THURSDAY, MARCH 9. 1882. Senator Conklln has declined the JtosUlon of Justice of the Supreme Court. In the ense of V. S. Service and W. H. Schram vb. 8. A. Olmstead, the Supreme Court last week affirmed the decision of the Court below which was In favor of Olmstend. The Rochester Pittsburgh R R. company nre pushing work ou their road, under the energetic management of Awt Supt.O.H.Getchell. We hope the Railroad shops may be located at this place, which we have little doubt will be the case. We are requested, for Mrs. A. S. Hartley, publicly thank the E. A U. for the prompt manner In which the claim occasioned by the death of her husband, thelnte Dr. T. 8 Hartly, for the sum of $2,000 wan paid. This order Is gaining rapidly In member hlpttndiN conducted on a sound basis The Auditors of Armstrong county baye concluded their Investigation of the management of the Comtnlssoners of that county In the matter of the construction of bridges, concluding by surcharging T. W. Corbett and John Murphy, Commissioners, with $12, 437.81, the amount out on excessive measurements of the stone work on the Apollo and JIultnn and Oscar bridges. The Commissioners will ap peal to court for relief. Lecture Course. W. UV Hensel, Esq., of Lancaster, Pa., who will deliver the last Lecture In the course to-night (Thursday) ut the M. E. Church, Subject; "The Wlve of some Famous Men," Is well known to many of our people. Though Btlll yo'ing he Is already celebrated tis a lawyer and editor. Q. A. Jenks of Brookvllle enys of him, "Mr. Hensel Is one of the best orators I have ever heard." J. H. Lambert of the Philadelphia Times says ''he is a ery entertaining and attructio lec ture and lias been entirely successful so far. Admission 15cts. 2'cts. and 40 cts. A very useful urticle will be sold after the lecture. Those wishing to Kft a bargain will do well to hour the unique and Interesting lecture. R. S. L. Union. For one man to die and thereby endeuvor to shield a friend from crimi nal prosecution is a rare proceeding, and yet we are uot without tin instance. Nathan D. Marshall, of Camden, N. J., was the trusted friend of one Hor iice Hummel, u defaulting building as sociation secretary. They hud lived together from boyhood, and were the firmest friend. In the peculations of his associate, Murshall was victimized lo the extent off 3,000, but ut the time of his death, the claim wus about sat lafled by a Judgment. Marshall wa called us a witness for the prosecution uguinst Hummel, and the thought of exposing his old chum preyed so heav ily ou his mind that on Thursday morn lug he commit ted suicideby sever ing the jugular vein. His dying words were: "1- couldn't appear against Pete.'' Hummel was convicted, and, sing ular as it may uppenr Marshall's name had been taken oft' the list of wit nesses before his death. Of this he had Dot been informed. A Qucpr Child. Mifflin bii ix, Union county, Is the home of a young miss who never spoke to her father. Entreaties, threats, bribes and severe punishment alike ha vo failed to induce her to hold any communication whatever with her paternal ancestor. When sent by her mother to summon him to his meals she will go to him, place her hand in his and by endeavoring to lead him to the house, makes known her errand. She is a bright intelligent child, and to auy one but her father is talkative enough. DEATHS. Lavmon On Friday aftcruoou, Feb, 3d, WH'l, of dinhtheria. Jennie, daughter of AI. Laynion, uged 9 years, iu months, una days. The child hud attended Miss Barrett's room ut the Borough school, until Tuesday lust, and had not missed day during the term. She was taken nick on Tuesday night and died on Friday. An unusually bright an in teresting child, she will be missed by her playmates. The parents have the sympathy of the entire community. J EN NIK, Down where the willow Is weeping C'lonu to I ho river's broad brenm, With tllU tWBfct VlolPtS gletljllllg, Jennie has gone to rest ; Onus to hnr rest an the flower KoUU iu bright petals at even ; Gone to her rest as the star Kadei In the glory of heaven. Hpirlt no pure and no holy 8oou didst thou weary of earth. Longing to fold thy bright plnioni In the iiwoet land of thy birth. Oh, I shall miss thee when spring time Comes In Its beauty aguln, And with its sweet scented treasure Covers the hillside aud plain. And