NEWS , SUMMARY. Eastern and Middle statos. List year 1,785 fires in New York city caused a total loss Of $5,820,239. Fora women graduated the other dy from the United Statei Medical college in Now York. Itjb New Jersey house of assembly unani mously adopted a resolution congratulating Queen Victoria on her escape from assawina i.on. Considerable excitement was created in Boston financial circles by the failure of tlio banking house of Charles A. Btroct A Co. Tlio liabilities of tho firm woro put at (2,800,000, and it was stated they would probably pay up In full. Shrinkage in the value of railroad to rurilios held by the firm Is givon as the cauao of tlio Biiapouflion. Vb. J. M.ionin, Guedih & Co., well known New York jewelers, have failed with liabilitica of about 1170,000. David NAVAnno, tho fat boy who has been exhibit!! all ovor tho country, died the other day of smallpox at Tittsburg, Ta. He weighed about GOO pounds and rccoived a salary of 150 a week. Henby D. SlAHcnnANK, who ploadcd guilty to embezzling several thousand dollars whilo a cloi'k in tho Mechanics' bank of Newark, N. J., was sentenced by Judgo Nixon in Trontou to hard labor in State prison for five yoars. Richard n. Cobnwaix, an old and truu ed clerk of tho Fourth National bank, of Now Yoik, has been caught stealing securities val ued at more than $80,000. At a sale of imported stock in Philadelphia thore wero twenty-eix head of Jerseys sold, of which twenty cows avcragod $331.25 per head, five calves $95 a had, and ono bull brought $210. Niuolceu Guernsey cows brought $300.71) a hind, nino calves $113.89, and one bull c-old for $1G0. Fifty head of Hampshire Down sheep wero di-poscd of fur $1,733.50, and twenty head of Sliollaud nonic, linpoited from tho SHetluid Islands, for $2,712.59. The total receipts of the eale were $19,710. Tho highest prico paid for a Jersey cow was $039, for Cretonne, two and a half years old. Tlio highest prieod Guernsey was a two-ai'.d-a-half-ycar-old cow named La Grande, which was purchased for $510. CoUMO'xmu Jo:is J. Gl.v.son', on tho retired list of tho United States navy, diod tho other day in Now York, aged soventy-seven years. It is tow definitely settled that an interna tional rifle match between American and Brit ish teams will tnUo place this year at the Crccd moor (Long Island) range, and a return match in England in 1SS3. South and West. Montgomery, Ala., hag Jnst started up its Brat cotton factory. Tho event caused much enthusiasm. The village of Frinee Fredericktown, the county seat of Calvert county, Mil., has been almost entirely destroyed by fire. Most of the county records wero cousumeX Foun men woro blown to fragments by an explosion in tho packiug house of the Lake Su perior Fowder company at Marquette, Mich. The Lumberman's exehango, at Chicago, 111., roports that the past year has been ono of the most successful ever experienced among lumbermeu in tho Northwest. Captain Edward Postal, of the steamer Hard Cail:, which arrived at Memphis, reports that tho back water from tho Mississippi river txtondod up tho White rivor to Clarendon, Ark., a distance of 135 miles from tho month, and ihe entire country intervening was under waior, vliiuu wtia two feot Uiahet than ver known be fore, tlrcat loss of stock and damage to farming interests occurred throughout the White river bottoms. Itnports corno ofgreat suffering in tho overflowed diutricts. In reply to the inquiry of the secretary of war as to the number of des titute people in his State, Judge Mangum, com missioner of Arkansas, estimates the Dumber of persons in that State needing relief at 20, C00. Commissioner llomingway, of Mississippi, named 18,000 hs tho number in that State. Add to ti.CfO tho 5,000 destitute- in Tennessee, and it makes an agjregato of 13,000 persons whose conditiou is such as Ucmauds prompt attention at the hands of tho government. Ax anti- Chineso meeting, at which 30,000 persons wero present, has been held in San Francisco, resolutions petitioning Congroai to restrict Cuinoso emigration wero passed. Forty thousand persons in the counties along the lower Mississippi have been left destitute by tho recent floods. The town of Nacori, Arizona, was attacked by Apaches, and three persona were killed on each side. John O. Mas-jey anl his viife, an old couple living near Charlotlusvillo, Va., were killed and their money wag taken from their house tho other night. Tub Illinois State board of agiieulturo re ports that tho socding for tho next wheat crr. amounts to 2,070,900 acres, or 275.0011 less than labt year. Tho present condition, however, is' most favorable. Three alleged murderers were taken from the jail at Albuquerque, N. M , by masked men and hanged to trees. The Iowa legislature has agreed to an amend ment to strike out the word "malo" from tho constitution. If agroed to by the next legisla ture it will then go to the, people. Tvto Indians wero hanged the other dy at Lakeport, Cal., for murdoriug a wliito man. The Michigan legislature has pasnodabill nppropriatii.g $205,000 for tho further relief o! the sufferers by forest fires. A Chicago dispatch says that Mr. Scovillo declares that as soon as tho hill of exceptions in Guitcau's case is ready ho will rctiro truni the defense. Ho sr.vs that tlicio will bo no dif ficulty in gutting eminent counsel, hut ho doeH not know that General Butler will mauago the case. The Ohio rivor steamer Sidney, while making a trip from Cincinnati to Wheeling, W. Va., burst her main steam pipo. Mrs. Littlo and ker grandson and a Mr. King wero instantly killed, Mrs. Stephenson, wifo of the boat's pilot, was fatally scalded, and five other per sons wore injured. Tuu number of deaths by tho bursting of a steam pipe on the Ohio river steamer Sidney has increased to eight. Information has been rocoived at Raleigh, N. C, tl at the Mormons have made a lodg ment near King's Mountain, that State. Num bers of tho country people flocked to hear them and thoy made about fifty converts at that point. Lai Eu dispatches estimate that over 80,000 square miles of territory has been iuuudated by the floods in the Mississippi valley, aod the total nnmbor of sufferers is placed at 60,000 persons. In Bolivar county, Miss., no less than thirty lives have been lost by drownicg, and the wholo county, containing about 11,000 per sona, has boon uudor water. P. H. MeCuACEEN, formerly a member of the board of supervisors of Bradford, Mich., charged with the embezzlement of '$1,000 of the publlo funds of that township, was arrested at his home in Chesterfield county, Va., and taken back to Michigan. Nine companies of Nebraska State troops and three companies of United States regulars were sont hastily to Omaha in anticipation of trouble with a body of strikers. The strikers held a