The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, July 13, 1882, Image 2
i fTttf finirif Hfory A. Tarsons, Jr., Editor THURSDAY. JULY 13. 1882. ENTEHK!) at tiik Post-ofkick at RlIHTTVAY, PA., AS SKCONI) CLASS WAIL MATTKK. 'LL 1 1 J ' REl'UM.ICAX STATE TICKET. For Governor, JAM KM A. IW'MVKIt. of Centre County. For Llotitpiuiiit-Oovernor, W. T. DA VI 108. of ISrndford County, For Juduo of the ISiipreiu'e Court, WILLIAM 11KNUY HAW LL. of Philadelphia. For Keprelarv of Internal Adair. JOHN M. (UlKFIt.; of Butler. For Connressmaii-iit-Lnrire. 5 THOMAS MARSHALL, of Allegheny. The census shows that the ox Hint patient servant of man from tin1 remotest nye is passing away. In the decade between 1870 and 1SSO all other domestic animals incercased from twenty-four to ninety jut cent. It Is only those plat 'os where t hero avus laud to plow for the first time, and the ruder stages -f. iniiilvut ion were practiced, that the ox has increased. In these days of rajid transit lie is voted too slow, and he must nmke way for fleeter-footed beasts of burden. The Xew York Mail and fa-prcus, hi common with all intelligent news papers, does not have much respect for the average Legislator, and thus (lings a little sarcasm at the Albany states men: "If the people, of Washington Territory had any knowledge of the average State Legislature, they would most earnestly rebuke Delegate Brent' attempt to jnirsiade Congress to make Washington a State. New York finds a Legislature a great vexation and burden to more than f,000, WO people, and there are less than lOO.i'OO of the Washihgtouiiins to endure such an infliction. Washington may wisely wait.'' Another book of statistics has been issued by the census bureau. This time statistics are given of the manufacturers of twenty principal cities of the United States, during the census yeur from June 1, 1870, to May 3l,."?S. The total value of the pro duct of the various cities isns follows: Baltimore, ?73,ii21,3S8; Boston, Sr.':!, 3(1(1,137; Brooklyn .l''.i,7j7,.r)Vii; Bullalo, f 10,003,203;. Chicago, $141,045,110:: Cincinnati, ','I,SUO,105; Cleveland. f-17,3.W,20; Detroit, e.O.,:.!; Jersey City, $j!,5l,H; Louisville, :;2,:L 73:!; Milwaukee, f "sCi.j.lyS; Newark, i'30,L':!4,5i-.; Xew Orleans, . I .ail .ciuO; New York, $Hs,'.'l 0,243; Philadelphia, $304,501,385; Pittsburg, $74,211,880; Providence,$30,oOO,ti.yJ; Kan Frnneiseo, 7r,W,3N5; St. Louis, S104,88s,5S7; Washington, $11,041,185. Tho Pittsburgh Tdcrjrih says: while the ownership and right to u.-e the sidewalk and streets as a place of business is under discussion in this eity, it is possible that the views of New York Judges who haveexamined the matter recently under peculiar circumstances, "may be of some vulue. Ticket speculators being duly licensed by the Mayor, collected in front of Lester Wallack's theater and plied their vocation there, much to Use an noyance of himself ami his patrons. Action being brought against them, they one and nil insisted on their rights as licensed people to carrying on their calling !n the public strict. Justice VnuVorst held that the city has no right by license to appropriate the sidewalk or street In front of any person's premises for what may be obstructions or nuisances to said prem ises to the public. The city lias no power to license any business to be conducted on the sidewalk or in front of any man's premises without his consent, and not even then when the rights of the public are invaded. Judge Donoiiue, of the Supreme Court of that State, hasaftirmed the doctrine. The general principle underlying the whole matter is this. The owner of lands bounded by or upon a street owna to the center of the street subject to tlie right of the j)eoiIe to freely to jiass und to repass. He may make such pernuaicnt changes as he please upon the street which does not interfere with the free passage to and fro of the public Hut no individual unauthor ized by theownerean make any change in the body or iosscssion of the laud in the street without tho consent of the owner, however desirable they may be; neither has the owner the right to so use this portion of the jirojerty as to prevent the free jassing and repassing of the peojile. All this is subject to such modification as tlie pssitivo and express enactments of tlie State' Gov ernment may provide, but municipal ordinances of themselves or municipal officers are not of Miflicicnt authority to make any change, in the