NEWS OF THE WEEK. Eastern and Middle States. la response to a reqnost of prominent Maine Republicans, Inviting blra to become ft candi date for Congressman-at-Large, Tames G. Blaine bai written a letter declining such nomi nation on account of "long-negleoted private affair. " A tnu. for tbe counterfeiting of bank note and coin ha been ospttiroel by detective at Philadelphia, together with a man nicknamed "Gopher Bill" and several other who are be lieved to have been conoerucl in the bueiuoea of making counterfeit money. TTmon and Confederate offloers who were en gaged at the battle of Oottysburg, Pa., mot on tbe battlefield for the purpose of establishing more accurately the positions of the various commands. Amonn tbe officers were Generals Crawford, Sickles, Eagan, Brookes and Spear. The seventy-sixth annnal session of the no formed church of An.o lea, formerly the Re formed Trotestant Dutch church, met in Bcutoectady. N. Y., about 123 delegates being In attendance. At a meeting of employing ironworkers of the country, hold in Pittsburg, a new organiz ation was formod, its object being to govern tbe question of wages, etc. A woman was arrested in New York (he other day for causing the death by atarvatlon of a little child that had been left in her charge, Tbb recent ruling of tin United States su preme court which takes the duty of fifty per cent, off the higher grados of wool hose, has caused a regular panic among the manufac turers of those artic'os at Philadelphia, for it is possible for buyers to got thoir goods from Europe at a rate considerably below what they oan be bought for in this country. Tbi Italians of New York and ether American cities bava bsld commemorative exercises in honor of the late General Garibaldi. Two cases of yellow lever were discovered co a brig which arrived the other day at Phila delphia.' AV0M9 the panangen on the steamship Pennsylvania which sailed from Philadelphia for Liverpool was tbe Hillsdale crew of Michi gan, the champion four-oared crew of Anisrica, Tbe four men have gone to Engiaod to tan-i part as the representatives of lha Natiocat As sociation of Amateur Oaremeo in tbe dirTersuc regattas held in the summer in that country. South and West. A TmnTEEM-run-OLD girl was assaulted by three colored men at Btitloi-villo, Ark. The three men wore caught, ideniifie I by the girl, taken from tho officers by a' crowd of men and hanged to a tree. Several persons wore killed and the cotton, wheat and corn crops wero complotely ruined by a hailstorm in Northampton county, N. 0. The thirteenth annual convention of the In ternational Typographical Uuiou was held at St, Louis, doletatos from all parts of tho Uni ted States and Canada being present. Seven hundred dolegatos wore present at the thirty-third annual conven'ion of the American Medical association, held this year in St. Paul, Minn, The steamer Evansville, running from Evans ville, Ohio, to Bowling Green, burst hor boilers near Calhoun, fatally injuring her mate, Owen Gil more, and a fireman, and slightly scalding some nine or ten others. JonN Jackson and wife, living near Harris Station, on tho Miesonri, Kansas and Te-xaa railroad, went to ohnrch, leaving their four children, the eldest fourteen and the youngest two years old, locked In the house. The house caught fire, and when the parents returned they fonnd the remains of their children lying in the ruins of thoir home. The Ohio Greenbaclters nt their State con vention in Colunibi.s adopts 1 ro'olutions op posing monopolies, and nominated tho follow ing ticket : Secretary of state, George L. Holler ; supreme Judge, L. G. Tuttle ; member of the board of public works, L. B. Stevens. A duel was fought at the tlavtfjhtcr houso in New Oi leans between M ijor K. A. Burke, of the Tnws-Driiwa'i and C. II. Parker, editor of the Picayune. Five pistol shots were cx changed. At the fifth shot Burke was wounded through both legs, though no bones wore Irokcn. His wounds wero nit conMered dangerous. Major Burke, who is State treas urer of Louisiana, was the challenger, feeling aggiievejat certain editorial articles which had appeared in the Picayune. TbeO Io Republicans in State convention a Columbus nominated a full lickct as follow-): Be:retaty of state, Chirles Town-tend, ro nominated; justice of the supremo court, Judge John 11. Doylo, ot Toledo; mninber ol tbe board of public works, C. A.FIi, o D fa ice. Tho resolution rorjogiiizo, in tlit-untimely death of General Gartield, a grca' national calamity; contain an expression of confidence in the administration of tho Presi dent ; indorse the a lministration of Governor Foster ; condemn tho outrages upon the Jew- in Europe ; affirm tiie principle of protection ; demand that ' by soecillc taxatiou the tratlic in intoxicating liquors shall bo made to bear it share of the public burdens," and demand tbe enforcement of the laws. A explosion ot'powder in a railroad tunnel at San Antonio, Texas, killed three men and wounded five. Six mounted men robbed the Brookfield bank, of Linneus, Mo., of f G.OOO. Tbe Republicans wero successful this year in tbe Oregon election, eloctiug their 8tats ticket and Congressmen. Twkstt frame dwellings filled with families, near Cincinntti, were destroyed by fire a few days ago, and one child was burned to death. Cbables J., receiving teller cf the Bank of California, committed suicide in San Fraucisco. Tbe act is attributed to losses in stocks. A oano cf four couutei fcitcrs have ocen caught in Chicago. A coMBi nation has been formed in Chicago having for its object a "corner" in wheat. J. Tavlob and J. A. Telei-son, partners in a mine noir San Bernaudino, Cal., had a f tar rel about tho method of conducting operations in the mine. Taylor fired three shots at Poter- sou. Ho I ben fired at a bystander, and de liberately thot hi Lstlf in the breast. Peter sou died in a few iniuules aud Taylor was mor tally wounded. j'uE Alabama Democrats bf-ld their plate convention in 'Montgomery and nominated Grw ral E. A. O'Neil for Congress. He plat form adopted tit mantis a strict cous mn ol the Ftdcial Cou-tiiuiion, denounces