The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, April 20, 1882, Image 3

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JoMon vets and pc'as should Ci in
'the rcm frl'Rbnnt these iIh.vh
. Writing fluid Iti larre or rfHiiill
'Vinnlitles lit Till': A'lA'ot Ai K ofllee.
Tlilrty-fiVe't" forty Tlaliimsoeeiipy
lie Hotel de liliincs near M. E. tiv
dcr'n blacksmith shop.
Note-Heno lied Line Edition,
"tieatly hound with calendar find fclot
Vt ui Tiik Anvoi-ATK ofHi?c.
A full feelintr after minis, ilyspep
la heartburn, and geneTsI health
Relieved liv ttnin n' Iron Bitter.
The Ilidjrway minstrels will tfc
lililit the people f Ridcwny, nt the
Dpera House tin Friday evening, April
Presbyterian social nt the resi
lience of Geo. II. Dixon, tin Tuesday
'evening. All nre cordially Invited to
Manhattan ti'id Pvifihton Heneti
the best lid C.ignr in this market, to
te found only nt A. ( Craig's new
)rtig and Variety StoT'y-.
Any person not receiving one of
llarry Chan pel's catalogues of liowers,
Cecils, etc., can be supplied by 'vallint;
ni The Advocate ofttee.
;1lutter 40 to 4u els., a pound pgy 2:1
'rts ndoz., potatoes $1.23 a bushel, and
flour $8.00 to $10.00 a barrel are BOine
'of the Ridgwiiy quotations.
Autograph Albums, Scrap Hooks,
Vancy box Papers, invitations lMrth
Vlay cnrdx, Pocket bcvoks, Portmoiinies
&e., a handsome line nt Craig's new
trug Store.
A physician pay tliat if mothers
Viid not take up the senseless priittlc
'of bnltiis and hul l it buck nt them
Under the pica that it is " hirby tall; "
children would sooner learn how to
'talk plain. They repent the jumble of
syllables that tin y first hear.
Jude;e Buchanan, Lawyi r. Toledo,
says: "Oncof Prof. Guilinet'e's French
Sidney Pads cured me of Itmilmtrn and
kidney dircuse in throe weeks' time.
M,v case had been (riven up by the best
'doctor ns incurable. During all this
'time 1 suffered untold turony and paid
tmt targe sum of money.
Engraved cut t Haws Tnih-t Bottles,
'f.npidiirv cut Stopper Unities for cover
ing, Eden in, Miirechal Xiel Rose,
Elorida Water, Lavender Water.
LundberyV Extracts f bulk, Flores
'ton, Austens, Hoyts and other popu
lar Colognes, Fine Toilet Soups,
Combs, Brushes, etc , In great variety
iat Craig's Drug Store,
Three pljroMis nre repoVtcl to be
In the vicinity of Mohan run, and in
consequence great excitement prevails
omonr our sportsmen. And in cave
itliose pigeons don't gvt away before
long look out for lively firlYig along
tthe win Ij line. Our itimabl eConstable
tleorge has ordered several thousand
loaded shells and war nny bo expect
led at an early day.
The English lnnsricige is being
Vapidly reformed in accordance with
the advanced morality of the times,
nd in no particular is the reform
tnnre striking than in the treatment
f that old-fashioned, ugly word
''lie." A statesman a lie Is now " di
plomacy," a Fttldier's 1 "strategy," a
society man's is " politeness," a poli
tician's is ' patriotism," and when a
reporter is found so unscrupulous ns to
tell one it is called an " item," if it can
not lie termed " humor."
Some further results of the census
vif the lftli of Dccinber last in France
tare now known. The total population
of France present on that day was
37,3i;i,0U0, ngainst 33,005,000 in l8'. a
increase of 416,000. The increase Is
almost entirely confined to the larger
towns. The 40 towns of 30,000 inhabi
and upward show a total increase of
population of IS.OOO. Only eight of
them reveal a diitilnuition, and only
four of these eight reveal udiminution
tf any moment. ThcseareSt.Etienne,
Which has lost o.ftoo inhabitants; Brest,
Which has lost 2,200; Cherbourg,
which has lost 1, P00; Versailles, which
Lias lost 1 5')0. On the other hand,
Paris, has gained 237,000, Marseilles
38,000, Lyons 30,000, Nice 25,000, Lille
16,000, Reims 12,000, nnd Havre. 10,000.
(Emporium Frees.)
A terrible accident occurred below
the big dam on Bennetts' Branch last
Thursday, by which two men, engaged
nn Cochran Bros, drive lost their lives.
