Henry A. Tttrsons, Jr., Editor THUFiSDAY. MAT H, 1882. ENTKKED AT TKK rHT-OFFlC'E AT RlDOWAY, T., AS SKCONO LAf-) MAH' MATTER.' Tlic New Mglit of Asia. "The Iliu.l of India" some call It, Snd others liken it to Milton's 'Turn dine Lout.'1 Whatever terms niuy h i "uned to describe It, Edwin Arnold's enmrknble poem, "The Light of 'XsIb,'' has certainly won a place amo'lfig f lie class! en In llterutui-e, ami the liest edition of it will lie wanted in every homo library. Heliited to (lie religion of India It Isnot unlike Milton's Immortal poem as related to the Christian religion. The new edition jiint Issued by the Useful Knowledge Publishing Company, New York, Is perhaps the ntont beautiful, typograph ically, which has ever appeared, and 1h of course far lower in price then any other edition published, which will 'compare, with it, being only 20 cts. for -the Utility binding, 30 cts. for cloth, and 40 cts. for the half Russia, or for the extra cloth gilt edges. This edi tion is especially valuable, and for that reason will displace every other, and fcause those who lire already supplied with other editions to put them aside and take this, because of the sketches of ,he lives of Edwin Arnold, the au thor, and of Uuddha, the subject, and the numerous illustrative notes ex plaining the many references to per sons, places, customs, etc., which are necessarily enigmatical to any one not deeply versed In the history, religion, and literature of India. These valu able additions are from the pen of Mrs. I. L. Mauser, a most competent writer, who was for many years a resident of India, and is known as the author of "The Orient and Its People." Enterprising booksellers will supply this edition, and canvassers and club ngents are wanted very where, to whom very unusual terms ami facilities are offered by the publishers. LIST OF CAUSES. SET down for trial at the May Term of the Elk County Court of Com mon Pleas, -commencing on Monday, the li&l. 1. Abncr Burley et al. vs. Armel Turley. No. Ho, May Term, 1,S0. 2. Daniel Kuweretal. vs.C. It. Eurley et al. No. 4.5, January Term, 1H81. 3. Jerome Powell vs. Jerome Powell. No. 01, May Term. 1881. 4. (ieorge H. Everett vs Henry Steinhilper. No. ., May Term, 1 MS 1 . f. Leonard Witlman vs. Stephen Henrv. No. 35, September Term, 181. ft. Thomas Tosier vs. Thomas Sulli van, sheritf, &c. No. SsO, September Term, 1SW. 7. R. M. Painter vs. (lust Loehman et al. No. 22, January Term, 1882. 8. (Ieorge Eaton vs. Thomas Tosier. No. 34, January Term, 1882. FRED. SC1HEN1NU, Pmthonotary. Every Style & Price. Oiiarantecd Uneqiialeil FOR OPERATIOM. ECONOMY. WORKMANSHIP- IrcTTCTneats ani CeuTtaicac3 fcunu t V. II. HYDE & CO., AGENTS RIDGWAY. Divorce Mice. (" ' I nion Picas of Hlk AGMv.S I HI.A J Lh j T(M.m To Agnes Cheatle, Defendant above named, you will please take notice that in the above case a suhpeiia and alias subpona have been issued and 'returned won tut invcntim. You are hereby required to appear in theabove case on the lirst day of the next term of said court, (May 22, 1882,) to answer to the said complaint . Thomas Sillivan, 3-13-51. Sheriff. N EV L 1 V E U Y ST A " LE IN' RIDGWAY. GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES and Buggies to let upon the most reasonable terms. flfcjyHe will also do job teaming. Stable on Elk street. All orders left at the Post Olllce wl" reeeive prompt uttention. 4.uir20i871t! LEAD ALL OTHERS! Oh,MyBack! That's a common expres sion and has a world of meaning. How much suf fering is summed up in it. The singular thing about it is, that pain in the back is occasioned by so many things. May be caused by kidney disease, liver com plaint, consumption, cold, nervous debility, &c. Whatever the cause, don't neglect it. Something is wrong and needs prompt attention. No medicine has yet been discovered that will so quickly and surely cure such diseases as Brown's Iron Bitters, and it does this by commencing at the foundation, and mak ing the blood pure and rich. Logansport, Tnd. Dec. s, t8o. For a long time I have been a Mi erer from stomach and kidney disease. My