50 Henry A. Parsons, Jr., Editor THURSDAY. JUNE 1. 1882. Entered at thk Post-office at JllDOWAY, PA., A3 SECOND CLASS WAIL MATTER. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. For Governor, JAM EM A. BE A VEU. of Centre County. For Lieutenant-Governor, W. T. DA VIES, of Bradford County, For Judge of the Supreme Court, WILLIAM HENRY RAWLE. of Philadelphia. For Secretary of Interns! A flair. JOHN M. GREER, of Butler. For Congressmnn-nt-Lnrge. THOMAS MARSHALL, of Allegheny. Peruuu by giving health also gives beauty. A sure cure for impoverished blood, pimples, anil sallow complexion, Is Brown's Iron Bitters. It will pro ducea healthy color, smooth skin, and Is absolutely not injurious. rertiiicnt Question!). Do you want to wear good clothe? Do you want to be honestly treated? Do you want to save money? Theu purchase your clothing, domestics, huts, caps, boots, shoes, Ac., at the New York Stoke. A Costly Sidewalk. The importance of municipal corpora tions maintaining good sidewalks on its streets has again been shown In the case of Martin Nay Ion el. al. vs the Borough of Reno'vo. Mrs. Naylon's limb was injured by n loose plank on a pavement, and she'brought suit. That accident cost the borough of Renovo 1 1 ,0T, which was paid on Saturday by the Clerk of Council. John U. Shafer, Esij. Mrs. Naylon got $750. Rtdgwny Borough should heed the above warning. ROBBED. Thousand of graves are annually ro b bed o f t h c i r v i c t i m s . 1 i vo p ro Ion ged hiipim-s and health rvtored by the ne ot the great GERMAN INVIGORATOR which positively and premanently cures Impotelicy I caused by excesses of any kind), Seminal weakness, and all dis eases that follows as a sequence of Self-Abuse, as loss of energy, loss of memory, uuiversal latitude, pain in the back, dimness of vision, premature old age, and many other diseases that lead to insanity or consumption and a premature grave Send for circulars with testimonials free by mail. The INVIGORATOR is sold at $1 per box, or six boxes for $5 by all druggists, or will be sent for by mail, securely sealed, on receipt of price by addressing K. J. CHENKY, Druggist, 187 Summit St., TOLEDO, OHIO. Sole Agent for the United States. The most wounderful curative rem edies of the present day, are those that i-oiiie from Germany, or at least origi nata there. The most recent prepara tion placed upon the market in this country, is the GREAT GERMAN INVIGORATOR. which has never been known to fail in curing a single case of impotency, spermatorrhea, weakness and all diseases resitting from self-abuse, as nerveous debility, nubility, mental anxiety, languor, lassitude, depression of spirits and functional derangementsof the nervous system. For sale by druggists, or sent free by mail on receipt of the paice $1.00 SoleAgent for the United States Sund for circular. For sale by Chas. McVeun, St. Marys. Pa. mm pin Aca AHU ll '.Mpuq io.'.j 'Vitt OiM lioi n rmio 'iii'i'isr, -n ) y ;V!K'IVII 'ft ,vv. , 1M ,,ti;;oir(i r:uai:m nMoimn JilXit.i:iuiiil lnLi (ml Jiil limit i(i itl'A ri.lA. . Iv.sMinj doo j.ui.i noi ., ,.I3iMHMMdBXViimiSSan3 ..'Vim pun .ukhi btfj la. j'injotiAn tuiin i.UCI J',JilUKIO U0 9111 El v:au3.I., vx.iwt.i tint Am imumo.in'iijin' 'iM-noi4fesiuvuoji'ti.uined3iuo.iu.3 J04., vKnttJi.jonet'irrwjo, josson vxnnn.i ri 'SnnimoA jo i: onni -jiMP 'oiw ipvuii oq jo dmiMa joj PIANOS. $160 ut (Stool. Cover and Book). Elegant Square Grand, 3 strings, full Agraffes, every Improvement, only S245. Cabinet Grand Upright 210 and $250. Oilier Grand Holiday Bar gains. Jubilee Organs, $55 up (Stool undBook). Excelsior, style 42, Five seet of Reeds, 15 stops, only $S7. "Oriental," style 103. Ten set of Reeds, 20 stops, only 125. No. "bogus" sets of reeds or dummy" stops. All sent on 15 days trial, freight free if vnmtis factory. Fair and honest dealing guaranteed. Sheet Music J price. Piano, Organ, or Music Catalogue free MENDELSSOHN PIANO CO., Box 2058, N. Y. ORGANS. NOTICE. The firm of E. W. Rolfo & Co., has this day been dissolved by mutual con sent. The business will be closed by tbe undersigned Aprij OtllSe J.W. Rolfe.. Kotlce of Copartnership.. We, the undersigned, have this day formed a copartnership under thestyle and firm nauio