Hie Mv0ak THURSDAY. APRIL 13. 1882. "-Leii? I over niu! gone. Maple sugar In martlet. Considerable sickness about town -et. Folk have commenced to make Burden. Butter soils hero now nt from 40 to 45 cts a pound. FntntocM are selling nt (1.25 to f 1.35 a bushel. 18 new Valleccs Just received at Morgester's. The Hungarians went to work again on Monday. Snow storm here ou Monday rind another on Tuesday. Maple Sugar 15c. per lb. nt Mor pefer's. Winter dislikes to leave although the trees arc leaving. Tics are being hauled for use on the Buffalo &. Pittsburg H. R. Yesterday morningquitc a sprink ling of enow won on the ground. Choice English Currants, Turkish and French Prunes at Molester's. The letter from Senator Mitchell published la this issue has the right ring. Jacob BuUerfuss has Just received a new line of trunks and satchel of oil lnds. A Teachers' Examination will be held at Caledonia on Friday, April 2.Uh, beginning at 0. A. M. A full line of strictly pure Spices nt Morgester's. Views of the Court House and other public building In Ridgway at tiie West End Gallery. The Railroad shops will yet be located at Ridgway. If nil hands go to work to secure them. A full line of choicest TeasatMor gifjfer's. We understand tho price of horse whips has advanced since thegreat de mand for use in whipping editors. A new stock of Scrap Pictures, Flowered Perforated Card Board, Gold n1 Silver nt The Advocate office. Picture frames, chronica and Stat uary panels, oil paintings, photo graph albums, and views at the- West End Gallery. The new order from H. O. P. headquarters calls for five hours drill by the companies in uniform each month. The company H boys will be there with tho rest. Human Hair Goods of every ins cription, invisible nets and pins at Mrs. Jacob Butterfuss', Main Street, opposite the Bourt House, West End, Ridgway, Pa. Call up stairs and sec them. The only scientific Iron Medicine that does not produce headache, &c , but gives to the system nil the benefits of iron without its bad eli'ccts, Is Brown's Iron Bitters. Over eleven thousand immigrants arrived at Castle Garden last week, which exceeds the corresponding week of last year 3,5i53. At this rate it will not be long before our country doubles its poplation of 1880 The Greenburg Vess says that in Upper Burrtll township, Westmor land county, at the recent election, there were PC candidates nnd only 02 votes polled. Squire N. C. Scott, Sylvan la. O., writes: "I have been a great sufferer for 15 years with Bright's disease of the kidneys. For weeks at a time was unable to get out of lied; used various internal remedies, but they gave me no relief I wore two of Prof. Guilmette' Kidney Pads six weeks, and I now know Incn entirely cured. By reference to our marriage no tice it will be seen thnt our old friend R. I. Robinson has at last taken unto himself a wife nnd joined the noble army of Benedicts. Wrc can but wish him nnd his fair bride much Joy and happiness, peace nnd plenty. The sturdy ring of the letter from Senator Mitchell will set even the little bosses to thinking, nnd its senti ments will vibrate nnd revibrate until all the hills nnd nil the valleys shall hear the echo, and until the cry of the big boss shall be heard no more in the land. Let the light break in. Let the bosses go to the wall. "Prof. SanGrado," alins "Merely n woman," alias "A Republican," nlins three stars, says something In last week's Democrat. Just whnt business this Democratic gentleman hns In the Republican camp we dre nt a loss to understand, unless in tho capacity of a spy. And spies nre usually hung, shooting being considered too good for them. The general opinion Is that with rope sufficient he will hang blni telf. On Friday, March 31, at the burn ing well mill, five miles above Wilcox, Schimmelfling's large boarding house, which would accommodate nbout 75 men, was totally destroyed by fire. Thealarm of Are was given at 8 o'clock In thetr.orning.and before themen from the mill could render any assistance the shanty was burned to the ground. John Mykens, boarding house keeper, lost everything. The total loss on bouse, furniture, etc. is about $3,000. From $200 to f 300 In money, belong ing to the men was burned up. A Mew