The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, May 11, 1882, Image 4

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Eastern and Middle State.
A tibb which broke out In a brash factory
at Dover, N. H,, spread to the Washington
Street Baptist church, a handsome edifice built
in 18C9 at a oost of 130,000, and it was totally
consumed. While several persons were inside
the churoh ruins one of the walls suddenly
toppled upon them, killing Jndge John II,
Yarney, of the polioe court, and injuring a
number of other persons, several with fatal
: Jcdoc Brooks gave a deoislon at Cambridge,
Mass., which materially affects several bo
quests in the will of Henry W. Longfellow.
The decision is that erasures whioh occur are to
be considered no part of the will, and also that
the interlineations are of no effect. This de
prives each of the children of the testator's
brother of a legacy of 11,000, and makes void
the legacy of $5,000 to his brother Stephen,
The decision is basod upon the ground that a
will cannot be altered except by a codicil,
The smallpox opi.lemic at South Bethlehem,
Fa,, has not yet beon stamped out, there being
ten new capes aud tlireo death from that dis
ease reported within a week,
A cheat will contest is in progress at Phila
delphia among the relatives of the late William
Cameron, who cannot aree as to the manner
in which ho disposed of $1,500,000.
Toe ocean steamer Alaska has just made a
trip from New York to Queeustown in seven
days and twenty-six minutes. This is said to
be the quickest voyago ever made between
New York aud Great Britain.
SEitvias? commemorative of the late Ralph
Waldo Emerson were held Sunday in all the
Unitarian churches of Boston.
Fine at Tittaburg, Pa., destroyed the prin
cipal part of the court-house, causing a loss of
many valuable records and an estimated pe
cuniary damage of $200,000. A fireman and a
boy were killed by falling debris.
South and West.
TmtEE colored men 1'lcasant Adams, Joe
Burtt,n and Richard Bates-were hanged at
Greenville, S. C, for setting on fire the Acad
emy of Music in ibat place in December, 1879.
One of the boilers on the steamer Marion,
used in cleaning out the Wateree river, South
Carolina, exploded with terrible effect. She
bad on board a piouio party of about forty
porsous. Miss Minnie Henry was instantly
killed ; Misses Mattio aud Nannie Henry and
Orvillo Stiles were missing aud supposed to
be drowned ; Thomas Bichardson (colored),
one of the crew, was drowned and five other
persons weio injured.
The corner-stone of the National Mining and
Industrial Exposition building was formally
laid at Denver, Col., by Governor Pitkin, The
exposition w ill open August 1.
Two companies of the Sixth United States
cavalry, commanded by Captain Tupper, have
had a Bevcro fight with the Indians in Arizona
under Chief Loco. The Indians lost twelve or
fifteen of their number, and the troops had one
man killed and several wounded.
An extraordinary scene occurred in the Illi
nois legislature during the debate in the house
on the redisricting act. Bepresentative Tar
rieh called Bepresentative Herrington a liar,
and was promptly knocked down. Parrish was
dragged out and the blood washed from his
face. Herrington then apologized to the House,
but Parrish on returning to his desk denounced
Herrington as a brute and a coward,
Hobace Mayxaud, poatmaitor-gonoral under
Hayes, and at ene time United States minister
at Constantinople, died suddenly the other day
at Knoxville, Tenn., of heart disease, aged
sixty-eight years.
A Cuioaoo daily paper publishes reports from
Nobraska, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Kan
sas and other States indicating excellent crops
despite the cold and a backward spring.
Adispatcb received at Santa Fe, New Mexico,
states that a column of Mexican troops under
command of Colonel Garcia mot the Indians
whom Colonel Forsyth had been pursuing
through Arizona, killed seventy-eight of them
and took thirty-three prisoners.
A saloon at Ceclarville, Ohio, was blown up
by unknown patties with dynamite. The saloon
keeper and his family narrowly escaped death.
The Indian troubles in Arizona have sub
sided. In the fight on the border between the
Mexicans, under General Garcia, and Loco's
band, the Indians lost seventy-eight killed and
all their stock. Loco himself was killed and
thirty-three Indians taken prisoners. The
Mexicans' loss is said to be twenty-seven
killed and wounded. A careful summary shows
a total of 141 whites and Mexicans killed by
Indians during the outbreak, 500 head of stock
killed and captured and over $75,000 worth ol
nroDeitv destroyed.
Captain Trr-PEB and his troops have had a
second encounter in New Mexico with the
Indians, billing forty and recapturing stock.
Tupper's loss was one killed aud one wounded.
Henry Hewlett, the oldest engineer in
Florida, was killed and a colored fireman was
badly injured in a collision between two trains
near Jacksonville.
Fifteen acres of the city of Bacine, Wi3.(
have been destroyed by fire. The burnt dis
trict comprised seven blocks and included
over forty-four buildings and more than ten
million feet of lumber. The losses aggregate
about $750,000. That part of the city which is
in ashes was the oldest and least ornamental,
being largely composed of inferior buildiugs
with here and there a fine one.
The coal miners' strike in the Cumberland
(Md.) region still continues, about three thou
sand men having been idle there for the past
two months.
Near Leon a, Kansas, a farmer's wife shot
her husband and then killed herself because
she believed the former was going to disinherit
their eon.
From Washington
The secretary of the treasury has issued the
113th call for the redemption of bonds of the
loan of July 17 ani August S, 18C1, continued
at 3 per cent, from July 1, 1881.
Fcbtheb confirmations by the Senate :
Adam Badcau, of New Vork, to be consul-general
at Havana ; Henry Slaght, of New York,
consul at Prescott ; J, P. Wickersham, oi
Pennsylvania, charge d1 affaires to Denmark.
Tee President decided to put down the In
dian outbreak in Arizona as toon as possible,
and has instructed the secretary of war to
take prompt and vigorous measures to that end.
Orders were issued for additional troops to
proceed to the scene of the trouble in Arizona,
and aid the troops there in preventing further
acts of violeuoe and bringing the hostiles to
speedy justice.
The following is the treasury statemont of
the national debt decrease during April :
Principal $1,9,52G,809 03
Interest 11,808,370 05
Total $1,957,425,179 08
Total cash in the treasury... 245,571,580 17
May I, 1882.... $1,711,850,598 61
April 1, 1882 1,726,206,422 85
Decrease of debt daring
month 1M15.823 74
Deere i se of debt since June
80, 1881 128,748,213 37
The following are the government's receipts
for April, 1882, as compared with those of
April, 1881 ;
1882. 1881.