of E. W. Rolfe A Brother, for the manufacture of Lum ber and transacting a general McjicIi undise business Huvlug Increased facilities we are prepared to till all orders at shortest notice. E. W. Roi.ff.. H. D. Holke. V'fe, Pa Auril 1st, 1881 New Life Is given by using Brown s Iron Bitters. In the Winter it strengthens and warms the system; in tho. Spring it enriches the blood and conquers disease ; in the Summer it gives tone to the nerves and digestive organs; in the Fall it enables the system to stand the shock of sudden changes, In no way can disease be so surely prevented as by keeping the system in per fect condition. Brown's Iron Bitters ensures per fect health through the changing seasons, it disarms the danger from impure water and miasmatic air, and it prevents Consump tion, Kidney and Liver Dis ease, &c. . S. Berlin, Esq., of the well-known firm of H. S. Berlin & Co., Attorneys, Le Droit Building, Washing ton, D. C, writes, Dec. 5th, 1881 ; CmIt mm ; I take pleM ure in stating that I have used Brown's Iron Bitters for ma laria and nervous (roubles, caused by overwork, with excellent results. Beware of imitations. Ask for Brown's Iron Bit ters, and insist on having it, Don't be imposed on with something recom mended as "Just as good." The genuine is made only by the Brown Chemical Co. Baltimore, Md, $500 REWARD! OVER A MIL LION Of Prof. Gul'.mette's Kidney Pails liave already been sold In tins country ami In France every one of which lias given perfect satisfaction and has per pernieil cures every time when used ac cording to directions. We now say to tbe afflicted and doubt ing ones that we will pay the above reward fo a single ese or LAME b a;c k That the Pa.l falls to cure. This great remedy will Positively and Permanently cure Lum bago, Lame Kack, Sciatica, Gravel, Diabetes, Dropsy, liriht K Disease of the ltldnnys, In continence and Retention of the Urine, 1'Htn In the Pack, Side or Loins, Nervous Weak ness, and in fact all disorders of the llUtddcr and Urinary Organs whether coutructed by private disease or otherwise. LADIES, If you are suffering from Female Weakness, LeucoiTliu-a, or auv dis ease of the Kldueys, Bldddcr, or Urinary Or gans. YOU CAN BE CURED! Without swaUowing nauseous ruedjolnes, by simply wearing PROF. OUILMETTE'S French Kidney Pad, Which Cures byJAbsorptiou. Ask your druggist lor PROF. OUILMET TE'S French Kidney Pad, and take no other. Jf he has not got It, send $2.w and you will receive the Pwd by return mall. TESTIMONIALS FHOM THE PEOPLE. JUDGE BUCHANAN, Lawyer, Toledo, O., says: 'One of Prof. Gulluie tie's French Kidney Pads cured me of Lumbago In three weeks time. My case had been given up by the best Doctors ns Incurable, During all this time I sutTered untold agony and paid out large sums of money." GEORGE VETTER, J. P. Toledo, O. "I suffered for three years with Solution and Kidney Disease, and often had to go about on crutches, I was entirely and permanently cured after wearing Prol. Uullmolte's French Kidney Pad four weeks." SQUIRE N. C. SCOTT, Sylvania, O. "I have been a great sufferer for 10 years with nrighl'K Disease of the Kidneys. For weeks at a time I was unable to get out of bed; took barrels of medicine' but they give ine only temporary relief. I wore two of Prof, tiiilllnctte'h Mldney Pads six weeks, and I now know that I mil entirely cured." MRS. 11ELLEN JEROME, Toledo, O. "For years I have been confined, u great part of the time to my bed, with Luoorrhen and female weaknes. I wore one of tiull mette's Kidney Pads and was cured in one month." II. B. GREEN, hole sale Oroeer, Findland, O. "I suffered for 2" years with lame back and In three weeks permanently cured by wear ing one of Prof. Uullmctte's Liver Pads." B. F. KEESLINU, M. D. Druggist, Logausport, Ind. When sending in an order for Kidney Pads, writes: "I wore one of the first ones we had and I received more benefit from It than anything 1 every used. In fact the Pads give better general satisfaction thuu any Kidney remedy we ever sold." RAY & SHOEMAKER. Druggists, Hannihal, Mo. "We are working up u lively trade in your Pads, and ate beiu'lng of good results from them every day." Prof. GnilmetteYFrencli LIYERTad. Will positively cure