The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, May 25, 1882, Image 3

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TntfRjOAV, MAY 23. 1882,
Full line SiAoked Meats, at
getter's. -,, .... e
ShovvJVHoes, flakes, Spades, ko.,
OlHBHwiilJt 60,-;iiitl jfioU. each
ou cts. pwnz. at . .
forks, fcof if Molester's.
Braru Shorts, Feed, Meal, Coru,
Oats, FiomVnl kinds at Morgester's.
How; are you -thJdxy?" Not very
well. (Jtf for aottle o( Teruna and
be well.;; o
Letter-Heads,- --Bill Hends,: Note
Heads, tfrv';, At the Anyp
CATK offlceM " "
Mr8v Jacob "iliftierWii, over Buttef
fuss' haruYss sljiPiXyMulivstreeftilis for
aid (hake Jioiioiti-iTX'uiiiU'lirfH Lin
nets, and Mocking-birds,- Call-nudsee
them. W-? V ';.
Once- it Is ktHiwa-ihat Pcruipi
furn dlstnse wjkKprevtn w its return,
it will Bo Kolute nugfect of duty to he
without 1L .-J&JTiwM always kecp'u
buttle l.-f)ur cupbiHjy -
15oJ)Vt good American ftardiiiCN
selling at iS.uts. a bo Jor 'two boxes for
SO cts. fSfjrgvSg i " ' '
6 bdxttfJ Bsvkirk ft IV., Union
Hoap 2SU.;?for 8 ftjrs, ; at Morgester's.
25 l..placwyYl.s genuine Durham
tobac3cjling at BOots'iier lb. in , J
1 lb. Laftf at .urgyste.r's. .
KalsoitYlue, ' Linseed Oil, Japan
1) ryer. n if Vu 1 1 J u( $1 orgestc r's.
"Heile.W UidaVy' "- vlsr that
will plusctliiil;oet' fastidious, to be
fouutlM'yihCH Dm u Hiore. .
:; ' srt ineiit (Juest tons. .. .
Do you w nnl fVtVcur good clothe?
Do youlwviut,j;;bgsjHiiKMtly ..treated?
Do yodf'wfliut to .-Havfl inoiiey? Then
Jiiirclniiu yoy ''t'fotjii'iig, domestic,
liats, U$ty bft?(, ; sopa,, $,is.,, 'ut the
jcJJ ivr. ii jaisnTiir
Nw okl goouVXuirS.toiik.
tiling Ur.nru;.
fe-'(nirtiWc:l;. Ail new, all
lylixJj,iflaUMi.'h('!i that everybody;
regariflcaSAif sUlnTi'iu life or scarcity
tf funds, j mu,x;u ut)lJ to drt-ss with
taste. liupe,l;uur. .stock ami 'satisfy
yourstjlvt-ff t.i;it we are lic i t jmrUTri.
iToiuMi Uh ''BrowiiNtuiuts, New
Yiikk-JT'ikiT ii'Jilk-e building,
JUlgway, Vi - ...
Vw.d -AdjrUe. . ; ,
; If Is k duty yttj owv to yourselves to
flfst eaif iiii fToiii-t our uiauiiiiotb
itoek or clcttj kiudaof doutestiu
'ood.iitlmij.lots and slioej, huts
Mud fijiJ, , and learn out
prices efors; :pu;r:'b,axi n. We . have
fcttiriuiried to reUin tlie tirt plaoe in
pupuiar fuvir, and tUioouly way to do,
ao is tyll tfvtvftg good at the
MiiuilMt . . Vk'iw .X'ni;ir4
Hioiti;, Itl'lwiiyA'a., (Johii-M Bros. &
lJrownsleuie, proprietors.-
leoratlon l)u.
TheVltie.ui if he county are re
iuested to asiiit's Kevi.-r.i eoiumit
ties appointed in the several town
ahlps by Llt-frt'emtnt M. VV. Lucore
Post N'o. 216, Dcijartnient of I'm., O.
A. Hi', the decoration 6f soldiers'
grave ou MrtyifiOtti. It is-de'sire'd tli-it
sever' soldit'r'f gravis be. Uoce.l with
fluwets this ye'uf, ilint the itoliday b
celebrated J-c-ii'iu l by
law afid may w6SiH pledge ourselves
new to loyalty to a common country
over the graves ''of tlioso who. Ait'ercd
and siu.vrjliini'j(-niuoli to perpetual c:4i-atitutptjjiibeftyj-.
The above nijii
tioned Post will form at the Post ltoom
In the Horoutwrst. Mitrys,--. at 10
. t eiocK. a. a. nail iu ii:ii 10 loe -ecu
tery and ut Vi o'clock uiemoral service
willTieield. reu?t. Jno. Q. Hall tfill
be tle orator of . the . cecasiou. jtii
Iuvikitiutiis extetided to all..
W. W. Amks.
t. t Tost Comiiisiider.
