J flenrj- A. rnroons, Jr., - Editor THURSDAY. MAY 18. 18S2. Entered at the Tost-office at rldoway, pa,, a3 second class mail matter. pXrUBLICAS STATE TICKET. For Governor, TAMES A. BEAVER, of Centre County. For Lieutenant-Governor, W. T. DA VIES, of Bradford County, For Judge of Hip Supreme Court, WILLIAM HENRY RAWLE. of Philadelphia. For Secretary of Internal A flair. JOHN M. GREEK, of Butler. For Con jrrwsmim-nt-Large. THOMAS MARSHALL, of Allegheny. Tho Convention's Work. At the head of this column we place the names of the nominees of the re cent Republican Stute Convention. We feel while doing this that it is the best thiug for the good of the Repub lican cause, which caupe we propose to defend and champion to the bitter ertd. The unholy baud of Cameron and his "boss'' dictation are plainly discern iblein henmkeupofthoticket. Nuonc pretends to say but that tho nominees nre all men worthy in every respect to fill the high positions for which they have been named. And they are the regular nominees of the regular Re publican State Convention and there fore entitled to the support of all loyal Republicans. The nomination of General Reaver, although on the ob noxious slate of the obnoxious "bos.," Cameron, was nevertheless, a choice that the voice oi the people sanctioned above the dictation of the boss system When we think that d counties of the State were represented, as was Elk, by a packed committee delegate It causes the blood to boil at the out rage on common decency. Rat tin convention under the pressure of Inde pendent Republicanism deelau-d henceforth that damnable syteiu of ntati ve-dr-h gate business. Hhall irivc way to a sysit m that shall insure the election of dele gates by a representative convention. This step was in tho right diivetion, and how the little bosses must have squirmed whtu they beard this de cision of the convention that strip ped them of ail power. For bossism in d:y light is weak, b:it b-'hini post offlco boxes, and up-stalrs it can loudly tell of cow-hiding and boast of its prowess. All Republicans should rally to the support of the ticket. and elect it. Then next year see to it that delegates are sent who will represent the wishes of tho people. The Independents will hold a convention on tho21th,to nomi nate a full ticket to oppose the regular Reptiliicen nomination. This looks from our stand-point like political suicide. For with an Independent ticker, which would draw largely from tho Republican vote, the success of the regular ticket would be jeopardized, and possibly defeated, aud while the Independents would not win, the suc cess of the Democratic candidates would be assured. Therefore, the in dependent movement gains nothing and may lose lis the State. Better were it that the regular ticket should win this year than that the Democrats should carry the State. 1 here is more nt Stake than Iho selection of Stute of fices: the election of a United States Senator and the re-districting of the State, and thu election of Congress ,.,, .,nl (V.r tl'.- ranunnq Keitol'lt- cans should lay aside their iuij alienee at "bobsism" and rally for the good el' the party. Of course if the election of a Republican legislature would in any degree aid the re-election of Senator Cameron , It were better that the legis lature should lie Democratic. While selecting men for the legislature, put in nomination only men who are op posed to Cameron's re-election. Rut on the State ticket we can all rally to Its support, in the nanm of Repnbli cariisni and light. GET BEST ! LEAD ALL OTHERS! Every Style & Price- Guaranteed Unequaled FOR OPERATION. ECONOMY, DURAniLITY and WORKMANSHIP. Inproremeiito anl Conveniences found b so ethers. Aays Reliable. 0?UVAR rVfHYWHERE. X-!" '-'.l-i in y.