Henri 1. 1'arNftnx, Jr., - Editor TRUK8DAY, FEU. 23, 1882. ENTKRFTD AT THE roST-OFFtCB AT RirxrwAY, Pa., as hbcokm class MAIL MATTER. $500 lft REWARD! OTCB A MIL LION Of Prof. I Gullmette'. manct Kidney Pads nve already been Hold In thm country and In franco every one f wlildli box I veil imrfect atlsfnctlon n d litis per formed cure every time when unedno- cnrdiuR to directions. We now say to the afflicted aud doubt ing ones that we will pay the above reward for a single case of LAME BACK That the Pad fails to cure. This great remedy will Positively and Per manently cure Lumlmgo, Lame Back, Kdatica. Gravel. Diubetes. Droosv. Bright'e DiHeaae of the Kidneys, In continence and Retention of the Urine, Inflamation of the Kidneys, Catarrh of the Bladder, High Colored Urine, Pain In the Back, 8ido or Loin, Nervoii9 Weakness, and in fact all disorders of the Bladder and Urin ary Organs whether contracted by privare drBeaae or otherwise. LaJHES, if you are suffering from female weak new, Lieueorrhopu, or any disease of the Kidneys, Bladder. r Urinary Organs, YOU CAN BE OTIREDI Witnwftft swallowing nauseous mcdi- vuues, uy siuipiy wearing PROF. OUILMETTE'S French Kidney Pad, Which Cures by Absorption. Ask your druggist for PROF. GUIL METTK'S French Kidney Pad, and take no other. If be has not got it, Fend $2.00 and you will receive the Pad by return mail.' TESTIMONIALS FROM THE TEOri-E. JUDGE BUCHANAN, Lawyer,! Toledo, O., savs: "On of Pmf. finllnipfto'a Kidney Pads cured me of Lumbnro In l - 1. , . : . r , - . in iuire iiiut', jiy case uno jen given up by the best Doctors a incurable. During all this time I uttered untold agony aud paid out large sums of money. GEORGE VETTER, J. P. Toledo, O. "I suffered for three years with Sciatica and Kidney Disease, and often had to go about on crutches, I was entirely and permantly cured after -wearing Pbf. Guilmette's French Kid ney Pad four weeks." 'SQUIRE N. C. SCOTT, Sylvania, O. 'I have been a great' sufferer for 15 years with Bright' Disease of the Kidneys. For weeks at a time I was unable to get out of bed; took barrels of medicine, but they gave me ouly teimierory relier. I wore two of Prof. Guilmette's Kidney Pads six weeks, and I now know I am entirely cured. MRS. HELLEN JEROME, Toledo, O. "For years I have been confined, a great part of the time to my bed, with Lucorrhoea and female weakness. I wore one of Guilmette's Kidney Pads and was cured In one mouth. H. B. GREEN, Wholesale Grocer, , Findlaud, O. "I suffered for 25 years with lame back and in three weeks permanently cured by wearing oue of Prof Guii mette'sLiver Puds." B. F. KEESLING, M. D. Druggist, , Logansport, Ind. When sending in an order for Kidney Pads, writes: "I wore oue of the first ones we had and I received more ben efit from it than anything I ever used. In fact the Pads give better general satisfaction than any Kidney remedy we ever sold." RAY & SHOEMAKER, Druggists, , , , Hannibal, Mo. "We are working up a lively trade in your Pads, and are hearing of good results from them every day.' M GnOiflGtte's Frencli LIYERPAD. Will positively cure Fever and Ague. Dumb Ague, Ague Cake, Bilous Fever, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, and all diseases of the Liver, Stomach and Blood. Price $1.50 by mail. Send for Prof. Guilmette's Treatise on the Kid neys and Liver free by mail. Address FRENCH PAD CO., w . . Toledo, Ohio. For; sale by Cuas. McVean, St. Marys, Pa.