appetite was very poor and the very small amount 1 did eat disagreed with me. I was annoyed very much from non-retention of urine. I tried many remedies with no success, until I used Brown's Iron Hitters. Since I used that my stomach does not bother me any. My appetite is simply immense. My kidney trouble is no more, and my T;eneral health is such, that I feci ike a new man. After the use of Itrown's Iron Hitters for one month, I have gained twenty pounds ia weight. O. B. Sargent. Leading physicians and clergymen use and recom mend Brown's Iron Bit ters. It has cured others suffering as you are, and it will cure you. PIANOS. 1G0 up (Stool. Cover and Book). Elegant Square Grand, 3 strings, full Airrnlles. everv improvement, only 5S21f). Cabinet Grand Cpright $21 1) aiid$2!"i0. Other Grand Holiday Bar gains. Jubilee Organs, ."0 up (Stool and Book). Excelsior, style 42, Five sect of Reeds, 15 stops, only ?87. "Oriental," style IDS. Ten set of Reeds, 2(1 stotis. onlv 125. No. "boKUs" sets of reeds or dummv" stops. All sent on lo days ra,J'rcifht free if uneaUs- fdciorji. Fair ami honest Healing guaranteed. Sheet Music J price. Piano. Ornun, or Music Catalogue free MENDKLSSOHN PIANO CO., Box 2008, N. Y. ORGANS. Pii:" GlictSrFrciicli LIVER PAD. Will positively euro Fever and Ague. Dumb Auu'o. Aaue Cake, Bilous Fever, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, and all diseases of the Liver, Stomach and Blood. Price Sl.oU by mail. Send for Prof. Guilmette's Treatise on the Kid neys and Liver free by mail. Address Jj'KlilWCH PAD CO , Toledo, Ohio. For sale by Chas. McVean, St. Marys, Pa. Letter-Heads, Bill-Heads, Note Heads, Envelopes, etc, at the Advo cate office. APPL.ETO N'SAMER.CAN CYCLO PEDIA. This admirable work is now com pletcin Pi vols. EachvoluiiiecontainsMlO pages. It makesu complete and well selected library, and no one can afl'ord to dowilhout it who would keep well informed. J 'rice &o 0U in cloth, SO. 00 in leather, or $7.00 in elegunt half Turkey. For particulars address, W. H. Fun-child, Portville, Catt. Co., N. Y., who has been duly appointed agent for Elk county by C. K. Judson, general agent. LIk County Court Proclamation. WHKREAS, the Hon. Wm. D. Brown, President Geo. Ed. Weis and G. G. Messenger, Associate Judges of the Court, of Common Pleas, ami Jus tices of the Common Plena, and Jus tices of the Court of Quarter Sessions, and Orphans' Court, and Court of Over ami Terminer, and General Jail De livery, for the trial of capital and other olleu'ees in the Couny of Elk by their precepts to me directed, have ordered a Court of Common picas, a Court of Quarter Sessions, Orphans' Court of Oyer and Terminer., and General Jail Delivery, to be holdeii at Ridgway, in and for said county of 1-lk on the FOURTH MONDAY IN MAY, 1W2, being the 22d day of the month, to continue one week, Notice is hereby given to the Coroner, Justices of the Peace and Constables of Elk county, that they are by these presents com manded' to be ihcu and there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock A. .si. of said day, with their rolls, records and inquisitions, and other rcitiemberances, to do those things which to their olll ces appertain to be done, and that all Justices of said county make returns of all recognizances entered into be fore them to the clerk of the Courts as per Act of Assembly passed May Hh, 1834, and those who are bound by their recognizances, to prosecute the prisoners that are or shall be in the jail of th sahl county of Elk, and then and there to prosecute against them as shall be just. THOMAS SULLIVAN, Sheriff. May 11th, 1882. For weakness of any kind take Peru n a CUT THJS OUT! A.SINKTe8S15i2S40wpEEERK. We have stores In 15 leading Cities, from wliiW, nnr uwtit olitnin their fupT 'lion ijuickly. ur FtirtorifM uh1 Priurliml (tii'4K am at I, riff rieiid for "nr Nuw lutuJuuuu ua U nut to lurcnUi Adrlrin M, N. LOVELLBl3RrrplhNSAe.ot Wage Paid 1 lie Coal Miners. The bureau of industrial statistics gives these figures concerning coal in Pennsylvania in 1882. Number of hands employed mining unthracite, 75, 160; uiuount of wages paid, $29,45!, 781 : number of hands employed min ing bituminous 85,630; amount o wage paid, $11,540,007. TREASURER'S JSALES OF UN SEATED LANDS.' NOTICE Is hereby given thrtt, agreeably to an Act of Assembly passed the l:Uh day of March, A. 1). 