mm JUlwak THUR8DAY, FEB. 23. 1882. LK CO. ADVOCATE RATES. VCARlT AnVFBTISISO. One Column Ont Yenr One-half Column On ywir.-w.., ").nn .One-fourth Column One Yrr, t..,.2r.i0 Ono-eighth Column One Yonr 15.00 . THAWHIK3TADTKHT1SIN0. OneHqunreOns Week - -1.00 .One-Hnunre Two Wncks , l.fio One Siinl-oThip Wi'ek 2.00 . Knoh additional lnncrtlon GOceutn a square each week. tor At, ADVRRTIFIHa. . Ten cent a lino first Insnrtlnn; Ave centt a line-fur such ndtlltlnnni Insertion. flEWY A. PAR30U3. JR., Proprietor. A new Invoice of California plums 'fetid jieare at Morgceter's. Tf A tiftnranfl a nffln la In irvftofa Opera House Mock upstairs. , Presbyterian social uext Wednes day evening nt Madison Kline's All are No school yesterday accounts for the largt number of school children on our streets. It being Washington's tdrthday. Methodist social at Mr. O. W. Itiohols to-niorrow evening. Let very body turn out and enjoy them selves. . We had a light fell of the "boau tlful" Tuesday and Uiu indications nt Ihe present writing, Wednesdny, are very favorable for a Inrger supply. The recent Borough election shown that the people were In eaincMt in the Oi'atter of the election of Borough ofli- rer and the result U aatisfactory. Tho lecture. in the M. E. Church Monday evening was well attended, and while the lecture was good It did tint give the general Btitiltictiou tue previous one did. Cono out and heur Dr. J. II. Carroll, of Newburg, N. Y.,. in his thrilling lecture "From the Blarney Htone to Vesuvius." Don't forget Tuesday evening Feb. 28tli. Just why the .Service men omitted the name of G. IX Messenger, Sr. from tlMir printed tickets we are nt a loss to understand. " They put great stress on the caucus nominal ion, mid Mr. Mcs Heuger was unanimously nominated. Then was Ms name omitted byaceident or dctdgn?-' Or was It because Mr. Messenger saw fit to exercise the right of an American citizen in petitioning the court? It w n"t do gentlemen There is a '"'nigger In the fence.'' Washington, February 10. Sup erintendent Snowdon, of the Philadel phia Mint, when before the Coinage Committee of t lie House, recommen ded that superintemk'iiU of assay of ficer be empowcri-d to receive both Kld and silver bullion on deposit, and Issue to depositors certificates in tunount of ten dollurs and upward therefor, payable to bearer, and that thesf certificates should at once enter Into the general circulation of the country. He thought thcu-Jcertltleatcs would tend to bring silver up to par with gold. The Committee will give this subject due attention. A few nights since, John O'Rrine, proprietor of n saloon, in the Central Demt, Kichhurg, X. Y., closed his place anil turned oft' the gas. as hesup posed. At 12.:!') in the morning a ter rific explosion took place in thesaloon, blowing out one whole sine of the building. The night watchman in the depot ran over, and found the interior of the saloon on lire. Hu culled up some citizens and with their assistance HUceeeded in extinguishing the flumes. The theory of the explosion is that Mr. O'Brien left a vent open from which the gas escaped and tilled the room. There was a fire in the stove from which it Ignited. The damage to the building will amount to about $;)). . Rob Hunter was abig burly regrn, and had long been accustomed to bully the residents of Fein Itidge, a back wood settlement in Missouri. He was to marry Matilda Henderson, and she lacked a trousseau, while neither had nny money to buy one. They went to the only store and asked for credit. F. M. Wright, the merchant, consented to trust them for.a pair of shoes and a calico dress but he M ould not let them have, a corset, on the ground that it was not a necessity. The bride elect cried and Bob pleaded, but Wright was immoveble. Then Hob cocked a re volver and declared that he would have the eorset or blood. He got the blood, but it was his own, for the merchant fired quickest. The 3rd. lecture in the Ridgway school Library Union course will be given by Dr. J. II. Caroll of New burgh, N. Y., on Tuesday erchlng, Feb. 28th, 1882. Subject; From the Blarney Ktoiie to Vesuvius. Admis sion 30 cenU, reserved seats 40 cents children 15 cents. Tickets for sale at Hyde's store