jiriuci jjIo. Neither cuu any chango be made by implication, but must be made by tlie express words of the stat ute enacted by State authority. Tlie tenant taking- all the rights of his landlord is likewise entitled to control the street to the center in front of his premises so long as he does it iu such manner as is not a hindrance to the free and safe passage of the public. But the tenant certainly has no more right than tho landlord to so obstruct his premises in the street as to prevent free passngs. Tho principle is dem and easy to understand, the difficulty arises In the application of it. "My wife was saved by wearing one of Prof. Oullniette's Kidney Pads, after T had tried all other remedies," writes a minister who had the gravel 3uVtivo y'cHW - Tlio Duly of Republicans LET Til EM HAHMON17.ETHKmblft.Ert KNCKS AND AOKEK Ul'ON A NEW TICKET. From tho Now York Tribune. Tho unusually wise action of the Democratic opponents ought to lin pressupoii the Hcpiililiciitu of Penn sylvania tho Imperative duly of harm onizing their diU'cn-uiv am' eonilng together In soppoit of a new and stronger ticket. Tlio tlinu for hesita tion has passed. But, strong and worthy a man as Mr. Patterson Is, the Republicans can easily find a stronger and a better. We doubt if Mr. Stewart, the Inde pendent nominee, is in any way his in ferior. In political associations and In experience of allairs he is certainly his superior. But Mr. Stewart is the can didate of only a portion of tho party. We should hail with great jileasure his withdrawal iu (avorofsomecqually worthy man whom the whole licpob lican jiarty would tie willing to sup- jiort. What we want to see Is the election of the Republican Governor and a Hi-publican AuniinMr.".tion. It is evident enough that neither an In dependent nor a Cameron Governor can be elected so long as both are in 'lie field. It is also evident that no ticket which is tainted with Bossism can hope, for success, even if there were no Indeju'iidout candidate, with a He former like Mr. Patterson to draw away Independent votes. If Mr. Cameron was a true Hcpubli cau who loved his jiarty more than himself, he would withdraw his al ready beaten ticket and confess his defeat. But lie is not th't kind of a man. What he will not do for his jarty, the masses of the jiarty should do for themselves. They should brush him and his Boss system aside, and assume direction of their own allairs, We hear it said that the leaders of botii factions have become too embit tered to make cordial reunion possible If this be so, and we do not believe it is, the same thing cannot be said truth fully of the Hepublicaii voters. They are deejily concerned by the situation of allairs, and arc locking eagerly for a harmonious solution. Tlie lenders will mske a grave mistake if they hinder lather than heed tlie demands of their followers. (ieuerals to lie Retire,-. THE DATE OF THE COM IT I.SOK Y RE TIREMENT OF THE I.EAD1NO AKMY OFlCEliS. Washington, July 8. Major General Irvin McDowell, commanding the Military Division of the Pacific, will be Jilaeed on the retired list ill October next, under the provisions of the Cum jiulsory Betiiemcnt bill. It is gen erally understood that Major General John M. Scholield, who is at present without a command, will succeed General McDowell General W. T. Sherman will be retired in February, ic;M; Lieutenant General Sheridan in 2.805; Major General Hancock iu March, 1888; :jor General Scholield in 1805; Brigad'er General John Pope, July, 1880; Brigadier General Oliver O. Howard, lx'Jf; Brigadier General Alfred H. Terry, 1801; IJrigadier General Christopher C. Augur, August, bs8; Brigadier General George Cook, 1802. Sergeant Mason. N'O DECISION IN HIS CASK YET OEN- nt.u, swaim's; hefokt. Washington, July 11. The case, of Sergent John Mason, the soldier who nlteiiijitcd to shoot tin; assassin Guit eau, is still pending before the pre.