mass meeting, at which speeches were made exhorting the labor utiiou to stand firm and denouncing tha authorities fur calling out the military. , Prom Washington. Tns President received from ex-Senator Coukling a letter declining tho associate justiceship of the United Statos supremo court, to which position he was rocontly nominated and confirmed. Hereafter United Statos uolos, silver wrtlfl- catea and fraotional notes equaling or exceed ing three-fifths of their original proportions are redeemable at their full faco value. Fragments of United Statos notos, silvor ccrHScaC" and fractional notos, each constituting clearly one half, but loss than throe-fifths, are rceleonv.iblo at ono-lmir tho full face valuo. Fragments of loss thau a half are redeemable only when ac companied by an affidavit stating that tho missing portion has boon totally dootroyod. Nominations by tho Fresident : Benjamin 8. raiker, of Indiana, to be Uniteel States consul i.t Shcrbrooke, Canada; Evas J. E. Tenny packer, collector of customs, district of Wil mington, N. O. Confirmations by the Senate il D. It, l)u Vergo, of Maryland, consul at St. Tatil do Lo anda ; Horatio N. Boach, of Now York, consul at Puerto Cabcllo, Venezuela. From figures prosentod to tho war depart ment it appears that tlio n umbor of persons loft destitute by the Mississippi rivor floods is nearly 50,000. Is a communication to the secretary of tho navy, Captain Meade, commanding the Van dali, reports the rosults of his personal obser vations on tho Ii'thm-is of Panama. He say the canal company has be.'n quietly at work preparing for tho gigantic task bofore it, and has accomplished a large amount or prolimiiury work. Several of tho be'st officers of the com pany havo died from lojal (ever and waut of suitable attention. Soma deaths among the inforior employes have occurred, but the number has been greatly ex aggerated in tho American newspapers. Tho entire lino has boon cloarod of tree-s and undorbrush for A width o', say, 300 yards. This is a work of no small magnitude in itself. Fifty miles of undergrowth cloarod off in this region represents a deal of work. All along the lii c tiro company has constructed stations and villages for it 3 1 iboiers. The bill regulating Chinese emigration passed the Senato by a voto of twenty-nine yeas to fif teen uays, seven Republicans voting for and cno Democrat against it. Is the Seuate amendments to tho bill for a commission to investigate the liquor traffic wore adopted that not more than three of tho five commissioners shall be of the same politi cal party, and that not more than thrco shall be prohibitionists. The Seunto confirmed tho nomination of Colonel r.ulus Ingalls to bo quartermaster 1 eneral. his been received that tho Rev. Dr. Highland Garnet (eolorod), UnitoJ Statos min ister to Liberia, Africa, is diad in his sixty i ighth yc :r. The tin ling and seutonca of tho court-mar-iHl in the case of Sergeant Mason, who shot at O.iitrau, have been issuol by order of Major G. ueial Hancock. Mason is scntenceil to bo dishonorably disedinrgod from the army and to be imprisoned for eight years. IOiin Gkoroe F. Montagu, secretary of tho British legation nt Washington, died a few days ago, aged twonty-soven years. Tns congressional temperance society is holding meetings every week. Addresses ha re been made by Messrs. Vance, of North Caro lina, Hepburne, of Iowa, Price, Indian com missioner., and others. The Smithsonian institution has received from Profossor Foeretor, of Berlin, the an nouncement of the discovery by Talisa, at Ber lin, of a new planet of the thirteenth magni tude A census roport shows tho'aggregate naliouaj debts of tho principal nations of the worl.l to have been, in 1880, t23,28G,4H,753, an increase over 1870 of $6,108,744,325. In 1880 Franco headed tho list with a national debt of $3,82 ., 982,399, followed by Great Biiniu with $3,766,C71,000 i Russia, $3,318,953,00) ; Spain, $2,579,245,000; Italy, $2,540,313,000 ; and the Unite i States comos fifth with $2,120,415,371. Denmark has the least debt, $48,C05,000. Foreign News. Trince Milan was crowned kin at Belgrade. Tub British honso of commons 5 of Sorbia has reaf- firmed its resolution denying Mr. Bradlaugh the privilege of taking tho oath, liutii Granville forwarded to Mr. Lowe-li tho queen's thanks for the oongratuhv tious and ympathy of tha Presidout and. people of thi L'uittd States. Born housos of the British parliament passed addresaea to Queen Victoria congratu lating her upon Ikt escape from death. Mao- Lean's solicitor says there will be no difficulty iu establishing the fact of tho would-be assas sin's insanity. Great damage has been done by a storm iu and about tho city of Mexico. Tho principal market waj wrecked and two Indians wero a:al!y iiijmed. A rill has boen introduced in the British 'u. 'Uhc of hrds prohibiting atheists from eittin; in cither house of parliament. More than twelve thousand emigrants have ie fr Hamburg for the United States during tho lu-4 two months. Six person woro drowned by th) sinking of tho steamor Apollo in a collision off I'shaut. MacLean, the would-ba ajJis-sin of Q.ieon Victoria, has been identified as a man who 1 ist summer frequented the vicinity of Wiu.lior castle, and o:tcd ia a suspicious manner. The popo is about to create six new cardi nals. The ship Valiant, from Calcutta, bound for New York, was destroyed by fire at the fui mtr place. She had a cargo on board valued at $120,000. Tui:itE aro rumors of bad blood and a coin ing war betwoon Russia and Austria General Skoheleff, in an addresjto Rus sian officers at St. Petersburg, declurod that the Gorman empire, foun led by tho man of blood and iron (Bismarck), must be ele.jU.Ke I 1 y Ru sian blood and irou. The Greek ministry has resigned and a new cabinet has been formed. Ir is stated that the negjliat'om f jr acopy right convention between Great Brit, in and tho United States have been suspended, Pieei dent Arthur and Secretary of State Frelinghuy sen not sharing General Garfield's views on the subject. Keep a Arm grip on good temper, and don t lose your bold unless it pays, Many a man has lost his place and mend, many a lover his 6 weed bean, many a Loubo is broken up, hearts thut loved divided, children scattered and lives wrecked, crimes committed even to the extent of murdor, just by losing grip discretion bids us keep ou this best of all good companions- good temper. There !" triumphantly exclaimed Dead wood editor, as a bullet came through the window and shattered the inkstand, " I knew that new ' Personal ' oolumn would be a success." Sun Francisco Post. " 'Tis mors brave to live than to die." There fore don't wait till a slight Cough develops iteolf into consumption but secure a bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup at the small outlay of ' 35 cents, cor your Cough and live on happily. Farther Effects or the Great Innnda lions, A Nashville (Tenn.) dispatch aysi "An In cessant rain has fallen here, and the rainfall alroely moasnres 1.83 inches-, ineuumoer land river is rtsinn rapidly, and will roach the Hire of fot-ty-two feot above low water mark by to'-morrow afternoon. Ten rafts have been lost since last night. The rain stonrt of to night extends from Texas eastward to Georgia, thonoo northward to Oh'.o, thonco westward to Kansa." . lite following dispatch from Helena, Ark., gives a distressing account of the situation : "The position here becomes more appalling every hour. Tho levees aro built np as high and strong as is possible under the circum stances, ami still tho river continues to riso and the water lacks but a few inches of swooping everything. Tho town is protootod above by a cross levee and It has boen thought that this would savo tho city from a sweeping overflow. The levcos above are pierced by a great crevasgo, snd tho water Is lip to tho top of this Eccond levpo. 'Ibero Ib tin hopo now that tlio flood ran bo kept from tlio town, shd at any moment tho alarm bell may ring out tho terrible nows that tho water is Hooding tho streets. Thoso who occupy homes in the exposeel place havo moved to tho second stories ot business houses and to buildings on tho l.irjhost point. The overflow from the back-water occupies two thirds of tho town) and is still rising. A regu lar business is done by IioiiH and scows carry ing people around tlio overflowed district, and scores of big boats aro at work moving furni turo and otlier property. The news from boiow telle of great distress and increas ing loss ol stock and buildings, llto break at Bolivar, Miss., is ono of tho greatost ever mado in Hio lovoo system, and iloods a vast territory. Tho Water can ho seen from the steamers dashing through to the flcM below with tho forco and roar of a catar Bet. Terrcnco, Mins.. because of its central po sition, has bcou niaefo the point for distribu tion for thsection around Bolivar and IHver ton, and every boat leaving the section for the country below carries supplies lo tho mflurers, snd yet tbe cries for help come up from every hand. Tho immense extent of tho fljod must be undorwtood before any correct idea Can be iofwed of tho demands of the caso. " Wie distress is not confined to miles, but to scores and hundreds of milos. Mr. S. Krow, of Trenton, twonty miles southwest of Helena, camo in to-day in tho interest of a considerable number of whtto sufferers from Big Creek bot tom, who aro quartered at Trenton for the pi csent, os objects of public aiJ. For several days thev wero cooped no in cin houses and lodged in trees, and would bo thero now but tor the preaenco of sonio charitable people who brought them to Trenton, where they were received by Mr. Krow, and everything was douo that could bo done. Ttiey aro iu a torrible stato. and their ex- erienccB in trees and in outhouses during the ast ten nichts aro tcrriblo to contemplate Their losses havo been Rrciet. and Mr. Kreiw says lhat they are but tho beginning of what is suro to follow. Uo is certain that many more persons are in the same condition that those were, and efforts will be made as soon as pos- nblo to bring them to Trenton, which ii the ueare- high land to their locality. The overflow water from tlio Mississippi sweeping in a western direction has thrown Uig Creek out ol its banks, and caused this misory and destitu tion." A dispatch from Memphis. Tenn.. save: "Tho river romains stationai-y here, with thirty-six feet on tlio gauge, rasscngc n wlio fmveu from below this morning repoit that at Austin, Miss., bctwoen Memphis and lleb na, (hi river had cut through the town, ilostrnviug the prin cipal buildings, among tlio number the Ma-onie ieinple. Urn jen:eiiiiial woe t. a iartc buck building, is almost demolished, tho water bo ng tweiity leet deep all around it. bovcral store houses and dwellings wero washed away and carried a distance of half a milo. Tho Iosb of slock contiuues, and tho situation is hourly growing more uesporato." FOKTY-SEYEXTU CONGRESS. Honate Tho financo committee, through Mr. Sher man, chairman, reported an original biiL which went to too calendar, providing lor tne conversion or roriftnpti-in or $10 re- funding certificates. ...Mr. George intro duced a joint resolution authorizing the secretary of war in his discretion to uso hospital tents now possessed by the war depart ment to furnish temporary shelter to tho dis- ircsse'i peupio uiiTtru from tnuir lionies by ine Mi?HiMnm eivorfluw 1 passed Mr. (Jail intro duced a resolution calling on tho President for information whether any representation has been made by the diplomatio representative of tne United mates atumi tliattnc Uniteel states would regard with indifTrenco or consent to ttio ilii-membcrment ol rem by the cession ol any part or her territory to Chili under existinp circumstances, end whether any such state. mcnt was made with authority. Ordered printed. The Chinese bill was proceeded with, and Mr. Piatt spoke in opposition to it. A voto was then ordered on Mr. ingalls' amendment limit ing the suspension ot tlio coming ot Chinese laborers to ten years. The amendment was de feated on a tie vote yeas 23, nays is. uu motion or 3ir. uayara amem' incuts wore adopted making tho sec end Hf-ctiun read as follows: " That auv master of any vessel, of whatever nation. ulitv, who shall knowingly on suedi vess"! bring within iho jurisdiction of tho Unite.! Slates and permit to bo landed any Chinese laborer," eic. On motion of Mr. Miller tho provision directing tho removal of any Chinese unlawfully louud in a customs collection dis trict by the collector, was amendtd to direct that he' shall be removed to tho place whence he came. '1 hi bill providing for a commission to inves tigate tho ulcoholic liquor trail'.c was passed by 31 yeas to 14 nays. Tho bid provides for tlio appointment by tho President and con firmation by tho Senato of a commission of seven p iM lis, not moro than four of whom shall bo of tho fiamo political party or bo auvocatea of prohibition, to hold office not exceeding two yoars, who shall inves tigate tho alcoholic liquor traliio, its relations to revenue and taxat.on, and its general eco nomic, criminal, moral an 1 scientific anect in connection with pauperism, ciime, social vice, the public health and general wcifaro ; and who shall in piiro as to the principal results of lie-eno hikI prohibitory legislation.