Feature. Wanamaker & Brown have sup plied. their agent with camples for ready made suits In addition to the samples for goods made to order. You are invited to call on the agent, S. A. Rote and look at them at any time wbtttber you purchase or not Personal. J. M. Schram Is having bts house newly painted. Erasmas Morey, of Beneaette, was In Ridgway last week. Ben Dill, the new pound master, hns entered upon the discharge of his duties. Brother Miller will go to house keeping In his home on Centre street in a short time, John Cnsserly hns been danger ously 111 since Inst Friday with phneu monin. He Is getting well slowly. G. S. Rhines of this p'nee can lift more In one hand nhove his head than nny man of his weight In Elk county. Rev. L. O. Mead, of Kane, will preach in the M. E. church next Sab bath morningand evening In exchange Willi tho pastor. Frank Nichols nnd wife have moved to the mouth of Toby nnd nre keeping boarding house for the engi neers of the Buffalo & Pittsburgh R. R. Co. We nre rerptcMed by Mr. James M agin nis to publicly tlinnk the. friends nnd neighbors who so kindly rendered nsslstance during the recent illness nnd death of his little boy. DEATHS. Maoinnis. On Sunday, April 0, 1S82, (Enster Sunday) of diphtheria and croup, Otto. Infant son of James Magi nn is, aged 10 month and 8 days. MARRIAGES. Robinson Gheekhill At the Boirert House, Ridgway, Pa., April fl, 1882. by Rev. 8 M. ('lurk. Mr. Robert I. Robinson, to Miss Jane E. Greenhill. McAmstku. McAt.isteh. On Sun day. Aprils, 1882, C C. McAlisterto Barbara E. daughter of John C. McAlister, by Enquire Sibley of Brockway ville. All of Brand Camp. Dagus Jiutcs. The lecture delivered by Dr. Ear ley on the 25th of lust month, In the new Presbyterian church ntthis place, drew together a large concourse of people, who were well pleased with the Doctor's rcmnrks,nud hope at some fiuiive time to have the pleasure of listening to liim again. The net pro ceeds of the lecture was $43.21. Mr. D. Eldridge, bus leased the new slope from the Meredith Run Coal Company, an I Is now running it under the title of the " Eureka Slope." Mr. Fleming having charge of the works. The proceeds of the necktie patty amounted to $25.00, and that of the cake walk to $15.00. A new school bouse Is soon to be ereeted at the mines. John Mills one of our R. R. en ginecrs intends moving away from tli is plae. John Wnlford has left the mines and moved to his farm near the grave yard trchool house. Sam Early has leased and is run ning the ten-pin alley at this place. Another rain storm on Sunday evening last. The contract for painting the new church at this place, has been awarded to Messrs. Se.semnn nnd Tuttle. Side walks are greatly uecdud here abouts. Prominent among the competitors at t he new church, on the evening of the 20th of last month, we noticed Dr. Williams, of Baltimore. Rev. Ryan and lady, John T. Smith and lady, Jason Comstock ami lady, Jos. Car roll and lady imd Sam. Hamilton and lady, of Dagus mines. The successful ones, were Jason Cumstock und lady. Dr. Williams anil lady, ami Sam. Hamilton and lady. Mr. Carroll walking was watched with consider able interest, it being acknowledged, as perfect ns nny in the walk. We fear the lady judges were not alto gether fair in not awarding one of the prizes to him. Sam. says No. 12 is hard to surpass in a walk, especially where it is, go as you please. Mr. Robertson is improving his residence by having a new fence built around it. Mr. Sam. Hiney, has thrown up the sponge nt the Dagus mines store and returned to St. Marys. - Lr. S. M. Free is building a dwell ing house next to his office. Bon. Jour. The Sterling Comedy Co , with May Roberts preformed nt the Opera House on Monday, Tuesday nnd Wednesday nights of this week pro ducing, successively, "The Banker's Daughter," "The Danites," nnd "East Lynue," nil three plays to the ereat delight nnd satisfaction of the audi ences. MissRobeits, is nil that one expects and a great deal more, nnd in her characters of Nancy Williams, The Banker's Daugh ter, and Lndy Isabel, won the repeated applause of the house. Miss Eaton in her characters of The Count, Bunker Hill, nnd sister Come' lia, is hard to bent, while Miss Ne vlllo Locken nnd W. C. Don