The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, July 13, 1882, Image 3

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    THURSDAY, JULY 1!?, 1882.
' A largo stock of llama, Shoulders,
Bacon, dried Ucef tto , ut Morgctster's.
"-A now Invoice of N. K. Fair
Imnks choice refined lard nt Moles
ter's, i. .
London Purple and TnHs Omen
the only reliable Tolson for the Potato
bug, at Ciaig'u Drug Store.
The greatest cleanser and purifier
of the blood. Pcrunii. should betaken
every few months to prevent malarious
diseases; and to cure them when pre
vention was neglected.
The Rochester And Pittsburg IV It.
company have sent 60 to 100 Italians
to the vicinity of Brock way ville, where
,they propose to make the dirt fly on
that end of the road.
The dance at the Opera House on
the Fourth was quite an enjoyable af
fair and considering the large attend
ance mid a very disagreablo evening,
was decidedly crowded.
An Ice cream freezer was taken
from the M. K. Church festival July
4th, 1882, in exchange for an other one
The person having It will please re
turn it and get the one left with us at
W. S. Services' store.
A large and full assortment of
Domestic goods such na lilenched and
Unbleached Muslin, Chiviot Shirting,
Dress and Domestic Uinghams, Ky.
Jeans , Cottonades, cheap dress goods,
in stock at P. & K. Grand Central.
Three hundred and sixty-nine sol
fliers' orphans will be discharged from
the various schools in the state this
year, having attained the age of six
teen years, and the superintendent of
the department has prepared a list of
the scholars, to which he has added
the date when o.ieh child will be dis
charged. Copies of this will he sent
to each post of the (I. A. U., and to
soldiers and citizens, t lie object being
to interest as many as possible in ob
taining homes and employment for
the orphans.
The glorious Fourth in Ridirway
this year was somen hot of a failure.
All day long from morning until
.night rain fell, not in regular torrents,
though at times quite hard, but in u
regular drizzle drozle, something
.after the manner a certain man prayed
for. The Catholic Temperance Soci
ety picnic was abandoned and instead
a festival was held in Maginnis' Hail.
The Methodist Society held an be
eream and strawberry festival under a
temporary shed between ths Hidgway
bank and Rhine' billiard saloon. In
the evening at Hyde's Opera House
the Catholic Temperance Society
danco was attended by .. large number
of people. Two hundred and ten
tickets were sold at the dance in the
Opera House.
Rochester ami Pit tsburg.
The move in Rochester and Pitts
burg is attributed toeft'ott of some one
ef the trunk line railroads to obtain
control of the company. The Penn
sylvania Railroad is most generally
mentioned in this connection, possi
bly because it negotiated almost suc
cessfully for t lie control last whiter.
It is also reported that Mr. Gould
desires the road as a connecting link
between the Wabash-Paciticai.d East
ern roads in which he is interested.
The capitalists who now appear in
control of the road deny that any nego
tiations are pending for the transfer of
that control, and that if effort are be
ing made to secure possession, they arc
being made in the market. The gross
earnings for the first six months of
188:2 were $13j,973 as against $l)'.v'i;:!i
f during the corresponding period of last
year. The road made a connection
with the t-'ilver Lake road July; i.
The Bradford extension will be com
pleted within ten dirjx.I'hitailrhiliia
Military Encampment.
The arrangements for the annual
encampment of the National Guard of
the State are now completed. The
encampment will be at Lewistown,
Miflliu county, and will coutinue from
August 5 to 12. The grounds have
been laid out, and the division and
several brigade headquarters have
been located. It is expected that about
p.000 troops will take part, under the
command of Majoi -General Hart ran ft.
Jteviews of the several brigades, and
battalion and brigade drills will take
place daily, but the grand reviews by
tho Governor and Commander-in-Chief
is set down ft;r Friday, August
1i- Campiifg parties, to pitch the
tents of tho various regiment.-:,- will
begin to arrive about Aug. 2. The
encampment will be known as Camp
New Druy Store.