wheu thejright golden Hummer Coiuci in her glory once more, Oh, I uhuli miss thy sweot presence Miu thy light step on the floor. But all In vain are yearning And all iu vain are my tears. Never again shall I greet thee Not through the long comiug yean. But when life's short dreams are over Aud I (hall go to my rest, Then once again shall I meet thee In the aweet land ol the blest. Almeda. Laymon. Tuesday night, March 7, 1882, of diphtheria, Sarah, O. daugh ter of Al. Laymon, aged 12 years, 10 months and 17 days. Thus have two fair daughters of the tame family been laid within one short week, in the tomb. The afflicted pa rents and friends are Indeed entited to double sympathy in their double onowV Personal. Col. J. p. Sanford will lecture here March 22nd. Tom Barry has been very sick for two or three days. Albert Grelner of Benezette, called at this office on Monday. Miss Lizzie Love, of Centrevllle, was In town Saturday and Sunday. We are Informed that there was some beautiful weather last week. M. E. Social to morrow evening at Clark Dickinson's. All invited. Ous. Woodward made a run of six teen lust Saturday playing billiards. Joel Miller, the barber, has return ed home after an absence of several weeks. Ous. Rhodes the barber has returned from a nine day visit to New York City. C. H. Getchell. Asst. Supt. of the Rochester & Pittsburgh R R. now occupies a portion of the residence ofG. W Nicholson Zlons' bill. Hon. A. G. Curtln, M. C. from this district, will plcaso accept our thanks for valuable public documents, and also for a choice lot of fresn garden seeds from the department of agricul ture. Dr. J. D. Woodruff, of Little Valley, Cattaraugus Co., N. Y., bus located In Ridgway and will practice his profession among our citizens. His office is In Hyde's block up stairs. His residence with Mrs. Hurtly, corner Broad nnd South streets. The new store of Frank McGloln ut the West End will bo ready for occupancy in a few weeks. The upper story will be devoted to dwelling pur poses while on the ground floor Miss McGloln will have one of the finest rooms In town In which to display her elegant stock of millinery. We are always glad to make noto of Improve ments in our beautiful Borough, for we believe that Uidgway is destined to be a town of some Importance yet. An inventory will aoon be taken at the Nkv York Stoke. All goods are now murked wuy down to clear out and make rooui for new goods. Lawrence county papers nre advo- cstion an iucreuse of tax on dogs to flO each. Between two and three hundred dollars is being taken from the county treasury each week to pay damages for slu-ep killed by the mut ton loving canines. RIDGWAY BORO. SCHOOLS. Principal's Report for month end ing Feb. 27, 1832: 3s - :i S 5 s so a S2 : 1 r IK ' o I 1 I I s is i rh r 1)7 7 5J SS I w is sii TEAClirciW. ? j t ! i? 74 ttf 81 Miss Finbe E. Wilcox Miss Agnes Uttrrett Mr. an J Mrs. J. li.Joliimou Hummurv A written px.imlinilloii Is held ut the close of eneli month from which the uvi nnjo class Ht.iii'linK ofrnrli pupil Is HKcertiilned. The high.-), obtnlnetl by imy pupil fur the month Is 100; the lowest , 'nl; tliu highest fji-uerul aver age I'U; the lowest M. HIGH SCHOOL D I'.l'A HTM KXT. I e ; c 2 I . 2 SKNIOIM. 3 ' i i liunU'l Irwlu Iru Sherman Lewis I,e"er Ailnh Miilinit" Loruuiia Warner "A" CUtADE. I-'tlillR I lor ton Willie MWmiin Joule Mt?Heuj;er (; I ii I Johnson (iUHsle Woodward I'l.irH Irwin I.lrzle Kl. vnn Duniul Cunningham... "B" GRADE. Anuie Kline Minnie Kline , Minnie Miles Addle Btirdwvll , Viola Neil! Warron Irwin I'm rick Holland Mary DeVngo Magtrle Krrii Currie C'lurk "C" GRADE. Laura Williams Minnie TRrwllliger utn)H Geary KUdie Holaduy Charlie Geary rim rile Dill Wtilltn Dill Ileunie I.lttln Guore McKarlun C'srrlu Kly Mund Kime l'J0 p lmi; 10O; lmj Ilk); it'll PJ JIKli i'i; iv. vo I0Hi 1U0 X, JIKl TO' Hi a 9i 1101 JIM1 100: S"l l', m 01! lUli 70, liiO 100; llJ 100. lis: leu si J (19 it Hi ti'i Hi 57 Ml 7: 80 M !W W W 61' S9 S4 (W 100 1O0 61 84 kli W SO 07 Oil Hi 01 07 ! 77 SO j 7H ll'l ! 75 85 04 slk M 81 05 78 2 77 W W W 80 93 I (i loo' m loo; 100; 1001 Wi, Vi 100. II"!, loo: as; US' 100; lnu iuo Wi 100; K01 loo loo U7 1U0 SS W 100 100 7.1 loo ino 100 100 100' 100 I'm I 10O loo! ion' Ml KMi (W 100 ! Ino WO llMll ti llHi1 SO! 90' S! 100 OS. 05! 