- The cum-mi-si niis are to si rvc without salary and to re port within eighteen monthi alter the pasjae of iho OJt. An appropriation of $10,000 ii made for their expenses. llnusr. The consular and diplomatic appropriation bill was passed .... Mr. Boiford introduced a resolution reciting tue miseries intlictoJ upon tin Jews ia Russia, declaring that the poeplo of tho Unitoel Slates protest against tho spirit of pcrsBcutiou revived iu Russia, assert ing that tho Ilubrows are loyal citizens and subjects, and requesting tho President to BUbmit to his imperial majesty tho czar the friend y assurances of the pcoplu ol the United States, and to request bun to exorcise his power for the vake of humanity to protoct his Jewish subjects from tlio violence of their enemies.... Mr. 15. IMS presented 102 petitions from tho Statos of Illinois, Indiana and New York, signed by about 30,000 citizens or tnose btatcs, pray lug lor the passago of House resolution r.o. 3.J))0. introduced bv himself, granting a pen. sion to Union eoldiors and sailors of the lato war who wore confluod iu Confederate prisons. Referred. The bill appropriating r20,000 for the eroc lion of a etatue to Chief Justice John Marshall was passed. ...The resolution for the appoint ment of a committee o'f five Senators and nine Representatives to attend the celebration of the 20uih aunivcisury of the discovery of the month of tho Mississippi rivor by La Salle to bo he ld at New Orleans on April 9, 18b2, was tabled by a vote of 77 yeas to 30 nays.... . lie agricultural appropriation bill was taken up for consideration. Tho amount appropri ated bv tho agricultura1 appropriation bill is $3'JC,8id, an increase of $71,3d0 over the appro priation of last year, and a reduction of llt'H.lOO from the estimates. Under the call of.coinmitteos the following were among the bills reported : By Mr. Harris, from the couunitiee ou naval affair., authoriz ing the construction of vessels of war for tho navy ot the United Siatea; by Mr. Money, from tho committee on postofliucs and pot roaels, providing tor oeteau mail service be tween tne United States and foreign porta ; by Mr. Towimeud, from the committee on com merce, unending the law concerning commerce and navigation and the regulation of steam vessel.... The bill authorizing tha purchase ot the proiwrty known as the Vrtcduiau's bank, in Washington, and appropriating IJ50.000 there for, was pasted .... Tu Salw bill directing the secretary of war to pay over to the Sotioty of the Army of the Cuiiib.iland $7,500 to aid in the erection of a statue or monument to Geneial James A. Garfield, was passed. The speiker laid before the House four me inorials from citizous of Utah Territory (one from 10,066 young women, one from 13,035 yo':n? men, one front 15,000 women, and one from 12.37S men), for a suspension ot further action on all bills relating to Utah, and for the appointment of a onmmisflon of honorable and nnprnjif diced men and women td Inqulr Intd and detnrhiillB upon the state of affairs lo that Territory. 'Ha n-nmorials were ordered printed in the Record aod reforrcd. . . .Resolu tions ot land league and Irisn-American socle ties of Massachusetts asking Congress to take Btcps forjhe protection of American citizens abroad Vie-to presented by Mr. Ciapo. Tlio Jonnneto Survivors. Mr. W. W. DanenhiW. of Waihlnirtnn to. coived two lottors frttn his son, Lieutenant John Danenhower, of the Jeannotte. The first is dated in Bf eliin. nuiith of the Lena, No vember 9. 1381. Thcfc is added a postscript, dated at laltutsk, f)octnber 17. The trip up tile nviT iroin uoeiuu w laKiitsic occupied unity Six days, and was bade oh slodirrjs with loirs, reindeer and hrtsos. Lieutenant Dnnhn. howot describes the joirrtoyas ono full of hard ships. Thore woro Mdions at lntorvals on the way constructed or lfcs. no doscribes tho last one of these, sfonteon miles from la kutsk, tho bont one i the lot, as a small log building with a cow-etd attached. It was com posed ol ouo room, In thich were about twenty pooplo when his partyarrived. In the center was the body of a bora that had been killod for food and brunch into the room to thaw out. During the nig) that the party stormed n this hut. Jack Ctb. tha boatswain, win In laboring under aberltion of mind, got up and Btarted out to walk to New York to seo his wife. The hormometor was sixty degrees below icro, it required all of Lieu tenant Danenhower'i persuasive powers to induce him to go baeiinto tho hut. At Iakutsk Lieutenant Dauenhom says he found a man who understood Preili, and was taken to tho governor, who treatcdiim with great kindness and cousidoration. lo detailed a lieutenant with instructions to fro the wants of the party special attention, (iontenant I'anonhower speaks of his sojournn Iakutsk as having been exceedingly plessantand comfortable undor the circumstances, speaking of tho torriblo journey of tho parly.jietilcnftut Dancnhower says tiiey bad to traviiliu miles ovor tne ieo from the Bhip to tho ttuth of tho Lena. They landed in shoal wate and wore compelled to wade two miles to lal. They wore forced to travel 100 miles bofoi they roached eheltor, and ho says ho watlip five days and four nights without sleep orest. He montions tho fact that out of tho tlity-three men compris ing the crew and offlco of tho Jeannette only tuineen are Known I be living ana ono is known tu be dead. I Several intereinj? arcbroolotricDl "fiuilu" in Earopo 'O roportcd. Near Cultarisetta, Sicil 6everal caverns hnve been loutitl, hit'h are ovidertly Imrinl places datij from the period when tlie ancient ieiilians hnrl already been ouwted by th Italian tribes, but before the Greek Monization hail bo gnn. At Nordnj Donmark, tho re mains of neven h'lian bodies have been found ma lor a ferret of pumice stono, nurutiou i broLzn bjrets, gold rings, Roman glasses, qisaics, glitsa beads, etc., being also dtdvercd among the remains. ) A Railroad 01111 Interviewed. ' Not every one bo leerfully comniunt cates his knowb dge d opinions as recent ly d'.il h, 1j. Lowerelvq., cashier of the Cincinnati Southern iilwuy, that splendid outlet to the South om the Ohio. Our representative waiteiupon Mr. Lowcree, nnd in reply to cerU questions tlio latter gentleman observed:! was suffering from a very severe aitacK riieuiiiausin in my right foot; it was im terrible condition; the pain was almo-l tolerable; our f.nnily physician waited one without Buccew; I -nt for another y known M. 1)., but even the twain cnuldo nothing for me; I could not get dowliero to the office to attend to my dutiesi fact I could not put my foot tinder met all, and after nine we-ks suffering I tun to grow desperate My friend (whom, course you know, for he is known by evendy), Mr. Stacey Hill, of the Mount Aubuilnclined l'lnne liail ro.ld LKUiipany, oV0 fee me, ho npoLc very highly of S. Jftn Oil, nnd recom menced the re nieiy toti in glowing lerras. I latighed at the Ilea f sing a proprietary medicine, nnd ye the tty recommending