth slow. The symptoms by which it may be detected are different with different porsoi.s, no two people usually Having the same. This fact was manifest in the ease of Mr. Larrabee, aud he bad no idea of the torrible complaint which had attacked him nntil it became fixed upon him. Secondly, testimonials of suoh high character and so outspoken in tone, condu cive! v prove the value of tbe rnme'lv nrl i superior nature to the proprietary articles witb which the publio have been flooded. "The greater Includes the less," and the remedy which has been proven so valuable' aud has saved a life after it was brought down to death's door, must unquestionably be certain in all minor troubles which are so disastrous uulosa takon in time. Flodida buttorfly liunlers get an averasn of five cents apiece for their captures. Homo rare specimens bring much more, and oue kind that U veiy rcaroe brines til) a phir. The new circular of the Caynpta Lake Blilitary Academv, Aurora, N. V., is a handsome book of ,0p.Rea", full of information, llaj. VV. A. Fliut U l'riucipal, Ileury Morgan. Esq., President. Th Science of Life, or Belf-PreserratloD, t medical work for every man young, middlo aged or Old. 123 Invaluable prescriptions. "All Ona-ht IO Know." Iitusvh.le, l'., March 12, 1881. H. H. WAftXKit A Co. i Sirs I am fully satis fied Hint your safe Kidnoy and Ltver Cure saved my life, and that I would havo been dead months ago had I not used it. I look upon b as a great Uessing to mankind and a remedy that all ought to know. J. A. Cqctamt. GovKnssiENT Actuahv Elliott predicts (hat tho population of tho United States wi 1 i e 81,000,000 In ltmo. Fon PYsrrrsiA, iNmoEBTiow, depression or splr its and general debility, in their various tonus; al-o as apreveu ive against fever and aguo and other Intermittent fevers, the "Ftrro-PiioBphor-ted Elixir of Calisaa," mado by Caswell, Hazard iV Co., Now York, and f-old by all Drug yists, is the best tonle; and for patient recover ing from fever orotherBicknossithas no equal. cents wiiT hnr , . a Treatiso upon tho Horso and his Diseases. Bonk of 100 pages. Valuablo to every owner of horses. Postage statupi takon. Sent post paid by Now York Newspaper Union, 150 Worth btreet, Now York. Let it bo in dcrstood once for all that Carbo Iii.a (i deodorized extract of petroleum, will I osiiively restore hair to bald heads, and there la uo other nrouaration under the face of the sun that can accomplish this work. Tut llj lmml of Mine Is thrco times tho i. a i he was before he began using vv ells' Health 1( never. $1. Druggists, end for p.imphlot to E. S. Wells, Jersey Ci'y, .v j. 25 Com 'will Buy a Treatise npon the ITm? e and his Diseases. Iioolt ol 100 paRes. Valuable lo every owner of hnrrep. l'nstago stamps takou. Sent rnstr-aid by NEW YOliK NEWSPAl'JSU UMON, 131! Worth Struct. KowYoi-i. 4 I.T.VVSBllAfN l'OIUH Mont rnllalile ton;(! (Al.iv tlio Iti'iil'i nnd lii'ii-riiiivn OriroiiK. It nOKi'tvelv oiireK Nervous Jlebililv and restores lost virile lHiwrtn. Bold by rtrupywln.. H. .' fri.' bv niiiil on recr-'i't ot ' neo. .MI1N II. A y.KN. C-.i'iiil-', HIS Flint Avenue, elviolj; IKf.VlF, CITKE. CANNOT FAIT,. t Ynniif.' UM ii Kntl eriiiR from Nervous Debility, wear. n'f-?, ( te.. Irom whatever cuiiNt'N, may learn of a sure and fide cure by simple h'-rbs, tree ol cliiirge, by udrnvmux I'roi, x. Jjakeii. iran, j. j. THE MAUKET8. HEW vouk. Beef Caftlo-Good to Prime, l.w Calves Com'n to Pi i.e Veals. Sheep Lambs Hogs Live li-naunrl nlv 6 & 5 It $ Flour Ex. State, good to fancy 5 0 LD 8 '0 Western, good to oiioico a iu iyt Wheat No. 2 Itcd 1 3IW-5 J SGU No. 1 Whlto 1 MX 1 W TfRltn HiJ (K) Barley Two-rowed Stato 1 07 Corn Tin L'radodW'estornMixed 8') 69 1 12 Yellow Southern Oats W'hito State Mixod Western LTay Primo Timothy Straw No. 1, Ilvo 02 02 G) Oil j 00 (!) 