John Grant and Henry Swift were
sent to get some logs off a bar, in the
river, and told to remain on the bar
Until the splash passed, but instead of
tloing as they were ordered, the men
each took a log and attempted to ride
down the stream. Grant who could
not swim, fell into the liver; gwift go
ing to his rescue and telling Grant to
lake hold of his cant-hook, which was
done and Swift made for the shore.
Grant was drowued before Swift
reached the shore and the. hitter
climbed upon a rock but was swept off
by a log and also drowned.
In consequence of the sudden and
unexpected death of the Rev. Mr.
Franklin, of Erie, the order of Bishop
Whitehead's arrangements was some
what disturbed. He has therefore
Changed the time of his visitation to
Grace Church Parish from Wednesday
to this Thursday evening, the 20th
Inst.', The Rite of Confirmation will
follow the sermon by the Bishop.
Service ut 7:30. All are lovingly in
vited. Immediately after the services a re
ception will be given the Bishop in
the Rectory from 9 to 10 p. tib A very
fcnrliij invitation l Mt9d-1 t sli
Mr. "Little Boss" Is still happy.
So mote It be.
C. W. Barrett, of Dagus Mines,
'Was in town yesterday.
Mrs. A. Swart. Ross has a itevere
attnek of tlTe erysipelas.
J. D. Parson, Esq.-, 'of Wllco,
was in Rldgway last Tuesday.
L. S. Itorfon, and wife of Brock
port, were Iti town en Tuesday.
M. S. Kline is now living In his new
nnd elegatit hotise Oh Cefitre street.
Kit. J. Luther, of this plKco hnbl
gone back to Erie to spend tire sum
mer. Tsnhc. 'Ross 'lias been sieknt Brooks'
boarding house with fever for soinej
Mrs. J. W. Eysteis of Erie enme
here last Friday and returned to Erie
oft Tuesday.
Frank Nichols has bceTi sick
nearly ever fince he moved to the
moufii oY Toby.
Italic Avery has ra("fl at Laurel
mill over 2,0oC,Ou0 feet of hemlock
boards all ready for a flood. And yet
the Hood comcn not.
Miss McGiolu has moved into her
new store room west of the Irish store,
and will son open up a slock of new
and elegant Spring goods.
Judge Dickinson hns staked out a
number f building lots on his farm
across the river. The h"ts are one
hundred feet square, and are desirable
lots for building purposes.
M'srj Hyde A Hall, wi'th com
mendable enterprise have commenced
the erection often dwelling houses on
the hill above the depot Nothing is
more needed ut present lli'an houses to
V. S. Service, Agent, is putting
up a tin roof on W. H. Osterhout's
barn. Tills is the largest tin roof in
the county und has a superficial sur
face of more than six thousand square
Ca l-l.A HAN. At Centcrville, on Sun
day. April M, lsi, Jeremiah Cal
lahan, iitred year.
Srfi.t,r-:ii. At (Vntervllle, Tuesday,
April IS, 182 to Mr. and Mrs. (4co.
Spuller, a sou.
Wood. On TiU-day, April IS, 1RS2,
to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wood, of
this place a daughters
fSi.KUiirr.--On Sundav, April lfi, 18'32,
to Mr. ami Mrs. Milton Sleight, of
Ridgwuy Borough, n son.
Nntionn! (iiuiril f.'iicninjiiiieiit.
llluriislur(5 rutriot.
Orders will be Issued iluring the
prcfdit. week relative to t lit? summer
eiicanifunen. Ahout three hundred
aci'es of ground have been s'eetircd at
Lewistown. on the Pennsylvania rail
road. A good portion of it is in sod
and n part in corn stubble. It is
hounded on one side by woods. Two
line streams of wider run close to it
one crosses it and the other lows on
one side. Altogether, it promises to
be nn excellent location. The pro
ceeds of the recent sale of condemned
arms nt the arsenal will be devoted to
the purchase of camp equipage.
IiHilruad Noics.
The suit of Bertha S. rowel
against the Sprinjiville St Sardinia
Railrond wrs tried Friday in the Cir
cuit Court, Buffalo, before Judge
Daniels. In 1S7S) the defendant ran
its tracks through the farm of the
plaintiff who refused to accept ?2oO
for the right of way and demanded
six bundled. The railroad refused to
pay any such sum, and on this trial
the jury awnr led the plaintiff $35.
Iluffato Courier.
The great treble at Rock Glen on
the Rochefter$: Pittsburg Road, which
is being filled in, is now half covered.
C. Thompson & Co.v who have it in
charge, say that it is a very particular
piece of work. The President of the
Rochester & rittsburg, Wulston H.
Brown, for whose approval Important
matters upon that road have long been
waiting, hardly arrived upon the line
before he was called to New York by
telegraph. The directors of the road
have delegated an agent to look into
the Warsaw salt-well mutters and see
if it cannot he bought and worked os
a payihginvestment. New York
capital can be secured by this syndi
cate in any amount to work interests
which will pay an ordinary per cent.
