The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, March 02, 1882, Image 4
. LADIES' in. PARTS! EXT. Women' Tcnr. Ko Blg-n of WeaUne... Women givo way to tears more roml iljr than men ! Oranteil. Is their box any the weaker for it ? Not a Lit. It is simply a difforonce in tcmpcrnmcnt, that is all. It involves no inferiority. If you think that this habit necessarily means wealinofs, wait ami poo. Who has not eeon women break down in tears during somo domestio calamity, whilo "tbo stronger sex" wore calm, and who has not seen those same woman rise np and dry their eyes, and bo henceforth tho snpport'and stiy o their households, and perhaps bear np the " stronger sex " as a stream bears np n ship. I onco said to a phjsician. watching snoh a woman, " That woman is really great." ' Of conrso she i," he unswered, "did you ever seoa woman who was not great when the emergency required i" X. IV. lligginson. New. iiiiJ Sutra lor Women, Ella Tucnoy ran heedloisly into debt . for fine clothes at Seymour, Ind., and then committed suicido because eho could not p&y. A Bombou county (Ky.) woman tells ft cn her husband that he caurtel her nlve different times, and that she re jected him on eleven occasions. It was tho wifo of President Madison whi gave a young woman tho famui. 'jJvice: ' O!vo your appearance careful m d serious thought in your dressing room and forget it elsewhere." A.. Gilroy (Oil.) mau had spread a fcound and a half of damp powder on a bed to dry, and his two daughters were rr.amining it, ono of them with a lighted cijarelte in her mouth, from which tho powder wa3 ignited, and both girls were severely burned. Mrs. Doroihy Phelps, of Weld, Me., aged eighty-two, with some help from another woman, is taking care of eleven head of c.ittlo and forty sheep. These i"-o women, with iho help of a hired Liiiu a few mouths in the summer, man ago to carry cn a largo farm quito suc cesefully, L'umIiIou Note. Burano, a dottfd embroidered eilk lace, bids fair to be the livul of Spanish. Neapolitan bonnets in black, white and colors iue making for the summer trade. The new cambrics como in similar colors nud patterns to the percales and sateens. Terra-cotta, raaitie, fwc, moss and bronze green, coral and uoft blue, yel low and pink seem to be tho colors to prevail in spring millinery. White Spanish lace bonnets are now coade tirj over white illusion with a little cluster of flowers or some other bright colored ornament half-hidden in the folds on tho left side. Here are pome of the colors of tho tolid sateens for i-kirts: Shades of bluo, from water to navy; red, from palo rose to deep crimson and blight scarlet, .purples, from violtt to mauve; olives, yellows and browns. Laces outlined in beads, or the pat terns entirely composed of beads, are very beautiful and excessively fashion able. Their ery high price puts them beyond the reach cf evory-day purses, so they will doubtless remain long in vogue. Very fashionable New York ladies who adopt short-sleeved evening dress wear their biacelets above tho elbow. These bracelets, with dog collars for the threat to match, are made of massive gold links set with real gems or semi precious stones. Some of the now percales have grounds of navy blue and others of turquoise, on which in white are large and small dots, 6ingly and in clusters, ilgnres like the letter 8, horseshoes, checks, tiny birds in flight in a mingled pattern, sriall cubes and other geo metric deiigus. i.iri'jxas ion the vvmovh About thirty-four millions in Bilver uollars are now in circulation. Crows have been known to go to roor-t with the barnyard fowls during a c storm. Twelve million fivo hundred thousand ; ives arc devoted to cotton in the on them Stales. A narrow-gauge road of three feet i-os:s in c nstruction about flvo eights cn much as a broad gauge. It is wiid that watermelons may be preserved for an indefinite time by givin?! iheni three or four coats of var i.idt. In the f alo of the library of Mr. ijcorge Esinli'v, n copy of the first b. ok t-rir.fe.1 iu Njw York brought si, mo. 'lie Ojibways pulled down the house in which any one had died, and choee uuother xhteo to live in as far off as possible. In Great Uiitain there are three sheep on every four acres of cultivated laud ; in tho United States there is but ono shoep on thirty -four acres. Women are not so bad off in Turkey, ufter all. A wife may abandon her husbi'iid'a house for just causo ; cannot bo con p -lied to labor for her hasbaod's Mii'oa ; ctiu demand that he sl a'l nipporn her, snd can borrow in 1 U t umu. tr Bbll Lis property if he refuses in furnish her with funds. It is a cfl'imdH for hiin to insult or ill i t- it br ; hi oith i n belter than j, us ou au accusation of unfaithfulness ; , i,d whatever property she may hive t-oibcd before marriage, continues to ... l or own so absolutely aft.r wantage . I,., U tanlaBcl cannot touch, it, TUB FA KM AXB nouSEHOLD. Valae al Kwlue ftlnnnr. A correspondent of Western paper truly says that, m ordinarily managed, half tho value of the manure made by the swine is wasted for want of propor absorbents. Nitrogen and phosphorio acid are the costliest nntt most potent elements In fertilization, and in many soils they aro the only elements which need be supplied to tho soil. It fol lows then that tho dung of animals which contains most of thoso sub stances is of the m:st importance to the farmers. The fresh dnng of swine, when they aro well fed, is rieher in those two substances thau that of homes, shoep cr cattle, as tho following table of comparative values will show. These figures represent the