-i-dent. He has not determined upon his action in regard to it, but the general impression among those best calculated to judge is that he is not disposed to interfere with tliesenti-iice of tlie court niatial which tried the ease. The jictition filled by Mr. Bige low, of Mason's counsel, which raises tlie point that Mason is illegally con fined in the penlteiiitary at Albany, was referred by the president to tlie Judge advocate general of the army, who has just completed his review of the legal points raised in the petition, and whose rejiort will be submitted to the secretary of war in a day or two. The characterof the review is not posi tively known, but it is pretty well un derstood that the Judge advocate gin eral still adheres to the views exprets'-'d in his previous repot U on this case. It will be remembered that General Swaim then contended that tha court martial had no jurisdiction over the olleiise charged, and further that the oll'ciisu charged was not proved. Alonzo D. McCaity, a young law yer f Deeutur-, Intl., had great dilll euty in winning Miss Hhodes for a bride. . She loved bini, but feared that his habit of frequent intoxication would make him a sot, ami would only consmt to marry liiui on his solemn promise of total abstinence. On the day appointed for the wedding he committed sucide, leaving letters to explain that he could not keep his pledge, and would die rather than break it. The small circuses that travel iu the west eaunot fill so many tents as the big concerns, but their advertise ments are 'juite us wonderful. One of them, which does not even announce the name of its jirojirietor, is ''a glor ious and clossal consolidation- of big railroad shows." It is "an enterjirls'j surpassing in magnitude, outvicwing iu sjilendor, and overwhelming i:i at tractions any amusement corporation ever thought of since the world be gun." Dyspepsia, the bug-bear of epicu reans, will bo' relieved by Brown's Iron Bitters. Manalin regulates the bowels and liver.'- Counterfeiting. SECRETARY FOEUEIl OS THE DOYLE FEATE9. Washington, D. C, July 8. Secre tary Folger to-day furnishes for pub lication the following statement of the origin and results of tho investigation concerning tho so-called. DOYI.E HOND PLATES. Treasury Department, olllee of thn Secretary, Woshlngton July 8. So much has been said in public jiriuts about the Doyle bonds that it is well to make an explicit statement in regard thereto. Thero are counterfeits of United States bonds known as six jier cents of'81, and only of $1,000 denoin I nation of t li at Issue. Of gen u I n e bonds there were Issued In all $110,650,000 iu amount, which were separately num bered from 1 to 110,050 Inclusive. When they wero Issued a record was made of all of them In a book wherein the number of each bond was entered in a line by its self and the number of ull the bonds were shown on all of them. Tho genuine bonds have been redeemed and cancelled exct'jtj$27S,000 and interest ceased to run on ail of them in 1881. When any one of these bonds has been otl'ered for redemption That number it bore has been noticed. Tho record book has been referred to, to see if the bond of that number has been ottered before. It has then been scrutinized in other resjiects uml when accepted and redeemed an entry has been ujion the book that shows that the bond of that number bus been paid oil and cancelled. It is the fact that there has never been oll'ered for redeinj)tio!i a duplicate of u bond here tofore redeemed, that is to say never have two bonds of the same number been oll'ered. It is also a fact I hat there has never bwn oM'crcd for re denijition a bond with a number higher thun ordifiercnt from some genuine number recorded in that book. The slgnillcance of those facts will be seen further on. Tlie existence of counter feit bonds (the Doyle bonds) was not known to any branch ot this depart ment until in October, 1880, when Doyle was arrested in Chicago and spurious bonds were found in hia jios sessioil. It afterwards ajipcared that three of the spurious bonds hail been before that pledged as collateral with a bunk in Peoria, I'll. There were then taken from him in all 201 of spurious lionds with one S.'to coujion attached to each bond and fourteen detached coujions of same kind and denomina tion, and tlie three bonds that had oeen iledged were alter that surren dered to olilcers of the secret service force of tlie government, making iu all 200 bonds. It has been stated in public jrints that !f22, 000,000, the nominal amount of the sjhii ions bonds, were struck off by the counterfeiter and that many ol'theni have been juit iu circulation. Hi re is where signifi cance is to b'j felt of tho fi'.c'.s above stated. Fickle Fashion. From the Milwaukee Bun. Ill cutting up an oak tree in Maine a lock of roil hair was found so far in side tlie tree tli at it is estimated the hair was jiut iu the tree 2i0 years ago. It was probably cut o(F and jiut in there by a sensitive girl