th-j ten dency to centralization of authority in the hands of the Fedoiul government, aud declares in favor of pub iu education and tho free ex ercise of the elective franchise. Pabticulajis of the Brookfield bank robbery in Miesonri are as follows : At about 8:50 o'clock in the afternoon, just as the Bank of Brookfield, on tbe Hannibal and St. Joseph railway, was closing lor the day, six men lode into the town, and, demounting, entered tho bank, and coveilng the clerk with their re volver ihey went through the safe and money drawer, securing about 13,000 in cash. 1 hi y then backed out, still covering the frightened bank people with their weapons, and, remount ing, departed in tbe way they came, firing their revolvers and shouting like demons. Tbe men were all masked, and the bank people think that Frank Jam wo the leader it the At tbe Iowa Greenbick State eonventlon In De Moines, General Weaver was sleeted chair man. The committee on resolutions reported in oposillon to the national banks and in favor of the general government Issuing legal tender notes ; in opposition to refunding the interest bearing dobt of the country and in favor of the unlimited coinage of gold mid silver. Abmistead Gray (colored) was hanged at Towhatan Court nouse, Va,, for murdering hi twelve-year-old son. The boy had been sent to a store for some molasses, a part of which he ate. This enraged the fathor o that he se verely whipped the boy, and on the following morning, becoming further angered at the lad, the man struck him with an ax-helve, orushing in the skull. Jn an attempt by a deputy sheriff to arrest a ircus proprietor for exhibiting at Pouthwest City, Mo., without a license, a performer named McBride was shot thrco times and killed and a msn named Seaborn was shot badly in the breast. The assistant deputy was shot in the knee. All tho cirtus men were arrested. Tnu robber of the Brookfield bank, four in number, took refuge in a hut in the woods about thlrteon miles northwest of Eirksvillo, Mo., but finding resistance useless, surren dered. John TniBBETT, a boy of only fifteen year of age, had his mind perverted by reading vicious i'eratnre to such an extent that he murdered two men near Perham, Minn., and after rob bing bis victims the youthful wretch started for the plains to become a desperado. He was captured and confessed his crime. A crowd of men prooeedod to tho. jail la which the boy was imprisoned, took him out and hang him to a telograph pole. Casper Sevboict, a Chicago baker, aftet working all night was met at the d or of his borne by his wife dressed in a white robe trimmed with lace and ribbons. She seemed scarcely ablo to stand, and seizing him by the hand, said, with feverish excitement : "Come in, Camper; come in, and see our little children. They are all dead I all our (our little children are dead I Gone to Hoaven, Cnsner I Seoi bow pretty they are. Every one has nice (loners for tho sugels." He hurried to the bedroom and there laid out, as for burial, were the four children, Matilda, twelve years old; Anton, seven years old: Annie, ttroveareold, and the baby, Agnes, leas than fonrmonthsold. They were dre-sol in white trimmel with blue rib bons, their hair nlcoly smoothed back from their forehead and tiod with blue ribbon and in their hands bouquets of fresh flowers. Ail wore dead except Matilda and she was breath ing her last. Suddenly Mrs. SeyboMt foil into convulsions, and slut died soon after. Be fore death she said that alio had poisoned her children and herself by giving them strychnine. She had induced tho uMost girl to consent to death, and a number of nulos whiten by the child were found. The woman was evidently insane. David Bavsman, of Ohio, went to Lawro:, Kansas, to meet a brother. Not Hading aim he indulged too freely in liquor, and osit was found dead in the Kan-a; river with tin bet-. crushed in. Four negroes one of thsm a girl of sixteen were suspected and arrested. Tb girl confessed that she bad planned and tbi men had committed the mcrder. All tjii were lodged in Jail; but tbs three men ware taken ont by a crowd of men and banged to a bridge. Dispatches from Southeastern Iowa, West ern Missouri and Central Illinois report tvids epread and very heart rain storms, in pltjs assuming the form of waterspouts and doiug much damage to property, such as the washing away of bridges, railroad tracks, e'.c From Washington. CnrEF Justice Ca.hteb and Judge) James and Uagnor, constituting the oourt in banc, have rendered thoir decision npoa the last mo ion filed by Mr. llecd in Guiteau's behalf. The chief Justice delivered the decision, which was as follows: In tho case of Guiteau the Judges win listened to argument in that case have come to tho con clusion that they have exhausted their powers upon it; that they have heard it patiently, fully and fairly, aud that a reargumc-nt would bring them to no other conclusion than that which they have already arrived at, and they to reopen the case for argument. The Houso committo on commerce decided to recommend the passage of Mr. Xowns'-nd'a bill to 1 1 ablinh a board of conimis-iouois of interstate commerce as a bureau of the in terior department. Jonas Wvlib, of tho Washington criminal court, denied tho motion of Mr. Iteed, counsel for Guiteau, to amend the record in the aissassiu'g case. Guit-au received with outward composure tho announcement of the failure of this effort of his counsel to secure a rehearing of bis case. He pr.iceedod to de nounce tho court in bano ns cowards and cranks, and said that Ood had loveehd to him that ho was to be taken care of. God, he said, worked through human agencies, and resi dent Arthur was to be tho agent to save him if necessary. The President sent to the Senato tbe follow ing list of nominations for the tari!)' conimie sien : William A. Wheeler, of New Yoik (chair man); John L. Haves, of Massachusetts ; Henry W. Oliver, Jr., of PeniHyl.ania ; Aus tin M. Garland, of Illinois; Jacob A. Ambler, of Ohio; John S. Phelps, of MisnO'tri ; liobert P. Porter, of the DMriev. of Coiumbit; John W. II. lU'ierwool, of Georgia;'aa