aldson, und in fact the whole com- pany are among the best in their sev eral characters we have listened to. Those who failed to attend missed a rare treat. Laundry Agency. Gentlemen who like to hnve their shirts, collars and cuffs done up in first class style will be glad to know that the Titusville Laundry have establish ed an agency here and goods will he sent every Monday regularly. Pack ages left at Ridgway Bank or West End Gallery will be forwarded prompt ly by the Agent S. A. Rote. A Hoy's Accidental Death. Carbondale, April 9. Grant Gard ner, aged nineteen years, son of B. H. Gardner, proprietor of the Rogers House nt Waymart, while fishing on Elk pond to-day accidentally dis charged a gun which he had in the boat, the ball passing through his ab domen, causing injuries from which be died four hours afterward in terri ble agony. The Whipping Master. The party lash will I wield with heavy band to whip all my henchmen In. No whip with penny whistle shall it be. But great cart whip that shall bring big ridges nnd draw red gore. Even I "Little Boss" of Elk county, great In the possession of my P. O. commission will do these things. No one shall cast a vote with me who always kicks. There Is but one kind of Republican ism. And Mint kind (thus do I nfftrm) Is the Stalwart one of which I am the bright particular star. When my medal (that 300 one) comes from the Indiana Penitentiary. Then will I buy the big whip nnd lash them all in. Whip them in from the broad high way Whip them in from their revels Ky. For with whip in hand And medal on I'll make them dance To the proper tune. Won't we twinnie? Let that " Boy " say nil he can of me and my master's politics. But dare he speak of my gone tooth nnd such personal tilings. I'll whip him like a cur. My great big hand, witli cart whip mind vou cart whip. Shall fall on the head of thnt shoe maker's boy until the last Greese spot he shall become Yum yum, yum yum. Thnt Advocate office I do own. And this postofficc, And the right to send the delegate for Elk county. And every night When kneeling down Will call upon the mighty Don To make mine enemies come to naught And kill them on the spot. But 1 11 cart whip that " Boy " my self. I am not mad those squibs don't hurt much But egad I'll lick that 'Boy "just to show the folks I can Then I'll dance the festive can-can. But come to think he didn't write those squibs. We'll tell this (wou't we twinnie? in the Democrat. Too well I know be does. And it is not fair to pitch nt me so When he owns the paper himself. Who knows but that till Dooms Day he'll grind out those little truths That provoke me to wrath. But we'll give his pedigree (won't we twinnie?) in the Democrat until all the people Khali know that he bus held office. Cuss the luck -and did dare to run without asking me the " Little Bo.-.'' By the stars but my brain is on fire. All the cruet taunts and jibs of ail the boys and men in town. Even the girls do meet meand millio ns though I did know that they in their mind thought, That's " Liule Bss" Yes, I'll do It Get a great big whip black snakr -and lick that " Boy" But that I think he muy strike back. Thus soliloquized the " Little Boss " Then Into the evening's twilight grey He walked upon the crowded street, And men and boys met on the way And heard their mirth provoking greet. Like a lion roaring loud Ho laid out the " Boy " before the crowd He threatened things most dire and sore, To break that "Boy's" neck And a great deal more. And as ho passed yet further on In pity, fingers to forehead pressed. The hint to nil men spoke loud and strong His upper story corn was gone. The Kulfu Mystery. It was a pleasant nfternoon of a de lightful spring Sabbath, nil the air seemed full of melody, nnd perfume came on every passing breeze. Three men Ed., Paul nnd Swayne went for a quiet stroll along the river's bank, littio thinking of the terrible things that were soon to greet their eyes. As we have before remarked the day was fine. The spirits of the heroes of this story werein accord witli thesurround ings of pleasant weather und balmy ntmospliere. As they journeyed or strolled along thestream which reflect ed on its mirrored surface t he sun beams golden gleam they littlethought of the