17 . 01 . oo . 70 . "I) . 8) .21 5) .12 75 .Id i Hops State, 1581, choice.. . orlt .uess, now, ior expo G21 7i Call HI) Lard City -Steam jicnncu Petroleum Cmdo llcfmed 7', Butter Stato Creamery, fine.. (is 20 Dairy Westorn lm. Creamory Factory 11 21 15 0 2 7 2'2 2D 23 18 inji 5 Choeso State Factory Mams Western (4 ioy, 22, TVtrK State and Penn otatoos Jiarly a uu im o to BUFFALO. Steeis Good t; choico C 75 61 7 50 0 50 Lambs W. storn 6 & ' Sheep We torn 6 00 OH 5 25 (0 8 05 hol'm. lioou touiioico l oriicrs. . o o Flour C'y around N. P O-'csj. 8 25 frj 9 U0 Wheat No. 1. Hard Dulutli .... 1 21 tYJ 1 21 Corn No. 2 Mixed 75 dd 70 Oats No 2 Mix. went 0 Uli bl Barley Two-rowed State 90 04 00 BOSTON. Beef Extra plato and family. .13 00 20 00 Hogs-Llvo ' Hogs City Dressed K'JifiJ Wt Fork l.xtra I'rimc pet oiu . . . . 1 1 ou ti n oo Flour Spring Wheat Patouts.. 7 50 Corn llin. Mixed 00 (M) 9 50 tvj 00 Oats Extra W'hito 07 71 n 30 ltyo State 0 Wool Washed ('onib&DoItiino 4it 00 Unwashed 2S C9 WATliltTOWS (MASS.) CATTLE MAHKCT, Beef Extra quality 8 !i5 f6 9 25 Sheep Livo weight i fit) i -anil-M G di H Uogs, Northern, d. w 1O0 10 PHILADELPHIA. Flour Penn. Ex. Family, good 5 75 (?? 5 75 Wheat No. 2 Ited 1 a:i MS 1 3 live-State 07 r5 !I7 Corn-State Yellow GO1 Oats-Mixed Gla (il , Butter Croamorv Extra Pa. .. 2.1 (il 20 Cheese New York Full Cream, llftj 11' Petroleum Cmdo 0 Oh 7 ltulinod 7 & 7 It isthcconcun,'iit toptimony of tin- liuiiiicuiuiiinjmctu prf)fcsKi(in, tbat Httcttcr'riHtoiDac): Iiittfin is a mcdiciw! wlik'U fttliicvta ro. suUa ppccdily foit, j Iborouirli aud bp 's niRti. H'hiflorpHif' -. ug Uvcr disorder, it iiiviK'ii'rtl'K tUn lei;- hie, cminnerH kidnv an rt bladder com- ilalnla, ana JinfitisiiB he (Miiivaleset,ii, ot thogo rfcoverin;' from onfoeljlin:: di r:iHCd. Mdreuverit in tlio grand Hiwilic for fever nnd a-ru''. For salo by nip- frintfl aud Beiicruiiy. H' nt hi the wot-lit. Jri (be uenuliip Kvorr prirliiin bn ur 1 1 oih -mn rk im-t in marked Fruzei'H. tsOVtt LVElt V IlI.UK. ft lMl HENS LAY. An En;.;lilJ Veterinary Surgeon and t:he:nifst, now traveling in Lliltt country, ku8 Lhat innst ol the Uoi-mu and I'aliiei'.jwdcrB sold hero are worthless tr.ih. lie fays that Sheridan' Condition Powders are absulnte, ly pnrt-aLd immensely valuable. Nothing ou earth will make hens hiy like hhcridan'H (Condition Hinv dern. L)iiho. one teasboonfnl to one niut ot food. Sold evervf here, orsuntny mail tor b letterHtamps. 1.8, JOHNSON k CO., bostuu,Masii.,tornierlyliauKorlMe. Qet up Clubs It our CELE niiA l KD '1KAS, atij spcur u bo.ullliil "Hi'.t P.tto or 0:ii Eacl Tea Get," (44 lite-en,) uur ou 11 liu,ui Uli.ill. On, of liiero lR-auliliil Ttu b,-t. civeu av. av to l,.v idi ly .rii...ii- a Club fur t?S.0Q. Itcwaia ot lliu vo-iullii " CIIKAP '1'EAS" that ava being a.lverOi.l llicy aro flanr'-l'-ua and detrimental to liealtli alow iwiImhii. Decl only with relUblo Uouaea and wltb flrat hands If pofi-fule. No liuinlju?. The Great American Tea Co., Imjiortera, P. O. Box 2o. II