when red hair was out of style and a red-haired girl was laughed at and twitted about the sanguinary color of her head covering. We are not 240 years old, but can re member when a red-headed girl was a burden to herself, because 'her hair gave herself away. A young man had to have a gocd deal of iudt pi ndelice who would escort a red-haired girl anywhere, and thy girls invariably be came old maids. It would h ive been a jiicuic to those gills if they could have lived about these days, when a girl with a beaut i fill red hair is considered-about the sweetest jlower in nature's garden. Now that wo re member it, tlie red-haired girls always were good looking and smai t'-T than chain lightidng, and . it is a con founded shame they didn't como into style years ago. They are not cutting oil" their hair and hurrying it iiow days. Coiiipesnatluis of Pari j Defeat. Providence J'rcnn. A Dei n ocra t i e v i e tory i 1 1 Pe u n n ay 1 vil li la next fall, a Democratic mujoity iu the National House of Hepresentatives after next March, would bo greatly deplored. The ojijiosition lias some times done the country good service by its shurj criticism of HepublicHii measures, but as a direct agent of re form it has not distinguished itself of iate years. But if the fruit of tempor ary dtfeat can be tlie rising of the Re publican parly to a higher jilane, and the bringing of its management into harmony with tho most advanced political ideas of the day, it will be but the forerunner of a luoro glorious series of vie tores than it has achieved in late years. There is hut one thing for the jiarty leaders to do, and that is to enter with genuine zeal into the supjxut of those great reforms ujion which tlie' jieojile have set their hearts; if they do not, they will Itnd their places tilled by others who will lead more wisely than they have done. The J'ublie'H tables of prices show tiiut the average jrice of all articles of ordinary use, taken in their relative ratio of consumption, was a tenth higher in tho lirst half of the current year than iu tlie first half of 1881. In other words, unless a man was earning $1 10 during the last six months where ho was earning $1 a year ago, he was relatively worse oil" even if ho seemed to be receiving the same wages. This large advance, however, was largest on food where it reached a lll'th, than ou clothing, where it was barely a dol lar in thirty. The woman, therefore, who had, say $2:!.50 a week with which to keep hou:e this year, was no better off than the woman who had $18 last year, and the woman whose allowance wus $13 both years could only get four-fifths as much food on thiraverage this year as luat. That wasaBtrikingly Imaginative picture drawn by Dickens of theDoni bles, father and soft setting before the lire, the jiarent teaching te boy that money can do anythiiiir. The little four-year old man rubbinf hh hands reflectively, looked up iff Inquired, "Why did't it save mothJf then?" A home thrust, truly. A few days ago a trampdiedin the Westmoreland county jioor house, who haf about twenty thousand dollurson his person. He had sutfered every privation, want, Insult, and disgrace that a man can suffer who has no money. He carefully hoarded every cent he received, jiaid out noth ing, wandered a homeless beggar, a perfect outcast among a strange people. Ho accumulated money; but his money could not save him. lie did not jmrsuo the usual course of misers who generally select some solitary re treat where they cau livo alone with their gold as their only companion, but tramped and carried his treasure along, a burden- to every step ho took. And still the young are taught to save, to hoard up their money. Money is of no use cxcejit for what it will buy. Would it not be better to teach them how to prudently use than merely to hoard up their pennies? Pittsburgh Tclryruph. Tiie Danger of Adulteration. 