aud P. O. The J'hiladetphia Inquirer say of him "From the moment he began to speak, Dr. Caroll had completeeontrol of his audience, which broke out into round after round of applause as one bust of fiery eloquence followed an other, and hushed into silence when ever the speaker lowered his voice to deliver some touching anecdote or pa thetic description. ''The eloquent lecture of Re v. Dr. Caroll was given last evening in Tweddle Hall, for the second time this winter. The interest eiclted was Intense and the applause was breveme'nt and earnest. The ad dress abounded with pictures of sur passing power and pathos, blended with the force aud fire of thought and logio, carrying the assembly by storm." AlbarijftArgu Those buying tickets for Caroll's lecture and are dissatisfied after hear ing rt will have thesi money refunded. J. B. Johnson. Manager.' ( Personal. . W. C. McMillan returned to Ktdg way last week. "Merely a Woman" will receive attention later. Richard Brennen, of Wilcox, was In town this week. Q. W. Nichols Is now "boss" car penter for the R. & P. R. R. Robt. Ross, of Freeport, Armstrong County, is firing in the planing mill. O. M. Montgomery, station mas ter at Wilcox, was in town on Mon day. Hon. J. L. Brown and wife, of Wilcox, are visiting relation in Ten nessee. Mrs. O. M. Montgomery and Miss Amanda Wilcox, of Wilcox, attended the lecture Friday evening at this place. Mhw Ella Williams, niece of Mrs. T. B. Johnson, of this place, returned to her home at Youngstown, Ohio, on Friday last. Dr. J. ft. Carroll, who lectures here on the 28th Inst., and Major E. T. 8colt, the temperance orator, lec tured tlie same day Aug. 2, 1881, In the Amphitheater at ChnuTauqua. Major Scott's address was the "Nation' Foe; Or its Deliverance," while Dr. Carroll's was "The Young Man in Chains." Major Hcott says Dr. Carroll is a fine platform orator. BIRTH. Aaron To Mr. and Mrs. Geo. T. Aaron, of this place, Sunday, Jan. 2'.', 1882, triplets. One lived a few hours. DEATHS. Imdorf Anna, daughter of Henry Imdorf at Grant's tannery on Feb. 15th at the age of 4 years, 2 months and 6 days. The funeral services were held at the Luthcrn Church on the following day. Her mother had died some years previous, and "it is well with the Child." Wkay At Johnsonhurg Feb. loth 1H82, Mrs. Elizabeth Wi-ny, aged 81 years ami ! mouths. She was brought to Ridgwny for in terment on Friday last. The Borough Election. Election day was rainy and disa greeable all the forenoon, while the ufteruoon was cold, windy and in the evening a slight fall of snow fell. More than usual interest was felt in the result of the election which brought out a full vote, the largest ever cast In tlie Borough; the vote last fall being 227, and last spring only 173, while at the recent election 23-1 votes were cast. Tlie ticket elected gives general satisfaction to the people of the Borough and is as follows : Chief Burgess J. Powell. Council -H. S. Thayer, John Flynn. School Directors C. D. Osterhout, John It. Kime. Justice of the Peace A. Swartz Ross. High Constable Geo. R Wood ward. Judge of Election J. M. .Schram. Inspectors A. W. Jones, Jus. D. Fulieiton. Auditor O. D. Messenger, Jr. Assessor D. S. Luther. Assistant Assessors W. C. Hcaly, Frank Mi-Gtoin. Borough Constable B. P. Mercer. Overseers of the Poor J. C. Single ton, 1 year; M. E. Lesser 2 years. Kidgway Township. The voto for each candidate in Ridg way township and Rolfe District is as follows. The. votes of the two pre cincts are added togather to determine who are elected, Rolfe district being but a part of Ridgway township. KIDGWAY. Supervisors L. C. Dickinson, 91. Chas. Dill, .15; Simon Lamb, GO; N. V. Lent, 27; Henry Dehler, 9; John Decker, 2. School Directors B. F. Ely, 128; J. F. Clark, 128; O. B. Fitch, 125; Will Dickinson 125. Assessor F. C. Ely 127. Assistant Assessor Frank Marshall 12fi; J. K. Whitmore 123; A. I). Avery 1. Town Clerk Isaac Avery 128. Constable. Daniel Cuuavan 102; Geo. Fredenberg 26. Overseers of the Poor E. T. Grant 2; T. Wingtield 101; Chas. Searfass 121; N. V Lent 22. Collector Daniel Cannavan 01; Geo. Gulnuck 30. Judge of Election-Chas. Whitford 12(i. Inspectors John Meenan'2:!; F. C. Ely 34. Auditors