Jf 6ur Spring
VUj this we inaugurate ojr fourth
prljpg ltjiiidjiway.1 The prophecy of
our 'competitors' .at our first sprjn
penMbV, we'trre happy to say, has not
beeufcnealiztiiJ.A'ia.: that our business
career in UlJw'iy would be of short
duration. Weappealol to the public
at oopeniu for their patron.age and
uprtoft In our.unrlertatclnjr, and It 'is
witB pride aui thank fulues that, we
ataUl that our expectations - liava been
more than realized,. Ye again appear
to the public ror'tlielr Hjpporl, and can
ass-J thent tft p'lir business wi If be
conducted, as, Ijeretofore one price
ml the truth. . ' .
Ill-mem bor,-When you call at our cs
taUMdhmeriryou' can be assured that
youYwlil be waited upon by gentle
manly salestnen Take your own
tiife' for making a seleetion, and If
youre not satisfied with your pur
cba-t', have It excltangeil or the i.ioney
rafuuded. Our salesiueii will sliow a
customer the Sams attention when ex
changing as, .they do while selling
goods, and In every respect we strive
tociue no cause Tor complaint. '
We guarantee tills, and every article
well to be exactly as represented,
dS lo givet reUsohable wear for the
prjfa charfcjd'forit; also, to be air low
aa any t Mm. same -quality can be
bojjit at, always holdjug ' ourselves
refciy 14: Hie' loss goo I to the
parohaserV Should' It prove to the
contrary, or If. the article, when
xaaiined at home, should full to
please you, or you be dissuliafied with
yUf purchase In any way, you are at
Ubvrty to 'return the same In good
prder, within five days, and we will
txchanglt-or cheerfully refund the
money. Nkw Yokk .Stoke, Rldgway,
Fa.,.phea Bros. t Browostcine, pro
prkiors ' "...
K. IT. Dixon, of Jay was la town
this week
Cbos. McVeaa, of St. Mary was
in town yesterday.
Luther Lncore, of Benezette, was
In town yexterday.
Loren Hortott, gf Brockport, was
lu town last Hunday,
Judtre Julius Jones, of Beuezette,
attended court this week.
Ira Sherman, after three months'
getting well
I j Joseph Wilcox, paid
-us a pleasant visit this week.
Alton (Vhaprti'iof BrrtcllfwayVlll'e,
was In Uidgway first of the week.
Henry Blesh, of Benexette, waa Jn
town yesterday and called at this office.
Fin Ernhout, and R. Brennen,
of Wilcox, were In Uidgway this week.
Charley Dill, Is about agnln, after
his spell of two or three weeks' sick
ness. . B. O. Aldrh-h was In Rldgway
last Haturday, looking well and hearty
as i'Ver. '....
Hon.'Wm. P.; Jenks. of Brook
vlllclsln town this week on legal
business.- . .
J. V. Tuttliy oi Benezette, and
rifuyette Copp, of Jay were in town
yesterday. '
Miss Rhoda'Wilcox Is home again
after a visit of six weeks to friends lu
JcfKii'sifn county.'
H. H. Wrusel, has had bis house
on Hon th street newly painted while,
with green blinds.
J. O. MefTert, aud Hon. J.
Brwn, of Wilcox, .were here in at
tendance tin court.
Iis Edith Sherman, after an
illness of several weeks is agalu well
enough to he around.
Mrs. J. K. Whitmore, who has
hei-ii very sick, we are happy to an
nounce Is Improving 'rapidly.- '
Mrr. Cornell, nee Nellie Jackson
Is now lu Xew York city where she
wilHunke her future home.
John iSarr. poHtmaster at Medix's
run, attended court this, week having
been drawn on the traverse jury. 1
" . ,
JJenezette; Is as ususl In attendance on
the May term of court this week. .
Col. W. W. Ames, Leonard Wltf-
nian, ami Jas. K. P. .. Hall; of St.
Marys, attended court here this week.
O. T. Minor, of Spring Creek, has
bpen uppoluted a member of the Re
publieuu State Committee for EJk
Abel llreii,of Wodville,pnid us a
visit on Monday. Mr. Oreslf has ten or
twelve men working for him now aud
Is very busy.
D. C. Oyster left for Pittsburgh
yesterday, morning where he will stay
several weeks looking after the sale
nnu Ue.irery of l;Is large .stock of
tiimber. . ' ' - -
M ins Katie Ores h, ruine over foni
night. She has fluishetl the first
three weeks of her teiui -of school at
Erasmus Morey, of Benezette, was
In' Tin? Advocate office yesterday.
On May the 16th, t.e reaches his H6th
ycar.'atid Is as spry audactiveas many
a man at fifty. .
Isiiac Avery; succeedl-d In getting
nearly (ill his lumber to market in
good sliape. Aud is consequently
hupny. The price of hemlock boards
at I'lttslRirg Is as-high as it has been
for years.' Sonie'stiles have been made
at $10 5Q per thousand feet.
At the Milliard circus which per
formed ut this place to-day to large
audiences morning and evening, the
acting was all good, but the clown Mr.
Charley- Madden, took the cake.