Customs ....... .$17,862,836 $17,056,636
Internal revenu 11,996,375 11,824,845
Miscellaneous 4,8i,2C2 2,369,119
Total....". $34,743,173 $31,200,100
The Presidont hat issued a proclamation or.
dering the Arizona cowboys to disperse.
A party of revivalists went to the jail where
Quitoau is confined and held services for the
benoflt of the assassin. During the service of
song and prayer Guitoau Is reported to have
"wept like a child," and after the revivalists
had gone the assassin sat in a corner of hit cell
fr some time with bowed head.
The Senate in executive session confirmed
the following nominations : Alfred C. Coxe, oi
New York, to be district judge for the Northern
district of New York i 8amuel Spackman, ol
Philadelphia, Pa., to be United States consul at
Cologno; John S. Wise, of Virginia, to be
United States attorney for the Eastern district
of Virginia.
Secretary Chandler has received the fol
lowing dispatch from Lieutenant It, M. Berry,
oommandorof the United States steamer Bodg
ere, which wan sent out in search of the lost
Jeannette. This is the first communication that
has been received since the news of the burn
ing of the Bodgers was carried across
Siberia by Mr. Gilder: " Bodgers destroyed by
fire, originating in the forehold, November 30.
Efforts to save ship unavailing. People landed
safe with difficulty through young ice. Now
quartered in natives' houses. Little clothing.
One month's provisions saved. Native food
abundant. No fear of starving. Bearer dis
patched en route." The dispatoh is dated
Sredni Kolymsk, Siberia.
Bear Admiral Jons Bodgers died at his
residence, on Georgetown Heights, IDs other
evening, aged seventy years. Ho had been for
a number of years superintendent of the Naval
The President has approved the act to pro
mote the efficiency of the life-saving service.
President Arthur issued an order remit
ting that portion of the sentence of General
Fitz John Porter which incapacitated him from
holding any office of trust or profit under tho
government of the United States. This order
exhausts the President's powers in the case
and removes all legal obstacles to congressional
action. Although the order does not restore
General Porter to his former rank in the army
it gives him the full rights of citizenship.
Foreign News.
Hanlan, the Canadian oarsman, has won
another rowing match on the Thames, easily
defeating Trickett, the Australian.
Tremendous snow storms have occurred in
the Alps, and an earthquake shock has been
felt in the Canton of Valais.
The Middlesborough (England) ironworkers
have struck for an increase of wages. Many
thousand hands are affected by tho strike
The policy of coercion hitherto pursued by
the British government toward Ireland has
been formally abandoned. In the house of
lords Earl Granville, secretary of state for
foreign affairs, announced the resignation of
Mr. W. E. Forster, chief secretary for Ireland,
and the intention of the government to release
the three imprisoned members of parliament,
but added that tho reconsideration of other cases
did not extend to .tho case of Michael Davitt. Tho
government had no new policy to offer, but
coercion would not be renewed, and the ques
tion of tho arrears of rents and the Bright
clausos of the land act would bo dealt with.
Mr. Forster resigned because ho could not
agree with the new policy of the government.
Mr. Gladstone in the house of commons made
an announcement similar to that of Earl Grau
ville in tho bouse of lords. Mr. Gladstone
said that a large number of other suspects
would be released, and that the government,
instead of renewing tho coercion act, would
introduce a measure remedying the
administration of justice in Ireland, but made
the special reservation that if peace aud secu
lity should be jeopardized by the action of se
cret societies the government would consider
it its duty to propose counteracting measures.
Mr. Sexton, at the conclusion of Mr. Glad
stone's remarks, arose and said that the gov
ernment bad taken the first step in a policy
that would crown its administration with clorv
and would produce ties of mutual interest be
tween Ireland and England.
Seven thousand Jewish families are about to
leave Russia and settle in Palestine.
Seven persons were killed by an explosion in
a colliery near Leeds, England.
The Fronch, after an hour's bombardment,
captured Ha Nol, the largest city of Cochin
Ex-Empress Euoenie was mobbed and
hooted on her way to the railway station at
Lyons, France.
Messrs. Parnell, Dillon and O'Kelly were re
leased from Kilmainham jail. Five "sus
pects" were also unconditionally released from
the Naas jail.
An exodus of Jews from all parts of Rusoia
has begun.
Three ladios, members of the Tralce (Ire
laud) land league, have been arrest ed and in
default of bail sentenced to Bix months' im
prisonment. Mb. Parnell, in an interview, expresses
himself as satisfied that the change in the
British government's policy indicates a desiro
to abandon coercion if tho Btato of Ireland
should be materially improved.
Lieutenant Danenuoweb, of tho lost Jean
nette, had an interview with tho emperor and
empress of Russia at St. Petersburg. The
lieutenant and party wero lionized to a con
siderable extent at the Russian capital.
Messrs. Parnell, Dillon and O'Kelly, the
released Irish land league leaders, have re
turned to their seats in parliament.
Loud Frederick Cavendish has been ap
pointed successor to Mr. Forster as chief secre
tary of Ireland.
A man and two of his children were drowned
together by breaking through the ice on a lake
which they were attempting to cross near
Ottawa, Out.
El Mehdi, a false prophet, has organized a
revolt against Egypt In Darfur and Kordofan
aud with 8,000 followers threatened Khartoum,
the capital of Soudan.
Several severe earthquake shocks have been
felt in Grenada, Spain.
The Streets of Venice.
Many persons are tinder a great mis
apprehension as to the means of transit
or locomotion in Vemce. It is a mis
take to suppose that there are no streets,
and that it is absolutely necessary to
go from place to place by gondola. It
is true that three bridges the liialto
bridge of the middle ages, and two
modern iron bridges span the Grand
canal which divides the city in equal
halves ; it is trne that the city is built
upon 117 islands, intersected by 150
small canals and 2,480 passages ; but
almost every one of the water
streets have a quay or foot
path bordering it, while 400 bridges
unite island to island, so that it is quite
possible to go to every part of the city
on foot. There is not in all the world a
mora diffioult plaoe for the traveler,
guided only by the "light of nature,"
to find a given spot. That spot may be
only a few hundred yards away, but to
reach it he may have to cross half a
dozen bridges, some leading to the
right, and some to the left, and tra
verse as many squares, of whioh there
are 396127 larger squares and 269
mailer squares.
Do Lorn and nig Companions.