- ' PIANOS. $160 up (Stool,1 Cover and Book). Elegant Square Grand, 8 strings, full ivery improvement, only inSabinet Graud Upright $210 and $250. Other Grand Holiday Bar gains. Jubile Organs, $55 up (Stool and Book). Excelsior, stylo 12, Five eeet of Reeds,' 16 stops, only $87. ''Oriental," style 103. Ten set of Reeds. SO stops, only 125. No. "bogus" seta of reeds or dummy" stops. All sent on 15 days trials freight free f-unsntti-factor!. Fair and honest dealing guaranteed. Sheet Musio J price. Piano, Organ, or Music Catalogue free. MENDELSSOHN PIANO CO., Box ORGANS. N EW LIVERY STAPLE IN RIDGWAY. GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES and Buggies to let upon the most reasonable terms. HaHe will also do job teaming. citable on Elk street. All orders lef mf tee Post Ofttc will receive promp attention. JuK20U7Ut' A. Swart Ross. Merchant Tailor, sign of tire red front, Mai street, Rldgway, Pa., has nn hand large stock of gents' furnishing goods In connection with his tailoring estab ilshmcnt. He has a large stock of samples for winter suitings. Orders promptly filled and all work guaran teed to give satisfaction. A UDITOUS' BKTTLEM ENT. Receipts and Jixictiditures of Elk County for the year ending Pcccm bcr 31, '81. RKCK1PT4L TotnXcrtltertPd Upon nmwHtml lnuds Tomn't roo d for lands redeeinnd To ain't ree'd from milu of hoinU To uiwh ree'd from Rule of co. lioudH... To Ch from ileiizlnKr luid l'ox Poor KuniN To nm't Com'nweftltli oohih collected ToobhIi received for niHlerlnl solil Mint. .. wl rn- I .... I, II fl Bl!) 52 Stl HI 6,i0 OU oo m m in l 57 30 no To ciuih received from collectors ll,B7rt Kl Cltj.006 S5 EXPENDITURES. By amount pold f . Wrldert. for ser vice commissioner 310 00 By amount pnld W. H.Ostorhoul,for servlcon an cominUsloner 138 00 Bv amount pnld Georue KeiiHulier, for services hr commissioner 210 00 By emount paid W. 14. Uorton, ooin- mlHRloiiers' clerk 500 00 By amount paid Hull M't'nuloy, commissioners' counsel 75 00 By amount paid D. O. Oyster, shorlir bH I (in CO due 4C!) 50 By am'tpnldTlios. Sulllviin, sheriff KI7 fio By am't paid constables, ollloers' fees SSi 00 By am't paid Jmtlces, oliicers' fees.... 1 7i By amount paid district attorney 211 UO By amount paid court criers Boss and Wenscfl 57 fin By amount paid tlpstafl i ml By amount paid Bro.Hehamlng 3n2 2W By am't pd. county auditors i clerk- i: 00 By amondtpaliljivnltors 45S W By am't pd. constables, Com. costs.... l:l 71 By amount paid Justices, " " 43 110 By am't paid witnesses " !' 7n IS By am't pd. assessors forsseslnr 2H2 47 By am't pd. assessors for reRisUii lng. 1"1 2fl By am't paid grand Jurors.... K7!l 24 By am'tpnld traverse Jurors 2,1 10 20 By am't paid Jnll expenses 8MI 40 By amount pnld 8lale prison - 77 91 Bv am't pd. bt, hospital for insane... 009 88 By amount paid for publlshiriKiuidl- tors' settlement - 830 00 By amount paid for publishing elec tion proclamation 10100 By amount paid fur miscellaneous Printline and advertising 91 68 By nni't paid for election expenses... 012 58 By am't pd. for road views and dam- ORes - 31 By amount paid for postage, Ac IX 21 Bv am't nil. for bounty on wolves Ao. 85 80 By amount paid for Ini.l and llghu... 440 2o By amount paid for reputra to public buildings 37 10 Bv aniont until for iuuutwts on dead bodies 120 78 By am't pnld Jury com'rs and clerk.. 07 10 rtvntn't imid for auilltinir orothono- tnry's account S 00 nv ain't paid for Institute expenses.. 