NEWS OF THE WEEK. Eastern and Middle States. SnDAWAN MnrtwAitTn, who as soldier ao conipniiicl Niipuleon in Ilia famous march to Jlorcow, died near Easton, Pa., a four days ago In liU iiinc-tit-tli ctir. Ashton D. Hn.uxoa, a well-known Now York Hctor, l-ocanio dopon1ent through the l'trcnt rlo'lh nf hi- wife nn1 commitfe-l milel'lfi. Tim ffrects of ISostou are to be illuminated with the electric li-ilit. Ko Kun Hu., Chinese professor at Harvard college, and the bc;t educated pagan in America, died the oilier evening at his resi dence in Cambridge, Muss., of pneumonia. He was a man ot high rank in his native coun try and leaves a widow and six children. The Ailnn linn phip Glcnmorag arrived the o her fiay at New York from Calcutta, having on hoard thirteen shipwrcckod persons, all of whom were rescued at sea in an open boat after they hid left the stenmship Bahama, of the Quebec and Gulf Torts Steamship com pany, from Porto Rico for New Yoilt, whieh was in a sinking condition. The r.nliama lounlered at sea, and was abandoned hy all but two of those on board of her. Thecap taiii.E. Field Astwood.of Bermuda, and nineteen others were reported lost. The second cook ami anoihcr man remained on board the ves sel, saying that thoy preferred to go down with it than to risk their chances iu the boats in euch a tempestuous sea. A second cabin passenger, whoso room was on tho ptHrboard sido of tho vessel, is supposed to have been washed overboard. The seven teen others were in tho captain's boat, which was swumped almost as Boan as she loft tho vessel's eide. Two of thoso in her, one of whor-i was Charlos Smith, wore seen to swim lack to tho vessel and were hauled on board. The coroner's jury inquiring into the death; of tho victims !' tho lato fire in Park row, Now York, has rendered a verdict censuring Mr. Putter, owner of the building, nod his agents fjr neglect. CmtTis CunisTiAX returned to his homo near Cnl.l Siu iuvj, N. Y., iho other evening and in- formed hit wife that ho had killed Jonas Tomp- !; ins, his brother-in-law, with whom ho had left ii t!:o morning to buy cows. He said that tho bo W would be foun 1 iu tho woods. Suddenly he sprang at bis wife and attempted tokill her, but ehe succeeded in putting him out of tho house Ti'ini'kiiis' body was found with tho head i"'U?hed in bv a stone. The next afternoon the body of Christian was found in Laka Ouca- v ums, nr-nr the scene of tho murder, he having o mniittel suicide. Jealousyof Tompkins he-.-.t-u-e he managed his father-in-law's farm is th.Miht to have been the cause of the murder, cxi'luM'-n ot two ot tiiu three boners in Jewell's lare,e Untiring mill, Bronldvu, resulted In the death of the engineer, injuries more 01 less si rio is to thirteen other persons and tb Intnl dtinolishineut ot the boilcr-houao. A Fine at Cluster, Pa., totally destroyed the 1'iiiiisylvaiiia Military aealemy. Tl:e aca lemy 141 students, a;l of whom escaped, 'i'lie total loss is estimated at f 200,001'. While a loaded co il train was passing over f.n iron bridge twelve miles north of Belvedere, X. J., tno t-triictiiro suddenly gave way, pre e pitiiting about one-half tho train iuto the creek, Uf;v feet below. Two laborers on the t ain M eio lulled and a brakemau was fatally injured. South and "West. .Tuns vi::nr:iuN, a well-to-do Ocrinan of t! velan.1, Ohio, has boeu heavily afflicted, , (iijil.'.iuiia 1 aving diteicd his family and car- i ltd uli m out of seven childrou within a few days. l'nitnnnie'K Mull teaches a country school r.t Hutu moil l's Corners, Ohio, lloceutly ho was ir. i i sted fur tli" t.lege 1 execssivo punishment of M ?Ii'isiiiihert,i ne of his pupils, forsomo dell ti'u'o.'fliMauthority. ipicutly she brought h.v.t, and Mill wai hound over to answer. Mr. li'iibcxt, till pupil's father, now voluntarily vi'l.dM'-is the charge and pays tho costs and a t -. ney's IVes. Mull in edo it all up with tho i-iil, they fell in !ovo and are to bo marriod. A decline in the price of cotton caused tho failure of several firms iu Now Orleans. At Grand Haven, Mich., tho Bteamer Wis onsin, having on brard 1,000 tons of freight, struck a pier as she attempted to enter tho barber and sank. Fiiii.ANnr.R Iln.NDEnsoN, aged thirteen, com mitted B.iicide at Hcndi rson's Mills, Kentucky. The act is attributed to grief ovir tho absence u' a lavoi ito brother who ran away from home and was not peiinittcd to return." An extraordinary marriage is reported from Ivimtrset count v, .Mil., where 11. Ii. "Into, a boy ot seventeen, was united to Ella Bhorns, u pretty brunette of fourteen. Two years ago the i;irl was inariicd to her stepfather, aged sixty live, who was arrested fur tho act and impris oned, tho girl's Irii nds obtaining a divorce. A cojniiTTKi: appointed to Bolioit subscrip tions for the relief of the survivors of tho vic tims of Iho recent explosion at tho Midlothian (Va.) mino have issued a circular settiDg forih th .t thirty-two men were killed, leaing twen ty-six widows mid 109 orphans, all of whom arc now dependent on charity. A flood has cansed considerable damago in and about Helena, Ark. P.r.v. Dn. William May Wichtman', bishop o! he 3ethodist Episcopal Church South, died r.t liia rc-idcuce in Charleston, B. C, the other morning at the ago of Bovcuty-fonr. I'owxsox, i'ansas, has been devastated by firo, tho place losing twelve business houses, two hotels, posto.lico, Masonic hall, Odd Pel- low-.' hall and two dwellings. Only one store in ths town was left standing. ALDEnsiAN Fkkdf.mck A. Clauk, president r-i the board of aldermen of Adrian, Mich., has been arrested, charged with aiding the fugitive young mayor of that town in the attonii t to Heat 1150,000 worth of illegally issued wator bonds. Tho bonds were gent to Now York for sale, but their spurious character was dis- covered before any had been put upon the market. Mayor Thomas J. Navin, tho head of the conrpiraey to defraud Adrian, is on y twenty-seven years old. The boiler in the Georgia Car works at Car. tersviilo, Go., exploded, killing instantly four negroes and injuring a number of others, two of whom have since diod. A landslide at Coffee's Cave, on the Russian river, Cat., carried the house of Charles L. Jo'insou iu tho water. The occupants of the h-nse were Mrs. Johnson, ber infant, and a white man employed as cook. All were killed. Many small farmers in the southern and southwestern counties of Illinois are ap proaching starvation on aecount of the almost ojmploto failure of last year's crops. Some have beep obliged to Sell their stock to provide themselves with means of subsistence. J. II. Rhodes, secretary of the Garfield Monu ment commute, at Cleveland, and a near friend f Mrs. Garfield, reports that Mrs. Garfield re ceived a lottjr from Mrs. Scoville, praying for her iutcrc ession in behalf of Guiteau, and that ho was authorized iu Mrs. Garfield's behalf to say that toward the slayer of her husband she cherishes uo malice; he must answer o nly to his God and the American people. For the bUtcr and all members of his family she feels only profound pity. Further than this, she litis to be left alone with her sorrow, and to be spared being dragged into useless and tor t iling publicity. Mrs. Garfield will not an-svurtholettor. From Washington. The coroner's jury of inquest on the body of A. M. Sotcldo found that the bullot which killed him had come from a pistol hold by his brother, Augustus O. Sotcldo. Tiif. Houso committee on agriculture has re pot ted a bill to make the department of ag riculture an etccntive department nndor a cabinet officer, to be known as the secretary of agriculture. The bill provl es for an assistant secretary, who shall bo a practical agriculturist anil also chiof of the following divisions to be appointed by the President and oonflrmod by tho Sena'e : First A, bureau of agricultural products, including divi sions of botany, entomology and chem istry. 