In a dispatch from Irkutsk, Siberia, to the
navj department, Engineer Melville announoes
that he has found the bodies of Lieutenant
Commander De Long, of the Jeannette, and
his men, with all their papers and books. He
will continue the sen rch for Lieutenant Chirp
and ths seven men who were with him. De
Long landed with thirteen men. One died
soon after and two others were sent
forward for relief and were saved. Of
the thirty-three officers and men of the
Jeannette, only thirteen are known to have been
saved. Air. Melville's dispatch is as follows:
Lena Delta, Maroh 24. Found De Long and
fiarty dead, Jjound all papers and books. Con
inue search for Chipp. Melville.
Another dispatch, sent by Mr. Jackson, spe
cial correspondent of the New Vork Herald, on
his way north to the mouth of the Lena, says;
"A Cossack estnfette (special express) has
Just arrived here with dispatches bringing the
news that the bodies of Captain De Long and
ten men have been found all In one spot,"
The Jeannette. which had been known as the
Pandora, started from San Franelsoo on July
8, 1873, under command of Lieutenant Da
Long. The disastrous result of the expedition
was first known by a dispatch from Irkutsk re
ceived In London, December 21 announcing
that tho Joannette had been crushed in the ice
on June 2$. After this the orew took refuge in
three boats. The first cutter carried Lieuten
ant George W. De Long, the commander or the
Jeannette; Dr. James M. Ambler, JeronieOol
lins, William Ninderman, Louis Noros,
Hans Enoltson, Henry Knack, Adolpli
Dressier, Carl Gortz, Walter Lee. Nulls
Iversen, George Uoyd and the tWJ men
known as Alexia and Ah Lorn, The secoi.d
cuttor contained Lieutenant Charles W. Chipp,
Capiain William Dunbar, Alfred Sweetman,
Henry Warren, Peter Johnson, Edward Story
Sbawell and Albert Ralhue. In the whale-boat
were the engineer, George W. Melville; Lieu
tenant J. W. Daneuhower, Jack Cole, James
Uartlett, Raymond Newcomb, Herbert Leach,
George Laudortack, Henry Wilson, Manson,
Aniquin and Long Sing. Ths three boats
were separated in a gale at night. Engineer
Melville and his companion! succeeded iu en
tering the mouth of the Lena on September 17.
Ninderman and Noras arrived at buloonga on
October 29 to ask for relief for the crew of tho
first cutter whom they reported to tie in the
(jreatest clanger of starvation aud badly frozen.
No news was at any time received of tho
fate of Lieutenant Clupp's command. Imme
diately after Niuderuian and Noras had
brought in the news that Lieutenant De
Long's party were at the northern mouth of
the Lena Delta expeditions to succor them were
Another account of the expedition says: The
Jeaunotte sailed from San Francisco at 3 r. si.
oa Juiy 8, 1879, and entorod the ice near Her
ald island in ?eptember. From that time until
June 12, 18H1 (when she was crushed) she drill
ed helplessly. At the end ol the first live months
the ship was only fitly miles from the place wheie
she had entered the ice. During this time
the Jeannette had drifted over an immcn-e
area, approaching and receding from the 18'Jth
meridian. The ship continued to drift in tins
wav until June 11, 1381, the coneral movement
being to northwest. Ou that day the ship was
latitude 77 dciiieie, 13 minutes and 45
seconds north, aud longitude 105 degrees, 4t
minutes and 30 seconds east.
At 12:10 A. m. of June 12 tho ice suddenly
opened alonpsido tho ship, but some hours
lntor the ico again closed upon and crushed
her. The ship was then abandoned, and about
I o'clock on June li) sho sank to tho bottom.
Four days later tho crew began the retreat on
livo sleds. The party trave'od slowly, and at
tho end of tho first week it) was found that
the drift to the northwest had been
twenty-sevrn miles in excess of the
march southward. On Juno 27 the party
reached Bennett island, and remained there
until AugiiKt 4, spending tho time in making
explorations. JColtenoi island was reachod on
Soptimb'ir fi, and on September 10 the party
landed on Simnntki island. Two days later tho
tliroo hoati strolto tho southward, but whon
within about fifty miles of the maiulund they
were B'-paruted during a gale.
Do Long's boat landed at the month of the
northwestern branch of the Lena, near Upper
liiilun, September 17, and on the samo day
.Melville's patty entered the east branch of the
Lima. Chipps boat has never been heard
from. Melville met three natives on Septem
ber 1!), and seven days later ho leached Dnlt
ofT. His party was much exhausted. On Oc
tober 2'.t he heard that Noras and (Ninderman,
of Do Long's party, had been
found, and on November 2 he saw them at
Uuluii. From ilium ho learned that Do Long
and his men had made their way to Sisteranek.
Thero tho men wero in an exhausted condi
tion on October !), and were without food.
Molvillo immediately started northward
tiiritm with two unlives, and explored the
Lena Delia l'i search of De Long, Ho re
turned to Jliilum November 22, without
having f mnd any trace of De 'Long, except
a few r o inls written before Nindorman
nnd Noras were scut forward f r relief. His
journey would have been continued had not his
provisions given out. llis tecond expedition
to tho Lena Delta began on January 27, 1882,
when he left Yakutsk lully prepared lor an ex
tended search. Ho took with him ilarllett aud
Nimlermitu of the Jeannette crew, while Lien
t in nt Dane: h v.i r traveled si wly southward
with nine other survivors.
Litmieiiiint Do Long was a native of New
York city, v hero ho was horn in 1H44. Jle
went into tho navy us midshipman in 1S01, was
iiIh I imi tenant iu lSlitl and uavip at r on the
Juniata iu l.S7:s. Sirs. Du Lung la now at
liui liuglon, Iowa, vliero her only child, r.
laughter, has been sic!;.
Nearly Kissed Themselves to Heath.
Osculation is unquestionably a pleas
ing pursuit. It has been recognized as
such from time immemorial, by gener
ations unnumbered of lovers, poets and
even philosophers. Thero uro doubt
less, at the present moment, in this and
in other countries, many enamored
i-wains vho ask no better than to be
permitted to imprint " ton thousand
kisses," ono after another, upon tho
lips of the damsels on whom they have
bestowed tneir attections. They may,
however, esteem themselves fortunate
if their opportunities in this direction
ave somewhat limited, as the following
true story will show : At an evening
party in Kelkheim, a few weeks ago,
the conversation happened to turn upon
kissing, and the question arose how
many salutations of thi3 class could be
exchanged between two ardent lovers
within a certain space of time. As
usual, opinions differed, and the discus
sion waxed warm. Presently a titry
youth offered to bet anybody present
the Uerman equivalent ol a ten-pouna
note that he and his betrothed would
kiss one another 10,000 times within
ten hours, provided they were permit
ted to partake of some slight refresh
ment at intervals of half an hour during
the performance. His wager having
been accepted and the money posted,
the affianced couple addressed them
selves to the achievement of their con
genial task. At the expiration of the
first hour their account stood credited
with two thousand kisses. During the
second they added another thousand
and during the third seven hundred and
fifty to that number. Then, pitiful to
state, they both broke down, The
youth's lips were stricken with cramp,
and the maiden fainted awav. Later
on in the evening she was compelled
to take to her bed with a sharp attack
of neuralgia. An even more distressing
result ensued from this surfeit of tender
endearment, for it led to the breaking
off, bf mutual consent, of a hopeful
matrimonial engagement. Young lovers
should keep th'a sad tale in mmd and
moderate their transports, for, strange
as it may seem, Dan Cupid himself may
be kissed to death. liondon Jelegrapn,
Where the Storms Hide.