Fever and Airue. Dumb Auue, Ague Cake, Bilous Fever, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, and all diseases of the Liver, Stomach and Blood. Price $1.50 ly mail. Send for Prof. Guilmette's Trt-atise on the Kid nevs and Liver free by mail. Address FRENCH PAD OO , Toledo, Ohio. For sale by Chas. MeVean, St, Marys, Pa. CUTTHISUTr S 1 5 S S40 wVV We have stores In 1 5 leading Cities,, from which our agents obtain their nm'pUea quickly. Our Factories and Principal tlttlces are at Krle, Pa. Send for o.ir New Calulotfue ana tonus to stftmui Addresn M. N. LO YELL ehi"e? pen n'a.0 In countries where malaria id pre valent, or where the climate is subject to sudden chanties should be found in. every house Brown's Iron Bitters.. TREASURER'S MALES OS UN- 4105 SEATED LANDS. NOTICE Is hereby given that, agreeably to an Act of Assembly 4408 passed me Lit 11 tiny or fliarcn, a. v. 1816. entitled "An act to amend an act directing the mode of selling unseated lauds for taxes and other purposes," and the several supplements thereto, the following tracts of unseated lands, situated In Elk county, Pennsylvnia, will be exposed to sale by public ven due or outcry, at the court house In Rldgway, in said county, on the SECOND MONDAY OF JUNE NEXT, helng the 12th DAT OF JC5E A. D. 1882, for the arrearages of taxes for the years 1880-81, unless the taxes are paid prior to said date: BENEZETTE TOWNSHIP. War Acres. Warrantees or Owners. Taxes. 6832 928 James Htokes 108 00 5333 1007 James Stokes 122 00 6835 107 James Stokes 122 00 6338 1067 James Htokes 2H5 74 6344 10H7 James Stokes 122 00 6345 1007 James Stokes 251 74 5M0 1007 James Stokes 319 30 6347 1067 James Stokes 182 60 6348 1067 James Stokes 20b 74 6370 459 James Stokes 209 74 6380 1100 James Stokes 877 00 5388 800 James Stokes 90 00 6384 1000 James Stokes 420 00 6387 1100 James Stokes 800 00 6349 1008 James Stokes 201 60 6342 1100 James Stokes 220 00 5008 090 James Stokes 225 00 5334 1100 Myrou Merrill 157 00 5386 1100 Amos B Merrill 165 00 5287 275 Amos B Merrill 31 60 6288 275 Amos B Merrill 39 24 6289 223 Airos B Merrill 81 74 6390 1100 Jones, Hammond &Co 314 24 6349 1100 Jonathan Brown 94 24 4994 845 Nathan W Ellis 79 00 4995 458 Addison Swartwood A Co 129 74 6311 900 Cornelius Walnwright 51 50 5012 090 Miles Dent 285 74 5479 600 Miles Dent 67 24 6479 100 Miles Dent 9 74 6479 224 Miles Dent south end of survey 20 do 647R 60 Miles Dtnt southwest comer 7 00 5011 CO Miles Deut southeast corner 10 40 C4S1 450 John Brooks 61 50 5000 990 John Brooks 114 24 4997 481 H. C. Spauldiug 110 00 5981 650 H. C. Suauldinir 63 00 5023 288 Jno JohnsoU uudi- vided i 6 74 5388 5023 5479 4!!U 5322 6340 5001 4000 6002 5013 5014 6009 6010 5024 5025 5(m3 64X2 642 5330 1100 Hczekiah Mix 217 00 50 Andrew Dent z 74 01 Hamilton Dawn 10 50 150 William Shannon 34 24 110 David S, Johnson 31 50 550 Henry Blush 81 50 !!K) Finney A Barrows 160 00 100 Finni'V & Barrows from Fitch ABoylngton 29 24 9!l0 J. O. Reading & Co. 8!l(5 00 W0 J. G. Reading & Co. 220 24 K90 J. O. Reading & Co. 203 50 090 J. O. Readini; & Co. 283 00 O'JO Trulintter. Croft & Co. Filch o: Bovington 283 00 134 John & D.S.J fihuson 15 30 302 John & D. S. Johnson 37 74 000 Shatter l- Johnson 339 50 505 Julius Jones 115 50 28 Julius Jones 3 50 650 Smith, M'Cormio & Mann 63 00 5343 1100 Cook & Pardee 5479 50 Levi Hicks 5478 1040 St. John & Rothrock 5011 930 St. John & Rot li rock 6477 1100 St. John fc Rothrock 220 00 2 90 235 50 156 94 84 24 84 24 16 74 5481 800 H. Merrlnian 5022 65 Amanda Apker 5022 55 Maria P. Johnson 15 74 CO 04 6024 591 Maria P. Johnson 5023 288 Maria P. Johnson- undivided 3 10 50 5481 275 Jos. Euz from Martin Enz 13 73 5023 28 Jos. Enz from Martin Enz 1 40 5020 990 R. Winslow Estate 109 74 109 74 85 74 169 70 90 24 5020 990 tlo do 375 do do 990 tlo do 790 do do 6021 5015 5027 5026 UOO R. "Winslow Estate 100 R. Winslow Estate 200 R. Winslow Estate Heimer & Johnson lot 13-&0 R. Winslow Estate Brockway 109 R. Winslow Estate 29'j R. Winslow Estate 75 50 5)114 6 74 5027 23 00 23 00 12 40 183 42 24 107 R. Winslow Estate 12 24 BEXZINGER TOWNSHIP. 