8eeond A bureau of animal industry, lo bo iu chargo of a compotcnt veterinary sur geon, who shall report on the numbor, value mid condition of the domestic animals of the Cnito.l States, their protection, growth and cost, tho causes, prevention and cure of con tagions and other diseases, tho kinds, racoa an I breeds best adapted to the gen eral sections for profitable raising. Third K bureau of lands, whose chief shall Inves tigate and report the resources and capabilities of the public or other lands for farming, stock mining, timbor, manufacturing, mining and other industrial uses. All the powers vested in tho commi'sion known as the geological survey are to he transferred to the department of agriculture and will com lndorthis bureau. Fonrth A bureau of statistics, for the collec tion and publication of information relating to agricultural interests. The President nominate! John 0. New, of Indiana, to be assistant secretary of the treasury. The Fitz John Porter caso was under con sideration at a recent cabinet mooting, and it is believed that action will be taken toward having it re-opened. John P. Gould, of New York, has brought to Washington a memorial moro than 6,000 feet long and signed by merchants, manufacturers, mechanics, farmers, taxpayers and others re siding in nearly every State in the Union. It asks that tho tax on bauk deposits and the two cent btamp on checks and drafts may be abol ished. Nominations for United States consuls were made by the President as follows: llriino Tzschuk, of Nebraska, at Vera Cruz ; Thomas Wilson, of District of Columbia, at Nantes ; George Gilford, of Maine, at La ltochelle. Internal Revenue Commissioneii Raum has written a letter to the Houso committee en ways and means, recommending that, as oleomargarine, cider-chauipagno and glu cose are seldom sold to consuniera under their proper names, but are used chiefly as adulterants, a tax be placed on them high enough to make them more ex pensive thin tho articles which they aro used to adulterate, bo that their uso may be ren dered unprolit able. The bill for tho admission of Southern Da kota as a State has been favorably reported to the House. The chief of the bureau of statistics reports that the total values of the exports of doniestie brea lstuffs for January, 1832, were $11,i2s,00J, and tor January, 18&1, $ll,lJ2'.l,4')G; for the seven months ended January 31, 1652, $12t, 072,007, and for the samo period in 1881, $103, 500,508. President Airmen gave his first state din ner tho other night at tho Whito House. The members of tho diplomatic corps, with their wives and daughters, were present in full force; and tho flowers and other decorations, with the handsomo dresses of the ladies, made the scene brilliant in the extreme NuMiN.vnoNs by the President : Walkefleld G. Fi ve, of Maine, to be United States consul general at Halifax; Horatio N. Beach, of New York, consul at Puerto Cibello, Venezuela. Confirmations by the Senate : United States coEsiils William P. Rice, of Massachusetts, at Ih.rgon, Switz-rland J Charles P. Barnard, of Vermont, at Leghorn; Thomas Simpson, at Puerto Plata. Foreign News. A dispatch from St. retorsburg says that a Jowish family, consisting of a mother, a daughter aged seventeen and a son aged four teen, have boon massacred by peasants in the district of Anaaieff, Russia. Mn. Lloyd, a temporary magistrate of county Clare, Ireland, was fired nt by a party behind a wall near Do dyke. A policeman accompanying him was severly woun lod, but Mr. Lloyd was unhurt. Six arrests have been made on sus picion. Eleven aritsta havo been made under tho coercion act at Swineford, county Mayo, in connection with a recent attack on threo men, who are still seriously ill. Rev. Mn. Gould, the eminent Baptist min ister of London, is dead. England and Franco have agreed to discuss with other European powers tho affairs of Egypt. In a pigeon shooting match at Liverpool Dr. i Oliver, the American marksman, standing at tlii:ty-oue yards, shot against Mr. Graham, at twenty-nine yards, and Mr. Fowler, the Scotch champion, at twenty-eight yards, and easily beat them both. Cuba's sugar crop will not prove so large this year as was anticipated. Two boxes, containing infernal machines, which had been delivered at two different ad dresses in Edinburgh, exploded on beiug opened, and eight persons were injured. A roLicEMAN was Bhot dead near Galway, Ireland, by unknown parties. The Egyptian ministers have decided upon the total abolition of slavery. A suxrer of tenant farmers from various eoun'iesof Ireland are performing all neeos sary agricultural work on Mr. Parnells farm in county Wicklow. Great distress prevails among the people of Sweden, the mildness of the weather prevent ing them from tho transportation of produce by means of sleighs as Usual. At Durham, England, 120 miners were en tombed in the pit by an explosion. Thirty were rescued soon after the explosion. The foul gas suffocated four men in another colliery two milos away. More anti-Jewish disturbances are reported iu Russii. Iu a village near Kichcnet ten Jews were beaten nearly to death. Between sixty and seventy persons were killed by the colliery explosion ia Durham, Enslaud. The Length of Days. In London, England, and Berlin PruHsia, the locgebt day has sixteen and a half hours. At Stockholm, in Swollen the longest day has eighteen and a half hours. At Hati-bnrg, Germany, and Dantzig, Frusbia, tbe longest day has seventeen hours uud the shortest seven hours. At St. Petersburg, in Russia, and Tobolfi, Siberia, the longest day has nineteen hours and the shortest five hours. At Tornca, in Finland, the longest day has twenty-one and a half hours aid the shortest two and a. half hours. At Wanderhus, in Norway, the day lasts from May 21 to Jnly 2 without in terruption; and at Spitzenberg tbe lon'cet day is three and a half months. People who cannot spend the seasons of winds and cold rains iu sunny Florida should keep Dr. Bull' Cough Syrup in the bouse. It hi the best remedy for Golds and Coughs and will iUer sufferers at one. HUItLED 10 DEATH. Appnlllne Eflectn of nn Explnnlnn In a Chc ii r (I'ii.) Fireworks Factory Tho peoploof Chester, Ta., were startled earl) in the moiningbv an explosion In thopjrotech liio works ot Prof. J. O. Jackson, which killed foiirtoen peisnns, seriously Woun led about thirty or forty moro, and shattered evory house in tho neighborhood. Tho scene of the disaster Is an Isolated district of he city, whi-re only a few shautv dwellers hvo. The house in widch the explosion occurred is sn his torical strncture. havin