SUMMARY OF NEWS. Eastern and Middle States. Two distinct eirthquake (hocks wore folt at Amsterdam, N. Y., and vicinity. A labcie ruase mooting to protest against the imprisonment of Amorioan citizens in Ireland bag been bold in tlio Cooper Institute, Now York. Mayor Grace presided, and apoechos cre made by Congressmen S. J. Randall, 8. 8. Cox, Oodlore 8. Ortli, J. A. Bcranton, and Lord, of Michigan, United Senator Jones, of Florida, General Roger A, Pryor, Samuol F. Cary, of Oliio, Mrs. Parnoll, mother of the Irish land league leader, and others. Letters of regret at not having able to be present were received from United States Senators Mlllor, Lapham, Vest, Fryo, Beck, Sowoll, Cockroll, Pendlotnn, Fair and Jonas, Speaker Keifcr, Samuel J. Tilden, Koscoe Conkling, Governir Foster, of Ohio, and Long, of Massachusetts, about a dozen Congressmen and other prominent men. A long scries of resolutions was read and adopted, which began altor a number of pream bles, by declaring that "wo, the oitizons of New York, irrespective of creed, race, extrao. tion or political affiliation, desire to express our earnost sympathy for those imprisoned citizens in British dungoons and our deep displeasure at the official neglect or evasion ol duty which has abandoned them to the mercies ol their nnrriipulons jailers." " The sycophantic beariiu' of Jnmes Russell Lowell, our minister i t the co irt of St, Junes, joined with his super cilious replies to the appeals of our unlawfully 'mprisoned fellow-citizens," it was next de clared, "has been viewed by us with mingled feolings of disgust and indignation." Th? resolutions then denounced "the flunkeyism which airs itself in Anglicized circles in this country," and declared that "notwithstand ing the profound sympathy which true Amer icans feel for Ire anil and -Jier cause, since that cause is kin to of the spirit of '76, the issues now i:i volved constitute not au Irish question, nor an English question, but simply an American question." The chairman and secretary of tlio meeting were roquested to send a copy of tho resolutions to the Presi dent and Vice-Prosidout, to evory cabinet officer and to every Senator and Representa tive in Congress. Thb Garfield club, of New York, sent to Was ington a petition over a milo long and containing the names of more than 130,000 persons who ask the PrcsiUont to pardon Ser geant Mason for shooting at Guiteau, Adklina Patti, tho opera singer, sailed from Now York for Europe. The will of Henry V. Longfellow, after uauiltiK euvcrnl small sums given to relatives, leaves tho balance of his property to his chil dren, A FinE at Hopkinton, Mass., destroyed the town hall, a largo boot factory and other busi- nese bouses, causing an estimate ! total loss of $350,000. Tlio boot factory was the mainatay of the town, employing about 600 hands. Three thousand barrels of petroleum, 19,000 empty barrels, 100,000 pounds of glue, with other property of the Standard Oil company, were consumed by the flames at Pittsburg, Ta,, , involving a loss of about 1 123,000. : The Connecticut house of representative pasted a resolution indorsing Pi evident Arthur's action m vetoing the anti-Chinese bill. ! Ix the Rhode Island State election tho Re publican ticket was successful by a majority of 4,383. The ecnate stands twenty-eight Repub licans to eight Democrats, an 1 the lions:. about ti.-.ty !! publicacs to ten Democrats. At a picture ealo in New Y'ork ninety-five paintings were sold for $132,000, or an average of $1,388 for each picture. Tho highest price brought by a single picture was $10,010, paid for Boungeroau's "Nymphs and Satyr." , Btuikes are increasing among the different trades in Now York and other parts of the East ern and Middle States. Tukodoiif. GKtn.MiD, a New l'ork brash maker, drank twelve pints of beer, and upon bis wife's refusal to permit his nine-year-old stepson to get any more ho crushed in the boy's skull with a hammer and then cut his own throat. Both wcro taken to the hospital in a dying condition. The schooners Victor and Northerner, which sailed from Gloucester, Mass., for George's Bank nearly two months ago for codrish and halibut, have been given up for lost, with their crews of twentv-two men. The usual time of the voyage is three weeks. James Fitzgebm.d, one of tho "banco swindlers who allured Hon. Charles Francis Adams into a den in Oostou and induce 1 him to sign a check amounting to Sl!',35f, was ano-t-eJ. Tho swindlers, who took advantage of Mr. Adams' mental we.iknesj and hvl tin effrontery to present the ch supposing Mr. Adams' family wjnld s ibmii to blackmail ra'her than have a p j expo sure, found theiusi-lves grievously mistaken and thereupon left for puU unknown. "Jcmeo," the largest cap ive elephant in tLc world, weighing about eh; tons, a; rived i:i No York a few days aa'o on au oclmm Htcatuship direct from tho Loudon Zool gKitl gardens. An astonishing easo of fatality is reported from Philadelphia, where three eisleis Mrs Sarah Watsun, a widow fifty-two year oi l Mrs. Cynthia Winsmore, fifty-eight years oi l, and Mrs. E izabeth Smith died within tei, minutes of each cher in tho same room. Mr Watson was taken suddenly sick and while vi two sisters were at hor bedside she di ;d. 'I'm two remuining sistera wcro eo overcome tha they both died in a few minutes from uo.vou prostration. As idea of tho pres'nt tremendous rush of emigration to America may be gathered from the fact that in the week of April the ar rivals at Castle Garden, Now Y'ork, numbered 13,016, being 5,721 more than iu the corre sponding week of last year. Ev a vote of 100 to 2 the Pacific mill weavers of Lawrence, Mass., decided not to accept the offer of the corp iration to allow them to return to work on tho corporation's schedule with tho promise that their wages should be as high as are paid by any other mill. Houth and West. A St. Joseph (Mo.) dispatch says that great excitement was aroused by the report that Jesse James, the leader of the notorious James gang of railroad and bank robbers, bad been killed He wag living with his wife in a shanty on tbe outskirts of St. Joseph, and two brothers named Ford, members of his gang, were bis compan ions. James and the two Fords were in the front room together about 9 o'clook in the morning. James took off bia belt and laid his pistols on the bed, preparing to wash himself, when Robert Ford sprang up behind him and sent a bullet through his brain. The ball en tered