lie JMvoratc. THURSDAY. APRIL 27. 1882. In town on Troii i Hoes and rakes at Morgester'ii. Tlie price of potatoes still keopsup. Pleasant weather Inst Monday and Tuesday. Maple sugar sells for from 14 to 18 tt. a pound. Guilniette's and Days' Kidney Pads at Craln's Ridgway, Pa. Bark Peelers' aupplles a largo Bortment at Morgester's. Next Monday will be May Day. Who will be Queen of the May? Butter is coming down in price, and now sells as low as 35 cents a pound. Marriage Certificates for Palo at The Advocate office. Some new and neat designs. I had Neuralgia and Palpitation of the heart. Peruna cured nie. Aug. Melqert, Pittsburg, Pa. A Teacher' Examination will be held at Brockport ou Saturday, April .29, beginning at 9 a. m. The Clarion Hotel Is beincr newlv painted, which is a big Improvement, to ine iooks ortne hotel. Peruna is not ah experiment, but ft fixed fact; a single bottle will con vl nee you. The Hvdc House Is receiving three coats of white paint, and w ill look ns . . ... . . origin as a new dollar wnen com pitted. Bandoline ; Powder Puffs and Boxes; Compound Talcum Plain and i'enuiueaj Hoyotiom at Craig's Drug ciore, The hew N. O. P order requires each company (o drill live hours a month. Company II meets every Saturday evening for drill- Maehatta, Craig's West Point and Brighton Beach the best Cc. Cigars In this market, to be found only at A. C. Craig's new Drug and Variety Store. Orders for flowers, seeds, e'C, from Harry Channel's creen house. Wllllamsport, will receive prompt at tention If Jeft at The Advocate office. Mm. Jacob ButteffuHs, over Bniter 1W harness shop, MhIii street, has for sale choice imported Canaries, Lin nets, nud Mocking birds. Call aud sec tbem. Engraved cutOlnss To!l-?t Bottles, Lapidary cut Stopjr Bottles for cover ing, Edenla, Mareelial Kiel Rose, Florida Water, LundU.rir's Extracts in bulk, Floreston. AuMcim. Hovts Bnd other popular Colognes, Fine lonet soaps, Combs, Brushes, etc., in great variety at Craig' Drug Store. John O. Suxeis said to have made more money In one year raising cattle, than hu made out of poetry in bin whole life. Al! or which proves that cattle raising is more profitable from ft pecuniary point or view, than writ ing poetry. Spring poets should make a note of this and at once en gage in the ph-asant business of rais itig cattle. The North Wales Itr.cord believes there "is no use In denvlnir that ir the Convention is controlled by the old set of bosses," and Beaver nominated as the representative of Cameron's power, ft more formidable revolt than that of last year will npring up, guided by able and resolute leaders, which mnv Uefy all efforts at reconciliation, and so widen the present branch that defeat be a foregone conclusion. Mercer Brothers, butchers, have recently ptit into their merit market u Stevens' cooling room, which is rather ornamental and is guaranteed to keep meat fresh and pood for fix weeks in the hottest weather. The Stevens' cool Ing rooms are used by hundreds of butchers through the country, and ore warmly recommended by all usinsr them. With this improvement Mercer Brothers will be bitter pre pared than ever to serve their numer ous customers. The entertainment given by th Rldgwoy Minstrels at the Oner House last Friday nljrht was attended by a good sized audience. Through out the performance was excellent and as far as we have heard gave geneial catisfactlon. Some hard drives were made, all In fun. on several of our nil i- zens which added to the fun of the evening. We like to speak a pood word for home talent, and especially when the good word isso well deserved as In the case of the Rldgway Min-strels. Arthur Irwin was Monday. Frank Nichols 1-os moved the mouth of Toby to Blue Ruck, B I. Taylor, of Kendall Creek, paid Rldgwny a flying visit last week. Mrs. A. O. Ernliout and daughter, of Wilcox, were In Rldgway on Satur day. The latest game Is now called Three Buttons, or Swede wine ou toast. J. V. Bonnei't has been appointed postmaster at Willlamsvillo, Elk countv. R. J. Thompson, of Duke Centre, was here last week on hU way to Brandy Camp. Jerry Stewart has u new and neat picket fence in front of hi property across the river. J. M. Schram and J. H. R03?, Jr are having new fences put up on their