Henry A. Parsons, Jr., Kdltor THUKSDAY, Al'KIL 27, 1882. Entered at the Post-office at RiDawAY, Pa., as second class MAIL MATTER. Tlio Republican Opportunity. (Phllndelphlu Prces.) Tlie Republican purty of Pcnrtsylvn Diu lins fur months stood on the brink of division and disaster. The, oppor tunity lias now come, with wisie coun sels una patriotic spirit, to save ft from tliia Imminent peril. A patliwuy is opened of honorable escape from its threatening dangers, nnd of just agree ment which will unite nil elements of the party und advance it upon a fresh career of power and glory. If thu Re publican leaders of all shades will really rise to the occasion, they can make a new destiny. If not, so much the worse for them nnd so much tlie more deplorable for the great organi zation which they would thus prove themscves iucapuble of wisely direct ing. The most pronounced Independent Republicans of the State, in response to distinct overtures from tlie other side, have expressed their willingness for a confereuce of the contending forces with ii view to union and har mony. A strong committee, appoint ed by Senator Mitchell and under tlie leadership of Mr. Wolfe, stands ready as their representatives to confer with the regular leaders. This honorable and patriotic movement toward the union nnd salvation of tlie party must be met in the most liberal spirit, and In the same good faith which prompted it. The party manngers will have no excuse, as we believe they will huve no desire, to evade it. The Republi cans of the State will expect them to accept promptly and cordially the op portunity which has been proffered, They will expect the conference to embrace the strongest leaders of the party organization, nnd thoe who are most directly interested. Let Sena tor Cameron and Mr. Quay participate; let General Beaver, as the propofed candidate for J Governor, join the eouncil; let Gove: nor Hoyt be invited; let Senator Mitchell be present, nnd every element which can give it weight, authority and representative character be included. The whole movement must beof the most open raid public nature. The conference must be held in the broad daylight. The whole Reptibi: .-an pa.ty of'the Sr. ite must be taken into confidence. It i- essential to Uic suo Etss of any adjustment that it shall command the hearty nppiovu! of ti:e Republican masses, and in orJer to at cump-.lsh this oojeet all just groun Is a:' complaint must be removed. In express. ng tneir wi'.iingnes? to confer ine Independent Republicans have jint proposed to surrender any princi ple for which they have contended. Let the party leaders hear tlitdr repro sen tat ions and let them concede every just demand. If they are not prepared to do this, the conference might just as well never be held. The only war rant for the movement is a realization of tlie dangers which threaten the party, and an honest aud earnest dis position to reach an honorable agree ment which shall avert them. The very effort for harmony requires that there shall be no humiliation of either side; but at tlie same time there can be no sacrifice of principle. The only basis of union is n platform upon which all Republicans can stand with out any surrender a platform which places all upon un equal footing; which abandons abuses that have excited dis content; which treats public otllces as public trusts; which demands that the power of the party shall be used for the common welftiro and not for the aggrandizement of any faction ; and which, conceding equal rights and claims to all, shall proscribe no Re publican because he is an Independent or because he is a Stalwart. We do not underrate the defficulties And embarrassments in the way of an adjustment. We know that the tem per of the Independent Republican in the ranks will not tolerate any sacri fice of the principles for which they have fought. We know that their leaders who have acted in this move ment will not yield any of the ground they have firmly held. Any settle ment which may lie made will have to be put in such clear form and accom panied by such unmistakable guaran tees that it will not be open to doubt. But the opportunity