been erpcted in 1721 by Conimo lore Porter. Until sixteen eears ago it was occupied by Admiral Porter as a residence. It. Is unpretentious In appearance now, but when It ws the home ot the Porter family tho building was surrounded by a hand some giovo of tall trees, wnich shaded iho walks. at all hours. Th trees still remain, but 'the ground is a barren wasto of land. The building was constructed ot stone, and stood on a luza overlooking the Dela ware river. It was about forty feet long and twenty font wide, with a peaked roof nnd uttio. That pait of it not used by tho factory waB oo cupicd as a dwelling by oiie white and several colored families. Ihc're was a two-story frame extension in tho rear, and this was used as a part of tho factory. Only four persons had been employe 1 in tlio factory up to the morn ing of tho explosion. Th- sc wcro tho superin tendent, Ch rles Van Horn; a boh ot Pro fessor Jackson, anil two young women. But tho demand tor railroad torpedoes, wi.ich received a sudden stimulus fiom the Hpuyten Duyvil disaster, had become so great that two or three more young women were en gaged, and a room was fitted up for them in the second story of the main I uilditig. A firo as lighted in the stove on the n.orning of tho explosion, and Superintendent Van Ilorn says that 7:21) otclock ho went to look at the stove. i found the firo as somewhat low and wont down stairs for some woo I and coal to rekindlo ! it. As he went down ho heard an explosion iu i the room he had just left, which blew off cart of the roof nnd s"t tho building on firo. It wascaused he thought by a puff of coal gas from tho stove which sof 11 i o to some looso powder scattered on tho lloor, and this in turn explod ed somo red fire and rockets which were stored in tho room. An alarm of fire was given, and tho three Volunteer companies Moyanieusing Heme, Franklin Hose and Handly Hook and Ladder which comprise tho firo department of the city responded at once, though their members were tired by their heavy work at the burning of tho Military academy on the previous night. It was stated by tho superintendent and be lieved by the firemen that there was littlo or no powder iu tho building, and only a Bmnll quantity of comparatively harmless pyrotech nics. Consequently, the men worked with out fear, and boiiio of them mounted on the roof of tho lramo extension to get a good position from which to direct their hose streams, wliilo a gieat crowd of spectators prcs-ed closo about the firemen. Van Horn warned them away, hut they would not go. He and a number of others entered the burning building and busied themselves in removing tho niaehiuery, whilo tho colored tenants made haste to leave the building. Whilo this work was going on there was another explosion, and this, though slight and nu'inpiiituiit, cansed the crowd to withdraw further from the building, thus no doubt pre vi ntiug a more serious loss of life than actu ally occurred a few minutes later. l'ho work of lighting tho ilames had been going on lor about halt' an hour, and the bui'd ing was surrounded by a throne of firemen ami others, when suddenly a quantity of somo icrnuiy cxpios;vo BUittauco was readied uy tho firo, and an entire wing of tho stone build inu was thrown iuto theuir. fragments of stone. timber and human bodies being hurled Imig distauccs ana scattercil over a wiuo area. Men 1"0 vards away, who thought they were watch ing tho fire from au entirely sale distance, were struck and killed. Others were dashed against trecB an I houses with violence. Others again were torn limb from limb, and one mail, a colored laborer named Perry Williams, I miti r of the National ball and an assistant fireman, who was standing on tho roof of the wing in w hich tho explosion took place, was thrown to tho top or the mam builuing, wnero ho lodged among tho burning rafters, nnd lay shrieking and howling, roasting to death, for hall au hour. Jle was rescued by a brave car renter named John W. Cramer, who volun teered to bring him down. Ho was alive when reached, but died a few minutes later. Anthonv Par hour and John Vandegrit t, firemen, were 8'aii'ling on a ladder throwing water on the roof of the main building. Harbour was struck by a heavy stono aud hurled 1.5U feet away, whero h-i fell dead and horriblv manuled. Vatidi grift was blown off tho ladder, but was only slightly hurt. Two other firemen were st.iiidii s on ti e roof of tho frame bnildiiiR when the explosion came, and tlieirdead bodies were pi' Keel up nearly lino yards away, i nese, however, were almost the only men "who wcro instantly killed among those close to the build ing; the other victims were struck by Hying pieces of the wreck. Among these wcro Johu Dices, a boy, who was found lying on the Bide- waii; with his head crushed by a stone. The cxnliiHion was follow ed bv a scene of in tense excitement. It shook buildings nnd bivke windows all over the city, and called al-lii-i-t tho whole population of Chester to tho Porter mansion, where they moaned and s .bhed wih nnguish ns they recognized Iriemls and loved ones among tho sullerers, or ran wildlv about looking for thoso whom they supposed to bo among the victims. Women threw up their aims and shrieked or tainted awav. Some kneeled cn tho muddy ground and prayed, while oth ers showed the intensity of their giief only by a convulsive rocking oi tno l o iv to and tin nnd a uxeel. but vacant, staring at the flames, which now lu:d iiinii-im'ed vo-scssion of tbe wreck. The fn - ni-n ilroppi-d their hose and devoted them- s :vcs to t lio work ot gathering up the dead and r--selling the wound- el."v pant no more at t-'iitii.n to danger than before, though two or three other si ght explosions warned them that there was still a possibility of it. The bodies nt the dead w ere gathered together before being tikeu oil the wound, and at one lime a clmstiv h'-up nf half a dozen eorpss was piled up in the street. The fragments of bodies which wero set tiered around wero also gathered nu and all the dead were carried to the city hull to be identified, after which they wcro taken to their hi.nies. The wounded wero carried into the n- arest houses, wh re they wero attended by physicians, all the doctors in Chester aud its vi'-mitv Having volunteered their services. Atter seeing that all tho dead and wounded who could be reached wuie cared for, tho firemen turned their attention again to the flames, aud succeeded in putting out the firo about 10 o el'.ck, though by that timo there was littlo le:t to uurn, FORTT-SEVEXTII CONGRESS. Benate- The following Senate bills wcro passed: To proviJo th - salo of the lauds of the Miami Indians iu Kansas; to amend article 10.1 of the rules and articles of war (imposing a limitation of two years from tho dHte of enlistment sgaiiir-t prosecutions for desertion); to promote the eliiciency of the navy (making drunkenness or incapacity arising from misconduct and not contracted in the line of duty, a sufficient ivason to prevent au btliecr of the navy being placed ou the retired list and allowing mm, upon by tho President, one years p.iv) Mr. tiawcs snoko on his bill in favor of civil service rt-funn, aud after Mr. Pendle ton bad made soino remarks on the subject 'in- bni was leierrea to tno committee on civil s-.