The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, May 04, 1882, Image 3

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    THURSDAY. MAY 4, 1882.
t ManlinUa, Crnlg'a West Point and
Brighton Bench the best 6c. Cigars In
this market, to he found only at A. C.
Crulg's new Drug and Variety Store.
! Bandoline; Powder Puffs and
Boxes; Compound Talcum Plain and
"Perfumed; Soyodont at Crulg's Drug
Store. .
Orders for flowers, seeds, etc.,
from Harry Chaapel's greenhouse,
VillianiHport, will receive prompt at
tention if left at Thb Advocate
Mrs. Jacob Butterfuss, over Butter
fus9' harness shop, Main street, has for
sale choice Imported Canaries, Lin
nets, and Mocking birds. Call and see
Engraved cut (ilnss Toilet Bottles,
Lapidary cut Stopper Bottles for cover
ing, Edenia, Mareehal Niel Rose,
Florida Water, Lundberg's Extracts
in bulk, Floreston, Austens, Hoyts
and other popular Colognes, Fine
Toilet Hoiips, Combs, Brushes, etc., in
great variety at Craig's Drug Store.
Autograph Albums, Scrap Books,
Fancy box Papers, invitations, Birth
day cards, Pocket books, Portmomiies
&c, a handsome line at Craig's new
Drug Store.
A large stock of frttdi garden seeds
ut Morgester's.
Pork, hum, shoulder, bacon, beef
and bologna sausage at Morgester's.
Presbyterian Sociable next Tues
day evening, May nth, ut the house of
Horace Little. All are invited.
Liver diseases, headache, and con
stipation, unused by bad digestion,
ijuickly cured by lirown's Iron Bitters.
Eighty-eight volumes, of standard
works are in the public school library,
as a result of the proceeds of the lec
tures held for that purpose. This is a
good beginning, and we hope it will
not be long before the library is as large
again as now. Contributions of books
by our citizens would not be out of
' The Ridgway and Clcarlield Rail
road Company, which is to he under
the control of the Pennsylvania Rail
road. Company, was incorportcd at
Harrisburg last Wednesday. The
crpltal stock is $7."000, all but forty
shares of which is held by (ieorge P..
Roberts. The road will he twenty
eight miles long, running from Ridg
way, Elk county, to Pa lis creek, Ckur
ticld county.
H:iiij;litN Mills nunicd"
'Thursday morning April i!7, lS'J,
the Raugh'fs Mills, at Rtiught's, Elk
L'ounty, owned by J. Powell, of this
jtlaee, were lumicd to the ground.
During the afternoon of the day
before u kerosene lamp leaked,
the oil run nut ou the floor of
Mu-1 mill, ami through tin; II ur to the
ground beneath, when il. caught lire
but was quickly extinguished- A
man went down below and reported
that the lire was all out. Through
the sleepiness of two men the crew
that went on at midnight was too
light to man the mill, and went home.
In the morning the mill was a smold
ering ruin. And it seems (juite likely
that the leaking lamp was the cause of
'.lie mischief. Mr. Powell sustained a
loss of about $5,000. Co insurance.
We hereby announce to the public
f Ridgway and vicinity that Cohen
Bros, Brownsteine.oftheNuw Viihk
Stokp. have just received and placed
on their shelves a complete Slock of
spring and summer goods, purchased
in New York and Boston for cash ;
consisting of Foreign and Domestic
Dry (ioods, Notions, Clothing, (feiits.
Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes,
Huts, Trunks, and Valises, all of which
will be sold ut prices as low as the low
est. Best Prints 5, , aud 7 cents.
Lonsdale Muslin 11 cents.
Fruit of Loom V-h cents.
Brown Muslin accordingly.
Cashmere Dress Goods 33 to Jl.'-'l
Black colors accordingly.
Bunting in all colors 10 to 50 cents.
Moritu cloths and alpacas, 12 to 3
jen is.
A full line ef trimming Silks ami
Satins ut prices to suit. Also ribbons,
fringes, etc.
A nice lincofCloakiiig, and Shawls.
A full line of Ladies' Corsets, includ
ing Doctor Warner's celebrated health
Ladies and children's gloves and
hosiery. All kinds of edging, laces,
.vhitc goods, (-c. &o.
Ladies', Misses' and Children's
Ladies' Kids French and American
kids 61.50 to $3.00, Pebble Croat and
grain shoes $1.50 to 3. 25. Misses' and
children's accordingly.
Ladies', Misses' and children's walk
ing shoes. All grades and styles at
corresponding low prices.
In clothing. Gents' nice business
suits at 7.00 to 12.00, Dress suits $10 to
$22. . Youths' Boys' and children's ac
cordingly. If you want a nice Hobby Horse go
to the New Yokk Stoke.