F. Winglield 120; B. F. Eijr 110; Treasurer B. F. Ely 61; J. K. Whitmore 74. KOLFE. Supervisors L. C. Dickinson 27; Chas. Dill 24; J. P. Decker 3; Lamb 1; School Directors B. F. Ely 8 years, 28; Jas. L. Clark 8 years, 28: O. B. Fitch 2 years, 28; Will Dickinson 1 year, 28. Assessor F. C- Ely 28. Assistant Assessors Frank Mar shall 28; J. K. Whitmore 28; Town Clerk Issao Avery 26. Constable Daniel Cauuavaa 26; Chas. Bearfmss 2S. Collector Geo. Uulnack 2; Daniel Cannavan 26. Auditor Tbfcllus Wingtield 28; B. F. Ely, 28. Treasurer J. K. Whitmore 2; B. F. Ely 28. Judge of Election (for Rolfe) H. E. Decker 12. Inspectors (for Rolfe) S. S. Provin 12; Geo. Eckert 12. "New case fresh salmon and new Turkish prunes at Morgester's. Anew iu voice of choice gunpow der, Japan and oolong teas ust received at Morgester'r Tlie Star Route Ring. WHY THE GOVERNMENT FAILED TO CONVICT IN THE TRIAL AT LINCOLN. Special Denpntch to The Press. Washington, Feb. 19. It has al ready been announced that the Gov ernment has not succeeded in the con spiracy case recently on trial at Lin coln, Neb-, but the circumstances have not been fully explained. There were several costly ring routes extending from Deadwood to the l ail road North South and East. The route from Bis marck to Deadwood, where the pay has been enormously Increased, was entirely discontinued by Mr. James. The route from Cheyenne to Dead wood was iu the hands fft tlie Salis bury's in the town terms from 1874 to 1882, and the pay was extravagantly raised. It was believed that the ex pedited time on the route from Sidney to Deadwood was not made and that the Balisburys were receiving heavy pay for services not preformed. In order to succeed in their attempts to defraud the Government the contrac tors must have been aided by the post masters at Deadwood nndSidncy, who were required to forward to Wash ington a record of departureaud arrival. Evidence was not secured on which the Qovernmeutcould proceed until Sol omon Star, the Postmaster at Dead wood, made a full confession loan of ficer of tho department. After mak ing this confession Staralmconded.and it is said that the Government has been unable to find him. The Gov ernment also relied upon the Postmas ter or Deputy Postmaster at Sidney, one Ciarey, who was indicated as one of the contractors, and who had des cribe the methods that had been used by him aud the stagemen before the Grand Jury at Omaha in December. With Ciarey were Indicted Edward Corbin and T. C. hidings, the mana gers of the route, employees of the Salisbury. These three were charged with conspiracy, and in the absence of Solomon Star the Government relied upon Ciarey until the beginning of tlie trial. When Ciarey was placed on the stand and a-d;ed to ident.'y tlie false reports from the Sidney Post' Ollice which he had made for the be nefit of the Salisburys, he faltered, and when told he need not make any an swer that would criminate himself, he refused to testify. The Government counsel endeavored, by exhaustive ar gument, to lead tlie Court to compel the witness to answer, but the judge ruled in favor of Ciarey. Tlie counsel for the Government thereupon decided that they would proceed no further in tlie case of conspiracy, but would pros ecute Ciarey, hidings aud Corbin on the indictments, so far as they relate to the making of false rejsirt. These cases were continued to the May term of the court. It U reported that Ciarey had agreed to testify for the Govern ment, and hail given no notice that he would break his word until he look his place ns a witness. At tlie moment the counsel for the other defendants announced they appeared to defend him also it appeared that he had fallen iu the hands of the ring. The des patches sent East in regard to the trial seem to have been written by the ring's counsel. The truth is that by the con fession of Star and Ciarey the whole fraudulent conspiracy is disclosed, and although the guilt of the accused was made clear the Government failed be cause one of the postmasters hail run away, and the other, nt the hist mo ment, fell into tlie hands of the ring and refused to repeat the confessions of his guilt which he had already made to a Commissioner and tlie