Near Wisconsin, in the Sunset moun
tains, a cave has been discovered which
is one of the greatest wonders of An
zona Territory. It is of unknown pro
portions, having never been explored,
and the phenomenon connected with it
that causes the wonder of beholders U
the fact that a strong current of air
rushes into the cave of sufficient force
to draw into the Plutonian depths all
light artioies placed near the entrance.
The roaring of the winds into the cavern
may be heard 200 yards away from the
Forfy-Sevonlh Congress Senate.
Mr. Baunders spoke on his Joint resolution
proposing a civil service reform amendment to
the Constitution.,,, The bill to establish a
court of appeals was' considered and explained
....The bill to repeal the discrimination
against the appointment of ex-Confederates in
the army of the United States was further dis
cussed .... Mr. Edmunds, by instruction of the
committee on the Judiciary, reported that the
President has power to use the army to pre
serve order in the Territories.
A bill was passed giving twelve condemned
cast-iron cannon to the Morton Monumental
association of Indiana.. ..The bill adjusting
the accounts of Collector Pollock, of 1'hila
delphia, with reference to tax stamps, was
passed..,. The motion to refer ta the Judiciary
committee the bill removing the disqualifica
tions of ex-ConloJerates was defeated.. ..Bills
were passed appropriating $175,000 for a pub
lio building at Qnincy, 111., and $250,000 lor a
public building at Peoria, III .... A bill was in
troduced proposing an amendment to the Con
stitution prohibiting any denial or abridgement
of suffrage on account of sex.
The House amendment to the bill for the
sale of the Miami Indian lands in Kansas was
concurred iu and the bill passed The library
committee was instructed to inquire into the
propriety of purchasing 5,000 copies of the
woik entitled "Original Portraits of Washing
ton," lor distribution to tho publio libraries
throughout the United States. .. .Mr. V. orhees
introduced a resolution to appoint a committee
ti ascertain whether any corrupt or improper
influences have been brought to bear on any
member of the Senate in regard to tho whisky
bill. ...There was a debate on tho bill repealing
the statute prohibiting the appointment of ex
Confederates in the army or navy.
The bill repealing disqualification for army
service imposed upon ex-Confederates came up
in order, when Mr. ltolllns' pending motion to
commit it to the Judiciary committee prevailed
by a party vote yeas 29, nays 23, Mr. Davis,
of Ulinoix, voting yea with the Rei ublicans.
Mr. Mahone aleo voted yea.... Mr. Hawley re
ported a resolution which had been agreed
upon by the committee on civil service reform,
proposing an appropriation of $25,000 to enable
the President to promote efficiency in the
different branches of the civil service.
Mr. Wiuduiu'e resolution to appoint a com
mittee to inve-tigate whether any money has
bern raised to imkienc action on the whisky
bill, and if eo, for what uses the money has
been expended, was adopted The bil'l au
thorizing an increase in the naval service o!
rive hundred men was further discussed. It
was contended that the men were required t
man the ships now in commission, and that
the want ot them was a serious drawback tc
the navy. The bill went over without aciion.
Bills were ptip-ed appropriating sums aggre
gating $1,450,000 for tho erection of public
buildings at Detroit, Jackson, Tenn., Denver,
Col., OrecugUoro, N. C., Council liluffs, Iowa,
Lynchburg, Va., Peoria, 111., and Galveston,
Tex.. ..bills introduced: By Mr. Gibson, for
the appointment of a commission of three
engineers from the aimy to deteimine the best
route for ship canals to connect tho lakes with
the Mississippi river and to connect the Atlan
tic with the Gulf of Mexico "across Florida, and
appropriating $250,000 tor expenses. Bv Mr.
Curv, of Aru.ona. to transfer the bureau of
Indian affairs from tho interior to the war
department. By Mr. Haskell, to amend
the anti-polvcamv act. It hxes the uato
of electkn, and provides that. In prosecu
tions for polviramv or bigamy no person shall
uo incompetent as a witness bv reason ot any
ceremony ot marriage between the witness and
the accused person, or because they have lived
together, and that the act of the legislature of
Utah incorporating the Church ol Jesus Lurist
ot Latter Day .Saints be annulled.
Diplomatic correspondence touching the con
dition of Israelites in Iiussia was received from
the President.... The Senate amendments to
the Chinese bill were couourred in by the
A bill was reported to allow the military
foices of tho United Mates to I e employed as
a posse comitatus to assist the civil an horitics
within any Tenitnr of the United States to
execute tho laws therein, vlieu requested bv
ino governor oi such T. rntory. . . .iiil a were
reported to incrcaso tho clliciencv of the t-inuol
corps of the nriny ; to authorize the consoli
dation of railroad companies in tho Territo
ries ot the United State; cntliririziipr tho sec
retary of war to erect at Washington's hiad
quartois at New burg, N. Y., a memorial col
umn, and to niu m dutia-. nig the expenses of
tho crntei.nial cciebntii":n to bo held in that
city iu lSbU, and for t.c ie if of I'onjainin
Ilolliday... unlet, luients weio con-
c.irrcd in to the House bill granting condemned
o.itmon to the Morton Monument association.
The Speaker laid before the House a com
mtudeatiou from the secrotary of tho navy, in
response to tho Ilouse resolution calling for
information relative to the condition of the
navy. Its most important feature is a tabu
lated statement showing the estimated time
and cost which would be required to make
each vessel in the navy efficient to engage in
battle with an enemy of tho same general classi
fication. Omitting those whose hulls aro con
sidered unlit for repairing, there are sixty
tin ee vessels included in the list, of which
thirty-three are reported as "efficient for im
mediate use." To repair and put in condition
the remaining thirty it is estimated will cost
3,173,00i), and the time necessary for that
purpose is variously estimated at from two to
eighteen months eiuhtcen months beins the
estimated timo required on five of the vessels.