1'rom (he Germmi Sulirint, There were once four (lies, and, os it hapiiened, tliey were hungry one morn ing. The lirst settled ujion a sausage of singularly ujipetizing appearance, am made a hearty meal. But he speedily died of intestinal inflamma tion, for the snusnge was adulterated w ith aniline. The second fly break fasted upon Hour, iin.l forthwith sue cumbered to contraction of the stomach, owing to the inordinate quantity of alum with which tho Hour had been wlultei'iited. The third II v was slaking his thirst with tliecontents of the milk jier, when violent cramps suddenly convulsed his frame, and he soon gave uj) the ghost, a victim to chalk adul teration. Seeing this, the fourth lly, muttered to himself: "Tlie sooner its over (lie sooner to sleeji," alighted ujion a moistened sheet of jiupcr ex hibiting the counterfeit Jresentment of a death's head, and the inscrijition, 'Fly jioison." Ajiiilying the tij of his proboscis to this diviee, the tomtit lly drank to his licirt's content, growing more vigorous and cheerful at every mouthful, although expectant of his end. But he did not die. On the con trary, he throve and waxed fat. Yon s.'e, even thelly poison wasadultera ted. Ragged Kde of die Ridji llion. In the List foiv weeks of the South ern rebellion, a Confederate, serving under Lee, wrote home to his father in North that he was almost barefooted and completely discour aged. As soon as the ok! man received the letter he mounted his mule and set off at a gallop, but was soon halted by an acquaintance, who called out: "Hello! Has there been another light?" "Not as I've herd of, but I've got u letter from Cyrus." "What does Cyrus say?" "He's is out of boots and clean dis courage J." "Where ye goin'?'' "Down to Abner Smith's." "What for?" "To borrow seven hundred thous and dollars to send Cyrus to get a cheap pair of boots, and tell hint to hang on to the lust; for, if Cyrus gets low sjiiritid and begins to let jjo, the in fernal Yankees wiM be riling over us before we can back a mule out of the barn." 'Thul't so that's so," noded the other. "Ikon let ye have the money myself as well as not. I was saving up to buy three plugs of tobacco and a box o' matches all at once, but the army niusn't go barelut when it only takes seven or eight hundred thousand dollars to buy a jnetly good j'liir o' Lutes. Go lit me un't git a cart, an' I'll have the money all liid up for ye." Hichmond (Va.) Inquirer. A Slaking Church. HOW THE OXlEAT CATHEDRAL AT ST. PETKUSnuRO IS SlNKINl.). The celebrated cathedral of St. Isaac, ut St. Petersburg, which was finished in 1850 at a cost of -325,000,000, is giving indications, of sinking into the ground. As is well know n, tlie Russian cajHtal is constructed on a marsh, and the site of the cathedral was selected in one of the softest jiortlons of it. Upon the foundations, at the outset, 1,00;,GiD was sjient in driving jrilos, but at no period bus tlie building maintained a right attitude, and at jn'e-iciit it mani fests a disposition to topple over at one corner altogether. A short time ago an examination revealed that on one side of the structure the coluiiiiu had jiarted from the architrave, and left a sjiace cf tl.MVi; inches between, which the apjilieatiGii of tests have shown to be regularly increasing. In conse quence of this discovery the advice of engineers was taken us to lightening tlio roof, and workmen were engaged to remove tho heavy corner, but as the work proceeded fn-kh llssures disjilayed tnemselves, and the engi neers grew so alarmed that they gave uji the undertaking altogether as a bad job. Since then nothing has been done except to hold consultation after consultation, with no result excejit the expenditure of a great deal of talk and tho rejection of u number of fancy jiro- jects of imjiroveinent more or less iuijtossible to carry out'. The Czar must look upon this as a bad omen Bargains in Hats, Shirts, Ties P.ows, Collars, biit-j inders, Silk Hand kerchiefs, &c., see tho display of Fu nishiug goods offered ut cost in show" window at Craig's Drug, Book and Kttucy Goods Store. For all urinary aud female com Vlaints take Manalia. Mr. Cooper's Present Course. Cham?crnbury J'ublto Opinion, Harmony Is the "one thing needful" noiv for a Republican victory in Penn sylvania, and the Stalwarts seem to have come to a realization of tlie fact at hist. Chairman Coojier, who started out to Ignore the Iudejiendeiit jiart of the Ilejnibllcan masses, Is now one of the liveliest chain pious of "harmony." We can account for this on no other ground than that he is getting anxious about the thing. While he was in ids state of blissful Ignorance he would hear nothing of the Indcpeiulenls, but now that ho advocates so heartily measures of harmony, he seems to have come to the conclusion that it is not folly to be wise. In order that the old- saw may not be overt hrown we must think Chairman Cooper Is not so ''ignoro''-ant as he was. The Commission at Work. Washington, July 11. The tariff