the back of bis bead at the base of the right brain, coming out over the eye. The Ford brothers at onoe made known what tuey baa done and gave themselves np. A number of men identified the body, which was that of s fine-looking man, apparently forty years old, as being the corpse of Jesse James. The Ford brothers claim that they are detect ives and that they have been on James' tracks for s long time. It is believed that they were with James in the Bine Cut train robbery, and that they were influenced in killing him by the lions of getting tha big reward which has been offered for James, dead or alive, by the gov. ernor and by tbe express and railroad com panies. Robert Ford, who did ths killing, is a young man of twenty-two. A Cniaxao business horns' has signed a con tract with Sergeant Mason 'to give b.m a posi tion at 1 1,500 a year as soon as he is released from prison. At municipal elections in Western cities the Democrats carried Cincinnati, Cleveland, Day ton and Toledo, Ohio ; Indianapolis, Ind.j De troit, Mich.; Dubmpio, Iowa, and Minneapolis, Minn. The Republicans carried Milwaukee A combination of Domocrats and Groenbackors was successful in Grand Rapids, Mich. At Kokomo, Iud., a prisoner charged with a horriblo crime was taken from tho jail by a mob and hanged. A nogro who Bhot and killod a policeman at Kansas City, Mo., was seized by a party of citizens, who hanged him from a street bridge, Owino to a system of torrorism which is be ing praotlced in Arizona Torritory toward Chi namen, in addition to othor acts of lawlessness, Governor Tritle telegraphed to the rrosidont, asking assistance for the protection of life and property. TnE graves of tho Confederate dead wero decorated with flowers the other day at Now Orleans. A colored man who had assaulted a woman was taken from jail at Winfield, West Virgiuia, and hanged to a tree. By a fire at the insane asylum at Yankton, Dakota, five persons lost their lives.- A fire at Cincinnati destroyed St. Xavier's Roman Catholic church, causing a loss of about $130,000. The steamer Belle Mac, one of tho best tow boats on the Mississippi, whilo on her first trip of tho season exploded a boiler with terrible effect. She had a crow of seventeen men ail told, and not one among tho entire number escaped without injury. Six were killed out right by the catastrophe, three wero probably fatally injured and tho survivors wore more or less hurt. The accident happened not far from La Crosse, Wis. IU'Mons of the assassination of Governor Crittendon.of Missouri, in revenge for the killing of Jesse James, proved to bo founded on a mis take; but it is belicvod that the governor may be assassinated any moment by Frank James or somo other desperate member of the gang. Six masked men entered the passenger coach of a train near Cleburne, Texas, and while tour of them guarded tho doors the other two, with revolvers drawn, went through the car robbing the passengers, after which they jumped off and disappeared. DisPATcnES from New Orloans say that the crisis in the inundated districts of the lower Mississippi baa been passed, the swollen river having fallen. Tin: grand jury of tho criminal ourt at Memphis returned Indic'ments for involuntary manslaughter against S. C. Mclutire, captain ; J. N. Bondnrant, first mate ; J. C. Ilill, second mate; and "Wash" Smith (colored) captain of the watch of tho steamer Gulden City, which was bnrucd at the wharf there with heavv 1- si of life. From Washington. In his message to the Senate vetoing the bill to restrict Chinese emigration the President asserts that the suspension of the coming of Chinose laborers to this country for twenty years would be a breach of our national faith as pledged to China in the treaty of 1SS0. Ho reviews the negotiations at tho form ing of the treaty, to show that neither of the contracting parties contemplated tho pas sago of an act containing a prohibition of emi gration for tweuty years, or thought that such a period would be a reasonable suspension or limitation. He adds that be is deeply con vince! of the necessity for some legislation on this subject, and points out features of this act which, bo thinks, oould bo modified to advantiigo. Ho Bays the systom of personal registration and passports is undemocratic and hostilo to tho spirit of our institutions. Tha Chinese minister has reminded him that tho bill makes no provision for the tran-it across tho United States of Chinese subjocts now residing in foreign countries. Good faith, and good policy too, he thinks, require us to suspend the emigration of Chinese laborers fir a loss period than twenty years. No one, the President asserts, can say that the country has not profited by the work of the Chinese; and the Pacific States, he declares, are full of evidences of their industry. Now it is supposed they are not needed there, but there may be other sections of the country, ho suggests, where their labor may be ad vantageously employed without interfering with the labors of oar own race. Finally, tho President declares that the trada of China has been very valuable to us, and especially to California, and that tho policy of this bill must ropol it. It may be, ho savs, that tho great and paramount in terest of protecting our labor from Asiatic competition justifk-s us in a permanent adop tion of this policy ; but it is wiser iu tho first place to mako a shorter experiment, with a view hen-after of maintaining permanently only such features as timo and cxporionca may commend. Secretary Foloeb he issued a call for the redemption of $15,000,000 of bonds of tho loan of July 17 and August 5, 1SC1, continuod at percent, from July 1, 1881. Principal and accrued interest nill be paid at the treasury cn Jane 7. TnE President nomiuated John J. Piatt, of Ohio, to be consul of the United States at Cork. Ax amendment to tho army bill adopted in the House provides for tho compulsory retire ment of officers who have served for fortv ye ars or who aro sixty-two years old, without exception. Secretary Frelixwiuysex in a report to tho President eays a portion of tho American citi zens imprihoi el in Ireland have been release I, and negotiations are in progress for the reloasa of the others. The Houso committoo on elections by a vole of seven to two adopted tho majority re port in tlio South Carolina contested rasa iu favor of Muckry agt. Dibbcll. By the provisions of tho army appropriation bill, which has passed the Houso, many