amount of these ingredients in 1,000 parts of fresh manure i riion. ,n."i 1.7 :u 4.1 Manure. Xitroyen. Horse 4.4 Cttllo 2J SI wop 5.5 Bvdiie o.O In his popular work cn manures Mr, Joseph Harris compares the valuo of a load of fifty bushels of fivsh manure, free from straw and pressed down, as follows : I'oumU JYl'r. 7 . l'J.37 13.03 H.45 TInrie Cow , Sl'oop Sivino It is here shown that nitrogen, the most costly element that farmers are obliged to supply to the soil, tho aver ago price of which, take ono year with another, is Iwcuty-ilvc cents per pound, ranks much higher than either of tho others named in fact, about double that of horse or cow manure, and more than double that of sheep. Where tho urino is all sived, tho preponderance is with tho sheep manure first, the horse next, then cattlo and swine last; but then hogs void a large quantity cf urine, makiDg up in quantity what it lacks in quality. Tbis urine can easily be saved by tho use of absorbents, such ai straw, dry earth or muck. The two latter are not only excellent absorbents, but they aro ainoug tho best deodori zers. By their liberal use tho pens will be free from any offensive odor, and prevent disease among the animal''. The same correspondent gives Lis own method of supplying absorbents to his hogs as follows: Last fall I fattened tvvcuty hogs, iu sepa; a'o pens, but all under cue roof. I supplied them with dry eatth (dust from the road, end dried loam from a ditch made to straighten a spring run) and the manure and litter from the horse stable, and occasionally cut slra-v. The horse stable was cleaned out every morning, and the manure and litte wheeled to tho pigpens and dumped iu. By night it was well worked over and thoroughly miod. This was thon well sprinkled dry , and left for another day, receivi. the stable con tents in the morning. Twice a week the pens were cleansed out and the con tents composted with the cleanings from the cow stables. By Christmas, I think, there had been forty load3 of good first-class mauuro taken out of thoEO pens. Of course a good part was horse manure, which was miula richer by the extra working it got, and by the addition of a largeamount of nitrogen from tho pig manure that would other wise have been wasted. The sleeping apartments of swine should be fur nished with cut straw. I think this ma nure was worth double, load "for load, that made in tho ordinary way. Maine Fai met: Notes I r I he Fai'ln nntl (linden. Colts' hoofs should be pared occa sionally or injury will result. Linseed meal should be fed to cows two or three weeks before calving. It helps to avert dieeaso. Nitrate of soda is very soluble, and for that reason should be put on the land in the spring, especially if used on light soils. White leaves and variegated white aud green leaves indicate degeneracy in a plant. A branch with leaves en tirely whito is no longer capable of propagation- it is in the last stage of its existence. Professor Brewer, of the Sheffield Scientifio school, New Haven, says: On account of the value cf our straw and of the stalks of our corn for feed ing, it is found that an acre cf corn, wheat or other grain pays as large profit here as at the West, and ttiat the labor of each man is as well or better paid. The value of all manufactured fertili zers depends upon their solubility, and these manures should all be appro priated by the growing crops. To ex pect any such fertilizing matter to re main in the ground for another year is to presume that the fertilizers are not properly manufactured. Bone dust, however, will remain in the soil several years. Household Hlnli. A fresh egg has a limelike surfaces stalo eggs aro glossy and smooth of shell. Stale bread may be made as nice as when fr3shly baked by dipping the loaf into clean, cold water and warming in a take-oven. Much bread that ia i ow thrown away might be saved if this was more generally practiced. In making sauce put the butter and flour in together and the sauce will uever bo lumpy. The yolk of egg binds the crust much better than the whites. Apply it to the edges with a brush. Whenever the sauce boils from the sides of the pan you may know the flour or corn starch is done. If stone chini is used the glr.zing sel dom oraoks, and if the disbes are care fully washed and aired eaoh time they aro used, and once a week boiled in a little lye water, they can be kept sweet till destroyed by accident cr careletG- noss. Burial Custom in luroiie. In Franco, as mod people are aware, no one meeting a funeral on the streets omits to raiso the hat or cap in token of respect ; but in Spain tho usage docs not exist. When the Viatique" is carried through the streets, every one is bareheaded and kneeling, but a funeral passing along receives no mark of respect as in Franco. Moreover, while in the latter country a deceased person is followed to tho cametery by all his relatives, friends, acquaintances, and even by i- any who are only ac quaintances oi his acquaintances; iu Spain it h tho habit for persons to abstain from accompanying the coffin to the grave. If tho defunct belongs to the better classes, his friends send their carriages to follow, but they them selves remain at homo, The Spanish cemeteries differ also materially from those in Franca. "They are," said M. Eniile Maison, who has resided many years a1; Madrid, "but walls provided with drawers, only a few monuments being seen in tho inclosure, erected to the memoiy of the wealthy or dis tinguished." To leave Spain and its customs and halt on Italy's classic soil, there aro ono or two things womb, mentioning in roferenco to tho burial of the dead, which is performed with a different ceremonial ia diffjrent parts of the country. Ono remark which applies to the whole of Italy may bo made, how ever, namely, that the hearse is entirely unknown. Apropos of the hrarse, its introduction into Franco only elates from Louis XIV. 