The Wyoming salt well is not worked
to its full extent nnd the company see
no active signs of anything being done
in Warsaw. They think it ouly re
quires a little enterprise and capital to
be made a paying investment.
The dingy little depot at Machias,
ou the Rochester & Pittsburg, at its
Junction with the Buffalo, New-York
& Philadelphia, will soon be repaired
and enlarged as it is too smalt for the
largely-increased business of the com
pany at this point. Large transfers
of freight, express, and passengers are
made at this depot for the oil regions.
Buffalo Erprens.
The Rochester Pittsburg Rail
road will run through Kinzua chasm
in Pennsylvania on a trestlework forty
feet high and the Erie trains will rum
ble over it 200 feet overhead. It will
be a curious sight to see trains of both
roads passing the point at the same
time, with such an enormous differ
ence lu the elevation of the tracks.
Negotiations are in progress for the
right of way of the R. P. through
Laundry Afency.
Gentlemen who like to have their
shirts, collars aud ouffi done Up in first
class style will be glad to know that
the Titusville Lauudry have establish
ed an agency here and goods will be
sent every Mouday regularly. Pack
ages left at Ridgway Bank or West
End Gallery will be forwarded prompt
ly by tb Agent . A. Pot
Bargains at Morgester's.
Jacob Butterfuss has Just recei ved
a new line of trHhks and satcfieft of
nil k'nuls.
'Cliolce String Beans, 2 cans for foe.
Choice green Peas, price reduced to
bfc per can. Choicc'Liina Benni, 18c.
Choice Succotash ISc. per can.
Choice Sweet Corn, 2 cans for 23c
NVlnslow'a Corn, 18c. Choice Toma
toes, 2 cans for feSo. Oood Peaches 2ie.
per can at Morgester's.
.o- -
Views of the Court Hoftse and
other public building in Ridgway at
the West End Uallery.
1 car load Flour, Feed, Mal,Corn,
Oats, etc., Just received ut Molester's.
--Picture frames, chromos nnd Stat
uary panels, oil paiPtTilgs, photo
graph albums, nnd Views at the West
End Gallery.
Axes, Spades, Axhandles nnd
Bark Peelers' supplies, nt Morgester's
Human Hair Goods of every dis
crlption, invisible nets und pins ht
Mrs. Jacob BVitterfuTis', Main Street,
opposite the Bogcrt House, West End,
Rldgway, Pa. Cell 'up stairs nnd see
American Sardines I5c. per can at
EjrgS Butter and Cheese
nt Mor-
A full line of faiVcy and staple
Groceries always in stock at Morges
ter's. The pupils of the Ridgway
Borough Schools will give n public
entertainment in 'the Oi'era House,
May 22nd.
Nothing is said about the "Little
Boss" this week. IU will, however,
receive further attention. Meanwhile
the price of cart whips advances.
Should yon be a sufferer from dys
pepsia, indigestion, maluria, or weak
ness, you can be cured by Brown's
Troll Bitters.
Work has been commenced on J.
S. Hvde's new railroad up Galagher's
run. This road is built to haul logs to
Mr. Hyde's new mill at Rough aud
Ready, ami will be standard gauge.
Miss Isabella Hiii, Allegheny City,
Pa. had Chronic Catarrh ; is well from
the u-e of Peruna.
Just received at tVie New York
Store a full line of ladies' walking coats
which will be sold at astonishing low
prices. Don't forget to cull and see
this elegant line of goods.
Cohun Bros , Bhownrtkine.
Important Decision.
The Supreme Court has just decided
against the Reading Railroad Com
pany In its appeal from ftu award of a
road jury, which assessed that com
pany and its brunch, the Nortli Penn
sylvania Railroad Company, for the
opening of u street M Rending. It
was held by the court that a railroad
company was Just as liable for an in
crease in the value of its property by
the opening of a street as a private
Newspaper Sharks.
That class who ake a paper for a
numberof years and stop without pay
ing for it, are reminded that " the new
postal law now makes the taking of n
newspaper and the refusal to pay for
the same, theft, nnd nily person guilty
of such nn act is liable to criminal
proceeding, the same as if lie had stolen
goods to the amount of subscription."
A theft, doubtless in the same category
of offenses, for one to order a pound of
coffee or any other groceries, when
wrapped or bagged and laid on the
counter, for the purchaser to walk ofT
witli the article without paying for it
a theft ns glaring as to take a news
paper from a postofllce box unpaid for
for a year, and when demand is made
refuse to pay for it. The law is a gooj
one and should be enforced, as is beiug
done in New York, a proprietor hav
ing instituted suit ngainst several sub
scribers for the offense. Another set
of offenders are those who remove
from the city and county and neglect
to pay their subscription, or remove to
another party of thoclty orthecountry
without giving notice of removal ; and
being indebted for the paper for some
months, conceive tills plan Of secrecy
an effectual one to get rid of payment.