130 03 Bv amount nd. for panerlng old pro- thnnotary and eomm'rs olllce 15 60 nv amount uutil for extra kevs for 'court house - 1 20 Bv amount nnved for Insurance on court house M 2Sj 00 By nm't paid for Insurance on Jail.... 23 00 llv nm't mild for tlx tit: court bouse bell - S9 W By amount paid for detective service In Hull operation 600 51 By amount paid for carpet sweeper... 3 00 llv amount nulJ for one-half of town clock 850 00 Bv nmonnt onid for extra labor on court yard 8 00 Bv amount until for l-eDitlrs to conrt yard fence 10 00 Bv amount until for two bairs phos phate for court yard 7 50 By nm't pd. l'ennn, Reform School... 5ii Hj By nm't pd. for covering steam pipes 113 00 By amount pnld for bovhs for pro- thonotary s office : H 88 Bv amount naid for nrintinff labels 'lor prothouotary's otlice- 44 30 Bv amount tiald for books for com- mlssionels' olllcn 8 60 Bv nmonnt Da Id L'bas. Holes for at tending clock 20 00 Bv amount tiald W. If. Osterhout for mnuure.clover seed and team work 9 15 By ain't State tax on live per cent, bonds .... 42 60 By amount Interest to M, Brunncr for loan of 82,000 for four months 40 00 By am't balance due J, P. Marston architect of court house 146 00 By am't paid M. K. Lesser for rail around back steps of court house... 65 00 By amount paid Vt . J. Butler for ex radiator - 84 15 By amount paid Dickinson Bros, for lumber for walk 22 57 Bv amount tiald H. B. Thaver for team work 16 13 By am't paid W. C. Geary for freight 7 48 Bv amount paid mason, for cement ing celnlr floor 82 50 By am't paid official stenographer.. 205 00 By amonnt paid for articles, Ac. used 111 and about the finishing up of the cc art house 14122 By amount paid Jos. Lewis for clean ing water tank -. 75 By amouut paid for eyelets 25 14,5i 43 By exes of receipts ovr expenditures 4,007 2 818,066 85 Assets and Liabilities of Elk County, Jan. 2, 1882. To am't of tax on unseated lands, subject to comls. and exoneration.. 28,176 12 To am't ol tax due from collectors, subject to commission and exon eration 9,015 50 To amount due from Benzinger twn shlp for support of lunatics at Dixmont Hospital 52108 To amount due from Fox township for support of lunatics at Uixmunt Hospital 307 8 To amount due for support of Ellen Quinn atlilxmont Hospital 402 84 To amount duo from Jacob M'Cau ley, ex-treasurer, for county tux record, and not credited 100 68 Tojutlgment note uguinsl J. L. & J. E. Bonham 41 58 To Judgment note against P. W. Hays and Joe Starr 60 00 To amount due from Kldgway town ship for support of John scbilk at AVurreu Hospital . 174 93 38,700 69 To excess of liabilities 14,150 41 852,041 10 , 50,000 00 435 62 By county bonds outstanding By county orders outstanding M By amount of Stale tax due By amouut due Dlxuiont Hospital... By amount due Warren Hospital- 1,431 30 m 19 174 93 852,911 10 Amounts Received from the Several Collectors of Elk County during 1881. Collector. Township. Year. Tax Nathan Hlpple...Horton 1875 Hiram Elselman. Spring Creek 1876 Thos. Burchrtold.. Uorton 1878 Armel Turley Jny 1878 Jas.S.Champlon..MillKtone..MM...1878 Michael Stiblch...Mt. Marys 1878 John Barr Benezetle 1879 Joseph Emmert..Kox. 1879 Epbralm Hewitt.Jay 1879 V". C. Healy Rldgway 1879 C. K. Sexton Benezctte ...1S80 Joseph Young.... Benzingor 1880 Eug. B. Hyatt.....Eox IhxO Wm. H. Cote.....Highlaiid 18S0 DMitel l'halen Uorton 18K0 Jacob S. Miller.