-rvicu. Mr. Windom, from tho committeo on foreign relations, reported n original bill lor tno re lief of diplomatic and consular officers of the United States. (It authorizes the President, ui his discretion, to diicct the payment from the appropriation lor contingent expenses ol for tign intercourse of the necessity expenses at tending the last sickness and funeral of any diplomatic otlicer of the United States, consul general, oousul or consular clerk, who may die in a foreign country, when it shall appear to him that the deceased mail was pocuuianly un able to pay tne sanie.j The rep. i t of tho caitlo commission on the lung plague oi eattio was submitted by the president pro tem.... Sir. Jackson introduce a bill appropriating $150,000 as comnciieatiou to tno agents ot tho Methodist ISpiscopal Chure'i South, for property destroyed at Nash ville during the war.... Mr. Call thtnaddrossod tho Senate in support of his proposed amend ment to the pension arrears tesolutiou. do daring in favor of pensions to the survivors of inaian wars prior to is is. After being further amended Mr. Edmund's nti-poiyganiy bin was passed without oppo- j bition. The bill provides penalties for polyga my and disqualifies for eoivice as Jurors ' polygamists and persons behoving polygamy I to be right. The issue of polygamous mar- i iages prior to January 1, lsa3, are legitima tized. ro poiygamist is entitled to vote or hold office. All the registration and elective olhcea of Utah are declared vacant, aud the conduct of elections shall be performed by a uoara oi nve persons, not more than three to be member of one political ,-... (a oM-.i..nrl l.n ..A H-ac.! .1 fl-l. lourd shall not exclude any person otherwise eiii'iblo to vote from the polls on aocount of any opininh such person nny entertain on Iho subject of polvganvy. Each house of the assembly, Rfte'r iH organization, shall have power to decide upon the elec tions and qualifications Of Its members) an I at or after the first meeting of the legisla tive assembly whose menilrs shall have been elected according to the provisions of this act, iiu -se-muiy may make sncn iwb, coniorm able to tho oro-nnm nrt nf the Territory, as it shall deem proper concerning tho filling of the -nines oeeiniwi vacant by tin aet. sir. uoke renorteil favorably irotn the com mit ee on ennum-ren the hill introduced by him on the prions dnv, appropriating flOO.OuO to improve win narisir ot itaivesiun, j exas, ami it was passed.... Mr. Blair Introduced a bill to establish a polvtechnio school for the United Ktates or a school for Instruction in scieoco and tho nits. ...Mr. Keilogg introduced bills appropriating $1,5011,000 lor river improve ments and government buildings in Louisiana. Uonse. Mr. Wil. ...4. from the committee on tho Juiliciaiy, submitted a bill to prevent per sons living in bigamv or polvgamv from hold ing any civil oflh-e of trust or profit lo any of the Territories of the United (states, and from being delegates to Congress. House calendar. Uy air. Onh, from tho committee on for eign affairs (reported adversely), the resolution (originally offered by Mr. Rob inson, of yavr lork) calling on the attorney eeneral fur bin opinion as to whether if Joseph barren rujiicr. Alonzo if. uornen or unarles tier-oil should bo arrested iu the British em- iire wi-hont having committed any crime, the Int lish trovernmont. bv eusnendiini the wilt of hibeas corpus, could lawfully detain him on lniieiunto BU-pK-ion without trial or without the right of tho United States to demand his re lease. The resohnion was tabled veas. 117: nays, 103. Mr. Orth also reported adversely the res-!utiou requesting the President to com municate ail corrusponilouco with iho Dritisu goverruno;'t nn file iu tho state department in reference to tho case of D. H O Conuor, a citi zen of the United States, now imprNoned in Ire land. Tho Houso refused to lay tho resolution upon the table seventy-olio yeas, seventy-nine nays. After a personal di-ctission between Messrs. Robinson, of New York, and Robeson, Mr. Cox, of New York, moved to recommit the resolutions, witn instructions to the committee to insert therein the names of Michael Hart, II. O. Mahonv and John McEnrv, and to add a clause requesting the President to demand of the British government tho piompt trial of theso citizens, or their prompt release, lhe motion was carried. In debate on tho aimortioriment bill Mr. Herbert spoke in opposition to any increase in the membership of the Iio-iso. He favored a constitutional aineiidnieiif limiting the number of Representatives. Mr. Joyce argued in favor of his amendment fixing tlio number at 305. Mr. Hewitt i-aid ho would vote iu favor of the smallest number of Representatives ho could get. Mr. Slierwin and Mr. Carpenter sup- Iwrteil a bill providing for 325 lcprcscutatives, insed upon tho eild method of appoition- ment. Mr. Clements. Mr. Pa-re, Mr. Snconer and Mr. Tillman opposed the bill. Tho latter was in favor of a Hmisc of 000 members "a Gibraltar impregnable to bribery or intimida tion." Ho also favored a Semito of 300 mem bers. Mr. Cox. of Ken- York, submitted a modification of his amendment so as to fix the total number of Representatives at 319. Iho committee to audit tho expenses grow ing out ot tho death and burial ot the lato 1'res- ident James A. Gai field, reported through Mr. Cox, of New York, a bill granting a pension of $5,fiOJ a vear to Mrs. Lucretia R. Gailield. Tho bill was passed.... An amendment to the apportionment bill by Mr. Anlerson. fixing tho number of Repre sentatives at 325 (the present number is 2:13), was pased by a vote of 102 yeas to 101 navs. The States that gain aie: Arkan sas, 1 ; California, 2 ; Georgia, 1 i Illinois, 1 : Iowa, 2 : Kansas, 4 : Kentucky, 1 : Massachusetts, 1 ; Michigan, 2 ; Minne sota, 2; Mississippi, lj Missouri, 1; Nelnnska, 2; New York, 1; North Carolina, 1; Ohio, 1: Poimxylvaniii. 1; South Carolina, 2; Toxa", 8; Virginia, 1; West Viiginia, 1; Wis consin, l. ,iii.m- New uanipshiio ander- uiont, lose one each, 'lhe apportionment bill, which fixes tho number ot representatives at &ta, was passed . ...Mr. Valentine, chairman ot tho commit-t-.