Thus newspaper mcu are robbed of
their just dues a loss to which all nre
more or less subjected through doWh
rigbtdishonesty. Such sharks should
lie dealt with as the postal law sug
gests, and an example made of some
of them, would have a restraining
effect on others likewise offending.
The City of Montreal had stored
away ill the steerage six hundred
girls, who who come thither to enter
as domestics in families of the New
World. Many of them are represent
ed as exceedingly attractive in appear
ance, and they all seemed to be full of
life and hope. Sudh a cargo contained
the hopes of fond parents aud friends
who will anxiously wait to bear of
their arrival and Into what kind of
bands they are placed. Surrounded
by strange influences, a man or wo
man is a fiend that would seek .to mis
lead tneir steps. I ney come to earn
an honorable liviug, and no doubt
have hopes that by marriage they will
become the honored aud loved Wives
of Industrious men. May not one of
them lie disappointed. Williamxpbrt
Qatette and Bulletin.
In all,, rheumatic
i'h"!!.v on Peruni
diseases rely
Another Richmond In the Field.
Mtt. Editor: Last week's Demo
crat contained another communication
over the now familiar nomdeplums of
"Prof. San Grado,'' in which is a plain
Intimation of more to follow. Well
may one exclaim, "where Is this thing
to end."
Wio.i "Prof. Sr" Hrndor' By
their earmarks shal ye know them.
Seeking to establish hU identity upon
this hypothesis we Hud the .evidence,
so dlMlnctly marked ns to prove him
tobetbttsrtme doughty Knight who.
for the past three months has. weel; by
week, Inflicted Ills lucubrations upon
readers of the Democrat and the
AnvocATK.. wVer convenient and
nimon yirtous sigrintureH.t. ills
favorite, chosen pseudonym belns
respectively '"PYof. San Grado," "A
Woman," "A Man," "A Director,"
"Merely a Woman." -'A Child,'' "A
RepubfTcan," nnd "," in the ng
gregnfe making a mnsi of mutter flll
Inir many columns.
Now what is it all about? A patient
perusal of all these yoliitriinpn articles
lias led to the following discoveries,
vi.: That this man of multifarious
literary titles first introduced himself
to the ntibljc In tfic IJr.motrnt of Jan.
19 irtd after remarking in elegant
phrase that lie was "riled" proceeded
to verify his assertions by cynically
criticising t he proceedings of the then
just held Teachers' County Institute,
indulging iu unmanly flings und in
nueiulos aimed at those worthy
yountr. bidies from abroad 'who gave
"the elocutionary, and Vocal music
parts of thecvening's entertainments
which constituted ft feature of the
Institute, giving as his conclusions
that their vffurts only learned the
teachers of opposite sex the art of flirt
Imr. Following on he neikes a viru
lent thrust nt The Dutch ,wjio some
times come dwn from St. Maiys with
n fiddle under their arm, Interjecting
extremely uuencouraging allusions to
those Worthy young m.eii who fondly
hope t'o do boine good in tti'j world by
titling tliemsclvesand beeoniingschool
teachers. He then comes tugging
along at that Worcester's Indexed
Dictionary, which seems, lifts an in
cubus, to lie heavily upon his over
burdened mind. Anon, as no one
seems to think ids personal Pttacks
worthy of a reply he ingeniously sets
up the. mythical "A Man,' as do
school boys on warlike deeds Intent,
sometimes build up a snow man that
they may valiantly knock him down
again. A valuable contribution is
next furnished to the current high
toned und choice literature of the day
iu the form of a personal reminisCY-tice,
which might be entitled, "The
Legend of the Fly Speck." Shades
of Dickens! What genius so long unl
And now he makes a charge that
I'm; Advocate had divulged certain
state secrets, in short, had given him
away. 1 lie sequel proven tiik AO
ViK'ATK abundantly able to repel this
base charge and vindicate its honor
upon that point. A lot of stuff then
follows about tfiiobs and snobbery, aes
thetic, culture, the divine Oscef, etc.,
etc., which f far us any relevancy or
pertinency to the subject matter lie
has in hand goes for nothing,
"Twaddle mv hord, the merest twad
dle." Well, what next? the greatest,
surprise of all. Behold the child! a
wondrous child! "At first an infant,
mewling and puking in the nurse's
arms," but now a whining child, its
incoherent pratings affording the most
unmistakable instance on record of n
hud case of diarrhea of words accom
panied by extreme paucity of Idcis
(see Ei, k Advocate, Feb. 2d. third
column inside).