-vr? City and Town - tr.'Ut Stataa, k HYDE & CO., AGENTS " JTIRPWAY. N Suffer no longer from Dyspep sia, Indigestion, want of Appetite.lossof Strength lack of Energy, Malaria, Intermittent Fevers, Ac. BROWN'S IRON BIT TERS never fall9 to cure all these diseases. Cotton, November n6, i83i. Brown Chemical Co. Gentlemen : For years I risrt beenagrcnMuflTcrerfrom Dyspepsia, and could get no relief (having tried everything which was recommend ed) until, acting on the advice of a friend, who had been benefitted by Brown's Iron Hittrka, 1 tried a bottle, with most surprising results. Previous to taking ttnovvN's Ikon Bittbrs. everything I ate distressed me, and I suffered greatly from a burning sensation in the stomach, which was unbearable. Since tak ing Brown's Iron Bitter, all my troubles are at an end. Can eat any time without any disagreeable re sults. I am practically another person. Mrs. W J. Fiynn, 30 Maverick St., . Boston. BROWN'S IRON BIT TERS acts like a charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as tast ing the food, Belching, Heat In tho Stomach, Heartburn, etc. The only Iron Preparation that will not blacken the teeth or give headache. Sold by nil Druggists). Brown Chemical Co. Baltimore, Met. See that all Iron Hitters are made by Brown Chemical Co., Baltimore, and have crossed red lines and trade mark on wrapper. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. PRINCIFALUN And a)ldTEST lino to St. Joseph, points In Iowft7Nf5Atchiiuu, Topcka, Vtni so, New .Mexico, Arizona, MciT tana and Texa. O H I C A G- O iuute hus iioiup-ilur fui Albert Unlvcraul Lea. Minneapolis and St. raul, auuua)ly tvputea as lv conceded to be the best equipped being tno ureal Railroad In the World for all clftMt?! of travf-. .jn rou g n u a r KANSAS CITY T. I. POTTER. PERCEVAL LOWELL, Jil !" ft-M'i A GenU Manager, Otn. Pnst. Agt.. CUtcuco, 111. Chicago, 11 L feu. -3 : 1 , I.. t:a;:' ..f.i.'n. z f iv fl i V' f '. X!-, ' hi ' tv t-i CUT THIS OUT! NKTesS15isS40wK. We have stores (n 15 leading Cities, from which our aaruta otnin their Bunpliw (illicitly. Our I'tn(oriH ami Prinrliuit Ol!i are at Krln lu. h:ud lor our N v lululuuu ua t riu Ut Ufe'CUlfl AdiireMi M. N. LOVELL0l3RrrPcEhNSNtrAe.et PIANOS. S1C0 up (Stool, Cover nnd Book) EleL'iint t-quare Grand, 3 strings, lull Atntiiis. t-verv improvement, only S2-15. Cal-imt fJrund Urinht i'-i'i Uiitl82o0. Otlit r (iltiixl llolltlity Bur cuius. Jubilee Oriialis, J55 up (Slool and Book). ICxcclfior. Myle 42, Five net of Jieeds. 15 Mops, only 8 "Oriental," style 103. 'l'ensetot'Beeds, 20 f U'Pfi. onl V 125. JSo. "boons ' fcds of reeds or duuiinv" slops. All fcent on 15 dny trial, ( igltt J'rre if u una tin- tai:to'u. 1'iuv una itonesi iieuuiiu puuiaitleed. Sheet Music J price, l'inno. Oiv'nn, or Music Cntalofrue free MKXDKLSftOHJj PIANO CO., Box 2058, N. y. ORGANS. XV AiI connections made ThrouBh XVvS. jV Try It, Tickets via thlr rli ou wl" Celebrated Line torSDjSwttitl traveling a sale at all offices lfV'Cvi'jr'V ,u,ur)r' ,nstel' the V. 8. nVv V!j2v. Canada. fW AllXvJS. com,ort vlnformationtMOv V' ,l,out 1!a,c, "'XwX Fore' Sleeping Care, Xjy x 3 V--1 I - - I , ii t-v r- r-t-- .1"! : v .7-fs. '!.. '.i .'t'.'i. v..:;; V ''' Orders for floweis, seeds, etc., from Harry Chaapel's greeu house, Williamsport, will receive promjit at tention If left at The Advocate office. TREASURER'S .SALES OF UN SEATED LANDS. TOTICE l hereby given Hint, imrceaniy 10 1111 aci 01 asschujiv passed the l;itlt tiny of March, A. V. 3301 ima, fin men 'Ail net to niuciiti mi dircclinK the mode of selling liiiseiiten lands for taxes mid other purposes,' unil the nevera! supplements thereto, the following tract oi unseated minis, shunted 111 Elk county, l'ennwylvnin, will he exposed tof-nio ny punnc ven due or outcrv. ut the court house In Eid-'wity, In simi rouniy, on 111c SKt'ONI) MONDAY OI'1 JUNK NliXT, holng the 121U )AY OF JUNE A. 1. 