1816, entitled "An act toaniend an act directing the mode of selling unseated lands for taxes and other purposes," and the several supplements thereto, the following tracts of unseated lands, situated In Elk county, Pennsylvnla, will lie exposed to pale by public ven due or outcry, at the court house In Kldgway, in said county, on tno SECOND MONDAY OF JUNE NEXT, being the 121Ii DAY OF JUNE A. 1). 1882, for the arrearages of taxes for the years 1880-81, unless the taxes are paid prior to said date: B I'.NEETTE TOWNSHIP. Wnr Acres. Warrantees or Owners. TftxcB. 51.12 028 James Stokes ' 100 00 ri.'(,'?:i 10IS7 James Stokes 122 00 tiM5 1007 James Stokes 122 00 fi:i;S8 1007 James Stokes 2H5 74 5344 10(i7 James Stokes 122 00 5H45 10'i7 James Stokes 2ol 74 5S40 1007 James Stokes 319 3(1 C:J47 1007 James Stokes 182 fill 5348 1007 James Stokes 200 74 637'J 4r0 James Stokes 209 74 6380 1100 James Stokes 377 00 6383 800 James Stokes 00 00 5384 1000 James Stokes 420 00 6,187 1100 James Stokes 300 00 6340 1008 James Stokes 201 50 6342 1100 James Stokes 220 00 6008 P00 James Stokes 225 00 5334 1100 Myron Merrill 167 00 5336 1100 Amos B Merrill 105 00 5287 275 Amos B Merrill 31 50 628s 275 Amos B Merrill 39 24 5289 223 Amos B Merrill 31 74 5390 1100 Jones, Hammond &Co 314 24 5349 1100 Jonathan Brown 04 24 4994 345 Nathan W Ellis 79 00 4995 418 Addison Swartwood & Co 129 74 5341 900 Cornelius Walnwriglit 61 50 5012 990 Miles Dent 285 74 5479 600 Miles Dent 57 24 6479 100 Miles Dent 9 74 5479 224 Miles Dent, south end of survey 25 50 5478 00 Miles Dent southwest corner 7 00 5011 GO Miles Dent southeast corner 10 40 54,81 450 John Brooks 51 50 5000 990 John Brooks 114 24 4997 181 H. C. Spaulding 110 00 5981 550 H. C. Spnulding 03 00 5023 288J Jno Johnson undi vided i oil 5388 1 100 Ilezckiah Mix 217 00 502:5 50 Andrew Dent 2 74 5179 01 Hamilton Dawn 10 50 4994 150 William Shannon 34 24 5322 110 David S. Johnson 3150 5310 550 Henry Blush 8150 5(H) 1 091) Finney & Barrows 100 00 4'.t',W 190 Finne'v & Barrows from I'itcli cc Bovington 29 24 5002 990 J. G. Reading & Co. 39i 00 6013 990 J. G. Rending & Co. 5014 890 J. G. Reading tfc Co. 5009 990 J. G. Reading & Co. 5nl0 990 Tru linger, Croft & Co. Fitch & Bovington 220 24 203 50 283 00 283 on 15 30 5024 5025 5(103 5482 64 82 5330 131 John & D S. Johnson 302 John A, D. S. Johnson 37 71 339 50 115 50 990 Shaffer it'- Johnson 505 Julius Jones 28 Julius Jones 550 Smith, M'Cormic 3 60 & Mann 5313 1100 Cook & Pardee (53 00 220 00 2 90 23i 50 15(1 91 84 21 34 24 15 71 15 74 69 04 5479 50 Levi Hicks 5478 1040 St. John & Uotlirock null 93u St. John & Rot brock 5177 1100 St. John & Rothrock 6481 300 H. Merriman 5022 65 Amanda Apkcr 5022 55 Maria 1'. Johnson 6024 591 Maria P. Johnson 5023 2.S8J Maria P. Johnson- undivided S 5481 275 Jos. Enz from Martin En a r,(.)q do j.,... mil. irom Aiartin En 7, 5020 090 R. Winslow Estate 10 50 13 "3 1 40 1(19 74 109 74 85 74 109 70 90 24 75 5(1 5 74 5020 5021 5015 5U27 5020 5014 5027 183 990 do do 375 do do 990 do do 790 do da GiiO R. Winslow Estate 100 R. Winslow Estate 290 R Winslow Instate Heimer & Johnson lot 13 SO 11. Winslow Estate Brock way 109 R. Winslow Estate 290 R. Winslow Estate 107 R. Winslow Estate 23 00 23 00 12 10 42 24 12 21 HENZf N GER TOW NKHI P. 40S9 1115 1 12 75 147 14(i 75 William C. Black John Milne Nelson J. Winimer Nelson J. Wimmer Ciesar A. Jackot 40 51 24 99 23 77 23 77 21 51 4115 1 4107 48S3 J. J. Lawrence fr. N. Matson 118 84 1882 828 J. J. Lawrence fr. N. Matson 277 04 990 J. J, Lawrenoo 3u5 50 2uo H. G. Williams 01 72 80 H. H. Williams 17 90 220 Gilbert Williams 60 Hi 300 James Homers Smith 8ti 70 500 James Somers Smith 144 21 30 James Somers Smith 20 21 900 James Somers Smith 2J( 84 50 A. Hobbs 5 (12 325 Earley, Brickel .tHito Vine road, Nos. 7, 15, 17, 19, 21 & 23. 