is offered, aud the sentiment of the party will demand that It shall be improved. Two Great and Doubtful States. (Harper- Weekly.) In a political situation like the present, however, It is the unexpected that happens. The election of 187lJ showed that it U the independent voter who name 1 now legion who de termines the election. In Penn sylvania, if Mr. Cameron, who is known as tlie "boss," or the chief of "machine politics," persists to make a machine nomination, he will be de cisively defeated by the support of a second Republican candidate. In New York, if the nomination should show merely a machine divided against itself, it is not certain that there would be a third candidate, but it is certain that Republican euccebs would be very doubtful A private letter from a gentleman In Oil city to a friend in this place says: "'Dont fail to- go and see tlie German volunteer to be played in your place. Mr. Sapher is imineiihe, and the opera house, was crowded here for three nights by an appreciative uudi HC I II 1 II I tit wwwwwwow STRENGTH to vigorously push a business, strength to study a profession, strength to regulate a household, strength to do a day's labor with out physical pain. All this repre sents what is wanted, In the often heard expression, "Oh I I wish I had tho strength!" If you aro broken down, have not energy, cr feel as if lifa was hardly worth liv ing, you can be relieved and re stored to robust health and strength by taking BROWN'S IRON BIT TERS, which Is a true toric a medicine universally recommended for all wasting diseases. 501 N. Frcment St., rSnltlnoro During the war I wr.s in jured in the stomach by a piece of a shell, and have fullered from it evci since. About four yearsgo it brought on paraly sis, which kept me in ted six months, and the best doctors in the city said I could not live. I suffered fearfully from indigestion, nnd for over two years could not eat solid food nnd for a large portion of the time was unable to retain eve n liquid nourishment. I tried Brown's Iron Bitters and now after taking two bottles 1 am able to get up and go around and am rapidly improving. 6. Leckeb.. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS is a complete and sure remedy for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Malaria, Weakness and all diseases requir ing a true, reliable, non-alcoholic tonic. It enriches the blood, gives new life to the muscles and tone to tho nerves. PIANOS. $1C0 up (Stool. Cover nnd BooTO ''egant Sqmire Oi"ind, 8 f : :ivs, :.; ...... II' . I . 1 E'ecant fto AV'iH'm. wverv iirvrovnti!' i" filv ( id H l: -' t O v . . t JO I, (. r I i;a s. ,T : ji and l: -- '. i-.xei- .0 41 y ve (? : of P-P'ls . r ... cr v f : .'. 0 "litf st f 1 )3. T ' s; jlf rr.'y ' (.i ; t - - reeds or t. . . ov" k. ,?i I it Ml li d; . tn, 'rri'.'it '' C if i - f.mtaru. t ,u mi, i I u- : (i trr i rual.i'teed 8' -.-t Mn-i!' i i ...ii.. f. ....... .... l VTk-i,,j in M l V. . .1 " . . L . e Mt- L-El ssUK;; i i A.VO CO., L x 2JCS. X. V. ORGANS. Prcf. GniliifrScrOVTR PAD. Will positively ci're lV.-er and A .mi Dumb Ague, Ajjo C.il ?. T. s Fever, Jaunt!1; D.v,. -'i-ia, nnd m diseases of thu i . - te'ciuacli aii Blood. P: :ct fcl.e i . .na.i. Hend !' Prof. Gu ti i J ii' i a i,.' K neys ai;ct Liver free r- , n, ul. A Jdiv-s FRENCH PAD CO., '1'oU oo, Oino. For sale by Chas. McVcun, St. Marys, Pu. Le;ier-IItr..:9, li .1 ilt.c. -. He.n?s, Envt!opi, t;c , t ; :e a r CATS oflki.-. APPLETO H ' E H E P. I C An"c YC L O This admirable work is now com pletein 16 vols. EaehvcilumecoiitainsuO pages. It makcsu complete und well selected library, and no one eon alto rd to do without it who would keep well informed. Price $o no in e'oth, StJ.'K) in leather, or $7.00 in elegant half Turkey. For particulars address, W. H. Fairehild, Portville, Catt. Co., X. Y., who lias been duly appointed agent for Elk county by C. K. Judson, general agent. j-EW LIVERY STAULE IN IUDGWAY. GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES and Buirnies to let upon tho most reasonable terms. teSTHe will also do job teaming. Ktnliln nn F.lk utreet. A II orders left at the Post Oltlco w'1' recivo pmnijit attention. AU2J01S7UI amnajni j. MONROE TAVL6K ESTABURnED 131. 