Past favors are duly appreciated,
and a cordial invitation extended to
call aud examine our goods before
purchasing elsewhere. Remember
the place first door east of Post-ofllce.
Cohen Bkos. & Brownsteine.
A fine stock California canned Peas
green Gages, and apricots at Morges
ter's. Choice canned goods all kinds at
A large stock choice teas, coffee,
and spices at Morgester's.
Glassware, Tinware, Nails and
,?pik frc., at Morgester's.
Doctor VanValzah of Watson
town, was In this Boro. last Saturday.
Martin Sowers, nnd O. M. Mont
gomery, of Wilcox, were In town last
James Maglnnls has set out a fine
lot of evergreen, and fruit trees on his
new property.
Miss Katie Gresh left for Weed
ville on Thnrsduy last, where she will
teach a four months' term of school.
Leon Heilbroner, wholesale and
retail dealer in foreign and domestic
liquors, 4S(3 Pcnn Avenue, Pittsburgh,
Pa., was In town last week.
Will Messenger has moved to
Brockwayville, whero he has a situa
tion in the store of B. T. Chapln. We
wish Will success In his new under
taking. Dr. J. D. Woodruff has moved
into the house recently occupied by
W. II. Hyde, opposite the Elk county
Bank, Main street. His office is at his
Philip Brownsteine, of the firm of
Cohen Bros. & Brownsteine, left Ridg
way on Saturday last for Luddington,
Mich., where he will make his resi
dence in the future. Their branch
store at that place is doing a large
Mo roan. At home of
bride, April 2(1, 1!2, by Rev. H. M.
Burns, Rev. James H. Kecley of
Luthersburg conference, to Miss
Sadie J. Morgan, of Clearfield, Pa.
JATC4KH Scitiniii:. On Tuesday
Muv2ml, at the Lutherun Parsonage
bv Rev. J. Sander, Mr. Julius Jaeger
to Miss Marv Sclirade, all of St.
Marys Pa.
Wrfn it MniUAY. At DuBois.
Pa., April -'(I. I-2, by Rev. 11. M.
Burns, Mr. G. A. Worrell, of .Vow
burn, Clcarlield Co., Pa., to Miss
Maud Murrav, of Gaskil, Jefferson
Co., Pa.
Xkiukk. On Sunday April 3fth, In
the Suit, settlement, of Cholera
morbus, Casper Neiger, nephew of
Henry Neiger. Age 11 yrs. .3 nun.
Jackson .At her residence in this
Borough on Thursday, April 27, 1802,
Mrs. B. Theresa, "wile of Walyer
Jackson, aged 17 years, 2 months,
and 2'J days.
Mrs. Jackson or '"Mother" Jackson
as she was familiarly called, has been
long and favorably known to the citi
zens of Ridgway, aud her death al
though not unexpected is deeply re
gretted by her many friends in this
place. After an illness of more than u
year during which she suffered ter
ribly, and at times almost beyond en
durance, with scarcely a murmur, she
departed last Thursday afternoon from
the busy scenes of time to the home of
the blest in the reigons of light. The.
funeral services too"; place from the
Catholic church on Sunday afternoon,
ami waj intended by large number of
leopi:. After the services the friends
ami acquaintances of deceased in car-riuitc.-yim!
ou loot followed her remains
to their last re-ting place in the Catholic
cemetery ou (be hill. A husband, one
son, and two daughters, Miss Jennie,
and Mrs. Cnrm-U, art- left to mourn
the lost of a faithful wife, and a kind
mother. The community suffers in
the loss of a christian woman, of ex
amplary character, and sterling (jual
iti..'S. Peace, peace, to the ashs of
"Mother" Jackson.
I'leerated and ilchilig limbs.
Doctors failed. Peruna cured me.
Mrs. P. ihirsom, Nevosburg, Fa.
My children had tore throat.
Peruna cured them. M. P. Leu hart,
Irwin Station, Pa.
Butter choice dairy, eggs, and
cheese always in stock at Morgester's.
Choicecrackcrs cookies ami gi.iger
snaps at .Morgester's.
F'r.-it-class gro.-eries all kinds ns
low its No. 1 goo,l can be sold at Mor
gentel 's.
To Make Pesto Dui'iiOle.
J.C Johnson, Ohio. The "kyuni
ii g" process you inquire about, is not
practicable on the ordinary farm.
The following is simple and effective:
Burn the part of the post to lie set in
the ground including the bottom end,
Just enough to leave a thin layer of
charcoal all over the surface, and then
dip them in hot tar or asphalt. The
charcoal is indestructible by air and
moisture; the tar or the asphalt tills
the cracks and interstices, and
thoroughly protects the Interior wood.