-e on agriculture, reported agricultural ap- ur ouri I'lou hill. C imini'too of tho whole. A Hoy's Lticlc. lhe rsorns'.own (ra.) Herald in a re cent issue referred among others to the fol low intr cases of special interest, iney are their own commentary. Mr. Samuel C Xyce resides at 303 Marshall street, and holds the responsible position of journal clerk in the' Pennsylvania Legislature, at ll-irnsbiiig. -While Mr yce unit iamily were in the country recently, his boy, aged three years, lell and broke Ins leg. rie re coveied, but a very troublesome stiffness set in and he could scarcely use the leg. The injured limb was rubbed several times with !Si Jauohs Oil, and the stillness was to much reduced that the boy was ablo to ti 'c his leg freely. Dr. Knipe said it was the use of St. Jacobs Oil that cured the stillness Mr. Xyce himself used the Great German llc-nudy for toothache with good eflect, and also for sprain and pains of rheumatic nature, nnd always with good effect. Mr.. Nyce also says she thinks the Oil is a splendid thing, and she always keeps it on hand. Nine wile! camels havo been captured in Arizona liy Iu-.liuns, aud shipped Eisfc for a circus m:innger. They ore Rai l to exceed lasize any yet exhibited Its Equal is UiiknoTfii. A Lowell (Mass.) paper, so we observe, cites the case of Mr. 1. II. Short, proprietor of the Jleluiont Hotel, that city, who suf- ered with rheumatism for peventeen years without findinsr relief from any ot the nu melons remedies employed until he applied St Jacobs Oil : "I never found any medi cine that produced such remarkable and instantaneous t-fl'ect as it did," Bays Mr. Short Lyons (la ) Mirror. rrincefccii collego at Friuceton, N. J, is soon to have a telescope which will far outrank any in fiza and definition. owned by au American college. Tin f tlr,.w1aw. Dr. It. V. Pierce, liutlal i, N. I. : " Five years ago I was a dreadful suflerer from uterine troubles. Having exhausted tho skill of three physicians, I was completely discouraged, and so weak I could with elifliu'.iltv cross the room alone. I began taking your 'favorite Prescrip tion ' and using the local treatment recom mended iu veur 'Common Sense Medical Ad viscr." In threo months I was prrfvet ly cured. I wroto a loiter to mv familv naner. briefly men- tinning how my health had been rostorod, and r-flV-i inar to send tho full particulars to any one writing mn fur them and iiiclushtq a stamped itinitjie fur reply. I have received over four him. tied letters. In reply. I have described mv casa and treatment used, and earnestly advise I them ' to do likewiso.' From a great many I hive rc-c-ived second lotters of thanks slaving that tl:cv had commenced the treat ment and were ninch better already." Mus. t' F. Moiioan, New Castle, Me. Four aer s of rock at II ell Gate, New York haibor, arc undermined, and it is expected that the big blast will be tired in lstu. Dr. Tierce's "Pellets," or sugar-coated granules -the original "Little Liver Pdls," (beware of imitations) cure sick and bilious headache, cleanse the stomach and bowels, an 1 miiilv tho blood. To cot eenuiue, see Dr. I ierco's siguature aud portrait on government stamp, io cents per viai, py qruggmw. Ti e electric light in the lighthouse atPlanier, France, cm l o seen twenty-two miles. " Beauty 'nndorned (with pluiples) la A.iiii'iivil .lin llMI.I' If you desire a fair complexion free from pimples, blotches aud eruptions, take "Golden Disoovorv." Itv rlrufftriste. At Pompeii combs have been found exactly like the modern hue-tooth comb. On Thirty Days' Trial. The Voltaio licit Co., Marshall, Mich., will send their Electro-Voltaio Belts and other Elec tric Appliances on trial for thirty days to any person afflicted with Nervous Debility, Lost Vitality, and kindred troubles, guaranteeing complete restoration of vigor ana mannooa. Address as above without delay. P. H. -No risk is incurred, as 30 days' trial is auoweu. The Science of Life, or Kalf-I'ieservfttion medical work for every man young, middlo- tgcxl or old. 12a lnvaluftbl presoripuooa. For msPttiftA, ismoESTtoti, depression of shir its and general debility, in their various lormst also as a preventive against fovor and ague and other intermittent fevers, the "Ferro-Phosphori ted Elixir of Calisaya," made by Caswell, Hazard k Co., New York, and sold by all Drug gists, is the best tonic; and foi-patients recover ing from fevofr or other sickness it lias no equal. A rnref'tireff Hl , Will be sent by mail to.any address, postpaid, on receipt of one dollar. Address J. Alonzo Greene, Indian Doctor, 810 Pine St., Bt. Louis, Mo. ' Murder will out, so will the fact that Cabbo, a deodorized extract of petroleum, tho natural hair ronower and restorer, is the best preparation ever invented, and excels all other hair dressings. ItF.St TED FROM HEATH. fVllllam J. C'ougblln, of Somervlde. Mass , SAyK In the fall or 1S76 1 waft taken with blkediho or the lusos fol lowed by a Revere cough. I lost my appetite anil HcbIi, nnd was confined to my bed. In 1S77 1 was admitted to the hofti-ltal. The doctors gild I bad fl hole In my lulu hilt as a half-dollar. At one time a report went around that I was dead, 1 fSveup hope, but a friend told me ot Pit. Wll.l.tAM IIAI.L'Sli.AfSAM FOR TIIK LUNtlS. 1 net a bottle, when to my surprise, 1 commenced to frel ln-tter, snd to-doy I feel belter tlinh for three ye.iri past. I write this hoping every one aflllcted With Diseased l.iuu'i will takeDH. Wfl.l.fAM HALL'S IIAI.SAM, and be convinced that CONSI'MPTION CAN HE CUillil). 1 con positively say it has done more Rood than all the ottier medicines 1 have taken since my sickness. A I.TjEN'! Urn In Foort-eures Nervous ftehlllty A Weakness of Generative Organs, SI -all driliotists. (jeudloiCircular. Alleu'sl'haruiacy.Dll) First av.,N.Y. TilE MAUKLTS Kew vonit. Peef Cattle Med. Nat livo wt. Calves Poor lo Prime Veals... Sheep Lambs Hogs Live Dressed, citv... .... 10 TV-a 8 Flour Kx. Stato, good to fancy 5 7U Western, gnod to choice 6 CO (i 8 00 Oi 8 73 vt neat o. I itcu, new....... No. 1 Whito, new five State Parley Two-rowed Stato Corn Ungraded WestornMixed Southern Yellow....... Oats Whito State Mixed Western , Hay Prime Timothy i 3i U 1 30.Y 131 88 00 C4 (i 1 3i di my. 71 Vi oi" 4H 90 80 28 50 0b U 85 75 Straw o. 1, live imps Mate, mi 20 Pork Mess, now, lor export. ..17 1)0 Lard City Steam 11 10 (18 00 Mil 10 Mil 3(1 ltehnca 11 so retrolcum Crude CV'S IV, ltcflued Butter Creamery 82 (tO 40 3D 43 Dairy Western lin. Creamery Factorv 33 32 10 !l 3 0 2S 35 13 Cheese Stato Factory Mams Western ,51 Ecus State and Penn 27 outoes i.aiiy lioso.Mate.bbl J la 5 Oi 3 37 BUFFALO. Stcei-s Fxtra G (1(1 Ci 0 25 06 6 50 r4 5 50 06 7 (Ml ,ainlis Western 8 50 Khorp Western 4 75 lings, (moil toi iimco lui Kers. . lj f"D Flour C'vOiound, No. 1 Spring 0 75 06 7 25 f.j 1 57 Wheat No. 1. HardUulutii.... 1 57 urn No. 2 Mixed till 60 Outs No. 2 Mix. West.... 4S 06 Parley Two-rowed Stato 'JO DO BOSTON. Beef Fxtra plate and family.. 11 00 tfU5 00 06 V, W '-'li 15 50 Ot 9 00 I logs Livo 7 Hogs Citv Dressed 9 Pork Extra Prime per Mil.... 15 00 Flour Spring Wheat Patents. . 7 50 (.'urn Mixed and Yellow fiats-Extra White i6 75 Si'.JrJ 57 U7' 06 1 00 4i;o 4tl .'in ot ai ltyc State Wool Washed CoiubJ. Delaine Unwashed " " WATF.UTOWN (M.VSH.1 CATTLE M.V11KI.T, Peef Extra quality C 50 06 7 12M Sheep Livo weight 4 (ii) (l,1 l.i-.inbs (i 06 7', Hotts, Northern, d. w 6,34!fl 8J4 riiiL.MiEi.riHA. Flour renn. Ex. Family, good 0 3yf(i 6 37J-1 Wheat-No. 2 lied 1 85,'8 1 So'-i live Stato 97 06 97 Corn State Yellow MVJit 09'-. uats .uixca 4 06 ii Hotter Creanu-rv Extra Pa..'.. 45 06 45 Choose New York Full Cream. VAV.U6 VAV. reiroieiun vrimo o ua i lleiined V.iOi IV, A CRABBED CREATURE. That nntnre cares for nnd cntertnlns lier own hns Leeeme tin e.stnblilitd f'aet to all i obtierviirs. lio dees not love lhe bound ol tho lintilitly minimum!; wuves lenpinc from the jiliosplinrescent Fen.nstlieybrenk iinuin.-t the reeks ill the Miiumer nijjlit until Katine licrself, weary nl the ni-erution, turn the founding furf towards ino nppposne, leaving Etrnnded t-oinc liadly-niutilatea tiiuil, which wanili rs noleintily cn, iif.nemian lasn- ion with nil its worldly More upon Its biu-k. On tho mnic beaeh rr.ny be found our crusta cean edible tho crab whose chief npolojry for cxi.