I.iiiiiirvii wre delighted, ana U.-o vu
tolkes, as well as the you n'g fellows
with their girls, were obliged to hold
their sides with laughter as ho drove
home his pointed jokes, and cut up his
amusing capers on the sawdust areua.
His tin lioru serenade, or solo as he
called it, was enough to make a horse
fiddle laugh.
Wiksk--Sallach. At the Lutheran
Pivona;e, on Vvdnesdav, May 17,
182, by Jtev. J. Sander, Mr; Frank
Wiwe to Miss Louisa Sallach, lsth
of Uidywtty Townslilp. Elk Co., Pa.
Tiie ;rniitl Central, Powell a Kiate.
Imjow plowing Uirougli her twentieth
biixiuess year, with the largest stock of
Domestic aud faucydry goods, notions,'
groceries, crockery, hardware, glass
waiv, hats, caps, boots and shoes, she
has ever curled, our assortment of
gents', ladies', Misses', and children's
shoes and slippers is simply immense,
a regular Jumbostock, as our sales were
much larger last year than ever be
fore, we account for it from the fact
that we keepa much larger assortment.
With Idea we went to Hew York
and pur.cha.-ed our, Jumbo- stock, we
came home with tile solemn vow t hut
we would not be undersold, and front
the heavy trade we are having we
think our customers have came to the
same conclusion. We have tile 'best
50cts. Corsets in Rldgway, we have the.
best seveuty-five cent Corset In Elk
Co., we Lave the best Dolls', Corset iu
the state, we have the bestlt 25 Corset
In three states, we have the bee. oh
dollar and seventy-five cent Corset in
the mid J le states, a large and hand
some line of Cheviot shirtings, dress
and Domestic Ginghams in endless'
varieties, a large and well selected
slock of Dress goods, try our No. loo
Mackerel, try our new syrup, try our
Roasted Coffee, try our Basket tired,
young Hyson, Uuupowder and Im
perial Teas, try our B ss Standard
Flour, aud your wife will still bless
you, we have added a large Cone
Oriuder to our Btore fixture. No
charges for grinding.
IIIX. ...
At I ho O ra Hum Hj t
tntrodurlatry Hoh,...MM. V Yonth
tm UlUt LMi Bora-.
da from !- i
, mi ii :
Kruponam yxt.
i. J.
Mulo "Corns Rl with
th Lark,
p. Ksit, yin. w,
twioDC. Jn r,
Jadd. Uti C,
Ms? Cslebrstlon Tso Olrlt ritTro Rot
iMiTon amH na two mo
ongi of Ben V into by Ms- Young
ttjKllM. . .
Mul-"On!jr n Iirwun of nrti," Q,nrttM
iHol.t, tatl aad Cbura,) fOul. .
Th Pnlrln..... Twantr-ils Lltuc Olrlt
ttoog "My Jsother-lfi.Utw, ' ..Johnnie He
roaoui, f'rlniftty Drpnnmpnt
Pjti-tmr Frietcnl (tttraitailouX.T.,
2? .-1 - - Hi. ....
Music. Qrubtotra
Brirrrttctil(rira,V.,i.rtin MAft
- - I iawy . iirxra. jiaWHoo
Broom DrlU,4 -oTeiii.ti Young Lndlc.Oafrt.'
lKloriioe M. OUrt0Ut,Cnm'g
U usle " V.1.w or th Mrs. J(. Mr.
Night" (Duett), W.H. LeUmg. J- ;
Hob town School (UlnlNni,)...'...,..';..:Nrn Rtiyi
Mui-lc .t .:1.....Or-.hiiii
lUliwHy Huene I Frnl.;y.ljiMl tf'MMr.linilly
(Ulalrwue), 1 llrmnii, liUm Kline, nd Jolm
Mmlc "Medley Quartetts'' Qoar. lluo
Th Omlietr. c-oiuposed of Ir. w, L. Wllr
ltnui. JeiinlvUrenli. Kmuk Patterson, J.waph
ntl Paul K. tjelalngnr, under the leadership
of nr. W. I.. VVIIIIania, In addition to the
above, rendered evi-ral approjjrlat sreo'
tlona. . :-. . . -
The Opera House was packed full,
upwards of 653". tickets' having been
sold 4o the eutertalumeut. besides be
clvildren who took part lu the exer
cises -and did not Buy tickets ,
The Itit'roductory ))eclv by Mies
Bertha Barrett, a miss of so veil .sum
mers, iu bty's elothus,- took tlto diouse.
by storm. . i:f '- -;'.J "i y -
The singiug of Ibi E.uporUiin uat".
tet te-Ci ub, Was exaelle'ntand - wtM ;a '
very pleasant feature of tbe evenlug's
entertainment. '.''' .
The May celebration wa aa pleasant
and sweet as m May morning, Miss.
Ilattie Oyster,' taking th'e ch-raetr of
the May queii. witu graoo and Ite
coming dignity. r. J, -.
"The 8ms of Seven," Jean In
gelow's ' celebrated poem. Vltlv the'
two. tableaux, won the 'merited . ap
plause of the audience in eyyy scene. .