A barrel of tar or of asphalt is readily
obtained in any large city, costs but
little, and will fnruish a (.tip for several
hundred posts. The heating can be
done in any largo iron kettle, with
cure not to have the material take fire.
The charring can be done by building
a large tire of waste brushwood and
putting on the posts, turning them to
prevent too deep burning in one place.
Ordinarily the co.-t of labor aud ma
terial need not be over 2 to -1 cents a
post, while such preparation will three
or fourfold their real value. As posts
decay soonest just at the ground sur
face, "between wind and water," as
the sailors say, it Is best to have the
coating extend half a foot above
ground, and where looks are of no ac
count, the whole post may be similarly
treated, which will make them almost
indestructililo by decay. American
AyrieullurUt for May.
A Young girl objected in the
London 2'rulh, to the criticisms which
make it appear that those of her sex
who are true and womanly are scarce ;
aud she wishes to know whether it Is
necessary when a young lady Isrecelv
ing company in the parlor she shall
lug in beefsteaks, whitewash tubs,
scrubbing brushes and smoothing Irons
in order to convince a lot of ninnies of
young men that she can work in the
Ladies' gilt-edge note paper at
The Advocate office.
A Story ef Congressman Blaine.
Ex-Secretary Spinner In Florida Time.
"lused toknow Blaine when he first
came to Congress. . We boarded at the
same house, and our families
dined together. Some of my friends
about that time introduced a bill into
Congress to I ncrease my salary as Treas
urer. : Mr, Blaine took occasion to
speak on the bill, and made some very
grossly unjust remarks about me. I
was a good deal surprised, ami after
that I did not notice him or recognize
him In any way. Of course it was
rather embarrassing for our families.
One day, standing in the hall with an
acquaintance, Blaine passed, and the
gentleman I was talking with In
troduced us. I offered no recognition,
aud the gentleman said: I thought
you ktiew Blaine,' 'I do,1 said I, 'and
that's why I didn't rpcak to him."
Some time after that Blaine and I met,
and he came up to me holdingout both
his hands. Ho said: 'General, this
thing has been going on long enough.
I am sorry I said what I did about you,
aud I should not have said it. I did
not know you then.' 'Well,' said I,
'that is just why you should not have
said it.' But lie asked my forgiveness
and we made friends, and have been
personal friends eversince. That is just
the difference between Blaine and
Conkling. Blaine can forgive a man
he has injured, but Conkling cannot.''
Young-man-afraid-of-his - mother-in-law
should go to the fragrant land
of the Mango, the edible blrds'-nest
and unlimited right to make way with
t hat objectionable relative by marriage
the wife's mother. The long-suffering
and long enduring sovereign of
the land luu just set his delirious
young married subjects an example
which will doubtless result in a stamp
ing out of that troublesome personage
in every well-regulated family in Man
dalay. King Theebaw has lessened
his household torments by threescore.
Theel'iiw, it must be remembered, is a
disciple of the polygamous church,
and marries a wife as often as the notion
takes him. Any man who knows the
misery of one mother-in-law will read
ily understand how the sweetest dis
position, the most treacle-like reserve
of the milk of human kindness nm.-t
turn to curd and Dutch cheese under
the cumulative exasperations of seven
bund red or more mothers-in-law,.each
one asseverating the superior tilings
her daughter was used to before she
"was fool enough to get married into
such a family." Theebuw took all the
mothers in law within casv reach
fifty the cable with culpable levity
puts it, when the fact will probably
prove it 140, it' not more and sent
lliem far from the contemplation of
their daughter's burdens. Now. hud
Theebuw been a selfish person of the
European kind lie would have let these
mothers-in-law loose upon this afflicted
land, but like the philosopher he is, lie
ordered them belreaded. that the
trouble they gave him may not be put
upon others und equally innocent
victims. I'hihulvlphkt Press.
Cameron t'ciuli'iam I.
Wii.kesbaiihu, April 2'!. The con
ferees of the Twenty-lirst senatorial
district met in this city to-day and
elected William 8. Thompson, of Pitts
ton, for delegate to the state conven
tion. They passed resolutions con
demning Senator J. Don Cameron and
favoring the action of Senator John I.
Mitchell. They instructed the delegate
to act against (lie state ticket of Reaver,
Rawle, and others, denounced the
attempt on Cameron's part to make
the state convention a mere machine
imteud of a deliberative bod v. .
Get your envelopes printed with
reqnesl to reUirn ut TllK Advocatk
I had Chronic Catarrh and Con
stipation ; could get no help. Peruna
cured me. Mrs. S. B. Williams,
Martin's Kerry, Ohio.