-t-ln at all eeenia to to be its ability to furnish a delectable meal to fortunate biped" The erabbeins covered with a hard, im penetrable, shell, it is not easy to molest or mnke hii:i afraid; therefore ho wayes war in his watery world uneeasin-dy whenom e- attacked. Althouch 1 1 ny, h e en nnot by said to be devoid cf understand- Iiil', having ten U'tzs to assist his locomotion; tins, lei-vever. avails him little, for, when coiuiuered, ho never turns his back to his enemy, starling into a bold run, but, like many politicians during election time, slips off sideways. There comes a time in the lueot this pugnacious fellow when the year.- tirinir him moro bone and muscle than he can dUpo.-oof with comfort, and he finds him Sclfinavcry tight place: hi9 Bhoes pinch him and ho be.iins to realize the practicability of np plyiiia to Dame Nature for more room or a house in proportion to his inercasinir size. Nature slowly responds to the call; but in her ow n good time provides a new home, so that tho enter TiriMiur littlo creature does not wander about homeless, but is provided for suitably, as was the old sailor, who dropped his rheumatism and crnbbediK-ss w hen he applied the C.rcat lierman Kemody, t-T. Jacors Oil. This last, however, ninv sound rather fishy to tho skeptical reader, nnd to such we would renlv fn lamjuaiie too plain to be misunderstood Iu words illustrating fHcts that even the waves of timo cannot wash away or sealv enithels affect. FT. Jacobs Oil to-duv has rendered the lives and homes of myriads of eiiiU-rers tribute r tlian ever the electric light can, which neonlenaupo tondmirenlomrthewav. Still more happily served than tho old sailor was an uivttuu, wuu wrote mua cuuceruiiig uui vo-.v . "CROOKED HAERTEL." Accept a thousand thanks for that "golden rcmedv." I sufiered fur -iihiiv vears with rheu matic pain In rny limbs. Jlyleirs were drawn toeether. and neonle called rre " Crooked Haer- tel." I used St. Jacobs On. and was cured, and now feel so well that 1 think 1 could dance, as in my young days. John IIaebtel, rrcmont, 111, K Y N UT TO PROVIDE FOR 1882-SENE "WITHIN ONE HEEK From Date A 1f:ent FininDfor the PANSY, A tj-Oi.l Mn mn f..r HA II V I. A II A ,'i-(Vni Sliiiim for 1.11 TLli HOI.Ks' HKAUEK, Thr. i-,l- cul Maiiiifur WIDE AWAKE. To D. LOTHROP fc CO., Boston, for Mmples oi tlese limit M'tuazines in tho World lor children. Hrilliaut 1'rosi-ei-tud, Mem. of l'l-izes, aud lUus- lratea c4tulniue Iree. Ql nnrt v, e w'l' K've to uvon who is troubled M 111 VI with Worms that Vuu l)eiii.cii- W orni 'otil. ci inn will not remove. Tliey have saM-d thelivos ot thniiKAiida of childron. Thev are uiade ol liootx and rianis. Hure aud safe lor the most aeucato child. Sola at all ston-a. a box, THE OFFICIAL HISTORY Or THE GUSTEAU TRIAL This iKthe only comi'leto &nA fully illustratp-l "Lifs and Trittl of (iuiteau." It cnutaiifX ull the ltimonv t'l the c-xii-rts aui other notvel witut-shCK; u!l the iirvrufM lnaae Dy ine cuuniii assa-sniu iu inn irrvat ( IVorts to fehi iii tho calluwH hv iciiruiuir iiiKHuitv. Uewro of cutrhpr nny books. Millioim of lu-oplo Rro waitiua 1r thin work. Auutu wmittsU, Circnlai-8 irce. J-Aira ternin to Apt -utu. Adnrc-Mi National Puulihuinq Co., Philadelphia, Pa. 1 HA UWAJU) fur om r N.roui Utbuuj, ui or VvW Mduty UiaeftK Df.lour.-d bj V V iTtl. ttOU Wl. nut. Phlla. I(K) reference wnt tret. Curt turntpd. 70 A WEEK. $rJadayatbonieeaalJyinade.Costlf C OutAt too. A.d4 Imujc 4 Go- Autf uaLa.Mui. IC i u lllianrvo lliilllls ot MPSMIiirilT In eating, di ink lug aud retiring, as a moans of maintaining, or restoring health. No less important is it to correct ft growing tendency to irregularity in mo nnuii. ui wjuy. xmb functions of the bowels cannot bo suspended without an accompanying disturbance of the liver and stomach, snd other sympathetic evi dences of bodily ill-being. A course of Hos tetter's Stomach Bitters will give an impetus to the operation of those organs, which is manifested not only In the beneficial effects it produces upon them, ont also in more regu lar and active bilious secretion, and the dis appearance of wind on tho stomach, and colicky pains. The waste matter thrown ofl duriDg the process of digestion is then effectu ally expelled, and tne system moro thoroughly purified by tho channel dovoted to that puiposo by nature. The oldest bank in the United States is tho Bank of North America of Philadelphia, which celebrated tho centennial anniversary of Its opening for business a short time ago. Tli Confliirrot1. Iiivinotoh, N. Y.. May 2, 1881. It. It. 'vi'abnkii A Co.: .sirs I have used your Safe Kidney and Liver Cnre.and I take pleasure in recommending it as the conquer. -r ol all dis eases of the kidneys, liver and urinary organs. IHA t-tOCKJtAK. The United Sfstes has been invito 1 to take part in an industrial exhibition to 1)5 held in Amsloi-dam in 1889. " nnrliiipnlbn." Quick, complete cure for kidney affections, irritation, ireipinut or difficult urination, tl at druggists. Prepaid by exprt ss, $1.25, 8 for $5. E. S. Wi lls, Jersey City, N. J. Did Vnn Evn- Try It t Yror.TiNi! put uo iii powd- r form comes with in the reach of ail.' 11 making tho medicine yourself yon can, from a 5hc. packago contain ing the Parks, ltonts and Herbs, make two bot tles of the lhpiid Thousands will gladly avail themselvo of this opportunity, who have the conveniences to make tho medi cine. Full directions in every package. eg Kidney CompSaints. DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS. Tlic RvniptnniH of nn ncnto nttark of lnflamiriiitton ot the kitlncyfi aro lnllw: IVvrr. nia in tho small o! tho Wk, and thntu-ft Bhontliw downward; numbnes of thf (hiLjh, vttniiUnir, usually nt first a di'fp ret I color of Uh; ui inn, which ln'conirn pale hth! i-dlorl'1 s ns tho fliraac iiiT' S it ml is dint-harped v rv often with pain ami ililhVulty: cotiv(Mir, nnd foinf dt-irroc of cnlic. In cliioiiir diff.i,-i,a ot tin1 kid-n-"-b t!e h inptoms urr pain in the hark nnd limlis, drvi;c8of tin-si; in. trftpu-nt urhmiion (fspfcially at n:--ill). tri-iHTnl dr.i hv, In'mhu-h'', diim 'i sij-'ht, iiidi!"-tion nnd palpitation of the heart, gradual ls ot strejii-lli, palnncMS and pulliliwB ol tho lace, coujrU. and rdiortnt'rv ot limit h. In ilixnwM oi the kidiivRtho Veoktisr rIvcs im- rtic hate r'-nt'!. It lias never lane 1 locurc witn H is iken revruli.rlv and iJireetum toiinwoti. in many is!- it niav take Mtvrril bottles, especially casi-R flonn standing. It acts directly upon tho Feero i.iii. ckansiii'r nnd Ftivntriln ninir. removing all oh. itul iiiiiiiii'itii H. A I'l' 1'ilililV c:ill tfstifv to cast-! nl Ioiik aundmi! lnivm be. u vrlecy Mirnl known reined. es which aru naid tu lio Vprctoly lir iv tlio viiii.iiNi:. fvcn alter vnm t tno una tuseaso. KIDNEY COMPLAINTS. Cinl'IKNati. O.. Mar.-h 19. lSTl. IT. T!. firF.vt.N'R! Iiear s-r-l havo used your Vkov.timk for somo tin.1, mid can trullittillv na it ha liecti a Great la-n ut to tne: and to those snlleriii,' troiu uisease ol tne Inejg I rhorrlliUv rt'COlutlU'UU it. ' i ..11.. n ir CVTTTTT Ifti'Htrd tohv K. It. Afiflpld. PniSL'isl' cor. taKiiiii hii.i d'mrai avcuui-s, Cincinnati. O.. April 19. 1877, i ii ivn -Jiiti.