's tiuie; and when it was first used to carry tho dead to th) cemetery tho innovation was loudly condemned by tho public. At Turin tho interment of the higher classes takes placo generally at dust; tho fol lowers aro numerous, but aro mistly composed of valets or servants of tho friends or relatives of the deceased, clad in rich liveries for the ccjasion. At Naples funeral ceremonies are conducted with a eeltain patade and pomp. The dead man, womsin or cliild is exhibited, richly dressed, on tho bed; sometimes, indeed, the body ia thus ex posed to view under tho porch of the house, surrounded with lihted tapers und iloweis. When the moment arrives for placing it on tho bier tho duty is discharged by a religious community, excepting iu tho ca so of the poor, whose remains, as in Fra ce, are consigned to the "fosse commune," which is, iu fact, nothing but u deep well. In tho mag uitlcent Neapolitan cometery, which forms au amphitheater, there aro J5C5 of these wells, one for every day in tto year, lery day one Of thtm is opened to receive the dead, a quantity of quick lime is emptied into it, a few pails of water are poured .on, and tho ftone is replaced, to bo removed again only a; the expiration of a twelvemonth. This is how the remains of tho poorer classes are disposed of. With regard to the wealthier portion of tho community, they uro interred in a monument resem bling a chapel. The coffin is not low ered into a vault, for the reason that there are none, but is placed in the chapel itself, and covered wi'.h a slight layer of prepared earth, which has the property of reducing the body to a skeleton within a year from the elate of interment. The family of the deceased person then proceed with another funeral ceremony. The bones are col lected, put into a fresh coffin of peculiar shape, and ' walled up, the name and quality of the defuuet being inscribed on the stone which shuts in the coffin. At Palermo the dead are placed in a bier richly covered with red gilt-embroidered velvet, or in a kind of sedau chair equally red, and conveyed to the convent. On its arrival the body, after the f unoral service has been performed, is lowered into a largo " souterrain," which extends under the convent gar dens. Hero the unconfined remains are placed in a vault, the ground oi which is formed of extremely fine sand. Each receptacle is made to hold six or eight corpses. It is called the " Sco latojo," and when filled is walled up for a year, Churchman's Shilling Magazine lVell i'oHtetl. He was a plain old man from the country; he wore an old-style, broad brimmed hat, and his clothes were homespun; but when a slick-looking stranger stepped np to him on Vine street and professed to know him, and asked all about Lis wife and family, and wanted to know when he came down and when he was going back, the old man declined the proffered hand, and drawing back, said: "That's all right, young man; never mind the per liminaries; git right down to business 'twonce. You've got some goods at the depot and want to pay freight. Hain't got nothin' but a hundred-dollar check. Would I hold the check and let you have $00.43 to pay the freight? Or p'r'aps you've just drawed a prize in a lottery, and would I jes step around with you and see you git the money; or p'r'aps" but the confidence man slipped away; the granger was too well posted, altogether. As the old man gazed after Lis retreating figure Le chuckled out: " Slipped np that time, Mr. Bunko; I'm posted I've read the papers." Cincian Ui Silurday Night. Having used Dr. Bull's Cough Bynip in my family for tue laut three yeara, I Bad It i the best preparation I have ever used fur Coughs and Colds, giving almost Immediate relief. D. Walkeb, den'lCoui, Merchmt, 118 Light it,, Balto., Md, eciExrit-ic bcbaps. The polar regions of Mars, like thou of the earth, appear to be covered with ice or enow. Looking through yellow glass in a fog is said to render objects more dis tinctly visible. By tho new mode of tanning mineral salts take the place of tannic acid in preserving hides. The weight of the cranium varies, in a general way, with the weight of the skeleton, but not proportionately, like the weight of lo braim Various kinds of foul water, which are sure to kill when injected under tho skins of rabbits, become harmless as soon as they are shaken up with com mon sand. The moon is gradually increasing the length of our day, by enlarging its own orbit, so that we may reasonably look forward to a day of 1,400 hour', instead of twenty-four. The two coldest rpots on the earth aro not its poles. One of thorn is in Northeastern Siberia, the other in the archipeligo north of the Nerth Ameri can coast line, north we3t of the Parry islands. The List that color is nothing but a funolion of tbo eye Las been distinctly shown only within a few decades, al though Schopenhauer nncou .ced it oa theoretical grounds. This disco ery must exert a msrked influence on ait thcoiics. Professor Tadieirio, of Montpelier, thinks he has discovered a direct method cf destroying the phylloxera. He utcs pruEs'c acid. The destruction of valuable vineyards ia Europe by this insect within tea years i3 estimated at three thousand million franc. It is generally ennposed that a thick covering of scot affords the best pro tection from the severo frosts of winter to the soil beneath. Experiments by Deherain and Kiyser prove that grass turf ij muoh inoro effectual. liat'er Enthusiastic. The Wi!minp!,)ii (D.l ) Daily R publi can liilelv contained ihe fo'.li.wmt; iu in nt popular inte i st: Dr. .T. K. Speek, who conntct.d wiili the Wilmington Kverv Kivnii g. p!'