Ilenrj A. Parsons. Jr., - Editor THURSDAY, APMI, 13, ISM. Entered at the rosT-ovFiru at Ridgway, Pa., as second class mail matter. Free Seek M n. Principle rises above Iherlin of parly cry and the dei-liins of bad, bold men. The Republican pnrt.v, although yet young In years, has nt limes nullered from the unholy and Imped netlons of the men, who, when raised to the plnacle of great power, have abused the trust reposed in them mid instead of serving their musters the people have put on the scmblnncenf dictation and sought by abusing their plnce to make themselves the " boss '' of the situation. All through the old Key stone State the free press, the ones not wearing the collar marked "federal office," or " bread and butter," Is rais ing the cry, that wrong Is being com mitted in the name of Republicanism and calling upon the free neck men to stand by the right at the polls. The stencil of tho" bosses' "cauldron rising in black clouds of misrule and cor ruption to the skies, may hide for a time the purlle forms of those men who by official gain still strive to follow after those who own the flesh pots, but the wind of popular Indig nation will raise a breeze t lint shall ere long dispell these thick vapors, and leave in nakedness those simpering cowards who have not the back-bone to be men. As we have said before, "the people are long suffering and kind." But, when the storm breaks the " bosses " gnat and small will be wise to stand from under. little abuses, as in the matter of sending u delegate at the behest of a few men to represent the many, and the making the holding of a petty post-ottlee de pend on the fail h fulness of the en cumbent in obeying orders, are abuses to be sure, but the existunce of a " boss " system lu itself is u far greater abuse, and all together should be thrown down and rooted out. No party is fit to exist in this free country unless it guarantees to cacli individual mem ber the right to have a voice in, and a knowledge of all public party matters. This back room, up stairs, wire pull ing business won't do. Even " Little Bosses'' mrt be made to understand that the people have rightswhich they are bound to respect. And that they cannot forever trample under foot the eternal principle of free thought. Steady then, men, along the whole line, and attest by your earnestness, your devotion to the real, living issues of pure Republicanism. Let the free necked men but take the matter In hand and the sycophants with collars on will soon become a thing of the past. The National Republican League, which was organized two years ago with the view of opposing the efforts of the "bosses" to commit the Re publican party to the Third Term movement ut Chicago, has issued an address to the Independent Republi cans of the State, calling upon them to take united action in opposing the political " bosses " in the coining Slate election. The address states that the calling of the Convention " at the un necessarily early period of May," when there are but ten counties out of the sixty-seven in the State In which the people will have an opportunity of electing delegates on the issues before the party, is an Insult to thinking men, to ask them "to be bound by such devices to political action fraught with the gravest evils to their party and their country." The number of Independent voters, the address de clares, who are opposed to " boss ' rule, was shown in the 50,000 support ers of Mr. Wolf in the improvident campaign of last November," and that " the better elements of the party are ripe for revolt against the insolent do minion of the few men who aspire to be despots. For the purpose of organ izing this disaffection, the National Republican League invites the forma tion of affiliated associations in all the townships in the State, and to put themselves in communication with each other, and with the League, "so that when the May Convention meets we may speak to it with a united voice, blddiug it to throw off the yoke of the 'bosses' if it does not wish to