-rci si'Vf.r.1 vp.irs wiin Til" i unrv v ftrn. i.iinr. aul w;is iii'iur"d to try Vi-uktim-:. I lnivu (U.-n Kovff.i: lxilt Jih ot your iirrti;ii;ni.iu, anti i uin -iivinfCii it is n v;ilu:i!l' r innlv. It lias !nno mo iM-iif pniMi iiiau any otner incan-ino. i iiii ii' iiruiy i i 'O i u 1 1 ii l i ' I it to Ull mux Horn nmncy nm- l:iitils. oiirsi rcrfi i ctiUH.'. .1. H. AK'.M li,l.KN ii'-t llivtiik-ei'p.'r lor N.-whiill, ti V.o., Flour MfK-lwinlM. n. Hii West Front St.. Cincinnati. O. A 1 r ini. h;'H rc-'tfircl tlmi'fanffs to health who iavc Lccu lunt; and painnu sun crew. "Vegetine riiKi'AKED r.y H. H. STEVENS, Boston, Maf33, Vegciine is Sold by All Druggists wm as vn 1111 tn;Li:- New i: , l .-1 v ehum-p 1 hi- t'tonil in the eoiiri! Kvxt.-t;i in ilm-n month.:. Anv lerwn who will tuke urn- e:l! . li iiIkIiI Iroml to l-'v i , k ninv ho r-storeil to pound Jie:i!,li, 11 wu.-n n nv.- im- i'ii--miiii' K.,1,1 flvi-vvwl:. ic ,.r H-I'l 1- Ill'lil In'- S tetti r .-' util! I. S. JIIIIMI eV ( ll.t I!UK)II, ,1.UES., toimi-i-iy Itunuor. il r. FOR LADIES OflLY, Tim "Iidis" M'"lical AH.M'-j.'tion." It' niclir-8 1 s-;l v i)' vniu ii fii" pii .ui'.'il hv Via must t;-.i nt ami i' iiriliic i livsic-mis, ho ii:.c uiaMf s:n ;'.'J'v ti': ;.t-.i hv Until. Al- i' K M'Li:. J.ctt . . ft,!nif i, tin I. s.-ii'l K'rw-1iim of mwjh i-: or. it i oi iti n'''t ot" n ir.caii h, wik! lor oui :;-p to .'.-. In". ulii"!i iriot i:oul and inliTfi-l .iitii'f.i:itio:i ' it'll iirs ,.-('. It v. ill lticii'-i' -ion t. Ahir. jlrx. K Ail J.VAN li Mi ;- t;:r., IJI'i ITaukim Nin-.-t. liut.;dt, . 1 'Hi mm HiH'-ii'litl lifiv ;tii'i ct mn ii Novf'.. Sctii t lor. -nun').' iinndMT. I N'i'Kft NATION A L NFWS TO,, 2H and I I'i-cktuau St., New York. ; iri U -'t acl W i-fl m 11 f. r e'i etali le f (. Mlor-f C. ..! I.-.rk if hir, Mno ft c-.ioti'T -ri.ii k .f J.-tr fu'utt I nl -m:4 or .0, i.f trl o-::cally tr-.lirid. n.m ninir. ii. nH p!ee of trtti or. itl djtc rf i.m'ti-. Wr.nrj rfttirnd to all fit mti.hBl, Ai trtti Frof. L. Uart.tmi. Iu iloot'j l'l. Uo-too. Um. PAY TIE.f- U'RFIK P'lffrrprii ot r.i.'l (AVAfitBCH de- biim a sure, parn'.'viK.t cure, without risk cf faduie or exponso, until a cur i- friTortt-.l. will a'Klrea (it tinea fr Cir culars, DR. WM. HAN e CHE, Ceutrovillo, Iud. Diary Fre for ISS'i. with improvod lnt-Mt'.- tTiiUr. c.ilcinlar, oir. Srnt to anv addrtK onrrrript ol two Thrrr-frnl Siiiihiin, Ad!: ol E j .1 i. liAltlto rJ. UiUI'.rs, 4H . Jjciav.ui'i. Ave., i iiiia. It. H. & A. P. LAOEY, Pntotit S-lliltir,Va."liinton. Onr ' Kcifiititic Ut-t'ord llnud k" aud "lluw to rrocui-e l'at'iits" hfiilfree. 141 I B1 B" 5s l-'inii. Saw Mill A I'lim. I n rff I a a fiaWtatinri For prieo-i.t'tf-. BriW TUB A ULT11AN A TAYUIU CO. MltuBlieU.O. ELECTRIC BELTS. A irt-rJft t i iiiv tor proumtKr-R d.-hiht for'. lot. J. lAltlt, ti3J liroiidway, New York. tctn C9f pcrdavnthome. Ramplca worth 5froe. -J'u AililriKHKTiKKoM &Oo..l-ortlaiul,Maino. etine. Tin mi i-j i i i II ESS I'lirMOti I'tiru: Hiil. mid will cnini I0MS, One 1?1 K'n Me. Kins TnnrDarllnir. K.I A FJowor from Muthcr'i Uruve. IU Tho Old C'aljlu on tbe UUL UOOniliiirTHro' Hie lty, i.u Huht i hin, Jtiitit n Strcngers TM The KIsh Ui'l.iutl thu Do(r YiQ 1 iiiiulueuibor i'wu, Luvo, In Yf I l'r.irt?rs. 1 Ton May Look, liut Muan't Touch. ls Tbero'it Alw itysubcat la tlio l'ur- lor f. r V..u. ir.i I've no ii other Votr. I'm Wecplr-j I P !uhH'B lo dn Cold, i'old (i round. M9 Hiiy a Kind U'ord V.'tuti You tau. l'-5 I t'rttiliot Shin 10 Old tJODij'a. I'.C Koran O N-mI. i-jj Waitlnp. Uy Darilne. f-rThee. y.9 .Ifmilo (he Flower of Klldaro. lTd 1 iu Lcneiy Since il? Mother Died l.m T-jntinif on the Ol l lumii lirouml. i:3 Don't Von ; T 'imny, lltin't o. l"o Villi, Wo hiivu Missed Vou. 1-a Oi'er the Hills to tho Foor II on no. 1-3 Don't bo Au-Ty with lie. Datiiiiii, lul Fiir:atttmof tne Fan. 11 Why a. I She Libvo aim t other. 1'S I'll u lia-st learned to iv Au ti Tii to's Kono Like a M thur. till Vou tnro FiaIho, liit Ml Fop'lve. S"9 Kfiftiy. Mother' Dviiiir. SU Will Voa Love Uo, WUeinl mOld. Aunlo Laurie. SJ2 riherman'a March to the Seft, Ul Come. iSirtiie, Come. ( Tho Ultt L'aWn ITomw. The Little ihitfs at iiomfl. 12 Hee Tuat Uf (i rave's Ktut Green. 13 OrandfalhLr'H t.loi k. li Wlivro Was Mttsj whon the Lhfht S4 fiwnot By und Jiy. pv. iit Out, 0 Vt'Iiua, Emma. (M;igj,rio. 53 Whonynuainl I word Tuur.fC a Whi-n 1 t-jw Sweet SvlUv H mo. 49 T.iko this Letter to ty ii ptlier. 49 A Mful.'l I.nvo Lottftr. coinifl (3 Wifu'R t'l.iain.iT.diiu'iito. cotnlc. ti Hiiftliand'jj L'omninndniiTits. 40 Littlo Old LntCft!in in t i" Lane. IS SLirolilnc TliroupM Oe nf:! i- n Widow in tlio l-uttugtf by lUe So a. C5 The VimBtrf! Hi 7. to Talio h ifk tho lj.-rt. lli The F.u'.td Csat (if iJluo. Nlrfht. IT My Oid Kntu.'Uy ll.ime. tiuod C4 J'il bo till S.ullfs tu Ni''.t UT0. fifl Liritc!) to tho MtM.-kl:;: 1-ird. . l Her lirljrht SinPe llauntu M Ptltl 54 S JUdav Nisht Wht U tU J'artor .- Tiie i.i-psy'H Wariiin1?. Ifr'ulU 103 Tilti!t a Littlf Krtd--d Fiowor. 14 Tuo (iii 1 i Luft Ueuiuuily. Little Htittorrap. lor Currv Mn Hm k t Cld Vlrprlnny. li'J Tne Old Man Drunk AciaIq. lid I Am V-iiiliifr, -ie Dear, lift T ih ii Be k to iiioio a. Mother UO Cuiuo, tit uy uy biuo, Hurling, ,t'Wr" will wend by iuaU. iot.patd, ny ton or thesosonpt for O eents ; any twtmty flre son as for il Fifty for 23 cents. Or we will annd all the above one hundred I soul'. prWi'ild for ai cenu l"einU?i More tlian One ttlIUUUT WANTS IT. 252th Edition (New) orSelf - Pi - ceerv its nn aiauhcc hauntcit :.-.ity, Ncrvou. and I'bj.lcal Dt-biU liri x.Looa I tie lutold itiUerioa ariblng fmuitli-i E.i.CBr ol itlnturo-Veara. 300 puues. Kuyal fcvo. TboNcryCnctt steel tufe-ravinpii. 1-JS invaluable rreHcrii'tload for atl aouto and cbroiiia dif.t aj.e51. KHOW THYSELF.. t, "j.. ijwiiu'iiu ut-.i.iti..u Cilt. IVIce uljr IliliUbTnATElJ SAMPLE, 6 CENTS. SEIJD NOW. Thai- There ;t.-n..tliinir whatever tho murried or atnvl of either e x enu either rSiuire S T, 7 ruWiHhed. what is fully exi-lained. Iu !' 11 u- bonk in iiiv..luable to a'l wuo -ili E'r iil b.. fh Wt 1 l"o'Ut Th.. bet medical work over publwhcd. London l,i,ei. A brilllaut and iJi .V tt.J'-T'iP""'.1:''-fold and Jewel, d medal awanlod the author ,l t!ie Rclene Toi ; LitS wiS fa ri 1 ork.---eiM The alowad. SluwehWH.u, Plounhma,.. Thou.nuil. of ext.-ts -similar to theUioJi T eno?in.u.Ji,wori,'Uy ki lea. inn lounia! Uti-mry. .oliti. al. tn-liiiiou-. and K.-it-iitilio-throuL-hoirt the ifnrt U-ibeit"k-l'n. frum teed to be a better medical work, iu evory senic. Ihua cau be Qbtamul elaewherJ inr'io j!V"k '" lnf money will ruliindea iu every instance-. u uuiaiucu eiaewncre lor double the price, or if w.T,r "er "d -! Address PEABCDY MEDICAL INSTITUTE orW.H. PARKEB, W.D., 4 UulnncU fstrcel, Boatou, Maaa. ' V. .Th authtj miy be ctu::eii B tH tomtm reaaim ami u j ipelow PEERLESS "WILS WILLIAM WILSON, Medical Electrician, 403 Fulton St., ItrooMuiti Mnvhocnnsnltrrt ,lallvfinm 10 A. M. ? f; Jt-Vi! JAlMlKTS lll e itrn cvrrr form or rt In. ense. no nialli-r nf linw Ic.iir stnil'lim. VhK 111 N lUtl.U THOI KAM) ( f'ltfiH fn Uti'iiUin Yi.rk. AV1N1EH 1H Hl'ON US. l'ltni M'T J Ol'Ji 8KI.VF9 n-niiisi n-tlim.-i er connniillnn li earinj " I I.XI1M A " el. .Ihiii!?. CM I--ot re the c-iirsi-is nl i-nill.