it, (Mr Stiicey fill, member), being u man of sound jiiilment, it me to thinking the matter over. J'he ntt day, when the physicians callet I dismissed them, and said to myself tht I woul lei nature take its course. Tin resolutn lasted j'ist a day. On the fdowing inning I, in a fit of thsperation, lit a servai for a bottle ot St. Jacobs Oil. I npplied'hat wonderful remedy, and i penetratcilme bo that I thought my foovas about b fall oil, but it did not; in fa it did jusuhe opposite. Tho next monig the pai had entirely left my foot, thcwelling waiiredticetl, and really the nppeance was so fiervnt alto gether from the ay before tin it actually surprised me. lipplied moi of the St. Jacobs Oil, andhat aflernoQ I walkeel down here to fe office, and as able to attend to my duis and get nrond as well as ny ono. Ihe say for St. cobs Oil tlist it b -uts railad time, and i always sure to win C'iitinati Enquirer A mun with aaiull salary anru. large family enys if ptfo goes before a fall he would like tsee prido startpn a little uheitd of a prico of coal arit pro visions. 1 i From nn exltive use of St. Jacob Oil in the editor's pily, we are ithle to spak ci nSdently of iltreat worth in numenus ailments, and dy recommend it as an article most double to have on hand in tho iiiceliciiiehc. Stamford (Com.) Herald. m Metlincs favor of the disestablish.. mcnt of the liueh of Seof lund have been held runtly in Aberdeen, Edin burgh, Glas and other cities of Scotland. (lru ml 'iimncrs taught their dvieis that "a stitch in timo saves nine." A iu tiuio saves not only nino, hut ofttimos an dculsble amount ofsulferin'' as well. An odonal doso of Dr. Pieice'a Pellets (Little hr-coated Pills), to cleauso the stomach a bowels, not only prevonts diseases but oftbicaks up sudden attacks, when .alien In tl By druggists. To lull enterp: into inaction by nursing shattered hopes,o bhut out the sunlight of fortuno and staiour character with weak ness. Dr. riorea's tvorito Proscription" per fectly and pertntly cures thewe diseases peculiar to leiua It is tonic and ncrviue, effectually allaj-ond ouring iho3e sickening sensations that et the stomach and heart tl. rough reflexion. Tne back-ache, and 'dragging-dow sensations all disappear under the streiiuieg effects of this great restorative. Iitiggista. Some Indianbs believed- that the future pnuMiment of wicked was to hunt and kill Huiinuls which all skin and bones. For weak I, spitting of blood, weak stomach, nighitts, and the eirly stages of Consumption, plou Medical Diatmvi-ry " U specinc. iiv ousts. Arfoanino err Itiohard An Iree there I in the world. Five-sixth arrt 6,130 000 live ia Kurop Fob bvsi-Ei'bjuioEijTioN, degression of spir its and gcneribility, in I heir various torms; also as a prewe against fovor and ague and other internet feivers, the "Perro-Piiosphor-ated Elixir tdisava," made by Caswell, Hazard k Caw York, and told by all Drug gists, is the biuic; aud forpatienUrecovcri ing from fevt other sickness it has uo equal, Olriy Days' Trial. The Voltabt Co., Marshall, Mich., will send their 14-Voltaio Belts aud other Elec tric Appliauot trial for thirty days to any person affile Hb. Nervous Debility, Lost Vitality, aulred troubles, guaranteeing complete realou of vigor and manhood. Address asva without delay. P. & -No incurred, as 80 days' trial la allowed, I , f.n aud Ner-re. Wells' Healtuewer, greatest remedy on earth for iiupa .eimi-, mental or physi cal debility, A t druggists Prepaid by exp, $1.25, 0 lor t-yj. W-Si Jersey City, N.J. Brooklyn !gb.l tile Ulinhimoiis Cholboor Urookijm Over in Broottlytl the story is the same.. Dr, M. II. Eecies, pharmacist, corner of Atlantio avonub and Smith street, says St. Jacobs OU soils well and has a good ropntation among his customers. Mr. L. F. Stevens, who runs the pharmacy corner Atlantio avouue and Court strot-t, don't take much stock in patent modi cines, and has not kept the Great Gorman Romody until a fo wooks since, when the groat and growing demand for the article among his oustomers Induced hiffl to keep It. H is now sel lng It right along. At tho large and WdolyiknoWn pharmacy of Messrs. Hoid ennroi.ih & doi, corner Atlantio avonito anet Clinton street it Was stated bf Mr. Vanddrgrift that Bt, Jacobs Oil is now selling even bettor than formorly, and that the oonceni is Handling it ill considerable quantities, dne customer, a lady, whose tiamo ho did not fcol at liberty to discloto, was using the Great Gorman llomody for inflammatory rheumatism, with satisfactory results. Dr. Chadwick, pharmacist, corner Court and Prosident streets, says St. Jacobs Oil goes along bravely. Thero is a good and constant demand for it. He has hoard it highly comraendod by his customors in rheumatio af fections, aud 1b exceedingly popular with tile people in his neighborhood, Mr. Di 0. Pearl, pharmacist, No. 417 Court street, tolls no un certain tale of his experience with the popular remedy. Mr. Pearl says there is a great do mand for St. Jacobs Oil. It goes faster amoiig his customers than other preparations used As pain anuihilators. The domaud for it has ro contly greatly Increased. Ho frequently has calls fdr it from tho same parties, which is the beat evidence that a druggist can have that it is a good tiling. It was fold the roportor that Mrs. Quabach, a ady residing at No. 109 Fourth placo, was a regular devotee at the shrino of St. Jacob. Upon boiug intcrviowod, Mrs. Quabach stated that eha was subject to frequout attacks of headaches, and uso.l the St. Jacob. Oil with groat satisfaction. It frequently relieved hit when nothing elso would. She said Ler atten tion as called to the groat remedy by a gou t'euian living In Hudson, who used It rogularly. i Ho was a very detlcate gentleman and a great suiTorer by reason of his peculiar sensitiveness to climato changes. This gentleman found groat help from tho use of the Oil, believing it to be a wonderful remedy, through his own personal cxperiouco, in relieving pain. Mr. Perrin, druggist, No. 611 Court street, said St. Jacobs Oil is selling very well. Mr. John Morn-soy, a pharmacist doing business at No. 313 Smith i-troet, said that St. Jacobs Oil is boom ing. Mr. W. F. Van Deiuso, pharinacoutist No. 251 Bmiih street, spoko iu high praise of ' the remedy. Ho said tho domand for St. Jacobs Oil is far greater among his customers thau for any othor liniment. Tho salos of the Oil are regular and it is a slajilo commodity. He had heard numbers of peoplo indorse it, and many of his customers had told him it had cured thorn of rheumatism and neuralgia, Mr. Van Deinso concluded by saying that the St. Jacobs Oil is tho most popular remedial agent ho ever knew, and he considered its veiy fiuo an! thoroughly efficacious remedy for rheumatism. Mr. T. M. Lahcy, apothecary, corner