Grand Jury which indicated him. Kidgway Borough Election. THE VOTE IN DETAIL. CHIEF UL'ltQEtfii. J. Powell W. S. Service COUNCIL. John Flynn H. S. Thayer W. H. Schram SCHOOL DIRECTORS. John R. Kime C. D. Osterhout Horace Little Chas. Holes JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. A. Swartz Ross IIIOH CONSTABLE. Geo. R. Woodward P. F. Mann BOROUGH CONSTABLE. B. P. Mercer ASSESSOR. D. S. Luther ASSISTANT ASSESSORS. Frank McGloiu W. C. Healy AUDITOR. G. D- Messenger Sr. JUDGE OF ELECTION. J. M. Schram INSPECTORS. A. W. Jones J. D. Fullerton OVERSEER OF THE FOOR. M. E. Lesser 2 years J. C. Singleton 1 year John Vabghan No opposition. 121 109 141 130 117 120 122 115 0!) 228 146 87 232 234 232 218 127 284 137 42 231 125 106 Every woman who has been obliged to spend half a day several times during the winter, cleaning the micas in her coal stoves, usually by taking them out and washing them in soapsuds, will rejoice to know that there is no need to take them ont or let the fire burn very low, in order to do it successfully. Take a little vine gar and water and wash the mica carefully with a soft cloth. Tbe acid removes all stains, and If a little pains is taken to throughly clean the corn ers and wipe them dry, the mica will look as good as hew. If the stove is very hot, tie the cloth to a stick and so escape the danger of burning yourself. 240 pounds choice refined lard in 5 and 10 pounds tin palls At Morgester's.- The Rlohburg Tragedies. M'CARTHY DOOMED TO DEATH . WIPrLH SENTENCED TO NINETEEN YEARS AND SIX MONTHS IMPRIS-, ONMENT. .. From the McKenn Miner. Tlie second chapter 1 the tragedy which ended In the death of Patrick Markey at Rlchburg on the 19th of November last, came to an end oh Friday last, when Judge Daniels pro nounced the dread sentence of death upon the murderer, John McCarthy. The trial lasted four days, and the evidence given proved it to be A de liberate and cold-blooded ; "murder. The defence did not adopt the Insanity plea, but made an effort to lessen the gravity of the crime by the introduc tion of two witiie'ses named Ham mond and Hogun, of Tarport, who swore they saw a knife in Markey's hand nt the time McCarthy kllied him and that the murdered man en deavored to stab McCarthy. Ham mond produced a knife iu court wltR' Markey's Initials on it, l?ut the testi mony of these two witnesses had no weight, as this version of the nffuir was not heard of before the appear ance of these two men iu the court room at Angelica, and they were not seen or heard of at cither the Coron er's inquest or the preliminary exam ination. For tlie prosecution, Mr. Rude dwelt strongly upon the im probability of their evidence, nnd the jury were evidently of the same opin ion, notwithstanding the earnest and eloquent appeal of Mr Bemls for the defense, as after forty minutes deliber ation they returned a verdict of "Mur der in tire first degree." On Friday morning at 0 o'clock Judge Daniels pronounced sentence upon the prisoner, fixing the date of his execution for Friday, 24th of March next. When receiving his sentence, McCarthy showed very little nervousness, his face betraying no emotion. At the concluding sentence, "May God have mercy on your soul," he said '! have been showed very little here " Since his sentence he is said to have ate and slept well and seems to feel indifferent as to his fate. On Thursday night, after the con clusion of the McCarthy trial, Edwin M. Whipple was arranged for the shooting of George itr Rfchbnrg on tlie 1st of December last. At-the ad vice of his counsel he plead guilty to manslaughter in the first degree, the District Attorney 'having signified a willingness to accept such a plea. In order to enable the court to arrive at a correct conclusion as to the proper sen tence to pronounce,' the evidence of the murdered man's brother was read with others who were, witnesses of the affair. Whipple was also put upon the stand aud he gave his version of the art'air. It wus brought out that he had been a gallunt soldier aud received four wounds in different battles during tlie rebellion. One ball In the shoulder deprived him of the use of his right arm for which ho re ceived a pension. He received a Brevet