' A. C. Craig's New Drug Store Is
now iu good working order, various
new improvement have been made
lately, a spleuded illuminated mortar
ign has been added to the attractions.
"Mr. J. R. Iiu'ird a gentleman well
known to the people of Ridgway and
surrounding country as a Druggest
Pharmacist has beeu engaged as an
The patrons of tho "New Drug
Store" can always havethosalisfactiou
of being served by experienced com
pounders, which is a matter cf great
importance iu a business requiring so
much skill, experience and caution as
the handling of medicines. No better
illustration iu needed than the many
deaths occur! ng yearly from the mis
takes of careless, incompetent and un
principled venders of drugs. With a
flue assortment offreah pure goods, at
popular prices, tho people may rest
assured we will keep up with tho times
and be Content with uothiug less than
beipg In toe front rank of first class
a!r. g tsrtw.
Miss Klttlo Whitmore, visited
Kano lest week."
Paul Meislnger was at Olcan on
the Fourth.
. Mr. Rrad Taylor, visited this
place last week.
Senator Ross' family are visiting
relatives In town.
- Joe Meislnger was east on a visit
last week.
Mr. Jerome Powell, cf Tarport
was in town last week.
Miss Hello Hartley is visiting
friends in Emporium.
Miss Peal of Oil City, is visiting
Miss Kiltie Whitmore.
Miss M'Knight, cf l.rookville is
the giiest o Miss Fmily Reman.-
Peter Gulnac and sister Mamie
have arrived homo from a visit ut
Jfr. and Mrs. Charles Gatchcll,
spent the Fourth Week in Buffalo and
Miss Mary Hay, of Penfield, at
tended the Opera House Ball on the
Miss Frank Stout was at Lock
Haven visiting during the week of the
James MaginnU lost n valuable
cow a few days ago by an affection of
the lungs.
Louis Ely, arrived homo last
Friday alter a week's visit in and
about P.utl'alo.
Mrs. H. M. Powers and Daughter
Blanche left town last Monday to visit
Cleveland, Ohio.
Mrs. Smith Langley, is at home
having made quite a lengthy visit iu
N. Y., Stale.
Mr. H. II. Ilulock, was in town
last week, a former operator iu oil,
from Bradford..
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Barrett, have
arrived home alter a visit of three
weeks in Ciearlield Co.
Eddie Niver (formerly employed
in tho Vciiiocrul orUce) is visiting iu
town a guest of .Mrs. Chapin.
Miss Sue Clark, of Blue Rock
came over to the dance on tho Fourth.
.She is one of the North East ladies.
Mis. Lizzie Kenyuii, of Oliphant,
near Scran tun, is visiting Mi.,s
Florence Oateriiont In this Borough.
Eddie Powell and Casper Kime
have been at Giant Miil tli.j paa week
assisting in the opening a store ut thut
Frank Nichols und wife went to
Port Alleghany last week to see the
races, but owiii to the rain the races
were postponed.
Charles M' Yean, has bjon nomi
nated by the President as postmaster
nt St Marys, which position he has
held, and very acceptable, for several
S. B. Mitchell and family have
moved to Jersey Shore, from the
mouth of Toby. Mr. Mitchell is keep
ing boarding house for contractors on
tlie Pine Creek railroad.
Miss Flo. M. Osterhout, visited St.
Marys week ago Friday evening to
r witness the Broom Drill of the young
ladies of that place, Ridgway ladies
are not afraid of the competition.
Mrs. 'Whitmore, of Clarion, county,
mother of Judge J. K. Whitmore, is
visiting a week with her son at this
place. She is in her 7tlh year and can
see to read line print, without the aid
of glasses.
The news is received he re that
Win, MoCbesney met with aiiaccident
of a severe nature at Fulton, Arkansas
by thepreuiatuieexplosioiiofa cannon.
The man flint was assisting hail both
hands blown off.
A young son of A. C. Craig, of
about six years, was playing with a
' 'K1 ' I liiJ'tfli niul u can of powder in
tlie yard back of the drug store this
morning when the can exploded.