incur defeat by causing a third ticket to be put iu the field.'' Look Haven Journal. Candidates Must Pay the Printer. A case of importance was recently decided in tho Centre county court. The suit was Instituted by Editor Kurtz against a man named Alexan der, who had been a candidate for office and then refused to pay for com plimentary notices given in the paper during the campaign. The compli mentary editorials were not ordered by Alexander, but the court held that political papers are expected to do their utmost in furthering the Interest of the candidate of their party, and the candidates s served are bound to pay the editor for his labor. If the Democrats may be believed, the Republicans are in some confusion on account of the loss of the Paciflo States In J884 through the President's veto. The Democrutio prophets forget that President Garfield Mas averse to Chinese immigration, and therefore should bave been a popular candidate in the Pacific States, but tbat be lost them nevertheless- SEEK health and avoid sickness. Instead of feeling tired and worn out, instead of aches and pains, wouldn't you rather feel fresh and strong? You can continue feeling miserable and good for no thing, and no one but your self can find fault, but if you are tired of that kind of life, you can change it if you choose. How? By getting one bottle of Brown' Iron Bit ters, and taking it regularly according to directions. Mansfield, Ohio, Nor. sS, itSt. Gentlemen : 1 have suffered with pain in my fide and back, and great orenest on my breast, with shoot ing pains all through my body, at tended with great weakness, depres sion of spirits, and loss of appe tite. I have taken several different medicines, and was treated by prom inent physicians lor my liver, kid- ' neys, ana spleen, but 1 not norclief. 1 thought I would try Brown's Iron Bitters; I have now taken one bottlo and a half and am about well pain In side and back all gone soreness all out of my breast, and I have a good appetite, and am gaining in Strength and flesh. It can justly be Called the king of mtduiuet. John K. Allindm. Brown's Iron Bitters is composed of Iron insoluble form; Cinchona the great tonic, together with other standard remedies, making a remarkable non-alcoholic tonic, which will cure Dys pepsia, Indigestion, Malaria, Weakness, and relieve all Lung and Kidney diseases. CUTTHISOUT! A.SrKTesS15KS40wpEEERK. We have stores in 15 leading Cities, from whieb our ajrrnt.i oMnin the;rpiipi'liesnuickly. Our FnctoriCN a'nl Frinrliml IMHccm nra at Krip, I'tt. Si'ud fur our Niw Catalogue alia terms to amenta Adlre-6 ELI M I fllEI I B23 French Street III! Hi kWILah ERIE.PENN'A. fl SI it P . . i 1 E3- & 3 , W( J -M STILL. f.GADS THE WORLD. 50,000 IN USE I TTcs Ortli'n-.iiy lieroncne. Bakes caJ Ccsis laud to &zj Cosk Iters. SEND FOR NEW CIRCULAR HTEF.S, OSEORX & CO., OIiilVHIiAND, OHIO. Western Brairh, 43 LAKB STEEKT, CIlll'U-0, CALL Oft OUR LOCAL AGENT. (A aicdicinct uot a Drink.) nors, urciitT, mandrake, IIANDELIONs ATIIrvtirsT AXD BftKTMKr'irAI.QCAU' TIES uf ALL OHIKH ItlTTSIM. THEY CXJIiE AH Dt&pawiof tlirStomrich, flnwds. ft nod, jliv. r, KliiiH-ys.unJ I i juu'y rnr.-.n.-. Ner- voutnesi, Mt'epii'a&nt-i-sunii esyecuuiy giooo m COLD. Will he pnM j r ft rape they will nnt cut or Arlc your diiifrht for Hun Plrtprs rrv! t-y tlirm before )uu tkp. 'J'uke nu uilu i-. P I. C Ir. an nbsululcrmii li r. stsT-v r-; pruukeuuefts, iu'o of cmun, iuuccl, uarcot.t'i. :rf for , 1.114 dSKSBSEO Shnd tub ( n.'n.m. CTSCTSS'i :i to ' - nr.. t" Hay IVtl.r, M'.. i .... nc.trr, V. V., .