VlibLV ST., haw York. ftt!lrift MFM 11 oo want to learn Teleiirajihyla IULiIMU hir.m a f,,w iiiomhH, aud be eertHin ol o,.:,ii .I,. ,.ii-l ra S'aliutim' liros., Janesville, Wia. SEN I) "25c. Iu etami for 6 Iitiiutn-Aar Uelalner which obviate blriuus. Acmk llLiNim-AjAa Co., I'.lti lirnadv.ay. New York. Couutry At'eut" wauted. STOMACH .rf wTOT-?'7i Ml ESPOSIZIONE MUSICALE IN MILANO. Sotto il I'afrocinlo at S, 31. la Iteolna, Palazzo Del R. Conservatorio. ITALY BI- I AT THE GREAT Itl'l-Pllllv elcKil i,r ntllnn. vu iimW.Iv tht. INSTill'Ml'-NXS, old and new. evorbroneht together; fully illustrating the groat progress which has beeu made and present hu;h excellence In this department of manufactures. Alter exhaustive examinations, tests and comparisons, extending- through a period of several uioi ths, 11101 e Hum vi50 Award were mude of medals and diplomas, iu recognition of degrees of super-excellence attained in the various departments ot musical art and manufacture. For JAEJiD INSTKUlLliKId, including Organs and Hai-i-iouiuuis of all descriptions, European and American, THE CRAND SILVER MEDAL, being the only highest award in this department, was conferred upon the MASON & HAMLIN ORGANS. Their manufacturers value thin extraordinary distinction the more hlghlv because of the Importance of the occasion.'eai.ecially as an INTERNATIONAL MU810AL INUUSTKIAL COMPETITION IN A COUNTRY ho PHE-E.M IN ENTT.Y MUSICAL. The Mason k Hamlin Urgans were honored bv especial exhibition before tue Hoyal Court by Carlo lincci of Rome, and warm conimendat ion trom their Majesties the King and Oueeu. Atall tho groat UOHLIt'H I K It l!TIUA L EXI'OrITIONM lor fourteen years these Organs have received the II I till EST HONORS, oeinj the only American Urgaiu which httvt received tuch at any. IMPROVEMENTS Burlnc the year Just closed thla Company have introduced Improvements of in i iiuiuni.ii tf Kreater value than iu any similar period since the Introduction ol the American Organ by them, twenty years siuce. ELGAT STVLES aro DO" eolved from their factorlea daily, snrpassinic in capacity and exel- r" V h'noe anythiuB which has before been produced, and certainly worthy to M milked with tho veuy finest musical instbuuknts ik tin woni.u Tbev are iu cases of solid black. Vur. maiiiiuanv. us. icnr,Ni7.hiii. fitji.. at net ciUih urLrtjt at-A.i il wiqii "ii.. t.i.... c , .. nnii tjjllJtloT vdiv,9iaui au, or? POPULAR STYLES ln,cludin. also, the nipst valuable of the recent improvements, and adapted ts EASY PAYMENTS. rL"!re old ' "h or easy payments, or will be rented untUro-tt ANEW ILLUSTRATE!! RATAinRIIP 1" lued, fully degerlbln and lllnstratlnu VIOY.1 IVt ILLU 3 I OH I tU U I UUUUL, THAN ONE HUNDItEU 8TvE.ES OF 011UANS, with I .'I rnica lists and circulars, will be sent free to any one desiring them. CerMnlu no one should buu or ret iny organ uuhoiU having teen Uteat circulars, which contain much uteful injormution about itrgaiu, MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN AND PIANO CO., Tromont Btreet, BuSl'ONi Bt lh Btreet IVaion 8i., New XOBK; li Wabash Avenue, CHICAGO, Merchant mil B H XTWsayforM for hnmnn, fowl and animal flesh, was first prepared and introduced by VI. Geo. VV. Merchant, In Lockport N. Y., U. 8. A., 1838, since which time It has steadily grown In public favor, and Is now acknowledged and admitted by the trade to he the standard liniment of the country. W hen we make