P. Keuuer, of Louisiana, Lx-GoYEiiNGii Puem'S, of Misto'. , declined to serve on tho tariff commission. The com mission was not satisfactory to moat of tho Democrats in "the Soi.ate, and they held a caucus to discuss its composition, but no acii-u was agreed upon. Liiu tenant Danenuoweb ha rocelved in formation by mail, from Irkoutak, to the effect that letters from Engineer Melville, giving particulars of the finding of the bodoa of Lieu tenant De Long and his men, have reached thero by courier from the Leua Delta. In a momorandnm found on Lieutenant Do Long's body, and bearing date October 13, it 1b said that fo'.r of tho party are dead and Mr. Collins is dying. Tbe census bureau ha issued a bnllotin showing that the live stock of the United States on farms on Jnne 1, 1880, was aa follows: Uorscs, 10.357.0S1; mules and asses, 1,813 933; working oxen, 093,970; milch cows, 12,413,693; other cattle, 22,18,503; shsep, 35,191X50; aud swine, 47,683,951. The rate of increase from 1870 to 1880 was in horse forty-five per cent., mules and asses sixty-one per cent-, working oxen a decreise of tweuty-five per cent., milch cows increase of thirty-nine per oent., other cattle sixty-six per cent, sheep twenty-four per cent, and swine ninety per cent. Tn President has received a letter from ex-Vice-President William A. Wheeler, declin ing to eerve a a member of tho tariff com mission. In his letter Mr. Wheeler sllmlea to the magnitude of the work to come bofore the commission, the limited time at Ibeir disposal! and say that in the present condition of hi health he feels that he could not give the sub ject the lime and consideration its importance demands. Gl iTEr finally consented to see a clergyman on the 10th, and he was attended by Urn llev. Dr. Hicks, of Hie Tabernacle church, of Wash ington. The interview lasted an hour, and the piitoner was much aflscteel and earnestly Joined io i he prayers offered by the minister to bis be kU . -r. , rofTArria-OimAti Hews his asksd the Home appropriation comnlHtse for aaother daflciency or t3.000.000 nut reportsd by his predecessor, Mr. James. This will probably make the deficiency for this year about f 3,000,. 000. The poitniaster-geueral, in a letter to the poitofflce committee, says that I be transporta tion of merchandise In tbe mails ought to bo dispensed with or restricted, as it is carried on at heavy iois. foreign News. Monuments in Garibaldi' honor aro to be reeled in many European cities. A Calcutta (India) dlspntoh say that a tribe in the central provlnoes made war upon another tribe, captured its chief town and murderod over 400 people in oold blood. Foub hundred ctudonts attacked and wrecked the offices of two clerical newspaper in Rome becauso one of them had speken disrespectful ly or Garibaldi. A disTatch from Capvera announces that the family of General Garibaldi havo decided to abandon the cremation of his body, owing to the practisul difficulties in the way of its ac complishment. Tho remains have been Interred provisionally at Caprera. In the debato on the rapremlon hill iu the British house of commons Mr. Dillon defended the system of boycotting. Tax Duke of Manchester Is at the head of a land association having for its object the acqtil. sill n or land in British America, The asso ciation has a capitil of f 15,000,0if), aud 5,003,. 000 acres of land have already been purchased. A general payment of rents and the pros pects of excellent harvests are reported from Ireland. Intelligence from South America is to tho effect that Ecuador is in tho throes of revolu tion ; Peru In anarchy and disorder ; Bolivia, at a safe distance 1 e i the coast, preserving the show of a military force, and Chili smitten by epidemic in various parta.and cursed by brig andage. Smallpox has committed great ravages in the country, aud iu some depart ments is epidemic The funeral of Garibaldi, In the cometery at Ciprera, was attended by an Immense and dis tinguished concourse of spectators. The fu neral ceremonies began at 3:45 o'clook and closed at 5 o'clock. A storm of wind and rain raged tho whole time. The coffin, covorod with garlands and flowers, was borne by some ot tho survivors of tho Thousand ot Marsala, and was followed by the Duks of Genoa, Signor Zanardelli, General Ferrcro, tho representatives of both chambers aud delegates of three hundred various asso ciations. Speeches wcra delivered at the grave by the vlco-prc-udent of tho uentate, the presi dent of tho chamber of deputies, the two oabi net ministers present, and Siguor CrUpi. As tho coffin was lowered into the grave salutes were fired by tho Italian mon-of-war Washing ton and Cariddi . Advices from Capo Kay, Newfoundland, stats that the cattle and sheop are dyin r for the want of food. Tho soal and co 1 fishing have been a failure, and thero is destitution among fishermen Walter M. Pouree, a Galway landlord, re siding at Iiahasaue, Ireland, was shot dead while returning from Gor'. His esoort, a soldier, was also klllod. Mr. Bonrke was riding iu frout of his dragoon escort when a volley ffwn. rifles was fired at them from behind a wall, aud both full doad. Mr. Bourko was a magistrate and possessed two eatitvs in Ire land. Ho hid had several disputes w ith his tenants, and had recently left Londoa to carry out evictions. A farmer named Br; wn, livivg soar Ballina Ireland, has boen shot in the legs and serious ly wonnded. Similar wounds have boen iu tlictcd upon a farmer named East, of counts Roscommon. A farmer named Hickey wttb also shot in the legs, near Castle Island. Mr. Bovrke, tho Irish landlord who was as sassinated at Ardnihan, recently informed the authorities that ho knew ho would be shot. When tho news reached London Mr. Bourko'. brother went into tiro lobby of tho house ol commons and accused Mr. Parnell and Mr. Biggnr of being ihe cause of it. A reward ol 2.000 was off-jred for the aricst and conviction of the murderer;. SEr.rors riots broke out between the hostile natives and Europeans in Alexandiia, Egypt, during which many persons were lulled and wounded and a number of houses destroyed. T!k- police at first remained