Smith an 1 Bergen streets, Baid tho St. Jacobs Oil has a steady sale, and that ho handles it in quite largo quantities. Un'ike some other things in tho market, it did not spurt up and thou dio out, but wa a stundaid article t f every day salo. Coming back to Now York, tho reporter next saw Mr. yVederick Kauch, No. 2.3CD Third ave nue. Mr. Kauch taid St. Jacobs Oil had also sold well, but thero is now a greater demand for it than ovor. Everybody B08ins to talk in its favor, and ho personally know instancoj where it liaei cured caBCs of rhoumatlsm of a very stubborn character. In 1H81 tho total catch of seals was nearly 500,000, and their estimated orih iu European markets was (1,250,000. Rllnd anil 11 nil r. Pom Byiion, N. Y., Pobruarv 1, 1S91. n. H. Wahstjh A Co.: .Sirs For years I suffered unspeakably from kidney an I bia Ide r diseases. The dnc'.ors coulel do me no good. Your tafo Kidney and Liv r C'uro not only rn moveel all bodily pain, but banished ihe auiiuii s Of lUlir SO; lir.t l'.KM liADbEX. The new Texas eapitul is said to bo 3U feet high the hlghost building in Amcrien snd the seventh in tho world and is to eo-.t tl 700,00 1. Tlio Scienco of Life, or Self-Presorvallnn, a medical work for every man young, niiddlo-lij-'e el or old. 125 invaluable prescriptions. RKSri'KI) FKOI DEATH. Vllllflm J. Out:lil1n, of S'Hiiervllle. Mass , saj's: In the fall of lS7f I watt taken wtUi or the lckgs fcU luwcl by a seve-n cou'li. I Inst my appetite allU llVy siul was ci.ntlii'-il to uiy U-l. In 17" 1 wan a.luiittoil to' the lu:hl:lal. Tli UotrVTR Kil.l I hal a hole 111 my luiix a bin u a half-dolUir. At one time a report we'lit aruini.l that I was iU'l. 1 tsUve up lupe, but A frlcn'l t..l'l me of lilt. WILLIAM HALL'S 11AI.SA.M I' OK THE LI NCS. I t;ot a bottle, when to my surprine, I commcne'e'il to feu) be-tler, and to-day I feel belter than for three years past. I write Uils hojnj? every' one alllletetl with UlneaseU LllllKSWlll UtkellJt. WILLIAM IIAI.L'3 UAI.9AM.aliJ be convinced that COXSl'M I'TION CAN- UK UU11KI). I tan iwfittlvely say ft has done more good than alt the otlier medicines I havo taken since my gle-kne A I.I.EVf Itrnln I'-onil-cnrrs K'ervous rcibillty It Weakness ot ieuerativ llirans, ll--nll ilrii'.'Kisio. Scud lorCircular. Allan's Pliarniacy.aial;'irtv ,N.Y. THE MAHKLTS. kkw vonit. Brrf Cattlo rrinm livo weight Calves Poor to Priino Veals... Shexp Lamias Hogi Live 10.Y 6 Li 6 (j 11 ? VA 7 00 JIUWCU, tlt . . . . f Flour Ex. State, goixl to fancy 5 00 04 8 Dressed, city. 8 (it XS'osteii'n. L'ood to elioico 5 10 60 30Y 87 J(i 70VJ 5U 52 05 75 2d 57 35 70 v 42 40 40 33 20 50 Wheat No. 2 lied, new 1 3 ) No. 1 White, new 1 29 Pyo State liarli'y Two-rowed State C'tnn Ungradoel WestcrnMixed Southern Yellow Data Whito htatc Mixed Western Tlar I'rimn Timntliv 81 yii 66 02 (i 50 U da to &10 ('610 Ktrr.w Xo. 1, Ifye 70 Hops Stato, ltidl 25 Pink Mess, new, lor export... 17 75 Lard City Steam 10 85 liotinod 10 70 i etroicum Uruelo Iiefinod Bnttor Stato Creamery Dairy Western fin. Crcainory Factory ,". Cheoso Stato Factory Skims Western , Eerra Ktfltn ni,fl lnnn eV'4 vS'it 35 37 04 35 Cti U (sit 8 to 8 no l'JVtto Potatoes Early Iloso.Kta'to.bbi 3 25 tfi it Ci 6 to c to 5 Steers Extra 6 00 Lambs Western 6 50 Sheep Western 5 25 IIoirpL fiond ttl'liuiio YnvhorM P. Mil 25 50 73 40 25 47 C9 47 00 00 8 9s 00 50 75 60 00 40 81 23 6 7 75 33 U7 ST is 7 VA f'S 6 Flour C'yOround, No. 1 Spring 8 75 Wheat No. 1. Hard Duluth. . . . I 47 to 7 to l Corn No. 2 Mixed CPida Oats No 2 Mix. West 47 to Bailey Two-rowed Stato 00 uosroji. Beef Extra plate and family. .18 00 (JJ15 Hogs Livo IVtto Hogs City Drcsbod OJCJ Pork Extra Prime poi bid... .11 50 ($15 Flour Spring Wheat Patouts. , 7 50 Ca 8 Corn Mixed and Yellow Oaut Extra Whito &ly,to live State 07 to 1 Wool Watdied Comb Jt Delaine tiltH Unwashed " " 80 to WATl.UTOW.t (1LASS.) CATTLC UAUKKT. Beef Extra quality 6 75 to 1 Sheen Live weight 6 to Lambs fVtto Hogs, Northern, d. w Stj I-H1LADELPUU. Flour Foun. Ex. Family, good 5 75 to 6 Wheat-No. 2 Bed 180 ( 1 liye State 97 (Va Corn Suite Yellow 6VV,to Oata Mixed 4'JJ'ij Butter Creamery Extra Ta.. .. 41 oa Cheese Now York Full Cream. 13(3) Petroleum Crude C C'i lttlined V,(i l.nj lni thk i tJroniidtvpi-k'of ttpallh. Wlihout vigor tliero can bo Bo healthful regularity lii the. performance of the bodily functions. It is to its invigorating influence, that Hoslottor's Stomach Bittors owes a large proportion of lis popularity. The people of America find in it the virtues of a commanding tonic, and have learned by experie -ce that it ia an efficient antidoto to the poison if malaria, whothor in air or water. Also that it conquers biliousness and constipation, aud romodics nervous debility. Few family remedies have a moro comprehensive soopo, and assuredly there is none the merits of whioh havo been more widely recognized by the press, the publlo and the medical profession. TrftveOrg and emi grants tlsB it tvith advantage against tho vicissi tudes of Climate and infliiencesof an nnhealth ful nature existing in watet or food, and mariners, miners and others to counteract the effects Of exposure atid harelgldp. TiiEoi'iiBASTis believed that thore was au herb at the touch of which the wedge tho wood man had tliivcn into a trco would leap out again. A Good Main's Hlrep. NunvotTS Sufferer. A dose of Vkoetine, taken fiint before doing to bed, will insure a comfort ublo night's rest to the nervous sufinrer. Removing the Capitol, 113) A few years ago it was the fashion among n certain clique of politicians, whose utter nnces were echoed by a portion ol the press, to clamor for I lie removal of the Capitol from Washington to soifie representative Western city near to the geographical cen ter of the country. The topic seemed td prove a seven days wonder, however, and was soon forgo ten in the rush and require ments of the Nation's urgent business. Now. whether the Capitol will ever be re moved or not is not near bo interesting a titiestion to some people as whether rheuma tism can or will be removed from their bodies. The subject of the removal of this disease from the system tins very success fully interested myriads of peopleand from Ihe extended expressions conveyed by the almost innumerable staUnienls received from lepiesentatives of everyday of the community, we append the followed brief selection, premising for the benefit of the render lhat the disease referred to is rheum ntism or neuralgia and tlio remedy 's that gr.iiid old panacea St. Jacob's Oil.