Judge Buchanan, Lawyer, Toledo,
says: "One of Prof. Guilmetle's
French Kidney Pails cured me of
lumbago and kidney disease in three
weeks time. My case hud been given
up by the best doctors as incurable.
During all this time I suffered untold
agony aud paid out large sums of
Public .Sale.
There will be exposed to public sulu
the valuable real estate on Broad street
known as the L. Luther property, und
is feet on Broad street and j'JO feet
ulong un alley next Hyde's store. On
which is erected a frame building 28x
38 with wing lox-38, and one frame
burn. Terms cash.
M. H. Luther.
Executor estate of Libbeus Luther
Office ni residence, opposite Klk County
Dunk, Main hitreet.
Office Hocks. From 0 to 12 a. m.,2 to 5
and 7 to 9 p. in. Residence .Mrs. In-. T. H.
Hartley's, coiner of ISuutli and liroad streets.
A fair share of the people's patronage so
licited. NOTICE.
The firm of E. W. Rolfe & Co., bus
this duy been dissolved by mutual con
sent. The business will be closed by
the undersigned
April :20th, 18t2.
E. W.
Notice of Copartnership.
We, the undersigned, have this day
formed a copartnership under the style
and firm name of E. W. Kolfe &
Brother, for the manufacture of Lum
ber aud transacting a general Merch
andise business. Having increased
facilities we are prepared to fill all
orders at shortest notice.'
K. W. Rolef.
Bolfe, Pa., April 1st, 1881
Sheriff's Sale.
of tlerl facias, nlias fieri facias, vendi
tioni exponas, levari facias, and testa
tum fieri facias issued out of the Court
of Common pleas of Elk County, and
to me directed, I THOMAS SULLI
VAN, High Sheriff of said county, do
hereby give notice that I will expose
to pul die sale or outcry at the Pro
thonotary's office, in Ridgway, at one
o'clock P. M., on
MONDAY, MAY 22 D, 1882,
the following described real estuto, to
All the right, title, Interest, claim
and demand whatsoever of defendant
in, to or out of the following town lots
and premises situate in the town of
Ridgway, county of Elk und State of
Pennsylvania, being the north half of
town lots Nos. Seventy (70) and
Seventy- one (71), agreeable to the plan
and man of said town, as recorded in
the office for recording deeds, Ac In
and for the county of Elk, upon which
there is erected one two-story frame
house, 32x20 feet.
Seized and taken In execution a the
property of J. C. Luther, at the suit of
the township of Ridgway.
ALSO. All the right, title, Inter
ist, claim and demand whatsoever of
defendant in, to or out of the follow
ing described real estate, to wit: All
that piece or parcel of land situate,
lying and being in Highland town
ship, Elk county, and Stute of Penn
sylvania, being a part of a large tract
surveyed on wurruut 8770, as designa
ted on the map of said county, bounded
and described us follows: Commenc
ing in the centre of the Warren and
Ridgway turnpike road, on the
cast line of a lot sold and conveyed by
Levi Ellithorp and wife to Thos.
Campbell; thence north along said
Campbell's line one hundred und
twenty-five (l'-;3) perches to a beech
corner; thence east one hundred and
twenty-six (120) perches to a beech
comer; thence south one hundred and
forty-six (I4'i) perches to the centre of
said Warren aud Ridgway road;
thence northwesterly by the various
courses and distances thereof to the
place of beginning, containing one
hundred and one-fourth (lu.ij) acres,
be the same more or less.
Seized und taken in execution, us the
properly of 11. J. I lull", at tiie suit of
the Ridgway Bank.
ALSO. All the right, title, interest,
claim ami demand whtsot-vcr of de
fendant in, to or out of all that certain
piece or parcel of laud situate, lying
and being in the township of Ridgway,
county of Elk and State of Pennsyl
vania, part of warrant 3'Joii, houmfed
and described us follows, to wit: Be
ginning at the intersection of Indian
run with the east branch of the Clar
ion river; then up the said Indian run,
its various courses and distances, eighty
(W) rods to a po;t ; tbeneu south, at
right uiigles to the general courses of
Indian run (a line from the said June
lion to said post ) so far that a line
run parallel to the general courses of
Indian run, as above stated, to tiie
Clarion, and thence up the Kind cast
brunch of the Clarion river to the
place of beginning, will include fifteen
(lo) acres, upon which is erected one
hteuiu mill tiuxiij ted, boiler engine
and fixtures, ready for operation ;
one board house, 3'x!8i feet,
one and one-half stories high, with
shed attached, 12x18 tect; one log
burn about 2x'U feet ; one hoard
boarding house, 30x'.'0 feet, two stories
high, with log men's room and sleep
ing npaitment attached, 20x32 feet,
and shed illjxl'j feet; six board houses
about 10x20 feet, one and one-half
stories high ; one log blacksmith shop,
about lOxJO feet, and cuw shed about
Hx24 feet.