1001 i 100! Ml 100, 100 100 00 10O' 1IS May llurlulgh ISnndy I 10"; r.O'iii1 iinvier Ella Muloue "D" GRADE. 07 100 Preston Mercer Louis Hlilues Mollle Daly Clarice Bard well.... Eue. Wlllard Ida Knorl Clara Wlllard Frank Oyster Jennie Lumureux Lewis Kggler 02 ft. 00 100; 100 J00 08: iwi 100: 100 100 100 r Itti 9o! 00 100! Utt 100 S7 100 07 Kl; E" GRADE. Oracle Kcrlbner , Maud Miles Mary O'Brien Ida Pol I man Charles Leaser , Frank Wlckwlre .... Anna McGovern Carrie Cook , Nellie Holnday Minnie Kykes , John Dalv loo 100, 88 loo; 25 07 HI Slk 100 100 imt! Ki 97 05 88 100 100 02 1H0 05 1 61 80 82 lOOi 100, 70 00 100 H6i 97 91! 100, 100 left: OS 95 95 Joale Wheeler John Turney Justin DeVoKe Emma Wheeler .... Marian Richards..., Charles Williams.., Alineda Benedict... T" GRADE. 11U! 100 07, 1001 lOOi 100 inn 9 9.5 07 90 88 73 65 90! 9S 00 100; James Daly , Thomas Daly Willie Rhine 100 1 95 1INII loo: fti 100 1 901 100 95 Jerome Gorton , Daniel Maloney .... 60 100 100 OS on! 98 Mfl' 91 ino loo1 02i loo Uil 100 100 100 CheBter Stewart. .... Frank Paine 98 98 90 100 bdgar Wickwire ... K rankle Caninuell. Mary MuluueeB.. 100 Karah Laymon. .,., lou 100 100 Blanche Powers.... Mabel Geary. Mamie Flynn 07 100 90 100 100, 10O 100, Mary Klioeinaker. lary Hi T wrla MehhenL'er....-. A I it OlmHted....... Mary Holland rROMOTiONS. In' room Vo. 8-Ella kfal'one. . S. Josvsoy, rrtoolyat- BUSINESS LOCALS. 10 Lounges, 84 Mattresses, 9 pairs of Pillows may be found at the West End Store. 14 Sewing Machines consisting of the White. Domestic, and Noble at the West End Store. o Full line of Smoked meats, dried beef and bologna just received, at Mer ges ter's. o Crihp, Cradles, Washslands, Wash Drawer Bureaus all to be hud at the West End. o Sack of fresh roasted peanuts, case of Valencia oranges, hazel and Rruzll nuts, Just received at Moles ter's. o Brackets, Mat Racks, Towel Rollers and Clothes Burs ut tho Wet End Store. 85 Sett sprhiKM consisting of 9 different kinds ut the West Knd Store. o - Five barrels choice Imported German Deans at Molester's. o Picture Frames for the Lord's Prayer at the West End Furniture Store. o Dried Heef, Ham, Shoulders and Bologna Sausage at Morgester's. o Human Hair Goods of every dis cretion, invisalile nets aud pins al Mrs. Jahob Biitterfuss', Main Street, Uidgway, Pa. Call up stairs and sec them. o Full line of samples for spring clothing from WanamakkhA Kkown recelved by the agent S. A. Roth. Call and examine them at your con venience. Rocking Chairs of all sorts and sizes ut the West End. o Wanamakkk & Brown's shirts ready made and to order are the best at the prices in the market. Try a sumplo order with the ugent S. A Ron;. Two hundred lbs. fresh roasted coffee, I barrel choice Turkish Prunes, Just received ut Molester's. Jacob Biitterfuss has lust received a new Hue of trunks and satchels of all kinds. Kitchen, Breakfast, Extension aud Centre Tables ut the West End Store. o . 8 Bedroom Suits ut the West End Store. 70 Store. Bedsteads at the West End If you want to see the largest stoek of Furniture iu Elk county call ut the West End Furniture Store, under tho Photograph Uullery Bosom Bourds, I ron i u g Bou rds a n 1 1 W ork Tables at the West End Store. o Four cases new Boots received at Molester's. 2 Cases choice Preserved cherries in five pound pails, one case fine ulenciu Oranges at Morgester's. Dunkirk Seed Co., New seeds ut Morgester's. t Fresh Crackers. UiuirerttnnrM. nnd Cookies always in stock at Morgester's, We are receipt of Harris' Morion Farm Seed Catalogue for 1HS'2, con taining a list of choice field, warden and flowers seeds crown and for sale by Joseph Harris, Morton Farm, Rochester, 2f. Y. Mr Harris Is un old seed grower and a well-known agricultural editor and author of thirty years standing. Ho wus for many years editor and proprietor of the OcittHce Farmer und forwards one of the editors of the American Agricul turist. His seeds are exceptionally good. They are warranted fresh, of the choicest strums und sure to irrow Mr. Harris will send his catalogue for 182, with directions for cultivation, free to every reader of the Advocatk who will send hisuiume and address. Send for some seeds. Opening Notice NEW DRUG JiOOK, STATIONERY AND FANC Y GOODS STORK. A. C. Craig is now opening a first class store in the Union Store room opposite the Court House. Ridgwuy, and