But enough of nil this. It only re
mains necessary to say that this self
sufficient superscrviecable gentleman
has seemed horrified for War somebody
might say something personal not en
tirely complimentary to himself. Are
thereno pcrsotialitiesdisccrnablein his
own profuse and exhaustive produc
tions? Nothing personal iu his
indelicate allusions to the elo
cutionist and the son gst re's??
Or the not even envert attacks
upon a public official of the county,
sworn to execute the law as he finds
It, not ns this bogus Professor might
wish it to be? Nothing personal in his
vile epithets applied to the editor of
HIE ADVOCATE.' Oil, no. .Nothing
personal in all these.
It is difficult to divine the precise ob
ject of this chivalrous Bob Acres of
questionable methods, In His
persistent eiiorts to create animosity
and social strife in this quiet, peace
loving community, who resorts
to the miserable subterfuge of employ
ing a female as amanuensis, that lie us
well ns tils chosen editor may he nme
to suy that a certain published article
wos really ivritten by a woman. He 1
also seeks to destroy our faiih in
the long cherished traditions associ
ated with the thoughts of n beautiful,
innodent childhood, by ascribing to it
sUch nonsensical gibberish as this writer
endeavors to make A child" responsi
ble for. It is suggested, however, that
the principal object sought is notoriety.
If this lie so, and the current com
ments of our people On this subject
afford any appreciable indication, one
might he led to belive lie had already
received aboutall of tliut kind of thing
lie could desire, and it is hoped he
will now generously surrender the
columns of our local press to other and
more legitimate use, suggesting that
the same persistent efforts hitherto
expended in endeavors to stir up tur
moil und social strife, if applied ex
clusively to the manipulation of the
tripod) thesctting of lines and running
of tangents, might in thecourse of time
secure a competency, und also the
pardon and adulation of a patient und
long suffering people. A. Pi.kbian.
Rochester & Pittsburgh Railroad.
Tliis company is still pegging away
at their railroad through this place.
On Friday rails and ties were taken
across the Clarion river above Dickin
son's dam on a timber ruft to the dis
puted grading above the Bulk Head,
and ail day Friday and all night Fri
day night aud Saturday and Saturday
night, and even ou Sunday gangs of
workmen were busily engaged laying
the ties and spiking down the ruils, so
that by Monday morning the grude
aloug the hillside assumed very much
the appearance of a liveruilroud. More
Iron and ties will be laid at once, and
the work will be pushed right along
Mr. Miller, superintendent of con
struction is here in person overlooking
the work, while Mr. Getchell, (or as
the Hungarians say the big boss), as-
sistautsuperiutendent, isou the ground
and making things go in his usual
business like manner. It will riot be
many moons before the scream of the
locomotive will wake the echoes be
tween here and the mouth of Toby,
and ou to Brockway vllle. This road
is bound to be built aud at once.
More persons have been cured
with Peruna than with all other reme
dies put toyethpr.
Poisonous Honse Plant
It Is said that every part of that
favorite bouse plant, the oleander, Is
deadly poison, and It. really ought never
to be permitted togrow where children
can touch it. A single tuft of the leaf
poisoned k valuable horse which ate It,
lying the next dny, the acid poison
doing its work very quickly. The
flowers have been known to produce
death to those who, thoughtlessly
picking the flowers, nte tlicrh. As
fiiany persons are entirely Ignorant of
the poisonous qualities of tl'i'e plant, ft
would be well to have tbii knowledge
more widely spread.
Co. A, 12th Regt., of Renovo, dis
banded on Tuesday evening says the
Record. The boys have too much
work on hand to give mifitaiy nlfuir
the time and attention demanded, and
requested to be disbanded. We hear
the arms and accoutrements will he
delivered over to the Stute authorities
tills week.
I had Chronic Rheumatism for one
year; had been given up to die by two
physician. Peruna cured hie. Win,
Curt., Pittsburg, Pi.
Wantkd. A smart active boy, 16
to 18 years of nge, who writes a good
plain busine.o.'i hand, and who Is not
afraid to work. Address the under
signcd4 J. H. S i nfci.t, fe Co.