-The Kt. Hev. Ilis.'iop Gilmonr, Cleveland, Ohio: 'KxcUlent fi.r KheuiiiatNm and kindred diseases. It has benefited nie Kreat'.y." Hon. Cu ter tl. Ilarripon, Mayor ol Chicago: "Has been used in my family ami neighbor hood with remaikable results, nnd I think it an excellent remedy." John Cl'.M Moody, E-q , Counselor fit-Law, Vallejo, C'ul : "The itlie f afforded in a short time was such as to make me disregard the cvl d nce of my own senses." Captain Paul Hiytnn, the World K.'nowned Swimmer: " I do not see how I could get along without St. Jacobs Oil." Mr. i). W. McDonald, Sergeant nt Arms of the House of Com mons, Ottawa, Can.: "A splendid remedy; cured rheumatism of my wrist and hand'" vtm. ii. wareing, lvq , Asst. General Stipt. New York I'ostoliice: "Proved all that is claimed for the Oil and found efli-cneio-. R. Heady relief for rheumatic iiains." -Ex Postmaster Gen James, while Post master ol New York, tersely Hnd charac teristically indorsed Supt. Wnreing's report by writing: "1 concur. ' - M v N P io " " mm S100. Coupons Aacliod SIX percent, per Annum. Securedby IWortunaeou Valuable IE fill I'm u li l3-'tt r tljiitt i'jvt'rnuif ut. Suitnbli' lor mca u Sin;.ll in- aiis. iii'.itlilv lunicd iiiuoariU. UWiT to Ira 1 k baukH uud ban kern. Tull inform .! . iu by .'ipi'lvitin to U. S. l,ANi HI I'llOVr.MFNT CO., ,Ui IMiicSt Nrv Yarn. rw S3 :, '-i-ivi-s j).;ti,i-u-s. Tl. ViKfiul 1 n-m ii Kin. -it , tn Ay hrirui.t si si rciiu k priM iiiu-d bv vcti m e, Hi v'a: .i.c'.i iiiv wiihiu buir d.i h. JImxjI, imiii.-d. ; M'iiuiii' lcis ivfl s- a! itiul K'Tiuliirn uf L. A. I'Aitjt K "n., nu: nyi-iM. U. I it It St.. N.Y. Ask t our drui; it lir I In t"iiui:n'. Write br link it nil rt-fcrnn-i-fi. Frr'ff 10rt SELF.C'TIOXS for " Autopmpt 56a Albums. I k Tr;mHimrout CunlM, 1 i ISctU l'uu r.ird-. 1 t k l.n Cnt 1 i k Flirt. ;t i.un Mi 'Is.IiaMjruajic of t lowers, (i Arlrt'fcs' l'irtures, Star I'u.Ju, 'l t'iii-jniral I'uzIm, and an eif4bt-iiHK? Jitt-r.iry i-ai-cron trial thii o inoutb-q. All tlio above f-i-iitnn riiit oi 1-V. in vtrtiin (covr notu?f, etc. Addntsn KLNUAL k CO., lionton. Mass CI V " W!TIT KONFT! lmt mn t a). I. w!A If )u Want ft l.uiiifiknt nui'UrKs. Il.,wint CTC ;. 'l,3r ur ft iBth nf hair n fctll B J hrvU or le TIIIL'fc.i;?i. hrMNiltHEN ftitd INVIOiiiATttl.t JI!R ftn.wl ilnt't U KVf.K VtT Uut MAS: lliioi Uortra of ftlt luiUkwu. :A it f. A.M. limiili.'nl (Vloratt Eir !.(. ''"jfr,,viri'i 'u tyi . J.4rf mw lliuHtnl! calftl.iitui- t-t .VV pi,",nir ftT"l f"Jir, Willi DlUii jne-. inn. X ! ,,,!-"'' 61 Uil-bly HI. "IWI UHIptoTmBIl. tCulf v r. A.M. hKIUUMi 4 ((., Uu:.. 't.-n ir.j vtH'.t,fi.turftr. 1Z Vtvmvtuy, Nw Yur. r J'lIK rily tni" i-ropardtiou iu the world for tht I cult) of roin;niiiiiMi i II I1h I'nlri.K il Ifoui- iiimI rivrift, It rim -.4 )n n all otbert t.til. rrii.cSl iterbottlo. ll.ll'nAH 1'iiln ll-lt-l liliiimarit ctiri' all Afhcx. l'aiim and iMfcascR, 5 cl. To bt- ba i at ,Hi- Kt Sr.. N.-w Vrk. DSowtf for 1SS2. with improved lUsV 1 rGlmr'tt l ublo. Calendar. J etc. Sent to auv afblnma onroeclpt nf two Thvrp-f 'imii Sttiinpn. Addrons CUAKLIiS K. HiiiLH, 48 N. Ixlawuro Ave., 1'liila. OU..w0 liuurgw inift, Ciiicm&aU, Ola. rVO MTIIEnS.-llrnwii's Trrlhliiv l'off- I tlvvn alt) the. KuleRt and bti.nt. Tlicy iuuro iafe, BT'eelynu i taty tot tbini. Mailnd froo, cuts. It 1 1( UN, W ii) n Sirrcit Jriey (iy, N. J, For pamphlets deforib. '!rinx the great Ainam - 0 Clovtrl'ulUri Attathmtx writ TttK AUiiXMAf X T A V LOB CO. UansfieM. U ELECTRIC BELTS. A iterlvet Mirn for prem.itnrfl debility. Scud for perl vet Mirn for p :uUr. Du. J. KAli circular. lu. J. KAlilt, M-l Uroadway. New York. PATENTS Bonk " und "lluiv tu It. H. A. P. LACEY, I'ntcnt Hullr' orpVinshiuton, D.C. Our -S Mi ntirtc. Itvrord Hand lioiv tu Irocuri'! Pateuta" nenirte. brut V'i'fe'i'litnxa.Tli-li.KTiiihoworlif: 1 .ample A' H1WI."J' Addri-ns .Iny Ili ou.on, Drlioll. Mh n. YnilMH MPM ltouant to learn Ttdecraidiy in IUUIXU WICI1 a u w monUis, ancll.e certain of a situation, add rem Valentine liroa., JancHvillu, Wis. R4n QtOfi per dav at home. KamplTworth$5freoI XZ..T.rV AddresK SriNM.N A Co.. rortlaiid.Maina. R1 ff REWA31D ftircitfteof Krrvoui Mobility, Blood or ylvU ki'iti-.v Di.tuM-uotcurrtlhj Dn r'lri.ia. WW Wl I in, Fhiln, lirri-rriire ttff. t'nr' rarilrMl. r 7 9 A WEEK, f 12 a day at home easily made. CoHtly Outlit froe. Add bTuue k Co.. AuKuata,Maina. ClAItn COTXEOTOUS. ahandKomftSPt of Cards for J thrw-eeut HtampA. G. Uak-skit, Itochonter, N.Y. a week in vour own town. Term aud 5 outfit OW r,v. Add ll.lf u.Kvrjfe C()..lortlaud.Maino. METO, S50, il l H More than One Million Copies Sold ! EVERYBODY WANTS IT. EVERYBODY WEEDS IT. " 252th Edition (New). Revised and Enlarged. . orHt'ir-l're.ervatlon. A Great Mcdlcui Tri al. I.e ou niudboods Ihe Cause and Cure utV.x Luu.led Tllnliti-, Nervous and l'lir.lcal DebiU III 1 also on the uccne. ol Mature hvo. Tlie very Cutet IfMcriiitlon (or all KNOW THYSELF, Boiiml In butiful Kt... A'rice ouiy ILLUSTRATED SAMPLE, Thonsands of Copies are scat by wall, world, every month, upon recelpt'of price. The Scfcnre of Life, or 8elf-Pir.erv.tlon. i the mint extraordinary work on Phy.loloirv ever nnhll ...1 Then.. im..tliiiiirhitvc-r lhat the marri. il or.iiiK-le t cither s.r either rc"iu re , o? iLh , tnT.V.l w v. hat is fully rxi lame.l. In ahon. th book ta invalnabla to all who wwii ,.r k d health -.Tuynn ,11 The beat meiliral work ever published oa.Jo L,iml. A bnuant and luvaluablTworT lhrall Thi BOl.1 aud jeweled medal awanled the author ol the Brfenoe of Life wa "aiiii ' voi auTwort f iv 1 iowe.l..lf,,l-ftrH l'louphman. j'l.ousau-la of entracU aimilar to the above rouJd 1 taken fn.m u. ea inn iouriiala-literary pollli.-al, r- littiou, and tont.ilc-thuhoT,t the Und 'J he liwk ia Suarlu" trod to be a Iwliw medical w, irk. in evory ac-uac, thau tail be obtaiwd elaowhero lor double til TuiicS orthJ luouey wiUiHifuudediuvvuryiiutauce.. """"" luo 01 m Address PEABODY MEDICAL INSTITUTE or W. H. PARKER, M. D.f i Buiflucb Htreet, Bwatea. Muaa. M. B. Th. autuot may bo coaautt.d a ail dUuaaoi tequiruig skill ul exoerlaiHM. p? in ULIBlUsi "HE SAYS IT IS TRUE." w Bineca Falu, Not. 9t 1879 Mr. H. R. BTKVKTm: narBir An you fut sn entlro KtrnnfrpT to m. I want you to know what Vkoktink ha dmin for me. Only Ihi'Kp who have been raini'd nun ih ath'Bdoor ran know tho valuo nf surh a pootl mctliirino. lam fin ypjirfl of Thrco. vf vi ff ito I vn tiilt n Pick Jrith wtjrit tho (Ifv-to ciiHed I.ii-M'iwn, For wckl tr.t.1 rrmfliM'J to niv hcil. I )ifil three (liftfrcnt l'uyfili'ian without nnv 1ip1), I rcrflVft- nnmivf, I was a L-rt at ftuncrcr; finally I bi caiun rmnrly hcln 1"fh. This flortnr toM ine ilinrc wan no help; ftp n,ihI lift llik'lit li(iRt40iK' RiLVn niv lifn l,v IniMclhiff ninS. I'liilH'Tii mv arms nn( Iors. Thn rncour;ipcnirnt for siivinR niv lifn by hiivhiK tills douo was srt simvll a chance 1 coultl not e'oiisont to run tfio risk. Aboift tills time my son read your adv orlisriirt-iit in our Vapor a of a rwon wlio Ijml b'-n very sirk with abnnt ttio samo eomlHlnt, nnd was curotf. My son went riu'lit awav to the a"ilirnry stu and biUKht a bnttlo ol Vkoktink. lli'lorj I lind ll-ed tin- flrst fmttlo I tnnnl pront iT-li.