Tlie boy was badly burned about the
face, arms, legs and feet.
John llealy received : telegram
on Wednesday iiiorninn to the affect
that his s on D. J. Healy had been
shot and killed on Tuesday night at
Taylor Texas. The young man was
chief train despatcher of the Interna
tional end Great Northern railroad com
pany. His death will bo regretted by
many friends here, who were always
glad learn of his promotion. His age
wan about 2 years. Ho was shot by
conductor Cook whom he refused to
allow to take out a train. Cook es
caped. Miss Maggie Flynn, has returned
from the Lock Haven Sti'te Normal
School where she graduated last week
with high honors. Miss Flynn was a
graduate of tho Ridgway Borough
SchooU lat year, and we arc much
pleased to note still further advance
ment in the graduating from the Nor
mal School, This young lady deserves
great credit for her persistent determi
nation to receiv j a liberal education.
And she owes her present distinction to
hard work and self denial. Miss Flynn
is tho first of our Ridgway young peo
pie to receive a Normal diploma, but
wo hope h-er success will stimulate
others to work for the prize, which is
certainly worth the gaining.
Noox. Tuesday July 11, 1882, to Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Noon, of Ridg
way Borough, u son.
Lvby. To Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Luby, on Tuesday, July 4, 1882, of
this in Borough a daughter.
Little neck clams and Boston
baked beans in cans at Morgester's.
Fine canned Salruon'and Mackcral
at Morgester's.
Canned apples, Pumpkin and
corn Beef at Morgester's.
10 cases Armours' celebrated corned
beef at Morgester's. ...... I
. .-rSOO lbs. Arbuckles choice fresh
roasted coffee at Morgester's,
Death of Michael Lnby.
This sad event Which took place at
about half past nine this morning,
July 18, 1882, startled the community
with It,jj fsuddefcrjess, and caused a
shade of sorrow to fall over his many
friends in this Borough. He was
working on the gang edger at Ely's
mill, When a piece of 2x4 scantling flew
back striking him at tho shoulderand
hurling him back with terrific force
against tlie bull wheel. His neck was
broken, his skull cracked, and four
ribs broken. Death wasalmost Instant
taucous, the unfortunate young man
never uttering it word after being
struck. B. F. Ely came into tlie mill
Just before the accident ami stood at
Luby'sside. Mr. Ely warning Mike
to bo careful, as tlie saws were crowd
ing, not seeming to heed tho warning
ho raised the feed bar when tlie stick
flew back with fatal consequences.
Mr. Ely was knocked down by the
force of the blow. Michael Luby has
lived in this town for years and was
well known to' the citizens of this
place. Aged 2U years lie was iu
the f"ll Hush of a vigorous manhood.
Broad shouldered and strong, he
seemed to have been intended for a
less horrible fate. His father was
killed before Petersburg, and Mick at
tended thoTitusvillesoldiers' orphans'
school for about two years. He was
u boss for Mr. J. L. Murphy, the eon
tractor for upwards of a year, during
which time ho worked near Milton,
where he was married about one year
ago. For a time lie was foreman of a
gang of Ilungarianson theN. Y. L. S.
it W. R. R., and the Pittsburg and
Rochester R. R. Leaving tlie latter
company he-has since worked at Ely's
miil, where he met his untimely death,
lie was a prominent member of tlie
Catholic Temperance Union, of Ridg
way and was on the committee to ar
range for the picnic and dance feiven
by the society on the Fourth. As will
be seen by our notices of births, on
tlie morning of July 4th, a daughter,
the lirst child, win welcomed ut his
fire side. During (lie summer he has
worked hard day tin -A night, after his
day's work at the mill he worked un
til late in the evening on a new Immisc
he was building iu Irish town oppo
site his mother's place. The house
which he planned and constructed
himself is about ready to move into, It
being his i'li.ention to move in a few
days. Having been acquainted with
the deceased for twenty years we de
sire to add willi tearful respect our
tribute to bis worth, us a man and a
friend. Sf'ber, industrious, and honest
what more can be said to the honor of
any man. Ho won by his splendid
character the repec( of nil his associ
ates, and merits the universal regret
which is on ull hands expressed at his
death. Many times us during the
summer we have watched him with
patient toil near the house, bis home,
in which he looked forward to spend
ing many a happy day as ho garnered
the sheaves of provision for a see"mingly
remote old ne, surroundi-d by his
family, and comforted in tho.-e declin
ing years with the memory of a life
well spent, Now 4s bis day dream
broken, us in tlie strength of manhood,
he enters the dark portals of eternity's
hush and ;l"om In year.i of service
as a journalist we have never been
called upon to record an acci-knl
whose fatal termination seemed so sad.