4089 142 William C. Black 46 54 4115 75 John Milne 24 99 147 Nelson J. Wimmer 146 Nelson J. Wiuimer 23 23 11151 Tfi (Wu A Tnnknt 21 61 4107 4883 330 J. J. Lawrence fr. N. Matson 118 84 4882 4969 4900 828 J. J. Lawrence fr. N. Matson 277 04 990 J. J. Lawrence 305 60 200 H. G. Williams 61 72 80 11. H. Williams 17 90 220 Gilbert Williams 60 10 3oO?Janies Somers Smith 86 70 4958 4958 4961 4961 4992 4106 600James Somers Smith 144 24 90 James Somers Smith 20 21 900 James Somers Smith 246 84 50 A. II ebbs 5 02 325 Earley, Brickel d'Hite Vine road. Nos, 7. 15, 17, 19, 21 & 23a. 109 34 4104 67 Earley, Brickel & Hite Vine road. Nos. 13. , 7. 18 80 4106 1414 Earley, Brickel & Hit 177 08 410; 834 280 7i 802 78 335 18 301 92 4108 4109 4110 4111 4115 896 996 897 1025 694 u 344 96 233 58 4116 1049 253 33 4403 980 274 90 23 93 7 66 4407 107 4408 29 4880 25 Brussels road, E. J of No. 30 25 Earley, Brickel & Hite Brtisuels load, E. J of No. 84 36 Earley, Brjckel & Hite 200 " " " 6 94 4886 8 39 9 70 07 32 4976 2357 4878 4879 4944 4945 2274 4905 4886 4887 4115 990 West Creek M' f'g Min. Co. 090 " " " 1483 " " lino " " " 990 "- " 052. Lyman Wilmarth Estate 990 Eugene Payne 335 38 335 88 499 09 803 87 834 27 274 68 I 328 24 , n Martin Sorg Echbacb. 1M road, Nos. 1 1, 16 & 17. 31 80 60 Kdward jJeleiiuni Vine street, Nos. H 4 12 25 J. S. Bates Pit) George Weis 200 Palmer & Co. W 84 11 22 17 66 61 20 7 66 12 76 4954 4976 4115, 4110 4960 25 Dati it! Frasler No., 7 Cherry road 60 Daniel Franier Nos. 3 d- 6 Maple road 275 Augustus Wolle From Thos. Lueken'oach 73 00 4404 622 Sheldon, Strebigh & Bates 117 11 4404 522 " " " 117 11 4406 522 J " " " 146 38 4406 622J " " 146 88 4407 420 " " " 117 82 4408 600 " " 188 80 4076 1038 " " " 28 83 4105 36 Mary M'Gahat), $Tq 8 8 45 60 Mary Heenan, Noa-13 nd 16 84R F.Moore 10 84 65 07 84 Earlev. Hrickle&HHe a '.o it 9 49 3301 1058 ,i do 414 64 44071 4408 74 06 220 8 Owner Unknown N WcornerCrosBstreet 1 02 76C R Earley Storer ave., Kos. 22, 24and 26 25 19 47 C n V.nrev Tonlar 8C03 4103 4104 road. Kos. 2 and 4 15 82 4104 4104 "6 C R Farley Olean road. Nos. 0, 7 and 8 25 19 25 C n Earlev Vine road. No. 6 8 47 4105 4105 4105 24 o R Earlev Vine road. Kos. 9 and 11 8 07 , 60O R Earlev Ponlar road, Nos. 16 and 18 16 84 26 C R Earley Poplar road, No. 11 8 47 4103 260 " R Early Poplar road. Nos. 19,21,23, 25, 27. 29. 81. 4. 8. 18. 15 and 17 87 63 4105 4106 25 C R Earlev Hickory road, No. 17 8 47 42 C R Earlev Vine road, Nos. 81 and 33 14 39 4106 4J03 60" R Earley Hickory road, Nos. 19 and 21 16 84 22" R Earlev Poplar road, No. 81 7 85 4107 25 CR Earley Chestnut road, No. 29 8 47 4107 25 CR Earlev Chestnut road, No. 30 8 47 4107 4107 4108 25 C R Earlev Chestnut road, No. 21 8 47 60 C R Earlev East road, Nos. 85 and 27- 16 84 60 C R Earley East Chestnut road. Nos. 1 and 8 16 84 4108 60 " R Earley East Vine road. Nos. 2 and 4 16 84 4110 4110 4110 25" R Earlev Manle road. No. 11 6 95 81 " R Earlev Olean and Maple road, No. 1 7 60 19 " R Earle v East Ma ple road, No. 1 6 81 4 110 61 " R Earlev Cherry road, No. 0 and 2 17 34 4115 75 R Earlev Cherry road, Nos. 9, 11 and 13 25 19 4115 62" R Enrley Cherry road, Nos. 8 and B 17 46 4115 50 "R Earlev Chestnut road, Nos. 17 and 19 10 84 4976 4976 4880 4975 200 " R Earley, 1880 tax 87 170 "R. Farley 1881 tax 37 10 400 ' R Earley 154 82 876 Sedonia Von Ersel 117 82 FOX TOWNSHIP. 4097 4178 4077 207 CR Earley, Townsend Fall lot 61 75 90 Michael Sheehan 29 88 231 Earley, Brickel it & Hite 47 84 11 60 4078 4081 4087 4097 4098 4374 4082 49 Earley, Brickel Hite 105 Earley, Brickel Hite & 20 75 144 Earley, Brickel fc nite 727 Earley, Brickel Hite 2C8 Earley, Brickel Hite 202 Earley, Brickel Hite 307 Earley, Brickel Hite 145 B F Tavlor & Co 24 90 151 06 & 66 40 83 20 83 00 24 90 78 24 125 00 112 05 48 00 110 20 74 70 78 85 35 17 3 20 24 90 16 00 12 45 20 75 4902 4890 320.10 B F Taylor & Co 4901 486 B F Tavlor & Co 4187 900 Hannah Barnard 4190 439 O W Whittaker 4190 600 Richard Gardner 4900 293 Bichard Gardner 4274 485 H A Stephens 4274 200 George C White 20 George Krouse 4087 100 Wm Apple 4097 50 Patrick Mackin 05 Armet Turley 60 Horace Little 380 Horace Little from county 4271 124 69 42471 4273 1 4247 42461 4247 4245 4244 I "2 Noble Coal & Oil Co 29 80 249 Noble Coal & Oil Co 1 1 6 00 660 Noble Coal & Oil Co 249 00 661 Noble