2t. Dagus Mines, Fn.
havn nlrendy
been polil in
tins country
ami 111 France
oviry oiO)
of which linn
(: I veil perfect
nnd litis per
pernieil cures
pvery Mnie
when tiRCttse-
cnruiMK t'
Wc now ray to the afflicted and doubt
ing ones that we will pay the
above reward fo a tingle
easo 'of
Tlmt the Fp.'I fat'' to pure. This crenl reincily
UII IMnlMvcly anil IVrinnnently euro 1 ,11m
bitKfi. I, "nn. lfurk. Sc'mt icn, ' ravel. I Hiiliclcs,
Dropsy, KrlKlifs Disease of the ltiilnwys. In
coiuliipnii. ninl Hetciuliia of.llir. t'llno. Pain
In the Hack, Kl.le or l.olns, Xervons Weak
ness, mill In fact all disorders of the Milliliter
nnd t'rlnnry 1 iiuans whellier contracted by
private disease or otherwise.
LATHES, if you nre suffering from
Female. Weakness. Leueorrluea, or anv dis
eawoO the Kidneys, Bld.l Jer, or I'rinury Or
Without swallowing nauseous medicines, by
ftimpiy wearing
French Kidney Pad,
Which Cures by Absorption.
Ak! your dniL'srlst lor l'ROF. Oini.MKT
TK'is 1-rench Kidney Dad, and lake no other.
If he has not Kot It, send V2.00 and you will
receive the t'ad by re urn limit,
Toledo, O., says:
'Oine of Prof. Oiillmcttc's French Kidney
Pad8 cured me 1,1' I,iini!iiii In three weeks
time, My cane had been given up by the
llept Doctors as Incurable, Durlnt? nil this
time I suffered untold ngony and paid out
large sums of money."
GEORGE VETTER, .t. P. Toledo, 6.
"I suffered for three years with Sclntlcntind
Kidney Disease, nnd often had to ro about on
crutches, I was entirely nnd permanently
cured alter wenrhm Pro!. O'illmetto'8 Frcucu
Kidney Pad four weeks."
'SQUIRE N. C. .SCOTT, Kylvania, O.
"I have been a (.'rent. suM'erer for 10 yenrs
with Hrlitht's I'lsease of the Kidneys. For
STclt nt u lime I wok unable to (jet out of
bed; took barrels of medicine' but they ulve
me only temporary relief. I wore two of
Prof, fjullniette's Midncy Pads nix weeks,
nnd I now know that 1 an entirely cured'.''
Toledo, O.
"For years I have been confined, n Krent
pari of the timo to my bed, with hucorrlicen
and female weaknes. I wore one of (Jull
meltn's Kidney Puds und wits cured ill one
H. B GREEN, Wholesale Grocer,
l'i nil land, O.
"I suffered for 25 yenrs with lame back nnd
In three weeks permanently cured by wear
ing one of Prof. Uullmette'H Liver 1'nds."
B. F. KEESLlNG, M. D. Driiirgisb,
Logunsport, Ind.
When semllnir In nn order for Kldnev
Pails, writes: "I wore one of the first ones
we hud nnd i received more bcncllt Irom It
than Hiiytiiin 1 every used. In fact the
Pttds eive better general batlsfaclton than
nny Kidney remedy we ever sold."
It A X & SUOEMAKLli, Druggists,
Haimihul, Mo.
Wre nre vrnrklnff hn a llvelv trade in vour
Pads, nnd are hearing of good results irom
them every day.'1
Guaranteed Unequoled
improvement! and Convenience! found 1
so ethers.
Alviays Reliable,
tor Er!o Ja Every City and Towa
Ram and Jealousy.
At Emporium last Monday evening,
Preston Gower, crazed with, rum, and
Jealousy murdered his brothef-lrt-hiw,
Clarence Llndsley, shot lilt) .wife
through the heart and cut her tfifoJA
and then committed suicide by shoot
ing himself. The woman he murdered
was twenty-two years of age, being hfs
second wife. His first wife left him
fin account of jealoii ty and 111 trent-
ment. Llndsley's wdfeandGowers' wife
were sisters. He was also twice mar
ried, bis rlr-t wife dylmr some ten
years ago, airs, uower was formerly
n Mrs. Gilbert and lived at Bath, N.
Y. Since she lived with Gov.ers sJip
has maintained a good character
and given him no ..'cunse fr
jealousy. On a chair near the as
sassin's body was ucopyof the lirenkjiiHl
Tab'r. with an open jack-knife upon it.
On the margin of the newspaper writ
ten in a plain neat bund: "I caught
them in fornication." .The writing
is believed to be tin hHVcinailoii. The
verdict of the corner's jury was: "Pre
meditated murder caused by ground
less Jealousy. The murderer had a
bottle of gin nt ills work and
had 1teen drinking all day.
DiTorce Xntlee,
In Owrt of Com
inon I leas of Elk
Co., No. SO, Nov.
Term. m.
Wm. Citkati.e,
To Agnes Cheatle, Defendant above
named, you will please lake, notice
that in the above case a subpoena and
alius subpoena have been issued and
returned uon ct inventm. You nre
hereby reouired to nppear in t lie above
case on the first dav of the rtext term
of said court, (May 22, 1882,) to answer
to the said complaint.