.,k rather onlliiisi.vticslly i l .St. JhcoIis Oil. Dr. Speek ftittiK diet h v.M'n the oil in his family an a hous'.lioM roimily, a sort i f univtri:il panacea for nil uchvi unci p;tin, Iuip always found it ( act mil?! happily. 1 1 in attention m ca ltd to it by the many tolimoniaU in its favor, and lie one d:v uh.'iI it upon hinnclt tor sore throat Two applications w. re putii cient to effect a u:c. lie also u.-ed il on his little I for noro throat withgrntifyini: success The yanie child had fcarlit (ever thia winter which left the tendinis of r.iit ley iini'-h contracted. The ltilk- pratiiti couldn't walk without us-itai c.e and fii -fered much ineoip cn!nre and p tin. Kh eral uppliciiions of St Jacobs Oil restored her limb to i's normal condition, and sin has not exptik'nced any trouble since. 1): Speck states that he has alto wen the O I act charmingly in toothache, lie thinks St. Jacobs Oil is n su rling remedy, uiui does not hesitate to reconiuitnd it for rhtu mrtisin, etc. A serious plagto ameng jourg t triches has bee-n sj reading over Hon:. Africa for the past few years. A post mortem csamxation disclosed tho fuc! that tho disease was can ed by myriad of minute worms odhering to the coal of the stomach. The importance of the eliscovery may ba estimated by consid ering the fact that ostriches are woit'u fjoui 750 to ?'J;10 a pair. The Nebraska City (Neb ) 1'rcss says St. Jacobs Oil strikes heavy blows for Bond all around, and its virtues for rlrtuuiatic pains are laudtd upon every hand. Tiy it, all ye who Buner. Liverpool, England, is not a city. Chambers' Encyclopedia states that thu term city in England is applied to cer tain towns of importance which are, or have been, the seat of a bishop. In America the term is applied to all town s which are incorporated and aro gcv erned by a mayor and aldermen. YroirriNF. has restored ihonsnnila to health who had been long and painful sufferers. THE MARKETS. new vons. Deof Cattlo -Sled. Nat livo wt. Calves I'oor to l'ritno Veals.. . blioep iianios Hogs T.ivo llvnauiil .irr 10 Gltxi i' 6V 6y4 li 8 0J 75 84' 31' 2 DO c:' Flour Kx. Stale, good to fancy 5 M) Western, Kd to choice 3 Wheat No. 2 Hl, new 1 s)4 di 8 as s di I No. 1 White, new 1 ill di 1 ItveRlnlo !I2 !1U ej liarley Two-rotveil State Corn Viigi-adedWesturuMixej Southern Yellow Oata White S:to Mixed Western Hay 1'iiino Timothy Straw No. 1, live h6 (so 71 71 J. 62 4$ illi DO ( di Co (S ( ('CIS Cy.10 C(l0 4.) U3 til) III) 03 U3 27 Pork Mesa' new. tor export.. .17 73 Lard City Steam 10 C3 lleiineJ 10 !)5 Petroleum Crude licfhied lluttor State Creamery Dairy Western Im. Creamery Factory Cheege Siato Factory Skints Western rnnu fitm. ....1 l.oi.n if! 31 Ot 40 40 43 85 di di di di di di 12.'; i uy, -n .J... w rwi v. .... . .... ' ' iJoUtoe--Early Ituw.Stuto.bW 3 25 wy,'ti a 25 di 3 c (tO 6 Rteere Kxtra 6(10 Lamba WflHtWn S 50 25 60 50 83 25 45 00 40 00 00 8 o; 60 00 75 60 00 46 81 Bheep Webtern 4 75 eneep western t 73 dS o Hogs, Good toChoico Yorkers., t! 75 di 6 Flour C'y Ground, No. 1 Spring 6 75 7 Wheat-No. 1. Hard Uulutli .... 1 45 1 Corn No. 3 Mixed 68' y) Oats No. 2 Mix. West 43 di Uarley Two-rowed State U0 (jj) BOSTON. Beef Extra plate and family.. 11 00 15 Hogs Live . lify Hogs City Dressed 9 di Pork Extra Prime pel bbl....H00 14 Flour Spring Wheat Patents. . 7 60 9 Com Mixed and Yellow 73V'j Oats Extra White 6 VM live State , U7 di I Wool Washed CoinbiDolaiue Hl,(i Unwashed " " 80 (jj WATPn'1-r.u.-v fMAHfl.l U.nutT di S jiuei jixira quality. Sheep live weight . , J.ambs IIoks. Northern, d. w 6 60 O 7 12'' 4 di di 8.3 FiiiLAriLi.ruii. Flour Penn, Ex. Family, good 6 00 i Wheat-No. 3 Ked 1 82tf ; liye State 07 ty Corn State Yellow Wy'i OaU Mixed 40 di Butter Creamery Extra Pa. ,. 45 (5 Cheese New York Full Creaiu. 13di Petroleum Crude 0 Hi Keliued. IWii 00 vi my. an 45 IS' 7 7W A Qiiocr Cosb of SoUlshnrsi. To the Rmdert of Ihe Brooklyn Eaglet im racts contained in the following artiole are related by O. M. Farmer, Esq., 169 Third avenue, New York, who will Impart the full particulars of the case, and the name or the party, to any one seoking tho same. Deferens to the wUhos of tho gentleman bonofltod ln duces us to withhold his name and advise the source of Information as above. In a neat frame cottage on a high elevation overlooking the East river and the Islands In Iho stroam below Holl date, dwell Mr. and is wifo. Three years ago tho husband wa prostrated by'rhonmatlo gout, which, In the conrso of a few weeks, invaded every vninerable part of his body. His foot and hands bocamo not only usoloss but most unsightly mombers, his fingers becoming so swollen, distorted and twietod that thoy looked like the tangled claws of a erab. Being the ownor of his home, and having somo money laid by from his former salary, earned while bookkeeper for a promi nent commercial house, ho sought reliof from pain and utter helploasnoss from tho best sources, and paid dearly tot It. lie obtained temporary rolicf from his pains, but no medi cal skill availed in straightening out bis dis torted limbs or enabling him to ro-iumo his former avocation. Thus he lay bedridden as .ia tedious months went by; meanwhile his stock of money was being rapidly exhausted, until only a small sum remained at his com mand. Among his kind and sympathetic neighbors, a few mouths ajo, was one who came with a bottle of St. Jacobs Oil in his pocket and urgently insisted that it should bo tested. But such wai Mr. 