Centre Street properties. J. W. Mend, of Weedville, was in town Sunday and Monday. And made us a call ut The ADVocATEofliee. Bert Fitch has moved Into the house formely ocsuulcd hv Jerrv Stewart next to Mrginnis' on South street. R V. Kline, of the firm of Powell & Kiuie, has Just reUirnel (run ttie eastern cities where he bus laid in a large stock of seasonable goods. Brother Miller has at lust gone to housekeeping. Ho has also bought a baby carriage, and-feels as happy with us docs u boy with his first pair of boots. Cohen Bros. & Brownsteine are laying In an imnense stocis of snriiiir goods. Philip Brownsteine of this firm nas recently returned from New York where, he has been buying goods. Frank VunOrsdall was here last week from Di ill wood. On Mav Isf he leaves Driftwood for Kmte, having been appointed agent at the Litter place. We congratulate the Professor on his promotion. A lest it nl. Will beheld in I he basement of the M. E.CIiurch Friday und Saturday even ings of tliia week. Autograph Albums, Scrap Books, Fancy box Papers, invitations, Birth day cords, Pocket books, poi tmonuies ic, a handsome line ut Craig' new Drug Store. MARRIAGE. Haves MooheBv the Rev. Win. M. Burchlield in DuBois, April 2 Mr. Senc K. Haves and Mi-s l.ectila 1. .Moore, botii of Lutlicrs burK, Pu. DEATHS. Peksons. At Full River, Tuesday, April 18, ls2, Nathaniel' Person.-, uged 8:2 years, U months 7 days. He was the grand-father of the editor of this paper. And the lust of our living grand-parents, After life's nuui lever may lie sleep well. Hewitt. In Houston township Cleurlleld i county, ou Sunday, April jo, ma.unieon.eiitest son of William B. Hewitt, aged 47 years, 7 months and 8 days. He ieavts n wife and two children. Potatoes just received a half car load lot at Morgester's. Maple sugar and pickles at Molester's. It Will Soon Blow Orer. The boss-power of the Common wealth of IViiiMylvaliiii, thel.l-cbose, and the little bosses, felt on their brazen clucks the breath of the wi;l of tin-people that in volume crew stroll Irel and stronger. The growing fury of the storm of popular indignation was upon incni. From ull quarter arose the cry oi- reform and a different method of conducting the party cau cuses and the party conventions. Last year Wolfe led an open revolt mid affairs seen led to assume a desncrut" character. Yet, like the inhabitants of the world prior t- the deluiru' thev said, '-It will soon blow over." So long hud fie bold, had men held iih- solute power, over the masses, that they dreamed of the broken will of the people, the ruin of Republican institu tions, the wreck of the traditions of thu Commonwealth's gieittness, anil the substitution of a grand Baronetcy, that should become hereditary, and grow stronger us thu mantle fell from father to son. Pigmies, who had suckled the teat of official-holding, tn postmaster, mid other positions held by virtue of i'awnimr to their master were ever ready with loud mouthed impudence, to proclaim to the people as occasion offered, that the great Don or the great So-und so, was always lining his level best for the ifood of the people, and that thu o; dis- sultMucfioii Were no symptoms tit all and that uii the seeming outcry was a snare and a delusion. How quick are those wiio tutieu on the profits ol po.slolilce, or the oiekinirs of 11 sinecure, to hind to tlie skies the 'au thors of l heir soft iilnees. and to erv down all men, who wire not oy tin ir ideas of party 00, lev. O. coarse no par y is fit 10 exist in this free country, unless the great principle of 1 oi-fi.Ait Kti'itrc:cxrATio.v is one of i;s uiui 11 tenets. "It will soon i 1 ! 11 -a (over," they said. And the month I roll around mid the storm continue:!. the press of the Ktate. it out those 111 high places, comes t.'ie assurance that toe people arc omnipotent, and sli iii rule liieio.seives. u stron-and earnest lus tiii.i sentiment become that even the Big bo.-s 0f all trembles lest his own candidate may fall in the wreck caused by 1 he fury of an outraged people. Disguise is longer useless, and the wise ones of the boss-power arc striving to take the bull by the horns, and stive, themselves, and the party from destruction. There is yet room forth.