Seized and taken in execution as the
preperty of G. T. Wheeler, at the suit
of D. C. Oyster, now for use of Ansel
ALSO. All the right, title, inter
est, claim and demand whatsoever of
il.i.'eintun t in, to or out of all those
three several tracts of land situate in
the township of Ridgway, county of
Elk, and stute of Pennsylvania,
bouuded und described us follows:
One tract beginniug tit the centre of
tile Clarion river, at u post on t lie north
bank for a corner, standing some forty
or lilty rods below the saw mill und
near or at the angle of said river where
it runs nearly west; thence north one
hundred and thirty-four rods toabirch
tree for a corner; thence east six hun
dred and two rods to the centre of said
river, a post on the west bank for a
corner; thence down the centre
of the same through all its windings
to the place of beginning, containing
live hundred and ninety-seven (o'J7)
acres of land, more or less, upon which
there is erected a saw mill, store house,
boarding bouse, blacksmith shop, six
dw.cjvjig houses and two barns; also,
a vnTrTrg growing orchard thereon.
One'traet beginning at the centre of
the Clarion river, at u post on the east
bunk for u corner, stamiing one hund
red and seventy-seven rods south of G.
Dickiii.-AUi & Co.'s south lino of the
Johnsonburg tract; thence east om;
hundred und twenty rods to a post
corner; thence north one hundred and
seventy-seven rods to a post in said
Dickinson & Co. 's south Hue; thence
west two hundred and two rods to the
centre of the Clarion river, u post on
the east bank for a corner; thence down
the centre of said river to the place of
beginning, containing one hundred
and seventy-seven and three tenths
acres of land, be the same more or lews,
upon which is erected one frame house,
about 18x20 feet; the above two tracts
comprising the whistletown uiill prop
erty. One tract, known as the Laurel Mill
property, beginning at Dickinson &
Co.'s uorthwest corner; thence west
two hundred and fifty rods to the
centre of Mill creek (hemlock tree on
west bunk for witness) ; thence south
three hundred rods to an ush corner
standing in north liue of tract deeded
to Bryant & Euwer; thence east two
hundred and fifty rods to Dickinson 61
Co.'s southwest corner; thence north
three hundred rods to beginning, con
taining four hundred and sixty-eight
aud eight-tenths acres, being parts of
warrants Nos. 4804, 4805, 4S0(jand 407,
and the same land conveyed to G. T.
Wheeler by George Dickinson and
wife, upon which is erected a suw
mill, blacksmith shop, boarding house
und four dwelling houses.
Seized and taken in execution as the
property of Oilman T. Wheeler, at the
suit of Charles R. Earley.
The following must be strictly com
plied with when the property is struck
off :
1. All bids must be paid in full ex
cept where the plaintiff or other lien
creditor becomes the purchaser, in
which case the costs on the writs must
be paid, us well as ull liens prior to
tlmt of the purchaser, and a duly cer
tified list of liens shall bo furnished,
including mortgage searches ou the
property sold, together with sucli litn
creditor's receipt for the amouutof
the proceeds of the sale, or such por
tion thereof as he shall appear to be
entitled to.
2. All sales not settled immediately
will be continued until six o'clock P.
M , at which time all property not
settled for will Bgaln be put up, and
sold at the expense and risk of the
person to whom It was first struck off,
and who, In case of deficiency at such
re-sale, shall make good the same, and
in no Instance will the deed bo pre
sented in court for confirmation unless
the bid is actually settled for with the
Sheriff ns above stated.
Sheriff's Olllce. Ridgway, Ta.,
May 4, 1882 .
See Purdon's Digest, fth edition,
parje 410, Smith's Forms, page 8l.
List of Licenses,
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following persons have filled
their petitions for Licenses in my of
fice, and that they will be presented to
the Court of (juurter Sessions on
Wednesday, May 24th, at 2 o'clock, v.
m. :
1. Joseph Koch and Sou.
2. George Spuhler.
3. Lewis Thomas.
4. E, H. Dixon.
kidoway nonouoit.
5. Salyer Jackson.
H. John Vaushan.
7. Peter F. Bogert.
8. John Groll.
0. Cornea! Corela.
10. John Dailcy.
11. Herman Hirt.
12. Patrick Faliey.
Li. John Sullivan.
11. J. N. Brown.
PT MAIiYS itoitouim.