inactive. Itio'.ous demonstrations also took place lefore ilia Fiench consulate, to which several of those mortally wounded at the out break of tb j riots wero conveyed. The dis turbances continued tome time before the authorities took any steps to suppress them flie English consul was dragged from his car riart and severely hurt. An engineer of the British man-of-war Superb was killed. Tno disturbances continued five hours, when a body ot rai.itnrv appeared and dispersed the rioters. The Greek consul and the Italian vice-consul were severely wounded. The British man- if-war Superb arrived in port during the night and landed 20t) men to protect the Briiish v'cr-S'VJ'o. Beats were cent to take on board ill British subjects who desired to leave Alex Aiiana. It it estimated that twenty persons weir kii'ed iu the riots. The rioting com mc-nced on a street near the Great square. Tlis immediate cause was the stabbmn of an Arab by a Maltese. A mob of natives collected, cleared the street with sticks and made their way the Great square, where tbey demolished the music pavilions and the furniture in Ihe adjoining cafes. Europeans precipitately left the Brpiaro and took refuge for some time at the Fiench consulate Soldiers were cal led out ,but they looked on without interfeiing during the work of demolition aud bloodshed, the lino ilcs Soem -i, inhabited chiefly by Euro pe ans, was comp'etely wrecked. The Euro peans lirc-d from the wiudows, MI'.iug many Arabs. The latter mado terrible havoc among Europeaes iu the streets. A r:i.i has been introduced in tho Spanish ccrtes for the abolition of slavery iu Cuba. Mr. 8tMiiCN9, nu English aeronaut, has suc ceeded iu cresting the English chaunel Io France in a balloon, A companion fell out and broke his kg. A gkkai demonstration in memory of Gen eral Garibaldi took place at Borne, His bust was carried in procession and placed in tliii senate clumber. Tbi Irish bishops have issued an important address to their flocks, promising tbe support ol tbe clergy to the people in peacefully sgitatiug for their rights, but condemning aa the worst enemies to the country men who recommend Illegal courses, particularly those who belong to secret societies. Tbe bishops condemn the ecsnt horrible murders, but believe that they rare due to evictions, which it is tbe duty of lb government to slop at any cost. I August and tbe ancient city of Ka : ranovatz, in Servia, will witness a aina I Jar ceremony in the crowning of King i Milt n I. of Barvia. In tbe monastery I of Siezi in that oity seven Servian kings of tbe Nemanioh dynasty Lave been crowned, a new opening having been made at eaoh ooronation through the outer wall, whence, as it was broken away, iesned the newly crowned mon arch, sword in hand, and on bis head the "diadem of Dasban." Biezi has long been called "tbe Cloister of tbe Seven Doors," and now an eighth opening is to be made in tbe old wall for tbe first sovereign ot tho Obrenovich dynast, FOBTY-SEYESTII COXSBESS. J toaatsk The army anrnnrtin hill was passed with jie clause fixing the see for the compulsory re- .1 . P n .D. . . A -l,.n,nl ureiueiii oi uiucers at aiXiy-io"- mwo, was made to except General Sherman from the prervixiona of the cknse and to Include General Sheridan. The rotult was that neither was ex cepted. Goneral Fherman, therefore, ha only two years more or command. Blue wers tweed approprlsMng 1100,000 for public buildinir i t vnclibnrK. Vs.: J73.000 1 r a postofrlce and custom house at Camden, N. J., and HO.000 for a court-house and post, office at Clarksburg. W. Va. It was stated by s Senator that tbe total cost of the buil-liugt anlhorired by the preeht Congress when com pleted wou d' be (3,400,000, and the expendi ture on this sccnunt fcr the current vcar amounted to 2.175,000.... The House decisis tory resolution regarding th death of Qsri- oaiui was agrees, to. House. Fedlowing were anions the bills introduced; By Mr. Diugloy, to provide fot tie isuo of gold certificates; by Mr llobertson, relinquishing the cotton tax oolleoted in the Mixsissippi Val ley States, and appropriating the samo for the permanent improvement of the MBaisaippi river; by Mr. Curtin, relative to the civil service of the United States. It provides that hereafter appointment to the severa' departments of the government shall be spportiomd among the various concessional tltftriots, tae representa tives to make their selections is the manner now followed in appointments t the military and naval academics. Mr. Kiseon, to rotor contested eleotion caos to tho court of claims for a judicial ascertainment of the fa at issue, The river and harbor bill was reported back ,,A report was mode from the Judiciary committee upon tho land grants made to the Nortnern 1'acinc ranrnaei company.... A reso lution of respect for the memory of Garibaldi was adopted. A hill was passed arr-ropriating t7!.00,T for tin erection of a public building at Serantrn. Pa, ....Mr. Sparks, of lihuois. a?o.og:zd to Mr. l ox, of New York, for remarks made ou the Crevious day in a eoloquy cn the ill. Ihe apology we accepted. FACTS AX) COMMENTS. Tea that is grovn in India is becom ing very popnltr, but it is greatly adulterated by unprincipled dealers. A company lias bern formed in India wuicL proposes t ptit 21,UUU acro9 of land in this cultivation, at the rate of 7,000 aores a year for tho next three vears. The vast property is to be divided into gardens of 300 acres each. A Hoosier youth named Oosley or Gosling, picbably the latter, saw a girl at church, courted ber two hours, and at the end of thre was married to her. The Detroit Free Press thinks a mau who does up all his courting in two hours and then marries misses lots of fun. It's like itufiiDg himself with peaches and creau in live minntes and then having dyspepsia tho roit cf the year. , . The city of Tixarkuna is a jjhenomo cal city. It liis in the two States of Te-xas and Arkntuas; hence its uame. The Btaio line runs through the center of itsclr'ef street, and on each side is a popiltition of 3,000 It is considered the fatway of the South west. It is only sight