commission to-day issued n circular Inviting corresjiomlence from all asso ciations, corporation and individuals des'-ring to furnish informal ion or testi mony forits consideration. Correspon dents are requested tomention specill Cally the subjects on which they desiro tobe heard, or in relation to which they desire to oiler testimony. Communi cations' shall bo addressed to Hon. John L. Hayes, president of tlie com mission, West End hotel, Long Branch. It is the intention of the commission to arrange the hearing of testimony with a view to saving time, and jiersons desiring to be heard will he not ilivd of the time and laee nt which the commission will hear the testimony which they may oiler. An Advancing Public Sent i incut Huston Advertiser. Why, then, this uiireeedentod ob jection to tlie Congressional Commit tee's bulldozing assessment circular? Because the jeojle are becoming con vinced that such levies by tlie party in jiower on the men employed in the Civil Service of tlie Government are unjust and demoralizing. Unques tionably the reason why a special cir cular was sent to tiie jieople was be cause, it wii.. believed they would not refuse to resjioinl if they cared to keep their jiiaces. Tho assessment for each person is calculated and. sjieciiied, and everybody knows what circumstances gives it a compulsory character. The notion prevails that this is a mean and ojipres-ive business, and that it ought to be discontinued. Tlie Civil Service reforms have educated jiublic sentiment to an jr, rcemeiit with Daniel Webster in tho matter. The lirst wife of Uriglmiu Young died at 8;tlt Lake last week. Shu be cainea convert to M;iriiionlsiu at Avon, X. V., in l31,aiid wa.t to the Mor mon colony, then in Ohio, where yhw married Young. It is said-thai, hav ing accejited the doctrine of jo) yguiny, she made uoijijjositiou when her hus band begun to jiiaclice it extensively, though ulie Invariably fell ill from ex citement aud grief at every new mar riage. Hhe lived sejmrate from the other wives, aiwl kent her live children as much as jiossible apart from the rest. PERFECTION STOCK TANK. l Mvfyf: -Sr iiimmmmm TTTATrJt.TIC.HT AND FKOST-PHOOF. Thcso V V 'i'ni Ji8 aro constructed of thr-o-incli lumlx-r aelivrorl MW'higuo iiluo, au.l era LcM topuUicr villi Improved Lag Looimso amnh-M tliat tLcy can lu nriwa up with a common wrmicb. Wliun coverwl witU tw-j uf vomuioti fencing (with tar boaril hvtwuL-n). they hps luado fmht-pruof. Wo ara lar! luniiufm turiTB t.r ruilr.vttt Uiiid, and pply tho name prlufii.lunauJ Eiaturul to tho coualructim, t.f thi-ha Mock tin!. that we embody In our raUi.ia.l work. All tuikfl am a,-t nn tiI.m ii.,-k...i knocked down aud crakd u't fbiiiiiient. ' ; L-giiKAr rate or rneiciiT secched. jl St fe. stave, 8ft. bottom. Capacity 32 bfela. O " " " as ' " Anti-Freezing Iron Force Pumps. , ifcMi iu Hiyaepia wm nun msrved to any ens can pat Utvm t.-f th er tnd n-.Lc thcio work .erfnUy. ECLIPSE WIND ENGINE CO. W. IL WHEKLER. Ill uiauv r. liLlJU f. Wii. Mnufictnrenof tb cihriU-d Kulijk-o Wltui EiiuHn,three-fnmhj tolortjr borae-yowfr. Yit UolJ, MediU taki-i t WorU' Pu', twli, '7S( CeuUiUiiMLj AutnUi, 'It it 'oit Atluit, U., 'tl. 'jr. ' -. :r.. STILL LEADS THE WORLD. 50,000 IN USE1 TTut'ii Ordinary ieruuno. laics ani Cooks Equal to an? Cook Lto70. SEND FOR WEVi CIRCUUR. MYEKS, 0SB0RN & CO., 80LE MANUFACTURERS, OlillVIlliANU, OHIO. Itestera Eranrh, it LIKE SlltEgr, t'llllil.O. CALL ON OUR LOCAL AGENT. PATENTS YVecontluuo to aot asSolicitors for Patents, Caveats, Trade Murks, t'opyrlKUM. eu.'.. for lite United btultn, Cunada. t iihu, F.nland, Fruiu'e, (.enmuiv, el.'. Uu iwvri bad tliirtylive e;ir riierieuee. Futeutsoiitunieu uirougn us are noiu-eu in ine set ENTlKio AMEUU'AN. This lart-'u and Kilei,uld llllu Imled weekly pa per, $3.20 iiyeur.siiou thel'nle. -ot 8eieiiee, id vet v inu if sting, and hat) an murine! elreuialion. Address MUNN & I'D., I'ulenl Soil tors, l-uh'd. of S ihsTim: AUKHli AN, .17 i'aik Jlo', KewVurk. Hand hook about I'aU'iilsfree- Try our AVrruc r 50 cent Corset the best Corset for the money la Elk Co., at the Grand. ( entrail. ' Id U r-j. v."'. '.5-;-7rl'J, r f I I The Secret of the universal success of Brown's Iron Bitters is sim ply this : It is Ae best Iron preparation ever made ; is conipoundedMt Ifioroughly scientific, chemical and medicinal principles, and docs just what is claimed for it no more and no less. By thorough and rapid assimilation with the blood, it reaches every part of the system, healing, purifying and strengthening. Com mencing at the foundation it builds up and restores lost health in no other way can lasting benefit be obtained. 