will keepafineassortmont of Drugs, Patent medicines, Books, Stationery, Fancy goods, Toiletarlicles, Perfumery Fine soaps, Oil, Paints, Wall paper, Lamps and Trimmings, Fine cigars, Musical merchandise, Ac. Having years of practical experience In the buying aud selling of Drugs and Fancy goods, dispensing of medicines and having secured as assistant Mr. E. M. Lacock formerly of Wellsville, and Salineville, Ohio, a youug man born and bred to the business of Drug gist and Pharmacist, and having a varied assortment of the best and purest drugs the markets afford, I respect fully luvite all to call and seemv stock and ask aliberal shareofthe patronage of the people of Ridgway and vicinity and in return will do our best to merit It by prompt attention day or night. liberal prices and excellence in quality. I offer a line of Furnishing goods, HaU, Shirts, Collars, Ties, Bows, Silk Handkerchiefs, Suspeuders, Ac. at cost to close out entire line. Xatloual Bankruut Bill to be Reported. Washington, March 8. A bank ruptcy bill has been agreed Upon by the Senate Committee, and will be re ported on Monday next If opportunity offers. Members of the committee are practically unanimous In favor of the bill to be reported, and it will be vig orously pressed to passage. Senator iDgalk wilJj have ollarge of tUa bill TEMPERANCE DEPARTMENT, EDITED BY THE W. C. T. U. In accordance with a resolution ad dopted by the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, March 2d, one of the members called upon the Editors of our local papers to iwk for space In their columns to be devoted to the cause of temperance under the au spices of the Union. The request was kindly granted and we shull in the space thus allowed us report such of our work ns muy sectu, expedient con tribute facts and items gleaned from the resources at our bunds nnd while we beur no malice In our hearts to wards any wo shull endeavor to make good the pledge we have taken which Is us follows: "Wo the uinliTKlirned wnninn of ltMi;wy Pa. severally pledK" ourselves In Inteerll.v mid heloro (lod.lo iihtilnln from tin- use of, and from the trallic iu, all lutoxleiilliiR II imr an a heveruiro, nnd that wo will not oiler the mime to other to lie mo used," Hint further solemnly covenant hefore Ond hence forth to work and ruy for thesu.preiiKonor Intemperance as a stu HKalnst (lod and man, and that in our work we will use such means and forward such mcasurcx an Wnd shall ill reel through tho Holy .Spirit Iu answer to prayer." Will members of the W. C. T. U. who have not paid their dues please send or bring in to our next meeting, Thursday ufternooii.thoHinouiit due for the quarter, the Secretary and Treas urer must report to tho State Union In March. , Concert. Tlie "Great Comblnailon Concert," given ut the U rungcr'a Hull, In Cen tervillc, on Friday night, February 2t, under the management of J. M. Bennett, wus fur beyond tho expecta tion of tlie large number in attend ance. For such short practice only two weeks) they astonished one and all. The following was the programme as played by them : Messrs. McKillop A Brown the " Happy Pair,' in their side splitting minlstrel entertainment Fred. Pattou, the electric snare drum mer; Mr. E. W. Newlands, American song and dunce artist; Miss Magpie, the merry momus; Mr. J. M. Young, iu his Irish productions; McXearney Bros, sang their original song, " Me. Closkey close your Valve;" Mr. Ben nett as raoto and comic vocalist and female impersonator. Praise as to any one individual would be impartial, us one and all curried their different characters through to perfection. But McKillop A Brown and McXearney Bros, ure hard to surpass. " McClos key close your Valve' is a good song, und "Jim" is just one of the hoys that can take it all In, he being one of the heartiest applauders in the audi ence. A repetition of the above troupe has been requested und they will again appear before our people in u few weeks. They will ere many days ap pear in Ridgwuy und St. Mary's und it will repay ull to go and hear them. "Piso." The following sensational Item . Is from the Brook way vllle correspondent oftheDuBols Courier; On Wednesday, 22d, our little town Was -thrown Info great excitement by u report that some raftmen hud discovered the body of nn infant floating on the water in Clark's pond. Several men started for the described place and soon were seen returning with .the little mystery In a paper bag. 