' Twenty-six little girls as fai Wes, with
their white dresses aM'bespairsled with
gold stars, and with becoming 'gplden.
crowus, and prettyaj.esturp.i, .was In
deed a fairy scene of.pleaiavg memory,
Jobnufe M'.NIanuV,; of "tu 'Pridinry
Department, oh wliosebekd' no fnofe
thau eight suniiners', have casf 'their
sitntay rays, was the' capping riniaz.of
tue evening s eniertaiuineni; KnCi)fel
time and again, the audience fairly
became frantic when be appeared aud
sang "My Mother-lii-law."- ' . ' -
The Hoyden (Dialogue) was a nent
and refreshing little piece which
pleased tlreaudlenve immensely. Aud
wliileihe others did admirably we ate
coifipelled to especially praise the al
most superb acting of Miss UllaKlaie,
who lu this as well as tbe several
others rote she assumed, would, have
done credit to a professional actress.
"Barbara Frietchle," by Miss 'Clara
Wfllard, was del-ered' in,, excellent
style, and iu a clear ringing voice.
While Cue parody by Master Carwll
M'Afee,. 'was nrne the. less
liyersd and brought down the house.
JThe Bftoosi Eftin.L -y
Iiuft struck Uidgway, aud
on the fe-
casion of this eutertalnment Prof.
Johusod', decided to add it as one of
the features of' the evening. The
Uidgway Uniom Battalion, was'cxi'ni
toauded . by Captaiu Florence . M.
OsterhoUt, who was dressed in. white,
waiipg'a (xeorge Washlngtoti' lrat,
with.wblte plume, gold epaulets, crliu
sott cross lett trimi.ued with gold, and
With girdle aud apron of crimson also
trimmed with gold. In her hand she
carried a large peacock I'eutber; duster
also elaborately trimmed ijicrjinsonahd
gold.'-' Aa the curtain rose the Captaiu
advanced frdiu tlie left 'df the stage,
made a- mililnry salute to tue1 audience
mid tlien tNik position. at tlie right,
front of the stage, and gave, the com
mand fbll in. The battalion rallied
troiri the -i.i. d qpicj; form-d
llll With hrfMinitf ut a. dw irv nh-,f
- - - - - - - .,') f a uv
members of tile etnipaiy-wore white
oreai-ea, crimiMtii (uiswug cups, Willi
., x.... .. .1.. ...
criiuaoii. cross lajjis, girde and apfon;
(all pinked o the edge).. The broom's
were trimmed with a wrdcrirnui hand
uround the sweep; and witii two trim
son bows, one three inches froiu: the
sweep and the, other four Inches from
the end of the pniut or stick. .The
brooms were carried with the brusii or
sweep part up. , And. as the battalion
lormeii In line, and gave the salute
under arms the audience burst into a
loud shout of applause. The manual
of arms was gone through with in
regular order, to the satisfaction of the
audience, who were especially; -de
lighted, at the "stack arms" which' was
executed iu true military reclslori.
All through, the manual of anna was
executed with soldier like exactness,
the slight errors only serving to high-
ten the effect of the scene and bring
out In stronger contrast, the perfection
of the movements. The marchinir
was excellent, niauy of the evolutions
receiving rapturous applause from tire
audience. " The Oo in Circle aud
Kiyht IbrwardFofir Jtlght, were at.
plauded even more loudly than: the
other movements. The battaliou
marched with, regular step while the
alignment of fours at a turn could not
be bettered by troop of the line. Old
soldiers went hrtp eotaey, the young
soldiers of Co. 11 were white with Jeal
ousy, while ladies, gentluuieij.old maids
and children wted tlie dril a' grand
success. The voting ladies are deserv
in of great' praise for tbe entirely ex
cellent manner Jn which (bey Cou
dueled themsel ves tiirojighOut the'ex hi
bltlon. We append a list of the names
of the young ladies in the hnttatlonr
Captain Plorenos U. 0atrh6ut.
Mlai Avne Barrett, Ml Hinnt Mllea.-'
auuiv iMiruweii. 1 'niuu jai'Ma,
Kmlly Hainan, -C'arrl
Emma Oaary.
tlla Kline,
Minnie K'iu,
Anuls Kilns..
Viola Nelll,
- Allot Htflll,
" May Oliuatuad,
Kefll Oliuatead.
u Minnie Her vloe,
The "liobtown school", (dialogue)
waa imuieuse, ' and . tte '"Ball way
Boene" heartrending. :.
v M c. ,'VIII )t. pharv author of the
OerntHU Vouhleer, asslsfeJ liy fiia aorr,
rendered noble service lw eoutieotion
wlih the arraniretnpnt of tbe tableau 1
- . ... . .
iu "Bonus of Hereu", .ior which the.
deserve tbe thanks or me school. ,
The Quartette Club deaervet apecia-
mention. "'
The orchestra was flrstlns.
-,. The. entire entertabjmept was la
grand success, and Mr tfuhnson and
the teachers of it Borouxh cljooU,cr
tainiy baye shown theniselef entirely1
capable ofgettiog p an eutertaluiitent
that pleases all, aid as wlke4 young.