-. T"it, nl .Oil. ; Letter-Heads, Bill-Heads, Note Heads. Envelopes, etc. at the Advo cate office. b y kH a a a 5 I? a o H sh u 3 fij S lo o I Sgj9 S v 2 y Si Om S 0? )H ? "nlsS Z r" m H n TREASURER'S ! SALE 3 OF UN SEATED LANDS. NOTICE U hereby given tunt. agreeably to an Aet f AfwemWy iiuhhciI the VM tiny 01 Ainrtii. v. 1M1R mltliil " An nrttnmtlFIHl nil act 4401 dircctliiR tlie mode of pelliMR undented tiindH rr tiixen and oilier purposes, iind tlie lieverni HUpplenientn tlieretn, the followllii? trnet ot uneeinen innon, Hltimtid In Klk county. I'ennnylvnin, will liecxpoftd tornlo ly public ven due or outcry, nt tlie court bonne In 4103 4101 Kidirwnv. In fnitl couniy, on ine 4104 4104 4105 4105 4105 4105 81XOND MONDAY OF JUNE NEXT, being Ibe 12lh DAY OF JLSE A. P. 1882, for llip nrrenrmrcH of taxes lor the years 1880-81. unless the tuxes nre puld prior to miti iitue: BENEZETTE TOWNSHIP. Wnr Acrec. WnrrnnteeaorOwnerg. tti. fi-132 f!28 Jnnies Stokes 100 00 5:t3il 1(M7 Junies Stokes 122 00 53H" 10'7 Jntiies Stokes Vll oo 5M8 10B7 Jnmes Stoken 25 74 5344 1007 Jnmcs Stokes 122 00 5345 1007 James Stokes 251 74 5-S4G 1007 Junies Stokes 319 30 6347 10H7 James Stokes 12 r0 5348 1 0(17 James Stokes 20b 637'J 459 James Stokes 20!) 5380 1100 James Stokes 377 00 6383 800 James Stokes 0 00 5384 1060 James Stokes 420 00 5387 1100 James Stokes 300 00 5340 1 0T8 James Stokes 201 50 5342 1100 James Stoker 2-'0 (Hi )008 '."SO James Stokes 2. 00 5334 1100 Mvron Merrill 167 00 :33fi 1100 Amos B Merrill lo (K) 287 275 Amos Merrill 31 50 6288 276 Amos 1 Merrill 89 24 5280 223 Amos H Merrill 81 "4 6390 1100 Jones. Hammond &Co 314 24 6349 1100 Jonathan Brown 94 24 4994 845 Nathan W Ellis 79 00 4995 458 Addison Swartwood & Co 12 71 900 Cornelius Wainwrigut 61 50 900 Miles Dent 285 74 600 Miles Dent 67 24 100 Miles Dent 9 74 224 Miles Dent south end of curve v 25 60 GO Miles'Dent southwest corner 7 00 CO Miles Dent southeast 5341 5012 5470 5479 5479 6478 5011 corner 10 40 450 John Brooks 51 50 990 John Brooks 114 24 5481 5000 4997 5981 5023 481 H. C. Spuuldlng 110 00 550 H. C. Spaulding C3 00 .Inn Johnson undi vided 5 74 1100 Hezekiah Mix 217 00 50 Andrew Dent 2 74 (11 Hamilton Dawn 10 50 150 William Shannon 34 24 110 David S. Johnson 31 50 550 Henry Blush 81 50 990 Finney & Burrows 1G9 00 19U Finney & Barrows from Fitch & Boylngton 20 24 9r0 J. (4. Heading & Co. 890 00 990 J. O. Heading & Co. 22(i 24 890 J. U. Heading & Co. 203 50 990 J. O. Heading & Co. 283 00 090 Truliiiger, Croft 4:Co. Fitch & Bovington 283 00 134 John & D SJohns-on 15 30 5388 5023 5479 4994 5322 5340 5001 4990 5002 5013 5014 50!I9 6010 5024 5026 30J John fc D. S. Johnson 37 74 5003 5482 990 Shall'er rf; Johnson 339 50 60.5 Julius Jones 115 50 28 Julius Jones 3 50 5482 5330 650 Smith, M'Cormlc Mann f.3 00 220 00 2 90 235 60 150 94 84 24 84 24 16 74 15 74 59 01 5343 1100 Cook & Pardee 6479 50 Levi Hicks 5478 1040 St. John & Rot brock 5011 930 St. John & Rothrock 5477 1100 St. John & Hothroeli 5481 300 H. Merriman 5022 65 Amanda Apker 5022 55 Maria P. Johnson 5024 691 Maria P. Johnson 5023 288J Maria P. Johnson undividedi 10 50 5481 275 Jos. Enz from Martin Enz 13 73 5023 28 Jos. Enz from Murtin Enz 1 40 5020 990 H. Winslow Estate 109 74 5021 375 R. Winslow Estate 85 74 5015 990 H. Winslow Estate 109 70 5027 790 H. Winslow Estate 90 24 5020 600 H. Winslow Estate 75 50 5014 100 H. Winslow Estate 5 74 6027 290 H Winslow Estate Heimer & Johnson lot 23 00 183 13 60 H. Winslow Estate Brockway 23 00 109 R. Winslow Estate 12 40 290 R. Winslow Estate 42 24 107 H. Winslow Estate 12 21 BENZINGEH TOWNSHIP. 4115 75 John Milne 147 Nelson J. Whinner 140 Nelson J. Wininier 4I07 "5 Cwsar A. Jacket 4833 330 J. J. Lawrence! fr. N. Mti I so 11 24 99 23 77 23 77 21 51 118 84 482 828 J. J. Lawrence fr. N. Matson 277 04 4959 990 J. J. Lawrence, 805 50 4900 200 II. G. Williams 01 72 80 H. H. Williams 17 96 220 Gilbert Williams 60 10 4958 300 James Romero Smith 80 70 4958 500 James Sonicrs Smith 144 24 4901 90 James Somero Smith 20 21 4901 900 James Somers Smith 210 84 4992 50 A. Hobbs 6 02 4105 325 Earley Brickel ttllito Vine road, Nos. 7. 15. 17. 19, 21 & 23. 109 34 4104 57 Earley, Brickel & Hite Vine road, Nos. 13, A- 7. 