promi nent officers, including GoncraU Blioruuu and Iluncock, will bo retired during the next five years. FonTnEit nominations by tho President: James R. Partridge, of Maryland, envoy ex traordinary and minister plciiiotcnti:i,v to Pern. Honry C. Hall, miuistcr rosidont of fio United Btates to the Centrnl Amoricau States. A. V. Keasboy, attorney of the Unitod States, diatrict of New Jorsov, Tbe President sent the following important nominations to the Senate: Henry M. Toller, of Colorado, to be secretary of the interior; William K. Cbandlor, of New nampshiref to be secretary of the navy; William H. Hunt, of Louisiana (secretary of the navy), to be envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the United States to Russia; Rowland Worth ington, proprietor of, the Boston Travel er, to be collector of custom at Boston. In Senate executive session tbe same day the nomi nation of Mr. Teller was confirmed. Henry M. Teller was born in Allegany county, N. Y., May 23, 1830. He studied law and was admitted to the bar in New York city. Iu 1838 he removed to Illinois, and three years later he went to Colorado, where he has since resided. He never held an office until he was elected to the United States Senate as a Republican on the admission of Colorado as a Stato. He took bis seat on December 4, 1876, and km re-elected on December 11, in the earns year, for a term which will expire ou March S, 1883. His boms is in Central City, Colorado. Tbi bill of exeeptions taken in ths case of Charles J. Guiteau, and signed by Judge Cox.of the criminal court, makes a pamphlet of thirty nine pages. There are thirty-two exceptions as to matter? ocourring tip to thn timo when tho case was given to tlio Jury, and exceptions also to tho riiliugs of tha court denying a new trial, and overruling ths motion in arrest ol Judgment. To the charge of Judge Cox no lesi than thirty-six clauses are mado the subjects ol exception. The House committoe on education and la bor lias directed Representative Sherwin, ol Alabama, to draft a bill to be submitted to tha committoo recommending that an appropria tion of $10,000,000 bj made to be expendod throughout the Unitod States for educational ptirposos in accordance with the ratio of illit eracy. lilil'liESENTATIVE TltOJIAS AtXEX, of Mis-s-mri, born at Pitt-field, Mass., ia 1813, a i iimincnt railronl man anl at ono timo the printer to Congress, died the othor day at the Arlington hotel after an illness of several weeks. Ho loavos an eatato valued at about $13,000,000. Foreign News. Haxlan, the champion oarsman, (lefoatod Boyd, the Englishman, easily in a three-mils race on the Thames. Ax unsuccessful attempt has been made to kill William B. Smytho, a wealthy land-ownct of county West meal h, Ireland. Mrs Smytho, his brother's wifo, who, along with Lady Har. riot Monck accompiuioi Mr. Smythe, was shot dead, tho bullet scattering her brains about the carriage in which they were return ing from church. Three persons an evicted tenant, his wifo and son were arrested. S.uiAit Bernu.uidt, tho noted Fron.ih ao tress, has just been married in Lon ton to M. D.unala, a wealthy Greok. The assassins of General Stroluikoff have been hanged at Odessa, Russia. Labor disturbances on a large scale have taken place in Barcelona. Spain. Workmen to tho number of 33,000 filled the streets of the city and a state of siego was proclaimed. A Jewish family of nine person? hive been murdered by three Russian soldiers at Sjubetz. The London PiM MaV. (Untile criticises the present system of administering Irish affairs, and suggests tu governing of tlio country by a commission to bo composed of a good law yer, a practiced e'.alfcsuiau and a sensible soldier. A TcnpEDO exploded at Toulon, France, aa eleven sai ors were about to throw it into the sea. Three of the sailors were killed and the eight others were seriously wounded. Another dynamite mine has been discov ered beneath the Nicholai railway at tho fourth station from Moscow, Russia. Many persons have been arrested on suspicion of being im plicated in the plot. Ix many parts of Mexico a strong feeling is manifesting itself against the provalent "amuse ment" bull-fighting. Mr. Smythe, tho Wcstmeath (Ireland) land lord whoso eister-in-lav was shot to death while coming from church, has written to Mr. Gladstone charging him with the responsibility of tho eleed. Drnixo market day at Wa!egojulawos,Russia an attack was made upon the Jows of the town, and thirty shops and eighty houses were de stroyed. A boat's crew of six men was drowned during a storm in the harbor of Victoria, B. C. TrixcE Gortscuakoff has retired from the position of Russian minister of foreign affairs, ind M. de Giors, his assistant, has been ap pointed his successor. Fatal Storm in the West. Portions of Michigan. Iowa. Missouri and Kansas have been visited by a tornado in which many lives were los-t ana mucu property eic Bt roved. Near Raymond, Kansis, John Wil- sou a iieiiso was blown uuwn auel .Mrs. Wilson was killed and a Sirs. Parker fatally injured. Several other large and strongly built houses were demolished in the neighborhood. Pro ceeding northward the storm struck the new and thrivinc town of Chase, demolish ing twenty out of tho twenty-six build ings in 'the place, and tlnowing cars from tho track. Mr. Read, a hotel keeper, was killed, and his wife fatally injured. Another woman and a child were also' killed. At about tho same time in the evening a small cyclono pas-ed tliruugli the eastern part of tho county, doing considerable dninaco. It was accoiu- pauiel by a waterspout, pouring a dolugo ol water in some p aca, an l diowuing every thing li'ose in others. 