years old, bnt has nil tho nir. of a oAy of twenty-live year?. Four railroad Ines center there It has an lialian-lfce climate, tramps are not tolerntf d, fie Sunday luw is eu forcod, moni'y it plenty and th? people are prosperous.! Tl3 delightful climate of California bus its disadvinnpes, and among these one of the most serious is the stroi and chilling winls that blow from the ocean at some voints along the coast. What makes th particularly important iu the fact that .he soil is often culti vated to the ve'iy verge of the beach, where vegetal i j), piain and fruit that would otherivisi flourish luxuriantly, feel the winds kfenly. It is nenv pro posed to remeife this evil by plau ids' dense rows of hardy treit s ulon tho coast to form a ban-it r agiiiiiat the wiuds. That wm'.d also tervo the use ful end of he! pug to lis the thiftin? Hand, It isuiiri than liktlv that in course cf time tho coast of California will present thenovel f pectacle of un broken woodlanl extendi!"?; along the vriry odgo of thooseaa for huiiraJs of miles. He was a wil.lWestern cowboy, who was offai ed a caf that didn't belung to anybody in partcnlar, if he would ride a w:ll bull wiilout Eatiule and bridle, He jumped fion his horse, looked to his spurs and ,eiped upon tho bull Mi his face ts tho animal's tail, set ling his Ffurs deep into the fUnks of tho infnriated bi nst. Tho bull flung bis head to the ground, but the lidi r beld on to the tail and kept bis seat With another roar the bull rushed off and out upon tho prairio, The rrca continued for a mile and n half, the tvholo crowd following on taoir horses The bnll plunsred now and then iuto tbejsage brush with tho idea of ridding himself of his burden, but it wus of no use, and the fcharp rowels kept prick- mer htm on. At last, exhausted witu fright and fntip;ue,he fell to the grouud, and the cowboy.stepping off.came bask, like the prodigal ion, lor bis well earned calf. A most dUtres3ing death occurred during a recent cyclone at Montieello, Miss, Mrs. Carroll, htating tho storm ipproachiiif, rushed with ber balie in her arms, to her huF.hand, who threw lus arm around ber neck. At the same inHtant the wind blew the houso down upon them, and crushed them to tho floor, the mother with the infant in her arms, the husband with his arm arouua his wife's neck, and thero he choked her to do tth. The falling timbers did not seem to hurt her, but locked the doctor's arm so closely abont her neck that he couM not move it. He was con scious that he was killing htr, but all his efforts to throw off the timbers were futile. Assistance came in two hours too hire I Tho spirit of the wife had tied, and tbe husband felt that In measure he was the cause of ber death. The idea made him neurly Irantic for several days. The babe was also killed, In order to do suitable honor to the French minister of agriculture, who happened to be pacing through Avig non, and to exhibit himself in an agree able light to that august functionary, the prefect of Avienon recently de termined to go to the expense of an official dinner. Invitations wero sent to the select few, and everything pointed to a happy display ot magisterial bos pitality. But some wag whose claims perhaps bad been ignored, securing one of the cards of invitation- nan dupli cates strnck off, and seit them to a host of small officials who, Battered by this nnexpeoted attention, - nockea unani mously to tbe prefect's bouse at the appointed boor. To entertain them was impossible, and to get rid of them was a probl m. At lait they all with drew in a dudgeon, lewving the prefect in angry embarrassment. Meanwhile the joker rejoices iq secret, for all efforts to discover him have failed. SC1KSTIFICSCHAPS, Birds rise from the ground most easily facing the wind. An observatory has Inst been com. pleted on Mount Etna 0671 feet abovo the sea level. Perfumes exert a healthful influence on the atmosphere, converting its oxy gen into ozone. Northern corn contains most oil and starch, and Southern oorn most mineral and albuminous mattor. In Franoe there are 256 establish ments engaged in making sugar from mangel-wurzel, and eigbty-tbreo ol tbese houses employ what is known as the diffusion process, a method wbiob Is likely soon to bo in general ubo. Dr. Miguel Faragas ascribes tho aroma of roasted coffee to a peculiar substance called cafeone, which is de veloped during the prooess of roasting. Its action on the heart is opposed to caffeine, as it increases the force and frequency of its pulsations. Professor Kalisohcr, who Las been making an extensive sorics of researches on the structuro of tho metalo, oon olndes that most of the metals are nat ural 1- crystalline, and that when tho crystalline structure has been lost by mechanical treatment it can in most cases be restored by the action of beat. Whether American salt meat oan con vey triohinas was a question lately dis cussed in a paper by M. Colin and read before the l rencn Asadomy of Sciences. Tbe conclusion arrived at was that the meat in question, as now imported into Hiurope, migui in very rare eases trans mit trichinosis when the animal wbi but recently killed, the pieces of meat large and the process of curing imper fectly conducted. From Br oca's tables, including a large number of cranial measurements, the average weight of the brain is found to be about forty-seven ounces in men and forty ounces in woman. The great est weight is attained between the ages oi thirty and tmrty-nvo amouor men. and a little earlier among women. After the age of fifty-five the weight rapidly diminishes, and at the age of eighty the average decrease has amounted three and one-half ounc&s, although tbe loss sometimes amounts to as much aa nine ounces. Broca considered form to be of moro importance than weight in estimating the comparative, intellectu al capacity of individuals. A Telllnsr Law. Mr. Charles Law, Jr., in conversation with one of our representatives, reeicntly raid: " I have been a sufferer from rheiima turn end neuralgia for the paat ten yenr, anl tried all kirn's of remedies. Raving heard bo much about St. Jacobs