-Mitchells, thcMacVeaghs, the Barkens and the Woiies, who have tlie manhood to stand up for the rights of the people against (lie eiieroiiLliuieiit o the boss- s on their rights. Republicanism undir the leadership of such men wilt take u new lease of life. The golden cal! willed "Boss" will bo palled down from its pedestal, umid the loud re joicings of the people. The day of secret committee meetings is about past. The day of secret and naeked conventions is soon to be no nmr.. Public ofllcials will busy themselves luteiiiiing to tlie duties of tlu-fr positions, and the people will rule the state. A Hunter's Fatal Mistake. Carbondale, April 23. Robert and Morris Andrews left their home in Greenfield, on Wednesday, to go into the Salem Woods ou a hunting expedi tion. They hunted without food or rest until Thursday night. Ou Friday morning, Robert, hearing n rottling Bound in the bushes, which hi-supposed to be game, took up his rifle and blaztd away. On visiting tke spot, he found the dead body of Morris, the clwrjje having entered his head. Robert, in bis excitement, took the body on Ids shoulder, and carried it home, ami hid it in the barn utider the hay. Inquiry was made for Morris, and Robert de clared that lie hud lint seen him hinee they left home. Tlie family noticed bis uneasiness, and believed some trouble prayed upon his mind. A neighbor's children, with Robert's two small sisters, were playing in the barn yesterday, and one of the little girls, in attempting to pass from fhe hay tuow to the ground floor, plat ed her hand upon thedead face of her brother, and carried the terrible news to her parents. Robert turned deal lily pale, and being usked as to the cause of his brother's death, related the etory us given above. He U uow out of his mind Editok Advocate We are told that an application ling been made to the Borough fathers to lay out a street from the alley on the i.orth bide of Souther's addition through Mr. M. T. French's lot to Depot Street. We con fess that, ahie from tlie injustice that would be done Mr. French in taking thirty feet from a lot already small. and that must destroy it for his pur poses, we cannot see whv the load of paying damages for the laud to be taken, and making and keeping up a street at that place should be put on the taxpayers of the Borough. It may oe true that 11 half dozen familiis would be saved a walk of three or four hundred feet whenever they inijjht be coming from the direction of Elk Creek or the Rldgway House, but is such und so little a benefit to n few any compensation for the loss to the many we hope that the town council will be enabled lo sec this mutter in a proper light. 1 lie street is not ne.-es. sary; it would not shorten the distance to the business pr.i t of the town and is the piivnte enterprise ofa few who for their own accommodation do not hui. tate to confiscate a poor man's nronert v. and take from others such payment as no may Uc able lo obtain. Tax Payees. Thu (jiei-uiau Volunteer. The Grand Army's entertainment, the German Volunteer, by home tal ent, under the direction of the author Will D. Sapher, opened up last night at the opera house under the inu-,1 favorable circumstances to a very large and paying bouse. The principle character Is Mr. Saplier, who i, a very dev. r actor, and in his Dutch com icalities is very humorous and enter taining. Tableaux tiro t-'on-eons mi. I faultless in their rendition. Mr. Sapher, besides acting his difficult pari, conducts the whole stage 111:111 ayeimlit, which imposes a very ardu- ous tusK upon him. All of which lit is equai to. lie is u fine actor and the public were well pleased with him. His little son, Master Reggie, played the mouth organ in a very beaui'iiiii 111 1 .liter, wiiicii v.n well received be tlie audience. OU C'.tj ben ick, Mr. Suphrr will produce this pluv in Luhr's hall St. Mary's on Momhiv and Tuesday cvenin-s, nud in Hyde's upera house, Ridgway, ou Wednes day evening next. He will be sup ported by home talent of St. Marys and Rid-way. Whenever this drama has been produced the papers speak in the highest terms of it. The proceeds of tht seenteriai cuts will be devoted to If lileilisli the tr.'iisui'v if !..., v.. on 1 IV. Rev. R. Crittenden. Misslouarv of 1 he American Sunday School Union favored us