18 80 4100 1414 Earley, Brickel & Hite 177 08 410; 831 :80 71 4108 8110 990 897 1025 094 302 73 335 18 301 92 344 (10 233 68 253 33 274 00 23 93 4109 4U0 4U1 4115 4116 1049 4403 980 4407 107 29 25 4403 7 CO 4880 Brussels roud, E J of No. 80 25 Earley.Brickel & Hite Brussels roud, E. Jof No. 34 30 Earley, Brickel & Hite 200 " " " 0 04 4886 8 39 t) 70 4976 67 3 2357 4878 4879 4944 4945 2274 1)90 West Creek M' fg & Mm. Co. 990 " " " 1483 " " " 990 " " " 990 " " 052 Lyman Wiluiartu 335 38 335 38 499 09 303 87 834 27 Estate 4905 990 Euirene Pavne 274 68 328 24 4880 , - Martin Soru Echbach 4887 ,ou roud. Nos. 14. 10 & 17. 4115 60 Edward Delehunt Vine htrcet, Nos. 11 & 12 81 80 ) Kf84 11 22 17 80 61 20 7 CO 12 76 73 06 117 11 117 11 140 88 146 38 117 82 168 30 286 83 8 45 2-5 J. S. Bales 100 Georue Weis 200 Buhner & Co. 25 Daniel Frasler No. 7 Cherry road 60 Daniel Frasier Nos. 3 it 6 Maple roud 275 Augustus Wolle From TIioh. LuckeuUich 622 Sheldon, Strebigh & 4958 4970 4115 4110 49C0 4404 44C4 4400 4400 4407 4408 Bates 622 622J 622J 420 600 4076 1038 " " " 4105 26 Mary M'Gahan, No 8 4105 60 Mnrw TlVennn. Nos. 13 ntwt 18 84 4993 218 E. Morre 5 07 4408 84 Earlev. Brlckel & Hlto -A v.? 49 1050 ' 4'4 64 4407 1 4408 I 220 " " ,iW 2 Owner Unknown N WeornerCroBSstrret 102 75 0 H Earlev Storer nve..N"f. 22, 24 mid 20 25 19 47 C R Earley Poplur rood, Nos. 2 and 4 15 82 75 C R Farley Olean road, Nos. fi, 7 and 8 25 19 25 c R Earley Vine road. No 6 8 47 24 C R Earley Vino road, Nos. 9 anil 11 8 07 fin (' 11 Enrlev Ponlnr roan. Nos. 16 and 18 to 84 25 C R Earley Poplar road. No. 11 8 47 200C H Early Poplar road. Nos. 19,21,23.25. 27 20 81. 4. 8. 13. 15 and 17 87 53 4105 4100 4103 4100 4107 25 C R En rlev Hickory road, No. 17 8 4 42 f! 11 Earev Vine road. Nos. 81 nnd 31 14 39 60 C R Earlev Hickory road. Ns."l9 and 21 10 84 22 C It Earlev Poplar road. No. 31 7 35 25 C R Earley Chestnut road. No. 29 8 4' 25 OR Earlev Chestnut 4107 4107 4107 4108 410S 4110 4110 4110 4110 4115 4115 4115 49-0 4880 rond. No. 30 8 47 25 CREnrlev Chestnut roa.l. No. 21 8 47 60 fj REorlev-Chestnut road. No. 25 and 27 10 84 60 C R Earley East Chestnut road. Nos. 1 and 8 10 84 50 45 R Earley East Vine road. Nos. 2 and 4 10 84 25 c R Earley Maple road, No. 11 0 95 81 C R Earley Olean and Maple rond, No. 1 7 GO 19 C R Earley East Ma ple rond, No. 1 5 81 61 C H Earley Cherry voad, No. 0 and 2 17 34 75 C R Earley Cherry road, Nos 9, 11 nnd 13 25 19 52 C H Earley Cherry road. Nos. 3 and B 17 40 60 f H Earley-Chel nlit road. Nos. 17 and 19 10 84 200 (! R Earley, 1880 tax 74 83 400 C R Earlev br 82 875 Sedonia Von Ersel 117 82 FOX TOWNSHIP. 207 C R Earley, Townsend Fall lot 51 75 4975 4097 4178 4077 4078 4081 40S7 4097 4098 4374 4082 4902 90 Michael Sbeehnn 29 88 231 Earley, Brlckel & & & A & Hite 47 84 11 00 20 75 24 90 49 Earley, Brickel Hite 105 Earley, Brickel Hite. - 144 Karley, Brlckel Hite 727 Earley, Brickel Hite 2C8 Earley, Brickel Hite 2G2 Earley, Brlckel Hite 30" parley, Brickel Hite 145 B F Tnvlor & Co 151 0(5 & & GO 40 33 20 83 00 24 90 4890 320.10 B F Taylor & Co 78 24 125 00 112 05 4,8 00 1 1 20 74 70 78 85 85 17 3 20 24 90 10 00 12 45 4901 4187 4190 4190 4900 4274 4274 40S7 4097 48 B F Taylor & Co 9110 Hannah Barnard 439 () W Whittaker 5( 0 Richard Gardner 293 Richard Gardner 485 H A Stephens 200 George C Whito so noi'io Krouso 100 Win Apple 60 Patrick Mackin 05 Armel Turley 50 Horace Little 4271 380 Horace Little from county 124 59 424' 12471 1273 I 72 Noble Coal & Oil Co 29 80 249 Noble Coal & Oil Co 110 00 500 Noble Coal & Oil Co 219 00 600 Noble Coal & Oil Co 249 00 40 Robert J Ruhl 3 40 22 Franklin Kuhn 3 52 4: 4247 4240 1 4247 i 4245 4244 ( 4274 4097 4097 4098 4098 4098 4098 4087 242Franklin Kuhn 3 00 121 Rose Kelley 2 00 61 James Winkle 8 04 25Uohn K Jones 4 OS 25 William E Jones 4 00 25 Richard Edwards 3 00 14 Richard Edwards 1 80 160 Owner unknown J Barth lot 12 00 50 Jacob Hartinan Jos. Fnl.erly'lof, 12 45 Henry Lure ay 1 tot from M J Earley 4 15 303 Sheldon, Strebigh & Bates 120 49 "OOSheldttii, Strebigh & Bates 249 00 200 Sheldon, Strebigh & Bates 00 40 41 C H Earley 10 20 60 lit Earley 12 45 58 C R Earley 14 40 00 C It Earley 24 90 45 CR Earley 1118 37 C It Earlev Birch 4082 4077 4078 4078 4078 4081 4081 4087 4087 lane. No. 5. and 10 9 0S 25 C R Earley St. Mary's