Tho communication also embodies a detailed
statement of the cost of repairs on vessels since
ltfC5, the total being $2:1,075,000, and the total
eot of vessels in the navy is Bet down at $72,
815,778. The tariff commission bill was passed by a
voto of 151 yeas to 85 nays, six Kepublieans
voting in the negative and twenty-seven Demo
crats and six Greenbackers voting in tho
altii mative. Tho bill as passed enacts that a
commission of nine persons, to be known as
the "Tariff Commission," shall be appointed
by the President from civil life ; that " it shall
be the duty of said commission to take into
coneideiation aud to thoroughly investigate all
the various questions relating to the ag
ricultural, commercial, mercantile, manu
facturing, mining and industrial interests
of the United States so far as the same
may be necessary to the establishment of
a judicious tariff, or a revision of the exist
ing tariff upon a. scale of justioe to all in
terests; and for the purpose of fully examining
the matters which may come before it, said
commission, in the prosecution of its inquiries,
is empowered to visit such different portions
and sections of the country as it may deem
advisable, aud that said commission shall
report the result of its investigations oot later
than the lirst Mouday in Decomber, 18S2."
Hoard in a rural villago: "What, no
supper at your house to-night? Are
you all sick?" " Oh, no; we are all
well, and as hungry a bears; but you
ee we have a donation party at our
minister's to-night, and we are merely
saving up our appetites that's all."
Kansas Traisiu? It.
"While I was in Topeka last winter,'1
said the Hon. Arthur Edgington, " I had a
pretty rough time of it I got a bad cold,
and then, that not being pulliciently severe,
I was also attacked with rheumatism. The
cain was in mv left tlinulder. At times I
almost writhed in agony. I tell you, sir,
that the pain could not have been greater
had my shoulder been screwed up in a vise,
I was utterly helpless, and felt like I was
aostineu to remain in that condition in
definitely. My friends and a physician
were generous in their prescriptions and my
room soon became a miniature apothecary
shop But nothing did me any good. One
day some one told me I was enduring a
great deal of needless pain when I could in
vest fifty cents in a bottle of St. Jacobs Oil
and be cured. I invested in a bottle of the
Oil, rubbed it on my shoulder twice, and in
two days forgot that I ever had rheuma
tism. Yes, that is a great remedy, and no
mistake They can't say too much in favor
oi its healing power."
The above was uttered by Mr. Edgington
while sitting on the porch of the LaGonda
house, at Columbus, the other evening, and
was overheard by an escaped reporter, who
is traveling over the country incog. In
quiry developed the fact that Mr. Edging
ton is one of the most widely known men in
Kansas, figuring prominently in politics,
and acting as the responsible agent of the
Bradstreet Commercial Agency. Upon
subsequently making Mr. Edgington's ac
quaintance the reporter was assured that
all he had heard was true, and he waa at
liberty to use it in the papers. Oswego
(Kan.) Democrat.
When a man's business is rapidly
running down, it is time for him to
think of winding it up.
The St. Paul (Minn.) Globe, observes I
" Things had gone wrong with him, and he
wanted to die; yet he had the whole house
darting around mighty lively, so we heard,
hunting for the St. Jacobs Oil bottle, when
the first twinge of rheumatism gathered
him up.
"I don't believe there's Koinsr to be
much of a war in Europe, after all."
said Job Shuttle, as he threw his papers
aside. "War in Europe, a great sight!"
said the wife of his frugal board. "But
there'll be war right here in this house,
if you bring any more friends here to
dine when I don't have anything but
picked up codfish on the table." There
was an Immediate disbursement of funds
for larder supplies.
The Mason & Hamlih Co. At Milan,
ftaly, they have reoently had a Musioal
Industrial Exhibition and Competition,
under royal patronage ; at which were
collected and compared, during a
period of several months, the largest
number and greatest variety of musical
instruments, old and new, ever brought
together. America was honored m the
award to the Mason & Hamlin Organ
Company of the highest medal, and the
only one in this depart ment. Uonsider
ing that 250 awards were given, alto
gether, this' distinction was very
marked. It is a continuation of the
triumphs of these famous organ makers
at every one of the World's Fairs for
fourteen years : to which there has
iieen no exception. The Manhattan.
Bam the lecturer "The reads up
these mountains are too steep and
rocky for even a donkey to climb:
therefore I did not attempt the ascent.''
Tn n noi llnn '
Tin. R. V. TiKiicE: lt(tr Sir Last fall my
daughter was in a doclino and everybody
thought she was going into the consumption. I
got her a bottlo of jour " Favorite Prescrip
tion," nnd itenrcu her. juris, jutnv iiinson.
Of all druggists. II, nt rose, Kan.
From three to six presses are kept constantly
running on Webster's nnsrto dictionary in
order to supply tho domand, which is in excess
oi au,uuu copies yearly.
Weak lungs, spitting of blood, consumption,
r.n l jsindreii affections, cured without phy
sician. Aourcss ior treatise, witn two stamps,
Wo'it.B's DlspiiNSAii Medical Association,
13UU.IO, 1M. i.
The quecu imposes a fmo of ten oxen and
2 ou any person in Madagascar who manufac
tures alcoholic beverages, 'lho natives drink
a sort of "toddy."
The New World's Dispensary and Invalids'
Hotel at Buffalo, N. Y., is now completed and
ready to receive patients.
Ovr.n 7,000 persons in New York citv have
permits to carry concealed weapons, but by the
now criminal code all permits are revoked.
Wnrncv'w Pnfe Kidney nnd l.lvor Curo.
The most prosperous English tradesmen are
said to be butchers, milliners and photogra-
JIensman's Peptonized beep tonic, the onlv
preparation of beef containing its entire nutri
tious properties, it contains olooa-maKing, lorce
generating and lite-sustaiuing properties ; in
valuable for indigestion, dyspepsia, nervous
prostration, and all forms of ecneral dcbilitv:
also, in ail eniecnieu conditions, whether the
result of exhaustion, nervous prostration, over
work or acute disease, particularly if resulting
from pulmonary complaints. Caswell, Hazard
& Co., proprietors, New York. Sold by druggists.
Oh Thirty Dnys' Tlinl,
The Voltuio Belt Co., Marshall, Mich., will
send their i.lcctro- oltaic Jielts ond other elec
tric Appliances on trial for thirty davB to any
person afllieted with Norvous Dobility, Lost
Vitality, and kindred troubles, guaranteeing
complete restoration ot vigor and manhood.