; Where all did So' well It li itremely
difficult to awaril tlie pal"ie afrjr par .
4icUlar one, and In.' the- few tustaoces
wesVe d.oU Iftf )t Is nt- to. 4etruot
'tnnVVuWeHt otV:re''b
simply as liiafk of tgarw for.'lbe
extra exertion Mfthie particvlHtones;d
One and all djd wofT, th e Hrulemie
and the large ones'. And oh all aides
we, -hear the merited; approval of the
community. 1V " K
' lieellse at Ms J Ti-rm of .l-oqr.U ' '
Tbe following Itoeriscs-were granted
yesterday. A ".
Fox Joseph. Koclr and Bon; George
HputileryLewls Thomas'!'
Jay I?. lI..DioV.";.; 'J
;Bldgway Borough Sidyer Jackson,
J h i Vtfughan, Peter Fi-Bogert.
BtMtjrys Borough --'JoUu-,Oroll.
KAq;kopj8K, , ?
Jay Cot neal-&or1j j
neiieiette Jojjn Dally. A
ox-Heriia5 Hlr1 '. ''
IThe applications of Patrick Fahey
and JohuSulllvatl were'tefused.
'Rldgway Township- J. S. Brown.
8t. Marys 'Boroicjli'; . ' Charfes
M'Vesn, and &t W-GifJt.rd. :,
slimo Cliih-e Dtridtsof Vjt aul llamnr.
The book-buying.;.pab:io will cer
tainly bc.deygUfed, eyS 'if the Md
time pubiialiers are disgusted wtth the
work The Useful' Kiio Vdge Publish
liig Company, .of.'w-Y4)rli,,.ts, doing.
They, 'are-lust ' l!uinr a number of
workaot tjhe c'ljiolceit x'r.nde rjf irit a'n'd
humor. . 'iioe," "Stu'di.Vlrt: $tauiw,
Tint for :thei'.Tinief,7UiJajls, ati.d
lkmdsldes," Is t)yOJrVKU C. -.Kerr,
than, wlioui 'iib,'rfivrri5ifi" ;uuVorous
wrlteniiae won ,wvWlV.!ii'uTie'1 For
nrysteHou's plot, purity and nobility of
tiDiglit, afid ' rinraing,.s lKkithy,
hearty iBUewitlioilt 4 HvaJ
lit 'hlif Varied brilliant acJjuplish
mejitH. Tlie millbunsJijf tbe-Aaierlean
eople who tiave in.tiisies past' laughed
at his Inimitabler'dd-ctiotisWill give
his' new book inotheirly weleojue. 'It
is Issued in a charming little -ypluuie
at tile uyaI'mur'HoUs;y low 'pVicvii of
The U'. k. P Co, .Utility Bilidihg. 20
ots:, Extra cloth, 80 c'is., HaJlBussia,
4'J cts:,' At the sume- tiiubsHiey publish,
each lu a large 12 nfo. VtHuiueof nearly
8M pgethe eoujplejij' Works of. the
inimitable wit audi sssajr 1st' Charles
'Lamb,' the Clioeoe KVdrks-of Abe- la
(coui parable Irlsff fiorVjhriet;' i'om
Hood, aud t he Clioicie V'f,kpf. Dean
Hwin,' Whose quality oWijls wntioui
',' V.. u. .v-M.'S'-fcMr-tUe.-' All
tl Lsee. arc boon s w n c)i. nuai ly oeion g
in. every 'man's library.: -Unterprisiug
Ut)ksel'lers,supp1y,tlreh, and tlie jiub
iif'liers want clubs agents itid cauvass
jera In' every ibuntyi tUd' town to
whom very uuusua tariua. and aclli
ties are given.
! " Hemorlal1 Dayl
fia;iBi.'OiDF.iuil Hitt'JtRa. Pa..
f (irand Army of tn Be-.
9. I UWIW- nc,wnwiinut
.. ' i ,;
rhllatfelplda. My , 18S2.
i.'otBs: Tuesday,;Ky;!Jpy,.jrlV oh
srvatl'iour Annua) MieW-ial Cax. .when
you will1 go out to ah,gts ot e.nrorty
tUoutand fellow-Kldl.ithi-,tHe"lb'. blv.
ourto wllrhlii th iHiritewAiWIriUBaylanla.and
deoornUitbem wteh.UvelC towers of Hi
pj-lnu time.'. i.rii;j :.;
lo more than a tbousaixrtKlrisl (round In
ur State; la thccnut'd9Aieettry 01 Uielty,
J..;;;v-;;n on .
.777- .. : ..ui.t..u;i s.s m
1 ... 1 ...Lt ...H..u.KJrifiuUliu In IhH
hlilsltW.'reat our lt1SilsatH brourfat rrnm
tb fleldn of tliIrl-fy,lipreUiy,a-ll o the.
battie;i etorni, or ho,lrlckeu with wound
os waaled with dheak Jatve batS fniii;thiir
uaittpnljoi to be "muttered out,'' and toaleep
ttielr iKMt sleep' ainklt!tU aoeaaS of thvir
chlldliood- among klnJrad and -friends.