109 34 57 Earley, Brickel & Hite Vine road, Nos. 13, t- 7. 18 80 1 114 Earley, Brickel & Hite 177 08 4959 4900 4958 4958 4901 49Gt 4992 4105 4101 4100 4107 4108 4109 4110 4111 4115 4110 44i3 4407 4 1 OS 488(5 834 280 71 8.G 996 897 1025 (194 1049 980 107 29 25 302 73 335 IS 301 92 344 90 233 58 253 33 274 90 23 H3 7 00 Brussels road. 10 of No. 30 Earley, Brickel & Hite Brussels road, E. J of No. 34 Earley, Brickel & Hite 6 94 4880 8 39 0 70 07 32 30 200 990 990 1483 090 990 952 4970 2357 4878 4879 4944 4945 2274 4905 4880 ' 4887 4115' West Creek Min. Co. M' f'g & 335 38 335 38 499 09 303 87 334 27 274 58 328 24 Lyman Wilmarth Estate 990 Eugene Payne 1 ,-n Martin Sorg Echhaeh ( lou road, Nos. 14, 10 & 17. 31 80 50 J-.dward Delehunt Vine street, Nos. 11 & 12 16 84 25 J. S. Bates 11 22 lou George Weis 17 80 2i0 Palmer & Co. 61 20 25 Daniel Frasier No. 7 Cherry road 7 60 60 Daniel Frasier Nos. 3 A 6 Maple road 12 70 275 Augustus Wolle From Thos. Luckcnbach 73 00 622 Sheldon, Strcbigh & . Bated 117 11 522 " " " 117 11 6221 " " " 146 38 622J " " " 140 38 420 " " " 117 82 000 " " " 168 30 1033 " ' " 280 83 26 Mary M'Gahan, No 8 8 45 4958 4970 4115 4110 4060 4104 4104 440G 410(5 4407 4108 4076 4105 60 Mary HeenRn Nos. 18 and 15 10 84 248 E. Mnrre 65 07 34 Earley, Brickel Hite .P Ave B 9 49 1050 " .1 II 1U e. 4993 4408 4401 4407 1 220 i ., 1 1 74 06 44081 T?w!,or Unknown ' N W corner Cross street 102 5U R Earley Storer five., Nns. 22, 24and 26 25 19 47 C R Earley Poplar road, Nos. 2 and 4 35 82 7u C R Knrley Olean road, Nos. 0, 7 and 8 25 19 2oC R Earley Vine road, No. 6 8 47 24 0 R Earley Vine road, Nos. 9 and 11 8 07 50 C R Earley Poplar road, Nos. 16 and 18 1G 84 25 C R Earley Poplar road, No. 11 8 47 200 " R Early Poplar road, Nos. 19,21,23, 25, 27, 29, 81, 4, 8, 13, 15 and 17 87 53 26 C R Earley Hickory road, No. 17 8 47 42 0 R Earley Vine road, Nos. 81 and 33 14 39 50" R Earley Hickory road, Nos. 19 and 21 10 84 22 " R Earley Poplar road, No. 31 7 35 25 CR Earley Chestnut road, No. 29 8 47 25 t'R Earley Chestnut road., No. 30 8 47 25 CREnrlev Chestnut road, No. 21 8 47 60 CREarley-Chestnut road, Nos. 25 and 27 10 84 60 C R Earley East Chestnut road, Nos. 1 and 3 . 1G 84 60 " R Earley East Vine road, Nos. 2 and - f. 10 w " R Earley Maple road, No. 11 0 95 31 " K Earley Olean and Maple road, No. 1 7 00 19 " R Earley East Ma ple road, No. 1 5 81 51 " R Earley Cherry road, No. 0 and 2 17 34 "o " R Earley Cherry road, Nos. 9, 11 and 13 25 19 62 " R Earley Cherry road, Nos. 3 and B 17 40 50 "R Earley Chestnut road, Nos. 17 and 19 10 84 200 " R. Earley, 18S0 tax 37 73 4103 4104 4101 4104 4105 4105 4105 4105 4105 4100 410G 4100 4107 4107 4107 4107 4108 4108 4110 4110 4110 4110 4115 4115 4115 4970 4970 i0 '-R. Earley 1881 tax 37 lo 400 " K Earley 154 82 4880 4975 4097 4178 4077 4078 4081 4087 4097 409,8 4374 4082 Jto Sedonia Von Ersel 117 8 FOX TOWNSHIP. 207 C It Earley, Townsend Fall lot 61 7 90 Michael Sheehan .29 88 31 Karlev. Hrickel Hite 47 84 49 Earley, Hite 105 Earley, Hite 144 Earley, Hite 727 Earley, Hite " 208 Earley, Hite 202 Earley, Hite 307 Earley, Hite Brickel Brickel Brickel Brickel Brickel Brickel Brickel 11 00 20 75 24 90 151 0C CO 40 33 20 83 00 490 145 15 F Tnvlor A. f V "J 4890 320.10 B F Taylor & Co 78 24 4901 48(1 P. F Taylor & Co 125 00 4187 900 Hannah Barnard 1120 4190 439 o W Whittaker 48 00 4190 500 Richard Gardner 110 2 4000 293 Hichard Gardner 74 7 4274 485 H A Stephens 78 8 4274 200 George C White 35 1 20 (ieorge Krouso 3 20 40S7 10O Wm Apple 24 00 4097 50 Patrick Maekin 10 00 65 Armel TmH.jv 12 45 00 Horace Little 20 75 4271 380 Horace Little from countv 124 59 1 4273 j 4247 1 M)oie v.oai s tin Co 29 80 249 Noble Conl & Oil Co 1 to 00 500 Noble Coal & Oil Co 219 00 4210 210 1 247 4 4044 600 Noble Coal & Oil Co 249 00 4274 40 Robert J Ruhl 4097 22 Franklin Kulm 4097 24.?Frnnklin Kulm 4098 12J Hose Kel ley 4098 54 James Winkle 4008 25jJohn K Jones 4098 25 William E Jones 4n7 25 Richard Edwards 14 Richard Edwards -?50 Owner unknown J Barth lot 60 Jacob Hartnian Jos. Faberly lot Henry' Largay 1 lot from M J Earley 4082 303 