1882, for tho nrronrairt's of tuxca for the yen in 1880-81, tinles's the tnxe9 are jinid prior to naiu tiute: BEX HZETTI5 TOWNSHIP. Wtir Acres. WorrnntceRor Owners, Tnxc. G3H2 28 James Ktnkea 100 H) 5,'M 1007 James Stokca 12 0(1 Vi.'j.i 10117 Juines stokes VI?. P ry.'SS 10(17 JniiK'9 StokeM 2n5 74 5:144 1007 James Ktokea 113 1007 Jnme Stokes Zrl rAW 1007 Juines Stokea 810 30 M47 1007 .lumes Stokea 18J30 5"4S 10(17 .lames Stokea ?0' 74 5371) 4r,;i James Stokes "00 74 (inSO 1100 Jmnes Slf)kfS 877 00 800 Jatue Stokea "0 00 5384 1000 .In mcs Stokes 4120 00 5387 1100 Jtimes Stokea 300 00 5:149 10( 8 Jnmea Stokes 21)1 50 5342 1100 Jnines Stokes 2l 00 5003 !)00 Jnines StoUcs 225 00 5334 lloo Myron Merrill 157 00 5330 1100 Amos H Merrill Vr 00 5287 275 Amos H Merrill 3150 528S 278 Amos B Merrill 30 24 52HD 223 Ai)os B Merrill 31 74 5300 1100 Jones, lnimmoiKl&Co 314 24 5 540 1100 Jonnllinn Brown f)4 21 4004 315 Nathan W Kills 79 00 l'.Mi,5 458 Addison Swartwootl &. Co 120 74 5341 000 Cornelius "Wr.lnwright CI 50 5012 000 Miles Dent 285 74 5470 500 Miles Dent 57 24 5479 100 Miles Dent 74 5479 221 Miles D.nt south end of Biirvev 25 50 5478 CO Miles'Dent south west corner 7 00 5011 CO Miles Dent -southeast . comer 10 40 54S1 450 John Brooks 51 50 5000 '.".'0 John Brooks 114 24 4007 4.81 II. C. Spauldiitg 110 00 5081 f"iO H. (.!. Spnuldinj? 03 00 5023 2S8J Jno .lolmon undl- idetl i & 74 53S3 1103 Ilczi 'iiali Mix 217 00 5023 5i) Andrew Dent 2 74 5179 01 Hamilton Dawn 10 50 tool 150 William Shannon SI 24 5122 1!0 David S. Johnson 3150 5340 550 Henry Blush 31 50 5001 OV'O Finney & Ban-own 1G0 00 499J 100 rinnev & Barrows from Fitch S. Bovinuton 29 24 5002 Pro J. ii. Beading & Co. K'.'O 00 5013 too J. a. lieadini; & Co. 220 24 50 1 1 890 J. (,. Biadint! & Co. 203 50 5OU0 900 J. U. UcildilijC it Co. 283 00 5010 990 TruliiiKcr, Crol't &t:o. Filch & Bovlnifton 2c-3 00 5024 1:'4 John & D S Johnson 15 30 3025 302 John & I). S. Johnson 37 74 5003 990 Shafler it- Johnson 339 50 542 fit -5 Julius Jones 115 50 5-182 28 Julius Jones 8 00 5330 550 Smith, M Connie & Ma nn 03 00 5313 5179 5478 5011 5177 5181 5022 5022 5024 5023 5481 5t23 5029 5O20 5021 5015 5027 5: 2'J Vil-l 1100 Cook & Pardee 220 00 50 Devi 1 licks 2 00 1040 St. John & Rothrock 23.5 50 030 st. John & llothroek l-'o ;t4 1100 St. John & Bothrock 84 21 300 11. Mcliiinan 34 24 55 Aniaiida Apker 15 74 55 Maria P. Johnson 15 71 501 Mai ia P. Johnson CO 01 2S8J Maria P. Johnson undivided? 16 00 276 Jos. Enz from Martin Kuz 13 73 8 Jos. F.nz from Martin En. 1 40 I'OO U. Winslow Estate K0 74 Wi di tlo 10:) 74 375 do do 5 74 O'.iO do do 100 70 7!'0 do do i'O 24 (Till II. 'A ins'ow Instate 7 -Jil 100 ii. Winslow Khtate 5 74 27 2'jO H Winslow Estate Heinier & Johnson lot 23 00 U3 13 80 It. Window j-'.stale Brockwav 23 00 100 R. Winslow Kslalo 12 -to 205 it. Window Est a? i! 42 24 107 It. Win:.!ow Eolate 12 21 BENZINOEU TOWNSHIP. I0S9 4115 142 75 147 Wi!lia:n C. Black John Millie Nelson J. Wiminer Nelson J. Wiminer 40 51 24 99 23 77 23 77 140 .. irat ht 4883 330 J. J. Lawrence -fr. N Ma 1011 828 J. J. Duwrcnce US 84 48?2 -fr. N. Matsoii 990 J. J. Lawrence 2"') H. (4. Williums 80 1 1. H. Williams 220 Gilbert Williums 300 James Somers Smith 5on James Somers Smith 90 James Somers Smith 9oo James Somers Smith 277 04 1959 4900 305 5o 01 72 17 90 50 10 80 70 14124 20 21 210 84 5 02 I9.r8 4938 4901 49H1 4992 4106 50 A. llobbs 325 Enrley, Brickel Ilite Vine road, Nos. 7, 15, 17, 19, 21 & 23. 109 34 57 Eurley, Brickel & Hite 4104 V i ne roau, is os. i j, 7. 18 80 4100 1414 Enrley, Brickel Ilite 177 08 10; 834 , 1 " ' 302 73 335 18 it 3m (,; " " 344 lin " I'OM 1'C " ' 253 33 41 OS 4109 4110 4111 4115 800 990 897 1025 094 4110 1019 4403 980 " " 274 90 4407 4108 4880 107 29 25 " " 23 93 7 00 Brussels road, E of No. 30 6 01 25 Enrley, Brickel & Hite Brusbcls road. E. i of 18S6 No. 84 8 39 30 Eurley. Brickel tfe Hite 9 7( 407(1 2257 4878 4879 4914 4945 2274 200 " " " 07 32 990 West Creek M' Tk t Min. Co. 335 38 900 " " " 335 38 148.1 " " " 499 09 900 " " " 303 87 990 " ' " 334 27 952 L man Wilmarili Instate 274 58 4905 4880 1 4887 4115 090 Kiitreiie Payne 328 24 , -o MiUtiii Stir)? Eehbueli