I. 5. Charles McVean.
10. L. W. Gi fiord.
"That if any person or persons shall
neirleet or retuse to litt bis, her or
their License, within FIFTEEN
DAYS alter the same has been grunted.
such iscuh-ct or refusal shall be deemed
a forfeiture ot said License
l'urdon, V. 2d, u-'e !'f:!.
Under the net of assembly approved
April 2-th, 174, and the supplements
thereto John Jlersliey, hyiiney
Almev, James Strutton, Thomas Les
lie, John Lewis, and James Lusks
Citizens of Fox township, Elk Co., Pa
intend to apply to the next Coiu't of
Common Pleas of said county, to bi
hidden at Ridgway on Monday the 22,
inst,, for a charter of Incorporation for
religious purposes, the object of which
is to worship (tod according to the
Church 111
. W,
d States of
Amks, Solicitor
May 2d
Not a drink, not sold in bar-rooms,
but a reliable non-alcoholic tonic med
icine, useful ut all times, und all sea
sons, is Brown's Iron Bitters.
Prunes, citron, dates, English cur
rants, oranges, lemons and bananas at
ceipts und Expenditures of Fox
Township, for the year 181, ending
March 3, i ,2.
Amount collected on Sjiiateil Dupli
.... i,i;a 37
Amount received Iroui 1. Ilj'Htt, colic-dud
ex-lload ISM)
Amount received from County L'om
mimiuncrs Hi US
800 mi
Execs of Kxpomlliures over Roc'pts.
IT-i 13
KXl'UM'll L'llF.S.
Amount worked on road hy tuxublcs jl,133 37
" iiid in money :1S 7o
' paid 11. 11. J I oyer Sapei vis.. L'ln 0")
" " ' teamwork -Hi
" " ' hi reel men 37 "U
" A. Him. Supervisor 2-iS dm
" " teamwork pin Vi
" " hired men i'.l mi
" Treasurer lirown perccntnyo 45 ti
" J..J. Taylor iVi Co. Judgment
In full 71
" Town clerk. Wilt ." iii
" Auditors 37 on
" itl'orderji drawed over work
ll ml material 1(1", mi
J'J,73U IS
Amount received from K. Hyatt, col
lector. 1KSU j
Amount received from Jacob Moyer,
eollectwf, 1SS1
Amount received from Jos. Kiiimert
loiiuer Treasurer
1117 SI
J7(j 17
11 i
KVl si
Excess of Expenditures...,
$ l.U.T W
Amount of orders redeemed S 77 7
" inn-rest paid on order No, 471 31
" paid on judgment No. i), .Sep.
Term, issn .. fls IK)
Amount paid ou Judgment J.J. Tuy-
loi-ACo !" ()
Amount paid Treasurer brown per-
ccntuyo 3, ID
Amount paid il.H. Mnyer, Overseer, .In on
' " Andrew ilau H 00
" " teamwork and mate
rial furnished Paupers 2G 21
fl.tlL'l IU
S lai Is
KxECssof Expenditures over Hece'ts
Amount due from J. MeMaekln,
collector, 1S77
Amount due from Kugcnc llyultcul
lector, Ivji
Amount due from Kugene Hyult col
lector, working tax. lsu
Amount due from Eugene Hyatt col
lector, working tax, Its)
Amount due from M, Hrowu on set
tlement, isso
Amount due from L'uscu'cd IjiimIs
Amount due from 1,'nseatcd I.aliiU,
extra road, l .sO
Amount due from t'usealeil l.aud,
S 513 27
87.5 73
1.12 m
173 IS
130 95
331 (15
(13 81
213 M
C-l. jl.3 U7
Amount of out standinK orders S1.311 St
' ' unpaid Judgments 1.579 II
?2,K!I0 47
Assets lu Excess ijiii 20
Amount due from Euyene Hyatt,
collector, isso $ 20s 51
Amount due from Jacob Moyer, col
lector, lssl 502 30
Amount due from Unseated Lands
lsso 817 a
Amount duo I10111 Unseated Lands
issl 782 37
2,430 Ii5
Amount nut standing orders $ 810 15
ituu uouniy commissioners
paid Dlxmont Hospital kupport
Kate Conner ,. 351 58 n
Assets In Kzoess l,22ti W2
Assessed valuation of Keul EVate, Q,VW Si
Ve, the undersigned, Auditors of
f ox Township having examined the
severul accounts of suid towniship for
the yeur 11, ending March 13, 1882,
una as uuove set lortn
O. E, Gkkkjj, y Auditors.
W. Hays. J
NOTICE la hereby given that the
following account will bo pre
sented at the next Orphans' Court for
confirmation :
Partial account of Charles Holes.
guardian of Otis G. Kelts.