1 lie wind sucked an ot the water out of the wells. As tho cloud approached Chaso it was in tho shape of a fun nel, whirling and twisting with fearful veloe ity. Churches and other buildings iu its path Were completely wrecked. Near Highland Sta tion, Micliiian.tlio dwelling of a man named Craudall was blown down, killing Crandall and one child, and severely iniuriu" a dauchter. guest named Mrs. Tajlor, of l'ontiac, was alan killed, and several other persons were more or Ic-ms injured. The hr.n ieano covered an area ol Icbs than half a mile wido, but is reported to have lev led ovei vtlung in its path. In Oakland county, Mich., Lafayette Ran de I, his uster nnd little boy, and Mrs. Henry Tyler, were killed. A little daughter of Tyler had her arm so badly cinslicd that amputaiiou was necessary. Miss Cora Ward was also in jured. Tne debris had tin appearance of an explosion, everything being ground to atoms. An idiot sister of Horace Sherman, of Kalamo, was killed, his mother's sister's leg was broken. his wile's jaw was dislocated, and the whole familv was carried a distance ot litty rods hv the storm and thrown into a swamp, badly bruised. At Keosaurjna and Humeston, Iowa, and Cahnka and Ashton, Mo., tho damage was especially severe. A dispatch trom licosauana the comity scat of Van lluren county, stales that the huiricano wrecked a great enal of m nperiy and played much havoc throughout the Lowor Den Moines valley. At K' osaugua a large new honee in which a locomotive was kept (IcmclisLed. A liremau was uailly injured. Two or three brick houses wero partly clemol ished. Heavy sections ot tho sidewalk were torn up and borno awav by tho wind. The wind tore up trees and blew. down fences iu all directions. "WISE WOltDS. That which is well done is twice done. A blithe heart makes a blooming visage. Ba'ter one word in time tban two afterward. None bnt tbe wise man can employ leisure well. People seldom improve when tbey bave no otber model than themselves to copy after. Fortune does not change men; it only unmasks them and ebows their tine character. When you have occasion to utter a rebuke, let your words be soft and your arguments bard. We cannot too soon convince ourselves bow easily we may be dispensed with in this world of curs. Give mo tbe money that has been spunt in war and I will purchase evry foot of land upon this globe. Instead of complaining of the thorns among tbe roses, we should be thank ful there are roses among the thorns. Men who have tbe ptrongest intel lects bave tbe weakest memories; tbey trust more to invention than to memory. A doctor at Richmond Bays that if people will take a bath ia hot whisky anl ro?k salt twice a year they will never catch a Cold. Until somebody has tried this new remedy we would say : stick to the old and reliable Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. Forty-ferenth Conjrre l-Senate. A Joint resolution nassed appropriating $10,000 for a monnmem over the grave oi Thomas Jefferson, at Monticollo, Va....Mr. Vonrheei submitted a resolution declaring that tno minimal ol the stale department in re auon 'o tho arrest and imprisonment Of Daniel McNwoony anl other Amorican oitizons by the Biitish authorities, is in violation of American law. inconsistent with lm value of American citizenship and derogatory to the honor ol the Unitod Btates. Temporarily tbled.... Mr. Morgan introduced a mil w eionne in rights of citizens of tho United Statos in, and when living in, foreign countries, lue Dill sen forth that the rights of American citizenship in loreicn countries, wnicn are requireu iu ot protected in tha manner and by meam providod iu section 8,001 of tho re vised statutes, extend td and incluelo tin right to be socure in their persons, houses, pa. pers and effects against Unreasonable searches snci seizures j ui tno ngnt m on uxuuiim from domiciliary visits without legal warrant according to the forms of law of tho coun ry, and tho light on demand of thomselvos n counsol to be informed of he nature anil cauee of any aoiion against thein when thej are under an est or aro impiiaoned on a suspicion or accusation oi charge of being guilty of any crime or offense against tho laws of such foreign country, and tlio right ol trial in sucu cases witnin a reason able time, to bo confronted with tho witnesso against them, to have compulsory process ioi obtaining witnesses in their favor and 10 have conn-el for their defense. ReferioJ to tin committee on foreign relations. The bill for the admiminn of Dakota into tho Union, recently recommitted to the committoo on Territories, was reported without amend ment. ...Upon motion oI'Mr. Farley the Presi dent's message, vetoing the Chinese bill. Was taken up. Mr. Sherman supported and Mr. I'ayard spoke aeainst the Pre-idcnt's veto. Ou tho question: "Shall tho" bill paRS notwith standing the objections ot the President 1" the vote was. yeas twenty-nine, nays twenty-one, so me ui.i laneu to pass over tne veto, two thirds not havinz vo'ed in ths affirmative. The vote is as follows: Yoat Bavard, Peck, Call, Cameron (Wis.), Cockrcil,Coke, Davis (W.Va.), Fair, Farley, Gorman, Grovor, Hampton, Harris. Hil (ColA .lnhsstun. Jons. (Nev.l. Lamar, Mcpherson. Maxev, Miller (Cal.). Mil ler (N. Y.), Morgan, Pencileton, Pugh, Slater, Toller, Vest, Voorhecs and Walker-23. Nays Aldrich, Anthony, Blair. Davis (111.). D.twca, i rye, narnsnn, liawlev, tloar, lngans, iveuogg, McMillan. Mitchell. "Morrill, Piatt, Plumb, Rollins, Sawvor, Sewell, Sherman and Windom ei. l'arred (Jarlsnd. JacKson. Jonas, It n- som, Saulsbury, Williams and Vance in tho affirmative, with Edmuuds, MeDid, Allison, Logan, Ferry, Saundeis and Conger in the negative. The presidential count bill pnssod without amendment. It provides that the presidential elcciors of each State shaU meet and give thoir votes on the second Monday in January next followinn thoir annointniont. at such places as the legislatures of the States may direct; that cacu etaio, pursuant to its laws existing on the dy fixed tor the appoint ment of the clectora, may determine prior to the meeting of tho electors any con troversy concerning the appointment of all or anv oi them: that -""li rioturniinatinn shall be conclusive evidence of their lawful title, and shad govern iu the count by Congress; that i.o electoral vote or votes from any State from which only one return has been received Bhall be rejected, except by tlio alliimative votes ot tho two houses; that if nioro than o-e return is received from a State, the votes of thoso electcrs who havo be n appointed by the lawful tribunal ot the S ale shall bo counted, and in lo event of a ques tion as to which of two or more ot sucu at tribunals is the lawful tribunal, the votos of the electors appointed br l'at tribunal which the two hor.Hjs, acting eeparatclv, rha'l le cido tho authorized cue. shall be c nnted : that in case of an undetermined contest be tween two or moro sots of flec:ors of a State those votes Khali be counted which tho two Houses, acting separately, shall decide to be the law'nl electoral votes. The bi 1 sl-o pio- vidos that if tho couiitins of tho votes sh ill not havo been completed bet'oro the filth calendar oay ne xt day alter tno hist joint meeting or m two