and Centre ville railroad 8 30 47 C K Earley Rlilgway farm and laud Co 12 03 179 C R Earley Cross rol.d. Ns 1,2,3, 9, 10, 11 and 14 45 35 67 C It Earley Caledo nia road, Nos. 2 and 8 undS. half of 7 14 41 00 C R Earley 10 00 387 C R Earley 99 00 4088 4097 4098 4898 4890 4271 40771 4073 380 C H Earley 110 20 00 Michael Toomey 19 02 40S3 035.42 Northwestern M & Ex Co 310 23 4094 444 50 " " 221 30 4095 272.95 " " 135 99 4090 478.40 " " 238 02 1079 70 " " 34 80 4245 84 " " 41 81 424 4 57.70 " " 28 80 4373 100.30- " " 8 15 4092 50 " " 24 00 4080 105.40 " " 82 17 4078 80 " " 14 94 4091 51.07 " " 25 40 4340 490 " 244 02 4243 902 47 " " 4'9 05 4178 20 " 0 96 b.p.s. 45.50 " " 20 47 s. & 1. 1.60 " 4 1 83 Minerals, &c. only on the followiui! lands: Northwestern 31 & Ex Co 83.81 - " 8 30 4079 301.45 " " 00 05 4080 224.27 " " 83 78 4088 107 " " 20 04 4091 215.30 ' " 63 63 4092 105.94 " " 26 14 199.10 u " 49 80 4094 382.79 " " 95 11 4095 685.90 " " Ui 0 4090 109.64 " 14 27 14 4083 174.65 w " 30 52 4243 B2.50 " " 143 4244' 80.60 " M 19 02 4245 138.22 " " ' 84 84 4240 143.00 " " 85 75 4247 109.60 " " 27 18 4378 79.80 " " 19 02 4374 82 6,1 " " 20 41 b.p.s. 12 9J ' " " 2 7 8293 S2)5 8290 4245 150 " " 87 8-5 II IO HLAND TOWNSII I P. 8C02 831 C. B Wright l- 3221 Duhring 118 45 8R0I 831 C. B. Wright 8291 Duhring 118 45 'l 18 45 3G03 831 C. B. Wright & Dobring 2019 890 W alter Rrynnt 127 45 140 95 18 13 1778 1031 Walter Bryant 2025 100 A. Wolf 2023 100 J. nnd M. Mack- Northwestern corner 17 10 2027 402 George Dickinson 1830 954 (Jcorge Dickinson 2030 830 Freeman Ellis 8788 1001) Jolin N. Lane G8 74 103 13 41 84 171 00 47 88 3752 280 John NLane 1831 1005 Allegheny Bank of Pittsburg 1803 9C2 John F. James 1783 902 Abner Cnssell 1858 888 John P. Brown 2028 1054 J. C. Chapin Estate 2034 90 J. C. Clnipin Estate 3700 10(H) J. C. Cliaiiin Estate .112 65 1G4 50 101 50 151 85 151 28 12 84 171 00 2403 315 J. C. Cliapin Esluto 2150 289 J. C. Chnpin Estate 8771 800 Nathaniel F. Jones 1799 100 Junies Gallagher Sub-division No. 9. 1799 800 Charles G. Gillis Sub divison Nos. 2. 3. 44 91 41 21 04 00 "17 10 4. 6. 7. 8. 9 nnd 10- 130 80 1776 5C0 Charles O. Gillis Sub-division Nos. 13, 14. 15, 10 and 17 1799 100 Jacob Gilbert Sub, division No. 0 20.11 1058 Mrs. Hicknrds 3781 729 Thomas Struthers 2033 1038 William Robinson 3700 800 Souther & Willis 2302 290 Souther & Willis 2404 288 Jno. Nicholson 85 50 17 10 105 87 11081 190 27 130 80 41 34 41 04 3055 1019 Alfred Avery 145 19 1770 100 Elizabeth Cooper Sub -division No. 18 2038 1043 John Bryon and others From Geo. Dickinson 3000 490 L. Wilmurth Estate 1770 100 William Carley 3702 1000 Geo. Brooks 3777 400 Andrew J Knox 3785 10(10 Thomas Griffith 3775 10(10 Thomas Gi iftith 3771 200 Thomas GriititU 2300 2! J B Stcrley 0 GO 178 37 77 75 17 10 142 60 G8 40 112 00 0(1 00 10 00 41 34 30 80 8718 3i'(il 3701 1?() William James 835 John G. Hall 541 Martin Hart 131 10 70 85 3054 1029 Wrav & Graham 377H 900 S. Jones & Co. 3782 901 Little & Souther 1 40 07 180 12 154 60 11 29 2034 118 J G. Hall sub div. 3 1IORTOX TOWNSHIP. North western 31 t Ex Co 4372 702.01) ' " 175 08 4'71 224.20 " " 61 68 4434 870 50 " " 201 92 4409 805.00 " " 199 0S 4451 1030.30 " " 807 20 4452 811 " ' 230 40 4212 28.70 " " 7 08 1200 349 " " 70 80 4188 405 " " 54 70 4272 518 " " 00 4 431(1 00 " 15 30 4341 325.10 " " 70 80 4218 116.55 " ' 35 23 200 4255 1CC2.10 " 407 08 4:J90 I Minerals, &c. only on tlie following lands: Northwestern 31 & Ex Co 410.89 " 139 304 555 4242 20li 4248 4249 4255 422 4340 18 i s 20 08 141 60 17 08 21 8t 3S 07 49 03 50 44 80 40 87 75 41 28 35 71 44 92 10 94 19 20 20 54 35 32 28 98 14 39 737.78 89.90 " " 111.00 " " 2H382 " " 259.65 " " 294.20 " " 450 " " 457.80 " " 215.G0 " " 187.30 " " 234.50 " " 57.30 " 100 " " 107.50 " " 184.40 " " 4341 4171 4372 4-I90 4400 4434 4452 4409 4470 r. A f. 151.70 " " 75.94 " 4279 4370 032 J L Ellis 178 94 11 52 12 53 18 50 53 70 50 O & M Albert Sub- div. No. 20 41 Noble Coal & Oil Co no Noble Coal & Oil Co 847 X B Laneand others 000 Henry I.oiuhi Car 4248 4249 4242 4200 lisle 4182 O'll) llnnw T.nraln Cur. 84 48 Ilul 7 4271 4370 010 John C French 45 20 25 Georue Weis Sub- div. No. 19 5 70 4370 60 Georire Weis Sub- div. No. 23 1142 4453 4344 4400 90 Horace Little from county 23 01 17 Horace Little from Jas Wilson 3 84 CO Ignatius GroUiuger Irom county 20 80 Minerals, &c, only on these land 48 Noble Coal & Oil Co 9 21 2.10 do do do 45 30 58 do do do 11 13 120 do do do 23 04 50 do do do 9 00 JAY TOWTNSHIP. 