Coal & Oil Co 249 00 8 40 3 52 8 60 2 00 8f.4 4 08 4274 40 Robert J Ruhl 22 Franklin Kuhn 249Pruklin Kuhn 12JRose Kelley 64 James Winkle 25 John K Jones 25 William E Jones 25 Richard Edwards 14 Richard Edwards 150 Owner unknown J Barth lot 60 Jacob Hartman Jos. Faberly lot Henry Largay 1 lot from M J Earley 303 Sheldon, Strebigh & Bates 4097 4097 4098 4098 4098 4098 400 3 00 1 80 12 00 12 45 4 15 4087 4082 4077 120 49 709 Sheldon, Strebigh & Bates 249 00 200 Sheldon. Strebigh & Bates 41 C R Earley 60 " R Earley 58 ' R Earley 00 " R Earley 45 " R Earley 37 " R Earley Birch lane, Nos. 5 and 10 25 C R Earley St. Mary's aud Ceutre ville railroad 47 C R Earley Ridgway farm and land Co 179 C R Earley Cross road, Nos. 1,2,3, 9, 10, 11 and 14 6 C R Earley Caledo nia road, Nos. 2 and 8 and S. half of 7 60 C R Earley 66 40 10 20 12 45 14 40 24 96 4078 4078 4078 4081 4081 4087 4087 U 18 9 08 8 30 12 03 4088 4097 45 35 4098 14 41 4898 '4890 4271 40771 16 00 99 60 116 20 19 92 387 C R Earley 880 C R Earley 60 Michael Toomey 407d i, 4083635.42 Northwestern M & Ex Co 316 23 4094 444.50 '' " 221 86 4095 272.95 ' " 135 99 4096 478.40 " " 238 02 4079 70 " " 84 86 4245, 84 " " 41 81 4214 57.70 " " 28 89 4378 169.30 " " 84 15 4092 60 H " " 24 00 4080 165.40 " ' 82 17 4078 30 a " 14 94 4091 51.07 " " 25 40 4340 490 " i?" 244 02 4243 962.47 " " 479 05 4178 20 "" 9 96 b.p.s. 45.50 " " 20 47 8. & I. 1.60 " ' 1 83 Minerals, &c. onlyon. the following lands: Northwestern M & Ex Co 83.81 - " 8 80 4079 801.45 " 90 05 4080 224.27 " " 803 78 4088 07 " 20 64 4091 215.30 " " 63 53 4092, 105.94 " " 26 14 199.10 ' ' 49 80 4094 382.79 95 11 4095 685.90 ' " 145.66 4096 109.64 " 27 14 40S8 174.65 " 38 62 4243 62.60 " " 15 43 4244 80.50 19 92 4245 138.22 " 84 84 4246 143.60 "' 86 75 4247 109.60 27 18 1374 7 19 W 4374 82.60 " " 20 41 b.p.s. 12.92 27 1. Tll.Vi " " O Ito 4245 150 " " 87 85 HIGHLAND TOWNSHIP. 8002 831 O. B. Wright fc 3221 8293 8291 Duhring 118 45 8004 831 O. B. Wright & Duhring 831 C. B. Wright Duhring 118 45 8222 511845 127 45 2019 896 Walter Bryant 1778 1031 Walter Bryant 146 95 18 13 2025 106 A. Wolf 2025 100 J. and M. Mack Northwestern corner 1710 68 74 2027 1830 2030 402 George Dickinson 954 George Dickinson 830 Freeman Ellis 103 13 41 84 8788 1000 John N. Laue 8752 280 John NLane 171 00 47 88 1831 1005 Allegheny Bauk of ruts lu rg 112 55 1803 902 John F. James 164 60 164 50 151 85 151 28 1783 9C2 Abner Casscll 1858 888 John P. Brown 20281054 J. C. Chapiu Estate 2034 901 do do 8760 1000 do do 12 84 171 00 2463 315 do do 44 91 41 21 2456 8771 289 do do 800 Nathaniel F. Jones 100 James Gallagher Sub-division No. 9, 800 Charles G. Gillis Sub dlvison Nos. 2. 3, 04 00 1799 1799 17 10 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 130 80 1770 600 Charles G. Gillis Sub-division Nos. 13, 14. 15, 16 and 17 85 50 1799 100 Jacob Gilbert Sub division No. 6 17 10 2031 1058 Mrs. Rickards 105 8 8781 729 Thomas Struthers 110 81 2033 1038 William Robinson 196 27 8700 800 Souther & Willis 130 80 2302 290 Souther & Willis 4184 2464 288 Jno. Nicholson 41 04 3055 1019 Alfred Avery 145 19 1776 100 Elizabeth Cooper Sub -division No. 18 9 60 2038 1043 John Bryon and others From Geo. Dickinson 178 3' 8000 496 L. Wilmarth Estate 77 70 100 William Carley 17 10 62 1000 Geo. Brooks 142 00 777 400 Andrew J. Knox 8 40 3785 1000 Thomas Griffith 112 00 3775 1000 Thomas Griffith 1)0 00 3771 200 Thomas Grirlith 10 00 290 J p, Sterley 41 84 23(16 3718 3001 8761 1H0 William James 30 80 835 John G. Hall 131 10 541 Martin Hart 70 85 3054 1029 Wray & Graham 140 67 3773 906 S. Jones A Co. 180 12 3782 2034 904 Little & Souther 154 56 118 J. G. Hall sub div. 8 20 14 HORTON TOWNSHIP. Northwestern M it Ex Co 4372 702.00 do do 175 68 4271 224.20 do do 61 58 4434 876 50 do do 201 92 4409 865.60 do do 199 68 4451 1030.30 do do 807 20 4452 811 do do 230 40 4242 28.70 do do 7 68 4200 349 do do 70 80 4188 405 do do 53 70 4272 518 do do 00 54 4310 CO do do 15 36 4341 825.40 do do 70 80 4248 116.55 do do 3-5 25 206) 4255 1002.10 " 407 08 4396 J Minerals, &c. only on, the following lands: Northwestern M & Ex Co 364 410.89 do do 555 139 do do 4242 737.78 tlo do 200 89.90 do do 4248 111.00 do do 4249 203 82 do do 4255 