Lieutenant's commission in the regular army for his gallant and meritorious conduct while in battle. He was brought into court for sentence Friday morning and sentenced to nineteen years and six niontns con finement at hard labor in the peniten tiary at Auburn, N. Y. In sentencing the prisoner Judge Daniels called at tention to the danger, there was in a man addicted to liquor carrying fire arms, and in alluding to the bad habits the prisoner had formed since leaving the army, said that the court was of the impression that if he should de velop a character which showed an intention of breaking oil from his previous habits the Slate might in lime be disposed to shorten his term of imprisonment. Williamsport G. & .Counter feiters never try to imitate the bills of a broken bank. So with bad men who enter the church nnd become officious; they do so becuse the better class recog nize virtue and religious principles. If tho church was not an element wherein good influences thrived, bad characters would not seek its power and protection while they stealthily worked dishonest practices. The papers say much about "pious frauds," now and then reflecting upon Christianity, because certain defaulters and seducers occupied high positions in the church. If such men after their hypocrisy and sinful nets, were encouraged and pro tected by Christian people, there would be some ground to cast reflections. As It is, however, they arc disconnected from the organization and not recog nized. It is, therefore, a false reflection from the public to insinuate that the church isguilty of individual acts before such acts are brought to light. There are "pious frauds" as well as counter feit dollars, and there will be as long as a true church or bank exists. Sucli newspaper critics may influence the superficial and inconsiderate, but can not impress the thoughtful and consid erate. The best religious organizations have persons opeu to criticism, and will have so long as imperfect men exist, which will be until the ushering iu of a new era. The GREAT GERMAN INVIQ ORATOR is the marvel of the Medical World. It never falls to completely sure Nervous Debility, Inipotency, Mental Depression, aud - all diseases caused from excesses! -ThcZtestlmon y of thousands can be bad by writing to F. J. CHENEY, Toledo, Ohio, sole agent for the Uuited States. Price $1.00 per box, six boxes for f 5.001 If your drug gist does not keep the remedy.send to headquarters and get the medicine by mail. Circular and testimonials' on application. My sou had terrible skin disease of head and' face.' Peruna cured bini. Mr. E. Yetttff BUSINESS LOCALS. ' 6 cases of toyal baking powder In stock at Morgester's. 1 case horse radish, 25 choice co coahuts at Morgester's. ! Car'ioad.of lnipoted potatoes Just recei ved at Morgester's. 1 bag choice green Rio cofl'ec 300 pounds choice roasted coffee just re cel ved at Morgester's , , , 1 barrel choicest New Orleans mo lasses In market at Morgester's. Had barber's Itch for years, ter ribly. Doctors fulled. Perunn cured me. C. Beck, Alleglinny, Pa. 5 barrels choice new natural colored pickles Juet 'received at Morgester's. Had almost Invislole skin disease, Itching intolerable. Pcruua cured it. H. Ambil, Pittsburg. 10 dozen extra parlor brooms sell ing at 35 cents each at Morgester's. Star and Improved Authors at The Advocate office. 5 New choice mild chceso at Mor gester's. o . The Merry Game of Old Maid at The Advocate office. o All in need of light and heavy harness should give Jacob Bulterfuss n;call. Human hair goods of every de scription at Mrs. Jacob Butterfuss' Main Street, Ridgway, Pa. The "Saratoga wave", "Perfection," and "Coquette" styles of front hair,' are new and neat. Give Mrs. Butterfuss a call. If you are troubled with fever and ague, dumb ngue.billlous fever, Jaun dice, dyspepsia, or any disease of the liver, blood and stomach, and wish to get well, try the new remedy, Prof. Guilmette's, French Liver Pad. Ask your druggist for it and take no other, and if ho has not got It send $1. 