Sheldon, Strcbigh & Bates 1077 709 Sheldon. Strohiirh A. 3 40 3 f,2 3 1:11 2 U() 8 04 4 US 4 00 3 00 1 80 12 00 12 45 4 15 120 49 Bates 219 00 200 Sheldon. Strcbigh & Bates 4078 41 O R Earley 4078 50 " R Earley 4078 58 "R Earley 1081 00 " R Earley 4081 45 " R Earley 4087 87 " R Earley Birch . lane, Nos. 5 and 10 4087 25 0 R Earley St. Mary's -and Centre- ville railroad 40S8 47 C li Earley Ridgwny farm and land Co 4097 179 C R Earley Cross road, N(,s. 1,2,3, 9, 10, 11 and 14 4098 57 0 R Earley-Caledo- liia road, Nos. 2 and 8 and S. half of 7 00 40 10 20 12 45 14 40 24 90 11 IS 9 OS 8 30 12 03 45 35 11 41 10 00 99 60 110 20 19 92 4,898 4890 4271 00 C R Earley 387 C R Earley 380 0 R Farley 4077 1073 I 00 Michael Toomey 4083 035.42 Northwestern M & 4105 Ex Co 310 23 4094 414.50 " " 221 30 4095 272.95 ' " 135 99 4090 478.40 ' 11 238 02 4070 70 " '' 34 80 4245 84 " " 41 81 4244 57.70 " " 28 89 4373 100.30 " " 84 15 4092 60- " " 24 90 4080 105.40 " " 82 17 4078 30 " ' 14 94 4091 51.07 " " 25 40 4340 490 " " 244 02 4243 902.47 " " 479 05 4178 20 " " 9 90 b.p.s. 45.50 11 n 2() 47 s. & 1. 1.50 ' ' 1 83 Minerals, &c. only on the following lauds: Northwestern M & Ex Co 33.81 " 8 30 4079 801.45 " 90 05 4080 224.27 " " 303 78 4088 107 " . " ' 26 04 4091 215.30 ' 5363 4092 105.94 " 20 14 199.10 ' " 49 80 4094 382.79 ' " 05 11 4095 585.90 " ' 115 (56 4090 109.64 " " ' 27 14 4083 174.65 " " ' 3052 4243 2.50 ' 15 43 4244 80.50 " " ' 1902 4245 138.22 ' 3434 4240 143.60 " 86 75 4247 109.60 " " 27 18 1373 79.80 " 19 92 4374 82.60 " " 20 41 b.p.s. 12.92 " " 2 97 H. I. 24 H4 " " 5 90 4245 150 " " 37 35 HIGHLAND TOWNSHIP. 8GG2 831 C B. Wright & ounring 118 45 E118 45 8604 3003 2019 831 O. B. Wright Wright & 1 A Duhring 831 O. B. Duhring 118 45 127 45 140 95 896 Walter Bryant 1 778 1031 Walter lirvnnt. (Vj.i inn a Tt 18 13 17 10 08 74 103 13 41 34 171 00 2025 100 J. and M. Mack Northwestern 2027 402 (ieorge Dickinson 1830 954 Georwe Dickinson 2030 330 Freeman FAUn 37S8 1000 John N. Lane 8752 280 John NLane 47 88 1831 1005 Allegheny Bank of Pittsburg 112 55 104 50 104 50 151 85 151 28 12 84 171 00 44 91 41 21 04 00 1803 902 John V. James 1783 902VbnerCassell. 1858 888 John P. Brown 20281054 J. O. Chapin Estate 2034 90 do do 3700 1000 do do 2403 315 do do 289 do do 800 Nathaniel F. Jones 100 James Gallagher Sub-division No. 9. 2150 8771 1799 17 10 1799 800 Charles G. Gillis Sub divison Nos. 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 130 80 500 Charles G. Gillis Sub-division Nos. 13. 1770 14, 15, 10 and 17 100 Jacob Gilbert Sub. 85 50 17 10 1799 division No. 6 2031 1058 Mrs. Rickards 3781 729 Thomas Struthers 9033 103S William Robinson 8700 800 Souther & Willis 2302 290 Souther & Willis 2404 288 Jno. Nicholson 8055 1019 Alfred Avery 105 87 110 81 190 27 130 80 41 84 41 04 145 19 1770 100 Elizabeth Cooper Rub -division No. 18 9 (10 2038 1043 John Bryon and others From Geo. Dickinson 178 37 3000 490 L. Wilmarth Estat-? 77 1770 100 William Carley 17 10 3702 10(H) Geo. Brooks 142 50 3777 400 Andrew J. Knox 3785 1000 Thomas Griimh 3775 1000 Thomas GrillHh 3771 200 Thomas Griffith 23(10 900 -I 1! Sitf.l-lnv (18 40 112 00 00 00 10 (X) 41 34 30 R() 131 10 70 85 3718 3001 3701 3054 3773 3782 2034 180 William James 835 John G. Hall 511 Marl in Hart 1029 Wra.v A Graham 900 S. Join s A Co. 904 Little A Souther 118 J O. Hall sub div. 3 HORTON TOWNSHIP. 140 I ISO 12 154 50 20 14 Northwestern M it- Ex Co 4372 4271 4434 4409 4151 4452 4212 4200 4188 4272 43 10 4341 4248 702.00 do do 175 08 224.20 870 50 805.00 1030.80 811 28.70 319 405 518 00 325.40 1 1 5.55 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 61 58 201 92 199 08 807 20 230 40 7 08 70 80 53 70 00 15 30 70 80 35 200 ) 4256 U002.10 " " 4390 j 407 08 Tdiwruls, Ac. only on the following lands: Northwestern M A Ex Co 78 52 20 Oh 141 50 17 08 21 31 38 97 49 03 50 44 80 40 87 75 41 28 85 71 44 92 10 94 10 20 20 64 35 :ia 28 98 14 89 178 01 4279 4370 4248 4240 4242 -1200 032 60 41 00 847 000 J L Ellis O A M Albert Sub div. No. 20 Noble Coal A Oil Co Noble Coal A Oil Co N B Laneand others Henry Lorain Car lisle Henry Lorain Car lisle John C French 1 1 52 12 53 18 .10 53 70 84 48 120 72 1182 900 1271 4870 4870 4!53 4344 4450 010 25 50 90 45 20 George Weis Sub- div. No. 19 George Weis Sub- div. No. 23 Horace Little from 5 70 11 42 23 01 3 84 20 So county Horace Li I tie from Jas Wilson Ignatius Grot.ingcr from county Minerals, Ac, only on these lands: Noble Coal A Oil Co do do do do do do do do do do do do 90 48 230 68 120 50 9 21 45 30 11 13 23 04 9 00 JAY TOWNSHIP. 