terriblo mystery that hung on their advancing footsteps. As yet they onward walked nnd chatted pleasantly the while. All of it sud den one discovered floating in the river a mysterious object that filled their imaginations with fearful fore bodings of tin unnatural crime com mitted by some one. Perhaps nn in fant the unholy fruit of some illicit love affair, hud been cast by the un fortunate victim into the rushing stream thinking in her wild despair to bide one crime by committing a worse one. Yes that must be the solu tion of the mystery, but they would summon the proper authority nnd have all done under sanction of the law, and thus save themselves from seeming implication. The officers were summonded, and the object, which was encased In a sack, brought out on the bank of the stream, pre paratory to having the awful mystery investigated. The covering which proved to be an old pants leg sewed shut, was quickly opened by the deft hand of the proper officer, all under the sanction of the law and dist-loeed not an infant but the ornaryiest lot of dead pups that bad ever filled so small a space. It was Dot inueb of a day for sells either. HITCHS SPBAKS OUT, A Strati ri" f!f Change of Leader ship. OOlt JUNIOR SKNATOR DECLARES FOR IMPROVED POLITICAL MKTITOD3 AOAIN9T CITY COM m.V ATIO.N3 AND ROTTEN BOROOQlt REPRESENTATION FROM THE COUNTIES. (PhllMlnlphlii Prom.) Thi Prow In pnnbied to print tho following Interesting anil Important correspondence hi-twocn Sir. Wharton Bnrkor of tliU city and United States Henntnr John I. MlU-helli Mr. Wharton Barker to Senator Mitchell. PHiI.AOBr.vniA, March 10, 18"!2. Hox. Jottx I. Mitchell, United States Rpnnto. My nuAn Rrn: I hie In the pnt written yon with ireeilom nnd with frnnkne on public matters, nnd nt times I havit received in reply your answers, written with equally frankness and kindly spirit. In mv last let ter I wrote roil of mv fears, and of the dan. vers In the wnv of the ltenuhllean nartv should the so-called lenders longer bo per. llimpi iooraernuii'ni. Mv fears havit all boon fnllv renllzpd. nnd llie'tteptibllcnn party. In the hands of the present, leaders. Is dead In Pennsylvania, be cause of the revulsion of feeling In Philadel phia. Senator Cnmpron never hns thonrht It worth white for him to see the men of Phila delphia who control In financial nnd public nfTiIrs sneh men ns Wllllnm Kcl'era. fianlrf R. cummins, Joseph Wharton and Kuward I J. Knluht. The ltennhllenn party can no longer control Pennsylvania or the Nntlon unless tho honest, wise and capable men can have their proper voice In the direction of nfTnlis. It Is tho misfortune, of our people thnt Senator Cameron refuses to look snve on the po'lllcal side of public nnestlons, nnd refuses to listen to men of Philadelphia who have tho respect of the people And. too. It Is their mlufomine that.yon do not know tho people OI this riirt. of ine iini.e. The President knows of Pennsylvania poli tics nt the hands nfAcnntor C:;mron, and hence knows nolhlnsr I write to yon h-'cnnse I want yon to Uaow the slate of affairs, ns the Independent hero In Philadelphia see It. nnd because I want von to have a chance of dnins a orcnt p'lbll.' work and from savins the Republican party from sure death. The chance now nt vnnr door seldom comes toanv man. nnd while the responsibility Is great the advantnucsnrc far greater. I nm, Pear Sir, Yours Vt-ry Tnily. Wjiautox Barker. Sanator Mitchell's Replv. Wasiiinotov. March 11. 13S2. Witmiton RAtiCKK. Kso,.. Philadelphia. DkaU Hill: I have sat down several times to reply to your letter of the Mth Inst , but have each time been called ofT bv some pross Inir pffalr of the moment. I reirret to say that mv time Isso mneh pO'i-aimM hy petty details that I have little to use a I would In attending to th legitimate, work of a U'gl.1 lutor. And now. In view of the tenor, nit the tone, of your letter. I hardly know what, to say. I feel assured thnt your political object Is the s:ime ns my own : to see If It be possi ble to reunite the Republican party In Penn sylvania upon Its hlRhcst piano of though! nnd conscience nnd purpose. I recognize and nm ever glad to Acknowl edge the elnlm upon myself of nil such ns you who have lit. henrt the welfare of the