this announce ment wo do so without fear of contra diction, notwithstanding we are aware there are ninny who are more or less jirejudiced ngninst proprietary remedies especially on account of the many hum ours on ine ninrKei; iiuwuvtr, m nlrnsed to state that snch prejudice does not exist airainst OAKOMNG Olb. We ao not clnlm wonders or miracles for our liniment, but we do claim it is without nn eqnni. wpui unhuus ties or mree sizes, mm nu wo ask Is that you give II a fntr trial, remembering thatlheOU put up with white wrapper (small) Is for human aud fowl flesh, and that with yellow wraimer (three sizes) for anl- mnl llesli. Try a bottle. As theso cuts Indicate, the OU Is used success fully for ail diseases nf the human, fowl and animal fiish. Shake well beforo using. Cannot be Disputed. One of the principal reasons of the wonderful success of Mer- f.''iKi chant's tiarcling Oil Is that it is iXfc.s..'. VHtfL, tnnntifiir-tiiri'ri utrir.tlv on honor. :l)fcsP&fo'j&f 1,8 proprietor do not, as is the ,'J,i.- rate with too many, ufterin.iklug -A&iiii-iiS for their medicine a name, dimin ish its dilutive l-roportics uy us-ing interior com pounds, but i'e the very best goods to bo bought In r themarket,regordles?of cost. 1-or u C'--J half ft ceimiry Merchant's Uarg (&V 'V"X ling I'll has hern a synonym for IfjTJfTAeS honesty, and will continue to be fy (5 itln?,!' so, long as time endures. For 5$i!fcSP- side by all respectable dealers throughout ihiri-'nited States and other countries. uur testimonials naie irom i.jh to tlio present. Try Merchant's CJarglhuz Oil Liniment for Internal M(''VVj R,m CXHTllio use, mm JUUI Ailli? V''iy UeiKlluor nui tuuu lb una uuuo. Hon t fall to follow directions. Keep tho bottle well corked. CURES & ana Chilbliius, Frost liitos, Si-nileh or Crcaso, elnil-i e i Hand. Kxti-rnal roisoim. Suiid l'r.i'-l:H, l dlEiU, (lal'Mol Hit kinds. HweliiW-'S, Tumors. Siirnlns nnd Uralses, Strinehalt. Windmills, l'oot llot iu Sheep, l-'oundered l-'c et, Jtoiip in Poultry, H.n-e Niri'l'-s. Curb, Cr.e kr,l Heels, Did Seres, J-lplzonlle, Lame Hack, Ib-umorlioids or Piles, Tooiha- lie, lthcumatlem, Spavins, Sweeney, Corns, Whitlows, Weakness ol the Joints, Contraction of Musi-lea, Cramps, S'vellod LKS, Fistula, Maniie, Thrush, Caked Breawts, Jioiis, ko. i-'l.-li w omnia. niijw. Hill-I one, 1 olll I'u'l rs, iiair"t im'oMs, l'urey, e'riu-licd Ten's, Callous, liim-ncss, Horn Disteinj.-r, ('rmvncenb. (.nr.ltnr, Altseessoi uiu uhul-i. 1 o1 fi f IV A It li for proof of the exlst f,WJ "'r-'.e. nf a betlei liniment than "Merchants uariimr uu, or a better worm medicine thau uuni-rli-int', Wnrm'l ablets." Mau- (, ufactured by M. Cl. O. Co., Lock lmrt, N. Y.. XT. S. A. JOH.M HOOCE, Sec'y. K!H U 2S fU.tN:S WAN I LD rUK 1 HE HISTORo"mWORLD Embrai-iiiL- full and nulheutic accounts ot every na ir.n ol am-ient and modem times, and including a l.islory ol lie.-vise arid lal: of tholJreeli aiidlbunun i-mpires, Iho nii-Vile ni".-H, Ui5 e-usadi s. tho feudal ostein, tin- r-'loviiiaiii-n, ihu de-covery and settle ment of tlicN.-wW. rld, ete.,ete. It contains Ci7'4 line rni'r.tvlii!, and is the mou numplota llinoi!".- nf the World ever pulilished. Bo. id t.iv sped men pii :n i and c ra terms to Aj-ent . Address .Nation m. P'Tii lsillMi Co.. Philadelphia. Pa. In abundance Kk Million rounds import.-d lust year. Priees lower tlu.'j ever. Aijtnis wnnteil. Dua'l MM'! liuie. iiotul for circular. 