'Squire Greene placed it iu care of R. A. McElheny, under taker, until examination. The suck was taken to his room and when opened displayed a large well-formed, but perfectly nude, infant. As is usual in such cuscs some one is always ready to point the finger of suspicion in some direction, hut nothing definite is known. It is to be hoped that the nu thorities will not allow u little ex pense to deter them from attempting to trace out the mystery,' and perhaps they will be the means of bringing to light a hideous and unnatural crime. Ridgnay Business Men. (Cameron Press.) Ridgwuy is a pleasant, thriving town, but if we were to judge the place by their home papers, we would say it was the " deadest '' town on the lino of the P. A E. road. We do not mean to say that the papers are deficient In any respect they are good, live jour nals; well conducted, and zealous in their efforts to build up the town and develope the material Interests of the county, but they receive little or no encouragement from the business men in the way of newspaper advertising. In the Advocatk we find a few busi ness locals, seven business cards, one hardware and one livery stable advertisement- In the Democrat there are nine business cards; one dentist ad.; one planing mill ad.; one hardware store; one foundry, aud and one cemetery advertisement, the remain der of the advertising space being fill ed with foreign advertising and legal notices. Our Driftwood, Sterling Run and Cameron neighbors give the Press more advertising than the Ridgway business men give both their papers, and we find in one issue of the Drift wood Gazette more home advertising tliau both the Ridgway papers pub lish iu one year. The businessmen of Ridgway should simply be ashamed of themselves. New Words. The new Edition of Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, numbering 1928 quarto pages, contains nearly 6000 new words or new mean ings of old ones. These words range over the field of science, medicine, in vention, discovery, research, etc.. de partments which In this age are con stantly yielding fresh Ideas, require- ing new words to express them. lhat thev have not been hastllv compiled Is evidenced by the accuracy of and careful study given to their etymology and definitions. 1 he Intelllctmt reader, or any reader Who would be intelligent, will find this feature of the dictionary quit in dispensable. Burglarized (Warren Ledger.) The Warren postoffJce was burglar ized last Sunday morning. They effected an enterance through thebnek door.and drilled a hole through the top of the wife, with the intention of put ting in powder und blowing open the safe. But there being cans filled with water In the safe, put there by the builders for thepurposeof creutiug steam In cuse of fire, and thus aid in the preservation of valuables, they were unable to explode the powder. There were a lurge anount of stamps In tlie safe which were wet by the water, some at which weie saved, while the remainder will have lo be exchanged. The burglars succeeded In gathering a trifle from the money till of the postolllcc, and about seven teen from Louis Wulkerman, who keeps a cigar and stationary store in the postoftice Burglars are mistaken in supposing any large amount of money is kept in the postoflice safe. It Is deposited as a rule. Mr. Robin son, the barber, wus ou his way home at about four o'clock mi Sunduy morn ing, and passing the postoifice noticed two men inside. Supposing them to be the clerks, he rattled the door, call ed llicir names, nnd passed on. No doubt It was ubout this time thut their work was proven u failure, and they left. Where was tho night watchman V Well, there was sone trouble iu the lower part of the town und he had been called away. One limn cannot he every where; Indiana county hus a miniature dwarf In the person of a duughter of A. C. Cussady, of Smlckhburg, who will he thirteen years old In April, and Is thirty-two and one-half inches high, and weighs twenty-two and one fourth pounds, Is well developed and has never had any sickness in her life. She lias not grown one-half inch since she was three years of age, and Is well proportioned with the excep tion that her head is perhaps some what larger