's objtiaato ob jection to everything bearing tho name or sus picion of a proprietary modiciue that he posi tively refused its use, and for a week aftorward he lay groaning in his bed while St. Jacob's Oil stood untouched on the wife's dressing table. One night his sufferings were unusually severe, aud after a long entroaly Mrs. was allowed to anoint her wrotchod husbaud thoroughly with tho Oil. Wliou he awoke in tho morning from the first easy and peacoful leep he had enjoyed for many months, ho saw before him a neiv loaso of life. Bepoatod ap plications of this wonderful remedy, night afiet night, for two weeks, restored the man to his nor mal condition of health, strength aud activity, and to-day he is occupying apositiou of no littlo labor and responsibility, and at a fine salary iu a prominent business house in the lower part of tho i ity. Learning those facts from his wifo when I culled at the pleasant cottago home above mentioned, tho writer made au appoiut n.ent to meet hi in tho next day. " I am happy to learn," I Bald to him, " that you have recovered your health after a long aud painful illuess. Mrs. iufornicd mo that you owo your present happy condition to a pro prietary medicine." Yes," ho answered, cheerfully. " I call It a niii'uc'.iluus medicine. Tho world owes a debt of Kratitudo to the diacovcrer of St. Jacobs Oil, which, with all its wealth, it will never pay, be CAU90 it will never fal y appreciate the great virtues of this remarkable remedy. Look at me. Do I look like a man who for threo rears bai been an invalid and a oripplo ?" " Y'ou ook like tho picturo of health," I replied, "and i.hilo I congratulate you, I must rerjuoil that o'i albw me, as a pre.-s reporter, to make your case known to the public for the beuelit of those .tho have suffered like yourself." "Excuse mo, sir," he return"'!, "bat I would rather not.' Why. what ulijeotion can you have r" I asked somen hat puzzled. Wi ll, you eee," ho said, " 1 am peculiarly tiluuted, aud, whilo I have xympithy for all who sillier, I would, for cer tain reiffoin, l.o jeopardizing my otru interests by nllmving my uamo to bo published in this coiinro ion." "Very well." I said. "Your i-!i s dull be observed. But don't yon think ton are a little eelash in this mitter'r" "Per- taps I am," he nnswerod, " but St. Jacobs Oil lias no many other testimonials from prominent it n iu lis favor, that mine would bo of Jitik- oneipie!!c. ." Although the wiiler r.fjretted this refusal to allow m ull r iianie to be a ided to the long 1st 1 ti-siimoiiMlM to the cfhe:tcy of tho Great Cu r. man Ib nn-ay, it was felt that poihup'i tho gen :!.'iiian"n rcmou for such rofiirul miht out- .M i:i in nio eciti.; oi economy viittt i k jm on da lace in a nuenr caso of sellUhnosB. X, w Yo k ISCr tlinrj T'l'VUIII. Sixtlkn liuiKlred nierican revolvers wee recently ordered lor tho South Austiaiiau poliji lorce. A PiiHt.irM Kutiiui-tiiHiii. Wiiiw'ASV. N. J.. July 2. 1830. H. H. W'Aitsiiii A. Co. : .Si' Mrs. Bardwell has been a 1 nrj auffrfivr from chronic Inflam mation of tho bladder, which yielded 1 1 11 ire tment until sho beun the uso ot o ir bate Kidney and l.ivor Cure. We reiiommcud the remedy at all times. ItEV. U. SIOtir.B UAUWKI.I.. Only two of li e rroBidnits-Oarfielil iiml Hrriou never had au opportunity to hold an ni.'iai isew rear s reception. Punii cod-liveii on. from selected liverg, o tho seashore, bv CasAcll. Ilazaril & Co.. N. Y, Ab olutelv p.ire and sweet Patients who have onco lakt 11 it p cf. r it to all otbeis. Physicians declare it superior to all oilier oils. Cmr-i'tii Hani's, lace, pi undo aud roniihskin ciircit by tiHiii' Jiiiiip- r lur boup, mauo uy well, U zard ft -.'.p.. .New lorK. On Till 11 V Hoy.' Trlnl. The Voltaic Belt Co., Mnreliall, Mich., wid send their Eltctro-oltaic Belts and other Eli-c trio Anulianees on trial for thirty days to sni. perton alllictid with Nervous Debility, Lost 1tn11ty, aua kintiroa trouMes, euurtintceiu; complete restoratiou of vij,'or and mauhooil. Address r.a alaive without delav. I'. H.-No rick is incurred, as U0 days' trial i auoweu. A Kure 1'ui e for ifia Will be sent by mail to any addrers, postpaid, ou receipt ol one dollar. Address -I. Alouzo Uieeue, Indian Doctor, bid Pine St , St. Louis, Mo. llmi't li9 iu Ihe llnn-e. Ask druKK's's for " lionuli ou Hats." It clean out rati, mice, bedbugs, roaclies, vermin, Int. a, aiils. lusects. Do. Per nox. now to KKcncp. iikai.tii. It In &trans:e any tnt will i,utti;r from ilcrangfiiintU hrousht on bylini'tiri'Uooil, when BCOVIU.'S SAIt.SA, I'Altll.l.A AXI)STII.I.I(;lA,orItl.OtlU ANU UVKIt S Kt 1 will rvktorr hea.lh to the pliisical nraitlzatuui. It's a strciutlieiiliiK syit.p. jileaaaiit to take, aud the I! K3T IH.eiOl) Ii:itll'lKlt tier uncovered, curlni: SiTotula, Syplitltllc dlS'-rilerii, Wcaknc&e of the Kidneyii. Erymnetaa, .Ma:arla, N 1-1 von illbrdcnt. Debility, lillloit i-oitiptamni and Ditead.1 of li.o Uluod, Liver, khlueys, Stuiuaeh, Blin. nc. Ktley's CaiLolle Tioekes prevent all routa- Itlons diseases. Kiicli as Diphtheria, Scarlet Tever. WhoopliiK e'oiiKb, and cure CouxUs and Colds. yiient to the i;tte and a good disiufectaut. A I.I.KN'rs Hi Bin l'nod-eiirea Nervous Debility k Weakness ot tienerative tlivtins, 91all UrlU'insls, ..,.t t-iri'h-eiiliir. Alleirspiianoaev.:n:l First av...Y, ELECTRIC BELTS. A lN.-rlucl curu tor preiuatiirn debility. Send fol circular. Du. J. KAlllhai Broadway. Kew Yolk. nrPAITAI-8''A.