with a cull on Monday, re turning from his work in thesouthern part of Jlk county. Before leaving he handed us the following; On Thurs day of hist week I visited (lie day school and families In the O'eimaii settlement comprising about forty persons. The day school teacher, nnrf I lliitiK l'rol. Dixon, also, willbeiirnie out in saying that the German children there are making us rapid progress in learning as the same number drcn to be found anywhere. On Sun day afternoon we hud the first religi ous, meeting held 1 here for prcachiiiii and organizing a Sunday School. AM joined heartily in the work and wi.l 110 doubt have a successful school. A visit to that school by tiny S. S. workers In Ridgwiry will greatly beappreelated. Our nu tting on Simony forenoon m the Brandy C' t-chool hou.e whs us Usual well attended and all. old ami young gave good heed to the words of encouragement spoken to I hem. Paralytic strokes, and heart dis ease, and kidney ufiwitions, prevented by tue use of Brown's lrou Bitters. We have received the March num. her of tlie Oritinul EiujIUh C.'iuttcrlox from the American publishers, Messrs. Estes k Lauriat. Boston, Mass. This is the be.-t children's magazine in the world; containing L' pages, and l'ifuil pages illustrations each mouth. it bus a worldwide reputation, and more than a million children in Kin-. land and America reinl its churmiug SIOI ICS, 'io receive four dollars worth for one you have only to send one dollar directly to the publishers, and they will send postpaid, CliuUi i box : anil To EVKIiY Sl.W Sf EC It I II Kit U be.itlti- fill steel engraving tlSxS4 inches oi'e.. WM) ofa little girl puz.liug over lor lilst sum, and entitled '-Ouiiht and i.urry unc.-- Peru 1 a cured my daughter's sore eyes nfti r occulists bud fai.ed. C. F. SC-IIItEADEIt, Allt -h. ny City. Susie Green might liaVehailhcr pick from among the young men of Lexington, Ky forslie was handsome mid iich: but she preferred u gambit r of lite flashiest kind. He was known to her lor u mouth as a stock broker, and undid the end or (hat brief courtship she iniiiritd him. They stopped ut u J.ouisvillc hotel on their bridal lour. He brought her lemoiiaib in her room, und she found It bitter. He had put opiate in it. When she was un conscious he stole her purse und $J.50u worth of diamonds, and deserted ber. Au Open Cntivaw this Time. (Phllnila!p!ilnrro3s.) The objection male to machine iiieth t Is Is that tiiey are used to force f-aiididiit'-son the party without any full canvass, without any j,mt regard tor public sentiment, ami without any fair consideration or all element This was the ground upon which the movement to iiuiko Mr. Oliver United States Senator was opposed. His mime had not been presented or suggested during thccainpnign. There had' bektt no discussion, of his merits and no opportunity for any public expression. Other names bud been canvassed before the people, and they had been led to expect 11 different choice. The Republicans of tlie State scuta majority to the Legis lature with a clear ami unmistakable indication or the character and n unlit v of man they wanted. After the mem bers had been elected rt.nd assembled nt Il.irrlsburg.tind indellaiiceoft his plain manifestation ot public sentiment the attempt was nhido to enrrv Mr Oliver through the caucus by main toree: und it was this effort to overrule the popular will by the sheer power oi tne ninciunc unit aroused toe success ful opposition and Justified the Inde pendent attitude of the fifty six. It was the same feeling that created the strong hostility to General Bully's nomination for State Treasurer. The public expression 0:1 all Hide had clearly designated Senator D.ivies as the popular choice. Tlie people ex pected nud approved his nomination, and the delegates were elected with this general uuderslaiidiim. Duriii"- all the earlier stages of the canvass General Unity s name was nowhere mentioned, and it was not until must of the delegates had beeli chosen and just before the convention, that the 'ii teniiin itioii to nominate ,jm vvns iininiiuced. He was curried thron..h the convention, just as the attempt had been nindc to carry Mr. Oliver through tlie Senatorial caucus, not in response to public; senliment but hv employing