than it should be in pro portion to the rest of her person, und she runs around the house and enjoys herself as much as any one could. .Vcsaetyrr. Mr. Hour spoke coldly and with out apparent passion when Mr. Coup ling's nomination wus read, hut the Senators who listened were under the most intense excitement. When lie hud finished, says tlie Ney York Sun correspondent, no oue in the chamber seemed to care to reply in Mr. Conk llng's defense but Don Cumeron aud John P. Jones, and they could not. If Senator Logan had been present, there would have been a vigorous response. Only one point in tlie speech reported in the newspapers on the day follow ing the delivery appears to have been wrong. Mr. Hour did not liken Mr. Conkling to Mr. Webster. He merely said thut of ull the public men lie knew, Mr. Conkling used words more udi'oitly than any one, except Webster. Mrs. Carrie Petrikin, aged about sixty yeurs, dropped dead at her home in Benezette, last Friday. She was apparently In her usual good health that day, and about the house working at the time of the sud occurrence. Mrs. Petrikin had lived In Benezette many yeurs and leaves u lurge circle of rela tives und friends to mourn her death. Her son, Winslow Petrikin, wus in Fort Worth, Texas, at the time of her death, and the news of the terrible be reavement was telegraphed to him. That evening words came flashing buck over the wires from tile Lone 8tar State to the effect that Winslow Petrikin hud received the message from Benezette, and started on the long journey to uttend the funeral ser vices of his beloved mother. The re mains of the deceased lady pu.-sed through here on Saturday evening on the way to Lock Haven for buriul. The funeral will take place in that city to-duy, (Thursday). Driftwood Gazette. Not a Beverage. "They are not a beverage, but a medicine, with curative properties of the highest degree, containing no poor whiskey or poisonous drugs. They do uot tear down an already debilitated system, but build It up. Oue bottle contains more hops, i. c. more real hop strength, than a barrel of ordinary beer. Every druggist in Rochester sells them, and the physicians pre scribe then." Evening Express on Hop Bitters. Silver Ckkek, N. Y., Feb. 6, 1880. Gents I have been very low, and have tried every thing, to no advan tage. I heard your Hop Bitters re commended by so many, I concluded to give them a trial. I did, and now am around, and constantly improv ing, and am nearly as strong as ever. W. H. WELLER. An enricher of the blood and puri fier of the system; cures lassitude aud lack of energy; such is Brown's Iron Bitters. hop bitters: (A Medicine, not a Drink.) OdVTAIh'f HOFS, BCCIID, MANDBAKE, DANDELION, Aire TM Pdkmt akd But MxniriAi. Quiu- TIE Or iU OTU BlTTIlU. THEY CUltE AH Dlieaietof tbePtomtwh, Bo welt, Blood, JJver, Ktdntyi. mid Urinary Organ, hr jfenuutt Complaint. 81000 IN COLD. Will be Mid I M a eue thrr will not etin . italp, or far uythlun Impure or lujurlout IUUUU IU WU11U. Aikyonr dmrrtit rnr n1t ptttmand try Uieut before ou deep. Tnka anker, D I. C ! a abiolucc and Irrxitif ttifa cure for Burp ros CiaovuB. All BbOT, toU v drurciftt. I nun M l. Co., B.H'.Ur. N. Y A Turoato, On I. After the" oration on Monday Mr. Blaine told a friend that he hud feared In the morning that he would not be able to get through without giving way. When complimented on .his description of a muiderer in the first of his oration, as being so accurate a picture of Garfield's assassin, he suiJ It was a quotation from a speech by Daniel Webster in a famous murder trial In New England. Many who heard It though It original, and sugges ted Wholly by the cold-blooded career of Guiteau. JNK W A T) VEfi rrSEMfWTS. J. D. WOODRUFF, IN. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURQSON, RIDGWAY, PA. Office Main Street Hyde's Opera Building up stairs. Okkicf, IIotruH. Front 0 to 12 a. m.,2to 5 nnrl7to9 p. m. KpsIiUmhi Mrs. Dr. T. 8. Hartley', rorncr or Hntitli sud Itronil streets. CALLS DAY r!t NIGHT PROMPTLY ATrHNDHt). A fair sUurc of the people's patr6un.f;e so licited. Estate Xollco Estate nr .Tamos S. Champion, late of Millstone township, Elk county, Pa., deceased. Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary have been granted to the uudeisigned upon the above named estate. All persons indebted to suid estufe ure requested to make im mediate payment, aud those having 'egal claims against tlie same to pre sent them without delay, iu proper order, for settlement. JAMES M' FAR LAN, WILLIAM CLYDE. I Adm'rs. Attention, Lumbermen. Sealed Proposals will be" received by the Town Council of the Borough of Ridgwuy up to April 3d, next for tlie delivery of No. 1 qualitv Hemlock Lumber, for plank Road, Bridges, and Street Crossings, In suid Borough, price to be per thousand feet, one inch measu re. By Order of Borough, Council. Altent, V. C. Healy, Sec'y. 4w. Ridgway. March 6, 1SS2. Borough Ordinance, No. 13. AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OK CERTAIN MONIES FROM THE BOROUGH FUND OF 1881 TO THE ROAD FUSD OF SAME YEAR. Beit ordained and enacted bv the Town Council of the Borough of Ridg wuy, und it is hereby ordained and en acted uy the authority of the same. That the sum of four hundred (?400) dollars is hereby transferred from the Borough Fund of 1881 to the Road Fund of 18S1, und the Treasurer of said Borough is hereby authorized to make sucli trunsferon his books of ac count with the Funds of the Borough as aforesaid. This ordinance shall take effect on und utter March 18, 1882. C. II. McCAULEY. 4 Prts't. Attest, W. C. I In A LY, Sec'y. Approved this 7th day of March, A.D. 1882. J. POWELL, Chief Burgess. I Will fcA nnlrt If nn ImmirlHn. am ml..Ml S&utMtaucni am foui.d In cubiwa. or for env casa lc wlU not euro or help. luDiiu purely aYegotablti compound. It la not eounlltsd tv ftiiv nr nil oih,.r n,..,ii umiiniiuu. I ins 11 srronT f;'.Tlfxll".R'' buu. in, u ue, I i'l I ei' Is bclug more oitoualvcly pro rllHjdliy hom st phyAlclan tliau any other iir-UoearL'iajdleskuuwnto tluiiirofiiiir.n. Iscrl gualf-duze: Pebcsa positively cures cm-.suinpMon and I au otkor luugand heart discuses. inSSSSS'iii H For tliti.rmlltonl: fnv.-.-. ?,r..i I$3 I dumb ague, the lu.'amiiio remedy lsl'encNA. ro matter what your e.'scoso Is, v. !-,oro lo- lc B. .... ..9 j. -.i.ijj i-i vitLi'nuj or iumivf kq at ouco for l'i-.tu a. gH-wM.y Toll VOtir PAlf Mmm ftnil ri.1iprrlen.1ctl,. I PKItl'NA IS tliO OnlV rpmcrfv. rn.l Will Mtr. I you and thubi. 6tmd fur a luuii LIet. . u. h.vutmax A to., vborn.Oh.o. TTtvn VOlir hnn-eN and .rnna PENNSYLVANIA RAIL llOAD Philadelphia & Erie R. R- Dlv.J WINTER TIME TABLE On and after MONDAY, Oct. 31. 18K1, the trains on the Philadel phia & Erie Railroad Division will run as follows: WESTWARD. Niagara Ex. leaves Phila 8 00 a. m. " . " " Itenovo.,5 45 p. m. ' Driftwood7 00 " " " " Einporiuni7 60 " ht.Murys.,8 40 " Ridgway.. 8 4H " 11-fitiA in oa ii l ehie MAIL leaves' Phila. .."..'.11 6.5 n.'m arr. " Renovo 1105 a.m. " Driftwood. 12 15 p.m. " Emporiuni.l 80 p. m. ' St. Mary'a..2 20 p. m. " Ridgwuy ....'J 30 p-ni. " Kane 3 60 p. ni. arr. at Erie 7 45 p. m. EASTWARD. Day Express leaves Kane ... 6 00 am. IT I' " Ridgway 6 50 am. St. Marys 7 17 ' " " Emporiuni8 10 " Driftwood 8 67 " " Renovo . . 10 05 " arr. atl'hila. ... 7 05 pin ekik mail leaves Erie 11 85 a ru II " Kane 4op;rn: .' Ridgway....5l7p.m. u. !iary'H..o oo p. ru Emporium. tt 65 p. m Driftwood. .7 42 p. m" Renovn limin ' t- ,H.7-at?h,lu 7 00 a. iii Erie Mail and Niagara Expres8 connect with Low Grade Division Erie Mail west and Day Express con nect with B. N. Y. & P. R. R ROBERT NEILSON, General Sup't. N EW LIVERY STABLE IN RIDGWAY. GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES and Buggies to let- upon the most reusoiiHoie terms. J6THe will also do job teaming." Stable on Elk street. All rrWiof at the Post Ofllce will receive propip attention. Aug2018tlt I Business Cards. " GEO. A. ft At HBUH. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. Particular attention ttlven to the examination of titles, also to patents and patent cases. HALL & M'CAULEY ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office in new brick building, Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. v82f J. S. BARDWELL, PHYSICIAN AKD SURQEOH; fltrrti ti'nri f it. 1 trn uniiM nrtinf ino Office on Main Street, Ridgway, Pa., opposite tho Uogert -House, Ofllce Hours trom i to z unci i to , l'. itl. HI L. WILLIAMS., Lute of Strattnnville), Physician and ci r. , l : jrna 1 onrgeon, itiugway, i n, ,viiicb iu Hall's Brick Building (up stalrs) Referencea J. D. Smith, H. L. Young, R. Rulofson, Strattanville; Major