259.65 do do 4272 294.20 do do 4340 450 do do 4341 4S7.80 Uo do 4371 215.00 do do 4372 187.30 do do 4396 234.50 do do 4400 57.30 do do 4434 100 " " 4152 107.50 " " 4469 184.40 " " 4470 151.70 " " r. & f. 75.94 " " 78 52 26 68 141 50 17 08 21 81 38 9 49 63 66 44 86 40 87 75 41 28 85 71 44 92 10 94 19 20 20 64 35 32 28 98 14 39 4279 4370 4248 4249 4212 4200 932 50 41 60 847 660 J L Ellis 1 8 94 C & M Albert S 11 b div. No. 20 Noble Coal & Oil Co Noble Coal & Oil Co N B Laneand others Henry Lorain Car lisle 11 52 12 63 18 56 53 76 84 48 126 72 4182 990 Henry Lorain Car lisle John C French 4271 4370 610 45 26 5 76 George Weis Sub div. No. 19 George Weis Sub div. No. 23 4370 60 4453 90 4344 17 4450 90 U 42 23 04 3 84 20 80 Horace Little from county Horace Little from Jas Wilson Ignatius Grotzinger from county Minerals, Ac, ouly on these lands: Noble Coal & Oil Co do do do do do do do do do do do do 48 236 68 120 50 9 21 45 30 11 13 23 04 9 60 JAY TOWNSHIP. 6283 U00 AmosB. Merrill 272 80 5288 825 Amos B. Merrill 306 90 6287 825 Amos B. Merrill 80 90 6289 646 Amos B. Merrill 203 00 6290 612.7 Amos B. Merrill 277 96. 4194 400 William Parker 86 80 4195 676 James Lynde 95 96 4196 989 D. K. Jones 183 95 6005 980 James Stokes 199 46 4197 220J James Stokes 47 95 4195 207 Sebastian Weis 88 51 4197 200 Eli Kennedy 43 40 4906 400 William Robinson 117 80 4845 70 William Robinson 20 46 C016 990 Philip M. Price 245 52 4896 212 E. B. England: 62 67 6007 990 E. B. England 214 83 6004 990 E. B. England 214 83 4185 300 Hezekiah Hortou 65 80 4145 M Hezekiah Horton 18 00 5029 50 Finlcy, Young & Co. 10 30 5018 990 Finley, Young & Co. 184 U 4898 990 Henry Loraine 491 04 6017 990 Henry Loraine 334 49 4895 98 Tyler A Finney 24 29 4895 98 Tyler A Finney 24 29 4893 217 Abigail Woodward 47 12 6030 267 A. E. Goff 74 40 4180 990 B. C. Bowman A Co. 184 14 4892 200 B. C. Bowman A Co. 87 20 4194 100 Thomas Reilly 8 40 4194 100 Patrick Reilly 8 40 4845 100 David Kirskera. 12 40 6028 000 Spring Run Coal Co. From seated 2C0 82 5031 727 Spring Run Coal Co. From Seated 191 68 4198 100 Joseph Wiihelm 18 CO 4892 480 J. E. Putnam A Co. 182 28 4899 352 J. E. Putnam A Co. 109 12 4118 89 Arniel Turley from county 8 49 4194 200 Arm el Turley from county 49 60 4194 50 Geo. Dickison from county 12 40 4194 100 Horace Little from county 18 60 6080 94 W. E. Phippen 7 90 JONES TOWNSHIP: 8221 212 General Thomas L.. Kane 46 11 fell 40 "' " 8 70 8205 81 " " " 6 07 65 64 27 20 46 82 24 94 84 80 87 00 21 75 43 60 8296 802 ' 2010 125 Qen- Thos. L. Kane 84321 1 211 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 114 8221 100 Gn' Tll9, L KlUle 82221 j400 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 8293 2610 25041 2653 1 100 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 1 200 Gen, Thos. L. Kane 82961 2610 961 10 I, 93 I ' - 813 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 170 90 8293 I 2588 J 3214 800 Gen. Thos. L. Kane Kane Kane 174 00 27 84 32! (0 20101 2554 1 130 Gen. Thos. L. l00 Gen. Thos. L. 21 10 2504 627 128 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 161 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 232 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 148 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 80 Gen. Thos. L, Kane 27 64 35 09 60 46 32 19 17 40 2553 2558 2553 2553 2010 f 68 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 12 70 2810 109 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 12 30 84 68 89 61 110 78 43 60 67 28 10 73 5 80 143 65 143 52 53 94 69 74 15 08 52 78 123 80 38 on 43 40 21 75 2504 3221 3222 3224 890 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 412 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 509 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 200 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 810 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 8290 3291 8296 4903 2589 50 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 26 Gen Thos. L. Kane Thos. L. Kane 990 Gen. 900 Gen 247 Gen. 275 Gen. 70 (Jen. 258 Gen. Thos. L. Kane Thos. L. Kane Thos. L. Kane Thos. L. Kane Thos. L. Kane 2564 2527 3295 2564 2331 2504 825 Robert Halsey 264 Robert Halsey 200 George Dickinson 100 Andrew J. Low 88 Andrew J. Low 120 W. H. Osterhout Mrs. Finney Lot No. 204 in Wilcox 8290 3224 3222 8 78 18 00 1 45 2593 3290 3296 3293 3291 2610 2588 4313 4112 8400 W. II. Dykeman etal 739 50 1025 Earley, Brickel A Hite 185 60 1073 " " " 195 30 " " " 81 SO 215 1. B. Brown 990 South of 8214. 