all tlie force of the machine- and It was this undisguised display of machine power in disregard of the popular will that excited the general resentment. Whatever else be urged about the proposed nomination of General Ueavtr, it'eannot be tald that it has not been canvassed before the people. It is not sprung upon a caucus or it eon- veiilion at the last moment, like the movements for Oliver or Bally, The candidacy of General Beaver hits been openiy announced from the first, and the people have had the opportunity of rreely and fully dNcussing if, even if they have not had the opportunity ordirectly voting on it in the prima ries ns they ought lo have hud. If he shall be nominated, it cannot be urged that it was consummated in defiam-t of pubiicsentiincht by the obnoxious methods employed In other cases. Spring work on the farm, in the Garden, in und about the House, will bo materially facilitated by the many and varied suggestions of ti,e Ameri can Agriculturist for May, with its hundred or more of articles, illustrated with a largo number of engravings. Besides the editorial staff, thisnunibcr has contributions by Prof. W. 11. Jordan, of Pennsylvania Agricultural College, 011 Experiments 011 the best time of Cutting Haj ; Hon. J. S. New niin, of Gv-orgiu, on Use of Co-ton Seed; Experiments with Fertilizers bv several farmers, systematized and ore. sented by Prof. W O. Atwalcr: Dr. T. 11. iUaycr, on Experiments with Durra; Testing Milk, by (.'ol. M. C. Welti: Raising Tur'sies and Poultry for Profit, ny U. A. Lvans, Jr., etc. A Prize House Plan for the country, with en graved plans and specifications; a medium Bank Barn, with specifica tions; a multitude of labor-saving de vices and contrivances, with Illustra tions: peach Culture; many Garden Articles; Spring Birds; Exposures of Sundry Humbugs; full Household nnd Children's Departments, etc.. etc.. make this a most valuable number. l.ula year; 13 ctsa iiuinbcr. Oran-'e Judd Co., New York, Publishers. "Whenever you are sick and the doctor tries this and then that, stop tooling ami take l'cruna." Atlrlrc Worth Listening To. (ttoslou AtlvertlHor.1 Tho concurrent counsel of such rep resentative men as MacVeagli and Mitchell is entitled to special consider. Htlon. As preliminary to tlie Prcsl denllal elect Ion, the canvass tills year hasa grave aspect, and the Republi cans cannot nffird to m iiu u misUke, or to lose 11 voice or vote. Probably Mr. MicVeiigli's strictures upon his party are over drawn. On the other baud the Senator may have touched too lightly upon the necessity that party methods bu more generous und gracious. Bit thu elements represented by these gcntlcm in can not be dispensed with by the mana gers or machine men when the polls ere open. They may bo sneered at. or cursed, on ordinary occasions, but when a ticket is to be elected their presence is most welcome. NK W A I) VEHTISliUWTS. OET TEE BEdjL LEAD ALL OTHERS! Every Style & Price, Guaranteed Uuequaled FOE OPERATION, DURABILITY and WORKW8ANSHHP. laprovements and Conveniences fsani ia ns others. POPULAR EVERYWHERE. Tor Sulo In Exvsrjr City tved Tavm W. II. I-1VOU cv CO., AGENTS nmr; way. REGISTER'S NOTICE. NOfr!K Is hereby given that the following account will be pre sented at the next Orphans' Court for confirmation 1 Partial account of Charles Holes, guardian of Otis O. Kelts. FUEI). WCiKEMNG. Clerk. ESTATE NOTICE. ,.-iirtiuui iiuiniii rem n, late ol J-Mirilllf I ;i'.f'K IIIVVIlu tin l..llr nt I'.i . deceased. Not inct l lui-..l that lelliTs tn-.t-iiiu.ii.ii-,f . i granted to the uudersijriicd upon the iiimc iKiineii e.-iaic. au pcrso'is in debted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and tlmse huvlu-r leiriil cliiin to present them w-rthout delay, in I umer, lor settieuic'H. n iU A I 1 11 U V SU A X L EY, npi'2i-Ct Executor. I ESTATE NOTICE. ITATEi.f Geo. Schmidt, late of Jt. Mary's borough. Ell; countv. I'll., deceased. Notice is hereby given lluit letters testamentary have been granted to the undersigned upon the aboved nainetl estate. All persons in- ""i-" lusiiMi esuue are rt(iie-.leil to make immediate payinetit, and those having Iciral claims against the same 10 prcenr, them without delay, in proper order, for settlenu nt M UY LOUISA SCHMIDT, apr2,--0t. Executrix. Divorce Notice. Y:r f'rrnTrr ") I" C.tirt of Com ,.J " ' "' ! nion i'lens of r,ik AXK3ClIEATLK ,(.,'"" 'iV-.f' NV' J i erill, ISSl. To Agnes Cimille, Dci'endanttibovc named, you will please take notice that in Hie aiioee case a subpoena and alias subpoena have been issued and returned 110,1 mt inventus. You are hereby required to appear in thcuhnve case 011 the lirst dav of the next term of said court, (.May 22, mi,) tounswer to t!ie said complaint. 