50 in a letter to the French Pad Co., Toledo, O., and receive one by return mail. ROBBED. Thousands of trravps nrc imntiallv robbed of their victims, lives prolonged, happiness and liealtu restored by the use of the great GERMAN INVIGORATOR which positively and premanontly cures I m potency (caused by excesses of any kind), Seminal weakness, and ail dis eases that follows . as a sequence of Self-Abuse, as loss of energy, loss of memory, universal lasituue, pain in the back, dimness of vision, premature old age, and many other diseases that lead to insanity or consumption and a premature grave Send for circulars with testimonials free by mail. The INVIGORATOR is sold at J1 per box. or six boxes for So by all druggists, or will bo sent free by mail, securely sealed, on receipt of price by addressing J. J. OHE-XKY. Druggist. 187 Summit St., TOLEDO, OH 10. Sole Agent for the United States. Tho most wounderful curative rem edies of tlie preseut day, are those that come from Germany, or at least origi nate there. The most recent prepara tion placed upon the market in this country, is the GREAT GERMAN INVIGORATOR. which has neve. been known to fuil iu curing a singu case of inipotency, spermatorrhea weakness and all diseases resuti ' from eelf-abuso, as nerveous debility, inability, mental anxiety, languor, lassitude, depression of spirits and functional derangements of the nervous system. For sale by druggists, or sent free bv mail on receipt of the paice (1.00 SoIeAgent for the Uuited States Send for circular. For sale by Chas. MeVean, St. Marys, Pa. Prom the Insurance World, Pittsburg. Pa., Dec. 81, 1SS1. The Assessment Mutual Life Associa tion of Washington, Pa., doeslegitim mate business on the co-operative prin ciple; takes no risksoverOS years; grad uates its assessments according to the age of insured; permits no speculation assessments to parties having no insur able interest. In each and every case a strict medical examination is required and In fact Is a thoroughly legitmate Co-operative Life Insurance Company All claims are paid in full its last claim being that of John P.MofFat of M' Keesport, Pa., who died December 2d,1881, and tho claim paid to his widow, Josephine Moffat, on the 13th of December, for the full amount of the policy, $5,000. For information regarding the associ ation inquire of J. P. Angnev, Hyde House, Ridgway Pa. 1L STOVE is'fro mm SfBsfi, STILL LEADS THE WORLD. 50,000 IN USE I TTses Oi'dlniny Kerixtvnn. Sakei find Cwki Eual to any Coo Store. SEND FOR NEW CIRCULAR. MYEltS, 0SB0RN & CO.." . aOL MANUFACTURIRS, - - OZiHVHXiAIfD, OUXO. Witter Bruch, it LIKE STBEIT, CHICAGO. CALL OH OUR LOCAL' ACE NT.' o I I f Business Cards. (3EO. A. RATH BUN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. , . Main street, Ridgwny, Elk Co., Pa. Particular attention given to the examination of titles, also to patents and 'patent cases. - ... HALL & M'CAULEY ATTORNEY-AT-LAV. Offlce In hew brick building, Main street, Ridgwny, Elk Co., Pa. v32t J. S. BAROWELL, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. . Over twenty Ave years prnelice; Office on Mam Street, Rhtgtt'ay, Pa., opposite the llogcrt House. Ofllce hours from 1 to 2 and 7 to 8, P. M. IP. L. WILLIAMS. Late of Strattnnvillc), Physician and Surgeon Ridgwnv, Pa. Ollice in Hall's Rrlck' Puilding, (up stairiO References J. D. ..Smith,- II. L. Young, R. Rulofson, Strattanvillo; dajor John Kltley, W. W. Green land, Clarirn. Ollice hours 1 to 2 P. M. and 7 to 8 P. M. ---- . 6. ft. MESSENGER. DRUGGIST & PARMACEUTIST, N. W.cornerof Main and Mill streets. Ridgway, Pa., full assortment of care fully selected Foreign and Domestic Drugs. Proscriptions carefully dis pensed, at all hours, day or night vln3y . HYDE HOUSE. W. H. SCHRAM, Proprietor, Ridgway, Elk county, Pa. Thankful for the patronage hereto fore so liberally bestowed njon him, the new proprietor hopes, by paying strict attention to the comfort nnd 'con venience of guests, to merit a continu ance of the same. oct.iO'G'J c. q. Anderson! PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON. , RIDGWAY, PA. Office In Hyde's Opera House, second floor aud second door to right. oki'ick iiorns.. . "J to 8 a. M. , 1 to 2 i sr. 7 to 0 p. sr. Professional calls promptly attended. APPIETO N'SAMERICAN CYCLO PAEDIA. This admirable work is now coni pletein Pi vols. EachvoluTiiecoiitainsWO pages. It makesa complete nnd well selected library, and no one can afford to do without it who would keep well Informed. Price ?" 