Address as above without delay.
P. 8. -No risk is incurred, as 30 days' trial is
Carbuline, a deodorized extract of petroleum,
cures baldness. 11ns is a positive tact, attest
ed by thousands. No othor hair preparation in
the world will really do this. Besides, asnow
luiprovta, it is a aeiigiitlnt dressing.
Don't IHe In tho limine.
"Hough on Kats." Clears out rats, mice,
roticiiia, ucdnugs, uies, auta, nioics, chip-
lnmdis, gopnera. uo.
Vecetine. For eradicating all impurities of
ii e uiiiuu irom me Bysiem It lias no equal. It
lias never laited to cllect a cure, giving tone and
etreijgiu 10 xne system ueuiiitatea by disease.
The Science of Life, or Self-Preservation, a
icdical work tor every man young, middle-
aged or old. 125 invaluable prescriptions.
William J. Coughlin, of Somervtlle, Mass . says: Tn the
fall ot ISTtj I wag taken with bi-eedino or the Lusas fol
lowed by a severe cough. 1 lost my appetite and nesh,
tniU was confined to my bed. In 1877 I was attainted to
the hospital. The doctors said I had a hole Id my lung i
bill as a half-dollar. At one time a report went around
that I was dead. 1 gave up hope, but a friend told me of
I got a bottle, when to my surprise, 1 commenced to feel
better, and to-day I feel better than for three years past.
I write this hoping every one aQllcted with Diseased
Lungs will take UK. WILLIAM HALL'S BALSAM, and
be convinced that CONSUMPTION CAN life CliKKD. I
can positively say It has done more good than all the
other medicines I bave taken since my sickness.
A 1. 1. EN'S Iti-nin Fooil-cnres Nervous Debility ti
Weakness ol Cieu'-rative OrKaus, SI --all uruKKist,
SeLd lor Circular. Allea'sPhunuicy.31JI''irstav..N,V.
Beef Cattle rrirae, livo weight
Calves Coni'n to Choice Yealn.
lIogH Live
Dressed, citv
7 Ci
Flour Ex. Ktate, cood to fancy 5 C5
dd 8 50
9 01)
dS 150
OA 14G
Western, good to choice 6 1)0
Wheat No. 2 lied, now 1 4'J
No. 1 Whito, now 1 45
Rye State 05
barley Two-rowed State 02
Cora Ungraded Westernllixod 78
Yellow Southern 84
Oats White State 01
Mixed Western 00
Hav I'rime Timothy 75
Straw No. 1, Rye CO
Hops State, 1881, choice 20
Fork Mess, new, for export. ..18 25
Lard City Steam 11 20
Helmed 11 40
da S)o
!fil8 40
11 29
fell 40
retroleum Crude
Butter State Creamery, Hue. .
Dairy .. , ".
Western Im. Crcaiuory
Cheese Stato Factory
Eccs State and Ponn
7k (53
81 C4
23 (0
l'otatoM Early Koso.Stato.bbl 8 87 (si 3 50
Steers Gnod to choice 7 P0
Lambs Western 7 00
Bheep We.-tern 6 25
Hogs, Good toChoico Yorkors. . 7 10
7 CO
7 50
64 6 75
64 7 40
Flour C'y Ground. No. 1 Spring 6 75 (y) 7 25
Hiicut vtu. i. nam muuiu. . . . l vn tuj i vo
Corn No. 2 Mixed WVt 69
Oats No. 2 Mix. West 47 i4 47
liarley Two-rowed State 80 DO
Ueof Extra plate and family. . 15 00 16 00
Hogs Live 7,V 8
Hogs City Dressed fyt
rorit .extra i rnne per uui . . . . i: ou (jjiu uu
I'lour bpruig Wlieat i'utonts. , o 25
Corn Hmu Mixed 94
Oats-Extra White 67
Rye State 95
Wool Washed Comb & Delaine 46
Unwashed " " 23
dS 9 50
(i 05
Beef Extra quality 7 37Vi(fj 8 00
Sheep Live w eight , 5 .6
Lambs 7?i
Hogs, Northern, d. w yij
Flour Penn. Ex. Family, cood 6 25 Ch 0 25
Wheat No. 2 Red 1 44V(?a 1 44
ivy Diaw vt g vi
Corn State Yellow 69Vtf
Oats Mixed Mltr$
Butter Creamery Extra Pa.. ., 82
Cheese New York Full Cream. 13
Petroleum Crude 6 di
ilt wnrk la th. V. B. tor tfc. MMT.
l'errllwT Ulna. Utalaaa tmj.
Fnem for Tenrlat nnd KmlErnnts.
Whether lor the tourist, bent on pleasure or
business; or the emigrant seeking a far West
ern home, Hostettor's Stomach Bitters is the
bent proteotor against the hurtful influences
of cllmatio changes or malaria; the most re
liable medicine for general nse he oan possi
bly carry with him. It nullifies the effect of
udden changes of temperature, braces the
system against the enfeebling influence of ex
cessive heat, prevents injurious consequenoes
from a change of diet or of using bad food or
water, is a fine reBueoitant of physioal energy
diminished by the ratlgue or traveling, and
tends to counteract the effects of exposure In
rough weather. It is much and serviceably
used by mariners and others whose out-door
life and arduous labor expose them unusually.
It is moroovor of great scrvico as a preventive
and curative of disorders of the stomach, liver,
bowels, ana as a general tonic.
A (N. J.) boy has living two grand
mothers, three groat-grandmothers, one great
gi eat-grandmotiier, one grandfather, one
great-grandfather, and one great-groat-grand-
f nl.
tions urc
not design
ed to Induce
tho public to
attempt me du
ties of the rerru-
Inr surgeon, but,
merely to ploco tho
renders of these norcs
In nossrssion of a means
of trentment of the minor
nrnldents occurrlnirdaily In
the household, and which, while not dungerous
In themselves, are exceedingly annoying.
minis, uruises, huuiiis, kiuuius, cii.:., oia inu
clpnl among theso troublesome and annoying
occurences, anu uemann nnmeuiuio iremniem
with tho best menns at hand. In tho kitchen,
tho ftinimr-hnll. tho nurserv And tho sittiUQ:-
room they nro linhlo to hnppcn, and. Instead of
learand ninrmatinosignroi mecutormnsiieu
flnrrrr. nr liruispil nr luirned nrm. or scalded
surface, n cool nndqulot mnn'ner should bo as
sumed, and nftor wushlng away the blond, (if
required), the Injured parts should bo dressed
with thnt most vnhmblo remedy St. Jacohs
Oh,. Its surprisingly quick relief. Its cleansing
properties, its tendency to quickly remove nil
Inflammation, nnd its wonderful efficacy In the
riljovnnswi'll rminnll museulnrftnd other ruins.
r.ueh ns rheumatism, neuruUria, toothache,
hendaehn, etilfncss of the joints, rtc theso
render hT.JAConsuir, prc-eminenuy tno best
external remedy nov before the people: which
claim Is fully eubstnn tinted by the strongest
Kind of testimony from all clnppcs of peoplo.