1II0.MAS S5CI.MVAJT, - f' SI.erlfr. AUDITOTt?' .SETT LJi M EN T i IZ eeipts and Expenditures of Tox n-Wiiship. for the year 1831, ciidiiiu March ;i, 18S2. b KOAD FUND. UKCP.II'TS. Amount cilicptod on S.-nti-d Dnplt- , Ci"u ; ,-. Sl.tSl 37 Aiiiuuiii ix-L-elviil Ii. 1111 10 llYuu.i-ul- ll'l tt-U 1-X-ltOM'l 1S1U " O-JJ (ft Aiii'iinit received fiuiii Uuiinly i;,m iulssluiiei.s (to 00 Kxccss of Expenditure!) over flee pts. KXl-KMOTlltlS. Anlount worked on mud by tnxatilcs St " Jmld In 11 m nicy " lnud II. l. ,loj tr supei vci" " " teamworlt ' " " lilil men " A. Siij.ei Nv.,,1- " teamwork " " luied men " Treasurer llrowii iieiveniiisio " .1.1. 'r:i iiii- .0 1 0..1.. in full .. ...... ' Town eicrk, Vnt " Auditors - 01 orders di'.ivvpd over w ork liuj nmtuiiul ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. In nnrsiiMiiro of nn mvlm- ,r i,n Orphans' Court Of Elk county, I will expose to public sale on SATURDAY, MAY 20, 1S9 at ID o'clock a. sr., all that certain trad, piece or parcel of laud situate in rox township, Elk voiiuly. Pinnsvi vaiiia, bounded ami desct'ihed as tol lows: J Self i 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 rr nt 11 I.e.. eh t,-..,. n,.. northwest corner of the tract; Ho n,-.. i'Uth.70 roils to n i,ut 11, ....', about (ii) rods to the middle of the lm back roil' I; thence north - detrrecs west alotinthe middle of said road .'M roils tn a lioini; llieliee norlli bit along the middle of said road S-l roils to a point; thence north 41 decrees wc-t along said road to a post tlie northwest corner of land con veved to J. . Moritester by the said s-janiuel Wilson, deceased, by deed dated Oct. W, recorded In deed hooit "T," l-age ); thence west about 4'J rods to the p. nee of beuiniiing, jontaining -"1 acres more or less with the upt-tir if-uaiiccs. except ing ami reserving uiercirom an t tint certain piece, parcel or lot of ground hcretotore sold bv contract tooncCulherinc Mover bv fidd .saniuel ilson, deceased, bounded and described as follows: being situate I uc soul oeasr rnnu p ,,r .1..- ro"i'ii iiucLoi lauo, ne.'rliiiiitie- ttt a point where tlie road leading' to J. Ii inylor's leaves the hog back road; tneiicc west ten rodsaiM nineand one- luill tcet along said to J. Jt. Tay- mr s 10 a post; llienco north sixteen rods to u .! ; tiicncc east nine rods and nine and oni'-Iialf feet to a post; thctlce soul bi-nstei-lv nt ft 1 1 ir lour I ... .1 ro id to the place of begluuing, contain ing one acre. Also reservoi r nml excepting all tlie bituminous and mineral coal ami other minerals, in, under, and upon saiil tract of laud and liri-inises. with ll.eri'ht oi'iin,- i,,i ol her privileges necessary for tile free enioviucut of the same nml tl o,i,,. ing, taking and carrying away thereof us tally as the same arc excepted and reserved in deed or' J,.,,i-,r li;,.i-i.,. ... ... ri .,V.nill7.lMI and others to Samuel Wilaon, deceased dated December, lSth. und recorded at Ridgway in deed book "I" page 60'-. Tkkms op Sam:. One third the purchase on confirmation of sale; and the remainder in two equal animal instalments tram that, date, with U-mI Business Cards. CEO. A. RATHBUN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa) Particular attention clven to the! examination of titles, nlso to pntcnM and patent cases. I1UL a H'CH'JLET ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office iti licw brick building, Mull, street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Tn. v32t J. S. BAROWELL, PHYSICIAN AND 3URGE0N. Over twentv-llvc venrs nrneth'p. Olllec on Main Street. Rldarwuy. Pa., oppodte tho JJogcrt House. Office l-.i. . .. . 