00 in cloth, Sli.OO in leather, or 5(7.00 in elegant halfTurkev. For particulars address, W. II. Fnirchild, Portville, Call. Co., X. Y., who has been duly appointed agent for Elk county by C.' K Judson, general agent. $1000 Will bo r.Mrl If finy Impurities or mineral Kunsiaures aro louuu in I'KniNA. nr for bp WI'EncwA is r-iriy avogolalilo compound. It Is not oiunllod l'v any or ml other mcM- ense it wiu uot euro or lioip. K clnos coml. iiioil. Tfils Is Rtronry iTinc-mre. ml IE 1R trim. -a-- i-EiiuN.v is utHiiB mora extensively pro- tag tmir-dozu'n luuicUlcu kuowu to His m )fc;slo:i. I ScrllMHlhV llnW'Kt lhvsir-innstl!:M. nnvnlliit. UlT-nuNAposltlvi ly euros nnnrmniillnn an1 J all oUicr luug.-md huart tilEoa. cs. SSE2SLiS5 t- Fur lnt..ri,tlttAfc fovoi. olilllq ml .v.. lumbatfuo, tholufalUblarcuiCiIylsricncsA? hn No matter T.-hH your rtifonsa in, whore lo- c.ii';t, no ynti young r old, male or fouml?, go at oiico fcr l'tiit sA. KESEKESSrS Toll your neighbors and your friends tliM Pr.iu-N A Is tho only remedy, r,rd v.iU cuic yo nud I :eiii. Beu.l f . n- a pouij.Mct. B. I). JIAirrM.YX ft CO., Os'joiti.OMo. Keen your bowels and pclvlo orguDuregu- PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD. Philadelphia Si Erie R R Div. WINTER TIME TABLE On ami after MONDAY, Oct. 31. 1881 the trains on the Philadel phia & Eric Railroad Diviaiou will run as follows: WESTWARD. Niagara Ex. leaves Phila fi 00 a. in. Itenovo..!) 45 p. m. " " Drift wood 7 ()() " " " Emporium? -r0 " " " St.Marys..8 40 " " Ridgway. .8 48 " " arr. Kane 10 05 " krik mail loaves Phila 11 05 p. m Kenovo 11 o.)a. in. " Driftwood. 12 15 p.m. " Emporium. 1 80 p. m. St. Mary'a..2 L'O p. m. " Ridgway .... 2 8ti p- m. " Kane 3 50 p. m. arr at Erie 7 45 p. in. EASTWARD. Day Express leaves Kane ... 0 00 am. 41 I. 1. T.I .. iiuigway t tu am. " " " Kt. Marys 7 17 " " " " Einporium8 10 " " " " Driftwood 8 67 " " " " Kenovo . . 10 05 ' " " arr. nl Phila. 7 n.1 nm EUIE MAIL leaves Erie 1 1 35 a. in. " Kane 4 10 p, m. ' Kidgway. ...5 17 p.m. " St. Mary's..5 50 p. m ' Emporium. (i '5 p. rr.. i uriitwoou..7 42 p. 111. " " Kenovo 9 00 p. m. " arr. at Phila 7.00 a.m. Erie Mail nnrf "ViAo-nm Vvinaa connect with Low Grade Division; Erie Mail west and Day Express con nect wuu ii. is, x. & i". it. j:. KOBERT NE1LSON, Oerwal Sup't. Notice of Appeals. Notice is hereby given that the Com missioners of B:il county will hold Court of Appeals at their ollice, iu Ridgway, ou . . , FRIDAY AKD SATURDAY. THE 17TH AND18TH DAYS OF FEBRUARY, 1882. . For toe. purpose of hearing and determ ining appeals from the assesHinentH, and revising the .military, enrollment for 1882, at which time aud place all Eersons feeling theniheives aggrieved y said assessment or enrollment can attend, if they see proper. By Order of tbe Board. ... -Attest-rW.' 8. HOKTON, Clerk. Commissioners' office February 26, 1882. Peruna should be used in all skin diseases. Note paper and envelopes at the Advocate office.. . . Ono more barrel of choice mince nieat received at Morgester's; n . --j-i . SUPPLEMENT TO BOROUGH ORDINANCE NO. 7, ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE RESTRICT INC4 THE BALE OF INTOXICATe INO DRINKM," AC, APPROVED JUNE 2M, 1881; !;. Be It ordained and enacted-by the TownOiineil of the Borough of Rldg way, and it Is hereby ordained and en acted by the nntliori't v or tlie came ,i 1. Tliatallsflloono, bftM.nnd pleelu the Borough nf Ridgway at which Inr .toxical I mr dr!nl me fold, nhall be clofed at 10 o'clock P. M of each day, and no person shall furnish any intox icating drink b.V xr.le, gilt or otherwise or permit the panie to bedrnnk on nr within the prcmlHen at nny such place, between the hours of o'clock P. -M and 4 o'clock A. M. of the day. follow Ing; nnd the furnifhiup of each and every drink of Intoxicating liquor, or permitting the wnie to be drank on the premises n aforesaid,, Minll con stitute o -separate oH.Vii.Cv And any person who shall neglect or refuse to onfnply. with any provision of. this section slinll forfeit and pHj for;' each and every offence, the sum ;nf ten