Tho vnluoof hiHiinn life Is so supremely impor
tant that anything thnt tends to Its prolonga-
..unis cnuiioa to tno ni(riicst rnnsuieniiion.
Charles Nelson. Fsq., proprietor Nelson Iloure,
j i hi nuron, mien., saysi 1 suu'.-reu sj wmi
rheumntlsm that, mv nrm withered, and Physi
cians could not help me. 1 was tn despair of
my life, when some ono advised me to try St.
Jacobs Oil. 1 did so, and nsif by maide. I was
mauimiy reneveu, and by ino continued useoi
the Oil entirely cured. 1 thnnlt heaven for
having used this wonderful remedy, for it imta
my iyc. jl nio curca niy who.
N Y N U-
Payne's Automatic Engines
Ttnliahle. Durable and Eeonnmlcal, v-mptrnUh a
home poirer with H h M Mrtimil aa'er man wiy wj
.Wi.i hnilt nnt fittr.d with ait AlttomallC Cut-Otl.
Ki nd for Illustrated CataliKiie ".J," ior Inliirmatlou ii
I'rii-es. li. W. I'ivm: Ji Jinx W tJorillluf,
rmhrnrinc full and AiitlipnHr APtvmiitR of nvprv na
liiui ol anoiout aud modern times, and including a
LiiHiorv oi niu riKo nnd mil oi me itreeu a hi jeoii mi
emuirca, the middle tho erusades. tiio ttnidul
8bte:n, the rrtormatinii, the rtmcovury and scftln-
tnent oi t ne new world, etc., etc. it cnuiaiusuy
hue historical cnravinKS, aud is tho mosit complete
History of the World over published. Send for sped
uieu Pago iiud extra terms to Aent. Address
National I'uhushimi t o., l'htladHplua, Fa.
'umniir I'lirmit iv 11 11m mnk N-w Rich
Blood, and will coniplrtoly cliane tlio blond in tin?
entire svptrm in three mnntlia. Any person who
will tak cue pill each thkut iroml to 12 weeks mav be
restored tn Hound heulth, if such a thins h pot' Bible.
bi!d everywhere or sent by mail for 8 letter ptanipB.
1. S. .KMI VS(I tXr. t it.. ItnwWkn. VI n-..
formerly Unntrni't !le.
TiL39ulll?0 widow, fatbera.muiberi or
Ii children. Thonsnndu Tetftitlort. Tensions fdren
3 lor 1oot fiuKcr.toi .i'vc or rupture, vurictsi vtine
r IHNCUM. J II illiquid 3 TT peilMMHTH find
Mii r ctiut.l to lM'itKASK u.i liOL'NTV.
f I'ATEjVl't pruciirtil for Inventors. iSolJirrn
I land warrants procure!, rmnplit tin4 Bold. Soldier?
lund hoi rn apply fur your rifthtn r. t oiici-. Setirl
or 1 tie t'ltir-cn-JMiidifr," and ruusiin
anu j;oimty mwi mriiks nrm int ructions, c
can refer to tliriHMnrii ff Petitsir-m rs mid CHml.
Aiiiin-! N.W. Htzsr?rr.!J& Co I'kjjsion
i'AT et A tt'y L-vvk
u itoxioa.vt ttsiiu
Coupons Attached MX per cent, per Annum.
Secured by .lloi tenm nu Vnlunlile Ileal TBllUe
Better tb;iu Gowriin.' n!s. Suiiiibl-.' tor men ol
mHll nivalis. I'eadily luiiit d Into ciisu.
lirwi' tn leacniiM imuK aim itLiiiuLTt.
Full lutorniatlon liy ui'fU iiili to
U. S. LAND i!L Ul I'lfOVHHir.XT f'O..
;tii l ine F-i , Xhw YiiiK.
An Enirlish VeU'rhiitrv burtrpoii nnd Chemint, now
traveling in this eouuiry. anvsthat mont ot the ilurai
and rattle Powders koUI here are wortlile.-K ir.i.h. lie
says t hat Shci'Ulau'B Condition Powder are alwolutp-
iv imreatm nmufiuseiv v;uuamc jMninnvt uh eiinii
will make hoiis lay like Sheridan's Comtilion Pnw.
dera. DoBe, one tt anooniul to one pint ol iood. Sold
evervwhero, or sent bv mail for 8 hrfter stami-n, I. S.
JOHNSON & CO., Boston, Musi., formerly Uaiinor.Mo.
II'm In the world. ief the aetiuliif. Evnrr
STn k'u IniNfiir irnriV-mni'k mid ft lilurkeu
'riivi'iN. SHI,I EVEltYWlliatK-
Oout, Gravel, Diabetes, Tho VeKelal FioiH'-h Salicy
lates, only Harmless specifics proeiamieu uy neiem-o,
n lieve at once, cure within lour days. Box 1, mailed.
Genuine ban red seal and Bijinatiire oi L. A. Pa him
Co., onlvagents, VJ'iW. 14thSt.,N.Y. Ak your driiR
gist lor the Genuine. Write for book and relorenees.
liJui-niiin Btliinn fur) nftver jirivo ir-l-'titttereiuj m ma worm cwse.i,i:i3uii::itiijjiuirj
Wt able fleep ; effect cures where a'l oihe rl-ii. A 2
B sjl 1 .OOfOi J Jrua-rlsts or Kv moil. Smplj li KKR
CIV WHY WASTB MONET I Toonf nu or old.
Ol A If jou wtnt ft Luxuriant mautiAcha, Bowinf
TO whiikara or hetvj provib of lint in btii
O he or 10 TilllKl-N, M'ltt.M.THLN nd
INVIOORATK tht HAIR imwuTf ilua'i b Uiitia.iiEfrd.
tU Spnn
Krnd ON
itMlU fan M,Yr.H 1 LT
of l iiiiittUoni.