1 i . .1 l n u n v nif Jin infill l ill A uou in Of L - iu. II'. L. WILLIAMS La)c of Sfrtlftntiville), Ptiysiclnil hiiil Stnv'con, Hidwav. )'. OHice iii Hall's Urlck lluildirtg (up sfairs) llefercllees .t. D. Bmllh, H. L. Young, Ii. Iiulofsoti, Strnttanvillcj Major .loli n Kitlev, XV. W. Green land. Claririi. OlUcc hours 1 to 2 P. M. and 7 lo 8 P. M. Q- G. MESSENGER. DRUGGIST & PARMACEUTIST, N. W. corner of Main and Mill streets. Ridgway. Pa., fuy assortment of care fully selected Foiiigil and Domestic Druirs. Prcsi-ripMons carefully dis pensed at nil hours, day ol' ttilit. vln'ly HYDE HOUSE. V.. II. SC1IRAM, Proprietor, Ridgway, Elk county, Pa. Thankful for the tint ronarc hereto fore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new projirictor hopes, by paying strict attention to the comfort and con venience of KtiesU, to joprit a continu ance of tlie same. oct3u'U0 ROBBED. Thousatnls cf gfcavrs arc annually robbed of t neir vii-lims, lives pr ilonircil naojiiiiess unit iieaiin restored ny mo Use of the great GERMA1T IiTVIGORATCE which positively and premnnently cures Inipnteucy (caused by excesses of any kind), Seminal weakness, and all dis-. eases that follows as a sequence of Self-Abuse, as loss of enemy, loss of memory, universal lasitude, pain In the back, dimness of vision, pre:nntilre old iigi;, and many other diseases tbnt lead to insanity or consumption and a premature grave Send for circulars with testimonials free by mail. The INVIGORATOIt is sold ut $1 per box, or six boxes for So by all druggists, or will be sent for by mail, securely sealed, ou receipt of price bv addressing V. J. CHENEY, Druggist. . 1ST Summit St., TOLEDO. OHIO. Sole Agent for the United States. Tlie most wounderful curative rem edies of tlie present day, arc those that come fr im Germany, or at least origi natc there. The most recent prepara tion placed upon the market in this country, is the GREAT GERMAN INVJUORATOR. which has never been known to fail in eurinir a sinirle case ot imnnteiicv. sneriioitoi-i-limn .-eakness and all discuses resutinJ instalments tram t nit, d.itc. wii li n.r.i ' niieiesi iiayaiiieannually on the whole "eu-uuuse, ns ncrveous (lelulitr, sum, tn be secured hv Judgment ""MUty, fiientill. anxiety, languor, Umid and Mortgage on the premises ! lassitude, depression of spirit ami J.J. TAYLOR, " functional derangenietitsol the nervous Administrator of tlie ectate of ".vstem. For sale by druggists, orscnt I -J I I I I I 1 I I I 11 llullll ll,,,,..!,,,...! I V .F Illttll Wll ll'll 5;s i i . ,t:n .'tr US 2111 INI S'i iVi :I7 5'i L'l I II i 11 1! I .Mil 71 61 2ii 37 M IX, 81) POOR FUND. 6J,7.'W is Nursing mothers gain strength by using lirowii's Iron liitters. It acts like a charm In restroing to health ami strength overstrained nature. Aindiiir Slrikc orJIiiters. Shenandoah, Pa., April '22. The miners at some places above the Droad Mountain are cetting restless, and while no general strike is untied nut ed. I - t mere is c-nsiderab!c feeling against the operators on account of the low rate of wages paid. The miners at Station l.'xliery, operated bv Miller llocU & Co., have been on u strike for two days. In vlv of (he Mltuiiniit condition of tlie trade tlie.-o operator are not ill the least put out by theuction ot 1 1, i ir men. HKIKIl-TI. Amount received Innii i;. llynlt. rol- leetor. Ismi j 37 N, .-kiiiw.iiib ie,:eie.l iroill .l.teoo .floyur. eolleetol', Kv,t Aiuounl leceivi'd nuui Jus. i-.iniiiei'i lornier Iruasurer n g( Excess of Expenditures S ivj i' S 1,0.11 v V.X PEXIIlTr.-KPS. Amount of orders redeemed g " interest piild on order No. 471 " ii Ut ou JndHiiient No. at, .Sep. Term, is.) ......7.. Ainoiint iuid on JiiUiiient j.j. 'Kiv- lor .V Co Amount paiU i reasiirt-r iiio'wiV 'ii'ei-' ceiiltige.... Aiuounl paid ll.n. Alijyer.'u'vcrsJur,' " " Andrew jluu " " tiiMiiuork and inute rlttl fcrmtilied I'aiiiiers Piililic .Sale. There will be exposed to public sale on TUESDAY, JUNE 1 1832. the Vnlnabi til e.l ,teoi. t;,.....l . i , known as the L. Luther properly, and i iiti nn diii.iii mm nun j'j'j (eel nlonif mi ,,ey in Xt Hyde's hi ore. On which Is elected a flame building 2Sx 38 with wing JixOti, tn d one frame b.u n. Terms cash. . M. H. LimiEH. I'vKeeotoi- I'Shitn ,,r T ii.i...., i tfeceased. J. U. VCCCttUFF. M. D PHYSICIAN "AND SURGEON. nil If! WAY. l'A Oftlce Main Street Hyde's Opera isiiiiiiing up stairs. Okfick llouas. J-roiii S to 