-Jay 18M) Rchard Brcnnau, Jones in" Godfrey Parrott...Millslone....lHH) W. S Uorton Rldgway 1880 MattnewShanleySpring Creek ...1880 Geo. Welgle, Jr...St. Marys .,1hjs0 Newton Johnson. Bene.otte......1881 Joseph Young Benzinger....lK81 Jeremiah Hewitt. Fox... ....I881 Samuel Gardner.. Hintifand ..1881 J.S.Chamberlln...Horton ,1881 Wm. G. Thomu..Jay... 1km Jos. Tarn bin I Jones ,.11 James A barrah.M 1 llntone..,.....lHM Iianicl Canavan-..RWgway: i.18M- 144 30 15 33 20 00 12 00 6 01 15 17 41 42 45 10 230 47 673 40 247 00 7113 99 619 42 82 28 84 00 612 71 530 13 29 98 1,153 18 1D9 82 6H2 39 4 20 00 150 00 1I9H 01 80 Oil 500 00 2iT 00 1.129 BH llt 48 612 35 6U0 00 385 00 886 20 B. P. Morcer Ridgwuy Boro.,1881 MatthowShon ley S (il l n g Creek ... .1881 George Hcehn bl. Marys 1881 811,678 63 Paid siuce settlement.' Amounts Due from the Several CoU lectors of Elk County, Jan. 2, 1882. Colleetbr. Towfishln. Year. Tax. Thos. Burchfleld. Horloii ....1878 Michael Hllbicli...St. Marys.. 1878 John Barr Beneietle. 1879 W. C. Healy ...Rldgway ...,..1879 C. K. Bex ton ....Beiiezette .J0 Eug. B. Hyatt Fox 18N0 Daniel Plialeo.. ..Uorton ..1880 Wm. 8. Cole Highland 1880 ' Richard BrennanJones....... 1880 ' W. S. Horton Rldgway ...18K0 Geo; Welgle, Jr...St. Marys .....1880 69 08 1,195 64 182 16 62 80 144 81 644 36 &18 68 9 SO Ct6 28 409 69 810 83 830 18 781 88 641 84 68 80 101 80 724 40 8 19 78 61 473 92 1,351 64 81 81 886 14 Newton Johnson. Beaozetle.. 1881 Joseph Young Benzinger .....1881 Jeremiah HewittFox 1881 Samuel Gardner.Hlghlaud....1881 J. H. C'liamberlin.Hortou.... 1881 Wm.G. Tbomaa...Jay ....1881 Joseph Tamblnl,.Jones .... 1881 James Aharrah... Millstone .J881 Daniel CauavaoRklgway Twp..l881 B. P. Mercer...... ...Rldgway Roro.,1881 Matthew ShauleySprlng Crek...l8l Ottora HaitiD.. ...bu Marys 1881 18.016 60 Michael Brunncr, Esq., Treasurer of JbAk County, in account urttn saia County for the year ending January 2, 188:1. To tax collected npm Itnstd. lands... 519 52 " ain't received for lands redeemed i 01 " amount reed, for sale of bonds...... 6,0n0 00 " am't rod. from sale of Co. lands., 625 60 11 amount reoelved from Bonzlnger and Fox Poor funds 0W W " Commonwealth cost collected.... 123 19 " Cash for materials sold 30 17 " cash received for Iron safe sold 30 00 " oust! received from collectors 11J17R 61 " rxonenaion ordrs reed, fn coll'sr 627 65 f 19,198 90 By balance at Inst settlement 1,144 79 ' refunding orders redeemed 2171 county orders r'd'm'd A canrelod 14 .352 12 " Interest paid on county bonds 2,415 75 ' exoneration orders redeemed 510 96 M trensnrrr's commission, receiving 2W8 32 " treasurer's commls'n, disbursing 835 85 19,112 60 " balance due fund . 8140 $19,193 90 SCHOOL FUNDS. DKNE.KTTK SCHOOL FUND. To bal. due treas. at last eettlmt 23 90 By balance due treasurer BENZINGER BCHOOL FUND. To bal. due fund at last settlmt 188 97 " tax collected from unstd lnds 18 87 " am't reed from lnds redeciud 49 95 " am't reed from lnds redeemd 22 10 $272 89 2C1 00 4 64 1 71 ' 6 31 By school treasurer's receipts "refunding orders redeemed " treasurer's com receiving " treasurer's com disbursing 272 ott 38 " balance due fund $272 89 BENZINGER SCHOOL BUILDING FUND. To bal due fund at last setlmt " tax col from unstd lands " am't red from Ids redeemed " am't red from Ids redeemed 45 67 18 87 11 10 1105 $81 G9 74 00 1 8G 72 1 51 By school treasurer's receipts " refunding orders redeemed " treas com receiving " treas com dishing $81 C9 FOX SCHOOL FUND. To bal fund last settlement " tax received from unstd Ids 494 16 14 51 608 67 09 " balance due treasurer $508 7C 498 50 2'. 