5283 1100 Amos 15. Merrill 272 80 5288 825 Amos B. 'Merrill 300 90 5287 825 Amos B. Merrill 800 90 6289 540 Amos B. Merrill 20f, 00 5290 012.7 Amos B. Merrill 27.7 90 4194 400 William Parker 80 80 4195 670 James Lynde 5 90 41S10 989 D. K. Jones 183 05 6005 080 James Stokes 199 40 4197 2203 James Stokes 47 95 4105 207 Sebastian Weis 38 51 4197 200 IOli Kennedy 43 40 4900 4oo William Robinson 117 80 4845 70 William Robinson 20 40 flOKJ 900 Philip M. Price 245 52 4890 212 K. B. Finglaiid 52 57 6007 990 E. B. England 214 83 5004 990 E. 15. England 214 S3 4185 300 Hezekiah Horton 55 80 4145 loo Hezckiah Horton 18 00 5029 50 Finlev, Young A Co. 10 30 5018 090 Finley, Young A Co. 184 14 4898 990 Henry Loraine 491 04 5017 990 Henry Loraine 384 49 4895 98 Tvler A Finney 24 29 4895 98 Tyler A Finney 24 29 4803 217 Abigail Woodward 47 12 6030 207 A. E. Golf 74 40 4180 990 B. C. Bowman A Co. Is4 14 4802 200 B. C. Bowman & Co. 37 20 4194 100 Thomas Reilly 8 40 4194 100 Patrick Reilly 8 40 4845 100 David Kirskers 12 40 5028 000 Spring Run Coal Co. From seated 200 82 5031 727 Spring Run Coal Co. From Seated 191 58 4198 100 Joseph Wilhclm 18 00 4892 480 J. E. Putnam & Co. 182 28 4899 352 J. E. Putnam A Co. 100 12 4198 39 Armel Turley from county 8 49 4194 200 Armel Turley from county 49 CO 4191 50 Geo. Dickisou from county 12 40 4194 100 Horace Little from county 18 60 5030 04 W. E. Phippen 7 00 JONES TOWNSHIP. 3221 212 General Thomas L. Kane 48 11 3222 3221 40 " H 70 .304 410.89 do do 555 j;'9 do do 4212 737.78 do do 200 89.90 do do 424,8 111.00 do do 4249 20.3.82 do do 4255 259.65 do do 4272 294.20 iio do 4340 150 do do 4'M1 467.RO do do 4371 2)5.00 do do 4372 187.30 do do 4390 234.50 do do 4400 57.30 do do 4431 100 " " 4452 107.50 " ' 4109 184.40 " " 4470 151.70 " " r. A f. 75.91 " 81 " 6 67 65 64 27 26 45 82 24 94 34 80 87 00 21,75 43 50 176 90 174 00 27 84 21 75 27 64 35 09 50 40 32 10 17 40 8295 8290 J1" 2610 '125 Gen Thos. L. Kane 3432 211 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 3221 8293 3291 8222 114 " " 32221 ..A "I.... rnl. T ir irH 400 Gen. Thos. L. Kano 201C 100 Gen. Thos. L. Kane ,04 200 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 2553 3296 3293 813 Gen- T- L. Kane !588 I 3214 fif!0 Oen. Thos L. TCnnn 1290 130 Gen. Thos. T,. Kuno 2010) ,. . 1554 f uc'n- 1I10S- l,' ivane 2504 128 Gen. Thos. L. Kano 101 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 232 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 118 Gen Thos. L. Kane 80 Gen Thos. L. Knno 2527 2553 2553 Or.AO 201o 58 Gcn- Tll0S- L- Ka,le I2 7o' 2810 2504 109 Oon. Thos Kane Kane Kane Kane Kane Kane 12 30 84 08 89 01 110 78 43 50 07 28 10 73 5 80 143 65 148 52 53 94 69 74 15 08 52 78 123 80 38 00 43 40 21 75 8 78 890 Gen. Thos. 3221 412 Gen. Thos, 3222 609 Gen. Thos. 200 Gen. Thos. 3224 3290 810 Gen. Thos. 8291 50 Gen. Thos Kane 3290 20 llpn. Tlm T. ICana 4903 990 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 2589 900 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 247 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 275 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 70 (Jen. Thos. I. Kane 253 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 825 Robert Halsey 254 Robert Halsey 200 George Dickinson 100 Andrew J. Low 30 Andrew J. Low 120 W. H. Osterhout Mrs. Finney Lot No. 204 in Wilcox 2554 2527 3295 2504 2331 OfiO.1 3290 8221 3222 18 00 1 4; 2593 3290 S290 3293 8291 3400 W. II. Dykeman ctal 739 50 2010 588 4813 1025 Earley, Hite 1073 " Brickel A 185 00 195 30 81 20 4112 215 T. U t?rn n 4114 3143 990 South of 3214. 