12n. m. 2 to A imd7iiu p. in. lie-idemio Mr, lir. T K t-.artley, eornerofsii and llroad slreetK CALLS UAY Oil NIGHT 1-KOMl'll.Y llolud. ' fml le' l'at,,onaii o- 77.1 (17 r,i uu a oo ,Vj 40 ( i ui 41 UO 28 21 Excessof Expenditures over Ileee'tj hi io ROAD FUND. ASSETS. Amount due from J. Me.Matkln eolieelor, ls77 5 5,3 07 """""" OOMl l.uL'IIU ll llllcol- leelor, lsst) Amouni diiel'i-om p.ugi-nu jTyVilt eol ieelor. u oil; 111 tax, iss'i Amount due from Ki.euc II ya'tiL'tii- leetor, woikiiijj lax, Ivd Aniouiu. due from M. Lruwu en 811- lleirient, Iw.... Annatiii due from l'nseaed'ids livi Amount due loim L'lise.Ued build's! I'Mra r.uid, Inmi Amouiiidue from iriiniiliif'jLuVuii, IiSjI ' 875 73 ta ad 17a io 130 05 6.11 1)5 B t3 H Ci: Ml I N A N (' I A T, ST A T l.-M t." vr L'JAY 'lOWNSlltP i.-iiij o i, f.- : 1, , ,. .... w i . , 1 J.YU J.1S1, UO AD PCX Da. E. T llrooken, .supervisor. 10 nmoinit ofdnplieate lo aniuuul ufeuccks 011 trua.suTer.'.'.'.' rm .-,1 lh. ) 51 To tialance due supervisor., i71 Ui -I ud ny labor nnd iimterlal for the road by exonerations fly amount paid fur euuusei..!.!"!.'!!"' 3. D. M'Lcnn, Supervisor, To amount of duplleate 10 iiiiiuuul ol elicetts on ii easurer lo amount j.,sts fliui'ijed by auditors S77S II 751 ti'i 11 V 1 UJ 477 11 87 1,5 is T 111 12 s.'.uaj 51 liy labor nnd materials for tho roads.. 1 300 'M liy t-xonerulioiiB ' J7 liy balunco duo tlio township l.iiW 51 4L-J t7 dltt fit' tho ivtt.a ! OO J' .1.. . . . 1 . I -,.v. ?i.TO.-iw.;i'iiiiiii' ine I lilted .States 1 Send for circular. For sale by Chasi McVcan, St. Marvs. Pa. roou PUN'D. E. L. Itrooknil f1er,t-erw,S To checks on treusurcr .., f!y services i.y uuiuacuUuu tlio district.., 8 01 ts 01 2 CO U HI J. D. M'I.ei,n nv-r..- 8S Vl To checks ou treasurer..... 413 89 I.!AU!I.ITir.S. Amount of nut Mandins orders., - unpaid judgment W.515 07 . st.nit 33 . 1 11 Hv "Puitllrcs for support of poor . lis 80 K I 'I iM hil 17 0-J By balance due the district 113 U TKEASUUEK .S ACCOUNTS. A. W. Gray, in account with lload pund Tu uiiiount received from nil sources 078 M JU7S 5S Vy amount disbursed ijaj 31 by commission on uiiiount disbursed u M 0JI oj 5s SJ.MCI 47 025 -V Assets in Excess TOOK 1 UND. ASS. UTS. Amount due from Eugene llyntt. eolltctor, l'oii...., o-ju Amount due from Jacob Mover." ii".,- " eelor ,1W. su;, .me 1,1,111 L- us, 'a 1 en IritllU 1SI . g- Amount due from UunvuieU ijiiiu iM 788 37 -',1.10 Oi MAJIILITIKS, Amount nut Ktandiui; orders '. 819 jj " due Louiily I'oiuiiiissioi'ieiH palil IHjiiuiiit Hospital hupport Lute L'unuer .... .-. "Mi jj AssesKcd valuatli'mof'iVei'il Etaie"!V.'.' $J,'Jiu 3 Wt-. fhe lliwtfl' A..lil..H ,.r , ......v.., .iiriii,M ,11 i'OX Jowiisbin biivinir ..v n.,l,...,l il... . n . n... , IIIV several accounts .of said lownishio for I Im. ........ 1 Co I It. k - - I iou ,ui irai, culling AIUICll IJ, IHHi, II nd as ubove ret foitli. Jamks Lusk, ) O. K Ukekn, Auditors. P. W. Hays. ) liy balance In treasury sii7s m In account with Special Road Fund. To amount of receipts 00 (K) p.v amount disbursed . 255 01) ily coaiuilssloii on iimouiji duburscd 0 3'J PLANTS and SEEDS for EVERYBODY Our ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE and HOOK OF. FLOWEItS scud free to any address. 1IAUUY CHAAPEL Florist and Seedsman. ,r . Williamsport, Pa. IIenhy A. Parsons, Jr., Local agent . Itidyway, n, STOVE SIGN No. 42 Main St." A FULL LINE BUILD ERS' HARDWARE, STOVES AND House-FurnishinrJ GOODS At POPULAR PRICE. W. S Service, Ag't. an uo OS 01 t33J 00 Cil 03 By balanro Ju treasury In account wli.h Pnn. ir,,...! To amount of recel els.. Ry amount disbursed... 'J no liy uouiiiiUslou 011 uuiouat disbursed II al By balance tn treat ury... 6S3 82 US ,'11 .... W e, the subscribers, auditors o." Jay lown ship, do certify the nbovs o l,n ir,,u v. ..v ... LO " ment of tae several accounts ui they are of reuoru on me uoolc of tlie said towuslilp. nra 1. JOHN It Mlf.r.1,-11 1 C. J DILL, I Auditors, J. W. 13 KOVVN, April 15, 1383. 3-1 i.ti.- nra GUlibtr.llfJ- li.nfm, tl.i' Jit .vSuJ.pyi;fy TaII 1 - . . I'.- --- " i,... . ; . ''--"Trrni yovr trtem'cf-i.iL"- i 6 U i! 1 BBi 1 you ta.iV . " ;' r?Vy ' taw - . ........ -.. tiwr 11 . : 11 .1. r B. E. i:ARTA:fCO.. Ort.Ohta. i with ' nr-u I"1 ! ' reans roju- 1 1