9 97 By school treas receipts " treas com receiving " treu.i com disbursing $508 76 FOX SCHOOL BUILDING FUND. To bal due fund at last seltlmt G0T 59 " taxes recvd from unstd lnds 2 90 $5C8 4'J 551 00 06 1108 By school treas receipts " treas com receiving " treas com disbursing 665 14 335 " balance due fund $368 49 HIGHLAND SCHOOL FUND. To bal due fund at last settlemt 117 76 " tax received from unstd lnds 183 26 301 01 27 $301 28 291 79 3 68 5 83 " balance due treasurer By school treasurer receipts " treasurer's com receiving " treasurer's com disblg $301 28 HORTON SCHOOL FUND. To bal due fund last settlement 47 1 1 " tax received from nustd lnds 7 20 $54 31 14 54 17 By treasurer's comrs receiving " balauce due fund $54 81 JAY SCHOOL FUND. To bal due fund at last settemt " tax recvd from unstd lands " am't recvd from lnds rdnid 46 77 8 60 5 87 1$56 24 45)0 .19 - .'90 By school treasurer's receipts " treas com receiving " treas com disbursing 48 09 10 15 $56 24 " balance due fund JONES SCHOOL FUND. To bal due at last settlement " reed from unstd lauds 7711 1 08 $78 19 76 61 1 54 02 78 17 02 By school treasurer's receipta I" treas com receiving " treas com disbursing 'balance due fund $78 19 .. JONES SCHOOL BUILDING FUND. To bal due fund at last settlem 99 ; " tux received from unstd lnds 27 $1 26 1 26 1 26 By bal due fund MILLSTONE SCHOOL FUND. To bal due fund at last' settlemt 8 22 " taxes reed from unstd lands 18 61 By treas com receiving " balance due fund $26 53 MILLSTONE SCHOOL BUILDING FUND. To bal due fund at last settlemt 6 71 " taxes reed from unstd lands 80 52 $37 23 By treas com receiving " balance due fund $37 $23 06 23 96 123 96 $26 63 i id 2b 17 , BIDGWAY SCHOOL FUND. To bal due treas at last settlcmnt 8 69 $369 By balance due treasurer 69 $3 69 RIDGWAY SCHOOL BUILDING FUND. To bal due treas as last settlemt 78 $0 78 78 $0 78 By balance due treasurer SPRING CREEK SCHOOL FUND. To bal due fund at last setlcmt 183 37 183 37 By school treasurer's receipts " treas com receiving " balance due fund $183 8; ST. MARY'S SCHOOL FUND. To bal due fund at last settlemt 16 66 885 24 51 15 " taxes reed from unstd lnds " balance duo treasurer $24 66 By school treasurer receipts " school treasurer's receipts " treas com receiving " treas cofu disbursing 24 60 ROAD FUNDS. BENEZETTE ROAI FUND. To bal. due fund at last ictlmt 23 20 8 82 26 52 20 00 62 26 52 " balance due treasure: By road orders rodeeinel treasurer's commission BENZINGER ROAD FUND. To bal. due fund at last setlmt " taxes reed from unstd lands " am't reed from lands rdmil " amt reed from lauds redmd 121 03 23 07 68 64 44 20 241 94 By township treasurer's receipt 118 00 " road orders redeemed 89 00 " refunding orders redeemed 4 84 " refunding orders redeemed 70 ' treas. commission, receiving 2 42 " treas. commission, disbrsing 4 25 219 21 2 73 " balance due fuud 241 94 BENZINGER ADDITIONAL UO.VD FUND. To bal due fund at last setlemt " taxes reed from unstd lauds " amt reed from lands nlmd " amt reed from lands rdnid 93 63 23 07 63 64 11 05 181 39 171 00 4 14 1 75 3 60 180 39 1 00 181 89 By twp treasurer's receipt c " refunding orders rdmd ; " treasurer's com., receiving " treasurer's com., disbursing " balance due fuud FOX ROAD FUND. To bal due fund at last setlmt " taxes reed from unstd lands 139 90 11 65 151 61 133 00 4 00 6 60 23 2 89 147 68 8 83 Ey twp treasurer's receipts ' road orders redeemed " tax on lands sold Co. 1SS0 " treasurer's com., receiving " treasurer's com., disbursing " balauce