27 65 121 J L. A W. W. Brown 143 55 Brown A Wells Rocky run lot 10 no 550 Johnson A Riddle 99 75 990 Johnson A Riddle 179 45 540 Johnson A Biddle 98 02 540 Johnnon A Biddle 98 02 990 Johnson Biddle 179 45 615 Johnson A Biddle 98 38 330 Johnson fc Biddle 69 74 807 Johnson A Biddle 44 37 67 Michael Weidort 11 89 495 Collins, Hutchinson A "lav 89 lo 990 "oliins, Hutchinson & "lay 179 22 440 "oliins, Hutchinson A "lay 79 75 475 "oliins, Hutchinson A "lav 85 84 900 "olIiiiM, Hutchinson A 102 98 249 "oliins, Hutchinson A "lav ' 45 21 789 "oliins, Hutchinson A "lay 142 97 247 "oliins, Hutchinson A "lay 44 00 326 "oliins, Hutchinson A "lay 69 16 495 John H. Towns Estate 89 61 818 John H. Towns Estate 147 90 640 John M. 'IV-wijh IlMiiie a oi 990 John H. Town Estate 179 51 000 Daniel Scull, Jr.'80 taz CI 80 70 Daniel Scull, Jr.'80 tax 6 :so 4114 3143 8232 3233 3237 3242 3243 3251 3180 3319 2504 3231 3252 3232 3251 3253 3180 3217 2254 2791 3231 8226 329 stiio 3218 3228 3218 3228 2319 2323 3218 3220 3228 2086 3290 2489 2593 3220 2319 2361 3228 2308 2377 2425 2323 4904 2361 2303 2487 2323 2316 2329 2332 000 Jos S Potts '81 tax 57 08 70 " 81 tax 6 88 02 Daniel Scull, Jr. 8 99 598 Daniel Scull, Jr. 80 91 330 Biddle A linwson 69 74 330 Biddle A Dawsoa 69 74 400 Biddle A Dawsoa 83 52 990 Biddle A Dawsen 179 51 90 A. A. Clay 16 24 246 A. A. Clay 43 37 600 A. A. Clay . 108 75 60i) Thomas G reeves 119 48 185 Thomas (ireeves 26 68 807 Thomas (ireeves 125 80 400 Thomas G reeves 83 52 867 Thomas G reeves 125 80 990 Thomas Grcevcs 14:! 65 990 Thomas Greeves 143 55 62 Thomas Greeves 8 99 990 Eugene Payne 143 65 123 Eugene Payne 17 98 123 Eugene Payne 1 7 98 990 Eugene Payne 143 55 660 Eugene Payne 95 70 990 Collins, Clay A Hacker 143 55 1WI Collins, Clay A Hacker 143 55 990 Collins, Clay & Hacker 143 55 2333 990 John Livesey's Estate 143 55 990 John Livesey's Estate 143 55 436 John Livesey's Estute 63 22 2826 2319 2489 2527 2551 2S 744 Clay A Hacker 134 85 426 do do. 77 14 990 do do 143 55 390 do da 56 65 990 do d 179 42 390 do do 37 42 990 Robert Patterson 143 55 65 Robert Patterson 9 28 742 Robert Patterson 107 69 64 Robert Patterson 11 M 246 Robert Patterson 44 66 604 Robert Patterson 94. 85 990 Robert Patterson- 143 65 20 Robert Patterson, 2 90 890 Itobeit Patterson, 143 65 990 Robert Patterson 129 05 990 James II. Cnessou 143 56 394 James H. Cressou 80 18 970 James II. Cresson 140 65 248 James H. Cresson 85 96 2599 2604 8313 2660 2611 2527 2654 2564 2598 2008 2012 2614 2591 2604 2008 2611 2614 2060 2012 2527 3143 2610 100 James H. Cresson 14 50 925 James H. fresson 183 98 KM) Jauies H. Cresson 14 50 64 James H. t'lessou 11 00 11 J. L. Brown 70 109 James Wells 1148 MILLSTONE TOWNSHIP. 2548 900 Darrah A Moore 125 24 2542 900 Darrah A Moore 250 60 2696 675 William Dilworth 156 00 2790 900 C R Earley 167 04 2618 60 I, C Wynkoop and 1) L Patterson 8 99 2618 875 L (3 Wiukoop and D L Patterson 52 20 2524 900 i, c Winkoop and D L Patterson 167 04 2545 2517 2523 2667 4134 4135 4129 2518 2518 2519 2532 900 James O'Hara 138 24 900 James O'Hara 138 24 900 Jauies O'Hara 167 04 676 Dtexel. DuhriiiB A Wright 167 04 900 Owner unknown 167 04 900 Owner unknown 167 04 900 Owner uuknowu 167 04 207 LC Winkoop 12 00 25 Ij C Winkoon J Stewart's lot 8 48 100 William Crispin 7 20 200 " 13 900 CB Wright A Duh ring 156 60 Z362 900 C M Wright A Duh ring 81 00 2639 2792. 2381 900 C B Wright & Duh- ring 156 60 2X V a Wright A Duh ring 60 76 6&O1 V B Wright A Duh- 4AQQ 50 John Wynkoop Estate 1 45 900 U. S. Wlnlack 167 04 225 I). I). Pal terpen 88 80 108 William Crispin 18 66 900 Joseph 11. Trotler 167 04 270 William Crispin, for 1880 8 78 RIDGWAY TOWNSHIP. 