Oil, I tried a bottle, nnd found it truly wonderful. PotUtown (Pa.) Loek'gr. " Get through your breakfast quick, jonny. You will be late at school," said an Austin mother to her hopefal. " I'm not going to school until I get a dime." " I won't Rive you any dime." Well, then I'il jnst keep on eating. I will see for once if I can't cure you of your obstinncy," replied the hopefuli taking a fresh butter-cake. Mr. Ivl Trickclt, the celebrated oars man, Kwgton, Uaiiaua, say: "1 bave found 1 1. Jicoli Oil a sure and certain cure lor rheum: turn, etc. ' rew xork Clipper. According to la'est statistics, Russian manufacturing industries have doubled in twenty years. Puns cod-liver oij4 from selected livers, on th ) Keashoro, by Can oil. Hazard & Co., N. Y. Ab-olulely pure and sAeet. Patients who have emco taken it prefer it to all others. Pnysicians declare it enpi rior to all other oils. Chafi'ED lUNiis, lace, pioiploa aud rough shin cured by uing Juuipi-r i'ar Soap, made by Cas well, HuZard k Co., New York. The Science of Life, or Seif-Preeervatlon. a medical work for every man young, middle aged or old. 125 invaluable prescriptions. IIF.NICY'S CAKKOL1C HALVE I the HEST SALVE for Cuts, Uintsoa, Soroa. Uloert, S;ilt llbeum, Tc-tter, Cha)i)cl Hands, Chllblaina, Corns nnd all klmls of Skin Eruptions, Freckles aud l'iinpU. Get 1IENKV8 C.MUiOLIO SALVE, as all others are counterfeits. Price 25 cents. DR. GREEN'S OXYUEXATEI) niTTEItS 1h tho bct Itcnietly for D: s:oiJSia, liiliouMnras, Ma laria, Indigestion aud Diseases of tho Blood, Kid aeis, Live-r, bkln. etc. DENTON'S BALSAM cures CotiKha, Colds, Rheu matism, Kidney Troubles, etc Con bo used exte-r-unlly as a plaster. Ubo RED HOUSE FOWDER for Hones and Cattle. CenlD will liuy a Trciiiixe upon Ihe Hone and his Diseases. Book of 100 panes. Valuable to every owner of horses. Postage stami-s taki-n. Sent ixMli'.-iiil by NEW VOUK SLWarAi'tlt UMu.N. 1 50 Worth Kirect. New Yor.'i. A l.l.KN'S lll-ntii t-'iMMl-euii a Nervous Duoility It Vt-iiluieBH ol Ge-uirativa Olvaus, HMftll ilnik'l'Uts, fceudlorCU-ouliir. Allou'ti'h&ruucy.UlUlfint av..N.lf. TUli MAUKtl'S. 3 kew vonit. Beef Cattle Prime, live weight Calves Com'n to Choico VcaLi. BUcep - Lambs lioga Live T)rA4Arfl. citv 12 6 ( 7 dtt 13 8 G ' s 11 rinn 1 Ktntn erood to fancv 5 45 (lit 150 Wostrrn, good to choico 5 75 Wheat-No. 2 hvd No. 1 White I 3D nvc State W barley Two-rowed State 1 10 Cora UngvadedWosteraMixed 72 Yellow Southern U'-l Oats White State VA Mixed Weetern 3 Hay l'rime Timothy .75 Straw No. 1, live 70 Hops State, 18S1, choice 18 Pork Mess, new, lor export. ..18 i!5 Lard City Steatn H 45 lielined U !5 C4 f-75 (Si -4'J (i9 141 ((, ss 1 08 (Li M 112 67 C2 83 75 hi 23 6(18 40 fell 43 Ml 75 Petroleum Crude V.ellnod Batter Btate Creamery, hue.. Dairy Western Iiu. Creamery Factory Cheese State Factory SUiuis m Western V.crm State and Penn 7 7-.C4 .1 17 22 17 11 5 10', 2(i l'i 17 10 6 2 & 7 era It Potatoes Early Kose.state.bbl 8 li a 3 87 Burr ALU. Steers Oood to choice 7 60 Lambs W. stern 1 00 Sheep Wo torn 0 25 Hoga, Good to Choice Yorkers.. 7 75 Flour C'y Ground N. Poi li. 0 U0 Wheat No.l. Hard DulutU.... 1 68 Corn No, 2 Mixed 79 Oats No. 2 Mix. West 67 Barley Two-rowed State..... 90 o 812 C4 7 50 (4 6 75 (2) 8 15 9 50 (& 1 8 & 79 a 67 00 Bos rote. Beef Extra plate and family. .16 60 18 00 iiogs-Live ayt Ho's city ureasea UVB Pork Extra Prime pel bbl.,.,17 0U 4sl8 00 Flour Spring Wheat Patents. , BOO Com Hun Mixed S9 OaU Extra White 63 Hye State 98 Wool Washed Comb & Delaine 46 Qi 9 73 (j 90 i 69 100 ('J 43 Unwashed " as WATKUTOWJi (MASS.) CATTLS UABKET, 80 Beef Kxtra quality tt 76 & 9 75 Sheep live weight 6 6 Lambs 6 & 8 Hogs, Northern, d. w tQ 10 rnlLADELPUIA. Flour Penn. Ex. Family, good 6 00 0 6 28 Wheat No. 2 Ued 1 41 & i it live State Corn btate Yellow Oats Mixed 'Butter Creamery Extra Pa.. .. ! Cheese New York Full Cream. 97 a U7 t'J S5 13 7 J as HJif4 6 (19 'Patrol sum Crude. i . . H-Hn.wt NVnlnv Vnnv T.lrk" 1 Is good phl'oeopby, bnt to do so you mnst have health. It blliotii and constipated, or blood la ont of order, use Dr. Pierce's " Pleasant Purga tive Pellets," whirl! are mild, yet certain in their operation, tjr an druggists. Trf. work of the United States flsh commis sion fits season will include the distribution of about 80,000,000 shad in different sections of tho country, beside innumerable herring. If von eioerienoe bad taste in mouth, sallow- ness or yellow color of skin, feel stupid and tlrom-y. appetite unsteady, frequent headache or dizziness, you are "billons,' and nothing will arouse your liver to action anu strongmen np your sysiom equal to Dr. Pierce's "Golden Medical l)iC"vi v." Hy druggist. It Is said that the nersecntion of the Jews has already cost the Ttursian government something in tho neighborhood of $100,- uuu,uuu. A llniinnzn nil ne Of henllh is be found in l.r. It, V. Pierce's "Favori o Proscription," to tin merits ol which lis a remedy tor femalu weakness and kindred affections thnman l toti y. It is tho fasMnn in Milan to grow fruits In doad of tlowcrs for houso plantK. Somo c le-g-int parlors are almost converted Into little orchards Wnrnir'n Xpffr Kl-'n-y nn-i l.lvrr Cure. It Is CBtimatod that 4 500,000 bin-hnls of po tntrcswero impoited to this country daring tho past year. rem Will nuy a Treatlso upon the Horse aud his Diseases. Ili-ok of 100 pttges. Valuable to every owner of horso. l'nctngn stamps taken. Sent post paid by New York Newupnpor Union, 150 Worth treet, Now York. Poultry t:iiolrn. Its CatiB", Nature. Prevent wii nnd Core. Bv A. M. Dickik, M. T , m J W. 11. Meiuiv, M I)., editor S'-ulliern J'nwtiy Journal, Louis ville, Ky. A vulualilo honk for every farniei or raiser of poultry. Price 25 cts., postpaid 'ew Koutt Nhwhpapuii Union, 148 and 15u Worth btrcet, New York. FiMT.rr Axle (Jrrnse. One greasing hints to week.