To the young wile and chHd the com
munity sends all sympathy hikI all
tears, yet all avail not to bring back
the loving husband and the kind
father. May the cold clods of the
hill side rest lightly on the warm and
true heart now stilled in tlie embrace
of death and silence.
A Woman''ifiil Uiile.
San Francisco, July 8. At San Jose
to-day the ten-mile race (horseback.)
between Mi-s Bell Cook, champion of
America, and Miss Ida Rogers, of
Santa Clara County, for 1,01K) u iddi
and an additional thousand from the
Agricultural Society, was won by Miss
Cook by a quarter of a mile iu tweiily
one minutes. Each used live horses.
Rochester, N. Y., July 8. Miss
Myrlio Peck, of Michigan, aged 'four
teen years, to-day rode at the Roches
ter Driving Park twenty miles in forty
three minutes twenty-four and a half
seconds, beating the best recorded time
by two minutes. She rode seven
horses, none of which were considered
fast, and two or three of which were
considered blow.
Ou her wedding day an Indiana
girl wrote something, sealed it in an
envelope, and gave it to an intimate
friend. "If I am alive six months
from now,'' the said, "give this back
to me uncpened. If I am dead, read
it," On the day the half year expired,
the bride committed sueeide, and tlie
enclosure was found to be astaleinent
that she expected no joy from the
marriage, but was willing to give it a
trial before deciding to take her own
The Sequel to n Rash Marriage.
Newburg, N. Y., July ii. About a
year ago Li-s Ida Deyo, of the town of
Gardner, Ulster County , a white girl
of respectable family, quarreled willi
a negio named John Wesley Sampson,
to whom she hail been secretly mar
ried. The event caused much excite
ment at the time as tlie girl's relatives
were wealthy and held u high posh ion
in society, sho being an adopted
daughter of Mr. John Deyo, of Gard
ner. The fact that the young lady
was beautiful and accomplished made
her conduct all the more astonishing
to her friends and associates. The
poor girl has bitterly experienced the
folly of her act and is now an inmate
of the Sullivan County Poor House.
The Hull Vapor Stove is the
greatest invention of the ago at V. S.
Service's, agent.
. Puints, Oil, Putty, Window glass,
etc., at W. 8. Service's, agent.
State Notes.
It is stilled thata Pottsvillo preacher
lias been taking his polygaiuy"eonsecu
tivcly," as Dr. Leonard Bacon culls it,
and there is trouble about It.
A Philadelphia- woman eowhlded
a city olllclat Who insulted her, the
husband standing by with cocked pis
tol and saying, "Givo it to him Ell."
Two sntcrprif.lng citizens of Lan
caster have leased an island iu the
Susquehanna and established a poultry
establishment on aU cxtensivo scale.
A Bristol lady, bed-ridden for six
teen years, "threw physic to tho dogs"
and appealed to Providence. The
other day fdio suddenly arose, and now
walks about unaided. She attributes
her restoration to tho "power of
Thomas Hosterman, of Centre
county, seventy years old, wealthy
and respected, and the rather of a large
family, feurful that his sons would
squander his money, in a lit of melan
choly cut his throat with an ordinary
poclret knife.
Captain Bartholomew was tried at
Allentown on Saturday, but the decis
ion In the "ae will not be promulgated
until aM the evidence and the finding
have been reviewed by Adjutant Gen
eral Latta. The general imies.-ioii is
that the verdict will be favorable to
Captain Bartholomew.