113 WA'i'EIi ST., NEW VOHIi. Me purer. Letter, 6tror.cr. anil longer l:no'-vn la the inarkct than tn clbc-r art.c.e cf the kind. Are always sura cml reliable, rnd never fail to n.sure the best result i:i cookery. At' ymir grocer fr it er.J f ivj it a trial. Liliifaction guaranteed or r.j pay. outthisoutT Kill S 1 5 U S40 wVA. We have stores In 13 leading Cities, from which our ivuU obtain th.r rnpnl'M quiclity. Oar frni'lurUia d ruiH-iiil ,Ol!U-e m Kri, I'll, heui tor our Svw tutalauu uiu ti-rii. to btferu- AdOl&- M, U, LOVELL6l?PEhKltrAe.et TREASURER'S JSALES OF UN , SEATED LANDS. NOTICE U hereby given that agreeably toon Act of Atsembly passed the latli day nf March, A. I). 1816, entitled " A n net to aniei tl an act direetlng the mode of selling unconted lands for tuxes aud other imposes," and the several supplements thereto, the following tracts of unseated lands, situated In Elk county. Pennsylvnla, will be exposed tomle' by public ven due or outcry, at the court house In Itidgwnv, in said count v, on the SECOND MONDAY OF JUNE NEXT, being the 12lli DAY OF JUNE A. 1). 18S2, for the arrtarnircH of taxes for the years 1880-81, unless the taxes are paid prior to said date: BENEZETTE TOWNSHIP. War Acres. Warrantee or Ownor. Taste. 5t32 James Stokes lt'6 00 633:1 KK)7 James Stokes 12i(lll 533" 10!7 James Stokes Vll on 5338 Ki7 James Stokrs 25 74 5344 10G7 James Stokes lv?2 0ti 6345 10-J7 James Stokes 25174 5U0 1007 James Stnkea 310 30 6347 1007 James Stokes 182 50 534H 1007 .lames Stokes 2tib 74 637'. 4r9 James Smkes Mil 74 uSHO 1100 James Stokes 377 00 6383 800 . lames Stokes 90 00 5384 1060 James Stokes 420 CO C3R7 1100 James Stokes S00 00 034!) 10(8 James Stokes 201 50 5342 1100 James Stokes 2-'0 00 6008 flOO James Stokes 22" 00 0334 1100 Myron Merrill 1.17(H) 5330 1100 Amos P Merrill PiS 00 5287 275 Amos 1J Merrill 31 50 5'J88 275 Amos 11 Merrill 30 24 6289 223 Amos It Merrill 3174 63K) 1100 Jones Hammond &Co 314 24 5349 lluO Jonathan Prown 04 24 4091 841 Nathan W Ellis 79 U0 4995 468 Addison Swartwood & Co 129 74 5311 POO Cornelius Wninwright 61 5(i 5012 TOO Miles Dent 285 74 5479 600 Miles Dent 67 24 5479 100 Miles Dent 9 74 647'J 224 Miles Dent south end of survev 25 60 5178 60 MilesDent southwest corner 7 00 5011 CO Miles Dent southeast corner 10 40 64S1 4,10 John Brooks 51 50 50U0 ! 90 John Brooks 114 24 4997 4SI H. C. Spatilding 11000 50S1 55(1 H. C. Spaulding C3 00 5023 2S8J Jno Johnson undi vided i 6 74 5383 1100 Hezekiah Mis 217 00 5023 6ti Andrew Dent 2 74 5479 Cd Hamilton Dawn 10 50 4r.94 1.10 William Shannon 34 24 1'22 110 David S. Johnson 3150 0340 550 Henry Blush l 60 6001 1)90 Fi line v & Barrows 1(W 00 4 998 100 FI ii nev & Barrows from Fitch A BoyiiiL-ton 29 24 6002 6013 .VI 4 50 i0 5010 5o24 50-.M X'3 )'- 64?-.' W0 J. (4. HeadhiL' & Co. 39(1 00 990 J. (. Bending & Co. 220 24 f J - Keacling & Co. 2i' ! 59 !) ,r ( Heading A Co. 283 00 990 mirer, Croft A Co. T i ,i vB Boviuctoii 23 00 1 '4 .. in A- D S Johnson M 30 r '2 . in iv D S. Johnson 37 71 09o . ,. f, . ,(. Johnson 339 5o f,o. . i- ,,.'is 111 50 - .r..i.H 8 60 CiO - i . .t Corruic & :, . , r,3 oo 6343 5479 i478 i il i:oo 50 piio r.rdeo 220 t)o ,. 2 90 .(t T?"t brock i A ttutnroek A Uothroek .nan A, ker 235 50 150 91 84 24 34 24 15 74 15 74 69 04 54 n 502i 50:' 2 6024 i"4Si 6023 it. ... A)!. I . Mil rili )' .liit a P, .lohnson lohnsou P. Johnson , ..-tH 10 50 13 73 1 40 i,.z .fom Martin Ens from Martin 23 5020 f,02l 5 . if! .. ii 5..C7 090 375 Win lnv Estate V,i,,iiw Estate 109 74 85 74 109 76 !'() 24 75 60 6 74 23 00 !'9()'lt. W.nslow Estate 790 U Winslow Estate i '0 B. Winslow Ktate i"'J B. Winslow Estate 290 B Winslow Estate lleimt r & Johnson lot 1S3 13-80 It. Winslow E.-tate Brock way 109 B. Winslow Estate 290 It. Winslow Estate 107 B. Winslow Estate 23 00 12 40 42 24 12 21 EENZINGEB TOWNSHIP, 40S9 4115 14 William C. Black 40 54 75 John Milne 24 99 147 Nelson J. Wimmer 23 77 146 Nelson J. Wimmer 23 77 41151 ... 