due fund ,15161 FOX ADDITIONAL ROAD FUND. To taxes reed from unstd lands 10 14 1014 20 0 94 By treasurer's com., receiving " balance due fund 10 14 HORTON ROAD FUND, To bal due fund at last eetlmt " taxes reed from unstd lauds 9 61 12 00 21 CI By road orders redeemed 20 00 " treasurer's com., receiving 24 " treasurer's com., disbursing 40 20 64 97 21 61 " balance due fund HIGHLAND ROAD FUND. To bal due fund at last setlmt " taxes reed from unstd lands 264 64 367 43 631 97 260 00 297 00 7 85 11 14 By twn treasurer's receipts " road orders redeemed " treasurer's com., receiving treasurer's com., disbursing ." balance dun fund 675 49 56 48 631 97 JAY ROAD FITSD. To taxes reed from unstd lands " amt reed from lauds redmd 600 8 61 14 61 By bal due fund at last setlmt " road orders redeemed " treasurer's com receiving " treasurer's com disbursing 12 58 " balanoe due fund 2 03 14 61 JAY ADDITIONAL ROAD FUND. Td taxes reed from unstd lands 8 60 " amt reed from lands redeemed 1 69 5 29 By treasurer's com receiving" " balance due fund 6 28 179 71 860 183 31 06 15 00 900 18 48 1 07 1100 29 22 JONES ROAD FUND. To taxes reed from unstd lands 1 85 17 Tm 1 49 03 1 62 " balance due treasurer By bal due trensr at last setlmt " treasurer's com receiving MILLSTONE ROAD FUD. To taxes reed from unstd lauds 61 06 61 05 By bal due treasr at last setlmnt 42 72 " road orders redeemed " treasurer's com receiving " treasurer's com disbursing " balance due fund 61 05 RIDGWAY ROAD FUND. To bal due fuuds at last setlmnt 156 74 156 74 By twp treasurer's receipts " road orders redeemed " treasurer's com receiving 160 00 300 3 00 156 06 64 " balanoe due fund 156 74 SrRING CREEK ROAD FUND. To bal due fond at last setlcmnt 71 08 " taxes reed from unstd lands 23 05 94 13 " balance due treasurer 05 94 18 75 00 16 79 By twp treasurer's receipt " twp treasurer's receipt " treasurer's com receiving " treasurer's com disbursing 40 1 83 9 STRING CREEK ADDITIONAL ROAD FUND. To bal due fund at last setlmnt 24 23 24 25 By twp treasurer's receipt " treasurers com. receiving " balance due fund 23 00 40 23 46 24 25 ST. MARYS ROAD FUND. To bal duo fund at last settlmut 12 00 " taxes reed from unstd lands 8 85 21 45 15 " balance duo treasurer 21 60 By borough treasurer's recr-fpts 21 00 " treasurer's com receiving 18 " treasurer's com disbursinir 42 ST. MARY'S CORPORATION FUND. To bal due fund at Inst settlemt 4 40 iiixtti recti rroiii uustu ihuus 4 44 8 no 08 ' balance due treusurer 8 98 By borough treas receipts " treas com receiving 20 8 98 POOR FUND. BENZINGER POOR FUND. To bal due fund at last settlemt 448 39 " taxes reed from unstd lands " amt reed from lands rdnid " amt reed from lands rdmd 10 11 37 8 11 05 613 37 By township treas receipts 48 43 3 19 reiuiuiing oruers ruuiu " treas com receiving " treas com disbursing 1 80 10 03 512 96 42 613 37 balance due fuud FOX POOR FUND. To bal due fund at last settlemt 113 42 taxes reed from unstd lnds 8 6'J 122 11 109 88 2 30 By order overseers of the poor treas com lootn; 112 21 9 87 " balance due fund 122 11 HORTON POOR FUND. To bal due fuud at last settlemt 75 75 75 76 By balance due fund JAY POOR FUND, To bal due fund at last setlmnt " taxes reed upon unstd lands " amt reed from lands redmd 30 92 1 20 8 14 3o26 80 31 70 31 01 4 25 By twp treasurer's receipt " treasurer's com (both) " balance due fund 85 26 JONES POOR FUND. To bal due fund at last setlmnt 51 28 61 28 60 20 1 02 5128 By twp treasurer's receipt " treasurer's commission MILLSTONE POOR FUND. To bal due fund at last betlnint By balanoe due fund RIDGWAY POOR FUND. To lal due fund at last setlmnt 237 13 237 13 232 89 ' 4 74 Bj twp treasurer's receipts" " treasurer's commission!' 