tOO 1 X'.... II 1,'. i. 1 T 01 CA road, Nos. 1 1, 10 A: 17. U 4 K!J 50 FMward Dclehunt Vine fctreet, Nos. 11 & 12 2-5 J. S. Bates 4958 M0 George Weis 4076 2(H) Pulmer & Co. 4115 25 Daniel Frask-r No. 7 Cherry road 4110 60 Daniel Frasier Nos. 8 it- 5 Maple rond 49GO 275 Augustus Wolle From Thos. Luckenbuch 10 84 11 22 17 Hi OI 20 7 CO 12 70 73 00 4104 522 Sheldon, Strebigh Bates 4104 522 " " " 44O0 622 " " " 4400 022J " " " 4407 420 " " " 4408 000 " " " 117 II 117 11 140 38 14(1 38 117 82 168 30 286 83 8 45 4070 1033 " " " 41ft5 j!6 Mary M'Oahan, No 8 4105 50 Mnrv Tt.,,,n. Nos. 13 ( and la 10 81 4993 248 F. M,iri,fi 55 07 440.1 at Karlm, n,lckle&HUo Avi. it 0 49 1058 ,i ,ln 414 (il 44071 220 " " " 74 m 4108 t 2 Owiht Unknown N W cornert 'rossstreet 102 6 C It Kfirlcv Storer nve., Nos. 22, 24 and 20 25 19 47 C U Earlcy Pojplar road, Xos. 2 and 4 15 82 75 C It Knrlcy Olcan road, Nos. 0, 7 nml 8 25 19 25 0 It Eurley Vino road, No. 5 8 47 24 0 U Enrley Vine road, Nos. U and 11 8 07 50 C It Enrley Poplar road, Nos. 10 nnd 18 10 84 25 C It Kurley Poplar road, No. 11 8 47 200 " It Early Poplar road, Nos. 10,21,23, 25, 27, 20, 81. 4, 8, 13, 15 4103 4101 4101 4104 4105 4105 4105 4105 4105 4100 4100 4100 2025 nnd 17 87 53 25 C It Enrley Hickory road, No. 17 8 4 42 C R Enrley Vine road. Nos. 31 nnd 33 14 30 00 " R Earlcv Hickory road, Nos. 10 ami 21 16 84 22 " It Earlev Poplar road, No. 31 7 35 4107 4107 4107 4107 4108 410,8 25 CHEarley Chestnut 10ml, No. 20 8 4 25 CR Enrlcx Chestnut road, No. 30 8 4 25 C It Earlev Chestnut road, No. 21 8 4 CO C U Enrley East, road, Nos. 25 and 2" 10 81 00 C It Enrley Eust Chestnut road, Nos. 1 and 8 00 " Il Farley East Vine road, Nos. 2 and 4 2' " H Enrlev Maplo rond, No. li SI " It Earlcy Olcan find Maple rood, No. 1 10 " It Hurley Eust Ma ple r iad, No. 1 61 " R Enrley-Chorry rond, No. 0 and 2 70 " R Knrlev Cherrv road, N;is. 9j 11 nnd 13 52" R Efti-lev Cherry road, Nos. 3 nnd B 50 -'BEuHey Chestnut rond. Num. 17 nnd 10 200 " It Earlev, K:80 tux 170 "II. l aulev lt'81 Ins 400 " R Eur lev 375 Sedonia Von Ersel FOX TOWNSHIP. 207 ,' Ii Enileyi'ownseud Full lot 80 Michnel Sheehnn 1G 84 10 84 4110 6 4110 4110 4110 4115 4115 4113 4070 407(3 4881) 4075 4007 4178 4077 4078 4jSl 1087 1007 -1003 4374 40.82 l"02 7 00 5 81 17 31 25 19 17 40 10 84 37 73 37 in 151 82 117 S2 51 75 20 88 231 Earlcy,-. Brickel Hite 47 81 11 00 20 75 24 00 .151 06 CO 40 33 20 8.3 00 21 00 78 21 125 00 112 05 48 00 110 20 74 70 7 a 85 iio 17 3 20 h i iio 1)1 00 12 45 2o 75 49 Earlev, Brickel Hile 105 E.-irlcv, Brickel Hits 144 Earlcy, Brickel Hito 72" Enrley. Brickel Hito 2t:s Enrley, Briekel Hile 202 l-:.irl(.y( Brickel Hitu S07 Fnrlcv, Brickel Hite 115 B F Tnvlor & Co 4ooS20.K) B F Taloi-t'c Co 10111 480 B F Tnvlor & Co 4B7 900 Hannah Barnaul 4 1 Od -130 () W Whiltaker -IK'O 5i 0 Richard (iardner 40O0 203 Bielmrd (iardner 1271 48-5 II A Stephens 4274 200 (icor.-e C White 20 Oeore Kroi'so 4IJS7 100 Win Appl 4007 50 Patrick MncKln (5 Arinel 'j'urley fio Horace l.ililt; 1271 SSUlIonic Little from county 124 59 Co 29 9 42471 i273 ( 4217 42 !(i ) 1217 j' 4245 1 4214 i' 1274 1097 10117 72 Noble Coal & Oil 249 Noble Coal & Oi! Co TOO NobU-CVul & Oil Co 110 00 219 00 000 Noble Coul & Oil Co 249 00 40 Robert J Buhl 8 40 22 Franklin Kuhn 8 52 243Franklin Kuhn 3 00 12Htoyc lu'llev 2 00 Of James Winkle 8 04 25.JJohn K Jones 4 OS 25 Wil'lum 10 Jones 4 00 25 Richii-d Edwards 3 00 1 1 Richuvd Edwards 1 80 15o Owner unknown J Barthlot 12 00 00 Jacob Hmlmaii Jos. l-niiviij,- i,,t 12 45 (008 9)93 1098 4I-9S -lot-7 jienrv -'vi'-i'tTit 1 i4 fvom AT J Euiiey 4 15 oi'i Sheitlon, SUtbiU Bates 120 49 709 Sbcltlyiv Strebigh &. Bates 219 00 200 Sheldon, Strebigh & Bates Of. 40 41 CR Earlev 10 20 60" It Farley 12 45 58 " R Farley 14 40 00 "R Eat ley 21 90 45 " R Earlcy 1118 4082 4077 4078 i078 4078 10-1 lost 10S7 4087 37 " R Eurley Birch lane, Nos. 5 and 10 9 OS 25 C B Eurley St. Mary's anil Centro villc riilroutl 8 