.FK1SU, tfUtiuvMiNU, i.iera.
INSTATE of Martin Perrin, late of
jSnrlng Creek township, Elk county,
Ph., deceased. Notice is hereby given
that letters testamentary havo been
granted to the undersigned upon the
above named estate. All persons In
debted to said estate arc requested to
make immediate payment, ami those
having legal claims against the same
to present them without delay, in
proper order, for settlement.
apr27-Ot Executor.
r, ESTATE of Geo. Schmidt, late of
jSt. Mary's borough, Elk county,
Pa.,' deceased. Notice is hereby given
that letters testamentary have been
granted lo the undersigned upon the
aboved named estate. All persons in
debted to said estate are requested to
make immediate payment, and those
having legal claims 'against the same
to present them without delay, in
proper order, for settlement
apr27-Ot. Executrix.
A mi l S IS I It ATOU 3 H l
pursuance of an order of
In pursuance
Orphans' Court of Elk county, I
expose to public sale on
at 10 o'clock A. m., all that ceitain
tract, piece or parcel of land situate in
Fox township, Elk county, Pennsyl
vania, bounded and described as fol
lows: Beginning at a beech tree the
northwest corner of the tract; thence
south ") rods to a post; thence east
about (!) rods to the middle of the ho.:
back road; thence north - degrees west
along the middle of said road 38 rods to
a point; thence north hJ degrees west
along the middle of said road 2 ! rods
to a point-; thence north 44 degrees
west along said road to a post the
northwest corner of land conveyed to
J. W. Morgester. by the said Samuel
Wilson, deceased, by deed dated Oct.
17H, recorded in deed book "T,"
page !i": thence west about i'J rods to
the place of beginning, containing
-'ij acres more or less Willi the appur
tenances. Excepting ana reserving
therefrom all that certain piece, parcel
or lot of ground heretofore sold by
contract tooneCaUierine Moycr by said
Samuel Wilson, deceased, bounded
and described as follows: being situate
iu the southeast corner of above de-
scrihed tract ol land, beginning at u
point where the road leading to J.I
iaylor's leaves the bog buck road;
thence west ten rodsunii nine und one
half feet along suid road to J. R. Tay
lor's to a post; thence north sixteen
rods to a post; thence east nine rods
and nine und oj;e-h:tlf feet to a post;
thence southeasterly along hog back
road to the place of beginning, contain
ing one acre. Also reserving aud
excepting all the bituminous and
mineral coal and other minerals, in,
under, und upon suid tract of laud and
premises, with the right of entry nnd
oilier privileges necessary for tiie free
enjoyment of the same, and the min
ing, taking und currying away thereof
as hilly as the same tire excepted and
reserved in di ed of (. ieorge Dickinson
aud others to Samuel Wilson, deceased,
dated December, 18th, l;:i, und
recorded ut Ridgway iu deed book "1"
page Olio.
1i;hms of Sai.k. One third the
purchase ou continuation of sale; and
the remainder in two equal annual
instalments from that date, with legal
interest payable annually ou the whole
sum, to be secured by Judgment,
Bond and Morliraire on the premises.
Administrator of the estate of
Samuel Wilson, deceused.
1 EAR 1MM.
n. !.. llroiken, Supervisor.
To amount of duplicate ."iOS ,")1
To amount ul' checks on treasurer ;t
71 o
4 mi
To balance due supervisor
By labor nnd material for the road..
lly exoneration
Hy amount paid lor counsel
751 (Hi
11 15
12 00
J. 1'. M- Lean, (Supervisor.
To nnmiiut of duplicate 452 37
To amount of checks on treasurer 1,518 72
To uiuouiil cosis charged by uuditors 31 12
S2.032 51
Hy labor and materials for tlic roads.,
liy exonerations
l,5!)ii 22
U 32
l.Wl 51
Hy balance due the towustilp j-jj H7
tr2032 51
F.. L. lirooken. Overseer.
To checks ou treasurer 8 91
S8 111
liy services 2 fiO
liy balance due the district ( 31
S8 01
J. D, M'Lean, Overseer.
To checks ou treasurer
413 SU
lly expenditures for support of poor..
Hy services
418 8tl
8 HO
120 sil
17 00
lly balance due the district..
JI43 89
A. V. liray, In account with Rpnd Fund.
To amount received from nil sourcos U78 58
;s 58
fly ninount disbursed
liy ciimiulssion on amount disbursed
900 34
22 m
92W 00
49 aH
By balance in treasury
S978 58
fn account with Special Road Fund.