5283 lioo Amos B. 3rerrill 272 80 5288 825 Amos B. Merrill 300 90 5287 825 Amos B. Merrill 300 90 6289 540 Amos B. Merrill 203 00 5290 012.7 Amos B. Merrill 277 90 4194 400 William Parker 80 80 4195 570 .lames Lyudu 95 90 4190 989 D. K. Jones 183 05 CM (5 00 James Stokes 199 40 4197 220? James Stokes 47 95 4195 207 Sebastian Weis 38 51 4197 200 Eli Kennedy 43 40 4900 4(KI William Robinson 117 80 4SV5 70 William Robinson 20 40 5010 990 Philip 31. Price 245 62 4890 212 E. B. England 62 67 5007 990 E. B. England 214 83 5004 990 k. b. England 214 83 4185 300 Hejiekiah Morton 65 80 4145 loo Hezekiah Horton 18 00 5029 50 Fiulev. Young & Co. 10 30 5018 090 Fiulev, Youmr&Co. 184 14 4898 990 Henry Loraiuc 49104 6017 990 Henry Loraino 334 49 41-95 98 Tyler & Fiu ney 24 29 4895 98 Tvler& Finney 24 29 4803 217 Abigail Woodward 47 12 5030 207 A. E. Golf 74 40 4180 990 B. C. Bowman & Co. 184 14 492 2.;0 B. C. Bowman & Co. 87 20 4191 100 Thomas Heilly 8 40 4194 100 Patrick Reilly 8 40 1845 10!) David Kirskers 12 40 5028 000 Soring Run Coal Co, From seated 2C0 82 6031 727 Spring Hun Coal Co From Seated 191 68 4198 100 Joseph Wilhclm 18 00 4892 480 J. E. Putnuiu & Co. 182 28 4899 852 J. E. Putnam & Co. 109 12 4198 89 Armel Turley from rounty 8 49 4194 200 Armel Tin ley r- from county 49 GO 4194 50 Geo. Dickison from county 12 4 4194 100 Horace Little from county 18 61 6030 94 W. E. Phippcn 7 00 JONES TOWNSHIP. 3221 212 General Thomas L. Kano 46 11 8 70 82221 8221 ; 40 0 07 C5 64 27 28 2610 34321 125 Gen- Thos. L. Kane 211 Oen. Thos. L. Kane 45 82 8293 I 8222 114 24 04 84 80 87 00 21 75 43 50 170 90 174 00 27 84 8222 a mi rio, , Thos. L. Kane 3221 82221, 3293 1 .400 Gen, Thos. L. Kane 281 C 100 Gen. Tlios. L. Kane Thos. L. Kane 2504 1 200 Gen, 2553! 82901 3293 ' 813 aen-Th09-Ll Knne 2588 J 3214 8"0 Gen. Thos L. Kane 3290 130 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 2554 100 aen" T1'09, L' Kftn 21 to 27 04 35 09 60 40 3219 17 40 2504 527 2553 2553 2553 128 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 101 Oen. Thos. L. Kane 232 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 148 Gen Thos. L. Kane 80 Gen. 68 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 2553 2010 f 2810 2504 3221 3222 3224' ' 3290 Thos. L. Kane 12 70 109 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 12 30 890 Oen. Thos. L. Kane 84 08 412 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 89 61 500 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 110 78 200 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 43 60 810 Gen. Thos. L. Kane C7 28 50 Gen. Tints. L. Kane 10 73 26 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 5 80 990 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 143 65 900 Gen. Thos. L. Knne 143 52 247 Gen. Thos. L. Knne 63 94 275 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 69 74 70 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 15 08 253 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 52 78 825 Robert Hulsey 123 80 254 Robert Halsey 88 00 200 George Dickinson 43 40 100 Andrew .1. Low 21 75 80 Andrew J. Low 8 78 120 W. H. Osterliout IS 00 Mrs. Finney Lot No. 204 in Wilcox 1 45 8291 3290 4903 2589 2554 2527 3295 2504 2331 2504 3290 3221 3222 2593 ' 3290 3290 3293 3291 2010 2588 4313 4112 4111 8400 W. II. Dykeman ctal 739 60 1025 Earley, Brickel & Hite 185 00 1073 " " " 195 30 450 " " " 81 20 215 I. B. Brown South of 321 4. 