-M Ills thai tle'h Is hi .r to. Wear til 9 ' I I.MIMA " snl.s anil nvnid "'jel.1''""!1;;-.,, llKWAHI-o'p 1'HAltiifl. Hoitiis enrments nro on .1." . V. V I I KIIV I inntii.lilpilw t i flietnlllc .-yelels. shewing te lilt-tats en the lsee. AU Wliersnrn lnimls. Hend (r I'-iriii'lik'tj rontillnliiit tosltinr-iiinbtriun flie best lieeple In Ami-nen Trho havo been cnr.-l titter nu iotuis ui mm tailed. .nti- our itilil'siir-s; vj ISV. 411". 1-nlll.N Ml'l'.l'.l, unwn...". NO. I'.'..-. llliOAHWAY, 1 ,,. KO. l:W7 llltiiADWAY. NEWTOItK. NO. ;:!ll Tlllltl) AVK.. no. 4i I'oi uru siiti;i:i'. Ni:n south KlOtlTII Hl'KKICT. BUDOhl.YN, K- 1. LET WE SHOW YOU " lH. FIKITE'S HAND BOOK OF HEALTH HINTS AMI HLAIIY KF.t ll'F.H. Wortli S33. Jot arc. r.y tlio ftiitlier of ;. " Plain Home Taijc" and "Medical I'nMwriN Sr.5!tE." 1 ()Q PAHK.S of A'lvlee linl Pally I nn' lr fnre ot Conunon Allnii-iitsi " vn unt ie lio-.k ot Hi-fereni-f for pvery fnniily duly 2$ els. The Hanil-liooV. rontiiiTi..tiarti-r on Hy picnp for all ".is'iii!!. i'"Tiiiii-.n ti on ( ennri. n Ills. Hi tulnel II M. .-win-, Knaela Worth Knowin--'. Il.liln "!i llnthiiv.-, eh Mllslni! the !:. on Klner-.eili !. . to-Bi-thi-r with 'iiii-of tin- Pruute I'-irliiii.if of Dr. Fuote. ill.i! "'h-r p'u eiims -.f lil--h r.'Plltc.nTi-l f.irpn'li.i; il.u f'-wil lor IuilH'l -AGn.V'l S HAMlO. Murray Hill Book Publ shing Co., lin East S"m STiir.tT, NewJ'oiik Citr Payne's Automatic Engines. hr,r ,mir villi li !,"-.niH",i,l ir-ifr Until Olil wij-r Emiihe hum, not littru witn mi , , . .Vi,.,. k Si n.t tor Illiistrutecl Cidnh-KiiP,,-'. for I','1"1 es. II. 1-AYNj-; a; ajim---'-j- - -; i-iiiii l.lnhllile nu lliei mi Ni-w nru. fur Ilin Ciii-c of Epileptic Fits. From Am. Journal nf MeuiHnc, Vv. Ah. MpwtoIp (hito of T,nndnn).viionirtV a ffpC; ciaity of Kpilc, y, haR witliour douot trc;irou uri'd more rases thnn anv oincr nvinn pir r.iun. mn siH-cM ks lm sunt ly iiccn inoniuiii: u ii.i- in iuo o'r';i(8otovf1'2M wiirH BdUKtiliJ? "il'crisl 1. 1 1 v ftirc'l hj hiin. Hfiiaspuiin-limla worK"tiT.niMiscii-o.wm n lufttiiKwitli a luivlMttlo! his wonth-nul t-orf .tr" to huv FiitT.-rr who niav nt-nd thoir cn: r.-s- ami po l onicr'addrcKH. Wi- ndvisp niivnui1 wis! i-itf n mry n a ldtrss r. Alt. IHiMirolp, No. flti John Kt.( . . t. n Rk fi is rei t) i JOHNSON'S ANOHYNK MNIMTAT will pt sitivrly i rt'vrnt this trrrii-lf dis itM t'.n n-ili i"--'i- n r-iy fin-' nine cast.-H oui m n-n, iniurinuiom uu -avt many hvis, yvnt tr -.- t mux, u ui t ! i;iv t iiotin nt. prcvt-Tition is lutt'T than rurc. 1. S. -It.ns-it)S 'o., Boston, .Minss,, lornicily lti!iif"r, Maine. DrilinfelO For pos.wiii-.Bis, rCltOlUR-j Widovvf. fathers. imlUr ci children. Tho'.is:intIs trt-ntitlil. Pentt.-n-zlvn rr I'tjiBf-f finpT.t'ii'.t'-re -r rui'tiirf.viiriv T-.-H.S r nylfM-Ho. Tlt-n:.:..N . f t- V" -r. -t.l.H. r i-ittiUd to J.NfKKAK tm-i UOl'Vi'V. rATFNT! iiroriir.-l f-r In. nt. ih. K.l-h-u Isn.i wiirriodi yrorTfK (.orclit iml fnlil. 'llr9 ui'l ti'jirsHpi'ir f- r y-ir hMMt irp. .""in -t;'mii fur' 1 l.o i'it'T"n- .dtrr." nvl r-ii1""! nnt ItoiiiitT kv l.:a:,k- r.t -1 if stm'-t v. t rtin r?fT tli. til. tit) i f Pi n-i. Tt. i-'i ;o;. ("Iici.l A-ldn-s N. W. FiUpGt r,!Ci UO. I f?kion tg l'A'i HUT A tl' J 8. Lwvk i)t'13,t uoitiurtli, li. C PfPENS!ONS TO ALL tfc-ro-SKidl Wi.i iUki .ii-e i. -i tkt j'.'i i ! -0. .-. of h Pn 3T r Vti.'i ill::! rJ.ii rhrumr.ti-m or anv r.ili-r i-.f.- it t.'irt ! itci-i- lent ir oi livm i ttu . iilvri vn;i n t rri- i.n. WiI.-a, i"tii1'trn fjlliprs, niittlifr-j, tir.. U r-- :it. l -if l.-ri nr-j niitlvd tt F.-it-t'i:: , n-Hi xli-wi,. Ull re I l"t- tir-i (H.1;.ri-'i (. ,jf. .t. N-WtilPr -rlvc in."r-A of f row f inj t.i J-t-.'.ivi tlf r Pn'itih. .iiHlmis fur B" 'li.-fi' inTar.'v li .'hiir..i if linrt-pit with diKi-i-ti-in. A a v i "Mf n A 1'ut'Ttto H:ve'islon claitut ni.t-cir-Uy. Atlvt-j Kill i:. A 1'rt with itiiiait) U. t-. l-TiU'um, muiauia, u. u. 1'vi ry wwk Solid Silver II iintinr-fiisn Vnteln-s ir Kiv-n aKV with rIii :.miii;iii. 'in iiiiiin-s of thoHp who ii 1 WJit.-iiOR aro ptioii-lii d mrU week. It isthi'licst Hoys' l'ai i-rin tin: W.i 11. h-:;.l 5 I'L-iitK for a v;irih' "pv to CHAJIIMON t'l rniNt: CO., J!M Williiuii Si., N v VrU 4'Vy h23 H ill U'.lli, (itMM'i, JMlln t . harinh ss n-tii-Vf a! oi:rvuri' tu-uuiin- li r d s'i ii 1 1, 1.. .1 ; c'.lit f pi tu intJin d I'V f-r.t-itc wnhin lourdaf. lt x 1, nmili i! and inulur t'f L. A. I'ai-is Co., (.idv vff'Hi(. lo; W. 1 ith M.. N.Y. Askvourdru: Uif-t tor tin Gt niiiiif. V. rito tor hook and ri ti-it-in1 CONSUMPTION! 1 have .1 iioKitive ri-ntedv forthealiovpihsetise: h its use tiiousanit -.1 eii. M ol the worM kind itijit ol lnti sl.-.n 1 : j i jr li:it- li.-.-n enred. Iniiei-il. vo sttene' ty" 1'iiiti In ilellie:ie-, that I will seii li'l'Wt I Hil'lTI.l. 1 l!i:i:, illia VAI.l'Alll.i: 1 i: liATisi: on thi ihs'.-ce i.i anv stitl"- r-r. dive l:xj,r nt and P. (. ft'l-dr- s. lu.TA.jiLOCVyi. 2-arlKU N.w York. X Fell '1 11. M eei' XTKII-A Ki-I.iiIiIi- Hn IpNiimn, with e?tal .n'lieil Irarlo lUll.niK lir-t-elasj retail kiwoik. to .-. eitlier on eo!iiinin-i"n or division ol i nilltn. -I r.'l'-r'-iiee8nni-t aeeonii anv Hi'i'lieation to re a'l. ni.on. Ti:AX, lo'J Water Street, Xewlork. A VTA II AM) l-.Xl' TU AC1KSTH. Outfit ir.-.-. Addrena I". . VtrUi-l-y, Am-illn. .Hi-. trONTH-rtuES TS WANTEO-Ut) ! 'Cl.tiia.-tleli-j. i-i th. 1(1; 1 ainiil'- ft' ft. Adiirt ikJhj itrour.011, 1-Irult. Mich, VnitWH MTW lfoiiw.inttol.arnlel.---ri-..liyiV lUUI.vl ihlii a tew moniliH, and ho certain ot a liitnalton, nddrrNs Valentine llroi.. .funesvilii-, Wis. IK.'TS WANTED for thn Iiect and l-'nite-it-.- ilitiH 1'ietorial lio-k anil llil.h-K. I'ri.-rK ret" '.iced 3;l i erct. Nalionll PoblisliiUiX Co., l'hilad- li hia, l'a. ?TT A fPPTfnC! CUloctfre. l.lfi,8unnr gWx rVT" C lieivera, 'c.iiiOBU. fr. 4.1-lreu, VJT i CV flrnl W.t. Ull. Wmt.. PltUhnrr'.. P.. iAl;D cuI,l.KtyTOItS,"ahan7lHonii- wt of 'ard- tor J thre-!-e-euttani.. A. (i. llAssi.t-r. Iio-'tnfttT, S.T. tec a week in your own town. Term-, and s ..nttit 1 free. Adil'8 H. Hali.kttA: Co., 1jqi-I land. Maine. !: Lots Araonp the Rases. 2.;a t)id ArmChalr las aunjr hy Itarrr J 5-i9 Tho Sailor's li rave. In tlio Garden sil Farnicr'a Daughter ; or Culckeafl 83 Oil ( Dem Gulden Slippers. tit Foor, but a Oentlenian Still. 918 Nobody's Darling but Mine. 851 Put Uf Little Lili,ot)AwmJ, S-'-S Darllotr Nellie Ciray. f-S Little Hruwa Jue. Bon Holt. iT flood ByoRirecthoart. S'iO Sadie Ituy. s:0 Tim Fimcan's Wake. i:a The Hat liy Father Wore. t;6 TveOnly Been luwa to the Club 177 Elss Me Attain. The Vacant Chair. c9 The Sweet Wunny Sonth. 1& Come Homo Father Little iiaL'L'Uiiay. tit Molly Uawn. 2S8 Sally In Our Ally, ioj I'oorOld Ned. tt Man In the Moon Is Look tor tS Broken Down. So-iMy LUtleOue's Waltlns; for Met S I l llGo Itnclt to my Oid Love Axala 3iS The Butchor Bow 3o6 I'seOwine Back to Dixie. 3oa Where Is My Boy To-Niiiht 110 The Five Cent ShaTe. 119 Linger. Not l,arn. Sie lautlug lu the Sunlight. cents: an member, we win Million Copies Sold ! EVERYBODY NEEDS Revised and Enla-r-ed. ST. - ilicr. A Great Medical Treat. - - ; tbe Cause and Cuio ofK-c. mm - ,. , . . .. tii,V' j ansa iwumm, -.aiiionNea, full vfiiLL-tr--y.iT A- i by wail, ii..? dioo.i J&R&2?&'tV m H rm mm m m Mm. 2 hi H1 3 3 1 01 1 IJf. Si. it I li