30 47 C R Ej.rley Ridgway farm and land Co 12 C3 179 C R Earlev Cross road, Nt a. 1,2.3, 9, 10, Hand 14 45 33 67 C R Eurley Culcdo iiln road, Nos. 2 und 8 and M. half of 7 14 41 00 C R Eavley 10 CO 387 C It Earlcy 99 00 880 CREa: lev 110 20 4088 4097 4098 898 1800 4271 4077 1073 00 Michael Toomey 19 02 40S3 635.42 Northwestern M &. Ex Co 316 23 4091 444.60 " " 22130 4095 272.93 " " 135 99 4090 478. -it) " " 238 02 1079 70 " " 34 80 1215 84 " " 41 81 4244 57.70 " " 28 89 4373 109.30 " " 84 15 4092 5() i " 2190 4080 106.40 " " 82 17 4078 30 " 14 91 4091 51.07 " " 25 40 4340 490 " " 244 02 4213 902.47 " 479 05 4178 20 " " 9 90 b.p.s. 43.50 " " 20 47 s. il 1.60 " " 183 Minerals, &o. only on the following lands; Noil Ii western M & E:f Co 33.31 " " 8 30 4079 801.45 " " 90 05 4080 224.27 " " 303 78 4088 107 11 " 20 04 4091 215.30 11 " 63 53 4092 105.94 ti 'i 20 14 199. '0 ' " . 49 80 4094 882.79 " 93 11 4095 685.00 " 145 00 4090 109.C1 it " 27 11 4083 174.65 " " 30 52 424.1 02.50 " " 15 43 4214 80.50 , " 19 02 4245 138.22 " 34 34 4240 143.60 " " 35 75 4247 109.60 " " 27 13 4373 79.80 " " 19 92 4371 P2 00 " " 20 41 h.p.s. 12.02 " " 2 07 h. I. 24.01 " " 5 !'0 l-'45 15) " " 37 35 1 1 1 0 1 1 L A N I ) TO W N Sll I P. 002 !31 C. B Wri'rht ,t- l)uhiiii!I 118 45 "llS 4o 30C1 831 C. 11. Wriirl.t Duhrinir 3003 831 V. B. Wri-'ht & Duhrini' 118 45 127 45 110 95 18 13 8221 201!) 800 Waller Brvnnt 1778 1031 Waller Bryant 100 A. Wolf 100 J. and M. Mack North western corner 402 Ocorne Dickinson 954 Oeorge Dickinson 330 Freeman Fill is 17 10 08 74 10.1 13 41 81 171 00 2027 1830 0.'fli 3788 lono John N. Lime 3752 280 John NLnne 47 88 1831 1005 Allegheny Bank Pittsburg I8rt,1 9f3 John F. James 1783 902 Aimer Cnssell Of 1 12 o Kit 5(1 101 50 151 85 151 28 12 84 1858 888 John P. Brown 202S1051 J. C. Chapiu Estate 2o:i4 90 do do 37(10 1000 do do 2013 315 do do 171 00 44 91 41 21 2 150 3771 1790 1799 289 do do 800 Nathaniel F. Jones 100 James Gallagher Sub-division No. 9. 800 Charles O. Gillis Sub dlvi.'on Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5. 7, 8, 0 nnd 10 500 Charles (I. (iillis Suii-ilivision Nos. 13, 14, 15, It) and 17 100 Jacob Gilbert Sub. division No. 0 105.8 Mrs. Itickards 720 Thomas Struthers 1038 William Robinson 890 Souther & Willi:! 290 Souther tt Willis 28 Jno. Nichol.-ion 04 00 17 10 130 80 1770 85 50 1799 2031 3781 2033 3 70O 2302 2104 3055 1770 17 10 105 87 111) 81 190 130 80 41 34 41 04 145 19 1019 Alfred Avery 100 Elizabeth Cooper- -Sub -division 2(t. 18 2038 1043 John Bryon rtnd others From Geo. Dickinson SOCO 490 Ii. Wilninrth ICstato 70 100 William Cm-ley 02 100) (ico. Brooks .1777 400 Andrew J Knox 3785 10 )0 Thomas Griflith 3775 1000 Thomas (iritiilli 9 00 178 3- 11 i.) 17 lo 142 50 om 10 112 00 90 00 10 00 3771 2300 37 IS 3i:01 37 1. 1 3054 377 3782 20.11 200 200 18U f535 511 Thomas Gritiith J B Sterl. y William .Innies John (1. Hull Muriiii Hart 41 80 80 131 10 70 8 140 0 I02:i Wray fc Graham 9oG S. Jones & Co. Out l.illlc iv. Souther 118 J G. Hall sub div. 3 IIOKTON TOWNSHIP. Northwestern M Ex Co 1.80 12 154 50 20 14 4372 702.00 (1,) do 175 08 4271 224.20 do do 51 58 4131 870 50 do do 201 92 IHi'.l 805. 00 do do l'.'OOS 4 I'd 1O.-.O.30 do do 307 20 41'.2 811 u tlo 230 4.) 4212 2170 do tlo 7 08 12:i0 319 do do 70 SO 418-S i('.5 tlo tit) 53 70 4272 518 do do 0 'A 1310 CO do tlo 15 30 4341 325.40 tlo tto 70 Po 42 i8 115.53 do tlo 35 25 2 :0 ) 4255 1C52.10 " " 407 0S Minenils. &e the following Northwestern M . ou:v on land's: & Ex Co do 110 do do tlo do do do do do tlo do do do K(M 555 4242 200 42-18 4249 1255 42,2 4:'4o 4311 4371 4372 1300 440i 4131 1452 4109 410.8'J 130 7.37.78 S-0."0 111.09 93 82 25'.'.ii5 2.1 1.2'i !"0 457.80 215.00 187.30 234.50 57.30 loll 107.50 184.40 151.70 do IK O do do do do do tto tin do do tlo do tlo tlo 20 08 141 50 1 7 Oo 21 38 9 40 0: 50 44 80 40 87 41 28 4 1 9 10 19 20 35 3: 4470 r. & f. 28 98 14 -127:1 4370 4219 4219 1212 4200 4182 932 09 41 00 3 1" tioO 990 0:0 25 50 J T, Ellis 178 94 C & M Albert Sub div. No. 2 1 Noble Coal & Oil Co Noble Coal it Oil Co N B Liitieand others Henry Lorain Car lisle. Henry Lorain Car lisle 11 5-.' 