-; nil others twi -r tluoo (U.V8. D.i not be imposed on by tin huuibtiK stuffs offered. Ask your dealer for Fra zer's, with label on. It saves your hore labor, end you too. It received first medal at the Ceo touuial and Paris Expo-itioua. Sold e very n here. Kiilury Dl-ennr. Tain, Irritation, lisiOiition, Incontinence. De posits, Gravel, etc., oured by " Buohupaiba.' tl. Semi for pamphlet to E. S. Wells, Jersey City, N. J. To make new hair grow use Carboline, a de odorized extract of petroleum. This natural petroleum hair renower, as recently imp oved, U the only tiling that will really produce new 'iair. It is a uoiiglitfiil dressing. Tl.e tcoblo a n emaciated, sufferm from dyspepsia an, indigestion In an. form, aro advlvl for the snleo of tan own bodily and men tul comfort, to tr a. Hosteller's Ktnnmel js Milters. Ladp s o: the most delimit iSeoliatitlltion testll in Us buruiless riki its reslorntive prou eill.s. l'hvsiclau) ever; wliere, dififiist rd with Hie adulter ate d luium-s of coin lner' e. pr. scribe it as tin snft'St ann lnnst reliable of nV stoin.iehirs. Fors.ile o uriiRRisTs auu iicaiers general ly. Its Cause, Nature. Prevention and Cure, by A. M. DICKIE, M. D., and VV. H. MERRY. M. D., Editor of Southern Poul try Journal, Louisville. Ky. A valuable book for every farm er or raiser of Poultry. Price, 25 CENTS, POSTPAID. tV POSTAGE: STAMP3 ACCEPTED. New York Newspaper Union, 148& 150 Worth St., tl. Y. IJMJUSVPCTSTSI C0NSUMPTI0M CAN BE CURED I li1 'ill FOR THE LUNGS. C'u rm ConHiiiiipiImt, f'oliU, Fncnmnntn. Tn llii4M4i, liroiH hiul DiiliciiHIeM, J.roni liiiiH, lluitrneiii'KH, Ami Croup linopiiiK Cuiifilii iiimI nil liHtiiHOM ol' I lie Hrciu fiinu OrtruiiN. Ii KoollifH mi (I lieiiln ihe Uleiiilirniio ol Ihe liinuHt inlhiiiu'41 mill iMiioticd hy I lit' tlWeiiMO unit iri?TrtilH I lie niulit vi-nl mul tiulitiiCNH iLt'i'ft I ho client which iitvoiiiiHiiiy li. roiiHUiiiniion Ih uul an liicurtible mulHily. U A MrS It A I. s A l w ill cure you, eveu tlioimh prot'cHHiouiil nlil f:ilN. r Yrn.Boa's compothtd or PUHE COD LIVEU OIL AND LIME. T I . C itxtuniMivf, ViIiioi'n Coiiipiiiii1 ok Cud-Livku Oil and, without possummg the i'T-' uaiifcuiiuii H.ivtir ot 1 lie niticlo u hirut afore wsci, in cii'lc.ti'J by tlie PhoMpliato of Limo with a lieiiliiitf j roi;t:ily which ron-U ra th oil doubly ciliea cii m, ltcnrir) !ib;o tcstiiti'iniiils of Its efficacy can be -ii'iwu. H -l by A. li. Wu.bua, CUuiuist, Bum to u, ami ull drut-'Rir-ti. UNABRIDGED. New Edition, 118,000 Words, ( 3000 more llmu an v other Ent-litli Dictionnry,) Four Pages Colored Plates, 3000 Engravings, (nearly three times the number i n any other lJict'y,) also contains a Biograph leal Dictionary piving brie f importunt Inula concerning over 9700 noted persons. Recommended by State Supt's of Education in 36 States, and by 50 College Presidents. 0. A C. MERRIAM CO., Pub'rs, Springfield, Mass. -JESSE AND Our ii.ustr.itec! IJvcof th Jaiucn lil'iltlltlH Ciller, ;cj to 600 I'uitt uitli lu illus'tniHoti, and ibLomui -to iiichutiui; tbe Ucail. iii.d iiiuial ol sIYm Vcalsoil.u:ra;i; the kuliiij. the houbc, Jesse Jamui alter death, Tit wife, uvoclulj.-cu Itoin in outlawry, the Fcrih wtu mujo tl'.e cdiiture.etk.ftlso a full-iiajr engraving of Gov. Critieiifkn. AliKMb UANTi-.n. Or. ulars free. Outfits40rU. Tms U tlte only true hisiory. Ue ware of smaller d: lions. Our fclrxaiit IJIuatrilM Voliiwc of JtitU i'&nfa. Secure only the ti nt, i.iii-u-1-.t Ul.ii tri........ ' mm JAM i D.,tO., N. 171 Wru 4'1 St., CmuimaH, a 1AE(E HENS LAY. Au LiikI.isu Veterinary Kiimenn and Chemist, now Itavelinti in t his emiuiry.sais that most ol the Uorse aud ( stile l'o ders sold here are won hiets trash. He says that Hheridau's Coudlliou Powdersarealsioillte ly tiureand immensely valmiUe. Nothintr on earth will uiske heus lay like riberidan's Condition tow ilers. l)osii,oiieteasiiuonliiltooiieiintol food. Sold evi-mvliere. or sent hy muil for 8 letter stami s. I. 8. JO U NWONt CO..Uoiou,liii.,l(iniierlvUaui.'or.Me. TDIITU is Miotrrr. Prr. Martinez, sw!pailor. s.wolofiM Md V,fiiuAop,t. vill, for 30 ecu. uta .r. It.iiTit, I). W.d teek of, MS4 . tUKHtLT fit). iLn. . y.itr luiur. nurnna M vnt, iu .Mn.. Ur.. Sad i!m W nMlinfl. .nd d.u win.s.. pajd.uluc. rMllj pr.diM.4. Mua.f i.lurnwl i ,11 .ol Miufl.d. VUirM fittf. L. II inline, to Mou'f rl.,fiwiM. Hus. ti I'll 1.(1 It A D(l MIVEHII UPEf'IXF.NH Z. Im ti. ell). Wr.te for dcsiciiptlTe circular so H. H. Tauukm Co., P. O. Bos, loi, l)euur, e-olu. V If lilt I'M tills 11A1K. -Madame IVamuold l.J.-ilKeinc li.-ri riuaueutiy r -moves riucrriuuu hair without injur Madame Vambolil, 3 I bawyer street, i:ostou. MaMt. nuu liiu ntfiii. e.eiin lur fk -iii-iiiLr. 70 A WEEK. flJsuavHt Home easily made. Costly V '- Outflt tree. Add'sTut'K At Do.. AUKUta,Maiu. CIDER PrcHBOT, O nit em, fiteam Evaporators nj all otbei sissy ;ti rim; .Vrfc' Ci&A v5r LUA l la la if iil. Est. & ii ALWAYS KEEP COOL - ""J To stlrk to' rosst sntileet aof tbi truin Is an excel lent plan, and whether It be In rttoH t Ions of iVlluanro or flshlnr, : or any tonlo what ever, civil or pol is les', always licep cool aud tell tbe there Is a cer- ) "jTtnlrt margin al if lowed for lylnir, , .. l.r.,. It tHiTnns to ! trull, rimvprpr. flshlntj,thstlsp 1 mllle-d in no otbef subject, and no ' elotibt our friends : in tho picture are Indulging in that special employ, mi nt, as well, per bnps, as In a lulls ' seiuulllle swear ing. Their boefics and tempers are hot end the air Is comlnsthcysuould lic.hiitflre not. land they pre appn rent Win tliecomlltion when it is much cnslcr to catch iliJiMietiniall-m tha t- ".jii which ens t.t t would be we .!' lor them thntthe man case well ther l.o provided with r bottle of 8t. ,11 il AU'llS em., IIIB V lirnnt fli-vinnn Rcmofly for tli I s um well S3 other pain Tul aitmcnls. iri7'.t x.-f.iTS coLont to nrn mast. "lle-llii, Deimvl what is llio trnublc?" "Qll, Tm nil broko up." wm tho response to the in quiry of on oldfcMpmuloof Willinm (i. Dennls ,mi. ono of FurniiMit'a wnr-wcirn voierntis, well known in lliof-mtlieritfectloiiof this city, who r:imn r.r.intiiT Inta tho AliH-ricsin fmco vcPterntiy. "I thought I v.uild p' under the bnteh-s this tlme,"c6n!iniicd l.'ciiuWon. "1 never suffered so much in my life. 1 hud llio rl.cuinalle gout so bad Hint I could not ge t oil" llic lied or put my f Kit to I'm floor, nnd woiiM hnvo been thcrcyet if a friend had not rerumnirndcd Sr. Jacobs Oil -o. I liesitatcd Konio tinio before getting a 'tnl;Liigitwn-ennotheroneof thoj-eadver-tisca i. iic-s. bnt wen litmlly induced to give it a trial, nnd Mrkyduy it wns for mo. Why, bless my Ktnrti niter hnthingthc limb thoroughly wilh the Oil 1 felt relief, nnd my fieith wns pinned lor. jAfonnnl his tMlnllcnhat. I freely sar thntif ilhndii tbeeil f irST. JacobsOii. 