27 65 900 J L. & W. W. Brown 143 55 4114 3143 121 Brown A W'ells Rocky run lot 16 0o 3233 550 Johnson & Riddle 99 75 3233 990 Johnson & Biddlo 170 45 8237 640 Johnson & Riddle 98 02 3242 540 Johnson & Biddlo 98 02 3243 990 Johnson Biddlo 179 45 3251 515 Johnson & Riddlo 93 38 3180 330 Johnson A Biddlo 69 74 3319 307 Johnson & Riddle 44 37 2504 07 Mii'huel Weidert 1189 3231 495 Collins, Hutchinson & Clav 89 1(1 3252 990 Coliins, Hutchinson & Clav 179 22 3232 440 Collins, Hutchinson & Clay 79 "5 3251 475 Collins, Hutchinson & Clav 85 84 3253 900 Coliins, Hutchinson & 102 98 31S0 249 Collins, Hutchinson & Clav 45 24 3217 789 Collins, Hutchinson & Clay 142 97 2254 247 Coliins, Hutchinsou & Clay 44 CO 2791 820 Collins, Hutchinson & Clay 59 10 3231 3220 3229 495 John H. Towns Estate 89 01 818 John H. Towns Estate 147 00 540 John H. Towns Estate 98 02 990 John H. Towns Eftate 179 51 000 Daniel Scull, Jr.'80 taz 01 80 70 Daniel Scull, Jr.'SO tax 0 30 000 Jos S Potts '81 tax 57 08 70 " '81 tax 5 88 02 Daniel Scull, Jr. 8 99 698 Daniel Scull, Jr. 80 91 330 Biddie & Dawson 69 74 330 Biddie & Dawson 69 74 400 Biddlo & Dawson 83 52 990 Biddie & Dawson 179 51 90 A. A. Clay 10 21 240 A. A. Clay 43 37 OIK) A. A. Cl:;y 108 75 000 Thomas Greeves 119 48 185 Thomas Greeves 20 08 807 Thomas Greeves 125 80 400 Thomas Greeves 83 52 807 Thomas Greeves 126 80 O'.'O Thomas Greeves 143 65 990 Tliomus G reeves 143 65 02 Tliomus Greeves 8 09 990 Eugene Pavne 1 13 55 123 Eu.uene Payne 17 98 1 2:'. Eiinc n e Pay 1 1 e 17 98 3230 321,8 3228 3218 3228 2319 2323 3218 3220 3228 2080 3290 24S9 2593 " 3220 2319 2301 3228 2303 2377 2425 2323 904 234)1 303 2487 990 Eugene Payne 143 55 000 Eugene Payne 95 "0 99(1 Collins, Clay & Hacker 143 55 9iMl Collins, Clay & Hacker 143 55 990 Collins. Clay & Hacker 143 5 090 John I.ivescv's Estate 143 55 990 John I.ivescv's Estate 143 55 2323 2310 2329 32 2333 2320 2819 2489 2527 2551 130 John Livcsey's Estate 63 22 744 Clav & Hacker 134 85 420 Clay & Hacker 77 14 5190 Clay fe Hacker 143 55 390 Clay & Hacker 50 55 990 Clay at Hacker 179 42 390 Clay & Hacker 57 42 990 Robert Patterson 143 55 2593 2599 (104 3315 2000 05 Robert Patterson t) 28 2011 742 Robert Patterson 107 69 04 Robe rt Patterson 1100 240 Robert Patterson 44 00 604 Kolielt Patterson 91 85 990 Robert Patterson 143 65 20 Robert Patterson 2 90 890 Robert Patterson 143 55 990 Robert Putterson 129 05 990 James H. Cresson 143 55 394 Junies H. Cresson 85 13 970 James H. Cresson 140 05 248 Junies H. Cresson 85 00 100 James H. Cresson 14 60 925 James H- Cresson 133 98 100 Junies H. Cresson 14 50 04 Jumes II. Cresson 11 00 Hi Brown 70 100 Jumes Wells 1148 252" Ji.-..i 2504 2598 2008 2012 2014 2501 2004 :oo8 201 1 2014 2000 2012 2527 3143 2010 MILLSTONE TOWNSHIP. 2548 2542 209(1 2790 2518 900 900 075 000 00 Darrah & Moire 125 24 Darrah & Moore 250 60 William Dilworth 150 00 C R Earley 107 04 L C Wynkoop and D L Patterson 8 99 2518 375 L C Winkoon and 1) L Patterson 52 20 2521 900 L O Win koop and DL Patterson 167 04 2545 000 James O'Hara 138 24 2517 TOO Junies O'Hara 138 24 2523 9(H) James O'Hara 107 04 i607 075 Drexel. Duhring & Wright 167 04 4134 000 Owner unknown 107 04 4135 000 Owner unknown 107 04 4120 900 Owner unknown 167 04 207 LC Win koop 12 00 2518 25 L C Winkoon- J Stewart's lot 8 48 2518 100 William Crispin 7 20 2510 100 " " 13 92 2532 900 C B Wright & Duh ring 150 CO 2302 000 CB Wright & Duh- rinir 81 00 2039 000 C B Wricht & Dull- ring 150 60 2792 291 C B Wright & Duh ring 60 75 2581 660 C B Wright & Duh- ring 45 81 j 802 " 60 Joh n Wy n koop Estate 1 4S 000 R. H. Wlnlack 107 0 225 D L. Pulterr-on 88 80 198 William Crispin 18 66 00 Josenh H. Trotler 167 04 2541 2067 2540 270 William Crispin, for 1880 RIDQWAY TOWNSHIP. 8 73 4302 4809 4870 4270 4285 210 George Dickinson 10 Brvant A Euwer 910 Bryant. Euwcr 1000 Bryant & Euwer 498 Bryant & Euwer 390 Brvant & Euwer 100 Andrew 31'Klbben 45 Asn Cummiiigs 133 T B Cobb '80 tax 137 Elsie J Cobb '81 tax 400 B F Ely 170 B F Ely 100 87 203 81 203 82 222 60 210 PS 88 11 16 8! 