1 8 51 53 84 48 123 45 John C French George Weis Sub- tUv. No. 10 George Weis Sub- div. No. 23, T'.uace Little from county Horaco I Ji lie from Jas Wilson Ipnntius Grotzinger iroin uounty Minerals, &c, only on these lauds: Noble Coal & Oil Co do do do do do do do do do do do do 4370 4 153 4344 4450 H 4 90 17 i'O 23 01 3 84 20 80 48 23(5 53 120 60 9 2 1 45 30 11 23 04 9 00 JAY TOWNSHIP. 5283 1100 Amos B. Merrill 272 80 5258 825 Amos B. Merrill 300 9o 5287 825 Amos B. Merrill 31)0 90 5259 510 Amos B. Merrill 203 00 629(1 C12.7 Amos B. Merrill 277 90 4194 400 William Parker 80 80 4195 070 James Lynde 95 90 4190 989 D. K. Jones 183 95 0005 980 James Stokes 199 40 4197 220J James Stokes 47 95 4195 207 Si bust inn Weis 38 51 4197 290 Eli Kennedy 43 40 49O0 400 William Robinson 117 80 4845 70 William Robinson 20 40 5010 990 Philip M. Price 245 52 4890 212 E. B. England 52 57 5007 990 10. B. England 214 83 5004 990 E, B. England 214 83 4185 300 Hezekiah Hortoii ' 65 80 4145 100 Hezekiah Horton 18 00 5920 60 Finlev. Younir & Co. 10 30 5018 090 Fin lev. You 11 4 & Co. 184 14 189.8 990 Henrv Loraine 491 04 6017 990 Henrv Loraine 334 49 4895 98 Tyler & Finney 24 29 4895 98 Tyler & Finney 24 29 4893 217 Aliimtil Woodward 47 12 6030 207 A. 10. Golf 74 40 4180 990 B. C. Bowman & Co. 184 14 4892 200 B. C. Bowman & Co. 37 20 4194 100 Thomas Reilly 8 40 4194 100 Patrick Reilly 8 40 1845 100 David Kirskers 12 40 5028 1100 Sni-iiiL' Run Coal Oo. From seated 200 82 0031 727 Sprint: Run Coal Co From Seated 191 68 4108 100 Joseph Wilhelm 18 00 4892 40 J. E. Putnam & Co. 12 28 489.) 352 J. 10. Put uniu & Co. 109 1 4198 39 Armel Turley from county 8 49 4194 200 Armel Turley from county 49 00 4194 50 Geo. Dicklson from county 12 40 4194 100 ,'oruce Little from county ISO) 5030 94 W. E. Phippen 7 1)0 JONES TOWNSHIP 3221 212 General. Kuno Thomas L, 40 11 170 82221 3.221 I 40 3295 81 " 3205 l.J0J 3200 20 10 125 Gen 31321 6 07 C3 04 27 20 Th 09. L. Knno Gen. Thos. L. Knne 45 82 24 94 84 80 87 00 21 75 43 50 i"l . .7 100 Gen. Tlios. L. Knno L. Knne 3J22 1 inn n.... Thoa 3203 201C 100 Gen Thos. L. Knne 2504 :j200 Gen. Thos. L. Kano 55 290 :oio 813 Gefi. Thos. L. Kane 170 90 (203 '.88 J 8C0 Gen. Thos. L. Knno 130 Gen. Thos. L. Knno 171 00 27 84 200 o-l.yj'jlOO Gen. Thos. L. Kuno 21 75 27 04 35 09 60 40 32 19 17 40 lot 128 Gen. Thos. L. Knne 11 .53 .53 -,53 .53 1 101 Gen. Thos. L. Knne 232 Gen. Thos. L. Knne 148 Gen. Thos. L. Knne 80 Gen. Thos. L. Knno 08 Gon. Thos. L. Kane 12 70 2010 2810 109 Gen. Thos. L. Knne 12 30 250 1 3221 390 Gen. Thos. L. Knne 84 08 412 (it'll. Thos. L. Knne 89 01 0o Gen. Thos. L. Knne 110 78 200 Gen. Thos. L. Knne 43 50 810 (ion. Thos. Ii. Kune 07 28 50 Gen. Thos. L. Knne 10 "3 20 Gen: Thos. L. Knne 5 80 990 Hen. Thos. L. Knno 143 55 900 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 143 02 247 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 53 94 275 Gen. Thos. L. Kano 59 74 70 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 15 08 253 Gen. Thos. L. Kune 62 78 825 Robert Halscy 123 80 251 Robert Halscy 88 00 200 Geoi-Ke Dickinson 43 40 100 Andrew J. Low 21 75 30 Andrew J. Low 3 78 120 W. H. Osterhout 18 00 Mrs. Finney Lot No. 8222 8221 3290 3291 3290 4003 i.-is'.l 54 V7 i05 2504 531 -,04 32911 5221 .,.)) 204 in Wilcox 1 i-0.3 1 8290 j !2:.0 1203 I 3400 W. II. Dykeman etal 739 50 2d I 21110 j 25s8 J 4313 1112 1025 Earlcy, Brickel & Hite 185 00 1073 " ' ' 195 30 " " " hi 20 215 I. B, Brown 990 South of 3214. 27 55 121 J L. & W. W. Brown 143 55 4114 3143 Brown' & Wells Rocky run lot 550 Jobiison & Biddlc 900 Johnson & Biddlc 510 Johnson & Biddle 540 Johnson & Biddle 900 Johnson & Biddle 515 .InhnMin it Kiddle 1G 00 99 75 179 43 98 1)2 98 (12 179 45 93 38 60 74 44 37 12 3243 '.t 318!) 