27 55 121 J. L. & W. W. Brown 148 55 Brown A Wells Rocky run lot 10 0o 650 Johnson A Biddlo 99 -.' 990 Johnson A Bidefle 179 45 C40 Johnson A Biddle 98 02 540 Johnson A Biddlo OS 02 990 Johnson A- Biddlo 179 47, 515 Johnson & Biddlo 93 38 380 Johnson A Biddlo 69 74 307 Johnson A Biddlo 44 37 07 Michael Weidert 11 89 ."233 3237 3212 3243 82M 3180 3819 2504 8281 :o Collins, Hutchinson A "lav 990 "oliins, Hutchinson & "lay 89 10 'i..'' 179 22 440 "oliins, Hutchinson A "lay 475 "oliins, Hutchinson A "lav 75 3251 8253 8180 3217 85 84 900 "oliins, Hutchinson A 102 98 249 -lollins, Hutchinson A "lay 45 24 789 "oliins, Hutchinson A "lay 112 97 247 "oliins, Hutchinson A "lay 44 00 820 "oliins, Hutchinson A "lay 59 10 495 John H. Towns Estate 89 01 SIS John II. Towns Etate 147 90 640 John II. Towns Estate 08 02 990 John 11. Towns F.state 179 51 000 Daniel Scull, Jr. '80 taz 01 80 '91 3281 8220 3220 3230 821 S 3228 3218 322S 28 9 2323 "218 8220 32-S 2080 3200 248!) 2593 3220 2810 (0 Jlaiuel ,vcu 1 1, Jr.'SO tax 000 Jos S Potts SI (nx '0 " '81 tax 02 Daniel Seil, Jr. 598 Daniel Scull, Jr. 830 liiddie A Dawson 330 Kid, II,. A Daws-oil 41.0 Biddle Dawson 0 30 57 08 5 88 8 00 80 9! 69 74 60 74 S3 52 179 51 10 21 48 37 108 75 119 4S 20 68 125 80 83 52 125 80 148 55 143 55 8 99 1 18 55 ) 7 98 1 7 U8 143 5.5 990 p.iddlc A Dawson 90 A. A. Clay 210 A. A. Clay 0"0 A. A. Clay 000 Thomas (.reeves P!5 Thomas ( ! reeves 807 Thomas ( J reeves 400 Thomas G reeves 807 Thomas G reeve. 99(1 Thymus G reeves 990 Thomas (1 reeves 02 Thomas G reeves ''90 Kuiicne Payne 123 Eugene Payne 128 Eugene Payne 990 Eugene Pay no 000 Kuuone Pa vim 2301 3228 2303 -wi 1 212.-. 2823 4004 :3il 231:8 21S7 !8hi 95 70 990 Colling Clay & 1 lacker 143 55 'V.29 900 Collins, Clay A Hacker 143 65 990 Collins, Clay : Hacker 143 55 99i John Livesey's Estate 143 55 990 John Livesey's Estate 143 55 4.30 John Livesey's Estate 03 22 2332 2333 2320 2319 2189 2527 2551 2593 2599 2004 744 Clav A Hunker 134 85 420 Clay A Hacker 990 clay A Hacker 390 Clay A Hacker 990 Clay h Hacker 390 Clay A Hacker 090 Robert Patterson 05 Robert Patterson 742 Robert Patterson 04 Robert Patterson 240 Robert Patterson 604 Robert Patterson 990 Robert Patterson 20 Robert Patterson 890 Robert Patterson 990 Robert Patterson 990 James H. Cresson 894 James 11. Cresson 970 James 11. Cresson 248 .lames 11. Cresson 100 James H. C'ressoa 925 James II. Cresson 100 James 1 1. Cresson 04 James II. Cresson 111 J. L. Brown too James Wells 77 14 143 55 50 65 179 42 57 42 143 55 0 28 107 69 11 00 44 00 91 35 143 65 2 90 143 65 129 05 143 55 80 13 140 05 35 00 14 60 133 98 14 50 11 00 70 11 48 33!.-, 2000 2011 2527 2554 2504 2508 2008 2012 2014 2591 2004 2008 2011 2014 2000 2012 2527 3143 2010 MILLSTONE TOWNSHIP. 8295 2548 900 2542 5100 2090 675 2790 900 2518 00 2518 375 2524 900 2545 900 2517 900 2523 900 2007 075 4134 900 4135 900 4120 900 207 2518 25 2518 100 2519 100 2532 900 2302 000 2039 000 2702 291 2581 650 Darrah & Moore Da r rah & Moore William Dilworth C R Farley L O Wynkoop and- D L Patterson L O Winkoop and- D L Patterson L O Winkoop and- I) L Patterson James O'Hara James O'Hara James O'Hara Drexel, Duhring 1 Wright Owner unknown Owner unknown Owner unknown L O Winkoop L O Winkoop Stewart's lot William Crispin 125 24 250 60 156 60 107 04 8 99 52 20 167 04 138 24 138 24 167 04 167 04 167 04 107 04 167 04 12 00 I 8 48 7 20 13 92 C B Wright & ring CB Wright & ring C B Wright & ring C B Wright & ring C li Wright & ring Duh-Duh-Duh. Duli-Duh- 150 60 81 00 156 60 60 75 45 00 1 45 M7 (M 88 80 18 60 2543 2007 2540 107 04 2(0 William Crispin. 1880 for 8 78 RIDGWAY TOWNSHIP. 