1 should, ill nH prnhnbilly, bo Mill housed. My foot pains me but lltllo.nnd tlioswclllng liiisenllrely passed dwny. It brats nnvthimi of the kind I have ever licnrd or, ntvl nny person who doubts it send them to ino nt l'JJ4 South Tenili t,..l'iuhulctphia Time N Y N U- iii Tlie Wilscnia Mesne tic CIotMne Company beg to ennounce to the public that In order to accommodate the greatly increased demandforthelr fvlacnetic Carments they have re moved their principal salesrooms ind ofTicas from 465 Fulton St., 3rocklyn, to 25 Hast 14th St., New lforU City, where all communica tlona chould be addrossed, and all checks, drafts and P. O. orders be made payable. W2LSOPJJA mmm clothing go., 23 EAST 14111 STREET, New York City. AGENlS WANTED FOR THE 'ZCTORIAL HISTORYoitdbWORLD Kriibraeiiu; lull itiul snilientlc accounts of everv na li'ili ol uucielil unit iiiudi-rij times, huiI inrliutiiiK a History of the risu mul lull of the tireeh ami li.imun uiul lles, the inf.d:e n; es, tho eili-U'les, the l.-llilul system, thn return iiMcn. Hie iliseovury nnd settlo lieiitut the New IV.n-id, eti, ete. It conlullis liji 'tiie historical f'lii'nivit.p', and is the lnnst cuMil'lete lliste.ty of the Wnrl.l em- .iihlMic.l. Semi torsiiecl uieu riie.-i and extra terms t' Aj.-nti1. Address Eation ;w. l'ei:i,i.-iiiM. fu.. l-lillad-iiihla. Pa. CEIPeJT! 5'Jfs for t'no liiroj first nnmbcrs of the new volumo of UKSinnnsT's JIoNTiu.Y. Ten large pictures bteelenraviiigsahil Oil. Tho best Portrait of tho late I'rcei t'e t James A. Garllelil. Two pieces of mutic Three cut. ilre3 p:iitcrns. Two hundred illustra tions. WTwo liui.drecl and forty pntri-s o' choice literature, size 8i, x ll.'J, or VA pounds ot eleRimt printitiff, on tinted tinner, post fn1", for fifty cents inpi.i-liiL'Ctlntnvs, V. ,)KNM.V(iH DEMOlUiijT, Publisher, IV JLiat 1-i.h buxet, Kew Yoric. UJ V.JI 'llsfisiiiv Pui''j:iliv 1111. n,;.L'f V..w IHfh Blo.'ul, itml will rem; leli'ly clmiiLro Ihe Llood iu tho tlitmt h'Hti'iii in II I'fc ninnltiH. Anv ln'rnn who will titV'-dne pill r;i;li i; if lit irom 1 1 Liwi'itkH niav bo titrt'd tit somi'i hcult . if sue i nlliiii"li nnniMt. ovt.'rvvh.-rf. nr v.j.f Uy pitii lur K letter ft amps. I . . H A- CO.. Hohton. lUaatM.. oi ni vv, i'. I eU6Vflvi0 widuwi, futberc.nioLliers i vliilcJrcn. Thcnritids Tetcotitlpfl. tHtn ih-r '"-s "t firipfr.t'if.i'j'e -r icuie Teiui r 11 ii j lIst'apt'. '1 in.u-.MKM (f pui-ii i-t-rs and : i'-i cniitu-ti t i( i;kase s,i iuii'itv I I'ATKM' nri-ciiriJ fur liivrnturai. K.iliiivra I Ian .J Wi.rii.nts prururtd. I otirlit udJ Id. fiotiiicn mil Ikim apply f.r ymir riflitu a t once. Send 4 -tumin for J'f.e Citir. ns..i,iicr." and Pcmina mid Jl"iituy Iiiwa Manl.ii find (nylrtn'tinns. W t-ii'i rcl'iTt'i tliini.t:iii.B i f It tufr nrr nnd f'lfpfita. A Mr a N. W. Kl trTM ft A CO. Tkmriok EFS"I IMlMtOVEW T &iS V? 2!.pafKauM malios . j-nll ilibv di-lu-iuUK,whol''H ui.p.Hpaikl it tie a. OL Of B kltueTftn- p.-iu ic-' hpvoraiTo. A'.i voiir (Ii ul'.mmJ, orBfiit by luaii inri5i. V. K. ll:rin, N. It la. avr.,Ibila. p-m ic-' npvi luail ir'i5i' OPIUM jmorpiiixe: A Tn'iUise on thoir I M.ofii1cure SKNT KHKK. IH J. TrfSilESKEKSSs (tea. Tlii. AULTMANiTAyLOIiCO..MiUli!l lint Ii Iht eapnt. llln urlor-lt! (tea. TUli AULTMAN &TAyLUKCO..Mausueld.U ativ locality, IU.l1.ltH lK.1 4?3wboiiipt!iiii eutirely ue-w lor iu;euts. $- onttit tr.-e. . W. liiu.-.i-1. in A- C .. Huston. Mass. :i4'.i-oilii IC :(!( I'urril In 10 1 HOtiu.v-.. ..,.v , i-arH, lilt. J. n Kfiii-x.t. Lebanon obiu. fnm"'Arii0NTH-EEl.TSW:,KTFD-BO hex ft ji 1 irl,"i"R anicl'-s in the world ; 1 nniil- f, t4. T ''W- nut.. i.o v ...T a,,-.MI.(IH ui'intll. fti Ira. YflUNR MFN H'i wm to learn TeleRraiibyin llrfc-ll a lew lliullths. and tin n.Ni.iiinf. silnatliin. adding alentiue Jims., J.mcaville. Wis. Ififi f week in your owmewn. Terras "and nntnl free. Add's 11. Ilium &Co..Porlland,Malne. ONE MILLI0 COPIES SOLD. EVERYBODY WAXTS ITt EVEEYCODY XEEDS IT J KNOW THYSELF, m i'n n w ? I f ir. it I'M 13 ! A TUE SCIENCE OF I.fFEt OR. SELF- l'UEtSKItVATlOX, Is a medical treatise on Exhausted Vitality. Kerrons and Physical Debility. Premature Decline in Man; la an indlsnensahle treatise for overr man. whetnei young, mldille aged or old. THE et'lUM'K 1F I.TFEl OR, SELF. j'nii;it v ation, Is heyond all comparison the most extraordinary work on Phtsiolnny ever iiiilillshed. Thero Is nothing whatever that the married or sincle can either re quire or wish to know hut what is fully explained. loronto Globe. TUE SCIENCE OF MFEi OS, SELF. ritEr-Kic V ATIO.M, Instrrtctsthneeln health how to remain so, and the invalid bow to becmne w ell. Contains ono hundred aud t wen ty-tive invaluable lircscriutionsforall forms of aeute aud chronic diseases, lor each of which a first-class iihtaician would charise Iron) SJ to IIU. ' Lonilon Lancet. TUE tSCIENCE OF T.TFEt OU, BELF. PKEWKItVA'llOX, Contains 800 paces, fine steel eniiraTinss, Is tmrerbl bound lu 1-reueh rnuMliu. eniliosse.l, tuil Kilt, it Is a marvel of art and beauty, warranted lubes better niedn-al book iu everv sense than can be obtained elsBwbore lor double the prioe, or the tuoney will bo refunded in every iuatauee. ntior. TUE SCIENCE OF I.IKEi OB, 8EXF. 1'UEisEltVATION, Is so much supeHor to all other treatises on medical oJwjlrMCOaita U Uolulul imuossihle TUK bCIENCF. OF 1,1 FE OK, SELF. FUESEUVATION, Ia sent by mail, securely sealed, postpaid, on receipt of price, ouly tl.2f (new ediiioul. bruall Illustrated samples, Sc. Bend now. The author can be consnlted on all tllsriasns if quiring skill and experience. Address PEABODY MEDICAL INSTITUTE, or W. U. 1'ABKElt, M. D 4 nulfiuch Street. Uatou, Rlaaa, (ttnt9fl perdayathome. Hamplee worth Snrrat