330 Johnson fc Biddle 3i Johnson tV Biddlc 07 Michael Weidert 4'.i.j Collins, lluicl. inson & 3319 -,01 .'31 11 89 89 1 "lav 3232 900 "i.llins, Htik-liim-on k "lav 3232 440 "oliins, Hutchinson & "lay 179 22 79 75 32.1 4.0 "oliins, Hutch I neon & "lay 85 81 32n3 900 "oilins, Hutchinson & 1U2 98 3180 249 ''oliins, Hutchinson & "lay 43 24 3217 789 "oliins, Hutchinson & "lav 112 97 2254 247 "oliins, Hutchinson & "lay 41 GO 2791 320 "oliins, Hutchinson & "lay ' 50 10 3231 495 John II. Towns Instate 80 (jl 3220 818 jhn li. Towns Estate 147 90 3220 540 John II. Towns Estate 93 02 3230 990 John 11 Tow lis Estate 179 51 32 is 000 Daniel Scull, J r.'HO tnz 01 80 .".228 70 Daniel Scull, Jr.'SO tux 0 30 3218 GOO Jos S Potts '81 tax 57 08 3228 70 " '81 tax 6 88 2310 02 Dun lei Scull, Jr. 8 99 2323 598 Daniel Scull, Jr. 80 91 3218 330 Biddie A DiiwKon 69 74 3220 330 Biddle A: Dawson 59 71 3228 400 Biddle A: Uuxvson- 83 52 2080 990 Riddle & Duwjoii 179 51 3290 90 A. A. Clay 10 21 2489 210 A. A. Clay 4:'. 37 2593 (100 A. A. Clny 108 75 3220 000 Thomas (ireevts 110 48 W19 185 Thomas (i reeves 20 58 2301 807 Thomas G reeves 125 80 3228 ICO Thomas Greevcs 83 62 230;v 807 Thomas Greevcs 125 80 2-77 9-0 Thomas Greevcs 143 65 2 125 990 Tho'iias Giveves 143 65 2323 02 Tobias (i i-eeveu 8 99 4 04 900 Eugene i'.,yl,e 113 65 ...-Ml 123 Eugene I'.ivne i;o :.303 123 Eugene Pavne 17 98 i'487 990 Eugene Payne 143 55 2323 000 Eugene Pavne 95 70 2310 99U Collins, Cltiy & Hacker 143 55 232'.) 900 Collins, Clay & I lacker 1 13 55 :'.332 990 Collins, Clay Al Hacker 143 55 2.133 990 John Livcsey's Estate 143 55 2:2G 990 John Livesev's Estate 143 55 2319 430 John Livesev's Estate 03 22 US ! 3291 J 3222 114 2180 744 Clav ii Hacker 134 85 2527 420 tlo d'j 77 14 1.551 990 do do 143 55 259.1 300 tlo do 50 55 2599 990 do do 179 42 20U4 890 do tlo 57 42 8315 9H0 Robert Vutterson 143 55 2000 05 Robert Patterson 9 28 2011 742 Robert Patterson 107 69 2527 04 Robert Putterson 11 00 2554 210 Robert Putterson 44 00 2504 604 Robert Pultersou 91 35 259H 990 Robert Putterson 143 55 260S 20 Robert Putterson 2 90 2012 890 Robert Putterson 143 65 2014 990 Robert Putterson ' 129 05 2391 990 James H. Crcsson 143 55 2004 894 James H. Cresson 80 13 2008 t7o James H. Cresson 140 05 201 1 218 James H. Cresson 85 90 2014 100 James 11. Cresson 14 60 2i.(i0 925 Jumea H- Cresson 133 98 2012 100 James H. Cresson 14 50 2527 04 James H. Cresson 11 00 3143 11 J. L.Brown 70 2010 109 James Wells 11 4S MILLSTONE TOWNSHIP. 2548 900 Darrah& Moore 125 24 2542 900 Darrah Ac Moore 250 50 2090 673 William Dilworth 150 00 2790 900 C R Eurley 107 04 2518 60 L C Wyukoop and D L Patterson 8 99 2518 375 L C Wiukoop aud D L Patterson 52 20 2524 900 L C Winkoop and D L Patterson 107 04 2545 900 James O'Hura 138 24 2517 900 James O'Hara 138 24 2323 900 James O'Hara 107 04 1007 675 Drexel, Duhring & Wright 167 04 4134 900 Ow ner unknown 167 04 4135 0oo Owner unknown 167 04 4129 900 Owner unknown 107 04 207 L C Winkoop 12,00 2518 25 L C Winkoop J Stewart's lot 3 48 2518 100 William Crispin 7 20 2519 100 " " 13 92 2532 900 C B Wright & Duh ring 150 60 2302 000 C B Wright & Duh ring 81 00 2039 800 C B Wright & Duh ring 150 60 2702 291 V B Wright &. Duh ring 50 75 2581 650 C B Wright & Dull Ting 45 00 60 John Wynkoop Estate 1 45 Di.O R. S. Win lack 167 04 22.3 1) L. Patterson 88 80 P'8 William Crispin 18 00 900 Joseph II. Trotlcr 1G7 04 2543 20G7 2540 270 William Crispin, for 1880 8 78 RIDG WAY TOW.NSIIP. 