6 74 19 79 13 30 64 90 23 76 264 10 4800 4803 H65 BP Ely 8889 103 Sheldon, Strebigh & Bates 601 Sheldon, Strebigh & Bates 400 Sheldon, Strebigh & Bates 420 Sheldon, Strebigh & Bati's 645 Sheldon, Strebigh & Bates 060 Sheldon, Strebigh & Bates 22 21 68 00 64 07 68 18 74 50 4390 4394 4394 4392 4391 132 45 95 Isaac Arery from Cobb, part of C Mead & Ely lot 183JEdwnrd Cravston 747 W H Osterhout Wil cox Loop; lot C3 C V Gillis 102 James PGnrritt-froin James Gardner 60 Horace Little 200 Horace Little 6 93 13 62 136 74 411 4848 14 15 3 02 46 79 156 62 250 79 17019 250 70 40 71 81 94 11 64 4375 4370 4389 4377 4390 038 C R Earley 1 from 102(1 Earlev 717 1020 190 132 61 Brick'l & Hite Kennedy lot 4389 SPRING CREEK TOWNSHIP 2030 1358 Bryant & Euwer 167 48 1502 601 Rr'ynnt& Euwer 6148 2942 350 Henry Raiight 103 61 2971 800 II irom Carrier & Co 801 17 2980 800 " " " 30117 2915 900 D Carrlernndothers 841 88 2948 900 ( Blake 924 74 2937 1Q55 Allegheny Bank of Pittsburg 4550 182 ( Jcorge D Messenger 4509 150 Henry Truman 657 Soutlier & Willis 481 Souther & Will is N. W. corner of twp 2792 200 C B Wright & Duh riti'f 64 55 19 21 22 70 99 79 78 27 80 69 2775 329 L F Powers-und. i of 12 11 2789 847 Geo W Hhines lr. cou 11 tv 4151 l'i0 Geo 'V Rbines 48 Geo W Rhines N. E. cor. of strong lot 62 85 15 04 6 93', 80 55 63 87 2792 200 Wm. Kelley irom county 475 Francis C Elliot 98 Tavlor D Rhincs Armairost tract 12 20 2954 100 A J ( .ruber from D. O. M'Knall 21G 31'Ganic & Truman from seated list 4044 114 Tavlor D Rhines 2902 10(H) Bowman & Bros 15 00 31 74 20 34 19-30 parts of from seated list, W. part 131 30- 4552 200 J K Guruner 20 30 ST. 3IARYS BOROUGH. Lot No.s. 43, 44, 45, 1 Ridgway Farm and 58 and 62 I Coal Co. Centre St. 5 71 11 03 97 14 4 56 80 30 86 30 80 31,32, 33, 34," Ridgway farm & ('on I Co. Maurice Street 35, 30, R7. 88, 89, 40, 41 and half of 30 13 5 " Lewis St. Charles Overholt- zer Walburger Street 3 acres Geo Gregory fr. Rev. Louis Car tnyval 15 OH Earley, Louis Street 58 Geo Krellner Erin Street 100,113 and 114 Ig. Grotzinger Amondus Street 23 Horace Little Louis Street 9 and 10 Mary Wrinkle Louis Street SEATED LIST. Returned by collectors", upon which ther conlil not lio foinul Miilltclent pei'Minnl pro perly o ptiy me ricvci'iii taxes ussctscu lucre on: EENZINOEU TOWNSHIP. War. Ackes. Wlllium Young, '81 tax 20 Pntrlek M Thilony, 'Kl tx 3 71 Kilwrird Hnblo,4 lots. '81 tax U FOX TOWNSHIP. Vm. f ilhsnn. hous A lot S-D 2 84 Peterl(ollolnuKh,'7S-'7'Jtnx.) ,- an Peter Hollohiins-'h, ' J IJ " 1i0 40 Hal .loll ii uouo'muuii. " ii v rV,.linneK Shelvy, " .VI ".Martin Johnson, ' 12';AIriihiim Comb Fstnte,'79tax ' .T C Hurke. 1 Int. '7 tux 2 A3 13 49 CO King llllUo, Vail A King '7H-V.I tux Alice Murphy, 1 house nnd lot '79 lux Henry Souther, '7S tax 62 50 0 50 2 50 70 HIGHLAND TOWNSHIP. lT'j lld ;V) (HI 2i0 T Cirnlinm, '80 Inx Jrn K Ackerly. 'ril tux M H ('leniciiKer. '81 tnx 'rnnk Hovencunip, '81 t:ix H.Miry IlholT I7l 371111 ST.V! 77U :i7i J II Windsor, " HORTON TOWNSHIP. Pntrlek Welsh .'78 tnx M 33 James O'Hnrrn, '81 tax JAY TOWNSHIP. Etlmn M'Cullnnch '79-'80-'81 tax Iloht nothrork, ,79-'80tox Hoot ttothroek, Joflah tt. Morev " Snni l Hell Kstnto " Mary J Hiiteliuui " Hi nun Howard " JONES TOWNSHIP. 81) John Peterson, '81 tax M1LLSTONF. TOWNSHIP. 24 Jnmrg George, '81 tnx 42 A W Lulhroii und. U of '81 tax SPUING CREEK TOWNSHIP. 3217 210 M'Gnfflc A Trumuu 77-7S-7II tnx Geo W Hhlnes & I, R Klliott uud. of '79 tux George Procliis. '79 tux (i W Dunkle, 'riO-l tux Itonraiinuti H George, '80 '81 tnx C W Potterfleld, '79-'80-'81 tnx George Procius 44 Ilowiriiiii di lirori. "79 tax Geo W Hliiucs St L B Elliott 72 2792 aft 3.) 25 100 331 l(p 72 2792 Ml 79 tux ST. MARYS BC ROUGH. IxT Nos, 1 Independent Fire Co. No. 1, 2 m 4 17 1 60 2 74 4 20 8 40 8 M 4 2 9 IS 12 62 21 41 38 4 46 UIKI IHIIIUlllg, IV lux 7 ov 2 Jolm Hotl'inuu, A lot and hoiiHe, '79 tux 12 M 1 FiuuvU Kronenwetter, '79 tux 8 80 1 Nir Kronenwetter, and new Htnble, '79Uix 8 60 ' '79UIX TU GEORGE WEIDENBCERNEU, TreMures. Treasurer'! Office, 1 Ridgway. Pa., April Ut. 81 00 1 85 S3 1 70 22 12 4t 1 HA 2 15- 2 61 e so 23 2H 17 00 1 20 V