Beuilt entirely Ilia ei.'and labor of life
for the day, and devote Wio aur beautiful aud
1 m preM 00m memory 1 we eret uon le
Dlllge'u'tly seek outevry.unirad's grate
InourRtaUi, tiowevsr hulnSle, liowever a,
eluded ; lay upoii It Hie iaur el and rose t plan t
above It the Una- r.w bhoi)orb died now
the ataDdard Of a Nfltlim.-iunlted and proeper
our. UU batatnmpttast.batthaikpirlttbut
proinpU It U Ignlflcana-l" '
Ko etaboral nofiUinlt,' no .bronae tablet
record the heroie deadittub patriotic ervk-ea,
the unselflsti' saorlflcui'ut tboae, at whoa
graves ' pay our florul Ulbute. But, oora
radea, at you utand bekld theae paaatonleas
aionnda, tber Will ar.aerrvld inemorle of
the Ardent, Grave, wuVaifaoun,- gaulul end
generous one who litbaaektA them.
- To them lift) was deaiy'1. Ma 'of borne
aafered, tb hopes ef tfAutur brlgb(, but
moved by the purent pa&wyun tliey volun
tarily relinquished elf Jtr tbetr eoubtrys
cause,rallsingwl tbTfiardtblp( to b ten
dured, the peril' to be encountered, the pro
pecu of life thBt would bltutud.
A ud yet theKe, whose graves we ahali deoor
at are but a few of the mighty hosts of the
uillen, Legion rest upon tb war, fields of
th South, In th glades of the forest, by the
stream ulnng which they fought, on' the nlll
which they bled ; and the sun on our Mentnr
IhI lHiys will hI upon, their grave, un
'wstched and undecorated, save by the wl)d
wood flowers and antraiued vine. '
In a millon dioolat homes. North a"f.
South there are grief and mourning for the
volunteer who came not b&k from th bat
tle, with tb flag under wbose' folds he
marched away In tb pride aud srengpi
Tb . services of Decoration Tsiy are not.
then fo- vain display, but.bav a higher and
nobler purpose, tp rpailnaibf us pf th price
leas raoHom aUI or ths!tttegritrof our He
publlc and 4u 'stXlwlou ...
. May all our puopl partUlp te Irf tbtf beau-
V.fui ceremonies. May t) foung; especially, J
u iiopeaaeu witn tnair fvwuiwg fta siguin--eance.-
May we, moved by the sad r$eraorie
awakened, return to our b.Hue at the elb
of tbe day .thrilled wltbajputer pa'trtortain.'ln
olted to a truer devotion ,o our eouo U7, and
a ttha tinner determination tha etira sball
ue the- moat perfect givram4nt of tbe
peopto, for tbe people," apd that our, warrior'
aeait nau not bav died in vain.' - : -.
. By CoaaAsa or J. H. VANircsLt cfci. w
, " Impart men tChntmander.
. AslsUntAdJaantXSeorI.'
i v - v.. . .
'' ..
- - ' ' STATE C0ilimfi.
Headquarters Republican Btate Cora
uiitte.St. Cloud Hotel. Philadelphia.
May 17, taal
ro rn ntf cBtitCAwa or rtnuavL-
..'. . tamia:
The' Republican State Committee
thus early announces the opening of
its Headquarters, and asks the prompt
oo-operatlon of all active Republicans,
ro tbe end that tbe details of what
nust prove a great canvass may re
ceive the most careful attention.
The Harrlsburg Convention luissub
wltted to the aufierage of the people a
great ticket t td ju glorious .platform.
The ticket embodies a group of names
which for ability, fitness and- repre
sentative cbaraoter. iVls impossible to
excel. lenrtal -BenVBr is notion ly tbe
ty pe of ou r aotd lery of Miirtiibftt whtth
counted In Its ranks nearly"' quarter
of million of Penusyl vajjiatis when thel
Uniopprtbe States was Imperilled but
his deeds and sufferings for tbe cause
place him lu tbe front ratik of the heroes
of that war. - As Republicans we vowed
in Its darker hours that -political in
gratitude should never be shown to any
of these heroes, "all other things being
equal." In this instance all other
things are more than .equalled; they
are excelled in so far that our maimed
soldier candidate for Governor embod
ies all the higher qualities of the states
man, tit orator and the christian.
Uenator Davies for Lieutenant Gover
nor, rvpreseuta ,,th.virr& ''unshaken,
talent, of the section which gave us .a
Wiluiot and a Grow.- Win. , Henry
Rawle, for tbe Supreme Court, is the
best product -of Philadelphia's brilliant
bar, and iu -the world of legal letters
bears a fame so bright that our conti
nent cannot bind it John M. Greer,
for Secretary of Internal Affairs, is as
strong iu politic as in physique,- and
throughout a distinguished career in
the State senate has been recognized as
the chumpiou of the .men who have
developed our rivers of oil and made
the world their channel. Thomas M.