9-13-5't. Sheriff.
XJLe.eipts and Expenditures of Fox
Township, for Uif year 1891, endiug
March 3,
, . . nKCICI PTS.
Amount collected tin Seated Dupll
cat. 1.133 S?
Amount received from K. Hyatt, col
lected ex-itoad lssil....... Hi OS
Amomit received from County Com- '
misatoiicis sno 00
S2,lVi US
Excess of Kxpemlittire over Hec'pts. 578 l;i
Amount worked on rond by tiiTnMes il.m V
pnld In money
" paid H. 11. Moyer iSupervl's..
" ' teumwork
" " ' hired meu
" A. Hnu. Supervisor
, " teamwork ;
" ' hired men
' Treasurer Drown percentage
.1 .1. Tavlor A. I'o. ludmnciit
:w 70
21H 00
4H .VI
in so
2iS IK)
urn 50
1W Iji)
45 -'to
in.full fc
Town ulerk, Wilt I ai
" Auditors 37 60
" of orders drawed over work
slid mnlei iiil 1W5 86
,7:l 18
Amount nwlved from E. Hyatt, col
lector. l.i SI7 SI
Amount received from Jacob Moyer,
collector, 1SS1 I" 1 reeeiveil IV11III .lOM. KllllllCrt
former Trciumrer - 11 M
Excess of Expenditures...
ls-3 18
$ 1,021 02
Amount of orders redeemed S i5 W?
" interest paid on order No. lit ol
" until on lititirmcllt No. 2.1. iSeO.
Term. lStfO 58 00
k nt lit nn liiilirmenL J..1. Tivv-
lor A Co i 00
Aiw.iinl oiihl 'rreusiirer Brown ier-
eentaile 85 40
Amount paid H.ll. -Moyer, overseer, SB 00
" Andrew Him " 44 UO
" ' ipfimwvii-k und mate
rial furnished 1'iuiuem iX 24
Excess of Expenditures over hoce'U
Amount dun from J. McMnckhl.
l.(l 02
1-5 18
collector. 1S77 $ 513 27
Aiiioinii ilue from F.uiene li vatt col
lector. ISfSI , '. &75 73
Amount l 11 e tVoi it KULifllA llvatt COl-
lector, workluu tux. isso W2 C9
Anifimit ilue fi-niii Kotrcne 11 vultcol-
lector, work Inn tax, issl 173 IS
A mi ii 1 1 1 1 due from M. Brown on set--
tleinent. ISSO 130 05
A iiioimi ilue from Unseated Lauds
1;M 831 93
A mount, doe from Unsealed 1,hih1h.
extra road. 1SNI 93 SI
A tnon nt rlne from ITnRealed Lands.
1S1 213 09
. . . . 83,615 67
AnVo'urii.'o'f out standhiK orders. ...
' " unpaid Judgments
.... SUlt 33
.... 1,6711 14
J,8i 47
. 025 au
Asktteln Ex'bW . ;.'..".. .'.'...,......
Amount duo from Eugene Hyatt,
collector, lSfSJ 293 54
Amount due from Jacob Moyer, col
lector, ISM 502 30
Amount due from Unseated Lands
1SSI) 847 44
Amount due from Unseated Luuds
mi 7S2 37
(2,430 U6
Amount out uliindln'K orders..
. ? 8t9 15
due County Commissioners
raid Dlxmont Hospital support
Kate Conner 351 58
J1.200 73
.. 1,228 t2
AfiKot In Rrcesii
AbKeshuil valuation of Heul Estate....
We, the undersigned, Auditors of
Fox Townsiiip liuving exftniiiied tlie
several accounts of said towriislilp for
ttieycur 1881, ending Marcli 13, 1S&!,
li ml as above set forth.
Jamks Lusk, )
O. E Okekn, Auditors.
P. W. Hays. )
Public Sale.
There will be exposed to public sale
the valuable real estate on Broad street
known as the L. Ltitlier property, and
is b0 feet on Broad street and 190 feet
along an alley next Hyde's store. On
which is erected a . frame building 2Sx
88 with wing ltx:)8. add one frame
barn. Terms cash.
M. II. Luther.
Executor estate of Libbeus Luther
Office Main Street Hyde's Opera
Building up stairs.
Office Hours. Frririi 9 to 12 a. m.,2 to Q
fend 7 to V p. m.i Hesldence Mr. Dr. T. 8.
Hartley'!, corner ol boulli aud Broad streets.
A fair ihsre of tlie peeple's palronaea trv-Uettod
Business Cards.