houses, no recess shall be afterward taken by either housJ until the ccuming is finished. Ilonsn. Thero was a sharp debate on Mr. Crapo'i motion to suspend the rulos and pass a ivso lution making the bill to extend tho corporate ex.steuce of national banks a cou inniiifi Bpecial order for April 15. Mr. Bland opposed tim motion, anil eloclarod his hostility to national bauka and natieinal bankers. Mr. r-'ptingcr opposeel tho motion because it would iiitoiJero with tno tanu commission auu oiuoi important bills on the special order Mr. Uardenbergh decbired that the national bank bill transcended in importance any otnei on tho special cnleiid sr. and ho favored the m ition. Mr. Crapn, Mr. Dingley and o tier- sj.oko in favor ot tno notion, nut upon me vote n was lose vl& to 10 mere not wu g iuu uw essarv two-thirds vote in the affirmative.. . . Tlio bill directing tho readjustment of tho sala ries of postmasters of tho thiid, fourth and fit h classes, under tho act of 18(51, was passed It is e.itiiuated that tho claims covered by thie bill will not fall far below $l,H0.l,000....Mr. Sherwin introduced a bill to advance e luci- t inn. It autlioriz- s tho secretary of tlio treasury to expend annually $10,00 i,niJi) to be distrib uted among tho States an 1 Terriiories on the ba-isof illiteracy, and to bo usod iu tho snppuit of public schools. 'Iho Indian appropilation bill was roporteel n mil the committee on appropriations. wi h Sennto aniciidnienls, Tho lopui t recom mended c ncui reiice in wiine, but noii-conc.-.r rencti in tlio niajoritv of tho amendments. The repnit was agreed to. . ..A bill was passed a p pnipriating $170,000 to nupply a do lieiency in tho appropriation for dies, pa ior ' and stamps, $2"),0.)0 l'c.r deli. i.cieney for distinctive paper for United S ates securities, and $150,0il0 to continue work ou tlio Washington mi nuinent.... A bill was passed approp,iatiiig fju.unu lor tho purcnasj and dis'iiliutioii of seed to the sufferers from tho nverllow of the Mississippi river and its tribu tin it H .... A bill to reguUte emigration was In troduced by Mr. Van Voorhia. nMnliiinnllin." Onick. complete euro tor kidney affections, irritation, fremicnt or Oillieiilt urinatieu. $1 at liusgists. Prepaid by express, $1.23, 0 foro. K. S. n KL1.S, J erscy UHV, it. ) At tho great Romford brcworv, uear London. five pints of alo are allowed daily to each of the iw men. Efclit liithdreil Thousand People. Thero nre already b-.okel fir passage to this country in JtjS2 ne-'arlv a half million people, and it ii estiu.atel that 80t,t,00 will emigrate foul Eur' .po and Canada to tho West and Noithwot. In consequence of this vast throng, the " Al bert Lea liu'.ito" (Chicago, Rock Island and Pacifii; ltailrmd) bus been compelled to put up hi its lino au additional I'Vt Express Train, composed of moet 1 1 f,ni day and nil.t cars, leaving Chicago ul 11 A. ir., and reaching Min neapolis early tho next morning in ample tune in ull. w lliin-o going to Noitnetn Minnesota, Dakota or Manitoba to obtain their breakfast and ninko the cuunectiou for all points North or Nori h est. This train is run opccially to connect with tlio new cxprers trains which the Noithern Pa cific, and Sr. Paul, Minn' apnlis and Manitoba railroads (tho latter connecting with tne Ca nadian Pttciflo at St. Vincent) havo just put upon their 1 lies. I ho regular evening express ti-ain from Chi cago will he run as heretofore, and make con nections from Minneapolis ter all points iu the torritory named above. It ia important and travelers should bear it in mind, Hut thero are no cjrriiiga transfers bvtho ' Albert Lea Route," passengers boing landed iu Union Depots at Minneapolis and St. I'ilUl. This ia tho route to travel over for sure con nections, and is tho pl a-anteat and most com fortable line in the Northwest. The trains of Iho "Albert Lea Roufe" leave Chicago from the depot of tha Gieat Rock Island, the old favorite with travelers destined for Kansas, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona and .ho Pacilio Coast., Send your address to E. St, John, General Ticket and Passenger Agent, Cuicago, and obtain our new illustrated N isTEnx Tuail. Oa Thirty Dors' Trial.' The Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich., will send their Electro-Voltaio Belts aud other Elec tric Appliances on-trial for thirty days to any person afflicted with Nervous Debility, Lost Vitality, aud kindred troubles, guaranteeing complete restoration of vigor and manhood. Address as aliove without delay. P. 8. -No ritk is incurred, aa 30 days' trial Is allowed. . Don't Die In the I '". Ask druggists for " Rough on Ruts." It clears out rats, mice, bedbugs, roaches, vermin, flies, ants, insects. 15c. per box. Selid uamo uu.4 udJiooS eo oiuglu & Co., Philadelphia Pa., fr.rcnok hook frwo. Ths Science of Life, or Self-Preaervation. a medical work for every man young, middle aged or old. 125 invaluable prescriptions. tiKMrfiitlon's Martym. TTirHi A of the human familv snrlns from s disordered stomach, and may be prc vonted by invigorating and toning that abused and neglected organ with Hostottor'S Stomach Bitters. Let it be borne in mind that the liver, the kidneys, the intestine, the muscles, the ligaments,' the bones, the nerves, the integu ments, aro all ronewed and nourished by the blood, and that tno uiRrauve organs nre tne prand alombio in which the materials of the vital fluid are prepared. When tho stomach fails to provido healthful nourishment for its dependencies they necessarily suffer, and the ultimate result, if tho evil is not arrosted, will he chronic and probably ratal disease some where, It may be developed in tho kidneys in the form of diabetis, In tho livtir as congestion, iu tho muscle as rheumatism, In the nerves as para'VHis, In tho integuments as scrotum, itc inenilier. however, that rach and all of thoi-e cnnseipiencps if Indigestion may bo prevented hv tho timelv and reuular nsn or mat sovereign aiitidoto to dyspepsia, Ho tetter's Bitlors. A hat n.KHNAK rt in Sweotwater vallov. Cal.. sfx fret long and twelvo inches in girth, itn twenty-two rattles, was stung lo eleath by a swal in of bees. Tevcti'y Yen ! rt Huflercr. R. V. PiicuiiB, M. D., Hull do, N. Y.: I),ar Mr Twenty rears te i I was Hliipwreck'-d on the Atlantic ocean, and Iho cold and exposure caused a largo ahsc.i.-s to form on each leg, which kept continually discharging. ifter spending hundreds of doll irs, with no benefit, I tried your "(loldoii Mo Ileal Discovery " and now, in less thnu threo months after taking the iir.