4302 210$ George Dickinson 010 Brvant, A. Knvw 100 87 203 81 203 82 222 60 210 93 88 H 16 89 5 74 19 79 13 30 64 90 23 75 204 10 4809 4870 91(5 Bryant Euwer Bryant & JCuwer Bryant A Euwer Bo ant & Euwer Andrew M Kibben Asa Ciminiings T B Cobb '80 tax Elsie J Cobb '81 tax B F Ely 4276 1000 4285 498 390 100 45 4800 133 1 400 176 li 1 .lily 4' 1155 B F Ely 3880 4390 103 Sheldon, Strcbigh & Bates 501 Sheldon, Strcbigh & Bates 400 Sheldon, Strebigh & Bates 426 Sheldon, Strebigh A Bates 615 SlM-ldon, Strebigh & Bates 900 Sheldon, Strebigh & Bates 22 21 68 00 54 07 58 18 74 50 4394 4394 4392 4391 132 45 9o Isaac Avery from Cobb, part of C Mead A Ely lot 0 93 183JEdward Crayston 3 62 747 W 11 Osterhout Wil cox Long lot 130 74 03 O V Gillis 4 11 4848 102 .lames PGarritt-from James Gardner 50 Horace Little 200 Horace Littie 14 15 3 02 40 73 158 52 260 70 170 19 4375 487(5 4389 4377 4390 038 o R Earley 1 from 1020 Karlev 717 1020 190 132 61 Brick"'! I 250 70 I 40 71 J Hite Kennedy lot 31 94 11 54 4389 SPRING CREEK TOWNSHIP CO John VVyiikoop Fstate 900 R. s. Winl.ick 226 D L. Patterson 198 William Crispin 1)00 Joseph H. Trotler 2030 1358 1502 601 942 350 2971 800 2980 800 2915 900 2948 900 2087 1055 4550 1.S2 4509 150 057 481 2792 200 2775 829', 2789 847 4151 100 48 2792 200 475 98 29.j4 100 210 4041 114 2902 1000 4552 200 Bryant & Euwer 107 48 Bryant A Euwer 01 48 Henry Raught 103 01 Hiram Carrier A Co 301 17 301 17 D Carrlcrand others 841 38 (4 Blake 024 74 Allegheny Bunk of Pitt:-burg 04 55 George I) Messenger 10 21 Henry Truman ' 22 7i5 Souther A Willis 99 70 Souther A Willis N. W. corner of twp 73 27 C B Wright A Duh ring 30 58 LFPowers-und. j of 12 11 Geo W Rhines Jr. county 52 85 Geo W Rhines . 15 04 Geo W Rhines N. 10. cor. of Strong lot 0 93 Win. Kel ley from county 30 55 Francis C Elliot 03 87 Taylor 1) Rhines Arningost tract 12 20 A J Orubcr froniD. O. M'Knall 15 00 M'Gaflle A Truman from seated list 31 74 Taylor I) Rhines 20 84 Bowman A Bros 19-80 parts of from seated li.-st, W. part 131 30 J K Gardner 20 80 ST. MARYS BOROUGH. Lo r Nos. 43, 44, 45, 1 Ridgway Farm and )8 and 02 1 Coal Co. Centre St. 5 71 Ml, 82, 33, 31, 1 ,,. . 85, 30 87 38 Ridgway (nrin A 39. to.41 .i,. I f' (,!" Maurice half of 30 JS Street 1Ki:i Lewis St. 97 Strut u Geo Gregory fr. Rev. Louis Car lu.wal 4 r,o C R Farley, Louis Street 30 Gto Krellner Erin Street 30 1 Ig. Grot.ingcr A mandits Street 86 Horace- Little Louis St roet 80 Mary Wrinkle Louis Street 30 18 3 acres 58 9 and 10 .SEATED LIST. Ri'tiiriH'.l by ooMcclni-s, ,, M lil.-i, there i-'iulit not hn leioul ki:HI k-nt. piTseiml nm l',','" 10 suvp-l taxes uspwHtHt tlR-re- ISENZIXUKII TOWNSHIP. War. Aci.-rs. K i WUHhiii Young, -81 tux 20 . ! 1'iitik-lc M Thilony, 'si tox Kdwnni liable, 4 lots, sl tax TUX TOWNSHIP. 3 71 Ul Wm. Gibson, lions A lot '7S--T0 2 S4 Hill Pi-tcrlloilol)!iUKh,'7S.'7!itnx. 1 10 IVIei HollobmiKh, 1 80 Hill .John llollolmngli, " 17 (11) 1 J .j.I n 1 1 1 oh Hiolvy, " ' 2 (is Vl .M'il'tln .Inliiiunit . lu tii 121- Abraham Comb FMutP, 'Tdtnx 35 .1 i: lllllke, 1 lot, -7H tax M KliiK llulsu, Villi Klnu (il) .,, , '7S-'7!ltux 52 50 Alice Murphy, 1 house unit tt t , '", '"u Oix fl SO 70 Henry Souther, '7 tux 2 50 'HIGHLAND TOWNSHIP. D Giahnni, -K0 tax 110 Ira t: Ai-kci lv, 'HI tnx ,ri0 M 11 cii'inenKor, 'si tax 2 06 4 17 1 liil 2 71 1 20 :i7,( XM :i7.ri-.' :)77U Frank lloveneu'inp, 'si tnx Henry Illioll' " J H -Windsor, Nio 8 10 HORTON TOWNSHIP. ftt rotrk-k Welsh, '7K tnx Hi) James O'lurra, 'SI tox JAY TOWNSHIP. 8 6 20 19 (ill 12 Ethan M'Cullouph '70-'hO-'81 tax Ttoht Rothroek, ,7'.)-'S0 tax 1 Hobt Hothroek, - 12 JoKliih K. Morev " "i Kauri Bell Estate " 5l Mary J lintoiiiaii " Hiram Howard ' 4 44 JONES TOWNSHIP. John Peterson, '81 tax 1 8.5 MILLSTONE TOWNSHIP. 24 Jiirnes Gnome, '81 tax 86 42 A W Lulhrop und. W of '81 tux j 70 SPUING CREEK TOWNSHIP. 210 M'Gnme & Truman 77-7S.'7H tax 22 12 72 Geo W Rhines 4 L B Elliutt uud. y, of '79 tux 4g 334 Georce Proelus, '7(1 tax 1 to 5 O W Dunkle, '80-'81 tax 2 IS 2o Roseannuli S George, '80- '81 tux 2 01 100 C W PottcrflelU, '79-'80-'8I tax 9 80 R31 George Proelus " 23 2tj 1000 Ilowuian & Un . '79 tax 17 00 72 Goo W HhluBb L U KUlott '79 tax 1 20 ' 8T. MARYS BOROL'GH. 3217 2792 2702 2102 Lot Nos. 1 Independent. Fire Co. No. I. and building, '79 tux 2 John Hoilinau, i lot und Iiouko, '79 lux 1 ErunclH Kronenwotter, '79 . . tax 1 N A C Kronenwotter, and to j , . .new 8"'ble, '79 tax 13 and 14, Martin felorg, 2 lots from Hill '70 tux 7 60 12 64 5 30 6 6C 7W GEORGE WEIDENRCERNER, Treasurer, 1 reasurer'e ontoe, 1 Ridgway, p.,.Ajrll 1st. '8 I