true Commonwealth, and. ns means to that end, the purification und continued supremacy of the true Republican pi"1j I think your conclusion thnt, ns hitherto tnnnnscd. the Republican pnrty Is In the de cline In Pennsjlvnnin, Is quite true, in view of the Judemnt passed upon Its manage mcnt lntely in your city and elsewhere. These spasms do not surprise me, for they natumlly supervene, nnd otio who has watched the llsease ns I hnvo recognizes them ns Inevitable, symptoms, nut it Is one thins to diagnose, nnd quite another to cue. n disense. When I snld to a friend lntely thnt Philadelphia should send representative men to the Muy convention as one Impor tant ' local application," he Insisted that the remedy must come from the country thnt Philadelphia ennnot now speak for herself by such men. This I do not credit. At least I hope It Is otherwise, nnd that you will iook to this nnd see whether she ennnot hnvc a will of her own therein. Tho trouble has Kcncrally come from Philadelphia nnd Pitts, burs ns combined central forces united wltr ' rotten borough " representatives from mi nority counties. I hnve seen It over nnd ovei nealn In legislatures nnd conventions. With such forces combined and skilfully (rcnernlcd. the countrv has been overpowered or used, nnd must be until honest nnd good men every where combine. Then they ?nn make short work of all whosUttd In their wny. Hut this Involve a chsnse of Icadcshlp. If not of nil leaders. Wo nru In process of reconstruction, nnd must not forget thnt there can bono lenders without followers. Such n change of front In tho face of n well-discip lined adversary Is a very dnmrcrotis feat. rttill, when the time comes, ns In this case, It Is a necessary evolution, and It will go on of Its own force, whatever Its fludglinz may be ringed, streaked or speckled. Therefore, I conclude thnt n change, of len ders is now inevitable or a change In the p.'rlt nnd action ofthosc who remain. This has been my expectation for years. My nd- vlcc hns been consistent with this view from the first. I nm sorry that It has not been re spected more than it nppeurs to mo to have been, lint too much should not be expected from men grown rigid In practice upon n different line of thought. I do not believe In the political methods too much and too lung practiced In our Stnto. The people genernlly do not. I have oppose.l them from my first entrance into legislative life, mid shail con tinue to do sn. Rut I must do this in ways which I deem to be faithful to my obligations nnd my duty to the Republican pnrty. Ishnll be condemned, of course, nn the one side or the other, nnd probably somewhat upon both sides. I expected this from tho first, for I knew thnt my election was hut n truce be tween "opposing and enduring forces," one of which, founded In conscience nnd right, led hy superior intellect would bo muster In this process of reconstruction. It wn.s a nn tnrnl against nn artificial aristocracy. These forces are still extant nnd active, theiefore strife and friction nra Inevitable. Now, whnt. do you propose for remedy? Whnt would you have me do? I am willing to do anything t can to unite and strengthen the Republican party for the work which lies before It. Its principles inuut bo adhered to. The rights and Interests of men und capital demand this, the hltfher work of the new republic In many things requires It. The spirit of that parly will not die. It may be in corporated anew, but Its soul " goes marching on." The prlnclpnl dangers, then, which lie along the way of this new departure, nre nm terlul, nnd they threaten the tariff, tho cur rency, the even tenor of trade, and the en courngementof coinmcrcenbroud. These will suffer while we cross this stream, unless we make sure of our footing in passing. What we now need Is a representative con vention, with n will and mind of Its own n body of men who will relied the sentiment of the localities they represent, which shall con fer, deliberate and decide wliut is for the best ns to men for the front, and as to measures for thelrguidance in office. The work of such a convention wnaldberntifledatthe polls; that of one met only to endorse whnt has been de creed In a spirit of dictation will not be, In my Judgment.at