4107 f " Ciesar A. Jaekot 21 61 4S83 330 J. J. Lawrence fr. N. Matson 118 84 48?2 828 J. J. Lawrence fr. N. Mutson 277 04 4959 990 J. J. Lawronec 305 50 4900 200 If. G. Williams fil 72 80 H. H. Williams 17 90 220 Gilbert Williams 6(i 10 4958 300 James Somers Smith 80 70 4958 600 James Somers Smith 144 24 4901 90 James Somers Smith 20 21 4901 900 James Somers Smith 210 84 4992 60 A. Hobbs 6 02 4105 S25 Enrley, briekel fc Ilite Vine road, Nos. 7, 15. 17. 19. 21 A 23. 109 34 4104 57 Enrley, Briekel A Hitc Vine road, JSos. 13, & 7. IS fiO 4100 1414 Earley, Briekel & Hite 177 08 4107 83 ' 280 71 4108 890 ' 302 73 4109 990 " " ' 335 18 4110 897 " " " 30192 4111 1021 " " " 344 fMi 4115 094 ' " " 233 68 4115 1049 " " " 253 33 4403 980 " " " 274 90 4407 107 " ' " 23 93 4)(i8 29 " " " 7 60 4886 25 Brussels road, E i of No. 30 0 94 48SG 25 Earls-y.Brlekel A Hite Brussels road, E. of No 31 8 39 C6 Earley, Briekel A Hite 9 70 4970 200 " " " 67 32 2357 990 West Creek M' f'g A Min. Co. 335 38 4878 TOO " " " 335 38 4879 1483 " " " 499 19 4944 990 " " " 303 87 4945 990 " ' " 334 27 2274 952 Ia man Wilmarlh Estate 274 58 328 24 490.1 990 lOimene Payne 4s8f MailinSorg Echbach 4H87 ,oU road. N'os. 14. 10 A 17. 4115 50 Edward Leleliuiit Viiitr street, Nos. 11 A 12 2.1 J. S. Bali's 4958 I'M) (Jeonre Weiw 4970 200 Palmer A Co. 4115 25 Daniel Frasier No. 7 C herrv road 4110 60 Daniel Fricder Nos. 3 iV- 5 Maple load 49C0 75 AtiL'iisius Wolle From Tims. Lueki iibach 4104 622 Sheldon, Strebigh A 31 80 10 81 11 2;' 17 80 01 20 7 CO 12 70 73 M 117 11 1!7 11 14S8 1 10 38 117 82 108 30 280 83 8 45 Bates 4404 44O0 4400 4107 4408 622 622 522 420 600 4)70 1083 " " " 4105 25 Mary M 'Cuban, No 8 4105 60 Msry Heenaii, Jfos. 13 . nu 15 4993 248 E. Morre 4408 34 Emi-p Hrickel&IIIto 16 84 t5 07 a-u it 9 49 4401 1050 " " 4M64 4407 1 4408 ) 2 Owner Unknown N W corner 'rossstreet 1 02 76 C B Earh y Slorcr ave., N"s. 22, 4and20 25 19 47 (! n Earley Poplar road, Nos. 2 and 4 15 82 "5 (J H Enrley Olean road, Nw o, and 8 21 19 25 V. B Earley Vine road, No 6 8 47 24 V. p, Enrley Vine . road, Nos. 9 and II 8 07 60 C B Enrley Poplar ro.ui, Nos. 10 nnd 18 10 84 2.1 C II Earley Poplar road, No. 11 8 47 200 C B Enrlv Poplar road. Nos. 19,21,23.21. 27, 29i31, 4. 8, 13. 15 and 17 87 53 23 U B Earlev Hickory road, No. 17 8 47 42 C B Ear ey Vine road. Nos. 31 nnd 33 14 39 60 C B Earlev Hickory road, Nos. 19 and 21 10 84 22 C B Earley Poplar road. No. 31 7 3-1 ?o C B Earlev Chestnut road. No. 29 8 47 2-1 CB Enrley Chestnut road. No. 3 8 47 25 CB Earlev Chestnut roii d. No. 21 8 47 60 CB Earlev-Chest nut road, Nos. 21 and 27 10 84 60 C B Enrley East Chestnut road, Nos. 1 aud 3 1G84 60(5 R Enrley East Vine road, Nos. 2 and 4 10 84 23 C R Earlev Maple road. No. 11 G93 31 C B Enrley Olean and Maple road. No. 1 7 00 10 C B Earley East Ma ple road. No. 1 5 81 61 (.: B Earley Cherry road, No. 0 and 2 17 31 73 C B Earlev Cherry road. Nos. 9. 1 1 and 13 25 19 52 C B Earley Cherry road, Nos. 3 and B 17 40 60 C B Earley Chest nut foiiil, Nos. 17 and 19 1C 84 200 C It Earlev. 18SD tax 37 73 70 C. B. Earlev 1881 tax 37 P 4"0 C R Enrley 1.14 82 875 Seilonla Von Ersel 117 82 FOX TOWNSHIP. 207 C it Earlev, Townscnd 4103 4104 4104 4104 4105 4105 4105 4105 4105 4100 4100 4100 4107 4107 4107 4107 4103 4108 4110 4110 4110 4110 4115 4115 4115 4970 4970 4H80 4975 1097 4178 4077 4078 4081 4087 4097 4098 4374 4082 4902 1'IHI lot I1 ,.) 90 Michael Sheehnn 20 88 231 Earley, Hite 49 Earley, Hite 105 Earley, J I ilo 144 Earley, Hite 727 Earlev, Hitc 2C8 Earley, Hite 2G2 Earley, Mite 307 Earley, Hile Briekel A 4372 702.00 do do 175 08 47 84 4271 224.20 do do 6168 Briekel A 4134 870 60 do do 2o1 92 1100 4 109 805.00 do do 199 0S Briekel A 4451 lo.30.30 do do 307 2 20 75 44-12 81 1 do do 230 40 Briekel tt- 28.70 do do 7 08 2190 -IM 849 do do 70 80 Briekel A 41hS 105 do do 63 70 151 00 4272 518 do do GO i4 Briekel A 43 Hi do do 1130 CO 40 4341 325.40 do do 70 80 Briekel A 1S 116.55 do do 33 25 33 20 20 1 Briekel A 4255 ! 1002.10 " " 407 C8 83 00 J-.iW,) 141 B F Tavlor A Co 24 ! 0 78 24 125 oo 112 05 48 00 116 20 74 70 78 85 3.1 17 3 2') 24 !)0 10 00 12 45 mm 320.10 B F Tavlor A Co 4901 480 15 F Taylor A Co 900 Hannah Barnard 439 o w Whittaker 5 0 Bichard Gardner 293 Hichard Gardner 481 H A Stephens 200(!corge C W liite 20 George K rouse 100 Wm Apple 60 Patrick Maekin ;5 Ariuel Turley 60 Horace Little 4187 4190 4190 490!) 