-t bottle. I am thank ul n say 1 am completely cured, and for tho first timo in ten yoare can put my left heel to tho ground. I am yours, Wim.iam Ryper, 87 Jefforsem street, Buff .lo, N. Y. .TnsEPn IlioiiA, living near Milwaukee, hid $5dtJ in currency in bis cellar. The mice tore it up for a nest, and Righa went insane ovor his loss and died. Tho tsands of women bless the dav on which Dr. Tierce's "Favoiito J'rei-ci ip ion " was mado known to them, n all tlioso dorango nienls causing backache, dragging-dowu sensa tions, nervous and general debility, it is a sovereign remedy. Its soothing and healing irnpertics render it of tho utmost value to ladios suffering from "internul levor," con gestion, iufliinmation or ulceration. By drug gists. The Wisconsin legislature has passed on act making it a punishablo oftenso to sell tov pistols. Tho original "Little Livor Pills" aro Dr. Pierce's "Pleasant Purgative Toilets," and are extensively imitated, l'hey euro sick ami bilious headache. Piivato government Btamp wiih Dr. Pierce's signature and portrait mark the genuine. Hv druggists. Two nephews of the Chinese minister have adopted the American dress and aro attending school iu Washington. I'crinnm-nily, 'Wilmisoton, Del , Aug. 18, 1981. H. IT. WansEtt k Co.: Sim I havo used your Safe Kidney aud Livor Curo for difficulty in tho urinary organs, and, so far as humaii foresight can judge, havo boen permanently cured. John Unrrros. Orl tho 80,000 persons i m: loved in tho work of mining and preparing anthracito coul lor market, at least. 20,000 are bo;, whoso ages range between nine and eighteen years. Pure cod-liveh oil, from selected livers, on tho seashore, by Cassell, Hazard it Co., N. Y. Absolutely pure and SAoet. Patients who have i nco taken it prefer it to all others, riivsieiaus ihc are it superior to nil other oils. CiiAn-Eu hasps, iace, pimples and ronc.h skin cured by using Junip r 1'ar Soap, made by Cas well, ll. zard ft Co., Now York. xne oniv iiopo or bald heads c.irbotlne, a deodorized extract of petroleum. Evcr7 oh je. t.ou removed by recent improvement. It is now faultless. Tho only curo for baldnoss and tho most delicate hair dret-dng known. All IIiilllnrH Il-nilirnfril. Yeottine thoroughly rradicateu every kind of humor, and restores the entire system to a nca it n v condition. A I.I.EVS llrnln Fpnd-eures Nervous DeWllty : n noon's-, o, io-ii-r.oive TS.T.n, I n 1 1 (lni(risN, f ioi-io emur. mien s i-u:ir'liacy,;u;i ! irril av .N. V. THE JI.lllKL!.. new vonrc. Beef Cattle Prime, live weight Calves C'om'n to Choice Veals. Sheep I.ambs Hogs Live grossed, citv a 10 di V4 on s); C'i 7,'.; i'i f,C 8 25 Flour Kx. Stato, good to fancy 5 20 estern, good to choice a ao ra 8 75 Wheat No. 2 lted. new 1 1 42f No. 1 White, now ftye Stato liiirley Two-rowed Stato Corn Ungraded Western Mixed Yellow Southern Oats White State I Mixed, Westorn Hay Primo Timothy Straw No. 1, Hvo 1 33 (,i 1 M't 6i 1)2 HI HI ill 0 K5 bU W lis i & (l H Col S4,7 t-i u i Hops Stato, 18SJ1, choice.., l'ork Mess, new, for export Lard City Steam 24 it 17 tiJ? '.; 7 75 11 IgygtriU n 1150 (,(.1100 liclinod Petroleum Crude. . , Ilofined 7'1 Butter Stato Creamery, lino. . i Dairy Western Im. Creamery Factory ". . .. Cheese btato "Factory 40 M 4 J 43 42 38 1J (1 37 (i 7 1 8 Mains Western Ecus State and l'enn... . Potatoes Early Itose, State, bbl 8 23 3 0'J I BUFFALO. Steors Extra 6 45 6 70 Lambs Western 6 60 Oi 7 CO .Sheep W-rtern 5 75 06 fi 25 Hogs, Good to Choice Yorkers. . 6 05 C'fl i 'JO Flour C'y Ground, No. 1 Spring 6 75 t56 7 25 1 Wheat No. 1. Hard Duluth . . . . 1 47 0i 1 47 Corn No. 2 Mixed UO ,Oats No. 2 Mix. West 47 0i 47 Barley Two-rowed State 80 00 BOSTON. Beef Extra plate aud family. . 13 00 (315 00 Hogs Live IMOi 8 Hogs City Dressed Pork Extra Prime pot bbl. ...14 25 C'fll 73 Flour Spring Wheat rutonts. . 7 60 (Vj U 00 Corn Hun Mixed 82 S 8J Oats-Extra White 110 0i Cl live estate v i q i vu Wool Washed Combilielaino Uyii 40 Unwashed " " 30 (j 31 WATEHTOWN (1UBS.1 CATTLE MABKKT. Beef Extra quality 7 00 Oi 7 50 Sheen Live w eight 6 0i (j.'f Lamm us a Hogs, Northern, d. w 8Vii 8;' riIILAl)ELl'UIA. Flour Penn. Ex. Family, good 6 25 0 6 25 Wheat No. 2 lted 1 40 C4 1 40 ltye State 17 0i 07 Corn State Yellow wy.Oh (,'.' uttia iuixuu ev up bj Butter Creamery Extra Pa. .. 41 Cj 41 Cheese New York Full Cream. 13 ot 13 Petroloum Crude 6 Oh 7 Kelined Vyi'ti) 1i ON Long Credi MOST FERTILE SECTIONS OF THE U. S Garden Plots, 6 to 25 acres, on Long Island, only $25 per Acre by Installments. Small Farms in Florida, Georgia, Virginia and Colonic and Families located. Write for particulars, btate locality preferred. THE D, S, LAND & IMPROVEMENT CO 86 Fine t.f Xew York Ilinmi lMl'UOVfcO KOOT I 1 1 3V ff3 2 V. lwkaiH' makes 5 ea M lalktJ dt'lu'iuUH.whulefliiine.Bar I I heriun'.c brvt;raKe. Ak your druyiiKt, mail for 5c. C. E. ilm. 48 N. f). la. i lMl'UOVfcO HOOT UEKU i callous ol narklineTt'm , orsmu ny ave..rmia. THRESHERS I. Ilia.. 'ir.tlDrlo.ll.k Im. TUB AUl.t M AH TAlf LOK OU..MMMn.ld.t, C70 A WEEK, tl'iaday atnom.euiljrmade. Ooatrr ' Outfit free. Add Xnu 4 Co.. AusuatkUitiue. Vegeiine. Tho Barks, Roots and Herbs WJM WHICH VEGET135E 18 MADK IN POWDER FORM SOLD FOH CO Cents a Package. Vegetine For Kleiner Cofnpirtlnt and Nervous Debility. laT.rmtnnn. Me.. Dor. 28. 1A77. Mn. RTr.vrnslval- Sir i 1 hud had a cmmli tor IB yearn when I commenced inking.' the Vkoktisb. I wu-j :. i L ........... u- ,l,.l,iiilnt,.rl bv ilmease. I had tlit kidney Coinpla nt and .was very i;,rvi---roiiuh h id, lunu "ore. V lien I had taken mio bottl.; I found it was liehiK met it lias helped toy roiurli 1 ... !..... ...n I nn t,nW tllllf. tn flO 111V work I know it in rverytliinir It i" reeoiiimomipd , to bo. Mover havo .ouxiu Xn'01)IJSTjir Vegetine. Dr. W. ROSS Writes: Scrofula, Uver Complaint, Dyspepsia, lllie'iiirintt.rii, wcamicsH. ' have been rraetlelnu medicine for 23 year, aud n i-i meilv lor NeroltU.V Liver Coillld lillt, JJyHl'e!- sia, ltheiinilii, Weaklier, and all ol the Hood, l nave never louuu oj j."!,,,. n..... , HOKTINK lor seven year, nno on.ti n--,-i n.t, .niii,. N.tMt-tifMl. I would heartily recommend it to those in need of a blood mu-iller. lilt. W. UUn, I'l'tlKRl"!' "1IOJH, luna. September 18, 1"8. Kneh nvkace will make. In riuanHtv. Urn bnt'inpf 'fietiitp li'"i't. ot about tli ree vintx. after tho Unrk- ltiiotit rtn-l ttei bn are steeped. Vraeilnn In Pove iliT Form Is sold by all drug Mb and general Moren. It vou cannot buy it ol nenl. inelowe nue, In ihihi;o hthiupk lor one paeHae, or tl lor two packages, and I will wind It by reiuru mail. Vegetine is Sold by all Druggists. 