-P.LACY. Patent UA I bfj I ..lll'lil-.,VaMhl!lKton. U.O. H I tlw I Ooiir"Meien!ino itocord llauj book" aud "Mow 10 rrocure t'ateuw" uriujrtt. trw. TUKAULTMAM'l'AVUJReX..MiuKnld.O. 70 WEEK. 12 ailiT atbomeeasllr marte.Cotl 5 ' Z 0utt lie. Adil sTuiK Co., Autiusta.Malus. r ' ! i n.lltrmed Fflitif ', ' ' In the stomach develops an acid which stiUff the upper part of tho throat and palate, causing " heartburn." It also evolves a gas which pro duces " wind on the stomach," and a feeling and appearanoe of distension in that organ aftel eating. For both thia acidity and swelling Hoe tetter's Stomach Bitters Is a much better reme dy than alkaline salts, like bartehorn and car bonate of ncda. A wlneglasful of the Bitters, after or before dinner, will be found to act as a reliable Carminative or preventive. Thia tine Speciflo for dyspepsia, both in its acute and chronio form, alo prevonls anil cures malarial levers, constipation, liver complaint, kiilncv troubles, nervousness and debility. Persons who obsorvo in thooisolvos a dei liiio of vigor should use this fine tonic without delay. A convict in tho Mi'sbwimii twnitvntiarv wa lied by one ot the guards, and tbo court lis.. an ai ded his wife (1,4D0 damages. Out I'rfiut-fM-. Ais'nces ro nuiekly abandoned with the coin', 'Ictitiii f railroads, so tho lingo, drastic. aihartic pliN, comp iscd of oritdo and bulky ei'li'liic i, Hie i' uuiii.v ii'ininitiut'u tiiiiimo in- Hliiciion tu nr. 1'ieiYC a "I'loasaut ruruntivo IVllctf," which ftrs sugar-coated, and little Ini- 'cr tliHti mustard s ieds, but composed ol hiublv concentrated veuotable extracts. Us'. TitF.nE aro In Conitro-s eieht Irishmen, four Scotchmen, five Englishmen and three Ger mans. Consuiimtlon turn. Dr. R. V. PiiuicK: Jtrar Sir Death was hour ly expected by myself and friends. My phy sicians pronounced my dis"aso consumption, aud said I must die. I begun taking yonr Disjoverv ' and "Pellets." I htvo used nine bottles and mn wonderfully relieved. I am w aolo to ii in ou;. Ei.i.n'.Tii Tuohmtos. M 'titongo, Ark. Thk Sisto of New Yoik last year pave abou' f9,t00,000 to 113.005 subjects of charity. Tin. "II Urn lllnnm nf Vonlh" nv bo retained bv ueni2 Dr. Pierce's "Favor- e Pre?ciiption," "a spccillc for " female com- ilar.its. ' j.y tirnggiats. The pean nut crop of Tcxai is estimated at f2,0t'0,000 a yoar. Wo can insure any person having a bald head troubled with dandruff, that Caiuioi.tne, a deodorized extnet of petroleum, will do all that is claimed for it. It will not stain the most delicate inbrio and is delightfully perfumed. egetine WILL CURE CANCER. PROOF! PROOF! PROOF! If. It., Esq.: D.'ar .sir About two yearn nco a canror made Its aiM'i'antuee on my fare, Inlt iiilij nf my nose. When l nn-t nitlli-i'd it, twiiH itboul llin size OI a ln-nenl lv ry Hiimlli. It iiim-:iR'il iu Hie. anil spread on my farr until jl licraine km lari; an n t-nnumm cent. I triiMl all kiu I.. -M r.-iii'1 lie.-, ami ftdvit'i' irnm a nliv- ery fast. 1 w.ih vitv nnirli alarmi'il. 1 went, to 8c l.llVsii-Li,, M Imii.ii-..,! ft- Iw. .0,1 ..i ,.in lati. 11 w,l Hl'iva-lniir ami ratio.' into my nxh iiui-Ii I'lii-o'ira-.-i-iiirnt. It raini-il m very tinn-lr. I ulli-ml nil-lit ami day. It wmtlillilt'i-U at times very !'l'"i:THiv, was ilmin that cinihl lio to lit--lie: In' suhmitti"! to an 01tTatir.11. ln'tmi well to ru'V th" ranrtT. Mv l,.-ot hir ha.l u rancer 011 lis--.Hira,':!-:l. 1 va.s 01m day lu Mr. Wooilhem 'b .l,'illl'T:ll'' Itol-C, of tins town, lie uavo me vour t'iie. 1 t'nui'1 on rail" Ul where Vetfetino hail rurett aini'lilet, e.intaiuuiir many cures liy llin use of onr Ve;!etinc, aI)l h pi'iiveil ae.reat hlessint: to me: lie' r on a lady s nose. 1 then liout'lit a bottlo 1 cnl'l see e,,o.i eiiee-s iiyun it rnsiit away. Alter akiiiir three linltle.i it slopi'efl the Hi'i'eailinil ot the mi er iioiiui 1 lie eujie"; n eiieenet ine eauni; line vll'"!i. I eon il see it. was irrailua Iv heaiiii'.r. I't on taking Veetaie, tho raneer slowly itisai' 'arihrT, linlil t lial taken sixteen Ivitlles anil it lint' eteli I'lire.l It. It has lelt a lartre sear on om tie ol inv nose: ami I leel it mv duty to recommend I'L'etiue to till bkesntiei-ei's, as It is certainly a k-reat lilo.ul l'nrili''i'." I am now sixty-three years ot ;e. and Vei;eiino has ;r-'ally improved my general i'Uuii. lours most n'spei'Tinny, VM. K CLEAVES. 31 Federal St., Uevcrly, Mass, We. v.-luwo names aro anil"Xfil. can tt'stifv to thn move, 11. -nr. t, ..'ayes is uu on ivsnioiit 01 lilts town. . Wlll)!:t!:illtY. Aonth'v. KTi IIARI) l'EllItlCK. Il-Jtlihltr S. K.Ml'lU, ANIMtKW 1,. KATUN, UL,lUD!iN, UliU. S. MII.MUT. Veri'etine, I'ltEPAllED DJ J. It. STEVEN'S, Boston, Masa- Vegotine is Soldby All Druggists. BEST IU THE WORLD! Deliver! ri on Trial, i'KEK Ol? CnAKCKl VItiSClT'S OSCIX.I4A.TI2TO- Shuttle Sewini? Machine ! BUY FO OTHER! LASTS A 1.1 TIC TI.11K Warranted 5 Vears. SEND FOR CIRCULAR "IS." AGENTS WANTED in Un-cminkd Territoiq. Address W1I SON SVV t.SCJ MACHINE CO. lv'53 & "ol V.' a basil Avo., Cliieu;o. THE OFFiCIAL HISTORY OF THE CUiTEAU TRIAL y!i! ) flip nil vrnnii -lot n anl fnllv fliiiKtr.itf-fl "JAft n.l Jvutt (iiittf'iu." It com. una all thi' lMiiaoiiy 1' tin- ev)-frn aii.l otljir ti'tl wiliicr-scs: all llie , - iij.i'Ii'bv tli"! ruuiilii.1 ihp:i-ui iu inn jrn at Horl4 In i w .