4 -'74 4274 4087 4097 20 75 4271 4247 1 4273 f 4247 380 Horace Little from county 124 59 72 Noble Coal A Oil Co 29 80 249 Noble Coal A Oil Co 110 00 COO Noble Coal A Oil Co 249 00 SCO Noble Coal A Oil Co 249 00 40 Robert J Buhl 3 40 22 Franklin Kulin 3 52 243Franklin Kuhn 3 00 12JRose Kelley 2 (to 61 James Winkle 8 01 25) John K Jones 4 i8 21 William E Jones 4 00 25 Bichard Edwards 3 (") 14 Bichard Edward 1 80 150 Owner unknown J Barth lot 12 CO 50 Jacob Hart man Jos. Fulierly lor 12 41 Henry' Largay 1 lot from M J Enriev 4 15 303 Sheldon, Slrebfgh A Bute 120 4!) 769 Kheltlon, Strebigh A Bates 219 00 200 Sheldon, Strebigh & Bates 00 40 41 CB Earley 10 20 6o (; B Earley 12 45 58 CR Earley 14 40 00 (.! R Earley 24 90 45 CB Earley 1118 37 C R Earlev Birch 4240 1 4217 4241 1 4244 f 4271 4097 4097 4098 4098 4098 4i 9.S 4087 4082 4077 4073 4078 4078 4081 4l)8t 4087 4087 lane, Nos. 5 and 10 0 OS 23 C B Earley St. Mary's and Centre vi lie railroad 8 30 47 C B Earlev Bldgway farm and laud Co 12 03 179 C B Earlev Cross road. N8 1.2,3, 9, 10, 11 and 14 45 33 67 C B Earley Caled.v- 4088 4097 4098 liia road, Nos. 2 aud 8 and S. half of 7 60 C B Earley 387 C B Earley 380 C B Eur ley 14 41 10 oo 99 oo JIG 20 4898 4890 4271 4077 4073 CO Michael Toomcy 19 92 40S3C35.42 Northwestern Ex Co 4094 444.50 " 409,5 272.95 4090 478.40 " 1079 70 424.1 84 ' 4244 57.70' 4373 109.30 " 4092 60 "' 4080 105.40 14 4078 30 4091 (51.07 " 4340 490 "' 4243 '.62.47 " M A 310 23 221 30 135 99 238 02 34 80 41 81 28 89 84 15 24 90 82 17 14 91 25 40 244 02 479 05 4178 20 b.p.s. 45.50 9 1)0 20 47 K t 1- 1.60 " Minerals. Ac. only on' the following lands: 1 83 Northwestern M A Ex Co 33.31 " " 8 30 4079 801.45 ' ' fto 05 1 40HI 224.27 " " 8(13 78 4088 Mi " " 20 04 4i91 213.30 " 68 53 1092 105.94 " 20 14 199.-0 ' 49 80 4i :4 382 79 ' 95 11 4995 685 90- " 145 00 4D9IW 109.G1 ' 27 14 4"S3 174.6.1 " 30.12 4243 02.60 " 13 43 4214 80.50 " " 19 02 4211 1 38.22 " 84 34 4240 143.0'J ' " 85 75 4217 109.60 " ' " 13 4373 79.80 " 19 92 4374 82 60 " " 20 41 h.p.s. 12 91 " " 2 97 h. I. 24 91 " 6 90 4245 150 " " 37 35 HIGHLAND TOWNSHIP. 8002 831 C B Wrlirht l)u n ring 118 45 3001 30C3 2019 831 831 C. B. Wright Wright & Diihring C. B. 118 45 Dulirlug 118 4-1 27 45 140 05 18 13 17 10 08 74 103 13 41 34 171 00 890 Waller Bryant 1778 1031 Walter Bryant uz.-i i"ii a. woir 2023 2027 1830 2030 100 .1. and M. Mack Northwestern corner 402 George Dickinson 9.14 (Jeorge Dickinson 330 Freeman Ellis 3T8S liMM John N. Lane 352 280 John NLane 47 88 1831 lool Allegheny Bank , Pittsburg 1803 9C2 John F. James 1783 902 Aimer Cnssell 1858 8S8 John P. Brown of 112 55 104 60 101 50 151 81 151 28 12 84 171 (M) 44 91 41 21 Ci 00 17 10 2028 1014 J. C. Chnpin Estate 2034 90 J. r. Cliapin Estate 3700 100') J. C. Cliapin Estate 2403 315 J. C. Chimin Estate 2150 3771 1799 1799 289 J. ( Cliapin Estate 800 Nathaniel F. Jones 100 James Gallagher Huli-division No." 9. 800 Charles G. Gillis Sub divison Nos. 2, 3, 4. 6. 7. 8, 9 and 10 6C0 Charles G. Gillis 130 80 1770 Sub-division Nos. 13, 14. 15, 10 and 17 100 Jacob Gilbert Sub. division No. 0 1058 Mrs. Blekards 729 Thomas Struthers 1038 William Bohinsnu 8iM) Souther A Willis 290 Souther A Willis 288 J no. Nicholson 1019 Alfred Avery 85 50 17 10 105 87 110 81 190 27 130 80 41 34 41 04 145 19 1799 2031 3781 2HH3 3700 2302 2104 305.1 1770 100 Elizabeth Cooper Sub division iso. is 2038 1043 John Bryon and others From Geo. Dickinson 9 CO 178 37 77 75 17 lo 142 50 Ci? 40 112 00 90 00 10 00 41 34 30 80 131 10 70 8-1 140 07 180 12 154 60 20 14 3000 1770 3702 3777 490 L. Wilimirth Estate 100 William Carle v 1000 Geo. Brooks 400 Andrew J. Knox 3781 10 10 Thomas Grilllih 3775 1000 Thomas Gritlith 3771 2U) Thomas Gritlith 2300 3718 3001 3701 30-14 3773 3782 2031 290 J js sterlcy 180 William James 835 John G. Hall 541 Martin Hart 1029 Wray A Graham 900 S. Jones A Co. 901 Little A Souther 118 J O. Hall sub div. 3 HOBTON TOWNSHIP Northwestern M A Ex Co Minerals, Ac., only on the following lands: Northwestern M A Ex Co 304 410.89 " " 7,8 52 555 139 " ' 20 08 4242 737.78 " " 141 50 200 89.90 " ' 17 08 4218 111. Ol) " " 2131 4249 2"3 82 " " 38 97 4265 259.55 " 49 03 422 294.20 " ' 50 44 4340 450 " " 80 40 4341 457.W " ' 87 75 4171 215.00 " ' 41 28 4372 1H7.30 ' " 35 71 4390 234.50 " " 44 92 4400 57.30 " " 10 94 4434 100 " " 19 20 4412 107.50 " " 20 64 4109 184.40 " " 85 32 4170 1.11.70 " " 28 98 r. A t. 7o.il 1 " " 14 39 932 60 41 00 34 000 J L Ellis C A M Albert Sub- 1 8 94 div. No. 20 Noble Coal A Oil Co Noble Coal A Oil Co N B Lancand others Henry Lorain Car lisle Henry Lorain Car lisle John C French 11 52 12 63 18 50 53 70 84 48 120 72 4218 424!) 