Main street, Rldgway, Elk Co., Pa.
Pn'fttn'iilnr ntlnntlon fflven to the
examination of titles, also to patent
and patent cases.
Office In new brick. building, Main
street, iVidgwuy, E'.k Co., Pa. v82t
j. s. tffnjawELL, . ..,
.Over t .ventv live year practice. .
Office oil Main Street. Ridgway, Pa.,
opposite Hit , I'.ogert House. Office
hours from 1 '.'. t and 7 to 8, V. M.
Late of St rattan VJI!e)-, ph j-sicinh and
Surgeon, RhlgwaV, .Ph. - OHlce in.
Hall's B-iek' Building-'.TOp stairs)
Referenees J. 1). SitfjUV H, L,
Young, R. Rulofson, StvaJtOiUytire;
Major John Kitley. W. V. Gift'en;
hind, Clarion. Office hours 1 to 2
P. M. an'''. V to 8 P. M.
Q. G. MESSEwfcei , ()
N. W. corner of Main nnd Mill street.
Ridgwav, Pa., full assortment of enre
futlv selected Foreign and Domestic
Driigsi VreseViptloi's carefully dis
pensed at all hours, day or night.
V. H. SCII RAM, Proprietor,
Ridgway, Elk country. Pa.
Thankful for tlie nutronagc hereto
fore V lihcritllv hestowed linon liim.
tlie new nroiirietor hopes, by paying
strict attention to tlie comfort and, con
venience of quests, to m-frit a coiuinu
ance of tiic wanie.
.Tliousnnds of graves are annually
rohh'edof the. victf uis,- UVes prolonged
happiness and heulth restored hy the
use of the great
w h i ch posl t i vel y an d prem u n e n tl y cu res
I m potency (caused by excesses of any
kind), Pei'iiinal weakness, and all dis
eases thut follows rts iequence of
Self-Abuse, ns loss of energy, loss of
memory, universal liisitutle, pain in
tlie back, dimness of vision, premature
old age, and many other, diseases .that
lend to insanity or consumption ana a
premature grave
Send fardreulnrs with testimonials
free by mail. The IN Via ORATOR
is sold at $1 per box, or six boxes for
So by all druggists, or will be sent for
by mail, securely scaled, on receipt of
price by addressing
F. J. CHFNFY, Driifcclat,
187 rtnmniit St., TOLEDO, OHIO.
Sole Agent for the United States. .
The most woundejful curative rem
edies of the present day, are those that;
come from Germany, or at lenst origi
nate there. The most recent prepara?
tion pluced upon the market in this
country, is the GREAT GERMAN
INVIUOHATOR, which hns never
been known to fell in curing a single
ense of inipolency, spcrniatorrhfeu,
weakness and all diseases teeutiiig
from self-abuse, us nerveous debility,
inability, meittnl , anxiety, languor
lassitude, depression of spirfts and,
functional derangements ol'lhetie'rvoue
system. For sale by druggists, or sent
free by mail on receipt of tlie paice
$1.00 SOieAgent for tlie United States)
Send for circular. For sale by Chas.
McVeuu, St. Marys, Pa.
and . ROOK OF FLOWERS send
free lo any address. ;
Florist and Seedsman,
. . Williamsport, Pa.
HfefOiV A. Parsons, Jr., Loeul agent
.Wdgwky. Pa.
No. 42 Main St.;
- N N T-X
W. S Service, Ag'i:
iw violin, til i iu hui.ttj.i. .iitiL.ninr.K i
rnoia, or vomiting, uka . i v -jjcniil
'ForemiRh, n-tiimn, nl ;bt rrvrnts. ehort-tvl
"For chronlo etarrh, tonc!:lt;i.rLurW. J
and sore tliroatof auy klud-i'tutji a.
eOtlent tiedlciuu tu.,ui4iiuuL" mmmniPJ
VinEfCSA i ,h0 b"s' rvt!T. purest
ton I c finest invWi.ra.i r (t tin ry nnd
- mini m ummii ail in mvum
T,t -or f'rl"l ment -.'.l;- eon' t iwt Tfake
ll.!',100?.,?,1J,lall '"Mi'litlini.urltyorll
".o.u. un.bUly UUIuUlUllU 1'i.Ut'lSA. " iMflM
Bold pyerrwhero. .For jmei hlet wr he to.
c. ii, uilliJUN & lo., ifeuuru, Olilu;
If you ara rli k. f.l bmiiv. fl
QIIWelL LakaV'Klii:!; an.l h-nil.i. ii...ll
u.ui. --r uv.
I A ' "i'or rata. In tl's llmb, back, ttumacb. K
I Jorcuit, mj.t ci- rlioukier L!alcs. tjko Pe-I