the noxt election. We should find n common ground upon which we can all stand in behalf of the cause we love. Why not? There are plenty of good men on both skies In your city. Why can you not invite n meeting of such, first a few In quiet, and later more, nnd so carry your delegate elections for good men who hnvo the confidence of both sides? There must be a multiple lor each side. It must be found sooner or later, and the sooner the better for all. I think the men who- have run things In your city see now thut rest Is good for Ihem. If not, still there can be such conference and union of those who will "Join to guard what each desires to gain." I hope such uu effort will bo made. For myself I am willing, and I believe the people would be willing, to lay aside nil personal preferences asngnlnst the advice of such a convention. This letter Is quite nnsalisfuetory, but It I the best I can do now. Very respectfully yorrrs, JQ. I. MlTdutlL. Confirmation. the Rt. nev. Cortlandt Whitehead, Bishop of the Diocese of Pittsburgh will visit Orace Church Parish God willing Wednesday of next week, the 19tli Inst. He visits the parish tn administer the Holy and Apostolic Ulte of the laying on of bands com monly called confirmation. All de sirous of bringing themselves Into a deeper and nearer relntlon to their God, by means of this true and Apos tollc way aro very earnestly requested tn make known their wishes to the Hector of the church, before next Wednesday. The subject of the ser mon next Sundoy evening will be "Confirmation," its history, its bless ings. A medicine of real merit, per- scribed by many leading physicians, and universally recommended by those who have ued it, as a true tonic Is, lirown's Iron Bitters. Wantf.d. A smurt active boy, 1C to lR years of age, who writes a pood plain bu-tlness hand, ftnd who Is not afraid to work. Address the under signed, J. II . Btbell Co, 2t. Dagus Mines, Pa. A hreeie has been occasioned In Milwaukee by tho discovery tiiat a prominent pliyician daily wears a pnlrof shoe nmdo from "the tnnncd hide of n negro named Samuel Sten berg, who was not long ago hansred near Albany, X. Y. Steinberg willed his skin to the physician's father an attorn. -y, for defending him. $500 REWARD! OVER A UI1, HOW Of Prof. Su'.'.mette's FRENCH all hnvo already been sold in Hns country mid In France cvrry one of which hps given perfect satNfi'ctlon ami has per pcrmeil cures every time v.' hen used ac cording to direction. We now say to the afflicted and doubt ing ones that wo will pay the above reward fo a single ctise of LAME BACK That the Pad falls to cure. This great remedy will Positively mill I'eniiaiieiitly cure l.uni ha go, I.aine Hack. Sciatica, ffravel. Diabetes, Dropsy. Drlghl'i Disease of the Illdunvs. In continence and Itelent ion of the Trine. Pain In the Hack. Side or Loins, Nervous Weak ness, ami In fact nil disorder of the Rlndder and t'rlmtry Organs whether contracted by private disease or otherwise. LADirs, if you are suffering from Female Weakness, I.eucorrh(en, or nnv dis ease of the Kidneys, lilddder, or Urlmiry Or gan s. YOU CAN BE CURED I Without swallowing nauseous medicines, by simply wearing PROP. GDI LMETTE'S French Kidney Pad, Which Cures by Absorption. Ask vnur drinrcrlsl. for PltOK. OUILMTT TKS Kreneh Kidney Pad, and lnke no other. If lie has not trot It, send -.00 and you will receive t lie Tad hy return mall. TESTIMONIALS FIIOM TIIF. I'KOl'I.K. .JUDGE iiUC'II.VNAN, Lawyer, Toledo, O., says: 'One of Prof. Clullmelte's French Klducv I'ads Hired me ot 'Lumbago In three weeks' lime. My case, had been given up by the best Doctors ns Incurable. Dining nil tills timel siillered untold agony und paid out large sums of money. ' U1SOUUK YE I TER, J. P. Toledo. O "I si.fTeicd for three yenrs wi'h Sciatica and Kidney Iiisease, und olteu had to l'o about on crutches, I was entirely mid permanently cured alter wearing Prof. Guilliivtlu'k Frvucii Kidney Pad four weeks. SQUIBE N. C. PCOTT, Sylvania, O ' I have bec-ii a great sufferer for 10 years with lirighfs Disease of the Kidneys. For weeks nt a time I was unable to get out of bed; took barrels of medicine' but lliev give in. only temporary relief. I wore two of Prof. Uuilmette's Midney