4242 4200 4182 990 4271 4370 4370 4153 4344 4450 010 23 50 00 17 to 41 20 6 70 11 42 23 01 3 84 20 80 George Weis Sub- div. No. 1!) George Weis Sub- div. No. 23 Horace Little from county Horace Little from J as Wilson Ignatius Grotzinger from county Minerals, Ac., only on these lands: - Noble Coal A Oil Co do do do do do do do do do do do do 48 230 68 120 50 9 21 45 30 11 13 23 04 9 00 JAY TOWNSHIP. 5288 1100 AmosB. Merrill 272 86 52H8 825 Amos B. Merrill 300 90 5287 825 Amos B. Merrill 306 90 5289 640 Amos B. Merrill 203 00 5291) C12.7 Amos B. Merrill 277 90 4194 400 William Parker 80 80 419.1 670 James Lynde 95 90 4190 989 D. K. Jones 18:5 1)3 m1 980 James Stokes 199 40 4197 220 James Slokes 47 95 4191 207 Sebastian Weis 88 51 4197 200 Eli Kennedy 43 40 4906 4oo William Robinson 117 80 4841 70 W illiam Robinson 20 40 5010 990 Philip M. Price 21.152 489 212 K. B. England 62 67 5007 990 E. B. England 214 83 .1004 9!iu K. R. England 214 83 4181 3"0 Hezekiah Horton 6.180 414.1 Inn Hezekiah Horton 18 00 5( '29 60 Finley, Young A Co. 10 30 5018 090 Finlev. Yomu ACo. 184 14 4898 990 Henry Loraine 49104 6017 990 Henry Loraine 334 49 4s'j-1 98 Tyler A Finney 24 29 4893 18 'l 'vlcr A Finney 212'' 4893 217 Abigail Woodward 47 12 5030 207 A. E. Golf 74 40 180 990 R. c. Bowman A Co. 184 14 4M)2 2i 0 B. C. Bowman A Co. 37 20 4191 100 Thomas Reiliy 8 40 4194 100 put ilck Reilly 8 40 1845 100 Djvhl Kirskers 12 40 6028 900 Spring Run Coul Co. From seated 200 82 5C01 727 Spring Run Coal Co From Seated 191 68 4198 4s92 4899 4198 4194 4194 4194 5030 3221 100 Joseph Wilhelui 18 00 480 J. E Pill mini A Co. 182 28 C52 J. E. Phtunin A Co. 109 1 89 Arniel Turley from county 8 49 200 Ariuel Turley from county 49 CO CO Geo. Dick lon from county 12 40 100 Horace Litile from county 18 8) 94 W. E- Plifppcn 7 90 JONES TOWNSHIP. 212 General Thomas I. Kune 40 " 40 11 8222 3221 8 70 8293 81 " " " 8295 ,, ii ii ii 0 07 C5 64 27 26 8290 2010 125 Gen' Thos. L. Kane 3432 3221 8293 8291 I 211 Gen. Thos. L. Kano 45 82 8222 114 24 94 84 80 87 00 21 75 43 50 17G 90 174 on 27 84 21 75 27 01 31 09 60 40 32 19 17 40 12 70 12 30 84 08 89 (II 110 78 43 60 07 28 10 73 5 80 143 65 143 62 53 94 69 74 13 08 62 78 123 80 88 00 43 40 21 75 8 78 'l00 Gen. Thos. j-400 Gen. Thos. 201': 100 Gen. Thos. 41 "ft I L. Kano L. Kane L. Kane L. Kane M 200 Gen. Thos. 3290 1 3293 813 Gl'n' Thos- L- Kiino 2188 J 3214 8(0 Gen. Thos L. Kane 3290 130 Gen. Thos. L. Kano 2534 103 cn- Tllos- L' Knno 2504 128 Gen. Tlios. L. Katie 2527 2553 2553 2513 2553 1 2010 f 101 (Jen. Thos. L. Kane 232 Gen. Thos. Ii. Kane 148 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 80 Gen. 68 Con. Thos. L. Kline Thos. L. Kane 2810 109 Gen. Thos. L. Kane Thos. L. Kane Thos. L. Kane Thos Ii. Kane Thos. L. Kano Thos. L. Kane Thos. L. Kane Thos. L. Kano 2504 8221 3222 3224 3290 32!) 1 3290 4903 258!) 2554 2-V-'7 3295 2504 2331 2504 329't 32-H 322 890 Gen. 412 Gen. 61)9 Gen. 2" '0 Gen. 310 Gen. 50 Gen. 20 Gen. 090 ill)!) Gen. Thos. L. Kano Gen. Tlios. L. Kane 247 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 275 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 70 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 253 Gen. Thos. Ii. Kune 82.1 Robert Halsey 254 Robert Halsey 200 George Dickinson 100 Andrew J. Low 80 Andrew J. Low 120 W. II. Osterhout Mrs. Finney Lot No. 2U4 in Wilcox IS 00 143 2593 3290 3290 8293 3400 W. II. Dyke-man ctal 739 60 32:11 I 2(il I 25H8 J 4313 1025 Earley, Briekel A 185 CO " ' 196 30 " " 81 20 Brown Hite 1073 " " 430 " " 215 I. B. South of 8214. 