-iff" tlic RiiUi'wn In- li'nilifr nismiitx-. lew'itri' ot i:iTflin iiTiy lioti'i.'t. rilliniiK ot iconic nrf vvuitiiii Uv thH work. yr- iim wttutfMl. Cii'uulurs NATHN.i.ri:m.isiiiN(i ( o,, Pliilii(iolili.a, Vn. JOIIXSOVS ANODYNE MSIMKXT uHll icsiliwly iTi vtnt Ihisicrrihlf dUfu... and will oni-tiv-lycti;-c tiinr ruxcH out ot ten. Jntorniatioii tlmt will siivi uiitny ltv r, wiit trT bv mail. Uoa't (llav a liioiiu n(. rpvv Ih U tter tlum curt' I. K. .T.him- so!i hi Ct Boston, lubo., lurnu rly K.uiK'ur, Muiue. MPTION! nm- tlioiiKiindh ()l(vcs nf tin v.oiNt kind and of lnni j im ir it i pi in 1 1 1 v n ri'inftif mri nn u nni-n .1 iuj. nan. 1.1. i fjt: iu "its I'llir.-M'v. tlmt 1 will fiend HVO HOTTI.l'rt l:iiilin' liiivft lici-i l'.-.i in 1 1 .1 o 4.. ...7. dlvnifutomivBuilcivr. iliv'u LxiTiWriud 1'! O. ad-g1-'... 'f A. hlAX.TM, 181 1'i'iiil St., New York. t Iti'.k. toLietlierwh Ii ,t VA I r A lir l."i'i( I.- itki.' i.i- F 1 hFIiEC'TIOXH KPB" AllniiiiM. l j.k Tr.ius':ir BlEUb l im CiiiiK 1 t Km ort I H for AutoKruuh :trrnt CurdH, 1 Hioii 'iiiilw.I.aiii' ii niif. tit I- ii i.k'i m n Xi-tv..1 i'i..ini,iu dil-iln 1 1.1 K ir. iMar I'll..-.', 2 t'hi'tniiiil I'uzzli'M, aud an eiKlit-1'ano lit; iarv l ater on trial thn o moiitliK. All thu H xivn t'iit ou m:t.'iiit of l:n: in st anil tocovf-i DOrtta-rc. etc. PAY TILL (Tltl I. Putrf-rrsof N.,al ana iliuiu-jiiuj iATAKKII d utnug a ur, pruiuiitfiii vui e, without ri"k of failure or expense, imtll a cur a t'ilfcipd. will fcddrfsa at once for Cir culars, DK. WM, HANBOUK, Centrevllla, Ind. Trnt WAHTR MdNm liuitDrl.l. If ytx Vint ft Luiuri :l moniiii-.. Buvitic CTS; 1i ft Iu TilU KHN. sna.M.lllr.N ft J Ii(K' Try IttapiaAt fi.M it. Jifrt al.irlt bat W.T JfpijKt I ti, livl It'.i. It.i xtt. iitwir mt ftll iirltkiiou. I Mi It HA I.K A Fiirniof fli a rH. In uood cultivn 1 Imii, l'j iiiii Irotii Albany and 111 from Troy.ou iho .roiH-ftiJ n mi'i uiitnuiu . it. for inruruiarK in (liiirc ot J. H. AiAiJj, NorlU Nauu, IUub, , Co., N. Y. BTl io vu Cva r1tT l'i witUlniprovod dc. Kntit to auv addn-HH ODrorrijit oi two i nvpt-i mi rfauip. Adding 'it l(Lr:s E. HI U1L4S NU.driwaiv Av.. Vlilla. 5S I llfi KtWARD wr caw of N'oi-viiuiDt'hlUtj, Blwxt or LVV Ki'liny lnvawiifttfiiirrd1iy l t inna, iNiu Wul fa'i'- I'hiti. iilii'r.-r. iip t ni fr. p ('urn rntirnntrfrl. nmiw BK'fLOYRslKWTotTq,?r1iF. St-aieTIiich itrefcrred : alaw KioauDtWantvl per month f -r trrnoffi aad eipenin, liusitim hoaoral'le, psr mBunt. and fuilr oieri!l. W riM na. KUiiw CO., iUtt liot.rK iiirtti, CmcULOaui ulu More than One Million Copies Sold ! EVERYBODY WANTS IT. EVERYBODY NEEDS 2!Sth E'lition (New). Revised and Enlarged. or fiflf-Preeervllon. A Ureal Mediral Treat, tie on RIanhaadi Ihe C'aane and Cure of Ex. Iiaualrd Vitolily, Krrvoaa und I'bialcal Hcbil. il ulna oa Iho I'ntold IlUi-l it' ariaini, from tha Malore Yeura. 300 uanua, Koyal hvo. T"ie verj- finest tcel eDgravinK, 1J5 invaluable lToacrti tiona for all acute and ctironio dlneaiRii. RnUn Illi wLLlI I'lice ouljr ILLUSTRATED SAMPLE, 6 CENTS. SEND NOW The Science of Life, or Rtlf-Prenervation, There ih nntliing whatever that the mitmei what u fully exlJatuM. lu abort, tin; bo. moaey wiU refrjded Ul every iuitauee. . waro Address PEABODY MEDICAL 4 Buldnch to ved. iniAur( ThuUMuiln of extr U sluiilae t th i-,!!, V.V..Vi7i iJr . , l v . leading lournal-llterary, poUUoaL mliiriuua aiwlMaS-tX..?!?ui . toed tu a U tter inudical work. Id bverv aiiiaa Ayrfen'ff In Need is a' Friend Indeed, And by such n one's sympalliljlni adjlce and id many a trouble hss been lifted and burdeu liebleneil, Piicb friendship is worth keeping, and when, from his ejtperlencc, ho ndviies and i..u,.....a i.t. n..iiioiiBMhniild ba beetled. If kind words can never die, and Rood deeds are never lot, the Inducement for alwnys doliiB the good onecnnlsstlllaBrentoiie. Many people imns no ... . . j.,a f I. a n .In n 1 ill I A inniiney nan Detter ao uoiuhih "", fornetting Hint It Is tbo detail that makes the as- ftrt'Knle-tlio drops that form ino nmuti-tiia little kindnesses of llio Hint mnke existence cn durable. As, In the picture, the p"od old St. Jacob is extending rclfef to the PiifferlnB snppll- Bill hvnS'.irton a Ii, illlnnT flint tVOUt Iff fill TCnietly. fT. Jaioiis Oil., to all ran do something of bene fit ror his fellow moil lii ihelr times ol trouble or sickness. In how many instances couiu uie stm- pie mention of the wordt "Pt. Jacobs Oil;' coupled with terms of Indorsement nud en. cournRemeni, ririntr renci nno cure to inosesui- lorinp ivtin rnenintitisni. in viewoi tne wonder ful recoril of this tirent Gt rninn Eemeilv in Hie cure of rheumatism, nrurnlfrin and nil pninfnl diseases, It npppiirs in the littlit of strong duty for everyone to patiently, yet persistently, urge its ttipiieiiii'iii in inv nmu,s iiiuiieu, ueuiiiiK i inintl tlntt the hicbest pooil from mnn to ninn consists In Hint which tends to promote their pence, wcl lure nun ponernt hen nil. Amomroincrs who hnve no hesitation in piving free expression to their opinion Is llislinp (iiliiviiir.ol'l'liveland, Ohio, who has used the (front (iertunn Kcuiedv, St. Jacobs tin., and endorses it liiulily. Ho writes nhout it ns ft 'Hows : "I nm plfti.-ed to sny that tbo use of T. J At om On, bns benefited ino grentlv, nud I liuve no neimtion to recoiiiineiitl it to nil as an excellent eurmive." N Y N U- -S PEERLESS WILLIAPi WiLSOM. Wcdical ISlecti'icicui, 40.i Fulton St., Brooklyn, Mav be consulted dally from in A. 5T. tn P. 5T, . f. .r .1 itMii:r. Till: WII.SOXI A" KtAtiMl'UI iA lt.1l liNTH will rni-e rveiy lorni tit eis . use. no iiml ter nl h"i Ions sian.lin:--. l.r. If i.-J-I'Kl-.If TIHH'HAM' I't'llKS ill lltviol'l-n and NeT i. .r!;. MINTEli IS I I'DN V. I'COTKCT Y lt--U-.I.VES neii in, t astlniia or consume tiou by weannif "Wfl.SOM " el.'ll.ilr-'. fold leet are the pre- nrsoi ol n.ll n i'.ls that ll"!i is heir to. Wear tho H I i.i-OMA " sol. ,n,l nvoiil mii-Ii darker. TAKI-: MKIlH'lNI. AN11 l'IE. WEAlt-'UlI." -on i v ami l.ivi:. HKWAUK t)E I it.'