10 l.V. ;!! liiacfi or ixcu, tor IO lljrs. ' " Sllnuk or PSixci'i, ior 92. 10 HUM. CliOico tSJacSioiflrll-tiHi,, J'or $3. Send f 'r pound pirmple, 17 ctn. rxtri for potapo. 'i'lli'll l et till ll club. CllOiceMt Tea in the world. t.un-'eat variety. ITens. a cveryhoUv. Oldest Tea House In America. No cliromo. No Iiuliuub. .tiiiicht busmen. Vnluo for money, .id'.i"' V I I I V'1 v.... -..(. " ' ' " t"o'. I'n nous' I'liiuiilivn rinm munv rew itica niootl, iiud will ciiii lelely rhaihre tho blond in tha entire Rntem in threo momhs. Any jierou who will t.iltetini' pill each nfjrlit Irom 1 tn 1 -'weeks lnav 19 rcptoivd to p-n'nd ln-i'llh, il siu-li a i hiii'-i be possible, So'.d rvurvwhev- or by mail ti-r H letter KtanipH. I. S. ,M!rON vV Huston. lHaH.t SIX WHT WA?TR VON Ft ! If t? want l.iii itiaiil ii' fYff uliykeri or ft ! ti"'i, W O ;v,., 0r 10 Vllit'KKS, Ml IN VI'jOp .v T i: tl:e HAII. n wirre I'ry tho ctcut Sii!iih 'li-e ry l,p.h I. 'AIli:h, hHnl IIM.Y IX l.t.M tn V.. 'i i v v. PhrnoirrnnVv, or I'tmnrtln Slio'llmn! . Ca(alnirii nf vor!i. with i'lionnritplno aiphatmi ind ii:nrttr,itions. inr n'-inu'-r!, neiu on appuc lien. Address, l'enn I'itman. Cincinnati,). m IP r.1.1 Hest it th hfipesl. Illui. ral.-.lriceliit ttea. Til K A U l.'l'.M A K A '1 A Y LOU. OU. MuiiKiitd.U. JK " ei:!;i.:R.'-''!.-.- n. the world: TrsJ?rt A kli-css .l.v Iti-oitoiin, 1 . l roll. Ml -It. OA 11 1) A Iinndnin 'fit of rnrdi for 3c. stamp. V OUi tors. A. K. I8 VS;T'. ltoeheBter, . . QUE MILLION COPIES SOLD. EYEKYEODY WANTS IT! EVEItYUODY NEEDS IT! KKGYI THYSELF. TUB SClEXf'K OP I.IKF.i OH. SELF. I'll KSEHVATIOX. Is a medical trertl iao oa Kxhauatod Vitality, ITervrm, aud PhvBical Debility, l'rematuro Decline In Man; i, an indlsuensahlo treatise for every man, whether younp:, middle aged or old. THE BCIENCF. OF I.TFF.i OR, SELF. I'ltESIillVATION, Is beyond all comparison the most extraordinary work on Pin niolory t ver iyiihlilo-d. 'JTiere is nothing whatever that the married or siuido can cither re qnire or wish to kuow but what is fully explained. Toronto Ulobc. the scir-Nrr. of ijff.i on, self- rUESEKVATION, Instructs tlippeln health how to remain to. andths Invalid how to b.'e'nnie well. Contains one hundred and tweut-'-rive invaluable i-reheripiionKfor all f.rms of acute and chronic dii-a-twes, for ea-h of which a first-class phy&iciuu would charge l'roui W to llo. London Lancet. THE 6CIENTE OF LIFFi OK, SELF. I'UESl!liVATION, Contains .100 pawn, fine steel enrrravinfts, l sui'erbly bound iu r'ruueh u euibosst-d, full Kilt. It is a marvel of art and e:uity, warranted to be a better medical book in every sense thau can be obtained elsewhere for double the price, or the money will b refunded in every inataiico. Author. TJ1E ftJENC'IC OP I.lHKi OR, SELF. FltESliltVATlON, Is so much superior to all other treatises on medical subjects that comparihon ib absolutely impossible. Jtuauin Herald. THE bCIENTR OF MFFt OR, SELF. PRESEUVATJON, Is sent by mail, securely sealed, postpaid, on receipt of price, only tl.2S (new edition). Small illustrated samples, 0c. Send now. Tha author can bo consulted on all disease, ro quiring skill and experience. Address PEABODY MEDICAL INSTITUTE, or W. H. PARKER, III. D 4 Jlnl finch Street, llotton, Bins,. ITALIAN MUSICAL EXPOSITION lilt, if 1 vs irm mm mmm . jiKvV.a'n.T :V-a Ir. J. MiNZA- fay.SiSf HTHST fYTnlOHnmiTIV PriT.T.TfPTtnM CIV HmHTflAt.