990.1 L. A W. W 4112 4111 27 55 . Brown 143 5,1 4114 3143 3232 32:13 3237 3242 8213 82)1 3180 3319 2104 3231 :V.V 121 Broun A Wells Bock v run lot 10 no 650 Johnson A Biddlo 99 71 990 Johnson A Biddlo 179 45 510 Johnson A Biddlc 98 02 540 Johnson A Biddlo OH 02 990 Johnson & Riddle 179 45 511 Johnson A P.iddle 93 38 3 30 Johnson A Hid, lie 69 74 307 Johnson A Biddlc 44 7 07 Michael Weldert 11 89 495 Collins, Hutchinson A Clay 89 16 999 t'ollins, Hutchinson & Clnv 179 22 440 Collins, Hutchinson A v my iv 10 3211 3213 3180 3217 2254 2791 3231 8226 3229 3230 3218 3228 3218 3228 2319 2323 8218 3220 3228 2080 3290 2489 2o'.)3 3220 2319 475 Collins, Hutchinson A Clay 85 81 900 Collins, Hutchinson A 102 98 219 Collins, Hutchinson A Clay 43 24 789 Coliins, Hutchinson A Clay 142 97 247 Collins, Hutchinson A Clay 41 GO 32G Collins, Hutchinson A Clay 59 10 495 John II. Towns Estate 89 01 818 John 11. Towns Estate 147 90 640 John II. Towns Estate 98 02 990 John II. Towns Estate 179 51 000 Daniel Scull, Jr. '80 tnz 01 80 70 Daniel Scull. .1 r.'80 tax 0 30 COO Jos 8 l,;tt8 'SI tax 57 08 70 '81 tax 5 88 02 Daniel Scull, Jr. 8 9!) 698 Daniel Scull, Jr. 86 91 330 Biddie A Dawson 69 74 380 Riddle A Dawson 5!) 74 400 Biddie A Dawson 83 52 990 Biddie A Dawson 179 51 90 A. A. Clav 16 24 240 A. A. Clay 43 37 000 A. A t May K18 75 000 Thomas (.irecves 1 19 48 18.1 Thomas G reeves 20 C8 867 Thomas G reeves 125 80 4oo Thomas G reeves 83 52 807 Thomas Grecvcs 125 SO 9 '0 Thomas Grccves 143 6" WM) Thomas (i reeves 143 T5 02 Thomas (J reeves 8 99 MM) Eugene Payne H3 5.1 123 Eugene Payne 17 98 128 Eugene Payne 17 98 990 Eugene Payne 143 55 01 3228 2303 2377 212.1 323 104 301 2303 24S7 2323 GUI) Kugcnc Pa v lie 95 70 990 Collins, Clay A Hacker 143 51 990 Collins. Clay A Hacker 143 5.1 99) Collins, (.'lay .V Hacker 143 55 990 John Livesey's Estate 143 55 990 John Livesey's Estate 143 51 4,",0 John Livesey's Estate 03 22 741 Clav A Hacker 134 85 420 Clay A Hacker 77 14 990 Clay A Hacker 143 55 390 Clay A Hacker 50 55 990 Clay .v Hacker 17!) 42 390 Clay A Hacker 57 42 990 Robert Patterson 143 55 0.1 Robert Patterson 9 28 310 282! I 2332 !333 232G Ml!) 2189 :527 2551 2.193 25!)!) (ii '4 3315 2000 2011 742 Robert Patterson 107 69 04 Robert Patterson 11 CO 210 Robert Patterson 44 00 604 Robert Patterson 91 35 990 Robert Patterson ) 143 5,5 2.127 21.14 04 2598 2008 2012 2014 2591 2004 2008 2011 2011 2i. (it) 2012 1527 3143 2010 20 Kohcrt Patterson 2 90 890 Robert Patterson 143 55 990 Robert Patterson 12') 0 990 .lames H. C lesson 143 .15 891 James II Ci'cs.-on 80 13 '.7i James H. Cresson 14') 05 248 JnliK'S H. Cresson . 5 96 100 James H. Cicn 14 60 92.1 James J I Cresson 133 98 100 James II. Cresson 14 50 04 James H. Cresson 11 00 111.1. L.Brown .0 109 James Wells 1148 MILLSTONE TOWNSHIP. 2548 900 Darrah A Moore 125 24 2512 900 Darrah A Moore 2-10 66 2090 G73 William Dilworlh 130 00 2790 900 C R Earley 167 04 2518 00 L C Wvnkooiand 1) L Patterson 8 99 2313 375 L C Winkoop and 1) L Patterson 52 20 2321 900 Ii C Winkoop and D L Paltcrsoii 167 01 2541 900 James O'Huriv 138 24 2517 '.00 James O'Haru, 138 24 2-123 '.)( 10 .1 a 111 cs O' I fa ra 1 67 04 .607 073 Dnxel, Duhring A Wright 1C7 04 4184 900 Owner unknown 107(4 4135 900 Owner unknown 167 04 4129 900 Owner unknown 107 04 2i'7 LC Winkoop 1;' 00 2318 23 L V Winkoop J Stewart's lot 3 48 2518 100 W illiam Crispin 7 20 2519 UK) ' ' 13 92 2532 900 C B Wright A Duh ring 130 00 2362 000 v B Wright A Duh ring 81 00 2639 000 t B Wright A Duh ring 150 GO 2702 291 V B Wright A Dull- ring 60 75 2581 050 V B Wright & Duh- riug 43 00 6 John Wynkoop Estate 1 40 254.1 900 R. S. Win luck 167 04 2067 225 I) L. Patterson 88 80 198 William Crispin 18 60 2640 900 Joseph H. Trotler 167 04 270 William Crispin, for 1880 8 78 RIDGWAY TOWNSniP. 4"92 4811!) 4870 4270 4285 210 George Dickinson 010 BrvnntAEuwer 91(1 Bryant & EuWer IO00 Br.vani A Euwer 498 Bryant A Euwer 890 Br.Mint A Enwer 100 Andrew M KIbben 45 Asa Ciimmiiigs 100 87 203 8t 203 82 222 60 210 93 88 11 10 89 6 74 19 79 13 30 64 90 23 73 264 10 4800 133 T B Cobb '80 tax 137 Elsie J Cobb '81 tax 400 B F Ely 170 BE Ely 4432lM5BFEIy 8889 103 Sheldon, Strebigh & Bates 601 Sheldon, Strebigh A Bates 400 Sheldon, Strebigh & Bates 420 Sheldon, Strebiifh & Bates 645 Sheldon, Strebigh A 22 21 G8 00 64 07 68 18 74 60 439!) 