79 Dearborn Ave. , Chicago, Kor. J. ' I have been a great juflerer from A very weak stomach , heartburn, and dyipepsia in its worst form. Nearly everything i ate pave me dutress, and 1 coulj eat but little. 1 havo tried everything recommended, havo taken the prescriptions of a dozen physicians, hut gut no relief until I took llrown's Iron Hitters. I feci none of the old troubles, and am a new man. I am getting much, stronger, and feel first-rale. 1 am li railroad engincr, and now make my trips regularly. 1 can not say too much in praise of your wonder ful medicine. D. C. Mack. Brown's Iron Bitters does not contain whiskey or alcohol, and will not blacken the teeth, or cause headache and constipation. It will cure dyspepsia, indi gestion, heartburn, sleep lessness, dizziness, nervous debility, weakness, &c. Use only Brown's Iron Bitters made by Brown Chemical Co., Baltimore. Crossed red lines and trade-mark on vrrappr r. PIANOS. ?100 up (Stool, ('over and Hook) Elegant Hijuaie (irand, 3 stiimrs, full Aixnilfes, every improvement, only Cr'Jl'i. Cabinet (Jrand I plight undiVi. Other Ci'aiid Holiday llnr gaill. Jubilee Organs, So") up (Stool and Hook). KxccUior, style 1.;, l-'ive neet of Iteeds, 1" .-.inps, only ST. "Oriental,'' style H:'. Ten -i t of Heed-, Uo stops, only l-". No. "bonus" set -of reeds or dummy" stops. ll rvhl on lo days trn,fri iyhi j'rrc if tinx'tllx ('((', rij. tiinl honest dealing guaranteed. Sheet Music ;V Jil'ice. I'iiino. Organ, or Music Cutaloirue free .NiKMlI-.L.SSOli:; i'iANOtO., Lux 131-V X. Y. ORGANS. ESTATE NOTICE. 17 ST A TIC of Jeremiah Callahan, j.'ate of Fox tow nsliip. ICIk county, l'a., deceased. Notice is hereby jjiven that letters testamentary have been granted to tlie undersigned upon the above estate. All persons indebted to said e.-tate are requested to make im mediate luiymelit, and those having legal claims against tlie same to pre sent them without delay in jirojier order for setlieliient lWTUK'K C. I.LAlfAN.l ITMCI). D.ICK1NSOX-, j Exr's. nl'Ji'i. PRINGIPAUUNE And all polLta In lawa, T'.F.ST line to St. Jot.p!i, ,w...WH.MH.t- jrjr. Ml, New Mexico. Arizona. MalXf full, bull lis, Gal tHim aii'l TesnB. vestun. 0 3gIOA3'0 ' "Jsil'l tiU iiuuie tin uu suiH-rUir for Albert JJJIa, tiluin apolU aud St. I'u. mi ciusf or travel. KANSAS CITY 3l i"icePru'tt uen' I Manager, Gin. Pau.Agt.,' T I DOTTPB PCDPTiai IOIAjCII I.uiciiiu,mi vaivaKU, XUt CUTTHISOUT! MAK' S 15 12 S40 WVK. Wehavestoresinl5 leading Cities, fmru which our an.-utH olituiu tlicir6uii'lltquii'kly. Our Kticlurifd ami PrinriiutJ Ottict'N Hie ut I'l'ie Scud fur our Ntiw Lutuluifuu auil Mi N. LOVELfiRTCTaV'T TUE HULL VAPOR COOK STOVE. Iu U.a b.ld kiiii liits filvti entire and i nc deir. Bf nl ftr iUutrated elrruUr ud pries liaL bMK:UI UtductiiuwnU to ftgvntsi In unocrupltxl ieiritory AJUit:.-, HULL VAPOR STOVB CO., 8ruc4 61., cur. Cliiiiiluui, CluveUuti, Ohio. For kidney and pelvic dill!cu!ti( a take Manalin. IWBm AU coaneinloni made Through VX XCXV Try It, Tickcta vlu tliiaTr )f V'anii you will Cclcbrati'd Line fu5?V Had traveling a Bale at all utlk-e 'VvwV'lIX. luxurv lasteatl tauada. yyT AllSjVxOSv comfort. , SVTnforinatlouS'Aio7v VtY about Hates ii( T'VV S Jyyr Fare. Sleeping I'sra, w epiv s fc tpf - rt vrfil 1 now iu use, f1"-istassJ t' tefttvur wlier Ti UlsssWrsTJi mjiii. I j IUttic work 3 rJj In i u ui iii e i pjW" 1 V- r'j' dflig'ttftil 1 1 couilorl $500 BEWm OVER A Mli LION Of Prof. Cuilmatts'f FKEKC'II Kiilucy Pads r ? - .! a. Vt-E 1 F.'V1- W Iiiive nircii'Iy hern nohi in thin ecimitiy uml in Franco evi ry ono of which lm.1 given iciTect siillsfmt inn nml Inn cr iicrmpd curcH every I lino " when used nt -cordlne to diieotioiis. We now say to tho afllicted and doubt ing onis that we will jay the above reward fo a tingle raise of LAME BACK Thnt the 1'iul fnlts In euro. This prent remedy will l'mllively nnd l'einmiu ntly euro I.iuit bnsro, J.nnie lini k. peinllcii, uinvel, lilaljctes I riipxy, l!ili:hl's lKrac of the Kldimvs, In rmii ;ueiiee and ICeteiitUin of the I'i ine, l'alu in lh? r.aelv. Side or l.oim, Nervous Weak ness, nnd In fuel n II disorders of the lunddcr loci I iliniiy ( ik.ihH whether contracted l y private disease or otherw Ise, LADIKS, if you are suffering from Female Weakness, I.curtnniHi'U. or nnv dis ease of the Kidneys, liiddder,or I riniuy lir luois. YOU CAN BE CURED I Without swatlowinj; nauseous medicines, by simply tvi iirliitr PROF. GUILMETTE'S French Kidney Pad, Which Cures by Absorption. As!: your dnuijl.