2543 2007 2540 4392 4809 4870 4270 42a5 210 George Dickinson 100 87 203 81 203 82 222 50 210 93 88 11 10 89 5 74 19 79 13 30 64 90 23 75 910 916 Bryant A Euwer Jtryant jmiwct Bryant & Euwer Bryant &, Euwer Bryant fe Euwer Andrew M'Kibbcn Asa Cumniings T B Cobb '80 tax ElKieJ Cobb '81 tax B F Ely B F Ely 1000 498 896 100 4806 45 133 137 400 170 .4 DPO 'a 1155 BF Ely 264 10 8889 163 Sheldon, Strebigh & Baten 501 Sheldon, Strebigh Bates 400 Sheldon; Strebigh & Bates 426 Sheldon, Strebigh & Bates 645 Sheldon, Strebigh & Bates 060 Sheldon, Strebigh & 22 21 08 OO 64 07 68 18 74 50 4390 4394 4394 4392, 4391 Jsates 182 45 95 Isaac Avery from Cobb, part of C Mead A Ely lot 183 J Edward Cravston 747 W H Osterhout Wil cox Long lot 6 93 13 62 130 74 184S r;i v v tiiriis 102 James PGarritt-froin .lames Gardner 60 Horace Little 2i0 Horace Little 4 11 14 15 3 02 46 79 156 62 2"0 79 17019 250 79 40 71 31 94 11 64 4375 4370 4389 4377 4390 038 C R Earley 1020 " from Earley r 717 1020 190 m 51 Brick'M & Hite Kennedy lot 438! SPRING CREEK TOWNSHIP 2030 1502 2942 2971 2986 2915 2948 2937 4556 4569 1358 Bryant A Euwer 167 48 601 Bryant A Euwer 61 48 350 Henry Raught 103 61 800 Hiram Carrier A Co 30 17 800 " " " 301 17 900 D Carilei aiidothcrs 341 38 900 G Blake 924 74 1055 Allegheny Bank of Pittsburg 04 55 George J) Messenger 19 21 Henry Truman 22 7t Souther A Willis 99 79 182 150 657 481 Souther A Willis N. W. corner of twp C B Wright A Duh 73 27 2792 200 ring 30 53 2775 2789 329J LFPowers-und. J of 12 11 347 (Jeo W Rhities fr. fount v 62 85 V) GeoWRhines 15 01 48 (lco W Rhities X. 4151 1'.. cor. of St rou g lot Wm. Kelley from county Francis C Elliot Taylor I) Rhiues Armagost tract A J G ruber from D. O. M'Knall M'Gaflic A Truniau C 93 80 55 63 87 12 0 15 00 31 74 20 34 2792 200 475 93 2954 100 210 from seated list 114 Taylor D Rhi lies 4044 2902 juiiu r.owiniiii & jsros. 19-30 parts of from seated list, W. part 131 30, 4552 200 J K Gardner 20 80 ST. MAUVS BOROUGH. Lot Nos. 43, 44 4", 1 Ridgway Farm and rs and f.2 f Coal Co. Centre St. 31,82, 83, 84,1 .... , o, HO, 87. )i8 R'dgway farm A 6 71 39, 40, 41. and I Jv,ml 1 Mauric half ef '.0 . Stivpt 11 03 97 1 1 13 " Lewis St. Street Geo Gregory fr. Rev, Louis Car tuy val J 'it Earley, Louis St 1 w Geo Kiilimv 3 acre 4 60. 30 5.8 Erin Street 100,113 and 114 Ig. Grotzinger Amandus Street Horace Little Louis Street Mary Wrinkle Louts Street 86 SO 23 9 and 10 30 SEATED LIST. Keturned by colleetors, upon which there mu III not be found siilllcient personal pro perty to pay the several taxes assessed there on: liENZIXUKU TOWNSHIP. War. A 1 KKS. M l-'i 111 William Young, '81 tax 20 55 Patrick M'l'hilony, 'Kl tax Edward liable, t lots, 'si tux FOX TOWNSHIP. S 71 Wai. tiibson, lions lot '7K-'7tt 2 St Veterllollobaut;h,'7S-v;Htux. ) ,r. Peter Hollobuim'h, " 11 John li.illolmuuli 17 on KH1 411 100 rj'i.Iiiuies Knelvy, " 'I l M Marllu .lobnson, ' 13 W ll!Abrnhaiu Comb KKtnte,'7tax :v J (' Illli ke, 1 lot, 'Til tax 5 (M King Iiul.se, Vuil Jr King 7S-'7H tax 62 50 Allee Murphy, 1 House and lot '71 tax 0 50. 70 Henry Souther, '78 tux 2 5t HIGHLAND TOWNSHIP. 3780 STIiO 1.17 no M M lun- P Graham, 'So tax Ira K Aitkerly.'sl tax M B ('lemeBger. 'SI tax Frank Hoveucamp, 'SI tax Henry 1 1 hoi! " " 2 (10 4 17 1 UO 2 71 4 20 f I OTliO SIM ma 37(101 37"7. 250 J H Windsor, " ' HORTON TOWNSHIP. l'uliick Welsh, '7H tax James O'llarra, '81 lax JAY TOWNSHIP. 3 its 4 3A 1 Ethan M'C'ulloufih "K-'SO-'SI tax ltoht Rothrock, ,71-'S0 tax ) liobt Kolhroek, JoFlah It. Morey " tiam'l Bell Estate " Mary .1 ltateniuu " Hlruiu Howard " 0 111 12(11 2k 41 as. 4 40. 1 85. 30. 1 70. JONES TOWNSHIP. 51K John Peterson, 'HI tax M1LIJSTONE TOWNSHIP. 21 James George, 'Kl tax 42 A W Eathrop-und. U of bltux S217. SPRING CREEK TOWNSHIP, 21(1 M'Gnrtlc St Truman '77-'7-'7!t tax Geo W K III lies 4 L B Elliottuud. of '7U tax George Procius. '7 tax G W Dunkle, 0-'M tax Roseaunuh S George, 'SO '81 Lax C W Potterflcld, ft-'SO-'Sl tax George Proelus Bowman A Bros. 79 tax Geo W Rhine LB Elliott 22 12' 72 48- 1 (IS. 2 15. 2 61 ft 80 23 2S 17 00- 1 20- 2792 m :i5 25 10O 3H4 1000 72 2702-. IV utx ST. .MARYS BOROUGH. Lot Mes.. 1 Independent Fire Co. No. 1. and building '79 tax John Hoffman. Ti lot nod imufe, iv uijfr 1 Kiaouia Kronenwetter. 78 tax t: N & C Krotienwelier, and o j,. ,."ew stable, 'TUuix 13 and 14, Martin Sorg, 2 lots from Hill 'VH tax GEORGE WKIDENBCERNEIt, Treasurer, 1 reAKlirpr'a f fflpp 1 7 60 12 54 8 SO' 6 60' 7 84i