337 13 18 00 1 22 82 60 20 . 79 61 99 6109 61 09 61 90 SPRING CREEK POOR FUND, To bal due fund at last setlmnt 18 42 1 taxes reed from unstd lands 0 22 25 64 24 96 19 60 By twp treasurer's receipts treasurers com receiving " treasurer's com disbursing 25 64 ST. MARYS POOR, FUND. To bal due fund at lastsetlmnt 6 71 6 64 12 25 " taxes reed from unstd lands By overseer's receipts treasurer's com receiving " treasurer's com disbursing 11 92 " balance due fund 12 25 STATE ROAD FUND. KANE. RIDGWAY AND ST. MARY'S STATE ROAD FUND. To bal due fund at last settlemt 412 34 412 34 By com on $412.84 2 per cent. lor disbursing same " rnuli nn Irl .1. T.. Rrnwn on 8 24 paid bond No.33 404 10 412 34 We, the undersigned, auditors of Elk county, in the Commonwealth of 1'ennsylvania, uo certify tuat, in pur suance of the forty-seventh section of the act, entitled "An act relating to counties, townships, &c," parsed the 15th day of April, 1834, we met at the commissioners' ofllce, in the Borough of Bitlgway, in the said county of Elk, on the first ftlouilay ot January, 1881', and did audit, adjust and settle the several accounts required or us by law, agreeably to the several acts ot A semblv and supplements thereto, no cording to the best of our judgmeut and abilities, aud that the foregoing is a correct and true statement of the ac counts of Michael Brunner, Esq., treas urer of the said county witli the sev eral funds of the said county of Elk for the year ending Jan. 2d, 1882. In witness whereof, we have here unto set our hands and seals nt the place aforesaid, this 23d day of Jan uary, A. 1). lKt. KOIIEUT H. HMITH,) T. J. TAYLOR. f ."-J , J. IS. CHAMBEItLIN, J AUUH Attest Thou. J. Burke, Clerk. The Commisnioners of Elk County In av.count with said County for ser vices rendered during the year A. D 1881 Michael Weidkrt, Esq. To couuty orders received 210 00 210 00 210 00 By 72 days' eervice, 3 00 210 0 Okokge Reuschkr, Esq. To county eiders received 216 00 By 72 days' service 3 00 210 00 W. II. Osterhout, Esq. To county orders received 1! 18 00 138 00 By 40 days' services, 3 00 Thomas Sullican, Esq., High Sheriff oj j-jIk county, in account wit'l eaul County for the year ending Jan. 2, 1882. To fines and costs collected in criminal cases 822 98 " jury fees col in civil cases 36 00 . " orders for boarding prisoners 381 44 " county orders received 237 50 " balance due sherilf 298 73 1,276 65 By jail account for boarding prs- oner " fees in criminal cases 381 44 66 71 " conveying prisoners to the western penitentiary 312 50 conveying Clias. Branch to reform school " serving notices on Jurors for 60 00 May, beptemuer and JNovem ber terms, '81 " serving notices upon jurors January term, 1882 " publishing election proclama tion " fees on commitments ' filling up aud drawing juries " fees ou indictments found 300 00 100 00 1 00 11 00 11 50 62 60 1,270 65 We, the undersigned, auditors of Elk county, in theCommonweulth of Penn sylvania, do certify, that in pursuance of the forty-seventh section of an act, entitled ''An act relating to counties, townships, fec.," passed the 15th day of April, 18o4, we met at the commis sioners' office, in tne county of Elk, on the first Monday of January, 1882, aud did audit, adjust and settle the several accounts required of tis by law, agree ably to the several acts of Assembly ano supplements thereto, according to the best of our judgment aud abilities, and that the foregoing is a correct aud true statement of the accounts of Thomas bullivan, Esq., Sheriff of the county of Elk, with the said county. In witness whereof, we have here unto set our hands and seals at the place aforesaid, this 23d day of January, A. D. 1882. ROBERT H. SMITH,") T. J. TAYLOR. 