Pads six weeks, nnd I now know that I am entirely cuiud." MUS 11ELLEX JEROME, Toledo, O. "For yenrs I hnve been confined, n great pnrl of the time to my bed, with Lueonimsa and female weeklies. I wore one of Guil mclte's Kidney l'ads and wus cured 111 one month." II. B- GREEN, Wholesale Grocer, Eindlnnd, O. "I suffered for 25 years with lame bnck nnd in three weeks periiinneiit ly cured by Meal ing one of I'rof. Uuilmette's Liver Pads." B. I KEESLING, M. D. Druixgist, LiogiuiMMirt. Ind. When sending In an order for Kidney Pads, writes: "I wore one or llic first ones we had and I received more benefit from it than anything I every used. In fact the Pais give heller general satisfaction thun any Kidney remedy we ever sold." RAY i SHOEMAKER. Druggists, Ifaiiiiilinl, Mo. "We nre working upnllvelv trade in vour Pads, and ntv bearing of tjuod results from, them every day." GET THE BEST ! LEAD ALL OTHERS! Every Style & Price. Guaranteed Unequaled FOB OPERATION,. ECONOMY. DURABILITY and WORKMANSHIP. laprovemeata and Convenience! found !? no others. &Bways F2cS5able, POPULAR EVERYWHERE. For Ble in Tvrj City and Tows V. II. HYDE & CO., AGENTS RIDGWAY. Among the new dvertietneiitf in thin liue will b found one from Mewirs. Ratubnne, Sard nnd Co., manufacturers of tliecelebatcd " Aorn stoves and Runges." The distinct lend wliiuh "Arorn" BtovM have tfiUen In all the markets of the world. Is briiiR emphasized each year by the fiict that no live stove merchant who careful ly studies his heat Interests consider Li took complete unlpss It embrace some numbers nf these renowned a"'. Every itove Is fully warranted; and a special feat ura of the bext jtrnsdeof "Acorn" Is Iheir pn tent Asbestos lined oven doors for retaining the hraf In tin; oven and economizing in fuel. The "Acorn Oil Stove." c mbniPini? many new features, has been ndded lo the Acorn line for the tpnon nflHP'J. For a fuller description of "Acorn" stove, send for a sninple copy of Ar.oni Times, published hy Rath hone, 8artf & Co., Albany, N. Y. Bee their adver tisment In another column. E. Cownn, editor of the Warren Mail and Deputy Col of Interim! Revenue for this district, made us a pleasant call last week. Public Kale. There will be cxposcJ to public siiif on TUESDAY, JUNE 1 1882. the valuable real estate on Broad street known as the L. Luther property, and is 80 feet on Broad street and 190 feet along an Hlley next Hyde's store. On which is erected a frame building "Sx 38 wkh wing lOx-18, and one frame burn. Terms cash. M. U. Lpther. Executor est.xto of Llbbous Luther deceased. ' BIRTH DAY CARDS, AT ADVOCATE OFFICE. NE WAD VERTISEHEXTS. T ECKIPTS. F.XPENDlTURES.etc li of .Tones Twp., for the year end ing March 13, 1882. Received from tnxc. etc., C-tpendi lures on road $ I.m 12 i,iC2 K I.I.xniLITlF.S. Orders nntt:tndlnv S.I SI ? l.lta 8 j t 4,293 2) line M. J). Hchulti ASrT-i. Dik e.n old dunllcnt fmiii I.aae Keeter 11 R. rtrennen, 1S-0 " " .t I., llmwn. IKsl ' " Martin Sowers its y 2l 97 I'll (11 l.ow is 71' t f 1.4 VJ ! 'J.S la 21 r.lnblllt Its ovcrnwti ry onnrcrt of the acditoch, A.T. Af.Mtteii, T. C. J. D. WOODRUFF, M. D. PHYSICIAN AM SURGEON. RTDOWAY, PA. Office Main Ftreet Hyde's Opera Building up stairs. OFrreit nouns From 0 to 12 a. m., 2 lo a nnd 7 tn 9 p. m. Residence Mrs. Dr. T. S. Hartleys, corner of Suutli and Brond streets. CALLS DAY Oil NIGHT PROMPTLY AT TENriKD. A fair shore of the people' palronngo so licited. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL 110 AD JPhiladclpliia & ErieR. R- Div. WINTER TIME TABLE On and after MON'DAY, Oct. 31, 1 SH 1 , the trains on tho Philadel phia fc Erie Railroad DiviMon will run as follows : WESTWARD. Niagara Ex. leaves Phila 8 V) n. m. " " Ronovo..5 15 p. in. " " " Driftwood: (W " " " " Knipt.rium7 60 " " " " M.Marvs..S Jn " " " iti.lgwi'iy..K 4 " Kane.... to Dii ERIE mail loaves Phila. .11 5"( p. m .1 1 05 it. m. Renovo.. " Drilt wood. 12 15 p.m. " '' Emporium. 1 iu p. m. " ' St. Marv's..'J 20 p. m. " Rid-way... 2.10 p-m. " Ki"ie 50 p.m. ' nrr. nt Erie :45 p.m. EASTWARD. Day K.pivs leaves Knue. ... 0 00 am. " " " Hidgwnv 8 m am. St. Marys 7 n " " " " Emporiums lu " " Driftwood 8S7 " " " " Renovo . . 10 05 ' " . ' orr. all'hlla. ... 