W A 1VT',"-A!''11", toet"e nly au
V iV! X JlilJ iliui'izediiii'.turBnttlieliur
flclil Finpili niljlifllieil mnler tho flirprtimi of
flirs. i.tiiriioi'1. ttmuiucHyretf to ai;i'1ith that work, tx
.insivo icrruory mwii. .1. 11. llnllii, il'a,
, Th J Sett U tht
cheapcit. Illui
iralcil iirlcf li.t
Im THIS AULI'AIAS 4TAVl,OKCO..Muii,li-ilil.O.
fQffhfat Inventor! to know that 1 mtk, not :
W A 'WTTP"n charge obtftinhiji patent! until anerls !
unira "le l''eI" aeluaUa alluwtd. Book seull ?
. SUA W. 11 CnurtS!. Iloiton.i
ttl (fi BKVA11D Inr cm of Nurvuu. Iltbilur. Hltel or
Auu kiflii(?- Dinuase uolcund Itj li. Kitlkk. Ima W'ul.
Kut.Phlla. IO.HI rfr- rfufli1. i-nl free I'ure izunr.nierd.
frONTH flGEN IS WANTED 80 be-l
'Wiwrj AilJrcM Jay Hron.ou, Detroit. Mli h.
YnUNR WIFN If want to lparuTeicBraiihyln
IUUKU WZ.l'i . few 111,11,1 Imnn.l l,o .rliiinof .
lllialliill, niltlica iil iiliuu llros.. Jauonvilio. Wis.
A MUSIC JOURNAL .tViif.u, k?",'"":
" O I! A lv Kit " a II I ' K !l A i 1 1 1 N E.
WELLlNUToN, O. Ii-PAM1'11I.ET8 lllV.E.
IAHU COLIAXyi'OllS. a hiiiidhoniu net of CardH tor
J three-cent stump. A. U. Il&tuiKrr, llocneater, N. V
ftRfl a week iu your own town. - Tenuu and lis outnt
OOjroe. Add' H. HAU.KTT:Co..Piirtland.Maiiie.
W.NTEI. Ladiea lo do lialit work at iiiunf
n. ut by ui4il. Addruw ti. UU6U WILbO.N
Full liiver, Mass.
.70 A WEEK. 1Q a (lay at home cully made. Goatlr
9 1 OutlU Uee. Add alauK fc Co., AuuuaU, Maine,
ii m uuiimi
Ptirtflen the mood, llenovaten ana
Iitrifforatcg fftc Whole yrem.
Ceneral Debility.
blood. Tho nutritive constituent of the blood sre
in iess tlmn their regular proportion, while tne
wutory part Is In excess. Dobility Is of frequent
occurrence. It Is Incident to a variety of diseases.
Tho lower limbs arc ntt to be swollen. The natlonl
is icebto and cannot boar much exertion. Tho circn-
mtion is irrofjullir, Din ainiosiaiwnyp wean.
tion of tho heart is a vers common symptom. V tolent
emotion often throws the heart into the most tumult
uous action. The vital functions aro languidly per
formed. The muscular strenmn is uiniiuit.Muj
fnliuue follows moderate or sliuht exercise. Ins
brcnthlng, though quiet when at rest, becomes hur-
ncu ana oven painiuny apuatea uimer mwuuu, m
in runiiinc, ascendlmi heights, etc. The nervous
stein is often greatly disordered, vertigo, dizziness
and a terdinn oi faintness are very common. Violent
Slid ob.Jtiuiiio nourulf'lo pains in the head, side and
brcust, or other parts of tho bodv, are also frequent
attendants upon tho disense. The secretions nro
S'unetinies diminiphed. In females the menses aro
almost always either suspended nr very partially
periormeu. ino tme is scanty, ana eostlvcness, witn
unhealthy evnc.ualinns from tno bowels, and dvs
ncptio stato of tho etomach, aro extremely common
Disease of tho Blood.
Palttmore, Md., April QS, 1S79.
Tin. It. H. Strvf.ns Dear Sir: I hnvo suffered fo
about two venrs wifli a disease of ttie mood, and alter
using different remedies, but finding no relief. I was
indUCCd tOir.V YMtI.TIM'.. ftnu uiuinu h.uuuiwuba
was entirely cured, i nave reconiiiieiiueu n. iu miuiy
friends, and believe it to bo the best medicine of the
kind in use. Yours truly, LKANDKH LUSI3Y.
Vesoliiift la So'fl by All Druggists.
Medical Electrician,
405 Pulton St., Brooklyn,
May bo consulted dallv from 10 A. SI. to8 P. T)
HAICitlfclVrr will cure every lunii i -J;.,
use, no matter ol now long sianniDK. wn.
v,,Vt v?i vil li in iipiin ITH. PROTECT YOUIt-
HHI.VES ngalnst asthma or consumption by wearing
" WJJjNUN I A " clotning. uoiu ieet a 1110 pre
cursors of endless Ills that flesh is heir to. Wear tho
" Wl liSON 1 A " soles and avoid such danger.
liliWABE OV FltAUDS. Itopua garments are on
the market. The " VI I.SONIA ".Is studded wit h
metallic eyelets, showing the metals on the faco. All
others aro frauds. Send for pamphlets containing
leeiimonialB from tho best people in America who
havo been cured alter all forms of medicine had
tailed. Note our addresses:
NO. 6;r BROADWAY, ) m
HI IM k 1
9 6 a 13 3
i 'liven t'oi'Kiiniptinu, fold. I'lieiiitipiiln, Tn-
:l rii. iSl'iniihiul li(li'iilli's, lironclims.
llinl'soiM'. A f Imiii. t'lonp, Whniiiih-g
' oimli. nuil nil Hi-ieiisp of 1 tie Hromliiinr
tt.'itailx. II soothes nnd IipiiIh the Mi'liil.riiiiH
a: i tie l.itmr. iutluiiiil mill poiMOiieil by llie
iliTiise. ii lid previ'iils the liialil iwriitx nnd
I it. In n ess no to liieelirwl Mliioh iiccoHM'ur.y
it. ConxiiiiiiHinii t" not nil iiicnl'iilMe lilfiliuly.
IIAI.I.X HAI.-AU "ill euro you, even
tttoimli iroli'rdoi!iil nld luiln.
By tho
ilerfnl JIolJ
iill you
reo the
i.) curds,
' I'M
or the
0 MMi
Send 11c. (stampB) lor tho ' LOVE" cards.
SAMMiS & LATHAM, Publishers,
79 NASSAU ST.. N. Y.
1 otitic t 111 il-, I.e. a Set. 1 "I'm Kn
d,"' fi uvMiil lumiy, ' I'm a J)ad
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