Another new calllo disease has ap
peared. The animals eat heartily, but
become very much emaciated and lose
control of their hind ptirts, and finally
when down are unuLle to arise and
have to be fed in that position. Many
cattle arc down and some have died iu
neighboring counties.
Pottsvillo, Pa., July 10. Two un
successful attempts were made the lat
ter part of last, week by a fourteen year
old daughter of Mrs. Simon Long to
poison her mother and In-other by
placing Paris green in tludr drinking
vessels. Prompt nieilical attention
suved the lives of the victims. The
family live-on a farm iK-ar Schuylkill
Haven. The child has made a confes
sion that she was prompted to the act
by an older sister now living in Phila
delphia who laft homo on account of
family troubles.
Republicim stale t'omm liter.
Philadelphia, July U-The republi
can state committee met here this
morning at tho room:! of the Young
.Men s republican club, Twelfth and
Chestnut .streets. Tile representation
wasalmost full, but six members being
absent. The meeting was secret, none
but inembeis being admitted. Alter
being organized a eomuittee was sent
alter the stalwart candidates, who ap
peared at 12.0 and were received with
applause. They ren.ained through
tho meeting, though tu-;ing no active
part willi the exception of presfiitiug
a letter in which they declared them
selves at the disposal of the committee.
Previous to the arrival of tho candi
dates four propositions had been offered
by Jud;;e PrMit, of Crawford county,
(he diseusssion of which continued
until 2 o'clock, and which were as fol
lows : .
First. To snln.iH UiolMnUby Ilic -.ul ir
v, 1 ""' i- 'iHiiiikiins wh vuliM i,,r I resi
lient ( ,;irltt'Rl.
X'''!l.l. TlK' srllfll'lll urn tick.-t liv til.;
IMpuhir. vote """I" Jiii,-, i-t.Ml;h ois llio
:im; to lie open to I lie fnieUiiuev of anv re
pnl)!ieuns In llieshite i,f iVnns Ivimiih, mm
every until invlUvl to n.une his own can
Tlnr.l. To lio, a new ronventie-n umler
Hie rules i.,lopicil l.y Hie t'ontlticiitul hotel
e.jiik-rence of liuU-puihlents. on or helore Hie
roin-ih citiifs.liiy In Au nist. If Hie ( onli
lienlal ruiesni-e not sMli-l.ieiorv the eonveii
tion sic, II le -ovenie. l.y ruie-i'to In- pr..pnre,
iy ex-i.'liiefjnsiiee A-:i,;, ilaiiiptun I., far
son Mel I'rani'ls :;. Heeves.
l-'o'irth. To hold u convention iin.ler tlm
ii'-H- nileMHilopieU by tlie n. rabin-an conven
tion of .May lu.
The propositions were favored by
General While, Jude IMtif, and Col
onel Hastings. They were opposed
by General Ne."ley, of Pittsburg, and
Mr. G' br, of Franklin. On a vote
biin taken the proposition j were
agreed to almost un-Hiiimously. after
which tho convention adjourned.
Among the stalwarts the opinion pre
vails that If the Independent decline
to accept any of the offers made, they
will weaken their cause and drive
back to the party a nnij.utty of those
who have been leaning towards the
independents. Tho latter antagonize
the proposals, saying they will
accept nothing but Beaver's complete
renunciation. Mr. Wolfe, says that
should they agree to a new convention
they would bo- left powerless, as it
would undoubtedly result in Beaver's
renomination, and they having given
their word, could not oppose him. He
did not know what the independents
would do, as their committee was not
full, but from the expressions of those
with whom he loci conversed, lie
knew they were against any com
promise, except u complete with
drawal of Beaver.
About ten days ago, Harnett Clark,
employed on theOrr & McKinley mill,
near Corsica, while tightening some
burs on the saw sliped, and had his
right baud badly lareerated on the saw.
Dr Thompson, Corsica took charge of
the case uud reports his man iu good
condition. By a former accident some
what similar to tho above Mr. Clark
lost two fingers about a year ago.