John Kitley. V. W, Green- land, Clark n. Oillce hours 1 to 2 P. M. and 7 to 8 P. M. G. G. MESSENGER. DRUGGIST & PARMACEUTIST, N.W. corner of Mttih and Mill streets. Ridgway, Pa., full assortment of care fully selected Foreign and Pomestiq urugs. rreseripuons carctuny aia pensed at all houre, day or night. vln3y HYDE HOUSE. W. H. SCHRAM, Proprietor,, Ridgway, Elk county, Pa. Thankful for tho putrotiuge hereto fore so liberally bestowed upon him. the new proprietor hopes, by, paying strict attention to the comfort and con venience of guests, to merit a continu- unce of the same. oct-30'09 ROBBED:. Thousands of graves are annually robbed of their victims, lives prolonged, happiness and health restored by the use of the great GERMAN INViaORATOE, whichposillvelyund prcruanently cures' Impotency (caused by excesses of any kind), Seminal weakness, aud al! dis eases thut follows as a sequence of Self-Abuse, as loss of energy, loss of memory, universal lusitune, pain in the back, dimness of vision, premature old age, and many other diseases that lean to insanity or consumption aud a premature grave r . , Send for circulars t'ith testimonials1 free by mail. The INVIGORATOR. is sold at $1 per box, or six boxes for S5 by all druggists, or will be sent fre by mail, securely sealed, on receipt of price by addressing F. J. CHENEY, Druggist, 187 Summit St., TOLEDO, OHIO.' Sole Agent for the United States. The most wounderful curative rem edies of the present day, are those that come from Germany, or at least origi nate there. The most recent prepara tion placed upon the market in this country, is the GREAT GERMAN INVIGORATOR, which has never been known to fail in curing a single case of Impotency, sperinutorrhoaa weakness and all diseases resd'tfng from self-abuse, as nerveous debility, inability, mental anxiety, languor, lassitude, depression of spirits aud functional defangementsofthe nervous system. For safe by druggists,' orsent free by mail on receipt of the paice $1.00 SoleAgeut for the United States . Send for circular. Fot sale by Chas.' McVean, bt. Marys, Pa. PLANTS and SEEDS -FOR- EVERYBODY Our ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE, and BOOK OF FLOWERS send" free to auy address. HAKRY CHAAFEL' , Florist and Seedsman, Villiamsport, Pa. Henry A. Parsons, Jr., Local agent Ridgway, Pa. The Patriot. A Pennsylvania Newspaper for the' General Public.' The DAILY PATRIOT is the only morning newspaper published at the State Capital. . The DAILY PATRIOT makeaspeci- ality of Pennsylvania news. The DAILY PATRIOT publishes the Associated Press news and specials1' from all points., ... The DAILY PATRIOT gives special attention to grain and produce markets. The DAILY PATRIOT opposes nion-'-opoly, bossism and centralization of political power. Terms: $6.00 per Annnxn.striet'li in ad vance, or $7.00 per annum if not paid in advance. For any period less than one year at proportionate rates.' The WEEKLY PATRIOT Is a large eight page paper, devoted to .liter ature, agriculture, science, maniifao-' tures, news, markets, etc. Ddrine- 1882 each number will contain an, illustration of some prominent topic or event. This Is an attractive fea ture which cannot fail to please.' Terms: $100 per annum, invariably in advance. One copy of the WEEKLY PATRIOT and onecopy of the Philadelphia Weekly times' will be sent one year for $2.00 each In advance.thus giving the two papers for the subscription price of, the latter. One copy of the WEEK'S PATRIOT and . one copy of the Cottage Hearth, an excellent monthly magazine, published at Boston at $1.60 per annum, will be bent one year for $1.70 cash-- In ad vance. Send in your subscription at once Address PATRIOT PUBLISHING CO , HarrisbuVg, Pa. I was reduced to the verge of the" grave with Leucorrhcea Uterine Ca tarrh and Amenorhcea. Peruna cured; Mrs. A. W. Jackson, Pittsburg, Pa. If yob are troubled with' fever andf ague, dumb ague, bullous fever, jaun dice, dyspepsia, or any desease of the liver, blood and stomach, and wish to get well, try the new remedy, Prof." Gullmette's Freuch Liver Pad.' Askr your druggist for It and take no other; and If he has not got it send $1.00 ttr tt letter to the French Pad Co! Toledo; O., and receive one by ret urn mail. I had Chronio Catarrh for y eater Peruna ctrred-it. I. Strasburger; Pftt? burg, Pa