-f. TronM InnVd tn 11 in lieil. Alter luklni; tlir. n liiitll. s 1 wasnbln !n17t ' and nmve abniit my rntm. 1 enntinned ijuii.i- tho VcoKTiNF, and 1 wa Iu a fi'W weeks ro. ".,' ' t'rni.Tli.allli. Tim VrolvrlSE saved toy life altiT tlio i.lijBi. liini. p.ii.l them was uo licln iiVe :'.. i"v' A'-"1 "" ''"etr Fii:re. If I fi-el nnwell mv trh n?Ke :utt,!iE' RuU 1 recommend 'I to VnurVKn'.mNF.onclittobo In overv family. My lorlor w to wo n,o u-nin In honltli. Hea-s"VBocTixK isaioo.l linulii liio." 1 toll 1,1 n t cured me. l o says, It is true." I cannot "ill '0 thankful. Very fc-rafi lullv vnnrs, ""luu JIIiS- tiATMl'ltlXE COOX3. Seneca rails, Seneca County, N. Y. Vegetino Will Cure Cankei4 Huraoi4 - liocKPoitT, Mass., March Ul, 1870. H. R Bthtfnb: Rir La-t lall mv lmstmnd pot iwn mitcn of youp Vkuktine to tako lor thn Canker Ilunior, w hu h I havo had in my ptomavh for inypnil c.irs. I took It, nnd tbo result was vcrv satisfaclorv. I hnvo taken a pood many rfuucdj' tor llio CankiT Humor, and noiiH kp hkmI to hHp nv but Vi.i.k tini:. TIhto in no tlmittt in my mind that every (ino unffrritif? with rankiT Humor can bo cured bv takii.g Vkoktink. It Kava mo u soud ai'putito, aud I iool butter in cvry r"nprt. Youra with rinppt, MUM. ELIZA ATN POOLE, Vegctine Is Sold byAM Druggisjs CiiQlcsst Works of the Most Popular Authors THEEE CENTS EACH! A.k Your Ncwdoalcr for The LEISURE HOUR LIBRARY! ;Eaoh Number Contains Complete First-Class ovcl by a Celebrated American or European Author! Ko. Thcfnllnwlnff nnmticr.1 tp now mHr : Price. I. Pnorh Arrtrn nntl Ulhi-r IWnio. llv Alfml Ti'iirtTinn. .0 CW. It. KvlrHmtiani or, 1 lie MjMrrynf Ihe Mill, llj jJurguret Itiiimit " c, n. t'a'itnia Allrk'n ty. ny M. T. CllMor 8 flM. 4. lit it- tMesRiirl (olilcti Ibtlr. Hy Auuiu Thomas Ii ct. . inim llnrlon. IW Urnrgf F.Hfll. CV. (I. Iliiirv ArkiH. By Mn. H.nrv tkjJ Belt. 1. I tir Uun l Huli. IW Mi Mulork 8 c". vuur newsrti-lr Thn Lt'lure Ifoiir Mltrary, ant! tako l.(ni:h('-r. IT he hm not rat It, liewill get It for you. Itcoti I -i than hnir the el wibtar aliullar publicKtiuui, and it ag( rKcelled by Boy, fi- A Rind Long Credit MOST FEHTILE SZCTIO'JS OF THE U. S. U:ircl ii P.uis, S to '... in r. a, m I. 1: l:iu l, ouly iior AcicIj.v I ust illmiMiis. Small Farun in I'l ivi t.i. CKw;;!, Virn'mia nni. Ki-nliifliv. Cnli. nil's :mil T-iuniti(;a l' l'itli'il. . Wriio t ir lu'liiMilarj. Slum liK'.uity jirclerrca. THE D. 8. LAUD & IMFROVEHEUT CO. !l I'iiu' -t., .VriPVorfc. 5?" AGENTS WANTED FOR THE HISTORYoftheWOBLD t'.inlir.i.Mn? full Hinl auilii'iitii nr-rminti" of t vi rv nii i.'ii nl uniiut innl liiml'-iil llnii'. uiul ilii-lmtiiiK a ii..turv of tin ris.. au.l lull "f t!ii limit nvil Unman IU tni lilli' i!i.,...i. t'.ui 'I'lu-aili'S, tlif lt inuii i-lfiii. thn ri iiiim;iti..ii. ilia iliM'ovi rv uu.l B:t'V -iiont 'if tho Ni w W.irhl. .'Ir.. .t'. It oonluiim l,J-J In.. tiiIorirul ''i.-'r:iiiii-.,s, aii'l ttio niiil .iiitiili-l8 liwtorv ot 111" W'.irM i..-r i nblMio 1. Hi nd ,1- r kil'i'1 mm l jil'Oh anil cvr.i li-:-ii) ti Ai-ut-. Aili'iri-s Natiiinii. l'riii.iiil .'I '.. l'lilljili, Ta. HosiUos thy liirtrH.t. uikI must rutin. It-n? p.iirrnl stork nf Fruit oii'l Orimmrnrnl Troor. Hiwi s. i tc, til tho U.S., wo titTnr ninny liif lov'Hlr. Now Abrliliroil Cutuloiruo nuiilcl Jits to nil v. uo aiply. Addrees ELLW AMCEt? A E.s T. R Y, Mount ITn)0 Kiirsprtr?. Poolte?! rr. N.V. PFWRinw TO Al I '1JV5I im of a flntrt-r tc. t' dinliii ruj mr- ,n 'M'lti'M ihftt (lij.-ii.L. i lr v, (Mimll or li hm. 'JRrhfumaiiNin. nr tiy oihtrr it burl lv nort 'Pj..ll..r.,ll,i.,il'U .-. A V. i.L.u hilifu fmlici. niot'.Ti. L-ninrt. ai.'i IUtb ?.r nin e I to iit ti-iniid. Vii-iin nnn .11 it f. h.?ri'(iin. hrtrjc Is ltt Si'w fh-rliJ'.Bpoi fjl tr.iiit.Hl, Nrw Uwil clvo innrca-'a at frt'iu Ut to $7J.;. t iinili. i'l'tnimi Tr poMi. rM ui.-.i-htir-'ii -ir hnrco with (icmnion. AuMixsei A ItKJkCTBri iiniou elftlmx iint'tftliy. Aiivi. KlUK. A J r Ub ilm)i) D. V. friicbtrJ, Kiithijlia, l. 0. l Nt in rbi woidd l't ibf uciiiiinr. Kvpit ii, 1 U.. ir.- tJii 111 1 1 miI'-iim r 11 mh iMiiiaikvcl'.. SfM Ki:itVH IIKI(K III liL.uiiiiL 1111. niiiki) Kiiw ltirli Hlnoil, mill will oumi l. ti'ly Hiiiiiho tlm lilnoil in tho i.'iiliro Kvnti'in In tliri'H mmitliH. Anv porson who will lak(; (ine 1'ill iwh litliht frmn I to 12wi'i-1lkiiiit ho ri-Mcn-il tn nmtiil hi liltli. if mirli H llilllff Im- imsBiblo. bold rvi-rvwlifro or Ki-nt liy limil forH lctt'T Ijiiiii. 1. . Johnson v co Uuhiuu, aiush., I'd r HHTly', fttr. Jt GQNS01 I have a nnitiv remedy for tho above rtisrasi': by its Uk tlioiiKttiidH of caeH ot the kind an. I of lonrf 1autlinr havo ljcou rim d. Indeed, no stmnK is mv faiib in itHelheacv, that I will sen 1 ini'rn.13 1 itKK.Iocotitor with a VAI.UAitl.F.TKllAT'SKdn this diKeae to anv mitTt ier. (live l.x r s and I'. t. ad dn'Hi. Dn. T. A. bLOCUM, Ibl Tviirl Bt. Kow York. H4rriuan A tt hunt (lire nevtiry'attoKivoi"i- fluiillu rmlLtt 111 UlA WfltVt TJlMVI.ll!UU!'fHI)I'lIOrL- ri M film t j : fTeatHruriHwbbreib'lo4ijcrnfiil. A 5 i'rttil rnmiuees tht twist akptieal, Jxiiv and m hi I .M,o Pruwviw-nr hy mall. BwhiK Fit fctn f7.r:wir. Ur. It. SCFllfi-'M A V, t't. hrLMUtU IM JOHNSOVF4 ANODYNE UNHIENT wiU 1 itbit jvelv piveiit thihtemble ilist-ui-e, aud will .oMi livelvrufe nine rust out ot ten. Information that will Buve many livt t. unii free bv mail. iou't delay a iiioiiieut. l'fvvi'iitiun i better thau cure. I. 8. Juin jx A Co., Host on, MiiHri.lurmeily ltanor, MuujOj PCMC?tfl5J For BOIiDJERSi I UlOlUrSO wtduwi, Uthera. motliti 01 cliiltiren. Thousands yet entitled. Penflinnsfrlvfln lur long of finfrr,Ke,i-ve or rujititro.vuricoo veina r tiny llut-ite. Tru'U-ainl of jieiirii in ri and M.!n ru iMttiik'l tn l.Nt litAKK tiiid llOUN'TV. IATIC.TH prueiirrd i r Iment. ri. h'lUicra (ami wiirrantj tiroruri'.lmuhtmid told. ildiera iuu iKir ttiii'i y t r ymr ri-hu ftt once, buttd m tami'd fur l ii Citiien-S pliiior." nnd Pcnsfoa atid itr.muy Uwj )!aiki nid iiiitmctinnii. W' ran ri-ftr to tin-iiKinns i.f P-ni nt r-i umi DienH, A iilr'i N. W. FltzeerRld A Co.l'KKtuoii A ATLT Att'. LiitkTi&so,n uLiiif tua.l, 0. QUIT FOOLING! ?5.tSr& 'Ill lfSZ' KIIMt! tlOllTil.VN.J" is fit;. tliiuo', r.ipij, reli.iMo fS. lt-ilift i iii' in Ittportni'i. 'ut tortl. liui iiz Jk C'., al I'lin'nn Pl.tra'. K. V. I'ntold MUeries arising from tha Year. 300 pane, lloynl steel eliKTviiiK. 125 iuvaluablo cute and chronio discaaes. French Mu.lin, embnuri. full vi.vj, ujr niuii. titow eaittun.) 6 CENTS. SEND NOW. securely aealed and no.innl.i. -... 81.22. AX F IIBFAtJ ra ma w fill 111 li J J 61 ILiUii JJ III! I Bill II fitaft'CP tr ? I