Slafsliali; the most1 independent of all
independent thinkers lit our West, is
thtrbest example ourv State affords of
the citizen whose qUHttrlckttoiiB have
ciVipdled. the otQee to (liilit the man,
4!e(wiU aid in Intact .what in
tmnaeUre of things uujtb be. a. very
narrow Keputillwaa irtaTgin . in tbe
loW;nrHoMse yfC'ongrtsss.''' ' ' ' '
1 ui: luuB ci lj . "uui luiijr- rep-
resenU.eVery living elemeut of Renub-
lR-auiam, The platform la more, pro
nounced than any'eVer before adopted
lu the state pronounced in seeking
every legitimate', political advance
touchlng.lmprovemeut of methods aud
rth'e t-arluist possible triumph of priuci-
.. ...
Pennsylvania le now freer iu her
forms' of. Republican primary action
tl'ian any other State in the Union.
a5le inaugurated district representa
tion in Xatioual Conventions, aud
hoSypiore fully enforces this policy
thjtn .any of hers slsfer ,Btuteg. The
present platform ui4 the ruJea,emVod
led Ihefoiu secure to 'primary 4etim
claim to increased liberty, and . these
are -political reforms of more ' rapid
growth thau any known to Our history.
ya a:rule good, things In politics
which come to stay, come step by step,
the pnee increasing only as all become
jtor and more ready to receive. The
ppogrtM of the Repuldican party forei-btj-
attests a -fact which has grown
into a mafim. In iu ih fancy the
.party could but announce iu opposi
tion to the further extension of slavery.
Extension once forbiden. its. wismt
cuauipwn the martyred Lincoln
patiently struggled in the earlieryears
ot his first adiuinitration for com pen -
sated Emancipation. His appeals were
rejected by the parties interested.
War's grim necessity emancipated,
and tiiefi a great struggle followed for
equality before- tire law but another
step; and one .which looks timid now
vet , which was bold 'enough... then .
Civil- rights accoiiipllehed, manhood
sufJerage came through even more
paiuful sUges. To have demanded the
greater boou from the beginulug the
linal step which included and outreach
all the others would liavc led to a
fatal slip. The men who proved their
prowess In these struggles were those',
who had the wisdom to guide wtih
care and good cheer, aud so to stand
with the people as not to lose their
opportunities for increasing usefulness.
Or such were- Lincoln, Steveus, Gar
field. '
And now the Republican party of
our, Suite having aided iu securing
huihaii: rights through legal forma, iu
its feVfit Convention wisely directed
IU attention to the growth of liberty .lu
primary action. In Republican Gov
ernment it is frequently wise in citi
tens to imitate iu the forms of volun
tary political action those laid down
by the law, for in this way all the peo
ple become familiar with the law, and
Lits workings; the exceptions point to
times and occasions when it Is desir
able to change the law, aud to prepuru
sentiment for that Change.' The con
stitutional law of Pennsylvania fixes
the number of Senator and Represen
tatives at 251, a maximum which tbe
platform preserves In the selection of
Delegates to future State Conventions,
but it at the same time wisely protects
the primary right of each Republican
voter lu the declaration that delegate
shall beselected as Senators and Re
resen tat Ives are selected. This Is pop
ular aud representative sutfragecarried
Into, primary actipn, giving, to) local
sovereignty t he say whether It shall be
popular or representative. Either is a
great advance, and in the advance the
party of the State baa ouly refrained
from Interference . with the right of
home rnle ip primary details.
Loo'i carefully at tbe platform, and
you will see not only successive but
culminating ttepe to every 'remedy,
and steps pointing to every liberty
which wisdom can sug-rest. These are
reforms of to day. Only evenomed
sophistry can call them reforms of to
morrow. The ticket which high
honor recognizes every element of the
party; tbe platform embodies every
principle which tbe knowledge of men
In dispassionate conference, commit
tee.or convention, could suggest as
abreast of the timea.
The Republican party redeems Its
pledges. It has never forfeited iU
word, and neither misconstruction nor
taunt cau shake Its record or purtiose
in this regard.- Accomplished reforms
will be maintained, promised reforms
will be realized, and that they may be.
maintained and realized 'the State
coqinilttee asks all who lean toward
Republicanism lo fall into line under
the old standard, that a victory sure to
jiejwo'n may tJrdmiisi J assured.
- In a contest'' -nearly "all ft4f
stake they do best" wfmare nlifef wilV
Ing'td sacrifice personal Heirrest Mbl
vl()ual shadeiof opinion; personal arn-
bitlou and interest) 'fox Jthe con,m'fri,l
cause. In sufch cdutesbia shrewd and
unsrcupulous euemy too often prompt:
tbe lifting of the r'etL hand- of -faction,
so that it may serve as a "will-o' the
wlsp" to lend the unwary aside and
into quagmires, where they must re
main without a flag, without a pur
pose, and without u goal.- -
There Is but one enemy to fight. - It
is the old one, w hich in major part
was false to tlfe UuioH'lu'-iU hours of
danger;which.suhseuui.'Utly stood but
as n obstructifiil to the rights of men ;
w.Uch to-day represents a reaction op
posed to American, labqr, to our mater
ial advancement iu' manufactures and
commerce, to' the' redemption of our
nation's pledges. v With settled put
pose not to be diverted- from their
object, the Republicans of Pennsylva
nia will face tills common enemy, aud
with it aloue decide tlie great iswuts of
the conflict.