About the same time Raymond Chyp
liert, near Corsica, while spliting stave
bolts had his ax glance, striking him
in the foot, severing an urtery, and
before Dr. Thompson reached the
ground he had almost bled to death.
He, however, is fast recovering from
the effects of his won ml. Jirook cilc
The annual interest on the public
debt Is now about $1. 08 far every in
habitant. In 1803 it was more than
twice this being 2,20 per capita, and
PW3 it was as high as $4,29 per capita,
or iUO,0771(j!i7, to bo paid by So.tii'J.OOO
A beautiful lot of ilowerrf for house
pr bedding purposes on hand mid for
sale ut the Advocatk office.
Great Flurry in the Oil Market.
Pittsburgh, July 8. The report that
dry holes had been foiind In tho War
ren region and that large wells were
declining in production caused a flut
ter in oil to-day by sending llio price
up to 58,e. was great excite
ment nt the exchange, and the fluctu
ations were quite rapid. The opening
quotation was C.'ljct , tho highest price
flSJct., and the closing price Oojcb The
transactions were unprecedented, the
sales aggregating 2,123,000 barrels.
Bradford, July 8. At tho oil ex
change to-day the members fairly
tumble over racli other In their efforts
to c6Ver heavy short sales. . From the
opening bid of 53lct.( the market
jumped to oOet., in two hours and
again declined to Vict. Tho report of
two dry hole-! on lot No. 0"2 started
the Hurry. The market closed excited
at53Jct., with sales of 8,210,000 bar
rels. The death list of the Scioto disaster
nt Mingo Junction continues to in
crease, and several towns on the Ohio
are in deep mourning.' To whatever
sourseofthe disaster may be traced,
circumstances all indicate now that
the attempt to attribute it to intoxica
tion of those in charge is without
foundation. Whether It came uboul
from a change in the navigation laws,
or from tin; negligence of those in con
trol of the colliding boats, or both,
should not divert attention from the
risks that are habitually run by excur
sionists on public holidays. There
seems ,o be no question that both the
Scioto and the Lomas were overloaded,
but the fact had nothing to do with
tho collision ; and but for the collision
there is at most a very remote proba
bility that the circumstance would
ever have have been mentioned or
deemed worthy of second thought.
The frequency of overloading on pub
lic holidays has led both the people
and owners of boats to regard the sub
ject with to much Indifference, and the
fate of the Victoria on the Thames, in
Canada last year, leads to the doubt
whether people gain anything by such
experiences, except for a short time in
the immediate vicinity of the disaster.
The Sabbath at Wellsviiie, East Liv
erpool and other places, when the
train arrived with the additional dead
bodies on board will be u day long to
be remembered. The total list of dead
is now swelled to lifty-one, and is
probably incomplete. It is full eiiouuh,
nevertheless, to HHrry a warning that
should be heeded by all people, by the
general public as well us those engaged
in the f ranportaf ion of passengers.
l'ttidbury Tct tyraih.
Ex, Chairman Bogert sounds this
warning to Democrats in his news
paper; "Over confidence, equally with
lack of faith in ourselves an 1 our pro
jects, contributes to bring about our
failures. This is as true of panics as of
The new Climax Wringers at W.
S. Service's, agent.
A fine lot of house and bedding
plans! for sale at Tin; A ivoi:a.i.u olliee.
Cull and see them. These plants are
from Harry Chaapel's green houses,
Williamspoi f.
Mason's Fruit Jars, Pints, (juarls,
and half gallons at W. S- Service's,
Perforated card board, gold and
silver, plain and llowercd, at Tin-:
Advoi'atk office.
P.y the new process of taking pic
lures J. C. Harrling, ut the West End
Gallery, can take a photograph in
three to six seconds, this is of greet
importance in taking pict tires of babies.
New f lock of Scrap Albums, Box
Paper, Pocket Books. Ladies' Porl-
monaics, Rubber and base balls at
Craig's Drug & Fancy goods store.