To amount of receipts 330 00
Ry amount disbursed
Hy commission ou amount disbursed
Ry balance In treasury
In account with Poor Fund,
To amount of receipts
Win oo
651 63
U51 03
50'J OH
14 23
Ry amount disbursed
lly commission ou amount disbursed
583 33.
08 31
By balance in treasury ,
$051 63
We, the subscribers, auditors o." Jay town
ship, do certify the above to be a true state
ment of tbe several accounts as they are of
record ou the book of the said township.
C. J. DILL, V Auditors.
April IS, 1882.
J330 00 IgJ
201 9 y
418 01 t
Business Cards.
Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.
Pmilcular attention given to the
examination of titles, also to paten e
and patent cases.
Office In new brick building, Mi.lrr
street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. v t
Over twenty-five years practice.
im,.o .in M-i io Ktrpcf. K ilirway, i u
miiositc the Bogert
House. mcn
to 8, P- M.
hours from I to 2 and
IP. .. WILLIAMS. - , ,
Late of Htrattnnvllie), Physician and
Surireon, Ridgwav, Pa. Offic? in
Halt's Brick Building (up stairs)
References J. D. Smith,' H. L':
Young, R. Rulofson, Strattaiiville ;
Major John Kitley, W. W. Green
land, Claricn. Office hours 1 to 2
P. M. and 7 to B P. M.
X. W. corner of Main and Mill streets,
Ridgway, l'a., full assortment of care
fully selected Foreign and Domestic
Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dis
pensed at all hours, duy or night, . ,
W. H. SCHRAM, Proprietor,
Ridgway, Elk county, Pa.
Thankful for the patronage hereto
fore so liberally bestowed upon him,
the new proprietor hopes, by paying
strict attention to the comfort and con
venience uf guests, to merit a continu
ance of the same. , oct-io'iii1
Thousands f graves are annually,
rohhed of their victims, lives prolonged.
happiness and health restored by tho
use of the great
which positively and prenianently cures
Impotency (caused by excesses of any
kind), Seminal weakness, and all dis
cuses that follows us a sequence of
Self-Abuse, as loss of energy, loss of
memory, universal lasitude, pain in
the back, dimness of vision, premature
old age, and ninny other diseases that
lead to insanity or consumption and a
premature irravi;
.. f 1: , 111. 1 1!
rieim lor circulars wm iesi i
free by mail. The IN VUSOH ATOR
is sold fit .Si per box, or six boxes for
So by all druggists, or will be sent for
by mail, securely sealed, on receipt, of
price bv addressing
V. J. CHENEY, Druggist,
17 Summit St., TOLEDO, OHIO.. .
Sole Agent for the 1 'niled States.
The most wounderful curative rem- -edies
of the present day, are those that
cnino from Oornmnv. or at least origi
nate there. The most recent prepara
tion placed upon the market in this
country, is the (iREAT GERMAN
1NVRIORATOR, which lias never
been known to fail in curing a single
case ot impotency, speruiaiorrmea,
weakness and ull diseases resuting
from self-abuse, as nerveous debility,
inability, mental anxiety, languor,
lassitude, depression of spirits and
functional derangements of the nervous
system. For sale by druggists, tirsent
liee hy mail on receipt of the puice
i;1.00 SoleAgeut for the United States'
Send for circular. For sale by (.'bus.
McVean, St. Marys, Pa.
free to anv address.
Florist and Seedsman,
Williamsport, Pa.
Hknky A. Parsons, Jr., Local ageut
Ridgway, Pa.
No. 42 Main St.j
W. S Service, Ag't.
B apJ t'tt mm. ? UrA
'. AV
mlt..hi.u.., i vti r.mi.i in I'vimt i ,..... I
' u win ,,.., iKVism
. i :v:t':n h liiinr i. .Jv. ', ir.,-
1!,.: nr ll .... !. nil.' 1 I :..',..!,'
Ll.. .HI I 3 I
, l -lCir-loii
1 L IE.
-i::- in
"IVICT! up I
J" "UK r lain. ;i:r.l lit vt ill-.-c...
1 Baumu :, f.!ltii.ilUbloio:i:clyUVM.UK
.! ro l iiuirrwinl your uli-saMi li. rolo.
.HOI, li.j yi-n j - an ( , r o!iL !::. is.- fenudu.
leu year lie'alihorB and vuur irien!'i!.!i;it
ihUUNA is tl.j cniy lonu-tl-, muI villous
you cud tlu-in. b.i tor 4 tiiiuiiut.
8. B. IIABTMAS ftC-0 Osborn.oiilo.
Cwri your bowcli aad rclvlo trgaas tugu-
OU k.t C tWi tt. 1 P-f H B
l U Iff
89 , M