4392 210J George Dickinson 100 87 4800 910 Bryunt & l'Ouwer 203 81 4870 910 Bryant & Kuwer 203 82 4270 1000 Bryant & lOuwer 222 60 4285 493 Bryant & En wer 210 93 iW Brnnt & Euwer 88 11 100 Andrew M Kibben 16 89 4800 45 Asa Cummliifrs 5 74 133 T D Cobb '80 tax 19 79 137J Elsie J Cpbb '81 tax 13 30 400 B F Ely 64 90 176 B F Ely 23 75 4802) 48G3,10 . t -ly 264 10 888D 163 Sheldon, Strebigh & Bates 501 Sheldon, Strebigh & Bates 400 Sheldon, Strebigh & Bales 420 Sheldon, (Strebigh & Bates 645 Sheldon, Strebigh & Bates 003 Sheldon, Strebigh & Bates 22 21 68 00 6107 68 18 74 60 132 45 4390 4304 4394 4392 4391 9u Isaac Avery from Cobb, part of C Mend fc Ely lot 6 93 183J Edward Crayston 13 02 747 WH Osttrhout Wil cox Eong lot 136 74 4818 C3 C V Gillis 4 11 14 15 8 02 40 79 156 52 250 79 170 19 250 79 40 71 81 94 11 61 1C2 James PGarritt-from J atnea Gardner 00 Horace Little 200 Horace Little 4375 4370 1380 4377 4390 4389 033 C K Eurley 1020 from l-'itrley Brick' 1 & 717 1020 190 132 51 J Hite Kennedy lot SPRING CREEK TOWNSHIP 203G 1358 1502 5i)l 2942 350 2071 809 2980 800 2915 900 294S 900 2937 106,3 455C, U2 4509 150 057 481 2792 2O0 2775 3201, 2789 317 1151 ICO 43 2792 2C0 475 1:8 2954 100 210 4014 114 2902 1000 Bryant & Euwer Bryant A: Euwer Henry Runout 107 49 01 48 103 01 Hi rain Currier & Co 801 17 " 301 17 D Carrlernud others 341 38 G Blake 924 74 Allegheny Bank of Pitlsbni-jr 04 55 Geo rue D Messenger 19 21 Henry Truman 22 73 Souther & Willis 99 79 Souther A: Willis N. W. corner of twp 73 27 V. B Wright & Huh' linir SO 63 L F Poweis-uiid. J of 12 11 Geo W R hi lies fr. county 52 C5 Geo W" Rbines 16 01 Geo W Rhiiits N. E. cor. of Stront; lot 6 03 Win. Kelley trout county 80 55 Francis C Elliot 03 87 Tnvlor D E bines Annnfjost tract 12 20 A J (''ruber fromD. (). M'Kuull 15 Of M'Gatiic & Truman from seated lif t 31 7-i Taylor D Rhims 2o Si Bowman & Bros -r-19-cO parts of from seated list, W. part 131 SO J K Gardner 10 i-c 4552 200 ST. MARYS BOROUGH. Lot Nos. 13, 44, 45 58 and 02 1 Riilc.way Farm und coal Co. Centre St. l, 01, . 85, 8.J, 37 88. J:1''? 1 ku :. i ,., f Coal Co. Mi inn & uui'u-u hall of SO J street 13 " " Lewis St. Street. Geo Gregory fr. Rev. Louis Cttr tuyval C It Earli y.Louis St ret t (ieo Krellner Erin Stieet acres 100,113 and 114 Ig. Grotzinger Aniaudus street Horace Little Louis St n et Mary Wrinkle Louis Street 3 and 10 SEATED LIST. Hftiirnrd by collet-tors, upon which t:... ; ii.Ul nut bu round htillicicat .f'i'soiial i-.-. -i-i iy to i.uy the fctvtnil Iuxcm Uhott,ud tin ro il: Til:. Aili2irt TOWNSHIP. Wab. Ackks. 611 1 ft. I 4-) William Young, '81 tax 50 t' 15 J HZ 1'iilrlpk MThllon.v, 'bltnx 8 T! 1-AtwiinJ lJiiblu, 4 lots, 'bl Uis l TOX TuWXSIIII. Wai, Clbson. lions i lot '7i-",i it'O Pi'Lei' )tollolaui:lit,7ti--7yiux. 1 H) lVt..T)lollobiiU!.'ll, ' ll,'J John HolloblillKlj, " l'JVi'lioin.-s ISlii'Ivy, " iVJ "Mui tlii Johnson, ' 12;i.biliiini fonib Fstitte,-791x J C burke, I lot, '7ti tux (iti KUig lltiUc, Vuil & Kins '7b-'7M tux Alk-o Murphy, 1 liousi! nml lot '71) lux 70 Henry Souther, '7s tux HIGHLAND TOWNSHIP. l'!73 I) Grithnm, 'SO tnx lit! Ira K A'tkcrly, 'si tnx oi) M H Cieint'iiiscr. 'si tux mi l-'rank IIovi'in:tttiii, bl Vtx Ucury Illioir r, v 17 K 1. i: 'tTHi 37ijO t7H) frf.l-i 3770 J II Windsor, " lHJRTOW TOWNSHIP. Piitrlck Welsh. '7 tnx JuiiitH O'Huriu, '61 tux JAY TOWNSHIP. ") 10 F.than M't'ulloui;!! 7l-'su-'dl tax Robt Kothrock, ,7-'su tux ltobt Kollnoi-k, JoRlnh H. Morey " Sunri Hell Kstulo " Mury J Hu I fii lull " Hiruiu Howard ' JONKS TOWNSHIP. by John l'elcr.soli, '81 tnx MILLSTONE TOWNSHIP. 9A JiiinrH Oeoi Re, 'SI tnx 42 A W Lullnop und, of 'hi tux SPRING CHEEK TOWNSHIP. 21(1 MHJufflc & Truman '77-'7S-'79 lux 72 Geo W Hhines & L B Elliott uud. jof '70 tux 3217 i g: x 1 7C 22 12 4c 1 Hr. 2 1C 2 a: 9 SC sa as 17 oc l 20 2792 11 a 1U0 Sll 72 Geortie Proclus, '79 tax W Dunkle, 'SO-'M tux ltOKI'UUIlUl) S UfOiuo, St 'sl tux C W Potterfleld, WSO-'Sl tux George Proclus " How loan St Brog. TO ta. (ieo W KUluen L B Llliott '70 tax 2702 2'.Hi2 ST. MARYS BOUOUU.T, Lot Nog. 1 Independent Fire Co. No. 1, mm utitiuiuK, w lax 2 John liott'iiuiu, UJ Jul uud house, '70 tax 1 Fraud Kronenweltor, '70 7 & 12 ii 5 3o 6 ec 7 fri LUX 1 N & C Kronenwettci-, and new stable, '70 tax 13 and 14, Martin Sort, i lou froi.i Ziiil '70 tux GEORGE WEIDENBCERNEK, Trw.u ' TrenKurer'i Otllce, ) Rldgway, P April Ut. 2 1 4 17 J ::C .1 i ir