A very !a'; e assortment of llatsat
P. K. Grand Central, if you want a
good style hat for a very little money
drop into (lie ((rand Central.
Mrs. Jacob But tcrfuss, over Biuier
fuss' harness shop, Main street, ba
coiistantly en hand the latest style i
human hair oods, also switches', nets
ami pins, AlC. Call and see them.
Tho Grocery department at the
Grand Central, P. & K's, is very full
and complete and prices as low as
good reliable goods can be sold for. A
larjjo stock of Pork, Hams, Cheese,
Dairy Butter, Flour, Feed, Beans,
Sugar and Syrup just received.
Try our Staudard Flour and you
will never regret it.
The Boot and Shoe department at
the Grand Centrul 1'. & K. is very
large, ami varied. Everything in Indie's
Missis' and children's Shoes and Slip
pers, dont fail to look through (his
J. C. Harrling, of the West End
Gallery has taken recently a number
of Stereoscopic views from different
points about town. Call ami see
Orders for llowers, seeds, etc.,
from Harry Chiapel's greenhouse,
Williaunport, will receive prompt nl
(eiftiou if left ut Tan Advocatk
J'OIlOL'till OUliIXAX'K NO Hi. "
Bo it ordained and enacted by the
Town Council of tlie Borough of Ridg
way, and it is hereby ordained and
enacted by the authority of the same
1. Thut a public street is hereby laid
out and ordered to be opened thirty
feet in width, from u point at or near
the northern terminus of Grunt street,
in Souther's addition to said Borough,
to a point on Depot street, near Hyde's
mill race, iu accordance with a draft
this day placed on tile by the Borough
2. That said street fchull be known as
"Race Street."
C. 11. M'CAULEY, President.
Attest W. C. IIiCALY, Secretary.
Approved this fifth day of May A.
A. 18b2."
J. POWELL, Chief Burgess.
iu'-'ng an extended circulation It is
the best advertising medium.
TiTT7'rT,,T , o it rrf it
li e ;,'
En ccloftc.s,
Card a,
Chca, icr I hail tlie rh, ".
Ordcra hij maI', promjdij
attended, to.
Henry A. Parson, Jr.
Hid LUva ij Pa
Walnut Leaf Hair Restorer.
It is entirely different fi 'oni all
others. It is as clear as water, and, us
its name indicates, is a perfect Vege
table I lair Restorer. It will immedi
ately free the head from dandruff, re
store gray hair to its natural color,
and produce a new growth where it
has fallen off. it does not iu any
manner affect the health, vnk'h Sul
phur, Sugar or Lead, and Nitrate of
Silver preparations have done. It
will change light or futb-d hair in a
few days to a beautiful glossy brown.
Ask your druggist for it. Each bottle
is warranted.. SMITH, KLINE &
CO.. Wholesale Agents. Philadelphia,
undO. N. CRITTENTON.Ncw York
i 17 iy.
V'1U 13 pMfl if any lmpurlllcs or mineral 1
Uliy.r-ucr-Hju-o f,,m.a!il i'l.ltl'NA, CP f'r fliyl
k- h Mm noi euro or nvip. i
f'KP.C'NW 19 purely o vrg.,:il,:o rinimr-TTC
ii i.i hoi i'.iu.!i:i.-a iy any or uuoiiu'i-i.iixu-r
y any or ull oilier
J but It Is line. KSlC-ZZS&slJ
1 Pbiii'wa Is fcolnff um.iu extern ely luo-i-,
Si-rliflly l!i,:nt li'ty.i'-litnytlint.uiivoflirri
',i-.,.:ii-Ji.i.!,.-bkiiowutotl.oiiri,.'s.ilcm. fa
I ? -Ill Olll,-P lllTl..f,'i.l 1. ,.,! Hi fr.-..-w.tJ
ft for Inlorinlttpnt fiver, i-hiYaiutSMe
I dumb auuo, Uiu lnfclliLlc remedy IsPeiiun a.
fii No matter tvhnt your disease ts, wlinre !-
-ui, i,o yun yi.uni cr cm, nm'o cr U'ui iV
soul oiico lur l'liuuNA. FS??ug-y:!?qr7r-Ty
Tell jroiir nelflihors and your ti tt-iiils that'
pekcxa Is tho only ronieifv, anil will cure
you will them. Stuil fur a luiuphlct.