33l win-OS's coaroTjHD o? PUKE COD LlVfea OIL AUD LIME. To C'niimimfiitve. iHnny fmve brn linrtpy o (,'ivc their t'-siiniMiiy in tvvvt ot tno um oi ii. uiK I'tutF. Cuu-Livi-'.R (Mr, asp LttK." Mxporiciire irovi(l it to In? ViiliKtble remedy for Cotisuni!' ion, Asinmn. inprirjicna, mm im nifcaspH pi wio ! liro:it :iiid Limi". Miitnit'.it'tiirod onlv bv A. li. WiL- lum, Chemist, Hnstnu. Hold by all tlriiKKfr'ts. CONSUMPIIUN CAM BE CURED 1 VLt WM.i FOR THE! LUNGS.! flllM Cnilsllilllttlnn. f 'nltla. I'liftll in till In a t n (I ii en .n, lli'imc-liiiil llitllt nllh w, Jtrinii liit Ihi lliiitl't.illlM. Awtlillltl. I'l-Olltl. V LOOIHIIU rontrli. ii nd nil DbiraMfM of I In Hrcntliiiiu OrirniiM. It foiilH' :ind lirult the cinhi Jiiu' nl' llni llinirai. iiillitll(l fill it IKliuJIIII") llV till' (li-cuMr. hihI iiociii lln iiiLlit MUinl nml tiKlitrii"N itci iiMM iherlif! Iiii h uri'muiMiity !! fMIlimpiimi in not nil llicu rmiir iimiiiiu IIA1.IS ISAIiSAlI will cure you, even tltmiirh i)rn('rsioitiil nid fnfN. I havo a iKtshive n-unMv lor thn aliovodiscasp: bv it: use tlnms;itnls nt rast-H of tli" wnr4 kind ol l:if f ;i nil i mr have ciir.-d. Iiidni-d. mi ilin'i" in tnV Inill in itseMirarv, th;it I will "t'tvl I'W'i iHiTI'LIJ 111 K.U.ia t u rwhli i VA i.UAJW.K 11 tliA l isi on tin uimi'usc t) mi v sunvrcp, (ivo IIxiti'hs ami 1'. (. dro. Dit. T. A. ShOCTlM. 11 l'.-url Kt., Nt-w York. 11 nt In iIip wnrlil. ilct iIip urnuiiin. Kvpit O'M'k tif ' I; n in 1 1 ihN'-mii-i U ii t.a n mm knl An l-'m'Ksh Vftoriimrv Hurnnn ami Chfinit. nois (-..vf ii'i; in i IHh ennui rv, fi.iK thiil iii'iHt ol 1 lie JJchk iii-l i';itil" l'.)vlrrn h r:nve vorHjle--rtir sli. J I i-.'s l'.i:-t sJ:." i.l-i'l'M ( linitM iltlU I'OW iU'T tlT' M(!llt'' "nil1. HI!. I iu.Jlteiiwly v.lltilll.lH. N..lhlJ'p onr:rll A-i:l ni ili" !.e..s l.iy I'.Uo Sh-i nlriu's 'nutlw n Y i.-r-. 1 .,. one tenfj onjitnl in ojk' pint i! t'-oit. hi' v-t v.-1 1 : i p, or Rent l)v m ill f. r li If ;;! Umv. b. 1. 1 KUINHUN '., Ho foti.VH" M..(nvti'l- V'"r FOR LADIES ONLY. Thn "I,-.idiey Medical Ao- iatinn." lieni'-tlies Uv :t)l il ivotiw nt Wfttiii-ii uvt i.ri'i';ir.'il liv the in ist com ieti nt and reliable ih:. Kieians. wlm Iihvo made mieh discasi-H tt Hj-ccial lite kIirIv, J'atieut.s van le hiic ci-Hsfullv treated by mail. AmicK fhkk. Jitter .ltiilhi rott li.lf.ilinl. K.-tiil drscri l -I itlll of HV111I tnin: "nr. ii not in need of remedies, wnd for our " Hintu to h i.iie." whieh j'ivwj novel aud interest iir' iniorination for tuiie-i n't. It will ph-ae vou lree. Ad.lresH Ir. SAUAII J. VAN It I KEN ri-'cretary, lfl'J Krankliii Ktrert.llunalo.JN. Y. Utuit, tlravei, Jiialtcler.. 'I'm: Yeetal J'lvnrll Salicy :ates, only liaruileMf tojocifn-H iiroeluinietl bv science, relieve at ouee.eiire within timrda h. li a 1, mailed. (ienuiiH! lia n d seal a'id f-i'natnre ot Ii. A. Paui A: i'o., onlv iij'eiitH, lu-j V. Mtli St.. N.Y. Ask your rims 'i.-t for the tieuuino. Write lor bnr.l and reterenceH. The ONLY lartfPteel portrait enprawd In lane and Stipple intm a photograph designated by Mm. Oar Held for thin eiipravmp: ni.e 1hxj. Am'iitu and (rue nil A sent h for Co'Hund States wanted. Send tor estra tenim. Tho Henry iiiil Pub. Co., NorwicU.Ct. ASTHMACUREB ( AnthmaCiire uevi-ruiJtoKive im-s I netitfereli t'iu tne worst r.iB'.i?isiirf'iirifnrLE YA ablft sleep; c'fTccta cures where a'l others f ml. A 8 1 00of I)ruffin:s or b v mail. Bami-lo h'U K12 1 : orn::ii'ir. 1 mTlt. K,(:HTl,Ff AN'. St. l'mil. ir.n B CV wnT WAftTS MUNhYl .n nn or Id. wlrt If joj wkiit K Luiuriftnt mouaucha, fiow .,r a. ti,ji. rUth of likir on b: W I 9 or ID TUICKKN, hflLENU TMKN and INVlOURATt U. IIAIH kotnLcrt Jun't hu-ntnifr,!, b lu NKvta virr " Dr. J. I.UiV i i4 all IniitAtiina. Ur t ray m -Apeutn tn!ll the onlv au X jJ i horized picture of tho Gar field !' ii ril published under tho direction oi Mrs. Oarneld. Samples free to Agents that work. Ex clusive Territory piven. .1. II. lliilluitr Hn, Art I'ublishers, 'JftJ aud 25 U road way, New York. CfnC9n periii at uoiuf. haiupieHwormuei. J Address Htinhum 4iCo..loitlaud,Maiu6. ELECTRIC BELTS. A periect emu for preinuture debility. Heud for circular. 1k. J. KAlili, K.IZ Iln-ailway, New York. BUSSSESH5 k tttt work tn the V. H. fur th moary. lerrilorj lit-n. Caulocue FREE. fc 1 Art REWARD for caw of Nervoui Uebillty, Blond or ylUU KiJucv Uncase not cured ty Da. t'lTtiR. WW Wal nut. Phil. tnnOrfffrffiri-s nnl trr. Purr runrantfwl. kk A MONTH AGENTS WANTED 80 beat '.-W.-WtJ Adari'.lJay llrou.un, brlroll, Mkb. V .Alllnarrl..l,.u Im rli u.,.rl.. 1 anmnlr. A VnilNO MFN If sou want toloarnTolcFraphyln lUUIHU llltl a few mont lis. and lie curtain ol a ulniailon. aiMrais Valcutiuii liroa.. JaneBvilie, Wis. ' O I' A K F. It " Hit I f K MAI 1 1 1 X Ei WF.l.l.lXiitU.S. O. Hr'AMl'llLETS t'nEE. tiAltD cbLl.f.CTOltS, ahandsoniKSftof Cards for thnie-n-nt stamp. A. G. Uasbett, Hochoster, K.Y. tRR week in your own town. Terms and aaToutAt M" freii. Add's H. Hallktt & Co..Portland,Main. More than One bYbnYSODT WANTS IT. 258th Edition (New). 11 h 00NSU1PT orbelr-Preaervatlon. A Great Medical Treat. Ue on Maubaodi the Cause and Cure of Ex. Iiun.ied Vitality, Kervoue and I'll r. leal UcblU III also on the I nfold Ml.erles arising from tha Excei.e. ot Mature Years. 300 pave., Ror.l hvo. The very finest steel etumviOK. 123 Invaluable FrescrlDtion. for all IfL'ni'J TUVCCI C Bound in beautiful rrcnoh Mimlin. emboned. full IVnUlf I HI OtLri R"t- i-ilct. uul 1.2a, by mail. New ediUou't i ILLUSTRATED SAMPLE, 6 CENTS. SEND NOW. The Science of Life, or Self-Preservation, to the ment extraordinary work on PhvuioWv vr rmVMutmA There in nothing whatever that the married or siutfle either m-x can either wuvar V ZJlll SS what tofully explained. In ahorr. the book ia invaluable to all who wian for 'J SodhAiSh r-LU0)Tj5 lue best medical work ever pubilBhed. ionaon I medal awarded tha author ol the Science of L!ie wai fairiw won rVnT-n-Si, v.eiu I'louuh man Thousand of eitracu similar to the atoe could? tikTn "from diterarv. oolitical. ndieiou and aci.utiflo ilirnnoh..,,. ul!i. J".en. 