Aud the better to do this let all Re
publicans who have any suggestions to
make, correspond with their State aud
Couuty Committees, counsel with
their ueighbors, invite an eucourage
tbe ever-eulflcient aid ofthelr local and
metropolitan Republican press-prompt
the active to greater activity, Inspire
effect lu the new aud untried, hasten
primary actiHwhere hastsveau do no
wrong, anticipate lit the earliest
hours of the canvass that niachiuery
of the law which requires early regis
tries of voters aud in all things get
ready for a great battle. Serve early
and manly notice upon the enemy
that every honorable effort and re
source suall oe employed to achieve a
victory which many regard as vital to
the. great Republican party aud its
By order of the Republican State
Peruba cures every time get some,
be well keep It 011 hand, aud sin no
- Persons recovering from wasting
' ;:....-.. -1 - j. e.. .... nt
Nvill he greatly-benefited by thu iise of
.Browus Iron Bitters, a true tonic.
Every Style & Price.
Guarantees! Uae xtxal m1
In;roremeati aai Conrcalewei fonai 2
V) otiers,
nv Sal la Zrcl-f City susd Twr.
... T-4-.. , - a . .
Bp a .1 2
g ii?! iB Is
P IrPH . S3
Business Cards.
Main street, Rldgway, Elk Co., Pa
Particular attention given to tbe
examination of titles, also to patent
and patent cases.
Office in new brick building, Mala
street, Rldgway, Elk Co., Pa.
firot f tar mi ir A rn voart rtrAftli.
Ofrloe on Main Street. Rldgway, Pa.,
opposite the Bogert House. Office
nours irom 1 to x ana 7 to 9, r. J. ,
Late of StrattanvlllelPhyslefifr.silfKl
..Hurgeon, RldgwavPa; Offlce'Jn
T . 1 1 I r . I L. 11.11 1!'. It 4 I
nnu B JincK uuiiuing (i naimc
References J,' D.; Smithy H. - t-
Vnnnr. 1? T '. LCnn Ut -otl ,WtllV
. Major 'John Kltley,' VV. W.jOreen-
lanu, uiarirn. umce nours i w
P. M. and 7 to 8 P. M. i"
N. W. corner of Main and Mill street.
Kidgway, Pa., full assortment of care
fully selected Foreign and Domestio
Drugs. Prescriptions carefully die
pensed at all hours, day or night. .
vmy .,
V. H. SCHRAM, Proprietor,
Rldgway, Elk county, Pa.
Thankful for the natronace hereto
fore so liberally bestowed upon him.
the new proprietor hopes, by paying
strict attention to the comfort aud con
venience of guests, to merit a continu
ance of tbe same.
and Buggies to let upon tbe most
reasonable terms.
JOFHe will also do job teaming.
Htable on Elk street. All orders left
at the Post Office wi'l receive prompt
Public Sale.
There will be exposed to public sale) .
on .
the valuable real estate on Broad street
known as the L. Luther property, and '
is 80 feet on Broad street and 1U0 feet'
along an alley next Hyde's store. On
which Is erected a frame building 28?
38 with wing 16x38, and one frame
barn. Terms cash. '
M. H. LtJTHER. -Executor
estate of Llbbeue. Lutber
uevukBca. .
for , .
free to any address. , : '.
Florist and Seedsman, ' .'
Wllliamaport, P .
Henry A. Parsons, Jr., Local agent '
Ridgway, Pa. ,
JNotice is lierebv Kiveu that tlie un
a tin. -
dersigned and others assoiiated with ,-.
him intend to make application to the 'tv
Governorof the Commonwealth for a . "
charter for the incororation of a com-..
gaily for tlie manufcwitvira nf Trnn Vanif '
tfsci, and of articles of commerce fr6m
wood and metal in the County of Elk,
under the 36tb section of the act of 2, '
A pril 1 874,an d the su pplemeu U tn'efeto;''
said company to be entitled. The
Benezette Iron Company:
No. 42 Main StJ
ERS' . -"
House-Furnishing ;'.
W S Service, A'&'t.."-
4. D. WOODRUFF, Mi. O. '
Orrict Houas. From to 12 a m IIaI
and 7 to 9 p. m. Residence Offlo at rt
denoe, opposit Elk County Bank, Mala
Street. , .. .
ATTENDED.. . . . ,
jA'r share of tb people's patronaa , j
- ' -'V.'ri'
Orders for flowers, seeds, ihti,
from Harry Chaapel'a greenhouse,
Wllllamsport, will receive prompt
tentlou if left at Th" AovocAtl "
office. ' ' ' " :
i ' i -
Wall paper. Border, Abastlne
Kalaomine, Painta,Ofl,VarnUheule'
at Cralg'a Drug Btore, Bitlgwiy.
'.' t