B. 11. II A HTM A V A 'O rtcl..-
- ' , wuw. U, V.I.U.
ICcpii your bowels and pelvic orgamregu.
Moro universally recommended
thad any proprietary medicine niado
A bure'aud reliable tonic, Brow m Iron
Business Cards.
Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.
Particular attention given to the
examination of titles', also to pateu3
and putcnt cases.
Oflko in new britk building, Mai l
Htreet, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pti. vi'M
Over twenty live year" practice. '
Olliee on Main Street, RidjjWay, Pa.,
opposite the Uonert House. Otlico
hours front 1 to 2 and 7 to S, P. 31.
11'. L. WILLIAMS. .
Late of StruUanville)', Pbycii lan and
Surireon, Ridgway, J'n,. Otliee in
Hall's liriek ' Ituildiux up Utah's I
References J. I). Smith, JL L.
Young, P. Rulofson, Strattanville;
Major John Kitley, W. W. Oreeii
laud, Clari( n. Oillcn hours 1 to
P. M. and 7 to 8 P. M.
nuuum.sT it parmaceutist;
.V. W. corner of Main and Mill streets.
I'id;way, Pa., full as-oit ment of care
fully selected Foreign and Domestic
Druiis. Prescript inns carefully dis pensed
at all hour, day or niht.
j. d. ifiaaasuf r", n. o.
'in n p.- Horns. I'iiiiii !! to n. in., 2 to 5
fOlil 7 to ii p. Ml. UrKjdi'iu-f (Hlii-O iu r si
ili'nic, o,po.-ifi! l.ilt liuiily Hank, .Main
AT I'KMU '.I'.
A lair sliare ol llio iM.'oiilo'y itatroiiiitfe ho-li.-itiM.
W H. tCIl HAM, Proprietor,
Ridjrway, Elk county, Pa.
Thankful for the patronage hereto
fore so liberally bestowed upon him,
the new proprietor hopes, by paying
strict attention to (lie comfort and con
venience of fiu-'sls, to ni"fit a continu
ance of tlie same. ocf.WO'.t
1.111)0 WAY
and Mu't-'ies iii let upon the niys;
reasonable terms.
fiflle will also do job teiiiiiiii ".
Stable on Elk street. A II orders lefi
at the Post, Olliee I receive prompt;
free to any address.
Florist and Seedsman,
W i 1 1 larri'iporl, P:i.
llKMtY A. P.Vll io:;.s, Jr., Local ujjen
Ridtfway," Pac
f ?3 Is tha only do-;
vir o of lis lei nd
I hut hati Ftrmri
r?-:;-4 p;$
"Hiidcurutii uni
versal mihlic
M 111 Ci,,kin,:,Wi
inj, Iron
rtiit ('amiini'
j tn'oiherduiiit'.s
I'm work lure-
ttifor (I'll!. llV
Ihe onlihrtry cook Mw, tin J wiih,n:t iin insuf-
fT:iiii lii'rtt, FMt, lrnts. ri(.
m U.-liPlilr Agents Wiiiiusl iu uuuteuiicJ
territory. AttHrus!,
Seneca Slrtvl, eor. ChuiiM.kiiii. C lureliiml. Ohio.
mm warn
ra purer, better, stronger, and longer
lenown in the market than any other articie
of the kind. Ars always sure and reliable,
and never fail to insure tha be:,t results,
ia cookery. Ask your grocer f r it an,l
Hive itatiial, Satiifactica gaaianteed or
iu pay.
5 &j&SZ3tZ-2y
Sl (ST
S l is 5 l-a f SEA '
H 5 CH U 5J fll
i TJ "S JJ V J C mm ,
73 o C EM
:j P 3 .U
o m H -1 ? '