7 05 pm fciUK mail leaven Erie 11 85 a. rn ' " Kane 4 10 n m Kidtrwny....S 17 p. in St. MaryV..S 6n p. ni Kiiiiiorinni.il tii ii lr.' 4. ' ' Driftwood. .7 42 p. in- " " Renovo 'J on p. m " arr. at Phila 7 00 u. m Erie Mail ami Niagara Expres coimeot with Low tirade Division Eri; Mall west tint Day ExprebS con met with K. N. Y. & P. . R. ROBERT NEILSON, Ueiwal Bup't. The largest sioel? of scrap pictures in town at The Advocate oillce. TKW L 1 VERY ST A "LIT IN RIDGWAY. GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES and Boggies to let upon the most rcanoiiauie terms. CiSrHe will also do job teaming. (Stable on Elk street. All nnleiu loft at the Post Oftico w'1 1 receive prompt (mention. Au;i'-01871tl The new game Logomachy or War of Words at the The Advocate office. Also Improved Authors. Business Cords GEO. A. RAYHBUN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Fa Particular attention niven to the examination of titled, t.!o to patents and patent cases. HALL & WCfvULEY ATTORN E V- A T-LA W. Ortlce In new hri. U luiiSding, Main street, Ridgway, V,o., Fa. v82t J. S. BAROWELL, PHYSICIAN ANC SURQEOU, Over twenty five y.nrs practice. Office, on Main t. Kidgway, Pa., opposite the expert House. Office hours from 1 t- 2 mid 7 to 8, P. M. H. ,. WILLIAMS. J :t of KtndtiinvHlfl, Physicliio and Kurgemi. Hid-rw.iv. Pa. Otlice In Hull's Brick BuPdlnff (up stairs) Rci'trencfs J. D- Smith, II. L. Young, R. JCul'.fsf-n, Straltanville ; Muior John Kifley, W. W. Green land, C'laritn. Oixa-C hours I to 2 F. M. and 7 to 8 P. M. Q. O. MESSENGER. DRUGGIST & PARMACEUTIST, N. W. corner of Main nnd Mill btreets. ttidgwny, Pu., full nortnictt of care fully selected Foreign and Domestic Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dis pensed at all hours, day or night, v I n3y hyoe uouatr. W. II. SC1I RAM, Proprietor, Ridgway, Elk county, Pu. Thankful for the patronage hereto fore so liberally bestowed up -i him, the new proprietor hopes, by paying strict attention to the corner! and con venience of guests, to ni'-rit a continu ance of tliu same. oet.10'69 ROBBED. Thousands of graves are annually rolil ted oft heir victims, lives prolonged happiness and health restored by the use of the great , GEHMAN INVIGOHATOR. which positively and prenifinently cures Impoteiicy (caused by excesses of any kind), Seminal weakness, and all dis eases that follows as n sequence of Self-Abuse, as lo.-s of energy, loss of memory, universal la.-ilutle, pain in the back, dimness of vision, premature old age, and many other diseases that lead to insanity or consumption and a premature grave Send for circulars with testimonials free by mail. The INVKiOKATOR It Mild tit $1 per box, ir six boxes for 5 by all druggists, or will be sent for hy mail, securely sealed, on receipt of price bv addressing F. J. CHENEY, Druggist. 197 Summit f-t., TOLEDO, OHIO. Sole Agent for the United Stales. The most wounderftil curative rem edies of the present day, are those that come from Germany, or at least origi nate there. The most recent prepara tion placed upon the market, in litis country, is the GREAT GERMAN INVIGORATOR, which lias never been known to fail in curing a single case of impntency, spermatorrhoea, weakness nod till diseases resuting from self-abuse, as nervcous debility, inability, mental anxiety, languor, lassitude, depression of 'spirits und functional deraiigementsof the nervous system. For sale by druggists, or sent free hy mail on receipt of the paice $1.00 SoleAgent for the United Statesj Send for circular. For sale by ('has. McVean, St. Marys, Pa. PLANTS and SEEDS FOR EVERYBODY Our ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE and BOOK OF FLOWERS send free to any address). H.VItKY CHAAPEL Florist nnd Seedsman, Williamsport, Pa. Henry A. Paiisoxs, Jr., Local agent Ridgway, Pa, STOVE SIGN No. 42 Main St.; A FULL LINE BUILD ERS' HARDWARE, STOVES AND House-Furnishing GOODS At POPULAR PRICES. W. S Service, Ag't. . P'-'n u t'ia limbs, b.n-jc. etomcch, L1WU r.lll.illll.N . i.. i. -.-..i.. I... 11 or er;lll'P UlO BtOOlM.ll,. X'llC Jrtia, orvoiijfUns, uktti'iaxMA." 0 MJl "". " mvi-.wat( r tt 'v.- ...-ii. y uiijumT i.im i. i ,.r . . i ll d,c.Tc.'Twhnr.. rr.rmmnl,l:tvrtttS yt If you nro flrk. fool li:u'lr. rr In in,n. I! EOT