-t tor riltiK. CirilAIKT TK'S h'l'eneh Kidney l'ad. and take no other. If he has not cut it. send sl'.hj and you will roe-ive tlie l'ad by return mail. TKHTlMi iNI.U.S 1'ItO.M TIIK I'Kori.K. JUDUK BUCHANAN, Lawyer, Toledo, O., says: 'One of rrof. (lullniette's Frcneh Kidney Pads ui ed ine iM l.uinliiiKO In three weeks lime. My ease hud been given up bv ihe best lioet'ors as Incurable, I luring nil this timet satteiid untold agony and paid out large sunis of money." UKOItaiC VKTTJCrt, J. P. Toledo, ). "I siill'eied for three years wl li Seiatlen nn4 Ki Iney I iNease, ami ollen had lo !" aboul tip. eiuu-h'i'S. I was entirely and permanently cured niter weai 'm; 1'i of. l.'uilmi tie's French Kidney Pad lour v.'eeks.' 'Sim U1C N. C. SCOTT, Sylvania, (). ' I have been n jrrc-at. Millerer for 10 year with PriL'hl's IHscnse of the Kidneys. For weeks it a Uinel was unable lo art out of bed: tool; barreN ol nie.lieine' but Utey lilvt no1 only b i.iporary reliif. I wore two ot Prof, t .ul iinetie s Midney I'ads six weeks, ami I now know I lint I am enlirely euivd." M US H1C1.LKN JKKO.M IC, Toledo, O, "For years T have been ureal part of tli..1 liuie to my bed, Willi I .lu-oi tineii and f.-inaie wc akues. 1 wore one .if tlull-nu-Ue's Kt.iu 'v Pads and was cured In ono C'olilll." U. H. i ltlCICV, i lie trover, Filldlalld, (). 'I suiivred for ars w ith l:un 1'aek and !n thn i" i tiatnt n I !y eiii' d by wear- Inu o li. I' Ml Pad' we h II. an i.l l'n !'. . llillilet le's I ,i vet- Pads.'' 'LI Mi, M. II. Druiiuist, Logansport, Inil. n see.dli'i; in an order lor Kidney rv lit. -r "I won- one of the IliM oio : d and I received more b.'in-i't I'roni it alivlbintr I .-ety used. In fact the l ' "e belter -eiiernl ut isfnetion limit l'a I K ti.ey r. uiedy we :-ver sold.'' HAY ec SliOlC.MAK Kit, Drugtiists, Hannibal, Mo. "We nr." working up a lively trade iu your Pads, ami are hearing of good results ii'on.. them every day." ROBBED. Tliniisiinils nf fjmvos err? finmially rid il n t I dt't lit'ir vietiins, livi's (iroloneii liupiiiiif.-s aii'l lieulth rcsttuvd by tho iiu nt' the fiivat GERHA1T INVIGORATOH, wii ifli ptisltivi'ly uml prt'tiiiiiii'iHlyiiiriM I iiiii)telicy lcaueil ly oxt'csncs of tiny kiiul), St'i'niti:il wiuk'niMs, niiti ull (Jis cties thnt fullows iih a Ki'iiuciii-e of St'lf-Ahiiso, uu Iiwh nf fiitroy, Ihm of memory, univt'i'i4ul lasitiuit', puin iu tlio liuck, liiiiiuivH of vision, iii'i'tiiiitiiio old aef, nntl many other itisfiisfrt that lead to inutility or coiimiiii 1 1 it ion and :i infiiialure rravu Send for i-ireiilars with testimonials free by mail. The I X V It iOHATOK is sold at 1 per liox, or six boxes ; r $" by all dru'rojts, or will be sent or by mail, -yuri'Iy sealed, on receipt of priee bv iidiliei'siiio; y. .1. CHKXKV, nrmr-it-t, 1.-7 Sumniil St., TOI.L1X), (JIJIO. Hole Ai;elit for the United Slntew. The most M'onu'lei fill curotivo r.ou eilies of tlie present day, are those that eonio from I ieiniany, or at least origi nate tliere. The most reeent picpura titdi plated upon the market ill Uiis eoimtrv, is tlie tiHKAT liKllMAN IXVKiOUATOll, wliieh lias never been known to fail in curing a hinule eae of inipoteney, sieriniito;",hii'a, weukniiif and all ilneases resntin from self-abuse, as nerveous debility, nn bility, mental anxiety, languor, assilude, tlepress ion of spirits and unelioiiiil ileraneiiientsof tlie nervous ysteni. For sale by dniitgists, orsent iee by mail on receipt of tlie paict) L'lO HoleAent for tli e I'nited States end for circular. For sale by C'has. McVeiin, St. Marys, l'a. lltiy the Celebrated YALE & JUBILEE ORGANS: mm TbO Best, Most Oelobratorl, Purest Tone, JIosS liurablo. Most Siinpla, MoHt PertKt OttdAM lu tlio world. Send for circular. NEW HAVEN ORGAN CO., New Haven, Conns' Prof. Guiliette's French LIVER PAD. Will positively cure Fever uml Ague, Dumb Aue, Ague Cake, liiloiiH Fever, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, and ull diseusea of tlie Liver, btoniucu and Blood. Price V. 50 by mail. Kend for .Prof. Uuiltnette's Tnatise on the Kid- . neys aud Liver free by mail. Address I RENCH PAD CO., . Toledo, Obio. i. For fn!ai by Cha. McVeuu, hti "Marys, Pal.