.vm. 1:iti:s inrments nro on he maiket. The ' W I I. SOS I A " is stti ldt d wt it iirtail'e eiel.ets, sttow .le- llie nil t als on t he la' e. All , illieih nr.' tr.tinls. Si i I lor l-ami'b'e e.".itaminu 1..., In'u I ... I',., I.,,,il,ifi ill till) Hill Willi e.ave been ei'.lvd niter all lorillH ot 11,1 .is-iiio bad taileo. Nule nnr adiif' t ses: ....... fio. 4.n I t I. ion M'iil'.KT, linoOKIAX. Ml. Hi , i;;:n MA AV. 1 Mi, l.-a; lii.OAliWAV. fNEAVYOltK. ;n. v:ti 11111:11 A VI-: I X0.4t i''if.n'!i .-ii'.;i:i:r. ni.ah sciTit i iiiii'i'ii s i ,: 1. 1:1'. in.'i'ii'.i.vN, E. l). A J.cjnliim: t.oinloii I'liysU i i -ii I'.mI'.i nil Ot;iee in Netf ovlt lor llie l ure til' Epileptic Prts. Ft-om Ant. .Innm-il tf Mr!ie;n?. Dr. Ah. Misieiiili Cat-of Irf.iiilonl.v.l:oi':al;es as) e. talty of J-'.pile; has ,itl:,,nl i'.,,itlit tis'atnl ati-l nivi'l men-o v than an- olio rlivii.f i !r si. i:m. li s uei'iss hiisslllll lvl 11 iia-loi.i-h.t i : ve have heat l .feas' sot ni-er jo e ;r- t'lil.'.i;: : i,s-; t-tir. 1 i'j hiin. lel:asi'iil.ii-h"l a lo'fi "il I hi eselni-.wilii a luntei.oltl' ft bl. iv n I'-llnleiife.iti a o any siuVeter who mv send their '.: n -s ami i iwt- nieeadill'is. We a Itls" auv Wi-l.iilK a elir-io id.ln-.-ji Ilr. All. ,-ilest roll . Mi. Il.i John St., . II n In thp worlil ti't llir L'i'iiPliir. Vvcrv t irk - C' i' n nr j iniif.'tnii'ii mi" in. ii hfii If D 111 iaiiH lt! runt tvt' m.-.. N- ,v Ur Uioo.l, uii'l will mini li'U ly Hnritfo tin- Muml in (lio lit ire H'stun Ul tlil'i ;.tniim, .;,v im.'-.i wild t:ik'' till" I'll I ' iu-l: ii!' h! i i't m 1 to . v i "(.: ui'iv lo i fslurcit to sin md lii-;.i;lt, i! su.h a 1 liiir: 1"' pcssililo. .o!(l I'VcrvwIu-Tt' it st-i't l.' in :i inr s I iter s,iniia. I. S. .)(! NSON iv- l t notion .Ha., (nti rlv Idiituoi' tv. ihrrd, uuibi-rs ox T -3 H.iMrn. Thoii:mI vetti:l li"'. I'm?:-us fiTfri nntl IttmtT 1;iWit mi lll:U :tl ilijstmeli' n . - Wt ruftT t ft. Altr. Mr- hi W. Ftrraprnld A Co. Ih.vmok JSt A Tt-ST A U'iH, Li-tin;t'Jt 'f. U ;ml.:ngti.n. V. V. ')..! r it 1 1 ij ( MfTtt, FOR LADIES ONLY, Thn ' I,:idit n' M"diiMl As-iu-inf ion." Ii iiicdicH lor h11 disooKi'K ot wonii n ure -v an d hv thu most t:otn- retnit and ridnuiii' rh n cmn-i, who im e madt; sucn difi-iHt-H a HpiTial lilt) Mud;. lMti"iitB ruu hu Htic rcHstulty tnati-il 1 o ncnl. Ai-vk f, juke. htttm strictly cnnti!tntinl. S'-nd dit-iriiitioii of nvni- toms; or. it not in iic-d oi r-mrdn s, s nd for our lhntrt to I,:idii's," wlm h fciws isovcl and itiii ri'f-t-inn iiilorniiition "r litiUe It will rlcn--' vou. 1 rep. Addi lrn. K A II .1. VAX HI KEN. frtcrvliiry, 1 j-j Fr.takiiu Str.-i-t, HMViilo, N. V. 1 The Unite of Mirliif till, lim ine 60 vp.unnl im; niM'- llit-litK. .UU cnnlaiiti lut ijt! trm-t nf ltnoccit)ni-.l iiih-4 iililllllli' lur l:irillB, willli' ol tlll'lll stlliji rt to Irri' ni t- tli'iiii nt tuiili r liuini'Kii ail laws ami nil ol tln-in Im will- ut lim i.iiii-n. A I'l'lui'lili-t, ),n limed uiutvr mi iki iC uf the , tiii.l i-i 1. 1 1 :i iiii 1 1 lc a mm', ili-Fi ni' limi 'of if h t'liiimtii, Buil, iuiltti-lri' k. rrni-H uml. n'-wiun-i-K, anil an Hrruuiit nf its liunN. will li:' biiiI li'i'J l.jtittv inn-wrillnit tin- it lo Ml tl M ISf.HM.It It.1 I 1! II 1 1. H A Tltl , lll-llllll, llllll. iiout, iiravt-l, J)iul tfs. in' ti.i;il 1 n nth Ki.ii lati'H, only lianuU tw ni-i-itii-H pr'-clninn tl hy 'wit-iK'n, rlh'Vf at onriviir within torn i!hh. li-x tl, mailed, (iciiuiiir has red sal ami K'nntiiri of I;. A. 1'aius 5& Oo.t onlv aMi'ittH, liiaw. UUi St., N.V. A: k onr dnik Bistjor the Gi'!iuiiie.Vr;te t rhook and relerfncta. NOTICE Good irifcs j aid forfniit t-'rowcrs-nanii- t-in'-nd iriiit p'ek V'l't'ircitlal to. N. li. lU'riMuioK, liuiralti, S.V. StflS20 iwi'tlwvathomo. Sanii( worth tMreo, AtlilivrisSriNsoN &Cu.,l,ortland,MiUua. f T "J A YTAU AND EXPLNS TO !k I f I AC.l.STS. Outnt Iiop. Addresi li? fl I S tu 1 A L,"L,!!n!' PCfcB w Mn"rSTM-iuiTS beat ml ''J 'lilillli; li'li'B Ml I lie w.. I ill; lhllllll'li' fit. &XtfJ Aililrc. Jay, IK irollih. YnilKlR MEM "ifTotf want tolparirTi-loirrai by in iuuku ltlt.ll u I,. r mn i,i)ii, uml l,o ccriaitiofa Kiliiatlon, aiMreia Vah'iitiiio lir'i..., JuiichviIIi!. W in. A CENTS VA'TKI fur. thn llmt and FantroN St-lliiu I'i, UoiikHiinil IIiIiIk. l'rircnn -ilnrml 911 tl. Niitiimal l'lililinliius d.lnluiliji liia. l'a. tj iX it WjlJiO Jin.H.inW.tthCo.I'lll.burch.n. " VYTTtS! v1e'' Ciba (m. A&Anu, J IJ Jlmt Wfit Guo Worl:,. PllttbHffh. r. Irnru-Tili'i nnliyExtra iniliiromi'iit'. Krn'1 J Hlninp. V. M. '1 KL. CO., Cily Unit, Cli'.velan.l. O. (tAKU t:t)f,I.Kl!TOUS. a lianrtKomi' iu-t of Oar.l" fol j tlir.-p-f-nt taliui.A. O. UahsutT, l(nt-li(t'r, N.V, tec a week in vonr own town. Temia and ?5 otittli SOU i,.,.,.. Ailil' H.HAl.LKl-rfcCo..l'oitlanrt,M,iiiic. IT. 81.23, bjuiuil. (New eiUtiou.) I iu ,i m m FITS FBJLEER r itiiy lWt u-i'. Ti'-'ii-Jir ii i f i- i - i r m.'. 'El ...l.n. m cn t Kit J to IM litAKiti.-. liOS N f V. UJ PATIENT Miu.'iin-l l,r r. rj i Q latiil W:irt:inttt imiruml, l "Hieit itiiJ m-ll. I tin. luirn n:'y f. r j rit h! nt !.. St'!;t 4 1 J.lamt'i for " I lie Citi n-Sfl.iit-r." unl Ps'Liitfil I, nil k 4 m on, la the moat extraordinary work on Pliyaioloirv ever rmlilUW 1 il,'' ;'' .--n either riui "r" t0P"w u!i ikJmf"a '? u w" lh for Rood health..r,.,",?tJ': wr wuwu tu Vr.oe. or : e,C, MI .--..Par,. oflu9 INSTITUTE orW.H. PARKE? M n (street, Bo.too, Mmi, ' il,,, Vi iL ..i.T. 7, li "..t. . Kuamtr i .