1,r J. S. CHAMBERLIN, J ra Attest Thos. J. Burke, Clerk, J. MONROE TAYLOR ESTABLISHED 1S44, 113 WATEB SI'., NEW YOBKa Are purer, better, stronger, and longer tnowa in the market thxn any other article of the kind. Are always sure and reliable, and never fail to insure the best results in cookery. Ask your grocer for it and give it a trial. Satisfaction guaranteed or aopey. 11 68 11 23 210 00 210 00 The largest stock of scrap pictures in town at The Advocate fllce. mi a. .. I. tl.at if 'iS". 1 no secret ui jriuij . , ways coincides with, U bittiietiicatrtt natvra. YNature.) The Philadelphia WeeWyTftiw. Bv it favorable arrantfl-menl with the publishers of The JVcii Wr en abled to senti The Philadelphia Week ly Press and The Advocate for onfc year for $2.60, all postage paldv . . GET THE BEST ! LEAB ALL DTHEESf Every Style & Price. Gnarciuteetl ITnecjrmitoict FOR OPERATION, Economy. DURABILITY and WORKMANSHIP. In-,rov:nicut3 tad Cenvedcacco foul ! POPOIAS EVERYWHERE. Tor Solo In Every City mill Tora 1:j ho TTnlti'l r?o. And by W. H. HYDE & CO.. lUdgwajr, fff. "l'!r finln In tlio limbs, back. ntotnAAh. brcHtt, fl'lo orshuulUcr blulpn, tao Ft- uuxA. " r i iTTriHTffliiiMnsMMnMi rur cramD 01 uia siomnrn.. roue, n mr-it i rna::i, or vuniUlu?, kike 1'Knu.fA. ' ' BB1 "i orcoitBiu nstnmrv. tilzut (rresn. phort- neisof brcuUi.Ukai'uujiiA.sasBMBm "For chronlo catarrh, 1ronchttts.vleiirtor. I ana cora Uiruatol any Uud truwx a. " MB0 efficient tnodlcinokiuwutomaii.'' BJ0BHBSU ii "PtnP.vx la th bst SDpMlur, purestlYl i'd tIfc2aVjJlllilJtBMPI!lsM .1 fin, 1.1:1 i, ril'f,p. uuu IERC.1AI n wpiIc or worried BiemiTlv. rm't test, rnlto ii mineral thatiuny bofouuil in I'kucsa." BSDJ ci"w win 1,1, imiii inr in,, ii'hl immirirv fir & v BvuiTtn y,n,TT., I it IKillliMliril riio IO b. 11. ll.Vin il.VN Ji( .).. 0liuru,OUIw If yr.il ro islrk. I1 bnillj-. irfrrnnrwiir uiiwcii, wa I ftMAi uiu rvguiuio mo uuw els with STOVE SIGN iSTo.42 Main St. A FULL. LINE BUILD ERS' HARDWARE,' STOVES AND House-Furnishing GOODS At PQPULAR PRICES'. W. S Service, Ag't. la Sao- 8 221 S3 5 g o g F ST P IS VDIU UJ Tour d tl.C VtiT.Il f ul:c avoid ii t vfk. t F a fcrifa mm T.r: txuti Hop Bitter If you ar youn and tiscrftlon cr siLihUKb iuo Hop it fufforlnff from any in won , if you utt mur- rieii or lnrle, olj r yooruectitn or UiitruuJi keu. mlf on Hop iriif uu m Wti W AM Btttor Whoever yvmara. wheocTr yon (( tiial your ijrtflm ThtiiMnaOM as mllf I r o in aomo t'trm of K Idney Inr or vtimuiatlntr, areas cic.neu'K. ui- war It bout intomevtima. timely im of HopBlttr iaie nop Bitter. f9 d.u e. tw am absolute oruiinaru pom vloint. ditMN of thm sjtomacKS HOP IM r. It IdnirlffBm . uu ( tauat, lobe., Boldbrilnio liiwr t ntrvm f To till be en rod If jtoiomI Mo itter If yootra lim ply k aiiit luirltribeUtrv mm FAIL It I It may nv y ou r I if. It has avr Brrrus T'ti CO., UXwOm, T. &Tmat. Ore a-red hun- 3rU Jacob Butterfuas hajst received a large new stock tot wliips of ti kinds. Those in need of whin should call and see his new stock.-