'rom atowed. Sfust'tchv luauiotr journals! library, wnuri, iruKumn tuiii tend to be a better medical work, in every aeiiae. tuau money will refunded in every instance. Address PEABODY MEDICAL INSTITUTE or W. H. PARKEIt ?. D 4 UulOoeh Street. Boston, BXaaa. . X. k. 41is auiber ns be oouauited on all disease, requiring aUU and expozUme, $3,000 REWARD ! DR. TOBIAS' Venetian Liniment Has Riven universal satisfaction since It has heen In troduceil Into tlio United mates. After being tried by millions It has been proclaimed The Paip Destroyer of the Age! Thousands of rhyslclfttts recommend It as an External Remedy IncMon of Chronic Ttticnmntlem, Heartache, Tooth. ft'-he, iUopqmto Hue. HIP, limine. o'riiiB,yi Nrmn. lMiim in tho I.iinli, Hac k and Client, Plm les, itinteiien, Frucklfs, fctiilinecl Joints auu ton racted Musclen. Its Wonderful Curative Po-w- ers are Miraculous. TaVcn tntomittlv In ran of Dyxentcry. Diarrhea. BeaBirlinc. l,'lioler,1. t'roll. I'olie. Cramiia and Sick ilemlnrlin. 118 Soiilliillir Hlld lienelratillK giialltica are iunucdlutely fi It. It is uvrlm tly Innocent XO TAKE NTI1AUA'. READ THE CERTIFICATES. Warranted for Thirty-four Years and Never Failed. TCn one once trytnpr It will ho without It: over 800 l,vl..inna nso It. Tlinns:iii, Is of cert i lleatea hara eel! receiveii all'l ft tew ul'e LTivi'll below: tLUOO will be iiaid if any One is laltie. From fl. T,. Cohen, Ewi., lTcsidetit of the yewTork CoUHolidalcd Curd conii'iiny, M William nlreet. Nnw Yoi-.K. Julv !i:i, 188J. Dr. Tobian For thlrly ve:n I have used your Lini ment in my familv !nr IJiurrliea, horn lliroat. Itlieumnlisin. Mos'iuito iitienatiu niwara ana out ward lain. It always cured. I m-vi-r to Knroe wilhiiut it. and manv of my fronds there to whom I havo pivetl it ordered supplies Intm you. Last niu'lit. at mv place at Txuik liranch, one of my horsca was takeu verv bid with colli. 1 ueil your Horse l.iiiiineiit with nrirvelous effect on him. In au hour lie wiih well. I irulv believe he would havo died ...i.l...,.t It Vnnr Condition l'llttllers STO all TOO rei res' iit thffln to I.e. I um never without your preparations, Yours truly. SEVERE RIIEI'MATISM. Slate of Xcw Jersey, Iler'cii county, towr.hip of Ihiekens-vek. ss.: Thom:!- .lohlison, of said town- nhip, iM'inx duly sworn, dotli depose and sav. tnat no lias lieen H.'vereiy n.iiiii-ii-i nn i UK..,.,,.!."!., .... libnvcavear, and wus so Ind that he could scarcely walk, lx iuu lieiit n!mot doiihle. and was utterly un ulile to do anv work. Having heard of the wonder ful ri ma le liv Iir. Tooias- Vein -Han Unimont. lia was induced lo trv ii . and after usin' it a short timo was aide to iro to work a :a. u. alter lieini-' unaltle to do ulivtliini: tor neiirlv a jrar. T. JOHNSON. Hwom to beioro uic, J. II. ErirNKKiiiiuit', Justico of the rcace. What Horsemen Want, GOO I) RF.MARM3 IIOKSK I.IXIMEXT AM) tOMHTJOX rOWDEUS. Don't liCt Your Unrp Dir. of CoMo. PH.TOHIAS VKNKTMX HOIISJ. l.INIMMNT in t hit bottles will mt rely e ure i lit in: im pay i asupit it it dnen not enie onl wui :; r.iin. fills nii'l brniseft iniu-ker thun anv oth r kii e.v.i mneii -. 1 lurty-nvo xearw it !ri wnn'.inte.l itnl le vtT failed. Over fi.lHHt eeriitii'lllet have lieen reeeivetl eomnientlitiK Um wonileilnl virtues. iimih wlii-'ii are C.1,unel V. Mo iAMI,l who owtin Home . thn la-iit iimniiiK hor--"-: S. L. r(inr.N. i- i I n "t tin- t'onoliilate.l ':ir.l-mr.'.l!iv: ilYKJt--)'i i; i:'-iWS. l-.'H Wi-st :i.d ntrei-t:N.H. II-'At i ! 1-Ti't : li. avenue, and e a. iti;i.i;v.:-;. r-.v.-r -.i mn-. t. Tho Familv I,ini;n-n! i-: v '.'!'( nml ."0(vn; tb H.trs". vn v:iin l.i hoiU.i tLu Dtrby l'tivutui-s U5 centH a box. kOLD BY THE DRUGGISTS. Depot: 2 Murray Street, N. Y. NYNT-M P 9t WILLI Aftl WtLSON. Mocticiil ISleoti-ician, 4(ir, rtillon ht., llrooklyn, Slav 1)0 rwiiltc d dnilv from in A. M. tn H P. M.. frfil l,bm-m: ' Til K V 1 1 .SUM A " HAtJNKTIC liAK.llKNTS nill riiri rvmy follii l lis-i'iiki-. im miiHi'T "I hew Inns Krmid.iik. UM. "l.N l)l!l l 1 1Kii sank cl lil-.s in jii. .'l.ti nn; V;w V..ll:.;it IS 1 1'ON I S. I'lldlKI T tWlt KKI.VES iiL'iiin t ii Mllmi.t r.r..-liiiMiiii t:.iii l.y yi-annn " WI l.SllM A" i-liitliin:'. (Mlilti'i't lire tlio ito riiiviiiv it ,.iilli4 ills iiiat lli -li i hi-ir t". "far tno " I l.ft M A " Kill's .'.ud avoid twli dalli-'iT. TAKE MI lUCINi: AX1J WE. VEAU"WIIi WIMA" AMI 1.IVK. JiEWAHE i il" 1 KM PS. li'v.'iH ''nrmcnls nrn on tin' iiiarki't. Tli""S ll.'OMA" is Ktivldidwitli iiii'liillic -,i'i''.M. hlirw in,' tli-' mi-lulu on Hie tiu't. All ntlii i'K an' IriiiiK Solid tor l iiini'lili'ts iviiitaiiiinn lontiiiioiihilK Ir im ti." ln' -l I'l ni'lii in AniiTira who liiivii lin n inrM a'tvr a'l ioriiis ol nudiciuo had laili-d. .Nolo oiii'.i I-:!- -s. i-'t ...... U. 4i'.i 1-1 l.l'l.N Si i.l-.l.r, ivi;uuivj.ii. Mi. I..!., iii:iiii . . Ml. l:v!7 Li'.' Xn ".sin '1 11 i'.iiir,v.y. J-NEW YOltK. iiiitii ivl) NO. ti i ori;'i'!i si'ui:i,r. si:ah sotttu Ellilllil hTKKIX UliilOlvl.VN, E. U. """JUST LET ME SHOW YOU" I) if. FOOTE'S HAND-BOOK OF HEALTH HINTS ANI HEADY K EC J PES. A'orth rt2.. Cost USo. lly Hip antlior ot "Pijuh IIomb Talk" and "Medical I'OMMll.N iKNSK." 1 Q PAIiKS hi Advice nlioiit Dally 511 ('"liinioli Ailliu'lils; a va ual'le V.nok of i'.'i CH lii't'i ri'iin- t',.r i-vi ry fiuniiy. only tti. The llaii'l-lmok eiilil.i'lisi'liaiiti'rs on lly- Ci'lunioli WW, llyt'.itnieriiriillve Mrasures, Knai Worlli Kin.wiiiL', IliutH on llathiiitr, c n Nurclnp tlie tiii l;. on Kliit'rueni'W a. to rn tlier w ith snine of the Private Fonnulaf ol llr. Pooif.. and other pliynicians of lilidl ri'T'ldi'.and InriTi'liariti' food fur Invalid., Hit AUtNiS WAMKl). Murray Hill Book Publishing Co., IIPKaht fcqTi! Stiieet, Xew York Cirr. 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I'ine St , N.v Yin'k, ii I'nnonv' Pui-utiiim-n 1111 ninkt- New Ittch Blnod, and will eomileteiy chaiiRO the blood in tha entire system in threw months. Anv perHou who win taueone ui eaeii nipnt trom I to i ; weeks may i9 restored to sound health, if urh a thiiiK be possible. Bold everywhere or sent by mail for 8 letter staint I. h. Johnson & to., Uustoni aiumh.. foi-merly Itaimnr, JHv, 9Rfl K0(l Kraiu and irint larniMcueuii. navia fcwvJ turn audootlHocidy. For eatainue k counts paper addn:w, with stamp, H. Maucha. Hidely, M l Million Copies Sold ! EVERYBODY NEEDS Revised and Enlarged. IT. acute and cbronie dicae. Lantw, a brilliant and iuvaliiRhu wAVt Toronto mrald. I'M kiuuiio inrougnout the laud. lha Vv u,k i o. .TT rl 7 aau be obtained UewUefo7doubl Ue "oVK. l,e P. or ui BBS HEW ill !!! tk