4394 4394 4392 4391 i3u ivn 000 Sheldon, Strebigh & Bates 182 43 95 Isaac Averv from Cobb, part of C Mead A Ely lot 0 93 183Edwnrd Cravston 13 62 747 W II Osterhout Wil cox Long lot 136 74 C3 C VGillis 4 11 4818 102 James PGarritt-from James Gardner 14 15 60 Horace Little 200 Horace Little 8 02 40 79 156 62 250 79 17G19 250 70 40 71 81 94 11 64 4373 from Earley Briek'l A Hite 4370 1020 4889 717 4377 1020 4390 130 132 4389 61 SPRING 203G 1.358 , 1502 601 2942 350 2971 800 2980 800 2915 900 2948 900 2937 1055 4550 182 4509 150 6,17 481 2792 290 2775 829 2789 847 4151 100 48 2792 200 475 98 2954 100 210 4044 114 2902 1U00 45.12 200 Kenuedy lot CREEK TOWNSHIP .Bryant A Euwer 167 48 Bryant A Euwer G148 Henry naught 103 61 Hiram Carrier A Co 801 17 " 301 17 D Carrierand others 841 88 G Blake 024 74 Allegheny Bank of Pittsburg 64 65 George D Messenger 19 21 Henry Truman 22 7t Souther A Willis 09 79 Souther A Willis N. W. corner of twp 73 27 C B Wright A Duh ring 80 68 L F Powrrs-und. of 12 II Geo W niiincn fr. county 52 85 (ieo V Bbines , 16 04 Geo W Bbines N. E. cor. of Strong lot 0 93 Wm. Kelley from county 80 65 Francis C Elliot 63 87 Taylor D Bhines Arniagost. tract 12 20 A J G ruber fromD. O. M'Knall 15 00 M'Gaflie A Truman from seated list 81 "4 Taylor I) Bhines 20 34 Bowman A Bros. 19-30 parts of from seated list, W. part 131 30 J K Gardner i:0 30 ST. MABYS BOROUGH. Lot No.s. 43, 44, 45, ) Bidgwny Farm and 58 ami 62 ( Coal Co. Centre St. HI !) 9.1 Hi i 6 71 - ' . ' TliliMfntr fr, ynt Jt, 35, 30, 37, 88, 39, 40, 41 and half of 30 13 Coal Co. Maurice Street 11 03 97 It Lewis St. Street Geo Gregory fr. Rev. Louis Car tuyval CR Earley, Louis Street Geo Krellner 3 acres 4 60' 80 80 80 SO 80 15 08 Erin Street 100,113 and 114 Ig. Grotzinger A mandus Street -3 Horace Little Lou is Street Mary Wrinkle Louis Street 9 and 10 SEATED LIST. Itetnrnetl by collector, upon w hich thero cniilil tint Op round Nttllli'li'iil perxoniil pro perty 10 pay Uib several tuxes ussened Uicre 011: BENZINOEIt TOWNSHIP. War. Acrk. 501 60 . T. i William Young, "81 tax 20 63 111 I'.j Patrick M'Phllony, "81 tnx 8 71 Edward liable, 1 lou, '81 tax 04 FOX TOWNSHIP. Win. Gibson, hound tot '78.'78 2 W IPO 40 1(H) 1 vter 1 1 01 loliuuch, ,8- . lltax 60 j-rii'i- jimiiirmiiKii, John Hull, ibi, iiih IT HO l'J';.liini"s shplvv. " Id W Miirttn JolitiK.in. ' 13 4 lL'JAbnihiini Comb Fstate, '79tax 85 .1 C liurke. 1 hit, '7 tnx 59 CO KIiik Hulse, Vull t King 7H-'79 tax 62 50 Alice Murphy, 1 Imtisp and lot '7 tax 0 GO 70 Henry Souther, '7S tax 2 60 HIGHLAND TOWNSHIP. 3711 WW 37UI X7.-ii :T;t) ItTV I ii iiriimim, fto nix X im 19) sVI irn v. ACKeriy, Kl tnx 4 17 M II Clvincncer. 'M tax 1 00 "rank Hiivrin;ump, -gl tnx 2 74 H Miry Ilhoff " " 4 !) J II Windsor, M 8 40 lm 7 376D 1.,. 37 Ml aw nOUTON TOWNSHIP. M Patrick WelHh.TKtiix S R IX Jaiiif u'lJarru, (tl lax 4 20 JAV TOWNSHIP. w fl't li Ethan M'Cullouch '7t--80-81 tax 9 IS P.obt Rothrock. ,7l)-'80 tux ) M Unbt Kollirock, u w Joslnn It. Morev " 21 Sani'l licll Kstiito " 41 Mnry J lliitt'iiinn " 88 HI rum Howard " 4 40 JONKS TOWNSHIP. John Peterson, 'HI tnx 1 85' MIMATONE TOWSHIP. 21 Jami George. 'Hi tax S6 42 A W l.ulliro)-uud. ',ot 'tltux IW BPUIXG CUEKK TOWNSHIP. 3217' 2:0 M'finfTle & Truman '77-'7n-'7 tnx Geo W Kliiiip t I, B hlilolt uml. yt of '79 tax icorj-'p Proclu. '79 tnx i W luii.klc. 0-l tax Koki ii in, ii is George, '80 1 tnx ' W l otterflcld. TS-'SO-'gl tnx G,irp Proclun M lliiu iiiiiii A 11 r, . '79 lax fico U llliliiek tfc L U i-IUott 22 12 72 4S 1 OS 2 iy 2 61 9 0' 28 2H 17 00' 1 27W 831 2o WO .Kl 100 72 27(12 una ill utx ST. MAKYS BOIIOUGJ. Lot Nof. 1 2 1 1 4) 13 und 11, Indepci'di-nt Fire Co. No. 1, and liiilidlnir. '711 lax John llotliiitti., i lot aud limme. '70 tax Fi Hilda Krouenvetter, 79 tax N 4 : Kronen wptter, and new HUible. '7U nix Martin hortf,2 lol from Hill '79 lax 7 60 12 M 8 80-' 8 60- 7 GKOHGK WKILENBCEIINEK, Treaurer Treaurer s Ottlce. I IUdgway, Ph., April 1st, 'Ulj