dollars fcr the use of the Borough,, to bp. recovered In the same manner that debts of like amount are by law re coverable. t " l 2 That the second aeetion of said ordionce No. 7 is hereby amended so as to read ns follow: That any person who shall be found intoxicated upon, any street, hi ne, or alley or highway, or nny public house or place, in said Borough, shall be fined on view of, or on proof being made before, tbe Chief Burgess or any Justice of the Pcaee,of sui id boro.not lessthan threedollarsnpr ' more than five dollars, for the uss of the said Borough. And if such prson hnll neirlect or refuse to pay and sat isfy such fine, together with proper costs, such person shall .be committed to the county jail or Borough !ock-up until such fine and costs, with all jail or lock-up expenses, shall be fully paid nnd satisfied, or. until such, person? shall be dlschrnged by due process of law. 3. And it shall be the duly of any Constable of said Borough to arrest any and every person who shall be found intoxicated on any street, lane, alley or highway, or in any public house .or place, in said Borough, and to take him or. her forthwith before the Chief Burgcsr, or any Justlceof thf Peace of the Borough, when such arrest shall be made in the daytime; or if such arrest- Jtiade later than eight o'clock iu the ev-enlng, th person so arrested shall be confined in the county jail or Borough lock-up' until eight o'clock A. M. of the day following, and then taken before the Chief Burgess or Justice of the Peace as aforesaid; mid M such Chief -Burgess or Justice of the Peace shall, after due iii(;uiry,deem him or.htr too much in toxicated to be fully- examined, or to answer on oath correctly, said Chief Burgess or Justice of the Peace, as the. case may be, shall cause him or her. to be confined in the county jail or- Bor-t omrli lock-up until he or she becomes sober, before a final examination and hearing of the case. 4. That it shall be tbe duty of the Chief Burgess or Justice of the Peace before whom any fine, costs or charges shall be recovered under this ordi, nance, to forthwith pay such fine into tlie treasury of said Borough, ami the costs or charges to the officers entitled thereto. t . That the Chief Burgess, Justices of the Peace and Constables of said Borough shall be entitled to the samo fees for services under this ordinance that they are now allowed by law for similar services. 7. That all ordinances or parts of or diancesof this Borough inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. . . . u This ordiance shall tuku elt'ect oil and after -Feb. JJOtU, JS82. -. f. H. McCAULEY; President Attest W. V. IIkai.y, Secretary. Approved Feb., fi, Ib8:. J. POWELL, Chief Burgess. HAlxIl EGETABLt -SICILY MIR IRENEWE v v Bas been In constant n by tho publlo . tor over twenty rears and It the best preparation over invented for RESTOR ING GRAY HAIR TO ITS v6tintv color and Tho State Assajer an at Chemist of Mass, - and . leading Physi cians . endorse and ... it as a great triumph in medi cine.' LIFE. - - It luppllei the natural .. food and color to tho hair glands without staining the skin. It wlU lucreaso ao4 thieken the growth of the hair, prevent its blanching and falling off, and thus AVERT BALDNESS. It cures Itching, Erup tions and Dandruff. As a HAIR DRESSING it Is very desirable, giving the hair sUken softness which all admire. It keeps the head clean, sweet and healthy. WHISKERS will change the beard to a BKOWN or BLACK at discretion. Being in one preparation it Is easily applied, and produces a permanent color that will not wash off. - l'Ktl-Altbb BY R. P. HALL & CO., NASHUA, N.H. Sold by ill Dsiler Is Msdlcins. Truth aud Honor. Query: What is the best family medicine in tlie world to regulate the bowels, purify the blood, remove cos tiveneasand biliousness, aid digestion and loop nn (lip whnln ivitum'l Trull, and honor compels us to answer, lion 1!f. ...... I,..! j? , . jjiiicio utung pure, pericci ana Harm less. See another column. Toledo Bladci PLANTS and SEEDS' EVERYBODY OurlLLUHTRATED CATALOGUE and BOOK OF FLOWEKH send! free to any address. f UAltllf CIIAAPEL Florist and Seedsman,'-.. Henry A. Parsons, Jr.; Local agenf r "r Kidgway. Pfc.